##VIDEO ID:sFTj5WkN3So## holding a hybrid format meeting we have people in person and on Zoom if our Wi-Fi at the municipal building has an issue where the zoom meeting drops we will aim to retrieve the connection and continue the meeting the next televised regular council meeting is on September 24th and begins at 6:30 p.m. with the public portion of that meeting beginning at 8:00 p.m. our annual 911 ceremony will be held tomorrow morning in the municipal building parking lot at 8:20 a.m. we have a Bryant historical marker unveiling on September 18th at 6 p.m. at the Bryant school council met in close session to discuss the following earlier this evening Advisory Board interviews contracts affordable housing the potential sale of Township property Personnel legal issues and opinions regarding items on the Open Session agenda litigation updates and Oprah now before we continue I'd like to thank our staff and everyone in the recreation department and in our dpu and across every Department as well as our First Responders for making tinic day such a wonderful success this past weekend Pres res from across the township said they enjoyed te day and we thank our staff and everyone who participated because it was a wonderful day so thank you everyone and our next order of business our first order of business is presentations and we have a friends of the Teek Library presentation Miss Oregan I think this is you correct this Mike gonna I have I have I have um bundles of cash I had to satisfi more good evening ladies and gentlemen I'm Sandy silverberg and I have the honor of having been elected president of the friends of the tck public library for um a bit uh that's not that's not what we want we want to go home and watch the debate so don't slow these proceedings down anyway it uh a while ago we had the Good Fortune of having one of our members challenge the rest of our members and I'm not going to say who it is or everybody will done this person forever and a day so I'm going to spare this person an announcement of name maybe you'll figure it out when our thank you brochure comes around but we'll see anyway he challenged us to raise $10,000 he put no time limit on it but we did that and I was overwhelmed with joy at how quickly we raised that matching $10,000 and most of the donations and this is I think really the exciting part were small donations $5 $10 $20 so think about it for a second what that implies it implies there were hundreds and hundreds of people that engaged to meet this Challenge and so it's a thrill and without further Ado I'm going to call up shahan who's the director I just wanted people to see that this is a check for some $20,000 that the friends of the library are happy pleased gratified to give sh to administer as part of the restoration of the library I can also tell you that we have a list of wonderful things that director H has put this money for so we're gonna buy a new water we're gonna they can hear me I think the whole world can hear me we're going to buy a new water fountain we're going to buy new shelving we're going to buy new and comfortable seating for a section that's being redesigned for adults a grant to the Children's Program a grant to the teenagers just something for everybody I'd also like to recognize if you would come and join us some members of the executive committee of the friends of the library Lynn Claus who's been the recording secretary and the uh initiator of the book sale you you can sit anywhere you want you're supposed to be on my side for God's sake I'm I'm here all alone hanging out to drive thank you my dear and you might know Elsa been to chinu for the years that she spent as an employee of the library and to show you how dedicated the rest of the staff is and they are she stayed on now and volunteers because we're a 501c3 charity all volunteers so I wanted to recognize some of the other executive council members so that is my honor and pleasure to hand this over to you all and that's that's that a little big thank you Sandy Miss organ did you want to say anything I I just want to say um I am so lucky to be the the councila on to the library and to get to sit near Sandy at our library board meetings um though I have missed a few because of work and it's such an exciting time at the library with the renovation happening and um to see the good work that the friends of the library have done towards the renovation and the anonymous donor um and his generosity and um I really look forward to the reopening and to everybody seeing the exciting things that are going into the library and how beautiful that it will be so thank you so much on behalf of everyone in tck for raising this money I'll add a little postcript that the person who challenged us gave an idea to somebody else and we recently received a check in the amount of $5,000 to be matched again I've never seen a construction project come in on time and on budget so there's going to be a a little bit of a reserve just in case the things that we buying are more expensive than we initially planned so that's a hot flat does anyone on Council want to say anything or add anything Miss beler I'm super excited to to um see when the renovation is completed and what the library the new library is going to look like and I just want to say hudos to your volunteers because volunte ism is really what makes the library really special thank you anyone else Miss Miss G I want to Echo Denise's sentiments I mean we're just so grateful for all of you this we wouldn't have this if it weren't for all of you your commitment your energy it's just unmatched and we're we're just so incredibly grateful so thank you Mr Schwarz I yelled out everything I thought of beforehand so that's thank you very much anyone else on Council yeah I just wanted to thank the the to the library and the anonymous donor and and Chan and the whole staff because this is really exciting and I think everybody everybody loves Library thank you the library is the crown jewel of Teck in my humble opinion that's just my personal opinion so I want to thank the friends of the library I want to thank our staff and thank everyone for helping make this happen and we can't thank you enough and we appreciate you thank you our next order business is work session items and first up is miscellaneous does anyone on Council have anything under miscellaneous Nan's next order of business is old business does anyone on Council have anything under old business moving along does anyone on Council have anything under their new business moving oh wa changing start time that was you do we need a vote We Ready approved that do we need to vote on this or we right Mr clerk FYI just an FYI okay just an FYI that's because we're going to be discussing um American Legion Drive and Al for American Legion Drive and Beverly