##VIDEO ID:i8K23U-JF74## e e e e Deputy Mayor um for those who knew Adam and I wrote this in my obituary today bigger than life was an understatement um some notable accomplishments that Adam fought for while he was on the Town Council were the dog park in Phelps Park the Sports plex in vot park and the chickens um our hearts go out to Adam his family there'll be more details following what we can do for his family his wife his wife Sher and his children Molly and Sydney um with that I'm just going to ask for a moment of silence so we all have his family in our prayers one last comment I'll leave it Adam one thing I always like to say is we could agree to disagree and one thing Adam would never give into you but he would gladly agree to disagree with um okay Mr cler can want start here is our certificate of appreciation to the clean River crew and I think Caitlyn was going to be joining us either in person to oh hey Kaitlyn hello yes one minute uh I'm signed up for the alerts and I actually did not know about this so can you um just give us a uh little what what happened what you do talk to us well back in late November sorry sorry back in late November my son and I who's six years old went to the Argon Park we were walking around and we saw a lot of trash there like tires like a big safe that was there a lot of things that people have discarded over the years and there's like new stuff too like recyclables that people just throw away because they don't care so I got in touch with Doug Rion thank you very much got me in touch with the superintendent of DBW that would be Michael suran thank you again for the both of you for like helping me they Tred to um make this happen and so it was just two members from the clean River crew and we got to uh get a lot of junk up you know we made a small dent we're hoping to go there again and clean up more of the stuff excellent so two things one first of all thank you two if you can please let us know in the future so other people can join did you see the pigs I know I did you saw the pigs yes okay there's a home there's a home with two pigs very very very big pigs right on the border U yes I um deputy mayor or organ I've spent some time walking through the park so thank you very much I appreciate this we'll get you a nice little paper and folder so I apologize for the informality but uh the council presenting you with the the clean River crew for your January 18th 2025 cleanup of argon Woods thank you for keeping our community clean and we look forward to you cleaning the rest of the oh absolutely thank you very much you appreciate that thank you work session okay miscellaneous old business I'll jump in Old business just a few meetings just to sorry just to bring everyone up to speed on a few meetings we had over the last few weeks um we continue to meet with our swim club and go back and forth and coming up to a solution that um works for the entire town both the members of the rest of the Town that's ongoing we'll have a lot more to present in the future uh in the near future we um had a great meeting today with the F with fdu Deputy Mayors Oregan beler and the manager myself sat down with the chancellor of fdu and it some very exciting opportunities were discussed we'll we'll present on that in the near future Ong with them um some great great ideas and activities for seniors and from students so we're looking to integrate with ftu and it was very impressive we had a meetings with the county as it relates to teenx relationship with the county and the DPW a lot of good movement there very cooperative and we have additional meetings with Leona coming up as well and other towns as we try to work on our DPW and move that towards the next step um up up coming we have I'm happy to announc we have some great meetings coming up with Community groups we have a meeting uh with the Coalition for I forgot neighborhood Coalition for the neighborhood associations coming up we have a meeting with the North East Block Association and we also recently had a meeting with the um the neighbors from Beverly Road and American Legion Drive so all that's going forward and again if anyone out there wants a meeting their community group their association with us please by all means Reach Out we'd love to meet engage with the community beforehand so when things happen that involve the community there are Partners already um on to new business new business are we going to where do we leave off that we're going to be pulling the pulling the consent items now and go on and go on to that now okay why don't you jump in yeah yeah do I need to jump in with that one you on yes can you hear me Mr Mayor do youan testing testing one two three one second Danielle tell me have the public comment first we discussed that we're pulling we're bringing forth the consent agenda items as it relates to the appointments for planning board and then we're discussing all the appointments that's what we've discussed is that Mr attorney is that where we left off can I clarify I think we're nominating now and then voting after right you start over Danielle sorry we couldn't hear you sorry Mr Mayor I believe where we landed is that we will make the nomination right now they will to put them on the consent agenda to then be voted on um at that time so Mr Mayor I have a quick question just because I'm a little confused um I was gonna pull some nominations from the consent agenda to maybe make a couple of amendments should I do that now for I'm I'm sorry to interrupt councilman pag you talking about resolutions that are already listed on there yes so then I would suggest that we do that when we come to the consent agenda do you agree Mr salmon we could P we can pull those resolutions from the consent agenda at that time and he could offer up those amendments sure yeah okay so I should wait you're saying okay for the resolutions that are on the consent agenda even though they some of them several of them are for the planning board yes okay just for transparency to public out there get excited we're nominating dozens of people to boards tonight uh we're going to be doing this on an individual basis so there'll be individual votes so please be patient with us as we make sure everyone gets their name called and their roll call per person so stay tuned Mr Mayor should I proceed please okay so just to clarify for the public we will be reading 57 names there will be 57 new nominations to Advisory Board seats um I want my council members to note that there are for some advisory boards specifically planning board abcr the youth Advisory Board there are more nominations than there are seats available so I just want to make that very clear to everyone I'm going to start reading off the the names now if everyone is ready so first we'll start with the board of adjustment um we are nominating omit ROM Jatan to the expired um to the alternate four seat with a term of January 1st 2025 to December 31st 2026 we are then nominating Mark Mermelstein to a full member seat uh with the term of January 1st 2025 to 1231 2025 for the planning board we are nominating Robin Brower for the alternate one seat with a term of January 1 2025 to 1231 2026 for The Advisory board on community relations we are appointing A reappointing J Le Flores for a term of 11125 to 1231 2026 we are uh for abcr as well we are appointing Eric Sagal um to a full member seat with the term of January 1 2025 to 1231 2026 also AB we are appointing we are nominating sorry um Wilbur McCullers to the open to the full member seat with the term of January 1st 2025 to 1231 2026 next for abcr we are not renominating Leticia Garcia to a full member seat January 1st 2025 to 1231 2026 uh next uh for alternate one also abcr leot mauda Al alternate one for a term of January 1 2025 to 1231 2026 Daniel pause Danielle pause for a second Danielle pause for a second give me just give me a check one two Danielle testing testing one two three testing testing two three I'm sorry to interrupt as you were okay leot was the last one right yes okay so next also abcr for alternate 2 we are um nominating sh luk aala for a term of January 1 2025 to 1231 2026 uh next for a full member seat uh we uh also abcr we are nominating Heidi fuks for term of January 1 2025 12 to 1231 2026 finally for abcr uh we would like to renominate for our police uh uh Department member seat uh Lieutenant Daniel delesio for a term of 11125 to 1231 2026 next up for The Advisory Board hackin sack River Greenway uh these I believe are all reappointments no actually three reappointments and one um new nomination um first James worm uh nominating him for a members full member seat of January 1 20125 to 1231 2026 next for Hackensack River Greenway Peter gold man for full member seat January 1 2025 to 1231 2026 next for Hackensack River Greenway Steven Becker full member seat January 1 2025 to 1231 2026 and then um finally for hackin saac River grin Greenway we'd like to nominate for the first time Shaina brander for a full member seat of the January 1 2024 to 1231 2025 second uh sorry I have a lot Ellie um uh next for the field Advisory Board we'd like to renominate as the PPR RAB liaison um Christina Pammy with the term of January 1 2025 to 1231 2026 next for the municipal open space trust we'd like to reappoint chair nominate to reappoint the chair um AI Berliner for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 uh we'd like to uh renominate Yosef Gill gillers as the EC rep with the term of 1125 to 12 3126 we'd like to nominate um for the first time um to the open pprb rep position Libby kleene for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 and we'd like to uh nominate John Cohen for the thpc rep uh role um for a term of 1125 to 1231 202 26 and that's the T historical preservation commission um rep spot just to clarify next Advisory board we're going to do playgrounds Parks and Recreation we'd like to reappoint co-chair Christina Pammy for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 we'd like to reappoint uh member AI Berliner for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 uh we'd like to renominate uh uh Michael Rocklin for a term of 1125 to 3126 also full member rooll next for the Patriotic observance Advisory Board we would like to renominate John mcris for a term of 1125 to 12326 Patriot again patriotic observance Advisory Board we'd like to renominate Scott Pleasants for a term of 11125 to 12 3126 and finally for patriotic observance we'd like to renominate Roosevelt Sills for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 next for the pride advisory board we'd like to renominate Deborah Augustin for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 next for the senior citizens Advisory Board we'd like to renominate Natalie Addison for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 uh also for senior citizens Advisory Board we'd like to renominate Willamina Jackson for a term of 1125 to 12326 also to the same board Lillian Lewis for term of 1125 to 12326 also same board Sandy law for a term of 11125 to 12 3126 also same board Wanita Brown for a term of 11125 to 12 3126 and then finally uh new nomination Janice storm filling an uh an open seat um with one year remaining for a term of uh 1125 to 12 3125 next Advisory Board is the shade tree Advisory Board uh we'd like to renominate n Nancy cochr um as co-chair for 1125 to 12 3126 Robbie Langer uh full member 1125 12 3126 Zena Barrera 1 125 to 12 3126 David Strait alternate number one on this trade tree Advisory Board 1125 to 112 3126 and then finally Deb Debbie bayar um as uh alternate to for 1125 to 12 3126 for site plan review board we'd like to nominate David Ohana for a one-year term of 11125 to 12312 we'd like to uh nominate for the first time Jonathan sakim for who is a will fill a member architect seat for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 and Michael stock um Doug we have to I think we need to to get clarification for what term he has I can't recall which terms are open so I don't know if we could placeholder there yeah yeah I'll confirm that okay thank you but Michael stock for the site plan review board um a term to be uh confirmed in a second next for the Social Services Advisory Board we'd like to nominate Lawrence Bernard for full member seat of 11125 to 12 3126 and we would like to um nominate tamasi as chair of the social services Advisory board for a term expiring on 12312 uh next we have stigma stigma free we'd like to renominate Jose Xenon for a term of 1125 to 12 3126 and I believe Jose is the chair um we'd like to uh nominate Alex C cbone who is our social services member um 11125 to 12312 we'd like to nominate for the first time Willie thoron for a full member seat 1125 to 12 3126 also nominate for the first time Aaliyah B for a full member seat 11125 to 12 3126 all right two more boards left next for the Teck Municipal alliance against substance abuse we'd like to renominate Victoria Fischer as chair with a term of 1125 to 12 3126 D Danielle she's um that's a board of ed seat it has to go to someone else uh I believe we got clarification that that was not a board of ed seat and she held that role before she was on the board of ed Oh I thought I thought we have to have a member of the Board of Ed there that was my understanding too also Doug did she reapply I didn't see her on the list okay Adrien Williams is from the school but I thought that there had to be a member from the Board of Ed we have to look into it yeah Daniel can you go forward can I continue okay next we have n Nancy Cochran uh full member seat 1125 to 12 3126 um also musical alliance against substance abuse uh Adrien Williams uh full member seat 11125 to 12326 and finally um sitting in the fdu representative seat Tiffany Walker with a term of 11125 to 12 3126 um final Advisory Board is the youth Advisory Board um we'd like to renominate Dwayne Harley with a term of 1125 to 12 3126 also like to renominate Shay Lewis with the term of 11125 to 12 3126 we'd like to nominate for the first time priscilia Hawks uh with a term of 11125 to 12 3126 we like to nominate Greg Cooper with a term of 1125 to 12 3125 and finally Kevin Gibbs with a term of 1125 to 12 3125 okay um can I just ask you one thing um can you let us know maybe start bottom up how many seats are open mean what's contested and what's not if you don't mind yes um so for the you want bottom up for the youth Advisory Board there are um four open seats um and so uh it there I think all the seats are just full me full advisor roles so any four of the five names um you could support understood okay um then the next one where there are contented seats are is The Advisory Board and community relations right now we have um two alternate seats and let me just make sure I count this correctly 1 two 3 four five full member seats and two alternate seats um and sorry there are four full member seats and two alternate seats and um there are five nominees for the full member seats so you can only support four of the five nominees for full member seats okay planning board is planning board there are two nominees oh and I forgot sorry before we do this can I add one more addition Doug we'd also like to n nominate to the planning board um Alan S for the alternate one seat one second Daniel I'm very sorry sorry sorry this is a walk on it's not on our uh the dot gota give me a minute because I'm talking with Scott about something else okay so we're we're gonna add that as well so where were we planning board there are one two there are there's one class for member seat there is one class EC M seat and there if I can interrupt I'm sorry Danielle um I thought I was supposed to pull the planning board time cons agenda sorry Danielle can I answer his question Mr Mayor no one but it's okay sorry we're GNA handle this as they came in the first question we had was the site plan review Advisory Board of Michael stock yes and uh after conferring with Mr sammon it seems that he can be appointed to the member we have a few vacancies on site plan review Advisory Board um it it would appear that Michael stock could fit into the member vacancy the alternate one vacancy or the alternate two vacancy um and these are the alternate position is for I'll need to work that out it's going to be three or two years it's going to be three or two years I that out can you let us know the term for the the full the remaining member full member seat say that one more time Danielle I'm sorry you said there was one full member seat and then two alternate seats can you let us know what the term is for the full member seat that's remaining I I believe it's three years but I just want to read on that a little more so I would recommend that we nominate for the full member seat before we nominate alternates I would tend to agree even though it's not my appointment but Danielle could we give David ohanna the three-year seat and not the one-year seat so that since he's been on I would be okay with that and then if so then we could give uh if David Ohana we want him to have the threeyear seat and Michael stock the one year sure yeah we could do that and if there's a logistical error I'll flag it to you guys okay I'm updating the spreadsheet as I go sorry thank you so much for that uh the second thing I got I'm sorry to cut you off was tamasa having a requirement in regards to a a board of education member so the way the code reads it is is a suggestion our membership of nine people may include a chief of police or design president of Board of Education or design so on so forth superintendent of schools um or design a rep from a parent teacher Association a local bargaining unit for teachers so there's just like suggestions it doesn't use an explicit language um the third question was if Miss Fischer reapplied and she did reassert her interest to keep serving um in the beginning of the year what date what date did you ask me uh that was January 6th okay thank you no problem if if we could um put a hold on that we're not we meet quarterly and we're not meeting yet but the majority of the funding that we get goes to the Board of Ed or goes to the schools so I think it's something we should discuss so if we could leave that seat for now there's no there's no so there's nothing coming up right now it's up so did you mark that down uh councilwoman G sorry I I mean personally I feel like I would support why are we saying we would hold on all of the all all three seats no I I think it's important to have um a member of the Board of Ed on there that that was her role so I think it's something we should discuss something we should discuss with the president of the Board of Ed so is is there is she making a a motion and I'm just trying to figure out this is a lot I we're in the middle of discussion if uh if I'm not missing this I I I'm thinking that if if the you we've gotten you know confirmation from the attorney that it is it is acceptable to have um someone who is not on the um the Board of Ed I I don't really see why why we would unless we're holding up all the other nominations tamasa is um a committee that meets so that we can get funding from different organizations and then we disperse it we disperse it to different things and one of the things we disperse it to is the high school um Project Graduation different different things that the school needs it for and so in my opinion as the as the council liaison I think it's very important to have a member of the Board of Ed on um on the the board so there are other seats opening up if Council feels that it's important to have Miss fiser on there there are other seats open but I think we should discuss with the president of the Board of Ed um their feeling on this and and we haven't have wait I want to add uh just on that I would like to add to that to move up uh mu uh mu elas and Michael Katy's full members on board of adjustment we're we just talk about toas I okay we're holding on tomasas is out for this meeting wait did we vote on that we have nodding heads we're agreed to I think we should take a vote okay let's take a vote roll call please I'm I'm very sorry mayor this is to just hold off on Victoria fers no let's hold off on Tomaso right now the whole Tomaso okay um and there's a roll call to hold off on tamasa appointments reappointments motion schwart second by who second second by Goldberg roll call please to hold off on toas for tonight councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Bean yes councilwoman g h um I mean I would be comfortable with moving forward so I'm gonna say no but I hear I hear you uh Deputy Mayor councilman Catz just to be clear there's no meetings till the next tomasa meeting just till the next council meeting right so cor so I'm okay and holding off yes Deputy Mayor beler I'm okay with holding off D mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes all right we'll hold off on to Masa okay okay so now I'm adding in I would like to move in to move up U Michael klatzky and mu elas uh from Board of adjustment they're currently one and moving interv Al do we have I don't even know do we interview any I don't think we interview either of these people there there are open seats are moving up um and I seconded they're not they're not up for reappointment okay I I just want to clarify what councilwoman Goldberg is saying Michael clazy and muz elas muz they're sitting members right now they're alternate one and two so I'm making them on board of adjustment so for discussion I just want to clarify everyone they are mid term as alternate 1 and two respectively expiring December 31 of this year correct their midterm right now um so for discussion Mark Mermelstein is being nominated to the full member seat because he was removed from the board from a full member seat um and I I um think there are members of council who feels that his removal was inappropriate okay it's to write I don't think anybody was removed well so we're going to have that's why we vot it's a beautiful thing democracy okay so we're going to have a vote on that so we're going to do a roll we're going to do a roll call let's go through the board of adjustment we have right now omit I'm GNA your last name and Mark Morin and now there's a motion to all to move them up so you want to realign this and take the lead Doug or do you need me to take the lead um Mr Mayor can I just recommend that we vote on the motion as is I didn't hear what you said can you do what if we vote on the motion as is if it doesn't pass then there's no required like rejiggering so I think we should just vote before yeah there there's a motion by Goldberg second to by gone to move up Katy and I'm sorry he lost he lost roll call please to so I'm sorry that's the motion just that's the motion to move up those two individuals correct well and what did what did dep May Oregon say about um mermal scene that's not on this that's not that's not on this motion right now the motion is just to move up platsky and and I just want to thank this council member cat this was actually his suggestion okay it was my suggestion moving them up we we we have a motion that's that's always my suggestion but okay what do we exactly moving them too I just want to specify let's go over it again there's a motion on the floor in a second yes to move up member klatzky and member El lost El lost to full position but will that that leave a position for Mermelstein question it will it will not that's the motion there's two alternate positions that's the motion roll call please we have councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G no councilman Catz no Debbie May beler no Debbie mayor Oregon no May Schwarz no oh okay now let's what are there's any other comments from the attorney before we go on and start making these motions I'm sure what do we're good was there anything was there another seat there was there another any other we had more yeah I I stopped Midway we weren't done okay okay as you were then Danielle now I don't even remember where I left off um so I think we did abcr I clarified that there are 1 two 3 four for four full member seats yet five nominees and then two alternate seats for abcr next for planning board there are this is where it gets complicated there is one class for member seat yet there were two nominees for that seat which are currently on the consent agenda there was one nominee for a class 4 EC member seat and only one um there's one