##VIDEO ID:r6c5xHj-bSU## walk [Music] line unmuted [Music] send you discount we you [Music] is [Music] this is only for the febrary so we need to update in October [Music] we'll go ahead and get started this stand [Music] pray father we thank you right now for this hour we thank you for this opportunity we bless your name because your name worthy to be blessed father we've come right now trying to do what's best for our County and our citiz thank you for what you going to do we thank you for what you've done thus far father as we make decisions is not personal but it's what is best for all of us and we thank you right now father we also ask right now bless the Youth of this time of this city of this County and their effs because they're truly our future for tomorrow we thank you and we blessed for them right now then father help us as we go from one good degree to another these blessings and all of blessings we ask in Jesus name amen [Music] amen Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all like to welcome everyone to our meeting this Monday February 3rd 20 25 6 p.m. have a conference line set up number there is 1 1917 91022 access code 32347 PB this is not a tollfree number and you may be subject to long distance charges according to your long distance plan when a chairperson opens the meeting for public comment please follow the below instructions if you wish to speak please do star five the moderator will unmute you line your turn to speak and notify you by announcing the last four digits of your telephone number please announce your name and address you'll be allowed to speak for 3 minutes any person wishing to address the board regarding an agenda item will be be given three minutes for comment a commenter may only speak one time for each agenda item that said we will move on to before we approve our agenda we do need to table item 11 that was put in today's date by state so coming to the next meeting so we table 11 uh motion to approve the agenda second by commission M all in [Music] favor we'll move on to award recognition recognition number item four the board to consider approval of proclamation to proclamation to uh February 177 through the 20th 2025 as 4 and FFA livestock and S we the agenda by commissioner Michael N well Mr chairman just want to recognize all of our club members and and FFA folks that have put in all this work and I believe the clerk has a proclamation there so congratulations to all our exhibitors their parents and the sponsors and everybody staff that's had part in that looking forward to a great Fair motion to read proc move only got a motion to read we got second second all in favor all right and I'll just read I'll just read the whole thing um Proclamation recognizing 4 livestock club members and FFA livestock club members where as the Youth of Taylor County is one of the County's most valuable resources 4 livestock club members and FFA livestock club members contribute to the agriculture industry through learning how to raise and sell livestock the 4 livestock and FFA livestock Pro projects teach youth how to apply leadership skills acquire a positive self-concept build confidence and learn to respect and get along with people and whereas the 4 livestock and the FFA livestock project have helped many youth in Perry Taylor County Florida to gain confidence in themselves by being responsible for an animal that is solely dependent on them the project help with help youth develop responsible behaviors through the daily care of keeping the animal fed and clean place for the animal to live and working with the animal daily to be prepared for the show ring decision making skills through learning what feed to use and financial management skills through keeping records of of expenses for the project and whereas North Florida livestock show week showcases the incredible ways the 4 and FFA inspires kids to do and highlights the remarkable 4 Ag and FFA youth in Perry Taylor County Florida who work each day to learn and value hard work agriculture Commodities and make a positive impact on those around them and then now therefore Taylor County Board of County Commissioners to hear by Proclaim February the 17th through the 20th 2025 as the north Florida Livestock Show and sale week throughout Perry Taylor County Florida and encourage all of our citizens to recognize 48 and FFA for the significant impact that they have made and to and continue to make by empowering youth with the skills they need to lead for a lifetime done and ordered on this third day of February 2025 in t count Florida Mr chairperson I think Abby wanted to say something yes if you don't mind honorable Commissioners thank you for the opportunity to speak today in recognition of the outstanding accomplishments of our Taylor County 4 youth and livestock exhibition this year we are proud to have 12 youth participating in Taylor County from Taylor County at the North Florida Livestock Show and C demonstrating their hard work dedication and commitment to agricultural EXP excellence in addition to this remarkable achievement I'm thrilled to share for the first time ever we have three 4 members from Perry competing at the Florida State Fair exhibiting cattle this Milestone is a testament to the growth of our livestock program and the determination of young people to expand their skills and compete at the highest levels their participation places Taylor County on the map in the Florida livestock community and serves as an inspiration for the future generations of 4hu these accomplishments would not be possible without the unwavering support of our community families and of course you guys on behalf of Taylor County 4 I extend my gratitude to the board for your continued support of our programs and Youth Development initiatives thank you so much anything from the board we a motion to approve the proclamation I move very good all the exhib come up the [Music] front we we came straight in [Music] s lot [Music] get I'm going to step in front of all the parents and get a picture and then get out of the way okay I'm sorry you don't want to get in with him say so smil I'm going ask everyone to look at me first go for the paper and then I will get out of the way of all the angry parents or me angry looks behind me all right everybody smile three two one all right [Music] well that's like you to leave [Music] [Music] [Music] move on to item five under award and recognition the board to consider a approval of proclamation toim February 14th through 16th 2025 Ste has you fed U Mr chairman have been working with our team that's uh supported this Festival of good gracious for months uh on the heels of uh so many adverse effects and challenges I'm pleased that the commitment of this group and and our community has came together so that we can celebrate the 17th and we F the CB Festival so you know this Proclamation is just to recognize those efforts um sign and everyone that's interested and ready to come out to the festival that things are quickly coming together and there's been a lot of effort and hard work going on behind the scenes so I'm pleased to have had a part in that and thankful for everybody to AP so uh Mr Rin is here on behalf of that group and um just thankful again for his leadership and all the things that that are taking place down there has been much much of going that so we have a proclamation on the table commission have a second commiss all in favor uh Proclamation 17th annual Steen hansy fiddler crab Festival whereas February 2025 marks the 17th anniversary of the annual steam hansy fiddler crab Festival in Taylor County Florida and whereas the festival was conceived to bring tourism to the area at a time when fishing was closed in February and business dried up for most and whereas the festival started with about 30 vendors for the first time and with bad weather brought an estimated 2,500 people to town and whereas the festival grew within just a few short years the economic impact exceeded that of the July four scholar uh rush and now has anticipated intendance of 17,000 for the 2025 festival and whereas the Steen Hatchy Fiddler craft festival hosts food arts and crafts a boat show a taste of steam Hatchy cook off fireworks live music and fishing tournament poker run as well as a parade and whereas the family friendly Festival is an exciting and memorable weekend for residents and tourists and whereas now therefore be it resolved that the Taylor County border of county commissioner does hereby proclaim the week of February 14th through 16th 2025 as steer fidal Crab Festival week done in order this third day of February 2025 in Taylor County Florida very good all right we have a motion to approve the proclamation I move do we have a second second in favor I just want to thank you guys for helping us again 17th year 17 years but it's uh we're at about we have over 300 vendors we'll have the the crowd I appreciate you guys getting the prisoners to help us clean up the town I mean it's not not perfect it's going to take years to clean that place up but thank you for all your help and getting everything ready and proving the stuff we need to done and get all all together and hopefully it's it's looking like it should be a good turnout hopefully the weather will be good and be good to go and thanks again presentation would you present that yeah and the Chamber down there put yeah please let's make sure