50 K for property purchases by the commission. Do you have a Yes, I heard. I was able to watch. I tried to watch you when I don't get interrupted, Um with meetings and stuff, so I'm just basically on that one. I agreed with the last board and the $750,000 limit. Um when it was talked about in here, the only problem was and one of the things we have to remember with the charter. It's OK to propose something that's right and is the right thing to do. It's a different thing than getting the citizens to vote for it and stuff. So maybe if it went to 750 last time, it wouldn't have been voted for And then it'd be at 250. Just as a reminder the one commissioner who did not come in front of the Charter Review commission was the one who basically shamed the Charter Revision commission at the time, Um for even suggesting Uh, from, uh. From a stance of well we're here to take care of the taxpayers. I was a very short sighted thing. So of course, none of the commissioners wanted to be seen as not taking care of the taxpayers, so they they changed her from 250 to 350, which was a start, But they didn't go to 750 it, didn't it, never it. It only went to the voters as 350. It did not go to seven. What I was saying it. It passed the 350, which was good. It might not have passed the 50. Then we'd be you never know. And then we'd be stuck at 250, which again only recently the recent property purchase. It worked out because the most recent for environmental purposes that we're able to purchase and work now, this the one previous to that the Ross property which is absolutely essential environmentally and for storm water on the west side of town, um, off of Florida Avenue that 11 If it would have been 750, we'd have been able to get that one. For I think 730 wouldn't have had to go to vote. Luckily the residents and everybody saw the advantage of that, um, environmentally, and they voted for it. So that all worked out Good. And right. Um if they turned it down, I don't know what I mean. It's such an essential thing to the storm water and the many residents out there who are affected and since it was private property, and it was Mr Ross's property. Um he allowed us at times to go in and do things to help but we had no control if he cut us off to it now. We could have gone to the main and gone that route and stuff, but it would have helped then, but it got on the ballot swiftly. The residents understood that it was very important to that side of town, so it worked out even not being 750 going. A referendum. It worked out for us and it works. So let me ask you one other question. This came up as well last week. Do you have any, have you? In your mind Use that $350,000 as a As a decision point from the perspective of have you decided not to pursue any properties because of the headaches going through rough referendum that maybe you would have suggested to the city they consider for purchase if it had been at a higher number. I think it's only a different way when you approach when you know I've looked at a lot of lands and talked with people because that's kind of my charge either environmentally, or for part or anywhere to look at and stuff. I kind of gauged the property owners understand if we buy this , and it's over this price where I have to go through the referendum. Do you understand that? Some may shut you off right away and stuff? Um so it's really not a good le. It's so low of a amount. It's not really a great leverage. Point. It can be used, Um This property we just bought under. I mean, they were asking for 400 for it. It was it was, so we were gonna get in the 350 range. We're gonna get in that range anyway and negotiate. I was just assured not going 3/3 50 because they didn't want to go to a referendum. We didn't want to go to referendum. Um I don't think we have got much less if it hadn't been there in this case, but you kind of got to gauge the property owners and you know, be prepared. Are your are your do you feel that the city's hands are tied, though, because the numbers low or do you think it's that's just doesn't really matter. Discussion No, because no. One at the front when you're negotiating, or you look at them and talking with people, you know, maybe you give them more of a price. Because it goes to the referendum. We've talked about one that didn't Go to fruition. But listen, you know We'll throw an extra four because you have to wait and go to a referendum. We'll throw. You know you negotiate on the opposite side of, you know, throw more money. We'll add a little more money to it because you're gonna have to wait and you could wait three months. Of you're gonna sell your property. But you're gonna do the city, but you got to wait three months for election. If it fails, you lost three months, So it's so that's there or you put a mo money down. There's ways to right now is not been a problem of ways to work around it and how you talk to the property owner from the beginning and try to gauge and let them know what's going on and again. You just have to, Unfortunately, do a negotiating terms to maybe go a little more than a little less , but you know it. It's pretty much worked out, Um So the church I'm just just to understand your testimony because From the wasn't here last well. Just from understand what you just said. Because you said, there's workarounds. But you also said that Correct me if I'm wrong, people have walked away. When you were, they were told. That that if you had, they had to go to possibly a AAA referendum and they decided or you decided that it may not be worth Going to referendum. Or people have walked away because they thought they had to go to a referendum that I pretty much that's what you said. I just don't want to misquote you. No I. I mean, I if they initially and again these are so elementary stages of talking with people who engage in it. It might not be necessarily piece of property you want, but it could be a factor. I mean, I know we talked about last time if we didn't have a couple benevolent citizens, and at that time it was 250. You know who those people are? Because you mentioned them. There's no way we would have got that property for a fire station without Under without going to a referendum. There's no way we'd init We had to go to the referendum. Hopefully we'd, uh we'd want it and stuff, but But not everybody would reduce. Not not. Not everybody gives a hometown discount or hometown allowance because Uh, especially these days. You usually got a lot of people. I know there's people looking for that property We just bought for 350. But they had some problems with what they could put on there. So that gave us the advantage of not getting outbid because they knew they were gonna come to planning and have some problems. So we were able to avoid that and get that property, but it hasn't really cost us a good piece of property yet. I mean, there's always the potential, but it hasn't cost us yet, Um, that that go around again, you gotta you know is the time now. Bring it up to try to 750 again, Do you? Maybe at least account for this is gonna be five more years and bring up the 500,000 from the 350 again. We all got to have in our minds. What's gonna get passed by the citizen. I mean, 500 would be a good start now to just account for our properties going to give us a little more cushion and stuff. 750 may be too much for the citizens to go to, even though we make millions dollars decision and projects that wise So that's this board's gotta kinda take into consideration the pulse. And whereas 350 was enough last time, it probably was available to help us and be there when it's better than the 250 when we had to deal with getting that Fire Department. Fire Department properties from Mike could give, you know he gave us a little more ability to do so That's where that's what you're very difficult and tough job is to gauge it might be right to go to 750 or or somewhere around there, But is it something that the citizens are gonna pass? Um City Manager. Thank you for taking your time. Today I'm gonna do a round Robin to see if anybody else has something they want to ask you. Uh, we have not gone through the city manager section of the charter yet, so we would like you to come back. Plus if there's any big questions like this, 350, I did want to bring you up to speed on where we were in our discussions. So I hope you appreciate that beyond just watching the discussions. All right. Um, Doctor, Bu Wallis, Do you have anything? Miss Jenkins. Whatever OK? No no. Uh uh, Just a quick comment that the, um Uh oh. I'm sorry. Um the Marine Commerce Commission was commissioned in 2016, and it just kind of went on a permanent hiatus. It was probably a good idea to start that up again to deal with the cuts. Yeah, that that that'd be the commission just you know, I don't I don't think it's an hiatus and forgotten about forever to go with, so that's an That's what I'm talking about. A new example of the commission. We are