available seat and only one nominee for the alternate one seat on the planning board there was one nominee last week there and there are two nominees this week for um Robin Brower and Allan son so there are three nominees for one alternate one seat is that clear to everyone and we when we go for that vote we'll do it again so what else is contested on this list so we can those are the only three Advisory board with contested seats planning board abcr and youth Advisory Board will the council entertain a motion to one motion to approve all the boards that have non-contested seats no I think I there's not so is there a motion by is there a motion by this Council to approve all the nominees on non-contested boards still moved second roll call please to move forward councilwoman goldber no councilman Pagan no councilwoman G yes cilman cats uh yes if it's not contested why are we breaking it up councilman cads oh sorry Debbie May beler yes de mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes all the names all the names for the boards that are not contested have now been appointed thank you very much to our residents someon the audience wait appointed or mve consent these nominations to the consent agenda correct and wasn't that for doing it all at once not the Nom not the nomination right so now we have to do it we do under under consent agenda Mr so now that all that is added um I will be assigning is that a motion to move it to the consent agenda that was the motion to move it to the consent agenda how do you want to go about this Mr cler under the consent agenda you'll assign it who will vote uh yeah I what between now and when we get there I'm just going to do some assigning so you guys can vote accordingly Mr clerk if it helps I can send a a revised list with just those names that would be helpful okay we do thank you I'd like to make a motion to at least vote by Board second we're which we already moved everything to the consent except for the boards that are non this by are you talking about the contested seats I don't know what's contested or not we she announced it we'll go through it again the board of adjustments contested the planning board's contested abcr is contested and the youth Advisory Board is contested is that correct Mr chair no no that's not not the board of adjustment okay corre yeah so we have planning board abcr and the youth Advisory Board correct okay is that what you're referring to council mberg is that what you're referring to I think think that we should be voting on this by board because we we that we already made a motion that motion already fail making a motion to vote on it by board we already had the motion is that correct Mr attorney that we're moving this to consent agenda as one I believe it has roll call correct that's that's correct that moot that that ship is sailed so okay um Mr Mayor yes I just want to make a footnote here if the if the audience hasn't seen this that the amazing work that council member G did putting together all of these very confusing mishmash of names I mean she only presented the ones that were nominated she didn't show you her grid of all the people that applied all the people that we interviewed all the people that were considered all the people that we moved forward and and Etc so I just want to thank her for I mean I know that many of us were confused just listening to everything I can only imagine the residents and just think about what Danielle G did to put this together so I just want to thank you for that thank you okay chair G do you want to start the process as it relates to the planning board abcr and the youth Advisory Board those are the three topics up for conversation now please take the lead yes okay so for um let's start with planning board um Howard Thompson Yehuda con Daryl green Alan Stone have already all been nominated and are on the consent agenda but there are two additional nominations we need to make today first Robin Brower for alternate one term 1125 to 1230 3126 and second Alan S for alternate 1 1125 to 12 3126 is that a first a roll call on that Mr clerk is that can you just repeat the with the motion the motion is to nominate and add to the consent agenda for the planning board um alternate one seat Robin Brower and Allen son the terms are 11125 to 12 3126 so we have and that's been second so we have a roll call and after the roll call if it passes it's going to go voting that we're do so this consent consent other okay councilman goldbert yes councilman pan councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes may beler yes Deputy Mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes Okay g all right next abcr um uh let's see I'm going to reread the names again um again there are four full member seats available and five nominees I'll read them all again um Yen jle Flores uh full member 1125 to 1231 26 Eric Seagal full member 11252 3126 Wilbur mccullar fil M 1125 to2 3126 Laticia Garcia 1125 to2 3126 Heidi fuches full member 1125 to 12 3126 for the alternate seats we have leot mauda alternate 1 1125 to 12316 and sharuk aala Alternate 21125 to 12 3126 and for our uh police department member seat Lieutenant Daniel delesio 11125 to 12 3126 um chair G just to confirm there's two alternate seats and there's two people for alternate seats so there's no contest there correct correct and then for the police there's one for one correct correct okay and I'm sorry of the five people that are nominated for the four full seats three of them are reappointments four are reappointments three oh no sorry yeah three are my bad of the four so for starters I'll make the to appoint leot mauda and shuk I'm sorry the last name um abala abala to the alternate seat to the two alternate seats uh second roll closer Council woman Goldberg yes on leot no on sharuk councilman Pagan yes on muda and no on councilwoman G my count I'm I'm very sorry Danielle Council Pagan I'm sorry can you just repeat that into the microphone oh sorry because I am gonna need to go back to the record on yes Ona no on abadala thank you councilwoman G yes to both councilman Catz yes to both debie may beler yes to both Debbie mayor Oregan yes to both mayor Schwarz yes to both approved okay we now have five names for four spots we have a motion if if someone start motion should we do one by one yes how is that going to work if we after the four after the fourth we're done well we could do all five again these are just nominations to the consent agenda all right so I'll make a motion to nominate all five and bring it to the consent agenda for a second second Council councilwoman Goldberg yes on yanice yes on Eric yes on Wilbur yes on Heidi no on Latisha Council Bean this is where I'm getting a little confused because I'm looking at the list I yes on Flores yes on seagull yes on mulls yes on fuches was the lieutenant the other one no the Lieutenant's Laticia Garcia is the other one oh no one Garcia G um uh yes to make it simpler I'll just I'm not going to do all just to make make it simpler um I'm going to do yes to Jen Le yes to Eric Seagal yes to Wilbur mccullar and yes to Leticia Garcia and not Heidi fugs houn and cats uh I just need some help with these names here but I'm a yes on Leticia and yes on Heidi I'm gonna say yes to all right it's just going to the consent agenda correct to all Deputy Mayor beler yeah I'm gonna say yes to all Deputy Mayor Oregon yes to all mayor Schwarz yes to all and do we need to nominate um Lieutenant delissio yes I'll make a motion to nominate liutenant Delio to the police officer seat second R call second ban roll call councilman goldbert yes councilman Bean yes councilman G yes councilman Katz yes de May beler yes de May Oregan yes may yes okay um Sher G take us down to the youth Advisory Board as the final board tell us what's going on please um there are four open seats five um five uh nominees I will note that the uh ordinance does call for for uh advisers to be T neck residents and one of the nominees is not a resident just for your information um so do you want me to re ra the names well can we talk about that is that a problem is that if can if not if that's a problem then there's no point in nominating Mr attorney yeah if there's a requirement that someone be resident the so it's for so on the youth Advisory Board I thought that was for abcr let me look to see there is I can read the code Out Loud Let's Take a look at the code I have it excent open what's do you have the section number I do have it oh I don't have the section number but it I can read it out loud it says uh membership the membership of the board shall consist of seven advisers appointed by the council from among residents of the township of tenek and youth members appointed by the advisor members Mr Mayor may I just comment that I think that it it behooves us to have um residents um involved with our youth that we know are planted in our community I agree but if the code doesn't make a difference what you and I opinion on if the code's the code so I think the code agrees and I just want to oh sorry is that is that confirmed Mr attorney I agree okay so it's no longer a contested matter so is there something you wanted to say before we go on for a roll call for the fourth yes Mr Mayor can I say one thing I just want to flag that the um non-resident is um an active member of the community and is a teacher at one of our schools and a phenomenal contributor to the the township just he's unfortunately not a resident I just want to make sure that was clear he grew up here yeah okay but it seems our hands are tied no matter what you can Superman correct correct unfortunately so with that with that said there are four names there's four seats I'll make a motion to move all to the floor to move all to the consent agenda second I thought there's three seats second four seats for four is that correct CH yes there resignation wait did we have did somebody I know that Kanan didn't reapply did he just made a nomination yes I'm asking a question Manny Klein Emanuel Klein resigned when was that okay so there four seats that is confirmed he confirmed with me as well that he resigned I think was a motion on so let's do motion on the floor to nominate those four names to the four open seats there a second second second roll call please councilwoman Goldberg no sorry Mr Clark do we need to read the names let's the Nam yes please read the names it's uh Dwayne Harley Shay Lewis priscilia Hawks and Kevin Gibbs so moved so we had a motion we had our second to move the names to the consent agenda this is not a vote to move to the consent agenda yes mayor you are correct councilwoman goldbert yes I'm Gibbs yes on Hawks yes on Shay no on Dwayne councilman Pagan yes on Cooper yes on Gibbs no on Harley and no on Lewis Cooper's not on the list oh sorry Hawks yes on Gibbs yes on Hawks no on Lewis no on Harley councilwoman G yes on all councilman cats yes on all and twice on Gibbs Deputy Mayor beler yes on all Deputy Mayor Oregon no on Lewis yes to the others mayor Schwarz yes and all okay sent the agenda and we move on did I understand that correctly yes I will um get some resolution numbers in the inter anybody else for new business yes yes go um how does everybody feel about changing the ordinances for the advisory boards that you either need to live in town be employed in town are heavily involved in town and we can make the decisions then um Mr Mayor yes sir just um I don't remember how we left this last time um but maybe coupling uh the deputy mayor's um suggestion we put it with this we we come up with a subcommittee to revise this entire Personnel ordinance this has been honestly one of the most confusing processes I've ever gone through with anything in the last uh 10 years um so either we're not doing something right or we're overdoing something right um but my suggestion is can we have a subcomittee sit down and review and see if this is the best way to do it Mr Mayor let's go around the room to say something as well I I agree with um councilman um Ellie on this because I think that one of the things that we should pride ourselves in is residents who are stepping up and willing to serve uh and I think that this process has become very very problematic and um I think that it's making even our volunteer residents feel as if they are not appreciated you know by having to be be interviewed again and again and so on and so forth so I think that we do if it is a subcommittee or a task force or whatever I feel as if my mic is getting very loud um I I feel it's important that you know that we just make sure that our residents feel welcomed as a part as as it uh relates to serving thank you Mr Mayor just real quickly to what Deputy Mayor Oregon said we just failed to consider a guy who grew up here who was very involved in the community um which is a shame so I'm I'm I'm open to it but I actually like our process that we interview everyone and that we give everybody an opportunity and Council looks at it but I'm willing to look at it any else want um sorry my suggestion is we had the Personnel committee review what just happened the last few weeks and report back to us at the next meeting we already have a committee for I don't think we need a committee for to review the committee um but if that's okay the Personnel committee is chair G councilman Catz and me mayor Pagan so let's uh please speak uh please report back to us the next meeting if there's any changes that you feel should be made well do okay we are on communication um got a request to C sorry request to counsil from the New Jersey climate super fund act from the environmental commission can the chair of the environmental Comm who's report on that I think that the chair of the environmental commission is coming forward good evening Council first of all before I start I want to thank um what's that oh I'm sorry I W to thank clear River but I think that they left um for their effort in cleaning up argon Park you heard the woman say that they're coming back this area of the park was also uh one of the areas that the DPW and the environmental commission and all the township volunteers came out to clean up in Spring of 2024 and we have told you at this meeting that it really needs professional cleanup it there are things that you can't clean up because they're so embedded in the soil heavy equipment um so I know that Jacqueline and and R leaon to the EC Hillary have been talking about this but I I really commend them for their efforts but it's it's endless we we need professionals to get in there and clean up that park it could be a beautiful space so the reason why um we we proposed the environmental commission voted um at our last meeting on in favor on January 15th to bring a resolution to you on Council to um ask our um officials in the in the new our legislators in the New Jersey state legislature um and there are other people copied here as well including the governor to pass the New Jersey climate Superfund act this is legislation that is pending I sent you all a letter with a link to the legislation and also PDFs of the actual legislation this would impose liability on large fossil fuel companies for climate change related damages and establish a program in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to collect and distribute compensatory payments the um njde has called upon environmental commissions to C to vote to bring this to municipalities so that our legislators know that municipalities are in favor of this and that we have a need for this that we are vulnerable to Violent storms and storm Mor damage um and drought wildfires all of which we have experienced here in tck um and we would be able to apply for funds through this to help mitigate some of these damages it's only going to be getting worse year after year um and the township has this opportunity so what we're asking you to do is basically what we have done um as residents and and the the League of Women Voters tck the um the National Council of Jewish Women just uh agreed to do this we haven't done it yet but we will we agreed to do it we voted on it uh we will be also be reaching out to our legislators asking them to pass this act any questions Heidi I just want to um thank you about the resolution on the that's on the council listed item and I just want to um emphasize also that the legislation allows for grant money for the schools yes to upgrade the um cooling systems and and improve air quality in our schools which has been a need I mean for at least since I was at teac high school um so I fully support this and I think it's great but I just wanted to also call out um that part part as well thank you thank you councilwoman Goldberg thank you are we looking for a not sorry not for a resolution Mr clerk is that the resolution is Council listed Council listed okay thank you very much chair okay okay thank you chair person any other Communications okay Community reports by Council liaison environmental commission here here yes um notes but I have two advisory boards the shat Tre Advisory Board met uh last week and they talked about the arbm in Phelps Park as well as miniature forests and goals Arbor days and ceu and the historic Newbridge Landing Park commission also met last week and talked about a number of issues concerning the historic Landing but they also wanted to thank our manager and our DPW for help clearing up Brett park with some illegal dumping that was taking place there sir any else are the reports I'll jump in with the cedan Management Group Sean Management Group is working to quickly jump start their pilot to replace vacant storefronts from the brown paper with um Maps or or or or pictures of Landscapes um they're going to be working um hopefully with the dollar store vacancy first uh it's similar to other towns that do this we discussed a few years back Surfside Florida they're going to be picking up the cost for the first one as we look to at least um talk about um going forward on certain resolutions or certain ordinances we discussed to make that more of a mandatory a requirement so we can get rid of that brown paper stain that we see in all our vacant stores um a sub zon committee met a few hours ago so I'll have a report on for the next meeting Mr Mayor I just wanted to sorry may I just wanted to um make a comment about the the whole idea of putting um on the retail storefronts um something other than the brown paper bag I think we talked about this before uh that is something that I think is going to be welcome it's you know I mean it's bad enough to have um vacancies but if we can kind of beautify the windows I think it uh letting people know something you know shiny and it's something's coming soon I think is important um just in terms of a couple things for me is that uh the uh historic preservation commission continues to do um a lot of work in in terms of um many of the the the wonderful um placards that you see around town the markers that have been placed on many residences uh really appreciative of that as well as some work that they're doing um in the um the the historic um burial site on on Pander way so we're excited about things that are going to be coming that way um the we encourage businesses to get involved with the Chamber of Commerce um going forward I'm looking at an initiative that we can um identify all businesses not just chamber businesses but all businesses uh to be um placed on uh in a directory um potentially um on our website so that we can maintain a directory of of businesses so that we all can be aware of uh many of The Talented businesses um that we have throughout the township so there's more to come regarding that thank you yeah I'm just making a formal request from the PPR that the senior citizens Advisory board if they can send a formal report of the parks related issues before the meeting next week so that it can be reviewed I sent an email to the chair with and the liaison but I'm just wanted to reiterate the request from the pprb okay that Daniel did you hear that councilman G sorry can you say that one more time there was a request by the pprb to the senior citizens for them to submit a list I think ASP almost of issues there's meeting next week yeah there's a meeting next week if you can submit a list of the issues that the senior citizens have with the parks I believe they had made that request prior if you can um fill that in the next few days sure um Roosevelt SS usually is the member on that board who will on that thank you sure any other leaz and reports yes please the field Advisory Board had two companies come in and walk uh some of the parks to look at the fields we've gotten quotes and it looks like we have some exciting news coming um which we look forward to reporting excellent okay with that we'll head number to council listed items proposed resol olution requiring compliance with financial disclosure statement filings councilwoman Goldberg and councilman Pagan thank you Mr Mayor um so this resolution essentially just strengthens our commitment to transparency compliance and ethical government by requiring the individuals who fail or have failed to file the financial disclosure statements three or more times are in ineligible for appointments or reappointment it ensures accountability and public trust um I can read the resolution it's not very long um the EK Township the the township Council of tenac is authorized under New Jersey local ethics law and the township code to make appointments to boards commissions and management groups whereas the council recognizes that transparency accountability and and adherence to ethical standards are essential to maintaining public trust in local government and compliance with financial disclosure statement filing requirements is a critical component of ensuring that appointees conduct themselves with integrity and without conflicts of interest now therefore be resolved um that we reaffirm our commitment to transparency and ethical government and that we will not appoint or reappoint an individual to any border commission where a financial disclosure statement is required where that individual had been required by law file said statement three or more times excellent I'm actually in support I'm jump in I'm in support of that but I am in support of that effective our next appointment season which I believe is January 1st of 26 we've already made our nominations for this year and um but I think it's an important what what ises pushing it off have to do with our current appointment because that's my ask I want to start it I think it's excellent and I want to start it next year not when we already need 52 people in this one particular person that you didn't vote for and that you want to Target and I'm not going to be a participation in that Target I'm gonna make a motion that this gets put on for a ordin for a resolution at the next meeting effective January 1st 2026 second second thank you and roll call please Mr attorney Mr Clerk councilwoman Goldberg clarify so we're making a motion to to not be transparent for a year to not follow the rules that's not a question we're not going to have questions like that I don't know what we're so I'll say it again and I'll say it slowly this is a motion to take your beautifully awarded worded transparent resolution and appr moove it to be approved effective January 1st 2026 please start the roll call again you did you want that resolution on tonight mayor or next meeting next meeting is fine it takes effect my motion will take effect on 1126 Council Goldberg No it should take effect immed no question try it again no a thousand times councilwoman G yes counc cats yes deut mayor beler yes deputy mayor organ yes mayor Schwarz yes we'll put that to a future meeting and all members will not be able to be nominated for next year if they don't file their financials thank you next Council item proposed resolution honoring Holocaust M and state councilman Goldberg and councilman beon so uh yesterday January 27th was International Holocaust Remembrance Day yesterday also marked the 80 years since the liberation of aitz and I think it's it's important that we call and reflect on on the horrors that were committed for everyone that survived we never cannot forget the 6 million and this is also a a commitment on TX Senator Matthew Feldman that championed decades ago in 70s to pass the legislation for Holocaust Education this was actually his last