So I would like to call the sustainability Committee to order um March 21st 2024 6 p.m. And just as a quick reminder, it might be less distracting. If we turn off our Silence our phones when we're here, and, um Can we have a roll call, please? Yes. Chairperson Denise Menino. Member Cari. I make it Present. Taylor Mandoo here. Remember Dory Larson here? Remember Robin Sayer. Alternate Virus. It's absent. Although it's Meehan is absent. We have Corum. OK? And has everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the last meeting. Yes. Are there any questions? Any amendments to them that you would And We have a motion to approve the minutes. Move to approve those minutes. My second All in favor. Thank you. Public comments. There are no public comments. We can move right into The bulk of our, um, evening discussion, and it's quite extensive, so Well, it's gonna be important to stay on track tonight. So who is presenting the, um OK, so I'm Caroline Lamford principal planner. Um And we're here to just kind of have an informal Q and a discussion about the materials we gave you on the comp plan. Um, just as a reminder. Our comprehensive plan is required by state law. And there are certain elements that are required, Um From state law. Uh and, uh, we've been working for a few years now on updating it. It's been quite an overhaul. I think, uh, we've been working really closely with our planning and zoning board, uh, having regular workshops throughout the past year. And we've gotten, uh to a draft that we're getting ready to present to the public and Hopefully wrap it up. Relatively soon, so Um, in the materials that we provided, Uh, we had, um Kind of a what? We provided the whole comp plan, which, uh, is lengthy as as you can see, Um it's primarily the goals objectives. And policies. Uh, with a little bit of, um Introductory material in each element. Um there is a additional data and analysis. Um, that's included in comp plan. Um And That is, uh, where we're at. We also provided you with a crosswalk because we did try to use sustainability as kind of one of our guiding principles in developing the plan and trying to weave sustainability into all of the elements. So uh, we developed a table just kind of looking at each of the sustainability action plan actions and then trying to point where in the comp plan, we felt like we were addressing those actions. And honestly, with that, um If you wanna just ask me questions or if you wanna walk through the crosswalk. 01 point of order just for tonight's discussion. So um, come we had a discussion with, um, the city attorney in the complaint is a very specific like statutory document and we have a specific rules about like which committees weigh in on that in in city of Tarpon Springs, the Um, planning and zoning committee is the only one that's, uh, authorized by the board to, um basically take motions and votes on this particular document. So this is a Q and a type of session. You're allowed to, You know, pro provide inquiry and things like that. But at the end, we're not gonna do any votes or like recommendations or anything like that. But I did hear you mention that you found some typos and I'd be very happy to have the So we could get those cleared up. I'm I'm trying to locate them again. But I know for sure that the acronym for the National Register of Historical Places was wrong. I will do a do a search for that. Appreciate it. Could you explain? Um action like action 35 and 36. When you say it's not applicable to the plan. Why it's those things aren't applicable. Or Let me pull that up. And there's a bunch of them. That seem to get that so I'm while I'm looking for it. I'm gonna guess, Um The comp plan is kind of narrowly defined by the state statutes and into Oh, OK, for example, um That the family family friendly workplace policies for local government employees. That's just not something that's really addressed in the comp plan, you know, being AAA local government employee. I certainly would like those policies. Um And it and The sustainability plan is kind of a reference document to the Comprehensive plan so you can kind of get it at that way, but within the kind of narrowly defined statutory requirements of a comp plan. We didn't really see where exactly that was. What then? Can you just say how it's narrowly defined? What you mean by that? Um she said, though, I can understand kind of briefly. It's um Florida statutes 163. 3177 It goes through required and optional elements of the comp plan, and that's all your comp plan should have in it. So um, Capital improvements housing intergovernmental coordinations, coastal management, future land, use recreation and open space transfer you so those are all required. Yeah, Those are all required and then we have some optional ones. They say if you're municipality so chooses Can have historic and cultural resources. And implementation, public schools or education. Um and then climate change sustainability, which we feel is covered by the sustainability plan. Uh and then economic development and community health and safety are optional elements , but that's those are what's really supposed to be doing that aren't covered. Just because they aren't covered by the comp plant doesn't mean that the city can't implement them. No, absolutely not. Yeah, No, no, That's what I wanted to thank you. That's a good question. Yes, thank you. I have a question about some of the aspects of our sustainability action plan that the state has now preempted. Oh, yeah. And then, like I mean, I know that may not be like the right place to address it right now. But I'm just like looking at number three looking at, uh, Heat index and working outdoors and how that got shot down so Um, I Yeah , I It's not really, um, like it's not really in the purview of the comp plan so much, but I feel like through the sustainability plan, we can make policy. You know, we're a municipality. We can make policies related to our employees. At least, you know. Yeah And I'm I'm not sure which preemption issue you talk about. Maybe we can have a follow up on that and do a little bit of further investigation. But as far as, uh, break times and heat, uh, he and that's a Nuts and bolts like safety protocol, So that's something that we can implement it like the staff level with, you know, with city manager approval, uh, just like any other like safety policy. You know, those are within the purview of like the city manager and his delegated, you know directors. Yeah You're right. I was. It's this this because this is specific to City employees. The law was, Yeah, for it's that you can't require it. Yeah. OK, um Can I have a question about? Keep going, OK? Yes, please. Um Or I was. I think that the crosswalk that you guys made is really helpful for us to understand. Like what we've got in our Um, sustainability action plan and then how that lines up with the comp plan. So thank you for putting all this together. Um I am wondering about the, um, action six about establishing, um wetlands buffers. Um if you could explain how These proposed or I don't even know if they are changes or if it's just what's in the comp plan right now. Um So what's in the comp plan and code? Now we did take it a little bit further. Um So I it I can't tell you off the top of my I could. If I could pull it up quickly, what we have now and what the difference is now, but we're basically setting a No net loss of wetland policy. So if there's an acre of wetlands now that acre it needs to stay there or Uh, you can improve What? What have you so we're not saying you can't. Um Remediation for wetlands and like, change your side plan to improve the wetlands there. You can have a net gain of wetlands. But you you can't, uh, have a net loss, um, through the development process, so we took it. We had a pretty, um stringent Wetlands policy before, but we did take it a little step further for further protections for wetland areas. OK? So when it talks about buffer, it's like the distance between The development and the wetland. Yes, Yes, yes. OK? Uh, and this was another kind of new policy. That kind of went a little bit further. Uh, we so really, When you're doing a comp plan, you're setting yourself up to your comp plan is your guiding document and, um The land development code is really your your regulatory document that so the comp plan sets you up to revise your land Development code and one of the proposed, um, revisions. Um that we added was that, um all development and redevelopment has adjacent to identified. Wetlands has to do