check one two check one two 3 4 5 six 79 one two 3 one two three one two d hey how you doing you yeah how you doing I gotta go find oh your phone s that that's have can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Mr clerk we have a quorum and call this meeting to order at 8:02 PM please call the RO councilman Schwarz he's getting on councilwoman beler here councilwoman Goldberg here councilwoman Oregon here debut May Catz Deputy Mayor G here he's on mayor Pagan here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by resolution number 299-2020 sending a copy to the newspaper official designated for 2024 by way of resolution number 2224 by a copying the toship clerk's office and posting on the municipal build and bullon board and the mayor hereby directs this statement be included in the minutes thank you Mr clerk good evening and welcome everyone to tonight's council meeting Township Administration president at tonight's meeting are Dean kazinski Township manager Doug Rion Township Clerk Kristen denor Deputy Township Clerk Tom Thomas row Deputy Township manager Scott sammon Township attorney and Ron Goodman volunteer cablecaster for The public's information we're currently holding a hybrid format meeting we have people in person and on Zoom our Wi-Fi at the municipal building has an issue where the zoom meeting drops we will aim to retrieve the connection and restart the meeting the next televised regular council meeting will take place on Tuesday February 13th at 6:30 p.m. the public portion of that meeting begins at 8:00 p.m. Township offices will be closed on Monday February 12th in observance of Abraham Lincoln's birthday and Council met in close session early this evening to discuss the following items the DPW legal issues and opinions regarding items on the Open Session agenda litigation update and Oprah our next order of business is presentations but we do not have any so we are going to move on to work session items does anyone on Council have anything for miscellaneous no moving on is anyone sorry Mr Mayor sorry Mr Mayor um the Personnel subcommittee wanted to introduce that one um uh member for the pride Advisory Board I thought uh that someone you would be able to introduce it did you see that which member was it I thought that board was full no there was one um it was a an oversight there was one member who was who had we thought had been reappointed but it had not for been reappointed Robert toor yeah yeah yeah I was just gonna say for Deputy Mayor G it was just um an over solution let me I sent the email let me find it hold on yeah Deputy Mayor sent the email I saw that email and it was about Robert torado and just someone nominating him he was serving on the board and wanted to he was one of few that wanted to continue to serve all right Deputy Mayor do you want me to nominate I have it open I'll just do it so i' like to nominate to the pride Advisory Board uh Robert torado this is a reappointment for a two-year term ending on December 31st 2025 I'll second that Mr all right for resolution next meeting councilman Schwarz oh I see him actually putting his hand up right now let me bring him in yes to the resolution thank you councilwoman beler councilwoman Goldberg yes councilwoman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor G yes thank you mayor Pagan yes we'll see a resolution next meeting all right does anyone else have anything under miscellaneous no moving on to God bless you moving on to Old business does anyone have anything under old business moving on to new business does anyone have anything under new business moving on to Communications does anyone have anything for communications next up is committee reports by Council liaison Mr Schwarz I think you had something on yes sure I do I have two firstly um first of all cedine um Management Group met and we discussed the honores for this coming Memorial days street fair so please look out for details on that in the honor are being or the proposed honies are being contacted secondly our sub zoning committee met two weeks ago on Friday the full report is in and exciting um details some changes to some PL and we to those projects lifelines thank you thank you Mr Schwarz Miss organ uh the Patriotic observance Advisory Board uh together with the manager and Deputy manager met with Gates flag and banner uh they're one of the companies that hangs uh the banners on the polls um up and down our main streets the banners of uh veterans who have served in town it's um there is a link on the website to nominate somebody um all we need is is uh their basic information and what war they were in um so if anybody knows of a veteran um living or deceased who lives in tenek or was from Tek please um sign up online we'd love to get the first batch up before Memorial day of this year also the library board just reminding everybody that there will be construction going on sometime after June um and plans are in the works to to relocate as best we can but we're looking forward to a really nice new library thanks thank you Miss organ Miss Goldberg thank you Mr Mayor so PPR met on January 10th and it was their the first meeting with the new co-chairs um pprb decided to start meeting year round including July and August which they hadn't done since it's the height of Recreation season so they felt it was critical for them to be meeting in the summer months um also four benches are going to be installed along Brooks Park the DPW is marking the area but they can't pour the concrete because of the weather yet um so once they can they'll install the concrete pads and the benches are going to be facing um uh Brooks Park and this was done in collaboration with the senior services Advisory Board um also DPW uh the stove came up again and uh it was mentioned that DPW had mentioned that potentially that it was the stove that was clausing the gas smell so I know that um the stove is from 1998 and and is part of the budget request to be replaced this year uh from the rec department um the board of EDS sent in a request about putting a fence around MLK Park which is the one right there um and asked about it being paid for by the township at a cost of $25,000 um pprb wasn't exactly happy with the idea of fencing around the park they were concerned about the impact to kids not at school during those hours who use the park um there was also concern that the schools would insist that the park be closed to the public during those hours but it's a Township Park and would be available to be used by all residents they wanted to know if the the council decided to move forward with that um could it be in writing contractually to make sure that anyone can use the park at that time and they were also concerned that it would feel uninviting to the public to have the fence without clear signage that says open to all um the pal building came up and they wanted to know if it was possible about planting something there whether it's flowers um and they wanted to know the status of the fundraising for those flowers um they also had a question and I want to I guess ask the liaison for historic preservation the the Google Maps that were done for the site or the the Google updates the pprb wanted to know um if there was someone that they could talk to about making sure the names of our Park get added to Google Maps um so if there's someone that I can put them in touch with Doug okay even better um they were also talking about passive Recreation um and that you know there's all these small lots that are owned and about putting potential like looking at benches to put in there um and they were going to do a a Parks tour um once the weather gets uh warmer for all of them to go together and really all get to know the parks and the last thing was kind of my favorite part of the whole meeting um um two children who came to the council meeting also came to the pprb meeting uh Sammy and yonatan to talk about skateboard parks in Teck and they presented the idea of uh having a skateboard park in tenek and they came very prepared and they talked about uh using the the skateboard park for camps and lessons to help offset the costs um there was a lot of Engagement in the process and it was really just heartwarming to watch the kids involved in you know something it's their own Parks so PPR gave them homework to come back with um for the next meeting their top three suggested locations for the park to do a petition to gauge how many other residents are interested um and I've seen that online and some design questions um and I'm really looking forward to see what they bring back at the next meeting and it was just really great to see the kids and I think it would be a great addition to our Parks as well thank you Miss Goldberg Miss Belcher okay thank you very much uh just as a couple quick um updates uh the historic preservation uh commission met uh we're talking a lot about markers so we're going to be some seeing some new and exciting markers that are uh going to be placed on some of our historic properties throughout Town um also I just want to mention that there is uh just remind folks that there is a very interactive map that the historic preservation commission has uh um created it's a great map that shows all of our historic properties and locations uh it's on our website so you want to um visit that just to see some real exciting things regarding that also uh historic preservation uh attended our uh task force for Grant the grant infrastructure task force uh and so there the whole idea is that they're uh attending and interacting with our grant um writing uh company to identify historic um preservation property grants so um that's something that's real exciting for uh those that um that are in that Arena I just also want to mention that the Chamber of Commerce has a new executive board they just had elections this month um also the um stigma free Advisory board has their next meeting on January 29th next Monday uh they're actually going to meet in person because we have a couple new U members so uh we're looking forward to that and lastly the affordable housing subcommittee did meet and we're working through um uh the new legislation surrounding affordable housing we interacting with our uh attorney to make sure that we are identifying um real really uh key areas in which we can take advantage of you know affordable housing legislation the new round 10year round begins on July 1st of uh 2025 so we want to really make sure that we are uh provisioning ourselves and positioning ourselves to to really take advantage of you know that affordable housing legislation thank you Mr Mayor thank you Miss beler Deputy Mayor G um so first the senior citizens Advisory Board met on Thursday um they were very grateful to um the council for approving um the increase to their membership to 12 and so they just wanted to say thank you for that um second they wanted to um formally request um I know there is some budget for Advisory Board um events or um you know things that they want to do and so one of the things they would like to do is a visit to the ban Gardens and so they're going to pay for their entry free but they're looking for some help with a bus to get over there and so I think Doug you're going to get a a formal request via email from scab leadership but I just wanted to flag that um secondly The Advisory Board and community relations met yesterday um I just wanted to shout out Cheryl Hall who is the incoming chair she did a phenomenal job um facilitating that meeting so shout out to cherl I know you're probably listening um I was so impressed by the new members um literally every cross-section of t- neck represented it was um so refreshing to hear the backgrounds of all of the new members um I encourage anyone who is available to join those meetings going forward to sit in um I really think there there's a lot to come from that that from that new advisory Bo um second they're going to be changing their meeting time uh we're moving it up 30 minutes earlier to 7:30 going forward um just to accommodate some more time for good and Welfare so while they traditionally started at 8 they will start at 7:30 going forward and then finally they um after last the last council meeting hearing about the empathy training and that train the trainer program they were very much interested and formally making the request that the members be included in that training um and so I guess Dean this is for you to the extent that we can include this in the budget um for next year they would very much like to participate um so formal requests to come from leadership but I wanted to flag it here for all of you thank you thank you Deputy Mayor and lastly the Hackensack River Greenway Advisory Board met last night and we discussed cleanup of the river the fdu walkway path the DPW flooding and the possible renaming of Indian Pond also the shade tree Advisory board meeting uh actually the shade tree Advisory Board will be meeting on Thursday at 7 p.m at the Rota Center if anybody wants to join next order of business is Council listed items I don't see anything listed we're going to move on to the township manager's report Mr kazinski the floor is yours sir uh thank you mayor I usually started out with announcements I just wanted to bring up that we had two minor snow events over the last two weeks it really did not require any plowing and I appreciate uh the residence Corporation and removing the cars from the street even though we did not plow uh I'm very liberal with allowing uh or relaxing the parking restrictions in our Municipal Lots prior to a snowfall so I encourage everyone if there is an anticipated snowfall and generally the rule of thumb is if we get three or more inches that's when the blades go down that's when the Public Works declares a snow emergency and that's when all the cars have to be up the street or else they're they're ticketed so I'm very liberal with relaxing uh the restrictions in our Municipal lots and meter Lots so I encourage everyone to park there all of our information about um uh snow uh parking uh is can be found on our website and uh I usually circulate the nixel message blast email and it's on the website as well and I do encourage everyone to sign up for Township alerts at tkj very very easy to do uh another thing I want to point out to the public and the council I I spoke to the new tenek postmaster about the status of our 2023 fourth quarter tax bills that previously reported that they went missing this was back I guess September October is and the town spent roughly $727 for postage uh we demanded uh reimbursement uh for that cost the post office at the time did uh acknowledge receiving them and sending them to the transfer station in Teterboro uh at that time I was dealing with um a different person than who I'm dealing with now who I called yesterday today to find out the status of their investigation and was told that no information was left for her and to resend everything that was originally sent to the post office so uh I I certainly did that I voiced uh you know my um my concerns and how disappointed I was with the the Postal Service uh I don't know you know if anything's going to come out of it you know the town is is out $727 I'm not sure if there's any litigation we can move forward with against uh