##VIDEO ID:Fv-0IUkAaAo## So this is Diane Wood. This is the meeting of the public Art Committee meeting on January 8th, 2025. And it is 2:00. But our chair is probably looking for a parking place here at City Hall as we speak. So I'm going to go ahead and give it, you know, 5 to 10 minutes before I call the meeting that we'd have to cancel because we don't have a quorum. So in the meantime, I just wanted to review that the January meeting is always traditionally when we do elections for our chair and our vice chair. So be thinking about that. One of the things you know about the chair and the vice chair is that, you know, it's run by Robert's Rules of Order, so you'd have to get familiar with that and run the meeting that way. That's in our, our ordinance. And then the chair would take over if for some reason the chairman was not present at a meeting. So I understand that at the November meeting, you all voted to do quarterly meetings. Yes. So that would make April, July and October for your meetings. So I also wanted to give you all an update while we're waiting to see if Bieber arrives. Is that the Dorset Park mural? Juliana Day had contacted me and said that she thought that there was some issues with it. You know, maybe lifting a little bit, you know, kind of thing. And there was like a little bit of a scratch. So I went and took pictures of it, sent it to Speedpro. He's going to come out and look at it. But I also talked to our public works department and he they're going to also Speedpro is also going to give me a quote, but to see if there's something that we could put over it and like a frame kind of thing with a protective maybe Plexiglas, I don't know. I mean, so I'm basically leaving it up to them. I'm putting it out to the Public Works guys and also to Speedpro to give their ideas and their assessment of it. So as soon as I have that, I'll let you all know. But I just think it's going to be an ongoing, you know, issue because the park is used so much, you know, and it's like even though it's adhered heat sensitive, it's like if anybody were to scrape it, you know, with a backpack or a bike or a scooter or something like that, it's going to get damaged again. And we don't want to go ahead and replace it over and over. So yeah, I'm thinking we've got to come up with a solution. It's a great location. It's beautiful, but I just think there's got to be some kind of way that we can protect it better. So yeah, as soon as I, you know, get that information, I will let you know. Okay. Also, I wanted to give you an update on the illuminated art boxes. It was reported. Oh, gosh. I think back in October or September that they were not illuminating at night. And so, you know, they were solar. They were designed, you know, with the solar panel and everything. And it has been replaced in the past. And it's also kind of like a connection. There's like some sort of motor or something that runs it all. But anyway, long story short, you know, I also asked Public Works if they could come up with a better solution so that we don't have to keep, you know, replacing. And they now have hardwired it to the light fixtures that, you know, they're mounted on. And they've also installed large illuminated LED lights, you know, that'll make it brighter. And so I think the cost to us will be about $700, which is very reasonable for, you know, all those art boxes. So yeah. Anyway, so I just wanted to give you that update on those things. The other issue that is not resolved yet is that it has been reported that down at the sponge docks, you know, in the circle, the Naiad statue, the fountain is not working. And so I've put in several requests to, you know, the vendor who installed it. And he has not responded. So which is not unusual. But so I'm going to continue. I'm just keep calling them until I get an answer, you know, kind of thing. And then in the meantime, I'm going to see if our public works, you know, can maybe do something, you know, to it. Well, if they could at least take a look at it and see if they can see what's wrong with it, you know, they actually have identified what it is. Oh, okay. It's some sort of like a pump valve, you know, kind of thing. So because the vendor had installed it, they have to go to them first, you know, kind of thing to make good on it because there's probably there's like a warranty, you know, on them. So anyway, working on all three of those things for you. And when I get any kind of information, I'll go ahead and report, you know, back on the mural for Dorset Park and Framing. But maybe another idea would be to laminate it and then put some kind of small frame around it. Can you laminate? It's just a question. Can you laminate it because that that's closer to the wall. Yeah. They can put some kind of hard covering over it. Yeah. That's the idea is to find some sort of a materials. I'm not sure. Because you know, the problem with that wall too is that it gets the West sun. And you know how our summers are. So whatever we put over it, I don't want it to get cloudy. You know, if moisture or yellowed, there's a lot of things that could, you know, affect it. So that's why I want to get multiple opinions on, you know, what might be a good solution. So yeah, I mean, well in public works guys, they they've dealt with all the materials. So they probably have a wealth of knowledge about how things will weather. So I thought, you know, that might help us to. But it's, you know, that might help us to save some money. If Public Works does come up with a solution. Hi, Julianna. So, anyway, that's where we're at, I will make Megan. Excuse me. Can you call Biba? Yeah, just to see if she's coming. Excuse me. We don't have a quorum right now, Julianna, so we're just. We're just giving all the other side of the building. I know, yeah, I know, yeah, well, the civic clerk's building will be done soon. And once that happens, you know, and then they get the other road paved. Sure. We'll that'll help quite a bit. But for the meantime, you know. Yeah. It's tight. I know we have a challenge to. Yeah. I have a handicapped sticker, but I kind of lost it under my seat. I couldn't find it, so I was scared to take that spot. Oh, I don't want a $250 ticket. I have to go through all the motions to get it removed. Are you coming to the public art meeting? Can she be here in ten minutes? I think we're gonna probably stop the meeting and then rescheduled for the next one. April 9th. Yeah, I know, because that's my