##VIDEO ID:JAUHXY8qw0c## you my you might as well do it [Music] just did [Music] yes yeah y yeah he's my good evening everyone uh we'll have uh 6 o'clock in the welcome to the council meeting this evening well first off we'll have H Pledge of Allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation indivisible with liy and uh roll call everyone's here except for Brandon he had a prayer engagement this evening uh have a motion to adopt the agenda for this evening I'll make a motion to adopt the agenda have a second I'll second any further discussion yes um did we need to move one from new business to old is that what it was I had the change of um the chamber membership is actually on the agenda says lakes and it should read um false okay the consent agenda is correct okay the agenda is not so new business number four yes should read um falls falls chamber members of okay um was there a note here about the um first item in Old business the community collaborative program to postpone discussion on that for a later date did I see yeah I think we can talk about that one yeah I was just figured we'd talk about when we got to it any anything else anybody no okay all in favor say I all thank you uh adoption of the consent agenda any motion I'll make a motion that we uh open discussion on a consent agenda second it okay discussion then yeah everything looked good ah I just wanted to refer to a email that we got from Michelle regarding some procurements from the fire department that appear to be uh over and above what um was authorized for staff to do and um I just want to make sure that we follow up with that and I I guess I'd ask the Le on tro council member andon if you could follow up with Jake on that um this has happened before um I just want to make sure that all our staff are aware of our purchasing policies and Authority levels and I believe they're at A500 does that sound correct $1,500 not to exceed I think we raised that from a thousand earlier in the year so other than that I just wanted to make sure that got followed up on and I can respond to that that has been followed up on I got a hold of Jake uh last week I think uh heard back from him Monday and I do see that there are already uh Communications going back and forth uh between the treasurer and fire department and the assistant chief as far as where those invoices were was there confusion on them um and then a clarification to on what budget amount actually was I was under the understanding that it was 10,000 which um if the charges were as as they were recorded or stated that would be 10,000 over so they're working that out okay good thank you other than that I didn't have any questions or comments okay anybody else okay can I have a do we have a second on we had uh yes we had a second okay let's take a vote all in favor say I all all okay uh we have public forum is there any public forum does anybody want to have any public forum if not we'll move on okay first item uh to cover is the municipal canting board in the election that was on November 5th um we had a election for a mayor and two council members Brandon weberg was was voted in again for mayor and uh Carol Schuman and Robert bear are the two new council members and they'll be starting after the first year would you like to read all of the the vote votes oh sure please I'll make a motion that we um open discussion uh on the campusing board a second okay who who wants to go first well I can go first congratulations uh to those the winners uh and I really want to say thanks to all four candidates along with Brandon uh for running that uh it's not easy sometimes I know you dip into your own pockets it and just appreciate the effort and the dedication uh to serve so thank you thank you and congratulations yes okay well I would like to congratulate both the new members of the council um elected new members of the council and whoever feels the seat I know you find it as comfortable as I have felt it over the last 20 years and um I um I'm glad to see that um people have stepped up this time around to help the city out and to uh you know volunteer their time to make this a a great City that it is so congratulations thank you for your time um sure yeah uh congratulations actually um like Council M both said to all the members for stepping up um and and going through the process um I do want to make sure that and I'm sure they are but the totals that we have just clarification these are the totals that include both the early voting and the election night correct so everybody's aware of that that it's all there um and as um like I said congratulations I wish um both of you the best of luck um I I guess I differ from Larry a little bit but yeah the seats comfortable most of the time sometimes it's not um and I will u i I'll leave it at that but thanks re yeah myself thank you very much for running and congratulations uh going to be very good additions to the council so thank you Lee I should probably um modify or um adjust the the motion to re uh I made motion to uh approve resolution 24-100 city of Taylor's Falls County of Chago state of Minnesota resolution to certify results of the November 5th 2024 general election okay and if you'll read all the results okay uh Brandon Wyber for mayor 430 votes Rance 15 for Council um Carol Schuman 289 votes Robert bear 222 votes Molly Irish 184 votes John Denny 162 votes and right end five any more discussion okay um yes just thank you to staff and all the people who worked here on the election too um I'm sure it was a busy day I was up here and people a lot of people were Milling around uh it appeared everything went very well um and this was the first general election that staff has had we got a little practice run with the primaries um but U many many things yeah have wonderful volunteers with our election judges was confident in all of their abilities so that was the biggest hurdle and we could move forward easily so I think that I will second that as well thank you to the staff and to the volunteers for stepping up it did run very smoothly from for so thank you again same here thank you everyone very very good job that day we ready to vote Yes sir okay all in favor say I hi passes thank you okay we'll move on to Old business uh Community cred collaborative program was originally going to be to approve contract but I think we'll have some discussion and talk to all can I have a motion to or do just want talk about ping it or I'll make the motion to open discussion okay on community collaborative program I I second um we've had a letter from maybe Peter Dian EDC would like talk about that oh yeah yeah am I should I come sit up front her sure sure just to explain what's what your ideas are and what's going on yeah I think um for reading the contract I'm just struggling to understand what sub is substanti substantially different than what the EDC is meant to do um the EDC it says shall study and recommend policies and actions to the city council concerning economic and Community Development housing and transportation Parks and Recreation and any other matter which AIDS the economic wellbeing of the city and so I'm trying I would like more time to speak with Tod as that's what we're going to do next week after our business owners meeting meeting to hear from him and understand what's different than what we are currently doing um and I think like as us as the EDC we are doing this with our own time we are community members um who are engaged in the community and are wanting to do this um so I mean that's where I would just ask that we have more time to meet with him and just I want to understand if there is a substantive difference between what he is proposing and what we're doing I'm all for that however I think if we have overlap this is a commission that's been around for over two decades has seen results it's the swed engent trail it's the underpass it's the river walk we have plans to do a Riverwalk phase two we have an opportunity for funding with that and we have other plans that we working on we just set up our um guiding principles so through the contract I was just feeling there was a lot of overlap of what we would do and I think it would be more beneficial if there is too much redundancy to just save that money for the taxpayer and allow us to continue this work that we've been doing okay um you had me a taxpayer it was at the end I that's one of the reasons why I think we we should we should wait um I will say I think from what I've heard um was it Todd Todd stre Todd streer yeah I I did hear his presentation I do like I do like his uh strategy I think it's really good because it's Grassroots based and it it starts with the people and I think you make a good point that if it's going to start with the people then um maybe we want to make sure everybody everybody gets H so yeah I think I think I totally agree with that I also think one thing my dad learned over you know a long time of working here is that you know find the money people will come and I think that's the way my dad's gone and so I don't think our problem is not engaging the Grassroots Community I do think it's funding as we're a small town with a small commercial base as we all know so I think our problem isn't you know engaging with the community I think we've actually done that fairly well over the years I think it's actually finding funding and I if that's a part of it that he is willing to be a support in um I'm totally willing and I think that's something that we are able to do in our own time and again save money well I I agree with you and I have also have seen the presentation and it's it's a grand vision and um you know he's worked with bigger cities um than ours much bigger cities and we do have U you know our own Grand Vision for our city and I feel like we're moving forward with that now too so I don't really think that this is something we need to concern ourselves with at this point and to your point very well said Peter thank you yeah I I would say just when you meet with Todd keep an open mind on what he may be able to help us with I mean part of it is just because you're all volunteers most people have day jobs um or a lot do and uh depending on your time availability expertise levels on on the commission um it's really meant to augment not replace the EPC so just I would just recommend keep that in mind how if the entire thing could help you if parts of it could help or if none of it could help um I would say we U my recommendation would be that we table it until our next council meeting and uh have the EDC give us a recommendation uh once they've had a chance to meet with Todd and met as a group and um formulate a recommendation to the council then and I believe our next council meeting are we going to have another one in November I think nothing I see a not of the head yes okay um so fourth fourth Monday of the that would be the 20 sorry fth would that be enough time for you to get together would you prer December we have a meeting 20 with them so be the following Monday then yep 25th yeah we meet with him next Wednesday well I guess I guess it would depend on how much time we have next Wednesday to be you know meet as a commission or if we need to call a special or if we could wait once the first December meeting we have to approve we approve the budget yeah