the United States Postal Service I don't know but it's a very uh elusive agency lately uh similar to CSX so I'm working hard trying to uh get our monies back I don't know how it's going to play out but I will keep updating Council and and the public um I was invited to attend the TEEG Road business Community Alliance meeting last night at the Rota Center uh some very great people there we discussed some exciting ideas we discussed having an event in the beverage street parking lot uh sometime this spring so I will work with them to put something together uh just an update on the townships reevaluation inspections they're about 70% complete as of today and as I mentioned all inspection should be done sometime uh by the end of January beginning of February uh what will happen after that is valuation letters are going to be mailed approximately the third week in February and after these letters are mailed out and received by the residents we're going to set set up individual meetings to to discuss this if needed and we'll reserve space at the Rota Center uh for the last week in February and the first week in March and this will be for in-person meetings with the residents that need to sit down and speak to our assessor or appraisal systems uh the meeting slots are going to be from 9:00 am. to 9:00 p.m 7 days a week we'll also accommodate residents by creating a zoom link as well so we do everything in our power to accommodate and ask and answer any questions that the residents may have we're also seeking reimbursement from uh the two states of emergency that the governor recently declared for the storms uh some of the items that are included with reimbursement of course is overtime and equipment used so we're on top of that and we will God bless you we will um submit the the information to our um actually Millennium handles that for us and we'll seek reimbursement for any of our costs um and also something another announcement within the next several weeks we're going to be Distributing a citizen survey link via Survey Monkey and this is to collect data for our new website you know we want uh some input from the residents it's going to help us to uh design and customize the website so look for that within the next couple weeks on again through Survey Monkey but I will certainly send out uh and Doug and I will certainly send out as much information as we can to to get that word out some of the project updates not a lot to report since the last meeting that took place 12 days ago um I met with the engineer and the superintendent of recreation really to discuss the upgrades to herck park we have the final design uh Doug I don't know if you can pull up the conceptual plan um I have my copy here I don't if you can pull it up and it's really going to be a nice nice project uh we finalized some things that we were unsure about but I I like to to show the residents what we're looking at and uh what the design May uh may appear when it's uh finally in place all right before Doug pulls it up we're going to be awarding this evening the uh the V Park prefab bathroom uh project this evening um the shade and shelter project just north of the VY park splash pad it's going to commence once the weather breaks um fire station 4 we're going to commence work on the roof they in about four weeks all materials have been ordered and that should take about three weeks once the the job begins and then once the roof is replaced we're going to replace all the windows at station 4 on Windsor Road uh completion day we're looking at sometime in in the spring so that project moving forward so dou you just yeah just pull up the conceptual plan the engineering plan there we go I don't know if we can make that any bigger but um I know it may be a little difficult to see so we'll start from the southern end uh the southern end if you're looking at the screen in the front would be to your left hand side you'll see a you'll see the basketball court so uh the idea is to replace that basketball court and make it regulation size along with lights uh so that will be done we're going to renovate the baseball field the back stop there'll be new dugouts as well uh in the middle of the park where you see that round uh design that's going to be the new Splash Pad um Splash Pad sprinkler pad uh to the right of that we're going to create a new patio and sitting area in the park uh to the right of that uh Doug is the uh the new children's playground and then on the west side of the park you'll have the the new restrooms uh there's going to also be uh A New Path that will go around most of the park with a sitting area that'll be a 4 foot asphalt path and then there is uh there is a swing area but we are going to modernize the swings and that's where Doug if you could pull up uh the other two attachments um you can do the splash pad design first okay that's fine so the these are some of the new uh children's playground equipment that will be installed for ages five to 12 and ages 2 through 5 and then we will upgrade the the swings so you do have the the mommy and child swing we'll put some of those in uh and some other uh new modern designs and Doug if you could just pull up the heric pork Splash Pad design yep so that's about 952 square feet but that gives you a general idea what it would look like um these are these are common uh splash pads that are put in in many different Parks uh so this will you know this will be an exciting project once we get it U going uh we're going to apply for a AARP Grant uh to cover the walking path around the park uh we'll be applying for that and again as I mentioned we we're receiving 750,000 from Green Acres and we we do have the money in the 2023 capital budget 1.7 million to cover cover this project so again um the engineering I believe the contract is on for tonight and uh probably within the next few weeks we will um we move forward with advertising and hopefully get this project uh sooner uh as early as this spring all right thank you Doug thank you Mr manager M goldbert I just have a really quick question on herck Park can you go back to the picture for two seconds sorry I just wanted to scroll back up on I just wanted I just wanted to check out we have monkey bars included in this it's a very important thing to a very young nice young man five through 12 I don't know if Doug if you could put uh put that attachment back up with the playground so if you look at the five through 12 the top right has a um I don't know what they they call it where you uh go from ring to ring those look like great monkey bars thousand thank you so again we we can you know we can fine-tune some of the equipment and uh we we will but this gives you a general idea of what it's what it's going to look like organ what's the size of the field uh that that field is not a 90 it's a 60 foot field it's more of a softball facility uh so it's a it's a smaller field it's not the regulation 90 90 foot but it will be again completely redone and will be very nice um let's see uh I also met with the engineer and the DPW uh director to see if we could alleviate some storm water from infiltrating the side yard of 391 be street so we're looking at um I have to speak to the homeowner to discuss but the idea uh is to remove the existing uh fencing they have chain leg fencing on their property and replace it with a 2 and A2 foot uh water barrier wall and then put a 4 foot decorative fence on top of the water barrier so this would be on their property uh the town would do the work it would prevent the water from infiltrating their property and and their basement so I need to speak to the the homeowner which I will which I will do uh this way we do not run into any issues with with Green Acres again this will be a project on their property um as Karen mentioned we had a great meeting with these with the Patriotic Advisory board on the Hometown Heroes that'll move forward um last uh last week uh I met with our lsrp uh our special engineer and again we're looking at uh ways that we can uh keep DPW at 1600 River Road so uh we we have some ideas but our special engineer is putting together uh a contract uh for their work and eventually we're going to prepare a conceptual plan and design for a council review and consideration so I'm hoping within the next several months uh that will take place and then we can make some decisions on on the DPW facility um we received approval from Bergen County Soil uh that's for the TX Southern little leag project so that that was good news we just received uh received that today um some of the appointments actually only one appointment that's going to take place on February 1st that's a new police officer his name is Tyler seals and he's going to be appointed to the position of police officer he's currently finishing uh the police academy as an alter route candidate unfortunately uh we had one police officer recently resigned to take a position in Connecticut um so again it's very very difficult for us to get up to with the full Staffing but we're working hard to try to uh try to do that and today we were notified by the county of ber and that we're going to receive $146,700 and this is the cover um cost at bels Park to replace such items as the back stops benches bleachers can't deliver dugouts and some renovations to the to the baseball field it's a matching Grant uh but this certainly helps us out in getting that project done at Phelps sport that's it okay I didn't know if you were going to mention this uh Dean but I I received the draft of the Poetry Park and that was it's an extraordinary um work of art um I I I think that it's something that um more of our residents should know about because we have some real um really good artistic people in our community so um Scott Pleasants had and I think I give a copy to to council everyone on Council so Scott Pleasants had produced a poetry Park um uh booklet uh it's it's an excellent um it's an excellent uh magazine basically that has a bunch of different poems written by different people so uh I I think that what we're going to do is buy about a 100 copies of it it's relatively inexpensive but we'll be able to keep some at the library some at the municipal building and to be able to give them out but you know Scott has done excellent work as a PO laet and you know I'm looking forward to purchasing these getting that out to the public and having Scott present for any of our uh big events here in town thank you Miss Bel thank you Mr kazinsky we appreciate everything you do for the township Mr sammon do you have a Township attorney's report I do not Mr Mayor all right so we're going to move on to the next order of business which is our public hearing and Adoption of ordinances Mr can you please read the titles of the ordinances into the red yes indeed mayor council this evening we have a few ordinances for second reading first up we have ordinance number 44 2023 amending the township code for the township at T to modernize and clarify the township Charter Administrative Code we have ordinance number 45 d223 amending the township code for the township inac to enact a new section establishing and regulating accessory dwelling units we have ordinance number 46- 2023 amending the township code for the township AAC to remove time limitations on pouring concrete ordinance number one 2024 establishing salary ranges and classification of positions for Municipal Employees in the township last but not least ordinance number 2-22 24 amending the township code for Township Teck to Revis membership on the social services Advisory board thank you Mr cour does anyone on Council have anything to say before we open the public hearing I just want to make a motion to table 45 2023 the Adu ordinance um the planning board has to hear it and honestly we're really close to the master plan and I would like to table it pending the master plan and make sure that the planning board has sufficient time to really review everything okay um I would like to say that I'm in favor of the pl planning board actually reviewing it which they uh it is on their agenda for uh this Thursday um however I really have an issue with tabling it until the master plan uh because of the fact that it is uh we don't really have a date for the master plan typically when we want to table something we want to table it to a specific date and date on the calendar um the reason why I am uh in support of having it stand outside of the uh the master plan is because this speaks to uh empowering our residents this is an opportunity for our residents to take advantage of adus which are being used Across the Nation uh I believe that it gives our uh residents an opportunity to to uh to uh be able to take advantage of private property rights so that they can in fact um build on their property um offer additional um square footage for their families uh and so forth we're in the middle of a tax revaluation this this year and I think that many of our residents would benefit from adus I I am absolutely in favor of of uh letting the planning board speak uh to this which here again is on their agenda for Thursday but I do believe that we should if we table it let's table it until after the the planning board has met and uh so let's table it to a specific date so if I'm not mistaken you're you're seconding her motion to table it until the next meeting I'm I'm basically to the next meeting I'm okay with the next meeting tbling it to the next meeting sure so wait procedurally so I made the motion to table it for the to pending the master plan but nobody yes can I second that Mr Schwarz I'm sorry go ahead no no I'm sorry I think apologize if it doesn't come out well I believe once the planning board discusses it they have to memorialize the resolution at their next meeting because they're going to send us a formal letter so doing this at the next council meeting I believe is still um doesn't work and Mr sammon maybe you can uh confirm that well I mean depends there are a lot of different ways you can you can table this but if you want to table it to you table it to the next meeting you can table it till after the planning board has a chance to review it you can table it until after the master plan review initely there are lots of different ways to to handle it and just for clarification I heard what councilwoman beler said but she made a first and I think Karen made a second I was mistaken because you said you were tabling it until the master plan which should be done in about a month or two and then councilwoman beler was kind enough to tell us how she feels about it but then there was a second by Karen correct yeah there's a first and a second vote on that vote on the motion and and just one more time can we may you please repeat for the record exactly what that motion was table till when so the master plan is done which should be um point of clarification uh Mr attorney um don't we have to table it to a specific date as opposed to saying in in the future I mean it's basically saying we're going to table it in indefinitely if we're saying that we're tabling it to the master plan yeah without unless you give a specific dat oh I'm sorry uh yeah without a specific date it's it's essentially m a motion to table it indep but I have a question so if the planning board they're they're meeting