##VIDEO ID:7gk7V56KLMs## ch project or just equipment Revenue projects not all revenue projects just equipment Revenue sure equipment and revenue or something she said or it's funding equipment slash revenue does that mean I don't know exactly what that means I guess when we talk to in two days it was [Music] [Applause] [Music] talk about this T people I told about [Music] [Music] sh $3,000 a year I went back to 2015 about the same [Music] hangers reg hangers we'll go ahead and get started if everyone stand commissioner d Father in heaven we come again now thanking you for life heal and strength come blessing your name go your name worthy to be blessed father we do come to take care of the County visitors we come right now father to serve it and to see what we can do to help we thank you for what you're going to do we ask you guide us with wisdom and knowledge that we'll be able to do the right thing help us father to be those through this meeting help us we try to help us this thank you for what you're going to do again these blessings and all the BL we ask in Jesus name Amen alance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all welcome everyone to our meeting is Tuesday January 28 2025 6: p.m. we have a conference line set up number there is 1 917 91022 access code 32347 pound this is not a toll free number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when the chairperson open a meeting for public comment please followly below instruction if you wish to speak please star five the moderator will M your your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you to speak minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an attended item will be given three minutes for comment a commenter may only speak one time for each agenda item with that everyone see the agenda rision with the addition of the removal I move we we have a motion to approve our agenda commissioner D second by commissioner F all in favor consent item have chance to your consent it any questions discussion I do um number n number n says theard the sign on the response to Florida Housing Finance Corporation ship monitoring review is prepared by Cent um I guess that was previously answer as agenda r as I looked over this item When I Was preparing for the meeting um we have received $3.1 million uh in ship fund for disaster recovery from Hurricane adaa and we received 162,000 for Hurricane Helen now I've got several questions but my first question is L how many projects have been completed uh Melody are you on the line hello hey there hey there mie I was just asking L uh how many projects has has been completed I think she's looking for you to answer that I just didn't know I to asked that question I just now Lo on project for what I'm sorry so she's looking at item nine on the agenda um the consent of the consent project yes yeah and my question is how many projects have been completed um from the $3.1 million that we have received for disaster recovery from Hurricane adaa zero I don't think how many have been started none of them because there's still Melody is it not correct that they're still in the process of verification for all of the applicants is okay she gave me she gave me a list last week of 10 that they our near qualification on and um I can let you know I I stay on this and um so so I I know of at least one person and I know for sure and certain that they have been requested four times to resubmit the same data now why are they being requested to keep resubmitting data why I can't I can't I can't answer that um I I I think as um Miss Randa can let let me know and I know that that's not the only I I know there are several people that's called me lately and they've had their information requested several times um the representative from whatever their new name is um has indicated to me that that they have not requested duplicate information but I I work directly with some people and I know that not correct they are coming Thursday to meet with a couple of people because I was so insistent on it this today or tomorrow I I heard it was the 29th tomorrow yes tomorrow but um I push them they here for me every single day plus on so I'm I'm I I don't I I I'm not trying to be evive on your question I just I can't answer that well the the answer is not to my satisfaction um are these people incompetent I'm wondering why after all this time that we've been sitting on this kind of money and our Citizens need help and we're not helping them now how much are we paying these people to do nothing can anybody answer that they they are getting 10% of the $3.1 million and that comes to how much it would be over $300,000 to do nothing I don't think it's accurate that they're doing nothing I understand that it's not you know it may not be too dissatis action but I mean Melody you are following up with them probably on a daily basis she has been monitoring much she has been much more inclusive to try to encourage you know to have an answer of who needs what and to make sure that we are being that conduit for our citizens and when was their last site visit Melody do you remember it was um November October November I thinking it was October November I can't remember if it how far past the school was well I have to disagree with you when you say that they haven't been doing anything because it's been over a year and a half and we don't even have the first project started so that's unacceptable and I think leanda you are the uh the the um person that I would like to see uh Melody I'm not not saying that you haven't been trying but uh somebody else needs to take this bull by the horn and see what is wrong why are they keep asking people for the same stuff over and over because they are they're not doing anything in my opinion cuz we don't have any results none and you would think by now after a year and a half that our people who have been struggling would would have some kind of help by now but the one person that I know he's living basically in a shack because his home was destroyed by AA and he has little children that he's raising and I know there's other people DS probably in your District too all of y'all and these people are not getting the proper help that they need and I'm tired of sitting here for all these months and nobody seems to be you know doing whatever it is that we need to do to be proactive to get this on this this ball rolling and to get answers for our citizens now can you do thata course will you start copying me on the correspondence and then I do you have do you still have a spreadsheet that shows where we are with each applicant yes I believe um well I know you've been really busy but I formed the list of 10 people last week and um the spreadsheet I've asked for an updated spreadsheet okay and I I'm not I agree commiss but I want I want you to know from a staff standpoint I talk to people every day and I talk to people on weekends and last Friday night I was talking to the um gr family and and I I feel I want you to I don't even know what to say except I feel terrible about it from and for timey you know I have a better idea why don't we fire these people people and get somebody else that can give us results and do the job is there anything in their contract that says that we can let them go for for no performance basically Melody and I discussed that this today and we discussed it last week we yes um and actually we may need an addendum to their contract anyway so if the only concern that Melody and I had was if we're getting close to being able to go out to bid on these projects do we want to see it through or is that a time to how much would it delay it if we had to go out to bed you know hire someone else get all the records I don't want to delay the projects anymore than they than they already have been I don't want it delayed either that was the only concern I had is if we consider you know going with a different company would that just add more of a delay and when we feel like I mean we're we're pretty close at this point right Melody as far as got 10 10 that um they say are near the end of qualification and two of the families I spoke with and I asked them to please let me know if they had not heard from them in the next two weeks on on moving forward don't have contract right people that are that are in this situation where and and are these two people holding up everybody else that supplied no no no they were just on the list and I hear from them frequently and that's why I asked them to let me know if they had not heard they they are not holding enough at all um but I fre hear from them and one of the families um handicapped and is an m and they