yeah but did you want me to hat it out or just read it all right we go everyone stand for our [Music] please Father in heaven we come right now thanking you for life help and strength we come blessing your name because your name is The Only Name we been taught GL be blessed God and we thank you we thank you for getting up this morning and the going down of the sun love you father for what you have done th for what you going to do in the future we come now not taking none of this stuff personal but we trying to do what is right and right in God's our sight we thank you for what you're going to do again and we bless you in Jesus name I pray amen amen to United States of America the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible andice our meeting Tuesday March 19 2024 6 p.m we have a com line set up number there is 1917 [Music] 91022 access code is 32347 this is not a number and you may be subject to charges according to your long distance plan when the chair person open the meeting for public comment please follow instruction if you wish to speak please Down star five moderator will unmute your line it's your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address and you will be allowed to speak for 3 minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an agenda item will be giv three minutes for comment a commenter may only speak one time for each agenda item with that said we move to item three approval of the agenda we have approval of the agend [Music] Mo on the consent everyone had a chance to look over question discuss by commissioner Moody all in favor item number 10 Carol Marie Maro to discuss scol I'm Carol Maro 3115 Northeast Second Street Ste I'm Ricky Mar same address married 41 years thank youall for your joh her and I both res these SCS all of our Lives all of our Lives we clean Scots we fished we've done all that our whole lives we got these SCS commercially before we were not allowed to do that anymore we switch gears and in the summertime it's something that we do we clean SCS mainly they do I clean up the mess but while we're here this afternoon is we asking for a letter recommendation from the board that we can get FWC to get these dates pushed back to the original dates of June I mean July to September we keep knocking off the end of it when it's GS for good and added to the front of it according to the businesses schedule and our point is you can't take the schedule of the SCS and shape it around the schedules of these businesses you have to shap the businesses around the schedule of the resource um we have been doing this like I say for a long time um we have online petition people agree with us we have over 1300 signatures on it um when you get these scholars in June they're too small to get if if we implicate a 2in size limit then that puts more pressure on FWC to en Force everything what we just want to do is get the season back to where it always was we started in 2010 when o spill came trying to uh help our economy and we jumped on you know got that two weeks and that was good you know thank God we didn't get the oil here but we rode that pony since 2010 now and and through that they're like oh we can get a lot of money here and I know it's about the economy I get that but we also have to look after our resource I want to hear from my grandchildren's children I'm sure all y'all do too everybody in this room probably takes part in this it's not that we're trying to stop Scot season we're trying to help make sure that we have a Scot season and unlike the counties on you know the coast on both sides of us everybody knows it they're losing them you know they just now Pasco County just got 40 days you know we're we're trying to stay ahead of this curve we're not trying to get behind it and then say you know oh now what do we do now you know there's certain things you can't control you can't control uh you know what happens Mother Nature does you know the salinity of the water all the all the things that affect the scholet population or any of the rest of the species out there as far as that go there's a size limit on everything out there there's a time to get it there's a time not to get it we just really feel passionate about this SC season is opening way too early it just is we see them we handle them we look at them I mean we us and we're speaking for everybody who handles these Scholars more than anybody else and for years and years we've hand them so we know about these Scholars you want to know something about Scholars ask us we know and these Scholars ain't ready they just ain't just because the kids are out of school we can get more people here that first two weeks we're the only one on the coast open that puts all the pressure on our grass beds you got you know thousands of Vates going out there every day and and you know no offense to any of our visitors but they're not Avid voters okay they out there looking for Scholars and they they want bigger ones they're not out there and they're they're trolling around on over gra they're not big enough here let's go over here let's go over here let's go over there and on our grass beds it's just not a good scenario the pressure the pressure on our first two weeks because we're the onlyest ones open so we get it all which is you know what the the economy wants you know I get that uh concept I do it's not that I don't get that I understand the impact to that I just don't think you need to trade revenue for the resource and in the long run you're going to hurt that resource because you grinding it up and you're taking way more SCS and in in September let me see is this right here is 10 is five SCS okay this right here is 10 SCS this is what you're getting at the first of the season this is what you're getting July 1st they will grow from here to here in those 16 days May sit right back here am I Mr blonco am I correct in saying that yes sir so there's your there your science he the man he the biologist sitting back there they will grow that much in those 16 days and that's what we're after we we don't want to implicate a law and cause people to get tickets and and then pressure the FWC to have to enforce it what we do want is to give it back to the end of the season if you stop getting them here you're going to let more Scholars go through number-wise to the end of the season to Spa that is our our thinking on that that's the science behind it like I said you know we don't have no control over the El but we do have control over this and we are passionate about trying to save our draft beds not only for the Scots but for the crabs and and the fish and everything so all I can ask is is you know y'all please look at this and think about it and um you know if we could we want to try to go to the meeting and date on them and I'd like to have a letter of recommendation from our commissioners saying that yes we're for our resource not just the revenue we're still going to get the revenue it ain't like we're you know at the end of it you going to still recoup some of that so that's pretty much all I got to say and I really appreciate your time John appear to request approval of mudbog permit for March 23rd 2024 okay so I was followed by Miss Wanda and didn't sound too good so that's Reon why I'm here tonight a year ago we agreed In This Very Room that my partials of property that I have I was allowed to have pieces of partials I was going to As Long As I put up a fence I did that I did what the Commissioners wanted me to do and Miss Wanda called me up yesterday but somebody had brought it to her attention that I have been doing a mudbog and I've been doing it seven years and I never had a problem until recently here that was a year ago now I've got another problem evidently I don't understand I have not broke the uh the rule that that we greting is about uh about paying people that come through my gate uh I do a mudbog for the local guys I do not do a mudbog for out of out of state whatever this is local guys that I got I plead my case last time here and I thought we had it all worked out but obviously we don't so I'm just I'm just wondering why if we had it worked out why am I here tonight you know so maybe you got can tell me Mr if I can speak to that um I understand Mr Knight feels like it was work out with the board but I was not under the impression that he was absolved from requesting a permit for each event so there was there was you haven't perit in seven years other than when I did the big event over at pudding Creek now when we did thousands of people I did everything we were supposed to then right but since we did I don't want to do the big event I did the little look event for the guys in this town not for out State people and I haven't had a problem in seven years except one year ago I got find ,000 and I feel that I was mistreated on that because I did not go over my am amount of people I had somebody on the highway measuring them as they came in or counted a head count but he had no idea how many people I and I paid the $1,000 because I didn't want to cause a problem between the board but I feel that that was done just too now I'm here again tonight when we sit right here in this room and the the county attorney said if I put a fence up you can go back and look at the minutes and Miss Fel said County Commissioner Fel said now you're just nitpicking him now I I got a good memory I know exactly what was said and I just still on here again when there's other people that can do whatever they want to do in this town they can have as many people down there do a private party but I'm only allowed to have 50 people on my property that I pay taxes on I don't plant trees on it I pay full County tax it's just not fair and uh we need we need to come to some kind of an agreement here I know what the or is I was there with the day that was written up you know I know what it is and I understand it but since I'm the I'm the longest person in this County that's been doing mudbox since way back I am the only one that's done as many nobody else has done as many as I've done I know how to do a mudbog it's safe you don't have the county coming out there to my place uh we we regulate our own place is what we do uh you start putting thousands of people into a property and I've done that and I know I've been sued so many times in Tallahassee I know what it's all about but I don't want to never do that again but an accident can happen if you got two people on your property I understand that there's no way I don't know what the county is trying to do if they just trying to shut me down or what's going on here but I'm I applied by the rules that y'all told me to do and I feel it could be bent a little bit because the rules have been bent in this town over a certain person too many times and I'm not doing anything wrong you know now I've been told if I do another mudbog and this one has been beautiful to me she's been nice but she's recommending to me that I'm going to get find $5,000 if I do another one and I'm willing to fight that if I have to and I don't want to do that because I have I have done exactly what was said here over year ago and I had not a mess with that ruling and I don't know why I'm here again tonight you know and I want to go ahead one more thing before y'all half of my money that I make which only like $2,000 ,500 2,000 I take 25 30% of that money and I pay toward some family that needs it cuz I don't need it I give it to them just like I PID for funerals to a boy that was uh killed on on the road over there the Weaver boy I went down and paid 30% of my intake went to that funeral I do a lot of my money I do more than a lot of people do in this town to help me and I give I give a lot of just the last mudbog I took that money because we got a person in town that's ding from cancer her mother and I give them money to go back and forth to Gainesville and and for me to be up here again I'm a little upset and I can get upset because I don't understand what I'm here tonight for when I haven't broke the rules that we agreed to here before I asked the county way back then if they would give me cuz I got four Parcels of properties with individual partial numbers and I I consider that individual piece of the property because I pay County tax on each one of them not just one but I own more more property around there other than that but that's what I do I just don't understand you know what I'm here for again tonight what I don't understand is is while we told him something last year here and we're telling him something different this year help me understand what's happened well I don't recall unless I'm missing something that the board basically um CH basically is she chose not to follow the ordinance if that's what happened because the ordinance doesn't say the ordinance St that there are 25 trucks or 50 attendees then you must obtain a permit but and I understand that and so that's why he's here we say something last year and then go back on that this year now we can look we can listen to the audio uh which I just found out about this late this afternoon so I have not had time to go back and and listen to the audio now when is this event that you're planning I'm this Saturday I mean I posted on my website like I have for the past seven years you guys have never been brought into my business until last year when it was brought up now for some reason it's doing it again um and I even know exactly the Expressions that's how good I can remember I and I know that the county was not reliable for it that was also said that night I did on my property I asked the county to give me a you know the ordinance can be can be messed with a little bit we already know that can be done um I didn't ask for a lot I ask for a little bit and I'm not I'm only do I know that doesn't mean nothing but it should mean something to the County Commissioners that I'm doing for the local guys because they can't afford to spend 80 bucks or $120 to go to a mud bot so what are you being asked to do this year that was different from last year Miss Wanda had informed me that if I do a mud bot she didn't tell me ITA word but I got it it was a $5,000 fine she did mention that to me now I'm not willing to pay a $5,000 fine I'd rather give it a charity than I would to give it to County Commissioners so when I paid the $1,000 F we couldn't even determine on who gets the ,000 what is she asking you to do she's asking me to keep it with at50 people on my property uh because it's being detained now as one event yeah I understand it is one event but it's only a couple pieces of property uh they're touching together I got a fence in between like I was supposed to do I did what I was supposed to do you know than that I don't know Mr chairperson if I could what I what and I and I understand Mr n that you're unhappy but what what I ask you to bring to the board was a permit application because that has not been done right because I have never had to do that in seven years so unless I did the big event and I knew I had to do all that if I did