##VIDEO ID:jMgZgMcZwUQ## it's a bigp [Music] I got time off everywhere they get our Earths around the bu it behind [Music] [Music] this spot right here where westw Marina used to be years ago the deal was really upscale but in return for that they put in a Gaz picnic Ben Nice metal now it's all gone I just he maybe the guy got the heard the same [Music] is over [Music] back got get out of radio [Music] [Music] you [Music] really got one [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] own scanner but [Music] had didn't you don't like [Music] [Music] start Father in heaven we just bless your name now because your name worthy to be blessed we call on your name father because we need you father you've done more for us anybody ever thought of you died for us you Rose on the third day and all pow is in your hand father we ask your blessings right now as we go through this meeting to help our citizens to help our country and father we do ask your blessed I we go from one good degree to another we thank you for what you've done thus far and what you going to do in the future then help us as only you can do what you will do and we thank you now in Jesus name I pray amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all welcome everyone to our meeting this Monday June 262m we have a conference line set up number there is 1 19179 01022 access code 32347 P this is not a tone free number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan will the chairperson open the meeting for public com please follow the below instruction if you wish to speak please D star five the moderator will unmute your line it's your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you'll be allowed to speak for 3 minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an agenda it will be giving 3 minutes for comment a commenter may only speak one time for each agenda item that we'll move on to item three U plan approval of the agenda Mo second by mood all in favor move on to your consent items everyone have a chance to your consent items I got a couple of questions um beginning with item number seven um I just wonder could you elaborate on that exactly how it going to be used what's the plan yes ma'am so so this was simply to to obligate the two point the remaining arpa funds because we did not receive a proposal for the storm water project in um in a timely enough fashion to obligate what we felt like would encumber all of those funds so what we'll do is basically pay ourselves back for Public Safety expenditures which is um an allowed expense that's what we did with the car act funds and then once those transactions are made the money will go into the general fund and I'm assuming that it will be available for the same project the storm water project okay so this has nothing to do with like far and or anything like that is strictly for storm water and this is in Stein Hatchy yes ma'am okay number eight and number nine um explain explain what we're doing here and so this is this is the shortlisted firms from the um request for qualifications that was advertised for Engineering Services that contract is has expired so basically you would be taking the consideration of that committee for short listing those firms and we would enter into contract with those engineering firms so one is for CI services and the other is for professional Engineering Services and what are the projects well these are companies that we keep under Pro that we go ahead and keep under contract so so not it's not specifically for any pending no attend contract no we issue task orders as needed but typically it is for road construction projects okay and then uh number [Music] 10 um session two where station two that's the one on Pisa Road mckenley Maddox and then um and and our bid was 580,000 so we're underfunded 700 ,000 that has already been set aside in this year's budget yes and where did it come from just MSU I think it was reserves for um Capital wasn't it was it mstu or was it I thought this year was Cash carry for from last year but it was mstu and not one cent sales tax I I believe it was mstu okay res is this from to adversely affect us in any way in terms of budgetary concerns I wouldn't I wouldn't think so I well the only no because the adverse effect would be if we did not utilize the grant funds but in terms of of our budget dollar if you don't force this this um well with any any new construction project any new building that we add or replace you there could be an impact as far as property insurance utilities um you know all of that right but I guess my question is this $700,000 that we would be taken out is is there any way that that's going to negatively impact that budget for this year next year in the future this was something if we had budgeted I think it was the year before last when we budgeted the money out of there so that came from a prior Year's budget and we've been doing cash carry forward on it until we've been able to get it where we can go back out to bid on so so if I'm not mistaken and Gary you may need to help me on this I thought originally the board approved the $700,000 to come from reserves for Capital which had been building up for some time once we started using on sales tax funds for anything outside of the general fund correct I I don't remember I just don't remember I don't remember that you know where we've set aside the money but like if it's budgeted already right then we've already accounted for it in the budget I know there's still a million dollars in reserves in mstu not counting this money so I don't I don't remember where this 700 count 700,000 came from I mean we can look it up and find out but I just I just don't remember I don't think it's actually cash carry I mean I understand what what Dan's saying but it's it's unspent um it's unspent reserves that we actually have built up and built up and built up and then we pledged this for this particular project yes just just just to be clear where I'm coming from and I'm only asking the question uh knowing what we're facing coming up next year and probably from here on out and is this the best use of $700,000 that I guess that's in the bottom line that that's my question well I would I would say that if if you want to reverse your decision to build that station then or if you are I'm not or if you're looking at another funding possibility say the money come from once it sales tax reserves rather than mstu reserves that's not what I'm saying simply is this is this the best use of the money with what we're facing if it is then it is I'll just I I just want to have s satisfaction in my mind that this is the right thing to do yes I want the fire station but I I'm just being very cautious because what we're fixing a go through well I I would say and Gary I may need you to help me this once more that no matter what we're facing we don't we should not be in a position where we're we're balancing our budget with reserves correct we need to balance we need to balance our yeah we're not doing that currently right so so we wouldn't want to balance our budget with reserves anyway we wouldn't want to right we would not want to right so I'm looking at the report here and it says that fire what we budgeted fire station number two construction Grant we budgeted 1.28 million that includes the 500 58 from the Grant and 700 from mstu Capital so it it was it came from mstu reserves for Capital M so that's what we budget right that's pretty much all funds Forest C well the reserves for Capital we typically use for Capital unless we get into a situation where we have something unfunded come along and we did not you know something unforeseen in the mstu and we did not we did not um budget enough Revenue to make that need but um mstu reserves can only be used for mstu expenditures I just just worry so much about the future we also still we also budgeted $983,000 in reserve for capital in the mstu this year too so there's still 983 in reserve for Capital after you take, okay and those thing what's included in that is fire department building department code enforcement planning department um Animal Control animal control so those are things are in the MST thank you discuss [Music] Mo on to public hearing 13 the board hold public hearing set for this date at 6: p.m or soon thereafter is possible to discuss and receive public input for the possible submission of a Grant application to Florida Department of Transportation Transportation alternative program for the 2031 funding cycle for the construction of a sidewalk from the corner of US1 19 and Industrial Drive to Pucket and along bucket road to connect to the existing sidewalk ending at Lor Lane per Florida agenda by m talk Grant rer happy New Year everyone New Year how are you oh great thank you as you know we discussed these two projects at previous board meetings and we are required to hold a public hearing this side the funding cycle is for 29 2030 the sidewalk would run from us19 along industrial Par Drive at Pucket Road turn and connect to an existing sidewalk on the PO Lane this sidewalk will be Ada accessible and um be um paved on their concrete and or asphalt we are asking for the full amount of funding I'm not sure what the amount is at this point because we are we'll need to get that from our engineer the total cost that