reinstated. We're gonna start meetings, whether it's quarterly basis now or if the we get into the cuts, and then it's more frequent. Whatever the thing is, there's no issue no issue in getting him up and getting them especially when we get all that information back about what we're looking at 2024 what we're looking And what we need to do. Um There's no issue. It's It's an easy action and I don't There's no, I don't think there's any contentious or issue against it was, Yeah. OK OK, great. I hope all the members are still I don't know if all the members are still here, live here. Uh, I think most of them are, um But we can revisit that, too. If we have to make new appointments, that's that's easy. If you get somebody again, we talked about the appointments for the problem is, Yeah. You like to put the qualified people , but we have no people even put unqualified people and a lot of these boards, which just a believe me, myself and many others go around to anybody we know. And I know you've gone around to anyone. You know, in the art thing, we need somebody with art experience on that board. I'm I'm sure T. Everybody's gone around this. Get on board. Well, it It's difficult. It's difficult with the times and everybody's times and it. It's hard to even even get a body to put on a board. Besides a body with the expertise and what you wanna get from your citizens to relate to the commission we meet during the day, which rules out a lot of people, S boards like the recreation board. We've seen a lot of people involved, and that's and there's no controversy very much and stuff. And you can't you can't you know you beg your sports and coaches and coach League. Listen this is this is recreation for the city, and you can't get them on the or you get them on. Two or three meetings, and they miss one or two of the three meetings that are gonna be on and then they're gone. Um, that's difficult. Um are you Yeah, I'm done. OK Uh, Mr Colas, Vice chair Mark. I know you're In a rush to get back to your regular duties, But we've got to talk about the residency requirement, which will probably take to five o'clock. Are you ready for that? Yeah, but I don't think I think it's five o'clock, OK? Basically uh there's a lot of discussion off the record and on the record from everybody and The residency requirement was there five years ago. I think it was, uh Very important at that time that this language was in there. I'm not so sure that the exact language in terms of naming those individuals that are required Can be there, but In my questioning lately, I was Educated on the fact that you guys have another group and OEC or something. That during a the emergency emergency group That are required to In case Let's say a hurricane is coming. They required to come back to the city after they take care of their families and stuff at home . It is early. It's early in the process. It's early in the process real early before you know the storms long way out there doing that, and they're here early to we're set up in, you know, 2448 sometimes more hours before the storm. We're here in the room and ready to go. OK so that's significantly different than just saying to this group of people We're going under. You gotta be here, all right? City manager, assistant city manager, City clerk, Administrative Services director Fire chief police chief Public services director, developmental services director and planning and zoning In your mind. If we have an emergency, and something is coming. Who do you absolutely have to have here standing by your side? Well, the main ones Again. The main ones are Already here. I mean, for the residency thing, you know? And when you get past the city man, the, uh charter officials and the police and fire chief, you know, I've always every other one on the list is unnecessary to be on that list for residency. It's archaic. It could cost candidates in the future, but it is what it is and people know coming in. If that's the case, you just worry about in the future losing candidates for that, But there's nobody on there. That wouldn't be able to be. I mean, he's just not an issue with emergency management anymore about getting people in here and being ready for the emergency. Even if there's a tornado, something that comes up without warning. There's methods and there's vehicles and there are things to get people in here that can't get in here if that was the need, but, um, I just don't think that's a reason anymore. I. I and I agree somewhat with that, OK and I'm I'm very strong on the residency requirement. I know you are. I, uh, I, I went To one of our southern cities with a Friend of mine, Both Dre and a Trailer full of food and clothes for that hurricane and I want to tell you what John, you said it earlier. You've never in your life seen anything like that? Oh, yeah. Who's gonna take care of tarp, if that happens I I'm I'm looking at all these people and I'm not sure of the planning and zoning director is gonna do anything while the city's going under or maybe Development services director The public services director, I think has to be here. There has to be a way. In my mind. I don't know what it is, but there has to be a way that we can get these people and keep these people coming. And putting it in the charter basically made it and when we put it in there or updated it We also said that The board of Commissioners could give him an, uh, up to a year. To find a house and do whatever you want. And, as you said earlier, They knew when they came. That's what was coming just happened, But I'll tell you what. I've got more calls on one of your people that I've ever thought about since I was in office because they said they don't want him to leave. He can't find a house well. If I hadn't been trained to help my grandson find a house in Tarpon Springs. I would have thought they were crazy when they told me that, but there aren't any houses in Durban Springs that are a affordable having a son looking to move II. I know also so I I'm I'm willing to change this. But I want and I think this board would want your direct Input. OK I don't wanna give away the two year thing, but I want to make it easy in case there's an emergency or they have a personal problems or something. So we can work around. I don't wanna lose. I'm just gonna take you two years to get him. Going in the right direction that we want to be anyway. So That's that's my part. I told you it wasn't gonna be wrong. Well I've got you. So I'm gonna keep you for a little bit. Uh, you know, I'm I'm going through the book, and they have OK talk about the mayor. Talk about, you know, the commission of the Police department, And then I looked for the section on city manager And I'm thinking, OK, wait a minute. There isn't a section on city because you're involved in everything Well, but you're involved on everything. OK so everything affect you affect everything OK, so and to piggyback off what what Jim is saying I think maybe there's a list of certain Persons or department heads that you would say. I would make it a residency requirement. Maybe not everybody. But there may be certain ones, and that's something to think about. Number one. Um and I forgot my glasses. So I'm a little bit at a are you far sighted or you need readers. I need readers. OK I wrote. I wrote some notes, and I can't even read my notes. OK, lens, not the bottom lens, You'll throw up. Um Good on him, too, you know? Yeah they do. They look pretty good. There you go. Hey, everybody looking on the camera. OK so we talked about the suggestions of having some flexibility to purchase price of property, so that was that was addressed. Um You said earlier with regard to and I think Ah, with the chair had talked about is, you know, prioritizing. Uh uh, Capital improvements you said you regardless of whether it passed or not. It's something that should be done anyways. Well, no, I said it. Is it some kind of a new issue to be brought about. Normally I tell you, that's not an That's not something to be put into the charter that could be in that needs to be in stood outside of the church. I understand it, but is there if that's the case, and I and I don't know this, So I'm asking you do you have or do you? Department heads have A priority list of capital improvement projects Whether it's based on on on the, uh, the useful life of a plant or equipment that when it comes to budgeting that, you know you're gonna have to repair or replace so. So I don't know if in and it would help you and it help any city manager that his department heads come to him. It's OK. These are our list and that that that that needs to be in in a charter, But it May be a requirement in the charter that the city manager would have For the benefit of the commissioners and the voters and that that these are the these are the five capital improvement require projects that we have coming up. And if there's if it's not required, then whether you you know it, it sort of makes it