##VIDEO ID:nbYIgJVtmhA## e you for e e sh two sh one to hello Doug Jack one two can you hear me check one two can you hear me test test one two I can hear you can you hear me ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen can I please he attention can I please have your attention we're about to begin the meeting so can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance it pledge allegiance thank you Mr clerk we have a quorum and call this meeting to order at 8:04 PM can you please call the role councilman Schwarz here councilwoman voucher here Council Goldberg here councilman Oregon here Deputy Mayor Catz here Deputy Mayor G here mayor Pagan here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by resolution number 299 2023 sending a copy to the newspapers official designated for 2024 by way of resolution number 22024 finding a copy in the township clerk's office and posting on the municipal building bulletin board and the mayor hereby directs this statement be included in the minutes thank you Mr clerk good evening and welcome everyone to tonight's council meeting Township Administration president at tonight's meeting are Jacqueline hashmat our Township manager Doug ruson our Township Clerk who is on tonight via Zoom Scott salmon our Township attorney Christen denor our Deputy Township Clerk and Ron Goodman our volunteer cable caster for The public's information we are currently holding a hybrid format meeting we have people in person and on Zoom if our Wi-Fi at the municipal building has an issue where the zoom meeting drops we will aim to retrieve the connection and restart the meeting the next televis regular council meeting is November 12th and it begins at 600 p.m. with the public portion of that meeting beginning at 700 p.m. that is a change the public portion of that meeting starts at 7 p.m. there will be an Arbor Day tree planning in honor of former manager Dean kazinski on Wednesday OCT oo sorry October 30th at 1 p.m. on the municipal green and we invite you all to please join us uh Tuesday November 5th is election day polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. early voting opens at the Rota Center on Saturday October 26th until Sunday November 3rd the schedule is from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Council met in closed session earlier this evening to discuss the following contracts the potential sale of Township property Personnel issues the New Jersey Department of Transportation Route 4 project Municipal fees the council meeting schedule legal issues and opinions regarding items on the Open Session agenda litigation updates and opra our first order of business this evening is the swearing in of our new Deputy Township manager Anthony Burley miss hashmat the floor is yours ma'am for good evening Council residents and colleagues can you hear me the search for a deputy City ma Deputy Township manager is one that needed to be taken seriously I focused on my sense of trust and dedicated work ethic as a baseline for finding the right person to fulfill this role while I myself am still learning about many as aspects of this Township I am confident that Mr verley is just as committed to guiding our community in the right direction it is my great privilege to introdu introduce Anthony verley retired fire chief chief of tenek and newly appointed Deputy Township manager he brings a wealth of knowledge experience and integrity to this important role along with many other accomplishments he served in the Teek fire department for over 30 years and was chief of the department from 2010 to 2018 with an extensive background in leadership he will be a great assistant to me as we explore Innovative improvements and navigate complex challenges that being said I would like to call up Mr Anthony verley and his family members to provide the oath of office what's your name I Anthony Burley do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of New Jersey bear true faith that will bear true faith and allegiance to the same estblished until the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and that will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of Deputy Township manager according to the best of my abilities so help me God I'd now like to introduce our new Township man uh Deputy Township manager to say a few words uh good evening everyone uh manager Council good to see some of you hello to the members I have not met yet hope to meet you soon I started my service in EK in 1987 uh we moved here in 1979 from the Bronx and EK has always been very good to me and I've tried to do the best I could for Tek as a volunteer animals Corp member As A Firefighter and then fire chief it's my pleasure to serve before and it's my pleasure to serve you again and I will do the best I can to do make te the best town thank you very much wait Mr Bley Mr Bley don't go yet don't go yet uh Council Karen would you like to go first go first um I absolutely would you're not going to get away um so Anthony and I used to ride on the Ambulance Corp on Tuesday nights Tuesday night sleeping So for anybody that's worried about the train in town we literally slept on top of it um he was my partner and um when I called him this week or he called me I told him I was trying to think of um stories that I could tell about him that would embarrass him just enough but not too much uh when I heard that he was thinking about taking the job I uh bit my my lip because I I didn't want to uh tell the manager just have excited I was at the possibility of him coming on board as our Deputy manager uh between Ellie Mark and myself and Eric we have um probably close to 150 years of friendship and service with Anthony and so we know him um inside and out as a friend um but as somebody with empathy somebody who is unfl flappable and when um I heard that the decision has been made and I have not actually heard of a bad decision that Jackie has made since she's been here um I was so excited so here are my two stories um there is an area on the highway where Route 95 hits Route 80 it's called tanker turn every firefighter knows it and every ambulance member knows it um because that's where the big trucks fall down and uh my worst ambulance call out of my thousands was when a truck carrying compressed garbage fell over onto a Jeep um they dispatched us and then they canceled our call uh there were three uh passengers in the Jeep who um were killed and um burnt and uh they were taken out by the fire department one at a time and somebody told the medical examiner my name I was very young at the time and as they removed each person he called Karen and I had to come and open up the body bag so so that he could take a picture and um it sent me back weeks and Anthony knew that and um he called me he took me out um he spoke to me and he made sure that I was okay and he did this day after day um knowing how hard this was for me until I was better he is um a teacher he is empathetic he is a friend and uh anybody who works in town will benefit from this from him the unflappable part of him we were on a call one day we were carrying a gentleman down the stairs uh the Ambulance Corp has a piece of equipment called a stair chair um it it's a chair so that the patient can can sit up it has uh handles on top and handles on the bottom I I don't know why I was on top because the stronger person is supposed to be on top and I was Stronger then than I am now but not stronger than you you were on the bot botom and the gentleman that we were carrying had a prosthetic leg and it detached and flew down the stairs past you and you didn't budge you you didn't you just continued carrying the person down the stairs and we took them to the hospital and he got the treatment that he needed and so um I know in my heart that you your speech was very short and did not represent a fraction of what we're going to get from you you were my vice president when I was president of the Ambulance Corp so I know what you're like as a number two I know what you're like as a deputy I am so happy that you're transitioning from a a former fire chief to a deputy manager I know all that you will bring to the township and I'm so happy that you're coming on board welcome back thank you thank you so much thank you Miss Oregon Miss Goldberg I'm just gonna be very quick and and say welcome and and I'm very excited to work with you thank you thank you Miss Goldberg Miss Belcher yes uh Anthony um it's a pleasure to have you on board as Deputy manager uh I think you bring a lot of institutional knowledge that um we keep hearing about and I'm super excited uh that you have selected um Tek to to be um your next