that's a special truth and Taxation needed first December so first meeting in December would be the 9th would you say the to that would give you more time if that's a possibility I think that would be helpful to give us more time um I think so yeah okay let's plan on having you back here on the okay if I can I guess at this point on the nth are we talking about approving the contract okay I guess if they recommend moving forward we could approve yeah and I guess I think that's why I want to bring up the other part of my argument as far as the taxpayers go um and let me get this straight because we'll be talking finances a couple times tonight right now our budget is in an increase of 9.4 or 12% on the taxpayers how much your tax is going up as as the way the budget stands right now so Michelle and I did a little tweaking we uh put in some Revenue numbers that we hadn't been Bud budgeting before but we can you fairly assur that they will be there okay so right now with the revisions that we've made um the overall property tax increase is 6.23% okay and can I ask what changed in there still you may yeah okay and I won't drag this on too long but I'm just trying to make an additional Point here good question um so the other state aid um that we get from the escap small City something program I don't remember the exact what the acronym is um that's 23,9 and I think we had it in the budget somewhere it was not in the right line item and we only had budgeted 14,000 so that's about a n almost a $10,000 variance right there to the positive um Community Center use fees um we've been under budgeting that the last couple years so increase that from 1,000 to 3,200 um and the interest earnings um we've been budgeting 1500 and the Run rates are running at about 3,000 can I that last one again the interest earnings uh from, 1500 to 3,000 okay and then the last one something we have not been budgeting for um is the revenue we get from the solar farms and we look back and uh last couple years it's actually called unallocated utility revenue uh and that was not budgeted for at all and uh We've budgeted $6,000 so where was it going like for this solar farm Revenue where was it going before where did you find it um Michelle uh I asked her about it and had been booking it to this account okay but it was never budgeted for okay so so we think we're definitely more accurately budgeting our um various Revenue sources and um as a result of those increases that dropped our general property tax number down sure good so thank you both you andich and anybody did all this work on this I really appreciate that um and we are looking at for this community collabor program was it 13 the toal 135 13,500 it was budgeted under uh additional Levy I believe was it 13 25050 13 250 okay and that um that 13 250 is in the budget at right now it is it's uh under the special projects fund so that would be an additional Levy amount of 13,250 thank you at the December 9th meeting we will have to have budget ready for approval so just keep that in mind um if I don't know if that's you know you can we can manage that with approval budget and the contract and the recommendation and the other major change that is on on our the current version if you will of the final budget um was at our last budget meeting there was a consensus to drop the um Capital fund allocation from 70 to 50,000 yeah s so that's included in in this as well okay and we at 6.23% correct good thank you that was all 2 make great thanks J you're welcome okay so we'll go with uh you guys meeting with Mr streer and you guys can U talk about it and figure out what's going on there and then we'll look forward to having you back on the 9th right right so we should the motion possible earli well I have a question if the money it's going to it's probably out there but can the money be allocated and what happens if it's not spent or if it's spent the following year or it'll um can you reallocate it because this is a separate fund it can just sit there it'll carry it can just sit there okay that's good to know too so yeah we've allocated it so it's there so yeah it it just feels like a timing thing need more time you need to you know we we're just really new right you know we're newly joined group and so you know we've we've um been working a lot on getting things going so we just need a little more time yeah and we'd like to save the city money sure so that's greatly appreciated okay so amend the motion uh to include tabling this item until the December me second that any more discussion okay all in favor to say I I thank you thank you uh next up on the agenda is the 2025 staff health benefit approval uh I'll make a motion that we uh approve the staff as discussed previously um I I guess I'd like a little more discussion on that could I'll make a motion we open discussion on it okay before prior to approval um is there a second or a second okay okay um so and I guess back to the previous the right now we're at 6.23% an increase and that is with the city paying 100% of the health benefits is that correct correct okay also includes a 3% cost which we've not discussed yet 3% um well the only thing I I I want to thank thank everybody who attended the uh meeting on the 30th of October it was it was one of the best meetings I've ever been a part of um just because everybody was open um we had the employees here they were all able to express their opinion um and and some of them admitted that it was a difficult conversation to have because they're talking about their own benefits and their own pay and um as much as I appreciate the opportunity to really do some soul searching and look into everything uh it was it was a difficult meeting for me as well because as I explained we were in a difficult position um we have great employees uh and we have for the most part competitive wages um and this discussion was to get the health benefits included at 100% and make those competitive as well um I explain that as much as I certainly want our employees to be happy and he healthy and have the coverage they need and be competitive with other cities in the area I also have a responsibility to the taxpayers um who with this is an increase of $40,000 I believe is where we're at close to that uh depending on which direction we go uh as far as what percentage percentage and uh who would be included in our uh group whether it be full-time or fulltime part okay um then that's a ballpark and I I apologize if that's not exactly correct um my point at that time is that I I have I have a responsibility to the city staff and I also have a responsibility to the taxpayers and the people that voted me voted for me to watch out for their money have a fiscal responsibility to do that um so at that time and at that meeting I asked for discussion on 75% and 50% as well so the city would pay 75% the city would pay 50% because of all the hard work we did at that meeting um and all the hard very hard work that Tim and Michelle have done on the budget these numbers look much better um and and I can say that I I would be fully behind any health insurance benefits that the city if the city paid 50 or even 75% uh right now I'm going to um defer to my um my responsibilities to the taxpayers and at this point I I wouldn't be able to approve 100% where the city pays 100% of benefits but I could certainly um be in favor of 50 or 75 and that was all I wanted to say okay so I um if I could go next um I I have a recommendation after having talked with the St um and some folks outside um our community Insurance folks and and others U municipalities here's what I would propose that we amend uh the Personnel policy manual to include the provision of healthcare insurance full-time employees 40 hours a week are eligible for health insurance beginning in the first of the month following their dat of H or as soon as practicable the city will cover 100% of the premium for single coverage um so having this as our policy would uh Michelle would not be eligible for health care insurance paid or through the city um and it would drop our cost about $88,000 our total expenditure for health insurance for our staff for 2025 would be approximately 300 or 33,00 300 Michelle has coverage through her spouse she do well I would I would agree with that that seems fair um also it's mentioned it was mentioned at the last meeting the staff has also um volunteered to contribute to the cost of of um the insurance with um cleaning doing their own cleaning um in the uh in the buildings around town so the city buildings I just want to make that mention but I I agree with um with what you just put in to and with paying 100% okay and U if I could just add one other thing to what Larry said another thing we're doing to try to save some money um is having our public works department actually do some tracking of their time I'm not sure where this was brought up before so if you haven't heard about it um evidently our work comp that we're paying on our Public Works staff right now is at the highest level right now because unless you document what you're doing they consider everything Street workor which is the highest premium uh charge so if we can um actually get that that work done our premiums should uh fall pretty dramatically for Public Works staff so that's another thing we're doing to to try to save some money the staff are helping this with great um I'd go along with the Larry and Tim on this I feel that the staff is doing a great job we should support their insurance for them and if I if I can if this passes then how many employees will we be covering with the city paying 100% for Sher Elizabeth and Kevin and every after that by policy would be 100% cover would be no way to change that right full we can change the policy whenever we want um obviously we have to be considerate of the impact but yeah that would be that would be penalizing the new employee or the position you know to just change it after after you've instituted it correct that would be a punitive well I mean it would be seen as a punitive act yeah if they're if they're a full-time employee there would be no impact right no negative impact uh actually if we ever changed it it would be do we want to include parttime staff that then we could reduce the right the number of hours to 30 or whatever we off F but right now um what I'm proposing is uh only for our full-time staff which we learned last time um if any of the fulltime staff have a qualifying labor then we can be waved without it affecting coverage for the other employees so um I think most of you aware my situation is kind of in the air so I have potential to have a waiver but we don't know yet so it could it could be one employing less right now but always plan long term as if everybody's it right but um I'll definitely if I have an opportunity to hop on someone else's Insurance then I will just save the city thank you any more discussion Okay so need to change the motion or I'm going okay so Sher can document it okay um so we would amend the Personnel policy manual to include provision of healthare insurance and it would I the way I read it it would be section 70014 health insurance full-time employees per parenthetical 40 hours per week are eligible for health insurance beginning in the first day of the month following their date of hire parentheses or