in analysis of Um, the Uh, if it impacts and Minimize any adverse impacts and again eliminate or minimize, because we can't have we're doing no net loss basically. Okay? Robin. I follow up question on the wetlands. Um The, um Does this Is there still offside mitigation allowed through mitigation banks. Is that still part of it, Or is it all trying to keep no net loss and no off site mitigation within the city limits? I believe the goal is to, um Have all on site. It has to all be on site. That would be good. I believe that is the goal. Um I would like to dig a little deeper on that and maybe get you a more specific answer there. There are mitigation banks throughout the state. Well, you know about that. We and, uh so quite often, The developer would say, Well, I'm going to fill in these wetlands, but I'm gonna do add five acres to the mitigation bank, and it's just not the same I. I really feel that that the intent of these policies was if there's wetlands now. They need to stay there or you need to make them better. Excellent. Thank you. Mhm. In the 25 ft. That I. I guess it's Not understanding so Excuse my ignorance with this, but it talks about 30 FT. Aquatic land set back and then 25 ft buffer zone. So does that mean it would be like 30 plus 25? If there's That is a good question, I. I think it would be, um I think we're kind of getting a literally into the weeds here. Wow, It's a pretty big For that, Caroline, I think I think the distinction maybe is if it's um, identified as aquatic lands, you know, being adjacent to, um, a body of water and like Not just maybe an isolated wetland. You need that additional I think that is the intent of that. OK, I do not think. I don't think if you have Is it might be aquatic lands, um, like submerged lands? Yeah. Versus up is it versus upland lands? I wonder? Yeah, so like if you're on Um A canal or the beach. It's not a wetland, but it's Submerged land. Yeah. So I think if you were Ha had that submerged land, you'd need to be 30 ft. From that submerged land, But say you have, um, some upland habitat had adjacent to that. Then you'd need to be 25. So maybe it it is. It is additive. I think it could be. It could be added to OK. I was just like I'm all for like trying to make the buffer as big as we can make it as a community because we have so little left. Well I think that's really the full intent of the policy is what we have left is what we have left and it needs to stay or get better, OK? Thank you. I've been OK? Um So on number. Action 32. Which is about Um, sustaining cultural and artistic creativity in Tarpon Springs community. Um and at the end of it, and the notes it said, could be expanded in future economic element. So, um, I just wanna say And I sent this to, um Tommy. And Jordan. Um that the American for the Arts, which is the National Organization of the Arts that's located in, um Washington, DC and supported by Congress, and all of this Just did a report. With Creative Penelas about Pinellas County and the economic Uh, in Of the arts, and we were lucky. Diane Wood. Participated in this So tarping got to be one of the municipalities because not all the municipalities participated. And so there's a report I sent this sort of cheat sheet. To Tommy and the link to the full report, and the result of the report is that the arts Have A significant impact on the economy of Pinellas and tarpon, And part of the reason is that it's not just the event, but people come and buy food and lodging and all of this and that the impact Um With the amount of money that the city puts in the return. Is super significant way more than you would expect. And there's also a Appreciation and impact. That, for example. Um They say. The activity or venue is inspiring a sense of pride in this neighborhood of community and not basically 90% of the people that were surveyed said Yes. Or that my attendance is my way of ensuring that this activity venue can continue in future generous generations was 89% said. Yes. So, um And they would say things like If this venue wasn't there, would you come? And they said no. We'd go some other place for the or some art event. So this seems this report really fits with looking at how the arts can be a much bigger part of the economic generator in tarpon, and I know that Karen Lemmons knows about this. And, of course, Diane And now, Tom ICA. Because he has all of the Data. Well, that's uh we were going to develop an economic development element with the Comprehensive Plan Update. But that, uh, we got directed to put that aside and wait until we completed the complaint, and then we're gonna go back and do so That's that'll Be a good foundational document to work with. Thank you. You can get it on the creative Pinellas website. Or through Army, Diane I'll be sure to forward it. OK? Oh, God. Don't worry, Um I have another question on action 25 where it talks about Multimodal Master plan, um for improving bicycle and pedestrian safety because that's also I think really important to do our community to be planning for that, And I know that like sometimes it's the state that's coming in and improving a road, not the city. So does this apply to all of the road improvements within the city? Even if the city is not the one doing it, So that is a very, um, good question and In in in, It actually works out pretty well. So the importance of your comprehensive plan if we have in our comprehensive plan that we want a certain type of roadway, or we want certain, you know elements wherever feasible. The state like if the state were gonna come in and do, um A project. Well, they are about to come and do a project on US 19. Right, So we have some things in there. Kind of related to that. They they're required to look at the impacts of their project and, um How it relates to our comp plan, so Short answer is sort of at least look at it and know that it's there. They do have to so especially if there's federal funds involved with that there's um, a National environmental policy act requirement for them to look at local plans and the impact of, um Of the project on local plans. Okay? So um, and we have some very specific, um Information about the street types that we're looking to get. So if they were to come through, and, uh, do a project on alt 19. I feel like we've got a lot of good ideas for them to work in. OK, good and how your county like if the county does the Beckett Bridge and that road, which is county road, do they have to Um, look at your comp plan as well. I mean, the they should, and theres federal funds involved. Then again, they they would be required to document Yeah. I think for existing projects, it might also be important to note that, uh Anything that's already permitted is always evaluated in the rules that are in place at the time that the project is proposed. So um, as we adopt new rules and stuff like that, you might still see some legacy projects come in that are, you know, bound by the old sets of rules, you know, it's uh, when someone does a whole full design and things like that it's not fair to drag them back in months later, just because we we've changed, updated the rules. So, um Uh, so you might still see some legacy stuff but going forward, that will be the new standard. Because I, from what I understand there's not gonna be bike paths on that. Mhm. I don't wanna speak out a term, but I do think that they are going to include bike lanes and sidewalks on the new Beckett Bridge. No, the person I talked to at the county who's the head? Sort of indicated that there wasn't I know there's at least there's at least gonna be sidewalks. Sidewalks. Yeah. And I thought that they the lanes were gonna be wider so that, like the shoulder could be utilized as a bicycle. Well, that may be But yes, that that I mean, it would have been better if there were separated bike lanes. I'm a huge fan of those. Mm-hmm. So are there any other dory? Sorry. Um I can't remember that. I was looking at it earlier today, so I'm not remembering the action number, but it's talking about, um Invasive species. Maybe it's actually five. Yeah, it's up on the city properties. Um In using integrated pest management. To limit the use of pesticides. So would that be like retroactive? Would they go back and start like looking at Trying to make some of the To meet the Florida friendly landscape standards. Like a current properties. Or is this just for like, if something new gets built or something like that, and I think the intent is for it to be for all city owned properties. That's good. Mhm. Where was that? Are you? Are you looking for a loan I was talking about, or you looking for something else? No, I'm looking for the storm Water one. Um. Their storm flooding and, um 13. 