##VIDEO ID:AuNbA-5m2Kk## a lot of that s that's going to come out of that hurricane stuff um 125 about 125 oh yeah I know I mean take it people [Music] I had told several days [Music] ago are going to be coming tol County [Music] told me you [Music] still got all clean we still have like the stumps and the root balls I got them all I just haven't got rid I I still got root balls and stuns from I they in the ground or they out one that's that's big completely two leaning and the rest cut offing did you cut them all way down to the with people saying you leave them longer 12 foot a lot easier you can spin them right out come right out the ground yeah I did I did I had some people help me the other I didn't one learned that with her mean just and cut him back you leave alone walk it around right out cut it [Music] right we'll go ahead and start for everyone will stand about pled Father in heaven we come again now thank you for life health and strength we come blessing your name for blessing that we now receive father we thank you for your goodness and your mercy we thank you for your shelter and protection father thank you for the clothing food and blessing your lord name right now father we know that nothing happens to God you anointed and we just bless you father the next arm approach we ask right now you throw your strong arm of protection around us keep us from all at harm and danger thank you for what you're going to do and what you done th far we bless your name again Jesus name I pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all welcome everyone to our meeting this Monday October 7 2024 at 6: p.m we have a conference line set up number there is 1 917 91022 access code 3234 4 7 pound this is not a tollfree number and you may be subject to longdistance chares according to your long distance plan when the chair person open the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please star five the moderator will unmute your line it's your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you will be allow to speak for three minutes any person wish to address the board regarding ended item we give three minutes for comment the commenter may only speak one time for each agend item with that said has everyone uh did you see the uh amended agenda the removal of item 16 additions of 16a 16b and 20b I move and we also uh commissioner Newman had asked we had a few folks here for item 17 if we could bump it up uh right after our bid in public hearing item 17 right after our bid okay with that okay all right so approve our agenda we have a second second all fav all right consent items have a chance to look at your consent items I have one change on the consent items that on the invoices that were mailed out to you there for the Chamber of Commerce 50,00 53166 that was an allocation for the Florida for festival we have taken that out of that we'll take that out before we issue that check so it'll be 43166 since the festiv was canceled so want to make that it was already entered but I just want to make that we'll take it out before we cut the check any other discussion any other questions on consent items no discussion uh motion to approve approve favor item 11 bids public hearing item 11 the board received bids for the Taylor County Coastal dringle we didn't receive any bids so what I would suggest that we do in light of the current situation is try to time a read advertisement to where it comes on the heels of the debris collection being almost fully accomplished that way we don't wind up re-advertising now and sitting back for maybe two to three months and waiting for those prices just be I'm not really knowing what the condition is going to be when we get closer to that nobody on no and we actually wound up I I probably had interest from in correspondence with at least three different companies so I was somewhat surprised but there was a lot of questions there like on Thursday you know hey you thought about um re advertising are delayed I don't know if they ever got Gator dredge was one that was pretty aggressive you know he was going back and forth um there's some qualifications that he was having to work through relative to what the bid specifications required for a Florida certification he has something that is an Army Corps I've reached out to them to try to better understand that this will give us a chance to see if that's an appropriate certification that we can kind of broaden qualifications that to so what I will do is um just maybe keep closer tabs on John's efforts to see when things are excited to be finished in that area and then we'll time the advertisement question if if one of those areas is is like Keon and then the Basin you one of those is complete you see it's going to come faster than the other ones could that be factored into that time since it's in two different Scopes locations possibly just be a way to start those those efforts if one or the other area is not going to be tied up with that it is but you have to also understand that the spoil site is at pitch Creek which is through that area where we are still experiencing the congestion of the debris collection that's on the up portion of the properties verus of waterways I wouldn't want to interject a a dring operation in the middle of that type of congestion I don't think be necessar best you talking prop out like now to be work to be done on the H of the can what I would suggest that we do is when I have better coordination with Mr LA and kind of understand that he is maybe a month or so expected for things to be wrapping up and you know everybody cleaning up and leaving we will put it out or I'll put it out for probably a 45 day this time just to give them a little bit more ground time where they can see what does it look like now that everybody's come through and kind of clean the debris up so that they have a better understanding of it and then we will just time the the receipt of bids after that so I I wouldn't want to receive it in the day one as soon as he finishes I'd rather it they have some time to be able to physically visit the sites and say okay I see what kind of condition it's in and make sure that they incorporate any concerns they have in the Mr chairperson just to make it clear I'll be managing that project so one of the things that I just don't want to put anything else on Mr La no that's fine so I that's something that I can ask for in advance they should start hopefully next week and I can ask them if there's some type of timeline once they get in the water and see how much debris is there and that that will make it a little simpler yeah several miles worth of canals so I mean will take them some time in the past no BS so we'll work with dmh to see if we can maybe Target um some of their uh vendors we did we'll advertise again you don't I mean I know they need this equipment 13 the board received so we do have two two bids for that so the first bid is [Music] from Curb Appeal Services uh Flor they were the contractor before just cont so they have actually done I would suggest that it be myself um Evans director and possibly [Music] [Applause] okay the from curve appeal Services is total annual cost of 66,000 I'm sorry 6,600 I'm sorry 6,600 [Music] annual cost 6 that was mowing and [Music] fertilizing so the fertilizing was 3,300 no that no the the um I'm sorry that was fertilizing only so it was 14,400 for the mowing 3600 for any additional cycle and then 6,600 for the F 20,600 for the bo anding [Music] uh the second bid is from anr Le Services LLC um from Perry Florida so the bid price total bid price is 16,900 includes Mo and fertilized Landfield [Music] so he's got 12,000 annual cost for mowing 3,000 for the extra cycle and then 4,900 fertilizing yeah 16,900 I I will make a recommendation that we awarded to the the low responsib which would be anr le Services contingent on their submission having met the specifications we that we find anything contr to that we can come back to you how to get the [Music] committee I'll put it on consent but that's my recommendation is that be to respons you're welcome to vote on that way and I'll just bring it back as a consent item with big committee minutes um can do it this way we could uh bring the contract back way to being minut because they've already submitted all their documentation current contracte contingent on them having met the bid specifications all right go to item 14 the board to receive soq cont Serv all right so we have three on the [Music] these do not have bid prices in them per se these are statements of qualifications so we will review these uh the selection committee would be myself Hank Evans and Scott Knight given that most of this deals with Transportation so we will review the submissions and then prioritize that ROM with come back and that to the with the recation of contract work ler so there is four the first one is from chw from last Florida there no PR on this it's just [Applause] qualifications second bid is from loer and Associates out of Gainesville Florida third bid is from GNA Georg and Associates Consulting Engineers out of tallah Florida then the fourth or the fourth soq is from North Florida Professional Services FL three entities that we have had with [Music] [Music] the board received County contining contract for construction engineer and inspection I would so the first soq is lole and Associates I Gaines with farida second SQ is from RS and H Inc from Tallahassee Florida [Music] third SQ is from chw Lal Florida [Applause] the fourth SO2 North Florida Professional Services City Lu with have three of these four are also the ones that they're contract so have same for all the ones that we have I'm sure L probably as well [Applause] [Music] I of 17 about up business more discussion transitioning the maintenance operation of the stech