Public Art Committee of the city of Tarpon Springs. It's Wednesday May 8th 2024 at 2 P.m. and we are in the City hall, second floor media room. Uh, Megan will call the roll, please. Mr Toth here, Miss Christopoulos here, Mr Jones. Here, Miss McGrath. Yeah Miss Arbit here, Miss Taylor, Missals chair Jennings here. And I just wanted to make note that library director carry RALs is here in place of Diane Wood. So welcome, Carrie. Thank you. OK um, Starting with old business. We have our current project. Updates. Uh, the Black Heritage Project. Um yes. You want to have him? Right? That's right. OK? I was just going to make a comment, But go ahead. Um we're gonna go out of order to accommodate Brandon Brandon Crock. Please step up to the plate here. Hello My name is Brandon G. I'm the marketing operations manager for Tarpon Arts. And I'm here to answer any questions you might have about the Google maps Public art project that I've been assisting on. Well, I You know, I did take a look at it. And I guess my only comment is I. I looked at it on my phone and the icons are really microscopic. And they kind of some of them kind of overlap. I was wondering if You know, the probably can't do anything about that. With the constraints of Well, you can, um do the pinch and zoom to zoom in . And then that would make the icons larger. But since the locations are so close, um geographically when you're zoomed far out, and you're looking at an aerial overview of the town, they do tend to overlap, But you can. You can absolve that by zooming in in the closer you get the further apart, they would be but as far as your default view when you click on the link That's what you're gonna see. It's just the general area. Basically what Um Google maps does. Is it kind of Takes It will take an average kind of snapshot that would include all of the locations that are listed on that particular map, and then it will format that map. The best it can to include all of the items. So you know, and tarpon being a small town that's kind of just a side effect of the also the amount of art that we have, too. OK, Uh, Nick, do you have any comments? Um So this is what we're looking at. Correct the squares here And so yes, that is the page before the thing So it basically touch on one of them and go to, uh, you know, call for artists. Touch on this about us. And uh, OK, I see illuminated art boxes, and I suspect there'd be an a map to hit on to go to the places where we have public art. And then I guess it'll be a place to where You touch and actually see the difference things we have, uh, near as public art. Uh, Yeah. Yes He's working on the Google maps right now. So this is the part that that's how it will work. And so one of the boxes on that page should say public art location guide. And then if you were to click that map, then it would take you through to show you the piece right? That That was the image I was talking about, You know about being a little icon being small on the phone? Oh, on that initial image , like, Oh, we can change that to whatever we like. May I? Well, I was gonna I was gonna go down the road, but, uh be do you have any? I'm just kind of looking through it right now. Yeah I mean, in these photos can be updated. You know whenever we want them to right, so like if we get better photos of the of the art we can update that. I mean, it's not that small. You can kind of see what? Oh, yeah. No no. I was talking about the Oh, you talking about that I misunderstood. OK all right. I misunderstood you too. So Yeah. I mean, I haven't had a chance to really fiddle with it. But, you know, OK, You can add subsequent photos I'm saying OK and the Oh so the overview is what we need to create as far as the you know, description, and I had added descriptions that were given to me. Um By Diane Wood. I guess it's whatever you maybe you have on your records for each of the public art pieces, so we just use the general descriptions, which was typically the artist name, uh, the year of the installation if it was available, and then uh, a short text block. Description. OK, Graham Um, Yeah, First of all, um, um, to address what you were concerned with, Um If I may . If you touch the map, the map is a is like a photograph of a map. It's not really a map. If you hit the map, then it takes you off to eventually to a Google map, but you sometimes depending on the time of day, the phase of the moon um and a couple of other variables that I have not yet been able to determine. Sometimes you go through the other part of the tarpon website and you go to another page, which also has a photograph of the map. And eventually you will get to a Google map where they pinch and zoom works. Um if you start doing that before, then it is a complete waste of your time because all you're doing is expanding blurry images. Um apart from that I'm very impressed with the work that you did. I really like it. I think it's a great Um it's a great little project and I thank you for that, and now it's uh it's up to us to expand it. And I think that one of the Main ways that we could expand it fairly readily, is to try to obtain artist statements about each piece. Um Maybe some of the committee or one of the committee could take responsibility for doing that, Um, and get that included, Uh, And, you know, perhaps other photographs as well. But yeah, I think it's great. I love it. Thank you. And just to make a comment about why you have to click through the two pages, so first you would click on the public art tab. And then you would go to the page that Nick had printed out and showed us with the four boxes and one of them being the public art location got, you would click that And then there's a little text description that says, you know, please click on the map below to view Of Tarpon Springs Public Art location guide. So last time I was here as part of my presentation, we had talked about doing what's called embedding the map into the page, where the actual functioning Google map that you could zoom in and out of would be on that Web page. It was not aesthetically very pleasing. The formatting that I created when I built the map in Google maps. Was not carrying over exactly how we had built it. The colors weren't the same. Um it wouldn't show the same limited background . It was showing the full satellite view. So I was looking into why that was happening, and I believe we need to get a license from Google to use, uh, customizable features on our website. So our Web hosting company technology therapy are looking into that for us. So once we hear back from them, we could get some sort of information on pricing, uh, in different available options, but aesthetically it it it was ugly to you know, and this is public art, and we wanted it to look appealing. And we want people to, you know, uh, wanna engage with it and not be turned off when they see this? Box that is, you know it it It just had some, uh, limitations that we didn't like. So that's why, at least in this initial stage, we chose to go with the double click through first to the public art. Three page and then click through to the actual map. Um, so it's just a little background on why it is currently formatted. You know, I didn't wanna put it up there as a representation of the committee and the city and myself and you know, just like I said, I, I personally and dying as well. We just didn't feel that it It was what we wanted to put out there at the moment, you know. You know, the main thing was, I just love it when you When you get there. It's just entertaining. Yes Why am I clicking through again? No I understand. But that is why it is the way it is now, right? Yeah Brendon, I must say thanks for all the effort you did put into this. Uh, For me, it was easy to navigate. I don't know if it's because I really do Google maps on my phone. So I mean, I got there pretty easy and II. I don't know. I was pretty impressed that it for me. It was so easy. Um but we have to take everybody's everybody into consideration. But I agree with Graham. Um, we can obviously expand on this and get the artist statements and we can add more photographs, but I think this is a very good foundation to start off with so Yeah. Thank you for your trouble. You're welcome. Really appreciate it. Yeah. Um, I Will say that when I was doing all the research Google maps was definitely one of the ones that we talked about it just that at the time, it felt like a lot of heavy lifting since we don't