we are asking for 100% finding all right thank you uh we'll open it up to the public now it's being a public so it's open to the public for any comment I can't hear it well it's a public hearing on a sidewalk a side walk that's going down Industrial Drive to Pucket Road and ending at the cor Lane on Pucket road so who walks there correct it's a 1.76 mile sidewalk yeah who walks there I'm sorry who walks that road oh I mean we have a lot of we have a lot of events through there that uh are at the forest Capital Hall that people and it's really just tying in some sidewalks that are already coming down the pocket Road as well we do have a lot of that's correct we do that's correct and you do see several students from Big Ben technical walking along that road and if we um you know rece the extra funding for the Aon Express Center we will definitely need that there's couple employers along there and it will also offer future connection to the Florida Sun Trail correct there's a world of people that work at Lumin plant that walk can ride bicyle back and forth aluminum plant from the edge of prair there right and They Se them it's storming and raining riding a bicycle they can't riding gra in they got to ride on the road I mean it's it's it'll be a blessing for that area right there that side what will but just so you understand we do get projects like this that are state funded Grant funded that we tie in up at the we tied in at the school and different areas that we have tied in sidewalks that that that's are off state funded and we try to you know choose locations that are going to by the schools and by some of these Festival areas that that it would make sense to get people off of the roadway I just know there's no houses on there the only places there are businesses and those businesses have trucks coming and going all the time so which side of the road would you put it on and why again why would you do indust indal drive I'm not questioning Pucket but why would you do industrial businesses us as a board I mean we just you we we choose different locations that we see fit that could potentially be a good opportunity for a sidewalk during some of these projects each year and it's a 5year deal we approve it it's it's I'd say it's what the 20 2029 203 2030 yeah you also got vocation school on there too you can use we we are riding now for two years from now we might be walking and we got that connection you won't be H CS us out there be hit B but and it's I think it's called planning ahead if you don't plan if you fail the plan then your plan will fail and I I think that's what he say now I'm just saying that's Industrial Drive that there won't be houses they won't be children they won't be traffic on Industrial Drive walk and what if there's several DS coming out of there that could walk if there was a sidewalk everybody riding not driving I I I agree but two years down the road we might not be driving we might be walking and we might be riding a b well not only that you tie that in the 19 Highway 19 and bucket Road I mean people exercise up and down the city city limits they exercise down these sidewalks and it's just another Avenue that the sidewalk making that tie it keeps people off of the road and allows people to make a loop versus running to a dead end or choosing to run go down go down the middle of the highway so it's there's a lot of different reasons that these things go into play and as much traffic and uh industrial people airport people it just seems like it's not safe well that's why we're putting it put one to put a side one can CU it does make it a lot safer to get the people off the road just add to that I do have several people that fly into the airport and they walk to H house and different places they don't they don't want to drive they want once they get out the plane they want to walk a little bit get some exercise anyone else from the all right we will the public and we will have the grant agree or the Grant application on the next agenda for your approval okay thank you m don't get I'm not thank you we'll move on to item 14 the board the holy public hearing set for this date at 6:05 p.m. where soon there after is possible to discuss and receive public in input on the possible submission of a Grant application to Florida Department of Transportation Transportation alternative program for the 2031 funding cycle for the construction of a sidewalk in sting hatche Florida from The Sting hatche River Bridge to First Avenue Northeast attended by R this is the same funding cycle and and you are able to submit two applications and I believe and you have to declare which one is your primary application and I believe that was the project we just discussed and I do need a little bit of clarification on exactly what each teron is I believe I have it correct on the agenda sheet but it's um we can be a little clear from where to where that would be great but this will um provide as you know steun is a very walkable Community with a great deal of Tourism and this will provide a safe R of access in addition it is the county popes to apply for Ste hasy to be a for the Gateway Trail town in the future this will help with that application in addition we have application for the trail system to go from us9 to Katon Beach and the this will also provide connection to that strengthening that trail system and that will also be a part to the collect connect that us9 of the Florida centr also and this will we're requesting 100% funding on this also thank you man this is a public me we open this up to the public any one from the public want to speak on this item close the public hearing any discussion from the board Mr chairperson can I ask commissioner nimon if you could tell us one more time sure the route of this sidewalk that's what you need Melody right yes I think I know but I want to be very clear because when we were looking at the mapping there seemed to be an area that might be a little bit of problem so I just wanted to make sure that we were very clear um that I fully understood where it was going for the mapping that we have to turn in with the project and to make sure we turn in the correct feed so so the Street's actually Central so it comes up 10th street from the river bridge to Central then it would go east to 12th Street and then South sou to First Avenue connect all the way around the school it would it would be a connector that currently you know there's currently only a sidewalk in front of the school on First Avenue so this were to go forward then there will be access U around the the complete block of the school I can I'll get you a map of that so that it's clear M were you thinking that any of that was environmentally sensitive or does this make more sense does this clarify it there was a section um on Central Avenue where we believe it to be where we um thought there might be an environmentally sensitive area but I will re look I I discussed with you earlier Jamie and I talked about it so I just wanted to clarify so 10th Street to Central East to 12th Street to B Avenue which I think would eliminate any of the lower areas that you may be concerned okay okay and that was correct what I just said commissioner n yes ma'am that's correct all right everyone's clear we're uh move on to the next item thank you m thank you so much we'll move to item 15 the board received B set for this date at 6:10 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible for the building of a quick response Squad 5 apparatus agenda by Dan Castle County Fire Chief Dan who's your B Be Myself Lieutenant William Kennedy and Lieutenant Kyle Stewart we have one bid uh look like it's from 911 rapid response in Anville Pennsylvania [Music] [Applause] big for for I don't really see a sheet but I do see a agreement here that has a price on it of 378,000 would you repeat that up please yeah 378,000 thank you Mr chairperson can I ask the par she is do you think there's anything um within the specs can contact them and see what we can do on that um that's over the budget amount so means that that's the only the only vendor that turned in we can look at the specs and see if there's what we can do to get that what the 360,000 on that we have any opportun yeah it was a public public bid like said but um normally we most of our trucks we go on state contract for but this type of truck it's nothing that nothing is on the contract so we had to go out to bid on this one and that's the company that built the last one of the of trucks but um like said I'll reach out to if there's to be sharpened we move on to our next item item 16 the Lord ho public heing set for this dat at 6:15 p.m. or S there after as possible to consider an amendment to the Future land use of comprehensive plan for n Perry attended by Manda pton County Administrator I did have a quick synopsis just for the folks that may not be aware of what uh n is looking to do on this process [Music] sooo Perry in partnership with wraith ton tech technology is planning an expansion of the current Namo Perry faily located on bucket road to manufacture critical solid rocket motors for the US Department of Defense defense the initial project scheduled to open at 2027 represents a $130 million Investment Group BYO and will employ approximately 200 fulltime employees in all position