the open big event on the 300 acres of land I knew that but we're only talking 14 20 acres or whatever it is it's small this is not a big event uh and I would do it then and I would increase my chances of getting sued again I would have insurance but I cannot afford 10 or $20,000 for one day for insurance to make a, or500 bucks and I'm going to give some of that away that just don't make good so during our discussion today we we discussed the number of attendees which I believe you said would be somewhere around 150 people which exceeds I think think the threshold of what is required which is an event and requires a permit so this is his opportunity to ask the board to approve or not approve a permit because I realized he had an event this weekend and we did discuss the possibility of a fine because I don't want that to happen if you have an opportunity to come to the board a going to be it's going to be somebody else um be the way I did it last time but the 150 people per guard or security dep or whatever 100 I don't I don't even have to qualify for that because I'm not going to have 100 I don't even need I've got two or three people that's going to be there with me in case somebody gets out of hand you know I'll call the sheriff department I've got I've got his personal number I'll call him have a deputy sent there if I got a problem with somebody but you're not likely going to have no problems because we've never had to call the sheriff out there in seven years so what does that tell you guys I run a good safe mud bik I know how to do the big ones and I know how to do the little ones I do not want to do that anymore I want to do the small for the local people I'm asking the County Commissioners you know I asked for 150 people back then we agreed on the 100 now how we agreed on it a little bit bendable because there was a fence in between two pieces and that gives me 50/50 I never have more than 25 trucks on the property anyway so in technical I was allowed to have 50 trucks but I never have that many so I don't know and I did get the application that you told me to get I did fill it out uh I don't have a problem when I do a EV if I give the county $250 that's what the permit cost I don't have a problem with that but I cannot afford $10 or $2,000 worth of insurance for one day I mean are we able to wave the insurance like we have another well I don't I don't recall ever waving insurance requirements for mudbog never me and I guess we need Conrad's opinion on that that is a requirement within the permit um it was not brought up a year ago after I I paid my $1,000 F that was not brought up I do understand the ordinance because I know that uh Mr Conrad the County Attorney he wrote the ordinance up I remember when it was done three I'm very aware of what's going on here Insurance that's required based on the scope of the event yes if I'm going to have more than a th people or more that's two different policies here a th000 and less or a th and more there's you know there's two different permits when you do that you guys have to approve more than without a th000 I don't need to advertise anything more than a th000 is supposed to be put in the newspaper that's for a excuse me that's the requirement is for a public hearing if it's over a th that's why it's advertised in the newspaper and his event would be under a thousand so there's not a need for a public hearing which is why in order to accommodate his event and try to avoid any type of fine for not having a permit which is within the ordinance this is why I asked him to come tonight and bring the permit application so if if approved he could have his event this weekend and not have to worry about the whole question is having a permit or not having a permit and that is based upon the number of trucks and or or the number of attendees correct Conrad am I reading the ordinance correctly yes okay have no not if it's you have the application have here if we were to approve that application would that help you benit would that move things in the right direction well that's why I asked him to bring application and the board so for the board to approve or not approve and I think the concern at this point is insurance application Insurance requir can I say something else the application 50 people or 25 mud trucks the problem we have here is is it we're talking about on each partial of property are we talking about two or three properties different individual partial which they are different individuals to me I know it probably wigg a little bit but to me that's total two different things to me if it was what we didn't agree on was in one event I can call it two event then those I'm doing a two event that day that's two events on two different pieces of property a wording is anything you can come up with I can word anyway anything that you want to word it but it's still on two different pieces of property taxes are being paid on two different pieces of property to me that's two different pieces of property I don't understand what the problem is with that you know I'm still within if I do that I don't need an insurance I don't need and I do have Porta poodies there I do have fire extinguishers I do have all the other stuff that I'm required to have but no insurance because you cannot afford it on 100 a little over 100 people there's just no way to pay pay for it so if so basically you don't really want to do the permit you just want you have this mud ball without I'll do the permit that's not a problem so you don't mind doing the permit pay the 250 so the problem then is is it the insurance the insurance okay so I want to ask our attorney then if we approve this permit and we don't require him to get the insurance and God forbid but something happens and somebody is injured or killed are we LEL in any way we could be because you're making me buy the permit if I don't buy the permit that leav the county out he said that a year ago County uh he he said we're not he said right there and said it we're not liable but if you guys make me buy a $250 permit that brings yall into it but then the other issue that is the permit on what I understand requires what a million dollar worth of insurance right but the ordinance it doesn't say anything about insurance so just me wait a minute should wait a minute if you look at um sub paragraph eight of the ordinance it says such other information per to the that event as the board of County Commissioners or any other County officer finds necessary and requires an order to determine whether or not the license should be granted and if granted the conditions of such license such information must be provided to the applicant within 30 days of his or her application so the pursuant to the ordinance the board can can require insurance and and I got a question what uh what what was your um what you paid a fine what was the paid the fine for what did you do wrong okay all right let's go back from I want to know exactly why I'm going tell you exactly because the guy down the road from me called W up and was complaining if I can't do a mud Bo Johnny's not going to do a mud box is because of a certain person wouldn't sign a waiver that's what started the ball rolling I'm going to throw his name out there Todd Larson he's caused me a lot of problems with this County I'm just a little guy so I paid the fine to make the county happy because a couple of my friends in town are wello people and they said Johnny pay the fine and be done with it a th000 bucks I don't care th000 bucks is a lot of money to a lot of people it is to me okay so you answered my question so what happened was that you didn't have the proper waivers of people that were in close proximity to your propy 66 ft is that it all right well tell us again what it was then all my neighbors within your ordinance rules at 660 ft everybody in my ordinance has agreed to do whatever I want no no last time last time that's I didn't need all that cuz I had no problems up to that point why' you pay the $1,000 because she sent me a billing mail to pay P it so I went and paid it I think it was something else huh no it was a fine the next time the one that she's telling me now is going I understand that that's what I'm I paid the F because she told me to pay it I think there was something else no sir it was not no sir no sir he did not have a permit for the last for the last event they had one for seven years so I was small you didn't have a permit so you got to find $1,000 no I you had a guy sitting across the road at Larry Harris's property he was counting the cars coming in my property and I went across there and told him personally I said look you ain't got to be here you come over to my property and you do a proper head count and you could get him in here and he'll tell you the same thing I told him no one done that the next thing I know I get a bill I think we're getting to the bottom of the of the fine business as I recall it is and I didn't count don't get me wrong from Mr T i i understood it the $1,000 fin was because there were too many people going to your mud bot that's true more than 50 but that day I didn't even have a 100 so really I should have never paid the th000 because I did not cuz and when I bought the property these things was separated when I bought the property so you're saying that you paid $1,000 just to expedite it I paid $1,000 to stay piece with the county okay you but you're right I pay I did have more than 50 people but I did not have more than 100 that's why I went across the street and told that fell come over there and you do a proper head count now if I was illegal doing something wrong would I go over and do that and we could get him in here and he could say that same thing I was nice to him I'm nice to everybody well you asked a question about it how it was why I got I got I got the answer I was looking for yeah I had 51 people then over 50 people would been a fine you're right but it's still nothing changed from that day to this day their properties was in different Parcels even when I bought them properties so I should have never paid the, I have another question if EV has 50 uh participants or if it has 400 participants is it still the same $1 million insurance policy so maybe that's something that we can look at that um on a small scale like he's doing that you wouldn't have to have so much yeah question if we do not you do not fill out the permit and pay your $250 he goes down there and has a mudbog has 100 people there 25 or 30 mud truck does that involve Us in any kind of way if he don't do that permit well let me clarify it's not 100 people the way the ordinance reads unless Conrad help me if I'm mistaken it's 50 people per event so if there is one event which is one mudball I don't think we've ever from what I can recall taken into consideration how many Parcels are involved that's not even a question on the application it's 25 trucks or 50 people or I think there's some other qualifications but if there if it exceeds 50 people I think it's when a permit is required that's the way I read the ordinance and that's why you know I I'm not sure that I don't see anywhere in the ordinance where it says 50 people 100 people 150 people it's 50 people but that's again why I asked Mr Knight to come here tonight I don't want there to be any confusion I agree with that 100% the one thing I just with is I own more partials there and they are connected together so I can't go over and tell that person is 51 people on that side of the fence that I put up because I was told to you got to get back across the fence because I got 51 people over there that doesn't make any sense to me but I understand but I I think that the only unless I'm mistaken if it's one event it's 50 people so to answer your question commissioner Moody I if he does not complete an application if the board doesn't give an opinion one way or the other and what would my direction be from the board as far as this event that's not permitted as far as I'm concerned we don't need to have nothing to do with it if you have mud Bing in your yard it don't matter I just don't want to infringe on the taxpayers Taylor County with a F with a lawsuit no kind of way you know I don't want us to be involved it in any kind of way or we can change the ordinance the 250 people are L not that we can change your ordinance U and and then then we would be out of it too wouldn't we let let me say one more thing I don't think the ordinance should be change that's and I don't understand why I feel this way because here's what's going to happen y'all shut me down I can't have I can't operate on 50 pie there's going to be them things popping up all over here I'm telling you these guys these local guys are going to go play in the mud somewhere I'm providing a place a safe haven for them because they can't afford to go nowhere else and go mud B I'm want them all over the county doing this y'all shut me down I cannot do it we don't want to shut you down John we want to work out something here that'll get us out of the liability part of it and that you do what you want to do on your property I'm all about property right and people doing what they want to do on their own propit if we had a number though that you could work under that wouldn't keep somebody from having 5,000 people to n next m b and we'd be liable because out of 5,000 somebody's going to get her always do well commissioner Moody I U I agree with that and I also agree that it should not be rampid it should be it should be very few and my opinion is I'm the one that started this in t County the success that it is re IR that I move them guys down there three people in this County I believe should have a mud mudbog permit that's me the guys in own Iron Horse and the Gunner boys Mr Mr Gunner there's the only three that needs a mudbog if they ever want to do another one because you cannot have 10 or 15 of them going on it just ain't good and I don't monize it but I I feel that way and I can say this if one of my one of my neighbors on this list said Johnny I don't want you to have that mud body no more I'll fill it in I I'll sell my equipment I won't never do another one all I need is one of them people to say that and I'm done with it you J the land owner Jason the land owner that you guys made the ruling up way back when uh because before I bought that property behind me I went to them all and I got their permission before I did it I was not going to throw that that money away I don't believe thr the money away so I know we need to work out something here that can let them do that without us being involved there ain't in this town I know about everybody does it there ain't no more than probably 150 people that actually goes to the mud Bach from tayor County that's it may be a little more but ain't much more than that and I asked a year ago could I have that y'all work out some kind of a plan for me let me be responsible which I am because I've been sued many many different times I know all about it um give me something that I can work with and