##VIDEO ID:NTZhyg8Oj54## Soon. It's Wednesday, August 14th, 2024. This is the monthly meeting of the public Art Committee. We are in the second floor media room at City Hall and, I'm calling the meeting to order at 2 p.m. Megan, can you call the roll, please? Miss Art Vitello here. Mr. Jones here. Miss Taylor here. Miss wood her. Mr. Toth and Miss Christopoulos are excused absences. Chair Jennings here. Sorry. Okay. We do have a quorum. I see we have some guests today, if you could please just go to the podium and give your name and either address or title. Good afternoon. Jamie Taylor, recreation superintendent with the city. Thank you. Irene Jacobs, city clerk and collector with the city. Good afternoon. City of Tarpon Springs. Deputy city clerk. You should be used to this, Julian. I don't consider myself a guest anymore. Giuliana day, city of, community advocate for the city of Tarpon Springs. And your dress. Sorry Tarpon Springs for 13 East Oakwood Street. Thank you very much. Okay. We have the approval of the meeting minutes of July 10th, 2024. Do I have a motion to approve? So moved. Graham. Second. Second. Joanne. Discussion. Any comments? Corrections Okay. I'd like to make a comment. I just thought that as the meetings are recorded and available online in video, I was wondering about the necessity to include the verbatim comments that were made during the meeting. We usually don't do it in such detail. Megan, do you want to? Yeah. Due to the subject matter of the past few meetings, just with, the things that have been happening, I just wanted to be very detailed and, get it all in in the minutes. Okay. Well you know, I appreciate your conscientiousness, but it just seems like it. You know, I really didn't know whether it was necessary or not. I just wanted to get. Diane, do you have any feelings about it? I guess people could watch the meeting if they want all the comments, I'll have to. I'll check with the clerk's office and see what their thoughts are on it. You know, and how detailed it needed to be. So. Right. Irene do you have any feelings about this, to be honest with you, I have not looked at the minutes, so I cannot respond if it is in public comment. I mean, normally our minutes are action. We have been doing summary. Now with our new agenda management program, it gives us the opportunity to click the item and take you to that section of the tape. It could be time stamped at a meeting or after the fact, but that is a board decision as far as but there's no requirement. We normally do not do verbatims. Right. Unless we have to do an excerpt for something. Thank you. Don, do you have any opinion on that, I understand where Megan's coming from about wanting to have it in here. It seems like there's been a lot of reference to the minutes. Over the past several months, referring to it. But, we do have the videos for a reason, so. Yeah, I don't necessarily think it's should be something that's done all the time, I understand why it was done this time. Okay. Graham. Strictly speaking, as, as Irene mentioned, we don't really need anything other than action items, however, I feel that on occasion, explanatory summaries might be in order. I appreciate the work that Megan does. Thank you. And I know it takes a great deal of effort to do that, but again, the, the individual comments are on the video, and I know they're difficult to find on the two hour videos, like from last month, but nevertheless, they are there, perhaps, as Irene suggested, we Megan can, consult with how she does it or how her staff does it. And timestamps can be provided, Katie. Well, I kind of agree with all y'all, but I would like to have certain items if it's a specific subject matter that's kind of sensitive or crucial, that's on the table, then I would like to see verbatim, especially if it's something that we're reporting on that we're following, because a lot of people say they can't, although they can listen to these meetings on YouTube. What is it? YouTube? Yes. Then. But they can't raise their hand. They can't ask questions. They can't engage with this board during the meetings. So in that case, it's just they just sitting there. But if you want to go back over things for specific items, I don't know, maybe I can say I would like this to be verbatim, but every little thing. No, I wouldn't say every, subject matter that we approach has to do you think it should be either verbatim or action items? If it's either or some things being that is crucial, I would say verbatim on certain things, but not everything. Okay. What would be the determination for verbatim transcription? If it's if it's a subject matter that's, That, for instance, if we said it was said some if it was said in a certain way in the in the commissioner's meeting, and then we came over here and we, we didn't hear it like that. Then I like it to be read as what the commissioner said, because sometimes we're talking about the public art committee. I know that's what I'm saying. A comment was made in a commissioners meeting, but when we got over here, it wasn't the same answer. So when we approach that subject here, it became a little more detailed for us to address how it was. This was this subject on the table, off the table. And that's a verbatim issue with us. I think if we're discussing a matter like that, then yes, but if it's something that's not crucial, then no. So if you want to give an example that I'm having is trying to determine what kind of I don't want to. No no no no no. Take my place. But just so the board is aware, the, the rules say that our minutes are action minutes and if you do and I'm not saying verbatim is wrong, I'm just saying if you do verbatim for an entire year, you can't pick and choose what you're going to do verbatim on. If you do verbatim for an entire set of minutes, you're going to be extremely behind in your minutes. We have we have the film. Anyone watching? Yes. In this room, you cannot do zoom. It's not like you can in the auditorium, for people to speak. However, they can always send in their comments ahead of time. They can send in, you know, things. An email to the staff and stuff to forward. They can also, like I said, with this, I and I apologize, I have not read the minutes. I have not looked at the minutes and forever we have. Like I said, we have multiple boards, but I just wanted to advise the difference in that now it's different. Like like I said, we're not even supposed to do really summaries. But even in the commission we try to do a summary, but now with our new management system, you'll be able to click item, you know, whatever that item you're discussing, and it'll take you right to the beginning of that. And I don't it's still very new and I don't know how far, but, if Megan's not using it already, we can, work with Megan to get that, because you can timestamp it after the after meeting, too, if you're not doing it during the meeting. Right. So I don't know if that's. Oh, it's very helpful. Thank you, I'd like to entertain a motion to amend the minutes to reflect action items only. I'll second. I need a motion. Oh all motion. I'll second. Okay, now we can talk about it right, the motion was to amend the minutes to reflect actions. Only action items, I'm confused. You want to go back and amend prior minutes? Moving forward maybe. Yeah. Moving forward, we could. So do you want me to adjust my. Would you like to. Do you want me to adjust my. Okay, so I moved to moving forward. Having action minutes, rather than verbatim. A second. Okay. Okay. All right, Megan, do you want to call the roll, please? Miss Botello? Yes. Chair Jennings. Yes. Mr. Jones? Yes. Miss Taylor. Yes. Okay Just made your job a lot easier, Megan. Thank you, if you do look at the minutes, they are time stamped to reflect, like where you are in the video. Yes. Right, which I will continue to do. But. Yes. Thank you. Okay Excellent. Yeah. And, do mention that, you know, the way something is said is called demeanor evidence. And I think it's more valuable to watch the video. Yeah, I think so, too. So, y'all still need to approve the minutes for. Right? Okay. All right. Motion. Move to approve the minutes as written. Second. All in favor? Yes. Yes. Aye. Any opposed? Unanimous Okay. Okay. Current project updates. We have a, artist statement from Stephen Oliver. Which we'd like to put on the website, but since you didn't get it ahead of time, it's the last section of your packet, right? So what I'd like to do is just, defer this to the next minute, the next meeting to give you all an idea of the opportunity, rather to go over everything. It's kind of rough. It was kind of cobbled together from some other things