everybody gets an invite come on right [Music] all right again I'll ask you give me first and then any other cameras can go next all right three thanks guys thank you [Music] sorry all right we'll move on to our consent items if everyone had a chance to go your consent item question discussion questions cple um on number seven with the interlocal agreement with County what exactly do this does this um Encompass from what I understand it's just um it's just a backup Public Safety answering point so in the event of failure of our peap lefa County would provide the backup I I know it's much more technical than that but that's my understanding but this doesn't I mean this is for emergencies only our our Amal is from here what to do this is n this is um the call center the 911 um call routing it has it's not Emergency Medical Services at all this is strictly um for for 911 calls so it's for dispatch calls okay yeah and then 9A was 9 a the uh yes this is the work Squad agreement and this is our local agreement with the Department of Corrections so we can get in may work squads this it the same as before same price same condition there's no cost we pay the Sheriff's Office to provide the correctional officer thank you that's all there a little too on that com from the pet County attorney had under Ashley High Ashley say I gave to the court I should be if we have to go to court what I did was I did a funny on that and wrote said that I was pretty sure that LE County wouldn't want to uh commit to um having it the a lawsuit in Taylor County it would be decided if there was one and they got all fired up and sent in the thing saying what's the attorney talking about you know and Lee net make me their attorney got fired up about it and I was just I was just saying I I didn't think you know usually I put in our agreements that venue would back B Taylor County and I said if I put it in there I know darn well I thought if the there attorney looked at it they would say oh no what's Conrad trying to do and so they it's nothing Troublemaker pardon trouble Mr Bishop I'm a troublemaker yeah you say that okay living up to the to the building all the way to the county think you protected too much give you a little bit of MB other questions or discussion you s out motion approve by Commission in favor 10 uh bids public hearings the board to hold a public hearing set for this dat at 6: p.m. or there after as possible to consider application for a special event permit mudbog submitted by Iron Horse Mud Ranch event of February 27th through March 2nd and October the 9th through uh the 12th 2025 from 700 a.m. to 700 p.m. Mr chairperson there's some additional information that I handed out prior to the meeting there were some missing documents um in the checklist I was able to complete the check list and all the documentation has been provided the Certificate of Insurance will need to be updated for the October event and then we'll need another statement from the fire chief for the October event but everything else um Lo um correct in the packet should we table the October then so we don't if we pass this and we don't have that then um what happens or pass it contingent on that coming through I would pass contingent I would what's our requirement I mean just before you can pass it contingent on that but I tell you the truth I'd like a an updated entry consent statement and a an updated hold harmless statement because that's in two 2021 so if they could get that you know updated to 2025 it would be a help to us I can do that I know you could but yes ma'am like I said you can do it contingent on uh pass it up contingent on that but you need to ask for public comment because it's public hearing okay all right so uh there's a public hearing we will open it up to the public any comment on this event anyone from the public do we have anyone on the line there's no one we will close the public hear have approve I got a question before when y'all had the thing this 7 to 7 is that is that when the loud music's going to stop I it's been was past that I got to do music till midnight I think this is when youall shut all the trucks in the pond down right correct all nighttime writing stops we shut the pits down at 7:00 and then Friday and Saturday nights we do tugs and have music going till midnight and that's contingent on my complaints and I don't think well I didn't have an October event due to hurricanes um but March I didn't think I don't think we had any issues and so last last year I was able to go to midnight because we didn't have any complaints Friday and Saturday evening yes sir that that is the only call I've had about y'all's operation down there is that after 10:00 at night people trying to sleep in the neighborhood and that loud music I know y'all stop the trucks at dark and what have you but L music on the issues that that we've had out of that area down there I understand and I mean is this in the city no no it's down South M but that's I mean if they'll cut that m i mean Sheriff dep had to go down there and say something before too you know tell y'all I'm sure about the music neighbors calling so I just wanted to have that clear that's what it's going to be like it's been in the past or you got a SP time well I think according to the sheriff or the unders Sheriff they had no issue I know I talk to the sheriff about it but the thing is he said that they the music but then I've had neighbor call and say they couldn't sleep you know and they working night sh couldn't sleep I know the under Sheriff said in one of them chairs and we asked him the same question and he said he had no issues yeah he told me that too but the thing is people calling I don't know if they you know call him or not they called me about was that weekend commissioner we started talking this and it fact Thursday Friday Saturday yeah but I think this is only Friday evening Frid Saturday yes sir yeah but still people working I mean you know that's the one called me that was W waking them up so Mr chair I've had calls about the loud music too but I just want to verify you don't allow any drugs or alcohol cor we check everything at the gate again we we do a security check at the gate okay so people coming and going during the day and night do you check them when they come back in y if you leave my property you get checked as soon as you come back in okay what do you do if you work to find somebody with alcohol so for instance or drugs we confiscate it we call in law enforcement and they take care of it for us thank you so there's nothing further we will obtain a motion to approve I make the motion I know you do contingent on the information yes that's been presented yes what is that October February February October the new insurance and he also said something about updating this paperwork to 2025 rather than 21 correct she was that down right we have a motion to approve request we have a second second by commission Newman all in favor County staff items item 12 the board consider approval of Florida Senate local funding initiative request for fiscal year 2025 2026 agenda by Co gran rer hey everybody can you hear me yes how are you I'm good thank you so we have submitting seven requests that the board has already accept and we added a um eight one which we will discuss later into this the request that were approved was the courthouse hand unit the a Expo Center the fire station at Beach fire station the animal shelter it's the airport Melody it's the airport fire station I got it I got it the um fire rescue at the airport the Taylor County public saf complex and what was added was Forest Capital Hall Park which included improvements to the um parking facility which the design an engineering is complete that was in the amount of $400,000 and then $150,000 for part General improvements electrical in water infrastructure and was about a $50,000 income in kind and cash mat is being provided by the tourism development coun we ask for this just well there there's been a request for a change which is what Melody is talking about and Don do you want to explain what the changes that you wanted so originally the forest C Capital Park project was covering the arena and also the parking lot um since we have the we have the design for the par engineering design for the parking lot um then at last week's chamber meeting Don brought up some infrastructure needs so after looking at that the the suggestion is to put it into two parts for the covering to be one part and then the parking lot and the infrastructure improvements the a a second request to bring the total cost of the project down but that's only with that's with board approval so it would lower the cost of the Arena covering to a million dollar and then the parking lot and the infrastructure would be Melody that would be about 650,000 is that accurate it's 600,000 400,000 for the parking ising chamber amount was 200,000 however the request for the budget appropriation is 150,000 okay so is this the one that has the fire stations on it and ma'am this is this is the this is the legislative re this if you're referring to the list yeah that's your L right there on the front page it's uh the this is a part of the legisl request the Appropriations that we send in every year yeah that we come up with the public safety complex the keep Beach fire Shady Grove Fire uh Taylor County a and Expo Center Courthouse air handler nwork animal