to support this expansion Namo Perry recently acquired additional ACR that neighbers to the south of the existing company property a land use change is required to begin the construction phase of the new mother facility Mr chairperson the planning board did have a meeting this afternoon and I have a signed resolution um supporting this project from the or supporting the land use change from the plan Bo more did you hear from Scott the regional planning Council about this yeah yeah they they worked very well with us in in order to allow us to advertise concurrently to try to shorten up the the the time period so so they can get moving and they were very helpful the what's the process here forward does this have to go to Tallahasse how long is it going to take typically there's a 30day comment period um that's allowed so um after the public hearing the chairperson will there will be a reading of the ordinance and then a letter of intent um if the board approves the letter will be sent to the state tomorrow along with the signed resolution then there's a 30-day commenting period and then in February this will come back to the board of County Commissioners for the second public hearing and the vote on the res on excuse me on the ordinance now what we're not sure of if there's any way to try to shorten up that time period and still get the advertising in and as soon as this is transmitted to the state I'll reach out to Commerce and I think Elizabeth's going to ask as well um to see if there's a way to speed that period up in less than 30 days but we still have to advertise so I don't know if if we'll be able to I don't know how much we'll be able to shorten up the time period but we are going to try what I understand they're on a timeline so there anything that's good we're trying so I think um that you know something that's going alternatively is the review of the development application which I just spoke with Elizabeth about and where I think there's some documentation that needs to be updated and then that's that's going on at the same time I know Jason show and Senor Simon been notified um I don't know if they have or not we yeah the they were rib cutting yes they're aware of it but as far as trying to shorten up that comment period I will I'll reach out to Commerce and I can reach out to those offices as well if I need to do your best oh I will before we vote I'll my vot for yes economic so this is public so we will open up to the public for any comment on this item anyone from the public couple be part of the public the public number one we've got the resolution did you get the proof of publication on resolution I sent you they were advertized at the same time so I sent you that earlier okay number two is an ordinance it's the first reading of the ordinance tonight the public hearing and uh need to ask me to read it or read it by title only I won't vote on it but it's first reading because it takes two public hearings to pass this [Music] ordinance see what I was doing okay an ordinance of Taylor County Florida amending the future land use plan map of of the tatlor county comprehensive plan is amended relating to an amendment of more than 50 acres of land pursuant to an application CPA 24-1 by the property owner of set acreage under the amendment procedures established in Section 163 3161 through 163 3248 Florida Statutes as amended providing for changing the L use classification from agricultural rural residential less than or equal to one dwelling unit per 5 acres to Industrial of certain lands within the unincorporated area of Taylor County Florida providing for severability repealing all ordinances in conflict and providing an effective day it's like 2 Acres okay now uh comment read resolution like I said the very next meeting of the board of County Commissioners will be the second reading of this ordinance in either passing or failing do I need to ask the chair do I need to ask the board to approve the letter that we're sending to the state asking for the exped state review can have a vote on that okay roll call be a roll call [Music] okay there's a letter that we have to send it was in in your packet got a motion second by commission yeah roll call all right um motion to approve the letter commissioner English yes commissioner Moody yes commissioner Newman yes commissioner fagel yes and commissioner DS [Music] yes all right thank you move on the public request it 17 Le River Chamber of Commerce to request use of the overflo parking area that is Ste chman um president of the chamber pres this evening and um we're working to try to move forward in that for support of this year Festival um the uh chamber has worked with the committee that's um moving forward trying to U see this as a success and and there is some concern about availability when it comes down to uh rooms for rent and space for folks to stay so this request from the St chamber is to utilize the Overflow parking at the Steve hat boat ramp and for those that aren't aware the hurricane Helen damag the restroom facilities and they're not repaired and May and likely will not be so um um the chamber is in agreement uh to have um portes and dumpsters there should this be approved for the opportunity um with vendors and Festival goers to be able to Stage their RVs in this excess parking area so more glad to speak that these charge that you see here would be C fees for the Porta and the the dumpsters that have been agreed upon for staging and and the pick up after the FES so I'm okay with um I'm okay with this um except I think that we should leave a designated area for some voters just in case um but I'm okay with y'all having some of course but let's just leave a little space for some voters area would be Riverside where the pave parking area this doesn't take the main parking lot out the main boating parking is still there correct right by the ramp right by the ramp this is just across the road the road over going to be enough what's do you think that be enough so it was discussed in in the meetings and you know talk that at length and and you know there there will be fishing tournament but um the committee felt like and folks from St Hatchy felt like there there would be significant space for PA parking area to allow and accommodate for any voters yes well we can see how it goes this year and if we get any complaints about voters not having a place to and we'll hear about it then we can look at it again next year but but the other question I I have and this is just just a question um and I guess this is for you Conrad um but is it um for lack of a better word is it is it okay for um an organization to rent space that belongs to the county and and make that money off of County property is that is that legal I I think I where they're charging 20 $25 a day or for three days a day so if it's on our property is this legal and okay okay it would be similar to Mr Bishop I believe vendors or folks that are at far cap hall or other festivals that utilize spaces and so the to be clear the the funds are to cover these expenses for the portal bodies and for the the dumpsters and things like that for clean up it's it's not a profit you know major is to cover those expenses and to make availabilities for vendors and and you know Festival goers who are saying that they're currently having problems in having space to stay so it's not to compete against business owners there is just to have a larger availability um in in cooperation with the chamber has spoken to Hampton in about a block of rooms and availability so it's not just a measure of RVs or such but it you know it's just a option to try to give uh more availability for space and no problem at some point in time could you give us uh not necessarily tonight but could you give us a a status report on the mobile home that the county donated to y'all just maybe another meeting or something just let us know how that's coming alongers I just wanted to bring to the board's attention they will be supplying us with a Certificate of Insurance naming the board is additionally insured and I did have one question that I didn't think about the other day are y'all going to be allowing generators there because that's primitive camping yeah it's going to be primitive yes okay so they yeah that's assume people would bring generators to be able to function there for a couple for that weekend okay there's also been discussion about um separating an area out which is next to our adjacent land owners in a church that joins that so there's been some thoughtful consideration to try to be able to have this potential and I believe Mr redin was saying there may be around 30 stes between 30 and 40 stes this would be option that otherwise we wouldn't have opportunity for not this consideration Mr R are you going to like number the side yeah we'll have to we basically paint areas where this your side help with traffic control and all that good stuff okay thank you there discuss to motion to approve second to approve all in favor General business item 18 the board [Music] discuss you know we have and have had code enforcement issues ever since I've been here we continue to have them and it seems like they been on forever and ever and and the only one that I know that was resolved was the one where at one of the beaches where it was