##VIDEO ID:l_8FFMcTxks## so we [Music] have hour hour [Music] [Music] wish [Music] you [Music] [Music] thank you okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] she okay with [Music] [Music] how how [Music] [Music] [Music] to change that to change is [Music] [Music] it there's chairs up front if y'all want to come up and have a [Music] see take she said [Music] [Music] [Music] the person one come [Music] up we were able to connect ited about four different times and it comes on but it just doesn't do anything but show a black we ready to go ahead and get started if everyone will stand commiss D pray Follow by mer father we come again now thanking you for life health and strength we come blessing your name because your name worthy to be blessed father we come pray it for these people see here this meeting now that they leave questions answered and answer DL thank you now for what you've done we thank you for what you're going to do and fathers we pray right now for these local we pray right now whole wide world we pray for the war and we pray for rumors Wars and we thank you now for what you're going to do in advance and we bless you in Jesus name I pray amen amen to the flag the United States of America to the stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all welcome everyone to the meeting is Wednesday January 15 2025 6:00 p.m. we have a conference line set up number there is 9179 01022 access code 32347 pound this is not a tollfree number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when the chairperson op the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please di star five the moderator will unmute your line as your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telepone number please announce your name and address you'll be allow speak three minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an agenda item will be giving 3 minutes for comment the commenter may only speak one time for each agenda it before we get started we do got a couple of chairs if anyone wanted to move forward a couple of chairs up in the front anyone want to move that said this is a workshop uh we move on to the item three representatives from the Federal Emergency Man agency FEMA here to discuss the national flood insurance program so you hello uh my name is Mara Allen uh I am intergovernmental Affairs witha in the office of external affairs first like to thank you for having us to come and provide uh nfip um training to um and I'd like to thank Mr Johnson for putting this together and requesting this uh in early December we came uh we the nfip program uh visits um different counties uh to just find out the needs of the counties as far as the nfip program and um during that meeting uh we were asked to provide a workshop to the Board of Commissioners uh and that's what we are here today um since then we have seen the article in the paper and thank you to the public for such an overwhelming turnout to come and um find out more about the program I will say that the pro the workshop is 90 minutes and we at the time we first scheduled this we were not prepared for um a public um input so um our time is limited um we asked if everyone could sign in uh so we could have your information and when we scheduled this we had in mind that we would provide the workshop to the board and then we would schedule a public uh Forum where we could then have the public come in and then ask their questions as well as for us to provide other resources um for your individual recovery needs and so we just asked uh during the workshop right now the questions um if uh could come from the board based upon the um presentation from Miss uh Tammy Hansen and um we also have uh paper and pen if you'd like to write your questions I did hear during your opening remarks that you will have a public um people can speak uh we just ask if that can be done at the end of the workshop so that we could provide the training everyone will be um informed more about the nfip program and I'm going to turn it over now to Miss Tammy Hansen and Tammy if you want to intr yourself thank [Music] you so good evening um my name is Tammy Hansen I am with FEA I am actually out of the Atlanta Georgia region for office um I am one of two individuals out of that office that assigned to work with the state of Florida in what we call Blue Skies so away from disasters you know every day of the year um I have been deployed down to the State of Florida to assist with um our substantial damage Mission um and so that's a little bit information about me I did prior to working with FMA I was a local official in scand county for a number of years I was a flip plane administrator over there um so I've worked the program both on the local level now and in the federal level so as um she mentioned this uh is designed to what about 90 minutes um there is some time built in for some questions and so we'll take as many questions as the board has while we're going through um but with um with your permission if we get to where we might look like we're running behind we may ask kind of hold those questions till the end if that if you're meable to that um but we'll decide that at the time just to try to move things along um so this training really is designed to give very high level information to elected officials in the communities that are participating in the National flood insurance program and what we have here are just some of the the benefits of participating within the the national flood insurance program um and so it benefits Public Safety um there also is incentives um within the national blood insurance program that we talk about um and then again uh we're here to try to provide information so that you're aware of the programs um requirements as you know questions or or concerns may be raised with you as well sorry it was a delay and now I'm too glad to question is there really way that we could put this on the overhead screen so people can follow along with you there it's up there it's just that screen is not working but all the material is in your handouts so you have the um one so I know we're on visual before so if you open up the page all the way it'll tell you the very top of the page um which one it is I apologize because this is laid out differently than the PowerPoint but if you will as you go along through the can you kind of tell us where you are I mean we'll follow along but kind of tell us so why don't we do this real quick um just some things that may help right and so um so some of the screens will be like this so when we change topics there will be an introductory here and then sorry I'm going the wrong direction I apologize is that I'm not seeing a screen yeah you're not seeing the screen at all you're right um I apologize for that they can see your hand so we're now currently on what would be topic one slide number three um which was just introduction and um a welcome and um thought about this being embedded here and we're going to see if there um if the video will work this is for e for [Music] [Music] for for e sh so in the participant handout um there are some push backs that kind of go along with this video um I'm apologize that you couldn't see it but I'm glad you have the actual transcript to follow along with it um this is really just a really quick recap of the differences from that video of related to foodville which is not a participating community and then Oakvale which is a participating community and then F and have some higher standards and so this is visual number five um if yall are following along in the paper then 13 is the [Applause] page so here's the goals um and our objective today is really trying to um give the local officials more information about the nfip also talk about how um some of the decisions that are made have um impact on response and recover for future disasters um also kind of talking about a little bit about the flooded plane management ordinances and then also we'll talk a little bit about um the benefits of the higher standard including participating in CRS um so according to our records the county is participating in CRS is a class n is correct yes just want to make sure I have the right [Music] information so we're moving on to topic number two which is basically a quick overview of the nfip itself um and so as I mentioned the nfip is actually the national flood insurance program and so the program kind of has two parts um that we basically from my perspective there's a third one we'll talk about when we get to the three leg get still in a minute but we have flood insurance we also have flood plane management regulations and they kind of go hand inand um if you join the program um you get insurance available to you but you have the responsibility to adopt and enforce uh regulations and that's what we're going to kind of move into here um so we're going to talk about a few things that uh board can be aware of that does ultimately end up in support of the the program and the the flood Lane administrators or other people that are actually administering the program on the community behalf um so here we're talking about you know what are the RIS in your community um from flooding and um so I'm assuming um based on the last year year and a half you pretty much are aware of where the The Surge zones are in those type of areas that are subject to flooding um just because of the two most recent events um but are there other portions of the county that are subject to flooding um through like you know major rain events or things like that that you might be aware of um so it's really thinking about any place that it can rain it can flood um if you think about every time there's an event out people will say well I was told I don't live in a flood zone um and so there's a lot of misunderstanding about what the flood risk is everywhere so really our method at this point really is to try to just let people be aware where it rains it can flood um and so we know that it builds up in a lot of places sometimes unexpected places so we're talking here about the um un visual four um sm9 sm19 um just some of the impacts from flooding as well as um if the flood plane is mismanaged um there could be some liability um to the community or the uh the individuals administering the program uh there's as you know there's disruption um when there is a surge or or something like that with um the Hurricanes disruption to um you know just normal life right impacts People's Health the the safety and Welfare of the citizens um and there also could be damage in critical facilities such as hospitals fire stations that type of thing so um the next slide what we're talking about is the actual National Flint insurance program so it was started on October 1st of 1968 um a lot of the regulations that you see on the books today have been around since 1968 there have been some minor changes in additions and clarifications along the way um but for the most part um most these regulations have been around that long the goal was to reduce flood risk and damages also to provide flood insurance because the private Market at that time was not doing such and so there was an avoid that over a number of decades uh they they decided at the federal level they would create the national flood insurance program to offer flood insurance um both to people who were in special flood Hazard areas as well as outside of special flood Hazard areas as long as that Community joined the National flood insurance program um and also um one of the other goals was to try to reduce um our cost for um Disaster Assistance so one of the things that um a lot of people are may not be aware of is we've got on the left side here on this slide that information about flood insurance right so in this um I just want to caveat everything we're talking about here when we talk about insurance is only the policies there is sold administered through the national flood insurance program there is a private Market we don't have any information on that because it's just like where you go to buy your home owners or your car insurance it is separate from the national flood insurance program and so that's what the information on the left is about right so that's an average claim payment uh for flood insurance um that's 75,000 there um you know it's a payout on a policy that you've been paying a premium on so there's no actual you don't have to repay it it's not like a loan or anything um and the other thing is we don't cancel policies based on loss history um if you fail to make your premium or if you are subject to a few very limited um categories um those are the only reasons why you wouldn't be able to get a policy with us loss history is not one of them we don't stop selling them like homeowners does When A hurricane's out in the go or something um as long as we're authorized by