13. But I don't know if that's the one you're there. There's a couple that talk about There was one That Talked about the storm water. Trying to Make sure that it didn't go into the golf or The an clode or the bayous. Yeah, that would that would Always be a goal is to not have Direct runoff into But I know that that's exactly what they do . That's under action on a 14. I think 14. Yeah, I think it's some of the conservation policy 163 I see. Um Because I know that I I've spoken to Um About the storm water runoff, like on Chesapeake, and I know that that goes into Tarpon Bay. You Um Cause I didn't think it did. I thought maybe it went Further down, but I mean, There's an Where else in Tarping can it go? If it doesn't well, ideally, it would go into like wetlands first and filter before it eventually ends up where it's gonna end. I think the Ideally, um, you'd have some filtering before it would get into Yeah, that's kind of like a core like, you know, Storm water treatment like practices. You know you you try and Eventually all the water is gonna get there. You know, it's You know, water cycle. You know, it's the urban water cycle . Eventually the water is gonna get back to where it wants to go, which is usually downhill. Uh, but the goal is to, you know, put in place storm water management practice, like storm water ponds or some sort of tree to provide water quality treatment before it goes back to the natural environment. But how is that possible when it's run off on a street or Um, that there's a lot of different storm water management techniques. You can swales provide some treatment. Um, sometimes they use exfiltration trench. They can use storm water ponds, and those all provide opportunities for sediments and things like that to settle out and the water slowly released over time with, uh, reduced nutrient loadings and things like that before it goes back to the natural environment. Mm. And do we have, um Funding. Implement that. I mean, I guess that's a question for all of this. Is there funding to implement the comprehensive plan? So, um. Yes And no. Um it's really we do have The Comprehensive plan is our guiding document, and these are the policies that we are supposed to be using. When we make budgeting decisions it it's supposed to kind of guide everything. Um But that's always gonna kind of be at the will of, uh elected officials and Mm. And the action I'm here you talk about is this is related to things in land development code, So that speaks more broadly than just to like city owned roads, so like if someone would come in and want to build a new neighborhood or something like that they would have to comply with those new land development codes with these new requirements and answer your question off funding. We do have a city storm water fund. That's an enterprise fund. That's a dedicated funding source for storm water. We can always use more money for projects. But um, can you just there has been thought put into that to drive funding to those projects. Clarify what you meant that the rules of the comprehensive plan could be Spent. I elected officials or are they representing? Um I mean, W, Where does Where is this In terms of solidity for the future. Well I would say so. Our strategic plan is kind of our near term goals. Um and those that was also taken into consideration in the development of the comp plan. The comp plan is a larger horizon. Um and in governance. Things change. So, um, you know We may want to do a multimodal master plan for the entire city. But then we might get hit by a hurricane. So the priority is gonna change. You know, it's an ever evolving thing in government, you know? Um Are we? Are we only sticking to in this conversation to, um the sustainability crosswalk, or are we able to ask questions about the rest of the plan? Anything you got questions about ? Yeah, I was just, um I was just wondering whether the city addresses things, uh, like the potential of long blackouts. Or you know, I mean, are is there any means? I looked all through the plan because I was just wondering. Is there any protocol? For cyber Attacks or anything like that. That could bring a lot more down than a hurricane. And I'm just wondering. I mean, I know that there's tests and other places where people get it go into action. To try to dress The bores, but I don't know whether that's something that we even look at. Um I personally don't know that that specific thing I would think that would kind of be covered in the county's emergency management plan because you know, blackouts were similar to what would happen in other kind of Disaster emergency events, so I feel at some level uh someone has and with respect to cyber attacks, I would just like to shout out to our IT department. They are amazing, and they are always keeping us on our toes with that kind of stuff. So yeah, I'm just thinking that long term long term blackout. How much runs on? Uh, how much operates actually on electric grid and, you know, I. I was just curious about it, You know, because I feel like that's something. That breaks down all communication and I don't know if you don't have an answer for it. I understand. But I, I think essential, essential services We've kind of got Yeah, that's actually a requirement for, um, that's fairly recently emerging is to have, like, you know, backup power plants for sewer systems that states actually been promulgating a lot of rules over the last few years. Uh, regarding like backup power supplies for critical infrastructure. So Uh, at least in utilities, and like, you know, our core like emergency management functions. We've got a very good you know, uh, emergency, you know, Backup power plan for, like even something simple, like emergency generators for like lift stations and things like that. It's all documented. We found everything else that everything planned out from the event of a hurricane. We can deliver these assets. They all know where they're going to get things back up and running as soon as possible. And uh, we are actively working on cyber security. There's emerging rules on the Cyber security is a rapidly changing, uh, threat. We can't talk about any of the specifics, but we're working really hard on it. And we did. The board did allocate $700,000 in ARPA funding to cyber security for, um The water and sewer utility, and so, uh, that that projects underway. Can't talk about that at all is public services and so forth, you know, just to keep The city running Yeah. I just wanna I Maybe I'm wrong. But I the complaint is more like long term. What's the city's vision? Right And I think that what you're addressing is more of like if there's an emergency, or if there's a problem. What are the like procedures to like? Get us through that right? So I don't know that that would be in the comp plan. Although there were a lot of there were a lot of points of resiliency that I was really impressed with. In fact, I you know, I just wanna shout out to everybody that has participated in writing this plan be. I felt like it was a very Detailed sustainability plan in a way. I mean, I don't know whether anyone else felt that but there were a lot of there was a lot of echoing of the actions that we had, You know of the 50 that we whittled things down to that went through the entire comp plan, and I was really excited that That so much was integrated. And maybe it was happening simultaneously. Maybe it is just changing consciousness everywhere that things like this are are manifesting more readily now in Um strategic and comprehensive plans. I? Yeah. That was our intent, So I appreciate that. So one of the, uh issues of sustainability that we had talked about in our committee, Um, comes up in your housing. Um, and that of affordable housing. Which is a big national issue. And, um And it's difficult. Very difficult, so I. I see that that is Um Part of the vision, and the comp plan is to address that issue Can can you say anything about How I think it's really establishing policies at this point that could maybe lead to programs or projects, But the policy is that we want to support Affordable housing development. However, we can, um I think, um, one of the things that we in the planning Department are looking at a lot is, um M Mobile homes are really a source of affordable or one of our largest sources of affordable housing. Looking at how we can, you know, get older mobile