as soon as practicable and the reason I put that in there is if you have somebody if we had a new employee who started on the 28th of the month for example we couldn't process the paperwork fast enough to get them on the first of the month um I'm sure there there's a prated period we could do it for um but um we' just work with the agent health insurance agent on on situations like that um or even on the 15th of the month might be tight too so um after that Clos parentheses the city will cover 100% of the premium for single coverage and before that motion is made I just more comment I I do want to thank the city staff for all the work they've done they have worked really hard at this and I want to thank the council because that meeting was really good I all of us all of us kind of rolled up our sleeves and looked at the budget and go okay where else can we do where else can we do to get to make this work so it was a good thing and as you can see um we're already down a lot further than we were as far as our budget goes so I want to appreciate it the the direction is going it's going in the right direction we're we're more conscious conscious of what we're doing so all right have a second second any more discussion all in favor say I I I opposed passes right next item on the agenda is adopt short-term rental licensing ordinance Elizabeth we have a lot of discussions on this over the last year so I'll try to make it quick since we have a lot on the agenda today um when we adopted the uh zoning ordinance we kind of put in all the necessary shortterm changes so essentially we have the short use short rals as a conditional use in certain Zing Districts The Proposal we have here today is to keep the conditional use process uh we've had discussions on that and essentially um Planning Commission was in support of giving the neighbors the opportunity to come in and speak because a conditional use permit requires a public hearing and going before Council and it really gives uh Council the and plan commission the opportunity to put conditions that are very um particular to that property unique to that property so that's the benefit of conditional use and so we also have a licensing orance uh proposed in addition to the conditional use permit kind of like we did with the can establishment license and uh there's been many discussions around that whether to go that route or not and I think the driving uh Factor there is that a licensing ordinance outside of the zoning ordinance applies to all short-term rentals both old and new to where see the only process um those regulations would only be um applicable to any new shortterm rental so I know we've had deep conversations about that um planning commission's been working on it for about a year with a lot of um comment from the residents we had a public hearing um as requir and heard a lot of input from the stakeholders the short-term rental operators themselves um we then hosted another open Workshop kind of a stakeholder meeting um said again I went to council um we discussed it some more and um I think we've kind of we finally come to a conclusion so I have um if you look at the cover page on the consent agenda I have four motions um essentially adopting a short-term rental ordinance a resolution for a publication summary of the ordinance uh the fee schedule and to require um to allow all of the existing short-term holders and legal noning operators the opportunity to have a license first without charging them for that initial Fe so I'm here for any questions I have a question in two instances on page 92 and 95 92 is the chapter 3 short-term rentals which I believe is the first motion um there is a reference and I'm not sure it's if it's a note from staff or if it's to be included in in the ordinance um at the bottom yellow highlighted this is effective upon publication passed by City Council on the 14th day of October 2024 yeah so that should be 12th day of November 2024 so I did catch that too okay after I this exhibit B has the same page 95 page 95 than you thank you oh so if we want to go through um I did attach the proposed ordinance there were some highlighted changes so from the last time we met the state council could not make it to that stakeholder meeting so I just took everybody's individual input highlighted it and I guess we should just discuss it and make sure all those highlighted spots so I guess I would start with page 88 license renewal um here we go among the requirements for license renewal the applicant for short ter the licenses renewal must demonstrate that the license is active is inactive use by which may be satisfied by providing writing documentation of at least and here's the key part that I want you guys to come up with a number I spoke with the existing short-term rental operators to just kind of get a B of what they're doing and most of them are doing it as the ones that I spoke to and got back to me all doing them as like full-time shortterm rentals not occasional uses so um I put in there 16 rentals in the preceding 12 months or 16 days available for short-term rentals between June 1st and October 31st which is their primary busy season um starting the first starting the first full year of rental so I did the or because you don't want to finalize uh for not having business essentially if their bookings are there and it's just a slow year I don't know Economic Times or you know some reason they're not getting the rentals you don't want to have to re their license because they're not getting them so any discussion on that I'll just comment real quick I'd like it a little higher but 16 is is a good number I think you know I think it's shooting right down the middle so I'm I'm I'm great with 16 I guess I'm just expressing my opinion I think I was thinking more like 20 but okay but 16 was a number that you came up with in discussion with the current shortterm yeah I mean it they're they're very busy it's it's a lot so you know count you know at least Friday Saturday and Sunday all summer long and we're going by days that's that's quite a few so I 16 was kind of banking on a slow summer so if you wanted to go 2025 I don't think it'll make that big of a difference um you just don't want to make it too high in case then run into the situation oh do we remot their license because they didn't have it aailable have so well we'll start building a history right yeah we can maybe change it over years once we have more data because it is a requirement that they submit their rentals so then we'll have more solid numbers to look at as well any number you're just yeah kind of kicking it out of the sky anyway so I I think it looks good and I like the way you've written it and um it's for the First full year so that helps to some comes in after the high season expect them to rent 16 times so yeah I like yeah I'm okay with 16 looks good to me so I'm write in there we're going to keep 16 then y okay essentially saying that a license isn't necessarily short um um transferable but that if somebody's buying a property they get first dayses at the license they have 30 days to apply for the license from the closing date everybody okay with that language yes okay um e on page 89 use of events prohibited I think the langage that we have is really good for most we have one Diamond Sydney's property they are largest shortterm Ral I think they have six bedrooms five or six and um they said they don't usually host events there you know and sometimes like where where does when is it a new event so she said she would make sometimes an exception for some people you know if there's she say you know if there's nine people renting and then at the actual house and then she would allow x amount of guests beyond that to gather in the backyard and have like a small little ceremony so technically that's an event um you know it's kind of that do our current draft would not allow that and is that your intention I think we drafted in here didn't we um additional Daye time guests may be considered under special circumstances if approved in advanced by Council to kind of loosen that up a little bit and that's on page 9 H3 underline so just kind of wanted you guys to discuss that and see exactly what you wanted yous abolutely no events I just wanted to bring to your attention that that would impact one of our existing shter Ral operators priv it how so because that's all they do there is have because they do technically host a small event once in a while it's also something we could it actually States weddings yes it does State weddings so if you're having a wedding cere in the backyard and the the building is is not being used right is it just for the event or how is that property being utilized is it being utilized as a short-term rental or is it a three-hour event space both oh it is both I mean yeah I mean you as a shortterm rental you know kind of a nontraditional wedding small backyard Gathering she says she do seen a few of those so that's where I put an item H3 you know maybe we could have those special circumstances go to council as kind of a compromise or just take it out and say no no events well I don't I I don't think it's it's certainly not my intent that a a group of friends couldn't have a scrap looking party that's inside that's inside um we live next to the First Lutheran Church so what immediately came to mind was well if somebody were having a small wedding in the backyard um the neighbors you wouldn't want somebody cutting grass during the wedding um we don't do work like that outside when the church is having a funeral or a wedding or even a regular church service we just try to arrange our schedules to accommodate that so um there are a lot of other um Provisions in here that would um not be allowable like it still has to adhere to the noise ordinance right the quiet time ordinance parking those kind of things so I'm not hung up on a backyard wedding um if it does if it meets all the other requirements I don't I don't know what the issue would be um well probably would be parking right start getting into the how many extra guests and where are they parking so I guess if they're still adhering and that's where it's like is it really a problem if they're still adhering to the parking requirements if they're still adhering to the noise requirements if everybody's parked off Street and they have four extra guests instead of two well what about that um use for events greater than plus five you know of those occupying the short-term rental or something like that you know so prohibit it at a certain number greater than the occupancy of the of the building then you run into parking well yes yeah but you know if you did number like two then up to yeah up to five additional guests I'm just throwing it out there you know provided all other um sections that could be something we don't want noisy huge Bachelor parties if you will we don't want a wedding in the backyard of 300 people um but I I think there's reasonableness it hasn't been an issue thus far I assume what they been doing we haven't had any complaints on the property so it seems like the way they're managing it right now has been satisfactory and each properties uni that's where I kind of lean towards approved by Council under special circumstances you me come before the council and present their plan for approval