y'all can bend the rule or making a Amendment or however you do it I don't know how you do it I'm not into this but I know it can be done you you know I want to have your M okay I don't know that I'm for completely doing away with the permit because part of our responsibility is Public Safety once you do that then you open up a whole another can of worms but I do like the idea if we can do something with the ordinance that would uh so he would still get a permit and we still got Public Safety in mind but not make it so difficult that a man that has something this small on a local level has to buy a million dollars worth of insurance I understand that if there's a way that we can help him now we can't change an ordinance between now and this weekend that's the problem that we're facing I wish that we had been able to have this discussion before right here you know going to have one so for this weekend that's what we've got to decide now what are we going to do for this weekend Conrad you said that if doesn't have insurance we be Su that's right that's exactly right so the question is we want to $250 for the and for the insurance or well he still has to sign he's getting he still has sign the har and he assumes all liability but the question would be on a small event like this and you'll know what I'm talking about this it's such a small event you get insurance for a less amount of liability usually what it is with with insurance it's the initial whatever it is makes it the high price am I right no sir here's the way it rules in a mudbog ain't but one insurance company in this United States that will insure a mudbog and that's Lords of London only ones that will Ure it now it's called Lords used to be Lords Mond they still partner up now and then yeah but they're the only ones that will do it and you can't get it for one day event you can't get it less than $10,000 you cannot if I could buy insurance for2 or $300 and I could get $500 or your million dollar whatever yall want it's not possible they won't do it I've done Tred I've been doing it 16 years I know what the insurance is how often have you bought the insurance I bought it uh the last time I bought it was a year ago and ever since then I had it for like 16 years I always fill out the permit you bought it for last year bought it for October of when I did the big event me and Mr s we're Partners on that and we use his property and mine and he won't let me do it unless I have $2 million policy one on him and one on me so I'm aware of all that how how it works and you cannot do right the one that you paid the penalty on did you have insurance ,000 no that you didn't have a permanent that that's true but I did not also go over my 100 people that we agreed on that on my two parel of property I went ahead and paid it just to keep the piece because I was advised to pay it and I did you said you had a counter out there how many people did you have did your cter come up with the what how many folks did your counter come up with last year I did the big perit one I got fin on the one that you got fin on less than 100 people what did you tell the board the amount of people that were going to come to that then I didn't tell the board nothing that night didn't say in a small small um event and yeah I did and your in your remark was I remember what you said I got a good memory now well so do I okay and you said well then you've been doing it all this time without without a permit that was exact quote out of your mouth I remember and I said yes I did I've been doing it for seven years I have not been under y'all's radar until the guy down the road came in you got caught then didn't I got caught what without a permit I did I agree with that I did I didn't have did not have a permit but I didn't think I needed one because of the partials of property when did you get this application why today okay why didn't you come get one earlier cuz I didn't think I needed one until she told me she was going to find me $5,000 that's why I'm here when did you how long has this event been uh posting yeah probably two weeks two weeks yeah two two whole weeks yeah it sounds like me and you're getting off on the same way we did the last time yeah why not well I mean I'm ready if you are you know I mean there's no reason you you you you mistreated me last time I was in here but you said you said I your pardon I did I tell you exact words you said to me you want me to tell you Mr not please address the board to do about this and by the way some of that money I paid you and your son come from the mud boach cuz I've hired you before through my son and all so let's get it straight you know what I mean I mean I don't like the way you treat me you treated me wrong last time I was here perit and W the insurance with a whole harmless I think that's where we are or um they can get a permit and the million dollars Insurance that's the two options that I see that sign [Music] yes done by the very best lawyers every one who makes the thing up I mean is that us out of Spotlight with the individuals tonight suggestion from the Lord I want you to have the event for sure I do want you to have the event as you always have the ordinances I guess you kind of hand to ask you okay so then changing from the last time I was here that I put the fence up this is what I need to know I put the fence up like I was told nothing's changed and now you're telling me I can only have 50 people is that what you're telling me you know I'm not aware of I in the minutes if yall got some way of pull it up cuz I remember very well and this this uh County Commissioner Fugal said you're nickp picking him now that was the exact words that come out of her mouth I've got a good memory I don't I don't know the date of Mr Knight do you know the date I know what Mr Knight do you recall the date of when you came to the board do I recall the date that I was in here last no ma' you have that that we're talking about last year where you got ,000 prob got a receipt I can want me to do the research I will you you guys don't make decision a word that you can put in to find give us a couple of minutes we can pull that up how long did they change order a couple of months at least time he writes it and we approve it then it's advertised I can say this to the County Commissioners here I have my BR the law that we agreed on the last time I was in this room when we agreed and everything and I will not break the law again when I do it Saturday if you guys want to put somebody over there at my gate and count the heads they come in y'all are more than welcome but if y'all going to tell me that I can't do that and I'm going to be pay find a th $55,000 that I'm going to do something different because it ain't right when I know for a fact that there's another place in town that can have a whole group of people down there they didn't get no permit can have a private birthday with 250 people they didn't get no perit but now y with me then let's go ahead and let's do it then I think what the whole thing is you know there's a little bit of difference between a birthday party and a mud B I've never been to a mudbog but I understand that it it could be quite dangerous and I know we've had people injured before but like I said I've never been with one so I don't you know but like we're comparing app to app yes ma'am but when you're doing mud trucks at that birthday party what is the difference it's the same word we word it differently we got a birthday party but we're allowed to have 250 people and mud trucks I what you're saying that's the same thing I'm saying you know what I mean I know what happened and U I'd like to uh I just have a question for this what we're talking about is that specific in Taylor County yes the permit there is permitting required for different events different rules around events so only mud bogs are 50 people that's what I'm I'm just curious I'm trying to figure out what the main issue is it's for every event that's supposed to be 50 people was was people or less I'm just you know the insurance part of it is just I'm very I've been Su so many times doing and I wouldn't be doing it if I was wor so comr if if we do let him do the permit P the 250 and we have a whole harmless now even though there's a whole harmless anybody could still Su right but a of law how that whole harmless agreement how strong is that well the whole harmless is with Mr Knight it's not necessarily with the um person who is injured so we have to have way them to know that they signed a home PR listen to me what I'm saying is this somebody gets injured okay they sue Mr Knight they sue the county all right we have a whole harmless from Mr Knight so whatever uh they get from us we can get from Mr Knight you understand what I'm saying it has never been done before the county has not got a permit before just you haven't never gotten a permit I got permits for 16 years um when I did the big events you know well we're talking and I had plenty of people get hurt and no one Su the county then and I hope they don't that would be I do too I that be real nice yeah one thing I'm asking Commissioners is what happened since the last time I did it I had no problems I had no shareff I had no problems what is the difference between then and now it's like you guys went away when I paid the $1,000 F y'all still knew I still did a loc we I mean you had to know that now it's back up again don't understand that well I think though though again that when you came you told them that it was going to be a small event okay it didn't come under the offices your position you said that it didn't come under the offices of the ordinance and then you went ahead and did what you did and allegedly and I wasn't there more than 50 people came in and you will find $11,000 and you didn't you didn't argue with that you went ahead and paid it because it was expedient for you to pay that right okay all right so what you're what you're trying to do this time is probably the same thing except for the fact that the ordinance provides that the second time that you violate it it's a $5,000 fine as opposed to $1,000 f is that correct sir that's correct but what happened when that time this time that I've done them all this time that means I the same boat you $4,000 it doesn't make any sense to me maybe I'm I'm not a lawyer but that doesn't nothing's changed I mean you telling me what's changed since we've been in this room a year ago the change the change is the change is I put the fence up okay these other people got other things it's more important in mine I'm sure uh this should have been solved in 5 minutes U Mr what are you thinking I'm some way we can work with you but you know I just want us to be non County the taxpayers that I want them to be l in this case some kind of way you have a birthday party down and the mud truck shows up that's your business as far as I'm right but now you know I'll find somebody with a birthday party Saturday and then we'll do a birthday MTH happy birthday glad we can all get 105 and if I don't charge anybody my understand I give it to them I won't charge a DME does that what does that put me at in that ordinance long as I ain't chargeing any money I shouldn't be fine Mr chairperson can I read the definitions from the ordinance event means any mud bogging for participants paid or admission is charged that is an event and or where 25 trucks or 50 people are present so there's I understand what Mr Knight is saying is that he feels like he was maybe provided a special extion but the ordinance was not changed and so I think that there was a discussion If he if he put up a fence and he had two events on two separate Parcels that were under the 50 people that then he would not have to get pertinence am I correct Mr Knight that's correct okay but right right but what it appears that is happening is he has one event 150 participants so that's my concern and I didn't have all day to study it I was concerned obviously I don't wish to find Mr Knight when I talked to him about the $5,000 f it was to give him enough time to try to complete a from that application and come to the board meeting tonight to discuss with the board so Mr Knight you from what I heard you say in the beginning you like to do this it's small a lot of local people come you don't advertise for out of town people you don't want it to be a large event you like it just the way it is you don't care so much about about the money that doesn't seem to be the reason you have these um events so if he did not according to the ordinance if he did not charge there wouldn't be a problem right comrade well I think I can't see my County Administrator for you Mr KN okay thank you read read it again event means any mud bogging where participants are paid or admission is charged that is an event and or where 25 trucks or 50 people are present so if he just took donation that's right donations would somebody just wanted to give him a donation then it seems like to me go ahead on if I took a donation and I provide the County Commission who I donated the money to I would do that because uh I give I give 30 or 40% of it away anyway but it wouldn't be any of our business what you did with the donations but is that a way around this [Music] Conrad kind ofk about it the way in which to uh skirt the the ordinance I I think you know the best way is to make sure that he doesn't on each separate event that he has with the fence if he keeps it from under 50 people he's going to be okay pursuant to the I I don't nothing we can do this fast event it's about to happen days maybe we need to we need to look at changing the ordinance at some point but like I said if he if Mr Knight wanted to do two events and or more than two events and each one of them uh he made sure that not more than 50 people came in and he would be he'd be okay so that would be three events for Mr Knight correct I'm only doing 100 people I'm not doing 150 so okay 50 50 there 50 there I'll go back to the original deal that we originally had that way my water instructed me don't go past what they already told you to do so I will not go past what we agreed on in this room a year ago with depense okay than sir that it so what was your SU suggestion well I mean he's he would have to advertise I mean based on event he' have to advertise he's got two events two events at the same time and then he doesn't have to do anything as long as he keeps at each event 50 or less right yeah right okay and you don't have to fill out application I'm smart enough to know if I do fill this application I does bring the county involved in it so you know buy I don't have a problem donating $250 and we can per away if that's what we want to do I under the table [Music] too people on the original two pieces of property that I originally had yes 50 on one 50 on the other somebody gets across that fence I'm going to hit them with bull whip Mr chairperson I I just need clarification and I would like the board to vote please the instructions are he has to have two separate