Six 1 February 15th. Uh, 2024, and we're calling, uh, sustainability committing meeting to order Um, can we have a roll call place? Sure, Um, Chairperson Denise Menino. Member, Dorie Larson here. Member Taylor Mandoo. Member Robin Sanger is absent as well. Member Siobhan Neem is absent and member Carol Mick. Thank you. Thank you. And we haven't we haven't heard from those that are absent. Correct, OK? And what's the status of We still need one more alternate. Is scan an alternate. Yeah Yeah, yes. Yes. She's an alternate. Wait. No, she filled the We have with Siobhan, we have six. Is Robin is Robin on the committee. At this point, She's a mess Robin and Taylor and then Siobhan is an alternate an alternate, and we also have an applicant for The other alternate position, the position and just one applicant. Mhm. Yes Since it's so cold in here, maybe we can have a We'll have a very short brief meeting. I think so, I. I really think that it's necessary to remind those that are on the committee. Uh, the commitment To communicate. Absolutely. I will send an email. Thank you. Yeah, I'm surprised Robins. Yeah, I hope she I hope she's OK. Oh, because as. As everybody had the opportunity to look at this. Yes. Can. I'm trying to find Oh, I'm on this thing. And, um. Are there any amendments or Necessary for the meetings last month or no, I moved to, um Pass them. Hi There a second, a second. That all in favor. I point of order is are you not? To second or make a motion. I am not allowed to make a motion. I don't know whether I'm allowed to vote Yes, you're allowed to vote second things. She? I don't I don't think so. OK, I mean, she can pass the gavel and I think I think you're right because I think that's the purpose of having to pay for a quorum, right? OK? OK? So here we are. Sustainability Um, Action Plan Update. Yes So you all should have a copy A digital copy of the It's green, um, the green boxes, So those are all of our fiscal year. Um 24 Act sustainability action. I'm sorry. Sustainability plan action items. So, um Hold on. Let me pull that up. No problem. Event list. It should say the title is S AC dot Ok, here it is. I know that's a weird title. Um It made sense when I did it. So um, this is just a brief update on where we are internally with these so for and some of them are combined. So if you don't see exactly what you're thinking of, let me know. And I We have happily clarify, Um, the family friendly workplace policies. We have a kickoff meeting with our HR department. Um this month. What's already on the schedule? Um and we are hoping to have with that meeting, hoping to identify our a short list of priority items for that, um and hoping to be on schedule to complete that in the su by the summertime. And what does that mean the family friendly workplace policies. It was a pretty open ended action item, but it was basically Think the You. You you guys, Um when you voted on it, I think the purpose when I went back, the purpose was to, um help retention. Make sure that there are sustainable policies in place, um, or at least evaluated because some of these are gonna be an evaluation. Um And so I think it helps with retention of staff. It helps with, um Having sustainable policies and green policies in our workplace policies. I mean, it's like having a PDF application instead of a paper one, you know, like little things like that, Um And so we're we're gonna short we'll We'll have a short list. At some point, I think, um And will you show it to us? Yes The, uh We've talked with HR about this. So obviously any of our personnel policies we We're gonna be working very closely with the HR department. We've got a kick off meeting scheduled next week to start brainstorming. Uh, we've done some preliminary research We've compiled, um Policy document like personnel policy manuals and the collective bargaining agreements and stuff like that from other municipalities. See what everyone else is doing. And uh, we're probably gonna have a very small, internal working team on that where we're going to look at All right. What are all the different things we could look at which HR policies would, uh, be most beneficial from a sustainability standpoint or a sustainability of a workforce standpoint? Um shortlist? Those uh, obviously HR policies and, uh, employee policies or, uh, absolutely in the purview of the city manager, so we'll probably be Taking a look at what's implement working with the city manager. See which which things he thinks is a priority. And um, uh, work, And once we have a short list, we'll probably be providing an update after that, So, um, But that's we're right. We're doing right now. We're in the fact finding mode and, uh, prioritization and one other factor that will be, uh, Considered will be, you know, ease of implementation, You know , Uh, some things that are like electronic or technology based, might be a little bit more difficult than say something as simple as like, you know, updating a policy, uh, like an internal HR policy or something like that, where you just rewrite the policy and sign it, and it's administered directly by city staff. Uh, without a lot of, uh, infrastructure changes, for example, so And all of that can be done just with the staff and the city manager doesn't have to go to the Board of Commissioners. Uh, not necessarily. Some some policies are set by the board. So that's another thing that will be considering is who administers different types of policies and, um what levels of approval are required for implementation. Yeah So I got it pulled up. I think I'm on the right one. It's action. 35 Evaluate family friendly workplace policies for local government employees, including paid family leave flexible scheduling teleworking, which I think really ties in with, you know, being able to reduce carbon footprint for the city as well job sharing and easily available child care limit contractual services to equal opportunity employers and ensure that all city employees earn a living wage according to applicable standards, So I think it's pretty broad and it depends on what they wanna do. Well defined, but I would definitely support the teleworking. Yeah, me too. Got it. And I was going to save this, Um, minor point or this point for sharing later, but I've been really I've been revisiting, Um A book that I loved back in. When it first came out it. I don't know whether anyone is familiar with Reanne, Isis's chalice, the chalice and the blade. But she is also wri written the wealth of nations and I've been listening to a lot of her talks because it's fairly far into like, um Many additions and many languages that this book has been published. But she has, um, partner is website that really are cornerstones for shifting. Um our world in a large way from domination