um chapter thank you thank you thank you Miss beler Mr Catz you know I'm not sure who's more excited tonight Anthony for getting the job or his wife Donette who does an amazing job with pscg who is no longer going to be getting my phone call CU I heard tck is no longer her territory so I heard I heard there was champagne being passed around but I wasn't sure for which reason I've I have known Anthony since I'm 15 years old and I was told that I'm not allowed to tell the stories about him and lad Ty me up in Reeves and throwing me into the park maybe they should have done it a little more According to some of the residents here um but I really want to direct my comments to our manager um and I want to say to her that you know we were very fortunate with Tom row he was a real professional he was no nonsense and he really let the manager be uh the manager didn't overshadow in any way and he got things done you have that in Anthony Burley he is No Nonsense um you know there's probably not too many people in town that know every single Street and every single Rock and every the history of every single building with the exception of maybe Larry Robertson and Anthony verley you know he was being very modest when he said that uh he was on the Ambulance Corp he ran the Ambulance Corp but to be more specific he ran the rig maintenance and the ambulances wouldn't run had it not been for his dedication the hours and hours that he'd be driving it all over the state to get it uh repaired taken care of all the functions that you don't see when you pick up the phone and you get an amazing ambulance core 365 days a year 24 hours a day um the ambulance is there and the ambulance is there because of volunteers and hard workers like Anthony verley so your passion and your sincerity um are going to only benefit every single resident and every single employee of this town um it's a position where um the employees have to trust the person on the other side of the table working with them on HR issues and I think and I know it's given x a your background and B your personality is that something that you're going to bring to the table exceptionally well so congratulations and I wish you a lot of success thank you so much than you Mr cats Mr Schwarz I think I saw your hand up Mr Schwarz yes um having known Anthony for 22 years and I Echo everything Ellie said about the non nonsense I just want to tell one quick story about his managerial style um Anthony was always in charge of I guess of of giving the test to the drivers and having been a driver um and I took the test with Anthony everyone always says when you're taking the test with Anthony he will block the mirrors and there you are you're nervous your driver trainer is right there and you don't want to say to this very senior guy excuse me you're blocking the mirror but he's blocking the mirror because he wants to make sure you're assertive enough to tell him move but the word was out that that's what you had to do so I got to cheat sheet on that and I'm like excuse me sir back up please and I pass the test so with that I look forward to anon's um um or chief earle's um assumption assession to the deputy manager and as I say to every um person I hope your inbox has quite a bit of data available so we can fill it up with all the emails you know Tom R was excellent in getting the town's residents uh needs taken care of that was always his thing he always took care of everything the town residents needs so the manager can run the town you know more internally and um with that I look forward to a collaborative relationship that'll benefit everyone in town welcome back Anthony thank you thank you Mr Schwarz Miss G um it's so nice to meet you finally we're so excited to have you on board I know we haven't worked together yet but I'm very excited to get to know you better um one of the things that Tom row gave us all when we started working with him was his cell phone number so we hope you'll share that as well and we're very excited to call you as much as we call Jackie um and then I just want to say thank you to your family for sharing um Anthony with us we are very grateful I know it's going to be a long hours and it's a long commitment but you have such strong ties to the community already I know you'll step right into this role and be really successful and the last thing I'll say is I think my son's gonna want your guys uh Roblox handle over there but welcome to the team thank you thank you Miss G Mr verley you've done so much for EK over the years over the decades in several different capacities and we thank you so so very much for everything that you've done for tck and by accepting this role you're going to do even more for tck so from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the 42,000 residents who call tinac thank you for doing this thank you for being a part of our team again thank you for accepting this role and we look forward to having you and please don't ever hesitate to reach out to us if there's anything we can ever do to help you or Miss hashmat and congratulations sir thank you mayor and our next order of business is a proclamation for Arbor Day so I'm going to ask the shade tree Advisory Board to please meet me at the podium so we have a proclamation that we're going to read into the record and I'm going to ask if one of the ladies from the shade tree Advisory Board would be kind enough to speak and if more than one of you want to speak that's A2 so the proclamation reads whereas in 1872 J Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees and whereas this holiday called Arbor Day was first observed with the planting of more than 1 million trees in Nebraska and whereas Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world and whereas trees can reduce the erosion of our precious top soil by wind and water cut Heating and Cooling costs moderate the temperature clean the air produce life-giving oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife and whereas trees are a renewable resource giving us paper wood for our homes fuel for our fires and countless other wood products and whereas trees in our town increase property values enhance the economic Vitality of business areas and beautify our community and whereas trees wherever they are planted are a s source of joy and spiritual renewal now therefore I Michael Pagan mayor of the township of EK do hereby Proclaim October 30th 2024 as Arbor Day in the township of EK instead of the traditional month of April to recognize our shade tree advisory board's tree planting event at the Town Hall Municipal green at 1: pm. where the group will plant the tree in honor and this is where the kicker is in honor of former Township manager Dean kazinski further I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladen the heart and promote the well-being of this and future Generations now let's never forget that we are Tree City USA and I'm going to hand this where to you to you because we have co-chairs I get a little confused sometimes as to who would and if you wouldn't mind saying a few words and then we'll ask Council if they want to say something too Robbie thank you please tell them who you arek sure okay we good okay thank you mayor and Council uh without being repetitive because you said just about everything that I have written here but I'll say it again so people don't forget it's my honor and pleasure to accept this Proclamation for EK ARB 2024 sponsored by the shade Tre Advisory Board ARB day will take place Wednesday October 30th at 1: p.m. on the EK Town Hall Municipal green everyone please join us we will be planting a tree to honor Dean kazinski who served EK for over 40 years all are welcome plant trees thank you okay good does anyone on Council want to know anything no Miss Oregan remember this is for Dean this is for Dean we're planting a nice tree 1:00 on the 30th on the municipal green I can't think of a more appropriate place to plant a tree for a more wonderful person thank you ladies thank you thank you Council can we please give the shade tree Advisory Board one more round of applause because they do a lot to help maintain Tree City with all right our next order of business is work session items first up miscellaneous does anyone on Council have anything for miscellaneous Miss goldbert um I would like to [Music] um yes go ahead Miss gold are you going to say something about the fields Advisory Board yes maybe concerning Mr opaa sorry a moment not yes um Michael opaa for the field Advisory board for the Lancers I will second that thank you Mr clerk did you catch that can you clarify the term is it two years one two years yeah is