birthday. She's not even in transit. Okay, we will follow up with you. Okay. Thank you. Bye. All right, so our chair is not available, so we don't have a quorum. So we're going to have to suspend the meeting. I apologize for you all coming out with, you know, today these things happen. Yeah. Okay. What happens with the things that were that were spoken in the commissioner's meeting last night? Do we? Well, where do we stand with stuff like that? I think probably what we'll try to do is let me get with our city manager, Charles Rudd and see, I'm assuming that what we might do is probably set up a meeting at maybe the Heritage Museum or something. In the meantime, you all can be kind of looking around for sites and Don, you might want to go ahead and watch the meeting, but basically they're moving the they voted last night to move the sponge docks sculpture to what we had originally found as the spot, which is, you know, between the two trees right there off of Dodecanese. It's real close. It's right in front of the visitor center, but it's kind of like closer to the street. And then the one at the on MLK is going to be moved to a location to be determined. It was, you know, suggested somewhere in Craig Park, which I think would be a great place. We have so many people that are in that park all the time. We can attest to it because we see a lot of them. Oh yeah. So I mean, I think that would be an awesome place for it, but it'll be up to you all. But I think what they're wanting to do, too, is get the community's input on locations, too. So I you know, since this happened last night, I haven't had a chance to talk to our city manager. You know, about what his thought is and how he wants to go ahead and do that. But as soon as I get some information, I will go ahead and pass that out to all of you. Okay. Now mention something on that. Sure. Because the city manager had met with the we had a community meeting and not dealing with our council. He did meet with the community and at the last art council meeting, it should be on our notes here somewhere that I had asked about that and I had asked if we had that, if we if we actually did that, you know, work on that, that I would like to be had that panel. And that's basically what they're saying about getting the community together. But but the Art Council, we would do what y'all normally do, set a panel then. And I asked you at the last meeting had were you the meeting before last because you weren't here at the last one? The, the emails that those five people sent from the community asking to be on this panel, did it get to Bieber? It had not gotten to Bieber. So if I want to ask if you can send those emails to Bieber, well, but it's not a new project. It's just moving the it's just moving it. So you wouldn't do a special panel, a special committee for this particular, you know, thing. We're just it's just it's just voting, you know, to move it to a certain location. It's not a new project, a new. So yeah, but Commissioner, the commissioners wanted the, the public, the community to be involved because that's why we're here. Right? That's why we got into this position, because the community didn't feel like they were. We got involvement like they should. So this time around, he asked for the Art council to meet with the community to make. Before we make that decision on where to put it, we need to meet with the community. So as a board, we need to meet with the community, or one of us need to be assigned to head that head that well, there he is. We'll ask him. Hi. Hi. This this is Charles Rudd, our new city manager. Hi, everyone. And unfortunately, Charles, our chair is not here, so we have to call the meeting. We had to cancel it because we don't have a quorum. Okay? You need we need three. At least three. Yeah. So I kind of gave the members here a little bit. Update on some of the repair and maintenance things that we have going on with some of the art projects. And then Katy had a question, but I said that I needed to meet with you based on the Board of Commissioners decision last night to move, you know, the sculptures. So, yeah, what we'd like to do is have public art. Host community input session. So and that could be. Over at the Union Academy Center would be fine. And just let people come and say and challenge it. We look for a consensus and figure out because ideas were to go in the Heritage Center or go outside in the park. And so that way you could kind of see what the majority of folks, hopefully there'll be a consensus on a location, and then maybe we could do a survey, you know, for the could we do something on Turpin Connect or I would recommend something that you could track that was, you know, they, they check a box or something. So you got a record. So I don't think that was the, the feeling of the room. We could say, well actually we collected 30 forms and most of them wanted it here. I mean, it just seems like getting everybody all in one place might be a little more difficult. And to get the most input from the widest section of Tarpon Springs community might be best to do it on connect Tarpon. And then, you know, have people provide their input and they can comment and, and all that kind of stuff. And then we would have not only a record of everybody's participation, but we would it's kind of us getting the information. And then we as a committee are acting on that information as opposed to, you know, risking having some sort of confrontational situation going on depending on who shows up, you know, I don't know who might be there. I don't think it would be a confrontational situation because it's a group, that union. Well, it's the Union Academy neighborhood Revitalization Group has has met with the community. As I was saying, we, the city manager, Rudd was at one of them. It was about 20 people showed up. So in one in that same meeting where those 20 people were there, a lot of them voiced their opinion about relocating that art exhibit, especially off of MLK. So we had we spoken with them at that meeting and said, we'll have to bring it back to the commissioners. They'll bring it back to the Art Council. And five people, citizens on that revitalization group had already volunteered to work together to work on a, on a, on a on a little group session panel, whatever you want to call it, to narrow it down, because we went through all that with the community. They want to move it. We're just trying to get an idea now from them. Where did the where do