to partnership. And she's really I mean, I would just wanna add it right now, just because of the emphasis that she's placed on family, um, childhood relations as being kind of the foundation, You know if we don't prioritize the jobs of mothers and caregivers, and, um, just look at the value The economic value that has been given for free for so many years . You know, in order to, um You know, weigh it in a as a social, Um Necessity. We're missing the point. You know, it's uh, not the way to judge you know the success of a society. Anyway, I. Well long ago when I was a professor of philosophy, I gave a paper. About how. Um if there's a family where one of the people work, let's say the male husband works that the wife , the mother, who stays at home should receive in her name half of the paycheck. So that, um You have that equity. You know, I remember when my mother used to say, Well, your father is so generous. He lets me spend the money. I was like what? You know what's Who says that, you know, but a lot of people think that's his money, not mine. So this was a way of making sure that the mother Is valued and acknowledged. So we could do that. So Yeah, prioritizing this. We have absolutely like. Thought about that. And that's something that like is absolutely like we're paying attention to is, you know, evaluating, like, potentially like, um Maternity leave, and that sort of thing and just the feasibility of that and that sort of thing. So we are absolutely paying attention to all of those all of those items, so Um I will say the paychecks item. If we were to divvy up the paychecks, we might run into some, uh, issues with the federal tax code. So um, But you know, one can be creative. Eventually that will happen. And paternity leave is important. Absolutely. Um So the next, um, action item? We, uh we kind of combined the. I I'm starting to call it the client Mitigation plan, the climate action plan and the greenhouse gas reduction target. Um I really wanted to make an informed decision for our greenhouse gas reduction target based on the results of our of our mitigation plan. Um so we have identified potentially, um. An organization to handle this for us. We're in procurement dealing with, you know all of that, you know, um, making sure we're going about that the right way. Hopefully here soon we'll be able to, like formally announce that like to you all and let you know, but like that is we're close. We're very close to this. Um and hoping to have a kick off this month and then the schedule that was given to us should be probably by like midsummer is I think when we'll have that completed and ready, ready to show Everybody, So we are very excited about that one. That's that's a big one. And, um Very excited. So and then the ordinances we did kind of lump those all together because those all kind of fall under, um the LDRS so the Invasive Species Ordinance LDR. Land development regulation. Um very good at these letters. OK? No, that's a pet peeve of Tommy's actually is acronym so I take acronyms out of everything. I. I don't get them. Um so the we've gone. I've gone through each of these and done research on each individual ordinance. Um I have model ordinances. I sent an email out to the SSDN about who else has implemented these policies and Southeast Sustainability Directors Network. The only reason that I do that one is because it's a mouthful. I'm sorry. Um yes. So the Southeast Sustainability Directors Network , Um, which is a really great resource It touches like I think 10 or 15. In the Southeast, so similar, and most of them are also working for like local municipalities, counties that sort of thing, Um, so they're able to give a lot of insight. Um so that was very, very useful . Um, so we have compiled all of that. And as soon as PNZ, um, is ready for us. We are like about ready for that to have that conversation to facilitate how we're going to kind of move forward with that and how we can implement all that, Um So that might be it might get done in the summer. That might be something that's like finished after the fiscal year, but it's something that will like It won't be if it's Delayed. It's not. It's just like the delay of the completion. All the research has been done that sort of thing. It's just interdepartmental, you know, um, timelines that have to mesh so This one's very the schedule is very much being driven by the comprehensive plan Adoption, So the Uh, later. When we talk about agenda items, we're expecting to have a comprehensive plan update from planning and zoning for you all next month, and, um, but once all the land of the way this works is you adopt the comprehensive plan that sets policy and then over time you develop all the ordinances to implement those policies. So um, those are the times when a lot of these the code and stuff like that are gonna be open for revision, And that's the time when we get all those in, but that schedule is broader than just sustainability. There will be other code updates and things like that it'll be happening happening simultaneously. Absolutely. So the comp plan addition like is happening through summer and then the Land Development code or At following that in the fall in winter. I OK , I'm asking so, I I'll take OK, Go ahead. Thank you. The, uh, the comp plan. Uh, the schedule. They're hoping to have that wrapped up this spring and then start on, Uh, ordinance adoption this summer, but obviously everything is contingent upon, you know, board approval, the comp plan and things like that, So, but that's that's the tentative plan is to, uh, start on is to have the comp plan wrapped up sometime this spring and then summer they'll start on land development regulations. Um, and planning is gonna be able to give you probably More nailed down timeline on that, like, uh, at their update So are we Is our, uh, community gonna have an opportunity to weigh in on like some of the recommendations for like the wetlands buffers. Um I Yeah, I think we'll have an opportunity for that We can. We can work that in and as they, uh, they're working through potential. Um Revisions to code and stuff like that. We can talk with planning and zoning and see if we can bring a draft code for review or something like that, or like what they're Plan is for the updates or the results of the evaluations. And Yeah, I would love to see them come share with us what they But they're cooking . Yes I have an opportunity to weigh in. Is there a document online that we can Start reviewing it all or not. I don't think that there's anything that's been released yet. Um they I know they had public outreach meetings or even the draft. That that'll be next meeting. We'll We'll try out whatever. I mean, even before it's published, perhaps, um, you know publicly it would