##VIDEO ID:ZfCHh8ZMbQ8## back [Music] [Music] [Music] great Emily's a good friend David [Music] I did [Music] are you guys kicked out for the same reason I am we' never attended project it's in the car oh there's one here [Music] all right I think we're ready to go ahead and get started everyone stand have [Music] Pastor let us pray our gracious and Heavenly Father hallowed and great be your wonderful and matchless name and we thank you for this opportunity to gather here to decide and discuss the business of the county we thank you for the representation that we have here and we pray that that they will do those things that are best in the best interest of the community the county here and we pray dear heavenly father that you will be with them in this and that they will pursue righteousness and Justice in all things and we thank you for your kind and care and your protection through all of our Lives we pray that you will continue to watch over us and keep us in your your care and protection and this we pray in Christ's blessed and holy name amen amen flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one [Music] nation welcome every morning to our meeting this Tuesday September the 3rd 2024 6 we have a conference line set up number there is 1 917 91022 access code 32347 this is not a tollfree number and you may be subject to long distance charges according toe com follow instruction if you wish to speak please star five the moderator will turn to speak and notify you by announcing in the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you will be allow to speak three minutes any person wishing to address board regarding an agenda item we giving three minutes for comment a commenter may only speak one time each agend that said we will move to item three approval of the agenda do we have a motion to approve motion motion and a second to approve the agenda all in favor consent items do everyone have a chance to go your consent items do we have any questions discussion noove all in favor public request chity read public information off us small business administration to provide information on low interest Disaster Assistance loans for homeowners renters nonprofits and businesses the G as a result of Hurricane D you come [Music] thank you for is anyone unfamiliar with us small business administration office of disaster assistant okay good we usually get I haven't heard of you before so um as as you may know we are on site here Perry at the L Park guys Community Center and we have SBA and FEMA all in one house um from Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. so what SBA does is provide Disaster Assistance to those who were affected by disaster in this case hurricane Gaby and we offer low rate disaster loans and those loans for homeowners it is 2.8 3% for renters me 3.25% and nonprofit 4.0% for businesses and so with homeowners and renters can both utilize those loans for their um personal property homeowners can only do for real estate and businesses only their um like machiner real estate uh real estate property things of that nature and businesses also can utilize our economic injury disaster loan so with that is and say instance when the hurricane hit some of you guys probably lost power or either you probably couldn't even have um customers coming to your facility you suffered some economic injury and so that would qualify as one of your reasons um we also want to point out that when we used to have it where FEMA we africant once they was done with them to S now they don't do that anymore so a lot of individuals don't even know we're in there and when you walk into the building we are in the corner very corner where you can't see us when you come in so um I like for you guys to basically put out there that we are here to help um with FEMA they M help with just the individuals and like I said we do the homeowner renters and so you get a little bit more of course we're not free money but um we like to at least give you a second option you not have they not have to take the loan just give them you know a second option so that way they can see what their odds are um I have questions for you guys but based off anything I said do you have any questions I do if someone um received assistance before can they for AA can they also receive assistance again yes so they have two different disas numbers two different situations they can they can plug in they unrelated um so the questions I need to know for you guys to help me with my job um do you guys have a community and relations person like someone that mainly is hand Zone and have a lot of um like media contacts or anyone contacts with any known organization with I you you okay then um then other question you that be it for me uh item 9A steam haty Garden Club and Pauls to appear before the board my name is Kathy wildenauer and I'm the president of pause and I received a email from n Johnson who is the chairperson of the Ste hchi Community projects board and it says subject pause president Kathy hour my address this letter is to inform your organization that your presence will no longer be permitted at the SE Hy Community projects board meetings the reasons for this decision are as follows disrupted Behavior numerous outbursts at meetings by I think it was supposed to be your representatives uncooperative Behavior resistance to