give you you have a remote down here respect your decision what e can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance na indivisible jice Mr clerk we have a quorum and call this meeting's order at 8:33 PM please call the role councilman Schwarz councilman beler here councilman Goldberg here councilman Oregon here debie mayor Catz Debbie mayor G mayor Pagan here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by public notice issued on Friday May 24th 2024 sending a copy to the newspapers official designated for 2024 by way of resolution number 2224 applying a copy in the township clerk's office and posting on the municipal building bulletin board and the mayor hereby directs that the statement be included in the minutes thank you Mr clerk good evening and welcome everyone to tonight's special council meeting Township Administration president at tonight's meeting are Dean kazinski our Township manager Doug Rion our Township Clerk Michael Ash one of our Township attorneys and Ron Goodman our volunteer cablecaster for the public information we are currently holding a hybrid format meeting we have people in person and on Zoom if our Wi-Fi at the municipal building has an issue where the zoom meeting drops we will aim to retrieve connection and recontinue the meeting the next televised regular council meeting is on June 18th and it begins at 6:30 pm. with the public portion of that meeting beginning at 8:00 p.m. we are meeting this evening to continue Township manager interviews for this purpose good and well Fair will be limited to only 30 minutes tonight early voting is currently taking place at the Roa Center and the last day for early voting is on Sunday and that ends at 6 pm on Sunday primary election day is on Tuesday June 4th so please remember to vote and as a friendly reminder the township still has our mailin ballot Dropbox outside the municipal building which is open until 8:00 pm on Election night we are having a pride flag raising at vot Park on Sunday June 2nd at 1:30 p.m. and we are also having a race Amity Day celebration at the vote Park bans show on Sunday June 19th at 1:30 p.m. and please email clerk at tenk if your group would like to march in the upcoming Fourth of July parade Council will meet in close session later this evening to discuss the following Township manager interviews legal issues and opinions regarding items on the Open Session agenda and litigation updates and our first order of business is good and Welfare so any member of the public wishing to be heard at this time will be called on and will come forward and please State their names for the record comments shall be limited to 3 minutes per person and if you are on Zoom please list your first name and your last name so our court can call on you and please turn your camera on while speaking if you are on zoom and please note that good and Welfare would only last 30 minutes today who would like to speak first anyone in Chambers seeing No Hands Mr Rion is there anyone on Zoom bringing in lever lightburn well hello lever hi lever can you hear us you have three minutes Le lne can you hear us ma'am she muted herself three minutes lever can you hear us L give us a nod what are you doing lever what are you doing we see you smoking but we don't hear you talking you're on mute I'm just going to stop your video real quick I have Gail here also Gail you have three minutes feel free to unmute Gail please unmute hello can you hear me have three minutes Gale okay I was just wondering um what the story is about this meeting and um how it was called If people could answer that if the if is the public required to be informed about what the purpose of the meeting is and if so I didn't I couldn't tell what the purpose of this meeting was so I don't know why people would come to it if there really is nothing on the agenda so I I think that there's a problem with um transparency here and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't understand how people could really be uh in the Democratic process if they don't have the information in order to speak their mind because right now we're speaking our mind about nothing thank you thank you ma'am anyone in Chambers seeing No Hands Mr Rion someone in Zoom lever please unmute uh I'm unmuted can you hear me loud and clear you have three minutes wait wait wait don't start my minutes yet it says you cannot start your video because the host has stopped it I think yeah you got three minutes ma'am I just just there there she is there you are three minutes hello how are you um well I know you're getting ready to vote about the um chickens but I would like um someone to please explain to me uh if we had already voted against it why why is it back on the table and as of last week we had the Washington Post the LA times and the New York Times the new the news week uh US Department of Agriculture the CDC everyone is sounding the alarm about the a the airbe Blu and the scientist in New York at the mount cine found that it's a high contagious um bird flue going on in some of the Cities while I understand it's low in this in New Jersey I just don't understand why tck has U feels that we need to um implement this with such a large amount of coups without without housings being so close to each other I don't if you're insisting on doing this then I really don't understand consider putting it like how we have the garden clubs where people can actually go and do vegetables outside of their property lines uh so at this point I just wanted to