he prepared. So, you know, I'd like to everybody get out their red pencils and do a little editing on it. Okay, Diane, the brochure. Have we have we done anything on the brochure for the Oliver project? Not the brochure, but we I do have in there two samples of the, actually, the signage that would go on each of them, you know, I know you all wanted to do a QR code, but I have quite a few reservations about that. Only because, you know, if you put a QR code even on a aluminum sign that's adhered or whatever, somebody could come along and put, like, a vinyl sticker or something on top of it and take it, you know, take the person to a, you know, a not so savory site. So my suggestion would be, my staff and I are working on updating the public art section of the Tarpon Arts website, and, we will have a section like we had before we did the map where it has all of the different public art, throughout the city and also an explanation on there. And then I feel like we could push it out on a regular basis via our social media, on Instagram and, just to get the word out. And also Facebook, just because I just, I have like, I said, I have really reservations about putting a QR code on these. So could we put a URL on the sign rather than a QR code? We could just put the URL. Yeah, that's a great idea. Okay so, first I need a motion to approve and a second so we can discuss this in more detail, I move to approve the two new signs for the two. Stephen Oliver pieces. Get a second. Second. Thank you. And now we can talk about it first. This is a real easy one, in the forward and upward. Together. Together should be bold. And that again in the forward and upward together. The together should be bold. It's part of the name. Yeah. Are That was an easy one. Yeah. Okay. Go on. Do you have any, comments about any of the wording or, only to add the URL code codes to the signs so that people can look up the additional information on the Tarpon arts website. Okay. No, other than that, I think it's short, sweet, and to the point. Yeah. I understand your reservations about not using QR codes. However anyone that wants to deface any of our signs with QR codes that take you off to, adult entertainment.com or whatever it is that they do, you know, or, you know, buy two burgers and get a salad free, you know, whatever it is that it happens to be, that their their particular QR code that they're using to deface our materials is they're not going to worry whether we have one there or not. They're going to whack their QR code on our signs. Even if there isn't one of ours. So you know, I don't understand the concern. Well, I think it's a moving it's a target. You know, if they see it, they're like, oh, I could go ahead and put something on that. If it's a sign that looks like this and it's just, you know, very to the point of what it's about. I mean, you have to really be have a malicious intent in order to come up with the idea, like, oh, I could put a sticker on there. I mean, you know, I'm just saying that if a QR code is on there, it's kind of like a, you know, it's kind of like a flashing red light to like, oh, I can do something. And on and on. The utility boxes that are scattered around the county. Now that have nice artworks on them that did not originally have QR codes, they're sprouting QR code stickers. And what where do you go from there? I have no idea. I have no idea where you go. I'm not game to put that sort of thing on my phone. Right. So my phone just my phone just takes a picture. It's the camera. It's not a. Yeah Yeah. Well they take you off to the, the website right. You know and there might be, you know a virus or some nasty thing on the website and I don't want to get, get involved with that, but yeah, there's, you know, it already happens whether you have QR codes on the things or not. Sure. I'm just trying to deter it. No I understand. Has there been any incidents of people manipulating QR codes anywhere apart from the utility boxes in the county? Yes I don't know. I'm just trying to be precautionary. Right. Katie, these are the. Make sure I catch up with you. I'm on the same page with what we're talking about here. These two signs that Stephen had that Stephen had provided us, these for which we created these Stephen didn't provide. So these are the signs that city staff have proposing this. Okay. So these are the signs that's going to go on the two locations, right. The which one is the onward together is for Dodecanese. Is it. Yeah. And forward and upward is for forward and upward is Dodecanese. Onward together is the Union Academy. Union academy. Okay. So, the Schnorr code for. I had concern for the one that's going on, Union Academy. Because the area, that area utilized a lot of foot and bicycle access. So at one point we had mentioned when Bieber was here, we had agreed to put, a three fold flier in an insert box down there explaining who each of those pictures indicated. Who were they? Who are these people that's on this fence? So if you put a cure in our code box down there, you can. I'm not knocking it. I'm all for what y'all want to do. But for that area, for Union Academy, I would like to suggest that we have a better method of identifying those. Those pictures that's on that fence, because you just look at them. And if people in that area is not using the QR code, then we're back to square one. Everybody passing by as usual, saying, what are this? What is this? What's this all about? Well, we could add the URL to the sign as well, but there's still some kind of computer access or phone access, right? I'm saying it's foot traffic. Is the community that you're serving over there? We're putting together a brochure. Sure. There's going to be a brochure. Okay. Yeah, yeah. This doesn't this isn't replacing the brochure. This is in addition. Right. We just have to get something up and, and this format is format that we've used before on other pieces, public art pieces. So to keep it consistent, you know, we're that's this is the format that we've used in the past. So you know, just want to keep it, you know, cohesive and if I might add, I think Dawn's idea is a great idea. And that in future for, you know, when you when you prepare new ones for new art projects that you just stick the URL for the public art website? Easy peasy. Yeah. On there. Just as a matter of course. Yeah, it's a part of it suggesting you go back and change all the old ones, right? Well, that would come from your for the public art. Exactly. When we have nothing else to do, then we'll get to that. Okay. So, I'd like to get a motion to approve the signage as we amended it. I Move that the amended versions of the signs be approved for installation. Okay. Second. Okay, we'll do a roll call. Vote. Megan. Mr. Bartolo. Yes. Chair. Jennings. Yes Mr. Jones? Yes, miss. Taylor? Yes. Okay, something that's probably not on your radar because it's been bounced around a lot. The Tarpon Springs Rotary Club, proposed doing a peace pole project with them, and it's kind of on hiatus and will remain on hiatus. I just wanted to mention it, as in, you know, right. Current project. So there's nothing you don't have to do anything about that at the moment. Okay. Okay, the CRA mural project. We didn't get anything, right? No, not right now, here we are. Our ladies are up. The city clerk's office project. Okay, in your handouts, we received a, a draft of from Irene and Michelle of something, that they would like to see is, it's emblematic of a city clerk's office, this does not preclude doing any other art projects. So, either one of you or both of you want to just comment on it? Yeah. Basically, we were just here to listen, not to, and I appreciate the public art committee, and I know there was discussion at the last meeting that we found out about after the fact. And, I do believe that that project, you know, and the artist, it's a great artist and a beautiful project. However, we didn't feel that it was appropriate for the clerk's office and the reason being is, you know, the it doesn't have to be what you have in front of you. That was just a we didn't know that you. I know a long time ago, Mrs. Jennings had mentioned years ago, before the project even started coming into fruition, that, she had some artists, but that's as far as we got. We hadn't seen anything until it was presented at the last meeting. And, in the in the old days, the clerks were called Scribers and the actual we belong to, clerk associations, and that is our symbol is the, the quail pen and the, the inkwell. So we were, so Michelle had just thrown this kind of thing together. But it doesn't have to be exactly this. And I don't really know how the, you