homes. Updated or, you know, replaced with newer mobile homes, making sure That those because you know that density Um you know you you wouldn't wanna develop her to come in and wipe out a mobile home park and put a luxury apartments and then you've you've displaced a whole bunch of people so I think that's one area that we're particularly looking at is mobile homes. And then also, we're kind of, um The live local act. I don't know if you're aware of this, Um, we have to be aware of the requirements of that, Um And we've kind of looked at areas where those kind of projects might take place in in the city. But, yeah, it's really laying out the policy and some maybe some some Strategies that we could maybe use in the future. That'll hopefully guide those projects and Cause it's a real sustainability issue because we can't sustain the city if we don't have workforce and I mean Saint Pete's going through this big time now and then when There's affordable housing built. Not affordable. It's like 304 100. I mean, that's not affordable, so I mean there's such challenges of how to do this, but, um If we don't Then we don't have, um, workforce. We don't have diversity. So I really applaud. You that this is in the comp plan. Because to me, this isn't one of the basic Tenants of ability. We We've all gonna have to have a place to live, you know? Um Anymore. Comments. Well I really appreciate you guys and , uh, we will be taking this to the public. So if you want to give specific comments, um there's gonna be fu future opportunities for that, and If anybody wants to email me any notes they have you know that That's OK. You can do that. I've been sitting here trying to go through and find what I had noted before. As far as the, um edits or typos or whatever, and I haven't been able to Get it all you guys are actually the first people to see this in this form. So this is the kind of first draft that's been kind of cleaned up, so we need to apparently clean it up a little bit more before he Be good. I really appreciate you guys and again, um You can get my contacts from Tommy, if you if you don't have it, And just, um I really appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you, for including us in your work and letting us I appreciate it. Thank you. We all have a good night. You too. Okay? Our next. Um, Next on the agenda is the Board of Commissioners. Presentation. Um Just to help facilitate. We've got the presentation over here, and it's tied to the screen. So if you guys wanna walk through it like I can drive the screens for a little while. That sounds good. Mr Uber Driver? Yeah. I don't Yeah. We make it full screen if possible. Let's see the one on the left. That one. Yeah. Ah, there it is. All right. Beautiful pictures. Yeah Jimmy gave me a bunch of good photos for this. So it's pretty straightforward and I tried to keep it simple. I haven't been told yet. How much time they're actually is to move through the Presentation, but I just went back through all of the agendas from last year. All of the minutes tried to capture things that have happened in since the last presentation so you can change the next one. OK just introduced us as a committee. I have yet to meet a couple of people on this list. So um, we'll work on that hope that that happens. Um Taylor's name is not on there. We were hadn't heard from you. Sure Wolf is going on. But we're going to put your name in there. And, um, we've Modify that a little bit, But the lay on right now is Tommy and I put former sustainability coordinator coordinator is Robin because she deserved a lot of credit for the amount of work that went into the actual writing of the plan, and Paul Smith, who wanted to give a shout out to Paul as a mentor, counselor and sustainability since a and In just when we meet, and, um it looks like I need to Respa that a little bit, so I'm gonna Work on that. Can I send it to you? Or if I if I make an addition to it or change I I'll send it back. Yeah I think I have the most recent, uh, file so I can I can resend that back to you. OK, if needed indicate Who are alternates. Um I think that they all everyone should be on there. That's part of the committee. Mm Yeah. Yeah I know, but to indicate that they're the alternate indicate. What do you think? I don't think it's necessary. Oh, OK. OK, they're So our process to progress in 2023 was that, um, we had to reduce the star framework to 50 realistic action steps. Um we went through the review of the 1st and 2nd drafts of the sustainability plan. Um we received updates to the sustainability timeline each month from our coordinator. The sustainability plan was recommended for approval by the committee and then Robin presented the final plan to the BOC in June of 2023. And then, um Robin Reeves implemented the BOC feedback into our sustainability plan, and it was finally adopted by the board of Commissioners on July 11th 20. 23. I just wanted to celebrate the collaboration to completion because it was the city had a green team and it was the sustainability. Um staff team, which was comprised by a lot of people that were listed in the plan. Um, our committee. The coordinator, the community giving feedback, and then it was adopted per resolution. Um 2023 22 on July 11th. We see the final plan. Uh, sustainable Tarpon Springs as a living document to be adjusted as time and growth demand ever endeavoring to hold the balance between people, planet and prosperity. And simultaneous community engagement happened with a partnership of tarp and arts City of Tarpon Springs Sustainability staff hosted the four part knowledge and nibble series on actionable opportunities for citizens on Water Conservation. Florida F friendly landscapes. Um problem of micro plastics. And then Robin, Uh, Reeves led a whole discussion on just the whole sustainability plan on the final. One. So the city of Tarpon Springs sustainability staff also sponsored what to My mind was a successful Earth Day celebration at Tarpon Springs Library. And um, we just had people come out kind of touch, touch the cars. The electric cars and talk about all the fun stuff that, um Part of sustainability. So we can move on here. And I think that thinking globally and acting locally is really putting the pieces of a vast puzzle together and I almost feel at this point. You have to move upstream a little bit to change the thoughts of Uh, People in relation to the planet. So it's Hall City. Puts its piece into this puzzle. Is a very small piece, but connecting the entire puzzle is, um, is a matter of networking with other partners. And really inspiring public people or public residents to embrace sustainability practices . They can't be forced, but they can be inspired. So vulnerability assessment and action plan workshops happened in 2023. Through uh, resilient floor to grant public workshops and a vulnerability assessment survey took place from April 13th to July 10th. And funding was awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Agency, which was Um gosh. That picture is just Yeah, OK. Yeah it's worth 1000 words. Is that from here? Yeah. Tarp and truck. Anyway Citizens expressed opinions on priority areas, but the ultimate demonstration of the need was on August 30th when we went through Hurricane Adalia, which was not a wind event, but was definitely a water event, and the morning that we woke up, it was high tide as well. And so this was just a, um, a sample. It could have been a lot worse. Had the storm been closer to shore, but we lucked out and moved further into the gulf so Spring Bayou. It's Spring Bay. Yeah, right by the glorious church. I think that's yeah. If that's where the body starts to come back around this Yeah. That's going towards Chesapeake, right? That truck is going towards Chesapeake. There Yeah, probably to the fire, but it couldn't get through. We have an army truck. I. So the next steps of implementation and some of them are already underway As net can be lost policy. It was initiated in January. Yay Yay! Um, Climate Action Plan Greenhouse Gas reduction target was finalized in February, 2024 Sustainability Committee Input continues to be on soon to be completed Comprehensive plan tonight, uh, pending ordinances awaiting comp plan and adoption are the invasive species Ordinance. Um Wetlands Buffer Evaluation Seawall Ordinance creation. Do I need to have buffer capitalize, or do you think it should just be lower Case? Lower case is fine. Just one point of information for the for the climate action plan that was initiated in February. 