##VIDEO ID:86FX5I8YhkM## asking again move to this next sure to be a sincere moving in our buing we thank you for what you're going to do and we bless your name again in Jesus name I pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to rep stands one nation God indivisible with liy and Justice welcome everyone to this meeting Monday September 16 2024 have a conference line set up 1917 91022 access code 32347 pound this is not a tollfree number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when the chairperson open the meeting for public comment please follow the instruction if you wish to speak please now star five the moderator will unmute your L it's your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last your telephone number please announce your name and address you will be allowed to speak for 3 minutes any person wish to address the board regarding an agenda item will be giving three minutes for comment a commenter may only speak one time for each agenda item item three obain a approval of the agenda Mo motion by commission to approve the agenda do we have a second second by commissioner Moody all in favor item four the board to consider approvement of request to approve the of Aviation Administration FAA to fund airport Grant agreement 3-12 6421 to be used at per Foley airport for the installation of high mass lights on the Airfield apron attended by man Cox hey everybody uh this grant is in amount of 9,581 as you know we discussed this at the last board meeting we received two fa grants for this project one was through this particular one through entitlement funding the other one was through um infrastructure funding it was in the amount of 146 689 this Grant had a very quick turnar around period it needed to be executed today they did give us a one day extension to get it turned into fa but it was it was beyond our control it was very very quick turn around the high liting project is 100% Grant funded 90% is funded by FAA and 10% was funded by f with no mat being provided by the county any questions uh Mr Bop yes she said it was a quick turnaround is unbelievable one week okay that's quick um this is also the letter to uh your chairperson said that we could not modify or change the agreement at all in other words that's amazing uh number two uh that the chairperson if y'all agree to take this grant signs the um the grant under the pains and penalties of perjury um which I take very seriously and also the certificate of the sponsors attorney that's me uh I sign it under pains and penalties of perjury also my advice of course to our administrator and also so whoever is implementing this grant to double check everything I'm serious as as a heart attack when I say that because of what the chairperson and I are going to have to sign on this It also says that for Grants involving projects to be carried out on property not owned by the sponsor and this is not the case on this is it if we own this this property okay but like I said uh what's going to happen on this is if y'all make a motion which I'm going to ask it be uh and also be a roll call vote for uh a chairperson Str to sign this then then U I understand that um the count administrator is going to call my office and and call one of my secretaries to do a docy sign for me at my office that okay with everybody okay so like I said I I'm I'm I'm serious about grants always but this one when they you don't even get to even what's the point in reviewing it when you can't even change anything that's to me that's but uh I talked to our County Administrator and uana told me that this needed to be done and so I read about swiftly you know the grant say it's a it's a generic Grant though it is generic but again it's very important when somebody swears that they're going to do something chairperson you know Mr chairperson um I have a question for Melody but it's not about this so I'll hold that question until after we vote on this melody if you'll hang on I have a question after we vote on this okay so you need a a motion if if you want to do this you need a motion to approve the chairperson to sign the grant agreement and to go forward with the GR to approve faor I want a roll call English yes yes commissioner Moody yeah commissioner Eagle yes and commissioner D yeah thank y'all and Y go ahead and call office thank you okay so Melody as as we've been talking about um the airport and this Economic Development U situation we're in um for larger airplanes to be able to use our airport do you know exactly how much a Runway would have to be expanded and is that um funding that you think you could get the runway needed to for very large Jets and I can't we can accommodate a smaller golf stream right now um but say you want to go into commercial I believe it was another th000 ft I can't tell you off the top of my head but I'll get the answer for you um tomorrow and have Miss Wanda get it to you going to require land acquisition and it included closing down um a road and we were going to have to acquire property that actually ran over to the sways but it did involve acquisition and um the closure of of the r we cannot get funding unless like we cannot get it funded by fa or FD unless we have a guaranteed business that's coming in that is going to produce so many jobs in the um business has to guarantee that I know we can't it's not one of those ones we um build it and they will come they have to have committed to comeing before we can attempt to get funding okay that that's fine with you know with the discussions about Economic Development our airport is something that we're talking about also that could be very valuable to us but it's my understanding that we would have to have some extensions to really do some of the things that might come along that that is correct like we we cannot accommodate anything that's a commercial at this time and I want to say it's the we can accommodate the largest gr stream but again not like you know we could do like FX or you know something along that line at at this time um now keep in mind we also on the back side of the airport we've got 25 Anor or over there that set that have been set aside for economic development and it is still you know we haven't developed out the Development Authority gave us back that land as part of that airport land settlement issue and it would be ideal for um some type of Economic Development it's all high and dry and a really good parcel of land right okay thank you Mr chair and one more thing keep in mind I don't think most of you are aware of this but across the road um we own about 12 acres over on that side of the road we are right now when we remed from airport room some of it was put over there but you do have land across industrial Par Drive that could feasibly be used for business too and where is that is it south it's directly it would be North it's directly across the road in the area of you know where the heers are it would kind of be across the road from from there it FS back off the road but we we do have acreage right there that you know have good access to the airport good access to Industrial Drive here you know a quarter of a mile from 19 so that's a good option to that par would land right there thank you and I will find out you know tomorrow and to let you know how long how an extension would be okay great Mel I think we've looked at that several times and felt like that that was not feasible mainly because of the the road closure correct right right that that was like a big issue on on the road on the closure of the road right um and land Acquisitions which could be doable um the land acquisition I know um we had to be careful what direction we went because of the smoke sta at um GP which I think that probably would not be an issue now but it's doable it just required a lot and you would have to be willing to to close to close that yeah I think we need to keep our options open um and um just don't close down anything just because maybe it didn't work in the past doesn't mean that there's another Avenue that we might could look at whatever was going you could you could do a bypass if you needed to I mean I would definitely creating jobs keep every option open right that's kind of what I was thinking when we did research on it just recently and it's we've done it about twice for sure and you would have to take that corner where Swain is at swne farm that have to be part of right right and there several houses and stuff on that piece of property will take what they show what the company showed us right several new homes I believe which was what it would take and it would take that and just as a reminder the you would have to acquire a good portion of this of the S property for for sure that was all included in the airport master plan but I mean that I mean that particular property it would it would require a good portion of this yeah let me be clear I'm not suggesting that we take land from anybody correct correct I I understand I know you're just asking is it possible and why it would take um and and I I think from the conversation nobody's advocating anything we're just TR looking for answers yeah I just still want that rumor to go out I am not advocating taking anybody's property this is correct correct but I will let Miss L know um how what the length of the extension would be just you know just so you have that information all well just as a reminder to the board I'm going to try to hurry the property that she's referring to that is was for economic development that was the parcel that um was being considered for the public safety complex but then we circled around and realized that that that really is earmarked for economic development is part of that FAA settlement and that's why the public safety complex cannot go there so there there is um there is quite a bit of property out of the airport site right there thank you got some news for yall um good that is it is good news good it is good news um the you know remember we had the hearing on our motion for reconsideration and amendments and so forth the judge granted it so the summary judgment that was entered is no longer there so it's a new ball game uh and we've got Mr Tommy re and I are going to do some more things so we mush on and so I'm I'm very pleased thank you very pleased thank sir like this agre with that one the case still goes on it's not not over but all right there nothing else we will obain our motion to adjourn line muted