have sent me pictures of their home and it it is it it's pitiful and um I just asked them they had a they spoke with the um home inspector that came there and and that's why the last time I spoke with them I asked them to please please if they did not hear from them in the next to to let me know um so that I can I can let Miss Wanda know but I can I can tell you that I contact those people every single day so and and again I'm so I'm I'm not trying to be asive on your question I understand it's just that I am tired of the ladies now we're talking about well we're really close now we're close and I wonder if that's really going to happen I have my doubts because just from looking at history I don't know that I have any faith in that but at some point in time we're going to have to do something either we fire these people and find somebody else to do it or something and then the other thing is why would how could we receive 3.1 million for a day and then from Hurricane hel $162,000 help me understand that well I can answer that there's more funding coming for housing it's just through a different program I believe Florida received how much was it 18 million Mel for um Helen or some somewhere around there and we know a portion of it will be um in the cdbg MIT program and how when is that going to happen I don't know yet can you find out no because they haven't released that information so all we got people again from suffering from AA and then on top of that P you know and people need [Music] Rel so so back to the funds that were talking that you mentioned here we have a meeting next week would it be feasible to get an update next week on this and then we can probably decide surely if these people can come up with some results you know what I think about FEMA I won't say it but it's not not very much I hope the president does do away with them and come up with a better plan will we can have an updated spreadsheet for you next week I will email them up first in the morning and and then I will um send the list of the 10 that are almost ready to go and I will have that list for you too um and and as I said I I do know you know I I from I know people are frustrated well that's why Melody I mean that's why she stepped in to try to keep a closer eye on that and to remind the consultant and try to keep an idea and talk to people and make sure that they send in the documents that needed you know to qualify yeah it might be a good idea for you to step in a little bit more want to put a little more pressure on we've got situations like this just try to try to use your employe and and put a little more pressure on people um you know we get paid to help people not to hold people up so um and and this meeting with FEMA next week is that going to be another waste of our time and FEA and and the citizens time they going to be talking about the same old same I said feasible Is it feasible oh I'm sorry to we get an update in this project feasible movement out the next week and then we can make a decision whether we need to move it forward this much or [Music] not we probably all think the same about that one the two people that was in that question one house was completed Ed Jackson the other girl that's Ian the L it's up in the air one of them is satisfied so one out of 10 one out of 8 hey but our bet our Chan got to get better done we got to have 10 out of 10 that's what we work so you you report back to us thank you okay all right anything else on consent any other questions discuss all favor move on to [Music] 13 14 is table 14 was removed so we're going on to 14a on your addition A3 well that public request yeah I'm sorry that was our public request we have Amy Co S Roberts to discuss 06 557 d210 I'll I'll follow up with them tomorrow and I'm working with Conrad on that as [Music] well do we need to the table just we need anything on it okay all 14 was was removed we go to 14a General business the Lord discuss degree agenda by commissioner P yeah this is another issue our County looks like a dump everywhere you go it is an embarassing and I've got people calling me every day about how it looks and they don't think anything's being done and this the the this contractor has not that has not even been down every road for the first time some of the people are telling me and then some of the ones where they have been they're leaving stuff scattered out they're taking too long now wonder do you know why this is taking so long that they haven't even got down some of the roads for the first time well I believe it has a lot to do with the D if I had to guess I would say it's because of the damage that we've had at the coastline because I know some roads they've been up and down multiple times and they have removed quite a bit of debris in the coastal areas so people so we could restore infrastructure so um and they won't leave until they're finished well I'm getting calls from the coastal area with some of the same complaints some of the roads off of the Beach Road and lot of I've had a lot of calls from from the Coast Area they're saying the same thing and then they're saying so that that doesn't fly necessarily with me and then they're saying that instead of completing a road they're doing part of the road they're going on about their business and they're not finishing the road I guess that they're going to come back and pick up the other part of the road for the first time but then in the meantime the problem that we've got is that people are coming along with their bags of household trash their CHS their mattresses and anything else that they don't want and they're throwing it out there so can you work with somebody to see if they can finish a road we can go and inspect it and we can say this road is finished and then that way if somebody else throws out uh I hope they don't keep doing this but we've got to we've got to have a solution to this County looking like a pure dump are they are they giv a plan of a r that going no so what what what is happening is as they finish a road they are notifying myself and the Public Works director he is checking it and Reporting back any discrepancies and once that Road's complete it's marked complete how many roads are they Mark complete any a handful not many they just started sending us roads that are compl maybe a week ago well this this is just ridiculous I mean um I wish you could get some of the calls that I'm getting because it's every day and I don't I agree with these people and you know here we are we're trying our best to attract businesses to come in here and start up businesses so we have some jobs and you pull into Taylor County what do you see is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen yet um again we've got to be we've got to be more proactive in in working these is issues and and I would like to have more detailed updates regularly so when the people call me I have something to tell them other than I don't know they say they're they're doing it well they're not so so as of January 1st they had removed 660,000 total cubic yards from the RightWay 16,415 total loads um 98 days operational so they've they've removed a great amount I think there's just a lot they still have to remove and as they clear roads we will check them and not continue them clear I mean not continue them not consider them complete until we check them off and that all sounds good I'm glad they've done something but what I'm saying is they need to speed it up and they need to finish a road so that we can check it off and I think that if we get these roads cleaned up that people will not continue to throw all this nonstorm related debris out but as long as they some people some people that I guess I don't understand it I guess they don't want to drive to the D but as long as some people continue to see all that stuff out there they going to throw it out and I've heard that they throw it out after after hours they throwing it out all the time and then I'm still hearing where attendants are telling people side the road I would just suggest um turning that around I mean people I've seen a fellow dunk in half car the whole dunk trailer you know if I have you know wanted to call 911 I reckon I could have put a deputy on it but that would have been all I could have done you know yeah Wayne said that if you know he he was on board with us trying to stop this and he if he can find out who did it or if he can and he's got some means to try to do that that he would go see them but as long as it's land there commissioner I feel like these people that are putting it there are going to keep on doing it and we just get further behind and behind people