2024. We're we're still working on that. Um OK. Yeah, it's not. It's not done yet. So can you make a note of that, too? And we'll. Such nice images. Oh, thank you. I think Jimmy Menino. So recommendations to the board of Commissioners continue to support a sustainability communications plan that really hasn't happened yet. So I went ahead, even though it was in last year's, uh, presentation. Back. Um for review again, uh, for public education, utilizing the most accessible and popular media formats to foster community engagement on topics of sustainability. The sustainability committee will looks forward to reviewing the final draft it I think that now that we did that, um I might Change the wording there that we've seen it that we've seen it. Reviewed it and reviewed it, so that's wouldn't be a recommendation and The committee will make and receive recommendations from the B on how to maintain a positive, productive, seamless communication process to serve the highest interest of all Tarpon Springs. Any thoughts and any evidence so far. Yeah, I think we just need to take out the second bullet entirely because that's not a recommendation to them is that OK, II. I tend. I tend to agree with the way we might run into some weird jurisdictional things between the committees, the various committees there. At the end. No. We got a little bit more. Final thoughts. Yeah. Tom. He's just writing notes on edits. Thank you. Final thoughts . Tarpon Springs is a treasure trove of natural historical and cultural riches for which we are obligated to hold space for all future generations. This is sustainability. Yeah. 2023 was the hottest year in recorded history. Triggering unpredictable events such as firestorms in Maui to atmospheric rivers on the West Coast. I mean, fires were everywhere. So I was wondering, maybe I should Point them all out, but that might take too long. So I'm just saying, you know, they they were extreme weather events were everywhere. The sun may be setting on our opportunity to correct our course. I think, um, If you go back one, I think 2023 was the hottest year in recorded history , triggering unpredictable events such as firestorms in Maui. You need to have it. You're going from somewhere to somewhere? Yeah. So unpredictable of events. You're you're comparing the firestorms to the atmospheric rivers, So you need to have Something there . That indicates it's a comparison. When you say, such as firestorms in Maui, two atmospheric rivers On the way from such as far from firestorms in Maui instead of such as from two from firestorms in Maui to atmospheric rivers on the West Coast. But I think it's just saying, um, triggering unpredictable events from fire firestorms in Maui to atmospheric the West Coast, OK? And you mean that West Coast like California? Yeah, my sister has been subject to that. We may have the West Coast, right? Oh yeah. The West Coast. I should specify a California You think? I think people know the West Coast. The West West Coast, not the same thing. OK next slide. This is just what is at stake. OK, next slide. All creatures. Large And small. Everything we love. Oh, that's wonderful. Yeah, I know that. Thank you. That's Madeline when she was I was beautiful comment. That, um When you present the work we've done. It seems everything stops. In July. After the plan. And it may be Good to put something that we've done. Between July and January, so it doesn't look like we're obsolete because I don't wanna think that, but at the same time, I didn't put anything in there about, um Robin Reeves, leaving And we were kind of just And a holding pattern for a while. We were Having you know presentations were coming through, but we were really discouraged from doing too much without our Uh huh. I sustainability coordinator. It's like we continue to be presented by work that like the, um thing for Wickham Bayou and all of that that people are coming to get Are input, so I think that that shows that we've been active from January. July. Because we have been We've been working very diligently, and I think it'd be good to testify to that. Okay. What are your thoughts? I think it should. If you wanna add another line after that, just but we've been continually working since then, to Forward this Committee's work or something like that. Just let people know that we've been working since then. Just a line. I think that's a good idea because people come to us to present to get our input. So we're valued. Two of the core functions of the committee from the founding resolution where Creating a sustainability plan and advising on sustainability policy, and, uh Even though it was a little bit lighter as we stepped into, like the implementation phase and the transition from plan adoption to implementation, Uh Y'all definitely been very, uh, proactive in giving us, uh, advising. So, um, on various topics that we've brought So it's good to That's what we've been doing OK? I'll go back through it. You'll send me the power point, so I can make modifications or how does that? How would that work? Technically I can see the PowerPoint and I'll I'll try and make some notes. Uh, from what the discussion was today. Uh, On the comments in the in the file. Uh or perhaps we could Do like a teams meeting next week and do a joint editing session or something like that. I'll I'll follow up. He did a great job. You sure did. Beautiful Thanks. Me too. Tell Jimmy we'd love his pictures. I will tell him that. I wanted to put his name on there. I thought No, it's going to be too much of a distraction. I'm just letting her know. But then that looks like it's nepotism or something. It's like, Yeah. OK? OK Well, thank you so much for the feedback. Well, thank you. Excellent and good luck for not easy to do save time consuming. It was very tough like it was from the heart . I haven't done anything. Um, with a keynote For over almost 20 years because I had a keynote that I would present on a regular basis. On behalf of RE I . It was on moving towards zero waste at once. We adopted that policy, but it hadn't worked with the program for that long and I had total amnesia about it . So I had to relearn this process and nimble. Your brain is nimble. It really good for me to do that. It's fun. Well, thank you. You got great results . Thank you so much. I appreciate that. OK third part of this meeting tonight is on Sunshine Law discussion. All right, so this is a primarily related to our discussion about how the committee can interact with the Earth Day event. Uh we're still planning on having that, Um Jamie Taylor and recreations kind of leading the charge on, um You know, organizing that and getting together and trying to generate turnout. They've they Our our event Specialist. They handle all of like the big stuff like snow place, and, uh, eco, fastest and stuff like that. So they're gonna They're putting together a really nice event for us, and they're gonna be doing a lot of outreach and a good Uh, engagement plan? Uh most pressing. I know everyone wanted to attend, so we had to follow up with city attorney and, um It was very interesting discussion. Uh the main takeaway is that Uh, for multiple folks to attend from the committee. Uh, we it needed to be a sunshine event so it would need to you know, there's distinctions between sunshine events and non sunshine events. So if we have enough appointed committee members attend an event it and there's potential they could have a discussion. It needs to be done in the sunshine. So that's what we're gonna do to, um Be, you know, do extra due diligence. We're gonna make it a sunshine event, which basically requires Uh, Three things it has to be noticed, has to be open to the public and as be minutes, so, um , the minutes thing does get kind of interesting with the format that we've chosen because we want people to be able to engage and stuff like that. So they're, uh, we'll try and have a little bit of a follow up and have a little bit of discussion. Um, individually about, uh, And, uh, I might follow up the city attorney and get some like real concrete. Bullet point like guidelines, uh, for y'all, but that does mean that we could have multiple committee members attend. Uh, the committee can also elect to appoint a delegate to attend. Um but because it's open to the public. You can't restrict your own numbers from attending. So uh, if everyone agreed that, you know, we'd like to send, you know, uh, representative. That'd be fine. If you wanna send a representative and you'd like to attend. That'd be fine, too. Um It might be nice just from