mandatory that it has to be done . And so even though you're from your From what I understand, there's really nothing. Uh uh uh. Codified in a charter that requires you to do it. It's just an understanding that it's being done. Is that a fair statement? Yeah, and that's that's why I said it had to be something to look at. I think it could be done at the commission level and ordinances resolution level. But but as a as a city manager as a city manager Whether it's you or city man Cha having the requirement of lease getting a prioritized capital improvement list. You know, obviously, emergencies come up and you may have to deviate and put something off for the next year or two. Whatever the case may be, but at least it, it puts the onus of having to do something. But that that from the city manager's perspective, that's something that you you. Would agree with. I'm not sure. I agree it being the charter, but it's something I said I. I need to think about more and see what the language is and again when normally my answer would be is not something to be in the charter period. That was when I just heard it now and trying to formulate things. I can't say it. May it may After. I think about it be one of those, but it's made. You know, it may be one that I don't have that feeling about what is your thought? Because you like you may try, uh, indicated that they're trying to find qualified people to serve. On Uh uh, A city. Uh you know, uh, organizations, whether it's planning and zoning, Uh, code enforcement is as long as it's not a conflict. What would it be ? Would you be OK, I know it's for us to discuss that they have a person be able to serve on more than one particular city. Uh uh uh, you know, uh, you know , City board as long as it was like, I wouldn't have somebody planning and zoning serve serve. Also serve on On a board of a justice, but but, you know, uh, planning on planning and zoning is something you want to serve on the art committee or serve on , you know, like Mr Seaman here who's Who's heavily involved in in the marine industry or the boating industry. Having said on waterways, you know what he so having having a SE, A board member in one on sitting on one board be precluded from sitting on another board before these times recently, I'd probably say No, but knowing these times now, the perfect example you get is the seeing being on the planning and zoning board and also being on the maritime board. That makes Absolutely perfect sense. And now I understand the whole thing about one per board and that's right. But now when you're having you can't even get regular people who doesn't know the board doesn't know about art doesn't know about. You know when you can't even find those people to get on the board. Those hardline old school ones like me is one board. That's it. You know, you gotta sit back and say Wait a minute. You gotta adapt to the present time again. Perfect Example. You shouldn't be on the plane zoning and be on board. But you have those Restrictions of you. If you're on one board, you can't swim in the other one. But serving on a planning, zoning, your recreation expert and going on the recreation advisory board, which you can't get somebody on, Uh, somebody who's in art and that, you know, it may be something that this board and this board and the committee that's definitely something that may be looked at. Or I'm old school and kind of cringe. Um it may be. The reality is that that has to be looked at so I would ask the chair to make that a note. I have made that OK, um now With regard to our our our, and I don't know this and maybe I'm just But when we do our bids For, uh uh, outside contractors. Um, is Are our bids sealed until the deadline. Are the bids sealed. Because the reason I asked, the question is if bids are open to others, other Vendors could see competing bids and I'm just asking and most of them are closed bids. OK, I just I don't know if they were sealed or not, And I did because I was looking at it. You see a bill? I was looking at it in the purchasing and that and the you see a lot of people on the second floor here by the thing. What's it doing? All the bids are opening today The bids are open. You'll see a pile of people and vendors lined up for the second floor conference. Weve been waiting for them to unseal those bids. So let me and this may be. This may be a question for counsel as well, because you know, because when we when, when you look at property discussions and stuff like that, and, you know, I've watched some commission meetings where y'all talk about the purchase price and negotiations and stuff like that, And I know that that it's you know it. It's gotta be open to the public, but but is there Something and I don't know if it it's something that would be in the charter, But maybe it That that it will allow negotiations. To be held. Some degree in confidence before provision under Florida statute that allows for, uh, some part of it. Um But it is limited. OK, all right. Well, that Take care of that question. And you're right. That becomes a difficult part. When You discussing specific You could go up to X amount of dollars. Other people know exactly. That's just Yeah, that's that's and I apologize for taking a lot of time on when I asked for questions, but That's just Mark's time. Well, I know but II, I tend to you know, every board I sit on. I tend to drag meetings on longer than they need to be. Um So, um It's your gift. That's my gift that's or my curse or everybody else's course it's OK. Good point. All right, so all right, so and I and then I go back to you know again, II. I jump around. I'm just looking at stuff that I make notes that you're here. I want to ask you since since I take notes. And it to me, it's always prioritizing and our charter has a sidewalk improvement fund that's actually already in the charter and Um Is there and I know and this is always for budgeting. Do y'all prioritize? Um the sidewalk replacement, etcetera. There's actually a scoring system. There is a scoring score, and then I believe the highest one is the worst. So you you end up going down that list from worst And you have 100,000 you have 200,000 You go down until you hit that amount, and you stop with the most serious ones being done first. You all you all carry over. Let's say you had a priority of Different sidewalks. Do y'all carry that over to the next fiscal year? We'll do it. We'll never have a case. Um, we'll never have a case. We just stop because they're all of need . So if we get to 1112 th we use all the money until we have to stop because we used it, OK, because what I'm talking specifically on the sidewalk improvement fund is being able to provide a, uh uh, priority list. Delineating location of sidewalk improvements or extensions, giving priorities those in most need. Our extension. The prior sidewalk that is in that is in need of improvement, repair or extension that has not been approved. May be rolled over to the following year on the priority list and I. I put that in there, you know, as if I were writing it, but But you know the fact that we have a specific section for sidewalks. I'm wondering if prioritizing them Uh, is something that should also be we? We'll discuss that when we get to that, But I'm just I'm I'm asking him because that is, I don't know if that's something they do. And I don't know why I. I don't want to make a charter. I don't want a charter Be an encyclopedia. But I also want to put things in there that that require proactive, uh, steps that just I. I think there was a lot in there from last time because there was a And a large amount of money that was going to be made available for sidewalks. And that was very specific as far as what the board wanted that to be utilized for, and they couldn't spend it all at once. So that was a lot of the reason for the prioritization, and there's a whole section on sidewalks, so I figured I'd address sidewalk. There was also a lot of development happening, and they wanted this to improvement not to Put in new stuff that should be done for the developer. So that was that. Are you done? I'm done. You're done, Mr Seaman. Yeah. Coup couple of things. Uh, First I'll say you know, the more than one board in in some situations is it's probably a good idea because I know there was a number of people that asked me to be on the Marine Trades Committee and I was told I'd have to resign PNZ and at the time I Felt like the PNZ was the more important one of the two for me to serve on. But you know that That would be a good point. I imagine I'm not the only one that's found themselves in that situation. Uh, Also, I would comment on the residency thing. I. I do think we need to fine tune the list and work together to do that, but also I know corporations that deal with this, uh Are allowed to You know , offer incentives that even to the extent of like buying the old home and helping them get into the purchase of their new home. I don't know