the by Congress um we're selling policies on the right side you see this is talking about individual assistance that is offered with presidential declarations um and the these are grants that are given out um based on your loss and your um eligibility for the program and you'll see over there that the average payout is around $4,000 um these numbers may be a little bit behind because we um have increased our payout um in individual assistants recently what uh eligible is um but this is kind of over probably about the last five or six years the averages so here are some of the benefits of participating in FIP as I mentioned availability of the flood insurance um it also makes development safer and more disaster resistant um it opens up the opportunity for Grants and Loans um and then just faster recovery so as I mentioned earlier a three-legged stool so this is an example of of what that looks like and the goal here is to kind of tell you the foundation pieces within the national flood insurance program so if you take one of these away if you had three leged so you take the leg WS it's not going to support itself right it's going to fall over so it takes all three of these um so when we talk about know the risk that's when we're talking about the flood insurance maps that type of information you need to know what that risk is when we talk about managing the risk what we're talking about is um things such as the flood plane management regulations um and then the permitting process and things that associated with that and then ensuring the risk is just that it's it's the insurance side of the program so we're going to talk about um the responsibilities at the various levels and so we're going to start with the federal level um so it's page number s25 um I apologize I do not have that in my version of the book is different pages um so yeah I appreciate the help thank you um and so at the federal level our requirements are to produce the flood m so when we talk about that what we're talking about the flood insurance rate Maps as well as the flood insurance studies um we also oversee the mitigation planning um and provide technical assistance uh we set the minimum flow plan management standards those are actually in the code of federal regulations um offer the flood insurance availability uh we also come in um and if you're a participating Community um you get the availability of disas assistance across the board in areas that are both in the high-risk special flood Hazard areas as well as outside um otherwise if you're not participating it's very limited in those special flood Hazard areas um but we also come in to monitor communities um in the past you may have heard the term community Assistance visit um we are moving into an audit system that we will call an audit but um we're about a year a little over a year out from that change but that will be what it's called um starting in 20 mid 2026 so we also have the state as part of the program um and so they work along with FEMA but they're kind of um also closer to the field right they're embedded in your state they're here to support the local communities they're much closer being in Tallahassee than we are in inlanta and can get out um in a lot of cases a little more um easily than we can um but also the state provides the land use Authority that grants the communities the authority to Grant these regular uh to adopt the regulations the state also has the authority to set the higher standards um the staff that the the FL plan management office um in Tallahasse is able to also provide technical assistance um and like I said they they work with us both in the mapping side and the FL management side um and then here's the community responsibilities and so we're now to SM 27 um and so as I mentioned the local committee is going to adopt FL management ordinance it has to meet or exceed both the nfip's minimum standard and whatever the state sets it can exceed those but they have to meet the minimum of both of those as part of that process the community has to appoint a flood plane administrator um and we look to make sure that that person receives the necessary training and resources to fulfill the duties of that role um also they're going to oversee the the FL plan management ordinance and review development criteria uh sorry proposed development against those those criteria and the ordinance um and also complete some stal damage determinations um so we're not going to get into in depth related to that but basically if the structure is damaged and it's in the special flood Hazard area an assessment needs to be done to that structure to determine whether it's substanti or not um and also to to go in and um evaluate the flood risk and so they can um hopefully adopt either higher standards or uh look into things that might mitigate those those risks as well so some of the consequences for nfip non-compliance and so we kind of have two levels um that are mentioned here there is actually is a third I'll mention that briefly as well so with this the first level of sanctions would be probation so if we have a community that we find that is non-compliant they have a non-compliant program um and we worked with them and we can't bring in you know confirm that they've brought it into compliance we might put a community on probation what that means is they're still participating in the National flood insurance program but every policy holder is going to get a s charge of $50 added to their policy they will be notified of that in advance um notifying them that the community is not in compliance um and so we will work with the community while it's on probation uh because our goal is to keep these communities within the program but also to make sure the communities um are you know looking at the risk and and having uh programs that help mitigate that if a community um either has a non-compliant flood plane management ordinance or we work with somebody who's on probation and we're not able to address those issues and bring the program into compliance a community can be suspended from the national flood insurance program if a community is suspended these are the the um resulting uh things that can happen there will be no additional policies sold and no policies will be renewed through the nfip and as I mentioned there's certain federal um assistance that's um available in the special flood Hazard area when you're participating that is not offered when you're nonparticipating um it also can affect Grant if you'd like to make a call please hang up and try again if you need help hang up and dial your [Music] operator here please okay so on page sm29 um you've got that activity that says what is the purpose of the FIP um and so this is your opportunity um within the to privately write down you know what your priorities are as a local official L muted line unmuted not a problem I thought I was doing something um and also you know to look at the benefits of the national flood insurance program um with your community and then kind of see where those kind of work tandem um and so this is something that um you're able to do you know after the workshop if you want to come back and take a look at it um but these are just kind of things to think about as we're going through um the rest of the the the units so here's just a real quick recap of what we talked about here focusing on that three-legged stool and the component and a big piece that um a lot of people are unaware is the the actual responsibility uh between the the local the state and the the federal levels of the [Applause] program so we're moving on to topic number three sm32 page sm32 and so we'll touch base a little bit about just the commun budget choices and how it may have impacts on uh you know the future uh response and Recovery um and for future disasters so first thing here talking about the responsibilities for the FL administrator um so we're talking about they're going to be reviewing um both proposed and completed development uh for compliance you know issue um and review for permits uh also maintained records of all the the permit activities and other actions you to development in the special blood Hazard area and then also work with other community um Community Department if you'd like to make a call please hang up and try again if you need help hang up we pleased to everybody's information about this Stu here you are now Lily uh our some of our lines we be calling long distance and it just automatically cut off in town it was very disturbing you know we right in the middle of a conversation and it just went bang it happened at our office and it happened at the clerk's office sorry about that so this is a continuation of just an example of some of the responsibilities um you know completing the substantial damage assessments um working with other public and and private Partners within um you know could be local state or federal agencies uh taking enforcement action when development is non-compliance that we stress that you know to make Fair consistent um decisions as well [Music] so can folks listen they just can't okay so the only way they can listen theost um but they can listen on Facebook live [Music] we please you are now a host um and so this this slide is really just to kind of um think broader about the club plan administrator and some of the the ways they may need support um you know there's training is always invaluable um but attending um conferences and membership that type of thing can be beneficial um here in the State of Florida you have the Florida flan Managers Association that has an annual conference that has um a lot of training and education um components are related to that Conference during the day and then um there's things such as training available through FMA um both we bring it to the state periodically but also we have a training facility up in imburg Maryland called the Emergency Management Institute um that is another resource for for training related to flood plan management so some of the benefits um from supporting the administrator and the program is um you're going to protect have additional protection from the hazards and potential legal action um less chance of having any of those enforcement actions taken um against the community um and then the benefits to the residents and economic um you'll see there you know enhanced Public Safety the savings on the insurance policy having a much stronger housing stock and then you'll just have a different recovery um because if you have less structures impacted in future events L people's lives are impacted so um you can see um people getting back to to normal lives a little bit sooner so here's some additional um benefits as well in which one sn38 sn38 and so here's some of the other consequences of possibly not supporting that position um and so you're potentially going to see increased um this is what we would be focusing on really is that increased number of violations if we were to come in and uh conduct one of the commun visits audits one of the things we're looking for um during the visit is the the recent development to see if it looks like it's compliant and checking the permit records and that type of thing um to just ensure that the community is um enforcing the regulations that they have adopted so again here's the consequences as we mentioned both the sanctions related to pration and suspension um so here's an example of um just some information about the national flood insurance program and what we've paid out over the years um between 1980 and 2022 um and this is Nationwide um and you'll see the number of claims being over uh that doing the math 1 .8 million um claims that were paid out during that time frame um so he's a great numberers to know about nationally right but you probably want to go but what about unincorporated Taylor County so while Taylor County's participa in the National flood insurance program there have been 800 sorry 685 claims that have been paid out in unincorporate Taylor County um with a total payout of $26.5 million since they joined the program and I can get you the the date I it's in my backpack back there sorry um and so we've got another activity here and again this is something that you can take away with you um but it's it's other things to just kind of think about as as you're you know considering the national flood insurance program and the flood plan administrator and the benefits of the program so Community as a whole um so here's just a quick summary of what we covered um and we can move on to topic number four that's M45 so this isn't the enforcement unit um and so what we'll talk about is just the importance of enforcing the f management regulations um theal adopted so here's just some information related to the the benefits of the program um and also um what you see is on the