events each limited to 50 people or less is that correct Conrad that's what we that's what I said okay now listen if y'all going to and I understand you know what we're doing here but if I got 101 person okay let just say if I go over I got one extra person can I put them on that other partial I have and let him be by himself I mean three events huh you call it three events that'll be three events so whenever I change my uh thing on the internet I can call it two event or three event right I think that would be in your interest I can't tell you what to do I'm certainly not an attorney but right I don't have anything to say about that if that's what you're you're going to name your Saturday of mud Bing it's three events I appreciate y'all's time okay understand that the board really doesn't have anything to do with this this is his way he's going to do it okay thank you County St number 11 the board to consider Award of bids for the Demolition and reconstruction of four HS and Rehabilitation of one H through the cdbd program and amount that they exceed the expending limit of the assist by hey everybody can hear you we we are requesting approval of five cdbc home AR you will need to over the current pending limits now when the new house new L house which you last week is appr by the state we would have to make this approval but right now we have to go off that now the first one is Dustin LLY and Amber St in the amount of 95445 and the low bder was JT Parker the next one is the next four are demo and new construction first one is Christopher Davis and Christina huser in the amount of 149 340 J Walter Construction was below bidder ly land Jared Walters was the low B in the amount of 194 500 and an abundance caution as always I need to let you know Ley is the County employee but she was duly qualified and all the requirements Joy toon in amount of 47350 that was J Parker Hina m in amount of 1544 and that was J Parker I do want to let you know on D wly and Amber Huber this is actually the third amount the two lowest sitters withdrew their bids because they were not awarded a demo new construction and they did not want to come to Taylor County and new work if they weren't awarded um a demo new construction we we are recommending that we move forward with these homes we have sufficient funding available so there is no issue with that and all projects are 100% granted we did receive quotes um from five different contractors and again other than the the rehab these are the load BS all right this where wec that we're not Rel to any of these people I was just getting ready to ask that question because I don't think you've declared on this group previously I'm not related to any of these people I not a waving cousin not a waving cousin not [Music] related related approve to approve thank thank you and while you've got me here the advertisement is coming out this week for the ship hurricane ailia funding we will start accepting applications April 23rd but I did want to let you know that advertisement was coming out so I'm sure everyone will be getting a lot of calls if you need to have anyone give me a call please don't hesitate um I'm happy to help any homeowner in any way that I can but I'm sure we'll be getting a lot of calls and a lot of feedback and I'm just so glad we're moving forward with spending this money good thank you me thank you 12 the board to consider approval of request to pursue further legal action of Code Enforcement case for paral ID 9495 652 in tlor County Section 4289 conru by Earl actually I actually went down with Mr King and we measured from the center of the road right away to the question it appears that in right away um 14t about around 12 14 ft which down there actually not much different than a lot of other fences in the area but that one does a further into the rway I did not find any surve markers to actually that would be the best way to actually justify exactly where able to locate any those they would probably been on those which we not cross reference to Jason [Music] Property down there say it's kinding a lot of areas typically defenses you can't really follow defense as far as the property line a lot people give bit exra but this one did fig to be out a little bit further than everybody else yes I think we can make that I I read the letter from Mr Spencer it's in your packet you don't remember what he says he purchased a property in 2015 and the fence was there in 2015 when he purchased purchased the property and he said that it it appeared that it had been there a long time used to be that uh citizens did not have the right to adverse possession versus a government entity but the laws changed on that that they do have the right to adverse possession uh and if that fence has been there since 2015 or before that that's um more than seven years so my POS my recommendation to y'all would be that that probably would be the case if it it would come to attempting to [Music] move and it's been a while since I've read the adverse possession change in that but I recall it being extremely specific pertaining to the circumstances in which the citizen can adverse possessed against the county and the fence relative to a private citizen I don't remember being uh permissible as an adverse possession and like said it's been a while since I read it well you got to understand what adverse possession is adverse possession is the fact that you fenced it that that's part of that's part of the law on adverse possession I'll give you an example okay say you live right next to me and uh I build my fence on your property say I'm 4T over on your property you don't do anything about it for seven years you know and I return it for taxes that whole part um and then uh you you come up and say well I want my property and I like sorry you know I possessed it for that number of years and that was the way it was between citizens and for years and years it was that um you a private system could not adverse possession property against a governmental entity but the law changed on that and so I think that my we don't call it grandfather then we call it he used the term grandfather but we call it adverse possession uh I think that you might be hard pressed to uh to be able to claim that you could move that you make a move F yeah my opinion is let it stay right where it is would that cause any issues for any infrastructure sir absolutely our code of ordinance has gives us exclusive authority to remove a fence that is within a public right of way we recently done that yes sir we did it on Slaughter Road did they did did they raise the defense of adverse possession yes sir they did try to make that [Music] allegation sir we established ownership with the RightWay man 25 we established ownership in Steam Hatchy in 1920 something I think is what it was didn't happen on SOL road too there that's what we're referring to yeah now everybody ever come to this coun or to this commission it was always in their behalf don't care how bad it be we P up that is wrong everybody I wouldn't buy a piece of land if I didn't have service I I don't know why I'm prop I read that letter and I you know I appreciate the man service he spent 30 years working as a police officer and now he's a disa better not if it's the county property the County Main and brought back then like somebody and and what I eventually got to is I reached out to do their rideway um Division and there was a case that it was an interstate and they did just that the the Department of Transportation had been maintaining a segment of that RightWay on the interstate the adjacent developer tried to claim that as their property because of that lack of Maintenance and it was actually I want to say it went to the suprem court and determining that no any bit of ownership extends to full ownership irrespective of occupation or maintenance so that was how we Justified moving forward from a statutory or court-based position irrespective of our own Court of ordinances saying no if there is a obstruction within the right of way we actually have the ability to not only request that that be removed but in the instance where they refuse to we can remove that at their expense and to the extent of fully putting a lean on the property so it can go that full extent so I I hope the board doesn't move to the position because the precedential nature of this and saying well if you stuck a fence in there if it's been there for 10 years it can stay there that that's not in my opinion it's not good um [Music] position say something and we have not maintained it so just like our attorneys after so many years you know I I don't think that I'm willing to go in and say okay now you need to change because nothing's been set up until now so obviously there was somebody that complained about it for some reason yeah I well before my time commissioner said M to I just have to look at what's in front of me well I mean if we came back to another issue maintenance or resurfacing wouldn't we have the same issue that we did on small Road as far as try to yes sir I gu basically be able to determine what the the width or length of the the lanes would be on Improvement of the roadway so that's right I tell you my perspective on it is we we Rie we view the right of way as public ownership period and and substanti by case law correct and I will if you would be if you want to see that I will put that stuff together and bring it back I'll forward it to Conrad where he can look at it again um to where you guys can at least be aware of some of the legal justification that we used for the slaughter Road incident recently I'll be happy with that and I'll go back over my recollection of the adverse possession Law changes because because I remember there were pretty specific nuances in order to do that and offence in a RightWay wasn't one of them is what I recall and I I am not an attorney but I I deal with a lot more than fence in the RightWay though sorry if you look at the picture there's more than the fence in the RightWay hey um and and for instance when when we're repaving and even if we get a survey of where the line is for the rideway we still uh a lot of times get hold harmless from the um land owners the adjacent landowners uh it uh in this particular instance um I don't mind looking at what you got sir you know as a practical matter um but and and I recall for years review reviewing the um the plat of Steen Hatchy whereas there's property that's over the line over the lines all over the place in Ste Hatchy there a house over theine there's a house well there was another one where we had one where uh a building was over the line St Springs yeah I remember that one too I remember it well um so my suggestion to y'all would be to to table this and let me see what you've got maybe we can come something that can help got a motion to I make a motion that we table this until our attorney has a chance to look over the material that yes I because they want to speak to this issue J from see at you I started this process on this P property over almost two years ago I'm sure W's previous building U inspector didn't pursue it okay so the G own the property for 5 years and the only reason I spotted this and by the way he's a building Spector they approximately measured it's 20 ft and it's 150 ft long so was half the size of a normal lot in stain hatching which is 50 by 150 and he chain link fenced it in so it's not like it's a rail fence where you know I can get under my dog it's chain link with Gates and RVs over to County right away so he had a survey he saw it they every survey you get will make mention of a fence or something and here's what's B by here's what caus it to my attention CD K CD King came and asked you to abandon that 100t by 300t right away which thank God is a green space in our town we shr in green spaces we made the guy who was encroached on the RightWay by 40 some feet take his fence down where was the issue with uh it's mine after so long uh and I feel like personally I were for not here forget about the RVs we just need to get our property back and I would I do have comment everybody else's fence is lined up CU I've measured them all look all of them so we're 20 ft over by 150 plus so he bought the property knowing that that fence was on Counting of the property and I think he uh needs to step up remove the fence and give us back that nice little corner right there by the way if you haven't been down to that corner since CD came tried to get that piece of robber there's 10 pole barns okay and the place is booming and what's to say now uh that I just can't go out I can put a fence in somewhere and maybe nobody spots it for seven years but I did start this almost 2 years ago fact the pictures that the building at are from August of last year finally enough issue there's nothing personal against this guy you'd be the greatest guy in the world it's just that when I spotted that see boy that's wrong that we made him take it and I have no idea because I I just didn't realize how far out he was but it's the WID of this road of this room okay so I I want to ask you what is it about this that bothers you so much it bothers me that when watching Steen Hatchy disappear and it bothers me that I watched this commission I think we got a ra commission now but in the past we gave property away okay we gave property away now we're starting to sell it if this person I don't know how we could sell a road RightWay like that put these dead in rways I was I rejected all of them all those were people's property and benefit from a lot of it but it bothered me because somebody has taken 20 by 150 ft and said it's theirs on a main drag by the way it's a it's a busy street all paved it's not millings and it's not line roock it's a paved Street what bothers me about this is um if we start this and we have one person that's driving around St have you looking for stuff which it seems like does this mean then that we're going to have to put somebody out there to look at every place in Ste Hatchet and we're going to start doing this to everybody in Ste hatch you know it seems like to be that we're moving away from trying to help people and we're trying to cause them as much trouble as we can and I don't buy into that not hurting anybody he's been there a long time how do I know if he knew that the fence was in the wrong place when he bought it if if that been the case I'm sure he would have I would have thought he would have addressed that he said listen this so I I just don't want to be looking for trouble i' like to say it's not one foot or two foot the driver on Steve come up with a thousand interactions we all know where they're at this is this is really a big one and you I can see how the guy across the c corner might make an issue out of this now especially when we when we made problem all right we got a motion to table this all favor administrator the board discuss ordinance 20222 as it pertains to accessory structur I'd like to ask Mr kin to take the floor and be able to provide some additional