how much freedom is a municipality. We have to do things like that. But it in I mean down interest rates , things like that. But there's some tools in the toolbox. If we're allowed to use them, That would be a legal question. Probably but obviously budgeting question then, uh, but But we may have to make allowances that those type of things can be used to facilitate that. It's up to think about anyways and then above and beyond that, mark, I don't know. Uh I haven't heard anybody just point black say, Is there anything else that you've ever run into that you can remember that was caused a problem for you with Uh, the charter. And that one. You may need to think about a little bit, But, you know, help us out if there's things that don't work, so we can fix them. Really not because I'd bring those those those would be the ones I'd bring to you. Because here is someone who doesn't advocate for a lot of change. I don't want to bring you a lot of changes. Um if they come up the residency is the one the one thing to remember that may open up discussions again. When I became chief, and I was there was a grandfather clause that since I had worked for the city That I didn't have to move into the city unless I change my residence. So I was put in. I lived right outside the city in holiday and they inexpensive house and they said, because it was a family house that they passed away in his family house. Um but when, when? My when my wife's, uh, father died and then had to take her mother. I had to move to Hill. That's how I moved in the city. And once I moved the, uh, residency clause took in and stuff, but But I did have that ground folk. So any move you make if you leave that family house right across the county line to make a move, it had to be a move in the Tar of spring. That's where the case of the one Mr Ker, and, uh, and the public service has taken Paul Smith's And gotta do. That's one word if it was, in effect, Um and it was a very tough choice for him. I had to give him a lot of time to think about. If he was gonna make that commitment. He was close enough away. He's established how paying 2% in whatever the low amount interest now has. Gotta move. It took him a while and but he understood and he made the decision because he's got roots here until he made the decision to do it. If he didn't make that decision, I'd probably be still looking today for replaced because The candidates and the other people. And um, you know, I'd still be looking for a public service director today, so but again, that's all just things to think about it. People know the rules. People know what they have to do. They know when they're making the decision like he did. So it's workable. You just hand in the future, especially with every position from lower to the department heads. It's almost so impossible. Even cutting grass. People don't wanna be out there. Cutting grass positions are so hard And the applications that come in for, you know. Luckily we haven't had a lot of major department jobs and stuff. But those applications it just It is a tough world right now on hiring anybody, whether it's the grass cutter or whether it's the city manager. Um I'm sure we saw by the candidates last time and stuff. Um you know, um it's just tough and the positions like even the second. One of the toughest ones is the second in command. They don't have to live in the city, so it's not a residency issue. But assistant public service director assistant, um, finance director for Ron Herring has been over a year without real or places Number two. Um and then A lot of work he does and stuff. It's tough, but there's nobody you know of the applications to bring in, so it's just a whole different world now. And those things you gotta be considerate. But again, whatever you do, has got to be something that's going to pass the citizens and the long standing, you know, belief about living in the city and again, you know, charter officials, police Chief fire Chief I no arguments with when you get to anybody else on that list. Those are the ones that that for a practical standpoint, that there's the issue with Yep. Are you done? Great, Mr Tapan? Thank you. Can you speak into so I can hear? Thank you, Um, mark on the on the referendums on property. Um we know it's now 350. You know, maybe it's gonna go up. Maybe it's not. But The As Ms Jennings said, the participation of the public is like the last few is what 16 or 17% so I think everybody on the committee is concerned with participation. So How many households not voters. Households are in tarpon. Do you know by any chance? Like 10,000 houses 12,000 houses 10,000. I'm thinking the so it was that now the last I heard it was in the 10,000 range between 10 and 21,000 houses, even a first class male at 50. Cents is five grand. Would you feel that that's a fair expense to increase voter participation in their government to notice them for just a charter? For just the charter or for other things. Yeah, for a charter like to purchase property. It may be something for charter. I wouldn't wanna get into that for a lot of other things about the purchasing property. Over. I'd have to think of you're buying a million dollar piece of property. You don't think it is worth five grand? Yeah, well, if you're buying a 360 for an environmental purposes Well, it's just one to think. I mean, I understand the point. I understand the point with this stuff, so I would ask the Committee to consider that and I would also Ask you. When you go to buy a piece of property. Before it goes to referendum. Have you identified the funding source? So I would ask the committee to consider that the language of the ballot language identify the funding source so that people know whether it's going to be proposed taxes, whether it's penny for Pinellas, whether it's water and sewer fund, whatever the fund means sources you've identified the public needs to know cause I might buy a piece of property for a million bucks. If it's penny for Pinellas. If you tell me you're gonna raise my taxes by a quarter or AM, maybe not so much. Hm? Thank you. Oh, Doctor, Rud, I do have a question. Now that I may go ahead for. It's always tough to be in that first spot. Well uh, this just raised a question in my mind. Um, uh, regarding the property purchase. Um is it a Do you happen to know if it is, um, a fairly normal thing for municipalities to, uh, have a certain level at which, uh, under which they can purchase, uh, properties. Just peculiar to Tarpon Springs. In fact, I don't know it was before the last charter or the one before that. I think we got those. I think we got those numbers. Um, I can't remember what they are, Um, what the different people did, but I'm sure we can get it together pretty fast. If this committee would like to see it, OK? I mean, because the strikes me in the discussions that we're really at still at a pretty low level. 350 I. I mean, with the way values have increased so much over The last decade or two, and it's I think it's only I mean, there are waves in this in the progression, but I It's only ultimately going to go up. It seems like um We should keep that in mind. Um Uh, OK, and we can try to get that for you. Ok, Thank you. Thank you. Anybody else for round two? I just got it is Mike's always round two. Um, it was only two rounds. That's good, because you know, we have a specific provision for sidewalks and one of the things and I don't know if this something at the Charter Review committee should consider But when you drive around through tarpon You see in in in in and where you have a AAA. Direct directly relating to sidewalks. Do we have something directly related to Brazilian peppers? Because I see them eating away our community. They're eating away our our wetlands and unless there's a plan in place or a proactive need To have it addressed. It'll continue to erode. Our community, and that's just So the IN the IN, the land development code. Mike When you it's a project is approved, they have to remove the invasive species. I understand that, But if you drive down mirrors and you look at the wetlands, it's all Brazilian pepper. It's in that city. I don't know who maintains that is it, you know, And so if there's a AAA plan in place to start removing or a budget amount to start removing certain invasive species, I think that's something that Yeah , And I've I've made a note of it a little bit. So that was just my comment. That was just because I don't know if there's anything in place now. OK Um, sorry. You get grants, or do we have any other questions for the city manager or comments? No I will release you. I look forward to seeing you back. I'm sure I'll see you back. Thank you very much for your time today. Thank you. OK, so Rapidly moving along, Um Uh, I? Yes I take five minutes if that's OK. We'll take five minute break. Be back here. We'll start again at four o'clock. Show me that picture moving right along, gentlemen, Look at this is the last. That's the last one. I thought that over Our it was like 30 comments if they address the charge. Um, So we have a resident who would like to do that, Mr. Would you please state? Sure Peter Lais 514 Ashland Avenue, Tarpon Springs. I appreciate the fact that, uh This committee allows the public to contribute beyond just the three minutes Uh some of my comments will actually be related to some of what was discussed because some of those are common issues. Um, but what I kind of did originally, uh, was to go through the original charter and look at some things with regards to it. So I'm gonna hop on that first with regards to the section three limitations of powers. Uh, as it was discussed the level the 3/5. 