have a staff. Um but I think what you've done is great. Um I poked around on it. I liked when I first saw. I was like, Oh, my gosh. All those things are but I clicked on one of them, and then on the side came up a clickable list of each item, which I thought was great. Um, I did, uh, I just wanted to make sure that we are able to add videos as well as photos to each of those. Is that correct? Uh, I don't know Photos. Absolutely And I believe it's unlimited. But video. I haven't tried yet, So I'll have to get back to you on that. Um I'd like to know because we were talking about getting, um, community feedback, and I think that would be a lot easier to get community feedback. Um Or just, you know, people visiting if they could leave a post or, you know, whatever. Uh, we'd probably be a lot Likely to get videos and I think we'd get a better response to videos. But if it's not possible, we can do something else. But that was one question Also, is there a way to, um, because I can see this not just being art committee art, but all the art That's around Tarpon Springs. Is there a way to have like a list of All the art and then maybe separate out the art committee stuff. Is that something that we would be interested in doing kind of as a promotion for what we do or what? Well first I'm sure Carrie's sitting over there for an answer. But you know, the one of the first things you have to deal with. Of course, is copyright, you know and permissions and you know all of that. If something is, you know, privately held You have to get You know the permission like if you wanted to put, you know some work by Lepa rat or even put, you know, I'm sure you could put the museum. But if you want to feature a certain work works you might need Various permission. It is public, but I mean, it's in the public realm, right? So it gets it gets it gets dicey. I mean, aren't in there. Enough public there or copy written? I think it's I think we A head into a walnuts nest. Maybe OK, so you're so what? What I'm hearing is, we're just gonna do the PAC sponsored art We're not doing We're not gonna map just every bit of art. That's one of the reasons why all of our installations are on city property. You know, so you know it. It You know it runs into, you know all kinds of issues. I know many, many years ago, they wanted to put a mural on the side of the FA building and that just created all kinds of issues. So, uh, you know, it's You know, when I was doing the photography full time I sat on a, you know, Copyright committee. And uh, it it's all got all of these nuances, and it's only gotten more complex. With digital imaging and a I and everything else. So you have to kind of tread lightly, you know? You know, a lot of it is available, but so as an individual, I can take a picture of a mural that I'm like. Oh, hey, Look what I saw. But general rule of thumb is a government entity type thing. We can't Whoever clicks the shutter automatically has copyright. Whatever you whenever you take a photo of yourself. Even if it's you know. You know the logo or anything. The photograph itself is automatically copyrighted by the by the maker. Gotcha. OK, Uh, however, You know if somebody wanted to use that image They might not know you hold copyright. So if you have something that's you know, like newsworthy or something that's really spectacular. Then you'd go to the copyright office and have it formally cop copyright. You know, OK, but you'll see, Uh you know, a lot of artists are photographed. Sometimes they will have a You know, when they batch process their work, they'll have, uh I'm sure you know they're still embedded copyright the watermark. Uh, the watermark, not even just the water market. It's embedded into the file. Oh, got you the metadata. Yeah. So, um, to Extend on that a little. Do you have a comment? Well I was gonna ask on that on on her question. What an individual artist. Would us as a government entity be able to get a waiver from each individual artist if they wanted to promote their paper, their artistry to This city can get an individual waiver for each one of those artists. Could uh, the thing is that if you go back and look at the ordinance Uh, when we commission or or purchase an art we met the city automatically owns it. And then you know, like with the NAS and the story time You know, the sculptor Glenna Goodacre has passed away, so I'm sure she's got to trust her in a state or something like that. That would you know, deal with her copyright or permissions, But as I said, you know, I think right now, just to Not burden brand and further. I think we should just stick with our own projects . Also work clicking through Tarpon Art's website to get there, So that's something that is, you know, just by definition , you we're showing what the city is involved in. You can't just randomly put everybody's art and have it come through the city website that well, and I think that's that's one of the That was one of the things that we talked about, Um Months months ago, when we first started talking about this was, it would be nice to be able to have an art walk, not just for our art, but the art in Tarpon Springs, and having it go through the city website might put certain restraints on that and blah, blah, blah. But I think this is a fantastic start. And the things that I'm thinking about are probably years down the road. Um so I think this is a fantastic start of getting what we have what we've worked on and I'm sure that's gonna take us months and months just to get all of that up there, particularly if we're adding More photos and comments and stuff like that, Um, the only other thing is related to the video and, um Are people going to be able to leave comments like just random? Somebody goes to it. And they can leave a comment. Yeah, and they can already do that. They can contribute. Uh, photos, comments reviews, they can share it. It's a live public Google map. Fantastic So we don't have to have somebody that gets the gets the comments and reviews it and puts it on there. I mean, you can. I could give one access if you did want it. If someone on the committee was You could all have it. But right now it goes to the tarp and arts. Uh, Gmail account that created and owns the map. Well I think my vision of it and you know, everybody can say if they agree with us or not, but my vision would be kind of organically to have people be able to comment. However I would like to have somebody gets all snarky or, you know. Inappropriate. We have the ability to Yeah, to moderate it to hide it or whatever. Um Or is there a way to flag? You know, certain terminology, or I don't know if there is, um you know, there are I guess censor kind of technologies like that. I know Facebook has that you can have auto responses and have certain types of messages go to certain folders, but with uh, Google maps. I'm not sure I'd have to find out and get back to you. Well, what I just don't want is for us to have to approve every single comment. We just don't have the personnel for that, Uh, and the bandwidth, So if we can get additional we can put out there saying, Hey, you know, Look around and make your comments. I think that would be a really great way to get the community involved and visitors to put it out there and us not have to, like, go through each individual one. But I think it is important that we have some sort of moderation on it. Maybe once a week or once every two weeks just to make sure Right. You know, we don't have anything untoward on there. I had one other question for you. Um are you gonna, uh, I mentioned it before. I don't know if you had a chance to do it to add the Black Heritage Project that's on the corner of gross and MLK. Will that be added to your onward and upward? I believe it's called. Yeah, it's on there already. Yeah as well as, uh, Steven's other piece on the docks with the rendering, Um, they're both listed on there. OK Yeah, but I think that was called forward and the Rudy and Rudy's on there as well. Yeah Yeah, I saw Rudy on there should be up to date, Um, with all of the public art projects, I think to this point um, at least the ones I was provided. OK, May I revisit now? Yes. And then I. I just noticed I forgot to get the minutes approved. I'm very tired. Go ahead. Sorry Um, I noticed that the, um IARA piece is not there and I assume that's because it was A private project done instead of a contribution to the public art. Committee fund. I don't know That's