a practical standpoint that you know we have maybe The committee could recommend to send maybe Denise or, uh, a representative from the committee. Just so we've got at least one person that we can count on being there, Uh, for public engagement, um Regarding the minutes requirement. Anything that the committee discusses needs to go in the minutes so we would have guidance that we not have sidebars between individual committee members. Um because and if that were to happen, we would just need that to come back and be reported to me. And we have note that down and, um So and also, um There would be some potential requirements for Um, if we want to avoid what they call A conduit. Uh so we can't have one person. Go to doctor Mick it ask your opinion on a subject and then go say Hey, uh, Uh, Chairperson Menino. Doctor Mick said this, but the other members aren't privy to that information so that You. Y'all would have to disclose that and then we would have to get that the minutes and have that cleared up with everybody else. So you can see it gets a little bit hairy. So uh, we can create a thing where you can meet there. Uh and everyone can attend, but it's might be best to have one kind of appointed person who's like the contact for, uh like policy discussions and stuff like that. Um so that's that's kind of where we left. It was, um there there would be some guidelines. We are gonna do our due diligence if people want to attend. And uh, you know, she can say I'm on the committee and things like that. But if there is discussions, we would just need to manage that very carefully. Um What's your recommendation, then? I mean, what are your thoughts on it? Um seems like kind of a the Web. Yeah Um the simplest thing to do would probably be to appoint a member to attend, as like the official representative for like policy discussions. Um I'll be there as well for policy discussions, and we might have maybe one or two other staff members, but, um And then everyone else could attend and do the meet and greet portion. But just be very careful about getting into like policy discussions that went in different portions of the room. When everyone's not, um Uh, What? All the committee members aren't all together. Does that make sense? So if anyone want to attend as a, you know, informal way we can't stop you from attending. It's a Open event. So When is it? That's what I was gonna ask it. April 19th is a Friday, April 19th. Five or six. I can follow up and get the get that back to everybody. I put on my calendar. Hang on. I Get five GoPros. For the whole, I think I think we'll just have to give everyone walkie talkies. Is everyone hearing this now? I have it down as Earth Day launch, but it's not right. Uh it it kind of is that was that was the intent of the event was to kind of we're gonna still format it Well, we will have a brief presentation. Um But we do and we'll have Copies of the Physical copies and QR codes electronically If people wanna not have paper, uh, to get a copy of the plan, uh, engage with the plan and engage with staff on the aspects of the plan and or maybe engage with the appointed person from the committee about the plan. And uh then anything at the end, we would, uh, if there's an appointed person who hears all this feedback, we would want them to kind of have a report back to the committee on the feedback that they got from the from the public. I have it from 5 to 7 in my Is that correct? I believe so. Yeah. And where is it? Cultural center. Thank you. In A Heritage Heritage Museum. OK? So let's review this. So Denise is appointed the policy person at the meeting. At the gathering, which Will be instructed of people wanna talk. About the sustainability policy. They should go talk to her. And if I'm there And Dori and whoever and Robin Taylor and you. Yay! Um sorry. My back's towards you apologize about that. Um Then we can announce this thing. Members, but that People should not come and talk to us about policy. Um Because maybe you need to say that Yeah, that people are and we're there. To Chat. I mean, what? What Maybe the way that I understand Sunshine is that we can't talk about things that may come up before us in the future. But we can certainly talk about the plan because it's a document that it already exists. It's not like we're doing anything. That that's like that. We're voting on the plane. The plane is the plan. So if people wanna know like what's in the plan, you can show them the plan and you can talk about it. Yeah it it does being very cautious. Yeah it it can get. It can wander into like interesting territory where people start giving opinions and things like that, and Yeah, it's Uh, these are the kinds of concussions you have with the city attorney. Um maybe one format that we could discuss would be like, um. Yeah, that that was. That was pretty much the takeaway was just that we need to avoid this, like sort of conduit situation. You know what I mean? Where one person's, uh, like polling like, what's your opinion on this? What's your opinion on that, and then they can share that information or and be anything that's in the plan could feasibly come back before the committee at any time in the future, because as we implement things, so it inherently becomes a discussion about things that could come back before the committee. If someone says something we can just say we have to abide by the Sunshine law, so we really can't get The details of things. If you wanna discuss it, go talk to our chairperson, and she'd be happy to take down your thoughts or something like that. Or staff. Well, what if somebody were to come up to me and say I love that work focusing on the tree canopy. Isn't that wonderful? And I know and am I supposed to then not say anything like Yeah, I think it's wonderful. Do I have to say I'm glad you like it. Is that what I say We worked on the plan for a long time. We think it's a good plan something vague. Thank you for your feedback. We worked on it a long time And I'm hesitant to answer some of these questions. Just because I You know, I'm again. I'm not an attorney, And I'm not an expert in sunshine law. I'm trying to convey to you the guidance that we got from the city. I mean, but it's good to know these like Talk about What's possible and what's OK to say like I think, saying, I'm glad you read the plan, and I'm glad you like it. Yeah I think that would be fine. I like trees, too. No, no, no, I could go. How good for you. Halt the opinion. I don't think it will be a problem. I think what people will you know Whoever is there will just be cautious to not be getting into deep policy discussions with people. And if someone's trying to take a poll or trying to be a conduit, no one's. Hopefully people will just show up. You know. Hopefully there will be people there, and the biggest danger is probably it's not that anyone's trying to do anything nefarious. It's that someone accidentally violates the sunshine law. Like Oh, I had this wonderful discussion with Doctor Mick about trees. And then I had this other discussion and Um They tell Dory or Denise? Everything that great that doctor Mick said about trees. And now they've Given information. On a subject a policy subject that's in our plan from one member to the other is that the others aren't privy to And then we would have to go back afterwards and do a Not very fun process of curing that sunshine violation, which would be not fun, So let me ask one more question. So what if someone comes up to me? And says I love your art. And I've been to your show. And I know that you make work on mangroves and ways that nature mitigates. Climate change and the warming of the water. Um Yeah, isn't it And they wanna know about the art. And cause there's that's why I'm on the committee, right. This is what I do so Do I have to just say thank you. I'm glad that you appreciate our work and hope you follow me in the future , and I would say if it's just discuss about personal business, That's that's kind of a separate issue. You know, even though I'm talking about mitigating for climate change, and How Mangroves do this and how treat I mean, we do all this stuff about trees. And the question is, is it? Is it the policy or the business of the city? OK? And again, II, I I'm saying we might have a have a future update from the city attorney to clarify some of these questions, so there's a lot of crossover that's for sure. Just ask them if they know that the red mango Viv is our city tree. Um We may have to vote on It already is. I can And you know, Diane You have I