##VIDEO ID:lKd7PfdViYY## I'm not really good at it but you know another set of it my something piece of grip for yeah for do good good how about you father we thank you right now for this hour we thank you for this we bless your name because your name wory to need us fathers we as Commissioners come do the business of this coming we ask your blessing upon us now father these that are here for hearing and for support thank you for them and bless your holy name thank you Father for your goodness and your mercy again we bless your name father and we pray countries that's in war we pray for this country right now father for what is going through and we bless you again help us father it's only you can do and you will do and we thank you for what you're going to do in advance in Jesus name I pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America to the stands one nation indivisible and justice for all like to welcome everyone to our meeting this Monday September 16 2024 at 501 PM this is our first budget public heing for fiscal year 2425 we have a confer plan set up number is 1917 91022 access code 32347 pound this is not a to free number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when the chairperson opens the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please D star five the moderator up your allow as your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you will be allowed to speak for three minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an agenda item will be given three minutes for comment comment only one time we will move item three the board to hold the first and two public hearings on the T of Mill budget for year 2024 2025 set 51 p.m a ten Le Dr Mill for f years 2425 adop the budget for 2425 all right so this you it's been previously advertised in the newspaper be advertised Friday will be advertised Friday um but this meeting has been advertised too on the trim notices right on the trim notices so this one's advertised on trim notices for the first uh public hearing 501 today so Danielle's going to go through the Power Point um summary of the budget sorry so tonight um The Board needs to adopt the proposed Mage and the proposed budget as tentative then the final hearing is next Monday as a refresher of what was discussed in budget workshops we will start with a prelim Ary certified values received from the property appraiser for the year 2024 in the general fund the gross tax La value is 1 b960 million the certified value for 2023 was 1,966 Million this is a gross tax B value decrease of 5,822 th000 which is 3% decrease for the mstu the unincorporated area the preliminary gross tax tax value for 2024 is 1 b640 million the certified value for 2023 was 1 b655 million which is a gross taxable decrease of 14, 967 which is a 9% decrease this shows the proposed millage rate compared to the roll back rate the board elected to adopt the proposed millage rate which is the same millage rate as the current year in the general fund and the mstu which brings in a decrease of Revenue the current millage rate is 7.24 26 Mills for the general fund and 1.22 Ms for the mstu for a total of 8.46 76 Ms the roll back rate is the millage rate that would generate the same amount of adorm tax revenue as the prior year based on the current year gross taxable values as a result of the decrease in Gross taxable values for 2024 the roll back rate would represent a millage rate increase if the board would have chosen to go with a roll back rate we would have experienced a revenue increase for next year because the values decreased and for do I have to what you know that the aggregate millage rate is 8.26 77 the aggregate roll back rate is 83852 the aggregate millage rate is lower than the aggregate rollback rate by 1.4% based on the 2024 preliminary values countywide by keeping the millage rate the same the revenue generated will be 14,200 , 330 and the mstu fund based on the 2024 preliminary values and keeping the military the same the revenue generated will be 2, 9,903 in total by keeping the proposed millage rates the same it will generate 16, 210,000 to 33 which is a decrease of 60,4 and this is an overall of the entire budget it's revised based on the changes made during budget workshops and one change that was made after the total budget request is 100,7 97,2 it is an increase from our current fiscal year about 20 million and when I say current fiscal year it's what was approved at 10 one of 23 not the actual amended budget since so a really quick overview the general fund has an increase of 10.7 million this increase is Grants it includes the 50% raise operations and capital transfers to co to the Constitutional officers as well as the increase in reserve the airport fund has an increase of 1.3 million and that is due to Grants um airport Capital request beo land lease and an FAA land agreement that was added ronen bridge and the mstu both show a decrease even though there is an actual increase and that's because of capital requests so the capital request for FIS schal year 24 was more than what it's going to be in 25 so it makes the budget go down even though personal services and operations more and for the scof and scrap and Paving funds there is an increase of 7.3 million in those Grant funds and 4% 33% of the budget is federal and state grants 12% of the budget is transfers to constitutional officers 23% of the budget is reserves and 30% of the budget funds County departments and outside entities you repeat that all of it are the last so 33 33% of the total budget is federal and state grants yes 12% of the total budget is transfers to constitutional officers 23% of the total budget is reserves and 30% is funding for County departments and outside entities and when I say outside entities I mean like the state attorney public defender Guardian Alum the health department like that does that include our was it was increased to you remember it it increased 29% so ended up being a little over $90,000 yes and that state mated we have to pay that um so as a quick review the changes that were discussed and made from budget Workshops the dollar was changed to 50 c for All County employees and constitutional officers which reduced the total budget by 343,000 um 46,000 was added to the supervisor of Elections for um maintenance of equipment 20% allocation for the sheriff and dmh of the small County C tax and they must present a capital plan during next year's budget and 30,000 was added to the Senior Citizens Center and they must provide a financial statement and then we had one additional change after the workshop and that is an an additional transfer from the general fund to the airport fund for an FAA land settlement