act be a week before he died he went to watch uh Governor Whitman sign the Holocaust Education Act um so you and I and this is a proposed resolution it's in the packet um and if there's a motion we'll move this to we vote on linoln Senator General is that what you're looking for um I haven't finished talking okay so I would like to urge my colleagues and the community to remember this and then I would like to make the motion to move it second roll call please councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilman G yes councilman Catz yes Debbie May beler yes Debbie mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes added to the consent agenda I just don't know the number just yet but it is added to the consent agenda don't worry in the triple digits I think I'm playing with a lot of numbers okay my annual snow parking enforcement ticketing what is our current um Mr manager do you know our current ticketing amount for not moving your car um last storm yes I have I I'm sorry the actual dollar amount of the ticket I apologize um dollar amount I do not have is that 75 or 100 I think it's 100 it's 100 okay I believe it's 100 um and the next question we wanted to discuss is is if it's 100 I'm fine I thought I was want to make sure was the 75 um we do need to put together stronger enforcement on our sidewalks the sidewalks especially the business district and people think that it's a voluntary action to to to shovel and especially in the residence as well I believe there's already two codes the code for business I believe is 12 hours and the code for residential is 24 the problem with that code is how does it get enforced right now it's seemingly voluntary we know how that gets enforced I believe it's through the health department four weeks after the snow melts uh yes it's after the snow after the 24 hours after storm ends and how do we how can we ticket the Violator I you've dealt with some of them this past week what do you how do how do they get ticketed are they're issued a summons by the health department the health department so in reality is do we have the health department going out there afterwards to start aggressively pursuing this yes now that we have full staffed Health Department we'll actually increase the ticketing for the next storm excellent and how would we alert the health department to uh a violator do we call you do we email what do you yeah you can email me or call our office and then I'll I'll let them know excellent okay thank you very much uh proposed resolution New Jersey climate super fund act Council mobber wait Mr Mayor yeah I'm sorry sorry I had my hand up I can't see I'm sorry sorry just on the the snow um ticketing I I I just want to voice a concern about you know potentially residents who don't have you know whether it might be someone who's senior doesn't have the Capac capacity to to shovel or if you know someone is out of town and they're unaware of a snowstorm um I just just want to flag that maybe there should be some sort of um an opportunity for folks who have um a a a valid reason for why they were unable to shovel to potent you know potentially um uh address that it just it feels a little bit aggressive to to not um have an opportunity for folks who it's a summons and you can protest the summons and you can say sorry I was away in January didn't realize it made snow in the North East in January please weigh my ticket and the judge will make that decision um but there is you not you not instantly have to pay you can absolutely protest a ticket Mr Mayor if I could add to that if you don't mind um one of the resources that we have kind of um lost in the last year or year and a half is the Forum and the Forum acted as a a resource for many of our residents when it came to shoveling snow uh um I know I know people that would call me and say you know hey do you know someone that can help snowstorm is coming and I would refer them to Ivon Witter who was running the Forum and she had a whole list of students who are eager to to get paid during snowstorms so I think we have to be cognizant of the fact that we've kind of lost that resource and maybe that's something that we need to evaluate As Leaders as to how we can um perhaps um fill that void we didn't lose the Forum they no longer no we we that's not what I said I did not say we lost the form I said we lost the resource right right in terms yeah sound like the form shut down no not not the form shut down but the resource of Miss Miss Witter has retired I don't do not believe anyone has picked up that mantle to take care of um galvanizing students to to shovel snow understood Mr Mayor yes sorry yes so first of all I spoke to Nick compest from The Forum and he he actually did uh suggest that I give out his phone number and he would help coordinate um uh he would help coordinate people to shovel so maybe if if it's okay with councel if maybe the manager can reach out to Nick and just confirm that and maybe uh disseminate that information uh on online and and by nixel just so that a the students can have jobs and and B the seniors and people that need it can have shovelers since we still probably are going to have some snow maybe hopefully not um the other thing is I do feel that your position on on I mean I don't know what what transpired over the last week that that uh gave you this position but the position on on being so aggressive on the residents and the merchants on on the snow shoveling was a little bit too much you know that there there could be reasons and and you know to to to I guess uh hurt our residents and hurt our Merchants with with fines and violations you know without warnings Etc especially since not everyone's been there for 20 years some may not know that the sidewalk is the resident's responsibility um you know it may not be the right tact so I I I would take this one um so I was the one that was home uh during the snow and U mayor Schwarz was out and I was the one that was Fielding the phone calls from the residents whose streets weren't plowed and the people that were slipping on the snow because they weren shoveled and the 99% of the people that had a problem was because their neighbor hadn't moved their car and so when the plows came by and our DPW did a phenomenal job this this past storm they got down to the black top and they went curb to curb the streets that had a problem um had a problem because when a car is left on the the street you get 20 feet on each end that's not plowed and then they move the car out but that snow remains and it's frozen and the pictures that we got specifically the corner of Cedar Lane and Elm um was never shoveled and people were slipping on it and people were getting hurt so this is to protect the residents and I understand that it's burdensome for people and I understand that people don't have money for it and it's not meant to be punitive in any way it's meant to to be a lesson so that people are more likely to pay attention and move their car but when you weigh the risk to a resident of getting hurt from snow or the risk to um a resident that has a a child who reached out um who needs to be picked up in front of the house because they have special needs and now the the car can't get there because somebody didn't move a car that has to take priority right now so totally get it and for people that need help with a resource to shovel we're happy to be there there it's it's just it's got to be enough that the next time they don't leave the car there and I spent an entire my entire day off on my phone answering people for this I took it for the whole town that day and I heard each complaint and I drove around afterwards to see and each time it was a car that had pulled out of the spot and you have to move your cars it's not fair to your neighbors it's not fair to the residents and it's not fair to the DPW yes sir no so I to to Deputy Mayor Oregon's point I agree with her you know listen this is something that you and I have Tangled with over the years you want capital punishment I got them to stop at a $100 fine and I I agree with you that uh we should we should uh you know encourage and continue to remind especially the new people that moved in about the dangers you know uh you know debie mared Oregon is a life member of the amulance court and she knows how many times she's turned up a a hill with an with a patient in the back and uh had to decide whether or not she was going to even make it past the two cars that were you know in in the middle of the street during a snowstorm uh so I I don't disagree I was talking more about the aggressive approach on the residents and the merchants for the sidewalk uh um you know that without without those type of reminders I'll address that and I appreciate it but I have a choice do I hurt the merchant who refu refused to shovel or do we hurt the resident who now broke his ankle as a result and you can speak with Tac how many the call volume was through the roof was slips and Falls so we'll continue to absolutely inform people and advise people that you have to shovel doesn't things snow doesn't Shovel by itself and we our goal is to get zero dollars zero violations zero summonses yet 100% compliance so as a council as community members many leaders in the room as well if you could please keep urging everyone that we do not want to penalize you but we do need you must shovel your sidewalks I have a question is there any opportunity with any of the private Lots like a public private uh discussion where residents can park there and then we can again I don't know what resources that we have but to help shuttle them so if there's a public if there's a private lot and residents need to move their cars they have a lot and then we arrange whether it's a community effort or something to bring them home so it's not you know sorry you have to walk well the problem is is that we we or first of all we we're we're talking snowstorms and snow and ice and we're going to put our commuter and Senior Vans driving around town picking up people when it when they shouldn't be driving so what you know people mention that's an excellent idea I don't think it's realistically going to happen that we're gonna have Vans picking up and dropping off people um you in certain times the government can't fulfill what I believe neighbors friends family and at worst cas Uber as a worst case to do but we don't have it we don't have any private Lots but our M Municipal lots are open for people to park on park in hours before the storm and open hours after the storm we have close to over if not over 1,000 parking spots available to everyone should they need it okay but there are private lots and I'm just asking if it's something that we can look into I don't have no private lots I'm not sure what you're referring to what private Lots I there's plenty of spots in residential neighborhoods where there's parking spots that are open 1500 t Road has a lot of open spots and we work with our businesses and have in a public private partnership to see if there's opportunities to have residents have a place to park and then find resources whether it's the community whether it's the township to help get people there we have people coming home from shifts whether they're emergency workers in the middle of the night and we need to make sure that they're safe and not get penalized again they can I'm not in favor of that I appreciate it personally I'm not in favor of it I'm not in favor of Town resources right now sit down with owners and build a town for insurance to park in 1500 tck road if they even want to when we have a quite a docket of stuff to work on when the municipal spots are available for people if they want to park in so if there's other people on this Council that want to take this project on please but right now my my in defending the manager's office we don't have resources right now to sit down with apartment building owners spend money on insurance policies I'm sure Mr attorney we would need insurance to to do that to allow public cars who don't want to park in Municipal lots to park in par parking private parking lot so if someone else wants to take on take it on they want to have my favor mayor I just wanted to chime in on this um from a different perspective um in my experience um for us agreeing not that I don't want to have a partnership for parking but for insurance purposes we should probably stick with Municipal Lots it is something we can look into but we would have to look into the Insurance liability um with us giving residents the ability to park in a private business a lot but um definitely something I would be willing to look into I just want to bring that up I would chime in to say that I I've ventured there to say that there are many new uh residents that don't really understand that before snowstorm they cannot park on the street so perhaps what we could do is maybe look at um um communication just basic communication Niel maybe before major snowstorm or even I don't know what you call those little um boards that they you know put signs out on the major th Affairs to to say you know whatever you're going too fast um to say you know you must park off the street for the upcoming snowstorm or something along those lines so I I'm just thinking that it's just a communication issue people just don't understand they have to get their cars off the street um I I think it went out by nixel it went out on the police Facebook page the town's Facebook page tck today it was shared so much and then it was shared again when the Restriction was lifted the times the Bible the the rules were were out there and the hours that you had to shovel how much time you had everything was put out and it was put out again and it was repeated and shared again wait Mr Mayor um oh wait never mind sorry go ahead uh did I I think we're missing the um yeah the the resolution for the environment mental commission there was the last Council listed item yes there was one more Council listed it it was you mentioned it earlier yeah it's the resolution thank you it's the resolution that chair Dylan mentioned um to ask us to support the assembly in the um uh New Jersey super fund act it if it passes it provides ability for the township to get money from storm water and as well as the schools and I think it's really important and on the list I also ask that we send a copy to the board of ed to see if they would support it as well so that's I'm moving that second please adding the consent agenda again number to be determined councilwoman Goldberg we do yeah C yes coun G yes councilman Catz yes Deputy Mayor beler yes Deputy Mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes added the consent agenda thank you m thank you mayor and good evening Council and Township residents um as the mayor mentioned our next planning board meeting in reference to the master plan is scheduled for Thursday January 30th at 7:30 p.m. at the Rota Center room mp1 please see our website for additional details and communication we will be planning a Ramadan Crescent lighting celebration for February 24th details will be posted on social media in the coming weeks argon Park and the V Park tennis courts remain closed for inspection and repair until for further notice um as an update we are moving forward with February as our pedestrian safety and Street Smart campaign the traffic Bureau and Bergen County along with our street smart committee will be meeting on February 3rd to discuss a specific intersection to focus on for pedestrian safety upgrades through the month of February our motor Patrol Division will crack down on crosswalk violations our community policing is going to engage with school groups um for educational purposes and we will be inspecting areas in question the Rothenberg Law Firm has donated several thousand pedestrian reflector belts that are now available to Residents in Police Headquarters and also there is a box and some here located on the table for anyone who's here who'd like to take one they look like this if anyone is interested uh this will increase safety pedestrian um safety for our pedestrians with added visibility in our crosswalks and intersections we have experienced our first winter snowstorm as we just had some conversation about and our DPW I'd like to comment did an exceptional job we used 600 tons of salt and, 1500 gallons of liquid calcium chloride please be reminded that when snow when there is a snow emergency declared um you all vehicles must be removed from the roadway unless you are parked in an exempt area um for additional information for off street parking residents are encouraged to use Municipal Lots we now have one website page I know this was mentioned to us it's tck nj.gov snow and that will give all information pertaining to parking snow restrictions and cleanup obligations for our Mo from our most recent snowstorm on January 19th there were 241 snow ordinance violations issued and four vehicles were towed please be advised that the New Jersey Department of Transportation is conducting a virtual Public Information Center uh to provide information on the Route 4 hackin sec River riverbridge replacement project this has been posted to the front page of our website the link is available from January 27th to February 7th please feel free to log on for more information within this time frame as for Grant updates I have no updates um tonight um moving on to our project updates last meeting I gave several Park updates to everyone I have nothing uh no immediate changes to report on tonight our bab drainage project We are continuing to work with the D to get the minor diversion approved we are negotiating the compensation amount and the process to get to a mutually agreeable appraisal in the meantime we have proposed to get the land leased from njd so that we can start working on the project as soon as possible the the initial design work is in progress and tracking completion by the end of March for submitt to njdep and and the EPA are on track friendly reminder to sign up for your Township alerts on the front page of our website this is the most efficient way for you to stay informed as a resident of tenk I would now like to turn this over to Graham PTO from topology our new planning firm I've asked him to uh put together a presentation for everyone to outline our fourth round affordable housing obligations DCA calculations and a look forward for what we can expect this will help this will also help explain the resolution that's on tonight's meeting with our modified calculation from 431 units to 384 units gram thank you thank you Miss hit uh good evening uh mayor members of the township Council and residents here of Tink uh my name is Grant pedo principal with the planning firm topology happy to be here in tck uh here as your planner this year um looking forward to working with you all so uh this evening I'm here um to kind of start the process uh the first step of the process of the fourth round affordable housing compliance here for the township um as everyone is most most are well aware uh last spring uh Governor Murphy signed the new legislation um A4 s50 which is the new uh affordable housing legislation which sets forth a new scope and parameters for how affordable housing is to be adjudicated in subsequent rounds beginning with this round here in the fourth round um as most are aware or you know may recall the third round process um you know was a delayed uh compliance process uh set settled in court uh you know between negotiations um between the fair share housing center and each municipality um numbers were provided and published and agreed to um it was a very different process I'm happy to report that the process now um under the new legislation is a much more open public and transparent process uh the methodology for calculating the number is set forth within the law um and you know will be a much more public process as we move into the planning phase which would be the second component um if we get advance to the next slide I'll uh kind of walk through through um the high LEL timeline that we're looking at next slide to so um I prepared this slide which kind of walks through the full timeline of what to expect in this process um as was mentioned earlier this evening the first deadline that is forthcoming is January 31st of 2025 where all municipal government uh governing bodies across the state for all towns must adopt their prospective need obligation number by resolution that is the number of affordable housing units that the municipality needs to plan for between the forthcoming 10-year period from 2025 through 2035 um failure to comply with this deadline um will municipalities that that do not meet this uh timeline um will then be subject to builders remedy lawsuits or you know open themselves up to non-compliance status um so it's important that we effectuate this resolution this evening um so that the township maintains uh you know compliance through the process um following adoption this evening there will be a challenge period so any interested party can um challenge the number that is adopted by by the municipality um that deadline for that uh is February 28th of 2025 um following that uh the affordable housing dispute resolution program which is a new entity uh in the with the administrator Office of the courts um will review challenges uh during the month of March from March 1st through April 1 um and you know review uh what the municipality adopted what the challenge um indicates you know where there may be deficiencies or you know challenges to the number um and a ruling a final ruling on the number will be issued by April 1st concurrently in that process uh item number four um beginning February 1st and as we move through uh the balance of the spring and into the early summer uh will be the development of the housing element and fair share plan process this is an important uh document it's a component element of your master plan happy to hear about the finalization of the township Master Plan update process um the housing element is a subcomponent of your overall Township master plan that will guide how housing is developed and addressed over the following 10year period and how this affordable housing obligation is to be accommodated here within the township a key component of the housing element fair share plan is what we call a vacant land inventory vacant land adjustment um it's an analysis that is a key component of the plan to assess how much land is actually available to effectuate development of affordable housing within the town um and you know it it kind of curtails and and provides a realistic number based on what you actually have uh space to build or construct um this is also a very important document that will duvail nicely with your master plan because uh diff differing from the third round process this will be a public process we will go through and work collaboratively with the planning board um stakeholders in the community to make sure that this housing element is done in context of the master plan shaped by the vision that the community has set forth um how they want this growth to occur and happen um you know that so that's in context and fits within the community um appropriately um the deadline is June 30th for that document to be adopted by the pl board and also endorsed by this governing body as well um following adoption there is another challenge period um of the housing element fair share plan whereby interested parties can challenge mechanisms identified within the plan to effectuate that development um they could say this strategy isn't necessarily going to work or it's not going to yield the units that you've identified um so there is that challenge period and through the balance of the year uh August 31st to December 31st um that's a resolution period where the municipality can work with the challenging party to um come to a settlement or resolution of the challenge differences um and the affordable housing dispute resolution program can also get involved to help facilitate um settlement of those uh outstanding items and then finally item number seven by March 31st of 2026 that is the final deadline for adoption of all implementation mechanisms such as ordinances overlay ordinances effectuation of any plans um to facilitate that development process I can pause here if anybody has any questions on the overall timeline process okay very