community center to the Steen hatche River Chamber of Commerce agenda by Newman Mr chairman I I did request this to come before the board we Workshop that got cancelled but given the allo conditions and the needs 're going to be recurring down in at the community center necessary to go ahead come before the board with this considerations I have spoken with the c Chamber of Commerce who is willing to um assume the maintenance agreement I thought with County Administrator as to what those responsibilities are and um it just seems like a a better condition in respect to um what I feel like are going to be the needs down there and some of the issues and concerns that have been going on in the recent past so wanted to bring that forward understanding we got folks in the audience tonight from the chamber and folks from the public B request would be that we be able to approve that transition so that we can move forward as soon as we can and maintaining and what would be the question be the advantages and disadvantages from one or the other you bring your mic up to you please thank you about now all right okay so we feel like the advantages would be given the concerns and issues and we SP that in this board as far as exclusion issues that have been um somewh on going and the lack of um that continuity and things that we see there in the community so the advantage that we talked about as far as chamber having this maintenance would be that familiarity through seeing these needs where we're not trying to take any option away from any Service Groups whatsoever but we feel like the advantage is with the chambers relationships through the business owners and understanding what the needs in the community are that perhaps they would have a greater say success rate in working through the business options with their contributions to meet these needs so they're they're willing to take on that responsibility of willing to deal with these maintenance issues and these are the minor routine maintenance not the toet like age back or something like that so it just seems like with their ability with technology they have websites they have reach that they have through the business owners that are there understanding what um the needs continue to to grow it it comes across the be like an option that somehow may not have been tapped into previously so that seems to be part of what's going on there and you know when we discuss those things they're they're already familiar with this would not take away any of the funding or anything name that the projects board has because their donors have contributed that to the projects board so none of those funds or assets would change hands this would merely be the option to take up this maintenance you know in partnership with the county and the ongoing efforts to meet the needs there in in the community so a number of those folks that I've spoken with course great interest in partnering with the chamber they're already chamber members and and nonprofits at the same time so it just seem I'll give good option have to do on our specifically to make this transition well it would seem to me that you would probably want a a written agreement with them but you know just just to memorialize that and put in what they're what they're going to do they going to charge uh no sir I don't believe there' be charge Mr red here he's the president of the chamber but my understanding make sure everybody here now there's not a feed for service this this is an effort to continue working together in the community so that we see the needs met and just a different option or capability to seek to meet those needs well my suggestion would be that it it be an agreement a written agreement then you had to consider a a particular uh time frame review it after it's been going for a year or so see if it's doing what uh what the folks want you know we always put termination Clauses sure well for both parties oh absolutely is there any particular method um during this transition period of who would be responsible for people who already have reservations and if they paid or if they made a a down payment on their reservation how how are we going to address that yeah so I would say if if there's been an agreement with the projects board and there's some sort of contribution that's made there that's to that nonprofit uh we can certainly work that as far as what the time frame might so we would obviously not break that agreement or that date that's be you have to state your name and address yes I [Music] s um I have a question about the maintenance and then she questioned the rentals on it is the maintenance does the rentals go with that will they will the chamber do the rentals yes ma'am they will do the rentals correct that'll be part of the agreement part of the maintenance because maintenance I thought was just maintenance I also no ma' so as the current gr is if I'm recall the maintenance is the responsibility of who is is taking up this option and then when you have a rental um as I understand it that would be a contribution to that nonprofit so that would be allocated into the chambers account there and you said no money would transfer the money that's been raised so far by the projects board um for the maintenance they just get to keep that then so I don't believe you can you can take funds away from a nonprofit that a donor has contributed to in in that respect so I wouldn't be interested in taking away any funds from the projects thank [Music] you and the Chamber is and the chambers prepared to to fund the maintenance immediately even before the rental funds start chairman um what what I would like to do is because it's going to there's going to be cost incurred sure um we would build the projects board for certain you know act whatever we had to do that c grass or whatever so we can get some of that money for the electric because the the um Jackson put that money in that fund for electric field and stuff like that so I would to get some of that recoup back to us yeah so if it contributed under that cause we send it do what we have to do and then we get voice to the project boort and and you know then say here's what we did and get our you know they go for review um and I would somehow like to be able to combine both groups together I think we're fighting after the same going after the same thing but if we combine them together we could somehow I'm just saying that's just yeah I have a problem with that because you have your businesses chamber and the project for we're all working towards the direction we're all doing the same thing we're not we're not we're trying to get anymore we're just we're just all trying to complete what we have down there so you know that's how that's how I would like to do it now my board you know we we hadn't worked out any details yet so I don't was there any damage the other day not my um an K C Florida so I was previously on the projects forward and my personal opinion is the project board does need to work better within the community um I think Mark is 100% correct they need to find some way to job together um they also get reimbursements from the TCC for maintenance at that building so that's something that needs to be considered as well in terms of bills um we're right now running out of there all the emergency stuff there and there's no issues to the building just so you know that I noticed but within the community I think that it is very much the project board is the project Bo and I don't feel that people are always of them I think they have the best intentions and I think there's some amazing people on there and I think given the opportunity to work with the chamber that that would literally like 10 10x and what they were able to do so I highly consider I think you should consider what Mark is saying true yeah I mean so if there's a way you know during this time frame that that both these entities can can partner come together work cooperativ absolutely absolutely we're all doing the same thing we're all trying to do the same thing so why split it up I don't have a problem with that I mean I think it it certainly has additional potentials you know but I also see that you know we we need to put the Community First absolutely that's yes ma'am Mr State namea Johnson St fla uh the Chamber of Commerce is for the business and the projects board has always been um made up of all the organizations we had very I've been on the projects board for 21 years and um it was made up of the organizations and it was for the people uh the events we held were the organizations would um each provide like hot dogs or hamburgers or something like that we had kids staying in the park we had uh Billy both Lake scavenger hun and it wasn't to bring people in it wasn't to bring businesses in it was for the people so I have a problem with that because I feel like it's a conflict of interest you have the people here and you have the businesses here and I know they work for the same thing you know it's like getting computers to the school backpacks for the school doing stuff for the community but they are really in my opinion and being on the project Sports as long as I have I think they're just two separate entities sure I mean absolutely they are AB they're listed as two different nonprofits but you know my position on that is I believe that with a perspective that the chamber has you you certainly have the potential and possibility to have a a branch uh that also um Works through volunteer and nonprofit organizations to further uh meet the needs needs in the community and you you have an Avenue in uh the chamber that can can communicate these needs to business owners that otherwise may not be aware of so you know we're not trying I'm not I don't have a position to try to create any more divisiveness than and you