two years yes two years and yes that's a micel praya for the Lancer position in the fields Advisory Board correct thank you Mr Clerk anybody have anything else under miscellaneous is any I'm sorry go ahead Miss Belcher all Reed and I thought maybe it was uh timely uh this is from Jose zanan uh regarding a uh November in our November meeting he's requesting that his the Boy Scouts of America Teck Club Scouts Pack 171 um come to um to open session on in November and sounds great we can invite them to come out because they're learning Civic their civic responsibility everybody's okay with that right Miss goldbert yeah I had a quick question I I really love the idea I actually thought that was great I'm glad that he's bringing back the Cub Scouts I know we're having the um uh Stop and Shop meeting before did they want to come after or do they want to do it on a separate day just so it's we all ask Doug to reach out to him to see what works best with the schedule Mr clerk did you catch that yeah absolutely I I I think we could fit them in um 7 o'clock but we we we'll catch up about it it be short and sweet okay thank you Miss Bel absolutely anybody else got anything under miscellaneous does anyone on Council have anything under old business and I'm sorry Mr Schwarz I don't have my glasses on in case you have sir I'll yell accordingly I'm not bful all right thank you sir all right moving on does anyone have anything under new business yeah Mr Mayor yes Miss Goldberg um so I just wanted to kind of bring to the council's attention uh so New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has the sorry the protecting against climate threats rules that they have been proposing since August this past August um and they're expected to be implemented in the summer of 2025 it's a very dense document but um they are new regulations that are going to be designed for flood protection storm water management and help municipalities with climate change um and there's going to be a significant amount of requirements um for all municipalities and I think the bigger stuff affects more of the shore towns but there are going to be changes for Teck and given the size of the projects and the extens extensiveness of them I wanted to see if everyone's okay if one I'm going to have the environmental commission take a look at the document over the next few meetings and and kind of help us get ahead of it and then also ask the manager to work with engineering um to look at any of our current projects and make sure that they're going to be in compliance um and also there's $20 million in Grant funds for this uh from the D that I saw on the league of municipalities website um so I just wanted to kind of get ahead of this because it's going to be a lot of requirements and expensive requirements so is everyone okay that we get ahead of it okay with that thanks thank you Miss Goldberg does anyone have anything else for new business moving along does anyone have anything for [Music] communications no moving along next order of business committee reports by Council leaon anyone Mr Mr manager Mr Mayor yes Mr Schwarz yes just a few quick updates um there and still we have not had a zoning subcommittee meeting so there's nothing to report on that um as it relates to budget subcommittee we continue to drill down and you know work on some Financial alternatives for next year as it relates to poti potentially sewer billing changes and whatnot ahead of an anticipated increase next year that we hope to be able to minimize thank you Mr Schwarz Miss Belcher yeah just an update the um Teek historic preservation uh commission we met in our last meeting and uh we have uh really looking at exploring some really exciting ideas that um we will be sharing in terms of um you know markers throughout town I can report that many of our proper prop owners have agreed and to allow markers on their properties so um you know we're really doing a great job I should say DPW is doing a great job as well as the historic preservation Commission in terms of um installing the markers throughout Town um the only other um update is the Chamber of Commerce um is hosting their fund uh raiser event uh we encourage everyone to look at on their website and uh also I just want to mention that um uh the stigma free uh Advisory Board is Def definitely in need of um support in terms of new members uh and I would just kind of like open it up to the community that anyone that has a interest and concern about um mental health to consider that Advisory Board um we certainly have some uh really great things that they're doing in terms of uh awareness and so forth so uh if you have an interest in in uh serving please do uh reach out to our our uh clerk Township Clerk thank you thank you Miss beler for bringing it up and we'll actually ask our clerk too to maybe put something on the website and maybe to put out a blast does anyone I just wanted to there's I think there's a significant amount of um openings that I think the clerk posted on the website I mean a lot so I would encourage the public to apply I think every board I don't the clerk can probably double check let's ask the clerk to maybe just last maybe yeah yeah there is there is something on the website right now and there are vacancies in a lot of boards and also terms expiring in all of our boards and we're always encouraging people to apply I know that the Personnel subcommittee is gearing up for interviews also thank you Mr clck and Mr Schwarz I think I saw you raise your hand yes just um the CED management I'm sorry I didn't committee meet report um just a reminder that the Halloween event will start on cedarlane and then we'll have the block party on Larch Avenue I believe there will be some email going out about that but it's something we started or we joined up with baguna several years ago where March CH will be shut down for one big Halloween party so please mark your calendars thank you Mr Schwarz anyone else next item Council listed items nothing listed there so we're going to move on to our Township manager's report miss hashmat the floor is yours ma'am thank you mayor and good evening Council and Township residents first I would like to remind everyone to sign up for Township alerts we do have a tab on our front page of the website it actually is labeled sign up for Township alerts this will um encourage you to sign up for nixel onol for rooc calls website email blasts Facebook Instagram and Twitter are all options this will allow us to communicate even better with all of you for any emergency updates or even just Township alerts um our next council meeting um I know the mayor already mentioned November 12th is scheduled for 6 a.m. close session and the public portion is at 700 p.m. uh our leaf pickup schedule is underway our um trucks are um are being delivered to the DPW tomorrow uh we are doing the same pickup as last year separated by zones um and it seemed to work out well last year from what everyone has told me so we are following that same schedule so that that will start this week tree plantings uh the replacement trees we have ordered over 60 trees um those trees are being delivered this week as well so you're going to see some of these replacement trees getting planted over the next few weeks thank you to our environmental commission DPW and all 40 plus volunteers for organizing and participating in our recent cleanup day I look forward to working with them on some additional requests such as adding a third cleanup event in 2025 and also adding additional signage in some areas where we have some litter is issues the Cedar Lane Paving project has been been updated the Ada ramps and concrete work is now scheduled the week of October 21st Paving is tentatively scheduled for the first week of November proper signage notification and Detour detours will be in place as I continue to share updates we ask for your patients while they complete this very big project on a very busy road um but I will keep you as informed as possible a robo call will go out for the actual Paving um because that is when the detours will be in place right now the concrete work will be only on the corners ten will be hosting flu clinics this fall for Teek residents only standard and high dose will be available I encourage you to look at the flyer on our website and social media for all the specifics meet your poll workers event is coming up on October 30th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in council chambers meet your neighbors and fellow poll workers before election day our grant task force met last week and we had a productive meeting discuss meeting discussing um