mean, Denise, you have all of this incredible garden. It. It gets complicated. I don't think it is. I don't think it is. I really don't. I really don't. I think we're going to be fine. I think that they were. They were the mayor and the City Council members were all just probably at the Greek festival this past weekend talking about how great Greece is, and I don't think that that is gonna like cause any problems. Even though we're a sister city of several Greek cities, and it could be conceived. I mean like Anything can be conceived crazy like and we're not trying to do anything nefarious, other than promote the plan to our community and get people excited about what we're doing. So let's just celebrate and do that. I'm gonna differently. Yeah. Good I like dory. I'm on team Dory. Thanks. Yeah, team do OK, moving on. Next. Next is items for the next meeting's agenda. It looks like, um, our next meeting is April 18th. It's the night before Earth Day. Um Yes, it is. Next agenda. We might want to review how I'm not going to be here. I have another engagement. I really have to go to You won't be at Earth Day or at the meeting. And. We will excuse your absence unless I feel. Do a debriefing on the presentation. Um To the BC. When is your presentation? It's supposed to be April 2nd, and it's a presentation, so I hope it's Earlier in the meeting. It'll be first I have it in here at 630. I have sustainability presentation. So OK, I I'm sorry. I'm just checking the date, so this would be the day before Earth Day. So we wouldn't yet have a report from You know, on on the Earth Day event so that that would be the following meeting. But there be a report on the BOC OK? 00 Look at that. Yeah, Anybody that can come? That would be great because I would love for People to see those that have been embalmed. We will likely be able to bring the committee a draft budget report for sustainability for next year. Uh, we're in the budgetary process right now. So will there be a search? Yeah. For um, sustainability coordinators have been posted. We could provide an update on that. Another item that, uh It's very close to completion that we might be able to bring, uh, might be an update or a presentation on the Um Vulnerability assessment. Oh, that'd be cool. So we've got a draft report in hand. That's sounds like a robust meeting taking shape. When will the comp plan be voted on? Uh, I, um That's a really good question. I I'd have to go back and look at their master schedule. I thought , she said the fall not tonight, but yeah. One other item that we might be able to bring, Um We're having, uh, just as part of the budgetary process, We are creating sort of a interim policy like we're not yet to an EV Master plan. But we, um Depending on where we're at with the budgetary process and getting this implemented. We're we're we're starting to talk about the policies for reviewing , uh, S and what, uh as part of the budgetary process for capital planning, so we might be able to bring a little update on that as far we're trying to create a sort of interim short term process for this year, so provide a short staff update on that. OK? It sounds Fairly full. That sounds like a good meeting. Right if we if there's time to add to it, I mean, I really would like to continue discussing like a communications plan for getting the word out about the plan. I feel like we're not doing that at all. I mean, this one event is the first thing that we've done. So far, and I think there's just a lot of ways that we could be getting the word out. Um and there's and in addition to the plan, there's like lots of Like federal tax credits and things that Residents can be taking advantage of that. We can help educate people about, um That Would not be too complicated to do. OK? That's great. And you had that wonderful suggestion. About, um Going house to house. With People, you know, uh, instead of a garden or looking at historical houses, we went on a tour of sustainability. I thought that was a really wonderful idea, because what People wanna see is How do you do it? What's it look like? You know, there's one thing to say. Oh, we We're gonna have a tree canopy Well, Maybe part of it would go to where there's a great example of a tree canopy. You know, and so because you have to see it, Yeah. And I and have someone talk about it like you, garden. Or, you know The someone who has solar connected with their electric car and the, um The Water heater. You know that now? I have because of you, you know, so How, um So I think that would not only The education be really fun. And it's a sort of thing People would really like to do, and it's a great way. To talk about sustainability and the plan but actually to engage and see it, So I mean, if Yeah, that's the most exciting thing I've heard about how to create engagement. So we got. I mean, if we're gonna do that, in October, like we had talked about, we're gonna have to get on that. So we can continue that discussion. At the next meeting. And maybe even revisit past agendas to see what we proposed before. I'm gonna go back and just get pull up the ideas from past meetings. I'm pulling up the, uh, the schedule that we talked about for the rest of the year. Yeah, we had planned for April. The kind of stuff we had planned for April was Budget review, and we had talked about May with the vulnerability assessment, potentially, you know, waiting to see where that came in from the consultant. So Um If it's you know, the World Committee we can We? I think we've got like about six things here, you know. BOC report sustainability budget. Coordinator Update. VULNERABILITY assessment VS Review Policy and Potential Communication plan and Uh, that that might be a bit much, But maybe we can spread that out over the next couple of meetings. Yeah. I mean, I would really Prefer to get the communication plan on next meeting's agenda so that we can start mapping that out, OK? I do think that You know, for a long time we had a clear focus. Right? And I think it would be good to have some discussion about What Our committee's focus is Maybe it can be one or 21 thing or two things or, you know, but so We have Some sort of intention or goal for this year. That we want to accomplish, and I think one of them is The communication. And then I think maybe we have another. So here we're communicating on something that we've accomplished. So a second one would be. Well What's our next accomplishment to be? I don't know what that would be, but it would give us a focus. To center things around, So we're hearing all of this input. From people and we're being advisors. Um Well, we're we're just giving feedback. Um but I mean, I. I think that what what we need to do is The rest of this year be looking at communicating about the implementation pieces that are slated for this year and making sure that people know that like this is what we're trying to do in 24, and then our goal can continue to be like Educating about the next year's implementation, because there's gonna be like those six or seven items that that start with 25. You know what I mean? And we can and just keep working it out like that. Like I. I think at this point our goal is to help implementation of the plan. And then I don't know, like what we can do. Besides being communicators of the what's in the plan? Well that's a good idea. So maybe we could get a new list of all the things that are supposed to be implemented, and this year So maybe there's themes that we can focus on. In the in the plan that's going to be this year. And, um in engagement. Or some of those topics. Specifically So I think that's That answers. You know, provides an answer to my question. So are we gonna put the vulnerability assessment report to on May and just have the discussion on community engagement. Or April. That what you're suggesting Well and maybe the budget cause that's that's got to be time sensitive. And then whatever else is time sensitive like they were like six things. Yeah. What? Uh, one thing that might Be beneficial for the committee. Um I can provide a copy of the founding resolution because we it Yeah, we are in a little bit of like a interesting transition point with the committee. And so you know, I can see that everyone's like looking like, all right, What do we do next? We did this big thing. And so now, um, so I'll provide a copy of the founding resolution because it gives guidance about what the committees to do. And maybe that can spur some discussions. So, like some of the things like You know, Partic. No. The second item is