be nice if, um, if we could Have a chance to look at a draft. I really don't want to get ahead of the planning and zoning department, you know? So they're they're they're working. They they've they will be providing updates on the comprehensive plan, not just this committee but to a variety of the advi advisory committees and I, they're managing that outreach campaign, and they they are cognizant of making sure that they have Engagement from all the different committees that are that are part that So I think what you're looking for. You'll find in the next meeting, Um, in the presentation that they give as far as comments and see seeing the comp plan beforehand, Um And that's that like that, that I think theoretically is the time for like, comments and feedback and that sort of thing. Um and you'll have that in. You should have that in the meeting materials. For the next meeting, So I'm just hoping to not have to review it on the fly and have some opportunity to Give it some thought in advance. That's all OK, we'll work with planning and zoning and see if we can get you something with plenty of notice. I have a question about seawalls. So my neighbor put in a new sea wall. Can. Of course, flooded over it, and they were told that they couldn't make it higher like they wanted to make their new seawall high even higher, but they they were limited by how high they could make their seawall. Do you know why Uh, Without knowing the details of that particular case. I couldn't say There's I mean, there's a variety of different codes and regulations that go into sea walk construction. You think you can make a sea wall as high as you want, but I obviously not Well, they're not consistent around the area. That the water is if it's going to be affecting The adjacent properties, probably, but some have C walls. Some don't you know, it's not like there's a consistent wall. And that that very that I mean, that exactly might be why You know, there's almost no point in having a sea wall go higher. If no one else has a seawall in their vicinity, it doesn't do any good. Um, although they do Me. My neighbors have a big sea wall. We don't have a sea wall. Those regulations are pretty complex. You'll have a combination of local. You'll have state if it's uh I just see the Army Corps requirements. So I was curious. The Seawall Ordinance, I believe is Action item 14. And that, um. Review and revise the Sea Walt Ordinance to require all newly newly installed or renovated seawalls to meet a minimum height based on current Current base. Flood projections evaluate potential use of living seawalls in city seawall improvements that's minimum height, not. We will have more. I think we'll have more information on like our recommendations for that, with the results of the vulnerability assessment, um Yeah, I believe that was, uh, when we and the Y'all are deep in the discussions that I believe that was mostly focused around sea level rise and reducing vulnerability over time and making sure we have good standards for, uh, for future sea level rise concern so we don't You know, container design things to a standard that's not likely to be applicable in the future. Sea level rise occurs. And this is that that is one of the ordinances. Really All of them are going are, you know collaborative amongst other city departments as far as implementation, you know, building and development PNZ, you know, planning and zoning. I'm sorry. Um, are all gonna have some, like In that game, if you will, as far as like What's implement what's like industry standard and that sort of thing. Um so like we'll, we'll be able to make recommendations based on current findings. Um. But you know, like it has to be implemented. So um and there they'll be the they'll be the experts on that so Um A lot of collaboration within the ordinances category with other city departments so Which again is why it might take some time after the comp plan is finalized, so And then the, um, net zero canopy loss policy. Um we did have a project kick kick off with that in January with, um Shannon, our city arborist. And uh, you know, we I've I've been doing the research as well. And speaking with, uh, municipal arborist at um other municipalities locally who have adopted who have adopted a net zero Canopy loss policy also places that Had a goal to implement one and then didn't implement one and why they didn't um, and discuss the barriers with that and that sort of thing just so we can have a full understanding of what that looks like, so we can have a better understanding the I think the biggest, um, hurdle with this one is to make You know, an educated and informed policy decision. It's going to require the completion of the tree inventory. Um I think we're about 30 or 40% complete with that currently, Um, I think they're kicking that off again in the summer. Um but I, I can't say for certain, so that's kind of what we'll probably have to wait on for full implementation is waiting for that tree inventory to be complete. Um, and that sort of thing so Right? Any other questions on the ordinance, or I'm sorry. The action I the 24 action items. Um . You said 24 action items. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah. Fiscal year. 24 I'm sorry. Yes And this is all the action items we have for the whole year. There are this is they kind of condensed, but they're 77 total, so they're they're a little condensed, so the climate action plan is its own action item. The greenhouse gas reduction target is its own item. I combined them because The greenhouse gas reduction target is going to come from the results of the climate mitigation plan. The ordinances are kind of all lumped together because they are very similar path. You know, they're all kind of on the same track. We're all they're kind of waiting on the same thing. Um so that's why it looks a little different. How I have it formatted here versus in the actual plan, but every all the fiscal year 24 items are Um, represented here if you'd like, just for clarity and quick reference back to the sustainability plan. We can put the action item numbers in there on future updates so you can more easily go back and forth and see what the original plan said. I can do that. OK, the. OK, um The Earth Day event Update. Let me just pull up that flyer. I love the flyer. I was just thinking, OK, what time and where, and where is not on there? It's not because I We didn't have a location at that point, but then nailed down yet we do have that as of today, so it will be at the Heritage Center. Um and it will be from 5 to 7 on April 19th. And that's that's a fresh update. As of today, So April 19th and what exactly you say 5 to 7. What exactly is happening? It's I mean, you guys really wanted like a launch for the sustainability