bring up again that they have detected six viruses in the birds that are in the New York City area and while maybe in 2022 was the last time New Jersey got hit but we got hit down in Maron County and we did have um some in Bergen County so I wanted to bring that to your attention and if we're dealing with politics if you all are supposed to be dealing for the whole community and our safety we shouldn't just be voting because somebody came in with their child and said and we think that they're cute and we want to put these chickens in so I'm just want to put it on record that it's unhealthy I don't know how you're working again um I really don't know would like to sit down with the health inspector to understand what we're doing because she has now changed her ruling so that's really all I have to say when it comes to that um I just wanted on record thank you Miss leer thank you Mr Rose Howard Rose ten resident uh former speaker of to mind a thought regarding chickens and uh I'm wondering if you can add to whatever REM I'm not for or against them I I I don't want them in my backyard and I'd rather they not be in my neighbor's backyard so I'm wondering if you can add to that a statement to whatever ordinance you passed that there must also be on the uh granting of that site as a chicken farm consent of all contiguous neighbors thank you Mr Rose Doug someone on Zoom anybody else in Chambers want to speak Dr Powers M Mr Mayor can can we let people know the purpose of the meeting so they understand yeah it was um I was going to mention that at the end of good and Welfare but this special council meeting was noticed publicly and it is for Council to hold second round interviews for a new Township manager so after good in welfare we're going to be asking everybody to leave because we're going to be interviewing several candid CES to succeed de we're going to miss so much um sir three minutes one of the responsibilities of any Township is to make sure that the neighboring communities know what what is happening parly particularly when Redevelopment plans directly affect those other communities this is a notice of a meeting held earlier this evening uh called by former mayor of Englewood Frank huddle and that is a picture many of you may know of how the new apartment house directly across from Margaret Baker's house looks from the from people who live in Inglewood on teach they don't like very much the fact that and they are finding out not only does that facility at at 329 which took away the residential property that was directly across from Margaret's home but that there is another equally large apartment house fully um prepared to go ahead and directly but up against their park and and apparently you folks are looking at some cannabis facility which would be also in that same direction it's extremely important in fact the state statutes very much encourage that communities reach out to their neighboring communities and make sure that what is being done in your own Community does not adversely affect contiguous communities this is an example of this is being held at the at the Englewood pack tonight and it's all about this facility and similar developments within Englewood thank you thank you Dr PS anyone on Zoom Doug anyone else on sir my name is David Schwarz I live at 911 tck Road I want to talk about the new traffic pattern on tck road since they paved the road I live at 911 tck Road it's on the curve and there's a d driveway that's a blind driveway when they come around and the cars come around the curve at 30 35 miles an hour and it's very difficult to get out of the driveway in fact I've almost been hit myself at least once and other residents in my building also are having a tough time getting out of the driveway so is it possible to get a uh flashing sign hidden driveway 20 miles an hour 25 miles an hour okay thank you sir thank you anyone else in Chambers yes Miss Baker Margaret Baker tck resident well I guess I'm a ten neck resident I'm just as much an Englewood resident that meeting that they're having at the pack tonight I was was asked to speak at that meeting and I didn't go because I wanted to come here there's a problem with communication with the two towns we are right across the street from each other and they have no idea of what's going on so I get to be the sounding board and I'm not going to do it they can see what they see and I have given them the number to call the town they're very upset that I can tell you and I get well marget what didn't you let us know hold on Margaret didn't know about half of this bits and pieces I'm still putting together and it's not a jigsaw puzzle anymore it's past that it's connect the dots and I have a big board and I have connected the dots in my mind there were a lot of things that were run through in a certain period of time and nobody knew so everybody figures I know because I live there we're all in the same vote I don't know I don't know when it's going to open or anything else and believe me that developer out there is a piece of work so we he stays there I stay on my side not a word it's just like they came out there kind of like what the town did to the residents out there we don't matter I'm going to do what I want to do and the developer out there he thinks he owns the block he controls the block which he doesn't he controls the land where he's building and I want to make this for the record there was a house at 1085 deor Avenue thank you Miss Baker your time is up thank you so much anyone else