know, the steps work, but that's what you're kind of looking towards, something that would, tie in that it's the clerk's office. And what a clerk is and, and that. So it's somewhere along the lines of a logo or a symbol type thing. So it would be there would be certain parameters about designing something like this. So you'd want to include the quill and the inkwell. Yeah And it doesn't have to have the city seal and stuff. We just we just she just threw that in there. Just. And this was just a sketch for me. She did for me. Good job. You know this. I have the just putting clip art together. And the only reason we put established 1887. Because if you look at City Hall, there's nothing I that I'm aware of that says when the city was established and I figured, well, if we're clerks, we should have that. So that's why we threw in that date. We have the exact date. We also have the old articles of incorporation that, you know, possibly I'm not an artist, so, you know, part of the articles of incorporation could even be on the paper, you know, they're really interesting when you see them, and they're very delicate. But, So that's all we're just here to listen and see what the steps are or, if you had any questions of us or, it looks, you know, the building from my understanding, is going to be a little delayed, I was I had heard that, it moved from October of 24 to now, January of 25, so we're not really sure where we're at, but. Okay. Do you envision a location on the building for this, it's on the exterior right, Michelle or. Yeah. Yeah. If you if you look at the building and you see our, the design of the building, you can't really tell a lot because the windows and such and things that are on the building are not up yet, however, I think I forwarded and I could pass it around, the outside of the building that faces the ring avenue side, we were thinking if we had some type of sculpture or something, instead of being placed on the building, it could possibly go at the corner of the entrance or on the lawn, and I'll pass that. Great. Thank you both very much. Katie, do you have any comments or. No. I like the artwork. Yeah, but. And I do feel in the inside, so you'll know we have a small lobby, and we currently have an old safe, and the safe isn't used like it was in the old days. And it's currently in our office. So we had that door removed. It's getting restored, and it's going to be an art piece inside, on a brick wall to, you know, it's going to look really, really great, right? Graham yeah. First of all, yeah. The sketch, the diagram, the this, the underlying image is actually owned by MP three designs, it is generally available for license and, but it is a copyrighted image. Well we weren't saying that we were just this was just a thought and we didn't know how else. Because we're not artists. Yeah. No, I understand, I understand. So that was the only reason. It's a very popular piece of clip art, but it, you know, we couldn't ask an artist to say, you know. Oh here. Take this. No, no, no, I make something based on it. No, no, I understand, and that's why they're artists. Because if you go out to solicit an artist, I'm sure you're going to have different versions. Of what? A quill pen and inkwell might look like or something. We just, like, I said, we just did this just to show what our vision was. Yeah. Should we go out to an artist then? We would love to. In fact, it would be essential to get your input on that, especially in using your words to describe the society. Is it that you're members of the scribblers? Where we belong to the Clerks Association, which is a professional organization like you have for your city managers and other certain city official. And that logo on the shirt is the quill pen and the inkwell. Okay. So, yeah, I mean, we, you know, we'd like to get that that information and the and an image of the of that organization's logo. Yeah. And it's basically, like I said, just a an inkwell and a and it doesn't have to be that exact, exact thing. I mean, I'd like to see someone be creative. Something to something to inspire an artist. That's that's all right. Yeah. If we could. Yeah And I think you mentioned to me that the, the new interior is going to be very kind of modern. So I think you and I talked about doing, possibly doing something in metal on the outside. Yeah, yes. We our inside is kind of industrial modern, but we do have a brick wall, one brick wall to that. The safe door is going to go on to replicate and tie us in with City Hall. Okay. At exterior of city. You know, if you when you see the picture, the exterior, I mean, they might not have the right brick there, but they've picked the right brick to match the building. So where is the where is the artwork going? Probably somewhere on, you know, maybe in one of the corners. Oh okay. Or as a sculpture in the lot. Yeah. I don't know. That would be the, the West side of the building that faces the because our entrance is going to face the north. Okay. So that would be to the west, the facing the ring avenue there. Okay. Okay Okay. Dawn. Oh I'm sorry Graham I thought you were done. No that's fine. I am. I do have another question Joan. After dawn. Okay. I think it's great, input for like. As far as I know, we don't we don't have, you know, even a set design or anything to look at. We were I know we were looking at one particular artist. But I think this is fantastic. Kind of context to give the artist to say, you know, this is what goes on there. And we would like to, you know, have that incorporated somehow. And that's what we're looking at for the artists to be creative and come up with something. It might not look like this, but it might be something that is still going to, create the same vision. But like I said, there's multiple things. We just threw the seal in there to say, well, something could be written on there. Like I said, we have the articles of incorporation. And like I said to my knowledge, nothing in the city has the date. The city was incorporated. Right. So who shall how shall we pick first? Michelle or Katie? Well, no, no, no, I'm just here. Oh okay. I brought Michelle up. If she had anything else to add or you had any other questions come. Being that Graham's mentioned about the copyright thing. And, if you do select the artist. So you can also put another picture up there like the articles of incorporation, you can put another image up there along with that. Change the pin whatever you want to do, but you can put another image. You'll have enough room on the front of the building to put. Yeah, I was just throwing that out there. I mean, like I said, we're just that's just the concept. So it's Michelle put it. Yeah. Yeah. And then, just to kind of what we were originally thinking of and then it's up to the artist to come up with. Right. What type it is or, you know, what if it's a sculpture, if it's a, and then what it would look like. I mean, that's where we're hoping they'd be the creative ones to. Okay. Okay. The articles of incorporation written out on some type of metal. Right. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Something. Yeah. In there. Okay. Well. That's a vision. Yeah. Are you going to say anything? No. Go right ahead. Okay Megan, could you read back the motion that we're talking about? We don't have a motion. This is just a discussion. Just a discussion. Well, in that case, can I. Would you mind if I made a motion? Go right ahead. Okay I move that we treat the city clerk building. Thing. I don't know what to call it at the moment, as as a project, we have a location that's approved by the city manager. We have an active and interested partner in the city clerk's office. And so we should be able to go straight to, a formation of a subcommittee to discuss, the outline, at least, of a call to artists. Okay. Do I have a second? I second that. Okay. Can you repeat? That was very long. Oh yeah. Okay. Let me, let me let me see if I can do that, I move that we create a project for the city clerk's office. External artwork and that a committee subcommittee be formed as soon as possible to move that project along, noting that we already have location approval and an active partner. Second. Okay. Thank you, Megan, call the roll, please. Mr. Bartolo. Yes, chair. Jennings Yes, Mr. Jones. Yes, miss. Taylor. Yes. Okay. Is there any other, any discussion on that? Discussion on that? Yes. Do we want to set a budget? $1 million? Yeah. I think maybe I'm wondering whether it would be. Isn't. I'm sorry, I believe. Isn't that, determined by the cost of the project? Yes. And that would be something that the building department would have to give us that. I don't know what that I don't know off the top of my head. What the cost is. The cost of the artwork is not necessarily related to the cost of the project. Okay. It can be fully funded by the project, or it can be, it can cost more than that. And the public art committee can can top up the funds as required. You know, or it could go the other way. Could be less, but yeah, we would need to find out, how much money is available, as a result of the tax and take it from there. And I think that committee would, would obviously be the people to go after that and find out what it is, but I was just curious as to whether we had any idea what the budget might be. I do not. All right. Diane. I was just going to suggest that, you know, if you're going to do this selection committee that you know, possibly you the selection committee, would, you know, determine, like, what the median would be. And, you know, and then kind of research like what appropriate, you know, costs might be, you know, as far as an average cost. And then maybe that's a great way to determine, you know, what the budget would be. Yeah Just a suggestion. So we would determine the median before doing a call to artists. Oh absolutely. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. But we need to know how much money we're prepared to spend before we do a call to artists. Otherwise, we won't get any responses. Right. And you really need to have a detailed idea. And your call to artists of what exactly you're looking for. If you leave it too open ended, you're going to get a lot of things that are going to be so far away from this. You know, so that's where I think that's the I think that's the main reason you have a selection committee to determine all the details before the call to artist. Okay. Okay. So Dawn or Graham either one of you willing to take this on. Well okay. If you, great. You sure? Okay. Yeah absolutely. Okay. We'll be working with Dawn. Okay Anything else we need to approve that? We did. Yes Okay. Okay Okay. Can I ask a question on that? When you get ready to do the budget, they're going to be looking at you do to call the artists to get an idea of what the artwork is going to look like from them. They're going to tell you what the type of artwork they want. And then you'll come back and include the artist's budget along with that. So you got two different, right? There'll be a selection panel which obviously will have, you know, Irene and Michelle and maybe some other, you know, people from the clerk's office in it and maybe an artist or two. Right? Yeah Well, I was trying to figure how how are you going to is it a combination of choosing how much budget one with the artists and then one with the. There's there is a contribution that, new buildings, resulted coming into the public art committee, for the provision of public artworks, associated with those buildings. Right. Or it can be just thrown into the general kitty in this case, they would like it aimed towards a specific art piece outside their their new offices, which is, you know, which is fine. That's they can ask for. We don't yet know how much that is going to be because we're not yet aware of the total value of the construction. And when we are, we'll know how much that that is contributing, and then we'll know how much we've got to spend. Until then, we don't. Okay And then so it's, you know, it's coming from the building itself. Okay. And then Katie too, it's like once the selection committee completes all their research and, you know, kind of fleshes out the project. A little bit more, they'll come back to another meeting of the public art committee and present it to all of you. You know, this is our findings. This is what this is the median we've selected. This is what we want to do to proceed forward, to find the right artist to do this project. So that's kind of like how it goes. Yeah. Okay. And the budget to be thrown in at that time, the artists and the state, the stakeholders have already indicated that they'd like something that is metallic and low maintenance and reflects their professional organization and the origin date of the city, and possibly even, the something to do with the document that the of the of the minutes of the very first meeting of the city. And so, you know, all of that's input to the, the call to artists. Okay. All right. Thank you. So, you know, we've already got a great start. All right. Okay. Moving on to. Oh, sorry. Megan. Any updates on our budge, yes. Thank you ladies. Thank you. I'll be in touch. Okay Revenues through today, August 14th, $63,754. Expenditures through today, August 14th, $65,540. Our projected balance as of today, August 14th, is $145,570. There are no new project updates per Pat McNeese and then tentatively next month, tentatively, we might be seeing Co hatch, which is approximately $27,980.75. Okay by the way, I apologize. I just want to back up to old business, Diane, you got a maintenance proposal from Saint Kate's. Thank you. I was just going to ask you about that. Okay. This is routine maintenance that we do every year. So, just as a matter of protocol, if we just want to make a motion and a second and a vote to proceed with our normal maintenance schedules, and I just want to say, for those of you that are newer to the committee, what the, what this maintenance is, is our bronze statues. The story time, the naiads, the mermaid that's in Craig Park, and also, they'll probably be looking at the pelican that's at the sponge docks, too. And so they'll go and they'll make an assessment, you know, of, like, okay, what do we need to do? Are there any repairs that need to be done? Does it need to? They'll be cleaning it. They'll be, also, you know, if they have to do any refinishing on their patina or whatever like that. They're just kind of doing that maintenance to keep them looking good. So that's what this particular company has done with with us over the, you know, the past. So I just wanted to explain that. Could you add me in so they could make me look better? Okay. I'm first on that list. Yeah. So do we do, like, annually? Do we do competitive bids or. There's not that many companies out there or very, very few people do that type of work. Very specialized. Yeah, it's really hard to find anyone. Do you want to start a business? Yeah. And you know, we've been using them for quite a few years in Saint Kate's art, and, they are very familiar with our statues already. They've done extensive work with us on them and including installations, and they also do a lot of things with museums and the Tampa Bay area. So they're very well known and very respected for their work. They're the ones that recently repaired the mermaid. Yes. The tail. Yeah. So all right, so I'm. I'm sorry. Oh, we're not discussing it yet. Right? No. We need a motion, I move that we, proceed with the normal maintenance contract for this year. Second, for our pieces. Second. Thank you. All in favor? Well well, we have the discussion. Sorry Any discussion? Yes, this year, are we going to ask them to look at the new Stephen Oliver pieces and include them in their maintenance? I think they're really quite new. I don't know, do you? I mean, it's up to you if you want them to review it. You know, kind of thing, I can certainly get a quote from them in order to do so, to add those to the list, if that's what the committee wants. Yeah, usually they're the maintenance is for bronzes, but we can have them. You know what, Diane? Maybe ask Desmond if this is something that he feels appropriate. That might be the way to go. Yeah, because I remember the, the lady on the bench outside, story time. The story time piece. Yes, where even though that was new, we did have some surprises that the bench in particular started to deteriorate very quickly and it was and I would like to know as soon as possible if we're going to have some expense related to the new pieces. Okay. So, as I said, Diane, just make a note to discuss it with Desmond, who's the owner of Saint Kate's. Okay. Moving on to new business. Oh, yes. This could be. All in favor say aye. Aye aye. Any opposed? Okay. Unanimous will just maintain ou, Okay. Moving on to New business. Clarification of new project procedures, I'm sure you all got the email, dated July 23rd from City manager licorice, to the effect that no public art projects may be listed on the agendas unless a proposed location has been approved by him. All projects currently being considered by the PAC, with the exception of Graham's project at the Live Oak Safford property, which was already vetted with the city manager, are considered off the table. Okay. Any art projects we receive from outside artists