plan? Yeah. Yeah it's a party atmosphere to get people there to hear about the sustainability plan. Are we going to read the plan or at least we'll have tackle some of the major objectives or action? We'll We'll have copies there copies and for anyone who attends and wants to take have a copy for themselves. That'll be available, Um the sustainability staff will be there to answer any questions. We are still working out, working to figure out with The attorney, um about like, as far as sunshine with everyone being, you know, the whole committee being there, it might just need to be like one representative. Um, but that's we're working to find an answer to that currently. Um maybe it would make a difference if you mentioned that. We really don't. We aren't voting on anything or discussing anything that we're voting on. I mean and like and yeah, and like we can, that seems to be the critical uh, sticking point, right? I The, uh think so. Yes, it's I think one thing we probably want to avoid is accidentally making it a sunshine event. Um, because that they become more complicated. There's less You know, there's additional like you have to do meeting minutes and public noticing and all these other things. So um, I know we do have events like the, um the thank you events for this, Uh, for all the different committees where we come and have dinner and stuff like that, so we'll we'll try our best to create a format. Uh, but this kind of does inherently become Like a policy discussion. So we're we're gonna work with the attorneys try and create the most opportunity for the committee to be there as possible. Um but we've also got to stick with what the attorneys tell us on the sunshine requirements. So we're gonna investigate that fully. To see What that looks like, Um I have to say that, um. When we had those nibble things. We all showed up. And we did talk about things that You know? What could we do? And You know with cuz people offered suggestions. So, um Just saying We survived. But, um I, It would be good to have Clear guidelines about what we can talk about, and. Not and that's what we're looking for. We're trying to not, uh, It. Create a gray area, I guess, um or an infringement of any kind. We just We wanna make sure that We just have to be in compliance with the sunshine loss. So we're we're we're we'll get a legal opinion on how to how to accommodate that. Always go to these events and talk to each other and So. I have every confidence that we can work it out and make it A path forward. Um I wanna say that I love the poster. I think it's super cute and creative draft. By the way, though, so. But it's cute. Um so for publicity. How are we going to make sure that people come and that people know about it? And so that's actually something that Tommy and I have spent a lot of time talking about because we do want it to be well attended. You know, we want You guys to be very happy with how the event goes, You know, Because this is for you know this is for you. This is to celebrate the work that you guys have done. Um And so, um, we've talked about having an event, right, Um, event so that sometimes people subscribe to like local events in their area. Um So what? We'll absolutely do that, Um, we'll have a Facebook sponsored post that will actually pay to market. Um and that'll hit like a certain geographic radius, and it'll We? We've talked about doing something like a significant push via social media with that we work with. I think our I think our rec department is they're They're one. OK They have the Facebook page, so we'll work with them. Make sure that's that's on there. They have a great social media presence, and they have a lot of followers. So I think that'll be a really valuable resource. We do have our sustainability. Um, email list as well. So we'll absolutely be sending out blasts for that, Um, with the flyer and information and that sort of thing. Um and then I know that it was mentioned, Um I think in our preme Denise, you mentioned that having passed committee members there? Um and because they were a part of this, too, so making sure that they're invited. Um and then I also had the idea to invite the P SRN Network. I'm sorry. The Pinellas sustainability and resiliency Network, right? Yes, OK. So acronym sometimes, um, but other have other local sustainability professionals there. I know that it was brought up in the past meeting to maybe, like, Think about Collaborative, um, multi multi jurisdictional events in the future. This might be a good way to kind of, um, build a bridge. Maybe II. I genuinely don't know if that's possible, but at least like involve them because a lot of times they are A stakeholder in these in these sorts of things because it's we're all working together towards a common goal. So wanna make sure that they're invited, Um And they and I, You know, I can even ask them if they'll send it out. So their email list serve. You know that sort of thing, And obviously all city employees will be invited as well. So we have a fairly solid marketing plan in place. For this. We want it to be well attended and there's gonna be hopefully really great food there. Um, we're like, Look, we're in Uh, sorry. Talking with procurement in order to Figure out like how how we can do that, But I we have a couple of options, and I think it'll be it'll be really great. It'll be a local establishment. Um Um for that. Sorry, I thought you were trying to get my attention. Um Um So I, you know, I think we'll we should have If it's not well attended. It's not because it wasn't like it wasn't well marketed and you know there's gonna be good food. There's gonna be People there to discuss things you know, like I We have commitment from other city employees as well, who are going to be there to attend and discuss things and that sort of thing, So I think it'll be I think it'll be It will be a great event. So The plan is thank you for all that you've done Absolutely, absolutely. Hopefully next time we'll have a bigger update with all you know more So, so I really it is when you look at it. The thing you see is hors d'oeuvres. And that's what's gonna bring people . That's what I was thinking. Too. 21 thing you said is it's to celebrate our accomplishments . And in here, it says, Meet Our Citizen lets you feel any committee. You're the only ones who have seen this by the way. The word not gonna be able to celebrate. I will I That's It's editable. This is like this. This is my idea that would be ideal. I really think it would be ideal if you can all come. Even if everyone has to stand in separate corners, you know, and there's no interaction or discussion. But if you're there, I really You know this. This is for you, You know so in this, and that's not a bad idea if we had the presentation And