true. Uh, but the thing is that, uh The city still owns it. Um So that's something that has to be, you know, looked at well, and it's possible that that Diane just said, OK, here's a chunk. Let's see what what that looks like, and we've got a lot more to add. I might find it hard to believe we've added all that stuff in I mean, unless that's all you've been doing for the last month, I you know, there's a lot No, I mean, uh, it was not on the list. I could tell you cause I know which piece you're talking about, Which is the, uh, housing complex. Yes Right. I know exactly where and yeah, that was not included on the list, but I can easily add it, Um, any additions or are pretty simple. At this point, the only one in my memory that was was done on private property in lieu of, you know. And, uh, you know, That actually came up when we were looking to, um, update the ordinance. We made it a lot tighter, so this wouldn't happen again because that was a significant contribution to the, um the art scape of tart springs , and so I think it should be included. If there's a way to do it without upsetting anyone. Yeah, I'd have to go back and look at all the paperwork and see You know? What's happening with it? But, uh, thank you. Yeah, I remember. We even interviewed the artist. She came to the public art meeting, OK? I do have one more question as far as the maintenance and future additions and all that kind of stuff, um to the Google map. Do we know how that's going to be taking place? I mean, is it gonna be handled through your thing and submit it to you? Or is it something that we're gonna handle? Or what if I could make a recommendation on how I would like I'm I'm happy to continue doing it. Um you know, it's built. It's established and at this point, the heavy lifting is over. You know now, like you said, it's maintenance and tweaking things as needed. But, um You know? The photos definitely matter. I don't know if any of you who looked at it noticed that some of the photos when you're not, uh, maximizing it to a full screen, they crop it in interesting ways like a head is cut off in Craig Park, and there's a few others that are just don't look quite right. Right And then when you click on the image, it then displays the full screen image on cropped, you know, So, um, the photo matters that we choose to display And it tends to be better if you have a photo from further back and not a really close up shot because then once it gets formatted in that preview mode, it only you know, focuses on a very specific part of the image, and there's a few that you know, aren't doing them justice. It's cropping off heads . It's cutting off pieces of the artwork. Like I said, Once you click on the image, it will display the full picture. But in the preview mode Um, you know, we just gotta be careful. So you know when you are submitting, uh, additions to the list, you know a picture that's a bit further back. Maybe uh, would be better. You know, we can always add additional photos to and there's still text we're working on for the different pieces, but that would be an easy ask a question about photos. Sure Um, So is there a way to, uh, adjust where that box is previewing on something you say OK, I'd rather unfortunately, not in the Because I was planning on working on slowly over the summer, since I have a little more time doing, you know better photos of the stuff as I can and get around town. Um so, um, But, yeah, I just didn't know if there was a way to adjust that. So in the initial back, uh, does it tend to take the top or the bottom? Do you realize it tends in from my memory? It tends to push it down, at least on the ones that we've had issues with, like the heads are getting cut off of statues. I So I know on like YouTube. You can take a thumbnail. And you say this is the preview that I want to have is, Does it have a feature like that where we can take the proper sizing? Unfortunately not . So what it does is, you'll upload your initial image and you know you can upload infinite numbers of pictures for any of our locations, but the one that is displayed first, in the order of, uh, the You know, the order of photos that's gonna be taken and used as Your preview and it must use some sort of a I or you know for, you know, general formatting to then make it fit the box. That is then the preview photo. You know, so we could just make sure that we provide the properly formatted the size. And so maybe the first is just the size of the preview, right? OK Yeah, we could do that, and I would be happy to go through and manually crop those into whatever I might as well Yeah, yeah. I pick their heads off. I can take their heads off myself. And then, um Did have one more request kind of recommend. So with the, um text formatting as well. It's very hard to format. The text inside of the, um input box in Google maps you know you have. It's very tricky to get even the simplest thing like adding a space between paragraphs right cause you know it'll look fine in the description box. Then you click save, and then you know you have double indent and triple spaces. It's very strange. I don't I don't understand it, but it's very tricky to get right. So if you could send me the text in whatever formatting you would like it displayed in with the space, you know the proper spacing and yes, And then if I copy and paste it from a word document into the box, it seems to display fine. But if I have to format it in the actual text box, it's a disaster. Yeah Yeah, so those two they're both kind of formatting issues. Um, with the copy. You know the descriptions and then the actual photography that's gonna be displayed. Okay, everybody, uh Happy with this. Thank you very much, Brandon. You're welcome. Thank you, Brandon. Thanks for all your all the work. Yeah, OK. Um Joan, the idiot. Mr Uh, the approval of the meeting minutes. I trust everybody had a chance to read them. Can I get a motion to accept there was a Motion to accept motion to accept. So moved. Thank you. No you move to accept. OK, Thank you, Nick. So I moved. OK now make your correction. OK? I see. Yeah. Um Trying to find it here somewhere in this pile, but, uh, it referred to on the Rudy Project. It had their, um, you know, in the Dorset Park project here on on number four, and it just said April 27th at the Dorset Park Rudy Dorset celebration, So it was kind of the wording was confusing. It's you know, Calvin Rudy Royal is who that was right for, But yeah, I saw that. OK, So do the So it should be Dorset Park Rudy Royal celebration. Rudy Boyle. Mhm, OK? Good catch, Nick. Yeah. OK? Anything else? I think that was Um All right, well in favor of accepting the minutes as amended. Aye, aye. OK, any opposed? OK minutes accepted as amended. OK the Black Heritage Project update and signage. Um because there's been so much back and forth with Steven and everybody else. Um and executive decision was made by city manager Las that something going forward. The project will be overseen by the city. So it's uh City manager Lacore and his second in command at the moment, which is Fire rescue chief Scott Young. So all of Steven's reports and updates have been have been going through them. OK, so, um I got, uh I was Diane and I were CC on the last, uh, communication. Um Steven went over to the Cap center location and, uh, finished filing down the sharp edges that were an issue. And um , that seems to be resolved to everybody's satisfaction. And he indicated that the, um Sponge docks. Installation would be finished by the end of May. So I think we should all have a huge party when it's done. OK this has only been dragging on for four years. OK Um, the signage? Uh, I don't know why this ended up back in here. But um, to the best of my knowledge, the simple signage was approved. Does anybody have any I believe you're correct. Right OK, So if you could just make a note of that to make the You know, have the sign made with that. You know, just the You know the art you know pretty much what Brendan said the art You know, the artist the installation, like the white signs by the cat. And uh, yeah, we approved the, um the wording. Uh, the last meeting OK the, uh Dorset Park Mural honoring coach Rudy Royal. Uh, there's a handout. Um you guys did a nice job of laying it out. Of the Of the Flyer for it. The, uh, mural is installed. Uh the guest speakers and, um We did. Uh the artist presented a, um, oil painting. To be presented to the royal family. And I have