not homesteaded property and we did foreclose on that property because the owner was just would not become compliant with what we were needing him to do I guess um congrad my question of of the homesteaded property I just need you to clear that up for me please the constitution of the State of Florida you can't affect a Le on Homestead Property and the reason for that is because uh that's where folks live and uh our Founders didn't think it was a good idea for folks to be um thrown out of their of their Homestead of their home what recourse do we have then we have a recourse you can sue them um now with regard to the one that you that you that you that was not Homestead Property right I I I made that clear okay so the recourse that you still can do is you can still Sue and get a judgment and execute on something other than homstead property to it uh bank accounts stock those kind of things those kind of items to pay the Judgment that you get if you sue somebody for violating the um the ordinance well you know as it stands now you know it goes on and it goes on and as far as I know we've not taken action like that maybe before my time we did but what good is it to have a code enforcement if if there's not if we're not going to enforce it in the way which we can well the reason that you have code enforcement is for instance I think there was a a fence that uh uh was if I remember correctly and I'm looking at the fell that brought it to our attention right now that was over on County property and the request was that uh the fence needed to be moved and y'all instructed me to write the fellow a letter and as I understand understand it and I talked with uh our um County Administrator that def fense has been moved is that correct yes that's move so that's one that's one item uh with regard to the code enforcement um being for lack of a better term successful you know the other items as we have in the past gotten um properly cleaned up uh over the years uh probably not as much as folks would want but we have been able to do that in several cases over the years that I've been the County Attorney problem is of course again and I certainly uh don't argue with you with regard to the cost of doing something like moving an old bus or an old you know a bunch of garbage that um an eyes sore and so forth but the problem that you have to be aware of on doing that is you don't want to be selective you don't be accused of selective enforcement in other words when you start enforcing things you need to uh be not capricious with it as the courts would say and I agree with that if if we're going to do it we should be consistent with what we do I would not be in favor of cleaning someone's property up at our expense um because you probably not recover those expenses and then on top of that if they if they're if they live that way anyway it probably wouldn't be very long before it would be right back to where you started but oh ye of little Fai I I I know that in a a couple of cases that I know about um and I know in one in particular uh these people are boasting that the county gave them time and they're never going to do anything and so they're not worried about it and I L I've told you that so she's privy to this um so what do you do I mean um I have people calling me my constituents and uh they call quite often and they're often our rate um because it's it's so bad um well uh the the other thing is um that if you Su if you clean it up and you send them the bill and they don't pay it and you sue them for the bill and you get a judgment for the bill to to clean it up that judgment goes on record for 20 years okay if they obtain some property that's not Homestead and you have to have people checking on that over the years to determine that then you can execute on that property and talking about us going on people's property and removing the mess yeah and that things that we talk about all the time that we will not enter into people's private property that people was trying to ask us for help to go remove isur but we're going to go do it and then I'm not advocating anything I know you're not Advocate but I'm just for discussion that it's just the same scenario we always say we're not going we're not entering people's property for any other reason like not even across the ditch to get a little pile of the brid because it's on their property well let me just tell you one other thing I'm going must you ask me another question of course got to be aware that our legislator um some new laws that provide that citizens can sue um governmental agencies two it municipalities two it counties for not enforcing their ordinances if they in fact are losing say money as a result of that and leanda and I have talked about that um since January the 1 now say that again I'm gonna say it again okay your legislature which is our legislature has passed some legislation which provides that citizens can sue a municipality or a county for not enforcing their ordinances and and if of course they have to proove damages you know it's like for instance a business that um was losing money as a result of of uh the city or the county not enforcing its ordinance is if they were losing business and able to prove it then uh they can sue the county or the municipality well you know that might be good for some but in the case is that I'm describing and it's been in other districts too issues you're aware of some of them I mean these people are not going to hire a lawyer and sue someone their neighbor or something I mean that's just not going to happen so well now this this is not suing the neighbor this is suing I mean Sue this the city I I mean the county or the city but still on they have to they have to spend some money to start that process because so they don't need you I don't know how many lawyers will take these type of cases I wouldn't but if it's a big one where someone was losing a lot of money they would say well I'll take it on a percentage Yeah like for instance when somebody runs into you um right Miss so um there's an old saying I said I was going to quit Never Say Never and take it within the contents of which I just said yeah or there's an exception to every exception well you know basically at at the end of the day what I see is we've got code enforcement but it really doesn't mean a whole lot I mean really it doesn't if somebody wants to do whatever they want to do there's nothing really we can do about it because we're not going to go on somebody's property and and uh we're not going to sue them because you probably won't get anything so why do we even need a code enforcement officer other than for things that are not homesteaded I mean is that a waste of our taxpayers money to even have code enforcement if it's not worth a dime like you said I know some a place you're talking about and I've probably one in your District that I've called about and the sheriff went up and the sheriff did go up and they cleaned it up guess what yeah right back so it it mean there's just seems like we have a situation where there's really nothing we can we can do about it Mr chair person I mean I I understand what you're saying but I I would say that there are some folks who will comply and make an effort to clean up and do we want to completely discount that and and that's up to y'all well I guess you know every time you know we even when we send out a letter that cost us money to send a letter and I don't know how many people comply do you have any idea of of of how many people comply out of all the ones that's been done or we probably don't even get that far as to send in a letter would be my guess to send a letter advising them of well I I hate to speculate on a percentage but I do know that there are cases that are that are effective and again even if people make an effort to clean up and to approve the appearance of the of the property I don't know that you want to completely discount that and there are some people that you know you give them 60 days and they may take 90 but they are making progress so I I hate to I hate to completely throw that effort away um I think the cases that y'all heard about are the people who are non-compliant yeah well here's the whole whole thing and I and I'm going to start to the cover but every one of us um if you haven't had complaints you're going to have complaints and and our constituents are looking to us to do something you know they expect us to do something and sometimes we can't do anything you know and so I think that my conclusion is that this is just one of those things that my constituents want me to do that I can't do anything about is that a is that a correct assumption conrade really at the end of the day I ain't going to think for you on now well conrade could you send a follow-up letter even after say they don't show up to to the to the in front of the hearing officer could you send them a letter that may be more effective well than our letters I like to think y'all can y'all hear me I'm the only one death I like to think that my letters work um you know um and sometimes they don't course but uh they have worked in the past and they aren't super expensive my letters economical you would say Sir economical cost effective sort of kind of of ficient that's the next one yeah they're ficient sort of kind of um and we