##VIDEO ID:9Up0IzCgcBY## e test one two test one two test ready good to go ladies and gentlemen we're about to begin can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance which will be led by Teck Cub Scouts Pack 171 than the blag United States Amica please be seated everyone thank you to our Cub Scouts who will be talking to us in a minute Mr clerk we have a quorum and call this meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. please call the rooll councilman Schwarz councilman beler here councilman Goldberg here councilman Oregon here Deputy Mayor Catz Deputy Mayor G here mayor Gan here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by resolution number 299-2020 3 sending a copy and sunshine notice issued by the township clerk's office on September 17th 2024 sending a copy to the newspapers officially designated for 2024 by way of resolution number 2224 applying a copy in the township clerk's office and posting on the v w bulletin board and the mayor hereby directs that this statement be included in the minutes thank you Mr clerk good evening and welcome everyone to tonight's council meeting Township Administration president at tonight's meeting are Jacqueline hashmat our Township attorney Doug ruson our Township Clerk Scott salmon our Township attorney and Ron Goodman our volunteer cable master for The public's information we are currently holding a hybrid format meeting we have people in person and on Zoom if our Wi-Fi at the municipal building has an issue where the zoom meeting drops we will aim to retrieve the connection and continue the meeting the next televised regular council meeting is on December 10th and begins at 6:30 p.m. with the public portion of that meeting beginning at 8:00 p.m. Town Hall will be closed on Thursday November 28th for Thanksgiving and Friday November 29th Council met in Clos session earlier this evening to discuss the following contracts the potential sale of Township property the NJ do Route 4 project affordable housing Teck Library Renovations tax billing legal issues and opinions regarding items on the Open Session agenda litigation updates and Oprah our first order of business tonight is a presentation by the tenet Cub Scouts Pack 171 and we thank them for leading Us in the Pledge of Allegiance and we look forward to hearing what they have to tell us tonight good evening mayor both deputies council members in the community my name is Jose zenone and I am a Cub Scout parent and a community chair for T neck newly activated Cub Scout Pack 171 this this evening we are here for a few with a few uh of the pack leadership volunteer we have Paul Hos Hos sorry Greg Gregory B bis sorry William gford and the tneck we also have leadership here from tneck uh 106 Dave carmichel and Sam sooy and the other uh uh volunteers is the parents with us can you please stand most importantly we are have our special guest our CB Scout from pack 171 we are thrilled and honored to be here before the council and ten Community it's been a long time coming and we are excited to bring Cub Scout back to tck we are excited to embark on this new Venture with Tina community and families Cub scouting provides boys and girls from ages ker Garten to fifth grade with invaluable opportunities to develop leadership skills exper exp erience outdoor Ventures and learn the values of teamwork and responsibility we welcome everyone to please take the time to further learn more about Cub scouting program wws scouting.org you can learn and give you a lot of wealth of information the pack meets twice a month first and third Thursday I mean first and third Tuesdays at the American Legion Post 128 located at 650 American Legion Drive T neck and lastly we invite you to stay connected with the Cub Scout Pack 171 on the various communication platform Facebook Instagram YouTube channel all with the same handle tck Cub Scout Pack 171 again we like to thank for we we like to thank you for the opportunity and we look forward to having your kids or our kids to embark on this Venture with your family as we build a strong foundation for our pack and our commun Community as aladu goes thank you thank you Mr Zenon and thank you to our Cub Scouts and thank you to our parents does anyone on Council want to say anything to the Cub Scouts before they file out of here on a on a school night it's okay it's okay it's all right it's all right no biggie no biggie but thank you we thank you all for coming so so very much thank you y'all have a good night thank you for joining us tonight we appreciate you being here thank youall so much our next order of business is work session items and first up is miscellaneous does anyone on Council have anything under miscellaneous seeing No Hands we're moving on does anyone have anything ah old business American Legion Stop and Shop area crossroads development update Mr Schwarz if we could just go uh just motion to put this towards the end of uh Council listed items you should be second I'll second that we have four noting heads all righty so new business 2024 best practices inventory who listed that um oh oh Jason Isa Basi Isa hang on he's coming he's on mutant juggling a couple kids Issa there he here hi good evening hello Mr CFO how are all you so I just wanted to go over the 2024 annual best practices checklist the gift that keeps on giving from the state of New Jersey every year uh since 2010 under former Governor Chris chrisy the best practice checklist is really an inventory or forly a checklist that is meant to uh basically see if the municipality if the township is being as efficient as it can be with its resources um the joke we have amongst the CFOs is that these um questions are such good good best practices that they change 50% year-over-year uh this year's hot button topic was and get ready for this Council Council and beler affordable housing um no surprise so basically the way that it's done is that the CFO in conjunction with the administrator Township manager municipal clerk and other department heads get together we uh go through the questions list I typically take the lead on it and we get a final score the final scor is determined based on your answers or responses and basically the last percentage of your state aid is either withheld or not withheld based on how many uh questions you have the highest score was I believe a 46 we scored 42 so for the 14th consecutive year in a row and I've done all 14 we are not missing on any state aid thankfully thank you Mr bossi does anyone on Council have any questions Miss Belcher no I just want to um thank our CFO for all of the efforts that he and our town manager uh Miss hashmat has worked very diligently over the um the summer um uh up until now as it pertains to affordable housing as you all know uh we have uh received the rounds as to what our numbers are for the next round of affordable housing 10 years going forward so I just want to thank you personally uh Issa and also to um Mrs hashmat thank you thank thank you Miss beler anyone else on Council no thank you Mr Abasi you are appreciated oh you're are welcome I'll be on for the rest of thank you sir thank you Mr Schwarz you want to go back to Old business American Legion Stop Shop area crossroads development update yes um on behalf of the sub Zona committee unless um council mberg did you want to introduce this or do you want me to introduces um over the last five or so years I hope not more but it may be uh we've been working on the American Legion Drive and Beverly Road Redevelopment plan uh this is a plan that was approved by councils uh anr and and I believe a pilot uh this then this had probably well north of a dozen meetings with council with planning board back and forth maybe closer to 16 I believe uh we then went had a community meeting and in the upstairs at the at the Rota center with some with some input taken and stuff changed we then had additional sub zoning community meetings went back to the committee went back to the community for a gym based Rota Center meeting downstairs opened it up to zoom as well additional changes were presented to the sub Zona committee to which the sub Zona committee uh moved or or said that we agree with this we appreciate the changes that were being made we ask this to be presented now to the council as a whole because the next steps forward will be the council voting and additional developers agreements um and so we invited them here and as discussed at the last meeting we set this date in this time for this for this um presentation uh but before we call them up I think um Mr attorney can you just give us a little background about the the the the settlement on this and whatnot the township uh sett settled a lawsuit by Stop and Shop about year and a half ago or so maybe a little more more than that now and as part of that settlement the township is required the council required consider in good faith The Proposal that be made buy buy stop and shop and that's that's essentially here we're considering uh this is part of that that process applic in good sure we able were we able to hear that okay that's better okay so about about a year and a half ago the township entered into a settlement agreement with um Crossroad Stop and Shop to settle been two years now okay time time flies um to settle settle that lawsuit and as part of that lawsuit the township the council is required to consider in good faith The Proposal uh and the Redevelopment plan that's that's going to be offered by CrossRoads and that's really what this is part of um part of that part of us uh complying with our obligations to consider that application is made by um by CrossRoads anybody else do we call it Mr Tel Mr Tel the floor is yours sir all right uh good evening mayor Pagan members of the council members of the public can hear me okay so I'm not going to go through all the details and the legal ease that have occurred since I think 2020 when this sort of started what I want to talk about are the changes that we've made to the plans since we initially presented an a a plan to the to the town and where we are today and then I'd like one of the members of Crossroads to come up and go through those plans that we've provided to the township to put on the screen I know that tonight's meeting the board the township is taking no formal action nothing is being done here from a from a legal perspective but what our goal from this meeting tonight is for the township based on the plans that we have now to direct their professional staff to draft a Redevelopment plan but that's going to be up to the township as to whether or not they feel that it's appropriate at this time so let me go through where we started on these plans and where we are now so we started with an initial community meeting on July 31st 2023 that was the first community meeting that we had so over over a year ago that plan had 364 Apartments 12,000 square feet of commercial space and 979 parking garage spaces some notable items from that initial plan is that the building was five stories on Beverly Road and six stories at the corner of American leion Drive and Alma Tera so that was I'll call it iteration number one based on the feedback we received from that meeting there was also I think online comments that could also be made as well we had a second public meeting on October 2nd 202 23 what happened at that meeting or what was done in in response to those comments the density was reduced from 364 to 318 so over um nearly 50 units were taken out of the project um the number of parking spaces was reduced from 979 to 943 that was based on one the number of units being reduced and two maintaining the ratio that Stop and Shop really wanted um as part of the settlement agreement as it relate um to parking the building height on Beverly Road was reduced from five stories to four stories and the building height at the corner of American Legion Drive in Alma Terrace was reduced from six stories to four stor so there were cons some considerable changes made in response to public comment as well as zoning subcommittee comment over the course of the first two public meetings um that we had so then in March of 2024 um per the town's request again and some additional um feedback as well as a third public meeting that was held in March of 2024 there was a further reduction in height of the Beverly Road garage at the corner from four stories to three stories so now that garage is three stories the height of the actual building along Beverly Road was reduced from four stories to three stories with a 6 fo step back to the fourth story so it is four stories on Beverly but the it was further uh set back from the road um 6 feet there was also open public amenity space that was added that was something that I know many council members and many members of the public were felt very strongly about so there was 4,400 square feet of open public amenity space at the corner of Beverly and Garrison that was added there was also public space added on the southern part of the development approximately 3,350 Square ft at the corner of American Legion Drive um and Alma Terrace okay so now that brings me to the plan that we have today so we met with the zoning subcommittee again there were some additional public comment as well so over the course of several zoning subcommittee meetings three public Community meetings we now come down to the these final changes that we're going to be presenting tonight so we further increased the public open space on the corner of Beverly and Garrison like I said it was 4,400 that we were initially proposing okay now we're up to 12,000 square feet of open public amenity space which is exactly or what we try to do is match the farmers market space that they utilize so that's been increased almost three times and we've increased the depth of that fourth story setback on Beverly Road as I indicated it was set back 6 feet now it'll be set back 10t so I went through that just to so the public I know it's been this has been going on for quite some time as well as the council understand the changes that were made the good faith efforts that were made to be responsive to public comment as well as Council comment planning staff's comments from the township um as well so I will call up Anthony vpy to to go through that what I also wanted to indicate as well is that I think this project not only will it provide a Redevelopment of these of the parking lots that are there but it's also going to provide a 15% affordable component I think TX number based on the DCA um numbers that were released for affordable housing was a prospective need of over 400 affordable housing units at 15% of 318 that's going to get at least you know I'm not you know don't have lawyers do math but I think there'll be over 40 affordable housing units that are being that'll result from this project maybe