tearing whole houses down and put them outside they are exactly that wasn't damage dur the storm just hold out they tearing them down putting them outside R yeah well I've got one in my district and when I've inquired about it I'm told that well uh the storm blew the roof off well it's a it's a tall roof roof U maybe a storm can blow a tall roof off I don't know but have you checked any further into that Lea to get any any better answers yes and what's the answer so can I can I finish speaking about what I was speaking about So the plan with do is that I've I have asked probably 10 days ago for a math of all we're all in ineligible debris is when I get that map we will use our crws to remove that debris and then I will ask if possible if do will come behind us and finish the debris removal on that road so at least maybe it will be done but yesterday alone we picked up over 50 tires and tires were never eligible debris I don't know why people are throwing out tires but we are trying to pick it up as we can and as far as entire houses that are put on the right of way you know we can go one or two ways we can um you know it will have to be a code enforcement action but it's hard to justify well we would have to prove that it was placed out in the right of way after the deadline and I don't know if we can actually run that down but we're working on it well code enforcement I I I wonder what what's going to happen with that if we turn it over to code enforcement because we've already said we don't take people's homes so and we can find them and they may decide to pay it they may not decide to pay it if they don't we can put a lean on something they had but that they have so how many uh cubic yards did they estimate in this County I believe it was 1.7 just from memory I believe it was 1.7 so they've got a long way to go before they're they're finished and also they have authorized JIS removal on non-count maintained road so and I don't know I don't think that's very much so there's there's still a lot of debris to pick up is there a number that citizens can have and the Commissioners can have to call somebody I've had a lot of people to ask me what is a number who who can we call as citizens who who would that be I I don't know I'll ask again if there's a number I know with um Adelia I think they had a public information officer but I don't know that there's one specific number but I'll ask again who do you talk to when you call I I have one point of contact with do that I call or we textt or we email almost daily could you give us that contact information sure thank you to County staff items item 15 the board to review and consider approval of the Florida Department of Transportation public transportation Grant agreement and resolution in the amount of 650,000 for financial project number 4 4 46 3641 d94 d25 design and construction of hanger building that fored by the grand hey everybody hey this grant is in the amount of $650,000 for the design and construction of a te hanger at Terry air report as I indicated in my agenda document we should be receive receiving funding in an amount of $3,350 th000 between now and 2029 to add on to the existing hanger complex this grant is 650,000 in 2026 we are expecting to receive 500,000 in 2028 we're expecting to receive 250,000 in 2027 950,000 2029 500,000 and in 203 500,000 and there will be no matches due on any of these grants as we receive them as we we requested and re okay all right resolution on the table make a motion yes favor where Taylor County Board of County Commissioners in the State of Florida Department of Transportation has determined it be in the best mutal interest with facilitate the development of the here in described project at Perry poy airport to it design and construction of hanger buildings per poy airport Financial project number we have a motion to approve resoltion to approve we have a second I'll the discussion okay um now is this to provide more space to house more airplanes is that the intent of this it's yes this is part of the long range Airport layout plan at the airport you construct new two hangers at the airport and when we constructed the original one um the existing on we did at that time put in sufficient infrastructure to add ke additional ke hanger building how many how many how many additional I would say it will be someplace in the range of 8 to 12 based on funding and and I'm basing that on um what the pry tenters cost years ago in Project cost but I would say somewhere in in that range um we should be able to build because what we have now is the for so I I would say 8 to 12 addition I I support this because I think that we should spend more time in in trying to develop our airport and I think there's a lot of possibilities there board I'm sure you you got probably got some ideas too of how could blow our airport and and let it become a money more of a money maker all right we have a motion and a second to approve resolution all in favor to approve our agreement do we have a motion to approve the agreement motion motion by commission have [Music] second all right we'll move on to item 16 the Board review and consider approval of budget narrative request to amend the original project from 1,751 161 to 1, 18166 for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of hes Park using pot 3 restor act funds agenda by the grant hey we are requesting um the board approve a budget amendment to the existing Grant to increase the budget by $7 46,5 we are asking this so that we can go with the project need a design bills to get the design and Engineering Services we need to get this project underway and then additional funding so that we will um to make the parks side more resilient um as we've learned from the past couple years we need to ensure that whatever we do at that site is much more resilient than we had originally anticipated this will also V has um Grant oversight fees and this slightly increases their budget for the additional time and review Services they will need to to do because they will need to review and approve the design build documents and um then the construction documents once that's underway and this is no funding coming from the county this is all restore act grant funding Melody how long is this going to take you know it's been years since we we decided to do this well Daniel from V gr seem to think that our budget amendment would be approved fairly quickly now it will have to be approved um by the the Consortium but once I hope this okay we can go ahead and uh inh house with them move around some of the funding to go on and start the design bills hopefully I have that approval soon and I will immediately start working on the design Bill documents with Miss Wanda and we can get that out for bid by early summer at a minimum but I expect B more approval within 30 days after your approval they've been really good I know treasury is very very slow but B moral group has been very responsive and very helpful so once we have their okay like I said we could go on and move around some of the existing money we have to move forward getting um an rfm for design build Services thank you okay yeah there mean no kind of reduction there should have been a reduction in this to some point a demolition part of it done that for well we initially were going to ask for an additional $800,000 for uh $400,000 for the designed bills and project management services and $400,000 for resiliency that was our original game plan Miss Wanda and I and then the existing budget did have demolition in it in the amount of 80,000 and that's why we didn't ask for the full $ 800,000 because I could I only left $220,000 in the demolition budget because I knew we did not no longer need 80,000 so we did request you know right at $660,000 less than we originally anticipated all we have a motion in a second to approve all in favor just some conversation around that sir some conversation around that put that bathroom 16 I mean is that what we going to do is there difference in regulation for the regular jail blower in the I've heard no and um I mean I haven't really delved into it because we've had so much going on but I'm concerned about if the restrooms will need to be elevated as well I've heard there's no there's no waiver for that so we'll just have to work through it and see how it all pans out and Melody can um did y'all vote yet I'm sorry I lost track to have some conversation around it right and and I did want to let the board know too that the land and water conservation funds we are expecting um a grant a agreement to extend those funds so we did not we did not lose them and and we're