history I I think I've provided um quite a bit of information in your packets but to give you an idea of where we are today and why if that's possible2 I came with this a few weeks back anyway apparently is a fast back in February 22 B starts off with we go to the second Warehouse the Federal Emergency Management agency relas P policy 104 00803 PL management agricultural structures and accessory structures so actually what's fun this is I got a call from a man who identified himself as National flood plane coordinator for the State of Florida and he basically informed me of this and that need to start going into so that point we started researching and myself and Mr all hours in this I think Conrad probably has a little bit of time in it all time and so what we're trying to do is like say I kept work one Monday it was on my desk but what it describes here is in the definitions accessory structure means a structure on the same parcel of property as the principal structure and the use of which is in to the use of the principal structure for FL plan management purposes this CH includes only accessory structures used for parking and storage we had an older ordinance that was in the book and this one a little bit differently and I think when I looked at the original top sheet that this is what was qu was the one from the think what was the first time and it says accessory use means the use of land or structure thereof customary and subordinate to the principal use of land infrastructure and located the same with the same principal use that one was a little bit more big it included land so I think the previously it may have been in TR that something could be put on a piece of land as supp the use of the land not the not part of the principal structure um there's also a couple of other land use categories where this actually may have included them and not and may just been simar to what we have now and that's act one and act two you allowed to put up bars for agricultural use with no other structures and no they can put up bars they can put up bars last page this is from for statute basically uh who Bally nonresidential F buildings F fence for f sign that located on lands used for a Bonafide agricultural purposes not including those lands used for urban agriculture that would be if you look at some our land use regulations we have a mixed use uh it's Urban rural residential so the two act act one and act two B would not actually beart from the building department just for the bar itself electrical or Plumbing or mechanical or like you had a mil Barn actual Barn store structures you would not it would be no permit in B FS um the 5 acres to mix use urban is kind like a hob F that's 5 Acres where you got a for in the house that's where you live and so anyway looking through the new one when they further they find accessory structures access accessory Park get into the beach and coal areas te hat Cedar Island located special flood area zone a AE other than high haard areas only one story and not larger than 600 squ ft that's approximately this room if you get a little closer to the beach and that closer is not not that much closer most most of the CER island is this one it's located in coastal High hazard uh B we not located below an elevated building and B from that L off and also one thing I just picked up on looking this not under your elevated structure so it has to be out in the yard it cannot break loose I guess get into your other structure it also includes needs to be anchored to resist rotation collapse lateral movement resulting from flood load now we have been checking engineering on Accessory structures that be Co arms the metal buildings the king building stuff like that um looking foron have not until recently until until we got this to look for blood so that's my knowledge none of these structures have been designed to resist blood now flood waters will wash through them but they still can't wash Foundation this is another situation air conditioning Plumbing electrical system including Plumbing pictures elevated to or above Bas elevation plus one foot so if you seear Island your will be 10 by 10 Mr the last couple of weeks I've had quite a few calls emails um about this and the first question that everybody wants to know is is while all of a sudden has this be become an issue all this time we've people have built pole bars and there's been no question about it I don't care nothing about what all he says about all that stuff the only thing that I know is that people should be able to build on their property what they want to build now people land for the sole purpose when there's time I would like to talk people have man for the sole purpose to build a pole and to put an RV there and there was never any indication that this was going to be a problem never some people have already bought kits uh they purchased pole barn kits to go ahead and put their pole barns up and there was never any indication that this was going to be a problem I've had several Realtors to callon me they've been selling this property they've advertised it the people have bought it and thinking that I can do what I want to with my property I see all these pole bars that have been put up all these RVs so why all of a sudden why all of a sudden now can can can I not do that it puts the realtors in a jam it puts the people that purchas this property in a gym they should be able to do what they want to do with their property this is not how we treat people you know you can't have people come here and buy property and and decide they're going to do this and all of a sudden when it's been going on all of a sudden here comes a day and somebody says oh you can't do that we're to give you a permit no warning no you tell them to please wait until and you'll have your chance to talk man okay I promise you um I lost my train of thought with this is not how we treat people let them buy property and and then all of a sudden on one day and say no you can't do that when last week somebody somebody was able to do it but now day you can't that's not how we treat people here that's not the way I want to treat people and we shouldn't be looking for to a hard time people we should be trying to help people now I know there's people that don't want our bees at the coast period and they'll come up with any excuse there is to stop RBS from coming in but you know what I don't believe that RVs have affected the price of property and there was an argument at one time that oh RVs are going to uh de value my property well I know for a fact that there's been a lot of property sold on the coast and it has not affected the price that they've been getting so I don't know if that is part of this or not but if we need to change the ordinance in order to allow people to do what they bought property for that's what we need to do we need to help people not put obstacles in front of them amen the way that I heard and read some of this is if I had five acres and I wanted to put me a c bar part my boat and my camp and I didn't have a house there I couldn't do it if you read the older one like saying about was today I Ain the old one actually covers is z uh did you get Section 42432 yours I don't believe that I included that because that's something I found late last week okay um it has a u basically what it say L five is vehicle and motor home shall not be used as any facility authorized for an accessory use so that would be more of a conr question you would like to look at for a moment it's the last one but I know you've already read it me's ERS out there that if someone doesn't have a home principal you know [Music] I mean and we're today we're St now we're all a sudden stopping from doing I'm just it's garbage well I can tell you for years I've been been a contractor and every two years we get a new book and it's com with new regulations and that was like say something that came along I came along is new regulations for my ineri Cedar island people looking to review of what was already there think they well Mr chairperson if I may that's why we that's what we're asking for and I I recall when this ordinance was brought to the board I did not realize I didn't catch that there was just enough of a difference in the definition that it would change that completely Chang the definition of accessory use or accessory structures the the defin the ordinance that was adopted in 2022 has a much stricter stricter definition and that's why we are coming to the board asking you know I I feel like we need clarification because obviously we don't want to not issue permits if that's something that we can do but I think we need to clarify what the ordinance says and what direction we need to go I was not either no and Ne and I think the Reon I I think that it was just missed because it's one word use you know secondary to the use of the land and in a 31 page ordinance and I had conversations with a previous building official and we did not talk about you know that this would affect Co Barnes because quite honestly I don't know that any of us realize that this would change substantially and I I think it did take some someone coming in a new set of eyes who looked at the ordinance with fresh eyes and said well wait a minute this is what the ordinance says so that's why that's why we're asking for guidance and we've tried to research as much as possible I don't think that staff has an answer at this point but obviously we want to we wish to discuss it what we need to do change that ordinance back to the way it was commissioner Fe and and Mr chairperson I'm sorry I did reach out to the state the state is to sent us the draft language and ask that in order to help our our ratings that this ordinance had to be adopted I reached out to them last week I have not received an answer I'm not even sure who the contact person is Insurance ratings right talking about n but you're referring to the beaches and we talk about that right count well we're going to probably be leaning more toward the beaches what what is was explained to me that as that number goes up our insurance goes up and it's for people in Shady Grove years that Community performance rating I think Eddie has some information on yeah the community performance that rating system is done every year with a larger one done every five years where they come in and actually see what we're doing to mitigate blood damage and I must say with all due respect ma' a lot of people have the opinion you do whatever you want on your property that affects our CRS rating I tell you this if they're looking at it if they're supposed looking at it every year can't tell me that all them houses down at them beaches with all them structures buil up under them houses are within the 100 square foot no you're absolutely right and they do but they do come in and take a sample of what's going on I don't want the people to have to take that's not where I'm at I don't have to tear them down but you can't tell me they're doing a study that all these that that these PL during these storms that that's not a potential cause of damage to the property next to them when that wases away no they do do that they come on to the property and they look and see what has been done to the property and if it doesn't meet their requirements it goes against us and that's one of the biggest reasons why in the past we were getting a 10% disc discount on flooders and now it's only five and if the rate is going there won't be a discount on because they'll send me things as as minute as go to this house find out why the propane tank isn't anchored and then anchor it send us a picture because propane tanks have to be anchored in flood zones in Taylor County what our maximum discount that we could get it's only 10% we thinking it was 15 but it's 10 I'm not [Music] forra I think one of the biggest things see if if if hea comes out and sees a pole barn they're probably not going to say anything but we have so many instances where people build a house out of their pole bar or they build a bath house out of their p bar or a bedroom out of their pole bar those are going to be problems and it's almost impossible with one code enforcement officer and we actually don't even technically have a flood mitigation director to find all those things a house buil at the beach in the air yes right yeah pole bar next to it on on on same piece of property looks just like it what is the pole bar sitting on 3,000 lbs of concrete whole bar rly gets I think four or five bags around per six bags 80 BS [Music] 80s plus the fact that a pole barn isn't built above base blood elevation so if they build a pole barn that's got a 20 foot the roof's up 20 ft and their base blood elevation is 15 they'll end up with four feet to build a house they G build I'm tell I'm telling you it's happening I mean they if they're going to enclose the pole bar they'll end up with fouret of space but what about them houses that's up on them same steps at the bottom they're enclosed can't do it fe's I know fe's going to say something about it and I'm just saying that that's what's going on hey we can either either try do what FEA wants us to do and do what the ordinances say or just give up on it and say you can do whatever you want on your property well be 60 foot up in there and we can't afford flood insurance as it is well I tell you what and you know I'm saying this is resident of Steve H if somebody down the street from me didn't get a permit or didn't go buy the permitting rules of Taylor County and something from their yard hurts my house I'm going to own their property my main question is Mr Earl you specifically told my husband that none of these ordinance have changed he is a realtor you told him that they've always been the same that was over a month ago that was over a month ago was this actually came up within the last two weeks but not a lot of this ordinance the original [Music] one right it's 30 years old my point is is Mr Conrad how long have you been sitting on the board or sitting as a attorney too long Mr Dudley how long have you been board well I'm not on the board well how long have you been employed by Taylor [Music] County coming up on 25 years and Mr Danny prior was what 20 years he was a hair over me 27 years okay so the only new person right here is you yes yeah and I know that you're trying to go buy the books but what you're causing is more issues because if my husband gets sued the first thing we're coming after is the county because he sold a property that was legally when Mr Danny was in and every time he's called up here and he's verified what can be done to a property and it's been told to them and then you're y'all are now changing it he's had customer sitting right in front of you you told him at 9:00 that morning if they would have showed up they would have got a 200 a service Y and then address the I'm sorry 200 they he told them if they would have showed up at two at 9:00 that morning they would have got a 2008 service he gave them 100 amp service because they told him that