the township needs our grant writer is researching some options for our historic preservation commission as well as other Township department needs my goal is to meet every month so that we can use as much funding as possible to make as many upgrades and improvements within the community I also met with the historic preservation commission which C councilwoman belra also mentioned um and we are looking into some updates um on pomander walk as well as the historic markers have been confirmed as ordered for Continental coolage Feld Hawthorne and Sagamore Parks our annual toy drive is scheduled for November 15th to December 13th drop off locations will be listed and we are going to have a holiday gathering for family pickup which will be scheduled on December 19th at the Roa Center more details will be to will be um on our website soon I do have a grant update I'd like to share we received a Bergen County cdbg Grant award for Maple Avenue improvements in the amount of $139,000 3 $39,375 798 for 13 bulletproof vests from the US Department of Justice some project updates I'd like to share the VOE Park tennis court lights have been delivered and the project is underway the courts are currently closed until further notice the voy Park restroom project is slightly delayed and delivery is now in mid November the Bell Avenue drainage project design phase and bios swells is underway final survey review is pending by the EPA and the township has a compensation payment of $120,000 for the sagore park diversion permit on the bill list tonight the official Grant award has not been received in hand but I'm actively communicating with them there are some administrative delays Hemlock Terrace Paving is officially completed this will now close out our 2023 three Road resurfacing project heric Park project update the drainage and grading grading has now been completed the layout of the fields is underway over the next few weeks the prefab bathrooms are also scheduled for delivery in mid November and the splash pad um and playground delivery dates are still pending weather permitting um we hope to have this project completed by the spring the Palisade Avenue Improvement project went out to bid and the award is listed on tonight's meeting weather permitting we are hoping to pave this year some additional um updates on our roadways um Grayson and Prince I know this has been a topic for the last two meetings I'm happy to report that we have in installed a No Parking here to Corner sign at the northwest corner we have also painted the curb line yellow and the Shrubbery has been trimmed in this area by the residents this should alleviate the uh reported sight line issues in that area Decor was awaiting the do to come out and um and uh repurpose the signage and make it make the signage a little bit more visible they have reported out to take care of that the only thing they are waiting for is to paint the lines so I will monitor that and let you know when that's complete EV charging stations was brought up last meeting um by councilman Schwarz um I am in conversations with Jolt I do have a proposal um that's on that is being reviewed for location cost comparison and install and maintenance plan I will update at the November 12th meeting as to where we are with that I also have a friendly reminder to check both sides of your mail and ballots and vote for the most referendum uh we rely on this funding uh for for uh much of much needed upgrades to our open space that's all I have for tonight thank you mayor thank you miss hashmat our next order of business is the township attorney's report Mr sammon I have nothing tonight Mr Mayor thank you Mr shmon and that case we have no adoption of ordinances so our next order of business is good and Welfare any member of the public wishing to be heard this time will be called on and will state their names for the record comment shall be limited to 3 minutes per person if you are on Zoom please list your first name and your last name so our clerk can call on you and please turn your camera on when speaking thank you I hear a baby in the audience so I'm going to offer her first if she would like to speak thank you Miss hashmat for the brief update but I was truthfully oh sorry I should have started go ahead just St your for the record a me a resident at 884 Bell Avenue one of the many people whose basements is regularly flooding because we're waiting for more progress and so I'd love to know details of what's actually happening and what this administrative holdup is and if there's a way to work around it and actually progress forward in hopes that we're not really a year and a half from getting these holding tanks in thank you Miss weberg Miss Khan thank you rishma Khan long-term resident of tenk good evening Council in the last two months we have had some terrific block parties around Teek it has been a great celebration of our diversity so thank you to those who were able to stop by we also want to especially thank our fire department they came out with their fire trucks and it was very entertaining for the children and some adults uh this is how tenex should be so I encourage all neighborhood associations to uh you know it's a very easy process to get the block party permit um and Doug's team works with you flawlessly also uh shout out for our new town manager thank you Miss hashmat couple of Resident inquiries that were sent to you were managed so seamlessly so thank you for that um and some point in the near future hoping to see argon Park on that list of uh improvements because we've also been discussing that within our committees thank you good night thank you Miss Khan the lady in the second row yes ma'am Cena Maron 274 Grace and praise good evening Township manager can you speak a little closer to the microphone please thank you sorry about good evening Township manager and council members here I am again I'm sure you remember me from last year I I am here to ask you again for your support to bring new life to our Greenhouse last year we were happy and grateful to have monies approved for a new roof Dan your engineer informed us that the basic structure was not sound enough for a new roof now we hope that you will include when it comes to the budget in include an item for a new Greenhouse hopefully your grand Riders will be successful in obtaining governmental and or corporate grants to reduce a total total amount necessary the greenhouse is an important hub for our community it it is a place where young and old are getting together to learn and follow the love of gardening you can find more information about our Garden Club at www Garden Club of te or for subsequent meetings uh different speakers would like to inform you about activities we provide for different school age groups as you can see the Greenhouse is brimming with lots of activities and all is done on a voluntary basis we have many talented members who share their expertise and give back to the community this year once again we are participating in decorating a room at the Skylands in New Jersey Botanical Gard for their yearly fundraiser the theme this year is the guilded age by participating in this effort tck will receive additional recognition our latest activity is the installation of the brand new Kazo in the beautifully formed Garden formal Garden at the east of the greenhouse hopefully the township will thank you Miss with the insulation your time is up man and we are going to help and we'll respond after good war and thank you so much for bringing this to our attention Christina mson M A CK n s c n thank you uh anyone else in Chambers sir uh am Raman T resident don't worry no fences tonight uh I'd just like to request an update on the uh Holocaust and enslaved African memorials has there been any progress made on these memorials I know from the Felman Awards we saw just at the last meeting I felt the unity in this room and I know it meant a lot to the council so I'd like to request the council take action and get these monuments built so I guess I'm asking what is that process where are we and what is the road map to actually getting these built you know maybe a nice scant chart from the township manager would help now with regards to next year's budget what does the uh forecast look like is there anything the council can share with us at the moment what kind of shortfalls are we looking at I'm looking for kind of hard numbers and how far along are we with the master plan do we have a date for adopting I know there's still some open comments so it's just a quick followup thank you thank you amirit Dr Powers I'd like to begin with uh appreciation to the manager and to the