anticipating that next week right Melody that is correct um I I for you Ed you um Miss Riley's email and she anticipated it would be by the end of this week or next week so hopefully we do have it for the next board meeting I'm sure it will be a tight turnaround as we originally anticipated on on that and I'm sure as far as elevations and code that will all be part of the design Bild and the permitting process but I don't I don't know that there are any exemptions from any of that either the restrooms you know that it's all going to have to be resilient which is why we added the additional funds to make sure that we had right you know if you go to St George Island theirs are elevated the restaurants are elevated you walk up pretty longs to get to get to it thank you thank you we move on to item 17 the board to consider approval to hire full-time buing officials agenda bya pton County Administrator we did receive several applications for building official and we went through the process um and Mr George Terry mckever was the top candidate um he is eligible to receive his provisional license and has tentatively scheduled um mid-February to appear before that that particular entity um to be granted his provisional license he has over 40 years experience combined as a building and roofing contractor um he lives in the Yates Creek area um he has negotiated his salary it's higher than the midpoint that I'm allowed to offer so the board would need to not only um approve this retire but approve his salary and he is waving his health insurance that's part of his offer which will save a substant could save a substantial amount of money as far as his his pay and his Fringe did you say that he's lome not yet so his pay will be the same once he gets his license well you know his his building official license he has two years to obtain he is asking for this starting salary um with his provisional license and we have not negotiated a different salary once he obtains his building official license is he expecting that that was not discussed so this salary is is even after he obtains his license yes okay the benefit waiver is throughout his employment with the count I don't know that we can make that a condition um but that was he make that he did make that condition so this waer is to be visible asking that was part of his his offer every year it renews so I'm just trying to be clear on that was that was his offer and we can make it conditional I'm just reading in his letter where he just says I won't need help benefits nor do I want but I would have to well that's an opportunity for every employee so an employee and I I I think we need to clarify that so an employee can hire on having employee only coverage and then change it to family coverage during open enrollment so I don't know that we could deny um Conrad do you want to weigh into that well I was just thinking that it's my understanding that if you get employed by the county you have the right to say I don't need your health insurance because I may have a wife that's got insurance somewhere else and that's that happens all the time with Employments as I understand it I think the question is is if he has hired waving health insurance if we can hold him to that for the the span of his employment yeah put it in right have him sign it I just want to understand if if that's the the expectation from Mr M or or how we should perceive on the other hand what you do is you could say okay if you decide you want it then we renegotiate your salary well at least it gives option it's not just you would put that in the contract yes for sure well we don't we don't offer contracts we could put that in our offer letter and and ask him to sign it EXA exactly I mean it is in his offer letter that saw ma'am I read let me ask you something is he G yes he I believe he worked two or three weeks question uh other questions or discussion obtain a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve it you approve it based on the conditions of on the conditions that she puts in we have a motion to approve second by commission all in favor thank you 18 the County Administrator to discuss informational items I just wanted to remind the board that on Thursday at 4:30 is our legislative delegation with representative sha and Senator Simon comments and concerns from the public for non agenda anyone jar um I was just going to ask about the fees for some of those for the permits for electrical services and and so forth can those can some of that be waved or is that I mean you know people still were still recovering cleaning up and no one knew what we could do how we could go about it I mean there were a lot of different things tossed around with the building official over there and he you know everything things we didn't know what we could do at the time how we go about it and so now we're being charged fees you know for things that for especially electrical panels that probably should have been grandfathered in and you know some of them for some reason there's a lot of electrical panels down there that were destroyed and they were rebuilt and somehow it got P you know they were they got power without stickers without the without the county to approve it and how did that happen TR County just came in if you if you had a box that seen that they I got one they came in so hey that box looks fine they gave me power you know to one I got one then I then you know he came down and inspected Bobby came the other day and inspected one but I said you didn't inspect the rest of these down here he said I had corrosion in mind and he said it couldn't be it couldn't be restored so they had to have a new one well he said we have to build it in the air so we we are going to comply because we're tired I'm tired I'm looking in the mirror and I'm getting older I'm grieving my mom I'm tired so we're going to build two sets of stairs but we should be allowed to have that box that is still there grandfather Den just like everybody else did there are people down there that still have B boxes that are brand new in the same exact place so what we're asking for is can we get a permit for that box leave it in the same area we'll build the two stairs we'll make everybody happy we have to go 18 ft in the air there's one down there that's what maybe 12 feet in a Roy's is maybe 12 to 13 feet ours has to go 18 ft well that's the base fluid elevat we get I get all of that but in the beginning there were you know so Ro's has got a tree stand it's a tree stand it's a l it's a basically a l it's not an elaborate set of stairs that I was told yeah I told I needed an engineer to draw it up and they got and it's not an elaborate tree stand I mean it's just a it's just to make sh it's like a ship ladder I mean it goes I said you know I told Bobby I I would have done that i' have done that right after the storm if I know I don't lose any sights but the one he said I said I need a Stairway I said like my house over up you need stairs in the platform going up and I said man then I'm losing have to pay all this money and then lose the SES on top of that I got two businesses man I got accounts all over this place I deal in my landscaping business I deal with all the truckers I got for Sam berer Dustin Beach right there Costa Holland uh uh who else I got four of you I work with so many people and for my business to be shut down 40 years 40 years that property Diner has been in business and then I've been in business for over 20 when my landscape service and we can't get no help from the county that's a shame on you well it's you know we we would like for you guys to help and stand up for us you know we went to the meeting I know Mr DS was there I saw you afterwards there well I didn't see leanda but I appreciate you guys you were there like yeah because you know what I drove in 6 hours to get to that meeting on Friday and I was like where's everybody else and I would have appreciated it if maybe you guys would have stuck together and said hey we're here for you guys but you know whoever was there thank you but you know for for Mr Johnson to come down and go over the property because I went in there to him and I talked to him twice and said what can I do tell me what we can do and I went back I brought my brother we talked about it again he said I'm going to come down to your property I said you already been down to my property I said you've been down there you looked at it you were with cave so he said nope I got to come back I said Bobby just give me I said give me the permit that you've given to everybody else just give me that one I said I've got pictures of permits that you have given or