they were no longer allowed to submit any 200 amp service at that time and my husband then got on the phone with him and asked him when does it Chang he said nothing has changed it's always been the same but yet we've issued permits after permits after permits after permits for these po Mars and nothing nothing has been said until no offense Mr Earl but until you took office so in my opinion it's not it's not an opinion if it's been done for 20 something years the same way why all of a sudden has completely changed how it's interpreted and that's it's all interpretation my husband's read the same thing over and over again where it's talked about multiple things and then all of a sudden is interpreted a different way so I don't I don't believe it's a difference in interpretation because the ordinance changed and the ordinance changed the definition I think what happened is that again in a 31 page ordinance we did not have the defition which would affect you know what we issued permits for and again we have a new employee who came in a first set of eyes and he caught it and we're just asking for we would like to resolve it but you know all I know to offer at this point is to reach out to the regional planning Council and ask for them to review our ordinances against our code and see if they can provide an opinion that we can bring back to the board if that's what the board would like us to do well you know you say that um you know we got a new set of OD and we've been doing this we've been doing this all along so does anybody feel good do you feel good that all of a sudden in one day people are told no you can't do this without any warning two weeks ago I brought this up two weeks ago to this board I asked a question because I had had a call a week before so it's been at least three weeks at least three weeks and I don't feel good about all of a sudden you're telling people that they can't do this I I I don't like this now if we need to go back and and change it that word to the ordinance the way it was before then I suggest we do that and not inhibit these people who doing what they want to do and when they bought land yes the realtor told them they to do it we've been letting them do that any comment from the board any other comments from the board I think we need to do what Mr W say get a professional opinion on that thing before we get ourselves in deep water that's it's going to cost people what I understand about what a little bit of research I've done on it and I did a little bit on it that's the reason the insurance is so high down today is because of that one thing just like that they rate it for different things that's in the flood zone and they Mak the numbers Chang on insurance cost is that right or yeah my my teration is anything that's built in the flood plane that's not based on this document is a negative mark on your insurance and that number goes up and then when you buy insurance it's similar to credit you're you a higher interest rates lower with this you have a higher number your in your insurance rate is high and that's the way it was explained to me I said this is new to me also I didn't know anything about a community performance rating until the end of January it was first brought to me and that's my sort of read do you have any idea how much time it would take to get that kind of opinion or Direction I know Earl has already reached out to the regional planning Council I had a conversation last week with Mr Coons and said and and said I think we're going to need your help on this because especially with the Fe the change in the FEMA regulations I know I've reached out to the state I would hope um maybe by the uh second meeting in April we could have something definitive at the hopefully at the very latest we we would like to bring this back to the board as soon as possible to do that is there something we could do in the to help trying to work on these different parts let give them a permit and just to clarify just to clarify if it is truly an accessory structure permits are being issued the only permits that are not being issued and now please help me if I say this incorrectly vacant land vacant land is really what's in question because that's the difference and is is the vacant land issue and then of course you know in the in the along the coast along the coast is the it's the the restri which actually on that I believe on that document there was originally handed in I think the size restrictions are on the front page the original one that Mr here 700t and 600t on while we're working through this uh study that we're about looking to do I mean there's I think to shut down operations that's something that we've always done Mr chair I'm I'm willing to make a m that we go back to U permitting just like we were until something different comes up these people that have tried to get a permit let them have a permit that's my motion what about the size no size restrictions or anything like that again restrictions I want to do just what we've been doing up until you came along the room already there right the size of restriction is already there Mr recognize the size restrictions he just didn't per by there several [Music] counties exra there there several counties along the coast in the State of Florida have stopped extra buildings on the co start all way those places coming down when I go to be you tell people talk about we had a problem out of folks want to put up RVs and pole bars on the coast and we cannot do that because they by 150 lock mean 50t lock 50 by 5050 and then put up a structure over 46x 46 we have several that the first structure I looked at when I came to work was Tey and it was basically wall to- wall they root their entire property and what happens then is that you have you're missing the 50% in bvious so then goes on your neighbor's land then is goes in the neighbor land then it goes in the street and then the county floods and everybody and I think C probably hand more County flooding cost but what what is the thing is several rules that go in there even though pering like we did before do you want to miss the Florida building code on impervious servus we going to do away with that one I just want to go back to what we were doing before you came along ear until we can figure out something else because nothing has been said all this time there's not been an issue never has there been an issue that I'm aware of in all these years and I've been here 14 years years and even before that so you can bring up all the questions and the scenarios you want to but we've got people that are waiting for permits and when need to give them to Mr chair person just this this changed in 2022 so it would not have been an issue until this ordinance was passed in 2022 and and honestly I I mean I miss the change in the definition I miss that it would make any difference at all we all did so I that's that's what's changed is the definition of accessory structure is different from what was in our original Land Development code which means that something like a pole barn could would was considered secondary to the principal use of the property and and that's that's what's causing all of the issues it's not one particular person it's this the ordinance and the change in the definition in the ordinance causing the confusion hold someone up froming a lot at the beach to put a p par on absolutely I would think it it would and I mean I I hate to speculate change it if we re word is it still going to hurt someone for be so are you asking if the ordinance is changed to where we include accessory use instead of accessory structure and and having to have that primary structure would that keep someone from purchasing I don't yeah somebody being able to build a prob bar without having a princip use well I think it depends on on the the FL on what flood zone in right Zone like say the female I don't understand like the be it says 10 by 10 do we want to go away from that give them perit so we can figure all this out about changing the which we need to do want to do that but I mean people trying to rebuild pole bars on beach lots that they've always had reild I'm not saying build new they want to build new too but I think the direction that we need from the board you've already addressed the possibly the one suggestion or the question you had is can we take this we want to take this to the regional planing Council and get some firm direction of how this how this interacts with our lens and make sure that we understand I've also reached out to the state I need to try to get an answer from them because they so the Department of Emergency Management was the original agency who basically told us you need to adopt this ordinance or it will affect your flood insurance the cost of flood insurance so I can go back to them and ask is is it possible to revise a portion of this ordinance is there any portion of it that is you know that is mandatory versus not mandatory and and I will continue to try to get an answer to that because obviously we don't we don't we want to help people the only question I would have is if we don't follow the ordinance by issuing permits that don't seem to be that seem to be um not consistent with our with our ordinances is that going to cause a problem and I'm looking at you Conrad I see you he probably will but I don't know that it' be such a big problem that you know it's going to cause too much damage got to understand that uh we were sort of mandated to do this ordinance were okay so and also the verbage was from the state to and from F and it's under article 11 and the answer to it it just says flood damage prevention that's why this ordinance was passed for flood damage prevention and you can shake your head all you want to man but that's what they told us to do you know but how many pole Bars were damaged during the hurricane and how many houses were damaged during the hurricane that's that's that's I live in I understand I could let me finish so that's why this was passed in 2022 because we were told to do it and it had this verbage in it okay now if in fact we find out that we can change it back to what it was okay but if they tell you that if you change it back that you're not going to be able to get flood insurance when you go to get a mortgage to build a house you're going to have people in here Raising Cane [Music] again there's two sides to every story maybe even three okay so uh what I what I told leanda when she asked me to do to what I thought you ought to do is you to make it clear that you're going to set a time people who are wanting permanance right now I think you need to go ahead and and give them to them but there should be a time when when that's going to be stopped such that we can go ahead and find out if in fact changing this orance back to the way it was would would CA folks not to get flood insurance sense time say like something something like that that was that was my suggestion Got a notification go ahead come up Sir come on up um I se the plug and I understand that but I also wanted to say I'm not in a club area Douglas man 940 Odell musle and I was asking because I hear I'm an rvtech so I hear a lot of stories I hear a lot of things are shut down I go for firsthand information so I went to Mr L and I I spent some time trying to understand because of things I'm hearing too forget flood zone Pere yes we're focused on that yes that is important but I'm told like when I bought my 19 Acres I could put on three tiny house of mansion and four RVs now I'm told now Max of two and it kind of depends on what you want to do you got to get the site plan and now I'm also learning you got to have that primary residence first before you even put a cover over and when you're talking of RV storage it's going to be a barn over just to store your RV not necessarily to live in is the perspective I'm getting so there's a interpretation of the codee is very significant and I was given the documents and I was said okay this and this and this 2013 and this you know way back when and these say that we we only allowed two type thing and the whole so what I'm getting at is we need a a solid pattern of what is the right answer and it needs to be a solid interpretation that is across the board not just resolving the flood zones but resoling those of us that are in land and want to do something and bought it with the intent of doing it and now we're being held [Music] back we need let one to handle getting that the planning Council to give us the direct answer on what we need and the correct way to do it and that's what we need to do are you okay to give people the grace period of the 90 days kind of what Mr Bishop say 90 days that it can be whatever I don't think it would require I mean I could be wrong because I know things crawl along but I would hope Earl Kenneth do you think we could get this resolved in 30 days do we need more time than that 45 I think 30 yeah I'm thinking that we would that we would bring back the direction from a third party review which is the regional planning council at your second meeting in April [Music] you have a already have a motion on the table I think do you want to that my my motion was that we go ahead and and let people get the per now if you want me to add that we're going to allow that for 90 days until we decide what we're going to do I can add that to my motion do we need that in there with what restrictions with what restrictions could you clarify that possibly that if we receive Direction and bring that back before the board prior to that then that would be will'll follow whatever direction that is can't go against they got resolution prior to that 90 days and brought it back to the board didn't weed 90 90 days off and go to whatever whatever they whatever the outcome is from the planning I would like to keep it at 90 days I just want to know why do you want to push so hard for stand up here name that's your name and address I'm py p and I live at 125 s Piper and I'm a homeowner and I've moved here 7 years ago and there where I know whole arms so now I feel like I live in the KO Camp from and I don't understand why you want to push right away because you found out there was something wrong with your ordinance why can't people wait the night days for them to get this resolv instead of giving people what they want I thought home and I don't have what I want I didn't buy in KOA Campground well I just want to ask why she wants to push it so hard to let these people have what they want when it should be resolved I'm pushing to answer your question I'm pushing it hard because this is something that's been going on these people bought property here and they' they've done everything that they thought was okay now all of a sudden we want to just say today no you can't do that that's not the way I treat people ma'am I like to give I I don't treat people I don't do business like that well what about the homeowner I there there there were you know it's a fact there's a lot of bars down there if you don't like it go live