just want was the why we're doing this early so for the record please note that you Mr Schwartz that is appreciated and thank you Mr clerk does anyone have anything under Communications no moving along does anyone have any committee reports by councila zones I see zoning subcommittee yeah I gave that I give that orally l meaning now it's in writing but there's nothing more to discuss anybody else yeah I just wanted to give an update PPR met um so just two small updates so quiet Parks they've been discussing for quite a few months now um so those are small Parcels of land throughout the township that they are going to look at and identify um maybe just some benches chessboards um so I asked them to kind of continue to work on this so they can actually have a vision for me to bring back um and also they are starting their um Parks tour and they're dividing it amongst themselves with a kind of a worksheet to identify anything that's you know fixable just so again to bring back to the manager and councel um and they're going to have that done by October that's it thank you Miss Goldberg anyone else for committee reports see no hands moving along we have Council list items next and we have a proclamation celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month that I would like to read into the record but only the second half and going to start right in the middle whereas the Hispanic population of the United States as of July 1st 2019 was 60.8 Million making people of hispan origin the nation's largest ethnic or racial minority Hispanics constituted 18.5% of the nation's total population and whereas approximately 1.9 million Hispanic people reside in New Jersey 21% of its population and one of the largest Hispanic populations in the United States and whereas the township of Tink is the proud home to more than 9,000 people of Hispanic descent and whereas ek's Hispanic Community has made valuable contributions to the life and culture of EK and the township has commemorated such contributions to our community with painting a CIP weather mural in the township at the Richard Roa Community Center parking lot now therefore I Michael Pagan mayor of the township AEK on behalf of the entire Township council do hereby Proclaim September 15th to October 15th as Hispanic Heritage Month in the township of Teck in recognition of the significant contributions made by tenex Hispanic Community to the life and culture of the township of EK and I thank my colleagues for supporting this and the clerk and the next order of business under Council listed items is speed friending meet the manager I think that is you correct Miss organ it is me um months ago we had a speed friending event with Dean um as an attempt to bring uh different parts of the community together and when Jackie started here watching everybody come at her and try to meet her I asked her to give us a few dates that she was available so that we could have a speed friending event and everybody could get to know her she had two dates available the second was the League of Women Voters Council candidate Forum so the date that she was available was September 26th and I would love it to be a council event um so uh before we started advertising it I wanted to bring it up here under Council listed um still to do it in in case anybody is not available but um if we could make it a council event September 26 from 7: to 9: we booked the um gym at the Rota Center already and Jackie is available so for the public to come out and meet her hope to get three minutes with her um if everybody's available um would be wonderful do we have four nodding heads yeah I'm sorry but we can do it and I I hope that this is something we can do again and again because it really is very nice just to be able to meet people that you wouldn't otherwise meet and speak to them about random things for three minutes it's very easy just a few snacks and um just a nice place to come and and speak to people no I I was G to say I'm available that night great and we have four nodding heads thank you Miss or we will put it on the website um can we put it on the website some more okay so much ladies uh next item Queen Anne Road to Plaza Mr Schwarz if I have four nodding heads ask the police this came up on on this weekend I think it's an excellent idea I don't know why I didn't think about it beforehand but that Queen andne Road a court the plaza is a very large wide intersection with four crosswalks and it's just a recipe for disaster someone mentioned what about a roundabout and maybe it's a great idea or maybe it's a horrible idea if with ning heads if we can ask the police to opine on that thank you yes sure next order of business ship report miss hashmat the floor is yours thank you mayor good evening everyone um first I'm going to start with some announcements um it was a pleasure attending and overseeing Tek day this past weekend I saw many families enjoying the festivities and I had the pleasure of interacting with several members of our team Community I am very fortunate to have an exceptional team that made this day a huge success and I want to thank all the department heads that were involved for their loyalty to me and their commitment to Excellence please join the environmental commission the DPW and town officials for our town cleanup day which is scheduled for October 6th from 12:00 noon to 2m all volunteers will meet at the Roa Center for cleanup assignments please refer to the QR code or link which will be on our website for sign sign up our paper shredding event is scheduled in our Municipal parking lot this upcoming weekend September 14th and 15th from 9:00 a.m. to 100 p.m. and it will it will only go until the truck is full please be advised that Cedar Lane from tenek road to the hackensac border is scheduled to be paved mid October proper signage notification and detours will be in place and we ask everyone for everyone's patience while we complete this project on a very busy road we are also encourage you to use alternate routes during the that time once the dates are shared with everyone please note that our rescheduled Teck Day weekend movie in the park is Saturday September 14th at 7:45 p.m. movie will be at the Loretta Weinberg Bandshell and feature the movie Elemental please bring a chair and blanket and enjoy free popcorn the next planning board meeting in reference to our proposed master plan is set for SE member 16th the adoption is now planned for the September 26th planning board meeting the newest version with some revisions has been uploaded to our website for your review tenek will be hosting flu clinics this fall for tenek residents only standard and high dose will be available high dose is available for seniors 65 and older without Medicare Part B at $70 per vaccine standard dose is also for Teck residents