507 107 50. As the city manager mentioned, uh, 500 would be appear to be reasonable. I do think citizens would say no to 750. What I would possibly recommend is, uh, to put it to 500. If you wish to consider future increases, then maybe tie it to some kind of consumer Price index, or some index that would be relative to properties such that you could have incremental increases over. Period of time, which wouldn't require it have to coming back every five years to say, Do we move it to 550 or 650? So you could accomplish that in there, But I also wanted to point out something else on that section on number B. Which is the acquisition of the city property under Power of eminent domain. Uh, Currently it's water and sewer utility requirements, Public rights way public parking and storm drainage improvements. I would like to add into that. Dredge spoil sites or sites necessary for the maintenance of the Anclote River. Uh being if you look on the agenda for tomorrow night's meeting, they're going to be discussing more about how to handle this. And in that documentation, the city has already spent $770,000 over seven years to lease property. That if they had gone through the actions of Negotiating with the property owners, and they said, no. Well, we need it. We're gonna go am in the domain. Uh, That would have possibly Been a way that could have been looked at So those are a couple of things as far as, um, regards to that section. The next section under legislative branch, which is the board of commissioners, compositions, duties, et cetera. Uh, the first one I kind of looked at was G, which is act as a community Redevelopment Agency board. Uh, this will need maybe some consultation from our city attorney. But I would like to see if there's some way. Uh, this board could be reconfigured where two citizens could be on this board and what I would recommend since it's AC R, a one of those citizens has to either have a business or live within the district and the other citizen could be a citizen at large. But I do feel that sometimes the citizens feel that they're not getting input into what's going on in the community Redevelopment. Agency. Board stuff. Uh also in this section on H it talks about reviewing and updating the comprehensive plan every three years. I talks about Updating the citywide strategic plan. Uh, every three years and also in this section, it also talks about creating altar or abolish department boards, commissions, committees and stuff, and this is also where it talks about, uh, some of who can be on it. And as uh, Mr Seaman and some others have mentioned about serving on other boards. There already is a clause in here where you can't appoint citizens to more than one board. If Other board is less than one year so you may already have an avenue to change that just by taking out that section, uh, another boards having a duration of one year because it already says, As long as no person shall say a attain less, he served on two boards or committees addressing the same issue, So if Joan is on the art committee, she could also be on the budget Committee, or, you know, you could look at how to do that. But there again, that's a way to do that. But more importantly, Why I'm looking at this section, and there may be a point in, uh, because the board Has these powers to create, alter or abolish committees, commissions and when we get down a little further into the river dredging and the maintenance stuff, I'm gonna talk about the maritime Committee because one of my contentions is the maritime committee was set up and I think originally it was set up as one of those less than one year board so they could get people on there from other boards. Uh, but That committee may need to be put into the section. Uh Let's see the section on, uh Where is this? The section that's on for the, uh, the, um, navigation stuff. So I, I We'll get to that as I move down. Another thing that commissioner Coolan has met, Uh, mentioned in regards to these boards and such was this BOC authority to change ordinances, Smart code comp plan and strategic plan. In the charter you've locked in. The strategic and comp plan. What I would like to say at this point is, there is another board that I feel has necessity to be locked in to the charter. And that is the sustainability board and the sustainability plans. As we all know, we're coastal We're having. Sea level rises. We're having other things, And if you actually have the time to take to look at the plan Uh, it's not just environmental. Uh, if you look at the descriptions in here and I won't go into it, the plan is divided into three main sections, accordance with the three pillars of sustainability Environment. Planet economic, which is the generation of jobs and such and social people, So it's not just Environment, But my concern is that because it's not a chartered Uh, Plan or Committee. Uh there can be neglect on what this board does. So Somewhere in this particular section. It should be something added with regards to, um Creating Enshrinement of the city's commitment. To its natural resources, its environment and its sustainability. Further in this section of the board of Commissioners. Here's where it is a queue to improve and maintain the navigation of the river and city by is so in this section, I would also say you may want to include there should be an established of a maritime Marine committee to look at various issues of the importance of the ANC River, not just so much navigation as it was mentioned earlier. It's a we're commercial waterfront. So I think we need to look a little beyond just the navigation part and what I've recommended, and Ms Jennings is kind of aware about it, and I've mentioned it at City Commission meeting, setting up We do grants for the CS and other places, and I've said this before. We need to start doing looking at creating some types of grants or incentives to re-establish, our Marine. Commercial businesses. Marine repair. Supporting our fishing and sponging industry. We have a hard time getting people to sponge. But there was an article in the stampede times about two weeks ago where the U is doing a sponge planting program. We could partner with them and my part of my other idea with regards to this is we offer grants to get New commercial. Pipe. Local Whatever , however, businesses to go back into sponging, there are ways we can get grants to, uh, accommodate helping boats come in, or establishing him to get interns or to have training programs work with P Tech or some of the others, But to me, there's more importance to the Anclote River. Than just the navigation part before you move off of that Which segment? I'm sorry before you move off of that Which section was that That's under, um Board of Commissioners Section eight, and that's under QQ. OK that was Q. And then you know, they talk about bathroom metric studies and things like that. Uh but to me again, I think if you put the maritime committee in there and given the charges of looking at beyond just navigating and dredging the river in those regards Um. My point, Peter, but it was the Marine Commerce Commission. OK not maritime Marine. Yeah, Sorry. Um Under Section. I guess it's So all right, uh, terms of office called Fish and dates of annual elections. A zoning powers. What number that is. 12. OK, alright, zoning powers. Uh, Within the charter. The boards that are specified. There's a board of adjustments. There's this and here. Also there's a planning and zoning commission and I guess why I'm pointing this out is you already have a precedent of establishing boards within the charter, which is why I feel that You can have a maritime, uh Committee established attached to the navigation stuff and whether it's a separate section in the reserve. But I would like to again have some way we enshrine the sustainability plan and actions as part of our charter. And then also tying into that Is Funding mechanisms, which could be, uh, incorporated such that, uh, some of these projects that are going to be done have funding mechanisms, uh, that are In a sense, offered as options for them to accomplish this, Uh, part of this also, I think would be incorporating. We already have a tree Preservation ordinance where money goes into there. So what