somewhere else I put that in the I I want that as part of the record as a as a resident I want that as part of the record I would like that in the news [Music] my name is Matthew I live at 129 Cedar Island Road with my wife L property here 5 years ago when we got here there were very very few P bars I walked around Cedar Island we do it all the time we take pictures of all these places I've got I've got all the pictures of of the old construction and all the new construction when we got here there was less than 10 HS now there are over 64 as as an account that I had just a few weeks ago this isn't about how we treat people this is about the laws and the ordinances that are part of tayor County you want clarification as to what this is all supposed to be about when it comes time for RVs and Residences principal residences take a look at the Sandpiper and bajia subdivision rules I looked at them I went to the basement I read them you can go and find inside those rules exactly what what the subdivision creators were thinking about back in the 1950s and 1960s they had a lot of rules that described having principal residences and if you had an RV you were not supposed to even have one RV if at your home for more than 6 months out of a year they had specific rules based on the time length you could have and the number of of RVs or in today's case tiny homes that you could actually have on a property there was good reasons for that because when you take a property and you put one RV on it even if it's next to a house you have some you have some sort of look to that sort of to that uh equation I get it people all have RVs they all go camping some people want to put one alongside of their house along with a boat it's understandable but at some point in time when you get more than one it starts to look different this got very obvious to us as from 2019 on especially in the last two years you started seeing all these pull barns pop up everywhere not just on Cedar Island but you can see it everywhere you can see it down cachi you can see it over at Katon Beach you can see it on Dark Island so there is something to be said about how many of these things are going up a lot of people don't say anything about it we just see it happen yeah it's starting to look kind of funny we got we got all these pole barns all in one section that start to make it look like a campground that's not good for property values I don't care what anybody says if I buy a primary resident somewhere and a campground goes around it you cannot tell me in good faith that you don't believe that that affects property value beyond that what you're getting is you're getting a different type of Resident that comes there you're getting a lot of the visitors and whatnot who again may or may not uh appreciate the permanent residents that live there and are appropriate in all their actions besides that I think it it becomes it just comes back to what you're what you're doing is you're looking for these uh clarifications as to what the code was I get it you don't have to look at it from from the from the standpoint of the residents we do we see it all the time we see we see all the changes we see what's going on again don't say much about it because hey it's happening we can't control whether or not previous Code Enforcement Officers or even ordinances that are made by a city or a County government have allowed things that are less than ideal or perhaps not even going along with the Florida building [Music] code as I looked at this Earl had just discussed what the current ordinance is as far as accessory structures and the use along with those structures and it just says just that the definition by very definition it's an accessory it's not a principle it's not a principal structure and yet every single pole bar you see every single one of them does not have a house along with it every single one of these structures is a principal structure it is not an [Music] accessory beyond that all these accessory structures as they were these pull bars they did go up within the last few years they've gone up immensely in the last couple years I do not know what kind of restrictions they have on them such as the restrictions that you already put in place for things such as small sheds and things of that nature sure you guys all have the ordinances on that there are these monstrosity structures the structure one of the questions you brought up just recently was aren't they built the same if you put a if you put a structure right next to a house that's built there well I can tell you the structure that's across the street from me got shredded by the hurricane it is a 40x 60 monstrosity that got shredded we had part of that part of that structure was inside the palm trees right next to our house part of that structure ended up crashing over on our side it doesn't matter which direction we're talking about it's not a thing of just coming in One Direction they go the Hurricanes go both Inland and Outland so you're going to get the you're going to get the destruction everywhere what I was told from some of the builders that are around there is some of these structures are very very light they're very inadequate especially for this area I know of a few bullers that have actually taken the time to go and build these things with with special welding and everything else so that way their their structures are very strong they withstood the storm perfectly and yet a lot of structures around our area got destroyed because of the hurricane I understand why FEMA has an issue with this why they're concerned about this because it is a very dangerous thing they are not built to the housing construction standards the house that we just got done putting in the extra hurricane clips and the uh the screws on the roof but everything else with stood perfectly and yet across the street that structure got [Music] destroyed so yes I'm a little concerned that you're talking about not even discussing whatever happens with the restrictions on these types of structures first of all the fact that I don't believe it was meant in the spirit that they originally had had intended the fact that we've gone from having simple rules on RVs to to go into these structures to go into campgrounds we have people other people on the same area that have put up multiple multiple campground sites with with these pull barns Electrical Plumbing all that way they can just turn this we've got ones that are advertising right now as campgrounds again I don't know how that affects how that's uh uh affected by the commercial rules whatever else I understand we are under a mixed use type of zoning but it still seems seems to be again not in the spirit of what you would expect inside of of an area that would should be principally homes again this is something else that when we first bought bought the property we saw a lot of these palms and everything else all the areas that used to be Marsh that was all very nice we loved the look The feel and now if you go around again plenty of pictures to show how much of these areas have been have been cleared out how many of them some of the marsh lands been filled in again I don't even understand how some of that was even possible I was told by a previous Cod enforcement officer it's just who you know so I do have a problem with these these types of things that we're talking about as far as how much should be allowed how many and again the density the again compar it to all the old rules I I understand that the subdivision rules have since been expired but I don't believe that that means that it should just be a free-for-all once once subdivision rules expired and now everybody should just be putting up whole bars wherever they want and it's not a Proof full residance and it's not and that that brings up one last thing I mean if you're you're talking about the principal residence I guess I'm I'm kind of wondering why nobody's even talked about the tax base no one's even even mentioned the fact that all the crystal residents is here you said you said if you put restrictions on pole barns in an area down by the beaches would that prevent people from putting up their their pole barns yes and and quite frankly it should it might actually encourage people to actually build a house yes I have looked around do you know how many homes I seen built in The Last 5 Years down at the beaches area maybe one or two and yet I've seen hundreds of these pole bars and different things going up you want to encourage the type of properties that's going to bring in the tax base that you're looking for to be able to increase the revenue I think you guys really should be looking at that as another possible Factor statu do require All Counties to to follow the Florida building codes you will have you will have to determine what you're going to do as far as grandfathering in all the current ordinance offenses I know there are plenty they've been discussed already uh especially the ones that were more serious I would I would normally say that's it's fine but since you had another gentleman that was up here for 51 minutes discussing his problem with the blogs I don't I don't find this to be an issue not Serv he was on the agenda to be here and speak right he had him himself his name was on here to speak on his he would to speak on it mud you would have still been giv three minutes for comment are we clear understood um again I was just going to say that you know what you what you guys do with the the current situation that's something else you will have to decide on um but if you do decide to go ahead and allow a deadline for po barns I know we're going to be flooded with as bad as it's already been we're going to be flooded with a whole lot more po bars where people are going to want to be rushing in to beat that deadline um and it's going to look even worse than it does now um I I think that going back to the way it was is not only against the sub subdivision Founders rules it's very unfair to all the current homeowners one one comment thank you my concerns are environmental as I previously mentioned before all thees or are being filled in surely that needs to be looked at it's a detriment to the wildwife down there and I also worry about where the water is going because water is just I don't know if you've been down there lately all the Val is are full of water none of sing away anywhere we have mosquitoes like crazy it's just not what it used to be I would encourage the for to drive down there and take a very thorough look and look into your heart to see what is right and decent speak I'll make it fast Eddie 8:15 Second Avenue Northeast Sate Steve couple things uh one I have a camper and I ow camp in a lot I haven't found a camp around yet the pulls there's no reason for it you've got a camper the only reason why they put P bars up is the bill that's it no other reason or to sit in the shap but that's what the awnings on the RVs are for the other thing is in going through all this I want the board to understand that leanda Earl Dudley anybody else that's working on this it's not just the codes of pay County it's FEA it's the state and what's happening what Earl has been doing now I don't want to get into a big thing about it but it's right and somewhere down the line it's going to have to stay right and whoever is brave enough to do that hey I'm with it I've got it because somebody has to be the person to step up and say uh excuse me this is the way it has to be because this is the way has to be I understand we don't want to you know give people a hard time and all that but it's also the tip of the iceberg when it comes to female regulations you know we're talking about pole bars here and the things that FEMA wants and things that other people want how are we going to handle it FEMA also wants for example if you live at the beach or anywhere near the water and your B base blood elevation is 15 ft and you want to put an RV on the property so you come in and say I'm going to put an armv on the property I need power that's fine here's your permit for power but make sure that that meter is 70 ft up in the air because it has to be 2 ft above base flood elevation which means they're going to have to build some it has to be accessible to the electric company and that's that's the things they're going to have to do unless not US changing things he changes things so it it's like you going to be butting your head against the wall for years unless somebody steps up and says we need to do it right because T is going to keep growing even though a lot of aren crazy about all the growth they're going to keep growing and somebody eventually we're not going to have half a million dollar worth of County we're going to have $5 million worth of Dage to Taylor County when a storm comes through because we're not paying attention anyway I appreciate everything you all do thank you I'm sorry there are three people holding on the line that would like to speak do you want to do that now [Music] or the first one is 4999 4999 you will say your name and speak your name and address and uh three minutes Christopher medley 2015th Avenue Northeast good evening Commissioners I sent you dat take you data about all these permits that have been issued solid data there's right and the wrong way to go about things hear all this stuff about FEMA if there was a house sitting everywhere A P bar has built there wouldn't be nothing left and FEMA would have ran there's there's no way any of this FEMA stuff makes sense if they look at anything they look at some of the ditches that need to be C out save floods but I just ask the commission to use common sense look at the data the president's been set made some recommendations some of the other folks have made the same get that advisement and just do the right thing for the taxpayers the count that's it thanks um the next one is 9520 9520 state your name address 9520 state your name and address it's Mr steel Mr steel you there Ste yes I'm here I'm sorry can you hear me yes sir yeah my name my name is just Ste my address is 1500 oon Circle I uh would like to ask the commission if the commission Commissioners are all aware of the comprehensive plan of the State of Florida are we aware of that there's a comprehensive plan of the State of Florida and a comprehensive plan that's been filed by by the county with of fla okay is the Commissioners aware of a section within the comprehensive plan that said it's in section 42799 with regard to residential use of land in Taylor County as specified by the board of Taylor County go ahead okay specifically in that section uh if you read that section it says that recreational vehicles are excluded from residential property specifically as stated in the comprehensive plan of Taylor County and that all recreational vehicles will be confined to Recreation Vehicle Parks so my question is if you can't have have a recreational vehicle on a piece of property because the county the county has specifically said that is not allow why would you need an