Thursday we don't know what they're going to do I mean that doesn't mean that we could hear it necessarily the next meeting anyway so correct we couldn't even necessarily give it a date without knowing what's going on anyway good you get so well no because you you can table to a specific date and then if it's not you know the master the the planning board hasn't acted on it yet then you then table it again to the next date just so everybody knows where I stand I want to see this succeed and I'm okay with tabling it as long as it comes back so that the planning board can look at it and planning board will be looking at it on Thursday night correct Okay so so you still made a motion till the master plan but we need a date I think that's what you're telling us Mr sammon unless you want to table it indefinitely then you I I don't want to table it indefinitely because if you table it indefinitely that kills it for this entire Council session for the whole year and not I would hate to see that happen would councilwoman Goldberg be agreeable to say uh table it tbling it to the meeting after the next meeting which would give us 30 days approximately I'm just trying to figure like I I want to make it part of the master plan like and then do it Incorporated so I'm not sure TimeWise how to do that well you're you sit on the planning board would you be willing and please let me know what you think because you're the one that made the motion and you're the one that made the second would you be willing to talk to the planning board members about how important it is to the several council members to have this considered in the master plan since we're almost done with the master plan and I think you even mentioned previously that it is part part of it is in the master plan already and there's a steering committee meeting happening very soon correct this week also this week yeah this go ahead Ken sorry so really there should be no discussion on this because it's a motion to table but since we're discussing it my preference would be as with everything else we've decided to push off now because we are at the end of a master plan re-evaluation we should wait and have this discussed by the planning board for the master plan and so I would not want it to come up before that master plan and um that's why I like the idea of tabling it until the master plan I don't I don't understand we're so close to it why we would start introducing other things peace mail there's nothing about community-driven that that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be included in that document which tells us how we should proceed in our town no I hear what you're saying and I appreciate what you're saying but when I heard heard the attorney said that we might need a date for this to actually happen that's when I was just asking and I think what I would recommend if you want to do ENT after the master plan we can table until whatever the the date is that the master plan is supposed to be completed and then it would come up again then and if it's master plan is not completed then you table it again till you know another fixed date do we have a date rly they're very close yeah but um I approximately maybe a month from now Mr Schwarz I see your hand yes my my subzone report if you read it discusses the timeline for the master plan it looks like it's going to go to the planning board for voting in April or May so this should be completed by the middle of May what do you want to do do we want to say do we want to say till the yeah there's the there's a meeting May 21st that reintroduce it or bring it back for the second reading then that's rough when the planning or the uh the master plan should be done like I don't know when it's Point understanding uh Mr attorney if we were if the planning board makes a determination on Thursday um how would that impact us moving tabling this to me I mean wouldn't we have aren't we under some type of statutory number of days to respond to what the planning board no the only the only time the only timeline restrictions are for the planning board to review it um other than that you know we're free to we're free to do whenever whenever want after that so you amended your motion to that date yeah the 21st you're seconding it second roll call Mr clerk did you get sorry if it was confusing May 21 that's what they said tabling to May 21 yeah for the master plan and that was seconded by councilman Oregon councilman Schwarz yes to table Council in beler Council woman goldber yes councilman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor G yes gone yes I see all right it's time to open up the public hearing and the public hearing on these ordinances are now open just these ordinances any members of the public wishing to be heard on any of these ordinances can please come forward and state their names for the record comments or questions shall be limited to three minutes per person on just these several ordinances again EJ vizzy hi everyone I'm EJ vizzy I'm the director of senior programs with the bright side family and and we uh launched the agef friendly Teck initiative I just wanted to clarify before I continue I am able to speak on ordinance 45223 even though it's been tabled yes you can okay thank you so much um so I'm here to speak about the proposal to allow accessory dwelling units in t an Innovative I'm EJ I'm sorry uh Mr clerk Mr attorney can we let her speak uh I'm hearing from other council members we can't because we're only allowed to speak about these ordinances not I'm sorry AJ good sorry about that I'll a couple minutes be soon thank you Karen for pointing that out anybody else want to talk about just these ordinances Mr Rose Howard Rose T resident uh just little clarification please we're allowed to talk about ordinances 45 2023 202 46 uh then the one that starts with a one and the one that starts with a two how come we were were not allowed to talk about the first one uh you are you can talk about any of them but you've already voted on it no no no we didn't sir we voted on tbling the Adu ordinance okay question then on the uh I'll get back to that in good and Welfare thank you uh it's it's ironic to me that there's a change in limitations on pouring concrete especially when you're talking about it's too cold anyway to use it what are the ordinance changes regarding that is it timing when they can do it in the morning is it timing when they can do it in the season is it time what timing are you unrestricting uh that's thank you thank you Mr Rose Mr Yuck pH Yak I'd like to speak on ordinance 46 about concrete and just mentioned to you that uh being that you're allowing the pouring of concrete in colder weather uh I would like to see the township uh make sure that concrete is poured on all properties uh the homeowners are required to to pour con concrete on all properties where the concrete is raised and that would require the township to then go around and Mark all those properties on a regular basis because the trees lift up the uh concrete so I'm hoping that the council will consider that and maybe at an ordinance in the future to allow that to happen to make the township do that thank you thank you Mr y Doug we have someone on Zoom I'm bringing Lisa in and uh Lisa please state your name for the record just a friendly reminder the public hearing right now is only for the ordinances that we just read into the record if you have any other comments about anything at all that is not the ordinances that public hearing will be coming in just a few short minutes the floor is yours Lisa you are free to unmute I was trying to take my hand down I just wanted to talk you know to thank uh certain council members and to um remind the council members that they need they they uphold a certain all right thank you Lisa the general good and Welfare will be coming in just a few minutes this is just for the ordinances Miss shandre Young good evening everyone shandre young T arvon rot I want to speak to um 48 and 49 just want to ensure that um I know there's going to be work done on no yeah there isn't it's a ordinances just the or ordin over to ordinance right now yeah just the ordinances okay I'll come back on all right thank you Shandra anyone else on Zoom Doug anyone in Chambers want to talk about just these ordinances no public hearing is closed anyone on Council have any comments I do have a comment M Bel okay so I just um with um you know the Adu ordinance I totally understand that you know we want to be uh in compliance with um the master plan I know that there's a lot that you know our community is writing on but I just want to say that um adus are way in which we Empower our residents um when we talk about the the master plan and we are talking about things like tools such as ainr and pilots and things that are really uh speaks to to um developers but um I I the reason why I just want to let the public know why I think it should stand separate from um the master plan is because it empowers our residents so that's just my comment thank you thank you Miss beler Miss Oregan yeah just to answer the questions about the concrete it's the time of year that there it's now allowed to be poured it can safely be poured in the winter months and so there's no reason to waste those months without work being done it's not a time of day thing or backyards it should be considered even more so than putting a 40 unit building on State Street in my oh I I think he meant to mute anybody else on Council Mr manager Mr attorney focus on you guys are good go ahead please I'm sorry the for the concrete ordinance it's exactly as councilwoman Oregon was just saying there is currently a time restriction within the Township Code that restricts uh uh individuals residents from pouring concrete or replace the sidewalks in front of their houses between December to March you're not allowed you're not allowed to pour concrete to replace the sidewalks then that creates a problem because you know if something happens to the sidewalk it gets heaved over the winter months or the tree roots come and they lift it up and someone you know trip and trips and fall Falls and you need to as a you know as the homeowner need to replace those um the sidewalk you can't do it between those months there's really no scientific reason why that has to be done anymore it's sort of just outdated the concrete pouring companies are now able to pour in Colder Weather and so it's really just allowing people to fix those those issues during the winter months that's really that's really the only the history behind it thank you Mr samon Mr Schwarz your hand is up Sir yeah I was just commenting before I was seemingly muted that I was responding to councilwoman belcher's comment about she made a comment that adus are more important than buildings because it empowers our residences adus put people more people on our streets more people in our backyards it's needed it's important it's not different than in building an apartment building I think it should all be treated the same not just because of one situation the resident stands to make money so I thank Miss Gober for pushing off to the master plan that's a social contract that I believe they should all be incorporated in thank you Mr Schwarz anyone else on Council Miss beler I just want to say I I disagree with that um uh Mr Schwarz I I really think that uh it does empower our community to make uh decisions and it's about you know private property rights thank you Miss Belcher Mr Schwarz I apologize for your being muted we thought you were maybe talking to someone else on the phone so sorry about that anybody else on coun nobody here nobody here if not then I make a motion to approve all the ordinances second councilman Schwarz yes and all councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman W yes Deb mayor G yes mayor Pagan yes all adopted thank you Mr clerk our next order of business is good and Welfare any member of the public wishing to be heard at this time can please come forward and state their names for the record comments shall be limited to three minutes per person Miss EJ vizy thank you for that um again I'm EJ vizzy I am the director of senior programs with the bright side family we're right on Teck Road and we run the age friendly Teck initiative here in town so I'm here to speak on the proposal to allow accessory dwelling units in tenek an Innovative and low density housing alternative that I encourage you to please thoroughly consider and ultimately support tck needs more housing options for people of all ages and permitting adus is a sensible way of creating new sensible new housing alternative atives without overwhelming the community's infrastructure or transforming its residential character adus can seamlessly blend into TX residential neighborhoods creating more affordable living options that can benefit older homeowners family caregivers and young people embarking on their first careers and with tx's older population rapidly growing and with people living longer into their retirement years we need more options that people can afford on a fixed income that can also Foster Family caregiving and strengthen Community ties according to the Census Bureau about 6,000 households in tenek have at least one person over the age of 60 and about 30% of them are living alone in addition roughly 1,700 T-Neck residents over age 65 have at least one disability older residents who live alone and with no nearby family support or those who do live with a disability or Mobility challenge are at an increased risk of social isolation a growing epidemic that has already led to Serious public health challenges in Suburban communities like Teek adus can help remedy this by allowing multiple generations of one family to legally live together under separate roofs or by bringing a senior struggling to get by on a fixed income together with a young person who is currently priced out of the housing market the stronger Community ties that result will make our community a better and more supportive place for people of all ages and as councilwoman belter stated earlier let's Empower our residents we look forward to hearing the planning board comments after Thursday thank you so much for your time Council thank you EJ Doug anyone on Zoom bringing in Zoe Baldwin um hi hi um thanks so much for uh the opportunity to speak today I also uh wanted to speak on accessory dwelling units um Zoe Baldwin I'm the New Jersey director for the regional plan Association which is 100-year-old non-profit organization that uh Works to make sure the built environment works for the people and the communities that rely on it every day and um uh we've been working with ARP for the past two years uh to really expand the state's use of accessory dwelling units because um with all due respect to uh the councilman I would argue that they're very very different than putting up an apartment building and so while I am glad to hear that uh the city is the township is interested in using the master plan as a mechanism to advance the policy I sincerely hope that it does go forward as planned it's incredibly important and uh this is a really good tool for tenek um for uh many of the reasons that uh the speaker before me said and um I again sincerely hope that uh you pass the resolution and