good okay next slide please okay so calculating the need so how do we calculate what the prospective need number is for um each municipality so as I mentioned at the top the fourth round calculation methodology is now codified within state law njsa uh 5227 D- 34.3 um and I also I'll pause here it's hyper Linked In the presentation this presentation will be posted on the township website so um if you're following along you'll be able to access it later and that is a link so you can read the statute uh yourself um and that section sets forth the present respective fair share obligations how it's to be calculated um at the highest level the state is divided into six regions um tck is located within region one and the future need the perspective growth is determined by past growth within the within the region um and so so and a share of that growth is estimated to be needed for low and moderate income households I'll explain that on the next slide and then allocation to municipalities is done by averaging three component factors an income capacity Factor non-residential valuation factor and a land capacity Factor next slide please okay so first how many units are to be allocated across each of these regions what does that calculation number look like so it is the change in total households between 2010 and 2020 you divide that number by 2.5 to estimate the share of those households that are occupied by lower and moderate incomes um and then uh that is the number to planned for over the forthcoming 10-year period so here in region one which consists of Bergen County Hudson County pic County and Sussex counties um we experienced 6953 new households created between 2010 and 2020 you divide that by 2.5 you get 27743 which are estimated to be lower moderate income households and that is the total perspective need to be allocated to all municipalities across region one over the forthcoming 10-year period it's a math exercise in the simplest terms next slide um just a note on qualified Urban Aid municipalities so the allocation factor is a percentage applied to the overall Regional obligation region one has 122 municipalities across the four counties um to absorb these 27743 units it's important to note though that there are 17 qualified Urban Aid municipalities that are exempt from assignment of a prospective need obligation um therefore only 105 municipalities um will receive a protected need obligation in region one so it's important to note that there is a an an exemption in the law for qualified Urban a municipalities to not receive an assignment of the obligation next slide um the DCA uh provided um a report back in October of and in this report they provided non-binding advisory calculations to help support municipalities work um in preparing their number the legislation sets forth that municipalities are free to calculate the number independently um and the DCA report is kind of a guiding document to to inform that process that report was published on October 20th of last year and on November 23rd the DCA published um the data map showing the developable area the for the land capacity Factor um and DCA has released all supporting methodology uh including a workbook GIS data the the complete doc document detailing their methodology process that's all available on the website that I have linked here as well and again municipalities may use these numbers from dca's guidance and prepare updated calculations based on more accurate local conditions next slide okay so as I mentioned there are three uh factors that uh that guide this income capacity non-residential and land capacity Factor next slide okay so uh I kind of go through and break down each of the component factors so the income capacity Factor um is determined this is very boardy this is straight from methodology by averaging the municipal share of the regional sum of differences between median household income and same calculation but weighted by the number of households within municipality a mouthful in the shortest terms it is the the um discrepancy between TX median Municipal household income and the lowest median Municipal household income in the region weighted by how large the municipality is um so large municipalities with higher income discrepancies have a higher income capacity Factor smaller municipalities with yet a high income cap High income difference a little bit lower on that scale um I've provided here the DCA calculates that um d TX income capacity factor is 2.03 this is the fifth highest uh among all region one municipalities of the 107 that are participating in the allocation process next Slide the non-residential valuation change Factor this is determined by calculating the change in non-residential property valuations in the municipality uh between 1999 and 2023 um so you basically summarize the commercial and Industrial the value of commercial and Industrial Assessments in 1999 summarize it in 202 three take a look at the change for the municipality and then also summarize that for the entire region how much was tck share of that regional growth in value um and uh the DCA has calculated TX non-residential valuation Factor at 1.51 uh again this is 20th highest in region one next slide and finally is the land capacity Factor this is determined by estimating the area of developable land quote unquote within the municipality's boundary and Regional boundaries which can accommodate development it's important to note that this land capacity factor is for any type of development not housing you know can be you know commercial development how much land is available within the town to effectuate any kind of development um in their analysis the DCA um did a a high level GIS analysis um using the D's land use land cover data set from 2020 so it's a little bit dated at this point um and they overlaid that with a number of other factors screening out areas constrained by development and through that process and their analysis yield they found that there were about 22.36% to the township next slide okay so summarizing the calculations uh for that the DCA has presented so we have the income capacity Factor at 2.03 the non-residential factor at 1.51 the land capacity Factor 1.13 you average those three together we get 1.55 you multiply 1.55 by 27743 and you get 431 units that's how um this works and that that is what the DCA is saying that t needs to provide over the next 10 year period is 431 affordable housing units of perspective need next slide so to support the township and kind of you know developing our own number as the legislation directs us to do the municipality adopts their number um we have completed an assessment of all three component factors just to confirm accuracy of the data um we did this by processing a number of updates leveraging newer data speaking with your officials here within the township other professionals um to ascertain you know the accuracy of information particularly on the land capacity piece um the income capacity factor and the non-residential valuation Factor they're based on census data for the income and tax assessment data for the non-res for the non-residential there's really not much to change there um so the land capacity factor is where we did Focus next slide um so the land capacity Factor was further assessed following the publication of the dca's map of indicating what areas they identified as developable um these areas were reviewed and um by on a parcel by parcel basis and we've modified the factor accordingly which I'll now present in the following slides next slide okay I just want to caveat that I'm going to show a couple Maps just sample Maps um they're going to show land that is identified as developable um this is just my disclaimer this slide that says these are not places that we're looking to build anything this is just the output of the analysis results um you know as I mentioned at the top we will go through a planning exercise with the community to effectuate that planned process um so I don't want anybody to freak out and see properties and say oh my God they're going to build 461 units of affordable housing on this piece of property that's not what this is intended to do so next slide and we'll start walking through um so this is an example of a property um this that linear kind of dark strip across those two lots is an area that the DCA said this is developable land within tck you could build some uh build some things here um so we overlaid this with um other information uh flood Hazard information in particular in this case and that light blue area indicates what is in a flood Hazard area so these properties are not in fact developable um because it is located within a flood Hazard so these are areas that we've removed um from the dca's analysis next slide other small areas um on existing sites this we found uh to be fairly common um this is an existing obviously developed site and you see that small red piece of wedge uh along the one parcel line um that's an area the DCA indicated that could be developed and you know in fact this site is already improved um nobody can actually build anything on this kind of oddly configured piece so these are areas that we've further removed from consideration next slide I think I just have one more sample uh um yeah there's a series of properties um along um route four um and the assessment records are listed as roote four buffer you know kind of these linear areas um you know kind of protecting um and allowing for any possible expansion or you know adjustment to the roadway um these are not in fact developable areas um a number of these have been removed in our analysis um because those are not in fact developable areas next slide okay so to kind of summarize so the land capacity Factor um again is determined by estimating the amount of avilable land of the 22.36% Z next slide um and I just wanted to note and this is an important point you know that seems like a big adjustment wow we cut off half of the Acres you know we really pulled down um the amount of developable land this is going to have an big impact on the number it's really going to drop precipitously um but I just wanted to note and as I mentioned in the other Factor discussions that the strongest factors really pulling allocation units and driving up your average allocation Factor are the non-residential valuation factor and the income capacity Factor um if we were to zero out the land and say there is no land you would still need to provide 327 units so you're getting 327 units of allocation just on income and non-residential factors alone the land capacity Factor as I mentioned is the weakest of the three um and I have this calculation at the end based upon this strong waiting of the non-residential valuation Factor um each acre developable land accounts for just about four units of allocation so even if you were to go all the way down you're just you know taking maker at a time you're just taking four units off the the number of obligation next slide and I think this is my summary slide yes and this is the last slide um so here I just wanted to present kind of dca's calculation values um and then the modified values that we present so as you can see in the modified field the land capacity Factor has been reduced from 1.13 down to 0.6 which drops the average allocation factor from 1.55 to 1.38 and uh revises the or modifies I should say the perspective need from 431 down down to 384 units a drop of about 47 units from the dca's estimate um so this is um kind of the the presentation version but there is a a full formatted report that we've prepared um that will accompany your resolution submission and filing um you know should you choose to act this evening to adopt the number happy to entertain any questions did you all have yeah who's going okay um I have a few questions so the prospective number was adjusted based on the change to vacant land and that assumes other municipalities in region one have to change so do are the numbers adjusted across the region for the municipalities in the region it's a good question um the methodology that's set forth within the legislation um directs municipalities to prepare their number calculations so in this exercise we have reduced uh TX obviously developable Acres but we've also correspondingly reduced region one's numbers by that same adjustment so we've just looked within TX value um and then reduced so we took I believe I said 12 acres off um we've also taken 12 acres off of region one's total um just just to make sure that the math is consistent okay so our number won't change if every other municipality in Burgen count region one okay no the the the charge set forth in the legislation is for each municipality to to adopt their number calculate their number um can you explain for the public and and the council a little bit more about the income capacity Factor um what that means and how is it spread across tck um how is it spread across T it so I mean in the simplest terms the income capacity Factor um leverages two 2018 2022 American Community survey data um looking at the median household income for the township of TX so what is the township of TX median household income what is the difference to the lowest median household income in the region it's technically plus $100 that's kind of the spread um and you look at that summarized value of difference you compare that to the summarized value of difference across the region and then weight it by the number of households within tneck so larger towns have that with a higher income disparity get a higher income capacity Factor if that makes sense it's a little bit of a heady concept I know it's tough to kind of explain in in simple terms but um that's kind of the simplest I can explain if that helps got it so you talked about Parcels that were deemed undevelopable um how were they deemed undevelopable as a whole what was the criteria sure so I you know I presented a couple of of examples where we had um you know pieces of parcels identified um flood we found that flood zone information was not a screen by the DCA so flood zone information was used other um information such as these Parcels buffering along Route four um that do not have Road access or you know do not have access by means of a public Street or you know they can't drive on to the state highway to get to these sites for example um other properties we've identified and and through some of the the coordination with um Council um properties that are you know subject to a deed restriction are part of a another Arrangement or there's other restrictions on these sites um you know open space we reviewed the uh the municipality Rossy listing of registry open open space properties to confirm you know if properties were not in fact available for development those types of things um are we going to have to rezone any areas in TX so is this going to impact zoning um and if so have you identified areas that we're going to have to reone so I want to I want to just focus this is kind of a bifurcated process so right now um as set forth in the timeline that I talked about at the top um our January 31st deadline is just to adopt the number what is the number you know and and put that out to the community let the state know that we are complying with this process and adopt the number as we move into the next phase which is the housing out and fair share plan that's going to be the iterative public process where we'll work uh you know in context of the Township's forthcoming master plan um to take a look at strategies where those areas are ident ified for potential growth um and make sure that things are consistent and aligned together um there will likely be some strategies that need to be effectuated such as perhaps zoning changes or other things um that is that work has not been done that's going to be part of a process that I would like to engage with members of the your planning board and other folks within the community stakeholders to make sure that that's a an open process where everyone shares that Vision so you mentioned um transparency so what Pro what steps need to be taken for the um the next step in June for us to take from a transparency perspective for the public so I think you know it's important to finalize the master plan process at the planning board and then once that process is done um you know I think we'll be working to kind of set up some documents do the vacant land inventory adjustment that I talked about and then meet perhaps with the planning board or you know another group um you know that's I think our next step is to kind of identify who that stakeholder group will be within the township um to help facilitate that process we don't want to do this work independently we want to do this work with a group to so I think it's important that there are public Forums on this with the whole town um and then just my last real question is 384 units so is there a plan that that we I guess this goes in June to equitably distribute those across Tac that's going to be part of the planning process I want to make sure that they're not concentrated in one area sure yeah I mean that would be part of the process that we have to get into with the okay thank you okay sure okay so the 384 units um are over the 10y year round for the most part that would be the the the basic obligation that the that the DCA would have for um uh T um can you explain for the benefit of all why um a town like hackin saac is is is exempt um from from even having any units to to Really concern themselves sure I can explain so the the legislation that was adopted um last spring and signed um contains an exemption clause for qualified Urban Aid municipalities um the first step to become a qualified Urban Aid municipality is to be listed as a designated Urban Aid Municipality of which hackensac is a designated Urban municipality then there's a subset of criteria um related to population density um or you know availability of vacant land within those municipalities to make sure that they become a qualified exempt municipality I'm not exactly sure which parameters hacken sack qualified on um I can't speak to that just off the top of my head but but their uh listing as an urban municipality is the first kind of criteria to get into that that pool to then be further assessed for the exemption process and my last question has to do with it is it is the state looking at um alternative ways to to count credits uh or is it going to be a one for one like uh do we do does other things count for um toward those those units that we're expected to I think uh importantly it's it's um that's a very excellent question um moving into the four round um couple of things that I want to just touch on one is the number 384 units is that is your Global Perspective need obligation um as I mentioned at the top we we are going to do a vacant land adjustment vacant land inventory process which will identify the realistic number which will be a a very small share of that 384 that the town actually has to facilitate construction of or development of the rest will be will remain kind of planned through the planning process so I think that's important and to kind of dovetail that onto your second Point um the the uh fourth round legislation this new bill sets forth a a number of additional bonus credit opportunities for the municipality to leverage um such as a municipally sponsored project um can count as one that can count as two credits essentially for each unit that's created um whereby the municipality donates land or financially sponsors a development project for example um projects that are located within a half mile of any Transit service um get a half credit so each unit there counts as 1.5 instead of one so um those crediting opport OPP unities allow for um meeting the obligation number of 384 but providing less units by leveraging credits to have those count as more than one if that makes sense yeah thank you okay so I want to welcome you to Tina and say I think we didn't realize how much we needed to have you here until you got here I um I think we got very lucky because we didn't know where we were in this process until um you were here so thank you very much for that can you just give me the two-minute version of Workforce housing what that is and what that counts towards we keep floating the number and projects for that but what is that and what does it count towards so it's important to note um you know there are Income thresholds and I don't want to because we're it's by region divided by those regions as I mentioned um but typically Workforce housing is more your moderate income units um I believe it's 80 to 120% of um Medi House of area household income um so you know there's different levels I what I want to focus on though is while that can be a strategy and I think it should be a strategy as part of our housing element and fair share plan um the requirement for meeting the obligation numbers that are presented here this evening is really for your low-income unit so um that is something that I think the the township should plan for providing or creating opportunities for the workforce housing um but really the first step is to to address the the low income which is um what's set forth here it it wouldn't help much with this okay thanks it's a good question okay anybody else um sorry Deputy councilman cats counc you any questions I don't want to miss you not on my end not from L cats thank you very much okay thank you very much thank so much intensive report thanks you yeah I'm all set thank you thank you attorney report thank you're mayor so uh I don't have anything to report tonight except I do want to um I guess just say for the the record and uh ask the council to um table the three ordinances that are on on the agenda uh for adoption tonight the uh ordinance ex sorry ordinances uh ordinances 3 20254 2025 and 6 2025 uh number three has to do with the with um uh has to do with fences as does the the next one uh number uh four and number six has to do with accessory dwelling units basically those were introduced by the council at the at the last meeting at the time they were uh scheduled to be adopted or potentially be adopted at this meeting um the both all three of those ordinances are uh involve our development regulations and so all three need to go to the planning board uh for a consistency review with a Master Plan before uh the council can um act on them that hasn't been able to happen yet uh the planning board has has been able to meet and and review them and so I would ask the council uh adjourn or I'm sorry table all three of those ordinances uh to give the planning board time to um to review them at their next meeting on the L the L 30th is is the next meeting um and then depending on results of that the council consider this at the at the next meeting so I'll I'll make a motion to table 3 four and six until February 11th February 11th so these will be on second roll call please and I'll announce it afterwards councilwoman goldbert yes on tbling three and four no one6 councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman cads yes Deputy Mayor vure yes Deputy Mayor organ yes mayor Schwarz yes we will see them again February 11th okay so just just to clarify the reason why these are being pushed off is because they need to be reviewed by the planning board these were sent to the planning board for their January 16th meeting which did not happen which is why it was put on the calendar on to come back tonight as such it's going to be on the January 30th planning board meeting and will be backlisted assuming it's approved by the planning board here to on January on February 11th with that said we're going to have a public hearing and Adoption of ordinances strictly focusing and speaking about and testifying to ordinances number one ordinances number two and ordinance number five with that said is there anyone in the I got to read them you got to read read read the magic words sorry about that yes so we are going to see three four and six February 11th so that leaves us just uh three other ordinances counil members of the public we have ordinance 1-22 first ordinance of the New Year amending Section 3 6- 11.2 36 Township Code for Township Tac add restricted on street parking spaces for the handicap at Van courland Terrace we have ordinance number 2-22 amending section 36- 111.2 of chap 36 the township