to say, frankly, I found it was very disappointing. Because it did not look anything like the actual mural. The background was all computer generated, and that was all dropped off the painting. It was just the three The three painted figures and You know, uh You know, if you look in your backup, he presented, um Receipts for $268 for Canvas and some oils. You know he's got everything. Uh you know, I know things have gone up but $58 for a Canvas. Anyway It's all stuff. But anyway, the his total expenses came to Um Uh, 100 and $83, and we paid them 300. So Oh, a little annoyed, but anyway. Um We dealt with the virtual tour guide and the QR codes. Oh may I have a comment about that? Certainly I was there with many other members of the Public Art committee. And um and I, too, found the Of the actual oil painting as presented, um, somewhat embarrassing. I Mhm. You know, didn't really want to be associated with it because it did not look like the mural. And I just wanted to express my Disappointment. That the artist did that to us. We have a photo of that. No no, I think Diane may have taken one. Yeah I saw it as well. It is literally just the three figures it was it was. It was no background whatsoever the whole because the background was obviously computer generated , which we were discussing the whole time and, uh, He just saw fit to just drop it off. So it was basically a white canvas. With the softball player, the baseball player and the basketball player. That was it. It was You know the lettering was missing. It was incomplete. No, is it Maybe psychologically. One of the reasons I didn't get a picture of it was because I was so upset with it. But anyway, uh, you know, it was done as a tribute to the family, and, uh, it was presented to the family and as I said, you know, it didn't like, make us you know, look very good. So Um OK, well, John, can I mention something on that? Sure, Um, was this canvas presented to the council before? What did anybody see that? It was dropped off with Diane just before the presentation. But did Nick see it all? It was like it was dropped off the day before the park dedication at Diane's office. So nobody had a chance. Nobody had a chance to say it. She She dropped it off at my house on Friday late Friday afternoon. When I looked in the she had it. He had it in a bag. When I looked in the bag, I almost fell over. And I brought it to the you know to the park. And, um You know, I showed it to everybody on the committee, and I think they were all You know, found it pretty upsetting. You know when you when you when you go to all the trouble and expense that we did to honor member, the community And the artist is supposed to, you know. Do a piece that represents that, you know, honor. You know to this person. And it's in. It's incomplete. It's inferior. You know? Uh, as I said, I was just disappointed. I mean, couldn't the entire design that he created for the mural just have been printed on a smaller canvas to give to the that could have easily That would have been better. I was about to say that could have happened as well that we could have done that. Sure but what we wanted was an original piece of art rather than something printed. That's what we paid for. You know, as as so that we could present that as a tribute, and, um And it was Incomplete. Very disappointing. Can anything be done about it? Could ask him to redo it, but he's already been. You'd have to ask him to be redo it. Then maybe we should address that. Because it the thing is I. I asked to see the contract and there's a Clauses in the contract. Where it says that I believe if Uh, Any papers. So little time. Um I highlighted it here. OK uh, 9.4 any work or material that is found to be defective or deficient? Uh, the artists will correct it promptly after receipt of a written notice. From the city from the city. Well, we're Basically in lieu of the city, so We could conceivably ask him. To You know, uh Redo the image so that it reflects the mural. Yeah. I think we should Yeah, I'm definitely in favor of writing a letter to him. OK, So would you like to make a motion to that effect? I Move that the public Art Committee Over the signature of its chairperson. Right to the artist on the Rudy Project. To Improve or replace the artwork that was presented To the family. So that it more closely resembles the actual mural installation. OK? Do I have a second? Second. Thank you. Biba discussion. II. I would Amend the motion to say not closely resemble, but Realistically resemble. OK, I would. I would, uh, think that you might want to put a time frame in there. Um, contract says he has two years. Well The thing is that it's well No, the You know, the con says. Timely manner right if it's found defective. Are we always speaking about a canvas? I mean, promptly if you think about the size. Gosh, when I think about how long I take to do the painting that you right, you know, he'd basically just you know, I think we've all done it, you know? Just take that issue and have it printed on canvas. Yeah. You know, just so that the family would have an accurate representation of the actual mural. Yeah. I mean it. You know, they already had the original painting of the figures such as they are. So You know, at at least I think that, uh You know, we could make the gesture even if it's You know, digitally printed on canvas to Present them with the actual image. And be like 30 days before the next meeting or something. Yeah, well , I mean, we could we could give them a time limit because I Go back. Yeah the contract. I'm sorry. The contract says promptly and um and we have two years to complain about it. How to complain about it, and I might suggest Joan Diane's back for vacation tomorrow. If you want to coordinate with her in case there are any, um, right. Um Legal issues, timing or anything to get worked out since she was involved with this Right, OK. Well, I mean, This is all digital art. Well if you recall, I've been kind of squawking about this since the inception because I mean, I'm looking at this close up here from March meeting. Um yeah, that's That is a I know exactly how that happens. You take a photo and you put it in illustrator and you ask for an auto trace. And that's what you get, particularly with text. Right? I mean, it could have been completely digitally generated. And maybe that's the issue here is that maybe the artist Is a digital artist and cannot really paint very well. And so you ask him for a painting. It's not really his wheelhouse. I'm I'm not. I don't know that it's not. I'm just saying that there's a possibility. That if that is real house, then tried to create something that he really wasn't proficient at. Um that is a possibility, and that's why it turned out like it turned out. So if he is someone that is, I mean, I've said many students that can paint away on a computer because there's that's how their brain works, but they can't put a you know paint on canvas to save their life, you know, so because that's that's how their generation works, right. So if he is someone that works digitally and Doesn't really paint very well and he tried to do something because we asked him for original piece of art, and it's not really what he does, then that could be a reason why it's not Living up to Living up to standard. So if he has a digital artist, then he should be able to just take that piece and print it on a canvas, a canvas as it is to produce something or efficient. That would be fine, too. The Um. I hate to do could or should have would, But it would have been, you know, Had he been a digital artist and not Um, able to do it the other way. Then Perhaps it would have been better had he said. So thank you. Yeah instead of just trying to do it, and I don't know if that's the case. Like I said, I'm just neither do I. You know, I don't know the artist or the I didn't see the original piece that you all saw. So even if he had presented with us with what we are now, asking for With a letter saying, you know this rep. You know, recreates the mural, blah, blah, blah. Even that would have been acceptable, but, uh You know, Uh , as I said, OK, so I will. Thank you. Carrie, I'll I'll talk to Diane tomorrow. Yeah. Uh, call a question. Certainly thank you. You're welcome. I gonna vote on that motion? Uh yes. Um All in favor. Of contacting the artist to, uh Present a Accurate reproduction of the Rudy Merrill for presentation to the family. Say I. I Any opposed. OK? Thats