know I think folks are aware of but I also respect and and see this potential um as a step in the right direction and a greater opportunity to go do we need these two entities to kind of be able to come together before we really make a decision is that necessary Mr Bishop or can we move forward with the transition move forward with it my request is that uh if I'm going tow an agreement between these folks I need to have some input from each side determine what's going to be in the agreement and so um get a hold of me so we could have an agreement for transition date to go forward contingent on your documentation [Music] agreement make that the the chamber group in the event that there's maybe not any collaboration with the funding that the projects board has today and some of the maintenance then are they ready to handle the cost of that if they're not able to gain any of the projects well I mean that that you know the biggest thing is going to be our is the electric um what else Ronda was in that the cost of that operation the mowing the mowing you know just the general maintenance somebody clean the bathrooms um I don't see anything crazy you also have a staff that can can keep up with those kind of records and and the needs there yes all right there's no discuss question I'll make a motion to get it all worked out they can get with Conrad and get it all straight and we we'll go with [Music] it forward this have second Newman call favor all right thank you go to back to 16a con constitutional officer units Mr John Emergency Management director to provide an update on hurricane [Music] well never start like that I mean I I I've been sitting over there halfway trying to put together a bunch of notes for y'all um I'm sure everybody here understands this just such a multifaceted event so many I can stand up here for an hour and talk about the different things that were going on and it did happen um I guess the the most important thing is that um there was no loss of life in to County and everybody's accounted for um that's the most important thing to me we made it through um debris cleanup has already started um through our you know association with fdm and and F dot kind of heading that up for us again Maritime debris clean up started today it didn't no not because of the not due to the impending hurricane so that's been delayed about it supposed to start today it was so um coordinating with Tri County um down there some road closure try to get power back to the folks down there um obviously uh the community just like I you and Debbie they they work together so well um so many people with big hearts have stepped up to open up their own uh points of distribution we had our County LED points of distribution um the people that have stepped up to help um notify me of the community needs to include some of y'all um like I say I I just yeah there's I can stand here for an hour in the talk so I mean I know well I guess one one big thing name that is changed on this one is our displaced housing project I'm sure most everybody's aware uh today today we've had 34 uh trailers go out to those people that have been displaced uh we received 29 more today at our holding facility and kind of how that works just so everybody's aware we receive I have a team from fdm that's here helping us they receed applications they go over the applications um and if there's any questions about uh I guess qualifications or whatever we do have the um the building inspectors they'll go out and and do a quick look make sure everything's valid and then uh once FM receives that copy of that application they send us a trailer that fits that family if it's only one person or two obviously we get a smaller trailer for them if it's a family then we get you know one of the bigger ones it's pretty simple well it's not a simple process but you get the idea um we're going to keep that first we had a 4-day application period because I was really wanting to get a jump and and try to get those trailers out there to the the people that needed it um pretty quick obviously I think we've done a good job with that and we're going to continue we we put the word out there that we're going to continue to receive applications and we're going to work with folks and obviously when we have elderly people or Stu like that then we try to prioritize those to try to get them out there to them as soon as we can our our resources to deliver them is kind of limited obviously because we have law enforcement staff and of course they're all busy we really try to encourage folks to come pick them up whenever they receive that phone call you have any questions about on the uh applications do yall know how many applications were submitted today uh I know well I can tell you well over 200 that I'm aware of and I'm sure that number that was just within the first couple days trying to get an idea of how many FKS we might have displaced you know give you a number of how many may be displaced I know within the first couple days it was it was over 200 um and then it was a lot questions from Mr I have some but Ty's a Democrat today said the stone is out there now what is that Dixon Nixon something okay the worst one since history it was it's uh the National Hurricane Center or the National Weather Service uh in our brief today uh stated that it was the worst so far this late in the season um obviously right now is a cat five um as as bad as you can get um wind speeds over 178 mph currently um but thank God they have forecasted it to weaken once it comes off the uan peninsula uh down to c 3 or C 4 at landfall obviously that can change um and I was going to move in move into that as far as how it's going to um today um we were placed under a tropical storm warning um I don't want people to you know get too excited about that um right now we're just forecasting re see 10 to 20 mph sustained winds with 40 mph G um obviously we we're still watching it very close remaining vigilant um because as everybody knows those things the track can change they're pretty confident in the current track um unfortunately unfortunately for the folks down there at Tampa Bay Area um it's going to hit them get pretty wide open but um I just thank God that we're going to be spared this night but we're briefing start again tomorrow morning at 9:30 11:15 2:30 5:15 U we have uh we have leadership meet today with all the county stakeholders uh including the school district uh just to let y'all know um do the time frame of this thing I've let folks know that after the 9:30 briefing in the morning is when definite so the decisions need to be made as far as you know schools and and offices and that sort of thing so given that that storm and it's um potential how is that affecting your resources uh well as I can tell you right now um I hate to say it but I'm having to turn away resources because we we have so many resources on hand right now um it's our pods or our part of distribution um except for one at new home Baptist Church since it's inside um and I think maybe even the steam hatch they might still remain operational tomorrow but like the Ford operation base in that area since it's operating out the tent I mean at Keaton Beach that will be closed down um and just for your awareness the B agency Resource Centers that have been open in Taylor County they're shutting down they will reopen Friday so people can still go and get assistance in for help you know a and John didn't we didn't our Incident Management team um demobilized they de so we have lost is that was that your question okay okay so as far as not one particular group but I just I would expect that typeal that a lot of those folks go I had the the region s uh inant mag team come up again and assist us during this they had to demobilize they left this morning because they're all down there from the you know down south and uh want to let them go so they could go take care of their families and even some of them are emergency managers in their own right um one actually called me and said he's was still two hours out and they were going to level one while he was still two hours away but um I did have I reached out to F put in a mission so I did have some back I did have some back fill as far as those positions I have uh for staff that come in from a contract company that kind of help you know keep us going until we can kind of level out a little bit and Mr chairperson in the in the beaches area Tri County yes in the beaches area Tri County met with County staff and Ne do this morning to and the contractor to try to get as much work power restoration as they could before maybe some of those linemen had to to move to South Florida so there was a push this morning um to close roads get debris trucks either in or out whichever way they needed to go so they could try to Res restore service to those grids ahead of you know like I said a potential demobilization or partial demobilization so um John did they tell you how many how many linen they considered um leaving here all they could and then okay but they're hitting it hard while they're stage in this area to respond according well I'm not saying they'll completely demobilize but I know that there were additional resources boots on the ground over the weekend and today to try to get as much done as they could ahead of this impending storm well you know I'm maybe I'm a news something like that but I've been here in Georgia some of the schools are still down and there still a lot of people out that would not surprise me yeah well so obviously Helen was was a historic storm um obviously initially was not anticipated to go up North and and do the damage that it did um the folks up there in North Carolina those areas even though we were hit so hard and had record catastrophic damage to us it p p pales in comparison to