more that Anthony will will go through is it more C councilman Schwarz is of of course criticizing my math skills okay so o so over 50 units of affordables that that 40 okay that would result from this project in addition to that and we are aware of this we know that there are storm water management issues in this area of the township by constructing this project a a lot of those matters would be mitigated um and that would further be refined during the site plan process as well so I just wanted to point out those additional benefits that would result from the project so without further Ado I'll call up Mr vpy to walk the township Council as well as the public through uh the revised changes that we have this is a laser point perfect thank you thank you you uh good evening mayor and council members my name is Anthony vulpi I'm a partner with Crossroads companies can you hear me now okay good my name is Anthony vulpi I'm a partner with Crossroads companies we're the proposed developer for the Redevelopment project uh that Jason just gave a little background on um Jason actually stole most of my thunder he went through the highlights but I just wanted to kind of walk you through the current plan and then be here to answer any questions or or you know any comments that you might have so starting at the top of the board here the building that we're referring to as Building C um this building is now three stories at the corner of Beverly you're now pointing to the Beverly Road side of the pro of the project correct yep um so the building is now three stories at the corner of Beverly and Garrison right here which started originally at five stories um this is a freestanding parking garage also at the corner of Beverly and Garrison adjacent to that we have one level of parking with three levels of residential above that um the the building Heights vary from again three at this the corner of Beverly and Garrison closer to four stories in the middle and then to at the the corner as you go down to the longer residential Frontage on Beverly you have that three stories with the fourth story step back which is now 10 ft um behind so that building has a total of 96 Apartments 12,000 squ feet of commercial space 590 garage spaces and the public open space which is now 12,000 square feet located at the corner of Beverly and Garrison again and that would be fully landscaped and designed to accommodate the farmers market as well as anything else that that the town would like to see there so moving across Cedar Lane down to American Legion we have the building we refer to as building a uh this building started out at six stories it's now been reduced to four stories we have a onlevel parking garage with three levels of residential above that um the total apartments in this building would be 94 with 149 parking spaces and again there is more public open space there's a second Plaza which is a little over 3,000 square ft you can't see it from this angle um it's a it it fronts Alma Terrace and we have other uh Graphics that we can show you show that closer to you and then moving further down south on American Legion Drive we're at Building B this is a six-story building we have two levels of parking with four levels of residential above that uh 128 apartments and 170 parking spaces uh in addition just something to point out um that you know may have got Lost in Translation Crossroads is currently the owner of this property here that is not not depicted on this graphic but it's commonly referred to as the Buddha Center um that would be sold in exchange for the land where building be sits um it would be demolished so that the Stop and Shop soar would get uh increased circulation in their parking lot closer spaces to their store as well as increased Frontage and visibility and it kind of really opens up the entire Redevelopment area um so again Jason went over this but the the currently proposed plan which has been revised I think this is on its fourth official revision is 318 total Apartments which would result in 48 that's at 15% 873 garage spaces 61 Street spaces 12,000 feet of commercial and over 15,000 squ feet of newly built public open space owner would obviously coordinate with all local organizations regarding the open space Jason if you can please speak into the microphone sorry so part of the intent Anthony of the open space is for local organizations charity Civic organizations to be able to utilize that as in in the event that they needed like they do today that that's correct and um after the first iteration of the public open space we had a direct dialogue with um representative from the farmers market and so they were able to help guide us a little bit and we were able to basically replace almost square foot for square foot what they currently use today in the parking lot um which would which would house a full Farmers Market 25 to 30 uh T and and also for other uses when the farmers market is not using it and also just I just want to make sure we're clear as and it goes without saying that with respect to the affordable units they would be integrated throughout the buildings we'd comply with all the uniform housing um Control Act regulations in terms of loow and moderate incomes that would all be part of the project and you would work with the Township's affordable housing administrator on that as well that's correct and they would also be the same finishes as as the market rate units we don't we don't do different finishes for the affordables thank you gentlemen does anyone on Council have any questions for Mr Tel and Mr vuli one question wasn't there additional community space inside so that is something that the was proposed at the zoning subcommittee and we would be happy to accommodate we have uh typically um anywhere from 3500 to 6 or 7,000 squ ft of amenity space in each building so we're happy to reserve some space for the town to be used and we can memorialize that and Redevelopment agreement your hand up beautiful job thank you very much for the presentation I do have one uh one question we embarked on this journey initially because uh someone came to us and wanted to spend some significant amount of money and enhance Cedar Lane and make it you know look different than it has been looking since 1946 um and then that's when we realized we had a parking problem um now I realize also obviously probably people have less cars today with all different uh driving apps um but still it's important for any business district to thrive and succeed to have parking um I see that you have 873 spaces but that was cumulative um and then the question I have is number one is that all accessible to Shoppers um how many spots are we giving up for you to have the 873 so the answer to that is a little bit of a moving Target um we can as developer we're open to structuring that however the town would like to see it as long as we can physically fit it so this plan that you're currently seeing today what we would propose is the the parking garage areas that are located in Building C on Beverly and gar sorry yep both in the freestanding garage and also in the podium below that is a total of 590 parking spaces we have in this building the 96 Apartments which are going to need parking spaces as well as the 12,000 ft of commercial space which is really reserved as a relocation area for our tenant that's currently uh on American Legion so that's a total of approximately 140 spaces that that we would need to serve the building at a minimum so everything that's left over would be 100% public parking and then we could also potentially enter into a parking sharan agreement as well as part of the Redevelopment uh agreement so indicate how many spaces so that would leave that would leave around 450 spaces that would be purely public parking on that side on that side side on this side um it's really driven by the need for the residential buildings as well as the settlement agreement that we all entered into and that really would be limited for private use in these buildings um we did design street parking on American Legion Drive I believe it's 36 spaces um and we can actually look to incorporate more throughout the entire rede Redevelopment area if the town would be interested in that um but it as currently designed these would be private spaces how many spots are in those two lots today if you didn't build anything approximately 380 give or take so you're giving the town an extra hundred and something spots approximately yeah and yeah I just wanted to get an idea yeah and that's that's that's at the request of the Town we're happy if the town feels like it's too much we can scale that back um unfortunately we are kind of maxed out we couldn't really go higher than that it would be challenging to go higher than that um was there ever a consideration to not um to to look at um building the buildings uh individually rather than all three at once um I still it's I appreciate all the um edits that were made um lowering the heights um in response to the community feedback but you know in looking at Building C specifically for me I still feel that it's very awkward to build around those three single family homes and again to have these very um tall buildings across the street from a clearly single family residential zone so was there any consideration to propose a a revised plan that did not include Building C uh so to answer your first question the answer is yes we actually are planning to build this in phases if it's approved so it would not all be built at once um building building C on Beverly actually is slated to be the first phase and that is because that's where all of the replacement parking goes and that was a decision made by every all four parties who were party to the settlement agreement that everyone felt the parking should be over there um for multiple reasons including Shoppers as as well as other cons considerations um in terms of the scale of that side uh totally understand your point and and we're sensitive to that which is why we've tried our best to scale it down as much as possible these buildings are now essentially three stories at street view which in you know in the grand scheme of things is pretty it's still taller than what exists across the street in the single family but it's a lot more close than what it originally was Miss beler okay thank you for your presentation tonight um I just want to go return to um the discussion about uh parking um parking is is of course a concern um in terms of um any any site plan that that we bring into town um but can you speak to traffic the impact of traffic and I know that doesn't come up until a site plan kind of you know happens before the planning board and experts are called in but one of the the concerns that I I've heard from the community is how can we possibly manage the increase in the number of of cars that this potentially uh would represent given the current traffic patterns uh we are you know resident residential streets and so forth um how how would you respond to that so we did have a preliminary traffic study done um and we would of course have a full-blown study done in conjunction with further design uh I am not a traffic expert so I couldn't give you the right answer tonight but we'd be happy to incorporate that both the the St the current study and the future studies into the next phase of of the the pro the process okay so something and I was going to say as part of that analysis when it would become when we would get to site plan if there were off trck improvements necessitated by the development that were based on the traffic report or that were based on something that the board's traffic professionals needed we would have to pay our per a share of that or construct the improvements that would be something that would be done as part of the site plan process so it's not as if while you're approving you the township Council were to approve the project or the identity we would still be responsible during the site plan phase to deal with any of those issues that would result from any of those analyses that would be done thank you for that uh one other question when we speak about the 46 affordable housing units of course you know we certainly like to hear that but how would you speak to looking at this project as not just being a apartment some 318 Apartments coming in to town have you done an analysis on purchase for the number of young people um and seniors that are downsizing that may perhaps not want to rent but want to purchase has that factored into your analysis yes the short answer is when you say purchase I assume you're referring to condominium it's the condominium Market from a financial perspective is is very challenging uh especially in the suburbs and when you get into the scales of this kind of project it's it's something that really unfortunately wouldn't be financially feasible in a project like this Condominiums are generally more successful when they're Boutique projects um smaller in scale because of the risk that goes with Market fluctuation so um this is really a prime area and example for downtown Redevelopment which really lends itself to to Luxury Rentals with of course an affordable component and you know those renters they're middle to higher income renters they're going to be spending a lot of dollars in the local economy on Cedar Lane and other parts of Teek and it's really going to help to revitalize the whole area and that will lead to Future more Boutique for sale product to come into tneck but that's typically the way we see the Cycles work yeah I would just kind of like um slightly disagree with you on one point and that is that would be potentially 318 units of individual tax bills so what would that mean to our Township in terms of tax revenue so I I would just um would love to see that as as potentially an analysis as to what it could mean I know for a developer you're looking at profit and so forth but what would it mean to us as a Township understood and and and actually what we're we're not just focusing on profit it's it's a it's a risk reward uh equation essentially on paper Condominiums would theoretically make a developer more money but um again they're they're extremely challenging to finance and they come with a highrisk profile um we estimate that this project will generate over a million dollars in tax ratables to the town which is pretty substantial when two of the three properties are not generating any any taxes today just sorry sorry and just remember as part of the Redevelopment process we're going to have to provide a financial performa to the township for your review and you're of course going to hire your own professional Financial Consultant to review it to determine if our numbers make sense or if you have any comments to it so we're going to have to go through that process Miss