or sources? The proposed location of the project will also require prior approval from the city manager before being placed on any upcoming agendas for the PAC, and vote. Okay, so that's just, you know, a policy which you all received. I don't think we need to take any action on that. I'm afraid we do. Oh, oka, I called the city manager because I was very concerned about that, for clarification, because it would appear from the exact wording of that that we are not permitted by the city manager to put anything onto the agenda without his approval, and I objected to that and asked him if that was what he really meant. And he said, no, that wasn't what he meant at all. It was that we shouldn't allow projects to go any further than discussion by the public art committee. Until they have a location approved by the city manager. Right. Okay So projects may be brought up, put on the agenda, discussed. And the very first thing that has to be done is to request a location from the city manager. Okay. Thank you for the clarification. No problem. Okay, I also, and maybe because I'm new to this procedure and it seems like, you know, things are getting kind of fleshed out here, I had thought maybe it would be a good idea to have some sort of checklist or timeline or something that because we're going to be getting a new member eventually as well. And, you know, alternates and all that kind of stuff. So I was wondering if maybe we could just put together a quick checklist in order of this is how things need to happen in order for a project to go and including things like, you know, you have a selection committee, this is who's on their blah, blah, blah, just like an SOP kind of thing for a project. And if anybody has the wording for all that, I'd be happy to throw together a checklist or whatever. But for me, you know, I don't want to make any missteps, but I definitely want to be involved. And, you know, having a little guideline ahead of time would be really helpful for me. And probably any new members. Diane, I think we did something like that a while ago. I think it probably go through our files and see whether it still exists, but that's a very good point. Yeah, because you just start taking stuff for granted. And when new people come on you, you know, have to bring them up to speed. Okay. Thank you very much. That's it. Okay Graham, if you don't mind, can I switch you with the recreation department? Please do. Jamie, you're up. Well similar to Irene, here to field any questions, Miss Taylor did bring up the idea of the mural on, the facility over on Walton Avenue, our community center. I shared with her a similar concept that was done at a recreation center I worked at out in Colorado, that had a large blank canvas, kind of, view to it. And, you know, previously, before the mural went up, everyone didn't know what the building was from the back side, which was a walking area. From the downtown area, not opposed to the idea and the concept, do, want to be involved if this, spot is chosen and location is chosen, the first image I sent, was not an up to date image, there is a generator that is now adjacent to that wall. And we have moved the there was a bunch of kayaks that we got rid of and, some trees there that, that have been removed as well. So, Have you guys seen the current view of it? Yes. Okay perfect. Yeah. So that's the old one, then. This is the new one. It's on a sheet by itself. I got it, yeah. Okay so this is the viewpoint from, back driveway towards the dumpsters there, that you would see from lime Avenue, the south side of the building. The other side does have that same size wall, with the gymnasium, but it does not have any, there's not like a viewpoint from the roads or anything like that. And, you know, it just would not be, noticed. I don't I don't believe, front side of the building, there's an image of that as well. We have siding. There's a lot of different angles on the facility, as far as roofing angles and the entryway and I don't believe that would be, in my opinion. And I am not an artist, I don't believe it would fit. Well, we are receiving a grant for $100,000 to update our parking lot and our, sign at the corner of lime and Walton. That will be like a landmark marquee sign that will be able to let people know of the programs that we offer. Let people know about any emergency things that are going on, or if there's other events going on in the city at the time, and we'll be able to update that in real time. And I think between the new sign on the corner of the lot and the updated parking lot and cleaned up, I think we'll have a nice view from the, the main entranc, this side here, I think this is the best of what, would be available for our facility. As you can see, there is, you know, there's some stuff going on between the dumpsters, the fence, the generator and the sheds, but, I'd leave that up to you if you do decide to move forward with, with that wall. Okay. That, white object is the generator. Correct. Okay. So that's that stays. Right? Correct That's off limits. Okay. They do need a generator. Okay. Yeah. And then these are dumpsters. Yeah. Can I ask a question? Certainly. The the building with the generator up against it. Yeah. That is what that's our gymnasium. That's the gym basketball court there. So And the building to the left by the dumpsters, that is, the North side of our main hall. Okay So, if we were going to go ahead with something here, you know, looking at its location and visibility from the street and how far it is. And so on, something over both of those surfaces would be quite spectacular. And especially if it incorporated the dumpsters, preferably not with a fire scene. When you mentioned the, the boxes on the corners, the county boxes, electrical boxes and all that, that's kind of where my mind went to of like, all right, well, this could, you know, blend into it of sorts and. Yeah, you know, I not opposed to any of those ideas, I'm not sure on the vinyl siding, as far as ability to work with. But, you know, I'm sure someone else knows better than I. It's just as easy as any other surface. You just have to prepare it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I just didn't know if the lines. Yeah. Horizontal lines on there going across would present an issue. But I'm not opposed to, you know, it's a it's a fun building on the inside. It should look like a little bit of fun on the outside. So I appreciate the opportunity. And ability to discuss, you know, any upgrades to the facility? Yeah, luckily, actually, doing it's not my problem. Just. Yeah Get the on the scaffolding. Yeah Okay. Would it be possible to paint the generator so I am not 100% sure on that. That is less than a year old. We just spent a quarter million on it. I would need to talk with those folks. And whether it be a wrap or whether it be painting it, there are some warranty stuff that we have going on and, you know, kind of like a car. If you you wash it and you void your warranty kind of thing. So, you know, I'm not I can find out for you. I'll look into that. And, another question is, you don't have to get this to us today, obviously, but, I'd like to know the square footage. Yeah. The dimensions. Yeah, the dimensions of the, you know, and then including the dumpsters because many, many moons ago, we did have projects to paint. Dumpsters, we did. Yes. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend including the two sheds. No, no, the dumpster enclosure and the two walls. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think this looks like a great project. Yeah I think so too. Yeah. Okay I wanted to brighten up that street. I wanted to ask Ben that, this is my first time ever working on such a thing. Can I. Can I be your understudy to for you to train me on what you're going to do with this project? So if it ever if I ever encountered this, then I would have a clue of what should be done so I can walk through this with you on your guidance because you're in charge of this project. Sound like it? So no, no, no, I was no, I'm not in charge of it. You're in charge of it. No no no no no, she can't be because she's still an alternate. Oh right. You're still an alternate. Yeah. No. Yeah, but what about sunshine. Yeah. They can't they can't work on it. We can't collaborate. That's the problem because we can only collaborate inside this meeting. You can't do it outside because you're of the Sunshine Law. And because this is all going to be voted on the checklist that we that Don suggested would be. I think, really helpful. Yeah. To follow the steps. Yeah. While we're here, I think your budget of 3500 is not going to be enough. Going to be anywhere close. Not for something this size. Yeah, that's just a guesstimate. I'll have something to put on paper. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah No I understand you got to put a number down. Right. And I don't I also don't think that the, the appliqué would work for this either. No. Did you want to do a motion to, before you before you do one, can I ask do we have. Come on. Of Jamie. Yeah, you were saying you had $100,000 budget for the parking lot and the. And the Marquis. So the parking lot around this scene here, would you be able side of the building? Were you going? You're going to be putting something on this side right here. But I mean, this ground, the ground, it's not a parking lot, but it's a little driveway that was not to enhance that, potentially that was not listed in our grant application that we put together. But that said, we do have staff within the city that I could talk with and say, hey, is there opportunity to improve and X, Y, Z and would it be, available for that? Okay. When, when we put the mural up at Riverside at the sports field up there by magic a few weeks later, they started working on the parking lot, that was in front of it. And now it's really nice. It's just magic. It's all magic. Yeah, I'm just going to throw something out. But, you know, looking at what you're talking about, the breadth of, you know, the buildings and everything, it would be cool to kind of like where the gate and all that stuff is to have some color spilling out, you know, of that on the ground. Yeah. You know, just kind of like you said, Jamie, the fun aspect of it, you know, in kind of like a splash of paint. It doesn't have to be all the way through, but just kind of like a threshold, you know, to what's beyond you know, it can be kind of cool. Well, it'd be neat in case anybody objects to it. I could take this on because I don't know what, whether. Oh, good. Awesome. Because I don't know what Bieber and Nick would, you know, we have another question for you, too, on the generator. When you do the when you do the art for the building, maybe you can incorporate white so that that generator would blend in with your artwork. Yeah, I was thinking that too. Katie, that's a great idea, just have it. Something that is white, you know, maybe a house or, you know, we're we're going to need to provide a lot of dimensions, some more close up photographs and some very specific instructions as to what to do with, utility items like drainpipes and, and the generator and the, and the general surroundings for the call to artists to do this, because it's not like a regular mural. You know, a small mural, yeah. We're going to kind of have to go to a call to artist. So I moved that we take this project in to the next step that we create a formal project for it. We have a location, we have a an active and interested partner. The location was approved, correct? Correct. Yeah, yeah. And, and so we need to move it to the next step, which is to form a committee to do a, to find a budget and report back here before they do a call to artists. Right. We're not form a committee. No selection committee. Yeah. You need a selection committee for that? Not yet, not yet, not yet. No. Well, first, we need more information from Jamie. Yes, and I'm sure that there are things on your phone where you can do to do all those dimensions. Someone good with phones can figure it out. Yeah, yeah. So you're a leader. So the motion is to turn it. Turn the, the turn. Katie's parks and recreation. The Parks and recreation building murals into a formal project. And that project will be run by Joan initially. Right. And we'll report back next month. A second. Okay. Any further discussion on this? No. Okay you'll vote yes. So, Jamie, maybe at some point we'll just maybe Diane can just send you my contact information. So. Yeah, I'll get in touch with you. Right. To vote. Let's do a vote. Oh, yes, all in favor? Aye. Any opposed? Okay. Unanimous Okay. You're going to get a mural on your building. Yeah. Appreciate it. Thank you. A fun one. Yes. Yeah. Thank you, Katie, for your initiative on this. Yeah. Great job, my young lady. Okay All right, let's see. Moving along. Graham. Harmony in the Grove. Okay. Well. I move that we make the harmony in the grove project. A formal project. And take it to its next steps. Okay. Do I have a second? I second, we'll take a voice vote on this one. Hi Do you mean a roll call? Roll call? I'm sorry. Motion to make the harmony in the Grove a formal project and take it to the next steps. Miss Arbor Tello. Yes, chair. Jennings. Yes, Mr. Jones. Yes, miss Taylo. Yes. Okay. Before we launch into this, I know you've probably been prowling around the site, but, you know that the. They're building the pickleball courts. Yes. And I was just wondering if that affects your vision in any way. I understand that they're going here. Correct Yeah. So, no. Okay Where are they going? Down here. Yeah, yeah. If you drive by, you see, they're they're pretty far along, actually, south of the oval. Okay Yeah. In that grassy area there. Okay. The, the oval is what has been approved by the city manager. Licorice Okay. So before we go any further with this, before I form a committee and ask for people to come and join it, I need the public art committee to give me a budget, already? Explained in the meetings last in in in last month's meeting that, we could spend anything from 50,000 to a couple of million. But I don't propose to spend either. The smallest amount or the largest amount that my research looking at similar kinds of projects around the country. And they are available online. And I did look at a lot of them, the average would seem to be somewhere between 80 and 150,000. And I thought that 100,000 was a nice round number. So I picked it out of the air or my hat. Okay. So that's that's where that number came from. So if you, if I hope you all read this and looked at it and, and have thought about it, may I ask a question? Yes, ma'am, the proposal seems really open ended, you know, for interpretation, kind of like what we did for the Stephen Oliver one. So it kind of runs the gamut on what the media would be and vision and things like that. So I guess my question is, is, you know, are you going to try to tie it somehow to Tarpon Springs, or are you just going to leave it pretty open ended? You know, when the call to artists, I'm hoping that the people that I ask to be on the committee, will be strong and have opinions and that whatever I'm thinking will be completely overridden by people who know a lot better than I do. Okay, so you're intending to kind of, like, flesh it out a little? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Gotcha Okay. That's all. Yeah. The one thing I was wondering about is the honoraria, I think I think giving five of them out of 2000 might be a bit excessive. I think maybe get it down to the final two or 3 or 3 like, well, we're still, you know, you know, I'm tight with the money. I kno, it's just that if you give it to two, then you've got an either or, and that's kind of tough sometimes. But if you have three, then, you have an either or or or you have an either or or or and you know, and the reason that people put down things like five selected artists is because they know that they're going to be negotiated down and, and hope for three. Okay. But you still want to stick with your five at 2000 apiece. No, no, I'm willing to go to three okay. But not to two. I don't think I would say three would be better than two is really advisable I think. Okay then do you want to stick with two. That's kind of high 2000 unless you're asking for maquettes and, no, I know I'm thinking this is going to be a significant piece of art. It's going to occupy, a fair space in the city. It's I think it's selection and execution are going to be important. I think this is going to be a signature piece and so, yeah, I think asking people to do detailed proposals and being prepared to pay for those detailed proposals is going to get us a better solution than otherwise. For that 2000, could we say that we need a like a physical mock up like a physical prototype maquette? Yeah yeah. I think if it's going to be a sculpture, then an art than a sculpture is going to produce a at least something like a balsa wood model. Yeah. You know, and take, but you know, if they and if they live, you know, 5000 miles away, they're going to take, you know, photographs of it and do a 3D walk around of it and things like that for that kind of money. Yes. Okay. Yeah. So excuse me. One of the things I was going to suggest is, you know, when we put the call to artists out for the black heritage