shelter and Tor County fire rescue station one that's all of this that just referring to an addition here so so it would and since you and since you ask about fire station for Kon Beach we asking for 2 million Shady Grove 1 million Taylor County fire rescue at the airport 2 million okay that's that's the amount that the board has prev cor any questions from any from the board or there's no questions we will obtain a motion to approve in favor thank you so much and I will have the house request are the same amount but I will have the house request on the next agenda just in case you all have any questions on the narrative or anything that was indicated on those I will have them on the next agenda for you to ratify understood thank you thank you moving item 13 the board to consider approval of squad apparatus bid committee recommendation and purchase agreement agenda by D C fire chief good evening everybody um so first off when we reviewed the bid package we only had the one from vet apparatus um they were originally over over what we were budgeted for um after we reviewed there was a few items that they couldn't get so they substituted that cost more so we did some changing on that and getting it back within what we needed it to so we're back down to $359,000 is what you should have in your packets and that is within budget um like said this is the same Builder we used for the last truck that we use um so we have experience with them in the past we didn't see any problems with the with the bid specifications um so there look for approval and we will proceed any questions for the board questions we will obain a motion to approve motion and second [Music] ADR 14 the board to discuss D versus Taylor County consider the appointment of a commissioner to mediation presented by the County Administrator this is in response to a suit filed by a previous employee the Attorney Services are being handled by our liability company however um and mediation is Conrad that's required as part of the process correct work yeah so we're asking if there is a if the board can appoint a commissioner to attend mediation and it will be on February 24th thank you to yes is it the 24th or the 25th now let me double check 24 what time would it be what what we found if I may u Mr chairman um it's a good I although you're represented by the insurance uh company and our lawyer it's been my our experience lately that's it's a good idea for a commissioner to go uh and if you haven't ever gone to a mediation and need to go to one um I think everybody here is has been to one or two at one time uh the other thing is that it'll either to be um sunny or me there also um because and and the reason that we're there too is because we think that we know what yall want to do we don't want to be ramrodded so to speak um on these kind of things and and the last mediation that uh Sunny attended uh uh it was in pass in other words it's going to go it's going to go further um and uh and so I think that uh whoever gets to go we'll probably enjoy going to this mediation I don't mind to do that it's actually February 27th I apologize it's been changed changed it um it's been what what time is this I don't think we have a time yet we were asked to reserve the entire day probably 9:00 probably probably anyway you prove um Miss Fel to go uh it's a good idea to be there a little bit early to speak with either me or son whoever we decide who's going to um represent us there give you kind of a bird idea what's going on and also explain the process um mediation process so we has agre to go I think everyone's okay with that we need to make a motion to so we motion to approve Mo in favor I all right we'll move on to High 15 Bo to receive ship HC funding update by the County Administrator could you unmute um Cameron Ferris and then Melody um on the line as well so pursuant to what was brought up at the last meeting about our ship progam Mr Bishop extra attendees in I think they approved we got so I have a report um that I've handed out that the Consultants have provided and also a copy of the contract that we have with this company and on the line is a representative from um from the consulting firm to discuss the steps that they've taken with the ship hhrp program and answer any questions and that I believe is um Cameron Ferris are you on the line Cameron G let me ask a question now is this is this for the the money that we receed for AA yes and see here on the first first one it says that there's 15 complete yes there's 15 houses been complete no no those are applications that are complete okay those are 15 complete applications 27 in progress and one ineligible so there's a grand total of 43 applications pending CER camera the dog come up her phone he on the line he's on the line but c will you try to unmute Melody again in case she has okay so from and Melody are you on the line as well just to correct me if I'm wrong yes I am on the line so my understanding is that we have a group of 10 homes that are ready to go out to to bid so that will be on the next agenda those homes will go out will go out to bid and then right behind that I know we are hoping for another group of was it seven or 10 Melody that we're confident about 10 10 another 10 there were 10 more right and those are just waiting on home inspections right that is correct and we possibly be may do them in two groups of okay just to try to move it along so we don't have people waiting we did have a call we've had a couple of discussions with the consulting company and you know made it clear that this is imperative that we moved forward with this process and they assured us that they had 10 ready to go out to bed now that process takes about 30 days so they will be on the next agenda for advertising then those home those homes will go out to bid and then we'll receive the proposals uh after was it the April meeting Melody that we're looking at the first yes the first meeting in April at 6 o' I I have already gotten the times from missena and that's just for the first 10 that's for the first 10 and the rest of them then will come right in succession after that quickly I that was my understanding today and then we have have um two applicants for regular ship that should be somewhere in the mix um for for two more homes so with all the applicants we have we don't we don't know that we'll have enough funds available to serve everyone but that will get I mean that's 22 homes that we're Hing how is it um determine who gets approved because some people they have lost their f three different times so it's not the people's fault right this company has lost I know of one person that they've lost theirs three different times now have you asked them what's going on with that why is this taking so long and why are they losing these applications well I could not get a solid explanation today but they did assure us well first of all in November they started coming to Taylor County which we asked them I think the comment is you need to do that along and along if it's such a process to get through the application you know please come to Taylor County more often they were here last week to help people with the process and I felt like we were reassured today that they would continue that moving forward um as far as you know these applications are mailed I I didn't really get get an explanation today as far as what's happening with the missing paperwork um so where is the paperwork processed at do you know it is mailed to Tallahassee and they process it there yes and Melody now correct me if I'm wrong but it is first come first sered by the date of the application not the date that they're approved right that's how it's supposed to be right I am assuming that's what they are doing so in other words it's the date of that my understanding is the date of the application so if there is something lost in the process it should not change whether or not they're eligible it's it's not the date that they're approved it's the date of the application that's that's really that's good to hear now you know just for for my curiosity how much money have we paid actually paid these people up to now so the way that that's why I wanted you to have a copy of the contract so the way the contract is written and we may seriously I mean we may wish to change the way the Agreements are written we haven't had a problem up until now but they are entitled to 10% of the amount of the award and they bill monthly from the first month of the contract so they are paid so um I believe for the $3.1 million they've received somewhere around $140,000 and it's so when Melody and I were discussing it which we've done a lot of the last couple of weeks we believe the next agreement we should consider being performance-based not not monthly amount and because if it's hoping that it's an incentive for it not to be such a long drawn out process so you said how much 10 what 140 140 that's all we that's the extent of what we've given them for for the um for the Adelia funds now our regular ship um they have received $35,000 in monthly increments because they're entitled to that it's the way the agreement is written is once that agreement is executed they bill us monthly that that 10 you know to Total that 10% how much it's 10 so 30 what you say 35 35,000 35 M so that's um that's $175,000 I want tell you I am extremely disappointed in this outfit because here we've