help with approved functions respect Community projects executive board chair Nina Johnson well to my knowledge projects board was started in 91 I believe and it it's for the community organizations um I I don't understand and I need to read on how we can be um restricted from joining those meetings we've always had a vote um one one vote per organization and um as a 501c3 and you know of stand in good standings with the community I don't understand why we would be I I certainly disagree with the reasons they gave you know we haven't had out Outburst um we have had disagreements with you know whatever but I think that's the whole meeting for a reason for a meeting question maybe Mr Bishop can this project board stop individuals from coming to their meeting folks from coming to their meeting number one let me ask a question first um this is not the building is not leased to anyone is it no okay that's number one it's a public building it's owned by the county it would be like for instance here in this meeting this meeting is open to the public okay now we've got a deputy here if somebody gets out of hand okay but it has to get way out of hand for this board to I've been doing this for a long time here for this board for I won't tell you how long it's been a long time it's my opinion just very succinct is that uh they can't Bor you from the building so that's my understanding so it's they job to control their meeting so if they don't have an officer at their meetings then maybe the suggestion is you got to open your doors and need to maybe bring an officer in and control your meetings and then if the officer has to ask folks to leave then that's so uh there any other questions from theard because the county owns the building answer your question that does answer our question for sure I have one more question we didn't ask um SBA are we going to have any more storms this year thank you we theard Club Mr Garner come on sir thank you my name is Mike Garner I'm the current president of St Garden Club since May 14th of this year I did approve a certified letter to the sty Community uh projects board members asking for financial and preliminary procedures I am a voting member and my name is on the decisions made by the St haty Community projects board transparency is on the top of my list I'm also an active member with Pauls I asked and I asked and receive full transparency for both Steen Hatchy Garden Club and PS and I received it for financials and all the procedures anyone can ask any information financial and otherwise from either of these organizations which is probably true about other organizations in our community it is my understanding that stey Community Center was built by hardworking Ste Hatchy residents having fish fries Pake sales and all kinds of fundraisers to produce half the money to build the building Taylor County paid the other half with the agreement thee Community would take care of the day daytoday operations and Taylor County would get involved under emergency situations out of respect for the hardworking generous residents of Taylor County I support the St Hy Garden Center returning to its original purpose it is not anyone's right to change bylaws and procedures without full disclosure and approval of the St Hatchet Community thank you oh and we did get taken out of the just like Paul did we did get taken out of the tell the reasons this letters to inform you organizations that your president presence will no longer be permitted at the Community projects board meeting the reason for decisions are as follows disruptive behavior numerous outbursts at meetings by Representatives un Cooperative Behavior residents for resistance for help with approval functions that's from n Johnson to have someone here reach out to this group and I'll be happy to if you wish if that's if that's what the board wishes I can reach out to Miss Johnson and communicate if if that's your decision that the board would [Music] ask you got three members here now I would not be in favor of excluding organizations or member of the public from a public building so if you any motion for direction such I make the motion to inform the community center that our legal council no wantes to be excluded from the public building second second a motion by commissioner Newman and a second all in favor County staff it 10 the board Rie and consider approval of the Federal Aviation Administration uh year 2024 airport construction 32 31264 22224 is the amount of $ 14668 the airport for the installation of high mass FL on the Airfield apron by grandie time to [Music] I'll approve commission has made a motion to approve do we have a [Music] second done no I was on here I was on here I kep saying I don't up to where I was sitting at I do want to let I do want to let you all know in addition to this grant we're getting another fa Grant which is an entitlement Grant in the amount of 159 581 and we will have that by September 30th but I want to let you know we are receiving two grants for this and um the project is 100% Grant funded the remainder was funded by FD and FD just on the design of theing and I do want to let you know since our TI that we um designed around good energy Grant good energy lighting and they will be on the timer system when they are not required they will be off but we want to make sure we were very careful