stickers I don't have the permits I have the stickers and they're all in the same spot so why are we being made an example of why do I have to go into his office and he tell me well I thought about it all weekend and I went here and there and you're probably going to have to spend $50,000 why should should I have to spend $50,000 when these people have campers on their SES four campers and they don't pay commercial tax they don't pay um sales tax they don't pay Revenue but yet they're allowed four campers on their their parcel what was his answer to your question about why you had to do that yeah why do we have to do that what did he say to you he's he he's like say yeah and when I asked him why are you and I showed him stuff I said why were these permits given I said the after I came in I came in on October 3rd and you told me I had to do all of this and I went with my mom and an electrician and then I said I'm seeing permits that were given on the 19th on the 18th on the 15th and they're on these boxes and they're brand new boxes built on the in the same in the same place so why can't we be allowed the same privileges why are we being made an example of because Bobby obviously is not going to answer questions I don't what is the question the question is is why aren't we given the same privileges that everybody else has been given because we're a business I mean because we're a business they're they're talking about boxes that was not damaged the box was not damaged damage I think is the key word from from and they had a box that another box that was not damaged that I think Bobby probably come down and he verbally approved but then when they got back to the office maybe he back he back did not he denied it from his office he he told Kade and I that he would approve those and then Jen started looking for the exception to the stairs Jen she started looking for this the exception which made him mad so we went back in to get those permits and he said no he said I'm not going to give them to you he said he wanted to see what yeah he like until we figure out the rest of it but everybody else do that and what was the difference in the box that was approved in the other box that didn't get approved so um none of them were approved we had to pull a permit we had to take a perfectly good 200 amp service down to get my mama a 100 100 amp service that's all he would give us we had to take ours down but everybody else I go I go to all my neighbors I mean I I got over a 100 lawn services I know everybody and they don't mind if I come on their property even though now it look it's like I'm fighting against them you know I'm using their evidence to sit here and prove you know I'm like man I hate it cuz I got to go I got to go and take pictures of all this and I see all of this down here I mean that's my that's my land down there man that's my home that's where I've been you know I work I mean I no this and maybe it's not a question it was a statement because we have a box that maybe not 50% destroyed but he came down and looked at it and said oh the the wires are corroded and this and that it has to go up well how did you know not everybody else is because nobody was down there inspecting until we came in to ask what we could do and then we started talking about it then that's when the inspected the inspecting started and it would be cheaper for me to put 100 amp services on that property but he did not I asked him could I get you know at least 14 permits for 100 amp absolutely not but that's what's going in down there there's 100 amp Services going all over the place and they don't have to be which is against Florida building code you said in a meeting a couple weeks ago we should go to what the code says 100 amp services against Florida building code you deserve an answer for your question wonder why I don't know that they were I think the keyword is damage and I would have to know who you're even talking about I got a picture you you can come down there we just go from box to box you see ones that you know I I mean brand new I mean so if they're brand new that means they were destroyed you don't feel that way no I don't I I don't know how to answer your question without not getting any answers right we're not basically what we want is we want the same privileges that everybody else had why can't we get back into business and go to the same way that we were before because of the damage to the electrical system damage then it has to go to code it's that's fine I got I got I've got three of them and we said we build the stairs but the ones that we had to take down well I didn't know anything about that no you didn't okay I'm just saying that's what that's the problem down there we got a very serious problem it's been very inconsistent what you saying is other people had old boxes there they got storm damage they went bought a new and rewired it in there and it brand new down on sea level where it got salt water in it but what no Gro in so he approved it because it was new is it what what you saw pictures yeah I that I would have to look at I know that there were other locations that were not damaged and the power was turned on not and it didn't even go through the county if I'm not mistaken oh yeah a lot of it didn't a lot of it not that's the difference that's the difference well I didn't know see we went there we came here first I I thought you had to have the sticker to have it turned on and that so that's what I'm saying if I would have done if I had known I wouldn't be here but I also want to say that I did go and this Sunday I went and I went to Cedar Key and I went to Horseshoe Beach and nobody has elevated electric po so why does this County have to do it why I just I'm curious I know it's code but they all were destroyed too and nobody is up in the air like that now Roy I went and talked to the owner and they did theirs in 2023 but theirs was actually for like one of the little their office a park model so I mean I don't I don't know what other locations are doing I just I know what we were supposed to do in Taylor County and I don't disagree that the 100 amp is the 100 amp is outside the Florida building code that was a an exception that the board made and it was limited to 100 amp so and I thought the last one of the previous meetings y'all said you did not want 100 amp Services because you would have to start from scratch and redo everything I didn't want all those wires and P but after I did the math it's a lot Che cheaper for me to do that but Bobby said we couldn't do it said no he said absolutely he said we're not going that route I think the exception the board made was when we were talking if I'm not mistaken when there was a discussion about Standalone power poles for one or two RVs per site that was the decision the board made I would have to go back and check the minutes but that's my recollection not necessarily for RV parks or commercial spots but that that was like I said that was an exception that the board made several months ago probably six months ago I would think that 100 whe it RV I don't know I mean I I'll be happy to but I just found out about it 30 seconds ago so business back up is there a way to uh Grant the same privileges that you granted for the 100 amp services to do the 200 amp I mean can you vote on that to be in the same the same place that it was before I mean why why do the 100 if you can't do two it's only a breaker right am I right I I'm not 100% I just I inherited this you know during the discussion the building officials said the closer to 60 is none of it all of it would have to be elevated oh I'm sorry elevations excuse all of it would have to be elevated right but you guys voted to leave the 100 amp on the ground so I'm wondering can you vote to put the 200 amps on the ground I mean you got 200 amps on the ground already all over the beach hundreds maybe thousands I out I don't know you too okay but let me ask this if the building code says one thing and then if we allow them to do what they ask him and it's against building code when Joe brok down the street come and want to do the same thing and break the building code and we going to continue to do that or think like something went hay I don't know what it was but something went wrong right loss ought to be it shouldn't be that the rich and the poor the rich and the poor should receive the same sentence for the same crime that's kind of what we're asking we want to get what everybody else has gotten I mean yeah cuz the 100 amp's not supposed to be there either so I mean if you if you're saying stay in compliance that's all I keep hearing was we need to stay in compliance