given them over $100,000 and we don't have about one thing to show for it out of the $3.1 million that these people are waiting on homes and we they've got the money and they've lost applications left and right or at least they have for one person that I know of and we have nothing for over $100,000 so I'm I totally think that next time around with I wouldn't use these people anymore but whoever we use we should not pay them ahead of time until they have produced and and I don't like I said Melody and I have discussed this this is [Music] what I would say is the the process for ship um approval is laborious and Melody how many homes have we built in The Last 5 Years is it 12 or 13 13 13 homes in five years so and that's and that was that was regular ship F right um now we you know of course we're doing C right right now too so we do a combination of ship and cdbg so concerned with this 3.1 million and the money we've given them for nothing so and I understand that that homes are not on the ground and and we've had a contract with them for right out a year and so we're at the point where they we have 43 applications and they're ready to go out to to bid and that was the discussion we had is you know can you imagine being in a home that's that's damaged by the storm and a year later you know not having a new home so I definitely year and a half lat well we got the money in December so the the contract must been out of a home though oh yes ma'am no I I I I understand so we have asked for um improvements to their process more visits they they came November after we discussed this situation with them they were back last week um I think they need to be more Hands-On and they did not disagree um if it's such an issue to process the paperwork you know please help us meet with our citizens and you know help us come up with a better process so people are not waiting just just highly highly disappointed in this outfit um thank you move to it 16 County Administrator to discuss informational items let me say this all three hous being recondition reil the town of this size as no small tree if if we can get all the applications I don't know that we'll have funding for 40 for all 43 three but we know we will have 20 or 22 um moving forward and then um we'll have a dis you know that will be a discussion of how much money we have for everyone left and how many more applications can be processed I know we'll have some more regular ship money um for 2425 um so we'll have to sort through all the applications to determine how many people can be helped [Music] okay it 16 administrative to discuss informational items um so just wanted to remind the board that there is a legislative delegation Workshop scheduled for Saturday um at 10:00 here in the boardroom and this is to discuss um I think primarily the questions that came forth from the legislative delegation meeting um about permitting and and those issues talk about it can you just what all groups are going to be here um depart um the Florida Division of Emergency Management someone from FEMA um someone from um of course rep show Senator Simon will be here someone from Neil Dunn's office Tri County and Duke I think is who we've got so far so someone from the Florida building code group will be here oh I'm sorry yes dvpr will be here as well we just need them here because they the ones that make these rules up so we need them to give us the logic behind why they have these rules in I forgot them there's there's no logic now how about um our new building official are you going to have him here so that he can participate I have not broken the news to him as of yet but I plan to have him here cuz I I was thinking about that to today that would probably be a good idea um for him to be here also if possible and and um I did let Mr Dudley know that we um and any other staff that needs to be involved I'll ask them to be [Music] here um we have three callers on the line with their hands raised give us the last four dig oh no I'm sorry um 0228 is that what it says okay got 0228 if you will state your name and address just put his hand down oh never mind okay then 3034 3034 you will state your name and address hey good evening can you hear me yeah hey there I'm sorry our uh our hands were raised during the um during the last discussion my name is Joseph sheet I'm a director with with Accenture um we were trying to trying to uh get y all attention during the hhrp funding discussion um but it's allow this you know I know this has moved on to uh non-agenda items um if we that we can speak on the matter if that's okay go ahead um so actually I would like to um in a second here I'll pass it off to Tara I believe she is on the line as well with her with her hand rate that is 0228 um she she we pass on her before she could speak um so just to speak briefly on on what was discussed um so you know we've been administering the ship program there in caner county for several years and um you know had a uh great Rel ship with the county throughout this time and um you know we understand the the the frustrations um and with what's going on and the timelines and we are very excited that um you know we have these these homes that are ready to um go out to Z and ter can speak more on the details of the process itself um so I just wanted to clarify a couple of the questions that uh that were raised um specifically uh regarding the the the mail and the application um the way the program's been set up for you know I think since we engaged with Taylor County it's been a a totally 100% paper process um you know some of our clients do a hybrid where they can do online or paper um you know are more comfortable with paper right they can be certified those things um so you know with those applications the the they were sent and unfortunately they for whatever reason never reached our office and we're and we have tried to identify what happened why they never reached our office obviously it's it is a a problem and we canot allow that to happen so you know to Echo there the senent that um that Manda uh spoke on yes it's it's has been raised and we are addressing it to make sure that that do not happen um including right looking at our process and seeing right is there a better way to do it than having them bail their applications to our offices so um and then regarding the funding and our and our contract yet the the administrative um all of these grants um through HUD and through most federal agencies they allow up to 10% of the aditt of the total Grant award to be um put to administrative costs and there are some Grant programs that don't take that much to administer um yeah a lot of them are more kind of large scale Capital programs that aren't you know individual assistance base um so you know our our current contract with the county does have that 10% capture because fa in detail you know going over the process a little bit here um the ship programs the affordable housing programs are notoriously laborious from an administrative standpoint um with the the the burden of documentation that we have to have from every applicant to certify them um so and you know in regarding the structure of the contract whether it's performance space whether it's flat Fe whether it's you know uh time and effort you we're amable to any contract structure um that that the county wishes to move forward with we um you know we we may be on the line of centure now but previously before that we were answer advisory and then for 20 years going back 20 years here in the state we Government Services Group for GSG and have a long-standing relationship with the county and and we want to make sure that uh that we continue to have that relationship um with them so um you know if if whatever you know whatever happens we are amendable to that um but in these discussions with the county obviously we have lessons learned from every engagement that we that we have across the country um and so there there are ACC some lessons learned here that we are going to implement um some changes uh immediately and and have done so you know we've been on site there two different times to help the residents um in person and you know we would we will happily uh increase that Cadence freeny that and um and you know make sure that we can be there to to help those that are that are in the when um when necessary so um with that um I I wanted to pass it over to Tara um I know she she has some things to to clarify as well excuse me um because Terra is Terra is the you know overseeing the the project as the project manager on a day-to-day basis um I oversee all of our engagements here in the Southeast un St so um but we we love working with the county um we understand the importance of this work and are willing to willing to do what it takes to make sure that you know these uh these projects come to completion and as quickly as possible so on that note um I believe ter 0228 is it possible to pass it over to her if you will hope to for a minute thank commissioner F had a question yes um in regards to you all saying that you did not receive the applications there was one lady last week that U met with the representatives and she said that she sent her application by certified mail that it was received and signed for by y'all that it had been received and that she's still getting notices that you've never received it so how do you explain that I don't know the excuse me