participate in the development of a citywide action Sustainability action plan to be implemented by staff and The city manager, Um And then there's some other nuts and bolts. Things like provide an annual report to the board. But then there's a few other items like, um Compile an update city sustainability activities, um, to maintain a current status of city projects process project, uh, progress in the area, So that's kind of you know, uh, an nuts and bolts thing that we're we're trying to bring back is like, you know, like quarterly update. Oh, that is another one like quarterly updates on the action plans. I know we're you're asking for an update on that we could definitely bring back that. Um, we had a newsletter, didn't we? Well, we were we were talking about that. We really wanted to do something quarterly. We had one. Didn't we have one newsletter that Robin did I don't think it ever went out. I I think it I I'm pretty sure that one got out, uh, that one that one that one got distributed. Got published. I think, yeah. I like your idea. Do worry about doing the communication plan, looking at the different facets of how we can communicate and getting something together to where? When something gets rolled out. We know how we're going to Make it known. Get a system going. I think it's a great idea. Another. Interesting point is because this is an annual of a report coming up. Um, these could request guidance from the board. What would you like us to be working on? Um because that's that's another thing and that there's the function of the committee is a lot of the stuff in the committee resolution it talks about, you know, uh, the commissioners may regularly review and provide input and direction to the committee. So, um If they might give us some feedback at the next month's presentation that Would be another point of focus. So in the budget Can we include money for these? Presentations and Ways of Putting, um. Sustainability does have a budget. I think so. Yeah, we have a sustainably budget and we can use it for the for those purposes. Um Yeah, we usually include some level of funding, you know not to get ahead to next month's agenda. But like, um, yeah, we'll We'll have a report on that. You know, it'll that'll be included as we have a communicated now each budget have a robust communication. As Dory said, We need funding for it. So is that it for the next meeting's agenda, It's like a robust agenda. And get it done. Yes. OK Tommy, Now that you haven't had a lot of comments so far, but any more comments From staff. Yes Uh, we are in the process of hiring a sustainability intern. She should be coming on the next few weeks. Um so hopefully um, Will be able to introduce her, potentially at the next meeting as well. Oh, wow. Yes, pending background checks, all those sorts of things so You know, And I'm sorry that I didn't ask who you were because I asked public comments and I Kind of awkwardly didn't get any. Oh, I'm Planning Council. OK? But here Maybe. From the Planning Council perspective, so And We just did a greenhouse gas inventory for the region, so that may be That you guys have I'm looking at. We're also going after a lot of grant funding for energy efficiency upgrades and solar. I'm buildings for our jurisdiction. Um, some Noah funding for coastal Master plan. Um So you know, Once we have that information that can definitely be something. That would help. You know, advance your guys's mission if we're able to get that grant funding, so knowing what you guys need is gonna help us know who we need to reach out to. Always reach out to us. So you were just here observing, Uh tonight and this is kind of our first time Really being out and Public meetings. Mhm making sure that we're filling needs of our people because T Springs is on our council. So He offer services and making sure that you guys are getting what People in a sense by being on the council. So Are you, a county agency? The Planning Council, So we're by the state. So we're looking for the state, but we get due from counties and cities that are on our So Wow. To the due. So we have re Coalition. That kind of does several different things where you have, you know our sustainability kind of side that I work on as well as you know, we do. B, a And all that so It's good for you guys. I know what's going on. So that I make sure that you guys know about the opportunities that could be I mean, that could Yes, with your In New York City. Wonderful, OK, terrific. I like you already. What's your name? Right, Courtney Wright. Thanks for being here. So UM, committee comments. Um I'm sorry. I haven't been here for probably close to half a year. Um There were a few days that I had field work for my job and then It's just been very busy and I've been thinking about possibly resigning. In the future. A little bit kind of shortly, um, still kind of weighing it out. Um Just because you know I haven't been here. I've been able to come And I feel like it might be taking up a seat on the committee. So I don't wanna be, you know. Holding a seat when somebody else could be Coming and being active. And, Yeah, But , uh I'm sorry that I missed all of those days. I'm glad that, uh You know, you guys have still been doing work and it looks like we've been getting a lot done. Um so Thanks for, you know Keeping at it to see you again. It is. It's good to see you too. So bad. I'm really sorry. Don't feel bad. You're here. You're here. You have to do what you can do. Yeah, you do your life. Sometimes you you have to have to see you guys too. Um Well, one thing Is there a way you can get us a list of When our terms are up. Mm. So that we have some way to gauge If it's renewable or not renewable, And then if we need to look for new people. Yes. Would you like to know when your term expires? Uh, What do you Why do you have that? Um because it's got everyone's contact info as well. Um I think I have September 2020. For mine was just up. Yeah. Yes, Robbins is September 2024. Carol is I'm sorry, Dr Mick. It is September 2020. Five. Story is September. 2025 Taylor YEAR September 2024 Denise is September 2020. Fours is fresh. She is September 2026. And I don't have an update on Thank you from us. She's brand It means chunks of people get off on the same time instead of stagger. Well, there are different years. You know? 2425 and 26. It's over three years. Yeah, so it's like two a year to a year roughly, and can people be We renewed or is that it? Is there a term limits Have had people renew the group. I think it's six years. IR resolution. I think it's two terms and six years, Max. Dude, I feel how many of you have been dory. Uh whenever we started to know, I don't know. I. I don't believe we have term limits. Um I mean, it's not like the BO. I'd I'd have to double check that I don't see anything in the founding resolution, but there might be other City ordinances or policies about committees in general. Mm. Hey, any other comments? I have a fun website that I found recently and I would like to pass that along. Um It's the women's Earth. Um Climate action network. It's called, we can Could be interpreted as Wiccan the way that it was working, but it's we can I don't know. It's um It's a group of women that are internationally involved with climate action, and it was very interesting. It's a nonprofit. What is the What is the what? The acronym again? WECAN Thank you, Doc. Uh, In enter the international. I think the whole word is spelled out. I'm gonna look it up and send it. Send the link You just Google can you can Yeah. Find it. Let me do that. But I really appreciate all of your comments tonight on, um the BC presentation and I hope as many of you that are able to attend will be there. So that's my comment. I will be away. I cannot attend. Sorry. It's all spelled out. We can international Yeah. It's excellent site on a lot of very positive climate actions that are happening throughout the world. Excellent, right. This is perfect. Thank you. Robin is not gonna be able to be at the meeting, but you'll be at the next Um, meeting here. I can't be at the April 2nd meeting. I'll try. I've got a meeting at six. So if I can get out, then I'll Taylor. All on you, man. Um OK, Poor tale. Um let's see if I can alternates to attempt Mm. OK well, 729 and I think that we're done with all of our business for this evening. So is there any move to adjourn? Second All in favor. I. Taylor's go now that he's here. Yeah it's always one of them. We need some more hours of minutes more hours of meetings. So to me, this is my mobile.