you the code you've taken the state code and instead of making it more stringent you just lowered it down so I don't understand where the how are we how are we staying in compliance when you got so many of them down there and it's not the code I just I mean so that's shooting me in the foot that's me that's me saying hey I'm going to go up but if I have to go up everybody else would have to go up too and I I think you p the speed limit is 55 everybody will run 55 that's right you don't run 55 you get caught running 60 you know that's what I'm that's what you know that's going to make people mad at me cuz people that's what they want if you got by with it and you got go you pay it he don't well that's our problem that's what happened to us and I think that I would be okay would settle with me more if I had to see more elevated meter meter boxes but also so we're not seeing that well we don't want to see that I mean it's an isour but what I'm saying is we have to do it's not going to attract people but also what bothers me is that there's so many people down there that have RV little RV parks that aren't paying commercial property taxes you know are they paying tourism tax are they paying sales tax I mean nothing's being enforced and you got four RVs sitting on one somebody's property and they're making money off of that but yet we we have to do the right thing what just I don't understand for months now we have continuously talked about these same issues over and over and over but yet you can go to another community and they don't have to do it now but yet Tay County for some reason has to do it so I would like whoever it is in Tallahasse that's over this department of where these State codes come from to come down here and talk to us and tell us why we're different and and you know help me understand why we're different and and what is the real interpretation because it seems like to me different people have different interpretations and so if we could Lea if you could try to get somebody down here that's familiar with that that can talk to us then I think we need the lobby to try to get the state codes changed because there's a lot of rural counties I know that are just like us now yes I've heard that some of the largest cities like it the way it is but we need to be heard and we need somebody down here that's willing to talk to us and to take questions and not just tell us what the purpose is I want to know how can you help these people in Taylor County can you see about getting somebody down here soon to to have a party I think that's in our last meeting that we have with FEA right here that's when I that's where I had requested that same question is to get got to have show would need to be available to discuss these items from the that's fbody from that department because show probably doesn't know the code either but we need somebody from that department to come that that make that that knows that's very familiar with this show it'd be good for him to be here and someon to I asked for just temporary service I was like to to afford to be able to make these changes I beg y'all guys for temporary service for power to let me get back in business and and to do and to do that and to help me I mean it's ridiculous the taxes we pay and the money that we we give to this County that's not right it is not right I will say I could ftim was here at our last board meeting they were at the meeting Friday and they gave the same codes that we have discussed numerous times so flood plane management was at both of the meetings and basically gave the same information I'm sorry sorry now what I was going to say is I did speak to to the lady so I spoke to the Florida representative on the phone so I said you're not here and I got her email I have emailed her twice and I haven't received anything what she did tell me was the same thing that we brought to everybody's attention that we could put in um waterproof boxes right and that's been we have discussed that numerous times in I thought that was denied that we still had to go up in the air my understanding is that the meter base cannot be waterproofed so to and it's a very from what I understand it's a very expensive option I mean right if is there approvement and call is that this is waterproof this is considered waterproof then so my question to the lady I was going to speak to so I was going to say okay so we have to put in and this is to you guys we have to put in waterproof boxes so we can stay on the ground but nobody else has had to because they did not have damage the damage is the truth they did not have damage that you know of well but I we can't that's I understand that but that's what I'm saying I don't understand does that though so we can't we got penalized for coming and asking though that's the problem that's the problem one I'm sorry I'm sorry man' well if we it's not right it is not Pam you're right it is not right it is not right it's no different that homes that are more than 50% damage have to meet current building code so if a home is less than 50% they can repair if it's over 50% they may have to elevate up it's really the same concept is there a way issue temporary service to them so they can get back in business while the the the dust setts and all the pieces work out I don't know not that I know of but I will certainly check but don't you have to do substant don't you have to repair poles and all that none of the poles were damaged no no got pictur you want to see it I mean I wait pictures because our property you know they said our property was 30% damage no damage on the property we barely picked up anything there wasn't even any seaweed everything went this way the only thing that was down was those meter boxes and the one boxes right and the one that that can be replaced is is still standing but don't you have you have power to the the boxes that we not got one I got five SES and that's you have 200 and then an additional 100 amp that's correct okay that's it yeah we had to tear down our perfectly good 200 amp to put in right but the property was not damaged at all the only reason why and those boxes could have been fixed but we had our neighbors homes go into them you know that was our problem but there's and everything is still sitting there so all the meter boxes that are like this that power that people plug in their um RV CIT all of them still standing we may have had three or five that went down and they're all still on the ground you could walk the property we had done anything what you need to do is you need to get all the property owners that are affected together and have a property owner meeting and numbers May you may need to talk problem the problem with that is so the homeowners don't want the campers they want them in designated campgrounds they don't want I mean you know what they're calling us right trailer County that's what we're turning into trailer County so they don't the homeowners don't want but I got a lot of buddies I got a lot of people that just lost houses and that what else are they going to do you know exactly right A lot of people cannot rebuild back that's right they can't afford it we're a property owner too oh I know you need to get you need to have when I when I went to one of the the lawyers here in town he's like how far you going to push this by he said do you want to be the bad guy but I said well ain't nobody coming off for me 50 to $775,000 to re and for me to do what no one else has to do I said yeah I might have to be the bad guy I may have to you know I don't know I don't know what to do I just you got one box 200 app box P setting there and there's no problem with the box it's so they they lit it up you know and try kindly lit one of them up and I have another one by my house yeah it's got a little bit of corrosion in it but you can take the screws out and put a new screw the screws corroded but the Box itself there's nothing wrong with the Box itself not really no no try you turn it on yeah oh he told me he came down he said I hook that one up right there he said all you he said change the breakers in it just to be safe that's what he told me about my he looked at the one he said I'll turn it on and and reason we couldn't get this box move on with the second I don't know I'll have to I I mean I I don't have the information in front of me but I'll I mean we're going to build the other stairs we going to do we going yeah I mean we're going to comply we're going to submit our plans hopefully this week but I mean it's just it's man it's been and maybe we can get the fees waved move on to board informational items commissioner I'm sorry goad you