unanimous. OK, the Bahamian Sponge project. Um have that on pause until June. Remember right? That's unpleasant until June, Uh, CR a mural project. Megan, I gather We don't have anything. In the hopper on that, Uh, yes, Per Karen lemons. There's no um submissions. Uh, city Clerk building. As you see, it's soaring into being I pray one of these days, right? OK OK, Megan, Back to you for the budget update. Sure Uh, Pat McNeice reported a Pac fund contribution. Um that will be coming in, um, from the RO plant Solar panel Project for $13,381. Um, the projected Oh, we've From the beginning of the fiscal year through May 8th Today we have spent $15,690 So our projected balance as of today is 194,260. OK? And that's uh, the last installment on Stevens is still outstanding, right? Yes, we have not. Paid for the way finding piece or the his final payment. Yeah, and the small signage Right? Right, OK. Um new business. The Mary Sanford statue. I think there was, uh, some backup in your materials. Uh, we received, uh, an email from Doctor. Elizabeth Coachman, who has written a book about Mary Safford. Um Dated April 24th and, um The, uh. Doctor Coachman has written a book about Mary's, uh, Safford. She was really an extraordinary individual. She was one of the founders of Tarpon Springs. She was a champion of women's rights, racial equality. And other progressive reforms. Um She came to Tarpon Springs in 1882 and was one of the first, um women physicians. She's buried here in Cicada Cemetery. And she's really just an amazing person. So I think we should take this under consideration and the one thing I would also like to bring up for discussion is, uh, as we all know, statues can be problematic. So I think I'd like to Discuss Changing first, whether we want to do this and be if we want to change the word statute to, uh, a Possible alternative art form. OK? Um Can I speak to that? Like to make a motion first. We usually do a motion a second, then a discussion. Um I move that the committee consider Uh, a Memorial to Doctor. Mary Jane Safford to be installed on the grounds of the Stafford House Museum. OK? Get a second. Thank you. Now we can discuss I like the memorial. It was very I was searching for the vague idea. Um yeah, Well, first of all, um, I'd like to take that project on. I am. Familiar with Dr Stafford's life story. And, uh, And it's sort of thing. You know, because of that of that familiarity, it's right in my wheelhouse to, um, understand what an artist is going to Um, produce and to your Um Concern about the long term viability of bronze statuary and the cost of maintenance and Um and longevity and so on. Because we don't make bronze statues, uh, like Rodin did anymore. Um Yeah, There are a number of options I find when I. I saw this was going to be on the agenda. II. I started doing some research. There are Excuse you for a minute. You may OK? Uh, I'm going to do something nasty to a very beloved member of our committee. I think you have a full plate with the art boxes. And this is a huge project to take on So, Sonia, would you like to take over the art boxes? Yeah, OK, OK. Good OK , you're off the hook. Now you're on this project. Graham. Poor thing. Um I'll hand it all over to you gladly. Um Yeah. The, uh There are a number of things to consider. There are many companies. In the US these days. That specialize in memorial statues. And um, and the going price for A lost wax casting to your specification done by one of their in house artists from photographs that you provide varies according to the size of the piece from 10 to $25,000. Right Um, which is very reasonable. You get an original piece. They promised not to copy it and do other things with it. Um Or alternatively, you can find yourself an artist who will do a similar Piece. Same material. Same everything for anything from $100,000 up. Um if you want a famous artist you're talking, You know anything from half a million dollars up. I You know if you want somebody with a name Um, there are all sorts of other possibilities You can get. Um Uh, synthetic materials instead of bronze. Um And there are people who specialize in that or artists that that like to work that way you can get. Um you know, you could have it done in wood. For goodness sake, um, with a chainsaw, or you know, delicately carved with with You know, um You know, with with with with proper wood carving tools, and they're all kinds of things that you can do The Crime driver. Seems to me to be how much you want to spend. Oh, yeah. Well, Mister Jones. Since you are have taken this over. I think Usually the first process you've we've already dealt with which is the A firm location, which would be the Safford House, OK? And, uh, so that's That's done. Uh Secondly, you're seems like you're already on your way with this is to you know, discuss. Various methods of creating the statue. You know, coming up, so coming up with some kind of ballpark budget, right? But this this is where I was going with that is that um you know is realistically we should be asking for something north of $25,000. Uh, the Willingness of the committee to go to the board of Commissioners and ask for, say, $100,000 would indicate one kind of approach and for you know, 25, or $30,000 would indicate a different kind of approach. So I would like to get some feedback from the committee members as to how deep their pockets are. Um I had a question. Just in general. Given the nature of this this is The public art Committee or the city , or anybody ever solicit grants from organizations like women, physicians or anything like that for something that they might find appropriate as well? Is that something that we're allowed to do? Have we ever done? It Is it not allowed? We are absolutely allowed to do that under the terms of the ordinance, OK. The catch, however, is Uh, I know a lot of people who To, you know, give grants for different projects. But more often than not, they're restricted to 501 C three S. Oh, So you know there there are there are, as Graham said, Yes, there are grant opportunities and we can accept them. We can take private philanthropy. You know if somebody from her family comes along and says, you know, Well, look, I think this is a great idea. She was grandma. Whatever you know, we'll give you $25,000 toward the project. That's a lot. You know, That's Fantastic, but, um You know, I have a good friend who was, you know? Sort of dangling all of this grant money in front of me, and, uh, You know, I couldn't take advantage of it because it had to be a 501 C three. OK A lot of a lot of charities and philanthropies will make that specification. I wonder if the women's associations He did. I don't know, I. I was just I was just wondering as a point in case given her, um you know history. Uh, it was very impressive. And you know, we're also talking about a statue for the Bahamian, and we're kind of gonna run into the same questions about you know, funding and how much and all that kind of stuff I was just it was I was just curious if we could approach you know if we had the ability to accept or an approach, uh, organizations that might, you know, increase the funding that we have available. I think the In short, the answer to that is yes. Um as long as they understand that they don't receive any Um Uh, any any tax benefit? Mhm. We're not a nonprofit Yeah, And that's usually one of the city. So yeah. That's usually one of the reasons why they will only make a contribution to a 501 C three because it's a quid pro quote. Got you for a tax write off with the tax. Got it? Yeah, they'd much rather give pret dollars than post tax right. I do it and my husband does it. I don't do it, but my husband does it all the time at work, So OK, alright. I'm sorry for the aside. I was just curious about the to, uh to look for, you know, Go find free money. Yeah, for This. You don't care about taxes to be wonderful thing. Yeah, Somebody just gave the leap of rat or a million Yes. Well there is that billionaire who was trying to give away all his money. I mean, I would spend it. Yeah. Yeah Um, so the Nigerian prince, do you remember that? So? So I was wondering if anyone on the committee has, uh, any, um, Anything to say about a number? Well, first. As I said, I'm very, very tired today. Did we even approve doing this project? We're still in discussion. Discussion OK, fine. So do we have a kind of a historical reference of what we have spent in the past on sculptures? And