go forward so thanks so much and have a great night thank you Miss Baldwin Mr R thank you Howard Rose still a Teck resident uh I'm a little concerned in terms of what I'm hearing this evening not greatly concerned but a little concern when you start indicating that something should be done that affects land use before the master plan is resolved because it's advantageous to the residents well that's an excuse not a reason because everything you do is advantageous we hope for the residents and that's one of many things and it's not specifically different than other things so that it should be not done in conjunction with the master plan if you needed a date on that I would have suggested a date in three years because you're assuming that the master plan is not going to be resolved on a timely basis why are you making that assumption you wait until the master plan's done maybe there's a little prodding needed to the uh planning board I don't know have experience I guess they do need pling uh proding uh so I I just don't understand the concept the two of you were right on target uh and um I I I feel bad that you capitulated to a certain degree thank you thank you Mr Rose Doug someone on Zoom Lisa Hassan please unmute you have three minutes good evening and I would like to thank the council for this opportunity to talk today I am a little bit mixed emotions about what's happening in the town of Teck I'm concerned about this master plan um you did pass the plan for The Monuments last month um how could you pass it for The Monuments last month um and not want to pass this one you want to table it that's my first thing uh my second thing is that I would like to thank U Miss Denise and Miss Danielle for their dedication to the to the uh community and for standing up against bigotry and allowing the students with along with Dr Spencer the students of tenek to practice their First Amendment right and you know which is very important in this country because what's happening now in Reza is not a religious issue this has been going on for over 100 days and it's a genocide and we need to encourage our people to stand up and it's actually coming over into America and the council is not helping some members have their social media where they're inciting islamophobia and even the kids are being killed in GDA and and and our children are feeling that as they're walking the streets of America being harassed and as a council member you would think you have a higher standard so I don't understand when somebody says they're going to get Jewish I feel like that's anti-semitic and the council member knows who I'm talking about you should check your social media and also the fact that the Imam was killed and you guys didn't even ask our community if we're going to be okay you didn't height in security you didn't you know check in on us at all and we are a a a crucial member of society we we our children are very active in the community and we have um we we are very active in the community as well we contribute and the council memb inciting the violence and spewing hate and islamophobia is very disheartening especially when it's towards our children especially when it's towards our children and I don't understand how they're still in their seats but I really appreciate Miss Denise and Miss Danielle and Goldberg and Orson need to re re-evaluate their priorities and their stance being council members of Tina because tck is about diversity and we need to support the Muslim Community talk to our children talk include our our council members in our community our imams need to be protected as council members you need to include everyone thank you Mr Yuck hello everybody I'm going to talk to you about stuff I've talked to you about before just to remind you uh and what I want to remind you about is that at the last forum for uh at both forums actually for American Legion Drive and Beverly Ro Road there was an outcry by the the people who were present several hundred people at one of them uh totally against developing our Municipal parking lots I am the leader of the northwest of Cedar Lane neighborhood association along with Leisa by Lander gray and I would say uh I don't know what percent 90 95% of of our members are against developing those parking lots what we're in favor of is redeveloping the parking lots as parking lots to make them attractive and appealing to the community there are people in our neighborhood association and uh on my block and you all know where I live um who are uh who talk about it would be nice if we had low density housing along Beverly Road but then the issue always comes up about what's going to happen to the parking that's a flood area we have a cul under the under the parking lot already um and the the answer is always the parking garage if you develop the parking lots nobody nobody who lives in that area nobody wants a parking garage I know it's in the master plan I've read the master plan there was some some um some statements about parking garages on parking lots nobody wants a six-story of parking garage across the street from private homes no nobody wants that and I would say uh not only people in uh who live nearby but I've spoken to people around town and when they hear about what the what the plan is for those parking lots most people say that that's a crazy thing to do so um I encourage you to do uh when the time comes I don't know what the master plan is going to say about that but when the time comes when you have to vote on that that you do not allow the development of our municipal parking lots we need our Municipal parking lots they serve uh a purpose for all the community for the whole town and certainly for the people who live nearby thank you thank you Mr y Doug someone on Zoom I'm bringing in sharuk please state your name for the record have three minutes hi good evening my name is shuk aad t resident I wanted to pick up where mayor Pagan left off at the last meeting mayor Pagan I too share in your frustrations I agree with you that we do not have the power in this little town that we call tenk to influence foreign politics any call for a ceasefire here would be purely symbolic just like any resolution that this Council may pass however you can't start a fire and get mad at the flames you supported a resolution that didn't equally benefit all of the residents of this community nothing but division came out of it yet knowing this you supported it you remained silent when a council member spread lies about an entire Community it's been over three months the community isn't going to just forget and let it go you went online to vent your frustrations in regards to all the protests occurring in town in your statement you said that most of those participating are not teac residents have you considered that the Muslim Community feels so isolated in this town that they may seek comfort and support from Outsiders it was great to see you at the Muslim Heritage function at the roota center putting photo oppsite side will you make a statement condemning the council members false claims against the Palestinian and Muslim Community especially considering that the council member double down on their statement at the following meeting we must hold each other accountable for our actions and our words council members highlighting past participation in the BLM movement doesn't excuse actions that harm any community the frequent mention of such events makes the atmosphere uncomfortable mentioning that you supported a movement it doesn't give you an excuse to harm other um communities it's not merely you checking off a box like I attended heritage month I'm done thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight Mr Schwarz thank you Mr mayor council members Ron Schwarz pck resident for 46 years speaking tonight as a representative one toown one vote the Grassroots group that gave you the referendum in 2021 that changed the elections for this Council from May to November and increased a voter turnout in ten dramatically two things a couple of meetings ago we did request I believe it was actually the last meeting uh as one time on vote that you guys asked for you people asked for a audit of the two committees uh that are proposing to put up monuments on the town green the uh former Senator Weinberg who's a member of of our group has indicated that no less than $350,000 were given to those two groups by the state through EK uh to move these projects forward yet nothing has been done not a shovel has been dropped into the ground we asked for the council to demand an accounting of where these public funds went please after good and Welfare comment on what is being done about that we'd like an answer to that question secondly we also requested there do consider an ordinance to open up the subcommittees which I believe were started under the prior Council to public inspection to public input to public light to public transparency shine a light on what's going on in these subcommittees a lot of what's going on in the town today a lot of Township business takes place in these subcommittees it's my view and view One Time One vote that these subcommittees are a way of uh scaring around the open public meetings act since only three council members are there and the open public meetings act doesn't require you uh to have public in to have the the public pres we think that's not what ten wants T wants more transparency make these subcommittees open to the public please give us an update on whether anything has been done with that request that one town one vot is made thank you very much Doug is anyone on Zoom yes I am bringing in Anthony please state your name for the record you have three minutes hey good evening uh my name is Anthony um I first want to start off by thanking Dr Henry puit uh for his article on the Suburban night on what this town really needed not only in October but as of today um have a daughter in tin High School uh student was attacked and sounds like there's a lawsuit coming but I believe all of this could have been avoided if the town had not uh started off this fire um second I am I am so regretful for voting for mayor Pagan um he's been a a disaster to this town um doesn't ever since he took over the infrastructure is crumbling um roads are horrible schools have no AC nothing has been done um this Township seems more like a fascist than a democracy every single meeting uh residents voice their opinions and they're shut down um I want to thank Deputy Mayor G and Miss Belcher for always standing up for the people everybody else we need to really an analyze and I just saw a documentary called Model America when this town is not the first time it has dealt with chaos and riots and before another murder happens this This Town by any police officer or by any division this town we need to stop this um Philip panel a young man murdered by a teen police in 1990 I I suggest anybody here to look up model America it's online it's a four episode series by MSNBC and this town needs to make up and get together with the elders and listen to the elders that been through this before again thank you and I hope to St get together because a mass Exodus of residence I see a lot of forel signs and it's it's really looking bad so have a good night shandre young um sorry M Mr I didn't last name do you have his last name did you get that no I didn't get it last name for the prior speaker can we get those last names please thank you Miss shandre Young floor is yours ma'am good evening shandre young irin andro um first I want to say um greatly appreciated for the Phelps Park Grant thank you D for that um I'm a sports parent I'm academic parent as well but uh also thank you for what you've done to Triumph Park thank you for the pathway that we have I run on that often if we can just get a senses of the lighting there because a lot of times I'm out in the park at night with the kids and there's several kids and the lights go off on us and we're sitting there we're waiting for the lights to come back on and it takes a little time for the lights to heat up and it's like 9:30 10:00 at night and we're just like sitting out there and I don't know if they go off or they're supposed to and I did see the timing but it's it's different and I don't know if it's because the time has changed when we went back an hour but that's here and over there I just want to also say I wasn't going to um mention this but I just want to say that integration is not static there's no endgame we can't say that we came here and we were the first to integrate schools and we're done we have to work at it we can't play the blame game yes we as a council put forth a resolution but we have to keep in mind all of us voted unanimously in favor we are all accountable for that resolution we put forth a second resolution that we all voted in FA you all voted in favor of you're all accountable for that second resolution I don't see any more resolutions coming forth I think we have to work hard at integrating and let's not talk about it let's actually be about it let's actually really work at it let's get in every Community I appreciate what you're doing mik pan you're being in every Community making sure you're visible it's not photo op it's actually genuine I do the same thing I'm in every Community it is genuine we are trying to integrate the town some of us some of our residents enjoy the divisiveness and they play off of it but continue doing what you're doing um do we do a a a midyear budget review a variance analysis I'm All About Numbers is there something we can look at um I'd like to be proactive where are we with our police budget I know we've had um to use our police force and that may have not been budgeted so if we can let the residents know ahead of time where we are because we are looking for Revenue but at the same time we're we're expensing here um and I want to make sure that we're we're tending to the business of the people uh also we are awarding um a contract for some work on palis da can we make sure we notify the residents Miss Young Doug someone on Zoom yes you please unmute you have three minutes good evening gani um I'm going to piggyback on what um uh Miss Young just mentioned October 17th you voted 70 in favor of that resolution and at the last meeting we heard well what happens in Tina can't solve what happens in the Middle East and all I have to say to that is all la la why did it take 3 months for you to figure that out I have to say some of you they are great human beings one of you even inspired me to sign up to donate my own kidney because she did the same but I have to say that for the past three months you as a council have been a disappointment and I don't want you to to to be fooled by the fact that we as a Muslim Community have extended our invitations to you and have hosted you at our events that says a lot about us as a hospitable Community it doesn't say a lot about you I think we have moved T now to a situation where are where we're pitting uh communities uh against one another um we have an Imam that has died recently and then we didn't see much action from this Council to up our safety and our houses of worship but on the other hand we saw how uh a narrative was used to call a Mor that not a lot of people know about where cars were coming