have one caller on the line okay got call what's the number um 3996 3996 you will state your name and address hey this is Matt pis how are y'all good how are you can you hear me yeah I'm doing well um I guess my comment is I would U I would really I was there last two meetings and I would really help me out if y'all could extend the free Purp I mean I was the guy you said I didn't have the paper two weeks ago I mean I live out of town I had no idea that the the permits were going to start costing after December 31st um I've been and and still am cleaning up my three lck down there um and you I'm not even ready I'm waiting on insurance I hav got a final things of insurance and you know I mean I'm not even ready to start building back and uh you know now I'm getting pretty close thinking of you know starting to put my deck and docks and I got a couple poles put up on the under the house and I was wondering if y would consider voting on the permit extenstion discuss from the he yeah at some point in time that has to cease but but it's still the same damage from the same storm I mean I'm on the back Canal I had three houses on my two lots I've been cleaning up I mean I took like three to four weeks off of work it was down there every day cleaning up still cleaning up and I mean I mean I wasn't even thinking about rebuilding cuz I couldn't even get on the property and now I'm getting close I went there the first of the of the month to try to get some start getting some permits and they said oh you got to pay for out and I like what's changed from the storm I mean it doesn't seem right it seems like it's the money grab we extended it to the end of this month yeah that's that's just for that's just for new homes or replacement homes was it was all the way through the end of December across the board I believe right then it went to uh to the end of January for new construction and then see I'm I'm not I'm not new construction I'm you know my house is still standing thank God but I mean all my decks uh you know uh dots all that stuff I had three dots three dots in the deck that were taken by the debris people they were intact on the gameway tied to my land and they I've got pictures and I've got my neighbor Witnesses down there we were there working came back the next day and all my stuff was gone doing yeah the the the permitting is that part it was seized the end of January or will be at the end of this month so so it's free the permits are free till the end of January that's for new construction to the end of January across the board the end of construction that would that would that consider would that consider the dots and the Des that were existing I don't I don't think so no no from what I recall the conversation was that or the the basis for that was that people who were waiting on insurance or Engineers Etc it gave them a little bit to rebuild their homes it gave them a little bit more time if if the board chose to wait until the end of January well I mean I'm still waiting on I'm still waiting on insurance and like I said I just got done cleaning I mean I don't understand understand how it's the same damage from the storm in December as it is in January I mean I I just got now where I can start te I all you know got all the old stuff out of the way and I'm starting to you know get ready to start and deck and Dock and my forges and stuff like that I mean I don't understand it's the same damage that was done in in October we just we had to stop it at some point I mean we we did it a month month and we just had to stop it at some point and we chose to stop it at the end of the new construction at the end of January so the new construction is that I mean so so that's rebuilding what you had is that what you're considering new construction you consider it new construction the house from nothing starting from nothing and building the house that would be no it would be it would be replacement homes replacement homes right so if you're home was destroyed replacement homes so replacing something on on a house that you have the home home the home that was washed away or taken away replacing the whole brand new home okay what about if you had the de that were there now my house is still there I I don't have that but what about the de that we watch it was considered on homes new new homes well why are we having to get permits now for decks and docks that we never had I've been I've been down there since 1999 and we've never got a permit for a dock or deck I would imagine if you they're not covered by they're not covered by insurance so why all of a sudden are we having to get I mean to put a floating dock in the water to get a permit ridiculous I mean it's not covered under Insurance they're not going to cover your porches they're not going to cover your decks and your docks and your boat houses why should we have to get permits for that and me when I built my boat house my double Boat House in 2000 I didn't have to get a permit from the state I mean from from the tayor county I had to get it from the EPA and the car the cor Army Engineers right you had to get a permit I did not have to get a permit from the county what you're talking about a bu V 2000 but I didn't have to get one corre right now the go ah I was just going to say that as soon as this meeting concludes that we're going to be talking budget stuff and I think that's something that we need to look at in terms of you know um can we really afford to waave these fees or just look at our budget situation and see where we are and if we can continue to do that then let's do it if we can't then we can't does that sound reason and I really I I really appreciate missel I mean I really do I mean it's it's been tough I mean I live two and a half hours away I've been gr back and forth for a month and every second I have to get down there to clean up the place I've been going I mean it was not I mean I had I didn't know I need perit score because I couldn't even get to my Lane I mean I've got pictures I mean I can show you the progress I can show you what I was left with after the storm it was impossible for me to get ready I mean I don't have an escavator or a bulldozer is what I needed I didn't have all that stuff you know I mean I'm just trying I've been a res down there I've paid tax down there since 1999 you know I love keeping Beach and I just I hate seeing what's happening right now you know everybody feels like they're left behind I mean I've been you know I've down there a long time and I feel like you know like I'm not I mean they don't mean I feel like y'all don't care is what I really feel like I disagree with you there yeah and I tell you uh I feel your pain we lost everything too down there so I know exactly what you're talking about so people do care well I mean I it it would be I mean I think I I do believe y'all but I mean I think you know actions speak louder than words these these permits the the little bit of money y'all make on the permit from people that's been down there a long time you know just trying to get things back together that supported the community you know I don't understand the difference in 2 months 3 months or four months the same storm let's see what we can do we have a just a budget Workshop coming up after this and I we add that to the part of the discussion see I I mean I really appreciate it and I think I'm speak for a lot of people okay well thank you we appreciate it thank you to board information Comm bigel oh goodness um customer service I whoever that you put that front that they are cordial to the citizens when they come in they need to be respectful these people are coming in with a a lot of u a lot of issues you they've lost everything or they've lost a lot so when they come in here I think we need someone there that is um just customer friendly and I don't think we've had that recently um and that's very important to our citizens that they're treated with the utmost respect and people need to act like here that they're trying to help them instead of hinder what they're here for and if they ask to speak to you they should not be denied um you know being able to speak to you if you're out of the building then they can uh they should get their take their name and number and ask and they give that to you and and for you to get back with them but just to tell somebody that you don't need to talk to her she don't issue permits that's to me is very unacceptable and not customer friendly um and then for Thursday for our legislative delegation I'm not going to be able to be here our boys um won their first game in the tournament last night so we're going to Jacksonville um