code again adding restricted on street parking space for handicap parking at 263 Grayson place and we bounce to ordinance 5-22 amending the township codes to revise parking laws on katalpa Avenue and Ivy Court these are our ordinances that we are second reading this evening May yes okay if there's anyone that wants to testify about the three handicap parking ordinances please raise your hand exciting Mr anyone on Zoom Mr clerk okay this test this hearing is closed please call the rols motion than you Mr Mayor second a motion yes motion second thank you sir this is to approve councilman gold ber yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes deput mayor beler yes deput mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes all adopted okay and meeting open the mean to public for good and Welfare and public input on any matters no no that's you got it three minutes and we could go from Zoom or Chambers however you wish we'll start with the chambers first everyone's been here patiently Mr chair um Mr Rose thank you Howard Rose ten resident uh with a long history of volunteerism and EK couple of things first of all regarding the passing of Mr gussen uh you caught me off guard with that uh my condolences to Sher the children to his two brothers I'm not sure if his mom is still alive or not uh Adam was a strong sometimes volatile person on Council uh I agreed with him on a number of things I disagreed with him on some uh we had discussions he's been to my home I've been to his home uh the last time we spoke he seemed to have a penion for baking bread don't know where that came from but it was interesting to talk about what I was surprised about is not seeing him at public uh situations after he was is no longer on Council although I do remember supporting him when his aspirations went beyond tinet Council for political uh position regarding snow snowfall parking shoveling it's an ordinance why do we not want to enforce it you know I heard similar comments when it came to houses in disrepair Gardens not being done uh well maintained and this terminology that I guess I'm not supposed to to mention a councilman's name that one of our councilmen said is it was considered uh harassing residents to enforce ordinances why would enforcing an ordinance be a harassment it's a law if you consider it harassment to enforce them then maybe you have to think about changing the ordinance but while it's an ordinance enforce it I've seen the snowfall and I've seen people slipping and I've seen cars parked and I've seen mounds of snow in the street afterward because cars were parked glad you're doing your job Miss haat and I'm glad our DPW does its job they have enough burdens and encumbrances without additional people who don't adhere to what should be done if it's an ordinance enforce it thank you anybody else in Chambers someone's got to raise their hand all right uh Hey guys uh Muhammad actar here um some of you may know me some of you don't I've been sending you emails all month and no one's been responding to me so I've sent you a couple um I've sent them to your fancy new you know Chambers unor counil email and I actually sent one today um and I've also sent one to Jackie about you know parking signs speed limit signs on Cedar Lane because I was trying to pick up that thread from like two years ago where we were supposed to put the statutory speed limit signs on Cedar Lane to kind of influence people to slow down and never got picked up and nobody's picking that back up now so I kind of want to know what's going on with that um but the bigger thing I want to talk about today is um I sent an email Council this morning asking about potentially not considering the reappointment of Victoria Wilkerson um to the um Board of adjustment um and primarily my concern about that is that I believe she has not provided her financial statements uh and my understanding is that's potentially a violation of New Jersey ethics law um she's also already served two years and I understand that there's no term limits but you guys have to reappoint every two years but she's actually served for 30 months because she served for two years up until June and then they extended it another six months so is is her reappointment going to be from January through to you know December of 2020 what would that be 2026 another two years so which she actually serve another you know extended term because I understand that there are no term limits but the 2-year rule or the two-year expectation of reappointment is kind of to get this turnover potentially or to change the bodies of people that are in these boards and there's been a lot of concern um in the community particularly with like a lot of these board adjustment decisions um you know about ethics and influence so it's really important that we do these Financial disclosures on the people on these boards um and I do think that these boards should have turnover there's been some Representatives on that adjustment board that have been on that board for over 12 years just keep getting appointed every four years and you got to change the blood you know they got to represent the community the people that are in those boards Now versus who was there because the community is changing and what people want to see what kind of Varian and exception is that they want in these town has changed um so that's pretty much what I wanted to say um you know I I I guess it's already on like that big you know your your voting agenda for tonight like you it's all kind of lumped together but if you guys could potentially reconsider that appointment considering you know that these as I said the financial disclosures and I think there was some talk about this in an earlier meeting but again I do think that's important um and again I also sent you guys an email about the 544 Queen anro decision and that was made nobody responded nobody had anything to say about that so I feel like the only way we really get heard is if we make like a legal statement or file an appeal so I'll just leave it at that Mr Green yeah hi Daryl green tck resident and thank you council members for your hard work I just wanted to make a suggestion the street marker committee we haven't heard about this in a while and I actually made a suggestion maybe a year year year and a half ago for Robert Elm Mo Wright to be honored he was a vice president excuse me vice principal for Te High School very well-loved well-liked man I believe I sent his bio in for review but I haven't heard anything about that so i' love to see if we can revisit that and also there's been some concern in the Northeast on food vendor trucks now I'm wondering if the council if you could allot an area don't know if this might make sense but State Street after 1 p.m um in the state in the Walmart area that parking lot is unused maybe during non- snow emergency days we might be able to use that and also possibly have a way where the town can generate some Revenue by having maybe a parking badge or something of that nature because there is concern from the residents on food vendor trucks and some of the larger trucks are you know track the trailers the front end being parked in Residence um you know residence property so if we could revisit that and you know possibly look at those things that'd be nice thank you bman thank you Susan Burman uh tck resident and uh AR professional architect uh working in the area I just wanted to make a comment about the Adu ordinance that just about every time I come to a meeting gets moved to another meeting uh to discuss and then back and forth uh I just want to reiterate that I think that the language of the ordinance has some uh missing pieces to it uh it's not clear on what it's saying what it's permitting what it's not permitting uh most most importantly it's not clear on uh if this ordinance will allow a resident to exceed the uh zoning ordinance of 25% uh building coverage and lot coverage requirements does it give you permission to exceed that or must you comply with that and keep the size as as man mandated in the ordinance uh it creates problems it will create problems in the community many of my customers uh might look for a uh Passover kitchen if you had no interest in an Adu but you had a walk out basement and you put a guest room and a Passover kitchen all of a sudden uh the zoning officer will declare you uh to family and Adu and you'll have to go through all those rigma rules when that was not your intention I think the ordinance needs to be looked at carefully the wording needs to be reviewed and uh it also calls uh for residents to be for the Adu to be for single families only uh people may want to put one near fairly Dickinson and have students in them is that permitted is that not permitted there's all these terms that are undefined and I think it deserves uh if if you want it to succeed it should be clarified and improved the wording and I think it will be a great success thank you Paul good evening Paula Roven um I'm very excited that the council will be voting tonight on the climate superf fund act it was passed very recently by Hoboken Council and uh Paran and um it was stated before it's not only supported by the New Jersey by the T neck League of Women Voters but the New Jersey state League of Women Voters um and and also by um assembly Clinton Cel assemblywoman Park and haer in in this area there's a meeting with uh Senator Gordon Johnson tomorrow to discuss their support of it I mean New Jersey has experienced deaths and billions of dollars and losses from the storms created by climate change um and I don't want to go into all the data and all that because I think a lot of you are quite well aware of the extent of the damages from the storms um I mean and we're you know some of these storms are really as you know affecting uh the flooding situation here in tck and um so I'm I'm going to skip a lot of what I was going to say because I think you are aware of it but the the the point of this legislation is to get the polluters to pay um and not to make and to to make life in New Jersey more affordable by not saddling us with the taxpayers with the large costs increasing costs from paying for climate damages so that's I'm very excited that you'll be voting on that as part of the uh consent agenda um I was at a demonstration today in Bernardsville um calling on um Congressman Cain to uh oppose legislation I'm not sure if you're aware there's been so much legislation um in the last one week um in Washington it's rather terrifying some of it but the legislation we were talking about was a an attempt to lower the federal standard for lead and copper safety for our drinking water so to reduce the amount of um money being put into uh replacing lead pipes and we all know the impact on children in particular brain damage and and learning disabilities and so on it's such a such a terrifying thing to think that standards that were fought for so hard are now being trashed um and so um I'm hoping that our Council where these things impact our residents in ten neck the for example the replacement of the pipes that that the council looked to um and and the environmental commission or what all the other Committees of the council look at some of these things and and perhaps raise them as issues that can be brought before the council thank you thank you Paul anybody else in the council chambers before we go to zoom okay Mr clerk if you can run Zoom with Deputy Mayor Oregon I'm stepping out for a second we have EJ vizzy hello EJ you are free to un mute whenever you're ready hello EJ hey everyone good evening um hi everyone so my name is EJ vizzy and I'm with age friendly tenek and the bright side family a nonprofit organization here in town that's celebrating 35 years of service to older adult in Tek so I cannot overstate how much agef friendly Tek supports the passage of ordinance 6- 2025 regarding the regulation of accessory dwelling units um as housing prices have skyrocketed and space to Bild decreases and some stats presented during the township manager report we really need to consider more Innovative affordable and diverse Housing Solutions and we really truly believe that adus can help fill that role um so we'll see you again on February 11th after Thursday's planning board meeting and also we applaud the nomination and appointment of Janice Dorman project coordinator of H EK to fill the open seat on the senior citizens Advisory Board and I wanted to reiterate reaching out to Nick and Miguel at the tck high school Forum um for helping to connect seniors and those who are unable to shovel in the snow um with students who are willing to do that work in town so thank you again for your time and I'll see you guys again soon you thank you EJ we have Joan Davis give us a minute John Davis Joan Davis you're free to un mute yep all right next all right we have Chuck powers hey three minutes you hear me loud and clear um I'm very interested in knowing what it is that um you folks are doing in the introducing ordinances 10 11 and 12 we've been trying to figure out how to get hold of 1084 Queen an for a decade I'm unclear what it is that that situation has changed about I've known it's been very difficult for the town to figure out how to get that property as open space property I which is what it now plans to do but um what has happened that allows that to happen and also we don't have the redlining on the on the 140 and 100 um State Street um revisions from what it was that we passed before I we do need to have our attorneys clarify what is different than what it was that the town had agreed to with that redevelop those two Redevelopment plans one other comment I have no idea how the planning board on Thursday night is going to do all the things that are lined up for there are some actually some important memorializations of resolutions from the past to figure out then we're going to try to I guess I have no idea whether or not there the people think that we can get to a completion on the on the master plan and certainly in light of what we heard tonight I think that the town needs to really think about what its obligations are going to be given what it is that the that the state has created in terms of what our responsibilities will be for affordable housing before before it moves forward with it certainly its land use element and other matters in the master plan uh including including issues associated with with storm storm water management uh which are going to be very much more complex given what we're being asked to do and and uh and and then finally um what is it that um is actually going to be looked that in terms of what it is that we'll be we'll be doing with the three ordinances we're not passing out fences retaining walls and and um the um the question of of adus and what master plan is it that the M that the planning board has to find be consistent with those ordinances which is what they need to do before they come back to on the 11th thanks thank you very much next who else we have Deborah blabber hi good evening can you hear me moud and clear three minutes hi good evening first of all I just want to take a moment to remember Adam I met Adam the first time I ever saw him he was actually doing a discovery learning day at Borat Yosef where he was talking about the pumpkin chunin which was the most fascinating with the pulley and everything like that um and then I actually got to know him sitting next to him at the TX Swim Club so just another plug for the teenx swim club there um you meet the most interesting people and yes he he did the pizza the cooking and he brings people together and it's you know he's going to be missed his energy is going to be missed and I think it's going to it's a very sad thing and it's nice to hear everybody saying and seeing online such wonderful things about him and to his family just you know much love and condolences now we get to the not so part let's discuss bullying what I've seen the last two meetings coming from the Das is absolutely despicable but it's not just coming from the D it's coming on the day today it is enough stop the bullying when someone stands there and trying to explain to you that the the voters want transparency and accountability and yet um when people are standing up and saying someone hasn't handed their financials in not one start however many times if they're ineligible with the financials if they've not handed them in how can they be responsible on a committee and then he said well the one part it's about accountability and transparency and you're just sweeping it under the carpet and the way you spoke to her was absolutely dis I don't even know if he's in the room is is was Despicable but also the other week when we were discussing the sewers when it turns out two of those sewers were paid up only one of them wasn't Emeritus so we were just passing that nice and quickly when it was trying to be brought up and it makes people start to wonder what else is going on what are you also not being transparent about what else is going on in the back rooms that we don't know about with all the king makers and everything and it's concerning and it doesn't make anybody feel any better about it and to Paula with your concern about the environment and what's going on and whatever I suggest you should call Cory Booker your Senator and ask him to confirm RFK because then you will he will definitely be looking at all of that stuff especially the fluorides and all the other stuff in the air the environment which will actually help with the all the health the health and everything like that let's make America healthy again best way to do it anyway so I just wanted to finish with the was I listen the truth hurts anyway regardless it is oh and then there's one other thing um there was an article in the link last week which was almost vomiting juicing U the community did not vote for any Deputy Mayor let's make that straight the way they voted was a very clear Mandate of what they didn't want and yet it was railroaded and then we get this piece in the link with absolutely no accountability for bringing a mob mobs and mobs to this town watch Inc Hoot with that man two weeks she knew in advance two weeks and she brought it up at the meeting and not a single apology sorry Deb your three minutes were up we have adner Strauss subtitles the clerk can only do so much adner Strauss you are free to un mute can you hear me loud and clear Abner you have three minutes okay uh last week or last session last meeting I um commented that I was concerned that the council and the T next Swim Club seem to have a shared Vision uh but there was a question as to whether they would be able to find a way to form a partnership and from what I've heard and I'm very pleased about this several members of the uh Council have met with representatives of the TX swim club and the good news is they seem to have made some very good progress and seem to be on a path to BR bring that Vision to reality which is a genuine real authentic townwide beautiful pool facility for all to enjoy so I want to express my um appreciation to those members of the council who participated and um showing good faith that they really do want to achieve that goal I believe on Thursday uh we having our uh uh annual TX swim club membership meeting and I'm sure everybody is going to be very thrilled and pleased to hear of the progress that has been made and um the hope would be that the tneck swim club in a partnership with the town uh will enjoy many more years of Fun in the Sun so I thank you again for that work that's it thank you Abner we have Phil yuck you are free to unmute whenever you are ready okay can you hear me loud and clear clear you have you got it you must be wondering why I'm on Zoom I just don't want to make everybody in the chamber sick so um from a guy who suggested that we end the zoom I'm taking advantage of it while it exists so I have a couple couple questions and issues here I want to comment on ordinance 7 2025 I would like to know why the council would approve a Redevelopment plan for a storage facility when we need either 431 or 384 affordable units uh I know when it was in when it was first introduced when we uh uh quite a few meetings back everybody thought it was a great idea I don't think it's a great idea under the current circumstances I think you ought to rethink that um I have a question what when exactly does one have to move a car off the street when a snow uh snow emergency is going to be declared my neighbor got a ticket before this the first snowflake fell and I got a ticket once at 3:00 in the morning when the storm started at 3:00 in the morning when I was sleeping so I think that that that the residents need some clarity about that in terms of shoveling snow I think every home if you own a home that's your responsibility and if you can't do it it's your responsibility to have somebody else do it I'm going to be traveling in the winter I have neighbor neigh I ask my neighbors to shovel my snow um and I have another question where will people Park uh uh during a a uh snowstorm or anticipated snowstorm when the municipal lots are no long no longer exist because they're replaced by buildings um one other thing um I don't quite understand I know I I I followed the math on the presentation uh about uh the affordable housing need um what I don't understand is we the um um the new planner removed more than half of the land that DCA determined was developable but only reduced a bit more than 10% of the units required how there must be a way for us to be able to reduce even more because unless we build a um some more affordable housing buildings that will house several hundred units um we're going to have to build over 2,000 units on um a small amount of land and uh I think that's going to choke our town so um that's what I wanted to say tonight and thank you very much I'll be I will miss the next meeting because oh no I'll make the next meeting I'll miss the one after that because I'm going to be in South America everybody have a good night hands and know zooms welfare is closed Council M over so first I just want to take a moment to say something about Sarah duer I knew her she was brilliant kind and full of life and she was stolen from this world in a brutal terrorist attack in 1996 right outside this door is a monument that stands in her memory and a memory that should be honored and not betrayed and now the man who murdered her is going to be walking free it's unjust and it's devastating and before anyone says this isn't a te- neck issue let me be clear Sarah was a te- neck resident her family is still a part of this community and her memory is part of this community so this is directly related to EK when Justice is denied for one of our own it affects all of us Arlene and the girls I want them to know that they are not alone and we as a community stand with them we support them and we demand Justice Daryl I fully support the street renaming I also hope that we can honor Deputy Mayor gussen with the street renaming and I would also like to request a street renaming of Alpine Drive for Joan Davis who was murdered in her home and the matter is still a Cold Case she was a tireless advocate for openness and transparency and hopefully this summer we can honor her with that Sunshine is the best disinfectant Lewis Brandis brandise said those words over a century ago and they remain true today as they were then Sunshine transparency has the power to illuminate what's hidden expose what's wrong and remind us all that leadership isn't about power but service in local government transparency is not a luxury it's a necessity and it's the foundation of trust the enabler of accountability and the truest reflection of respect for the people people we are here to serve here in Teek we have felt what happens when sunlight Fades when advisory boards are shuttered when decisions about appointments are made without giving everyone an opportunity for an interview and without Financial disclosure statements when Teek thinks this Council has lost its sunlight Teck Rises up and demands that transparency residents demand respect they demand their input their voice and their right to know and they and that isn't treated as an afterthought but rather a Cornerstone of governments It cast a shadow over our community and erod something precious trust and Trust once broken is not repaired