left side on this slide um is that buildings that are built to meet or exceed the minimum flood plan management standards incur about 65% less and flood damage in structures that are that are not elevated uh to meet those minimum stand standards um on the right side what you're going to see in that very first blue bar that goes across um I apologize it's the first bar because I don't think yours is in color um but where it's talked about the 70% and at the top it's got those years 2017 to 2020 what it's telling us there is during the period of 2010 to 2020 70% of all the losses occurred in the last three years um so it just shows you proportionally it's near those last three years of that decade during that time period there have been um an increase in the events by more than 50% where the the cost of those damages have exceeded a million dollars um and then also you'll see that there's been uh 1.1 trillion um paid out in the flood and tropical disaster cost since 1980 so here's just some of the benefits of the flan management um it's really designed to protect life and property so we see it as um a form of Public Safety as well um it can as we've talked about reduce recovery and um time and the the cost to do such and um depending upon where your priorities are and and um what your regulations are it can to you know um protecting the economic and natural resources because some communities choose to adopt open space requirements and things as part of their flow plane Management program so your flow plan management ordinance um is most likely located Your Land Development code that's where most communities house it um the state has to Grant The Authority for the communities to adopt the regulations which they have um and those regulations while they're based off theod Federal Regulations they are actually adopted and enforced by the local community um so a lot of people refer to them as thema's regulations but they're actually the local communities regulations because it's in your codes that you've adopted um and agreed to enforce and you know the last bullet there is it really is designed to keep Community safe from flooding uh protect the infrastructure and then as we talked about a number of times right at this point uh reducing the cost of recovery both political resources state and federal so here's an example of some of the uh coordinations that might occur tied to the responsibility of the duties um depending on the size of the community it the duties may be spread out during uh across multiple departments it may be housed by one person in One Department each Community is individual and how they decide to manage their program um we have seen that um the positions be housed in a number of different departments and again it's based on the individual desires of that local community so here's just kind of an example of the rules in building codes and so in the State of Florida understand that this training was designed for a national delivery um and so we're aware of the incorporation of the FL management regulations into the Florida building code so it they kind of work hand inand um so things that don't aren't subject to the portab building code will be subject to some type of regulations through that local ordinance so they work in tandem um and then the building code also incorporates standards from as7 and asce 24 and so some of the minimum requirements of the the program are that um there's a requirement for a permit it doesn't necessarily have to be a building permit but some type of permit for all activity that takes place in the the special flood Hazard area um and so the special flood Hazard area and the flood plane are kind of synonymous but that um I try to stick with um the special flood Hazard area because that's what you'll see like the Zone AE ve that type of thing on your map when you're looking at the Flint insurance rate map um because some people will talk about I'm not in a flood zone I am but if you go look at the maps you're going to see a lot of areas that said Zone X and they're they are a Zone but it's a different risk associated with Zone X and if you go back into the definitions what it says it has a low to moderate risk of flooding where that AE and the ve has a high risk of flooding so it's a different differentiation between the two risk levels um they're also going to need to conduct inspections also take uh code enforcement actions if there is unpermitted work or non-compliant work identified um you may have structures that were built that have been you know modified after they've been the certificate of OCC occupancy has been issued and modifications to bring structures into non-compliance so they would be looking for that as well um and then in the post- disaster environment making sure they're doing assessments to the damage structures to determine what type of damage occurs if they're aware of that when the repairs come along and also ensuring that those repairs are permanent so when we start talking about um substantial improvements um on the the right side here which we're on sm53 um it is our death reference um and not that that is it's about 15 years old um but we are as we're working with the local communities providing additional guidance based on our experiences and what we've learned in the last 15 years because think about all the the different hurricanes that have happened we're talking you know super storm Sandy we're talking Irma hurricane Harvey we're talking a lot of big events that have happened as well as small ones and we're taking those Lessons Learned and we're sharing that information with the local communities as we we're working with them as well um so substantial Improvement and substantial damage kind of go hand in hand one is focused on the damage that occurs to the structure and it's damage from any origin a lot of people assume it's related to flood and flood only but it could be a house fire if that structure is in a special flood Hazard area it'll have to have an assessment done on it to determine if the structure is actually substantially damaged in substantial Improvement is really where somebody's trying to improve a house right let's say you buy it you want to do an addition to it whether it's a lateral vertical addition that type of thing or you want to remodel the kitchen that's when you're going to have the Improvement because it's not related to damage it's related to a decision they're making to improve the the structure itself here's the information about substantial damage um as I mentioned it's any cause um so there's just a few of those would sit there these determinations both for substantial and substantial damage are made by the local official they are not made by the state they are not made by FEMA there is no such thing as a FEMA 50% R there is this 50% threshold that if the cost to do the repairs to basically repair the structure to the condition it was in before the event or if the cost to the improvements that are proposed exceed 50% of the market value it's cross that threshold and it will then either be substantially damaged or substantially improved depending upon if it's based on damage or or the improvements to the house but these determinations are made by the local community official usually You're Building official or your blood plan administrator again that's determined by the local community in your ordinance but these these thresholds are in your local ordinance is part of your regulations and it's part of the definitions of these two terms substantial Improvement substantial damage that's where the the criteria for that threshold is listed um so you also have the responsibilities related to the compliance and oversight um as we mentioned you got you're going to be enforcing those lowl management regulations following up on violations um and then as you mention here at the bottom the responsibilities for female the state are to provide training and technical assistance also we conduct those we're saying Community audits here in the past been and then also fale would be the the party that's taken the enforcement actions um if any occur um and it again those are actually laid out in the code of code of federal regulations as well so um if Community is compliant with the the program then they're eligible for um the grant funding opportunities um they're really limited opportunities when a community is not in full compliance if they're suspended from the program and such um and so um that could affect um Public Assistance it could affect individual Assistance or um activities in development is located in special flood Hazard areas so this is just kind of um some things to think about in the enforcement um discussion we just had with that information and you know things we consider um related to the program U we see some communities were the flood plane administrator um we've seen him be the city clerk we've seen flood plane administrator the permit Clerk number of different responsibilities under for one person we do see some communi their sole responsibility is clly management so it varies and again it's always dependent upon what the the Community Resources and needs are and those decisions are made locally so here's just a quick summary of what we've covered and we're on not sure if that is sm58 is what we had um so we're going to move on to the next topic which is number [Music] five so we're actually going to cover a little bit about CRS um we know the community is participating a couple of these are about joining the CRS program but a good portion of this is about um the CRS uh participating in the CRS as well so we're going to talk about um things related to CRS which are usually based on higher standards and so if you think of the national flood insurance program and what we talked about with the flood plane management regulations and the minimum requirements that come out of the CFR the code of federal regulations those establish the minimum requirement that always have to be met within the program a community can choose to adopt higher standards so we know all the communities in the State of Florida through the Florida building code has a higher standard at least one foot of freeboard because that comes with a Florida building pood so that's a higher standard as far as we're concerned because our regulations say at to or above the base elevation Florida building code says at least one foot above the base foot elevation so that's a higher standard um and so with that um there's a number of activities that communities can choose because this is completely voluntary um you have to be compliant in the main part of the program to be eligible for CRS and then with CRS the higher standards the additional activities above the minimum standards are evaluated and points are granted for those activities and based on those points it dep it identifies your class so you have to have at least 501 points to get to a class nine and so if you want to um actually I think it's 500 at a th you get to class eight and so the more points you get the the lower the number goes it's a lot of people think it should go in the same and one goes up the other one comes down right so it gets it's inverse um the class itself dictates what that discount is so in a nine in class nine policy IES would be eligible for up to a 5% discount um not all policies are going to see that because there's two different ways they can be rated and if they're rated I'm just saying option one um which is a discounted rate they're eligible for and the premium is lower they may see a lower premium uh sorry a discount but if somebody's fully risk rated um on the other side which is option two for rating um they're going to see that 5% discount it'll show on their deck page of what that discount is um within their flood insurance policy but again you may see some that are not up full 5% but it's because they're getting a cheaper rate through another op uh rating opportunity we have and we're always going to give them the cheaper of the two um it's not something that um they would have to take action to get so here is just another breakdown um of those classes as I mentioned class n is that 5% you have one class two in the State of Florida we moved into that um category in April of last year where is that pelis County and so um and so here is um just a brief overview of some of the different type of activities uh that a community can choose to do in those higher standards um to get those those points and earn those discounts um so public information um we have the mapping Series so it's adopting higher standards relating to mapping and [Music] regulations we have the flood damage reduction so you know Drainage Systems also you may have um adopt repetitive loss analysis um repetitive loss is based off of um structures that have had uh repe uh