##VIDEO ID:UBlaE7X6oGs## Father in Heaven Come Again thanking you for lifealth and strength blessing your name because your name worthy to be blessed father we ask right now our decision it be the best decision for our citizens and we thank you then forgive us for our sins as you can do you will do father we pray right now for those officials that was elected did they realize their uh servants and we thank you now thank for all Hearts is clear thank for all minds and father thank you for the president Administration here at this complex that they be able to finish and do what they need to do also these blessed and all other blessed we ask in Jesus name [Music] amen the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation [Music] indivisible welcome everyone to this special emergency meeting Wednesday November 6 20124 500 p.m. we have a conference line set up number there is 1 1917 91022 access code 32347 pound this this is not a tollfree number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan May the chairperson open the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please dial Star five the moderator will unmute your line it's your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you'll be allowed to speak for three minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an agenda item we'll be given 3 minutes for comment comment me only speak one time for each move on to item three approval of the agenda do we have an approval second motion and I second to approve the agenda all in favor consent item three uh a the board consider approval to advertise a request proposal to implement the uses flood plane mitigation drainage project to address flooding Within ask Community using American Rescue plan act funding byley everyone that have any questions discussion Mr chairperson I do have um we have we have all the draft documents I have reached out to our ARA consultant to see if we need to incorporate the federal procurement um verbiage in this so if we have to do that it's something it's not in the draft but we'll insert it before we advertise we're just waiting for on a response from that you can do those things on this approval but not have any issues on getting that yes sir answered right there's no other discussion we'll obtain a motion to approve cont on do we have a second second by commission D all in favor County Administrator Adam item four the board consider approval of memor of understanding between Florida man Tor County byr so good news after my update to the board on Monday evening I was contacted by FM to notify us that the question regarding debris within the marsh had been resolved um fdm is requesting the approv removal of theou between Taylor County and fim which formally requests assistance due to health and safety reasons um this will be performed at no cost to the county and the reason it's an emergency is because contractors are on site so upon execution they can go to work um and I would like to publicly thank representative cha for his help with this and also Senator Simon was aware of the situation and I've told I've expressed to both of them how much we appreciate their support now Conrad reviewed this um it's quite wordy for what seems like a simple mou but um basically it says that the county is fiscally constrained and we don't have the financial capability to perform debris removal activities within our own waterways but it also states that the county entered missions requesting the State of Florida remov debris generated by hurricanes Helen and Milton from all waterways in Taylor County including County and Municipal waterways so because we entered that mission they are able to go into these um Marsh areas um now fim will be here in Taylor County tomorrow evening I've reached out to one of the spokesperson for some of the private land owners to ask him to have people go by that meeting if they can because they'll have right of entry forms ready to go and as soon as the right of entry forms are executed and this is sent they can get to work I wrote a letter you did you got it [Applause] yes I can read it um please be advis it pursuant to your email of 11524 I reviewed the above mentioned mou with the Department of Emergency Management State of Florida looks okay but I would suggest on page three the mission number should be filled in along with Taylor County in the same paragraph also on page four venue will be in Lan County it will be governed by the law of the State of Florida the mou will expire on November 30th 2024 so it's got to get rolling so to speak only mentioned the above but at the M looks good for the county thank you I hope you're doing hope you're doing fine doing great and I'll follow up with FM to see um you know if this expires if we need to renew it or how that's going to work we extended well I was just going to pencil in 2025 I'll ask them I'll follow up up with them it's just been Fast and Furious because they're ready to start removing debris yeah number nine it says the muu is effective upon execution um but uh says unless extension is mutually agreed in writing by both parties so if we needed to extend that would we need to do that at the next schedule for meeting I'll get some clarification from them I since this will be before de I'll make sure this States it expired November 30 2025 I think it's a tyo actually but what happened is it didn't have anything in there did it was kind of blank I'll make sure we put the county in there too I [Music] would so I mean this could this can not be a top unless there's a lot of contractors already down there with their engine started days not going move all that before the 30th or let me change that I will congratulate each one of them if they can remove it