what they're dealing with up there God be will John did they have warning in North Carolina to evacuate or was this something that they were not expecting now obviously they knew that the hurricane was coming but what happened I I can't um commissioner honestly I can't speak to it I mean I would think so but um not to dodge your question but I was like I was kind of focused on what I was doing it was I I would assume so I mean I've kind of heard you know different things like on the news or whatever but I would hate I would hate to speculate you know you would hope so let let let me tell you something to the department that us for the worst in it was but before that when it was first said you know we had total evacuation I got all kind of ring that we don't need to do that they just need to do that on the coast well why we need to do it all over the county and that call was correct I think it's better to be safe than sorry so the next time you get that have that problem please do what you've done before let us P War us so we can get out and people be safe of the St wor I promise you if I tell you to get out you need to go all right so we want to move on to the local state emergency any more questions Mr out of 16a hold tight with us we have 16b the board to consider approval of local state of emergency for Hurricane Milton agenda by the Emergency Management director Mr John have a resolution on the table we have a motion to read a resolution have second second I may not have to read it I can just do it verba the resolution of the board of County commissioners of Taylor County Florida declaring a state of local emergency waving procedures and formalities During the period of such emergency authorized and dirting the Taylor County Emer man director to take whatever frood and actions as may be necessary to protect the health safety and Welfare of the community pursuant to this declaration motion to approve and second by Commission all in favor County staff items it of 18 the board to consider approv propos for recruitment of firefighter position departmental education educational assist policy attended by D cast good evening everybody um kind of give you a over what's been going on in the fire department so it's normal that we're not at full Staffing it's just any Department's never going to be fully fully staffed up um we've been riding that way two to three people short for quite a while but that's still above our minimum Staffing levels um and we normally we're seeing about a new applicant every six months is how often it's taking us um not as long not as fast as we'd like to see um here the last just before the storm hit we got notice from two of our current employees that they are going to be leaving us um one before the end of the month and another one starting next month and then there's a third that said that told us that he is applying to one of these other departments as well um which is going to throw us way below our minimum Staffing levels which makes it very hard for us to maintain operations um pretty much impossible so being said there's few recommendations that I'd like to bring before the board um the first one you see is the recruit level position and the educational policy that goes along with it so this is more of a long-term fix to try to get people in and kind of hold them for a couple years um try to hire locals instead of people that are coming from other areas um the way it normally works is you have to be certified before you can work for the fire department that's just the way the state does it so what we what I'm proposing is that we create a new new position is a traine type position we hire somebody with no certifications and we put them through school and now with that once they're certified they will have to sign an agreement I I will remain here for so many years probably going to be about three years um and if I don't I got I got to pay back the money for the for the cost of the class um this is one of the a long-term operation um to try to get us more locals in here hopefully people that will stay um it's not going to fix our immediate need but it is recommendation I would firmly push so question on that one firstr we tried this at the hospital years ago and people would leave anyway before they served out the terms of the agreement that they had signed to work for so long and really we found that we couldn't recover that M yeah what can you can you speak to in terms of what we're talking about here they had a contract and they didn't sue them for it the applicant signed a contract did he or she not yes okay and did it provide like um the chief said that if they left that they would have to pay the educational money back yes but did did the board ever Sue anybody to get get the money back is it worth it I think it's worth putting it in the contract for sure yeah but is it worth going after well it depends on how much money you spent on on it um if we put them through fire and EMT which cost is about $5,000 classes it's worth it and other departments that are doing similar program there also it's some of the cost is you know if they have a final check coming to them you hold that money if they have leave that's supposed to be paid back that would be held um as part of it so this is it's not something new either this is something that other departments are similar to us rural everybody's just trying to think outside the box and fix problems I'm I'm not surprised that we're where we are until those salaries come up you're going to remain in this position you're not going to have people to to work for us for a long period of time for the amount of money that they're paid and I try I have mentioned this before until you get these salaries up you're got to be recruiting and recruiting and they're going to leave and you I mean I I'm sorry we have to get the salaries up to keep these people to attract good people and to keep them you know that well get through all of them real quick um the second option that I'd like to bring for before the board is our firefighters are paid on a 28 day cycle so anything over 212 hours in that period is considered overtime um using this storm as a a good example so in the first two weeks of that period they get PA 1016 and it get balanced out on the second one so the guys who were working under the storm they're still waiting till next paycheck before they get the overtime that they actually worked um and this has been something as long as I work for the county environment and really not like this but it's just it's the way we do business and we always just you know suck it up um I would ask that the board consider putting us on a 14-day cycle which instead of a 212 it's a 106 another aspect of that is if a fireman Works an overtime shift on the first day of that 28 day cycle and then in the last two or three days he gets sick or his child gets sick and he has to call out sick then the overtime goes too straight well within our our what we're allowed to do on flsa and all that but it's one of those things for a morale boost to the fire department to try to hold on to the people we currently have I would ask that the board considers switching the fire department from a 28 day to a 14 day I'm okay with that be on 14 day why wouldn't they be on a 14 day it's just the way it's exp the Kelly days Dan so in a Kelly what we do with Kelly days is over you end up in two two 14 days Cycles you work one one shift work of 120 and 120 hours and that ends up bu having a builtin day of overtime and then they have an option to take a Kelly day which lets lets us get away with not having to pay overtime and they get they get a free day off everybody wins with K day we would still maintain that on that same cycle we work the H dayss and that's how you kind of keep the overtime cost down um so we won't change anything like that it's only thing that's going to change is if they truly whatever they work in that two weeks is what we're going to pay instead of them having to wait till the end so I said I I think morale of our current Staffing for the very little impact on on the county I think that is a very worthwhile thing to consider um that would be the second one that I would bring forward d just I'm sorry and just to finish answering your question so we budget 2756 hours per employee for firefighters firefighters and we budget 2080 hours annually for basically everybody else so they just naturally work more hours so even so when you look at the hourly rate you always have to remember that they work more hours and so their gross or you know pay is based on 2756 hours and then on the other for the Kelly Cycles because the other one if you do the math and you say well it's actually it's 2912 and that's where the Kell days come in is because we Budget on 2756 because we factor in Kelly days at and that's where why we budget our salaries at 2756 because that's without the overtime and we factor in the rest of the hours it's overtime so that's that's already in there and then the only third opportun that I would recommend to the board is considering raising firefighter firefighter salaries um we've we I have not come forward and ask for any additional because the board has been very gracious the board has been giving us raises year-over-year and I can attribute um the fact that we've we've held as well as we have through the years is because the board has been gracious in giving us pay raises every year um unfortunately the region in what Public Safety with firefighters has been doing around us has just been more so it's not that K county has been doing anything wrong or bad but the rest of the industry around us is leaving us behind um I believe the city is somewhere around 1958 starting um D County when they did the math they were on a 40-hour work week and so there's