Project, you know, the proposals that we got back, we can look back on some of those. The selection. We can. I can give those to the selection committee, and they could kind of see what these different artists with different medium had kind of like given us, you know, to evaluate. And that might help you to, come up with a bullet point list of, you know, for, for this $2,000, this is what we expect you to give us, you know, just to detail it out because I think the, I think that what we get from a placemaking project, if one of those is proposed, you know, where, where the whole space is occupied with something. And I don't know what that would be, I would imagine that that would be a completely different treatment from, say, a sculptural item or, or it could be a combo or something, you know, whimsical. You know, I just don't know. And, Yeah. Diane. Yeah. Excuse me. Diane might be a good idea to send, you know, the quilt artists for the, you know, black heritage project. Everybody just give them an idea. What went out for that one? Yeah, I'd love to check it out. Yeah, yeah. And what we got back is we got Diane and I were dying. I think the last week we got 14 proposals. Yeah. Wow So it's going to be a lot to email. I mean, it's going to be a lot to email. All of those proposals to everybody. But maybe the selection committee can get a copy of them. Whatever. Whoever your selection committee is, you know, kind of thing. What I'm hoping is that we will be able to the selection committee will follow my guidance and put a lot of information, a lot of data, on a website, or a web page under the Tarpon Arts, you know, private part of the tarpon arts. And we just give the URL to, artists so that they can go through all of the documentation, lots of photographs of the site, yeah. Yeah. That's good. And that sort of thing, you know, because there's no point in sending it out to everybody if we can just put it up online and let them access it. Right. It's easy to do. Yeah. Because what we did last time was we sent out a proposal because of course, the call to artists you're paying by the word. So you know, try to keep it very expensive. It's very expensive. So what we did was we created a. You know, a separate PDF that, that. So in other words, if you had an interested artist, they could just request the PDF. Yeah. And then that had the details of you know, it had, you know, the antique photographs, you know, a lot of historical data and that kind of stuff for them to work from. Yeah. So that was one other thing I think that made, you know, a lot more manageable. Right. So yeah, because the well, that's what I'm thinking, you know, something, something like that along those lines, you know, either an addendum. Thank you. Yeah. We created an addendum. So are we going do we need to do a motion or and vote on anything at this point. Well I think we could do a motion to just, well, I ask for approval to continue. And you. Right. We need a roll call. Roll call? We did it. We did a roll call, too. Did we? We're done. Sorry. Okay. We're done. All right. I think we all need we all carry on. We need caffeine. Did we say yes, Megan or. Yes. The last motion was motion to make the harmony in the grove a formal project and take it to the next steps. And it was unanimous. And then you all discussed. Okay. And there were no significant changes, the 5 to 3 for the honorarium. Okay. Yeah. It just a significant change. Yeah. Okay. Okay, and I around 100,000 is still what we're aiming for is 100,000. Okay. Budget wise for. Yeah. Talking points. People. People will also come back and, you know, artists will say, you know, I proposed to do this, but I can only do it for 150 or I can I can bring this in for 75. So we do have wiggle room on the budget. So but you're right. You have to give them a ballpark and maybe in your proposal or call to artists, if you decide that you know you're going to do an allowance for supplies, you know you'll have to decide on that too. If that's over and above the 100,000, or if that's, you know, included in the 100,000, you know, the. Yeah the supplies. I would think that would be included. I would hope so. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Well you never know. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. $100,000 is a lot of money. Yeah I know, but you know, some of these upper tier artists, you know, they have different expectations than. Well, they can ask. Yes. That's right. Yeah. They can ask. Right. They can certainly ask. Right. I approached a very good friend of mine in New York who specializes in African American statuary. She's very well thought of. And I was thinking about her initially to do the Black Heritage Project, and I called her up and we were on the phone for a while, and I told her the budget and took ten minutes to stop laughing. She said, I'd be surprised if you got any, you know, you know, proposals at all because it was, you know, such a low dollar amount. But, you know, it depends on the artist and the project and, you know, that's New York City and this is Tarpon Springs. That's right there. Yeah. Like like I said, I did canvas. I did look online at all of the current open. Calls and, and recently awarded projects. And they, they are all over the map and, and it does depend where you are and cereals. Yeah And what kind of materials you know and how big and so on. You know, there, there are all kinds of inputs to that. And all we can do is, is describe what we have available and, and send it out there. Yep. Right. Another thing we have to consider too is, you know, use of AI and computer graphics and see how that plays into it in terms of cost. Yes Okay. I'm not sure I really want an AI designed thing. Thank you. And I'm hoping that my committee agrees to put into the, the call to artists that AI's need not apply right. All right, Miss Katie, over to you, I'm. I'm all for this project, so. No, no, you're next on the agenda. Oh. New location. Oh, okay. The murals trying to wiggle out of it, No, we are moving on. Yeah yeah, as far as the locations I have sent emails asking him to provide me the departments that I can check with to find these locations. So I'm having to wait until September because he's very busy. Once I bring this back for September's meeting, when I get locations down. Great. Thank you for taking the initiative. I understand how busy he is. And Katie, I will also tell you that on today's, what? Every Wednesday we have staff meeting at 10:00. And Mark did talk to all the directors of all the departments and said please to send if they had any locations on their buildings or whatever that might be feasible. To get those, get that information to him. So I'm sure he'll be in touch. Okay, cool. Thank you. Okay. Always good to know he's paying attention. Yeah. Okay. Can I get a motion to defer Katie's report to September I move. So moved. Second, all in favor? Aye, aye. Katie's in favor? Okay. Staff committee, public comments and announcements. Staff. I just gave you all our current, brochure. If in case you didn't receive one in the mail or whatever, but. And or picked one up at the library or the chamber or the Heritage Museum, and also an invitation to our kickoff party. It's going to be a 70s theme disco, and that's on the 24th. From 1 to 4. We're going to have a live band and refreshments and things like that. So it's really fun, you know, whether you buy tickets or not, it's just a good time. So if you're free, come on by. Okay Megan. Anything? No. Thank you. Okay, Dawn. No I'm. I'm good. I will I'm going to say right off the bat that I'm excited to chair the city clerk, committee, whatever group that I'm putting together. But I will need a little bit of hand-holding. So, I'm open to any and all suggestions, and I'm just going to. I guess I'll just start with Irene Jacobs. But, yeah, that's. That's your best bet. Okay, Graham. Yeah. I have a new theater that's opening to the public for the first time next Thursday evening. Congratulations. Congratulations. Bravo. With a play called, macadamia Nuts by Greg Creutz. It's a lunatic, College farce set in New Englan. And. And it's just crazy. That'll be running for three weeks and so we're having a soft opening on Thursday, August the 22nd. And a, a bit of a whiz bang opening on August the 31st. And, you know, like you all to come and see what we're doing sometime, if you like. Where's it at? It's in Clearwater at the corner of. It's in the Sunset Square shopping center, which is, the corner of, Sunset Point Road and North Highland. What's the name of it? Theater for? Oh, yeah, for as in theater for whatever you like. For whatever. Theater for life. Theater