EV they're usually booked out well in advance and is that solely outdoor I mean is it always outdoor events not necessarily just events use for events okay which is one of the main concerns of we had recently I I still don't know what kind of event it was but it was definitely a lot of cars parked Hill so they were hosting some sort of large Gathering it wasn't overnight it was not overnight but it was still a daytime so um residents want to avoid that and I would agree so kind of find that balance between having that not happen again but kind of giving some flexibility to and that's where properties are very different so like I haven't been over there but I hear like Sydney's property is you know a little more it's more spacious a little more accommodating for parking and like the backyard thing than you know other locations there whatever you guys think we can always change it later I I just think that the residents should know what the council has approved if they see an event you know taking place and you know and it would be really important for the the people to come to the council let us know what they're going to do so we can actually give it a y or a n or should I say new members yeah I I need to go through and change a bunch of stuff at this point you've done so much work on it it looks I think as perfect as it can be um if we just add that if there's a special circumstance they get approval by Council then we can weigh each one independently sir I'll keep our language that I have under H3 that okay um what else do we have um there shall be a limit okay G1 page 90 there shall be a limit of 20 licenses issued within the city just you know a critical number is there any changes um anybody would like to make to that no under F2 though we had to change there multiple family dwelling units yep you're right okay so the reason I changed that from two to one is because one still satisfies um one of the shortterm what is it Timber Ridge wanted to do a one shortterm rental in their apartment complex uh we did want to limit apartment complexes so they don't turn into hotels and uh we were going to maybe we just threw out two if they wanted at least one and I changed it to one because I consulted whicho County also has a licensing ordinance and they only allow one shortterm per parcel um their definition of shortterm rental could be improved and that will probably change um but I did change to want to be consistent with theirin as per go so I would highly recommend keeping one that looks good to me anybody else no that looks good okay and the 20 licenses looks good for me as well yep let me see there shall be a minimum of 100 okay so this is something we kind of I think oversaw um this is uh 2B on page 90 we have this 100 ft between Parcels which everybody agrees with except for in the rural Countryside zoning District but I think we forgot to consider how that would impact our downtown apartments so we have um a few buildings that have potential for apartments which are Dell units which could be shortterm rentals up top right now we Chago house that's um wants those four short-term rentals or three however many they wanted up top and with the shago householding license as we have a current you know drafted um if say Juneberry across the street wanted a short-term rentals they would automatically um not be eligible because that 100 foot buffer it's just because that downtown um district is more convinced that 100 ft is uh covers a lot more buildings and I think part of the intent of that was to preserve the residential neighborhoods but we actually would encourage uh short-term rentals in the apartments above the downtown commercial zoning District because that's where the tourists are they're they're cruising downtown um they're going to Interstate Park um they're not interfering with the neighborhoods or anything like that so it's a really good spot for um short-term rental so added section B the property's addressed Ben addressed bench Street between so basically on bench Street only where their driveway comes off of bench street because there's also um houses that are adjacent to bench street but their driveways are not on bench street so it seems kind of clunky but that's the best wording I can come up with so the property's addressed bench Street maybe I should have there between First Street and Second Street which have a business on the first level and awell and dwelling units on the upper level um they're exempt from that 100 F copper so so that that's my recommendation so really in practicality it would be Tangled Up In Blue romains Chago house um the Juneberry bridge building more apartments up there and there's a couple of houses I think that are businesses right now yeah so just kind of want to open that door for them I it makes sense I think the gentleman tangled up and was interested in doing up there but they're probably enough anyways but is everybody okay with that addition yes y y yep okay page 90 number three anybody have anything on that good yes okay is there if I read the Motions has copy here for me um I'll make a motion that we approve resolution 24-1 0- an amendment adding section 360 short-term rentals to the city code AS ordinance number 20 202 24-10 d00 second say I hi and we should make a note uh in the minutes as well that there were two date changes that will be uh corrected uh both refer to the Council approved it right in today keep going y okay yes I'll make a motion uh to approve resolution 24-10 d01 summary publication of the short rental licensing ordinance number 20 24-10 I second all in favor say I I that also had a date change on it and exhibit Fe just for minutes all right um I'll make a motion to approve the addition of the short-term rental license fees to the city of Taylor's Falls fee schedule original short-term rental license at $650 annual renewal of the short-term rental license at $100 I second all in favor one discussion item before we move forward on that just for the record um we're also recommending that we revisit this original license fee um in uh in concert with a revision of our fee schedule for conditional use permit um fees um the recommendation is that we increase the conditional use permit fee that we charge to better align with the amount of work the staff has to put into it um and that will cover all conditional use permits um and then we once that's done we would lower this fee um to example about $200 because right now they're um they're having to pay they would have to pay 650 for a short-term M license and in addition to whatever the cup fee is which is woefully minimal um way out of line with what our true costs are so just for reference purposes at a future date um we'll recommendation to adjust this and of the schedule is there just for the people is there an estimated date timeline well we can do it anytime um but um usually at an organizational meeting January the schedule right that's good um I mean it's just going to be somebody to put the time in the research on what it's supposed to actually be right and we can Hut and Peck at if we so choose as well U we don't have to do a total revision but um just wanted to make that point Thank you can I make a comment about that as a commercial realtor cities all the time for conditional use permits conditional use permits typically will be charged based on how many hours of the zoning person's time is taken and so it could be between $1,500 and $2500 even for a simple conditional use perit because it takes so much time of the zoning person and so I would recommend that we would do something like that or we keep track of the time that Elizabeth is putting in or the rest of the staff and charge them at something like $150 an hour because that is what most people in Commerce are used to paying for a conditional use permit and so um they're used to it and so we should be charging something commensurate with cities around the metro area so I would recommend that yeah just a couple things on that our fees aren't meant to make the city money so they have to be commensurate with the amount of time and the true cost for the city and Elizabeth and I sat down and did a little exercise we walked through the process you know Planning Commission meetings Council meetings drafting resol drafting the staff recommendations how much time that takes and I mean it it does depend on what we're what the conditional use is um but in general I think we came up with a pretty good idea of how much time step puts into it kind minimum I don't know if we counted the actual commission and it's hard because you have to we have to have is so different and it depends on the conditional use permit so like short-term rentals for example now I've done a few of them so I kind of have a template you know and I just kind of you know swap it out so that takes less time now but when you're doing it for the first time it takes more time um you know there's a lot of different kind of tuse perit within the ordinance so we probably should plan as if I'm doing one unique you know like the cabinet shop how many cabinet shops are we going to have unque if I can I just want to um add on what Bob suggested there if a high price will actually help deter right deter the process the cup in general so I mean if if part of our concern is the time we're spending on these cups that's one of the benefits of a higher you know a cost to doing that is is bringing down the amount of people who who will do it on the flip people will just do it no matter what no matter how much it costs or what people from applying for CPS right I mean that's just what uses that are allowed with the within the each zoning District within the ordinance yeah we're talking about the fee schedule or the fee that would be charged right so within your zoning ordinance you have all sorts of different under every zoning district there you either have permitted uses or conditional uses and it's not to these are bad uses or like to deter any of them you want them to go through that process you just want to you need to go through the purpose of the process which is to go through all of the C requirements regulations and to charge appropriately you don't want to deter anything right but maybe I don't understand well maybe I don't uh you want them you want them you don't want them you know you want them to go through the proc process but you don't want City staff to go through the process that's where I'm confed it is just a process that has to be gone through it sounds like it's long dra out it takes a lot of work it takes a lot of time we want them to go through the process we just want them to have to pay for that cost of the process right I agree okay and just so you heard me right I said maybe I don't understand I didn't say maybe you don't understand I come out could be case okay I think we're on the same page now okay all the comments all right to vote on the third or the third one again okay I will second your previous motion okay all in favor say all okay last but not least I'll make a motion to require all active short-term rental cup holders and legal non-conforming short-term rental operators to apply for the short-term rental license by December 1 2024 existing operators May legally operate without a license through December 31 2024 the initial licenses are valid January 