I would like to see basically in this new reserve section is a Land preservation ordinance. As we've talked about purchasing properties, the property that mark refers to at the corner of Safford and, uh Meares basically was justified as storm water and environmental . So there are cases where and we bought the property down by Roosevelt we're looking at possibly buying the Coors part. So what I'd like to see at some point in one of the reserve sections is, uh, some kind of land preservation. Sections such that the city. Uh Has the ability to, uh, set up funding mechanisms. Whether it's I. I know it's gonna sound Little off the top, but down in Manatee County and also down in, uh Charlotte. They've set up land preservation, uh, boards and they've been buying property themselves within the counties in such so we may want to look at various mechanisms such that we could fund this particular aspect. Um. Oh, OK, Here's the other now. As far as in Executive branch 16 City manager. Uh, this might help you in your comp, uh, in your capital stuff on F, it says prepare and submit an annual budget Budget Message Capital Improvement program to the Board of commissioners and for provided by Ordinance or law. You could in that section after the capital improvement program comma, including a prioritization list of product, uh of projects necessary to be completed by a certain time frame. So you do have a way you can probably put that additional language in that particular section. Uh, Civil service board in 19. I don't know how often the civil service board meets if we've even had a meeting, and I don't know how long maybe the clerk could Tell us the last time there was a meeting. But in here, it says members shall serve for a term not to exceed two years and that serve more than two consecutive terms, which is four years. If we haven't had a case come up in four years, Then those people come and go and expired. So if you're gonna keep this board if there's a certain necessity for it, you may wanna extend the terms such that they go to three or four years and maybe Two consecutive terms with a third. Potentially if you can't get, uh People to serve, But I think maybe you may want to get some feedback from, uh, the clerk as far as how these this board meets if it's still relevant. I don't know if it's still relevant anymore and our current times, uh, but that that would be something I would look at to see if it's Amenable, Uh, on section 20 the residency. Um My notes originally was redoing the titles because we had an issue when we were looking to replace our building services. Or building department. Had and there was the reason why he basically didn't have to live in town because there's no building department head as listed. There's a developmental services director. And I think, Irene at one point they researched it that some of these positions don't even have a job description anymore. So I would definitely like to get feedback back from the city manager with regards to which of these are the clerk. Which of these are the Human resource Department, which of these are still valid? Um As Mark mentioned, he didn't necessarily see the planning and zoning director needing to be there, But I would say the public services public works. Uh, your Supervisor of your You know your water, but it's a good follow up to Mr Kudos's question if you can get a list of those emergency management people that are, quote unquote the required and see if they match up to any of these. Lastly, on the residency, um When everybody talks about the residency they always talk about. Oh, they need to buy a house Well, You're not required to be by a house to be a resident, you can live here as a rental, and I know they talk about some of these restrictions as far as from people maybe who live nearby or stuff, But most of the times in the past, we've had to hire people from predominantly out of our area, so that would still want to be a requirement for some of these certain positions, But I definitely feel that you should get some feedback from the same manager or the human research department. They could provide you a list of because I don't. I don't know if we can still have the administrative service director there or the development services director Um And then the Claws in there where it shall not employ to such employees provided prior to March. 14 2000. I don't know if that's relevant to even be in there anymore. Uh, Oh, Ah! And this is I don't know, maybe just to clear up some stuff but under general on 23, the last paragraph says monthly financial statements shall be made available in the office of the city clerk and collector and quarterly financial statements shall be made available in the public library. Um I don't know if maybe we could Fashion that such that, uh, we can Have it such that we require the city to post this information online regularly and then You know, because I think this was back in the time of fact, If you go to the library and the reference section, there's an old You know , notebooks full of financial reports so now that we're moving into a newer way we may wanna look at how we make more information available and I know it's not necessarily in this section, but As Mr Commissioner. Colinas was mentioned earlier. Public input. Uh And I have to applaud this city. Uh, clerks because you can now go into and look at public access Library to search things. Uh, but it it just seems like we need to find a way. Uh, to allow people to have it easier way to be able to track or find information so again, that may not be in this particular section, but, uh Some to possibly look at expanding the ability of residents to gain. Information without necessarily have to go through complicated record re requests, and then it ties up the city clerk and the deputies and the staff to find things that could be easily. Posted. In fact, at one point Uh, there's used to be old times press box up by, you know in the box and they would just stick stuff in there as things came in. So to me personally, if anything came in, that should go in the press box. There's no reason it can't be scanned and put into public press box boom boom boom, So I don't know where that would come into. The only reason I mentioned it here is because it was talking about reports. Uh section 26 the side W improvement fund. The first line can be probably struck out. It's just clarification. You don't need to keep saying that it's been renamed because it's already been renamed. And then again, um on either 20 section, or 28. This is where I'd like to have some Enshrinement of a land preservation fund. Tree preservation, However, you wanna Court. You could We already have three preservation fund but predominantly a land preservation fund and set up some some funding sources and even the potential for a tax because that's what Manatee County did, and again. I think it was either Lee or Charlotte. That they put it to the voters. Would you be willing to pay? A quarter mil to go into a preservation fund to preserve land within the city. So that was in that regard. Um On section 30 Initiative in referendums. Uh, Won't get into all the details, but in here when you're having these referendum requests or initiatives, it says no. Later in 100 days after such certification or soon as thereafter as a supervisor of election shall permit Being that referendums and things if they're not tied to county or federal elections can cost a significant amount of money. It would maybe look at seeing how we can change the language. Uh so it can be the next election. Scheduled Either by county state or federal, and then that way it frees it up, because even later, uh, in the last paragraph, it says such referendum election shall be held within 90 days from the date of filing. So there again, you're trying to have an election, you know, within 90 days and all this stuff and you know, it just seems, uh some of those things, uh, might be a little difficult to accomplish. Um I would have to agree with, uh Commissioner Kanis with regards to what he was talking about heights and such and build outs, not a safety valve. Uh, but one thing I did wanna maybe clarify to this board for those who maybe aren't as familiar with some of the land use and zoning and I know Mr T Penny mentioned about variances going before the board of Commit, Uh, Board of adjustments, and that would be like very to something that is described in the land use and land development code, But I think What, Miss Commission Kiss was referring to is when a developer project comes and in their initial plans. They're wanting five stories or six stories in the board. OK well, we'll grant you that and it doesn't even go to the board adjustment. It's not like they were turned down, and then they go to the board of adjustments to appeal that. So I think what he was referring to more was what happens in the initial planning and zoning part. Um Purchase. I think I've covered