rest of the council for finding as able a deputy manager as Anthony rley is going to be all of us who know him know about his skills seeing those now spread across the broader man managerial uh area will be extraordinary to watch because he will add significantly to the executive capabilities that uh our new administrative team has I'm completely in the dark about what is going to happen on November 12th somehow there's going to be a meeting uh involving uh whether or not it's Beverly and American Legion drive or just American Legion Drive and what is it and will the public have any kind of information provided to it or are we going to do what we did have done for the last several meetings which is have a public show up with No Agenda whatsoever available ahead of time please do that where are we on 1600 River Road we had hope were told in March that we had a design being completed sometime in late spring and now we've heard nothing about it since except that somehow we're going to try to talk to the county about Leonia bring us up to date on this the public needs to know what you're doing and one last question what is actually happening in relationship to the replacement Parkland for the for the construction on Route 4 all of those are issues that the public needs information ahead of time so we can enter into an effective and informed dialogue with you about what it is that you are proposing to do thank you very much thank you Dr pow anyone else in Chambers Mr Goen PA Roven uh I'd like to uh announce that the rail there is now a rail safety bill that is making its way through the State Assembly it's been through a couple committees in the Senate and the assembly s338 9 a446 it will call for twers crew minimum 8,500 uh fet in length and some other Wayside detectors and some other provisions and we're hoping this time it's been we've been trying since 2014 I we think this time it has a chance of uh passing um I'd like to announce also that tomorrow is the 1,000th consecutive te peace and Justice vigil we started in 2005 around the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars you're all welcome it's over at the Armory the corner of Liberty and Tac Road on another matter we're not supposed to use the names of council members so I will respect that policy we all know it's campaign season I notice that some council members who are running for reelection have a lawn sign up property that has and will require votes about development a large lawn sign is fastened to the fence at the property designated as an AI area in need of Redevelopment at West Anglewood Avenue in Queen Anne I'm sure they had permission to attach to the the sign to Def fence to uh for the two council members the placement of this huge lawn sign is what I think is an in-kind contribution and must be reported we must have transparency in our government when there is a vote about these issues whether in subcommittees the planning board the council these members who have received in kind or direct Financial conf contributions from developers to their Council campaigns must recuse themselves from deliberations and voting related to this site and this developer about democracy on a number of occasions three council members who are running have voted to cut off good and Welfare this thus depriving the public of our right to be heard and what many of us think is your responsibility to listen and to consider the views present presented one of the council members even said he knows what people are going to say so he doesn't have to hear them at public forums for Council Members I hear a lot of talk how we must have unity in tenek and I agree talking about Unity is is very important but action action is very important so we don't further divide our town I urge tenek voters to consider very carefully when you vote personally I will vote for the people who stand for responsible development not high rises not giving away our Municipal parking lots over near Stop and Shop for developments you M for transparency and democracy time is up thank you Mr Roven anyone else in chambers before we go to the zoom hands yes Miss eliahu hi good evening everybody Debbie eliyahu T resident I don't have any notes I'm just going to wing it I haven't been around recently family issues I have been I just want to thank Tac for everything that sorry I'm gonna very emotional for all that I have been the beneficiary of of for my family in recent times over the years of course but certainly in recent months for my late mother she has had numerous numerous calls and the kindness and the gentleness and the expert and Professional Care that she received on every single call from tac and the TAC volunteers it was just so heartwarming to know that no matter when we needed Tac they were there for her and there are just no words that can express my gratitude and the Gratitude of my family to know that Tac is there and has always been there and I know that years and years and years ago when my daughter who oh she's going to hate me for this very squeamish I said to her maybe when when she was in high school maybe you want to volunteer on the computer or something she said no I want to ride the ambulance I said you've got to be kidding she said no and I asked her one day how do you deal with like the more human stuff she said don't tell me what I'm doing and I'll be able to do it and she did for like I don't know hundreds and hundreds of hours to know that Tac is there for us night and day holidays weekends every minute has brought such Comfort to us and there is never going to be enough of a way to say thank you to everybody who who is in Tac who was and will be so from the bottom of our heart thank you thank you Miss eliahu anyone else in chambers before we go to zoom anyone else in chambers before we go to zoom sir good evening Council uh good evening everyone all your support staff uh my name is Michael klatzky I'm here tonight uh in to discuss a matter on your agenda I'd like to request uh that the council um adopt the contract for FastTech to begin the Reconstruction uh planning engineering and design portion for sagma Park uh it's a a key Park in the center of town it's used by uh tons and tons of residents and visitors on a daily basis um there's a it's a really really great that this council is taking this up at this time um as some of you may know some people in the audience may know that green the New Jersey Green Acres fund awarded a a huge amount of money to the township of tenek um at the because of all the hard work that everyone here has done and uh Dean kazinski and all their former manager and our current manager uh they've got $750,000 matching Grant to reconstruct the park and there's some time that takes place until fiscal year 2025 where the town can make this project really shovel ready and it's really amazing that this is gonna that this is on the agenda this is a key time this is October so uh you know if the next six months are spent to do the design of the park uh by the time the money is encumbered in the town's funds they can really you know get hit the ground running on this when the money is available and set an example of like what government is really like government could be awesome we can do stuff even as good as the private sector does and this is an awesome this is a great opportunity to do do that um I request you do adopt that tonight um I think it's super important it's key to get it done uh right now in particular um and I look forward to uh thanking all of you uh at the opening uh ceremonies when that's done and uh I just want to thank Hillary Goldberg for working tirelessly to get that moving along um my year Michael pagon who's really pushed that along and everyone else who's really reached out to me gone there seen it and this is gone a long time coming thank you thank you Mr Katy Doug can you hear us can you please bring in someone on Zoom sir we have a few hands this evening bringing in Lea Graham Miss gram can you hear us you have three minutes ma'am can I hear can you hear me ma'am three minutes hi uh my name is Leila Graham tin resident on January 23rd 2024 I attended a Tina council meeting virtually via Zoom during good and Welfare I made a statement demanding this Council be held accountable for your complicity in Theo on in the ongoing genocide in Palestine and for your unwavering support of the fascist genocidal Zionist regime councilwoman Oregon response to my statement was if you can M gr if you could just address Council instead of names please thank you okay there there there is a council woman whose response to my statement was wildly inaccurate she put words in my