1 2025 through December 31 2025 all other regulations within the short-term rental licensing ordinance are effective upon publication of this Ordinance do I have a second I will second all in favor say I I I great thank you so much to staff and Planning Commission and Council you're welcome I pass that on the plan commission thank you for your support as well and for all the reading you done along the way um moving on to review and discuss draft adult use cannabis ordinance Elizabeth again all right so I afforded you guys a lot of websites um just to get bring yourselves to be familiar with the topic I think one of the references that is most useful to us is the office of cannabis management the guide for local governments on adult use cannabis kind of breaks it down so we had a practice round on this top kind of already with the lotos H so I'm going to kind of use the model ordinance that the office of cannabis manager put out and kind of assume or template it with how the loto stuff was treated there's a lot of s similarities there um just as a starting point and then you can like break things down from there so if you look at the guide there's many different types of licenses that the state is going to issue so the city's role is not to issue licenses but essentially the city still gets to give up a permission to register with the state and we have options with that we could assign that duty to the county want um and still hold our own ordinance at the same time so one of the decisions you guys have to make today is do you want the comity um for you know making these certificate of registrations or do you want us to and that's within the ordinance as well but the city can have an ordinance we can lies that determines the time place and manner which these operations have have one of the things so my proposal is to do something similar to what we did with the lotos edbl we titled our cannaboid retail liic or to regulate it within the zoning ordinance which zoning districts are we allowing each type of these activities in and then adopt an ordinance outside of that can I ask a question about that so there are 13 license types some aren't physical locations like a transporter it's something the state issues but many are physical facilities whether they be GR facility retail whatever in between do we need to address each of those types of licenses in our ordinance yes and no okay so if you look at all of these types of licenses again it breaks it down into a combination of any of these or an individual of any of these but it's like be a retailer a cultivator or a manufacturer generally speaking cultivation will usually by default like if we didn't make any special um if we didn't address it at all it would automatically fall under whatever agricultural use is allowed within the Z ordinance so we Al have um so um manufacturing that will kind of by default fall within um we're manufacturing lot which is in our industrial park so just like King K came in and that that was a good fit for that that was cultivation actually so that was indoor cultivation so but anyways other manufacturing of the Cannabis would fall under the industrial district and then there r which we decided last time we're going to leave in the downtown commercial zoning District so a lot of these licenses are a combination of you know some of these or just individually so to simplify it we could do that so I would propose and I I'll come up with a solid recomend a detailed recommendation um but we're going to I would propose to add these in some way shape or form use under the most appropriate zoning districts for something like the is it the Mezo business and micro business allows for to cultivate manufacture and sales all three of those don't have to happen on the same property so they could have them as a business license we permit them in the downtown commercial District but they can actually have been manufacturing and cultivation in other places so you really break it down into what they're asking for what what are they asking to do on that property because if they were asking to say do manufacturing and cultivation in the downtown commercial zoning District those are not allowed uses within that downtown commercial zoning District but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't hold that license because that license is through the St so what they're asking to do on the property is that permissable via the zoning District so I'll have a recommendation on where all of these licenses fall within the zoning District I feel pretty confident in that um before I forget in case my tenure runs out before I have a chance to speak on it can you go back to what I would refer to as the gatekeeper issue of uh who gives the approval to to apply with the state for license so can you explain that again it was between the city or the county we can either turn it over to the county or we can take care of it ourselves is that correct did I say that right yes okay so I mean we've got options so I just read it here it's in the I have it flagged because right now I think that's the that's the more pressing issue to me at this point because we're we're making a decision really pass that decision off to the county to say that these people can apply with the state for their license right or we can leave it up to us here at the city level um you know closer to the people that were responsible to the people that voted Us in the people that are paying their taxes so like I said in case I don't get a chance right now I would like to express my opinion on that issue and that that should definitely come through the Cil first that should be a city decision of whether they're going to um give them permission to apply to the state so I would I would like us to do that when the time comes say I have a general question about the licensing procedure um how does is a person that is applying for the license how do we know that they're qualified and have you know the knowledge of this business what they're selling to the to the consumers um is there any kind of a screening process or a training program for retailers to know what they're selling I mean because there's different grades of things and you know different types of products that a mentioned here the Edibles and the flowers and all of that you know um okay I'll tell you I've had an opportunity to visit um um dispensaries in Colorado and those retail kids know the product and so so you know to just give a license to somebody that say okay open up your shop we don't know if they have knowledge of you know what they're selling to the consumers is that addressed anywhere or like you say like training for the actual applicant or operators yeah how do we know they doing it right so I I think the State Licensing covers a lot of that yes yeah you do you have to it's part of your application it's one of the like 20 things you have to submit is how you're how everyone's trained what their training is how and you in the the office candas management vets you know all these different criteria to determine whether or not you can even get in to approval and then they've changed a lot of it now too where a lot of the licenses are going to be a lottery system so if you get through their approval process and there's 50 licenses and 500 people apply it's going to be a draw of the Hat of those people that get through that initial phase with everything and it's substant it's like like a book about city ordinances that you have to basically submit to for your application a law so Buck let me just continue on that and ask a question and the experts are in the state yeah it's called The Office of canus Management it's one of those links Elizabeth mentioned earlier is like that's the that's in there and they have basically everyone's on there except they still have like an interim director someone position they're having trouble so we don't have experts here in the city of Taylor's Falls and the county of shago County doesn't have experts either no it's all at the state everything goes through the state right so we're going back to the the city or the county to make the decision a green light or red light to the state and then the state takes out no you actually apply through the state and if and if the city doesn't have something set up so like let's say this doesn't all get set up before January 1st and some applies with the the city or the state if the state comes to the city and the city doesn't have anything ready the state's going to issue a license based on their decisions and not they don't care what the city says that the city doesn't have okay like ordinances in place because then they're just going to say well I guess there's no limits or time that can be open at any time you know and so it's kind of you have to get approval from the state but then cities and counties you still have to work within all their ordinances open their zoning District they apply to the state yeah and then the state notifies the city that they've received an application forense and then they want to know is this application compliant with everything you have and if they don't hear anything within 30 days they can just approve it without that but they they don't want to do that they want okay so it's part of the process yeah they really want the city to be involved with it too it sounds like goes back and y y and it goes back to them the city and then the state again we still have that option you know between the county and the city you were mention in the ordinance itself okay I wanted to throw that out there as a an option based on how the last one went I would you know expect probably the city to adopt their own ordinance yeah and I guess all I'm saying is the more control we can keep here close to the people to the city that we work that we live in people are responsible to them we should take advantage of that whenever it comes up that's my only point page 114 of our excuse me of our packet goes through the numerous steps um in pretty good high level details what guide page is that uh guide page eight that on that one too yeah so that essentially breaks down the process try on page okay thank you and that's that one is for the pre-approval people so there's those people who got to apply already ready and the General Pool will be after in 2025 but it would follow a similar yeah it'll be basically the same thing so we don't have we have any more general questions before we go on those little more specific ones I'd like to look at the actual model ordinance and go through where the city has options optional here optional there um thing that I hope is being discussed at the state um is according to Minnesota's cannabis law a local unit government has 30 days to respond to the request which um I think there's L push back from local municipalities because a lot of them ring this conditional use permit process and between Public Act applying for the per public hearing and when the city council dat lands sometimes it's over 30 days and I think that's why our conditional use permit process is at 60 days 30 it's over 30 so hopefully that changes because that could be have a page where you page 15 of the guide and Page what the packet okay that's right got I reprint this the pack 121 thank you so I guess it's not a decision for the council to make but