I don't know the intimate details of that one but um you we do have our office up there in tahy um and there's you know typically there's someone there at the at the front desk but again I don't know who signed for it um that's something that we'll look into say you know who's who's signing for our mail especially if we're not getting it that's a problem um and I I don't want any engagement to have a have confusion on who's who's signing for things getting them um so obviously yeah something there that is it doesn't matter whether it's one or or or 15 if it happens one person we're going to get to the bottom of that well I I would like for you or someone in authority to follow up with that because that's a problem this lady has sent in more applications and then when she finally became so frustrated that she sent it a certified maill and y'all time for it and you still say that you didn't receive it that's a problem and I know one person that he has sent his in now as of last week for the fourth time do you keep those applications and look at them in Tallahasse are they processed in Tallahasse and ter can speak more to the to the into the details of the process if they are received at our cahy office um and then uh they are scanned in digitally so that we have a digital record of them um but it again it so it seems like there's there was something where uh again I I don't know exactly the details right what what happened in that process but if if things are coming to our office and they're not making it to the desk or someone signing for them and we're not receiving them right that's that's clearly clearly some type of organizational issue and yeah not not something that we're going to stand for without making sure we get to the bottom of it and rectify to ensure it never happens again okay let's back up I asked did do you process those applications in your office or are they sent to someone else in Tallahassee to do it or or what happens to them do y'all physically process them in your office so all of our work forces is typically remote we do have our our office location so when they come to the office they're they're typically set aside for um for you know one of our team members and we pick them up multiple times a week and come get them and then they are scanned in um and digitized and uh and and process uh you know there both in person and digitally so commissioner F may not want to say names out loud but would it be beneficial sounds like you have two that's been coming back to you that their applications that fell through the cracks and maybe maybe want to get those names till the W these guys go track these down and maybe not get over absolutely I think what sounds like these guys have been trying to get in touch with you guys and send an application in and with you know no luck so maybe good to really dive into these two and see what it's a shame that yeah it's a shame that we have to use our County Administrator who's very busy to to do your job for you there were other people for my understanding last week that also said that uh they had sent in multiple applications too so this is a real problem with you all I'm not happy about it at all's got something I totally understand your frustration it is our our top priority right now within this program to make sure that the issue is rectified and does not does not happen again um on one second Terry we got Mr Bishop the attorney want say something when you send somethinge when you send a letter return receipt requested um there should be a green card that's signed by whoever received it that green card is sent back to the person who sent the letter my suggestion would be for us you or you know who these people are say do you have the green card and could you uh make a copy of it for it so we could send it to these people so they could know who in fact signed for uh the that letter Miss Fel thank you make sense yeah that that would be incredibly helpful okay Teran did you have something you want to say oh yeah yeah I just wanted to follow up on um everything Joseph um has spoken uh two already uh I did want to address one concern that I think you guys discussed earlier when we were unable to come off mute so with the applications that we've already income uh verified um at the last war meeting in November um I was I was able to be there in person um and I I think I brought it up and we we kind of all came to a consensus that amongst all the applicants who apply so there 43 and four uh we are date and time staing them as when received however I think I mentioned and asked if it would be preferable and I actually recommended this and I think it was agreed to that applicants are deemed eligible for funding as those first come first serve but as they are Income qualified so the first set of 10 applicants while not in any particular order applied got all the proper documentation in order and we were able to income certify them so that's how they were GED eligible um you guys had mentioned earlier that you wanted it in a particular de dat in which they submitted the application so that would be different than what was spoken to several months ago at the at that board meeting um and so I want to bring that back around so we can uh I can get a better understanding of what it exactly the process is I would think that we would probably use the date of the application and go in order and if you had someone that was not income certified then you would maybe they are ineligible at that point but you're still going down the line of when you receive the of of of the date of the application but that Mr if I could I think right here hold on hold on so I think the concern is is that if there is an issue within the process where people are sending in documents and it's not being received in your office they they should not be penalized that's right do do you understand what I'm saying Tara so understand there are also other factors involved with that too um you know some applicants could be more responsive and that's not to say who's receiving correspondence from our office and who's not but you have to consider not just documents that we haven't received from certain applicants but there are other factors involved with who's more responsive to our notices we're very diligent about notifying applicants of missing documentation uh Sometimes some are not as quicker on the turnaround um than others um and and for the elab I just want to just a reminder that the recipient selection criteria just say applicants or system first qualified first Ser bases so that would that would align with them first come first serve as we income qualify them uh but if you guys would like us to go back to who submitted the application first we can but I will tell you that might change the first 10 that we have ready to go CU if I was to wait on let's say the first five applicants looking at our application log they might not be ready to go yet but some people down the line already are that would that would that would hold up the whole process I think it's what here here's my understanding of what you're saying hold on so if you have five people that apply and and three of the folks are not responsive to your notices you didn't want to hold up all five you wanted to to go by who because some people may never respond they may well I'm just I think that's the concern or they may be slower to respond or they may not be able to provide the needed documentation so that would bring the that would hold up the whole process I think is the the concern is that right but I let me add this right I I understand what you're saying but of the five or 10 or however many it is they may have been they may have filled their app they might have been number 43 or number 40 and so that more ensures that they may get a home where if the person that they keep contacting was number 1 2 3 4 5 but I know this one person that he has been asked he's been notified to say well we didn't receed this in your packet and there's copies made where it was sent so that I I'm not understanding all of this it it doesn't make sense to me so I I think what we can do um you know being this is a obviously a a very new L situation is um we can go in and take a look at the the app an that have had any any of those mailing issues um and to see see where they were in the order right if if if they were you know if they would have been number 26 right instead of right number 70 or n right then you know we'll still get the get the documentation right have them on the list um but it's kind of see see where see where everything lays and see if there's any you know any potential exceptions that need to be made um um you know obviously we don't want to penalize someone for whether it's you know the the get loss of the office or just some you know things they lost in the mail sometimes right it's and we don't want to penalize applicant for that right we we do still want to make sure we adere to the established process but obviously right it's you know some situations call for a uh you know exceptions so um ter let's let's coordinate later um but if if it's agreeable to y'all what we can do is just take a look real quick and um over the next day or so and and uh you know and see kind of where those where the applicants are that that are having these issues um and then you know get get back with the county with the wisdom information and see how