accessory structure on a piece of property like the pole bar if you can't put a reparation vehicle own right now the county was very specific this is not FEA this is not the state this is not anything else this is the county commiss County as approved in the county comprehensive plan is that is that not very clear and very precise and it doesn't say that just because you come to Taylor County and you buy a piece of property that you can do anything you want with it at any point in time it says here's the here's the laws of the county and here's what we require you have to follow the specific requirements of the county and the county says you can't put you can't even put an RV on a lot it's been in place for over 10 years but yet we've allowed it so I agree let's go back to what the law says and what the law was enacted with the ordinances the regulations is very clear R these are not approved these things impact our property test they impact our insurance rates of those that do not have RVs I think the county needs to look at what the regulations that they've passed and the board need to look at and say this is what it says we need to follow those ordinances and regulations and make sure that what we're passing exceeds that because that's what the state of fla requires you can't just make up what you want just because you think that somebody can come to teror County and buy a piece of property they want because they want to have an RV on it been very clear minutes is up you wrap it up that'd be fine I I would I would encourage the board to take a look at section 42799 and make sure that the regulations that you're passing are in concurrence with that in 42408 it's very specific your board has passed this your board has approved it and with the state of Florida you're required to follow it thank you for my time the next caller would be 3989 3989 please state your name and address this is Kathy Brazzle of Ste Hatchy on Fifth Avenue uh my husband and I are permanent residents of s Hatchy and I'm sorry we couldn't make the meeting tonight I will tell you I appreciate a lot of Commissioners comments regarding that that's not the way we treat our people people that come here and I have friends that have million dooll homes on the river and they've got friends who've got po Barnes and RVs they all come here for the same reason but they do it a little bit differently this is America I think people should have the right especially when a president has been set to set up their property how they would like at the same time just add that Mr Spencer is a neighbor of ours and I do he had no malicious intent with his fence and again no one has enforced any of these rules and it's really hard now to go back so I appreciate the time you're spending to look at this but please do what's right for Taylor County as a permanent resident and let people live here Recreation here and that means there's whole bars and there's million doll houses and that's the beauty of living in Florida thank you ma'am we do have a [Music] motion coun counil to read through this ordinance and see what guidance That We Gather from them the motion allows the 90day period to approve permit have a motion do we have a second I I'll second the motion but it don't need to be 90 days 30 days is a great exp somebody get a permit start start a pole Farm once you get permit they can't pull it away 30 days the great plenty to me you know everybody aare it can do it 30 days what I think that's the greatest I'll second if you change it well I mean I don't tend to agree you go I mean I think 30 days I believe we'll get guidance back and and if we see that we we don't we need to extend that then we can revisit I mean we see that there are folks that aren't able to so regardless we'll bring it back to the board is that what you're saying regardless we'll bring I'm saying I think 30 days is a Time 45 60 [Music] whatever can you agree to 45 that is half of it 45 that's all there 45 C let's do it but I want people to understand if we come back from the council says you can't do this no more keep the insurance level that'll be it I mean we don't need need to go against the grind with the with the state Fe and all them because it didn't cost the tax pay any money in the long run that's what it's going to do if we go against the bra with them I mean we can't change them and just to clarify I'm we're only to research accessory structures nothing else at this time okay question we got a well before we I'm just going to say that we live in a tourist State and we depend on tourism dollars every County in this state should be looking for for ways to get people to their County and we have a coachline that people come to spends money at these businesses and I don't want to constrain and push people away from County had manufacturers recently just went across the lines in the state oforia Georgia and build build a manufacturing business they wanted to build the business in Florida but they couldn't get a deal out of Florida I don't know how the Department of Commerce got by that all St All State of Florida got that got away from us anybody across the line and Georgia build a business they wanted it in Florida because they were going to beIN 30 days that that's not not anything to do with us I'm not I'm not blaming nobody I'm just simply saying that we are a tourist State depend on tourism dollar businesses depend on tourism dollars me myself would like to help any way I can for these folks to be a to come in I people to have find have a reason have a motion one thing I want to add to that about the power pole for safety reason we need to have that power po up like her recommends it needs to be that's not me it's Fe an actual me I don't recomend that that does not me that was FEMA and the national electrical G FEMA come up with it two years ago National electrial Cod 12 years ago so that's that's not me only thing I do is I read the book other words po bar po separate that's that's in National electrical car has nothing to do with what what he's what he I'm hearing people complain about is having to build that power pole up but now I won F away steep water and salt water right by power that still that power going to them and I was lucky I didn't get leted never cross my mind I was walking by the B when them P power and down there I've done it several times and once I read that about having the fire pole up above the flood zone it makes sense and I mean person to build a bar and he build a set of steps up there and put his meter up there high should call the question now' I like just I you know I want to make sure we get that rate not add that into that business there with the with the 458 you all right we have a motion a second on the table all realtors get everybody know they got 30 days 45 days they need to get their permit [Music] so um as you know we were awarded $5 million for drudging in Taylor County um which were're very happy about staff had a call with the Department of Emergency Management today regarding this for t for dredging I would say we can expect the agreement um maybe in about two weeks there will be a 2-year performance period um we are going to request an advance of the funds which will be available somewhere so I would say that we can we're hoping to advertise for the Keaton Beach and Hatchy dredging um sometime in June um construction to follow comption within a year and currently we will begin um the design permitting process for Cedar Island Deco Beach and Dark Island with hopes of construction potion within two years I feel like this is a very positive uh move directional move for Taylor County and I really appreciate staff's hard work on this melody Cox jie Evans kenth Dudley contributed greatly and um I'm very proud for us that we were able to receive this funding also on a good note um so do completed the RightWay debris removal as of Friday and just to give you some idea of the vast amount of debris that was removed we are at over 1.7 million cubic yard of debris that was removed from Taylor County with a cost of almost $32 million that Taylor County did not have to bear and a little over 32 million and I'm so grateful for our partnership with fot and our state legislators who all you know helped us get the debris removed on the non-county maintained roads and also every commissioner who you know kep feeding me names and addresses this was this is something I've been working on every day since the day after the storm and I you know it was a tremendous amount of debris and I can't help um I can't thank FD region for their partnership they were absolutely incredible but I'm glad that that and we we did learn a lot um it was in a learning experience if we ever have to face this again I think we'll have a better idea of what what to do and what not to do it was it was a learning experience but um a lot a lot of debris just say the word debr think about what in the world would we have done we not collaborated with I canot imagine 32 over 32 million I don't know what we done and we'll bring an update to you at the of the expenditures the storm related expenditures which right now are a little over mil compared to you know 32 milon so on the D just so I'm understanding that clearly you're expecting advertisement in jeans and and to move forward receive in July for feat July or August because it's usually about well it's a 30-day advertisement period and then we have to bring it to the board so I would think you know give us you know 45 to 60 days for that entire process but then I know I'm just making an assumption and and you know we'll get guidance from the board I'm assuming we don't want to begin construction during schar season so I would assume sounds like that's going come around far as correct if we if we request an advanced funds which I think we should you know rather than sety $5 million for this process um but you also the design of Purp is for Cedar Island Dark Island de Leach yeah we haven't done that part of it yet we only have hat you finished so far right so so we completed the design permitting for those two areas yes and what does the timeline look like on that design apart meting for the other three oh like I told the people on the call this morning you know the four four depart meting through Army Corps hopefully will be a little more expedient than it has been with d we get out outside of any man-made Canal issues we get into Sovereign submerge land leases that usually takes a little bit of time because it goes all the way up to Governor cabinet that was why I knew that I felt confident we could accomplish Ste Hatchy and Keaton within the year's time frame I asked for another year to be on that so that it would kind of give us a little bit of Grace to be able to get through the hurdle of that perming process and then what she said was when we get to the end of the two years if we're not quite finished with those other areas that they would allow additional extensions up to 6 months I said please put that in writing so that we don't have this problem to worry about later and she said that they were going to review that make sure it was in there so so you anticipate that permitting the design to move forward yeah I'm going to look at the task order that we have for the Consulting engineer that we used on the first one um and pretty certain the lifespan of that original continuing Services contract is still in place if it is is I'll go ahead and issue a t make a task order request I'll bring a proposal back to the board and then that'll be for the balance of these four projects so that we can get that process started concurrently when the KE and Ste Hatchy is going on and then hopefully you know the perfect scenario one finishes we can maybe start with the next one um just one more item uh Bas recreational baseball and softball starts some events Thursday and Friday and then Saturday is going to be baseball's main EV exciting times at the sports complex also I think I the um Horseman's Association had their event last Saturday at the 4 Arena and from what I understand there were about 100 people there they were extremely pleased with being able to use the arena the way everything is cleaned up I stopped by this afternoon I did not see one piece of trash on the ground um they are very I got a visit today um they are thrilled to be able to use the arena and I'm thought of that arena being filled the children and their horses was you know very exciting for me so um I know everyone appreciates The Voice support on that [Music] 15 comments and concerns from more information Commission yes um I just think that we did the right thing allowing the people get their permit for the next5 days and I hope it turns out that um we can continue to do that uming that happens you know when people move in here I have to see that we're in RB friendly Community it's been that way ever since I can remember and so you know not everybody can afford to build a house at the at the coast some some people can only afford an rvn and some people that's what they choose to do so I think I'm just really glad that we we OPP get cut them day one uh the one I've been contact by citizen of the city we on a lock there Parker and short street that Locker that lock was condemned and we had to move buy another house another family and since there that it's a lowline area the reason we had to buy it out somebody stld a lock flood right now there's a big tree in that lot that covers two lots and it's down it hasn't doesn't have any attention like get it it looked at is that the one that you and I discussed previously so con I need to call you on this there there is a tree down but the tree is on the adjacent property from what I understand so I think the question is half on one half on I believe so part of it's on one and part part of but the tree itself from our from our from our so the tree from what I understand um is on private property but a portion of the tree has fallen on the County's property and I just need some guidance from you on that I'll call you tomorrow [Music] okay appreciation of do and their state partnership with Dee well they glad that's quied as it is look forward to get the Trey started thank you very much I just found this out but you may want to thank the lady at the far left that is actually Kevin rogers's mom he he was amazing in helping yes than you yes I'm blessed yes the district to I'm actually going to I told them today go I mean can I just call you once in a while just to chat I mean we they were they were incredible to work with they really were and her Kevin was one of special thank you for giving [Music] birth he's one of my greatest Joys and blessings along with the other two like to thank all the CI for being here tonight just all their input welcome all the ciens always Mee I tell you how many decisions are based you we do have rules to follow but there's a lot of things that decisions are based on what citizens want to to do thank you all nothing further I will a motion to address move [Music] remember me