Oregon is there a detailed um a detailed rendering of building C that we can see we do have an architectural elevation I think it's the um I I think that's third slide that's the biggest concern that's that's the um building that faces neighbors homes also right now we're in the middle of working with our engineer the township engineer on a a multiphased flooding plan for that area and this development would have to fit in with that plan and so any development here would have to work you would have to work with the engineer on some kind of development developers agreement where there would have to be an understanding that anything that would be put in this lot would have to not only not add to flooding in that area but actually help mitigate the flooding problem there and so the next step um before any development would take place here would probably require a meeting with the township engineer and the township manager and also there is a a small subcommittee of neighbors who live there um not not a whole uh not the whole town again um but there is a small subcommittee of neighbors who have been working on that um and trying to figure out with the engineer what what a Next Step would be um when the water comes rushing towards Cedar Lane past their homes where it would go from there so um I you know if you would be open to that um it would be great if we could set that up absolutely yeah we're 100% on board with supporting the infrastructure Improv that are going to need to take place as part of this project and also to help the current situation um this project actually reduces impervious coverage on these Lots which is a benefit to your storm water management it may require um pumps and um um tanks so U something above my pay grade but um yeah we're happy to have our civil team look into it okay um and you know these things the the stor owner the drainage um further design comments the traffic all of that we're happy to incorporate into the next phase in the process which is the drafting of a Redevelopment plan and that's typically earlier than we would do it but we understand the importance to the town and we've all been at this a long time um and we're eager to to move the ball forward and so we're willing to do some of those things a little bit earlier and and work with your professionals during that process okay thank you to show the elev yeah this is a a architectural elevation of the building on um Beverly Road so starting at the the right side of the page the right top we have the parking garage um you can see it's three stories at the corner the the natural grade actually slopes down which gives us an additional story towards the bottom here moving towards the middle of Beverly it's four stories and then as you move towards the left of the top um this is where the setback area would start so you would see if you were standing at a this this view is set back quite a bit but if you were standing at a street view you'd really be looking at this third story right here and you wouldn't be able to see the four story step back um the design in its current phase is meant to be a mixture of both traditional and modern um but again this is architecture is something we're very open to working with your professionals on if there's different architecture schemes that the town would like to see again we're happy to incorporate that into the Redevelopment plan as well miss G um have you had a chance to connect with the owners of those three homes in the middle of that setup we have not we did we did make Outreach early in the process but it never went anywhere I I think again if if this plan is to move forward with this design which again I still feel feels very awkward it would make sense to connect with them to figure out like what kind of buffers um they would need to feel comfortable with this with this setup absolutely does anyone else on Council have any questions for Mr vul or Mr devel no thank you gentlemen for your time and your presentation wa Mr Mayor one question just to Piggy Bank off of what councilman Oregon said so in the Beverly lot there's the the sewer pipe so I just want to make sure that I guess theer up what Kenan organ said that you do meet with the engineer to make sure that there is accessibility that sewer pipe underneath I think it's in the or the not sure where it is but it cuts cross we have to have access to that so I want to make sure that when you're aware of that in plans that you do include the engineer your discussions sir y yeah that's fine and we could even include whatever improvements are agreed upon with your engineer as exhibits to the Redevelopment agreement um as specific conditions in the Redevelopment agreement so we're happy to initiate those conversations you know once the township wants the uh the plan to move forward thank you Council and thank you gentlemen we're going to move back to new business does anyone on Council have anything under new business aside from what we already discussed no moving on I'm sorry go ahead Dey mie it's kind of new business it's also kind of a I guess a liaison report um hold on computer died um so I wanted to acknowledge that this week um the Board of Education will be celebrating um Ruby Bridges walk to school day at Benjamin Franklin Middle School um and it will be at on November 14th at 9:00 a.m. uh the Board of Education will also be um reading a resolution on Wednesday to recognize November 14th as Ruby Bridges walk to school day every year um we found out about this a little bit too late to uh introduce a resolution on of our own but I would like to read it um right now for uh for the record I think it's a really special idea hold on one second all right a resolution designating November 14th of each year as Ruby Bridges walk to school day with appropriate programs and activities across all schools within the Teek Public School District whereas on November 14th 1960 6-year-old Ruby Bridges walked to school and integrated the first Elementary School in the South and whereas Ruby Bridges was born on September 8th 1954 to parents Lucille and aen bridges and raised in New Orleans Louisiana and whereas in 1954 the United States Supreme Court issued the landmark ruling in Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka Kansas ending racial segregation in public schools and whereas numerous Southern States including Louisiana failed to integrate their Public Schools following the United States Supreme Court's ruling and whereas in 1960 a federal court ordered Louisiana to desegregate their Public Schools beginning on November 14 of that year and whereas Ruby Bridges passed the entrance exam for the then all-white public William France Elementary School and whereas on November 14th 1960 Ruby Bridges and her mother were escorted by Federal Marshals to the William France Elementary School where Ruby faced violent protesters and whereas Ruby Bridges experienced blatant racism from protesters and parents every day throughout her first year of attendance at William France Elementary and whereas Ruby Bridges had to be taught in a classroom by herself as all other students were pulled out at the request of their parents and whereas Ruby Bridges had to remain separate from the other children and was not allowed to go to the cafeteria or outside for recess and whereas despite these hardships Ruby Bridges never missed a day of school and by the end of her first year the school decided to admit more African-American children the following year and whereas Ruby Bridges active break y inspired America and paved the way for other African-American children across the country and whereas famous painter Norman Rockwell depicted Ruby Bridges walking to school in his painting the problem we all live with which was endured as one of Rockwell's most renowned pieces and whereas Ruby Bridges became a lifelong activist for racial equality by establishing the Ruby Bridges foundation in 1999 which uses educational initiatives to promote tolerance and unity among school children and whereas Ruby Bridges has gained numerous accolades for her life's work including the Carter G Woodson book award and the honorary title of Deputy Federal Marshall and whereas it is fitting for the state of New Jersey to designate November 14th as Ruby Bridges walk to the school day to celebrate the courage of young Ruby Bridges and the impact her actions had on African-American children Across America now therefore be it resolved by the te Board of educ on November 14th of each year will be designated as Ruby Bridges walk to school day with appropriate programs and activities across all schools within the tenek public school district this resolution shall take effect immediately so this Thursday they're encouraging everyone to wear purple and walk to school in celebration of The Bravery of Ruby Bridges so I just wanted to share that with all of you thank you Deputy Mayor G does anyone else have anything on their new business no moving on Communications anyone have yesy m i Comm report sorry anybody else with Communications no moving along committee reports first up senior citizens advisory yes um so the senior citizens Advisory Board puts out an annual report to the council every year um and it's in your uh agenda packet but I want to read it for the record to acknowledge the great work that they do I've never worked with a more committed committee group or I shouldn't say that because I have abcr as well but um they are a very committed uh Advisory Board they work very well together and they are very effective and they have a long list of accomplishments this year so I'm just going to read them out really quickly um in 2023 to 2024 they were able to reinstate computer classes at veroda Center they introduced digital workshops and troubleshooting they continued their Holy Name lecture series featuring MD presentations they expanded Teck police senior awareness seminars they introduced social recreational games such as Scrabble chess and crosswords they began the Bernard Brooks Park refur refurbishment um they were able to get benches built in that Park and they replaced the gravel with black top they commenced they helped uh advocate for the commencement of the Phelps Park renovation replacing the dugouts repaving the walking path they helped to reinstate self-funded trips to Broadway matinees and other venues they assisted seniors with applications for independent living at 1371 tck Road um they uh appropriated Township funds for the advisory boards buses for senior trips as an example and in partnership with the League of Women Voters and the senior citizens Advisory Board they promoted voter registration for 24 to 25 they have identified some new goals they would like to secure a page in the T neck times for senior resources they'd like to reinstate the annual senior showcase they'd like to research the plausibility of a 55 plus senior senior AP senior citizen apartment building they'd like to reinstate monthly movies at the senior center reinstate cerebral games gymnastics trivia contests and puzzles they want to reintroduce the library and book club monthly they want to uh achieve two senior field trips uh they're going they would like to see the MJ musical they'd like to introduce mental health senior seminars age friendly seminars a jewelry making class introduce chorus hand needle work nixel training Garden Club Outreach Town Hall meetings your parking lot lines and handicap markings repainted and bring in some additional classes like ballroom dancing stretch Fitness classes so I read that out loud because I want you all to be aware of all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes by our volunteers who serve on our advisory boards um uh many terms are expiring at the end of this calendar year I I just want to remind folks if you're interested in volunteering Now's the Time to apply um it it really is a phenomenal way to get involved in the town thank you thank you Deputy Mayor Miss pure okay just have a couple things thank thanks for that um Deputy Mayor um just in terms of uh a couple of um committees that I I am uh involved with the EK historic preservation commission uh many of you may have uh see some of the markers we have some new markers on some properties throughout town so we're um really making great progress with that not only do I want to thank the um the um historic preservation commission but also DPW which has been very instrumental and helping to put those markers up uh also want to remind people that while the library is closed we do have an interactive uh historical map on our website so that you can visit that and you can see uh different historic sites that um the map references and lastly I just want to mention that the phck Chamber of Commerce is having their their annual fundraiser this Thursday I believe there are still tickets available so anyone that wants to attend please reach out to them thank you thank you Miss beler Mr Schwarz just I'm committe is one the zoning subcommittee has not met in the past since our last meeting and the Cedar Lane Management Group will be meeting tomorrow night uh at 6:30 on CED Lane thank you Mr Schwarz Miss Oregan the library board met this week for anybody who's interested in how construction is going you can look um on Facebook under the libraries page and on the library website there are pictures so you can watch uh the progression also for anybody who's been visiting neighboring buckles libraries you may see familiar faces of our Librarians they are working on um in neighboring libraries uh yesterday um patriotic observance Advisory Board held the Veterans Day celebration on the municipal green and that is on Facebook as well and uh the fields Advisory Board held its first meeting um last month so representatives from all of the sports teams met on Zoom to start discussing what next next steps will be um to start uh planning uh which Fields may need to be updated and um which steps to take going forward thank you thank you Miss Oregan Miss G um I forgot to mention that Personnel subcommittee met on Friday to interview just over 40 candidates for the open positions um on our advisory boards uh we still need to reconnect with some folks whose terms are expiring just to ensure they do want to continue serving in their terms um so we'll be back to the full council with recommendations for who we should bring back to interview by the whole Council more to come thank you Miss G next order of business is Council listed items and first up is the open public meetings act councilwoman beler okay yeah I just um wanted to uh mention that uh one of the things that we had talked about as a governing body is that uh through our attorney that uh we want to provide resources to our various um advisory boards um in terms of uh running meetings and um being efficient and effective