like what? What is typical We have The only Representational sculptures we have are the NAS and the, uh, story time which were purchased they weren't commissioned. OK a former member of the Public Art Committee had an in with a gallery. I think it was in Miami and we were able to get a very good purchase Price Do do you remember what those prices were? I think Five pieces came to 187,000. Which was an absolute bargain for five pieces. Yeah. But uh so can I ask some questions? All right? Absolutely. Um Cause we're bouncing around instead of going down the line. Um OK, so I think to give a dollar amount. Uh, there has to be some reference to what I you know, Gram you said you've done some looking into preliminary preliminary right of you know this option that option. Without Um, you know, probably most of us are visual. Art committee. Like I need to know what is 10 grand? Get me and what is 50 grand? Get me And what is 100 grand? Get me before I can give you a number right? I'm more than willing to come back next month, right? Of course, with a spreadsheet of what you can get for one right And with photos. With pictures. I need pictures. And you mentioned wax. It's I mean, it was like wax. That's a traditional method for doing bronze statues. You you create a small you know, you create something this big and you make a wax mold of it, And somehow they somehow they're not. And he's a medal drinker you to the plaster first and then put, you know OK, there's the, uh Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. You probably grant you you probably called the place in Orlando. Or just outside of which is a very nice foundry. I've been there and all, uh, with some ideas on for projects. And all and they do, they'll work they have in house artists and they'll do And if you're an artist, you can go in there and they'll work with you either way, and all and I looked at the quality of their work there. And it was it was, uh, you know, it's been probably 10 years since I was there, but it was a very high standard of work. But the owner took me through the entire I, You know they'll you know there and you tell them who you are, and they'll take you on a tour and show you exactly how it's fascinating. I went to one of some of the pieces are quite large and stuff that going into that I saw were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and they were They were doing, but, uh, a friend of mine did a huge, you know, Because unless, you know, uh There have to be these kinds of places unless you're doing all this on your own. And then what a lot of artists do is, have it cast and done outside, like in South America or somewhere in Brazil, or somewhere else have the, uh uh, the work done and then shipped back. Uh, I Yeah, but I. I like the idea of using, um, a local foundry or as near local as we can get right there in Orlando and, um You know? No, I understand There could be a lot of communication. You know the treatment? Yeah. Yes. Yeah Also, you know, uh, I know it sounds odd, but I also have another friend who's a pretty well known good selling sculptor. She shows it art basil. And one of her pieces was in a Rihanna commercial, and she people wanna buy her work and they can't afford the marble. So she she reproduces them, Uh, using 3D printing. Yeah, So that's that's seen lots of resin now smaller, But you know there's plaster, and then there's resin, and there's all kinds of sassy material these days. You can use metal centering in a 3D printer, too, which is really interesting , and they make tennis shoes with 3D printers. These days, it's crazy. Well, a friend of mine had her skull replaced using 3D printer. It's amazing. They They removed a portion of her skull and they They were, you know, they they copied it in plastic and put it back. Well, bizarre. Um well, OK, so we have a motion to second in a discussion. Um I think we'll call, you know, Call the question. Yes Um, I think for this one since it's a pretty big deal, Megan, you wanna do a roll call vote. Oh, what do we what? Voting on the doing this Mary Stafford. OK we're going to accept right consideration of doing this project move for the committee to consider a memorial to Dr Mary Jane Safford to be installed on the grounds of the Stafford House Museum. Uh, Mr Toth. Yes. Miss Christopoulos. Mr Jones? Yes, Miss McGrath? Yes. Chair. Jennings. Yes. OK? And I will also, um Entertain emotion to make Graham The chair of this committee and responsible for researching costs, methods and Putting together a selection panel. So, um Something like this. Need a selection panel? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah it's got you've got to take it to that next step. It's You know, we did that with the Black Heritage Project whenever you've got Yeah. No you You need people that are, you know, truly truly, experts in you know the met a number of different fields, but I have to come back to the committee next month with a range of options, including how much money we prepared to spend for different options. And once the committee has chosen an option or rejected all of them Um, then, uh, I would go and form a committee and bring that back the following month, right? And once that committee is formed and approved, then I would ask the board of commissioners, um, for the approval to go ahead at that point, right? It's kind of Intricate, But yes, that's what I wanted to ask you and I was just to that we needed to present this to the board of commissioners, right? OK. Yeah, we can. We can do projects. You know, like we did the Rudy mural We can do projects under $15,000. Without getting a commission approval. I guess that's everything over 15,000 if it's 15,000, or $1, the board of commissioners have to approve and that's in the ordinance. And Historically, they don't approve things unless they have lots of information, right? So it's in our own interest to Get everything together first before asking, Otherwise they just send it back and say, Get more information right? It's got to be presented to them as a Pretty much a done deal, you know, Except And then you'd you'd wanna go do a quilt to artists and all that other fun stuff. As I said, You know, the other one took four years. I don't think this will be take that long. But I wanna live to see this. Can I ask a question? Sure I know. The Bahamian sponger has been put on hold until June, but the Mayor Stafford project was second to that. But now the Mars project, there's a location. There's a firm location. Yeah, I understand that, but that's as far as the movement I like. Um, I like to see I entertained by The movement of this project how fast it came together. That's perfect. That's what I would have like to see for the Rudy Project, not the Rudy Project, but the Bahamian, But I know Bieber has been very tied up. So now being at the Mary savor project has been stepped up up up in front of it. Um will the Bahamian will the Bohemian project be presented to the board? Can it be budget wise Presented to the board when you do the Mary S project, so you you'd have to have all the six months to a year later. You have to have all your ducks in a row like he has to have all the ducks in a row. You have to have a location, the biggest the biggest issue with the with the Sponge statue is the location. UN stand apart, but that could be that can be rectified by when Bieber get to the park P part with the panel, and they start doing a little in detail, work as to study where it can go, so that that's down the line, but I'm concerned about it being part of the budget when you put me on the table, because if you don't put it on the table at the same time budget, you know, we wanna make sure that we're leaving aside the budget for the other. Mentally when and I had? Yeah, I had that on my mind. This is May I speak to that? The this is entirely up to the next meeting of the Public Art Committee. When I come back with my range of proposals that you can accept or reject or modify as the arts content, then that is the point at which you decide how much money you want to allocate to that particular project versus money that you want to reserve. For other projects. OK right and then that's what you have to get approved by the commission. And frankly, some of Graham's research might help the other projects. Yeah, you can take me back while Do a lot of the leg work. Well yes. You know, Bronze is a bronze is so that actually might, you know, Let's say be with