we we don't just send out a um a form letter and we don't just and it's signed by me you know um and and they're not real nasty um try to I try to keep you know and I do send copies of them to to leanda and I send a copy to our Clerk and to um our Deputy Clerk and uh if you want to go look at some of the letters that I've sent you know check them out see if you got some comments that could help out with them if you so desire um I'm not advocating anything I'm just saying what what what we've done in the past and I've been doing it a while you well maybe and I'm surely some have have helped in the past but if they decide they want to throw it in the garbage can uh then and not worry about it they can do that too that's called lit and there a $500 fine for litery um the defense issue was they were on County property so I know that's enforcable but if something's on somebody's Homestead Property I know the law is very protective of the homestead but if a guy has a brings a mobile home in hangs 6 40 feet out on the county right away and then has the other 20 ft on his property that he's not he has to even if it is Homestead he has to move it off the county property there statutes about blocking roads right different different than the clean up all right we got have add on we got 18 a business discuss approval of waiver storm related per fees for the replacement of sight built home through the end of January 2025 agend commission yeah Mr chairman I've continue to hear from uh folks that are trying to recover from Hurricane H and and there's a number of let's call them challenges that have prohibited these residents from being able to get the permitting necessary to go forward so uh in one case uh the resident's trying to get designed and get you know everything in order so that they can file the necessary paperwork with the billing department another case is just a number of admin setbacks so I just felt like it was um a diligent request asked the board to extend the the permit fee waver at least through the end of this month tended to and pending on these continued needs from our residents I'm sorry how are we doing in the building department Lea are things with the additional help that we got um are we um granting more permits is it going smoother is it still pretty much the same way it was oh we've never slowed down on granting permits um we just got behind in other areas is what I would say but um so through the only way I can really tie answer your question well is to tie it back to the revenue we've collected so through December 23rd we've collected a little over $226,000 which is substantially under what we budgeted as far as Revenue um and I even though we didn't wave fees for like new homes or or developments you know that wasn't storm related there was so much storm related um permits that were going out that that's that's what people were coming in for um I did just a quick calculation of the fiscal impact if you weigh permit fees only for site buil homes because I think that's what we were discussing not for RVs not for mobile homes not for not for power poles not for anything like that whether it's storm related or not I think the fiscal impact would be somewhere around 12,00 for the month of January so you know we we're some you know we're somewhat behind on our Revenue collection but it's impossible for me to predict if we'll catch up on that or not does that answer I'm sorry I don't know if I answered the question or not was that what you were asking okay comment I think it's a good thing to wave it for the rest of the month I a lot of people like you said been trying to get all the permits and everything in line and their drawings done waiting on the engineers to get all the drawings done and they didn't get it done by the end of December so they really need some more time I'm fine with it thank you you want to step you want to come forward St your name and address my name is bin Collins um my my Homestead address is 1490 eel Beach Road my mailing address is 601 my home my house has been homesteaded since the 70s in 93 we actually picked our house up uh we raised the B 3 foot and then we went up and the engineer I called I found two different ones the one told me that maybe by the end of March he can come and look at my columns the second one said maybe the first of March he might could come I can't get a permit unless I get an engineer letter that says my concrete pilins with all that rebarb in there is okay so I don't know how putting a date on what I need because I can't get what I need to get a permit so you I suggest that we do a list of people that fall in a certain category about Helen or any of them having problems with that to get their [Music] perits could that I'm not sure that legally we could discriminate in that fashion is I mean it wouldn't open for folks in that you discriminated already when you weighed the fee for the people at the beach I man we wave the fee across the county so we're not in business of discriminating but what do you say Mr attorney Case by case basis that's what she say asking about a case by case basis right yeah that's pretty much what she said yeah are you are you specific to these two engineers and are you specific to these two Engineers maybe there's another engineer that could get there sooner can I have the phone number please I I'm sure some folks May and they want money money money and they want to do my plans I already have plans I don't need any more plans so where does that leave me my house is gone my my columns as the engineer said my concrete with rebarb in are fine now I had the corner store and the house next door and the house across the street to come in and hit my walls where the kitchen is and dump my roof right there it didn't float away it didn't go bone to Pieces it went right there because the wall was m so to the engineer sorry what what can I do there there's not that many Structural Engineers available maybe the board can revisit the end of January if the board wants to approve this through January maybe you can revisit it for the first meeting in February and see if there are people who are still in [Music] need if needed yes likely approve to the end of January May revisit our first meeting in February okay I think you're asking me to wait till the February meeting we're we're saying we will revisit extending it even further each month each month we see where we're at and extended okay so are we going to extend it now though the end of January January you want extend it well it's expired currently so if we don't then these folks that are trying to finish will not have the opportunity well unless I find another engineer is not going to do me any good until the end of March there may be other other people in the same predicament that it's going to be March maybe even longer I would imagine that they would I to I don't know we want to extend it out for three months now but we I guess you could well can I say something go ahead number one you need to come to the board meeting number two is if you desend it to March a past March you know then the might say well you know it's been extended till March you're going to extend it again and doing it each month like you do with regard to an emergencies or you know like the the statute provides you got seven days to uh so my suggestion is that you extend it into January and Miss cins comes up or calls the and says I need it more because I still haven't got an engineer then y'all can do it been a long time since I've seen you I know that's we went to court together so and Mr chairperson just to clarify we're only talking about replacing siteb Built Homes that wereing the storm not not any other that's my understanding onest all right so we have a we have we have a motion on one one yeah I want to ask another question what's the rationale with siteb Built Homes only um some people that have pole bars and had RVs uh why are they not included what's the difference I think the suggestion for site buil homes only is because that will add a you know that's Revenue added and would be an incentive for people to rebuild hopefully if people have cannot rebuild and if they had a home and they cannot rebuild that home but the best they can do is to have a pole barn and an RV we have to consider that too again we don't want to discriminate against people just because they don't have enough money or desire to build a home again no I think the rationale is because there's been a delay for those who are trying to replace their homes in getting architectural Engineering Services when they get a f Barn done there's a generic engineering program goes with that when you you've already got engineer drawing and you're accepting that I thought that we had people say that they were not accepting those generic things whatever it is they've been accepting them they haven't had an issue with whole bars as far as I know okay so people with r that want to put an RB in a pole bar there are they going to have to pay for a permit after after the end of December yes but we need to include them in this through the end of January well again I think the rationale was it's been 3 months since the storm and so is three months sufficient time for folks to be able to get their permits for their for their pole barns and their power poles