they want to proceed that'd be great yeah and I just want to clarify that these hhrp funds while they were allocated um you know shortly after Hurricane Adalia for a housing has confirmed that it canist residents who were impacted by Hurricane Debbie and even hurricane Helen um we don't have to um differentiate the damages between any of the Hurricanes not that I don't think that would be very plausible but um so we can assist any residents impacted by any of the Hurricanes encountered um moving forward um it has been um discussed potentially um that uh and just the thr off just food for thought that because we already have right quite a list of applicants and I know there's concerns and sensitivity to who's going to receive funding and who's not there is always the option to quote unquote weight list anyone who doesn't get it and each Shi uh allocation uh coming Hereafter we can we we would be exempt from advertising the ship funds because we have a weight list and we can just keep going down the approved list of hhrp applicants so we don't necessarily have to say well you're not going to get funded right we just we would have to we would have to wait for the next fiscal year allocation and we could fund people um in that order so there are options moving forward unfortunately the the 3 million is only going to get us so far with the abundance of residents who were impacted um but I just wanted to throw that how out there just for consideration with regular ship funds moving forward FL of housing has confirmed that you can use ship funds to help assist uh I guess you could consider them hhrp appin so afans who were uh affected by uh a disaster can be assisted with regular ship funds but you can't use hhrp funds to assist residents who weren't impacted so uh so we have the potential to fully fund this list but it would take some time um and patience with the ship allocations um coming in the near future so I just wanted to throw that out there but we will certainly take a look at the list um try and put together kind of a time frame for each of the applicants to let you know where they stand in relation to the date and time they submitted it and we will send that over to you guys for review so you can provide your thoughts and feedback on that thank ter all right move on to it you all the information it yes item 17 comments and concern from the public for n agenda items comments and concerns from the public for non agenda Ops respect your name and address I will that's out did I miss anybody we need one for the record we need one for the record if you I will tell you that the meeting that we oh my name is m Collins my home was 1490 eel Beach Road I know now live at 601 East Leon Street and remember they put together people to uh go out to the forest Capital Hall and I will tell you that the people that I talk to the feema man wasn't even from this state had no he said I don't know anything to answer you the state give me this paper called Elevate Florida and that's the second or third one and they they don't even have an application available for me to fill out right now it says one to four months and when I fill it out they have one to four months to review it and then if they approve it and they contract it out that's two to three more months and the last construction and close out is 6 to 12 months now I'm going to apply whenever that application becomes available and I did I talk to One structural engineer and I have a second one that I'm going to talk to because the first one was like $1,500 for plans and I I might just can't afford that the second one says maybe around 500 but I haven't met but that person can we extend the deadline for the permits being excuse from payment to next month my my response to that qu you're the only person that I've talked to about an extension from this point so Ian I have talked folks in the past that we're still trying to get that information together but I have not discussed that with before cuz I was not asked to any time during the I'm asking that I'm asking y'all can y'all extend that um I guess even if it's just me the on the agenda I'm sorry it's not on the agenda yeah it's not on the agenda to do it today but when the extension we done last that go to the end of January or February I thought it was January 31st January I Rec correct cuz we said then we could revisit it as needed but again I can't tell you everybody got their permits but I can tell you I was not contacted over the last month so and given the budget concerns and such contact that's kind of where I'm at with was that a yes or a no so right now the we did extend it through the January 31st and we don't we don't have anything on the agenda to extend it any further at this time that's right now we don't have any plans to extend it okay that probably going have to wait okay I have another thing that meeting Saturday is it open to the public yes ma'am what time is it 10:00 10:00 and is it here yes ma'am and the next question I have is for you yes ma'am do you remember me giving you my name and uh phone number because I asked about the mitigation funds that had come that was to elevate Florida program no ma'am I asked you about the mitigation funds right for like Adia Debbie I I know Helen hasn't probably got any funny but I know a day you did and you were going to call me back about the mitigation I'm sorry I so the mitigation funds for Adelia were not for housing I'm sorry I misunderstood you I thought you were asking about Elevate Florida so the oh so you knew about this uh then three meetings ago that information I knew that was a possibility but I did not have any information on Elevate Florida at that time so the mitigation funds that you're referring to for aily none of that money was allocated for housing if you're talking about I didn't ask you okay about Ring a place is that what you're saying no ma'am housing what kind of housing is it's not money for so the hmgp funding that was made available for Adelia there is a process where it's called the local mitigation um it's the LMS there's a process you go through through and that committee ranks the the projects that would be recommended for mitigation funding and that funding that was received by the county was not allocated for housing projects so so my roof that a day messed up and the living room and the bedroom and the kitchen that the water came in and messed up my ceilings and my insulation none of that money would have went to fix that no ma'am because the hmgp program for housing what that does is provide a buyout of Housing and so the house would be would be purchased for fair market value and then that property would be used for Green Space so that was not a recommendation for the hmgp funding it was for storm water Improvement the one that y'all didn't get a bid on for Ste Hatchet for for a flood plan some kind of something that had no money nobody applied for that was that was arpa funding so that was a different type of funding that was not mitigation funds so my understanding for Helen is that the state is is going to administer the Elevate Florida and the hmgp program directly with Citi months 1 to four months the application will be available yes ma'am yeah so when 1 to four months and I go online to www florida.org subscription desk toic and find the application m i I'm not I I'm not familiar with the application that's what it says right yes ma'am I understand so uh do you want to maybe get with the administrator after the meeting and just maybe go over that I can you want get with the administrator after the meeting and maybe show her what you're looking at maybe get get get some more Direction on what you're looking for well uh I'd rather do that Saturday at that meeting be all right I said emergency Management's going to be present so certainly they could answer question might Elevate Florida program yeah I would thank well thank you for postponing the $1,000 fee through three days ago any other comments and concerns from the public for non-agenda items thank you Mr chairman Commissioners uh County Administrator and clerk I appreciate your time and see them be as brief as possible have one quick hand you your name and address yes sir than thank thank you man sorry my name is Michael richer I am the um vice president of boy um Insurance investment North Florida Division my office in um is in Bristol I'm from Li County so I feel for you as you talk about all these hurricane recoveries I'm hurricane Michael Survivor and Recovery myself so and I can tell you at that time the people of Taylor County were exceptionally generous with their support uh to Liberty County I remember that we were in public me out of out of U my office there in U in Bristol so purpose of me visiting with you this evening Commissioners just to um introduce myself we uh boy Insurance had a longstanding working relation Rel with preferred governmental Insurance trust which is a uh competitor the top competitor with your current incum carrier for your uh property and liability coverage for the for the county um and and I'm I'm targeting you I'm here on purpose to through evaluation we feel like we're in a very competitive uh position would like to uh do a little more research I've talked with the clerk we're going to maybe get some public record information that we can use to get some you know premium indication from underwriting and come back to you later