before the 30 by the 30 well number nine does say clearly fires on November 30th 2025 so I think we're fine yeah any other discussion [Music] question more update I'd like to to theard um I had discussed with the board earlier that we had intermissions um through ftim for support for building department code enforcement building offic IAL flood plan that has not been fulfilled um up until now so there was a recovery meeting last week that I attended and I once again advise them that we have got to have some help um we have you know we are advertising for grant funding positions but the longer we wait just the the more difficult it gets so we had a call with ftim yesterday to ask about the original Mission and got all the details worked out um in the meantime starting Tuesday there will be a mutual Aid team from the city of cap Coral who will deploy here and they'll have an entire team of building inspectors um permit technicians flood plane managers to help us and will'll do quite a bit of training with us and this is necessary because of our participation with the national flood insurance program the last thing that I want to happen is we're we're so distracted and so busy for there to be any issues with our participation within FIP so they will um they will Bas they are here to help us and be dedicated to us they said they'll be here for about a week until the contractors from the state um get on board so I would I mean we're I mean he's they bringing an entire team and I'm going to welcome them with open arms they'll be down at the coast um they said they could help talk to people will explain the the flood plane management of portion of the building code and feema regulations and just really help us get the word out of what the what the um requirements are for a building back expect them to go from site to site as far as on the coast or I think honestly we don't have a formal plan that yet I spoke with their director of Emergency Management this morning to get the the ball rolling but they will speak with us again tomorrow and tell us their formal plan um but we we haven't even I mean we've been doing damage assessments but that's those are self-reported but every permit that we issue they have to follow up with us and that's for that's because it's after a major hurricane and all the damage and we just don't have the capability or the or the knowledge frankly to to carry all this out so they are here to teach us what we need to do and to help make sure that we remain in compliance and that you know we are able to get that word out to our citizens do we expect that to be advertised to the public as soon as I get I'm going to get a yes I'm waiting for a picture of their vehicle so if people see them rambling around the coastal areas they understand why they're there yes we will push that out on social media are are there enough of the those staff members to be at the Keaton location or Ste hatch I have asked I have asked if they are able to have some sessions or be available for the public because we just we can't leave the office and I mean we just don't we just don't have the the time right now to do that and they something that they could talk to us about because their their flood plan managers are well versed well be very helpful with folks that absolutely that's why I've been begging for help right and in all fairness to FM you know the mission was entered but there have been emails back and forth there have been a couple of calls but um I think I just really had to explain to them we ABS we need help now you know we've been we've been talking about it for three weeks we have absolutely got to have some help so they're basically here to stabilize us and then we will work through the process of utilizing Grant funds to hire another um hermit Tech and inspector just to just to keep us going so you anticipate that the week is a long enough time to have those folks in place I don't well so the week that they're here is really to help us as far as training and the hope is is the week after that the contract the state contractors will be here but I I just I haven't heard the official plan yet and I promise them I I would um stop jumping up and down about it until you know they they had a chance to really give me a good plan and I should hear that tomorrow so I don't want any gaps in the coverage obviously but I don't know how long I can keep them away from their families no we're appreciate with their help but as as much as we can communicate that I I gu sfe and helpful yeah so that was just for your information so if you know if you see a post go out on social media um that's that's the origin of it I'll send it over to Emergency Management as well they have a big following just so people understand um you know what we're trying to get done I anticipate it to be a tremendous help but the folks will still need to come to Perry for per approval or paperwork process I mean I'm just trying to understand well I don't know I did talk to to him today about the fact that we have you know that we've had to suspend our online permitting just because of Staffing and he told us that you know they were hit with Ian and they had to do the same thing um but I'm hoping they can help us get caught up with all those those email requests I mean that's why we need them here and that's why they're bringing multiple permit Tex so that would be my hope but I just don't want to make any promises until I have but that's my hope we want to get caught up with everyone and they'll be you know they'll have codee enforcement with them as well just so we have boots on the ground eyes out in the communities and you know everybody understands um you know [Music] compliance all right thank you line muted