then if , um each of us was to kind of be in separate areas of the room so that people could come meet us and talk to us that they had questions that would be Yeah, that would be ideal that way. We're not conversing with each other, but we're able to meet the public. Absolutely And it does seem important that there's a program Right? Like an itinerary. Yeah, I mean, That there's a presentation actually, right? There will be there will be I wasn't planning on it. I I I'm sorry. I thought the point was to have a very casual like because we have these very, um Highly formatted meetings here where the public is welcome to come, you know, and, uh I thought, I thought the idea was to have a very casual interaction with the public to get by. In that way, make it an easy just to have a conversation with somebody about their professional work What they're doing. You know what you guys are doing with the sustainability committee and that sort of thing. It's more conversational, more, um Less of like a. We have a lot of educational events less of a do you go ahead. I'm sorry. Did you have something to say? I apologize? No, not about this. Oh, OK, ok. Yeah. So I went to one of you were there. I think when we went to the vulnerability Um. The vulnerability assessment was public outreach meetings that room next to the heritage, and there wasn't a program it you just went in, and you looked at a back and the guy was there and we were all like There was a lot of confusion. It was like I really didn't know what they were doing. What are we supposed to do here? Look at a map, and that's that, and everyone I talked to really wanted, you know, to sit down and have somebody walk us through what we were supposed to do, cuz if you just go and it's like this informal thing, it's like, well, that was going that the public outreach meeting definitely served a completely different purpose that was to Feedback and if there if it was Possibly lacking structure. Um, it might be just because I think the consultant put that on. Correct Yeah, we're aware that the those meetings, uh, left a little bit to be desired on those the vulnerability workshops. Um We did roughly the same amount of, uh uh, community engagement that we've done for, Um For other types of workshops. And you know , sometimes, folks, Lots of folks show up. And sometimes folks, don't we're we're gonna do a little bit of a different format for like the For how we For, as, uh, Jordan was saying for marketing this one, So we think we'll get more people in like it's more of a community type event. Um, but We'll take that in in the you know, we'll take your comments. We'll try and put some together that we can have, like an educational opportunity but have to be casual so people can come and go as well. And, um Definitely try and create a framework meeting and learn about the, uh, the plan and the action items and what the city is doing. People may just want to know what is the sustainability plan? You know, why have it? What was the point? And I gonna, I mean, that's what I'd wanna know. And I'd love to facilitate conversations and I think Um sometimes. I'm trying to make it like like intro like very like introductory. Very friendly, just like, uh, like conversational because I think that like if any of our sustainability staff or any of you were approached by someone's like, so, what is the sustainability plan? I think it's to have that conversational aspect to it and just make it, um Like very low key. Yes the You know, I. I see you welcoming people. And at least giving, um you know how the, uh, where the Board of commissioners presentation, Perhaps. Something along that you know it. It was only a 10 minute presentation. But at least it kind of gave a little historical background. So people people may just hearing about this for the first time, so I would you know, I, I imagine just saying, you know, welcoming everybody thanking everybody for their attendance and their interest in sustainability and kind of giving them a little bit of, uh, just a little bit of the history behind the Formation of the committee and what the goal was and how we've Arrived at this moment where we're launching the sustainability plan and thank you for coming for the celebration. I mean, I have been to events before where there was no facilitation and people are awkward, and that's and that's not the purpose here. You know, they're just like, OK, I wanna you know they're and that that and that kind of comes on a kind of get them and that kind of comes back on us when people all over without drinks when people come Yes, there will be mocktails. I think so. Um, but Will spike them with CBD. The, um the, um Uh, Sorry that threw me. Um you know, that's that's kind of on, you know, on like us , you know, to engage people when they come in the door and just say Hey, welcome, you know, thank you for coming kind of deal. Um, but I don't think that we're gonna get attendance for two straight hours. So not everyone is gonna be there at five. To hear that kind of an open house. Yes, OK. Yes, OK. Oh, Well for from 5 to 7, where people could come and go. I still think there's value in like, like what Denise was proposing welcoming people having like a really brief. Overview of some slides of like what we're doing and what we're trying to accomplish. I'd also think it would be really helpful to have, um Like a sign in where we can capture people's information. We do have that, um , for we're gonna do giveaways and that sort of thing and incentivize. Maybe some, uh, some some sign up to get, um To add people to our email list so that they're more they're aware and they they get the email blast and that sort of thing. So yeah, we have We That is a plan too awesome. And then also maybe, um, some, and I think we're gonna go through this on the next item. But some events where people can like, get plugged in. Like if they wanna do the beach cleanup or the you know what I mean, they they can start thinking about how they Um , And that could be part of like one of the conversations that we have with people or, you know, like, what are you interested in and Here are some opportunities to get plugged in. Yeah, to try to Yes. And potentially even talk about, you know? The application process for serving on the board. That's a good idea being on the committee. Yeah. Commit, not board. Yeah, I'm sorry. Um I was gonna go back and make my previous comment because I kind of paused because we went down a different, uh, rabbit hole. But in terms of invitations, I think it would might be helpful if we encourage. Um Karen Lemons to invite. Her network of business, uh in the business community and try to get some businesses engaged with with our work. Um and then also like, um the merchants associations and invite