when Shandra young and I ran under rise routine act we made a promise a promise of transparency accountability and that we would lead with ethics and respect for people who put their trust in us when we ran for office we told this community that we would do better that we would rise above the old ways of doing things and hold ourselves to a higher standard that standard does not include shutting out the public of how decisions are made it does not include hiding Financial interests and it does not include breaking the trust of the very people who elected us transparent matters every day not just starting next year on January 1st and not when it's politically convenient and certainly not when it's easy financial disclosure statements are not a box to check they are a fundamental commitment to ethical leadership and they prove to the public that their leaders are acting in the best interest free from conflicts of interest yet the council majority seems to have voted against requiring Financial disclosure statements immediately that decision sends the opposite message and it tells the people of Tek that secrecy is acceptable transparency is negotiable and that they don't have a right to know if their leaders have Financial conflicts of interest let me be clear that is wrong unacceptable and I will not stand for it transparency is not a burden it's a responsibility and the T the people of tenk deserve better every day not just when the calendar changes rise for tenek was not a campaign name it was a commitment to this town and I intend to keep that commitment the people of te deserve better and I will keep fighting for them even when others won't thank you Mr Mayor as always I want to thank all the residents for coming out tonight and participating and I just want to say one thing about tonight and it's about the 57 names we just voted on that should not have been sprung upon us tonight at 7:30 p.m. that should have been on the agenda it should have been put on paper for us to think over for a day or two the first agenda came out this past Thursday and it should have been added to the agenda then or at some point over the weekend I sit on a personnel subcommittee and I was not told this was happening tonight so going forward I hope that this will be handled in a much better way and that council members will be given enough notice to look at what they will be voting on and I know that the new majority on Council has the votes to appoint whoever they want but I still have some procedural questions on how we we will be doing this tonight but uh I will stop there Mr Mayor thank youut G Council yeah yeah uh thank you um first of all I just want to send my condolences to ad um former deputy mayor Adam guston's family um so sad to lose someone at such a young age who obviously made such a a huge impact on the community so I wanted to first start with sending my condolences um to his family um second on the Personnel um committee issue um I wanted to uh just clarify that the list of nominees was made available to the entire Council weeks ago and in that spreadsheet there was a draft that listed based on all of the feedback from all of the council members what the process would be um I believe at the last council meeting I was also very clear about when people were interviewed and when they would be nominated and then when they would be potentially able to be appointed and we discussed this various times in public um we discussed it during personnel and uh you know we uh during the interviews in Clos so I you know if there was confusion I'm not sure why that was the case especially when feedback was received from every single person on the Das um I went above and beyond to be as transparent as possible I um moved through a process that I if you all recall I I told you months ago that this was going to be cumbersome it was not going to be efficient it was going to be a waste of many of our time and I think we saw that play out this time around um so I I hope uh thank you Mr Mayor for suggesting that Personnel go back and rethink this process um we need to make it more efficient and not waste so much time I do not do any of this for grandstanding I do this because I want to make sure we get the best volunteers to sit in these volunteer seats it's it's not about coming up here and making up stories about you know what the process was or wasn't um it really is about the volunteers and making sure that we we allow them to serve in the ways that they have theyve signed up to serve um in terms of the financial disclosures I hope that anyone who has not submitted a financial disclosure will um do so um I believe it was uh an oversight um and I I agree that we need to ensure that that that is uh uh made right um but by no means do do I um support uh uh lack of transparency on this Council never have um so I will stop there thank you Mr Mayor councilman cats Noe I'm good may all right thank you um the residents that have come out and spoken up t i I send my condolences to the um family of um Deputy Mayor Adam uh Gus and um I just want to speak for a moment about the um snow violations I mean 241 snow violations is a lot uh I I just will emphasize again that I think we should try our best to find ways to to uh take advantage of collaborating with Nick at the The Forum at the high school regarding that um you know and absolutely finding ways to communicate with our residents I I I don't think penalizing them is is the best approach unless we've exhausted all other um I think also there there is maybe a collaboration in here because um perhaps we could look at um uh enterprising student project of building an app that could um help um our residents um uh uh assess you know the students to who might be willing to um to shovel uh and so forth so that that might be a collaborative project between the Town Council and the Board of Ed um I just want to mention that imemo domain uh is is definitely not uh something that that um I support um but I do know that with imminent domain private property for public good uh is is uh a underlying uh emphasis with just compensation and we must understand that oftentimes that that there are reasons behind that that involves um making sure that um we're speaking to the right people and that those right people are responding I just want to mention that regarding uh the financial obligations everyone that sits in any leadership position volunteer position has to realize that they they must answer to financial compliance it's a it's a requirement it's a mandate okay um the the thing that we have to understand though is that we do not want to weaponize financial um compliance when it comes to people not submitting their documentation if they have not they just simply need need to be told I believe we need to approach our volunteers here again with the best intentions um I would suggest therefore that our attorney uh as you were making your rounds in terms of Advisory Board training we make sure that all of our volunteers know they have an obligation to financial compliance but that we don't browbeat them uh we just educate them uh I want to just also mention that the um thank you for Paula ragavan for regarding the go uh the environmental concerns related to our community I think we certainly absolutely need to keep an eye on that um I think that I think the AG friendly um EJ who was called in in terms of support of the adus I think that's important and lastly I just want to remind people that that uh our residents we have a black history month coming up with the um Martin Luther King uh birthday committee that is having a Thursday uh lecture series um and this year it will be at the r Center as opposed to the library until the library reopens it will be there and that's every Thursday night in February and lastly there's the dream big vision board event on February 1st at the Roa Center at 3M opportunity to come out and cast your vision um for our community thank you um to Mr akar who didn't stick around I never received an email I think they're being sent to the wrong email address there are no underscores in the council um email address so please resend or send to the correct address uh to miss Burman the attorney will answer your concerns at the end of um our comments uh to AJ vizy to EJ vizzy um it's great that uh agef friendly tck is at 35 years I'm a huge fan of Janice Dorman also um and I agree with everybody that we should be using the Forum Nick at The Forum as a resource and we'll make their information available to everybody um to Mr stra and to everyone at the swim club we know you have an important meeting on the 30th and information um has been or will be sent momentarily um to your board but we have been in communication and I think everybody will be happy to Mr Yuck uh the snow emergency is announced and once it's announced you have to have your car off the street but the tickets are not left on your car they're sent to you the police don't don't need to leave them in the snow so um anybody who has a ticket left on their car it was not uh because of the snow emergency it was probably because of something else um I love the clean River crew idea I love the people who planted tulips one year in persing circle I love anybody in town that takes on their own initiative sees something that needs to be done and does it and um I my favorite days are the environmental cleanup days but I I love that a mother and son did this on their own without the pizza at the end and without the vests and the cool buckets and um Grabbers um Adam gussen when he ran for Council he did it because he wanted a dog park and we had no dog parks in Tink and that was actually what got him to run originally and I know that um when we brought in the turfing companies um to look at the fields for the field Advisory Board they had offered Dean at one point to Turf the dog parks for free and while I think uh street names are wonderful I don't know maybe if we do are able to fix up the dog parks maybe they could be the um Adam gussen um honorary dog parks um thank you to the um Rothenberg Law Firm I know uh the manager mentioned it but there is a box of the illuminators um sitting there please take them the police department together with the law firm we'll be Distributing them at many places including the schools I hope that everybody wears them I hope that everybody stays safe and is careful and doesn't walk and text at the same time um we have lost so many young leaders in our town and people who try so hard to do good um people who get involved in politics and fighting over things that really are not so important to fight aad at the end of the day um really we all want what everybody wants we want our families to be safe safe and we want them to be healthy and we deep down want the things that are really important in life and I think sometimes we lose focus on that when we fight about things and um I think it takes the loss of a very Larger than Life character to remind us of that and we should not forget it this council is um it tries very hard to be transparent um I think it depends on how you um put out information but it ALS is also not a a punitive Council it's not a vengeful Council and it's not a retaliatory Council and somebody's failure to file a disclosure form should not be brought up the night of an appointment it's something that can be brought up after the appointment and then it's something that we can work on with the person but um the way that it was brought up is not okay um tonight we got information from the attorney that it's okay to appoint and vote on uh members of advisory boards in the same night and that's why it's being done it um was not done for anything other than to get people appointed finally um it's already the end of January so um no no underlying um drama um the Personnel subcommittee worked very very hard on this and I look forward to getting people on their board so they can start working thank you thank you um two things first I should have started with the attorney S I apologize you had some clarification for some residents has some questions so I'll turn over the mic to you um in just two seconds just a few quick comments um Mr Green thank you very much for the renaming suggestions and for Council mg gober's rename suggestions we'll start discussing on the next few weeks it's been it's been a while since we've done them so we'll definitely take a look at that sorry food trucks we've got a lot of restaurants that want the business I cannot promote bringing food trucks into town to take away the business from these restaurants that are paying taxes and paying money as much as I love food trucks I'm going to side with my current in tax paying Merchants um as it relates to um Mr octar he a lot of his questions were answered beforehand and in councilwoman a deputy mayor Oregon answered a lot of his questions after he left I don't know if you didn't want to wait for the answers but no we did not get any emails but I am proud of this Council and the diversity on the board of adjustment I know he wanted the board of adjustment to look like the community with turnover and um this Council and the Personnel committee have done a great job with that um as it relates to 1040 State Street these are buildings that we've been discussing forever and as it relates look forward to pushing that to the completion and as it relates to Mr yuck's comments um on the Self Storage regrettably the community spoke out for quite some time about apartment buildings at 100 State Street at one point there was even a protest at the southwest corner of tck Road in State Street to protest an apartment building there so I'm excited we've got two plans on some long abandoned plots and I look forward to the planning board's input over the next few weeks with that said Mr attorneys please um respond thank you Mr Mayor so uh there are a couple questions about the Adu ordinance that I want to address so at least I want to start there uh so first of all the ordinance does not allow Property Owners to exceed lot of coverages just by adding uh an Adu if your Adu will bring you over whatever the bulk standard is for your for your Zone you're still going to need a variance um as with any addition that increases the size of Maximum lot or building coverage or anything like that we do want to encourage a adus at the same time we don't want uh lots to become overbuilt and so it's a balancing act really the best place for determining whether on a Case by case basis that that sort of thing is appropriate is where they land use fors um there's also a question about the about Passover K kitchens and I think an assertion that would require Property Owners to essentially I guess declare them as adus or alternatively be cited for violations something along those lines um that's incorrect Simply Having a Passover kitchen not trigger the ad ordinance nor would it necessarily be triggered even if you have a bedroom and bathroom nearby in your home if someone is living in in a you know a nearby bedroom or bathroom it's being treated as its own apartment uh in conjunction with with the um the kitchen and it has its own housekeeping facilities then yes in that situation it would become it would need to be declared an Adu that's a very specific sort of thing that I don't think would accompass most uh Passover kitchens um third there was a point about the reference to single families uh in the ordinance I just want to be clear that this does not mean that you're prohibited from living in an Adu if you're a student or an unmarried couple uh the reference to single families in the ordinance is it's a legal term it's not about the married or relational relationship status of the residents it's a really defined zoning term for the type the type of uh the type of housing that you're in for example you have a single family housing as opposed to multif family housing which would be something like like a duplex or an apartment building um you're you're you're a single man you live in a sing Standalone house um it's still considered to be a single family house if you're again if you're in a duplex and a single man um that that would be a multif family even though you're there's not mult multiple families there so um those are terms that are defined by local ordinance and state law and the purpose of of that in the ordinance is really just to ensure that people are not creating adus it's all called a backd door way to essentially creating an apartment building on their property that's not the purpose of it um it's also not the purpose to have to create these adus on apartment building Lots as well um on the last thing I'll say about the adus is that it's based on the ordinances uh of a number of other municipalities we looked at a lot of different places all across New Jersey when we were drafting this I think it was over a year ago now uh we looked at Maplewood Montclair Princeton East Orange Bradley Beach just to name a few of the ones that we looked at we looked at model ordinance that was provided to us by the arp we consulted with our zoning officer with our with our planner we received comments on the ordinance from the New Jersey Regional plan Association so on I I don't say this to say to try and imply that the ordinance is perfect I'm sure it could be improved as with any ordinance I just want residents to be comfortable that this is something that we have really spent a lot of time thinking through it's not something that we're just trying to do you know by the by the seat of our pants um separately there was another question I think fromed about affordable housing and how the 50% or so reduction in land capacity uh only result in a 12% reduction in the number of units uh that the township is is obligated to build uh without getting too far into the math the land capacity aspect is just one element in the calculation that gets weighed against the equalized N value as well as the the income capacity Factor so reducing that one number doesn't reduce the number of units like on a one to one scale it's all part of the formula and all gets weighted together um there were additional questions about the ENT domain ordinance and the State Street ordinance I'm going to defer those to Mr Ash our resident expert on those subjects thank you uh with regard to the um ordinance authorizing the acquisition of 1084 Queen Anne Road it the ordinance authorizes the acquisition through voluntary negotiations purchase and or eminent domain eminent domain and and the exercise excuse me of that Authority would really be a last resort um you know by introducing this ordinance tonight you're starting a due diligence process um that will include title search survey and uh importantly an appraisal to understand the fair market value of that property um the legal process would then require the township to engage in good faith negotiations on the basis of that appraisal um so there will be um a lot of points along that process where you know this governing body will have to make decisions about how it proceeds and the introduction of this ordinance is is just the first step towards uh getting the required documents in place so that you can make informed decisions um regard to the the two State Street Redevelopment plans um the original Redevelopment plan was based on um you know a study area of about 20 properties non-contiguous um all in in sort of that State Street neighborhood um the original plan um was a little more Broad and General in scope um at a certain point in time recently uh Property Owners approached the zoning subcommittee with specific concepts of a project for each respective site 100 State Street and 140 State Street and so um the two Redevelopment plans which are their amended Redevelopment plans they add more detail and specificity to the contemplated projects for each respective site so that's the purpose of the Amendments thank you very much and we also had some Community meetings on those as well so I appreciate that and uh um Mr clerk I think it's time to go to the consent agenda can I ask you to run lead on this and can you explain the the resolutions that were added like list them out for us because it's confusing yes absolutely we have um I'm going to talk about the board appointment resolution since there's such a slew of them um outside of those we have two sets of minutes resolutions for 42 to 61-22 we added 62 honoring Holocaust Remembrance Day 63 supporting the NJ climate Superfund act um all of the other board appointment resolutions are going to come except for the ones that were already listed on the consent agenda from the beginning of the week are going to come after number 63 and uh we'll go over those in just a moment and what was 61 Mr clerk 61 Shar service agreement with yes a shared service agreement with the board of education for a fuel agreement it's extending the current agreement that we already have with them to march um I'm sorry yeah I'm sorry guys I know we're all excited for those other resolutions but we have the bill lest in the amount of $4,670.00 now for the uh board resolutions um what I was going to recommend is that we handle since there's so many uh that we handle those maybe not pulled from the consent agenda but separately in their own block because there's just so many so what my suggestion is is that we handle the consent agenda as it is now and then we could go through those appointment resolutions together a little more slower agreed pending that there's no issues with the consent agenda as it stands now I was aware though mayor I'm sorry I remember councilman Pagan did mention he wanted to pull um the appointment resolutions for the planning board and board of adjustments yeah I'll I'll give you the numbers and and I'm sorry it's just because I'm a little bit confused because of everything that went down tonight so I apologize for that Mr Mayor but I did want to pull resolution 43 44 45 46 47 48 and the resolution appointing Miss Brower to the planning board that was walked on so with that I might make a suggestion to the body that we pull the appointment resolutions just mentioned by councilman Pagan and we'll add it to the slew of appointment resolutions that is forthcoming from this evening the other and again I apologize because I just want to make sure I do it right and I vote right is there a motion wait I'd also like to pull 42 49 51 and 52 please do these have anything to do with appointments or no NO2 say 42 49 42 49 51 and 52 so hold those numbers councilwoman Goldberg what I'm going to suggest further is that again because we have such a block of appointment resolutions we'll handle those separately if we have other things that we want to pull which it sounds like from councilwoman Goldberg we'll handle those since there's separate I'm going to make a motion on those same lines to approve the following resolutions these are non-appointment related and not they were not pulled which includes 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Holocaust was 62 was there a 63 none that was the Environ 63 and the bill list in the amount of approximately 4 mil7 something like that yes I listed Mr Mayor was I don't think 50 was pulled and you didn't mention 50 okay and and 50 I have Circle 50 and 50 thank is there a second on my motion second I just want to clarify councilwoman Goldberg it was 42 49 51 52 you were correct yes okay roll love it councilwoman Goldberg yes on 50 53 54 55 550 No 53 54 55 no on 56 yes on 57 58 60 61 62 63 and an exstension on the bills list did you bounce over 59 Cil I'm sorry I did sorry yes yes on 59 so you said no on 56 just 56 yeah and an exstension on the bills list sorry thank you no councilman Gan thank you Mr clerk I will be abstaining on the bill list voting no on 56 and yes on everything else thank you sir councilwoman G yes all councilman cats yes to all resolutions and exstension on the bill list de Belcher yes Jo deut mayor Oregon yes to all mayor Schwarz yes and I'd like to make a motion to extend the meeting by 30 minutes second I totally forgot that we do that roll it's been a long time sorry man no problem okay we have to extend it so let's now start with the pulled on the naan good catch the n on yeah n Mr I'm sorry yes Mr yeah if it's okay I wanted to start with 46 and I know that there was I'm sorry we're gonna do the non person from councilwoman Goldberg she had a couple okay all right my bad