I just wanted to bring aware that that could be a problem and I think that's just for you to respond I don't think that's for you to vote and go through the condition I think that's just you have to get back to them in 30 days like that doesn't mean you have to approve the oh okay yeah that just says 30 days respond to the request respond not with the decision correct just respond to the request like we've received the application right yeah yeah and just you have 30 days to kind of like start that conversation I think okay so that's been clar decision you just acknowledge receipt apply for oh okay that's a game changer thank you okay I'd like to just read two sentences from here because I think they're pretty straightforward right at the beginning I'm on page 121 of the packet page 15 of the um the document local governments this is how it starts off local governments play a critical role in the licensing process serving as a near final approval check on cannabis businesses nearing the awarding of a state license for operations so that's our critical role as local governments to to play serving as a near final approval check um and then the first sentence on under three right under there the local certification of Z comp following the OC's setting process local governments must certify that the applicant with preliminary approval has achieved compliance with local zoning ordinances prior to so that's that's kind of what you were trying to explain to me and everybody else that that's part of it um so anyway that that's our role that's that's what the state has determined to be our role to incorporate that in our ordinances so we can fulfill our responsibility of being a near final check on the cous business so if you go to the model ordinance I have a few um stars on mine I'd like to bring up but essentially the red page please 129 129 y if you the red the not municipalities putting everything in English here's our options here's some reasons why we do stuff so I would follow the red and the county just had they justop they just adop and the county is limiting five licenses within the County however it depends on the if you selected the county to do your registrations or not or an ordinance or not if tailor Falls I'm just use number one allows one retailer within the city that one can be counted towards their five total however if there's already five total within the county and the city decides to do their own ordinance and allow one at 61 could be could exist that okay so the the wherever the county has jurisdiction there's there going to approve up to five they wouldn't have if we chose to do ourselves they wouldn't have jurisdiction over us we could do five ourselves if we wanted to that's the way yeah yeah and you decide whether you want to give your authority to the county or to keep it loc like you keep talking so if we start on page 129 it goes through Administration Authority that's pretty straight forward um already page 130 where it says optional that's where we're deciding do we want the crow be involved at all I'm thinking the answer be no but I better ask that just that was just my opinion I think it's going to be a I think it's a common opinion okay it's a great question I just assumed we would have our own yes yeah own ordinance and whatever the process is so I guess I just learned this by reading this today we have our own ordinance but have the county actually do these certification for registration like the dirty paperwork maybe I could start it and if I don't like it we can ask so I guess I don't see what the benefit is it seems cleaner just to do everything ourselves I think so that would be my recommendation is if we're going to do this let's do all of it so that's just a point of discussion um page 131 registration of cannabis businesses okay this is where we talk about um we can just like we did with the other one we can put poppers in place they're not required I'm sorry which one you I this has got to be more exciting doesn't it um page 131 the section two registration of C business okay wa is this it says a city or child can adopt specific requirements regarding zoning buffers and use in public spaces provided said requirements are not in conflict with an ordinance adopted under the delegated authority granted to become orate for that matter maybe there's two spots for buckers just a second there registration registration costs to discuss as well I think 136 might be what you're looking for for like the buffers and stuff it's on it's on 135 it's at the end section three okay I'm going to we'll skip that then we'll go in order um okay so fees so I guess that was just an overview of the section which probably includes the buckers and fees so I guess we'll start with these I if you want to discuss it today or not but if you go to 2.3 um an initial retail registration fee shall not exceed $500 or half the amount of the initial state license so just depends on the license you're applying for so they have all those fees already set up to like gotta cultivators are different than all the it's all different right so we'd have to decide do we want to go with half the license fee or a lesser fraction of that license fee or we want it to be static want it to be $500 $200 $100 it's a discussion you guys get to have um and how much to charge for these licenses so that's just where that information go want to discuss that today or another day well don't we do some research on it at least don't we know need to know what the initial State fee is going to be first before so they have those so almost all of them all of those have different fees and almost all of them would you would like the way it says shall not exceed 500 or half almost all of them would be the 500 cuz almost every single one is much more than that for the half price of the LIC like 500 and I think there's a couple that are lower like two or 300 to apply but most of them are thousand so so for Simplicity purposes You' probably recommend the static well the 500 you won't be able to charge half cuz like the license like a a retail license is $10,000 so half of that's 5,000 and that exceeds 500 by so whichever is L I think that's how it's written yeah whichever is less you have to oh what happens if we make the uh initial retail registration fee 5001 we can't right I know I'm just wondering is there a penalty built in there somewhere what I guess you would just be passing something that violates Minnesota statute 34211 okay and just like if you pass anything that violates State Statute oh really yeah we should try to be in compliance with the state okay so I guess um we want to look at what those are or if anybody wants to give me a solid opinion on what that should be either email it to me or we'll definitely have to discuss it during the next council meeting but I just wanted to get you know flag to make a decision on well the fees they have listed here don't see exor right so I keep it simple the renal is a little higher though the renewal retail ration not exce and I don't think the city yeah on so that's actually a little low but that's the law yeah well can I good point so when do we have to have something in place de before January at the if we don't have it in place before January 1 someone would consider we don't care we can put this anywhere have something you wouldn't want to but yeah and the state still hasn't issued the license to anyone set up they haven't picked any of these early applic but they probably will pretty soon into 2025 or maybe even before the year over right so there may be these some early people who can just yeah they could come here in January 1st and there's I thought I read somewhere that they didn't anticipate issuing any licenses until like mid January they probably won't yeah cuz it's like I said they haven't even gone through who they haven't even done the lottery draw or anything our goal is by January 1 to have this published and we can always change it so we should have something in place by January so and this is our really first time we're looking at it in detail I mean I think we've had other meetings where there's a lot of questions and then research in the background so but I kind of want to get a give you guys an update on some of these sections and get your feedback on which direction so that way I can you know a draft that could potentially be passed in agreement so um one thing I'm running into is we have a can um licensing ordinance that we did last year um I'll figure out what to do about that we could like replace it and build it into this ordinance because the new those Lo is the type of license so the rules have slightly changed so I'll come with a recommendation on it but do we want to treat when we are looking at probably limiting the amount of licenses you know I'm assuming we're going to want to treat the low dose different than the high dose so we want to try to keep our existing coordinates and twe it to be in compliance with the new laws or do we want to completely and build something new into this new so I'll have a recommendation on that but we're looking at um our ordinance that we just did is going to be technically not allowed because we're not allowed to charge fee for license we not allowed to license it so kind of changing that to a registration process inste of Licensing I think it's kind of that around it so I'll work on those details is definitely something you would be looking at doing too is an amendment to the other ordinance to be in compliance with the new state how many retail establishments do you want within the city so on that point did I read it correctly if we said we said we only want to allow one but we also decided to have a municipal retail we would still have to allow one other because the the municipal retail wouldn't affect the number of licenses Y and we can't say zero unless we the county correct yeah and then you still can't say zero cuz then they could still let one to the county they could still let if you said zero I think because the county could still approve someone Fe so you can't say no unless the county hits that five license limit that you could yeah Taylor Falls is to be kind of higher spot for popularity for requests because we are on the as a border we're back to local control again right buffers 135 section three requirements for can businesses so again we can regulate the time place in man one of the is buers you guys remember we had about the school to thec have to be the old jails for sale um we also have I forget the address but there's another um building downtown that's for sale and I actually have a call inquiring about that um so we might have multiple people interested in setting up dispensaries so I just throw out a little anecdote similar to Larry's um my wife and I went to the up about a month ago I think and we were in a a town called Munising and it's the population is about 2,000 from what we understood and have a huge summer crowd there I would imagine the town size doubles in the summer but um they approved four licenses and today only two of them are operational the other two went out of business um and we did go in one just to see what it was like and gosh it was just perfect it was clean it was well maintained it was Secure I mean you wouldn't if they didn't have the sign up front you wouldn't even know