this 15 some change but if you factor in all the built-in overtime because they're on the 40h hour work week it ends up coming out to 18 77 is I think where the map was they're starting firefighters um and then the department that we're losing over in Bay County which is a whole another ball game but they're starting at $21 an hour and that's why we have people that are applying over there um um like I said I'm just throwing that as an option that I think the board may want to consider doing something to get us in the same ball field that the other agencies are and then I I support that 100% I talked about this last budget meeting last excuse me last budget season last year you know I advocated for the firefighters to be brought up to what the city was paying at that time was 19 I believe 1902 an hour starting everybody started at 1902 regardless of what whoever was there what they made I support whatever we have to do to give these people a fair wage and an incentive to come here and incentive to stay here you'll spend a lot more money and recruiting uh then if you if we just go ahead and give them a pay raise with the 50 cents that we just got October 1st that puts our starting salaries at 1628 so just in reference to the rest of the field is $18 to $20 an hour that's what we're competing against when you see these other department they're you know they're slow getting applications too or not as many but they're still getting applications where they're they're full fully staff pretty close to it um I said that would just be a request of mine to consider getting us closer into that in that same field um they have the option so tell I mean we're at the point unfortunately that because we've had a potential of three firefighters who were planning to go to another department that we're we're running out of options as far as trying to keep all of our staff stations operational so the only other potential option is yeah we're we're getting into the point where if when these people leave we're going to end up having Brown out of stations where there's days we will not be able to St out stations um and it's going to be our outline station more than likely I would say keep me because it's in the center point between Ste haty we don't want to lose hat because it's so far away we need to have that first response in that area um and G Beach was the last one that we sted up I'm not saying we are going to be closing down stations but if there's days where we just don't have Staffing it's going to it's going to happen um that we've not had sta as of right now we we haven't had that issue it's but with knowing that two two of them two excuse me at least two positions are about to leave it's going to be a problem we're going to still try to fill it with part-time people overtime any way we can but it also runs into if we try to mandate over time to keep it consistently open especially with two two vacancies below minimum Staffing we run the risk of driving off our current employees that say I don't want to keep doing this I'm going to go to these other places possibly make more money and not have to work so much so it's it's one of those if you do if you try to fix it too much it can make the problem work and and that's what that's what we're we're trying to or I'm trying to come forward with long-term Solutions current Solutions trying to give whole mixed bag there of how we can start trying to fix this I said we' kind of just been sitting back on it because we've been we've been waiting water for for quite a while we've been short one two maybe three and we'll get an applicant then we go back up but we've all we've been holding above that minimum Staffing line um and the last thing I wanted to do is for the board to find out after the fact that you know we have two people leaving you know maybe even a third one and you found out after the fact I want you to know ahead of time that we know that they're they're going to be leaving and this was the first meeting we were able to get to to give you that information um or we would have brought it up during our budget workshops obviously this is this is a this is a new yeah this came one really pretty quick and it was across the board okay then I don't know if you if you will like what I'm about to say or not but with where we are in this County and what we're facing and the losses of Revenue that we know we're going to have it may be time for this board to start talking about consolidation of some of the Departments with the city I believe that that that at the end of the day we're going to have to have those conversations and and probably not only with the fire department but maybe with some other departments um we've got to find Solutions of how we can keep these services and I just think that's something we're going to have to discuss and it's been it's been put off for a long time and I'm hearing other people um I'm hearing a lot of other people talk about consol foundation too so we probably need to start that conversation real soona I think we need to agenda that question and speaking with other dep partment successful with this time process which St so the traine ATT Madison County particular has been pretty well on that one and I was working with their Chief using their you know how how are they wording their stuff what are they doing on on their policies so we mired a lot of that policy off of what madis has been doing um theirs has been more on the trying to get paramedic side um but it's far as hiring people and pay for their certifications um they've been successful um I know one of our part- timers is a parttime partt that he he was put du school by Madison County and that's why he won't come to us fulltime because he's got to finish out his ride over there so um I I feel if we do that like will we use that on a limited basis we can't fill all of our positions with that right away because they you know because we can't use these people until as firefighters until so we have to really treat them one at a time for the firefighters um and that's where you know it's more of a once we get one done we can look at another one and I I I think we would probably get applicants for that type of position when you look at the workforce shortages the mill closures and everything like that you know when we went to these job pairs sounds great you know they would probably come work for us but they still have to go through school and they don't have it so they all these people that could work couldn't work for us until they went and got all their schooling and took you know six months to a year so potentially you know there's the certification process was knocking knocking a lot of your candidates out yeah of of all of our local local people who maybe would want to come work for us because they didn't have their certifications they couldn't come work for us so creating this type of position lets our locals have that option I'm wrong but this request in this training period you're not requesting any funding treble to fund it out of your existing budget understand especially if we're only looking at one year funding request for this training uh Chief is able to fund this training out of their existing yeah for that one what I'm asking for now is approval of that job description to create a new a new job a new position and the board approval on the on the department of policy we got a motion commission second by commission Moody all in favor you also consider the 14 day at least no that's that was second recommendation there was three total recommendations problem going to the 14 going from a 28 day pay period to a 14 day period yeah I'll second that motion motion by commission de I have something to add that so I don't I know that I think with the payall system I think we might have had some special um programming to be able to do the the calculations of their time now so just I just want everybody to know that we may have to do I'm not saying it can't be done we got to figure all that out so anything for them what has to do now is she has to she does 106 and then she has to hold it and then she has to calculate it out for the second one if theoretically should make her job easier because whatever's on that time sheet is what she should pay um anything above 106 would be overtime anything that's not it's not um I said theoretically it should make her job easier yeah as long as the payroll system she can they can work it out then that's not a problem we got a motion in a second all in favor Mr chair you know I just want to say that there's some things in this County that we have to have and good fire protection is right up there in number one place along with police protection so I would like to make a motion that we raise our firefighters to $20 an hour discuss that motion on the table do we have a second increase firefighters $20 an hour that's for firefighter EMT and then we would and then what about need to be brought up so that we're competitive and we're not paying a lot of money on Recruitment and these people get a fair salary so that would be if it's whatever it is a firefighter EMT whatever they are they shouldn't be making less than $20 an hour you can go to fast food places and make $6 an hour and so for our firefighers not to have a good living weight when that is one of the things that this County that we need to provide for our citizens I don't think $20 an hour is too much we can give up something else but we can't give up fire protection if you did that ma'am that would be $372 for fire yes instead of just saying the $20 just for everybody that come to 3 372 I don't want any of try to make it less than $20 an hour I mean you know they have to have special training they have to have continuing education they have to what is it I I was just going to say we have several