from Paris in Tac and calling it an attempt to uh I guess the word that was used was to uh uh uh put fear in the uh minds of the Jews of tck and if that statesmanship and statesmanship I think that you're reading from the wrong dictionary so now I have to say this the shallowest way to look at this situation in EK now is to say well you know what we don't want to get involved in international resolutions or resolutions related to international issues I think that's a shallow way to look at it we're not asking you to get involved in international politics we've got nothing to do with that what we're telling you is that you on October 17th picked a toolbox of international politics to disrespect the Muslim Community and unless you have a better solution your only way out is to put in place a resolution that tells the Muslim Community that we also unequivocally mourn your civilian uh deaths and I hope and I told you this on October 17th I'm going to tell you this again if you if there is a ceasefire reached in the Middle East you and you don't do that resolution you'll be the council that will carry the shame and the blame for being the instigators of a divide that is unwarranted it never existed before for between the Jews and the Muslims of EK and then you're going to be the contributors to raising a generation of folks that don't like one another so I want you to stop being the embarrassment in a Teck family that is already broken and let's rise above the noise and keep Teck moving forward thank you so much for listening thank you seeing Dr PU my name is Henry Brit can you hear me okay I propose that the library be used to tell this community story rather than putting monuments on the Village Green my objective is to preserve the township of tinac as an oasis of human understanding I'm interested in bringing the people of this community together not to push them further apart every subc Community story is of equal importance there are more than nine subc communities living in this town we need to determine whether or not this community is interested in bringing all of the people together or are they only interested in satisfying the desire of some of the people if this recommendation along with some amendments has Community Support then I recommend that we hire someone with the expertise to organize a format that every Community should follow and determine the technological obstacles and work with the library at a dedicated committee to make this project viable I'm pledging $10,000 to get it off the ground thank you Dr BR anybody on Zoom bringing in Keith Kap you have three minutes state your name for the record Mr Kaplan are you there sir can you hear me yes sir loud and clear Ah that's better uh Keith Kaplan tck resident with respect to Dr puit and some of the people that spoke when people come to talk about Philip panel they come to talk about Philip panel there used to be a time in this town where you can come and talk about something and actually talk about the thing there's in fact for people that don't realize it you can walk right outside the municipal building right now and see The Unfinished Life Memorial to Sara duer who died in the inap these days we got Jihadi Janss walking through town as if f is a cool thing to do no it's about murdering people you sick bastards the fact is we need to call out things that are bad wait I think we have to cut him off for saying what he said do not I'm not repeat what he said but I heard it is thck Andor saying to sorry Mr Kaplan we have to terminate your your remarks um anyone in Chambers Mr Goen Paula Roven um I just want to speak briefly about the green grounds and maintenance policy the resolution 54224 the resolution was posted late yesterday um afternoon leaving no time for the public to really review it um it uses language that is different from the resolution used in Prior discussions words such as green integrated Pest Management as opposed to what was discussed at the last council meeting which was organic Land Management uh practices um the word green is often used uh and misused and I don't I want to make sure we don't use it in the resolution um because we need to use more specific terminology green sounds good but doesn't really have content so I propos that the environmental commission review some of the uh review the resolution and bring it back for a vote at the next meeting it's basically a good resolution so I'm I'm basically in favor but I'd like to see it withdrawn for now until the next meeting um I also propose that the Town Council authorize the environmental commission to work with residents and Beyond pesticides to hold an educational form about health impacts of pesticides I hope that the form would be in the next month ahead of spring so residents can learn um a lot before making choices about our own Lawns and Gardens um about a inrs and the use of our M Municipal parking lots we were told during before the storm the other day we were sent a message from the town that we should use the municipal parking lots if we needed to during that storm well if we give our Municipal parking lots to a developer um as is the proposal we will not have a place to go during storms um I'm many of us all of us in in the southwest neighborhood association which I to which I belong we are opposed to using uh the Ain NRS and we don't want we also don't want to give away our public parking lots um this Saturday there's a a a um at the puff and cultural Forum there's a screening this is not a war story is on the 27th at 8:00 p.m. at puffen um there'll be Teck residents and Veterans Jan Barry and Walt nard how are in it when we look at War and the impacts of War you can see in this movie what happen some of the things that happen to our veterans who have been in war and so it is my plea as a member of the Teck peace and Justice vigil that we that we do everything we can to oppose War as a solution to problems um I on on the the current situation in in Gaza there over 25,000 PE 25,000 people dead more than 10,000 children dead we need a ceasefire and we need it now thank you Paula thank you someone on Zoom I have Hildy Dylan please unmute good evening everybody um I I wanted to talk first uh very briefly uh I'm Hildy Dylan a resident tck for 38 years um on Accessory dwelling units which um I am on the board of agef friendly tck so I am uh speaking on behalf of age friendly tneck uh that uh I'm in full support of this and I hope that the township will supported I do understand that you want the planning board to review the ordinance and uh see that this is also Incorporated in our master plan but I do see it as a very important uh housing Choice uh not the only choice but a good alternative um that can uh preserve the style and character of our residential zoned neighborhoods um and helps uh both young people um and older people that need caregivers uh within a short distance of their home T neck is aging we know this um and this is a wonderful alternative for those families that choose to go in this direction so I hope that it will be supported um also uh I wanted to talk about the resolution 54 2024 I am totally in favor of us having a green and grounds uh maintenance policy uh but as part stated it was posted very late uh Monday night and after our environmental commission meeting that took place last uh Wednesday on January 17th our next meeting is February 21st and I would like to ask the council to table it till the EC has chance to look at it and work with the DPW on uh further furthering some of the definitions as Paula referred to of the definition of green and organic uh to make it a little bit more specific than it is right now again I'm very pleased that we're going in this direction and that we we will have this resolution I just want to make sure that the EC um and others has have a chance to review it and provide recommendations for language um and that's what I have tonight in terms of our Township I hope the council will give us a little bit of information tonight of where you are on organizing and empathy training both for the council itself I did listen in to The Advisory board for community relations last night uh they're doing a great job they also have great interest in this um and I hope that we can move forward with it it is one step in the right direction to heal our town and to heal uh how our Council communicates with one another and with with the township residents thank you everyone and have a good evening thank you Miss Dylan sir your hand was up uh hello to the council uh am Raman tck resident is it not can you hear me hello hello there we go all right uh I'll start again hello Council my name is am Raman tck resident I'd like to petition the council to update Township Code section 3329 fencing and retaining walls the current way the code is being applied to Corner Lots is incorrect and it should be updated the interpretation states that a corner lot has two front yards for ease of discussion I'll call the primary front yard where your door and address are and the front side yard the side of your house fronted by another Street 3329 allows a 6-ft fence in the front sidey yard but forces it to be 50% open I don't think this was the intent of the code when it was drafted especially when looking at other townships in Bergen County it honestly doesn't make sense to have a full 75 ft section of wall be 50% open if sight triangles are observed right the sight triangle is the main safety requirement and the difference between an interior lot and a corner lot now with the interpretation for the resident to achieve privacy in their backyard they have two poor options ahead of them first option is adhere to the current interpretation leave a front side yard 50% open this forces the resident to fill in the gaps of shrubs and trees which creates two issues it's a higher initial cost for that Resident because they now have to plant these trees and shrubs and a higher maintenance cost over a full lifetime of that fence second option is apply for variance this in itself was is a costly Endeavor I already discussed with the uh zoning board secretary last year and I believe the price was about $750 which has no guarantee the application will be approved with the current code so the um the resolution I've been told for this that the townships told past residents whove apply for a variance is the first option fill it in with trees and shrubs now this honestly doesn't seem fair for residents of a corner lot if they not violating any safety requirements there's an argument here for fairness and equity and for financial hardship I think this has to do with poor and conflicting wording in 3329 A1 and 3329 B3 it looks like we're trying to cram too much into this section uh the conflicting code that comes up where this becomes an issue is where you're allowed a 6ot fence but in 3329 B3 fences over 2 feet in height located in any front yard area shall be shall be at least 50% open now this is really when you look at other Township codes supposed to be applied to a primary front yard where you have your 25t setback or a 4ft picket fence usually that's what has to be 50% open but because it says front yard and any front yard and the township considers a corner lot to have two front yards you're both 50% open than thank you for your time thank you Doug someone on Zoom lilan Lewis you are free to one mute thank you good evening a 41y year resident I hope you the council seriously consider what Dr PRS proposed proposed what he just proposed just please consider it also I want to thank the town attorney and mayor Pagan on your quick action to cut off Keith Kaplan his behavior that he displayed is a disgrace to the human race thank you Lillian uh you still have two and a half minutes left I think she might be but I wanted to say it was short and sweet thank you oh thank you Miss Lewis Mr besy okay tck resident coom um here once again to talk about yeah you need the mic yeah if you could just fold it a little better yes sir thank you wow okay um I'm here once again to talk about the railroad because as far as I know CSX has not responded to your requests for an update what has happened to the railroad since July 12 2023 that's so six months multi-billion dollar comp company I remember the presentation a lot of good suggestions I don't know what's been done a derailing can happen tonight there's no reason that we can't be another East Palestine Ohio there isn't wish there was but there isn't and by as side remark I'll say if you want to draw a te- neck together as one have a derailing we'll go nuts okay this should not happen I have Word I got words in here about the head of the national Transportation safety board saying that der railings are preventable preventable the chair of that committee and yet what has CSX told you anything in those six months have they put in those sensors or I'll wait to the end have they improved the training of their um railroad workers no answer here's a couple of things I've been asking everyone here to get the film Unstoppable anyone who's seen it raise your hand yay yay okay what's okay here's the library Edition you want to borrow it it's right here take it well okay and there further remarks to show you how desperate people are 25 I'm out of time already no no you have 40 seconds Mr batky here's a book called bomb trains Paula Rogan reminded me taught me about this this is one of two books about the 47 who died in lantic Quebec okay they died we could die I have video to track the speed of the trains that go through near our house in the Sagamore Park uh they are they are this railroad it has a gold mine in these rails right here and we are being suckered thank you Mr vaty someone on Zoom Doug bringing in Cheryl Hall please unmute go three minutes I'm unmuted can you hear me yes ma'am loud and clear hi Cheryl Hall I am a 50-year resident of tenek I've been here five days after my mother pushed me from her body um I wasn't planning on calling in I'm kind of horse because I'm still sick but um oh boy we need the training yeah uh you know sometimes when you hear a lot of gaslighting a lot of anger and frustration the best thing that you can do is to step back and listen and not always to have a response back or an interjection back I'm finding that um I have invited uh Dr puit um and many others to speak at good welfare um I guess that didn't happen last night um but we have a wonderful group of uh community relations that we I I can tell we work well together and we really want to do good things for this uh Town um I want to 100% agree with Miss Young this entire Council voted unanimously for both resolutions so the responsibility for both lands at everyone's feet um with that said I want to encourage this Council I'm hoping that empathy training will be approved um please sell you know talk about this to the community give an answer people are begging for something I heard Dr puit saying hiring of a professional uh to help people that sounds exact exctly like what you would be doing with empathy training so I think that given the uh pressure cooker emergency situation that we're in we need to respond to people saying we are working on something we know we have a problem and we want to address it um and I can see definitely that all of us need that training I