on that too when you know can increase in utility cost yeah very good I guess you heard that they've already approved this up so yes I don't know what was going on I wasn't going to let you guys escap always thank you so much thank You' all right count attorney item 11 the board to consider authorization for the county attorney and County Administrator to negotiate uh in contract for Attorney Services for the planning board attorney animal control and coding code enforcement he oh well you know the longer we do things we're stranger uh things happen to a St had a tie vote with regard to uh that actually in hiring the attorney you really don't have to do it by the way we do it but I just always have thought that that's the best way to do it as a practical matter you know uh you know you have to do it with other professionals so why not do it with attorneys you know give y'all a chance to hear uh the attorney uh that's wanting the job to listen to him or her uh with regard to um their qualifications and so forth and I thought we had a good um question and answer session with both of these uh lawyers so um I scratched my head and talked to leanda and called another lawyer and he didn't know what to do and so I decided that I think the best thing to do would be if y'all would let us negotiate and see what the bre best deal we think we could get and then bring it to you for an award sounds good to me we need a motion to allow and it would be um Wanda and me would um would get them on the phone one at a time the other one can't listen to the other one and then just say you know what you going to do it for they're going to say well what are you what are you willing to pay also want to make sure they get the best representation yeah yeah and what they've got to do too is you know these are some naughty problems that uh you know we had Miss McMillan work she was about four years contracts with her and so but she decided not to do it so we can't make [Music] heror Iain from that I can't vote Adat so in your packet um were two applications one from Eric breakfast one from Blair bat this morning we got an another application from Mr Michael Hunter so first of all I would need to know if you wish to accept the late application and if so um we have some tally sheets ready for you I would like to accept the application than okay Mr do you want to give any instructions I reckon I will then if you ask them to you rank the applicants application as follows it's on the top they're already doing it the best would be one the second would be two and then the third would be three doesn't have that on there I think it's on their ranking sheet and then they just need to date and to sign sign and dat it there three only appointing two yes but you would need to rank three to do that so so I use my M yes I got my trusty sidekick here to check yes sir yes ma'am that's okay 13 it 13 board consider approval of contract catastrophic inmate medic insurance this is the um catastrophic inmate medical policy that we have had for from year to year for quite a number of years um it has a $440,000 deductible per inmate coverage limit of $250,000 and a um policy maximum of 100,000 for covered expenses and conditions um so they they typically pay about 45% actually the policy maximum is a million not 100,000 I apologize for that would not be a very goody sorry there is an increase this year um to cover just the the the medical the cost to provide the services is 3% per inmate I have asked for a waiver of that or for them to reduce their commission they haven't answered me yet um I will try to negotiate that down but nevertheless um if they will not negotiate down the fiscal impact is $23,280 um and I that would be what we need to plan for which is a little more than be budgeted for next year but I think we can make it work when did I get 1935 that's $19.35 per inmate I would recommend that we table this until the next meeting or until she comes back with the information to see if they'll negotiate um I believe we have to pay the premium prior to October 1st or right at October 1st then we have another Mee and then we have a workshop that we could have a special meeting prior to the workshop if we needed to [Music] item 14 The Board review and consider approval of the state FL Department of Commerce development mitigation program number i83 for the replacement reiting and hardening Hospital Miss laen from dmh to speak to this so she can explain the history and how how they were that the county was ultimately thank you for having me um the question was asked earlier are we G to have another storm and we hope not right now because during Debbie it was raining upstairs in our building the patient a floor full of patients we want to make sure the hospital is ready if another storm hits um we've known for a while our building is over 20 years old the roof is 20 years old it's 76,000 Square ft of roof um that needs to be replaced um that's a huge job we have been actively um looking for grant opportunities we have submitted an fdam fdam the Flor Department emergency management mitigation grant for a new roof and Generator we have been told that could take years to receive those funds and actually put the project to work people from Hurricane Michael to the west of us are just now implementing their projects that were funded and we don't