for another one on on Friday at 6 so uh I may write a little um I may write something L Wonder for you to read for me cuz I did have some things that I wanted to address but um and I hate not being here but I cannot miss this tournament our children are are no but I would I'd be saying hey my you know my my boys got ball game luckily ours is going to be Wednesday I get to go there but I would yeah I'm not miss my kids come first they work really hard for this that's all I have thank you yeah I got a couple call one both of them about one of them is down to Ste Hatchet and a lady name is neighbor she said she lives in District 5 I don't I didn't get her first name but she said that de pre people have come pick up trash up to her pile skip her pile and go down the road she said her pile is about 8 ft wide and about 80 ft long somewhere down but her name is Miss neighbors I her you know and I thought n a b o r s you know n e i g h i can't spell so you understand where I'm coming but anyway down it on the the uh transfer station on what is that road right there where where the high control station at Slaughter yes that Slaughter Road but it goes down there what's that Harrison BL Harrison blue yeah a lot of complaints yeah I got a complain about that and I can understand we got a lot of stuff going on but let me say the same thing in the next County too I been up there too so when we got people working for us and they look like they working through the bones working the bones up and then when we come up in I don't want them to feel like that I'm beating up on them because all I'm trying to Happ is my consti I don't have a s Bone pick with nobody all of us trying to do same thing and it's hard to get there in life you will find that but anyway but Mr what's your name a a yes hey my heart goes out for you I believe just but in this life and I believe you express yourself well you sister and look like you in a kid 22 kid 22 is not solv here I think they have to work out somewhere but anyway with those two places I got about the trash the uh rollof site and that place down there it SE hatchet from his neighbors when I go to the next County I see the same thing when I talk to the Commission in the next they had the same beef the people that came here first and move that Trash Bus seemed like they done a better job or something we didn't have as much complaint This Crew here now and I don't know who it is it's the same contract is it but the but the the actual people they hire may be different and and I will say I think that's a regional problem because there's there is just such a competition for debris removal that it may not be the same people who were here before there was kind of isolated to our area where El the resources are from South Florida all the way to Tennessee that's right that's right so we during oura we saw it seems like every curve you saw the Bri TR picking up and they went on seemed to be pretty quick but now you've got resources strip from Florida all the way to Tennessee and they in much more trouble probably than we know we're in trouble but we're in much more trouble up in Tennessee but my had talk to you I'm telling you all that grief you kiss yeah I'm same way I hate it but I mean I just when you backs against the wall and and you got families you know you got families that depend on you and then like I said as a as two business as operating two businesses here and it goes full I mean I shop local and I do a lot of business with the with everybody I mean down to the tire shop the automotive shops I mean we got a lot of Wheels we got a lot of trailers and a lot of trucks on the road and you know and then that Campground brings a lot of business to this County and just be shot down at every every angle I thought you know one of my pastors said hey man pray for Creative Solutions I thought I had some it just kept getting denied it affects the economy and the economy affects all of us and if we sit here and we don't say anything and we accept things the way they are never get any done so you know I I want to work for the people I want to try to help things get done but I tell you what I I think our legislative delegation coming here Thursday night they need to hear this what me now they can do something about it if anybody can do about it they can Mr if I can just speak to Harrison blue um we did we did get to the point where we have separated out what we feel like is the ineligible debris because do will not pick up household trash they're just or tires or anything like that we did get that separated and we're going to try to I mean our goal is to pick up as much as we can this week and just go road by road but I mean I know that's a trouble spot but I'm waiting on the maps from do to move to move to the next Road what I've seen about them leaving some files and picking the others up a lot of them has mixed stuff like tires and tin in with the wood and with the limbs and the truck that's coming he's picking up nothing but Limbs and then he goes on drives down the road and goes to another pile full of Limbs and he leaves a 10 PBC pip whole life boxes and stuff like that he leaves them in that pile and another crew comes along get that kind of stuff they have to carry it to to the landfill yeah and so you know that's what that's what we see in those files that's live U and they they work both sides of it keep right on going a lot of people call me complain about it just like they have to you wonder why they left p in front of my I said well is there anything in it he well 's a bunch of 10 in it you know I said well that's the reason they they can't stack that 10 on the truck with that tree tobr you know wasn't all that mention to be separated got to be separated and they have and the contractor he's not going to just get off that rig here well the monitors the monitors won't allow to pick I know they can't just is that true yes they can't go to digging in it they got to do it with a with a with a lip so that's what that's the fil that are leaving in my dist I you got sheetrock and 10 andu stuff like that big PES right there in my district on the bucket road head high right now and they picked up limbs on both sides of it but shrock still there I mean that's what that's what I've seen and they say they going to come back and get every bit of and then they pick up piles and get everything to leave a bunch of little residue on the ground little little boards little sticks little things they say they going to come back and get all that but now that's just what they telling me well when they leave it like and it looks like it hadn't been picked up or harly picked up then they come on bunch of househ garbage in then that's what they say it's going to take a rake somebody with a rake and P you know P for to get all that stuff up cuz it's small you know and and the people that get ready to mot the roads this summer they're not going to run over that stuff so it's got it's got to be moved if it ends up the county ends up having to do it or ends up somebody's got move you know that's all I got I to say the last thing on debris that I'm going to say tonight is uh I know you had mentioned getting a kind of a map now what what I'm waiting for is pinned locations of ineligible debris so we can start working on picking that up I guess I'm just asking can they give us a route they're going so that we know Road well they did a lot better job at this last time I there a lot of the what we're seeing they go down to the end I've seen them go down to the end of dead Road get two scoop big F off and leave it I'm just saying get more organized and people do that I got people still asking me see debris by can I put some more out there and then we're saying no but I mean if they probably put it by the debris that's there it's probably okay so uh just something to get these guys organized so we know the path that they're going down and then we can keep up with completed roads I don't just don't see like any oration to it to me I just don't they did a lot better in ideal you well I think it was IDE was totally different because they weren't dealing with entire houses in the right of way and you know this is just a totally different animal but I mean I can ask them for a route I don't I don't know what will be provided to me I don't know how they plan that out if they're doing it by sectors or I mean I know instead of sending us sectors they're sending us you know one or two or five rows at a time that they Mark complete and then we go behind them which is a lot easier to accomplish all right so uh nothing [Music] second all right we'll take couple minutes and we [Music]