also want to thank all of the council for your faith in me um and um in particular I want to thank uh councilwoman Goldberg for the past few months um of our heated and passionate discussions um because we have not agreed on a lot of things um but she always heard me out and I always stepped back and listened to her and um I think that if people really gave that a chance um to listen without fighting back and just listen and then say your peace about yourself be self-driven a lot more peace in our lives would be here but I love kak I don't agree that we're going to hell I think we're doing good thank you mayor Pagan thank you Cheryl someone in Chambers Mr Addison good evening Council Ray Addison 30 years tck resident first of all I want to commend the council for sitting up there and being able to take all of the stuff that's being thrown at you but one of the things about being a good leader is to be a good listener listen to your constituents um you have the power now but we have the power when it comes time comes time to vote so you need to listen to what your constituents are saying because you represent all the people all the time not some of the people some of the time I agree with Dr puit in regards to uh The Monuments there's too many people too many different cultures in the town that we could decide that we want to do only two what happens when four or five others would like to do it we need to sit back step back re-evaluate and decide to do it more where everyone could be included I agree with uh uh Mr vsky in terms of the trains we are sitting on a Minefield our houses are one of our largest Investments and once that goes up where where do we go in Tac nowhere we need to listen to our constituents we need to be more forthcoming we need to not have so much divisiveness in the town we don't need Mr ke Kaplan to call in with those with that type of attitude that just divides the town even more I agree also somewhat with the adus but that creates more people in town creat more cars on the street we can do that but in the master plan did anyone ever think about hiring a compliance officer to make sure that everything is in compliance where do we put the cars when it snows we can't put them in the driveway if we have people who only have a driveway and a parking lot and we can't park on the streets doing snow so we have to think about the broad the broad issues not just be myopic and thinking about Tunnel Vision on just one one area thank you thank you Mr Addison Doug someone on Zoom Sher on please state your name for the record your feed to mute hi there Sher Han e long time actually lifelong resident of EK um tonight I'm echoing many of my neighbors who've spoken already um initially I wanted to speak up about my support for adus until another Resident decided to weaponize my existence by calling Muslim women Jihadi jeans I mean that's disgusting categorizing us as such is not only erroneous but puts women like myself who are visibly Muslim at risk for violent attacks and I don't need to to to reiterate the scores of people who have been affected Ed by anti-muslim hate or bigotry in this country how dare you use your words to put my life at risk and the lives of so many others I'm appalled that you used to be a former council member and yet you continue to speak this disgust in public anti-muslim tropes are heard all over tonight in this town all over right-wing media and you can and yet it continues to happen and we we're telling you we're feeling it it's happened in front of your face what will you guys do to protect me to protect my children to protect women who look like me what will be done for me as a resident who's visibly Muslim and who's now been called Jihadi Jane all anybody needs is just to be a little bit irritated with me and do something dangerous I'm a mother I'm a nurse I'm a daughter I'm a friend think about your words before you speak them in public unfortunately we have so much work to do in this town and it didn't happen in October it's been this way we have lulled ourselves into thinking that we're the Utopia because we we the first to desegregate schools we have so much work to do do any of us even know our neighbors do any of us have close friends who are of a different culture of a different religion of A different race how many of us can sit here and say that the majority of our town I don't think does and that is a sad State because we don't eat together we don't go to school together we don't play together this town is segregated it continues to do be so and it won't be and it won't be undone until we all do the work step outside of our communities listen to each other and stop talking over each other stop using foul language stop using tropes against each other and really just be human again it is disgusting and I would love an apology from the entire Council for the language that was used by this person because it was not only dangerous but hurtful thank you thank you Miss anyone in Chambers Doug someone else on Zoom please we have Lulu please state your name for the record feel free to unmute um hello hi Lulu please state your name for record you have three minutes hi I'm Lea Tink resident I want to address the statement made by our mayor following the Palestine Car Rally that went through Tink last month mayor Pagan your statement echoed the sentiments I've heard multiple times by your Zionist colleagues on Council and by other fascist residents in town who love to dismiss the support for Palestine and Tink with the outside agitators Trope the term outside agitator is an anti-black dog whistle that was used by black against black activists in the Civil Rights era and again more recently during the black lives matter Uprising in 2020 I've heard the same rhetoric Echo echoed by racist fascist in this town when the BLM March through EK was announced those same people are now accusing supporters of Palestinian EK of the same thing the term has been used to undermine and dismiss the legitimate efforts by black activists for decades due to white supremacist Notions that any movement considered legitimate and formidable wouldn't be led by a small group of black locals mayor pagan I would hate to think that you'd want to be lumped in with the rest of the anti-black fascists on this Council and in this Township you've attended Tink Public Schools you're the first Latino mayor of Tink do not allow Zionism and allegiance to fascists who condone genocide in Palestine please stop in this town I want I also want to add that the term outside agitator is deeply Colonial in its usage against people of the global majority as Muslims we have a tradition that goes like this spoken by our beloved Prophet peace be upon him the parable of the Believers in their affection mercy and compassion for each other is that of one body when any limb aches the entire body reacts with sleeplessness and fever the idea of community is foreign to most people on this Council it bewilders you that our community may travel many miles to stand up and support their sisters and brothers in humanity and Consciousness we are all Palestinian in spirit I know this is a bewildering con to most of you I don't possess a single drop of Palestinian blood in my ancestry but I fight for their freedom because it symbolizes freedom for all oppressed peoples worldwide collectively I want to conclude by saying that this will not go away the majority of this Council decided back in October that they will stand with a settler Colonial fascist regime in their genocide against an indigenous people who have no autonomy and whose lives are dictated entirely by The occupiers Who are stealing their land you made that choice you will reap the consequences of being on the wrong side of History one day and we will not stop KCK won't know normal normaly until it reckons with its complicity in this bloody genocide and we will remind tinck of palestine's existence every chance we get and until it's free from The River To The Sea thank you for your time and free Palestine Mr Berliner three minutes a Berliner UK resident I will say that the Board of Ed actually makes all their speakers say What town they're from at least you can get an idea of who's local who's not and to the speaker uh who just shared her thoughts her name is m his name is Mayor Pagan not Pagan let at least have the respect for those we may not agree with uh outside agitators uh who came to the board of ed meeting uh that was last week a group came got up one by one to speak almost none by their own admission were from tin and frankly when they were finished and The Business of the schools and our students came up they all got up to leave unfortunately later when good and Welfare came up I was speaking to an almost empty bunch of seats because frankly the people who came to speak didn't care about our students I would ask Council perhaps you should be joining in our Board of Ed meetings and speaking as our fellow citizens and residents at just the disgusting display that we've been seeing and some of the rhetoric that's been up there on both sides frankly uh the more things change unfortunately the more they stay the same in the spirit of integration and supporting the community I would like uh to ask The Advisory Board of community relations if I'm not mistaken Deputy Mayor G is with us over zoom and we saw Cheryl Hall here earlier um to nominate TX soccer for the Matthew Feldman award I know that the uh that the community board of uh Advisory Board community relations really has been short uh the last couple of months reasons we will not discuss now but they really do engage and bring together every single corner of this town and they have for many many decades we can speak about baseball we can speak speak about other activities every Sunday almost every night of the week TX soccer brings together students brings together residents of tenek together I would also like to ask and perhaps this is for the clerk to make sure that all code is up to date on ecode 360 currently it shows through 95223 this is uh actually an improvement but it does make it difficult for Council and impossible for residents to investigate differences in code and look up the most to the most upto-date and current setup code and really as you're going through agenda items you're looking up resolutions you want to see what's happening it's impossible to see what the current set of resolutions is what the current set of code is versus what we are proposing to actually come together with a coherent uh set of remarks East Palestine was preventable and frankly it was noticed right we know exactly what caused it it was overheating wheel bearings my friend over here Mr vaty has continued to tell us right there were defec detectors they knew about it it was actually human error that let the train continue to go they overheated the train caught fire we all know what happens we have defec detector south of uh uh Ridgefield Park we have north of us about 20 miles perhap that's something that's actually problem that money can solve uh we also know that there is Senate Bill uh 4049 to improve in sard's rail safety in New Jersey shorter train larger Crews and more defect detectors perhaps we can bring together uh Senator Johnson to come speak on the spill that he has um that he has sponsored thank you thank you Mr BR dou someone on Zoom yes I have Rachel Kaplan please uh state your name for the record have three minutes yes hi this is uh Rachel Captain T residence um I just want to thank you all for your time I really love the idea of the parks um of like kind refurbishing them and putting the gate up so that the children are safe and the art that you'll be bringing in um I know you mentioned poems I would like to know what poems we put in um I think to reflect the the diversity of art we should also include RAF ala's poem If I must die um as a suggestion I believe so um the parts do remind me of the children that cannot play in their Parks um the children that have pass and the children are still alive in Gaza right now um over 600,000 children are out of school as well which is truly saddening and knowing that they cannot play in their Parks uh yet the IDF make very disgraceful Tik toks um that they put up on social media in those Parks which are clear war crimes um and uh honestly um the resolution that was passed um uh of te um is very very troubling because as as Keith Kaplan now just spoken it is just inciting hate and islamophobia and it does not represent the community only 40% of TX Community is of Jewish descent um yet the 60% are not so I think it's time that we are not uh you know here claiming to be the United States of Israel but the United States of America um that I also like to mention that this will go down in history this will all go down in history and be on the right side of because since uh October 17th on resolution has been passed there has been clear um uh admission on behalf of the Israel government and the IDF that not 1,400 people were killed even the idef themselves and certain soldiers actually admitted to killing some of those FIS ofal goers and I think it's absolutely wrong to have a resolution that is not reflecting the truth and is very biased um I also believe that it is very important for us to actually remind everybody that there is a genocide going on at the moment if we're going to stand on truth and make a resolution then let it be one that reflects the reality over 30,000 people have been killed 62,000 injured 2 million people right now are facing starvation because Israel is blocking food and humanitarian AIDS two million people displaced in Gaza it matters words matters thank you ma'am thank you miss someone in Chambers ma'am hello can you hear me yes ma'am okay my name is Amanda and I'm a long time te resident can we have your last name please uh Kerney um I'm standing here to bring your attention to the federal investigation brought against our district especially highlighting the partnership with the Anti-Defamation League otherwise known as the ADL which is is a nasty organization that sets out to encouraging violence against its Targets this mccarth era a Witch Hunt for anti-Semitism amongst the students expressing solidarity with Palestine must undoubtedly be understood through the Nationwide harmful conflation of anti-zionism with anti-Semitism a false and frankly anti-semitic conflation in the first place in our town this is throwing our students black indigenous Arab Asian students who are students who are the descendants of those forc into diaspora thanks to us colonialism and imperialism right in the line of State violence more than ever before I told you last time that I was here that any harm that comes to these students is on your hands for setting the stage of encouraged violence towards them with the town's resolution the rally attended by the by council members and former council members right before the student walk out and then the mayor's the mayor Pagan's statement following the car rally and I urge you now to do your part and stand against this partnership with the ADL you are responsible to all of us and particular you are responsible to those students someone on Zoom Doug shenaz please unmute you have three minutes great thank you Doug um so this is shanas as you know I've