some work on the materials. Yeah maybe I'll just wait until she's done. There you go. Too late too late. OK I think everybody has their homework assignments and, um I'd have to check with Diane. But even with sunshine, I don't think there's any problem with handing you off the stuff about the process for selecting the illuminated art boxes. But, uh, Megan, could you check? Just check with her? Um yes. So Uh uh, You know, it's informational Exchange. It's you know, it's not something You know? We vote on the individual selections, but the easiest way to go around that is the gram sends it to Diane. Diane sends it to Yeah, there's no uh, what it is, is a series of files some historical information. A um, A how to and some contact information. And with her. I send that. First to Diane and then She sends it to Sonia or the easiest thing to do it on a thumb drive, and I walk it down to the Um, Heritage Museum and Diane You there as well. It really doesn't think it clean. If everything goes through, Diane, I Yeah. All right, Dawn, you're up. Did you have a new business at? We were how we OK, we're next with, uh, the Miro mosaic project on within your backup. OK Yeah. Um So I saw this thing on Facebook. It looked really fun and cool. And I love these kind of I remember just a little bit of context. But I remember a long, long time ago. I babysat at this house that had this picture, and it was Abraham Lincoln's head, but it was made up of much smaller pictures. It's by Probably Dolly Dolly, Right? And um it always fascinated me so that when I saw this project come up, it kind of took me back there. And so I actually signed up to do a tile and I can show you that, uh, what I got, and so I got this little packet. And it came through Canada. And but it's a little canvas and they have here your your color palette. And they say, you know, this needs to be most of the colors and this needs to be your your highlight colors and they give you the paint and the paintbrush is a little tiny easel. It's super cute. Um And, uh, it what it is, is it goes into a large Mural like this. Oh cool, so they they put together. That's why they tell you what the colors need to be like predominantly, and they are individually by an artist put together. Into a mural, and it's done digitally. So when I get this done, uh, you can see on this side I've put put it there and I take a picture and I send it to him. So I get to keep that, but, um then they sent me an email saying, Hey, we're looking for places. To put these murals, so if you want to be considered, and, um me being You know, ask Forgiveness rather than permission. I went ahead and sent a thing saying, Hey, you know, I'm on the public Art committee. I think it would be great for Tarpon Springs, blah, blah, blah. Now I haven't heard back from them. But I wanted to pret that because things move fairly quickly And, uh, you can see I. I gave you this printout. Just showing some of the you know logistics of it. One of the things that I was excited about was the 50 tile kits that we get for participants, So I thought that it would be a really neat way. To get the community involved in doing this as well. So you can paint anything you want. Now it has to be approved by you know the people putting it together, But you can paint any subject matter you want so if we gave, you know 50 participants and said, Hey, you know, paint something of Tarpon Springs and we had it here. I thought it would be really neat. So at this point it Carrie, This almost sounds like a library project. Oh, yeah. Well um, I mean, it's something I don't know how he does it, but it's so cool. I'm gonna pass around and it's small and you can look It up online, but, um, you can take a look first, but that's a very small picture of ones that have been done in the past. And it's also on your print out like this is this little picture mural looks like It's already been decided. It's that they do it. It's a America. It's all these little. It's America it in a photo that we would want your neural Yeah. I mean, it's just a general celebrating America kind of thing. Um and it's just a way for us to You know, have a community involvement kind of and worldwide like they, uh, at the bottom of the thing that is or middle it says that they have, uh Um A small, celebratory moment to The mural it's attended by mural participants in the media could be some really good, you know, publicity for public art in general in Tarpon Springs, and you know different people who have tiles in it will want to come and visit. I don't I'm not sure exactly how many tiles but it looks like a lot. Um so anyway, at this point, Like I said, I haven't heard back from them. I just wanted to put this in front of the committee and see if we are on the short list is this something that We would be interested in doing our our, uh, cost would be, uh, the installation. We wouldn't have to put they're they're gonna provide a large thing and we would pay for the installation. And it could be, however little or much as we want. It says in here if you decide you want to put a frame around it or other enhancements around it, then you can. The other restriction is that has to be in place for two years minimum two years. It could be moved after two years. Yeah um, and they said it could last 10 years it's made to last 10 years, although a lot of them last more and not, uh, East facing Belfast South facing not a south facing, um so there's a very few restrictions. There's also some, um Some time frame. Uh stuff, but, uh, I didn't see anything that would That were preclude us from doing it. So I was just wanting to kind of get it in front of the committee. Since I did already say Hey, we're interested. Um and it's entirely possible we won't even be on the short list. The other There may be a lot more, you know? Famous places or whatever, but In case we are. I wanted to have it in front of the committee and see if it's something maybe we could do a Mhm, you know. A vote on it. We would be interested. If we're shortlisted. I don't know if that's too iffy for emotion or whatever, but wanted to put it out there, and I think it's really kind of neat. So, um Motion to consider Yeah. A motion to consider the mural Mosaic. I thick enough. Thank you, Sonia. Now a discussion. Um . Nick needs new project Now that the Rudy thing is done. And Bieber has successfully delayed implementation of hers. Um What's your point, Graham? I. I think it'd be kind of fun to find A, um, a city owned wall where we could whack a 12 ft by 24 FT Mural like this, Um For you know some some And Springs related. Uh, thing, you know, that wouldn't cost us. $650,000 to buy a Christopher still to put there well long ago and far away in the distant past. We had a lot of, uh Projects that sort of Died on the vine, and they were, um all kinds of different walls on buildings on the on Sunset Beach. Mhm. Um and there was even even talk and again, it it It never made it to fruition. Uh, the backdrop of the, um Gazebo. Mhm. What about behind? You Know the tennis courts at Craig Park where you have that ball? Where you practice game? What's on the other side of that wall? I It might look nice there with all the trees and things and there's some trees in front of it. They're at the wall. I'm very familiar with the tennis wall and all but I never really thought about that. And Um, you know, the stability of that wall is very old. Uh, And I'm just wondering how tile would adhere. You know to that, Because it's got plaster. You can tiles it would be. It's going to be like the Crystal and the Rudy project . Yeah, OK, See, I'm not really following OK, but if you look it's really tiny, But if you look at it, you can see all the little Bs these blocks. Yes So what happens is each artist does one of those little blocks and they're put together, but they send in a digital. It's all done digitally, right? Oh, And then you sense so each one of those bags has a pallet, right? So if you need right six spot six, But yeah, and it says on the on the thing if you look at the fourth bullet point for the handout, it says the mural produced with vinyl on aluminum composite and UV coded, just trying to figure out what they meant by that, But we were talking about tiles and I'm looking at tiles and I'm not feeling this. Yeah So, um, But yeah, when I When I get done, I send in a high res. Digital image of my tile and everybody who works on it sends in a high res digital and the artist, you know, moves them around and places them how they're going to fit in the mural to make the ultimate big picture. Um and then they that once that's done, then they produce it on the big composite one and send it to you and then we would be responsible for installation costs. Which is a fixing a big, big panel to very large panel, I guess. 