different levels of pay so you have your your firefighter EMT then you have firefighter Medics make more than the firefighter EMTs and then you have your lieutenants fire inspector figure out the scale with the lowest on the poll total pole making $20 an hour and because we waste that money in recruitment real quick and we'll be doing it again next year and then next year and the next year because history is proven they're not going to come here and work very long for that amount of money yeah you know that I would say I mean even like said that's $372 would be that would be that raise even a $2 an hour raise would get us in the regionally where you know we we wouldn't be topping everybody but at least we'd be in that that same pool where everybody else is many we talk 17 total people and two part I go for two you makeing motion you go for one two and where does that put the lowest paid person 1828 the city pays not 1902 why would we pay less than the city they do the same kind of job they put their lives at risk many times they have families to support y'all I mean I don't have a farm figh this that this this you know so I'm I'm speaking for people that deserve a Better Living w we can do that I don't disagree with any increase in Pay but it sounds there's varable between different positions that probably need to be talked to before numbers you're going to create compression within within your agency aren't you well that's where said that's if you look at it and say for hers would be $3.7 equally across the board bring everybody up $2 bring everybody up at $2 so this way you don't you're not doing just the starting if we did just the starting then you have starting firefighter making more than our long-term people so it would need to be across the board the fire department would be that the question comes back to with all our other employees and we've talked about this many times we we're talking about fractionalizing increases but for different departments when all of our employees have some of the same costs and expenses and and their values or no less in my mind so for me to say again we we've had all these conversations in the budget time and we couldn't even agree to go a dollar across the board it had to be 50 Cent and now we're going to throw out all these outlandish numbers that are current costs I can't agree with that and yeah I'm not going to necessarily disagree and thought with you but you know we have a far Chief standing here before us tonight and he's about to lose he he's not going to have staff to operate we're going to be forced to go to recruitment and I don't know how much it costs but I know it cost a lot to use recruiters and when you use recruiters and if you use people that come and work on a part-time basis just like with nursing or anything else they make way more money than the people that's already there because you've got to have you see what I'm saying so like it like in other words if we've got somebody working for $15 an hour and you bring somebody in they're probably going to get $40 $50 an hour plus per DM plus everything else so why would we why would we waste our money on recruitment when we might to get some people that would come and stay I think this program that he's speaking of could potentially lead to that individual or those individuals that have fill some of those gaps is that not true that's more of a long term like said in the short term isn't that part of what you're saying as far as folks that are obliga or staying in other agencies so that is filling some of those outages when it comes down to the interim and getting to that potential the question I guess comes back to when we look at this fully loaded cost in this one department is or I should say not the question the issue is that it's recurring and we're already on the rails with our budgets and and we've already had these discussions and and I respect our firefighters and I absolutely appreciate them but I also appreciate our law enforcement folks and our Emergency Management folks and we're we're fractionalizing those increases when we had the option to continue at a steady Pace to get to a point that we're mandated to in the minimum wage um faction Mr person and we understand that I think the concern that the fire chief and I had and again if we had known this during budget workshops we definitely would have brought it to y'all we were not anticipating potential you know losing three potential full-time positions right before this hurricane our biggest concern is that if we have to have brownouts at some of our outline stations that y'all are aware of it and and accept that because I don't unfortunately I don't I don't know that we have many other options except to you know except to notify y'all of that while we try to find a solution I hear you loud clear Mr Chief I think you do a great job I can't hear you can you use your M I said I hear you loud I think you do a great you do a great job with the fire department concern the potential of what's coming down the PES because you are competing with other Ines and I don't know what our our Sheriff Department what are they paying the deputies coming on board there what are they paying those guys com on board I don't I mean I mean what I'm getting at is potentially you're taking an individual that chooses whether go to be a firefighter or going to be a law enforcement officer whether you're with the county or the city city fire whatever so I don't have a problem looking at these numbers and really approving because really you hear hand the last thing sit there you look at us and say hey I raised my hand I didn't want to do anything so here we are I've got to shut some operations down that's we can't obviously do that and for me like said it's making sure you all are very aware I said because last thing I I wanted to be called for and what do you mean you had R out of fire station and we were never told I wanted to get to you as soon as I could as soon as we knew about these situations um and like I said as far as the $15 an hour and what you were saying I agree that's why you know we haven't come forward and said we need we need more we need more um we were hoping that we would get to the end of all of that where everything would settled back out and we would be closer to where everybody else was um if anything I guess we're asking can for the fire department even have been saying look we're not going to have it for the next year or two just fast forward us to the end so we can be I do not want to Brown out stations if I can avoid it or at least limit how often we have to do that um I spent my entire life in the fire service and the idea of not answering calls in a timely fashion is kind of kind of so I see what you're comp with you're compe with whether it's a $2 or3 margin between you and the next agency you know the next town over then maybe we do need to do something but I would rather look at some clean numbers I mean is it bringing it back to our meeting on the 22nd give you is that too late we'll have by then we'll be short one for sure on one but anything that we do to change I mean that's probably not going to keep um because even if even if you you took action today we still have to advertise and get it out there and start getting I'm just saying it's not even you know you're not even if you took action today but I'm just even if we don't you're not that's not going to change one of them staying yeah I can I numbers like I'm okay to look they are I'm okay to look at the numbers and bring the numbers back with different levels of and then that way we'll know after this last payroll recal but what's remaining in that department fund this board put we'll do [Music] that I'm sorry I couldn't hear you but did you ask him if if the salary increase would would make one of them stay would it change their mind my head into theirs um some people leave for money some people leave for bigger departments I I couldn't give you a reason one way the other if it would or would not um but I think you know bringing the boardback you know if you're willing to entertain looking at this I think it's fair to bring you know bring forward as much off as as much information I can give to you okay we can do that on the 22nd yes so I had a motion on the table okay so um we have a motion on the table and we did ask for a second I can withdraw my motion if that's what we need to do so that we can look at numbers is that is that where that's what requested that we look at the numbers for the different levels of the firefighting from the agency and on our next meeting on the 22nd whether it's $2 $250 whatever it is and then we can look at it and really make a sound decision we can compare what the other departments we'll bring you some comparisons and and some good numbers I want to say one thing you go to raise one Department without raising the other you going to have issue saying it over and over you just can't do that I mean if we going to go on base with getting them up to speed we might as well get R upate you'll have other people in other departments with too sit here with the fire department that that you got every County around you paying two or three do more at a start understanding so you're going to run a fire department you won't have a fire you won't you'll be calling them other counties to come to come to these uh fires in our County 50 m down the road at the end of the day that man going to be you have apartment head running a motor grador too you know what that's all that's bull in my opinion if we've got a department that is and it's a fing Department to our County and we've going to lose that department because these people are not making money and we want to bring up we got to give everybody a race that is full because we don't have all these other departments