mouth and she said and I quote but I also don't agree with Lila Graham who says people are going to keep coming to meetings and blow up our town you can keep coming to our meetings and you can speak and you can keep saying the same things over and over again and we will sit here and we will listen because this is the United States of America but you are not going to blow up our town and then a councilman on the de followed up her response by agreeing with her and saying and I quote I Echo everything councilwoman said as it relates to speakers coming here and trying to blow up the town I urge Council to cut off speakers who are who go on those tangents and who used those trigger words I have been targeted and under attack by this Council and Zionist residents for close to a year now and the refusal of this Township's leadership to acknowledge how your treatment of me your constituent is actively placing me in danger and causing me emotional distress let me be clear I stand by every single word I have said regarding Palestine I do not however appreciate being slandered and falsely accused of saying something that I never said I tried to approach this councilwoman last night so that perhaps we can come to an agreement in private but she refused to to speak to me due to my recording the interaction she's a public figure and for my own safety I felt the need to record and to film for my own records and I'm speaking today to ensure that my side of the story is on the record and that the larger Tina Community Bears witness to the Discrimination I'm being subjected to Simply for speaking up for my people in Palestine despite your efforts to endanger silence and abuse me I will not be silent because this issue is bigger than me I will end my statement by honoring the Martyr shahan Alo glory to the martyrs free Palestine Doug do you have someone else on Zoom Mr clerk can you hear us sir sorry sorry yes bringing in o yes hello can you hear me yes loud and clear three minutes yes my name is as honei I want to start off by saying I love the warm feelings shared um but it is interesting that we are erasing something that is really important uh the hate and the practices that are seriously violent and dangerous that is happening within this town uh I also find it interesting that people are allowed to call out those who speak up for Palestine uh but speakers here today aren't allowed to call out the council members who attacked them personally so I want to start off uh there uh usually people are addressed as respected members uh but really most of you are not people I respect and I want to explain why uh it's really hard to say I respect people who find not an ounce or a grain of sympathy or empathy for the Palestinians who are literally being burned alive on videos you have a special like you have to be a special kind of human to to shut off all humanity and be okay with children and innocent people being murdered so I'm not here to change your minds obviously your minds are made up right but I'm here to be a part of a history that makes it clear that you stood on the wrong side and to hold you accountable before everyone that not only have you not had any sympathy for Palestinians but you are actively participating in the slaughter and the genocide by allowing more illegal sales to occur in tinic so I'm calling you out today to really to to speak to those who are listening not for you and to speak to those watching and thinking that their words don't matter I'm here to tell you your words do matter and it's your work like Leila thank you so much and others that have made me aware of what's going on in tinic and how it affects Palestine and shedding light is really important on the oppression that's happening 40,000 people are killed I'll repeat 40,000 people on Sunday Israel attacked a hospital it's a human rights violation it ignited a fire that spread to 30 tents people were being burned alive on video so to everyone here advocating for Palestine thank you stay strong your work matters and the evil folks that you see in front of you will have their day before God the most just so continue doing what you're doing please organize and remember always always that the Arc of moral of the Arc of the moral universe is long and always bends towards justice so be consistent and continue to organize tinic please Freedom Fighters Doug do you have someone else on Zoom yes I have Sarah K Sarah K you're free to unmute hey [Music] Sarah you have three minutes she looks Frozen on iron Doug do you hear me yeah we can hear you now okay resonance I'm here to today to convey the concerns of my neighbor Adele a longtime resident of Tina for 31 years while I recognize and appreciate that some effort have been made more action is still needed to address this ongoing safety issue here is ad's letter dear members of the Town Council first I would like to thank the council and the new town manager for the efforts you have made thus far in addressing Community safety concerns your dedication to improving our Town's infrastructure and ensuring the well-being of its residents is deeply appreciated and I hope we can continue to work together to resolve the ongoing issues at the intersection of Prince Street and Grayson Place my name is Adele and I've been a resident of this community for 31 years over the years I've witnessed several serious accidents at the intersection near Prince Street and Grayson Place and I'm writing to express my ongoing concerns about the safety of this area the intersection poses significant Hazard for a variety of reasons the hills blocks visibility for drivers approaching the intersection making it difficult to see oncoming traffic cars often accelerate as they go downhill and at times the stop sign is rolled through because drivers really need to be in the middle of the street to get good visibility every accent I've witness involved individuals unfamiliar with the area some didn't even realize there was Prince Street intersection until it was too late I agree with other concerned neighbors including one who's already consulted with the new town manager that we should Advocate first for achievable measage such as a signage alerting drivers to 25 mile per hour speed limit and providing visual cues in the form of a flashing light monitor device when driving down Grayson Place these measures are crucial to improving driver awareness and safety a sign warning drivers at the intersection ahead would encourage them to slow down and proceed more cautiously I've person personally experienced the traumatic aftermath of one of these accidents in 1996 1996 wow I was parked near my home with my three-year-old and four-year-old in the back seat when a young pregnant woman from New York City drove through the stop sign and collided with a van coming up Grayson Place the van flipped over midair and landed upside down on top of the front steps of 71 Grace in place in the van with young mother and her child strapped in the car seat hanging on upside down miraculously they all survived without major injuries I urge the council to take action to prevent further accidents at this intersection before a tragedy occurs the installation of a clear speed limit signage flashing light monitoring devices and warnings for the intersection ahead would go a long way to ensuring the safety of everyone who lives in and passes through this area thank you for considering this important issue sincerely a doubt in closing I would also like to thank jacn hashm for her updates on the parks um I hope that the council could also consider addressing the condition of the Martin Luther King Jr Park as it is currently dated and underutilized um and there is no playground in the area for children over age five so i' appreciate if you could take that into consideration thank you Sarah thank you ma'am Doug do you have anyone else on Zoom not at this time there is anyone else in Chambers want to speak before we close it anybody Miss Young yeah I got a couple more to answer thank you Mr clerk shandre young Irvington Road SC just wanted to speak briefly thank you Miss hashmat welcome and Welcome to our um welcome our new to manager and welcome our new Deputy manager uh just want to thank you for hitting the ground running thank you for what you've done for the residents on t uh on Irvington Road uh we had some situations there and and thank you for being uh so responsive our senson road neighbors have some things that are coming up too so we'll be reaching out and uh as well as thank you and uh eprb for um addressing our concerns and our um our leaon for addressing our concerns in the park especially Bernard Brooks Park