uh in in terms of uh how our meetings are running the the the one thing I just want to say about the open um public meeting Act is that I would just ask our attorney to include details um in that training that you do provide because I believe we all can benefit from knowing more about the open public meeting act so thank you for that thank you Miss belter next up is our manager's report Miss hashmat thank you mayor and good evening Council and pck residents um our 2025 preliminary budget hearings open to the public were held last week with all department heads these hearings gave us a first look at the department requests for 2025 operating budget the Township's manure lighting is scheduled for December 26th at 5:30 p.m. on the municipal green and additional details will be posted later this week our holiday tree lighting is scheduled for December 5th event details will also be posted by the end of the week our annual Thanksgiving food drive is currently underway items will be accepted from November 1st through November 18th drop off locations and requested items are listed on our website and social media for your convenience the next planning board meeting in reference to the master plan is scheduled for December 12th at 7:30 p.m. at the Roa Center please see our website for additional details and documentation the township holiday schedule is now including juneth the holiday will be observed on Thursday June 19th so that our Township offices will be closed that day two meetings ago Council requested the research of additional EV charging stations for the township Deputy ma manager verley has since been researching and confirmed that we have conduit it in our Beverly and River Road parking lot and two units in our court and queenanne Road parking lot one company has provided extensive information and has recommended EV Chargers to also be placed on Cedar Lane these EV Chargers have screens that actually display advertisements so this on on Cedar Lane it would be um also helpful for advertising and this would be an annual revenue for around $4,000 per year per unit we are looking to install anywhere from four to six units they are um free installation you get it provide seven kilowatts of free charging to all um to all charging stations um upon charging and also they fund all operating costs and maintenance the Department of Public Works has been actively engaged in leaf collection throughout the town currently eight crews are deployed across four quadrants of the town with two Crews assigned to each quadrant as of November 7th DPW successfully completed its first pass collecting leaves throughout the town to date a total of 4400 cubic yards of leaves have been collected Crews continue to work efficiently with regular operating hours from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 P p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays additional passes will be conducted in the coming weeks as part of our ongoing leaf collection program we will continue to monitor progress and provide further updates as necessary for real-time information on leaf collection residents can visit the town's website click on maps and select a leaf collection to view the current status of collection in your area please do not hesitate to contact the DPW or my office for any additional information or if you have specific inquiries of areas that may have leaf piles that need attention our DPW remains committed to getting this job done I'd like to mention that the weather this year has been exceptionally warm the leaf believes have fallen very late and we have had no rain this is um this has affected our leaf collection efforts um if you could please be patient with us just let us know if you have any questions or if you need extra attention and we'll we'll tend to the leaves on your street the cedar lean Paving project has been updated several times the Ada ramps and concrete work will be completed this week and the Milling is scheduled for Monday November 8th notifications and proper signage will be in place I did speak with the county today and the sign boards should be up tomorrow or on on uh Thursday alternate routes are suggested for next week and the following week um because traffic will um you will have detours in the area our annual toy drive is scheduled for November 15th to December 13th drop off locations are listed on our website and a holiday gathering for family pickup is scheduled for December 19th at the Rota Center some Grant update information for you this past past month the township received an inine Grant through SNY play ball New York Jets football grants program for a clinic with players from the New York Jets for T Junior Football we also submitted an application for Firehouse Subs foundation and Larry firefighters Foundation we are preparing applications for new J for the New Jersey Division of highway traffic safety drive sober or get pulled over year-end holiday Crackdown lastly we applied for the njde Green Acres Park development Grant and Jake law program these grants will will be displayed at our next council meeting on December 10th we will have we will uh display the concept plans and proceed with the application process moving on to some project updates the vote Park restroom buildings will be delivered this month the bav drainage projects continues in the design phase I have remained in con constant communication with the EPA um and I have updated the bav residents as to the status of the administrative delays that are still in place they have a assured me that our final Grant award is in the near future heric Park project update our baseball field and basketball court drainage and Grading has been completed the layout of the fields is underway over the next few weeks prefab bathrooms are scheduled for delivery this month as well the splash pad and playground delivery dates are still pending but the playground equipment is ordered in addition we realize that many residents are looking for Park project updates on our website so our um Township engineer is going to within the next four weeks have a link on our website on that link you'll be able to click and get um um any updates on our Park project as they're moving along the Palisades Avenue Improvement project the scope of this project includes roadway improvements along Palisade Avenue from West Anglewood Avenue to Tron Avenue the improvements consist of the installation of drainage structures spot fixes for curbs and driveway aprons Rec construction of ADA ramp ramps and Milling Paving of the entire project area they will they will also install a crosswalk at A's Court some additional updates from last meeting Grayson and Prince I know that there have been requests in this area for blinking stop signs they have since been installed um we have also ordered two solar speed signs for the area and they will be installed within the next 3 to 4 weeks rumble strips and a four-way stop are not recommended by the police department at this time decator um we are still waiting dot to put the pavement markings in place and I will continue to update you once that's done last meeting I was also asked about Greenhouse funding um and I was able to contact our grant writer in speaking with them there is federal Appropriations a federal appropriation process coming out in February so we are going to monitor that and see if we can apply um and they are also doing some research for some other options to upgrade our Greenhouse a friendly reminder reminder to sign up for Township alerts on our front page of our website it's the most efficient way for us to keep you all the residents informed that's all I have for tonight thank you mayor miss hashmat Mr sammon attorney's report thank you mayor we have a couple of ordinances on the agenda for introduction and I want to highlight one of them in particular ordinance 30- 2024 this ordinance is a comprehensive overhaul of the application process for our land use boards as well as the esro fees that applicants are charged uh in drafting this ordinance we looked at a number of other municipalities including Fair laon Flemington Fort Lee hackin saac Lambertville Montclair North Brunswick forany Ridgewood and Wayne to figure out what worked best and what practice they take other those other places planning and zoning boards have long had issues with applicants showing up to meetings and showing off documents first time at the hearing with the board members and the public unable to review them in advance it has also created problems when we get requests for those documents under Oprah uh because the township may not have copies of those documents our files because they would be shown at the at the hearing this ordinance is going to ensure that all application documents are received before the hearings are even scheduled and we'll ensure that they are made available to the public electronically as well um the ordinance also transfers the burden of paying for our professionals from the township to applicants through an overhaul of our escro fee system which could save the township as much as half a million dollars uh as it stands now the township whole has been paying a significant amount of money for professionals to review individual applications when that is uh that those costs should be should be paid for by the applicants which is what is done in virtually every other town in New Jersey uh so this ordinance is going to significantly increase public transparency of our land use applications while also saving the town a significant amount of money so I would encourage the the council to eventually adop that's all I have you Mr famon our next order of business is our public hearing and Adoption of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinances into the record yes sir mayor we have a few ordinances this evening for second reading from the past we have ordinance number 45-22 3 amending the township code for the township AAC to enact a new section establishing and regulating accessory dwelling we have ordinance number 26224 amending section 36- 111.2 of chapter 36 the township code for Township ATK adding restricted on street parking spaces for handicap at 987 Richard Court we have ordinance number 25-22 24 amending section 36- 111.2 of chapter 36 to the township code for the township at teac adding restricted on street parking spaces for handicap at 144 Le Avenue we have ordinance number number 27224 authorizing a special emergency appropriation in the amount of $690,000 pursuman to njsa 48 4-53 for the payment of contractually required Severance liabilities of the Township in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey mayor that is all you question open public may I want to make a motion to table 45223 pending the master plan um just question discussion uh I I believe that we' we've kicked this uh Adu ordinance down the the road quite a bit um just like we're we're entertaining other things like um a potential development on Stop and Shop I I don't know why we would uh not entertain uh the Adu ordinance and yet um be willing to talk about a development plan uh the Adu ordinance here again and I've said it many times is a in it's a pro private uh owner uh initiative it is an opportunity for our our homeowners to um basically uh take advantage of uh intergenerational housing so we've kicked this can down the road quite a bit uh but yet we're willing to entertain a Stop and Shop development of over 300 units um in the middle of town so I I would I would encourage that we do not table it but that we uh we stand up to it and we uh we adopt it and move forward thank you um M just a a point of information there's a a motion on the Florida table which should have a second and then there's no discussion a second yet and so she raised her hand and then he raised his hand so until I'll jump as I've said before I think this is an excellent ordinance I'm very much in favor of the adus and you are absolutely correct that we said we were where we're not really going we're not executing anything whether it be Stop and Shop whether it be a new pilot or a new anr until the master plan's done and can you just give us an update and I don't know if this is out of order on what how we're looking at the master on the master plan I don't know if who absolutely yeah so as sitting on the the planning board uh in terms of the master plan one of the the main issues has been finding the time to actually meet collectively we you as we all know we've had observe um quite a few holidays in town so there uh the calendar has been very challenging in terms of dates finding dates for everyone collectively uh as a board to get together so essentially you know we do have um a date in December in which we are working and hopefully um have been able to finalize one of the issues was that you know the planner had had actually identified um issues that the community had brought up uh we had asked that those uh items be ad uh placed into the actual document initially they were placed individually as a list of items but um as a as a board we wanted to see them Incorporated in in the master plan so that is what we're looking toward in uh in in the next um in the next meeting so the the reason why we're looking for things seem to be uh delayed a bit is simply because uh a calendar issue and um and really trying to um incorporate all of the wonderful comments that our our community has had about the master plan um yeah so I'm going to stick to what we all agreed with I do not think an agreement developers agreement should should not be signed as early as to stop and shop nor should adus passed until the planning master plan is is signed you're absolutely right they're they're one and the same we haven't done we haven't signed anything so I'm I'm going to stick to that because that's what we had agreed on but I will also say that the master plan has now been going on for about 15 16 months we had a great steering committee and that was turned over to I believe to the town in the early May or late April so now we're going on six months uh Community involvement is important but I please urge and I think you're both on on on the plan on planning board it's now been six months um find the time find the time and find the time I know we had count I know we have holidays but now what we're going to do is now we're going to start saying well then Thanksgiving and then we're going to start saying rightfully so there's um New Year's Hanukkah Christmas we're all the same week that's excellent uh that gives us 3 weeks in the beginning of December that gives us the entire January but if this starts going past January I'm goingon to start I'm going to start getting very cranky because then it's going to be coming about nine months and it's going be up to 18 months please don't interrupt please don't interrupt in the