more than two flood insurance claims Within 10 years that exceeded $1,000 each claim um some communities adopt those standards um and and related to that and then also um for warnings um whether it's Dam safety or emergency warning dissemination um in some cases there's action taken by the state on behalf of all of the communities and if that is um happening um we are aware of those and those points are automatically given to a community so there's nothing else they have to do if it's a state um run program that benefits all the local communities so here's just some information um if you're looking to join the the CRS but we know that you already are um but it's also even though the St prerequisites these are also the requirements to main uh to partic remain participating in the CRS they have to remain as compliant with those minimum standards um we have a lot of communities that tend to focus on those higher standards we see CRS and they fail to remember that those minimum standards are a requirement they have to be met and if they're not they really aren't eligible for CRS and they could potentially be retrograded which means to basically remove them from the program and they can lose that discount um and along with that um one of the things um really didn't I think it was on it maintaining records is the key of this program as well um I will tell you one of my responsibilities um in the region is to work with properties that are identified as a potential violation and so I've actually had cases where the structuring question was built in the 70s and I've had to reach out to the community officials where they're out in a warehouse climbing through boxes trying to find those old permit records and so they have to be kept in perpetuity and that is also not only the nfip but it also is in the retention records sorry records retention policy in the State of Florida that these are permanent records when they're tied to um development and ESP special area um if they were joining these are the other two steps um but since you're already a member um kind of irrelevant um SM 67 um and so as a participant in the CRS there are two different things that happen um to maintain your class one is there's an annual recertification that happens and so there's certain activities and documentation that have to be done on an annual basis and then there's a complete re-evaluation done with communities at a class n it would be done approximately every five years and what they do is they just come in and take a look at all the activities that you've been doing in the past confirm that you're still doing those but it's also an opportunity to add any new activities and to see if there is eligible credit available for those activities um so that is done through um our contractor that um Insurance Services office um and there are CRS Specialists that come out on our behalf um to do those um evaluations so some other things that are similar to CRS um you probably are familiar with BS and also with the the fire uh Department ratings um so it's very similar um and it was actually built off um some of this information from these other programs as well um we didn't reinvent the wheel here we kind of took advantage of some existing programs and and build our own um the CRS was started around 1991 um and we do have a number of communities in the State of Florida that participate um proportionately if you start looking at the percentage there are more communities in the State of Florida than any other uh any other state and you can add States across the country and and Florida still tops everybody um this is um as of April of 2023 U so it kind of just shows you where the breakdown is with the the categories with the classes as well as the number of communities that were e at each of those classes um and it shows you the dots um Across the Nation that represent those those communities as well so we talked about um you know it's based on higher standards and so these are just some of the benefits of higher standards um we talked about the discount um but not only is there a discount because of CRS class but if somebody's building higher because of the the freeboard requirements they're also experiencing a lower premium because their risk is lower because they're further away from what the height of that water would be in that flood event um and so it's kind of You' SE the benefit on both sides so these are just kind some examples of higher standards um this is not all inclusive by any means most common we see is freeboard um some communities prohibit fill or restrict fill within the flood plane uh some are due the open space preservation um and then the one on the left uh bottom left that no rise requirements for an entire flood plane is a little more complicated it requires engineering and such but it is something that require our commonly seeing throughout communities um that are in the higher CL um I hate to say the higher classes right but the ones closer to the class two three and four um so there are um some recommendations if communities are interested um in higher standards related to substantial improvements um and so you can do some different things here and it gives you the uh the details of what that actually would be um on the right side of that slide um so really what we um what we're finding there's a number of case studies um related to um excuse me uh mitigation and such and so when it's talking about the leftand creek uh flood project um saved Longmont Colorado an estimated $22 million what that is is Longmont Colorado is a community of about 90,000 residents in 2012 the community improved the creek Channel design and updated bridge culs and removed 110 structures the mayor said that without that project a thousand more homes would have have flooded in their 2013 flood that occurred in their community so it's just one example of higher standard um being used to to save money there are a number of resources related to CRS um those are listed here um those brochures case studies that type of thing also the CRS manual um and the app pendium to that are both available on the the website there um so you know start thinking about doing additional higher scers this is just a list to to consider here of of things that you may not already be doing um but it it just gives you kind of a few things to to think about and then a quick right here as [Applause] well now into topic number six which is really just to recap um the units that we've just covered um sm78 um so we've talked about the benefits of the participation in and um the nfip talked a number of times about just having faster um recovery and and U Less damage F events the key benefit with management um you know keeping both residents and and structure safe reducing flood R uh some of the benefits um that are obtained through um support of the FL administrator is they're enforcing the regulations with the Community has adopted on their behalf um some of the benefits of the higher standards um those photos there or the the um the commission those were that's an image actually out of the video you did not get to see um but we can give you link if you have an interest in seeing that video it's available out on YouTube um and we can we can make that ail to you want to um go back and take a look at it um so these are additional resources um about the national flood insurance program um we have the the female website um I'll be honest with you if I was looking for something which I have to occasionally I'm out on Google and I just say FEMA and then whatever I'm looking for and I can usually find it there easier than going to the the actual website and trying to search for it on my own um because the website I'll be honest is really geared towards the landing page is geared towards disasters um because it's we have a number of different programs within the agency a lot of people um don't realize the national flood insurance program is its actual separate program but it's held within but we also have you know the Disaster Response and the other components that we have within the agency so it's fairly Broad and what we do so that's why it may be easier to find the information do another search engine within our website because there's just a wealth of information out there and you're trying to to find the right page there are resources for flood plan management um and local officials uh both through um our website the State website as well as the association of State FL plan managers which is the National Association and then the Florida FL Managers Association is a state chapter U they have a website as well um and resources at all those locations floodsmart.gov is a great um Outreach that we have related to insurance if somebody was to call and say hey I'm trying to buy flood insurance where can I go they can actually go on this website and there's a way to find a company it's going to be like a national company it's going to be the toll-free number um to get in contact it's not going to be like a local agent but if you're you know within can't figure out any other resource this is something that's available [Music] there but it all also has a lot of other resources available to local community officials insurance agents citizens that type of stuff um so we we direct people there quite often for some general information there is the map service center that is our online repository of the flood insurance rate Maps the flood insurance studies and then like letters of map change it also would house if you were having um Maps coming down the line like preliminary Maps um it also host excuse me um host historical documents as well so if I'm looking for you know the firm let's say you had one from 1985 um I can probably go out there on the website and find that that actual document if we need it for some type of work we talked about the national flood insurance CRS um there is as I mentioned you have officials available to to both State and FEA to assist at any time and then there is a new elected officials um flood guide there's a link to that um I know it's you can't click on it on that version of the of the manual but um it is available through the national flood insurance program sorry through the association of State flood plane managers it's out there on their website um but it is another great resource um for Community officials to go get some the same information may be presented in a different way and sometimes people need to see it differently may we done it so we find it um invaluable to have it presented in a couple different ways just to kind of answer questions people may may not have been able to to get answered the first time they present or presented and so this is just really a summary kind of what we've talked about um through go different units so that's all we have prepared with [Music] direction from the the commission how to [Music] proceed mostly the calls that I get right now and for a year or so have been about debris that still and about the FEMA issues and I just made some notes of of some things that I've heard from people um and I I get it about the state regulations and all that I I was paying close attention to that um but it it from what I'm hearing from most people is that they feel that the building regulations appear to be over the top now I know that that's not determined by y'all but that's the complaints like for instance on our Coastline when they're wanting you to put your electrical service for a camp of 17 ft in the air to most people that's that sounds seems ridiculous um but then as I look at all the complaints and from what you said here if you don't come apply then there's a lot of things that can happen a lot of adverse things that can happen um so I guess when you're thinking about the regulations that seem to be over the top what we would need to do then would be to I guess Lobby our own State Legislature and and see if something could be changed there because I have to agree some of the things that's required I think it's too much too you know um so if if you going down you know considering that um what I would just recommend is look at the level of where those regulations are coming from because if the requirements are from the federal requirements let's say it's the minimum requirements for the national blood insurance program the state can't override that through the state legislature so just look at the source of the regulation and that's where I would uh Direct my attention if I was trying to so what you're saying then is that there are a set of federal regulations and then there's state regulations and then there's local right that doesn't sound too promising so you have the Florida building code which is from the state and you have the nfip regulations which is from the federal and then the locals are adopting a combination