them because we do want that economic peace to, you know what I mean to be highlighted as well. I think that's an excellent idea. We um we did have that we were going to have on the sign in sheet that, um To be able to Indicate whether or not you own a business in Tarpon Springs and that sort of thing. Um so that, like moving forward, we can identify those people specifically for feedback and that sort of thing. Um that was that was something that we already had discussed. But um, at, like, adding the invitations to like, you know, the chamber or whatnot would be a great idea. OK? So what? What I hear And I. Would like Is it to be a little more structured? So it isn't just And To have, um. You know things there, maybe in the initial PowerPoint. What are the things I can do? You know? When I'm in the audience, That's what I wanna know. What can I do? How do I get involved? Not you know, and specifics and for businesses. Specifically what can they do? How can Um, are there services they can sign up for So the more we can give people because they're coming to this meeting. And it's uh or this. Whatever celebration And that's where they wanna get the information. They don't wanna have to come back or email or whatever they want it there so this can be really rich event. Um But I think it needs to be a little more structured. OK Yeah, I think just to synthesize. Uh so you'd like us to focus on potentially doing a bit of like a hybrid open house, but with a little bit of a program, so there's some programming, but we can people come also come and go and not feel obligated to be. We do want to create a Uh, Jordan. Very smartly. I think want to create a framework where people wanna drop in, Uh, for 25 minutes, 30 40 minutes and learn a little bit about the system. Something you know, go back to their lives and their family like that, that that's accessible as well. Uh, we've had good success with some other city events like that we do every year like touch a truck and stuff like that, where it is more of an open house. Uh, Sorry. Type of format, you know, come in, Learn about city services. With the Fire department does see what the police do learn about utilities learn about planning and zoning or economic development. So I think we can incorporate some elements of that and also have, uh, a couple of things that are a little bit more active where we're, you know, providing a little bit of education, too, if we're all able to be there, and if we're able to invite the former members, it would be great if we could be just thinking along the lines of being hosts. Of the event as well as the city so that we're Able to welcome people and, um, walk over and I mean, I certainly feel comfortable with that. That's how I spend my entire day. You know, it's just an in, um, conversations, you know, trying to make people feel comfortable and I think that we could we, Maybe if we each had a stack of the books, and we could be handing them to people, or, you know, and asking if they have any questions if they wanna , you know, I mean, if they're gonna be coming in later That would be A little bit. Sure So I see two main goals, one being outreach for future involvement and one being education about city initiatives. No, OK. I think we. And the basic summary. So that you know you get this big book. You want a basic Clear , simple summary and a power point. Um like Denise says, Oh, I don't know. I don't know whether there will be an opportunity for a power point, but I do see that we can just at least tell people what you know the whole prince of the principles of sustainability. And thank them for coming and. Sorry we overloaded you. Oh, no, You're fine. We're we're We're here to take your direction. It's just that we've gone to these events and we sort of know what what works for us and what doesn't as an audience just as a participant. And what doesn't work is when you go and you go Why did I come? Mhm. We don't want people to ask that question when they leave. Sure Yeah, no II. I think we've got a good goal. We've got direction. You know, Welcome, folks. Uh, great engagement for future events. Um, Get some, uh, simplified education system for the uh or Educational materials for the sustainability plan and, um, create a framework to re engage people in the future for future sustainability and Community events as well. And is there something we can give? Did you say, Jordan? You were gonna give us something away. Yeah we have water conservation kits that we're planning on giving away and making available to everyone, Um, Kind of like as a thank you for filling out the attendance sheet. OK? We are on item number four presentation to the BOC. Mm. Is have you confirmed whether that's happening next month or not, you all have the, um Tommy handed out the resolution about the reports. Um so the timeline is. The report needs to be completed by. March 27th at noon. Um so. For the committee for the committee to Review it. The final draft needs to be ready for the meeting on the 21st that we have, um and then the final draft after that needs to be ready by the 27th for the me for the BOC meeting on the second. For the BOC meeting on April April 2nd. Yes we had some discussions with the city clerk about board scheduling board items and also the schedule for this committee and, um Just with the way the shifting the board the board meetings to 1st and 3rd. It created a little bit a little bit of a conflict with having y'all have the opportunity to review your presentation your report and do an approval. So, uh, We? The gains from the city clerk's office was to go ahead and schedule it for the April 2nd. Um And, uh, That'll give you all an opportunity to, uh, Denise, an opportunity most likely to work with Jordan. Create a short update. And um, provide that to the board, uh, with, you know, plenty of notice, and also the committee having the opportunity to review the review the, uh, the report And if that's something Denise is doing like she's done before I have I. I have not done this before, So I don't have an answer for that. The um typically, uh well, you, uh, Denise, she did this last year. I did it last year. But I think that didn't Robin do it one year. Um The year before was that Did you do the presentation it one year? I did it in 2023. I. I did the presentation a couple of years. I. I don't remember. But Robin did one presentation well there and sustainability. The sustainable like the sustainability coordinator does bring regular updates to the BOC That isn't necessarily the same update from the sustainability Advisory Committee. Yes Yeah, This is a report from the committee on behalf of the Committee to the Board. Um and the goal is to detail accomplishments. Um, provide. Uh, other information requests by the board. I don't think they've requested anything of us in a little while, Um The last time they requested us was to develop a plan. We're working on it. Um and, um they can also make recommendations for like, future goals and things like that. So, um The way this I believe this was structured last year was that, uh, Denise, the chair will can work with Jordan over the next month to put together a short presentation. You know something? 