audience please remain silent please don't interrupt Mr Schwarz the floor is yours sir yeah I'm going to get cranky and I'm going to interrupt you when you speak so please stop I don't interrupt you so it's we we've we've had months upon months upon months so I please urge and I'm going to live up to that word but at a certain point it's going to be 18 months and that's going to going to be a little bit a little bit stretching over here we have development needs to go through and we have Revenue needs to be seen and we have budget increases so that's my piece so I urge that we we do not sign any developers agreement and we do not send any adus until that's done anybody else I'm just going to renew my motion to I know you need a second though what the table until the completion of the master plan there was a first from councilwoman Goldberg and a second from councilman Schwarz councilman Schwarz councilman Belcher no councilman Goldberg yes councilman Oregon yes deput mayor Catz no deput mayor G no mayor Pagan yes because I have faith in our planning board table all right the public public hearing on these ordinances are now open any members of the public wish be heard on any of these ordinances and these ordinances alone will be called on and will state their names for the record comment re questions shall be limited to 3 minutes per person if you are on Zoom please list your first name and your last name so that you can be called on and if you are also on Zoom please turn your camera on when possible if possible when you are addressing Council thank you who would like to go first anyone on just these ordinances seeing No Hands in Chambers anybody on Zoom Doug no oh I'm sorry Mr rose on these ordinances sir so nobody on Zoom so just Mr on just the ordinances adus have been tabled right the public hearing is closed in that case I make a motion to approve all ordinances second cman Schwarz councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg have to obain so I am abstaining on 26 2024 yes on 25 and abstaining on 27 26 and 27 you're abstaining yes Council Oran yes Debbie May cats yes Debbie May G yes may pan yes oh adopted thank you Mr clerk our next order bus our next order business is good and Welfare any member of the public wishing to be heard will be called on and will state their names for the record comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person again if you're on Zoom please list your first name and your last name if you want to be called on and please turn your camera on when addressing Council who would like to go first miss arant my shanaz longtime te resident want to speak about the development um plan around American Legion there are several graphs in the master plan and the development plans tinck master plan is 124 pages with no quantifiable research to substantiate its benefits which should serve as a guide to De development plans or EK the development plan plan fails to recognize that in Southwest tin American Legion neighborhood there are five schools and daycare centers with current enrollment of 974 children additionally there are six religious organizations and cultural centers this results in continuous traffic on weekdays and weekends there has not been a comprehensive traffic study showing the impact to our neighboring town of bagoda as as well as the residents of uh in that neighborhood the plan fails to mention congestion that will arise when a roadway system approaches vehicle capacity resulting in numerous negative impacts ranging from wasted Fuel and increases in tailpipe emissions which multiple studies concluded that congestion leads to annual economic burdens also the plan does not State the impact to New Jersey Transit as many people commute to New York City we currently have about 1,900 bus runs on weekdays and pack during peak hours most importantly the plan fails to address environmental and health impacts the air quality needs to be addressed since American Legion is by railroad tracks and we know that passenger ve vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year and the development plan is to double that traffic tin already accounts for 99.1% of asthma related emergency visits and the increase in traffic will impact air quality and the plan fails fails to mention the impact to the already burdened Health Care System overall the plan fails to align with its own goal of preserving the character of existing low density residential neighborhoods with buildings taller than the single family homes in our backyard the plan fails to recognize the current 974 children enrolled in schools fails to address the congestion fails to address traffic impacts to neighboring towns fails to address environmental and health impacts fails to plan for impact back to New Jersey Transit Health Care system and other services and fails to enhance quality of life for Teck residents we the neighbors of American Legion ask the council to revisit the plan consider adding a floor to the buildings on the cedal lane instead of building on New Lots um and address all of these issues thank you thank you Mr ariman bringing in Sophia Cran bringing in Sophia CR Sophia you are free to un mute hi um I'm Sophia um and I wanted to ask the council about two different issues today one of which being the I know we had discussed the leaf piles earlier in the meeting and I want to know if something can be done so that leaf piles aren't able to accumulate for weeks on end until they're able to get picked up it's become a little hazardous almost to drive along these streets I live in northwest EK um it's really difficult when you have to drive directly into the middle of the street just to be able to see around the corner because there's huge piles of leaves um especially considering a lot of people in the area I live in have landscaping companies that come in and they blow all the leaves into the street can something be done so it's more regulated so they're not taking up huge parking spots areas just for car as to come around the bend um it's a little bit problematic I feel that's one thing I want to discuss and also there is an overpass between Windsor Road and Palisades by the vot park it's been closed for about a year and a half or more um it's just been barred off no one's allowed to go up and cross over it is anything going on to fix that issue is it something that's being addressed or just waiting um I go down that area all the time and it's always closed and I'd like to be able to go over that overpass again is that it Miss Miss CR you still all right thank you for your time ma'am hi everyone Lauren Roberti tck resident uh I'm here today to inform you of the ongoing flooding that my neighbors and I on along lucev and F Lane experience and to urgently request your help in addressing the situation uh during heavy rain and flash flood events the current storm drain system at Lucy Avenue and Fike Lane has been failing when the F Lane Storm DRM fails the water gets directed along a town-owned easement behind the glenpoint parking lot however due to the lack of inlets along that easement coupled with the fact that the Glen Point raised the area's grade during its construction this has resulted in a bathtub like effect for my and my neighbor properties on Luc AV during both hurricane Ida and hurricane Debbie we had up to 3 feet of flood water in our properties which caused heavy damage leading to both significant financial loss as well as a lasting negative effect on our mental health uh I remember going to sleep the night of hurricane Ida with the water continuing to rise in my basement not knowing just how high it would get by the time I woke up uh and you know ever since hurricane I I legitimately fear feel fear and anxiety every time I see a forecast of heavy rain uh in the weather report experiencing this now twice in a threeyear span this ongoing financial and emotional stress frankly is not healthy or sustainable for me uh and we know that with climate change these events will only become more frequent I'm here asking for your help to put in place an action plan to address and prevent this from happening again uh I do appreciate having had the chance to speak with the town engineering department on this and in speaking with that I am encouraged that there does seem to be something that can be done but I'm currently unclear on the timeline and scope uh and in summary I basically wanted to make sure that the mayor and council is aware of this situation uh I'm aware from past Town Council meetings as well as even today's right you provide some great information in the manager report for other projects as it relates to timelines and scope and you even mentioned direct contact with residents of other affected projects and I think that type of information is incredibly helpful uh and basically I would like to have you know request that same level of planned action for for my and my neighbors situation with as much urgency as possible thank you very much for your time thank you ma' someone on Zoom Doug I have Sher Anne hi there Sheran Eid longtime ten resident um I just have a question for the council um and I apologize if this has been gone over before but I'm just still not clear about it um the presentation that we got today about the Stop and Shop area and behind Ceder Lane development so if if that is a pilot project where it's payment in lie of taxes that the that the developers were getting is it equivalent is the payment that they're giving us equivalent to the taxes that they're not paying so if we're thinking that we're having families moving to these apartment buildings maybe with each of them having two children is their payment that they're giving us which from my understanding is about a million a year which really isn't that much is it equivalent to the tax the taxes that we would have been benefiting from in this town that's already suffering with poor infrastructure the the resident who just spoke before me is worried about her the flooding in her part of town and I know there's flooding in many parts of this town plus the school system that's already suffering so how I understand we need to develop I understand we need the affordable housing but how are we going to mitigate all of the crumbling infrastructure that we have if we're just Building without thinking about all of these other questions wouldn't it make more sense to sort of solve the problems that we have already and then think about the development versus develop and then try to solve the problems that we've already created thank you so much thank you ma'am someone on this side Mr Rose Howard Rose Teck resident I'm going to hit a lot of items right now I hope quickly uh regarding this whole thing with American Legion Drive Etc uh I looked at Building C and that's across the street from a store I have on Cedar Lane between American Legion Drive and Chestnut I think it should be renamed instead of building C Building B standing for Behemoth because it's huge it's monstrous and it's opposite single story stores on the other side of the street what's going to be the shading problem what's going to be the intimidation problem of something that large next to everything else on your agenda items on page 98 line four it has on a quote we weeks that's w space we KS and I'm not sure exactly what that's supposed to mean it's a typo of some type maybe it's just weeks but should it have been a number or whatever on page 111 Jewish Family Services food p pantry is that in addition to In conflict with or supplemental to tenx Helping Hands they have a budget of $110,000 of which $103,000 goes towards salaries and then 7,000 goes towards space and supplies where's the food in that pantry coming from seems like all the money's being expended there's the thing about getting excess military materials which sounds great do we have storage space if we're successful a lot of totals in the accounting section of the report uh a lot of them don't have totals when I see one item listed and then a total for it and then I see 10 items listed in another area and no total for it I would think that you want to have for transparency total amounts on all of these different areas and that goes on some pages have it some pages don't some it just it should be consistent thank you thank you Mr Rose Mr clerk someone on Zoom yarin I'm sorry if I pronounced your name wrong please correct me uh yaron Marciano you're good uh I would just like to request uh T resident i' just like to request that the township would consider a composting program whether it's a curbside pickup or a dedicated collection area perhaps in the community garden thank you that's all thank you sir Mr Gru hi my name is eal gross and I'm a t resident uh I want to congratulate the three council members who were recently reelected to their positions all three ran clean and respectful campaigns that demonstrated their commitment to tck uh I supported them because I believed they were the best choice for T and I'm thankful that my fellow T voters chose to do so as well at the same time I think we all need to acknowledge a significant portion of this town's residents voted for other candidates in this election and we cannot let the thrill of an an electoral win overshadow that we still live in a divided Town many of our neighbors feel disenfranchised and we all need to work together to address that Victory is not just getting more votes than the other guy Victory is a friendly cohesive town where everyone feels included and respected Victory is having clean streets beautiful parks and Great Schools Victory is keeping EK diverse and open and finding a way to bring its constituent subcommunities together and that true victory has not yet been achieved it's the challenge that Now lies before us I believe that all of us and this body in particular are up to that challenge over the past year I have gotten to know most of you we have shared personal conversations about who you are and why you do what you do I have come away from those interactions with real hope that you can achieve a lot together you are all good people civil servants who go above and beyond the Call of Duty whose self-sacrifice is extraordinary often in quiet ways that few people see now that this election is behind us I hope that we can all find a way to come together this town has seen difficult days but let's put them in the past let's use this opportunity to hit the reset button at all levels let's listen to each other including those who did not win this election let's find a way to make everyone feel included and respected and to those listening at home please I want to make the in request and I make it to myself as much as to anyone else let's all please focus our energy and passion on what we can agree upon let's talk to those we disagree with let's assume good intentions rather than