my bad it's all good there's a lot going on goldber 42 oh sorry my question on uh 42 relating to the affordable housing um I just want to understand from the sub commmittee why the public just had this presentation today and why the Forum that I requested in May seconded by mayor Schwarz was not held and what consistent communication from the subcommittee to the full Council if there has been because I haven't seen any has been made because there's some really critical decisions and I want to make sure that the public has a clue what's going on and the council and the planning board okay so the the the affordable housing subcommittee as you well know has not met the we have a Township manager who has been handling affordable housing due to the fact that we have had some specific deadlines that were required of us as a Township it certainly was not something that a subcommittee could handle um by itself so therefore we have not had a subcommittee meeting we have had Township meetings and you have been privy to every report that our Township manager has provided thank you so will there be public Forums on this not at this time the last few months we've addressed the um affordable housing in public meetings uh we reported on in a Clos session as well um going for the deadline was detailed we have several months now and I'm sure going forward when it does come time to build additional affordable housing there'll be plenty more Community meetings um at this morning sub zoning committee which has not yet been reported on we are working on a public meeting for the Regina Steakhouse area of Country Club and we'll have many more public meetings as we go forth and build so with that said is there any questions or can we make is there a motion to approve 42 I'm gonna make the motion to move this EXC Mr roll councilwoman Goldberg no councilman Pagan no councilman G yes councilman Catz yes May beler yes that mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes that takes us to 4 yeah I wanted to start with 46 if that was okay not 46 is appointment related sorry uh councilman Pagan all those will come after we go through councilwoman Goldberg's pulled resolutions that do not have to do with 49 so 49 I have a question so uh maybe the people that have served longer than me can kind of chime in here so in 2021 we went to sdl um and the contract has increased so from 20121 to now we're up 20.9% so this is a one-year contract so my question I guess for the manager is can we go back and ask for a multi-year contract to try to stabilize the costs like it's it's is is that an option for us 20% is a lot over since 2021 um I did check with Issa um our CFO for some background information that he provided to us um we can look into it but at this stage I all the department heads I would we would probably have to have them weigh in because we're using sdl currently so we could weigh in on cost but I don't know if we'd make the change right away for this year well I don't mean change the provider I mean go back to sdl and renegotiate a contract so it's a multi-year contract for a lower rate because this year it's an 8% increase so I'm saying go back to them so what I would like to propose is that we table this so for next meeting if you can go back to sdl to renegotiate the contract for a multi-year rate for a lower um a lower contract essentially because the even if we stay with them I just want to get it down going up 8% is a lot and 20% since 2021 is huge Doug is ISA on Zoom that he can weigh in if we can if we have the time to do that yeah I'm sorry with thought there was a motion on table let's SC the motion and I'm just going to remind everyone that these agendas and I'm not sure when number 49 came out when you have questions on the agenda that comes out on Thursday please read it out to the Professionals for the questions over the last 96 hours so we don't have these questions asked at 11 o'clock at night if someone's not available to answer in the manager's office if it's the assessor or the CFO that likely is sleeping right now so I did excellent and there was no Mr Mayor if you can just clar Mr Mayor if you can just clarify please reach out to the manager for the uh yes sry directly manager yes um but there is a motion so let's entertain that motion is second already so should that the motion was to pull to I would like to table it and ask the manager to go back and see if we can renegotiate a multi-year deal so that the cost for the the residents come down and if in February can't come down it can't come down I I would you just like to interject that I I would think that um wome up again I I was ask if this was thise he's on the phone yeah you want to talk while is is getting on I will say that it's it's uh not so much a yes you can refer to this as a contract but it's referred to as yearly maintenance because it's an ongoing management software features are added periodically uh throughout the year each year just like any service we might see periodic increases uh with that Service delivery um not saying I agree or disagree with their proposed increase rate um it's just uh like any management soft where they're going to likely inflate their prices with right but I didn't see anything different in the usage unless there's something in this that we're getting more or is this related to you know storage or something but from 2024 2025 it went up 8% from 2021 20.9% and all that just gets passed back on to the residents cfo's on Mr CFO yes good evening can you hear me yes um so I apologize I was on but may have uh lost Consciousness in the middle uh my understanding is I guess the question is on the renewal for sdl spatial data logic correct um I mean was the question councilwoman Goldberg regarding the price or was it but seeking an alternative that's the only thing I'm I'm was not clear my question here is can we table it first and see if we can go back to a multi-year contract instead of a one year because if you go back from 2021 to now every year it's increased so usually when you have a multi-year contract you're able to get the cost down so if we're going to stay with this provider which is fine and when I asked the question before I understand that there's a lot of departments that use it so I don't have an issue with that but I do have an issue with a 20% increase for our residents because that hurts them at tax time so I'm just asking if we can see if we can go back to sdl and renegotiate a multi-year contract and if we can't next meeting we try I mean I'm not that well versed on the terms I do know the history of it um I do know you know that we as I said in my um kind of explanation to Council on various resolutions that we you know had tested sdl two other providers as well in interviews um went through with department heads and their needs and landed on it there was a cost of I believe it was $75,000 through uh Capital that we used to basically launch this back in 2019 under manager kazin um and I don't know even I don't know if you can do a multi-year contract longer than maybe two or three years I believe that's part of the Bond Law not the Bond Law um the local public contracts law so to answer your question I'm not sure um if if we were if we are able to wait we we Isa I'm sorry to interrupt so since since we procured sdl annually we have done a resolution to authoriz yearly maintenance uh for the software you know we communicate with sdl pretty regularly in our office and I don't believe that there will be any stop of service if we don't handle the resolution tonight we're very conversational with them so if Council wishes us to go back we could certainly try um I I don't know if they'll yield it but we'll certainly see please call the rooll this is a motion to table this and to go back and see if they can give us a better price until next meeting yeah yes and that was the first from Council Goldberg a second from councilman Pagan councilman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G um sorry clarifying question do we did we did we say that this T it won't uh Tak any extra time won't have an impact we I I do not believe we will lose any service from sdl okay then yes councilman Catz yes Deputy Mayor beler yes Deb mayor Oregon yes Deb mayor mayor Schwarz yes all right cool we'll hit them up we'll hopefully see this resolution again on February 11th thank you my my next question is really just to it's a really quick question so it's about um Millennium I I did ask this before but I just want to clarify so the contract this is for our one-year extension so the contract allows us to do two one-year extensions so I just want to make sure our our plan is to do this one-year extension and then I guess again next year does that lock in the rate for us and then we can renegotiate after that I just wanted to clarify this is Millennium the Millennium um it's a one-year extension on the contract for millennium so I just I looked at the contract and I just want to clarify this locks Us in with the rate and we get one more after that so does that is is part of that with the cost and then we renegotiate then or is this kind of a a buffer in between I just wanted to clarify that was this question asked earlier yes can you send me the email with both these questions were asked earlier please because you should have gotten the answers those are very good questions the public has a right to know the answers too this is this it's 11 o'clock at night we're not doing a show right now we're running a town y so my question to you is my question to you is and I've asked in the is if there's questions when the agenda comes out please email the manager so the professionals and the staff can review this and get back I understand you do that that's second and these are excellent questions so when you get a chance please email that to the manager so we can understand why you weren't given the answers you deserve prior I'm allowed to ask questions that's my job we we W we're allowed to have a roll call then and we'll won't pull the votes and if there's no votes to pull it we're trying to run a town and an efficient and respectful manager of our staff at 11 o'clock at night and I'm trying to make sure that our residents have their their taxes not increased Mr maner it's um you have yeah so this is a a contract that we previously approved within that contract there was a provision to extend for one year um I need to review that contract again I think that we might actually have a provision in there to extend again once that extension um expires but I do believe that this locks the rate that they have offered to us from that initial contract award all right that was all my question thank you my last question I'm going to make a motion to we approve 51 second roll call please uh councilwoman Goldberg yes councilwoman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes Deputy Mayor Belcher yes Deputy Mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes approved so my last question uh 52 is about the shared service agreement with the county for high-speed F Fiber Optic internet so I know the manager answered my question about what it entails and I really appreciate explaining understanding that it brings the cost down going through the county what I want to know is can we find out for next meeting what the cost would be to extend this to the Rota Center since that is a area that we get complaints about with it so we're going to the county and getting the Fiber Optic internet through the county can we look into extending it to the Roa Center to improve the internet at the Rota Center um M manager we had a meeting about that yesterday if you want to answer that um yes so um they're going to entertain extra locations um for for this service um I have reached out to them to see if we could extend it to the Roa Center I haven't you know I haven't gotten a response yet but I will I will let everyone know for next meeting and just a reminder the drop that they brought to the council area was free but if we do extend it to other areas such as a fire department or to the rotor Center we will have to pay for the additional drop so they're going to get back to us what the pay is but this was free and that was uh that will be charged I make a motion to move it second 52 Council woman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes Deputy beler yes that be mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes handled adopted um so now we're at point of all these appointment resolutions and I'm going to suggest to the body that we handle the resolutions that were first pulled by councilman pagant since they were already on the agenda um that's 43 44 45 46 47 48 that's our Board of adjustment and planning board appointment resolutions that have been there since last Thursday um the only reason I suggest that is because they're in chronological order uh for record keeping purposes it will make my job so much easier to handle those first um so believe the body wanted to handle resolutions one by one so this will yeah Doug I actually wanted to start with 46 I was going to make a motion to amend alen son to alternate number one second Mr Mayor that's unnecessary um like I I was gonna ask after um because I know that you added it so should I just vote should we just should I just ask that we move that and vote on that now but this was on the agenda as of Thursday so that's why it's a little confusing because it was handed a little swly Mr Mayor um may I suggest that we move forward with the township Clerk's suggestion of going in order um it it will be the cleanest way to do it we'll just do the votes the way he has it uh numbered will take care of any potential um once we have I I respectfully disagree because I started going off of the agenda that was printed on Thursday and I was the one who pulled it from the consent agenda so technically um I would like it if we just do it one by one with these all right um Mr Mr Catz can you as the third member of the of the personal subcommittee can you weigh in here which way do you want to go about this I honestly I yield to the chair on this I I I don't quite understand the Mr clerk well chair already spoke Mr clerk it's your your call here yeah I I I would suggest Council pan I mean there's these three resolutions above 46 that don't seem to have the complexities attached to them uh that some of the others do or even just 43 and 44 those are the 43 I'm jum 43 appointment appointing Leti Williams is a full member of the board of adjustment is there a motion I make the motion is there a second second Mr chair we have a motion and we have a second on 43 please call the rooll there is Council woman Goldberg no councilman Pagan no councilwoman G yes councilman cats yes deput mayor beler yes deput mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes adopted appointed the Tia 44 appointing Victoria W Wilkerson as alter number three of the board of adjustment is there a motion seconded second you ready Mr count councilwoman Goldberg no councilman Pagan nope councilwoman G yes uh councilman cats obain Debbie May beler yes that mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes adopted okay 45 appointing Howard Thompson as a class 4 member of the planning to the planning before we do this there was confusion with Alan son's seat and there was another seat mentioned and if we're going to do the planning board we need to figure out what's going on with the rest of the nominations Mr Mayor can I again clarify if we do 45 and it passes then 46 becomes Moot and then we move through the list okay is there a motion on number 45 so moved I'm moved is there a second Mr clerk hold the roll call please this is appointing Harold Thompson as a class 4 member to the planning board how word sorry how word how word councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes debut May beler yes uh debut May Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes so 46 is nullified bringing us to 47 appointing Yuda K as a class 4 environmental commission member to the planning board moved my Deputy Mayor G second Bel roll call please 47 sorry who was the first and second I'm so sorry Deputy Mayor belter and second by Council G councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes debut May beler yes Deb mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes 48 appointing D green as alternate one to the plan board is there a motion motion make the motion is there a second motion was for motion on organ second by cat will take the second yeah so sorry the text just blurring here we have councilwoman Goldberg no councilman Pagan nope councilwoman G no councilman Catz yes that may beler no that mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes but does not carry defeated okay so now we're going to go to the other sheet I guess we'll call it yes yes so 64 om so yes it is starting with omit and um you know maybe for maybe for Council uh we'll I guess we'll go through the names for Council um I think that might be easier to keep track of Mr clerk yeah sorry to interrupt I've numbered them do you want me to just shout out the number with each name um you know what I'm not into voting for people on number no I with the name uh Council uh women Goldberg so 64 Amit Ram Jatan and we'll we'll say each one it's yeah you know what I have I have uh I have this updated list in front of me okay great and if we want to discuss any of them are we just pulling them then I don't know the the list with the numbers that's why it's confusing so when you call them out should we just do it yes yeah when when each individual comes up fine with me so um Danel councilwoman G I just want to so I'd like to move resolution 64 which is nominating for the board of adjustment omit ramjatan to alternate four with an expiration date uh a term of 11125 to 12 3126 second okay councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes Deputy Mayor belter yes Deputy Mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes I'd like to move resolution 65 uh for Board of adjustment nominating Mark Merlin to a full member seat with the term of 1125 through 12312 again discuss we can discuss but I just want to clarify this is um the a remaining term of Jerry bardy and this is why it's only one year I just wanted to clarify that to everyone for that Clarity so my question is is why is this Council okay with reappointing someone that fa fa to file their financial disclosure statement in 2015 16 17 18 19 20 21 and 22 and it wasn't until bill or called it out on Blue Teck in 2023 that he filed for the first time what excuse does this Council have for eight years of failure to file the financial disclosure statement you don't have to trust me it's available online and every person on this day should be doing their due diligence about these appointments not just me so he filed in the end he filed it he filed in 2023 after failure to do so for eight years and it took blue T neck to call him out okay I'll second the um I'll second the motion roll call please can I answer um council member Goldberg's question um for me I I I'd like to assume best inent of our volunteers I've spoken to members of the board of adjustment they said he was a phenomenal um U member and we even heard um someone during good and Welfare can't remember who it was also speak to his the support of Mark on that board of adjustment and so I'm going to assume that that was an oversight and that he did file the last year and that he will file again once reappointed and that was my R I'm I'm telling you my rationale I'm the only one who who even you know volunteer to respond to you so I hope you w interrupt me but that is my rationale for why I am going to support Mark in this seat so how do we know that he doesn't have any business connections with any member of this Council he he just filed you filed discussed that there was there a second on that motion yes roll call please Council Goldberg absolutely not councilman Pagan nope councilman G yes councilman Catz yes Deb mayor beler yes debut mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes Point pointed I'd like to nominate uh or resolution I'd like to move sorry resolution 66 which nominates Robin Brower to alternate one seat on the planning board with a term of 1125 to 12 3126 second Council Goldberg um so before before we vote on that if just for discussion I um was very impressed with her when she interviewed and I would love to see her on um another board uh just and I discussed with Deputy Mayor um beler before just not not yet the planning board yeah for discussion I think when you I think it was you right who asked her a question during the interview how does she feel about development in town and I think she said she wasn't sure right no I'm not but I'm not picking on her that was the candidate though I think right I'm I'm I'm not meant to be negative at all no I'm trying to be negative either I'm just trying to remember people because I'm not seeing it on paper or in an email so I'm just trying to get the candidates correct yes that was the same person no she didn't say that she was not she wasn't certain about development she said she did not have a position either way in terms of see you know seeing um whether or not we were uh would move forward with certain um you know type of development like the question that came to her about the tools of development like AI R and so forth okay so that's what meant yeah so she thank you for clarifying that sure what was the second I'm sorry there was a it was a first oh you who was the first I'm I moved it thank you so much I'm very sorry uh councilwoman Goldberg no councilman Pagan no councilwoman G yes councilman Catz no Deputy Mayor beler yes deputy mayor or Morgan no mayor Schwarz yes defeated was there another person of the plan board that we wanted to nominate Alan yes Al okay that's resolution 67 was there a second that second okay for Allen s for just read it is for alterate one see to the plan board correct yes indeed roll call please this is councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes that be mayor beler yes that be mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes appointed check out 2018 filings think it's missing next I believe now to abcr yes oh Danielle froze give her a second oh that was nice oh and we need you know what while she gets back sorry if I can just Mr Green Mr Green I know you didn't make the V wanted to thank you on behalf of the township for all your hard work over the years thank thank thank you darl um um Dan i' like to move resolution oh Danielle one second I'm so sorry we got to extend the meeting again yes I'll make a motion to extend the meeting 30 minutes as you were Danielle sorry I'd like to move resolution 68 to nominate J Le Flores to a full member on The Advisory board for community relations 11125 to 12 3126 second second from councilwoman Goldberg councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes debie mayor beler yes de mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes appointed I'd like to move uh resolution 69 nominating Eric Sagal to a full member seat with a term of 11125 to 12 3126 just want to clarify so he's currently an alternate and we're moving him up correct thank you I second motion there was a first from councilwoman G second from councilwoman Goldberg councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman pan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes yes that mayor beler yes that mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes appointed I'd like to move resolution 70 uh nominating Wilbur McCullers to full member seat on The Advisory board for community relations 1125 to 12326 Second councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman cats yes Debbie M beler yes deput mayor organ yes mayor Schwarz yes appointed I'd like to move um that we nominate uh Leticia Garcia to a full member seat on The Advisory board for community relations 1125 at 12 3126 second Schwarz a third that one noted councilwoman Goldberg no council pan No councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes deput beler yes dep mayor Oregon yes mayor schw yes I think we've expired that list correct so uh the resolution which would have been 74 for Heidi fuches is now M moot okay and the rest of them were're done the rest no we still have more we still have more for abcr sorry Mark um there are