agreement from the 2018 to tcda agreement on the land and that's something that the FAA required and so um Melody sent that in and we have to we have to for the agreement and that amount was 34971 um after the changes the general fund had an excess of 391,000 which was placed in reserves for capital projects to balance the budget um mstu had an excess of 58601 which was also placed in reserves to balance and then this is the ad that we have to put into the paper on Friday just so everybody has it and then this is also the notice of the budget hearing also goes with the budget summary ad and we only have to advertse to notice a budget hearing this year because it's not a tax increase I want to add that that um this this doesn't include any Mill Levy for debt Services fund because we don't have any Debt Service so that's zero that's not not far budget we don't have it so just want to mention that so I guess we just need with and um I realized we're coming in a day late the dollar short in process but our group just got organized in the last couple of weeks I'm representing the tab County Animal Welfare group that was at the meeting a couple of weeks ago um and we we're here to uh ask for a little extra funding for the animal shelter and on behalf of the animal welfare of this County and for the employees that work at the animal shelter we we have a few items we'd like to submit for your consideration and um one of them is to hire another full-time employee at the animal shelter there's a floor in statute that says that you have to have um access to the animal shelter at least one day a week after hours like for people to pick up animals and one day on weekend currently we're not able to do that with the Staffing that we have so it seems reasonable and feasible to you know hire one more fulltime member or maybe two part-time that could split up that responsibility also even as recently as this weekend we've had outages with staff employees creating situation at the animal shelter that are untable animals in their own feces and discovery of dead chickens in their Kel so came to the front this week but anyway regardless of that extra Staffing would be very beneficial at this point you to cover those hours and to cover outages are family emergencies vacations illness and that sort of stuff and we're looking at $27,000 or so for a full time employ expansion of the facility is really an important piece of this also like we like to see the facility expanded we don't have figures for you right now but I do have some folks that can come up with some data by the next budget meeting to submit to you um on the expansion of the facility that would upgrade the electrical as well and update the drainage in the kennels some of the kennels apparently do not drain well when they're sprayed down and also uh installing climate control you know we've had like the hottest summer in history you know this past summer and we need some AC and electrical upgrades for that facility um one of an easy item is a commercial washer or at least one maybe two commercial washers because the kind of materials that are going into the washer crap it out immediately so you need something with commercial capabilities uh and we'd also like to add some outdoor kennels that would allow perspective adopters to interact with the animals and we understand you can get those for about $400 per kennel um do that and then also we' like to see some money set aside in the budget for animal control for continuing education for the staff to either go on field trips and go look at other facilities see you know what's working what's not working um if there any kind of state run um trainings you know to offer that to send you know our at least our top two folks Animal Control to go so that they know they're staying on top of Florida statues and in best management practices and for right now that's what we have and I appreciate the fact that you allow me to speak to you tonight and I hope you will take these minuts under consideration and we will come back with some money figures if need I appreciate that so much thank you Mr chair I'd like to mention that um in this report for tonight in the general fund we have an excess of 391 ,000 which was placed in reserve for Capital uh projects so perhaps some of this money could be put toward what they're asking I did go down for a visit at the animal shelter and um I concur with with what she and others are saying as I walked in the door uh I had to wave through water for one thing and there were other other issues too but um I think this is something that we need to take under consideration and I also think Cecil if you look at the the bigger picture that um it might be something to look into for a new animal shelter absolutely um and you know there's places that we could go we could ask for um brats and uh we could ask for legislative Appropriations um because the place is really old it has a lot needs and so if we could just do something now to take care of some of the issues that you brought up and look at the broader picture and try to construct a new animal shelter just I just want to be on the record I concur with what you're saying and that would be the ideal thing is to have a new updated uh facility with you know everything that's up to spec as much as possible with animal shelter I just have a few questions do we have any kind of indications that are saying that we're outside of State Statute of compliance with respect to that any I'm not sure about the the after hours I mean we have an employee there seven days a week um now evenings we do not have scheduled for for people who who would like to adopt so I'll have to check into that but we do have someone there cleaning on the weekends not not keeping it open for adoptions so so I'll have to I'll have to check that but as far as our our staff they're they're up to speed I suppose as far as train and all those required well they have not received Ethan Asia training as of yet but um or chemical capture but they are certified Animal Control Officers and they're not allowed to write citations until they receive that that certification there are additional you know there are additional classes obviously that they could go to there's cruelty investigators there's you know chemical capture there's euthanasia um so there there are additional levels that they could go through if if need be I like just finish up the budget s yeah then we you know I think we probably some other meetings coming down discuss but I think we're here proba to handle the budget session in front of us do we need to just move forward with so yeah I mean you can always make a budget amendment later and move that