nefariousness by our elected officials and each other hopefully we can all find a way to move forward together and to make our communal discourse constructive and sweeter thank you all congrat congratulations again to the winners and my best wishes to all of us for Success ahead thank you Mr gross Doug someone on Zoom yes we have Michael Katy hey good good evening everyone um my name is Michael Katy T resident and um tonight I want to start off by congratulating our our three in comments mayor Pagan councilman Oregon and councilman Oregon and councilman Schwarz on their reelection um you all did a great campaign and we're lucky to have you all um I want to talk about what I would like to talk about tonight is a item that I felt really didn't get enough attention during our recent re-election campaign in t um the number one item on all of our agenda ought to be the cost of living increases for our public employees um there's many employees that work for the township that haven't gotten a raise since covid um how I mean think of all of us we've all gotten raises uh they're coming up for a contract soon they need to get paid more money it's not fair that they're they're just basically on the same salary for years and we're asking them to do the same job uh while everything else has gotten more expensive over the next couple of months in the next year myself and all my fellow te residents are going to see a discussion about how much the tax increase is going to be in order to pay for this cost of living uh increase and one of the things that really ought to be a piece of the discussion here is the ratables that are going to pay for that uh there was lots of discussion all kinds of unrelated things um sorry about that um and I want to talk about just a quick topic which I think now is the time to really get started on um the other day I saw a posting from uh the proprietor of one of the local ice cream shops in Cedar Lane and it was that the Guerrero ice cream shop is for sale uh this confirmed to me that I think what some of you already know but what we've seen slowly is that cedar LAN is just not doing well we've got lots and lots of non- retail stores right now like services like we've got where there should be a a store that I can go into with my family to make a destination there's a Lab Corp uh lab workplace a business for a second story or a side street maybe or an office building um and we're seeing retail failing all up and down the block because there's this no foot traffic it's a very wide Street there's a very long distance between intersections and the core business district we need a base of residents in the immediate area we need to talk about this you know we need to demand the real plan Crossroads this is just a drop in the bucket to be honest with you we need a real plan to fill 75 restaurants on a Tuesday night at 8:00 pm to fill stores at 2m on a Tuesday you know we need to get moving on this Now's the Time if we wait anymore the next thing we'll see is we'll see every single business that we want to go to close up and turn into some service business or accounting firm or something else and maybe another bank branch and we'll be like what happened Time for Action is now thanks have a great night everyone thank you m klatsky mitcher brown oh good yeah Chris Brown C resident Bell Avenue apologies for coming in late um I missed the presentation I ran into to the crossroads team outside and we had a a quick chat just going over their plans um also some of my neighbors forwarded the uh the um the revised Concepts uh thank you for I obviously I wasn't here so I can't I I can't vouch for who said what but for those of you that made comments um and mentioned the pipe that runs under Beverly Road or I'm sorry the Beverly Road parking lot um and I my understanding is you uh mentioned that the uh development has to be contingent on it had has to be contingent on solving our drainage issue thank you for addressing that I'm I'm assuming that was mentioned um just because a couple people um mentioned it to me so thank you I we appreciate that we appreciate you guys advocating for our street um we really can't have a building on that parking lot if we're not addressing the drainage problem because if you're putting a building on to the parking lot and we have another Ida situation um you know the tanks on Sagamore I think that they will help and what we had some in August but if we have another Ida situation and the tanks are overrun um whereas before people that were parking in the parking lot during Ida lost their cars because of the water overflowing over there if there's no build if there's a building there that water is just being pushed into our neighborhood so that's not good um so we had a conversation with with our town engineer councilman Oregon you were a part of that meeting um my neighbor Phil was there as well um and we had some ideas of independent of anything ideas on The Beverly Road Lot that would um be the uh the the solution for uh for a drainage problem and that included potentially it has to be studied um pumping and further storage but there's a solution to everything anything can be solved um it's just a matter commitment and uh thank you for advocating so um look I don't love the idea of an apartment building being constructed across the street from my house I don't love it be honest with you but I really can't live with flooding I just it's just not it's not liveable it's not tacal um I like living in this town like to stay in this town um so in order to be here we got to fix the the drainage problem uh I have 29 28 more seconds so I will switch gears a little bit uh you mentioned the master plan uh December 12th we're going to have our next public hearing hopefully adopting the document speaking for myself I think it's a good document we put a lot of time and effort into um getting it to where it needs to be and where it is and um I think that it is a good road map for growth and development within the township of tenk so hopefully we'll have something on December 12th thank you Mr Brown Miss Khan I think I saw your hand up good evening Council rishma Khan ray of sunshine long-term tenek resident first of all congratulations to our council members for being reelected councilwoman Karen organ Mark Schwarz and Michael Pagan um we are really looking forward to some amazing leadership in your next term and hopefully it will be representatively leadership for all residents of ight everyone's future I am here to read a statement from the Coalition of neighborhood associations working for a better te- neck which consists of five neighborhood associations and growing uh very quickly as a first priority the Coalition calls for development that advances low density and responsible development development should preserve and enhance not destroy our Town's beautiful neighborhood character it should include genuine public public involvement and transparency in many ways process is as important as policy in accordance with Democratic principles we call for transparency in governmental and business relationships as well as meaningful and plentiful opportunities for residents to participate in decision-making processes we believe that being transparent also leads to better decisions a good process leads to attaining a better product we object to the fact that the presentation made by CrossRoads was not made available to residents ahead of time so it may have been um examined more carefully the designation of Stop and Shop area as an ainr by the Vice President of the developer Crossroads is wrong corrupt unacceptable there's a conflict of interest there so from the start the ainr process has bypassed established zoning and excluded public participation in determining what kind of development is wanted in our communities only after the plan was developed was the public informed there had has been a huge turnout of residents at all of the public forums which which and they have been demanded uh changes at these forums and Council meetings nearly everyone expressed opposition to the plan and to the corruption involved so we call on the council to immediately stop work on this ainr in Southwest Tac that is the Coalition of neighborhood associations thank you thank you Miss Khan Mr Yu good evening philak T resident congratulations to all the reelected candidates um Council people I speak to you this evening on behalf of the Coalition of neighborhood associations in terms of making good decisions concerning development we have strong concerns that actions to remediate infrastructure needs are not being addressed one clear example of this follows it is a well-known fact going back more than 50 years that the residential area bordering Beverly Road is known to flood during heavy rains due to an inadequate drainage infrastructure on September 1st 2021 as a result of sustained heavy rain during tropical storm Ida Bell Avenue from Beach Street to Beverly Road parking lot took over three feet of rain water that was in the street not necessarily in our homes residents in all of the surrounding streets suffered losses of cars and total Destruction of finished basements even the Beverly Road Lot flooded so badly that the cars parked there to avoid the usual flooding and Escape damage all flooded and were destroyed uh some homes took on as much as 6 feet of water a significant piece of the REM remediation plan presented to Residents included a 100,000g retention tank under the Beverly Road parking lot even if that is ultimately constructed along with the other measures proposed to improve the Antiquated drainage system including the 9 90,000 G uh detention tank expected to be installed in Sagamore Park next year there is no guarantee we were told there is no guarantee that it will completely prevent further flooding on of streets cars and homes so what happens if a building is built on the Beverly Road parking lot in essence a wall will be constructed that will block the flow of surface Rainwater that flows downhill from all distant streets causing it to back up to the immediate surrounding streets increasing the risk of further flooding of homes and cars and possibly flooding the ground floor of the building itself constructing an apartment building on Beverly Road that is sure to flood once again is an ill-conceived plan for this reason among others the Coalition of neighborhood associations objects to the settlement agreement with Crossroads companies uh I just want to say you know my opinion I've expressed it here many times so I speak now for myself I first of all I want to I I I feel for the young woman who came up here earli and spoke about flooding you know when your when your house takes on water because of groundwater in the basement that's stuff that can be generally can be remediated when the street takes on three feet of water when three feet four feet 5 feet of water comes into your home that's another issue that's not simply groundwood I know lots of houses my house used to get some water I put in a French drain I had no problem until hurricane Ida and then it came from outside it didn't come from the ground so keep that in mind thank you thank you Mr Yuck Mr Goen Paula Roven I'm speaking on behalf of the Coalition of neighborhood associations working for a better t- neck we consist of five neighborhood associations we call on the Town Council to conduct an uh traffic study of existing conditions existing conditions in order to determine the capacity for any plan being considered for development in particular the traffic studies should include but not be limited to the to traffic in these areas one American Legion Drive Chestnut Avenue Lynden Avenue Larch and all east west side streets in the area entry and exit onto Cedar Lane Garrison Avenue Windsor Road and all north south east west side streets in that area it should also include the question of pollution impacts from the traffic mornings and afternoons when families and buses drop off and pick up children at the five schools and child care programs in the southwest area mornings and evenings with rush hour traffic to and from rout 4 onto Cedar Lane days when several religious organizations in the area hold uh services and regular events current conditions for parking the policy of encouraging residents to use Municipal parking lots during snowstorms the parking lots would be gone the traffic a few times a week from residents whose cars are lined up for services at never again alone never alone again the uh Coalition of neighborhood associations also opposes the giveaway the giveaway of our two municipal parking lots in this area to any developer we oppose the giveaway of our Municipal parking lots to any developer CNA therefore opposes any plans for the use of our Municipal parking lots as part of the Stop and shop settlement the parking lots belong to the people of ten neck they must not be given away thank you Mr Goen the lady in the front my name is alga Nei I have been a resident of TX since 1967 my son Donald neie retired from the DPW last March my stepson Dan CA retired from the te neck fire department last year I'm here to talk to you about the Garden Club of tck what it does and what it means to me I joined the Garden Club in 2004 after retiring in education for 25 years and in teac most of those years the Garden Club has been in existence since 1932 and they have been very active in the community they have had the hor school program early on when I came in direct the director of that program cannot do it any longer and guess who took it over at the time it taught horiculture to students in the third and fourth grades now it teaches that to grades kindergarten first second third and fourth grade it has different lesson PL for every grade that introduces or reinforces their science curriculum it is broken up into three segments of 20 minutes each the first teaches a lesson then they PL something depending on their lesson then they apply a plan for dollar if they don't have a dollar we give them a plant now those plants that we sell are very special because they have been propagated by the members of the greenhouse starting in July from their personal plants it's one way of giving to the children I am very proud of that Pro program and love it unfortunately I got a stroke January 2020 and couldn't function the way I used to it has been taken over and do and the person doing it does a better job than me can you believe it and that's not all we do for children fancy Cochin a longstanding member of the greenhouse has the junior Garden Club we have cultivated four beautiful gardens which up for the public and we do much much more I should I still go to the greenhouse every Saturday when my group meets the leader of that group always has a chair and a job that I can be waiting for me it is the highlight of my