and Chambers want to speak Doug anyone on Zoom no and that case good and Welfare is now closed I'm so schwar you came in a little late so I'm going to start with Denise if that's all right and then I'll come back to you spure okay um good evening everyone thank you so much for coming out and speaking and um sharing with you what uh thoughts you have and important things that are on your mind um I just want to mention a couple quick things in response to um Alfred Avenue uh Miss Baker and and Dr Powers um I I totally agree with you that uh communication with neighbors is vitally important uh communicating with Anglewood um especially the residents that are so very very close to that development um and I think that is so important because it helps to um to make sure that we don't we we keep good relationships good relationships like shared service agreements with our neighbors okay um so uh essentially I would say going forward I would like to think that any new development plans we would certainly include our neighbors uh coming together as Leaders I think it's vitally important to at least have that kind of dialogue so thank you for bringing that uh to everyone's attention I think it's it's vitally important that we communicate with our neighbors on a regular basis thank you mchair Miss organ no Miss goldbert yeah I just wanted to say a quick um you know thank you to people that came out um uh Vern I I think that we addressed the the meeting this tonight's meeting is about um the close session for the manager interviews so the public hearing on chickens I think will be the next meeting um for Mr Schwarz um I don't I'm going to take a look at that property I don't know Dean can we take a look at the flashing sign request or I don't know what that yeah it's obviously the county roadway so I'll have the recap yep and Miss Mrs Baker I just wanted to say thank you for coming out and you know you can always reach out to me and um you know I'm G to give you a call and and find out what's going on thank you thank you m Mr Schwarz Mr cast that's m g um just also want to say thank you to everyone com for coming out um Miss Baker it's always um great to hear from you thank you for always being such a vocal advocate for you and your neighbors um I'm hopeful that all the advocacy you've done will not um go in vain in terms of future development um as calman belter mentioned earlier um as we uh wrap up the master plan and we look at new development I hope that we make it one of our best practices to reach out to their neighbors reach out to um neighboring uh communities these towns to ensure that we're we're being good partners um and neighbors ourselves so thank you thank you Miss G Miss lightburn thank you for putting your opinion on chickens in backyards on the records Mr Rose thank you also for always joining us and guiding us with your comments on everything we do Dr Powers and Miss Baker I actually really like the idea of that mailing in Anglewood thank you for bringing that to our attention and I'll look into seeing if that's something that we can also do in tet going forward Mr Schwarz thank you for letting us know about that particular concern on that new traffic pattern I actually also work for the County engineering department so I will bring that up with them as well so maybe me Dean and Hillary can tag team on that and um I think that's it for good and Welfare right so I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask everyone to leave because we are going to conduct some Personnel interviews in search of a new manager so thank you everyone so very much for joining us and we hope you have a peaceful evening are you coming back into Open session we will have to to ajour the meeting yes that will be is very uncertain is there likely to be some announcement or are you just going to close the meeting I i' be we don't know yet we really don't know yet Mr or yeah we we don't know yet we have to do interviews we don't know yet because we have to do interviews I know but we don't know yet we have to see how the interviews go anything is possible but we're not sure we're not sure yet anything is possible but we're not sure yet yes probably if if something were to happen yes yes yes sir yes sir now we have to go on to the consent agenda EV everyone everyone if I can if I can have everyone's attention please if I can have everyone's attention please we have to move on to the consent agenda so all matters on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature by Council will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately Doug you mind yes yes Council we are considering this evening resol resolution 1 72-1 124 authorizing Council entered into close session to hold further Township manager interviews is there are first so second all in favor Voice vote you we'll be back later on this evening thank you everyone check one two good evening residents Council it is now 10:28 p.m. our Township Council has exited closed session and we are resuming open session thank you Mr clerk we have return to open session like the clerk said and we are giving the township manager direction to make a conditional offer manager to the candidate we discussed earlier this evening and so you'll do that tomorrow sir uh yes mayor I will thank you I think that is the last order of business unless anyone wants to say anything before I make a motion to adjourn second all in favor please say I hi the eyes have it thank you everyone for tonight and have a peaceful evening