for everyone. August 22nd. Theater for fun. Yes. Yeah. August 22nd. Yeah, I forgot. Yeah. And the website is theater.com. I even had it written down and I forgot. Okay, Katie. Any comments? Well, I have a couple of questions, one was, Megan, you're going to you're going to cross train with, with Irene on that new software for the quick action stuff so she can shoot that to the point where I will learn the civicplus time stamping mechanism. Diane and I are we have everything on the civicplus that you guys can access, but we're still printing everything out for you as well, so it's kind of like double duty a little bit. But I'll still continue to time stamp like these paper minutes. So that you can see where the discussion happens. But I'll figure it out with Irene. And then with that just will entail is that when you go on to the Civicplus, you would find those detailed stamps and all the committees and boards are going and the BOC for that matter, of course, you know, the agendas, everything is going to this new software that we're all, you know, learning how to use. And so that's why when you did receive, you know, the information today, you know how I always put it like separately and everything. And it's very long and lengthy. You have to open every single one. It's nice because if we have all the information ahead of time, we can put it on civicplus and then it puts it, makes it a PDF that you can just scroll through and see everything. And I think that's a lot easier for you to open one, you know, attachment as opposed to ten. Like because we always have a lot of anything that comes in after we put the agenda on Civicplus, then, you know, you'll get another attachment or else we'll bring it to the meeting and put it in your, you know, handout folder, because sometimes we get things, you know, you know, later after we do that. So anyway, that's kind of like the new procedure. And just to add like when Irene said the reason they are so long is that I didn't just make one section, I kept it all consistent, like I wasn't going to just do one conversation and leave one conversation Undetailed so you got it all. Yeah, it'll be a lot easier next month. Katie, you had another question. Yeah Three more. Okay. Hopefully they roll as quick. Diane, you mentioned about Saint Kitts maintenance and the sculptures. So will the sculpture that's on the corner of MLK and Gross on Union Academy property. Will that be maintenanced? Well that is, that's what Saint Kate's does, is they do, you know, they clean them, they do that sort of thing, they don't do the landscaping, the city is responsible for doing the landscaping and any other thing like that. But that's one of the things that I'm going to ask Saint Kate's, because that's not on our maintenance agreement yet. You know this, the sculptures are new now. So as Graham had suggested, is, you know, to, you know, ask them whether they do that type of sculpture because they are they do specialize in bronze, but they do so many different art projects that I'm assuming that that's something that they can do. So I'll contact them today and see, you know, what they're, you know, as far as what that is and then how much it would cost to add that to our, you know, maintenance agreement. Oh, can you say the city, the city maintains the grass? Yes. So is the city on a on a schedule to monitor that grass. They should be, I will check with James about that on a schedule. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Sure. And, Mister Archie, when he was here the last time, he asked for his family pictures to be removed, have they been removed? Yes. They have. Okay. And last but not least, the Rudy project, the, the mural had got damaged, so thank you for bringing that up. I forgot to mention that. Yes, I talked to Mark about that, and I asked him. You know, because it is insured, you know, can we go ahead and get it replaced? He said he would like us to wait until after Hurricane season and everything, because there's so much rain and everything. He's afraid that if they take it off and it just gets a lot of moisture on it, you know, because that was one of the problems with it before, when they were doing the, you know, the Rudy celebration is like they had painted it. And then, you know, it doesn't adhere as much. It's got the paint and everything. The building has got to be cured. So he thought it might be better just to wait until like November, until after the rainy season and everything is over. And hopefully you know, hurricanes, that we go ahead and remove it then and reapply it. And so the city would cover that cost through the insurance. Okay. Yeah Good question. Thank you. I forgot about that. John back to you. Yes I forgot, so when we were talking about the checklist and all that kind of stuff, and we're also talking about different people getting involved, I thought it would be really cool if we could, talk about making a PSA video, about how our committee works, or maybe, you know, city wide, but specifically for us, how the committee works, where you can watch the meetings, how you can make comments and how you can get involved and just like a quick, you know, like a TikTok video, just had some fun stuff, you know, just encouraging people to, you know, there is a place for you to get involved and all that kind of stuff. But just having like a quick, fun PSA and what really made me think of it was Graham talking about his, the, the theater. And, you know, you guys know some actors and all that kind of stuff. So it might be kind of fun to get something together that would have to be done specifically through the city, and that would be a call for, you know, it and all that. We don't have the I don't have the facilities to do videos and things like that. I have this right. Yeah. And so do you. So, you know, you guys could you know, I mean, I'm not talking about anything super produced. I'm talking about very, you know, I think we'd have real proved because, you know, you're sending out something on behalf of the city, so it has to, you know, fit in certain parameters and probably regulations. But it's a nice idea. I mean, but it's like, you know, that I just I would have to get it approved. Whatever. You know, if you wanted to create a script or something. Okay. You know, and, you know, an idea storyboard behind it. We could then I could get it approved. Okay. So if I just before, like, a week or so before next meeting, if I just send you a proposal with the outline and that'd be super. Okay. Thank you. Don. Back to Graham. I think that's a great idea. We, all the committees need volunteers, so if all of them did it, it would be either a complete waste of time or it might be helpful. You never know. And I think this would be helpful. I really do, yes. Yeah, yeah, I forgot to, last month, you said you were going to ask the city attorney about the PAC artist contract. You're going to ask him to review it? Yes. Did you? Thank you. Yes I actually talked to the new city attorney's office last week, and they had questions and answers for us. Megan and I were both on that zoom call. They do have our contract and they are reviewing it, and they're in the process of making edits. Okay. Excellent. Thank you. And, and I had asked you about, using the good offices of Tarpon Arts for recording artist comments, and I'm going to guess. Since you're a theater person, I think you could probably handle that project very well. After you said something to Dawn, I thought, yeah, I know where that's going. So. Okay, I'll I'll just do that then. Awesome. Yeah. Thanks. Thank you. Okay. I'm pretty good. So I'm going to. Giuliana, do you have any comments? Wait, I just have one more suggestion. I think we all need caffeine before these meetings. Oh, exactly, breaking in between to do some leg exercise, get back alive. Okay I just want to. I was here really supporting Jamie from. Because I'm with the Parks and Recreation, committee, so I was just really here supporting him. If he needed you know, because we did discuss the project. So that's all I have. Okay, cool. Okay, great. Thanks A neat project. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Okay unless anything else comes up, our next meeting is going to be Wednesday, September 11th at 2 p.m. Quite an interesting day, really. And meeting's adjourned at 3:27 p.m. Thank you all very much for all your hard work on these projects. Very exciting things going to be happening. Yes there are. Yeah, yeah. Pretty soon after that we'll be broke. Well, that's the purpose of this, right? Yeah. We're supposed to spend it getting new budget so it'll come back. Oh yeah. Yeah. Well I did put, you know.