week it means so much to me to be able to do something and more to be useful I just want you to be aware of this wonderful community that you have made possible in t thank you manam Miss El Yahoo I think I saw your hand up Debbie eliahu Frankie resident of Tina um this has been a really frustrating meeting for me um because it had the crossroads project and all you have to do is say Crossroads to me and I um these meetings go on as if everybody's really happy about it it seems like there's a real divide here this side is happy this side not so much um it goes on as if everything's wonderful and we're all agreed that the project should continue it's as if the only the only issues we're quibbling about are little details like what should be the color of the kitchen curtains I have yet to hear one resident say anything positive about the idea of building this project it starts with the Mis able way in which these areas were determined to be ainr and continues with the way in which the same individual who chose that area who determined that it's in need of development is going to redevelop it which to me means nothing like rewarding him for a job well done um and finding out that they now have no experience with residential housing so I don't think that TX should be the guinea pig for teaching them how I think Tek does not deserve that punishment I um also whenever it's discussed affordable housing nobody in Tac is going to get any of the affordable housing apartments really likely I did statistics my whole life and at of when you're going to take how many residents there are in tck and it's going to be open to 2.3 million I'll calculate the odds nobody from te is going to end up there and maybe one is going to go to Teck residence so talking about affordable housing really does not float my boat the second thing is if you really wanted more parking for Cedar Lane that's not the way to get it you're putting the parking lots as far away from the center of Cedar Lane as you possibly could if you wanted really to do it you swap it and you put that building all the way at the other end and you put the parking that parking structure up at the top so I I mean every time I see this thing it just makes my blood boil anyway I understand that EK has never done a survey of how the residents feel about this project and if and I would suggest that that would be a a right a right way to do it maybe it should be done before anything more is done about the project and any more effort is put into it and any more money is put into into it and I think that if you found out what T thinks thank you Miss Yahoo then it might thank you Debbie thank you Debbie Doug someone on Zoom Marina bringing in Marina the gooy marina lovoy a okay hi Mar um hi my name is Marina Lugo um I'm also a long long-term resident um I live on beatric Street um right one block away from where the uh all the building C and all that is going to be built I kind of just wanted to sort of reiterate firstly about the traffic situation I have a dog and I walk my dog over that way every morning and the traffic on Beverly and Garrison is just atrocious a few months ago when schools were open in in the spring there was I witnessed three different three accidents in one week on that corner I can only imagine what it's going to be like when there's um a garage there and buildings with you know many many residents coming um that was one thing I wanted to mention the other which I haven't I don't know if this is part of that's been discussed previously I know they've talked about where that there's going to be room for the um uh for the farmers market but I don't know if people realize unless you walk there early in the morning that there's a lot of the especially the um the people come in the the people who come in from Pennsylvania they bring two huge trucks which they load all their tents and their and their produce out where where are they going to park once that farmers market is in that little strip that they're talking about putting it in are they going to have their trucks out on the street adding to the traffic congestion or is it going to just put the farmers market completely completely out of business because people um you know vendors like them are not going to want to come anymore anyway I just wanted to add that information to what's you know the discussion um of the um of the up of the uh project um thank you I'm done thank you ma'am the lady next to Paula hi I'm I'm Judy green coming on 50 years uh well towards it living in in tenek uh I live on Tien Avenue which is an extension of beatric I know the traffic is already bad there most of the time when I go someplace I have to go through that Crossing at Garrison and Cedar Lane sometimes it's backed up a couple of blocks it's going to be a mess but that's not my greatest concern I'm concerned about all the inconsistencies um so it's already been mentioned that that area has been designated as a an area in need of Redevelopment it's not a slum I just don't see it it's if that's the rationale if we're building there then it's a nonrational um and there a lot of problems associated with it uh as other people have been mentioning such as the flooding um secondly um what kind of luxury building is going to attract people in a parking lot it's you know these are supposed to be high-end profitable buildings that are being built uh they're not condos I I think your Crossroads person mentioned something about high rental luxury luxury apartments what kind of luxury apartment is it in a parking lot it's it's not something in hacken sack uh you know on the scenic hackensac river which can attract perhaps High rentals because you you look out and you see the river and the view it's not that at all uh so if if that's uh a factor um in in pushing for this then then it's not going to work it's not practicable um and maybe that has to do with the fact that crossroads is a Neo fight when it comes to building residential uh housing or residential buildings and I wonder why a town as sophisticated as EK would be taking newbies uh as their uh as their Builders unless there are some other reason for it and I do want to know and I I don't mean to offend anybody but who's going to profit from this who will Prof profit from these buildings being built by completely inexperienced residential builders uh in area that's not in need of Redevelopment in the first place uh and um there seems to me that there is some appearance of impropriety here or at least there's not no appearance of impropriety um I'm concerned also about the carbon footprint of these new buildings people are talking about flooding hey already 2024 has been named and it's not even over the hottest year we've ever experienced uh that's probably true for the last 10 years and it's going to keep on going floods will be worse and worse thank you ma'am thank you ma'am Dr Powers Dr po ttin I want to begin by really encouraging you to pass the U ordinance U being proposed for introduction tonight 30224 that your um attorney's already talked to you about one of the enormous frustrations of dealing with our land use Sports is not knowing what it is that is actually going to be being proposed in some complete way and then the way in which once the um process begins and very often they are continued to on into other meetings we have no idea whether or not the continuation actually announced in the middle of a meeting is actually going to be carried forward into um the actual time like the meeting on Tuesday on Thursday which was announced last week to be happening on Thursday and then word came that the experts for the developer couldn't do that and so that meeting was not going to occur and tonight I find out that that's actually going to occur we need a process 302 24 takes this part of the way but not into the fact that we never really know ahead of time so the public can get informed as what happened tonight we should not have had a presentation at this point announced so far in the in advance and not actually know what it was that was going to be said we what in the world is actually happening with the Buddhist thing there was a there we heard tonight finally an admission that crossroads has a deal with the Buddhists because they built that facility that now has to be demolished under this plan my question is where are those folks going to park and do you really think that building that's going to be sitting over there immediately across from from uh Bell Avenue is going to be conducive either for the Buddhists or for the flood problems that you've heard about again tonight there are fundamental problems somehow the way when this entire thing got going with Crossroads becoming designated and now it has to have its its own tenant get a free deal over on Beverly in order to make the whole thing work and all we get us a million dollars from it and we're giving away our our our parking lots this thing just it doesn't work folks let's step back and try to figure out why it was that we had an a settlement that looked anything like this thank you very much thank you Dr po someone on Zoom Doug bringing Keith Kaplan hello can you hear me yes sir loud clear Keith Klan te resident uh I wanted to First congratulate council members Schwarz and Oregon and mayor Pagan on their decisive re-elections um I wanted to ask about what appears to be a bit of a disconnect between a lot of the rhetoric we get related to land use and a lot of the reality we hear a lot about smart development we hear a lot about realistic development not having high rises but we don't hear a lot about the state mandates for affordable housing that if we don't have a certain set aside there's going to be Builders remedy suits and Builders will be able to run rough shot over our uh zoning rules we hear issues you know Board of trustee members said that uh some of the new uh Apartments we have pay nothing in taxes I mean it's flat out not true how can we get better information to Residents uh that's you know one of the issues that I wanted to ask the second you know regarding adus A lot's been said about them and I think they have a lot of uh value that they can add and a lot of the pluses about them have been discussed uh San Diego held a contest for the worst adus and their Adu bonus program only went into effect in 2021 so they've had a lot of negative press about their adus I'm wondering how much research has been done about the negatives related to adus in various places around the country and um uh I did want to ask about the shared services agreement with the Board of Education uh resolution 303 um it provides them with gasoline for their equipment I know that uh not very long ago they paid a sub substantial amount of money for the solar panels everywhere and I was just wondering how uh this works with uh their energy needs what exactly it's uh covering and lastly I'm very happy to see that most uh passed with a decisive uh uh margin and I'm hoping that there can be a plan to continue having modular bathrooms in each Park and that the residents can get some sort of sense of when the park near them might get one of those we have about 500,000 or so dollars in most every year you know with less than 20% of that we can get you know one Park done can we get you know a bunch of these Parks knocked out fairly quickly thanks again and congratulations to the council members that will be returning and uh have a great meeting thank you Mr clapin anyone in Chambers you sure otherwise it's done all right good and Ware is Clos Mr Schwarz please start us off sir sure thank you very much I'm just going to try to uh spend the next two two or three minutes going over some corrections it seems that we comments are made and they just spiral downwards um we're not getting a million dollars for the parking lot the the money projected the million dollars projected is every single year permit fees alone would probably be about $950 million so putting that aside um it I had no idea where the the the the the comment of neo fights and no experien residential housing these were developers that built dozens of buildings thousands of units over several decades um and perhaps it was something about the words condo and for rent for purchase where that got into it but absolutely not in experienced in any way shape or form um yeah the comment about this meeting was announced so far in advance seemed like a criticism I I take it as a compliment this meeting was set by the Council about 2 3 months ago with enough notice so everyone can make plans accordingly it was announced that it'll be a presentation by CrossRoads to the council uh this is a council that has now been discussing this plan for several years as mentioned we have a multiple Community meetings as mentioned and I look forward to continue the process but do agree with Mr Mr Brown that that piping must be cured before anything is done I think that's at this point Common Sense uh red line as well um as it relates to some of the other comments the trains the traffic uh traffic studies will be done trains we've built quite a bit on the trains in the last few years on top of all our schools that are on trains the train tracks as well as our fire department our ambulance Corps um this is about 311 or so units has been reduced down to over several different sites we built several buildings right now 242 units 238 units 127 units um the traffic impact is minimal however if someone disagrees and says that well they feel the traffic impact at 1 1500 as an example is significant please call me we will meet out there in front of any of those buildings 917 902 9303 we will meet on tck road we'll meet on Windsor Road we will meet wherever these sites gone up and look at traffic as it relates to schools and all the schools most of these units are one-bedroom units some are Studios some are to there will not be two three kids two I believe the word was two children in any of these buildings our school board and our and the town I did studies after every construction and there were minimal children um I can go on and on but I feel I just wanted to clarify those items thank you very much for your time yes thank you everyone for coming out tonight and calling in uh just a couple things I want to mention and that is from a planning board perspective yes we are actively looking to pass the master plan uh you know it goes without saying that that you know we've invested a lot of time energy and effort into producing a product that's reflective of our Township that speaks to the vision of where we see ourselves going from a development perspective uh development is a good thing smart development is is where we want to be we want to be able to to not just develop but we want to be able to use the tools and the techniques that are only going to take our Township um in in the