everything. That we've spoken about, Um So I do appreciate your time for allowing me to, uh, share some thoughts. Um I will over a period of time. As we go through these meetings, I'll be willing to listen and maybe assist you in finding some compromises. Uh, because, as it was mentioned a couple of times, uh, it's your job is dealing with some of the present issues, but For seeing some of the things that we can do to protect . You know why we all love tarpon and why y'all are all here and you know the to do our best to maintain the community as we appreciate it, So I thank you Also for your we get a chance, OK, be glad to Any any questions back from Mr Dark. OK, good. I'm good. No. Come on, Mike. Mister Terrapin. OK, thank you very much for your comment. We appreciate that We have someone else. Mayor Protos. I wasn't gonna say anything. I said I was gonna come here and listen to everything. Can you lower the something today? I didn't like what I heard. Residency. If an employee Has the ability To spend taxpayers' money. He should be a resident of Tarp Springs. Because if he's gonna spend our tax dollars, it's gonna be his tax dollars too, and he needs to be here. To be able to have a part in that and make those decisions. Uh my other issue was the amount of money The purchase property. I think what the amount we have in there. I know things are high now, but I think it's very important. We keep it at that amount. Because we don't know who's going to be here and three and five years and you can get someone in And he can have his commissioners and they can go on a rampage buying property. That's why the amount was put in there. Years ago. The Stop that And the second thing is I like the people on the planning and zoning, but they should not have the final say. On a plan or anything coming in the city. They are not elected officials they are in. They are appointed by the board and the mayor. And when you have elected officials, those are the ones that have to answer for their final decision. Thank you. Well, wait on. Do we have any? Do we have any comments or questions for mayor pros? Hm? No. Thank you, Peter. Thank you for your comments. I George Anna Francis 15 Athens Street. Um So I was listening today, and I've watched so many other meetings as well. Um and I wanted to comment on the discussions regarding the volunteer advisory boards. Um first I wanted to point out a few comments that were made, Um one which I was happy to hear from. City manager Laurus, um, that, I guess if the charter revision goes through with no changes that that's a good thing, So I think that that's a good idea to keep in mind that less is more. Um And then also a comment. Uh, see, the city attorney salesman mentioned that this regarding these advisory boards that they are volunteer, and I think that's important for all of us to remember that they volunteer boards and it does take a lot of time out of people's days and their schedules even if it's only once a month. Um you know, and you have to remember these people just like you guys are all on TV. So it's hard to volunteer, You know, try to learn the material. Um and then, you know, also have everybody kind of, you know, sitting there judging you What? You don't What? You don't know when you're just trying to help out your city. So um and city attorney salesman pointed out that every city has these problems, so I think that's important to remember before we go changing requirements, um And that, um, Commissioner Kian has mentioned today too. You know, I think for now all our boards are pretty full, pretty fully staffed. I know there might be some issues on code enforcement. Um, but that's you know, a separate issue and again. That's a timing of the of the day. Um and at that one we do have I think two attorneys present for each code enforcement. Well right now. One OK, well, normally we would have to, um So I and I, um So one of the suggestions today was, um, that one Person be allowed to serve on two boards, and I find that highly problematic. Um the example that was given, of course, was was moral And I love Merle wearing P and Z, and I think he's has the man of the highest integrity and he's the best example to give for somebody who could serve on those on two boards at one time, and it not be an issue But again , I think we have to think about , uh, Mr Tip Pan he mentioned in a prior meeting. Um the possibility of a rogue board, OK? And I know Doctor Root said. Well you know, Should we be thinking about rogue boards or what makes the city um better. And I think that those two things can be true. And we should be preventing a rogue board should also be making the city better. So I mean, I can already I watch a lot of older meetings. I watch advisory board meetings, and I see a lot of crossovers and things that 11 committee is trying to do, referencing that They can't do something or that until this is done in this other board and I see that misapplied. I see that idea. Um Used to be evasive about an issue that someone doesn't want to make a decision on. Um I've seen it happen in, uh, you would think that public art and planning and zoning wouldn't be related, but I've seen many issues where it is, um , certain things are brought up as an idea, and then they're either pushed along down the line because of, uh um in in this circumstance, a Greek town vision making plan. Um well, that that's something that's gonna you know that we're working with the Planning department work with the PNZ board does have to go through. So those issues are related. And um, if you look at this the smart code, um there's issues about where public art can go, OK, and this will also happen in the Greek town vision making plan. So if you have somebody on both boards and you have somebody, the board of commissioners made it clear they would like a location for certain pieces of art. That should that's that's a that's very important, considering that's a decision that will also be made in the Greek town vision making plan that the planning and zoning board, uh, will decide seeing with the smart code. It shows in there where public art can go so there can be someone with an agenda that could be on both boards. And, um Looking towards the future future development. Um you know, we all live in this town as residents, which is another thing that we should never take away. There should always be a residency requirement for at least the In my opinion, the volunteer advisory boards uh, because we do we offer different as Commissioner Colin has mentioned different perspectives . We are in this town. We hear things, you know. So if I hear something about a lot of land, a lot of vacant land at the sponge dogs possibly going up for sale soon, um to one individual, and then you know, we bring back a maritime commit, uh, committee, right? And then you hear discussions about a casino boat? Well, maybe a hotel deal falls through because they don't get a casino boat. And maybe they need that need something in the Time, you know, committee fixed, So I just think that we, you know, we should always think that someone that's gonna serve on And two boards would be like Merle Um and I would hope that they would, but I don't think that because this world only meets every five years or so that that's something that we should take a risk on because it's gonna be too late to fix, especially if this committee only goes in for a year or something short like that, Um You know, especially again, You know, I hear things people going around town asking about airspace. Can I buy airspace? You know, those are things that you know, these people around town are listening to. So it does make you weary about certain things that are coming down The line that you know, aren't on a technical review committee yet. Um So these are things that I think that you know, with these special, a board that I never even knew existed until Miss Jennings told me about the maritime. I didn't even know it was a thing before. Um And then all of a sudden we're throwing people on it. Decisions are made. The board is gone and may never come to be in . The decision has been made that, um you know, someone from the planning and zoning committee could be thinking about a development future down the road that maybe that development doesn't come for five more years, but the change in the code has already been been established. And um, how did this happen? And we find in these positions we'll we'll you know, how did this happen? Well because of this maritime committee Oh, you didn't know this existed. Yeah, They changed it back. Then why did they do that? Well, Probably for the reason that we're here today asking how did this happen? So I would strongly advise against and I know Mr D Lais mentioned there may already be a way that you can do that, um, without changing the charter, but You know, keeping IN mind what city manager Laco mentioned about? Less is more, You know, I understand it's tough getting people