of those now another thing that I'm hearing people say is that um the victims of the California fire will be helped whether they have insurance or not is that true so you're you're talking of flood event here in Florida you're talking a fire event there but I mean still it's still Federal so what so if you look at the other parts of thema as I mentioned there's a lot of other parts of thema right so we have the Public Assistance Department group we have individual assistants and so when you had um I delate here and you have the disaster recovery centers available that you go in and apply if they come apply for fale rights and you as a property owner or resident um or a renter when applied for assistance for yourself personally that is called individual assistance when we start talking about things like Dee management and we start talking about repairing to public facilities let's say this building had been damaged it's owned and operated by the county correct yes so it would fall under public assistence if it had damag and so those programs if there's a Pres a presidentially declared disaster there was a a request from the state for that for the Declaration um if both programs are approved because they both have they're independent they're two separate programs they make the state makes a request for both public assistance and individual assistant if they believe they've met the requirements for such because the first thing to remember is all disasters start locally and end locally so if the local resources are Tapped Out out then the state resources are tapped out that's when it comes to the federal to come in and assist to fill in those those missing pieces those programs are available to every Community within the country everywhere in the United States and territories um if they meet those thresholds for the Declaration um so that doesn't quite answer the the comment but I just wanted to make that clear that it's not based on the type of event it's the level of damage and it is a natural disaster one of the other types of um events that we actually cover under our the Stafford act and so the Stafford act applies to everybody so so while I've got you right now there's other things that people are asking so is it okay um people are complaining about all the red tape that you have to go through for an SBA loan uh there's multiple loan officers there's a poor followup um on the process they don't call you back takes a long time and then uh I know there are people that have applied for a business loan and even though it was approved they never got payment for it so H how do we how do we address those kind of things so the small business Administration is a separate Federal agency um the best advice I can give you um is to go on to the website look for the SBA disaster web page and it has their contact information um I know that I've seen a phone number on that web page there may be an email address um but my IGA friend in the back of the room do you have any other suggestions related to concerns about SBA that you can share I think you kind of hit it on the head that's a separate entity um so you would contact them directly um they're um sort of like FEA in that you must apply and you get you a registration number as well so if you've done that during and they have a exploration period as well but they're still um open uh for extenuating circumstance ances if those deadlines have uh expired so the best answer for that is you have to contact SBA directly so are there any um drc's or other centers such as that in this general area I think there are some drc's uh still open in some of the surrounding areas I know a little further south um I would ask if you want to put your name and email down we can send you out more information um you uh can get my information from Miss pimberton um and then we can kind of work with you um one onone if you're having those particular issues one more question for those people that the payout is not adequate to fix their home can you clarify what payout so what what is the source of the payout I mean the question was that the the the payout is not adequate it's not enough to cover their own home so right so what I guess really what I'm trying to get to is so if it's individual assistance througha we were on the earlier slide we talked about like the average assistance is only $4,000 and so right so Disaster Assistance is not designed to make anybody whole it is that is not its intent it is really for immediate needs and there is some additional funding that would help with some like temporary Pairs and minor things related to that now if you have a flood insurance policy and that's what we're talking about is the payout on the flood insurance policy and they've not exceeded their maximum policy coverage then I would direct them to back to their insurance adjuster and have a conversation about the fact that there may be more damages than what was previously identified um and so not knowing where the pale's coming from it's hard to give very specific Direction those are the two that I can think of off the top of the hand um but a lot of people just don't understand that when we come in and offer individual assistance is not designed to make people whole repair their their structure um that's what homeowners insurance and flood insurance is designed to cover those greater needs associated with the damage that's occurred thank you you're welcome any other question I would just I do have a question and you really honed in on our ordinance our ordinance has drived a lot of this but our ordinance has set in place a line in order for us to to receive the the the insurance funding from the N nfip through the N being a member of the nfip that our ordinance is set up in align with the nfip under the Florida building code that if it's not in place for our folks to follow these rules then we are subject to being banned from the nfip so you be depending upon what the issue is and how it's identified you'd be subject to enforcement actions um if you have a non-compliant ordinance itself and identified um and we have confirmed that it's non-compliant um a community could be suspended fairly quickly for that um if we're aware that a community is making an ordinance change and I can tell you we've got one right now that we're having this conversation with them they're fine today if they move forward with what they're proposing they will not be compliant and so we're usually in the you're unique in the State of Florida that um there's an office D this their um at the state you they ask you if you're proposing a change to your flood plane ordinance that you work with the state and their contractor and you provide a copy of that proposed ordinance to the state at least 30 days before you plan to introduce it to the first public hearing because that gives them time to review it and make sure that what you're proposing to do does not make it non compliant and if it is they're going to have a conversation with you as quick as possible to make you aware that that would bring your ordinance out of compliance and so we do try to have those off if we're aware of it but if you take actions separate from notification to the state and we become aware of it um like I said it is a it's a very short period that we um within the regulations that allow us to Su program which is which is fully kicking you out so you're not in the CRS you're not in the National flood insurance program and so all of those policies when they come up for Renewal could not be renewed and no new policies could be PCH purchased what you're saying is is not probationary period is suspension totally correct yes so go back to commissioner Figo she had mentioned some of the issues and and the concerns that she questions that she gets I get a lot of the same with these you know folks have you total Destruction you have to go rebuild whether they go 17t or have to go 25t in air that's probably not as big of a deal as far as the structure but having to elevate the the meter the electric meter to the base flood elevation either that could be that could be 20t but not when they especially when our power comes our liquor companies only really their requirement is but so when these get but you we can't just stick it up on a pole some these guys can't sck get up on a pole somewhere because without some big Taj Mall structure buil up to it stairs so that the power company can get up to it and do what they need to do so wasn't wasn't the logic and it's not just uh RV parks I mean I'm talking homes you folks indid home having to put this Elevate this with I you go down beaches in that c you already see people with staircases because they're just trying to rebuild and it's just Lut so the requirement this talking about is coming out of Florida building code it's not from the national FL insurance program so I'm not able to answer any questions about that so that is from our state representatives so it's add your Florida building code Linda did you want to add anything to that um we're looking into some of things to assist but for right now it's going to have to be the Florida building code which is BF plus one foot my question is one of our companies don't require so just they are just head high f with them but what is our logic do this let say you got RV Park camps some of them might have to have multiple of these things I mean I I totally understand the situation y'all are facing I really do um I go around the campgrounds all the time and you know the power pole isn't J high but from the Florida building code and the nfip currently right now it's BF plus one foot so let's table it for right now and we'll do some more research but right now that's that's what is required you've been tbling it for four months and but may I just say something insurance no but how is it safe how is that safe may I asked you that how does that save and we don't get insurance yeah like we don't get insurance we have RV liability insurance so I I'm like the the county adopts it right so they can decide what what they're going to put in but how can we get with you and you and decide what regulations would be more feasible for us instead of going 17 and 18 feet in the air I mean we there's only a couple businesses down there you know we're losing money and the Count's losing money state to yeah you say table it until you can do more research but who who is I mean we've done it and we've got an answer and it was given to to um what's your name L yeah Lea I'm sorry so I mean she has the information if she wants to share it what's the answer the answer what's the difference between a 100 amp service and a 200 amp service being Cuz 100 amp service is allowed to be on the ground what's the difference between 100 amp 100 going to kill you just as fast as 200 amp to be it's not supposed to be there either meter right so you're in the same boat who would be able who would be able to further discuss these questions I these questions are going to go on until we do get something solid because right I agree I mean I I don't know I've got I've got the email hold on second if I me we need to talk to the people that going to make the decision here May um so we we are aware of the challenges the issues and the concerns and we're working with the state to facilitate a meeting just for you for you to we want to bring all of the people who have the answer to those questions uh we want to make it where you can voice your individual concerns because all of you may have different concerns but we want to make sure that the people that can answer the questions are in the room and so uh we worked hard to try to have that date for you today but we're still working with the state because they're also trying to introduce some other um uh uh I won't steal their Thunder but they have some things in place that they're they want to uh bring before the public so uh I I I won't say we're going to table it I will say we're going to give you your own venue so that we can bring those smmes in um with structural questions engineering questions flood questions and um we hoping to do that in the next two weeks in the meantime could we go back to work and then and then comply give us a year or two to comply we're sitting here we're paying we're paying our util we're paying our bills and we can't get I mean we just we gave our County we just paid our County $25,000 in taxes and we can't go back to work I can't go back to work that's not fair it is not fair and we thought today wish now what have kept my money I wish i' have kept my money in my pocket well what we should have done was do what other people did is go back in and fix our meters and then get power would have been here we would have been here I would went over to the to the building department and asked for permission to put my I could