right direction so I would just say that uh when we look at things like affordable housing it's important it's it because of the fact that we have a mandate to fulfill affordability when it comes to housing uh I just want to say also that I I believe that flooding in in our community is something we really have to uh develop um some resources to I I appreciate what's what we've done so far with Bell Avenue but to I Believe Miss Lor's Point who when she she came and spoke about fight Lane uh and and surrounding there are other areas in town that we also need to analyze from a flooding perspective because global warming is a real thing and we really need to address it and just like we need to address uh development um from a comprehensive perspective uh we need to address things like flooding as well we even have to I believe Mr katsky had said about speaking of Business Development none of us I'm a business owner none of us want to see businesses go out I mean that's very very disheartening to see you know a business come in and then they they have to leave so as a part of our our uh business plan of our master plan our master plan should include initiatives that speak to businesses uh we need to you know to incorporate uh into our m master plan and to encourage development and to encourage Investments within our town that speaks to uh our businesses our business being able to thrive and and and so forth in all areas uh not just Cedar Lane but Cedar Lane certainly but also the other three um business areas as well so I just want to say that um you know going forward um I look forward to ways in which we can put our brains together smartly come together and to develop ways in which we are looking out for the township and I'm I I think it starts with definitely PL uh passing the master plan uh sooner than later thank you Miss beler Miss Oregan um Miss Roberti um I'm very glad that the engineer was in touch with you um I hope that you had a good result with her but if you'd like to reach out to us um I assume the manager will be in touch but if if you'd like to reach out to any of us please do we're happy to come look at your home and um see what's going on over there um to Mr clat um we very much value our Workforce and uh we do take good care of them with raises and their contracts um tonight was the first time that the majority of council saw the presentation from Crossroads the um zoning subcommittee had seen it but that's only three members of Council in order for all of us to to be together and see it or a majority of council uh it has to be done in the public and that's why this was scheduled so I hadn't seen this presentation until tonight and I was happy to see it um but as their attorney said and as as we tried to to make sure to say um I I don't believe um any serious attention would be paid to this without um addressing flooding without addressing traffic these are things that we will make sure that um our uh professionals will take a look at um you can rest assured to anybody that came out and read a speech from a coalition of block associations I know that these associations have formed and United but in in this campaign and in speaking to Residents from all parts of town I know that there are people that live in every quadrant of town and on every block who have their own feelings about things and who like to express them and so it's very frustrating sometimes to hear these blanket statements read um where people may not agree with them and they may be read in their names or in their names of different areas of town and they may not be represented and so I urge anybody who has a feeling about things to to reach out um it may not be your voice that is read in these statements and if you have any questions please feel free to send a letter or make a phone call um because we're happy to hear what you have to say um as far as as the um Garden Club goes um I was very happy to hear that there is a grant coming up because I know that if the roof doesn't fit the GU the bottom of of the greenhouse it's not going to work um but I'm so happy to hear that there is a possibility um of us getting a whole Greenhouse for you and I love the idea of composting um I don't know if that's something that you guys are willing to take on you have it already you're doing it already great to do wants to reach out to the Garden Club that sounds fantastic um and as far as the leaves go I know they all fell at the same time and they're dry and they're blowing back out into the streets and the um gardeners are blowing them all into big piles in the middle of the street now it's just uh a perfect storm of dry leaves in the middle I'm so happy to hear that we have eight Crews and not four out and about and I hope that they're all picked up and we will keep picking them up until they're all picked up uh thank you very much thank you Miss organ Miss Goldberg thank you um so regarding the leaves um if there's any pile that's particularly dangerous please reach out to the ma uh to the manager and she will address that if other than that there is a a schedule and I'm I'm really happy that um you know the crews have their spots this year like last year and and believes we'll be picked up it um but if there is a dangerous p please reach out um regarding F Lane and Lucy um if you want to give me a call after the meeting to set something up uh 84554 2582 I'm happy to come take a look no one should have anxiety when it rains we've heard this from the Bell Avenue neighbors we don't want it anywhere else um and I agree with what councilwoman Belcher said about the flooding and infrastructure um the the state has a plan with mandates coming out next year which is why I raised it last meeting that we have to figure out a way of how we're going to meet these new um requirements which include storm water um at regarding you know meeting the mandates and paying for them and that's a huge um piece to it too your own about the composting um the environmental commission has been talking about composting for the last few meetings so I encourage you to come to that meeting uh and talk at good and Welfare about it um there's some really good information and Mr Rose I want to thank you for pointing out that typo because I um and other than that regarding the Grant application these are private nonprofits getting the grant money that we're supporting the grants are actually coming from the county and HUD um so we don't really have oversight in the organizations but it's their Grant so thank you for that thank you Goldberg Deputy Mayor G um so tonight was the first night that I also saw the um Crossroads um updated plan um and I have you know similar concerns as my colleagues I don't believe we can proceed um without making sure that the flooding issues are addressed we definitely don't want to build a wall and create more flooding into um residential homes I would also like to see more um intentional coordination with the key stakeholders in the area I was surprised to learn that they hadn't spoken to the owners of those three homes that are going to be sort of horses shho around so I would like to see that happen as well um I'm also concerned about the traffic issues um just these past couple of weeks with the tra with the uh construction that's been going on in Cedar Lane it's been a nightmare I know several of you have probably gotten caught trying to make that turn on onto American Legion Drive and you can wait three or four lights to make that turn and so I there are going to there's going to be Construction in the future and I'm just concerned with all that development can you imagine what that might look like so it's just really really concerning um I want to thank uh yal gross for the comments that he made um I am very much looking forward to you know bringing the community closer together I understand that there's been a lot of divide um and the more that we can reach out and find Common Ground I think the better um and so I'm looking forward to trying to do that over the next two years um I love um that there was a suggestion about regulating where piles are assembled um I wonder if that's something that we can investigate has there are there other towns that have figured out what's the best way to address the Le piles I know it's a perfect storm of things that we can't control but um I think it is creating a little bit of a safety issue um in on many blocks so if that's something we can look into that would be great um and then finally I just wanted to congratulate my colleagues on their re-election um I think you're a little bit crazy for signing up for another four years but congratulations and I look forward to working with you thank you Miss G as always thank you to our residents for coming out tonight and participating Miss Katz when it comes to leaf collection you are right and we are working on it as quickly as possible so please be patient with us Mr Roberti we will ask our manager and our engineer to look into that flooding issue on Lucy AV and fight glane furthermore to see how we can help with that Mr Brown thank you for your comments and thank you for your advocacy for your neighbors on Bell Avenue because we're going to figure this out for y'all and get it fixed for yall um Sala we are going to get the Garden Club fixed for yall because the Garden Club has helped so many people over the decades and we're going to find a way to fix that structure and I will stop there so our manager can address any comments like Miss um yeah I may have U misspoke earlier about the Cedar Lane Paving I just want to make sure I reiterate that Milling is starting on Monday November 18th in case I said the 8th um I just wanted to make sure I confirm that date for everyone and the following week is scheduled possible Paving um I will continue to send updates VI nixel rooc call when we get closer by end of week so everyone is um fully notified um also about the push piles that Deputy Mayor G said um I will work with Travon and see if we could work something out I know some of the areas do get really big piles um to get them removed a little quicker so thank you for bearing with us we're doing our best that's all I have mayor yes thank you so I I want to apologize to the council we had um previously discussed CL session a lawsuit involving the township uhal versus pck involved someone who riding their bike and was got into an accident uh and was injured at a pothole and Su sued the township um we were supposed to have a set a resolution approving a settlement agreement with with her on that was on the agenda looking through it and realize it slipped through didn't get put on the agenda um if the council would be willing to consider it I can have we have Doug read read the the resolution you guys okay with that it works I got clearance okay yep this would be this is going to be resolution resolution approving a settlement in Gonzalez vck on April 17th to 2023 Leanne gonalez Gonzalez sorry I apologize an infant by her mother initiated a lawsuit against the township related to a May 9th 2022 bicycle accident and whereas the parties to the litigation have engaged in settlement negotiations and whereas as a result of those settlement negotiations all controversies between the parties have been tenly resolved subject to the payment by the township of the sum of $32,500 subject to the approval of such settlement by Township Council and whereas the governing body is of the opinion that the settlement is in the best interests of the township now therefore be it resolved by the governing body of the township act for the reasons set forth above that the tentative settlement reached by the parties as and to be memorialized in an appropriate settlement agreement be and hereby is approved and be it further resolved that the mayor hereby is authorized to implement this resolution execute any documents necessary in connection there with thank you Mr attorney Mr clerk we can move on to the consent agenda now our next order of business is the consent agenda and all matters listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature by Council and be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately Mr clerk can you please read the amount of the billis into the record yes like the mayor mentioned we have four sets of minutes resolutions 298 to 320 are recently added 1-2 24 and the bill list in the amount of 17 m797 126 and 46 so Mo Schwarz second councilman Schwarz councilwoman Belcher yes councilwoman Goldberg okay wait I'm going to go one by one here for a second sorry so yes on 298 299 no on 300 yes I'm 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 8 9 10 11 abstain on 312 then yes and then abstain on 3 39 and abstain on the bills a you need me to do that again no no wait I think I got it so it's an abstain on the bills list 319 313 and a no on 300 abstain on bills list 319 and 313 330 wait no abstain on 312 319 and bills list and a no on 300 and yes on everything else no on 300 yes 313 is nothing it was 3 yes yes on 313 abstain on 312 and 319 was abstained yes and bills L abstain right Roger that councilwoman Oregon yes to all Deputy May cats yes uh and up staying on the bills list Deputy Mayor G yes to all mayor Pagan yes to all adopted thank you Mr clerk our next order business is our introduction of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinances into the record yes we have a few we have ordinance number 28 d224 amending the township code to reev revise parking laws in regards to Towing I believe that one was I I screw up the title there that's my fault ordinance number 29224 amending the township code to revise various Municipal fees ordinance number 30 d224 oh amending the township code for the township a to modernize and clarify procedures for land use application ordinance number 31- 2024 amending the township code to revise development regulations regarding fence permits that's all mayor I moved to approve all ordinances on first reading Mr clerk second uh councilman Schwarz okay that's cool councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg yes cman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor Catz yes Deputy Mayor G yes mayor Pagan yes introduced thank you Mr clerk that concludes our business I make a motion to adjourn all those in favor please say I I yeah guys have it thank you everyone for coming out tonight please get home safely and have a peaceful evening thank you yes sir sry that get almost one and the same oh that was you okay cool your first time here yeah first time in person yeah sorry for such a bummer for such a what sorry that it was a bummer reason that brought you in here flooding is no joke yeah yeah big deal I heard great updates around the Bell so I just want to make you got to light the fire what I'm saying figuratively speaking Yeah yeah thank you very much