they want to locate it? A lot of them are not going to get on the Tarpon connect, and a lot of people in that community is the ones that's actually asking for it to be moved. A lot of people that drive by it are even saying it's not a good place. So I'm trying to just get to the point where the people that has already volunteered to meet with the Art Council to give them an idea of what the community has, they have spoken to the community to say idea of where they want to relocate it to. So we won't be redundant. We don't have to go back over things. We can just the people that has volunteered because it's only citizens that has five of them, has sent an email 2 or 3 months ago saying they want to work with this group, work with the Art Council. Nobody has gotten back in touch with them. The meeting was canceled, it was put off, and now we're going to have to wait till April. But I don't want to lose those people. People interest for us to go back in circles again. I think we could convene them. Well, I think we could have. I think I don't think it's we could go ahead and create a meeting, you know, sometime in the beginning of February or something. You know, like I said, at the cap center or wherever, you feel like we get the most participation from, you know, your, you know, from your community. Yeah. I mean, let's do that. And then we could also, you know, try to get it out. And I would ask your help in those five people you're speaking about to help get it out to the community, which because I know you all have lots of connections, so and get as many people there as we can. And then what we can do is create a survey, you know, of, you know, some different sites, you know, with, you know, Charles input as well of, you know, potential sites. And then we can have a discussion with the city manager and, you know, the community and then see what they vote on. They might even have some write ins on some other ideas too. So I mean, can we do that? And so we're just looking to focus on a particular community, not the community of Tarpon Springs. Is that right? No. Everybody would be invited. I mean, send it to everybody. We'll get it out to everybody. You can put it on top and connect. But most likely the people at Union Academy neighborhood is the one that's going to come to Union Academy, right? Because we want to have it in their community. Is basically it okay. Yeah. So we could do that late January, early February, I would say probably because of everything we've got going on. I think maybe early February would be okay, because then maybe we could get their results to one of the BoCC meetings in February. Do you think that's a possibility? It's a possibility. It may also help to arrange to meet with Tom Puncheon to walk, so we can help identify potential sites. So we don't end up with 50 potential locations. We kind of say, you know, it makes sense in these areas because there's nothing there's no infrastructure in the way or there's, you know, whatever reason there might be. And then we could have a help with that selection. Like, do you want it in the Heritage Center? Do you want it out front at site A on the side at site B by the courts at site C? You know, it'll help us focus the energy a little bit to make a selection rather than we've got 20 different sites here and they all got about the same amount of votes. You know, that's I think it's only two that they were really talking about as a group. And that was just like you said, one either in, in the, in the, in the actual grounds outside or in the building. Yeah. That's what we need to figure out on the grounds. The problem is, is I don't know if you can actually cut it up. We've got to check with the well outside. It'll be whole. Yeah. It would stay whole where the attorneys are checking to see. My understanding is we own it outright. We could, you know, it's our like we don't have to ask Ford to adjust our, our trucks that are built by Ford, you know. So but we're going to make sure the attorney rules on that. But I'd recommend you have that meeting get that input. And then Katie, could you go ahead and talk to David Archie and see when we might have, you know, some time, like in early February, to set a meeting, what would be a good date and time? You know, probably, I want to say in the evening because so people that work obviously can come or what do you clock or something like that. Yeah. Something early. Yeah. 536 you know whatever you think. And at the, at the, at the last meeting that the artist, Mr. Oliver was here, he, he, he turned the rights back over to the city. He did he signed it should show that. Yeah. That. Yeah. That he, he don't have any rights over that anymore. He gave it back to the city. Correct. Yeah. Okay. But I will check with David. Thank you. Yeah. So just let me know you know what works for you all and then we'll I'll work on getting that all set up and we'll, we'll work together to get some sort of a release out and things like that, you know, could even. Yeah. I mean, we can walk it with Tom whenever it's convenient for you. We don't want to put it where we're not allowed to dig or something. You know, there's something underground that we'll. Yeah, because they probably have to lay a slab for it, you know? Yeah. We'll anchor it. Yeah. Figure out how we're going to do it. Right. Yeah. Okay. So I apologize that you all came out, you know, and we had to cancel the meeting. Thank you for being here. And get us some parking. Right. We're working on it. Take me back to my car. That's right. I can take you back. Thank you. Thank you. Charles. I'm parked right out front, so if you want me to drive you around there, I will. Yeah, I know, it's freezing, I know. Well, hey, Julianne, I would take her up on it. Yeah. It's cold. Seriously. Come on. I can't even have a cigarette. It's too cold out here. Right. And they lock that side door over there, so you have to walk around the whole. Oh, they did okay, but. Oh, then he gotta come and get you anyway. Oh, and Julianne, I wanted to update you on the Dorsett Park. You know, I talked to the committee about it, but when we go out, I'll bring you up to date on what we're doing there. All right, well, I will email you with updates on what we talked about. And then, Katie, if you could let me know what works for the cap center, you know, as far as give me, give me like 1 or 2 dates, if possible, you know, kind of thing. Just so we make sure we don't have any conflicts. That'd be great.