have went back just like other people there A lot of them just put your box back and TR County hook the power the purpose of this meeting of this Workshop so that um we can all have a broader picture of those consequences some people may not have been aware of certain things when they put forth things we understand that but again I tell you I'm going to work as hard as I can to get you a meeting your own I'm going to try to make it a week one week within a week because that's what we thought this was that's why everybody's here we appreciate the flood stuff we know that we only get 5% that's not even a lot you know they're not even in compliance with anything but today we thought we were coming here to discuss regulations just I understand I saw business or the people get back into their home I saw the article and so I um when we originally scheduled this it was a workshop just for the board so when I did see the article we did anticipate that people would come and want questions so I wanted to have that meeting uh already scheduled for you so you can leave here knowing so I'm going to work to give you a meeting within this within a week so that we can bring more SM in over a broad range of topics you got well I just want to say to spiritan that I I feel pain and I feel your frustration and when and and you're you're right when you're not making money we're not making money and we're we're fixing going to some really tough times we already know that our revenue is is depleted and so for you you're not making money and so yeah it it needs to be changed it needs to be fixed it needs to be easier so I don't know step but I'm with you I mean I feel like it should be a fight with our commissioners and with you know maybe not a fight but we need to get together and say hey these regulations aren't working for us down here what can we get in place to help our community get back on track my thing is to spend the money that is going to be required for that and let me at least get back in business I didn't ask for that storm that storm didn't get a permit to tear down my dad and his he built one he built one eight months before our storm what was it 13 14 ft there it is gone you know what it's here hardly there wasn't a set of stairs left at that beach yeah so what's still on the ground is our our panels like ours got destroyed because unfortunately our neighbors houses they went into them you know things like that happened but we are an open piece of property we don't get flood insurance we don't even get to get your discount CU we have nothing there to ensure and then another thing but we should have a variance for us to go back to into business but we should not have to do 18 ft in the air because that's a liability for us that's people going to want to climb those stairs kids are going to want to climb them and then when they go we have to replace them well how do elderly even climb those stairs they're going to have to call somebody just just to flip a break so that's why I thought this meeting was to help us try to get some answers and try to work together to see what regulations would work for us I don't even know if you visited our Coast I mean I know you're very busy but you know do they come out and do they look at the areas and say oh okay this is what we have here I mean to to clutter our community with those stairs looks ridiculous it's an eyesore you know they're talking about property values you know being lower due to this and that well that's been a lower property value as well so I mean we were looking for answers that we can try to get help go to work you guys are going to have any answers or not how soon can you facilitate such meeting I've set the goal to try to have you something within a week we've been working on it so we're very close to it we just want to make sure that we have all the available subject matter experts to be in attendance and also it's not just to take the questions it's also to provide some resources because we know these regulations and everything uh can be financially challenging so the state has uh programs uh we want to bring in other agencies that may be able to provide some assistance so we're just trying to bring as many people to the table so we can answer your questions and have some answers for you you facilitate that the most definitely yes sir I got two things one we need to continue to postpone the any fees on permitting I mean until we get our answers until we can get into compliance we we should be granted that amount of time as far as the meters are concerned every one of them is a smart meter they don't climb up there to read The Meters anymore it's all done with digital what is the purpose of it being that high we me and my wife on Spring Warrior fish camp we literally had 20 foot of water at our camp this would have done nothing to stop that I dare you we had 4 and2 foot Hurricane Helen we had 20 foot of water underneath our lodge so these new regulations that they're putting out aren't going to solve anything so I don't I don't understand the the concept of it it's keeping us from being able to go back into business put money back into our community and we did pay more on our permits the other day we permit and we we were charged even more so you know that wasn't fair to us either did the permits was that was that made public that they were going to go up $100 and something doll per go 100 amp service wasn't it used wasn't it 104 and it now two 256 what my that's what my electricity I what I was wondering if I was charged what my electrician just gave me a bill for the permit amounts have not changed now the waiver is what changed and that stopped the end of year end of December got a bill said the perit were 256 for why should we have to buy the we don't even know what we're going to get per for I mean answer to his question the permit the permit amounts have not changed so for a residential permit a residential electric permit that's 104 but for the RV hookup whether it's 600 or 200 it's 25625 now I just I'm curious though because mine was less than 50% destroyed again and so I wasn't able to just replace the guts in it like I've seen I've seen so many of them I just I don't understand why you know I got two on my property and I was denied permits they were less than 50% destroyed but I can't you know I just I don't know love to know why why am I denied permits because I look for the exception Mr Bobby [Music] why wow so as far as the permits I I was informed I called uh last week to get some permits for Day stuff like that and they said that this that the waiver has been it out like December 31st is that true now all the ones that you could get for free you you have to pay for is that right okay don't apartment but thing is I mean but like on my my I had three houses on my LS I don't have an excavator I don't have a skid steer we had to move all that stuff by hand and now I'm just getting now ready to start rebuilding I still don't have a set uh I mean I've got they don't have the tank they're on back order they've been trying to get one for months okay I can't even go down there to work so I'm getting close call for permits and then I find out that the permits I've got to pay for them now which I don't understand I don't it seems like there should have been some type communication to the homeowners to when that was going to be I mean I didn't get any letters in the mail I'm not on Facebook um I mean I want to know how that was communicated and why they decided you know when it's still a disaster area down there that all of a sudden I've got about perit from what the storm tore up we did communicate that would be in the local I'm not local I mean my check's still good in the tax office don't disrespect ifty here if you live in M if you live in M Georgia not going to post it in M Georgia's local newspaper what going to his question how does it justify us still having to pay for permits when we don't even know the regulations yet and it's still storm damage and it's still related to us we're still doing cleanup exactly so whether you live local or you live you know out of out of the area why should we be penalized if it's still storm damage related and granted now if it's new build bu new construction I got no problems with that but if it's legitimately storm related why should we as as a community have to pay for that on top of everything else that we're going through do have a fair question okay so you know we've been discussing this for a long time and we're still here with the same issues and so I think it's incumbent upon us we're supposed to be the leaders of the county I think that there's a lot of things that don't make sense like for instance the power companies they don't care how high these meters are but yet you've got other entities so here's what we need to do if we have to hire a lobbyist or whatever we have to do we need to be actively pursuing something that these people can get back into business and people can build their homes that they want to build and their pole barns us sitting here and talking about it come back and talk about it and this and that the other it's not getting it there's no results so if it means hiring a lobbyist let's do that these people deserve answers and they deserve to get back to business how can we afford a Lobby I understand what you mean with the lobbyist but we have state representatives that we every that that's our lobbyist because when I called him to talk to him about some issues going on down there I suggested that I talked to the County Administrator so that told me don't call me talk to her that was our representative so that whatever he's doing or not doing or whoever is not getting done it's not getting done these people need to go back to work you guys permitted 100 aamp at ground level why can't we just permit everything and just letter it for now and then say hey when we get answers you may have to tear it down and build it up you know like if we can have a 100 amp service at ground level instead of 200 aamp all that is is a breaker like there's no difference in the power coming in at the top of the it's just a breaker why can't we why can't the County Commission say hey guys get back to work make money make the county money because we're broke in case people don't know like a third of our County budget last year came from the federal and state government let's not piss Mom and Dad off too bad like but at least per let him get back to work let Jared put his food truck at the front of the thing give him a power meter with the caveat that hey man we need to come back to you 2 months or 6 months and say this thing has to be 40 ft up on concrete but let him get back to work let him cook let's buy run out some Campground spots like let's do this thing money in for for the county I mean we we're losing you're losing Revenue just in the businesses in town going to wend Dixie going to Walmart going to the gas stations you know I mean this puts food in your pocket this puts food in our pocket you know we want to clean up the the beaches you know it's a destination I mean granted it's not like Panama City but people love it people love it there they want to come they want to scallop they want to fish we're a small community the regulations that are being put in place for this community don't work for us yes 1993 we lost our home we lost our business my brother and I were kids my mom and my brother swam out of our house up to safety so we understand that we had to go 19 ft air his house is 19 ft in the air he had an addition on the bottom because his family grew that was completely gone so we know that the 19 ft in the air worked but the meter cams to be 18 ft in the air and then you build stairs that are just going to go because every one of his stairs went and everybody else is on the beach went too you know so that's what we're saying like the regulations aren't fitting for us we just need to get together and say what will work for us as a community but but until we figure that out like yeah well it needs to be figured out exactly let can you give us like a year to comply you know get I put a master's thesis together quicker than this like so get back to work I can offer the requirement that you're talking about is in the Florida building code um it is not a female regulation it is probably based off a female regulation and other um research and things um but what might my understanding of what you're talking about is straight out of the Florida building right and we appreciate that being said would you hold our foot to the fire if our County Commissioners finally did something and make a decision and move forward with it you just be quiet about that how long do we have are we live on Facebook all we have to do is go ahead and push these things forward so the people can get back to what