have the luxury at that time so we have been actively um looking at other Grant resources and sharing that with our Representatives um that we need to find other funding resources um last legislative session Senator state senator Cory Simon submitted a legislative request to get us those funds it didn't make it didn't survive the budgeting process which can be brutal um but he and um The Secret Secretary of the agency for healthcare administration came out to our facility the day after Debbie and they walked upstairs and they saw the buckets and they saw the towels on the floor and they said you need a roof and I said yes sir we do and so they immediately began communicating with um secretary Kelly from Department of Commerce who his staff was able to identify some funds that we are eligible for because it is a county-owned property and because we are a essential service um they identified um this specific grant program for critical facility hardening um that we qualify as a critical access hospital that makes us um an essential facility and so they do have funds currently sitting in that fund that we qualify for and um about 8 days later we received an award letter for $1.6 million to put a new roof on the do they have fast TR fast tracked this project I will say I've never seen government move this fast um so we're very appreciate of that they know Taylor County needs this they need us to be ready to serve in the event of another storm and so we've been working with Wanda to figure out what needs to be done um but I know the first step is actually accepting the gr award and um you making that happen we had a team from the Department of Commerce come out walk the roof with us we told them to spread out not all stand in one place um and they took looked at the roof firsthand and saw the need for the replacement so I don't know what else you want me to share but it's kind of where we wants to add anything this so this is a threeyear performance period right Lauren yes we have three years that yeah um and they they have actually been very Hands-On and helpful with this process which is a relief because these grants can be very can be very tricky it's we refer to as a cdbg m Grant and they they just have a lot more components um but the the one item that I followed up on with Miss Lauren today was the need for a CI um this is a big project and I'm just not comfortable not having some type of CI component to over to overlook that work and make sure that that everything is done properly right because it is your asset we want to make sure it's done perfectly either one of us have the expertise to do that so we agree Melody do you have anything else to add not to not to number 14 but I do to number 15 but you know we're ready to do whatever we need to do as far as Grand Administration we're we're ready get to go we've participated in um the the the meetings and um so far Commerce staff has been I agree with the oversight of with a CI uh will will this grant completely cover the cost of the roof We Believe and do we think it's going to cover the CI that's something that um Lauren and I were discussing today hopefully it will um it is an allowable expense within the grant um I don't know that it was included in your cost that you submitted for this project so the scope may have to be may have to be adjusted some to cover the cost of the CI corre but that's that is the plan we can spend up to 1.6 we estimating there is a I I can take over the additional calls would have to fit with correct well right and and the C it CI is an allowable expense now they did say well you can use your staff but I'm I'm really just not 100% comfortable with that I think the in my opinion is the best way I'll has an issue are you was your motion to approve the Ci or the agreement okay I got a couple of comments number one it's a small font for elderly folks it's hard to read but I read it um Commerce you know we've got Commerce doing these things and their Agreements are real tight and what I mean by tight um you do it their way you don't do it I mean if you read this it's scary and I just want to know I just want y'all to know that um I'm sure that the people who will be ining from the hospital standpoint know what I'm talking about okay um and of course I think it's one of those ones where they got there's any litigation that we got to go to Leon County and in the Second Judicial Circuit I think it's May one jury trial you know those type things um and it ends August the 5th 2027 so that's three years three years we already talked about but um hopefully it will be done long since since that also um you know separate audit because it's over $750,000 I'm sure you looked at that saw that in the agreement I sent a little letter on it but uh I'm just doing this from my check marks on it for now um and and they say that they can unilaterally terminate this agreement at the so discretion of commer so discretion it's their money so just want y'all to be aware of those issues um because although we're the subrecipient the the county is the sub recipient of this grant then there's other folks that need to be aware of this grant to it contractors you know there's a lot of stat that they they need to obey to the letter it's not to scare anybody it's just you know one of those things that we all need to be aware of and get a good