been in EK for over 50 years and I don't think I've ever seen tck like this before um I do want to just follow up in the last uh council meeting I spoke on behalf of tdmc regarding the rail safety resolution I know art baty also mentioned mened that resolution just wanted to get a status update on that also wanted to let you know um on behalf of coalition to unite Tink has um identified some of the problems we're seeing in Tink that are dividing our community we wrote down each problem statement and prioritize the problems top of the list is our children and their safety to this end we will be holding a panel discussion with the students it's a student Le student moderated panel discussion that is really focused on Teck and Teck issues and um what we can do so hopefully we can truly start listening and put together some action plans that brings tenek to better understanding our neighbors respect each other and together protect our children and make our town safe I also want to acknowledge uh at the MLK birthday committee had a really beautiful event this um recently and the rabbi um the uh Rabbi seru of Temple ammed and Imam um uhi abah spoke and they did a really uh joint statement just want to read some parts of that statement it said we stand side by side not because we agree on everything but because we agree that we must live as Neighbors in this place we all call home home we're standing side by side because we know we can acknowledge one another's pain even if we cannot agree on how to ease it we're standing side by side because we can accomplish more in Partnership than we can in opposition we're standing side by side because rather than let the violence of other parts of the world push us apart we want the message of Peace tolerance and cooperation to extend from this place it's really a great opportunity for tin especially the council members and the ones who are being called out tonight by several speakers to really let's work together to bring peace and unity in tinck and I hope you all join the session on February 6th the student session it be via Zoom um will be posted by the end of this week 7:30 p.m. 7:30 to 9: it's a student session really important to make sure that our community at the least takes care of our kids thank you thank you Miss ariman sir um mayor Pagan are we going to be calling on good and Welfare at 10 o'clock um I'm sorry what' you say Mr Schwarz are we gonna be calling good and Welfare after one hour um shortly I think there's only a couple more hands left okay second are you ready okay my name is Michael Katy uh tck resident and I want to start out with a quote from a a famous New York Times colum columnist um a advisor to presidents and he said a very I think quite very good statement that I heard this morning on a podcast while I was driving to work and it's a very simple line it says I don't know what's going to happen next but I've never seen things this broken I feel that way in our town right now um to to address what Dr puit said peace and understanding that's something we really really need to work on I heard your CNL kinari talk earlier tonight about the pain his community is feeling I feel like that my community feels that we're not being understood the pain and anguish and Terror and isolation that we have felt in the Jewish Community is something that hasn't we feel that's being ignored and we feel that I I feel that other communities are saying that we get to that we shouldn't we shouldn't feel that way I also feel that the Jewish Community hasn't done enough to understand the pain of the Muslim Community I think that all of us it would be well suited for all of us everyone in town whether it's leaders like yourselves people in this room people on Zoom all of our neighbors visitors people who are watching this from everywhere else more children that are dead in Gaza are are horrible I shed a tear for them every time I hear that every day they are the collateral damage in someone else's battle in someone else's war no child should ever have to do that that's that's real all of us feel this way just to I think that's something that all of us should understand now with that aside I want to switch to uh something on Council business so I have and I think that is Council business because something that's really deeply affecting our town adus are on your agenda um some of you may know me from whether I deal with adus I'm like the guru on adus um the New York City metropolitan planning Council uh regularly has me give presentations there on behalf of the town of ripo where I was the planner for some time and know these special projects for the Town Council drafting legislation on regulating adus that have gone uh out of control sometimes how to make them get more of them in the market uh one of our friends locally in Palisades Park has a great example of how adus can be implemented in a successful way I I just leave you with one or two uh pieces of advice here build them where you don't need a car build them you know create zones couple blocks from downtowns where everyone can shop and get all their goods they're going to park on the street and they're going to leave their cars there every day of the year that's just going to happen they're not going to do tandem parking in a driveway so that's it have a great night someone on Zoom Doug Ark please state your name for the record please unmute you have three minutes hey good evening Doug can you hear me clear thank you uh this is rishma Khan longtime teen resident January has been designated by Governor Murphy as as a Muslim Heritage Month this was the inaugural January and we had several beautiful celebrations right here in EK we had a cultural Expo with performances and U great projects by students on Sunday January 7th and then we had a neighborhood uh Community brunch on Saturday January 13th uh we really want to thank our neighbors who came out to attend a big thank you to all those who attended we also had a couple of lovely programs at the library thank you to the library director shin and her staff for their support and to everyone who attended we had a very nice hna's night session for ladies and children and several people attended um it would have been nice to see more people come out but I understand and as I'm feeling from the pulse of everybody everyone that's spoken tonight uh there is a great big divide hanging over our heads right here in EK it is very disheartening The Advisory board on community relations met last night we had a collaborative conversation we talked about the divide in town and we really believe that we would like to get the empathy training for our council members and uh if budget all loves for the others as well um sadly I would also like to remind the council and my fellow residents that 25 to 30,000 lives have been taken they have people have been killed in Palestine and our social media every day is filled with Gastly videos of children being amputated without anesthesia just horrific conditions there women having C-sections without anesthesia practically their entire Health Care system is in shambled schools MKS have been bombed there are no homes two million people are displaced why do I bring this up um this Council chose to involve our town in the Middle East crisis on October 17th so why don't we actually as Tina Council why don't you call for a permanent ceasefire so we can have peace so we can stop the killings we can bring back the kidnapped hostages people in Israel and in Philistine can live peacefully together um clearly MLK day which was celebrated last week in Grandeur with the theme of shared Humanity um that that was a great occasion to bring our teac community together and you could really see people holding hands and singing We Shall Overcome all of these are very uplifting moments and I'm glad that um mayor Pagan you decided to uh shut down down the person who was spewing islamophobia and he clearly does not believe in shared Humanity um so I do hope our council members really heed to Residents who speak at good and Welfare and they show leadership for all of their constituents rather than continuing to divide us thank you good night thank you Miss Khan anyone in Chambers Doug someone else on Zoom please Samantha please unmute state your name for the record you have three minutes hello my name is Samantha rotman I'm here just to reply to Keith Kaplan that spoke earlier um I just want to say the truth is the only terrorists here is the IDF and the IDF that has bombed hospitals that has destroyed thousands of homes and kill children with smiles on their faces so just to give you an idea of how zionists are a veteran of Daria seen Massacre after killing hundreds of Palestinians he States erase them their families mothers and children these animals can no longer live if you have a Palestinian neighbor don't wait go to his home and shoot him so I ask you who is the terrorist the occupation forces has slaughtered over 25,000 people and not even counting the people and the children under rubbles over 25,000 people they're unarmed civilians and most of them being women and children nothing nothing justifies the murder and and and the genocide of innocent civilians in razza so as you speak about Jihad Jan and as you share your Nast nasty fascist thoughts our children are being slaughtered so when will tin condemn the genocide of Palestinians when will Tina condemn the millions of refugees exiled from their homes when will Tina condemn the fascist members in their town so while on the other hand the resistance who has defended our people who has defended our land I'm here to say just one thing we will always support the resistance and salute to the resistance who stand for the digity in the land of our people so long live the resistance and glory to the resistance and glory to all our Martyrs who you seem to be okay with mocking they're the ones fighting for the freedom they're the ones fighting for our resistance Mr Mayor we got we got Mr Mayor I'm not GNA sit here and keep listening to this this I'd like to make a motion i' like to make a motion that we end welfare wait was she done speaking though we can't we can't I don't know if that was considered speaking that wasn't speaking I know Mr Schwarz but we can't interrupt her ma'am you have a minute and 17 seconds left if you're still there yeah it's so funny because if if you were in the right side of History you wouldn't be upset right now and you wouldn't be the one crying and you wouldn't be the one mad so I ask you who really is on the right side of history have you do you even have any children because if you have any children I question have you watched the videos of the children or have you watched the videos of the children under rubbles begging to be alive and begging to be helped so we're going to keep her talking yes she has 50 seconds left Mr Schwarz yeah I'm good I think I I think I got my point across Mr Schwarz you were saying something i' like to make I'd like to make a motion to in good wealth second councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler that was your mic do we have any other speakers uh Mr Clark there's just a few more on Zoom about seven it CH it's it changes though so we're saying we don't want to hear them is that what we're is this motion saying we do not want to hear them if that's the case I I would vote no because I would like to hear them councilwoman Goldberg yes councilwoman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor G no mayor Pagan yes so we can move on to the consent agenda and get some work done all right good and Welfare is concluded and our next order of business is the consent agenda and all matters listed on the consent agenda are to be considered routine by Nature and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately Mr clerk can you please read Mr Mayor are we responding to good and Welfare or my bad I'm sorry go ahead would you like to start us off Miss Goldberg uh yes okay sorry about that all right so uh thank you to age friendly foring out just to clarify I fully support the idea of adus and understand their unique role in the affordable housing crisis we need to think outside the box as a nation to address the housing needs of the country I strongly support the master plan process as councilman as councilman Schwarz quoted a well- read newsletter the master plan is a social contract and I would like to see it incorporated into the master plan and make sure we really listen to our planning board and I want to thank Mr klasky for his remarks about adus I hope that many of his ideas can be implemented into the ordinance and master plan transparency is a word people like to say regularly myself included Sunshine is the best disinfectant we had a process for appointments to advisory boards and statutory boards that had not been updated since the 80s and spent months to find a fair and Equitable process for EK if you apply to be on an Advisory board or statutory board in tenek you will be offered an interview now and if you choose to accept you will be interviewed tenek is special and exceptional and Teek wants engaged residents it doesn't matter who who you are you will have that same opportunity as anyone else to have a seat at the table residents who want to be active in their Town should be encouraged to participate and I am proud to guarantee that opportunity this Council has gone above and beyond to improve transparency sometimes those are baby steps and sometimes those are big steps but every step is important advisory boards were reopened a year ago and as a result of that public participation is encouraged and welcome we are seeing subcommittee minutes for zoning in cannabis in the agenda packets and on the website for a year and I again Ask other subcommittees to provide the detailed minutes and writing to both members of the council and the public when something is good when something is fundamental to your beliefs you vote on it no matter who is bringing it Forward no matter who is supporting it because that's what it means to work together and to represent all of tenek as one town good governance transparent y equal opportunity fairness I am happy and proud to work with anyone who votes and supports these things regarding CSX um that's been raised numerous times by Art batky and other members of the public and I do think it's an important issue for us to to address our role is very limited however and I would really like to try to encourage I don't know a task force maybe with the manager to reach out with other municipalities along the tracks and have a Joint Task Force or partnership to try to hold CSX accountable where we can I recognize however our powers are minimal with CSX but we can work together on Lobby and safe planning I hope that this is something that my colleagues would support the elephant in the room is an invitation to be courageous and honest with ourselves and each other doing the right thing at all costs is courageous and honest and what it means to have the privilege to sit here serving every resident every vote and every voice outside of these Chambers is a memorial for Teck resident Sarah duer I'm not sure how many people in this room knew Sarah but I remember Sarah I remember being in my best friend's bedroom as my mother let me