time with that but it's important that I come to you uh early in the year now because we have an event that we're putting together on February 25th here in the Panhandle I'm working to bring Services here I know it's uh cumbersome to to travel your staff and and cost money as well and this is a uh a service that they put on across the state and so we're going to host it and pay for it here it's free to the county be an opportunity for uh Tor County County Commissioners or administrators staff to to come and interact with current U membership counties and cities that have transitioned from one care to the other in the past talk to them directly about what their experien has been the services they received rather than just take my word for it you know the sales guy that shows up I mentioned that to the clerk Earl earlier but I would love to to host you and have you there if if possible it's going to start at 9:00 in the morning again there in Bristol information is on this one page on the right hand side of the flyer um and we're going to we're going to have some sessions for subject matter that has been requested from membership throughout the state there will be subject matter experts and attorneys there we'll have some question and answer and trainings for um for you provide lunch wrap up the day around hopefully 2 2:30 this all eastern time so your staff could could travel back within the workday um we feel like we'll provide a great value if you could if you would spare the time to to come over and visit and may give an opportunity to start the due diligence process for considering what options might be out there for Taylor County and your taxpayers we feel like we could provide a significant benefit and savings to the county um and you know I I'll do more research to to be more confident when I say that and tell you a little more directly what we we feel like we can do but um in this packet that I'm sharing with you just a little bit of marketing material tells you a little bit about us but primarily what I wanted to do was come personally invite you and ask you if you would you know please please join us and if so there is a there is a QR code down at the bottom to register so I do need everybody to register so we have a headcount we know who's coming I can prepare for for you and seating and food all that so you have any questions for me we happy to answer any got any questions no I just think you know that it doesn't hurt to listen to somebody I me you know he may be able to help us out sure especially in the timeing yes sure so we do appreciate you and we'll say just put For Thought Liberty County did transition last year so they have that experience of what it was uh coming into it so give you an opportunity to talk with them to if you get an opportunity to BU I know we got a new clerk but um there could there there there are people in the office that de with it and who's your point of contact here here this this is it so it be you and chair I'm sorry I Insurance committee then these two were you know probably need to and I tried to get here before the end of the business day I didn't make it my travel time but I I intended to see you miss p as well ahead of time so forgive me for getting out of order I just wanted to get to the meeting tonight and at least start this conversation why don't you get with leanda then and then you can see you know come up with some times or whatever we need to do well and probably the there needs to be a decision made if we want to start if we want to go out to bed um at all because there are other competitors who would like an opportunity yeah well let's listen to all of them then he you you got three in the state you're with one we represent the other and there's a third yeah I think it's good to listen everybody thank you sir okay my card is in there my oh yes if it's in here and I think I get you on the website so any we can save some money I'm going if it saves us we should do that I forgot about my question on number one um I said I know I have to have a Ral engineer letter about the columns but do I have to have the building plans before I get the permit if you're re if you're rebuilding then I I don't know what your home looks like I apologize all I have is the columns right yes underneath right you would yes we would need plans for the building if you're planning to rebuild well but if if if this Elevate Florida comes into play and they will do other things that my plan's going to change so how much do I owe them if I change my plan I don't know I why don't we go through the are you asking if you get a permit if you get a permit and then you get funding through Elevate Florida M are you asking if you'll be refunded no okay I said what ex let me see how did I say oh number four if I submit my plans now and Elevate Florida allows me to become one of their clients my plans will change will there be an additional fee right change order let speak I think she's asking for the permit fee so you're asking if you on the pay project asking if she gets her permit and then whenever this Elevate Florida if they do whatever she's requesting from them that she's her plans will probably change and she's asking does she have to pay more for an additional permitting or is it I would I mean I I wouldn't think so a permit is good for 180 days and then you can extend it if how much it does it cost to extend it because obviously this won't even be available for 4 months so I need a four months extension on just that so what I was trying to say was the initial permit is good for 180 days but you can extend it another 6 months if you need to and we don't charge for that okay okay and do y'all know anything about this Elevate [Music] Florida I should made copies for y but there's uh um and it always is more information regarding eligibility will be announced soon so there there's nothing except hope now do I have to have a permit if I don't do anything in the next six months since since you're it's not going to be free anyway I will have to pay for it just handing out free money to do nothing we'll take it I'm sorry if you're just handing out free money to do nothing will take it but I mean if you're not if you're not building anything then there's no no it may just create more process for extensions if you're not going to be moving forward and building so I I don't have any money to move forward for anything sorry about that hello exactly right I mean if you want your permit you can certainly get that but I think it just may add to the process was having to come back to the building department for extension well unless I'm out turn my my question was do I have to get a permit now you're not requir to get a permit to you're to build something if you're not ready to build anything you're not ready to build anything for 5 months you get your BL in five months your hold on hold on I know what she's probably getting to so there is a year per period where you can rebuild is that what you're talking about I don't this from application to the end of it sounds like more than a year to me and if I have to wait four months to even find out right that I can apply it depends it um it depends on where your home is so you areel Beach diesel Beach okay um but you're not you're more than 50% damaged if all if the columns are my top house is no longer there okay only the columns and the CET underneath okay so you're not so I don't think the year comes into play I think we need to look at that particular address and determine what what I I don't think the year is going to affect you um as far as any type of time frame so it's it's more than 50% damage so it's almost basically a complete you're just starting from scratch basically well the one instruction engineer that did look at it said that if the elevation for eel Beach was 17 ft I don't know how high I am an elevation but he said if if I needed to go up three more feet that cwise it would be more productive to tear it all down and start from the scratch so the only concern I have about your particular situation is I don't believe the Elevate Florida program will fund a total new construction in the B Zone which you probably are in a b Zone if you're right on the water so they're not going to elevate they wouldn't put uh new pons up for the right f well I don't think I think and I'm not I'm not the subject matter expert so I don't want to it's only I think please don't it doesn't matter then does it you can think all day but if it ain't so it ain't so okay well then I will withhold my comments okay okay you know something for sure share it if you'll look at the FAQs see if you can see anything about V Zone maybe we get these questions answered maybe after the meeting or maybe we look at this after the meeting's over well miss Collins let's maybe move on through the meeting and then we can get these Maybe get with the administrator and we can get these questions answered after the meeting are houses that wasn't necessarily the uh uh the if the flood did the flood take care of all the houses the the uh what what you call it the tide the whatever the it is every house that St put to flood m m Collins yes why don't we get through the meeting and then maybe get your questions answered with the administrator after the meeting maybe get with her after the meeting and we can look at some of the details of some of your questions why don't I just make