that are about to shut down and leave us without protection we can look at that at another time but we're about to be in a crisis right now and we've got to do what we've got to do to protect our Citizen and if you've got somebody in another department and and they tear up a piece of equipment just because they're imal why do you need to fire them on the spot I don't and don't put up with that kind of crap I got a question Mr chairman if I could ask Mr L when our hurricane was bearing down on our Coast how many Public Works employees were working around the clock to deal with those efforts necessary all of them as far as I know and and the reason I'm asking that question and I don't I'm not making a light of any of our employees dedication and service and I don't agree with a statement that commissioner fal's making that it's cool when we have those same folks when it's when it's hurricane season and they're staying around the clock to get our roads open and report and get the things necessary so our infrastructure is open so that our emergency responders can go up and down that road I don't I am not going to diminish their service and say that one is more valuable than the other I completely agree with what commissioner mov said in the sense that our Public Works folks are absolutely providing the services and they've answered the call we just had with less than a week or 10 days ago so I I just I don't agree at all with this concept that we're going to put a higher value over one department or the other one I completely understand and have been in places where those kind of actions have absolutely created more animosity and led to folks that were great Employees leaving anyway just like what you're already working through so I'm not making light of the issue that you got there and I absolutely want to see a resolution to that but I don't think this issue of fractionalizing increases is going to answer that call I think it's going to create a larger problem to the contrary and at the same time I'm not saying that our Public Works should be put over our law enforcement post they've absolutely been down there in those storm areas and our Emergency Management folks who are always answering these calls in the worth worse condition just like our firefighters do so I'm not taking away a Fame from our fire department I want to be on the record to say that but I also am not going to diminish or depreciate or underappreciate these other employees not for one second and I think those actions of fractionalizing increases is exactly what would be coming across would be communicated to our employees that their their service is not worth as much apparently but I agree with that I have mentioned in the past our road department that they are a department that needs to be raised they work on the poverty level I have brought that department up there's been nobody in this organization yet to go to bat for these people that are are living on the poverty level not one person not nobody in leadership or nobody that has come forward to fight for these people that that can barely make a living we have to start somewhere and I've said this in the past we can't give everybody in Taylor County government the same race we cannot do that that is bull in my opinion but we can start with a department that's in trouble and just like I said last year start with that department next year look at that road department because they too need raises they need to be making more than $15 an hour because yes they do an important job for us but right now we're not in a Cress with our road department we're in a Cress with our fire department let's take care of that department and then next year let's look at that road department and let's bring those people up to where they need to be chair we did have this conversation in previous budget cycle where these kind of U proposals were made and then we have these issues of industries that exit our area this issue of a lack of revenues and we've just considered one apartment over another one and we've really communicated the issue that one uh job is more valuable than another one but we seem to kind of have a tendency not to connect all these dots when it comes back to recollection but we were on the path to try to work through this process and we had to settle for a 50 Cent increase versus a dollar an hour because we're trying to deal with compression and a minimum wage mandate and yet we're right back to the same scenario so I don't I don't accept the notion or concept that nobody has tried to reach out and deal with all the issues across all our departments we have absolutely worked across law enforcement had issues years ago with a sherff office was losing his employees the FHP and all these other folks that were were highly competitive and were outpricing what those salaries were so I don't accept that for one second I do believe there's a way that we could have done that and we had it proposed to go to an hour a dollar an hour rate and the only way we could agree on that was for 50 Cent and what we're going to be faced with is we're going to have to face the minimum wage mandate that we've already been dealing with which some of these salaries I believe they're underneath what that that amount is going to be so you're going to have that same consideration compounded with the compression issues that we've we're discussing here currently then I'm trying to get you some help I like say when M goes running the number on the salary we need if we going to raise one we need to raise them all we can't do that we well we got to do something we cannot afford to do that you know that there folks in the middle of the night running them chainsaw getting them and running the front end over getting them trees out the middle in road that somebody might run into and getting killed department or you want to raise the fire department we can't do it all and we certainly can't raise all everybody works we need to get the figures what it would take to raise all of them and we go with it and we then we'll know what it takes to do it and then everybody that way if you think we can keep our Fighters by giving them $2 hour you might them three people might quit even if you give $4 they done lined up another job yeah I have never yet and I've talked to a lot of people heard of an organization that gave everybody the same race all at one time because they're afraid of the compression and they're afraid they're going to tear up our equipment I I I we're the only people that's ever really made an issue out of that but what whatever we've got to do if we've got to raise everybody that works in offices and everywhere else to get these firefighters what they need and to get this road department what they need go ahead and do it if we can if we can afford it but come next year and the year after when we have to start cutting positions they won't be the forefathers or they won't be the essential workers that's all I have to say thank you I just say I know the chief has brought this to the table [Music] with surrounding entities which is about come I he's he's brought it based on them competing with Shing enti so uh I think we're looking at addressing an individual problem with the Department um so I'd like to see those numbers on the 22nd all right so we got we move on to item 19 the Board review and consider approval of standard Grant agreement p 25047 with Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Recreation development assistance program for Southside part phage two agenda by cops hey everyone hello hey balie how are you I'm good thank you the gr is amount of 12483 that's the total project cost is for the construction of the new pickle Courts South Park parking improvements tting associated with the security liting an additional picnic just a tag with a picnic table on it and a nature keos we requested and wavered a match and we were awarded that so again there's no um funding from the board on this it's 100 any questions from the board motion to approve motion a second to approve all in favor thank you all and we have received the grant contract for the Horseman's Arena um Mr Conrad didn't have a chance to review the contract before this meeting but that will be on the next agenda also so that we can move forward that project very good thank you isn't that the same grant that we just they just agreed to is the same contract except different number stantially the same remember I I talked to you about that and wrote you a little note saying that it's the same contract except for the numbers and so you can consider it approved by me with the same um we talked yeah the agenda deadline so we'll just put it on the next okay all right I just want yall to be aware that I had look that Melanie you have looked at thank you all so much' thank you moving on County Administrator item 20 the board consider approval for letter of support for aerial mosquito spray the gend County Administrator this would just be um in the event that fdax does some trapping for us and finds that there's a need for aerial spraying I just wanted to get ahead of it so we did not have to have an emergency meeting I don't know that it's necessary at this time we have not received but a few calls for ground spring but um I don't know how you feel about lining this up in case we need it so we got a lot of rainfall and i' be in favor of it close to [Laughter] my all blood well this would obviously be after um makes landfall this would be more for I would assume for next week since we know we have another another event on top of us but again I just wanted to get ahead of it based upon any surveys that they do all right we have to approve a second I'd like to say one thing about that that last PR really helped play again I mean it really made a big difference I