what the building was um I was impressed but um but they approved four and only two are left and they're in m and no they're a long ways from anywhere there so we're anticipating a ground swell of customers coming to tayor fls I across the May yes most likely yeah like if you go to those towns of Michigan Ironwood every car to dispens is from Wisconsin or Minnesota and it may be shortlived I mean yeah like you said there's a lot of that there's a lot of turnover the street yeah Wisconsin right there they're in an island they're going to be they have Illinois Minnesota either just they're losing untold amounts of tax revenue unbelievable I I I think I've said this before I'll say it again I I'm not in favor of one of anything really um you don't have any competition um I my personal preference would be a minimum of two that's the way it works that's right free enterprise so I'll probably be doing something similar that I did with the shorter mental licensing ordinance I'm going to have a live and I'm going to have coun both meet as much as possible have the discussions have the proposed text and then you know highlight the changes from one to another and if you guys have any ideas outside of the ordinance email them to me please and I will then highlight it as an idea to be discussed at the next meeting hopefully I after you know Planning Commission Mee will come up with the final draft you guys get to on those last little tweets and we're have so many motions to make especially because we're going to have a so essentially we're going to have a zoning orance Amendment which has its own very specific processes documentation very time consuming um we're going to be adopting a new ordinance and amending an existing hand prodct ordinance so it's a lot so I just need everybody be F would it make any sense to have Planning Commission and city council meet for a workshop Y where you can just hash it all out at once I don't know that of course that's up to everybody's schedules but that I I would that yeah yeah they will do more Workshop tile Planning Commission meetings that be and then I encourage Council to attend and we always post on those Planning Commission meetings that a for the council may be present so I guess I know it's Thanksgiving and Christmas and hunting but well if we go with this template which I have to believe is pretty thoroughly vetted we don't need to recreate the so hopefully we won't have to spend as much time as we did right the lower do and our deadline again for this drop dead definitely no later then I think I was December meeting because if we go to the second one I don't have time well what's the state telling us what's our deadline January 1st okay thank you um I have a question on the U the proposed template here it mentions a temporary vent what is that so the city can't prohibit any temporary events cannabis but it mentions a a cannabis event yeah so so like right now they like the one in Minnesota it's called The Legacy cup so it's all it's like cannabis businesses com and anyone who's interested in it and they have you know it's a whole thing for a weekend yeah so what if we had a canvis event at a shortterm rento they come to council are they like a trade show or is can do it yeah or like if there's going to be a little concert and you want to have like cannabis stuff I think there too you have to kind of go through that event planner thing or like any yeah like the music festival has to if they want to have Canabis off be I think they have to get one of these event people to do yeah excuse me could they be held in a part because we don't wouldn't allow I think you still have to maybe comply with some of the ordinance that you have just try to think is really [Music] aack okay up everyone I also learned today so like I mentioned there's retail cultivation and Manufacturing you cannot prohibit any of um and you can only limmit retail you can't limit how many cultivation facilities you have you can't liit how many manufacturing facilities you can put regulations on them you them here's rightous to see everybody lik is kind of cute give him some camera time I was put him in your hat close the door he can up there anyway we're going to make the new mouse disrup in a mouse Orin okay I don't have much more on the Cannabis topic but um if you have any input for me please your process work good for like short-term rental asking us specific provide cont and I really like that I think with a workshop we could this are we done for now that I think you are next with that we're going to move on to new business uh discuss maximum imperious surface requirements in the industrial zoning District okay so this usually this topic would usually go through planning commiss first but since first fireworks is trying to scoot as fast as possible I wanted to kind of get a feel of where you guys are at so their first Iron design in the industrial park um I just reviewed their filling permit plans their imperious surfaces are proposed at 81% which over the 75% threshold within the zoning ordinance so since it's within the zoning ordinance there's specific processes that um have to be done it's not like a you know easy waer there's a variance process so he could so I gave him as options so he could comply with the existing zoning ordinance he can he has the right to apply for variance you guys um have resources now we would do a training for variance processes and um I'll email you the details to kind of wrap this up more quickly but um from a staff evaluation standpoint I'm not seeing that he would meet the criteria but it is the applicant's responsibility to prove that they meet the criteria so there's three criteria that they absolutely have to meet for an ordinance to be granted um so I would have a say you know I would say um if I thought that they were me that criteria each of you would um determine if they meet the criteria but um there's chances criteria for variance criteria for variance um and I I can't say oh I think it would be denied or I think it would be approved um but you kind of guide people on do you think this requirement or not so there's a chance that that could be denied or approved um his other option is to apply for an amendment to the zoning ordinance and I consulted with TJ May he's seen um impr of surface regulations in industrial zoning districts between up to rarely up to 85% so to kind of keep in line with what's normal you could be I maybe recommend a zoning ordinance amendment to like 80% and have them mitigate back down that 1% it's up to him I think it's his choice and what he wants to bring forward to you guys but I just wanted to let you know that this is coming because I know we all very much support him but we can't just say y I think it's okay we have to processes and the process are looking like potentially an or and then so if you have any questions for me let me know is this holding him up that's not what's holding him up right now but could be a so I talked to him because he wanted to break ground already but they're running into some design architectural design hurdles with their engineer um but they wanted to at least do some filling grading so working on approving their filling and grading permit right now um so they'll need filling grading and then they'll need a site plan review that comes to council which should be fairly easy because we've already seen his General plan but a site plan review is a specific process within the zoning ordinance has all those bullets things you have to explain more reports for me to write paperwork so he hasn't submitted his site plan review if he wants to not um comply with the 75% Services he's going to have either a variance or a zoning me to go to and those all of those the all three of those have to go through Planning Commission and city council hearing and a public hearing so you know that process is between a month or two so provided it's November and he's not dead set on starting you know he's he's now leaning toward potentially doing it in the spring just being less rushed otherwise we're going to have to be St on some of those but I did want to bring that to your attention um that's happening did he did he tell you specifically that he could not meet the 75% in perious service reir is that the correct percentage did he tell you he can't meet that what what is what is our ordinance asking to find c yeah I mean like what did he he redesign but what in what way would that adversely affect him I don't know I guess we'd have to ask him well no no what requirement are we putting on him for impervious Services what what is our requirement what's our percentage 75% okay and did he say that he could not do that he said he did not want to try to do that if there was another legal option so I gave him his options oh okay okay and so then we'll know 75 he said he really needs to maximize theace right which is understandable which is understandable so but this 75% is that for our industrial zoning or is that for the whole city our industrial zoning okay so if we regardless of the percent he's still got to have his surface water mitigation plan that would provide enough there's still some management of the runoff outside of thatf because when you looking at impervious surfaces you're really you're looking at catching the runoff yes but it's also an aesthetic thing but the place is going to be surrounded by a fence what's compared to residential what's a residential um 50 okay I think it depends on the zild district but residential covers different zoning districts so whether it's in the St River you know residential small residential Shoreland residential and that's actually one of the topics going to Planning Commission because and if you look in the accessory building section I think the maximum is 25% for a small town but if you go to small town zoning District it doesn't say that at all so what is the intention build build so you'll keep this posed yeah right any more no Larry no no good okay let's move on to uh Highway 8 Bridge L replacement 10 yeah similar to the um semores on Highway 8 95 the city is responsible for the lights across the bridge uh at least the heads um we have one light out now uh they're going to have to close the lane of traffic to replace it um so we're recommending uh doing both lamps on the I believe it was the north side uh now but by four fixtures four like fixtures so we can do the the eastbound Lane um next year or when one goes out over there um they're LED so they'll last a long time provide better illumination so um we're recommending um moving forward with what Kevin has proposed there is um of the budget for street lights we still have a little over $9,100 um positive U budget balance there so we do have the funds do Forest Lake Contracting is this for one or what what needs to be replaced what is that so we could just replace a lb okay but we're probably going to have to do that repeatedly how much would that cost uh I have no idea they'd still have to go through the lane closure um yeah so um I mean certainly a bulb is a lot cheaper than than a new head an LED head um but for the long it's the right thing to do is to move to LED um we just won't have to deal with it in a foreseeable future um it's a busy road it's shutting Lanes of traffic down every time we have to do this so that's that's