and uh helping us get that up to speed we appreciate that and uh as a deeply rooted resident here in town and and I see the work that we're doing and uh I see the work that we still have to do and I'm here to uh encourage the folks to continue to get involved I'm a part of the uh Garden Club and uh you know we're here advocating and and I will continue to help educate and help advocating to all the uh help advocating for all the residents here in CX thank you ma'am seeing no further hands good and Welfare is closed Miss beler would you be willing to sign us start us off tonight okay I just want to start with uh thanking uh my neighbors for coming out and and expressing your concerns uh these are uh your concerns are are my concerns your uh our concerns uh just just a couple uh key points I just want to mention is that um uh regarding um Sagamore um park with the uh retentions uh Center I know uh tanks I know that there there's action happening uh I know that things may not seem like they're moving as fast as they should but they are uh and we would just you know just encourage you to to you know trust that our town manager has it has it really under control um but and I know it's frustrating because you know we witnessed the um hurricane Helen and Milton and and I I tell you it's devastating when you think about it I mean I think flooding is is is one of the worst environmental issues um but we're we're we're dealing with global warming and we we have to address things and we have to get ahead of them and we have to be proactive and what whatever what that looks like from an environmental um perspective Ive we all have to put our heads together and and try and figure it out so um I I I do agree that um progress is being made um regarding the greenhouse I I tell you I was so disappointed I thought it was a new roof I mean we really did we just kind of like said hey and we you know you can find the money you think about you can find the money for some things but when they came back and said it's it's no it's the entire building so then we have to you know here again go back and sharpen our pencils and and try and figure out how to make to work but I I'm confident that we're able we're going to be able to do that so um continue to to be encouraged by that uh I just want to mention I know that the next November 12th meeting uh there is a presentation I encourage everyone Dr Powers to come out come out ask your questions you know um certainly I'm sure the clerk's going to be putting up things on the website so that we can see in advance so that we you know we know how to um form our questions uh and insights and so forth uh Miss pauler thank you for the uh information about the rail safety bill I think those things are important you know we we are right in the smack in the middle of of uh having uh uh rail um railroad tracks in in our community so we want to do our very best to ensure that we stay ahead of uh whatever uh legislation that there is out there uh and lastly I just want to say you know thank you here again for those of us that are you know working in our town to find common ground because I think that it it it's so so vitally important that we find a way back or we find a way to each other um so I'll end with that thank you thank you Miss beler Mr Schwarz is there anything you would like to say Sir C Schwarz are you muted Mr Schwarz you might be muted of course I'm muted oh there you are can hear sorry about that I apologize um as it relates to the budget um we are you know the the CFO is warned that we may be as much as high as a double digit increase so that's why we've taken the steps months in advance to try to bring that back down we don't have any specific numbers I think those a request more resident for specifics or nowhere near specific numbers um as um the November 12th meeting as mentioned also in Prior meetings will begin and it will be a full council meeting participating in the Beverly Road and American Legion Drive plans that were being redone based on input from prior Community meetings and this is being turned over to the full Council to discuss to run lead with and will no longer be part of the sub zoning committee um also Jeb yaho love the memories about your daughter on tac she was a great crew member on my Tuesday afternoon crew and I really enjoyed riding with her and um lastly I think there was a quote someone quoted something that I said after Miss Oregon which not only did I say I actually speak before Miss Oregon so I urge that Resident to please go onto the township website pull out the video and to listen carefully to anything before quoting me thank you very much thank you Mr Schwarz Miss Goldberg thank you Mr Mayor so first I just want to reiterate to the public that the advisory boards and statutory boards do have openings as terms are expiring so I encourage both the current members whose terms are expiring this December and members of the public to submit their applications for those boards um Rebecca I believe that we're waiting on the supervisor from the EPA and I know that our manager and Congressman go heimer's office have been in touch with the EPA and putting pressure on them um to get the funds and and there is progress being made on this I promise and I know that the manager will be in touch and and you have my number if if you ever need um Paula I'm happy to hear about the movement on the rail safety bill um art batky has updated me regularly on the delay for the bill over the years and I strongly support the bill and I hope that it makes it way through the passage um as uh the manager said earlier I encourage everyone to turn over their ballots the most referendum as paty also referenced is really important this has been part of your tax bill since 2008 it's not a new tax and the funds are dedicated to open space and Recreation that we all love so much so as Mr platy pointed out their important projects that most used is used for such as bagore park fields spash pad hopefully a skateboard park thanks to Sammy Bayo onathan herschorn and most importantly open space acquisition as they become available um Dr Powers as council member Schwarz stated this is a public Workshop meeting so our clerk will just prepare an agenda packet that will include the relevant details and Debbie I just wanted to um thank you for sharing and I agree with everything you said and I love Tac as well and I've had my own experiences with them and as a community we could all be very appreciative of having such an amazing ambulance for in our town Miss Goldberg Miss G um I'm G to try not to repeat what my colleagues have already covered so I'll just um address some of the things that I did not hear uh covered yet the monument update just for clarity the council is not the one construction The Monuments we obviously own the land and we have allowed the uh two committees that are independent commit needs to BU to we've given them permission to build on the land but we are not the ones fundraising for it or setting up the plans for it we would just approve once we saw the final plans um so I just want to clarify it is not the council who's responsible for putting up the monuments which is why uh we don't have an update for you on that um and then I wanted to address um just community relations here in tenek um obviously we're in the middle of election season um whether it's the seven of us you see again in January or a new seven I want to just be crystal clear that I'm committed to working with my Council colleagues to bring back a sense of unity and a sense of community and togetherness in tck um it has felt um recently it has felt like it's starting to come back together it's been a very very difficult year I know last week was very painful for so many community members and so I just want to let all of you know that we hear you our hearts are out with each and every one of you and we are committed to Bringing Tina back to the way it used to be where we bring all of our amazing people together despite our differences despite um the different things that we're dealing with and I just want to make sure that you know that we I am definitely committed and I hope my Council colleagues are are committed as well and uh to that point I'm hoping we can reconsider the um MP training for our Advisory Board and community relations um uh either at the end of this year or early next year thank you Miss G as always I want to thank all of our residents for coming out tonight and participating Miss feberg we will ask our manager to reach out to you and to your neighbors to explain what is going on Miss mckinson we are absolutely committed to helping