mean the last two days get it been showing up that I hadn't seen so they coming y for sure I agree all right we'll move on to uh 28 the board will consider approval request for degree removal within public cemeteries agenda by so um we are I feel blessed enough that our governor has has authorized F to assist us with debris removal once again this time it is the um has expanded to include County Properties our own policy states that we don't perform anything other than just mowing basically without board approval so if the board would like cemeteries included I wanted to go ahead and get that approval ahead of time then I'll reach out to the cemetery boards and ensure that they want this work done I'd also like for us to include the non maintained roads that they be picked up these people pay taxes the same as the rest of us I fight that every time and I have already requested it I just don't have it in writing that they will include the non-count maintained roads but you know I assume as I know i' I've asked for an update regularly I spoke with our Representatives um last week and I'm just waiting for something in writing keep home I do every time I I fight every time and I was somewhat disappointed that um we have to fight this again but we will we will continue to fight it just like we did the last I think three times yeah let me ask you this then who is the decision maker that says no who is that person we need to be W letters to them I believe well I believe that is is fot and Tallahasse it's not our regional people and what happens is we have to enter our mission a specific way so we entered a mission and specifically named County maintained and noncount maintained roads debris removal then I was called and said you have to change your mission because it's not in line with the state statute so we changed the mission and then the response was well that's not what your mission says so I immediately called our our representative and our Senator and asked them to take on this fight and um we I mean we've been successful every time so I'm confident I just hate it that we have to fight it every time we do find out the person that's at the top that says no we will not allow y'all to do that then we can draft a letter we can all sign it requesting that this be done this is critical for these people even though just because we don't make maintain their Road they pay avalor taxes and they deserve the same services with debris pickup is the rest of us yeah okay so uh do we have a motion to approve the public by Newman Ivor uh moving along to 20b uh the board to discuss the use of Blue Spring drill on St aded by the County Administrator so this is um a request from Ash Brit who will be the Waterway debris renewal contractor um they just want to use a small portion of um Blue Springs World left site just for staging we did it during the last storm they I mean they they they um restore the property to what it was before it's just for temporary storage I just wanted to ensure that the board approve all in favor all right one administrator to discuss informational items once again our governor I've already said has authorized F to partner with Taylor County to complete right of way debris removal and debris removal on County Properties which is something that has expanded um debris removal began last week and Siri currently has 40 plus trucks in Taylor County for debris removal our governor has also authorized Waterway debris removal Ash Brit is the contractor once again I would expect debris removal to begin next week once hurricane building has made landfall they will be starting at Katon Beach canal and seeing how she um boat Bas and River so just to update the board on that um we also are continuing to work with our insurance carry to evaluate County facility damage there is significant damage to our Coastal parks and boat ramp facilities and mainly roof and fencing damage forther Inland and once I get a list of what's damaged and what's not I will bring that to the board they started basically the day after the store um inspecting our facilities and mitigating what they could so we they helped us tar what we can um but there is some substantial damage that we will have to address and lastly I just wanted to advise the board that fot and Department of Corrections is providing property cleanup and vegetated debris removal on County Properties um which alleviates the need to contract the work so if you drive past Forest Capital Park and all the debris stacked up in the right of way that is that is Department of Corrections that has done that for us and they have been absolutely invaluable um they're making their ways around now with County and City and I think School District property and have been a great help thank you 22 comments and concerns for the public for non agenda items [Music] I appreciate everybody that has spent so much time in the last almost two weeks working on this and I know people have been working around the clock almost and I appreciate all the efforts of everybody I appreciate our road department I appreciate every Department that has worked diligently to help us it's appreciated I appreciate all the volunteers all the agencies that's come in it's been phenomenal the help that we've had we've been some through some really hard times I think we're going to see harder times sir we talking about talking about I ask about be since equipment was already area they go ahead and clean it all up they will they will they're just starting at they're just starting at Katon Beach and clean it all up they will they will they're just starting at they're just starting at Katon Beach and Ste Hatchy concurrently and then they'll move around to the other and I did see crabbers done putting in the water at Katon beach this morning so I know that they were able to to um facilitate using that boat ramp yes sir well certainly I mean we've been through another battle so thank you to everybody that's taking their part in on staff level and all the way up to commander and chief so we appreciate all those uh efforts and uh certainly respect our volunteers and everybody that's taken apart folks that have donated from out of state and all across the state just just a real show of kindness and concern so we appreciate that and even though it's an awful experience we've seen great pleas come out of this awful experience and so um I would ask um as we were made aware there have been some folks that were uh arrested for looting and you recall that bishop and and in conversation with our law enforcement they asked about a letter of support to go to our state's attorney did you make any progress or could you make progress with that please sir sure so for folks that may not be aware our law enforcement shared um at at a previous meeting of the board that they yes that's correct um that there were folks that have been arrested for rooting and that it would be helpful if our board would send other support for to our um State's Attorney requesting that they' be prosecuted to the fullest extent given the consideration and and what was it stake with folks that have been subject to a natural disaster that are then really being stolen from so y authorize me to write that letter although I am a defense lawyer I will write it yes you understand what say yes please do so and everybody in favor of that I'm I'm in favor of it I've talked to several law enforcement officers and last time when they had Lon they let him out of jail before start sun went down before the sun went down exactly right before dark they was out of jail and that's not right I want them to be prosecuted to full ofense and you got them coming from other counties over here L not just the county people they' arrested they arrested from other County you got a surrounding County group coming in here at night trying to get sh and they actually stole people personal property that they had put out on their property they cleaned up there today had set on their watchs you know and didn't have time they couldn't even get to it the hul it I there and them folks told you did I there so well that need to stand for any other charges because I think that's the our shur Department City police that's a lot of their same issue that they put these F they deal with these folks and then back out of the streets like you said before the sun goes down they beat them back where they call don't need to send that out [Music] tomorrow that's all I have that's all I got i' just like to say thank you also to all of our Emergency Management staff department all the volunteers that's come in you know all the citizens that's just really roll their sleeves up and have help a major disaster within this community I it mean a lot everyone I've had a lot of I'd like to not think that we're getting good at this but uh this storm stuff but I did get a lot of uh comments of you know praising these folks for the job that they've done during this storm so thank everyone that was involved and you know our just say we're you know our pleasure out for the folks that that made loss at some point in time we're going to have to address our losses and and what's what's this going to mean to Taylor County what's this going to mean to our to our revenue and we're going to have to have those discussions pretty soon U you know the impact of this financially to us and I don't think we're going to be able to make up everything that we've lost but we're going to have to we're going to have to talk about this [Music] um I need all yall to hang around because at the at the when we approve the budget and all those resolutions everybody has to sign those and y'all got out here last time I was getting you to sign them so if everyone please hang around we can sign those documents yall approved at that budget meeting before you leave