y copies of this and bring it to you Saturday that's fine I could probably Google El Florida but sure that'd be fine to bring it to us Saturday okay all right let's do that I'm just I'm either higher my blood pressure all I don't know which um so I don't have to get a permit until I start to build I would say so but I would get my questions answered for sure let's let the administrator look at what you're really trying to do and make sure she gives you you're able to get the right answer I don't I can't do anything until I have some money okay or until somebody's going to redo my footing in your EAS Little Beach you said yes sir the there was a store and the house next door mine had a chain link fence all the way around and it had block columns with poured with concrete with rebarb in it and our footings was 3 by3 by3 those footings didn't go anywhere most of the ones that was not hit by the debris from the store and the house next door what they did they come in and hit my uh walls and the whole roof just sit down right there it didn't go anywhere no water washed it anywhere some of my flooring my cabinets oh and my wood stove that in 1970 was bought for around $600 cuz that what we used to heat the whole house is gone I don't know how they it took six men to put it in my house but it's gone the concrete steps that I had for our back house is gone some of the things not floor joy but the things that the floor joy s on somebody stole some of them oh somebody got it yes I got pictures before and after and yes they took a bunch of things they took some of my pots they took some of the little things that we got out of them M we're going to move on with the meeting if you got some specific questions to your per meeting let's just get with the administrator afterwards thank you thank you ma'am anything else uh from the public for non-agenda items move on to item 18 informational items commissioner figel yes I wonder somebody called me today and said that um the thebr people had come by and that they would not pick up the debris because everything had to be cut in full foot pieces now this is the first time I've heard of that have you heard of that no I no I have not I so they went on uh and said you know let me double check it maybe that the equipment that they're using was they have to come back for larger pieces because I know there are other places that have large L you know entire trees and pref fronts and all that that they have not picked up yet but I'll double check let confirm that I was wondering this is the first time I heard that and if that's the case then well anyway just just check on it um did you find out anything uh about the big old pile of stuff in front of the stuckle house on Johnson striping have you got any answers on that no I don't think we have any confirmation of it was if it was placed out by the RightWay and I need to send you the pictures that I have because the pictures that I have I mean it's a large debris pile but it doesn't look like you know an entire house sitting in the right of place so I just want to make sure we're talking about the same place I I think we know where it came from but but I don't know that it doesn't qualify for removal you know like I said before they've made a big everything is mixed it is I think it's we're talking about the same thing but um you we need to know what's what's what you know what's going to happen as far as I know it will be removed how they going to dig through it then I thought they would not mess with anything that was mixed but it's it's all makes construction debris right well there's mattresses and and all kind of stuff their household garbage and okay I let me I just got a map today of all sites that were considered ineligible I haven't had time to go through all the pens on the map I don't know that that was one of the spots but I will double check if it's not on this map and there was maybe 25 25 spots that we're going to be responsible for picking up which is not as many as I thought there would be so I think as long as it's not considered ineligible it should be removed but I'll I'll make sure yeah let me know okay this is on um John johnon Street down if you're going from town by way of Joe Pig Burns there that way it's uh between the the the voting house the fire station and the end of the road where and the end of the the road it turns into Robert's amen it's on that stretch where there's no houses right right I mean not until you get to the end anyway thank you question to the to the that's all I have one Roy deal that was a wreck down there couple weeks ago in front of Roy deal it was asking the speed limit could it be changed or is that possible to get a bling light with the solar panel on it to remind people driving that that was a business and probably need to uh we asked D about that one time right here in this meeting when they were here and they passed right over it you know that there's been several people killed right in front of Roy deal backing out because people going so fast the last one run over L TR right there I remember that and we can send it back to do and ask about it we need to we need to we need to pin them down on how many how many people need to get killed before you can get the speed limit changed because they just they passed it over that night they act like you know that wasn't you know and I've heard in the past that when you have red FL people get killed they're supposed to do something about speed limit U like you you say if you had a blinking light there that showed the speed limit they go you know 60 and it speed limit was 40 maybe it would help you know well you know one problem is there's just on certain night there are so many cars there and they're clo they're parked so close to the road and they have to back out and when you've got cars on each side of you I cuz we you know we've been there some and you can't you can't see for the cars around you until youve backed out and then there you are you know I mean we've all been there and see that sure but they they did talk to us one time about it and they they didn't they didn't act like they don't want to do nothing about speed limit right there but um it really needs to be something taken care of about it is dangerous lot different going 45 and somebody going 65 down that highway right there yes Mr chairman I just U thank our staff for the work that's going into all these efforts and and the debris that's already gone I'm certainly thankful for and looking forward to the closure of this adventure thank you very much for that and I also am thankful for the addition in respect to the potential for Appropriations I think those are are going to be key in respect to um our recovery the effects that it will have and also the opportunities that it would present I want to congratulate our our youth again and our exhibitors that were here earlier I think it's it's a great accomplishment in in their uh part of learning all the lessons that come with this opportunity so I wish them very well their exhibits and do well in Fair so I also see that in the potential with our a center and the Expo Center that we've talked about and and not just the economic side of how that can positively impact our community but how a great effect and impact on our youth giving them more opportunity and I think that's a great part of our job and it's it's very good to see that potential and and see them here tonight so for those three that are going to State and for those 12 that were talked about by Miss St congratulations and we'll look forward to greater successes thank you I've had several people call me and show me the stuff that still left in the canal at Eaton Beach and Cedar Island and at Dark Island U one fell was doing a drone at low tide down there he's going to get me a cop of it maybe they can show rooftops and stuff like that in the canal they say you cannot go down at can out low TI with a big boat uh on the boat R without bumping hitting something I mean I've had several different people called me about that lately said that that gentleman that's in charge of making sure all that side there he's more or less saying oh well they got everything but they have no and if I can speak to that no staff about that I know there's been some misinformation about where that's at but I believe the tides are basically what's limiting and I believe they've had folks down there getting what they can by hand right so I don't believe they're to a point of saying it's complete I've spoke to someone yesterday I've spoken to two people in the last week and asked them for this footage so I can pass it along to the contractor and the state that's the only way I can communicate to them so there's a spot at deal that we're asking about and we've also asked for footage at low low tide from the contractor so we understand what's left in the in in the canal yeah I talked to people that talk to the contractor and he said oh we done got all of it I just need P if they will just send me pictures I will I will send it on to the state so we can we can make sure that we're with with a drone and and try to take a good picture of all of it at dead time I spoke with someone yesterday about that and I've asked a couple couple of times y'all you know send me pictures and I will send it to the state because otherwise I you know I need to draw their attention to it with pictures all I got motion