and this this is just folks who had damage from the storm the the concern I have is the lack of Revenue to try to run that department but I mean it's up to y'all if you want to continue to defer the fees I I mean that's up to you the only reason that um we were speaking to site buil homes only well there's two there's two considerations is that you know that is an encouragement for folks hopefully to go ahead and come forward with rebuilding their home we don't wish to discriminate of course but I do believe there has been a delay because they have not been able to obtain you know the engineering or architectural services that they need it's it's much more of a process than a pole barn or a power po but if you just think about it I think about this that sometimes the people that can't rebuild a home they don't have the means to do that so the people that really need help in terms of this uh waving the perit fee are the ones that we're not willing to help for the for this month we're going to we're going to eliminate them today as of well as of December the 3 first these people that really might need this but yet people that can afford to build a home we're going to eliminate their permanent fee that's not right I can't rationalize that I I can't do that and I will to tell you I just this past week paid somebody else to finish cleaning off the store's house my neighbor's house and my neighbor's house just this month got them to finish it up in the cleanup they taken away my water meter so I I don't have water until they get stuff done but I'm still paying money my bill CU if I don't it's going to cost me $1,000 to reate well I'm just worried about the people that can't necessarily rebuild they don't have the means financially to do that why would we eliminate them from a free permit and let the people that have the money to rebuild get a free permit there seems something wrong with that to me that was not the intent again it was that wasn't the intent of it was the intent or not I understand that and I I'm okay with that but that's how it's rolling out at the end of the day that's what this is saying if you you can build the house you can get a free permit if you can't you got to pay for one I think commissioner part of the direction has been because of folks that have been delayed outside of their control and somebody that's trying to get design and drawings on their home can't force a firm or group or an engineer to proceed with their their needs uh even though they're under a running clock in the sense of the December deadline so I spoken with a number of folks each one of them were homeowners and contacted me that were making their case that they have been trying and working to to get to this point so that they could submit for a permit but each of these were were homeowners that had been delayed because of the lack of firms or individuals that would help them with their drawing the necessary documentation so they could submit for permits but during all those uh different discussions and conversations um it as far as I can see and understand folks that were meing po bars have been able to proceed given what um either their contractor or the individuals they purchased from has supplied and so those have been processed today I I really don't know how many of those currently you know went through the the time frame that the te was W but I've seen quite a number of those in place so it would seem like there's been quite a number I don't have an exact figure at the end of the day I mean honestly the fiscal impact is going to be more for for a permit to build a new house so that's going to be the biggest impact I I don't know the impact of continuing the fees for storm related repairs those are typically lower so I I just I don't feel like I can give you a good number of the impact I know we're about $118,000 short in revenue for the fiscal year and then adding another month will bring us closer to4 ,000 potentially short commissioner human I I get and I understand I understand what you're saying but if the people that wish to do a pole bar and an RV if it's easier and if that hasn't been the hold up if the hold up has been with people that want to replace their home I don't see why we couldn't give them that Financial break also because it that sound like it's going to impact uh the progress of them getting what they need so why don't we help everybody yes ma' well I believe we have I mean I'm 90 days the end pretty significant you know so that's why my thought was um again the individuals that I spoken with have you know had a very significant challenge to to get to a place to be able to submit for a permit to rebuild their home whether that be through the cleanup through the process with drawing through all of it so they're they're still encouraged um contrary to all the difficulty and you know their their statements really have been that they would they would work diligently to try to make this happen through these 30 days of January but understanding they they can't force these these businesses to jump on their their project for a v of term so you know my discussion kind of went to the point was it may take until March until your engineers available I hope it doesn't I hope they can find a window of opportunity and help out but you know my commitment was let's bring it to the board let's see if we can extend it through January and and if they get an opportunity or when they can help you out and and these other folks and great but it it wasn't an effort to um you know separate any of our residents it was strictly because every individual that reached out had difficulty um getting design and drawings for their homes to be CH I I I want the public to know that as a county commissioner I represent the people that have money and I represent people that don't have money and I don't make any difference between them I think fair is fair and I try to treat everybody whether you're rich or poor or in between the same and I go on record with that so I'm proposing that we add permit the free permits to the people that want to direct a full bar and put an RV there as well as the people that have the means to build a home that's only fair Mr chairperson if I could just make a suggestion I would if you would consider Fe to continue fee waivers for all storm related permits that might be yeah more it doesn't differentiate I mean between I think I think that's what you're trying to yeah everybody everybody that it was strong related not just just those building a home but the other people everybody was just to clarify so I think yeah everybody was devastated and impacted by that have homes down there by this storm not just the FL only down there anywhere else or anywhere that it was storm related right exactly just the person that's going to go out and build a shed or whatever I can't hear again just someone that's going to go out by doing that someone that's going out just to build a shed that was never there never damaged they're just going to come in and tell you a stor related and you're going to give them a permit I mean the logic the logic behind it all is is a lot of these people that may come back with a pole barn and an RV probably can't afford to build a home but a lot of them is at their ages are they going to go out 350 $400,000 no they not turn l so they may choose to just go uh build a whole barn and such as that but I think the logic probably what commissioner n was trying to do is you got to draw the line somewhere to just start tapering off of some of the are you are you um it's you interested in just like one said for all storm related well I mean she just rewarded what you said and it's just the same thing as you are people don't come up there and and build a shed out back that was never damaged by the storm and S up Storm related and they going to give a so well you may have a few of she just rest she just rewarded what you said wouldn't they have pictures of their dages no ask for them I don't think I think we do try to run it down but I'm not saying some don't slip through I mean we we don't want to give anybody a hard time next question Newman probably was just at some point you got to tap and start drawing the line that we can do this month and month and month right on and probably for the next year we could probably almost say oh it's stor related oh it's storm related but yeah just I agree Mr chairman I I was strictly basing my my um request upon the number of folks that had contacted me and each of those cases were homeowners who have had um very difficult challenges to get to a place of submitting the necessary paperwork work for um getting a permit so understanding that and not having heard from a a percentage or a person really that was requesting that the waiver be extended for anything other than homes each one of these that contacted me were homeowners that had challenges so um I do agree with your evaluation um and and it just seemed to me like it would continue to be a way that this board could help with circumstances that are just beyond the control of these homeowners that are trying to uh rebuild in spite of all these difficulties yes sir have a motion on the table commissioner Moody yep home home home we got second by commissioner Newman vote all in favor and I'm I want to say this