Ro do we need to change any of the language then one of these things says we can't change the language remember reading that part and we' tried to change language before but Commerce I think they read my mind and put that in there I don't know but as long as you document document document you're going to be okay just make sure that docum I got a goine was7 boy stay a weit for 57 Pages at a small that's tough Mr chairperson if I may as well if I'm not mistaken we'll have weekly meetings correct with Commerce and they start tomorrow tomorrow so they will meet with us weekly or our staff and dmh staff were all invited to the party and take us step by step which and and I'll just I mean just from my experience the last Grant we received from Commerce they were very very Hands-On and very very helpful and um it was not as difficult as I imagined it to be now this is a much bigger scope obviously but I they have already been extremely helpful I agree that so my motion stands and I will say that I would think 100% that commerce was really trying to help us and there intention is the best and I think that it would probably take something really really bad for them to uh this contracted anyway so I'm Mo a motion by commission second second second by commissioner D all in favor all right we'll get to item 15 the board to review and consider approval of the policy Federal awards for cdbg cdbg-dr and cdbg dmit grants is acquired by Florida commerce for the cdbg grant the account be receiving for the replacement repr profiting hardening of the memorial hospital rout agend Melody do you want to speak to this as well um the policy yes these these policies are required for us to receive this grant it only applies to cdbg Mid cdbg regular and cdbg V just policy does not supersede any of the other policies that yall have approved we've been having a great deal of new policies updated here recently more will be coming and it does not supersede any of these These are tbg projects specific so I I I just want to reiterate that it doesn't supersede anything else that we've been doing any discussion questions for the board retro fitting and hard retr fit mean is doing tear the whole roof out just work basically identify damaged Parts and Repair those particularly around the drains and um areas that need to be replaced they won't just put a new roof on top of the old roof because of the environmental and health risks they will repair anything that's damaged and then the hardening will be up to new FEMA standards of 150 miles hour WI I've learned more about roof than everyone has doing the past few [Music] mon discussion to approve all in favor it 16 Board review consider approval of the environmental review for activity project is exempt or categorically excluded not subject to section 58.5 requir to the Community Development block mitigation funding for the replacement thep and Melody I may need you to hop in on this one as well but this is basically another requirement to receive these Grant funds um is either um it's the environmental review and um this project is considered exempt or categorically excluded so it was a easier process right Melody yes yes um I tell you it was so difficult um to go through the process on the jail generator and we just kind of held our breath on this one but they actually um for two days was on um online with Jamie helping fill out these forms they're already submitted we've already received our historical clearance but it doesn't on any kind of historical um facility but it is been they were really great working with us to streamline this get it submitted and we are good go on it to approve all right it 17 countr to discuss informational items um your members will be U Mr Hilson Blair baby and Mr Michael Hunter and here's the ballots and our s right here hand it to the car but anybody can look at it if they want to look at it check my Mas I don't have anything but um Gary will you announce the dates of the budget public hearings yeah so public hearings for the budget will be September the 16th and September the 23rd and the both at 501 [Music] pm1 for the two appointments Mr Mr Hunter approve have 18 comments and concerns from the public for non agend items non agend items number 19 board informational items commissioner Fel yes I want to thank the pastor from Spring boor for being here and leading us in prayer tonight um and then the second thing thing is can we uh make sure that we update our website um when there's a revised [Music] agenda she um what she did is she put she replaces the amended agenda only for the um link to the agenda but she doesn't replace the entire packet so in the packet would be whatever was originally loaded in the packet and then the agenda link is where she puts the amended [Music] agenda I have nothing speak we appreciate yall coming we get concern you concern is our concerned so anytime you he I feel your rights have been there's nobody you will be welcome to hear what you have to say all our C we are here to serve you we not here as God but we here Ser that being said I have that I agree with commission d i do thinkk folks that come out take part so I'm traveling long distance and shuffling schedule so we appreciate that and we looking to get things moving in the right direction so thank for the opportunity good all right nothing else motion [Music]