money from Reserve to animal if that's what you know if you want to do you don't have to do that tonight you can do that at a later time if you wanted to just as a note though Animal Control has to MST not the general again Animal Control has to come out of the mstu not the general fund because the city pays for some of animal control so Animal Control is budgeted in the mstu fund so we can't use general fund reserves I think we need to take a deeper dive into that than just state that hey this this and this is going on and this dive into it a little deeper everyone's got a chance to look at before we just go to throw money at it we really know we're throwing money at until we really do our homework I I don't have any reason to disbelieve what the people are coming before us saying I paid a visit there I don't know if you've been down there or not I'm not saying I don't leave anything to say but I mean I don't I think we have need staff to do a investigation I don't know $7,000 is a number or not I don't I don't know where that comes from so I think 27,000 is minimum wage I think part of the caution would be that's current cost it wouldn't be a one time expense I agree with the chairman I think we need more information so that we can look into to the occurrence not not to just even at at $15 an hour I think the minimum for a full-time person would be closer to $31,000 and then you have your health insurance and your much more you it probably closer to top out at 50 for a fulltime person I would say we need to before we go to throw the money at it we need to know exactly the what we're paying for and what we're going to get out of it I mean makes a lot more sense for me well I'm not against you know looking into what it's going to cost us and take into consider ation what's been said to us and look at those states that she discussed that says that you have to have this that and the other um and and then see if we need to come into compliance with that and then just in general the place is really old and it looks like it needs a lot go take a look at it I think we got a meeting coming up to discuss Animal Control I guess work yes will that be after next Monday though um when what's the date that we'll approve the budget don't have to put so so you're approving the budget next Monday next Monday will be the final hearing and will a final V right you you're doing thetive budget tonight the final budget Monday now you can make changes um before you do that but I think we're we're not talking about anything that's going to affect a millage rate or the total budget so that can be done after the final budget's approved later if you're just moving it from one place to another yeah and that's that's fine I just know that there's times that you know with something brought up well it wasn't we just went through the budget and it wasn't in the budget so and I don't have a problem with that to discuss it more in depth after the budget and just to see you know where we are uh yeah let me say this I've been hearing rumors about Kel and all of that what dogs do we own they our dogs or neighbors dogs or who dogs are C and chick I mean once we take possession of them there are responsibility but they're how do we get possession of somebody call and say they could be running at large they could be aggressive they could be loose they could be owner surrenders and the owner surrenders are a substantial let me tell you what I've been here yes sir I've been here and we got 700 people out of job and we only give tcd C tcd about $150,000 to find okay I'm used to 150 and it's 175 I think with Laur lella from uh from the Department of commercial and we talking about that now we got the 700 people out of the job I don't know who call you up it look like the person we we don't even check the people dogs need check them people too like they need to be under department or share with somebody to be checking them do dogs is dear to them and I I was raised up 12 boys and we had two dogs you know mean probably SLE probably should have been there but anyway when I go to here and figes money throw out and we say we can't do no more for tcda who try to people then I hear the people talking about the folks sleeping on the streets the homeless shelter I went the Hess Shelter come and those are humans those are not D we turn death ear to all list I think while we talking about the dogs we need to talk about hum we need to talk about shers we need to talk about jobs that's right yeah we you talk about all that's right so I think that Workshop might be discuss all this stely more I was prepared to talk about any of this like this tonight okay I don't have a big comment on it for not and I'd like to add commissioner yeah we have a lot of needs countywide and it we have a broad range of needs and and I understand our priority is to try to find jobs and I think we're on a good road to doing that we do have homeless people but you have got a large section of the people that really care about the welfare and the treatment of animals too so you know we we have a lot of needs that we need to address I agree with you there's no more public if you heard so what we'll need then is a motion to adopt attended Millers rate of 72426 Mills for the countywide valuation Commission toop the 7426 we have a second so if we if we can do a roll call vote on that so um commissioner English yes commissioner Moody commission Moody yes commissioner Newman yes commissioner figel yes and commissioner D all right and so the next one would be I'm sorry it's part of the so motion to so we need a motion 10 mill rate of 1.22 meals on the unincorporated property valuation to be used in the mstu fund to adop the tenative milate to at 1 2250 we have a second second by D rile vote commissioner English yes commissioner Moody commissioner Newman yes beagle yes and D yeah the next one think it's a different part that same L item is to um for the board to adopt the tenative budget for fisal year 2324 aggregating and totaling the amount of 1,79 $ 7,12 budg a motion by commissioner D to adopt tenative budget of m797 have a second commission Moody all in favor I'll do sorry I'll do another roll call commissioner English yes commissioner Moody commissioner Newman yes commissioner fagel no and commissioner D yes Mr clerk yes I think you announced it is 2324 okay 2425 sorry it is the 2425 tenive budget so and also the second and final public hearing will be for the 2425 budget will be held next Monday September 23rd 2024 at 51 p.m. and the required notice is required the second final be aing the pr newspaper issue on Friday September the 20th 2021 all in favor we'll take a couple minutes uh now before we start next uh