I'm voting for this because I want these people to be able to build a home but I also would have liked to have seen that it included the other people with less means to build back something thank man I have one question when uh I've going through FEMA and they tell me that for the first storm IA there should be mitigation monies coming to the county to help people that was messed up by the storm y'all understand anything about that we have thema we have housing money um through Delia so if you will if you can get me your contact information I'll put you in touch with the right person okay if it's person in FEMA who like I say has been helping me work through my stuff uh they would have given me a trailer but I don't have water and I can't put a 22 20 ft in there if you'll just leave me your contact information I'll put you in touch with the right person Tak care of that staff items item 19 the board to discuss possible State appropriation request for Perry Foley airport attended by W catchen airport thank you I had a over the past few months I've had a few people contact me about want to put a maintenance hanger Le hanger from the county facility at the airport and as had one call call me about 1:00 today Mar looking at moving it this way and um I was thinking about going after a state appropriation possible State appropriation for a new hanger and I got to look and where am I going to put it and the ramp was pretty full so I got to thinking maybe we were looking at it the wrong way and I got with Dan got with Wanda we got to thinking maybe you know where the fire station is is on already man that's what it was designed to be you put it there I got thinking why don't put the fire station you know new fire station behind hanger out toward industrial Par Drive take the hanger that's already set up and lease it out that way we get the effective two building with oneit and like I said we just it was thought we had about we originally talk about putting that station but with the whole complex that probably got it all kind of tied together at by the on the property by the hospital now I'm not opposed to it but I just know that well that wouldn't be an actual fire station behind the hospital that would just be an admin office right yeah the the other one was going to be the new emergency management office Public Safety complex um and that's was a much larger venture to incorporate um some aspect of Sheriff's Office possibly if I you know some level if if it was going to be at the airport we were going to incorporate the whole fire station into it um but since it was moved to behind the hospital um it was going to be more fire department administration just to keep the public safety portion of that in align with the grant what the grant request and W tell me again how much revenue you think we could recoup if that was that was rented out as a hanger or released out as the hanger probably 2,000 mon maybe more 00 a month00 I think 2,000 a month maybe more than that longm long and we're we're always looking for new ways to increase Revenue to for the airport because it's it's all you know the revenue is always underfunded and and we have to basically balance with our our fuel sales and we'd really like to get away from that and generate enough Revenue either with tea hangers or maintenance hangers or something like that so we didn't have to rely on on any other source if if you have a maintenance facility on the field you also increase traffic to the airport number one the customers they already have number two is a lot of the flat schools send their students on cross country they wanton them to go back whatever that's another thing [Music] for I I mean they're just calling and looking and and you trying to find out if we have anything and I told the guy today I said I don't know we're going to you working on something right now but I can't promise anything but they're not looking at anything anytime soon I mean they have facilities where they are it's just are looking to me further north for whatever reason I think financial reasons you know some of the rent on these airports getting out of control speak want to move up somewhere they have a i that's traffic Etc prob more discussion to be had on it if that was even option because we had on the path to go to the fire station want some obligation from these folks that they are going to [Music] well this wouldn't be tied to necessarily just one person I mean this is really just for planning for the future of trying to you know at some point empty out that hanger and and build a new station there and I mean it may take two or three years and don't get us wrong we live the fire station being there neighbors yeah we don't want to Mo the fire station no is there an uptick to a more efficient station do we know what the cost for that be that is in respect to this station where is it at in its lifespan I mean how how can we you know come up with a cost and Analysis and understanding and reaching out to our state partners and say this is where we are with this facility um but we need place it because of the age because of upgrades because of those things if I may I mean we're looking at it cuz the station one is it's it is an airport hanger I mean that's that was its original function and that's when the fire it gave us a large Bay to store a bunch of trucks um that was long before I ever started working here really well been um but it it's it's not designed as a fire station I mean even open and closing the Bays it's a it's a slow I if you've ever seen those you're sitting there holding the button for quite a while so it's more often than not doors you just stay open for that reason um as far as cost related once you know because we've got several other fire station projects that we're working on um we'd be looking at a very similar price tag and once we get this bid back for station two that would give us a a much better idea of an anticipated cost um one of the things moving forward with these projects is trying to use a very similar floor plan to simplify um as we go out to the different ones for um Ste Hatchy and Shady Grove Station 2 we could use a similar project a similar footprint on those so our pricing would be within real a realm that we'd be able to get a good estimate of what it would cost what commissioner figel was speaking on earlier about this money for station two that Is it feasible I mean would it Is it feasible to redirect these funds for Station 2 I mean right now we can't we can't hire firefighters to man The stations that we currently have well this like station one is our main station with Mo with our our Central Station um and I think but I think what board is asking for using a state appropriation be we're going to request enough fund so it doesn't have any impact to the county it'd be zero zero dollar impact you other than a state appropriation request um where station two we did our original request pre the giant inflation headache that happened um and that's where we had to go back and and fund that one um and the other like station Seven that's the next one on our list to knock out and that one we believe we have enough money in state appropriation so that's not going to cost the county any money um but once again we'll know more once we get this bid back and see where those numbers come I just know that we we may have the funding to build station to but then once we build it's going to sit there and how long is it going to take it to put someone employ someone to and that one's also for our volunteer Staffing and our volunteer trucks um as if right now station two is a wooden pole barn sitting in McKinley Maddox and it's dirt floor I mean it's not an ideal for for storing a any any kind of trucks and Equipment of that kind of value um you don't want it something where it's that close where rats are going we constantly have to put rat poison out just because it's it's an old pole barn is what it is um and that's one of the big reasons for upgrad that and when we do these upgrades we want to anticipate the future that you know it may not be in the next 3 or four years that that we're Staffing that station but we want to know that 10 years from now you know whoever's running you know whoever's replacing us has that option that you know as we continue to grow as a county you know we're not building something that's crippling us in the future I heard a little bit of what he said but what you're wanting to do is build a new fire station with possible State Appropriations now what is the difference between a state appropriation and what we ask for from the legislature every year what's the difference it's the same so we're talking about adding to our list yes our list right now is number one is the public safety complex 7.5 million number two is the king Beach fire station at 2 million number three is the courthouse Air Handlers at 1.5 million number four is the a Expo Center at 1.4 Million number five is the Shady grow Fire Station 1 million and number six is the Animal Control shelter so this would be number seven potentially it would we've G far station yes ma'am I I don't disagree uhuh understand and really it was just we know there's a window of opportunity um Ward and I have been working with different um ideas to try to increase revenue for the