know that my babysitter and her student Sarah duer and her fiance were murdered by Hamas terrorists and i would support a ceasefire conditioned on the release of all hostages including now one-year-old kir bias and the dismantling of Hamas thank you thank you Miss Goldberg Miss Belcher thank you Mr Mayor I want to just thank um uh the presenters that came out and or speakers that came out and uh spoke about the adus I think adus are vitally important and and a great addition to our Township um as you guys have heard me say before you know we're in a housing crisis uh in our community so adus is a is certainly a solution and I I'm certainly in the support of it and I know the planning board is uh is going to be meeting and discussing it and uh uh understanding that the master plan is something that's vital to our our community it's something that um was a part of um you know once being elected that we wanted to have that as a guidepost and we continue I continue to support the efforts of of the master plan um I just want to say a couple points uh thank you for my neighbors for coming out and speaking uh I do agree that is it is important for us to realize that uh we have some work to do in town um I think uh Dr through it um for his offer I think it it certainly is a is a is an awesome way in which to really put your money where your mouth is in terms of really believing in our town and I know you are uh one who believes um wholeheartedly in in in our town in the future of our town um I think that the Oasis of human understanding is important why because it represents all communities why because it's it's important that everyone feels heard and everyone feels seen and I think that that we have to remember that unfortunately when you have hurt and harm it's because people feel that they're not seen and they're not heard um it it's kind of hard to get people to buy into an empathy or sensitivity training while at the same time asking for monuments to one or two groups of people uh our work uh and our uh words basically matter uh our actions should speak speak louder than our words it's a lot to say that um you know we need to listen to our neighbors uh I do believe uh Mr adderson that it is important that we do have a code enforcement because there's so many ways in which as we grow as a Township we have to uh keep our code Code Enforcement is in mind um I thank the community relations uh Advisory board for the work that they're doing it is a heavy lift uh but know this and I'm just going to um quote uh Bishop Desmond Tutu who said hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness so we have to believe in Hope thank you you miss Bel Miss organ um so Mr vaty I don't have a a DVD player anymore but I look forward to watching that that movie in some other Forum okay um to everybody here um be aware that there are covid tests in the front for anybody to take covid is back it's all over the place insurance does most insurance does not cover the tests anymore and um they're not available in a lot ofes so you may want to grab those on your way out um I went to the Rota Center a week ago Saturday um we were invited uh by our neighbors from the mosque and our Muslim Neighbors in town and I wasn't sure I was going to go I um wasn't sure how I was going to be received and I I thought about not going and uh decided to walk over even though it was our Sabbath and my daughter Jamie asked to come with me and I was grateful and um I met a neighbor Emma Haro it's there and many people thought she was my daughter which wasn't great for my ego but it was very nice that she joined us more people in the room knew my daughter Jamie then knew me um people asked to take selfies with her because they ride with her on TV and they're friends with her from there and their parents knew her and I was I walked in um I had trepidation and I was received so beautifully and I was welcome um passed from one person to the next from the board members of the mosque to the Imam to people that had organized the food there and just people who were joining them and members of the Board of Education who were there there was kosher food for us which was so nice um and and I'm so grateful that I went and um my feeling after the fact is you know you have family and you don't always get along with them and you have neighbors in town and you don't always get along with them but if you don't go home for Thanksgiving or you don't go home for Christmas or holidays you don't fight it out with them and you don't talk to them you just end up not speaking to them and that can't be in a Township like this so for as much as we disagree um on these issues or other issues for as much as come is coming up now um that was always simmering below the surface the way to work through this is is to talk not necessarily do agree but to talk um and I I heard The Advisory Board of community relations meeting was was good last night I I was working I wasn't able to go but I look forward to watching it um I've had more coffee in the last few weeks than than I I care to to discuss because um I keep meeting people for it and that's how you get to know one another I've spoken to people who have stood across from me and yelled at me and talked to me and and written letters to me but I'm finally sitting down with them and I'm talking to them and I'm getting to know them as people and I think that's what's important um I I don't agree with what Mr Kaplan did tonight I think I'm very happy that we're we're going to cut people off when they don't they don't speak with respect and I think there are different levels of that that we need to discuss as a council um there are words trigger words there are um things that are just not okay but I also don't agree with Lila Graham who says that people are going to keep coming to meetings and blow up our town that you can keep coming to meetings and you can speak and you can say the same things over and over again and we will sit here and we will listen because this is the United States of America but you are not going to blow up our town and so um anybody who's interested in a conversation please reach out I'm happy to sit down and speak with you thank you thank you Miss Oregon Mr Schwarz yeah yes thank you very much um two comments um to the corner lot fence speaker I believe we emailed there was some very good points you made the sub zoning committee met with along with the building department decided that their code should not be changed and that any variance or should be sought at the board of adjustment those were good comments about the length of the fence how much of the fence should be seen through and clear and we urge you to please file your variants at the board of adjustments we cannot take in financial hardship into into account when when safety is far more important please file your appeal you met with the billing department once they'll gladly meet with you again and help you fill out the application um in terms of one issue that's always near and dear to my heart was security at our houses of worship I believe Mr LK mentioned that he was concerned with an Iman being tragically killed in the circumstances or are under investigation regardless of what happened there our houses of worship must be secure Deputy Mayor cats and I met with the board of darisa and we've suggested certain things we can work with them on as it relat to police and security grants decoy cars and other matters I won't discuss online and I urge them if they want to continue um to implement these changes to reach out to us um we've been emailing back and forth and I continue to look forward to their safety their security in all our houses of worship um I Echo everything that councilwoman Oregon said as it relates to speakers coming here and trying to blow up the town and I urge our Council to shut off speakers who go on those tangents that send those trigger words and do more of what was done tonight when certain offensive comments are made thank you very much thank you Mr Schwarz Deputy Mayor G Mr Mayor I yield my time thank you deputy mayor uh I want to say thank you to EJ for speaking and for your advocacy and thank you to all of our age-friendly friends for speaking up tonight because I too want to see adus succeed in t because it will help a lot of people and thank you to Zoe as well for all of your input on this and for your guidance these past few months Mr Rose thank you as always for your comments because your previous experience on the planning board is always very helpful Mr Yuck thank you for reminding us about your neighborhood as Association stand on the development of Municipal parking lots we're absolutely will be taking that into consideration and thank you also for the recent tour of your neighborhood as it pertains to flooding Mr Ron Schwarz we will be exploring and talking about both of those issues in the very near future and I'm actually going to be talking to our attorney very soon to see what all of our options are on those as for try on Park and the lighting I'm going to ask if our manager can please look into that with our DPW so we can help and budget season is rapidly approaching so I will ask our manager to Shandra about that so thank you for bringing that to our attention and just so everyone knows our Police Department always works with the Sheriff's Office to help provide security for all of our houses of worship and EK because we want everyone to be safe and we are very grateful for that with that said Mr manager is there anything you would like to say or add sure I forget the name of the uh the one speaker but just so that the public is aware you know we've done uh resurface Mill resurfaced 134 streets in five years it's kind of unprecedented so we've done and made some significant improvements to the infrastructure uh resurface several Municipal parking lots you know our population is remaining steady people are moving to Tek not moving out of tck um so I uh you know I I really disagree with what that what that caller poer says so I think we're doing a pretty good job with improvements with our Parks our Fields it's always a work in progress and we do what we can afford and I think weon council's done a pretty good job giving me the tools that I need to improve the town and and chra the lights um I spoke to Glenna while um I was on a day here I actually communicated with her so we we will uh make arrangements to program the lights at uh at the park until about 8:00 during the winter time so that people can if they want to take advantage of walking around that Park so we should have that done tomorrow all right thank you Mr manager and as always thank you to all of you for being here tonight and telling us how you feel our next order of business is the consent agenda and all matters listed on the consent agenda are to be routine in nature by Council will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately Mr clerk I'm going to pull something uh per the recommendation of the manager but first can you please read the amount of the bill list into the record 8 m696 10452 thank you Mr for the recommendation of the manager um I would like to pull resolution 56- 2024 uh I also want to pull 54 2024 and 59 2024 please mayor did you ask to remind me which one you the um 56 it was 56-22 24 yes yeah count councilwoman Goldberg I apologize mayor was Ring something to not be considered from the consent agenda the resolution that we spoke about in close session he wasn't asking anyone if they wanted to pull anything just yet okay sorry well yeah no do you want to pull I want to pull 54 and 59 please we need a second on that poll though I'll second his poll councilman Schwarz this is the to pull the resolution that we spoke about in close session regarding the uh Contracting issue yes and all thank you councilman beler yes Council Goldberg yes Oregon yes G yes may Pagan yes cool that's off the consent agenda okay can I pull 54-22 24 and 59 2024 please and I'll second that 54 2024 and 59 202 for 5459 D is there a motion on everything else besides those motion Schwarz on everything else in the bill list second councilman Schwarz yes and all councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman Oregan yes Ste mayor G yes mayor Pagan yes but I'm going to abstain on 55-220 yes on everything else you mentioned okay yep okay all right the first one for the recommendation of the manager we table being until they or someone else resubmits correct yeah yes we have to pull light there was an issue with their um uh registry through the state so we uh we need to pull that t uh tonight and what we need to do because there was no other bitter on that project we will need to read vertise and accept BS okay Doug do I have to make a motion to table that or we're good all right thank you Mr manager um okay so 59 2024 um there's just a DI Minimus change there the typo on packet page 247 page one of the application the phone number for the township is missing the two in front of the 2011 can we change that please yeah what page was that um on the packet page 247 page one of the application we want to make a motion on that one first sir motion move it it correct yeah it's really just a correction typo do we need to do anything so okay yeah okay thank you and then on 54224 so just some background again I know we had a presentation last meeting about the pesticides um and I want to make a motion to table 54 um to give uh time for the EC to to review the language that they had concerns with on that one they're meeting again at the end of February if and that's my motion I'll make a second did you have a date that you wanted to table it to or just you their next meeting is the 21st I think so hold on I just want to look at our next meeting is is I'm un sure if it works the same as an ordinance but you could probably I just want to check I don't know if we have to table it till March tabling a tbling a resolution essentially works as you're you're killing it and so it just gets reintroduced going to need to be reintroduced um if you uh you could if you are not putting a date on if you were putting a specific date on it then it would just reappear on the agenda just like the ordinance that we were discussing before but if you don't want put any a date on it then it would just need to be reintroduced from scratch so their next meeting is February 21st so based on that I just want to table it to or reintroduce it I guess on the 27th so that they have time to review and then we can all February 27th yeah that was seconded by you may sir councilman Schwarz yes councilwoman belard yes councilman Goldberg yeah councilman organ yes deie may G yes mayor Pagan yes we'll see it in a few weeks all right our next order of business is our introduction of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinance into the record yes may yes mayor and Council we have ordinance 32024 amending the township code to ride revise excuse me parking laws I make a motion to approve second councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman Oregon yes de G mayor Pagan yes introduced that concludes our business uh I'll entertain a motion to adjourn oh yes is there a second all those in favor please say I thank you everybody for coming out tonight please get home safe be safe everybody be safe