you and the Garden Club will help you with that Greenhouse amme you asked several good questions the master plan is very close to being passed by the planning board but we are still waiting for happen as for the memorials those two groups are still raising the money for those projects Miss eliahu thank you for everything that you said about Tac and I am keeping you and your family in my prayers every night and I will stop there miss hashmat is there anything you would like to say or add Miss manager um I do have just two things to mention really quickly um in terms of argon Park I might have left it out of my city manager my uh Township manager's report I do have um us we are going out to bid on the tennis courts um in the winter and I do have a grant that I am um I'm looking at to actually upgrade the splash pad there and prefab uh restrooms so once I have a little bit more um knowledge on which which Grant we're going to apply for next year I'll I'll fill everyone in um terms of bav I just want to reiterate that we are on track with the project in terms of um our engineer we have no delays at this time I will continue to update everyone in terms of the EPA there the delay for them is Administrative I don't have any details on that administrative delay at this time but I will ask them for some more details to share um and then once I get the actual Grant award I will let the residents of bellav know personally so I keep in communication with them um as far as the Garden Club I will also have them on my Grant List um to see what kind of upgrades we can get going for the Garden Club thank you very much mayor thank you miss hashman our next order of business is the consent agenda and all matters listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature by Council and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately Mr clerk can you please read the amount of the bill list into the record yes sir with pleasure we have our consent agenda this evening evening with two sets of Raffles resolutions 283 to 296 2024 and of course our bill list in the amount of 8,9,10 Mr Clark I move to approve the consent agenda second councilman Schwarz he might have signed off Doug that's okay uh coun vure yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman Morgan yes Deputy Mayor Catz uh yes with an exstension on um build list abstention on what I'm sorry sir the bills list oh bills list cool co co cool Debbie May G yes mayor Pagan yes to all all adopted thank you Mr clerk our next order of business is our introduction of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinances into the record absolutely we have sorry oh so sorry I was reading something I think there's three got yeah yeah there's three I was reading something I got a little nervous for a second but it's all good we have uh ordinance 25-22 24 which is amending section 36- 111.2 of chapter 36 the Township Code adding restricted on street parking space for handicap at 144 Le Avenue we have ordinance number 26224 this evening amending section 36- 111.2 of chapter 36 again adding restricted on street parking for the handicapped at 987 Richard Court last but not least we have ordinance 27224 authorizing a special emergency appropriation in the amount of $690,000 pursuant to njsa 48 4-53 section H for the payment of contractually required Severance liabilities of the township those are all of our ordinances mayor thank you Mr clerk I move to approve all three ordinances wait Mr Mayor I wanted to pull 272 24 please all right for further discussion or yeah I just have a question okay all right so I make a motion to approve the first two Doug is there a second second who did that second I'm so sorry that was thank you dmdg and we had councilman Schwarz is not here Council M beler yes Council Goldberg yes on 25 and abstain on 26 councilwoman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor CS yes Deputy Mayor G yes mayor Pagan yes to both that uh introduced 2526 we'll see you in the next meeting thank you Mr clerk Miss Goldberg the floor is yours when it comes to ordinance 27-22 24 yeah I just had a quick question so this is uh an ordinance being introduced for a special emergency um bond for $90,000 do we know how many more retirement payouts roughly there are oh I'm sorry uh no actually we don't it's very hard for us to you know figure out who's going to retire who's planning on retiring until they actually push the button to retire so this will um negatively affect our Surplus if we do if we don't do this in a timely fashion um so for 25 since I know that we're working on this I know council member Schwarz signed off but can we make sure that we see if we can start adding the reserve back into retirement payouts that we don't have special emergencies going forward yes I I agree I think we should take a closer look at that so that we we do this in our annual budget is that it Mr Goldberg do you want to make a motion to approve or I do think Issa is on the meeting if you'd like him to chime in um oh Mr CFO are you there oh would you look at that would you look at that look who popped in sorry good evening sorry I was in the middle of uh trying to get young children to bed my wife divide and conquer so uh yes I'm sorry if there are any questions I'm happy to answer them I think I caught councilwoman Goldberg's um I am probably the first fan to put terminal back into the budget along with Miss Goldberg councilman Goldberg um we are certainly looking at that next TI however every year we've tried it in the past under Miss hashmat pred cessor Mr kazin and every year to meet council's goal of reducing the tax rate we've had to unfortunately take it out uh I don't have a crystal ball I don't have um knowledge of the Unseen some um we've had stories that have been told to me personally by uh especially public um safety officers who were at a training class and just decided to write the word retire uh on their notes in front of them and push the button and unfortunately because we've exhausted that trust in the P this is one of the mechanisms we have to spread out the cost as reasonably as possible over five years I'm not a fan of continually doing it uh I would like to wean ourselves off but you know right now it you know we'll do our best to put it back in the budget and if we have to take it out and do this again next year so be it but I would agree that we should start to think about building the trust for years to come Miss G you have a question yeah I have a question for ISSA um what is the annual average cost of these liabilities to the what has been the average for the last five years say so the 2019 special emergency is set to fall off at the end of this year we would have paid that back it varies it used to be 1.6 million 1.5 million last year it was 965 this year you're looking at I believe it's 687 so it has come down but there are different factors that um you know fit into that equation we already are aware of at least one um higher ranking Fire official retiring uh in January who will be owed to payout by mid-February we are aware of a possible second high ranking Fire official who is looking to possibly retire as well you know those funds are owed to them if we don't introduce and adopt the ordinance in November that hits your Surplus um impacts your Surplus because now you're just not replenishing those funds over the next five years and it just hits your bank account and you don't see that money again so to answer your question I would say the average is close to a million at least typically in the P we budget 750 um and then we've you know covered that with budget transfers but unfortunately you know again if we don't cover this we will be having a large budget transfer resolution November to cover this um shortfall right now or this these payments rather thank you Mr CFO does anyone on Council have any other questions in that case I move to approve ordinance 27 second either Janice or Danielle Doug Doug are you there buddy I think you're muted sorry about that say that one more time I think uh my audio fell out for so I moved to approve 27 and then um miss beler and miss G both seconded awesome thank you so much for that councilwoman beler yes Council Goldberg abstain councilwoman organ yes Deputy Mayor cats yes Deputy Mayor G yes mayor pagat yes introduce thank you Mr clerk I think that concludes our meeting I move to adjourn second second all those in favor please say I I the eyes have it thank you to everyone for coming out tonight we hope you have a peaceful evening everybody get home safe yeah I hear you I hear you I got an early morning tomorrow kind of crazy where he gets these