no more uncontested seats though if we wanted to do a blanket right yeah yes that's what we said a blanket for uncontested that's great can I ask a question about I'm sorry can we move to one of the alternates I'd like to move that oh yes second that second I'll second that thank you which alternate for the record one or two it's one one I okay all right so let's do those next then so I'm going to move the current alternate one which is resolution 72 for leot mauda alternate one I'll second that councilwoman Goldberg no councilman pan No councilwoman G yes councilman cats I just want clarification because I thought we just first and seconded Heidi fukes um if we if we do leot we have a space for Heidi no but we do we have a motion in a second on Heidi already I don't know how that's okay then there's two people for alternate number one right now Heidi and leot I'm I'm a no for leot so that was a no from councilman cats Deputy Mayor beler yes Deputy Mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes so 72 passed for alternate one M do that that's a moot for the alternate one for Heidi fukes so can we go to the alternate two now I'd like to move Heidi for alternate number two second okay but again then that comes it needs to come after the uh resolution we already have so I'm moving first resolution 73 for sharuk aala for the alternate two seat second councilwoman Goldberg no councilman pan nope councilwoman G yes councilman cats uh no not because I know anything about sharuk but because I really want Heidi fuks was that a was that a yeah that was a no sorry Deputy Mayor Belair yes Deputy Mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz no sorry I'm a for shuk abadala May Mr Mayor shuk sorry this is sharuk yeah for I believe it failed already is that is that 4 to2 I think it failed no it did not fail it did not fail I'm I don't know sh is I'm sorry I'm going to seing this I apologize I I don't know who this is so was what was the vote count if he if heor I'm sorry Mr Mayor are you sure you followed that I did not and I don't actually recall this interview I apologize we had lengthy discussion on this Mr Mayor okay this is this is a she teaches this is the one that teaches at senic High School correct who volunteered at Ellie cat's Thanksgiving event thank you okay and she and by the way she was amazing at my event okay and came to another event but I'm not I I apologize I did interview okay so can you go my vote would be for her yes I'm sorry thank you so then it passes correct so then Heidi fukes does not get a spot on abcr correct okay now we go to council M can you continue sorry move resolution 75 uh nominating uh Lieutenant Daniel delesio to the police department member for the abcr second second councilman Goldberg yes Council Gan yes councilman G yes councilman Katz yes deut mayor beler yes that mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes appointed I move resolutions 76 through 115 uh nominating all the names we listed previously for all the uncontested seats on the remaining advisory boards as a reminder this does not include tck Municipal Alliance for against substance abuse which we tabled second wait I need to abstain on one of these so I could list it out I can tell you which one you need to abstain on it's the actually I can say which one I need to abstain on and also I would like to discuss the municipal open space trust and then I have a quick question Mr Mayor after that so start how you want start okay so can we pull resolution 102 which is Shay tree Advisory Board I think Debbie bear and can we also pull um M most which is resolution 81 82 83 and 84 okay so just pulling most and 102 yes 102 which is uh Debbie bear on the shade tree Advisory Board yeah I see that and youth Advisory Board oh sorry which one on the youth Advisory Board is uh I would like to just pull them all okay pull uh 112 113 114 115 okay um we handled abcr so I I I wonder if if we can act on the ones that are not contested works for me and I have a quick question Mr Mary just for our clerk yes Doug is there any way because you took notes on all our votes especially mine is there any way you can just take those votes and have me vote the same way this time around for all the same people that's not doable because that because we went through so many names I just I I totally understand and respect your logic I just don't want to make that call for you unfortunately I hope Mr Mr attorney would that be allowable or no I guess it's I just want to be consistent I just want to be consistent with how I voted and there were 57 people we understand I mean you vote how you want to vote I mean all right I I understand I understand your logic I I just want to make sure sure you're privy to the list and you know whatever you're comfortable with you you vote how you want to vote all right I just want to be consistent I totally understand see if that was allowable I totally understand where you're thank you all um so we are holding on most or pulling I'm sorry pulling most 102 which is Debbie and all of yab correct so then do you guys care if I just run down the list really quick of who we're talking about that is not being right now can we also go down stigma free and and pull that too bless you we will pull that was a big sneeze we will pull stigma free also what the sneeze all right so can I can I list out the ones that appear at this point to be uncontested that we might be able to do a blanket on okay so first up is hacken sack River Greenway Advisory Board James worm uh 1125 to 1231 26 Peter Goldman 1125 to 1231 26 Stephen Becker 1125 12136 if any of this sounds wrong Danielle or any other members of council just shout me out uh we have Fields Advisory Board a reappointed PPR liaison which is Miss Christina Pammy 1125 to 12 3126 skipping over most going to pprb uh we have Christina Pammy reappointed as co-chair 11252 3126 Avy Berliner is a reappointed member 1125 to 12 3126 Michael Rockin expired member 1125 12 3126 patriotic observance Advisory Board we have Lieutenant Colonel John mcgilchrist expired chair 1125 12 3126 poet Laurette Scott Pleasants 1125 12 3126 Mr Roosevelt Sills 1125 12 3126 for Pride Advisory Board we are looking at Deborah Gustin 1125 12136 12 3126 senior citizens Advisory Board we have Natalie Addison all all of these members that I'm about to say are 1125 to 1231 26 Natalie Addison wmia Jackson Lillian Lewis Sandy Loft wiita Brown and then we have resolution number 97 for Miss Janice Dorman for the open member position 1124 to 12312 we have shade tree Advisory Board excluding Debbie we have Nancy Cochran co-chair 1125 to 1231 126 Robbie langert 1125 12 3126 Zena Barrera 1125 12 3126 David straight alternate 1 1125 to 12 3126 skipping over Debbie skipping over sprb site plan review Advisory Board we have social services Advisory Board lawence Bernard expired member 11252 3126 and Tess tamasi for the chair position 1124 to 12 3125 um we pulled stigma free we pulled yab and we're not doing tasa right that's ni we're not doing tasa so that leaves everything that I just listed these are perceivably the uncontested seats that we might be able to do a blanket and I'll make a motion to approve those as listed thank you so much man' is there a second second second from C pleas Council Goldberg yes councilwoman yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yep deput mayor beler yes deput mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz we knocked all those reappointments out I believe we're down to youth Advisory Board uh we have I'm going to go through the list of what's left over we have all of most which is four members we have one member from shade tree we have three from sprb all of stigma free which is four yab which is four um maybe we could just go in order of the list that's in front of me it starts with most so on this I was told by the chairs that they didn't get a discuss who the pprb rep is going to be for most so I'm not sure why Libby Klein is is on here so I'd like to wait until the next most meeting and hold off on that and then come back with their recommendations since there liaison say that again I was told by the chairs of pprb that they did not get to discuss or vote on who they wanted the liaison to be and apparently there's multiple people on pprb that would like that spot so they are meeting next week I see Libby kle on here but I would like to let most uh pprb come back with their own votes for their Lea on to most but who chooses the Le Council position it is I just would like to give them the the agency so so I'll move I'll move the people on most there second that I'll second it for the vote can I ask a question on that to council M Goldberg sure on the motion when's the next meeting like will we have the same situation next week yep that's that's for the Lia that's the that's the next pprb meeting and I'm told that there's multiple people that are interested no but when's the next most of the next most meeting uh Fe right that's what you're concerned about just so I understand because on two most two most right so when's the next most Mee well yeah February 10th there you go and our next meeting is February 11th so Mr clerk can you please Mr Mayor I have a question for uh uh councilwoman Goldberg I'm curious as to why no one raised their hand when the seat had been open for months no one raise their hand to show interest prior to today I can't answer that but I will ask the the board next meeting Mr clerk can you please call the names please and it's a motion was there a second I believe from you yeah thank you are we moving to proceed with the appointment or are we moving to table it this is a moving to proceed with the appointments got councilwoman Goldberg yes on AI ysep and John no on councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes deut mayor beler yes deput mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes all right uh most taken care of we have Debbie Bahar on shade tree Advisory Board resolution 102 this is reappointing alternate 2125 12 3126 motion approve second Schwarz councilwoman Goldberg abstain councilman Pagan yes councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yes deput mayor Belcher yes deput mayor Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes Debbie's reappointed we have our site plan review Advisory Board resolutions three resolutions for David Ohana three-year term Michael stock one-year term Jonathan zakim for an architect member make a motion Schwarz second second from deputy mayor beler council Goldberg yes councilman pan Stein councilwoman G yes councilman Catz yeah Debbie May beler yes Debbie May Oregon yes mayor Schwarz yes sprb is taken care of now we're on the stigma free this is Jose Xenon Alex cbone Willie thoron and Ayah I make a motion second Schwarz councilwoman Goldberg um no on Jose and Alaba and yes on Alex and Willie councilman Pagan no councilwoman G yes T councilman Catz yes tall deut mayor Belcher yes to all deput mayor Oregon yes to all mayor Schwarz yes to all taking care of on stigma free last but not least we have youth Advisory Board the number one Advisory Board in town just making a footnote I think we have some open are you you making a motion sorry no I I didn't know if stanie may I mean if um councilman Ellie wanted to say anything further about youth Advisory board if not I'd like to make a motion to are there any contest seat what were the names again I'll repe the names there was the contested seat with Mr Gregory Cooper and you you guys took them out so the names please Dwayne Harley reappointment Shay Lewis reappointment um priscilia Hawks to an expired member position and Kevin Gibbs uh open member position as well motion Schwarz second G councilwoman Goldberg yes on Hawks and Gibbs no on Harley and Lewis councilman Pagan no on Mr Harley no on Mr Lewis yes to the other two councilwoman G yes to all councilman Catz yes to all Deputy Mayor Belcher yes to all Deputy Mayor Oregon no on Mr Lewis yes to the rest mayor Schwarz yes all adopted okay so those are our appointments um I will be working through those resolutions I will be going over it again to make sure that we were all correct thank you Mr Clerk and thank you Miss G and everybody else yes thank you all forus and diligence that was grueling but we got it done um but we're not done yet folks because we still have seven ordinances to introduce can we I just want to discuss Seven 8 and nine we can actually question we can't hear anything sorry my apologies my mic is off Mr attorney the process again remind me I ask it often on introduction how does that work on instruction the ordinance is can be read read by name only whether there's any discussions up to the chair and discussion is afterwards it's written right here though mayor to inquire as to whether any council member wishes to comment upon the motion to yeah it's think agend rules right okay okay please go ahead and start the reading first up and you know what while we're here I want to clarify actually because we had a brief disc discussion about this um and the busy agendas of the planning board coming up we have seven8 and nine which required planning board referral I just want uh sorry just seven and eight not nine seven and eight the Redevelopment plans I just want uh Council to be aware that we will not be seeing these next meeting to account for that referral timeline we'll be seeing them on February 25th um and that is I believe the only ordinance this evening where that is the case sorry about that ordinance number 72025 this evening we are considering an adoption of an amended Redevelopment plan and furtherance of the Redevelopment of block 5004 Lot 4 100 State Street as shown on the tax map of the township tin accs the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 48 12-1 sequential we have ordinance 8- 2025 adopting an amended Redevelopment plan and furtherance of the Redevelopment of block 5 4 lot one 140 State Street as shown on the tax map of the township at teac in accordance with local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 48 common co uh colon 12 A-1 we have ordinance -225 authorizing the acquisition by purchase or condemnation the property known as block 4703 lot 3 commonly known as 1084 Road for open space we have ordinance number 10225 amending section 36- 111.2 CH 36 town code adding restricted on street parking spaces for handicap on 751 palisad AB we have ordinance number 11225 amending the township code to revise parking laws on Fort Lee Road and Perry Lane we have ordinance number 12225 amending Township Code to revise prohibited parking laws on Perry Lane and overp Terrace we have ordinance number 13-22 establishing a permanently disabled veterans tax exemption in the township mayor County those are our make a motion to approve all for theod Mr Mayor I wanted to discuss seven8 and nine please there a second second com after V first disc a second and then discussion then vote okay because we need we need to effectively move all the ordinances so they're out in the open for Council to discuss precedence of motions right there was a motion is there a second yeah I I seconded to discuss cool three ordinances question so on seven and eight um I just want to say that the ordinances say that it references a 2017 master plan and supposedly we're about to pass 2025 24 I don't know what year we're on master plan so I just don't know if we pass if we introduce this now do topology and the attorney have to do any reworks of this so I would like to make a motion to table this until the next meeting assuming that the master plan is done so that way it can be consistent with the 2025 master plan well I think there's a question to the attorney first but this has been tabled for years Mr attorney the question is it's referencing 2017 but when it gets sent over what is I think you hear the question why you well what I would say is that you my understand my understanding of that is that it's just a um say is a reference because that's that's what's in existence now but when if a master plan is adopted in the meantime the numbers can be updated as essentially a describers error sort of thing excellent yeah okay so does it h what if there's any inconsistencies between the 2017 and 2025 master plan at that point if there are any consistencies and then any changes would need to be done then I would say at that point that the the council could we could make the changes and reintroduce it from there if if there are any that's what I'm saying doesn't it make sense to table it let the master plan pass and then make sure it's consistent and have to delay introduce what like it just it delays the process I think I think either way it would still get whether they're if if it gets introduced for the first time after the master plan or has to get reintroduced after the master plan either way it would still on be the same time same time schedule so if if there are no changes then this it gets us this adopted a meeting ahead of schedule but if there are changes to it or we have to reintroduce it either way it's still going wouldn't go into effect until the next the next meeting my question would be is it cleaner to to wait or is it so that I mean we're just close I'm gonna wait my problem is if we wait and the master plan doesn't get passed for the next month because there's are this that or the other thing we're delaying both so I'm gonna whenever the vote goes I'm going to vote that we move this now and if we have to change it great but unfortunately the tendency with this plan master plan has been that to have that delayed so I I don't want to delay this in case that it's delayed so I'll be voting to introduce this all right well I still made a motion to table so there's a motion to table as a second table the RO and I'm sorry was this for just one ordinance seven and eight for seven and eight motion to table from councilwoman Goldberg was there a second on that from a second from councilman Pon going down the role to table seven and8 until after master plan adoption right so it's cons assistant and if there's any updates yeah uh so after master plan adoption table first from Council Goldberg second from Pagan councilwoman Goldberg yes councilman pan yes councilwoman G no she's there sorry I'm here just I couldn't get the mute button fast enough um yes councilman cats no deputy mayor May beler no that be mayor Oregon no mayor Schwarz no I'll make a motion to pass ordinance number seven and eight second seven and eight you want sorry all of them so well all them I apolog all them yes uh for all them there was a motion from mayor Schwarz a second from Deputy Mayor Oregon to introduce all councilwoman Goldberg no councilman pan no no we're doing all of them right no on ordinance number seven no on ordinance I think it's only seven and eight no no he did all them it's all three no on ordinance number eight no on ordinance number nine and yes to the rest Mr clerk yes yeah councilwoman Goldberg it's for all the ordinances on for introduction this evening so then I want to I'm a no on 78 and n and a yes on the rest but no on 789 you got it councilman on one no on seven no on eight no on nine yes on the rest sir you got it councilwoman G yes councilman Catz abstain on seven and eight and yes on the rest Debbie beler I'm gonna abstain on seven and eight he yes to AR Deputy Mayor Oregon uh no on nine yes to the rest May Schwarz yes and all can you tell us what the vote T is on all those please oh yeah um I I we had nose from councilman Goldberg councilman Gan uh we we we had a strange outlay here I'm very sorry we had uh I I I don't think seven and eight got introduced I don't think seven and eight got introduced why is that what was the vote tally each one go through the vote tally sorry chrisy did you have tallies can I see them T's got kind of screwed up two knows two abstains three yeses on our intros and what do you need so wait was that for seven or for eight for seven and eight just for seven and eight so seven and eight are not introduced everything else to introduc yes majority and nine what was nine nine was introduced and can you read the votes of who knows and who abstained yes councilman Goldberg and councilman NOS for seven and eight the abstains were there gonna be a kln caty mayor beler yes mayz uh g g Mr Mayor yes yeah oh you got something yeah no for the record I think that the zoning subcommittee did a great job on these two on these two properties um I just um want to make sure that I don't have a conflict with distance so I'm going to use the time to speak to uh the attorney and and uh see if I have any uh distance uh or conflict issues and who is the other exstension may just wasn't clear as to what Scott was saying about um us voting now as opposed to waiting until the master plan were to be introduced and correct me if I'm wrong Mr attorney but on a um Redevelopment plan do you need a super majority for a Redevelopment plan don't you need greater than four it's just introd at this part yeah but even for an I'm just wondering if it's possible for ad so will ince the clerk is gunning for my job he's correct yeah but Kristen's taking mine so you know it for the forever now does an exstension go with the majority or only when I'm not part of I'm sorry I was does the exstension go with the majority or no we've heard that countless times yeah I'm trying to remember now because we we when we Chang overt a motion meeting the meeting for five minutes second okay I believe the we've always been told that exension goes with the majority so that's 3 to two and then we should all go take a road trip and stare at those two disgusting laughs for a little bit yeah that's correct I trying I was trying to remember if there were any changes that once we adopt the Robert's Rules but I don't believe there are for that so I believe you're you're correct I what correct I'm correct so they introduced exension goes with a majority yeah that's my a motion to adjourn I can double check me no we don't have Robert's Rules we have Mark's rules right um you know Robert council members cats and G don't fall asleep I thought we adjourned oh no yeah for you talking the midnight this is yeah yes you're right because it's introduction it's majority majority of the quum of those present so uh what majority so they they need four vs for intruction all right you have an update okay section 220 of the uh toship code says that uh adoption of ordinances require majority of all members of the council but this is not the adoption of the ordinance uh this is the introduction and that in those instances all those votes must be passed by an affirmative vote of majority of a quorum of those present so essentially the uh the if you're abstaining it doesn't it doesn't count either way you still need four votes regardless majority I would say that an abstention is not a quum where those present right break my break let me just processes yes yeah no I don't I don't think that's right otherwise there's no well it's it's no because the for the adoption it's all members of the council regardless of who's here or not you know if there are four of you here you it's still a majority so you still you still need all four people on on on adoption uh that's just that's just what it but whereas for for introduction it's based on the Quorum so unless I guess unless those you one who who who are abstaining want to leave and then we want to leave uh literally the room then no an exstension is just not it's not a vote that's a recusal is is is like a present vote can we I mean I think this is like a really I don't even know what we're doing there was a vote I suppose another another op be you can do it you can do a motion you a motion reconsider recuse and redo it I'm just going to go out well I'm think have procedurally I can't make an announcement you know after the after the meeting as to what what the result was I my interpretation would be that that you need still you would still need four votes without any recusals with everyone here you would still need four votes for to pass absolutely 100% there was 10 votes Danielle and Ellie you guys are free to go seven and eight did not get introduced we will be seeing them again for introduction on February 11th thanks Doug bye get home safe I'm gonna I'll call you Ellie and Danielle because it's a little loud in here did we make a motion to adjourn we did Ellie okay okay