to volunteer. But um, you know, once you open that door to one person on two, it's opening it up to, you know, people taking advantage of the system and, you know, I hope we all wanna avoid that. Um and then as far as the residency requirements that former Mayor Protus mentioned I agree for city employees. I agree with all that with all that as well so That's all I have. Do you have any questions? Thank you, Um any questions? Uh, thank you very much. Thank you very much. All right. Well my, uh, rule of thumb to always get us done by five is to kind of wrap up. What We're our our work part by 430. We're now at 435. I think there are a lot to think about. I'm excited about the next meeting and how far we'll get on it. Um I, uh Um. I will not be out of the country. The next being just I think I think it's in the calendar that I will be in the country at the I thought it was this week. I'm glad it wasn't I. I'm sorry. I'm going to be gone next week. OK so any? Yeah And so alright. That's fine. Yeah we we'll still have five. So we're we're good. We'll miss you both OK? I wanna make lots of changes. I figured that was coming. My sorry that you're gone. Um So anyway, I think next week who's on our agenda? I can't remember. We have commissioner uh Colas and, uh, Commissioner De Donato. Ok, um I if Considering how far we got with us. I'm thinking that if we're gonna have public comments , can we limit those to 15 minutes or can we move the public comments? Not, you know, for charter change to an empty day. Whatever you whatever you wanna do, we did put a press release we like to do. Can you speak into the mic? Another suggestion is that that the public comments Based on what we're talking about for the day, not just public comments that published You know, could be any place in the in any place in the charter that we're not even talking about. Or not. Seems like it'd be more relevant to us if we got comments based on what we were talking about. Well I think anything in the charter that, um I. I think earlier comments are better cause then you know we're not going back and revisiting so much. Whatever you think. I mean, that's just my thought. I. I think the more we know ahead of time, Uh, in terms of what our community feels the better. The conversation can be I. I tend to. I tend to think that community comments after the presentations Are actually better because it gives the That the Those people, the community the opportunity to listen to Uh, whether it's a commissioner or city manager and get their feedback as to what that city commissioner manager or thinking , Um, and that way they can re they could react from a citizen's perspective. What those changes might be, so if you want to limit it in time, that's one thing or limited to those discussion. Items that were are up that we're talking, you know, but but waiting till after on this agenda, we had two public comment periods. We had one For individuals to come forward and share their observations on what they think should be in the charter, and that's what we've just had for the last 38 minutes. Um then we have the public comment period where I think the commenting on the There are officials positions is probably more appropriate. I. I agree. Yeah, Yeah, I understand what you're saying, I. I agree with that that in other I just have two sess sessions of public comments just reserve the public comments If we have a, uh uh, a session with a commissioner or any other department head that the public comments on those particular meetings be reserved for after The presentations and then on on open days that public comment in general And the commission. I'm sorry on the charter. The charter OK, that that And that's what I was thinking. Let's because this was this was long. I really I don't know that all of our charter officials will be taking a full hour. Um but I wanna give them that time. If they have that much to say, or we have that much to say to them , and I also want to respect the attorney's time in the city clerk's time. So I mean I personally I could go to 10 o'clock tonight, but I don't think you want to consider is because your board meets during the day that the opportunity for Residents to come in may be limited so they may want to speak about more than one issue because they may not have a chance to come back. So let me let me ask the board or the this board this you know, as we get towards the end of this process. And you know we are meeting during the day on Monday it it may be in in the in the this community's best interest, then We held one meeting. Yeah Yeah, an evening meeting. Where that way, those people that are that are working have the opportunity to appear in front of this board because it's hard for them to leave work. That was just 11 suggestion. Um, yeah. And the other thing, Irene, could you handle that? Um, can I can I just add it also? I just wanted to remind y'all, um, as we discussed at the last two meetings, a public notice was put out for the public to come at any meeting, and if they couldn't make it, that they would they would be able to forward their comments, uh, to the clerk's office as far as the meeting. It's not really an issue with, uh, the city clerk's office handling a night meeting. It's scheduling it so it could be televised is the issue. Because no two meetings could be. That's why we chose Monday at two. To fit that in with their performances and other meetings being televised. Um, I think long enough in advance if we if this board decided there's this question if this board decided, you know, come the end of July mid August or whatever to have a afternoon or evening meeting. It'll be long enough in advance notice just to we could probably see what's available at that time. And I I'm concerned if we go any later than that, then you know we're gonna be well into maturity in terms of just throwing that out. Things like that. So I'd say Yeah, let's let's look at If we need to do that earlier than doing that, even earlier. Maybe you know, towards the second half of June or something. The other common I have is, uh, good job. Very good meeting and thank you. Oh well, thank you. Thank you all. I mean, the fact that you come you're prepared. You have your opinions, and you're willing to succinctly state them allows a lot of a lot of fruitful discussion when we when we get there, um and I wanna thank this, uh, the city clerk for reaching out and scheduling everybody. I know that's not an easy task. Um and, uh, so anyway , let me get back to my agenda. Where did I put my agenda? No, that's not it. It went away. I wanna borrow mine again. Yeah I'll borrow yours because I have things I'm supposed to say here in my little papers have like disappeared. Well, I don't know what I did with him. All right. Um so I'm going to skip Section two for all in, uh, amenable to that, Um, Alan, Uh, Is there any discussion about that, or can I go right to a vote to change this agenda? IM and changed the agenda. There's a motion. Is there a second? OK, I'll, uh can I ask for, uh Can we do this by voice? Yes. Yes You can. Yes All in favor. I any opposed passes unanimously. Um our our, uh, We've heard about who's coming next week. We know who's not going to be here. Uh I will ask. Is there any public comments now This is restricted to four minutes. If you have any I don't see anybody rushing the podium, so we will move on. Um Borden staff comments. I will start with the city. Um, clerk. I thank you. No comments. Uh, Attorney Salzman. No comments. I will start with John. I mean, Mr Terra Panny. Do you have any comments? I just wanted to See if you made note that the public notice referendum the option to put in the charter of direct mail, can you I'm sorry. I am having a hard time hearing you one more time. I made the comment to the city manager. I brought up that it's not that expensive to do a direct mail. And then I think that the that we should require that if they do a public referendum for a land purchase, that there is a direct mail requirement and that there's a funding source disclosed in The language also I. I took the note about the funding source. Um let me go ahead and add the, uh, your request for direct mail, and we will talk about that when we talk. Go back on that. Um I think I just a section five. Like a lot of people I'm concerned about. Participation And how can we? You know if we identify we have a problem. The problem is, we don't have the Participation. What's the solution? Yeah, I I'll. I'll add that comment to make sure it gets included in the discussion for that section. Any of that section right here. Shows. OK? Um Mr Seamen. Any comments? Thank you for your participation. I think I gave you a few minutes premature. That's all right. I. I thank you very much. Um Mr Collins. Not good. That's good. I'm good. Miss Jennings, Doctor the last OK? Well, um, who for German? May I have a motion to adjourn? Second Alright. All in favor. All right, we are adjourned.