they're doing yeah cuz you said you don't have the code anyway right it's not your code it came from the so let us have time to ride it from there and you Commissioners do what we you guys do make a decision to move on with we've been kicking this can for what four months now 5 months now started before the stor everything and I was heing all of you guys didn't have a problem wasn't here we started fighting this thing and it got came from 100 amp or down to 100 amp service which is ridiculous and we should have never gotten this point and you Commissioners have set up there what have y'all done for it just keep pushing it down the road push them down the road we had this make decision and I promise you guys that we'll stand behind you when y'all make a decision we we damn sure ain't going to stand behind you when you don't do nothing I promise you that because wasted time take action don't Jamie is anybody in your commission or any probably the one have y'all been calling them and asking them I testified yesterday at the House of Representatives subcommittee on disasters and I that was one of the the topics that this is creating a hardship the elevation requirements and for electrical service and for homes was creating an issue and my concern was was that people would not be able to build back they their businesses cannot function so I I did yesterday drive to Tallahassee and explained it but in the meantime when I reach out to the state with flood planes the flood plane program they are I'm basically quoting 44 CFR and Flo building code to us and the concern that we have is if I think one of the requirements to stay compliant with the nfip is that we follow our our building codes correct so the portions of the building code that actually adopt the memory requirements F your building code is much broader than that we're only looking at what the minim requirement at the CFR is and we some of those requirements are part of the building code this particular piece that you're talking about with electrical is beyond the minimum it's something that's a higher standard that's been adopted in your Florida building code is my interest in um so we can't weigh in on it just because we need some subject matter experts here the difference of two 100 amp meters being put on the same pole in a 200 amp service if you if you drop down two 100 amps they're allowed to be at ground level one on either side of the pole now you're still at 200 amp Services it's it's a difference of a like you said difference of a breaker that's in the top of the main breaker should have do that we agree we shouldn't we absolutely agree with you have y'all ever seen a convenience store 17 ft in air in Florida just asking for a friend just needed down there how you it's not convenient is it if you got you want million doll homes down there why are they going to build million dollar homes when there's nothing to go to they have nothing there there's nothing there for them we can't even get our canals dredged I mean so if you go around other parts of the state you will see things being elev convenience gas station elev don't inform that's what we get from that's what we get at every level so the Z I don't know I don't have guys come on let her talk she's trying let her your so the ve zone is a higher standard y'all experience this right you know that you've got a storm surge coming in and you have waves on top of that storm surge the standards are designed that that bottom of the horizontal crossmember is above where those waves are breaking because we want it to go under the structure and not damage it and so when you're talking about build building in the v zones it always is related to it's got to be elevated Above That Base foot elevation and for you got the additional foot and it's to protect the structure that's what this is all about is protect the structure home should be I think hom should be to businesses there is no differentiation in the be Zone everything that's build in a be Zone has those same elevation requirements so can you name one one conven store in Florida um I don't know I'm that's right I will be looking out for them I'm telling you now I see usually on the opposite side of the road personally we got an evacuation route right here we don't have a gas not even let's qualify okay putting a convenient store 20 ft in the air 17 ft in the air whatever versus putting it on a platform with trailers backed in that can be pulled out for a storm and the storm Wass right through and then put the trailers back in after the fact and you're' done that type of thing is an exception A variation to the code that should be addressed and should be included it's the practicality issues that say okay yeah you like filling back filling on an area if you've got a stream you don't want to backfill some areas and narrow down that stream but if you've got a a shoreline and you want a Back Field to raise your area you should be fine because actually you back field you're going to start that wave stopping motion instead of going a mile in Shore so there needs to be addressed smart engineered solutions that accept the fact that water may come in fine we know that we live here now let's deal with it let's not force everything up in the air let's give variations and exceptions that allow you to build things that you can move out and move right back in and you're back in business the next day with generators so our regulations currently don't differentiate between permanent and R and temporary so there all the regulations are going to apply um with it and that means it has to be permanently attached to a foundation to prevent flotation collapse and lateral movement which is totally different than what you're you're describing the current regulations don't allow for that um there are regulations related to recreational vehicles but that's the only type of temporary uses that we have regulations for currently this is so and I'm talking from the code of Regulation test get back the electrical boxes why is f even have anything to do with that I know it's Florida code but the homeowner has to buy that stuff anyway nobody nobody helped me go buy my power P nobody's helped anybody else buy theirs I mean yeah so why is it regulated in this oh I know you it's not you so Mr build but it's right so it's it's not FEMA that's saying right and so what the higher standard you're talking about is has nothing to do with thema it has to do with the Florida building code so the answers we're trying to get and we yeah that's why everybody's aggravated with it because I mean it's the same voltage coming down the pole just the meter cans different you still got 240 bolts coming down and that's everybody can't comprehend just like the power company told me when they come out inspecting my pole we got 480 bolts right there on the ground in that green box there's no reason to thousands of boxes Transformers on the ground tied to the power line under in the flood zone as stated by the power utility company thousands yeah you can't take the meter box down there in the ground those are high power the meter low power is and the power doesn't matter anyway they turn it off no they don't County said they wouldn't pull the meters anymore cuz it wasn't worth it they said they just replace them going to have some subject matter experts here in one week let's get them all here get them in a circle and let them point fingers at each other figure out who's telling the truth who's who's uh who's not these people they can't make a decision about power P maybe we have a deadline where it's like hey if we can get everybody here in two weeks great and if we can't then the county is going to make a decision to let people get back in business like so moving forward you off facil meeting with the right folks her name one week what's her name sorry folks with the state I am going to try my best but then next week well when are y'all going to be available would you like to hold when can you get them together would would we're fible facilitate next week I'm sure I mean we could do something in Perry I mean it like to have it in Perry where all the residents are oh yes oh no we would we would definitely want to have it here you might want to have a bigger facility because you're going to have more people sure that we could arrange yes school on tour him or something you know pton has offered some space when we get ready to you're bringing inmes what's the strategy from an discussion to a final answer action plan and when can it be manifest that's expert I mean we can't just talk to experts and okay we talk to experts Next Step what day what time we want it now right and that's what I'll I'll try I will do my best to facilitate along with getting the FEMA folks [Music] back so I'll do my best and tell them this is what issues are and we need answers we need Solutions we don't Sol resol have back what I'll take back to the table to tell my upper management that this is what we need for this County that's reasonable we need to address sorry there's recreational vehicle exceptions we need to address building exceptions of temporary housing temporary facilities in the now type platform to be able to put things in place that can be pulled out and then brought back in after and make that a viable option in the state codes so right now there is a community on probation in the nfip for permitting and allowing those type of uses I say found to be non-compliant with the current reg honestly if I could be blond 5% discount you're talking just the flood people you're impacting everybody right but is it worth it so let me just if if you don't mind um so that Community is currently on probation they went on probation November 18 of last year at six Monon Mark if we're they're not able to bring those structures into compliance which means remove them permanently there has to be a decision of whether or not that Community will be suspended from the program which means they're permanently they're removed from the program completely so I'd love to see a video of the the uh I'd love to see a video where you all you all say how much money it cost but how much money does it stimulate how much growth does that does does natural disasters make it makes a lot more than money are are you saying there's not RV exception so no he said like the RV exception for the other type of commercial uses is what I'm hearing no no we're talking about RV exception so so there is regulations related to recreational vehicles in your ordinances yeah but that's the ones we're talking about that's the ones with the 20 foot so right but the electrical piece is as I've said outside of realm but this gentleman here was talking about bringing temporary structures in and having them be able to be removed at the time of event that's kind of the scenario that I'm talking about right now with this other community we have we this was supported you know we we documented we supported after our leadership um everybody was in agreement that it's not compliant with the current regulations in the CFR they're not allowed so we address commun on probation and again if they're suspended from the program the flood insurance policies will not be renewed and no additional ones can be purchased what you um we what we did not cover here and so just to kind of close the loop on one more piece of information if anybody has a federally backed mortgage when I know most some of you probably don't right but if you have a federally backed mortgage on property located in a special flood as an area you are required to have flood insurance so if they currently have nfip insurance and it gets cancelled on them they either have to find a policy on the private Market or they potentially could have their mortgages or closed them so there's some ramifications additional ones we didn't talk about if a community is suspended so that's what once you go on probation that suspension is a possibility I'm not saying it's going to happen but it's something to understand the full ramifications of that particular action and is there any ramifications the main reason I came here tonight is there any ramifications to FEMA for issuing flood insurance policies on a house that's no longer there I have it in my hand my home is completely gone but I received FEMA funded flood insurance on that house and I I was told I have to maintain that insurance on a house that is no longer there how do you respond to that so did you apply for individual assistance yes ma'am I have not received it so I can't answer about the specifics in that program but I do know that if structures are located in a special flood Hazard area and they're damaged under individual assistance there are some obtain and maintain requirements and that's what I think you're talking about ma' it's my house is completely gone