5 10 minutes to provide the board not to say, Hey, this is what we've worked on the I'm presuming the main update will be that we've adopted this plan and we're very excited about adopting the plan and we wanna encourage folks to get involved. This is the path forward for the city and, um Then, um We would bring the that draft report or Presentation back to the committee in the March meeting of the Sustainability Committee. The committee would say this is what we would like to present to the board and then, uh, Denise would attend the April 2nd board meeting with, uh, Jordan, and, uh, Denise would provide the update, uh, on be as the chair on behalf of the committee. What time of the meetings. Do you know 6 36 36 30. Thank you. Mm. And we'll Be there to support her. And I can share like my previous Presentations. I think I shared it with you last year. But if you'd like to see it to Jordan just so you can appreciate we included, OK? And did they did a great job last year? Well thanks. I don't remember at all. You did? No. I felt the good energy we were. We were worried. Initially that there might be some Some feedback. That was, uh Maybe. Not positive, but it turned out that it was they. Everyone completely embraced what we were doing, and the feedback was awesome. It just very similar feedback to what we've gotten when we've spoken to the board, so I think they there's no having to prove the need anymore . Correct I agree it's part of part of the city plan. Um. Sure, that's. So we're mainly looking at accomplishments of the have been if you know, um What action plans were tackled last year. Um . There were no action items. There were no action items that were addressed at all because the plan action item started fiscal year 24 Yeah. Yeah, we tend to think of the year starting in October, 1. So uh, the big item from the from last fiscal year would have been the implementation of the plan and will We've had some other materials that we provided Recent board. Updates on, um A variety of things in the public Services department, including sustainability so we can provide those as well. The Give you and Jordan a jumping off point about what you want to talk about. So that's good. Items for our next agenda. I think that's part of it is just, um what we're presenting to the BOC. You know what we come up with in our discussions. If you have anything to add, please. And them. Jordan. Thank you. We do have the calm plan Update scheduled for from PNZ for the march meeting as well. Speaking with planning and zoning, I imagine those two items will take the majority of the meeting, OK? And maybe just, uh, update about the Earth Day then. Yes, Um I don't know where this is. In today's, uh. Agenda but that we got in the back up the, um the events. That are coming up. That was just requested by you all. So we just included it as like a We needed to communicate that with you all about the city events, So I just I literally copied and pasted that from the city website. Um all of the city events that that are ongoing this year that are on the schedule. OK? Are we gonna have a conversation at some point about like? Doing like engaging with those or I know we have eco fest. Um. On the on the agenda. That's the next thing after the Earth Day event. I. I think we could do that. As maybe not, Uh, March, I think is gonna be the comp plan in and scheduling all the stuff for Earth Aid That will keep us pretty busy. Uh, But I think that would be a good future agenda item would be to You know if there's a particular events that the committee is interested in, Um let us know and we can Uh , schedule updates on those and like, maybe, like April March, April May June or something like that, as we get closer. Sounds good. Yeah, the beach cleanup is coming. Saturday, March 2nd Is the first one Um I guess the next one Is in May. We can talk about that. So at the beach clean up How many people typically attend and how much is there to pick up? I haven't I. I didn't even know we did a beach clean up until today. Have we done one in the past? Yeah And there were I think that there were pictures. Of the tent or a table then, um Robin had set up Yeah. The uh, the attendance varies a little bit. Um, you know, that's Yeah, they their weekend events. So, like, you know, 20, you know 1020 30 people sometimes, um Uh, if you're interested in the in the beach cleanup, so we can provide you an update on on the beach. Well when I saw it, I thought, Oh, I'll go. And then I thought Well. Maybe lots of people go and there's not much to pick up. I mean, I'd like to know that to see if You know? And why is it just at Sunset Beach and not at The other places that I think is because it's uh, keeping keep Penas. Beautiful Um, clean up event and I. I think they focus on public spaces and that sort of thing. So um, I think the beaches are pretty prevalent for them. And Sunset Beach is a city park and, uh, Howard Park is a is a county park. So try and focus on the city. I see. But is there a lot of trash on. Um I. I don't think we have a super problem with litter. But there's always stuff to be picked up. Uh, you know, we have good parks. Folks. They have trash cans and things like that out there, but Uh, not everyone follows the rules all the time. Oh, OK? We have no public here. Sadly. But, um, staff comments. Um anything to share? Yeah. So we are wrapping up intern interviews? Um tomorrow, so hopefully we'll have something. I was hoping to have an update for that this meeting, but That that's the way the hiring process goes. So hopefully next meeting for you all. We'll have someone to introduce to you, Um And then I will be at touch a truck on the 24th. Will have a small booth with water conservation kits, and we capture um You know, data and that sort of thing as far as email lists and that sort of thing so Hm? Uh, I just want to, you know, further reiterate that, uh, you know if we're Uh, you know, waters near near to my heart. We do. Even though we've had a little bit of rain. We're doing a little bit better, but Um Uh, we still do have a 12 month rainfall deficit. It's a little bit droughty over the long period. So, uh, Just can anyone you talk to please continue them to encourage them to conserve their water resources and, uh, check their watering days and things like that. How do you deal with, um people that