airport um because we know it's it's important to and and it's important to grow the airport um and this just kind of came up as what if you know maybe we're looking at it the wrong way instead of depending on funding for tea hangers or another large hanger um maybe we can back into it by asking for funding for another fire station so we can return that to its intended use but ultimately it's it's up to yall we just didn't want to miss the deadline to um to submit an an appropriation request if the board was in favor of it how much money are you going to submit we don't we don't even have any plans on this are you just going to throw a number out there no it would be the same as the other stations right Dan it would be million would be our request that's what we've been doing for the other stations and like I said if we're going to keep using the same floor plan on them to try to get standardization there I would say we continue with that same amount that we requested just a comment this would generate you say about $2,000 a month in revenue or more more but we've got to come up with a um appraisal right we got have the got have an a praise and if if FAA has a formula we have to use to get x amount of money for it it's going to be based on the praise I'm figuring 2025 dur in a month I just hate for I mean I'm okay to add it but I hate for it to replace something that's already there because we do have a first station um and certainly we're not going to get everything that we ask for so yeah this a thought process on with us or with me we got to talking about it and like I said instead of trying to get 2 million to build a new hanger you know we've already got one already set up ready so we can do the fire station and you do two things at once is what my thought process was and then when we receive money um and say we need a million dollars and they you know give us 500 and then we have what two years to spend that it depends I think the fire stations are more along five years we got five years generally speaking it just depends on who funds it I mean so if we if we well in 5 years if we don't get any more other than say 500,000 then instead of losing that we'll have to add so we need to be real careful what we do here because you don't want to ask for money and then give it back to them but then you got to be prepared that if you ask for this money you don't get enough that you're in a position that you can come up with the rest of it so that's kind of a to me sort of a tricky um bet yes we're we're gambling that we're that that we're going to get more money or else we're going to have money from somewhere to put with it and in the case that we talked about earlier this evening we were given what 500 and we have to put a 700,000 with it so we could come we could come out on the short end of the stick here just I just just want to make sure that we realize what we're asking for and not only this but other things too any discussion from the board there no other discussion guess we'll need a motion to approve or not motion to approve motion by commissioner to approve do we have a second second second by commissioner Newman all in favor no Mr chairperson do you wish to make this number seven on the list number seven okay I rearranging again number seven priority Mr six was the last one add on seven that be okay all right can administrator out of out of 20 can administrator to discuss information it I don't have any um necessarily any items I just want to remind y'all of a couple of dates coming up excuse me January 30th at 4:30 p.m. is the legislative delegation meeting excuse me and the meeting 11 January 30th at 4:30 p.m. and our meeting with FEMA and our state Partners is now January 15th at 6:00 p.m. so that's next Wednesday at 6 I was able to confirm um with the FEMA reps this afternoon and that's all 21 comments and concern from the public for non [Music] Jim zerbert from Ste hasy and I want to apologize I gave you guys the on you had to put three pairs of glasses on to see you probably know that property yeah but I was asking name um mentioned this last week I've just that to run down that ownership of the Pavilion and if it's on our insurance schedule if the uh yeah the land is sitting on MH and when I was part of that deal way back when they were giving it to us yeah but I don't know what How It Was Written uh in the contract right so I'll check with a clerk's office we probably need to do admin search Jim do you remember what year was that was like 2010 or 2012 or years ago okays at the time in the Estuary people so Selena will you do a minute search sir somewhere around 2010 for this agreement between the board and the Estuary was there Jim were there any other parties involved in this uh me I vaguely remember it but like there was another partner what there there was five Partners okay three was Clos there were the group of the uh uh yeah there was a bunch of folks from Gainesville the attorney Bob bu remember he wrote the song I'm going to stean Hatchy with my fish and pole and uh they it was a nice uh compromise they took that West Wind they bought the Westwind property they put a Brick Street in it's very attractive uh for exchange for making it look like it's their development and wasn't the county property at the same token they they put in the picnic tables three parking spots handicap parking and a nice gazebo well the Gazebo sitting down in the wooded area right now all tore up the picnic table survived but it's the only uh Scenic you know people come down there sit and that we have in Ste Hy other than the Bri the the old bridge that the commuter Center but this one is up it's right next to the boat ramp there's one residence between the boat ramp and this facility so we're just yeah if the county has insurance they can do it but I would like to say I'm going to go on record for the already something the zerck would like to help with some money towards it I don't know that depending on regulations for building and everything you know I was looking at what was there and I thought it was within the realm of the helping put another one back but if uh 15 years ago so now hurricane lashing down pilings in the ground all of that kind of stuff it could be pretty exotic I don't know but it's a it's something to think about as we go forward here and I wouldn't be surprised if the people that own the Estuary now don't make an attempt to possibly look for a uh forfeiting you know giving it to them I mean it's a very nice piece of property it's very valuable you know particular cam I me you it's a pretty little spot down I mean it's a beautiful little spot on the river but well Mr chairperson we'll do a minute search and see if we can try I just don't remember we may have to listen to the video and see if we can I just can't recall exactly everything that happened during that meeting or what the details are isn't that's currently this parcel is in Taylor County's ownership correct yeah yes but so within that if there were any consideration Mr Bishop isn't there requirement for um public access to Waterfront I we discuss that and it's it's pretty clear as far as statute and the requirement there with that being public access to the river and the Waterfront I I believe that comes with some certain responsibility part of the statute Mr Bishop well more than likely responsibility for so providing Public Access right well there's Public Access now but a gazebo doesn't increase Public Access no I mean if there were the request that Mr zerbert was was I'm sorry I mean it's it's a access point to the Waterfront it's not just a simple exchange if you will if it came down a property given that statute requirement that was by that was one of the a real wins for Taylor in my eyes you know to end up with a nice spot like that and and upscale they were pretty good partners about it I'll have to research it yeah I we'll have to look back and see if we can recall exactly what happened what if there was an agreement and what the maintenance responsibilities were I I don't recall the county ever having maintenance responsibilities of the Gazebo or the picnic table or even the parking area so isn't doesn't it have papers on it yeah it's okay we have I don't think we've maintained any of that so we'll go back and and see what we can find any other comments for non agend items a question sure you know how rumors go around so the rum that I heard is you have to build your house within a year is that true that's the I think that's the 50/50 that's a FEMA rule I think I'll I'll talk to you I'll call I'll look it up and I'll talk to you about it when I call you I think it's a it's a female consideration okay cuz it's not sounding like they considered in time you have to get an engineer time even the contractors I I'll have to run that down that's not our rule okay I thank you what is the status of the San Pedro bridge I think we're just waiting to start construction I'll get a commencement date do we have a design and everything is that all ready it's already gone out I think it's already gone out to bed and been awarded I'll I'll I'll run it down thank you glad to be on the right side of you he no I didn't glad to be on the right side of above not down I agree with Mr D I'm fine all right there nothing else [Music] your name Barb