1212 by 24. Yeah, 10 by 20. That's a decent size. Well shall we table this until the next meeting and you know, maybe come up with some locations. Are we on a on a time? First of all, why don't we wait and get an email back that we would be considered because otherwise, why are we wasting our time looking for? Well well, and all I wanted to know was if I between now and the next meeting if I get an email back, saying, Yeah, you're on the short list. Here's the additional information we need. Am I able to respond to that? Is that something we're interested in? Because I don't wanna waste Anybody's time. If we get it, It's not something we're interested in and again. I don't think we should have to worry about a location until we are on the short list, which may never happen. I just wanted to have the authority to move forward if we're selected It's very iffy. I know. But no, I think you know it's a simple email. You can follow up on it and, you know, bring it to the next meeting, and we'll we'll table it until then. Until you're here, OK, OK. Sounds good. All right, so Um, state comments. We have new business. I don't know what this New business. Yeah, we did new business. Yeah, This was new business. OK, so I can make my comment now. Not yet first to staff First of staff. Um, the final weekend of always the bridesmaid at the Cultural Center is this weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And I hope all you mothers have a happy Mother's day. Thank you. OK committee comments. Anybody. I'm letting anybody Oh, I'm sorry. I have one more. Uh oh. And please support Joan at the BOC meeting on May 25th 25th. When she presents the pack Annual report. No tomatoes, please. Although I am very good at getting food stains out of my clothes being a pro at it, Uh, OK, committee anybody Skating. Yeah I do. That May 25th is when you're gonna be downstairs. OK I'm gonna put on my calendar. I uh, attended a parks and rec meeting of, um last month and in it was the tail end of last month in our meeting, but I think it kind of got overlooked The parks and rec is talking about doing a mural. They wanna do a mural for the side of the building. So I was Asking about us. You know? How do y'all feel about doing that as a project, But I just noticed one of the board members in the house. So maybe at public comment. I can All right. Excellent Uh, I also had a question. Um I have come across a couple of artists that, um That you know, I want to see about maybe proposing. Some projects, and I printed out this the form for the over $1000. Is that the information that I would need from them or have just give them to them and say, Hey, OK, perfect. And that's that's all I would need and again if you have any questions, go ask Diana. Megan Everything Go goes to them. Perfect Awesome . Thank you. OK can I interrupt the BOC meeting is Tuesday May 28th 28, I think sorry, OK? 28 OK? Got three more days. OK, Juliana, do you wanna make say anything? Yeah. Everybody y'all doing? We still need you at the lectern with your OK? OK and we have a as you know, four minute limit. Yes ma'am. I can do that. Not a girl. Oh good evening. Um I have several things. Questions I have Juliana. Just uh, for routine. Could you just state your name and address Juliana Day? 413 East Oakwood Street Topping Springs, Florida. Thank you. OK, I have, um The mirror. One thing I want to comment on the mural at at, um the UM, Union Academy Family Center is the ground under. I don't know if you all have anything to do with the ground around it. Um OK? So that's a city issue. Public works public work issue, OK. I know it's on there. Uh, landscaping is on their agenda. Uh huh. So I don't I don't believe it's done yet, but I have been in touch with city manager Laurus. And they have a lot of nice plans for fixing up all of the landscaping and the grounds around it. OK, also, um The fence itself. The mural itself is there I know the slacks in it. Is there anything because some of the pictures are cut off one is they got he put a new picture of a person on there, and he is Cut in half. So it's hard to figure out who he is. Because he's that's like a part of you just got arms and kind of an artist. Prerogative. I don't know what they tell you. Yeah. Kind of scary. Yeah, OK. Could are you? Are you just wanting to know who it is? Or you're you're saying that it's scary like the way Oh, OK, OK, because he's chopped up because he's chopped up. Got you got you OK? Just like you say with the other picture. It's like, Mm Mm. Ok OK, Another thing I want to. I like the tile thing. I was writing down three places where I can get chairs to do it. OK I'm ready. OK, I did something like that in our midst. I did. I did something, Joan like this at the Cap center. When I used to work there, I brought art to the Children's and I brought it in. They call space art. That's why I take little ribbons and wrap around little canvases. Big canvas, little canvas, and they just paint and when they move the tape, they were surprised. Oh wow, anything that encourages kids to do? It's so nice. It was so nice for them to want and they wanted to do it over and over again, OK, and next thing is SOA. The art boxes. Um I would like to, um Figure out where the box is gonna be at If, uh, I know in your meetings, you go put a location and everything. They're all on the sponge docks. Oh all in those boxes on the sponge docks. OK but I thought in another meeting earlier meeting, we talked about the boxes around the community. Is that with Donald Boxes that thinking about the signal boxes? Oh, the signal boxes. That's what they call. OK Um, that's clarification of it. Thank you. And that is something that, um now that the QR code thing is pretty much settled, um, that I'm gonna be focusing on is the signal boxes. Juliana, I can tell you we You know, as we all know everything changes, but we looked at it. Over the years. We looked at it several times and the and the problem is Each one of those boxes is controlled by a different entity. Right I know. So it's like, you know, Duke may say yes. You know somebody you know the thing that controls the traffic signals may say no. So it's not as easy as it sounds. OK thank you. The first thing I have to do is get the locations of all the boxes in Tarpon Springs and who owns them, And I'm gonna be working with the city on that, So it's gonna be a process, but I think because I've been seeing it more and more all around County. I think it's gotten a lot more traction than it had in the past , so hopefully a lot of them were done by the county and I know this one over by Circle K, the They did that one. I wonder who done that one? I don't know. OK the Pinellas County did several. There's one at. Uh uh, Closterman and alt 19. Just on the other side. Um and, uh, that was one of them. They did several along the trail. Uh, area and four minutes has passed . Sorry I wasn't talking. They was talking. I know. Sorry I think I'm not supposed to talk to you, but so do you have any comments? If you give your name and address Hello, everybody. Uh, my name is Debbie D Atkinson . The fourth uh, My address is 671 East Orange Street. Um I was asked to be on a Uh uh. I don't know, a board a commission or something like that to talk about the black sponger. But I hadn't heard from anybody yet, And I didn't know if I needed to give a drop of blood or what else needed to be done So Uh, he eats a lot. I don't know if you want him. I don't think B has made the selections yet for the panel. It's still in very early stages. OK but thanks for your intro out when we get to that point, I believe we've tabled it for until I'm done with my other work. Uh and then I'll get to actually assembling the committee. So she's got a She's got a lot of just like we talked about this. There's a lot of ground work that has to be done before we can even consider it. So thank you for coming. Though you may have the most of the summer off, so relax. OK, uh Anything else. Anybody announcements? No OK. Uh, I'm adjourning the meeting at 3:23 P.m. And the next meeting is Wednesday, June 12th at two o'clock. Thank you.