what uh we talked about is the best way forward to do it okay thank you and we keep the two heads on the shelf and replace them either when one of the s went out or on a scheduled basis right okay so the U traffic control for highp speed lane closure is that equipment that they set up staff and barricades flag what does that cost us to see if we replace the B for example $990 for for Traffic Control having a okay oh I see it sorry thank you yeah so there are four heads the time to replace the two heads and then the Lan closure so all we would pay for next time would be the L closure and the labor well we got to have lights on the bridge and we got to take care of it for the long term rather than you know keep going up to change light bulbs out so you know it makes sense to do this it's in the budget got my approval so if I have this correctly let's say a light bulb was 10 bucks we would pay $1,010 right because we' have to pay for the the labor labor or no labor and lane closure probably be a little less labor only one CU they're going to change the actual fixture up on top there I to say I should make a motion motion to I'll make the motion I'll second to approve uh the proposal provided by Public Works anyone discussion if not all in favor say I I hi right uh number three new business lighting Festival update well I'll try to look this fast so uh this year is the 40th anniversary of the lightning Festival so a lot of history that's gone into it we've chosen as our theme uh the Ruby because that's the 40th and so the theme is Gem of the valley and um it'll be very similar to the previous years um a lot of three days very full days we have a committee of there are 12 of us that have been working on this and have a few new things that we're adding we're adding a swap or a shop crawl so really trying to encourage business downtown and if people buy something their name goes into a drawing for a gift card um the parade is on Friday night uh there's a lot going on all day Friday and we just really want to encourage people to come early and be in our city and spend money and um and then Saturday is a full day with starting with a free Flapjack breakfast and and then the traditional wasel party craft fair um there's The Medallion hunt there's um the open house is um down on bench street it's um where Alysa auton lives now that's the house and the Christmas at the fome house is open on Saturday there's The ecumenical vper service at the Methodist church and then 6:30 is family bingo um Sunday is uh the the full house and alysa's house is open and then at 1:30 there's the green fire Irish dancers and 2 o' is or sorry 3:00 is the Winter concert by the St Cy Valley Orchestra also at the Methodist Church so um Lots going on um and we just want to appre I me say thank you to the city for your support of this um one of the concerns that we spent quite a bit of time discussing is safety with having so many people in town it's at night and you never know what the weather's going to be it's going to be icy like it was last year and could get up the hill and things like that we invited Kevin to come to our meeting just to kind of talk through different scenarios and um definitely if there's ice we will close or not we but I think that the as the council decided that govern Street would be closed is it Government Street that goes in front of the community center where last year cars were sliding down backwards so don't want that to happen this year um and then also just with the parade um just we we would like to have volunteers to help us like with Crossing I know last year um Tim and Kevin were at romains and just helping because before the parade before 95 is closed there's a lot of traffic coming through and people are going across the street to get the best place and things like that so um have I'm checking with the Lions to see if they can help checking with other groups to see if if we can just have guards at the crossing guards just to help with our safety there Santa will be behind with August so anybody that's on the west side of the stre after the parade we'll need to get across the street too so just be mindful of that and if if you're down there and can help too um we'd appreciate that um that's probably about it it's going to be a very busy weekend but it'll be a fun weekend Oh and then just one other thing um we didn't choose we didn't select a royal lady this year what we wanted to do was honor previous Royal ladies and so I think at this we have about 10 previous ladies that are either going to ride in the um cars or else walk in the parade um just to say thank you for all you've done for the year throughout the years for lighting festival and um just recognizing that so cool yeah any questions or I have a question how did you do all this in run for city council at the same time I don't know I kind of lost my brain yeah well I've got a good team well thank you the right yes that's the right answer it's all about teamwork thank you very much for and I'll post this up here so everybody knows there's also the website so if you have any questions lighting festival.com is there an orn pardon is there an ornament oh yes there is beautiful ornament okay um that we probably I think something is being sent to you I'm not sure yeah pictures it's um with August is made it and it um has rubies on it so they're not really rubies but they look like rubies yeah it's available now yeah they're downtown yeah1 $12 two for 20 I always want to say two for 10 Carol as long as you're here could I could I request that we move the agenda around talk about the yep War she's here oh sure that's one of the next things is the approval of lighting Festival donation of $1,000 so I'll make the motion we open discussion on uh the approval of liting Festival donation second I had a question is the lighting Festival a nonprofit it is so it's light it's I don't know if we're officially a nonprofit but we run we raise our own funds and um I never thought about it before yeah so our our biggest fundraisers are um donations from the businesses and then Bingo um and oh and then the the houses usually um bring in a couple hundred dollars so so far we've been able to you know Break Even every year and this year I just appreciate Kevin he just said why do you guys buy new lights every year and and it was because when when workers took them down they cut them down because that was easiest and he said no he said I will be saving them for you so hopefully they'll work more than one year so that savings yeah so I just have um some general I guess items our information so the approved budget for 2024 included a $500 donation or transfer donation to the lightting festival um I think that had been the case in previous years I'm not 100% sure um we had 1,500 for wanigan days and 500 for the lighting Festival um in 2025 we increased that um a bit um so we'll have a little if we approve it that way for a final budget we'll have a little more to work um so similar to the WAN days what I would suggest we do or recommend we do is um approve $1,000 but take 500 of it from our general fund and 500 from the charal gambling fund you can use those for festivals um so what we do is authorize Michelle to cut a check to Taylor's Falls lighting Festival I assume for $1,000 and it would just be two different sources for that funds 500 uh from general fund and 500 from champ all right any other discussion sounds good to me yep it's a great event yep great event I will read the uh can I read the motion this time there it is I will uh make a motion uh the donation to the Taylor Falls lighting Festival in the amount of $1,000 to be made so I would just amend that to include the funding sources so it's clear in the minutes for Michelle sure um $500 from charitable gambling correct and $500 from the general fund is that correct correct and that would I can talk to Michelle but it's it's under councel under the council um Department if you will all right any more discussion no okay thanks all you all in favor I I thank you yeah thank you for all work and then uh one last item fall chamber membership rule I'll make a motion that we open discussion on the Falls Chamber of Commerce membership approval I'll second sorry I was reading all right uh I had received the application and information from um Diane Nelson um who attended uh the meeting and I know there's other another local lady that attends as well um we had representation from the city at one time um not sure what position that was um I would myself um do that at this point um unless there's a better represent pres ation you know representative and um the membership is quite cheap um and I think we wanted to build that you know that relationship with um the with s Croy but also we want to get our recognition with that that chamber um to build more um recognition along the riv do you know how long it's been since we were member don't I don't there's a sticker on the window out here oh um that says we were a member at some time I don't know if it has a year on it but okay yeah not been the last two I can't remember who represented or when okay yeah for $200 there's not much risk there um and we are trying to build uh a stronger relationship um with SFS especially as it relates to WAN days and they're very interested in building that too STI a good time to do it I agree yeah fully simp help I agree any more discussion no all in favor say I I did someone second um I did I was sleeping okay you woke up for that thank you all right uh any Aon or council member reports no no no Mar R is meeting next week okay um when we say the next meeting was our next meeting is December December 9th regular council meeting is well you thought we'd have to have another November so that was driven by me kind of just for cannabis so I generally speaking I think it should go with the council and Planning Commission as much as possible from now until it's done what do you guys think so another meeting in November or you guys if you think it would be productive I would have a draft and I wouldn't be able to here is okay because at least we wouldn't be voting anything but at least there would be we need discussion forward so and Larry w't be here would you be here November what 25th I don't think it's the end of the world will be as long as everybody's eming their input and we can Planning Commission and yeah if there's an agenda to have I can't for the 25th okay I mean is it all depend why is everybody looking at me on what don't know Brandon okay isand Tim and Brandon so I mean I guess if we're down to two I'd say just Comm just communicate and we W have a meeting then I'll hassle you via email so then the next meetings we have is December 4th is TR truth and Taxation got it okay and the ninth would be our regular council meeting truth and Taxation at 6: on the 4th correct city council meeting at 6: on the 9th y right and should be only meeting December right December should be quick thank you to everybody for all the work on the budget I mean all the sacrifices that everybody made and not going to include you know staff fire department yes Tim and all his work thanks for your hard work Tim everybody certainly uh you got a motion I'll make a motion to Second all in favor all right all right thank you everybody thank you top button Sherry y the red