tied to May I'm guessing here that it's tied to a request for individual assistance sorry that's my phone going off in the back um that's just an alarm if you can turn it off I it's in the gray purse I turn I turned the phone on we had Insurance whether it's paid or not there's any no help they can give us Insurance makes a decision I've got C flood insurance I've haven't been paid and my whims denied me twice we were denied because the minimum damage requirement for any assistance gone so I reached out to the state into FEMA again and I I feel like we've asked the same question over and over and over and over and I got the same answer as far as the um requirement to raise the electrical to bf+ one they have signed the NFI regulations of 44 CFR 60.3 so that's one component and the portion they underline is that the electrical systems be constructed with electrical heating ventilation plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed and are located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding flooding and I I think we discussed 44 CFR a couple of times and then you also have the Florida Florida building code 32216 which is the protection of mechanical and electrical systems so that is basically saying the same thing um and it does site um 3 22.3 which is Coastal High Hazard areas including V zones which is some of the people in this room shall meet the requirements of the section now the only exception and I think we talked about this before is that they have to be designed and installed to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components and to resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and stresses including the effects of buoyancy during the occurrence of flooding to the design flood elevation in accordance with ASC e24 so the regulations that they are citing to me is 44 CFR which is nfip regulations Florida building code 3 22.16% so that's what we're facing and I understand saying you know this is a local decision but even if that were changed we still have to follow the Florida building code I and I think the way it's the way it's been explained to me is one of the requirements of being compliant with the national flood insurance program is that we follow you know we follow code whether it be Florida building code nfip regulations or ASC told us regulation to do with so for clarification it's not there's a higher standard than the states we have the minimum standard which you mentioned but the questions are based on that higher standard and that's what I'm trying to say is that higher standards is coming from the state from the Florida building code it builds on the our minimum requirement it's it's higher what I heard reference to HVAC and things like that which are building utilities and structures where you want them above the flood planes I did not hear meter only or panel only isn't that part of the electrical syst right it's it's all considered electrical from what I understand and I'm not that's where I'm going to come back to interpretation okay you can interpret things we building official here in the meeting they have a stance on the building code Florida I don't know the power line in front of my property is 17 honestly I mean I'm not not not trying to I mean it dips in front of my property like I don't know the power Lin 7 half ft up in there we're obviously not going to get the answers you can please may I ask a question do you think we're going to get any resolution to this are we just going to go round and round again and and are we going to say no we have to build these stairs for us I'm talking about for us I know everybody else has different agendas but for us will we have to build these stairs and comply to the Florida Department regulations because we need to get back in business and if we've got to I want to know how many how much voltage can I put in the air and how many RV sites that that I can put have to come off well Bobby can you answer me that right now how much voltage can I put 17 fet in the air and how many RV sites can I hook up to that I'm just curious 40 but you have amperage not vage like you mean amperage and not vage whatever electric how much how much amp can I put up 18 ft in the air and how many RV sites can I run on that one amp CU if I'm going to build scares I'm I put as much up there as I can good common sense you put you put 2,000 amps up there you can run everything off 150,000 well you just ask you ask how on a limit right but I I I'm asking because I mean I don't know electric but I know that I see stuff that is done one way and something's done another permen going on calculated out at 800 so you're talking about yeaha can is there a chance maybe that we could talk with somebody with the Florida Association of counties because there's enough of counties that I know have the same problem and if if we could get that group involved because that's a powerful lobbying group right there and and Eric P was at the at the meeting yesterday and he and I have a call I have to send him an invitation but we agreed that we would talk friday okay let's try to push that because if you get that group and get all the counties to work together and go to the State of Florida and try to get the building code changed which seems like to me what needs to happen and so that's needs to happen yesterday you T him on Frid will you let us what we need to do here to to to get this going and representative show is on that subcommittee so you know and I there wasn't a lot of opport I mean it was a short we had we only had a few minutes and there were five entities there um we were the only rural County that was there so um we talked about non-count maintained roads again I specifically talked about this and asked for policy changes but I can tell you that some of the counties there especially the larger counties talk on the other side they Embrace these changes in the Florida building code so but you mean the ones that we have now they they support that or they support changes no they they embrac the the changes um we didn't talk specifically about electricity um but they embrace the changes in the Florida building code because they feel like it makes their communities more resilient but I think this is something totally different when we're talking about you know businesses and RBS and RV parks it's not the same as homes and I think that because Taylor County is is maybe you know allows the RVs we we welcome them that it's just a little different animal but absolutely I will that's something we will discuss Friday and there's a a big difference between a large city of Florida and and US communities that that are on the go yes so we don't have any money and it's getting worse and they haven't been through three hurricanes and two different closing in little over a year they don't understand our pain no and I'm and I mentioned that specifically and the changes in our Revenue that in our tax base and the fact that I was concerned if our citizens do not build back and these businesses don't do not come back that that Revenue will continue to be affected not that it's all about our Revenue but obviously for us to provide the services that are needed you know we need homes buillt back and and um so I absolutely discuss that and I will follow up with back on on Friday absolutely yeah and you mention uh debris and and if if I may I'd like to ask a question because I'm getting calls every single solitary day about debris and to me I I just never understood and I still don't understand why they told us to let everybody know to have all their debris out by November the 29th or what whatever it was that was literally impossible for people to do they could not do that there's still people that are trying to get their their debris out there and and I'm telling you they are beating us up about this debris so can you get some kind of firm answer have they have they took away some of the trucks do they still have the full force how long is it going to be I said today they have trucks they have one 20 trucks and how many did they have I'll have to go back and look I think it's fewer than what they had um but they but um and I can't quote this day I don't know how much longer they'll be here but I would expect they will be here quite some time we have not started clearing roads yet so you we haven't even start that people in here to help us I mean stuff is laying out there and and and like on Johnson strippin Road you've got that house that was tore down now people are throwing mattresses they're throwing their household garbage and people drive by this and here we are and there's other places that's just like that so here we are on one side we're trying to we're trying to entice new businesses to come here folks we are working hard on that even though some people think we're not doing anything but we have a a a a tax so a task force so to speak and they are doing everything they can but you know it does matter what a community looks like and it's as competitive as it is we're trying to get new industry here we need to look as good as we can so can you jack them up a little bit so to speak so that was that was the purpose of the meeting today and to strategize how to address some of the the you know where there's household debris and what they're going to pick up and what they're not going to pick up but they are going to start the process of you know of of letting us know when they consider a Road Clear they haven't even finished the the leaners um and when they consider a Road Clear we will check it and we will all be in agreement that that road is clear and then after that point any debris that put out is not going to be picked up by by the contractor and so who's going to pick it up us and where's that money going to come from so we need to be working with with the folks somewhere that keeps them here until our debris is picked up cuz people are still putting it out I'm telling you that's that's the only County either huh not we not the only County either I know that but they got they can't pull out they're not planning to they're not planning to B I know what I know I understand people are afraid of that but they are not going to pull out even if people star putting it out cuz you just said if they keep putting it out it may not be picked up so once the road is clear we don't care no Road there there you go Shannon we're take one more question then we're going to close this I just question for the female lady let me asking if I understood this right you mentioned earlier when you were speaking about um stay within the fem regulations and you mentioned something about the fire departments if I'm not mistaken would that be with your fire departments if we're getting closed in an area would that bring your FEMA standards down if they're getting closed out the beach area if they Clos that that fire department down there we will not have a fire department within 15 minutes of the beach areas which is going to make our insurance even go higher it's already higher from where the the fire station is now if you're at Dark Island you don't get that discount because you're one minute out of their projected time for the fire department to get there so the county voted not to give the firefighters a race so they're quitting and now they don't have the people demand the fire department down there so it's open a little bit and it's closed a little bit so is that going to bring our rating down if Fe comes in when you'reall doing your inspection if I can speak to that Mr Shannon I think you're we're talking about the nfip rating and the rating I think you're referring to is ISO and so they're two different ratings so the the iso rating would not affect our our nfip rating they're they're separate so one has nothing to do with the other as far as as rating [Music] so so just in closing in the meeting that we're working with the state uh with so we heard uh as far as FEMA goes we heard some individual assistants questions uh this gentleman's question uh as far as the insurance goes so when we work with the state for this meeting those are the type ofn that we're saying to come in and address those issues hopefully we can get some IA people there you can sit down and discuss your individual or whatever challenges you may be having so that's uh fma's role in this upcoming can we add SBA that yes they are added yes and some other agency as well because the state from uh working some of the recovery centers we did a farm Recovery Center there are a lot of programs that the state is offering so we want to bring that um to this event as well awesome thank you ma'am so we'll bring the meeting to a close we appreciate all the citizens them rep State Rep for being here [Music] um y going to make a public announcement in paper this meeting coming up [Music] Rel yeah