live out of state that have automa automatic watering? I mean, that's the lady right across the street from me, and she's got her lawn on autopilot and, um. I'm sure she pays the bills. But she is, um Probably a person that doesn't even Think about how it it's. It's increased at a certain point. Lots of customer engagement. That is the answer. Uh, we have. That's a That's a common question. And you know, we've got some resources for that, like, you know, Here's Here's what you do, and that not everyone programs their thing. And if they're not Uh, someone who's. Got the know how to program their irrigation controller there. They tend to be fairly much more simple nowadays, but, um Yeah. You can always get in touch with an irrigation professional, and they'll help you go through your system and get everything up to date. OK? Any committee comments. Um I just wanted to invite everybody to, um, The Dunedin Hope Spot Festival on Saturday. Um I don't know if you guys are familiar with what the hope spot is, but they're like, ecologically sensitive, um, places in the ocean that, um, Doctor, Sylvia Earle had really, um, worked to get designated the Gulf Coast. Hope spot. So um, they do a festival in Dunedin. That's Sustainable and, um. They have, like ocean exhibits and animal. What's it called? It's the Hope Spot festival in Dunedin, and I'm gonna be doing ride and drives in in the electric vehicle. Hopefully, it will not be raining, but it might be Oh, yeah. My uh, work happy if it rains true, but at any rate, um actually, I. I wish I could be there, but I usually work on Saturdays. Well, if anybody in the community wants to join, it's at the Dunedin Marina, Uh, Saturday from. Nine to Three. I think 10 to 5. They do beach clean up at 9 A.m. And then, um Going. To Is there and I can send the link to. I can share it with everybody. Absolutely. I have it. Um I'm looking Uh, And the only thing that I have to share is that I know I've made a comment earlier . That was a little, uh, seemed a little out of context. But the more I listen to, um You know, read the cornerstones of partner is Um I feel that it It's kind of beyond what the city is doing , obviously, but I think if we're really if we're really looking at sustainability as something that is going to be an umbrella over the planet We have to find every opportunity to connect networks and I'm gonna send. Um the partner is link. Um, I can share it with everybody. Yeah, absolutely. I'm gonna send it to Jordan and she can share it with everybody. I I have been listening to a lot of, um, interviews with Rihanna Eisler. Because her she came up in my mind. I mean, I was introduced to her many, many years ago and went to see her speak in Seattle, and then I know that she played a huge part in influencing David Corton, who spoke at teach ends prior to the WTO summit. That happened in Seattle. I mean, I know some people know about the World Trade organization. And Thing that happened in Seattle became rather infamous and misrepresented a lot of the people that opposed it, But, um, I was there and, uh, and the teachings Uh, David Corton had just written a book in 95. I think when corporations rule the world And it's been, um. Just a devastating reality. You know and how how, Um, money has played, you know, just just the profit driven, um, extraction of the planet has played such a devastating role and undermining sustainability, undermining families. You know, it's undermining the structure that actually keeps us afloat and keeps us healthy. So I just kind of revisited this recently after listening to a couple of interviews, and I Like, Oh, she's got some excellent points and the more conscious we are of them, The more we can. Be spreading the consciousness of sustainability beyond just city. I mean, it's important that what we're doing here is just city, but that we're making networks. To you know, in conversation and raising the awareness of all people that participate in Planet Earth's health. Because unless everybody is participating, I think it's um somewhat of a lost cause. And I hate to say that, but it feels like it's really The 11th hour. Even beyond that, I'd like to say sure. So, um As you know, I'm. Concerned about this flooding of our streets. And, um . So this morning Yet again, one of our neighbors is selling their house and leaving Tarpan. Um, because of this. Because of the flooding and the storms. Um And so I just wanna urge The city that really Figure this out, Um Because we're You know, more and more people are moving. Um Whether they can sell their homes. I don't know. But I certainly. My husband and I certainly have considered it. Because. There's just, you know, we're gonna be stranded. Because we can't drive through all the water. Um So I mean, this to me has to become more and more priority, And I know that There's issues that the docks and it's being addressed, but it it's a very difficult issue. And I don't know. What you can, you know, raise the city. Or whatever. But, um. I think we'll have a lot more information and be able to formulate a path moving forward when we get the results of our, um vulnerability and resiliency. Great. Um Plan. I think that It has. You know, we have to Be very conscious and make an educated and informed decision on how to move forward. So I think with those results and that the data that we'll get from that, I think we'll be able to Really make moves moving forward if needed. Yeah that that are needed. That's not an if that's a definite I mean, we have no choice. Um Well, in good news. They've started working on growth and Cyprus. There was a. A plot that was a flood retention pond that went through a lot of legal hassles, and they're finally working on it again. And there's AC. Well it was a it was a property that was torn up. It's a flood retention pond to help when there's an overflow. You know there was some so those are those are projects that are being making a bigger retention, Po. No There. It was in a legal limbo for a while, and now that the work has started on again, so that's To make a resolution. Yeah it's there are in the process of doing. It's broader than that. It's a It's a larger, you know, Flood abatement project. 70 That's good news. Yes, that is good news in relation to what you were bringing up, so maybe they're gonna happen more frequently that even the county was saying they're draining it And I said, Well, where are you draining it into? They said, Well, the bayou And I said, Well, It floods down there. The bayou comes up the street so quite to put the water. Okay, any more staff comments? I mean any more committee comments? If we have no more committee comments, I will make a motion to adjourn second. All in favor. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. You.