only who are 50 to 64 years of age without Medicare Part B for $25 per vaccine there will be a flyer on our website and social media with additional details so I encourage you to check out the flyer as well please join us on Wednesday September 18th at 6m at Bryant Elementary School Teek Council historic preservation commission and the ten Board of Education will unveil a historic marker commemorating the 60th anniversary of EK Public Schools our DPW Fleet is actively preparing for leaf season we plan to use the same procedure that was in place last year to stay on top of the operations for leaf collection some of some of our project updates our library re renovation project is officially underway and the library closed for renovations on August 29th as a reminder starting this September items can be returned to any buckles library or drop off location on the first floor of the municipal building from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. please visit EK library.org for additional information as we will continuously update as the renovation progresses I would also like to say a huge thank you to to Chen Han our library director for a smooth transition during the closing operations the Bev drainage project um I do have a very simple update I am still working with our our um Township engineer we are working on a document to share with everyone to give everyone a timeline and continuous updates on the project as we move forward the survey for the diversion tank has also been submitted to the DP um for approval and comments uh for that project we just recently paved Lindberg Boulevard Boulevard by The Garden Club um and the the pipe repair has been completed as well there is one uh resident um and Council request from last meeting that I have an update at Grayson and Prince our traffic Bureau is continuing to monitor the this location since school just started um we may be adding some school bus signage to this intersection and I will further update at the next council meeting some Grant updates for you um we had we have the US Department of Justice grant for bulletproof bests in the award amount of $5,799 Bergen County open space has recommended recommended approximately $120,000 for outdoor exercise equipment for Phelps Park I will continue to continue to Monitor and provide updates 2024 American Rescue planned firefighter Grant in the amount of 75,000 will be moving to the next level of approval as well there is a grant resolution on tonight's Docket in support of the bright side family Grant application this grant effort supports CommunityWide projects to combat social isolation amongst older adults while engaging young people to volunteer and learn about working opportunities and interacting with older adults that's all I have for tonight thank you thank you Miss hashmat Mr sammon attorney oh I'm sorry questions Mr Schwarz and Miss beler interrupted I know we have a schedule tonight um we there was a new business that we discussed um that we were going to form a a swim club committee and is that can I go back to that so we can make that quick vote beforehand um obviously the swim club is a very large tenant of ours so we wanted to set up a uh an oversight committee from the council and I wanted to make um in speaking with Deputy Mayor G um I wanted to make a motion to establish the subcommittee with myself councilman beler and Council Oregon with um Deputy Mayor G as an alternate subject to a revote in January depending on who is on the council or not because two of us are up for re-election so if I can just look for I guess that's a motion to the second second thank you from Mark Schwarz just rund down the role uh councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg accused councilman organ yes Debbie May Catz yes Debbie May G yes may yes established Miss Bel you had your hand up no just in regarding um uh the manager's uh report regarding the paving of Cedar Lane I know that's a a major undertaking and um um I believe you had mentioned that uh our res our um Merchants would be notified not only in in uh by email but also by um a flyer of some sort so that um businesses owners would know that this is happening in the dates yes um the county will be providing us a letter we will make sure it's hand delivered and we also follow up with them so everyone is aware of the timeline thank problem thank you everyone Mr salmon Township attorneys report nothing tonight for me Mr Mayor Mr salmon our next order of businesses are public hearing and Adoption of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinances into the record absolutely Council two resol uh two ordinances that we are revisiting this evening first up we have ordinance number 21-2024 establishing salary ranges and classification of positions for Municipal Employees in the township at EK ordinance number 2-202 24 Bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Improvements by and in the township Tac in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey appropriating 8,1 $5,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance 7,730 $737,000 in bonds or notes to the township to finance of the cost thereof and that's all man thank you Mr clerk the public hearing on these two ordinances are now open any member of the public wishing to be heard on any of these on these two ordinances and these two ordinances alone will be called on and we'll State their names for the record comments re questions shall be limited to three minutes per person is there anyone in Chambers who would like to speak about these two ordinances being No Hands Mr clerk do we have anyone on Zoom then the public hearing is closed on these two ordinance I'll make a motion to approve second ordinance 21 and 22 councilman Schwarz yes councilman Belcher yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman Oregon yes debie may Catz debie mayor G yes Mayon yes adopted thank you Mr clerk our next order of business is good and welfare any member of the public wishing to be heard at this time will be called on and will state their names for the record comment shall be limited to 3 minutes per person if you are on Zoom please list your name your first name and your last name if you want to be called on and please turn your camera on when speaking thank you does anyone in Chambers want to speak Miss Deanne I he I am deian if 708 home Ander walk on June 18th 2024 I submitted a complaint to the township of tenek and to the township attorney against five-star Premier senior residents for the violation of the developers agreement between festar and EK the developers agreement prohibits the removal of trees from their property on April 23rd and April 24th festar retained a landscaping company to cut down about 20 trees from the forest essentially raising It To The Ground except for a few remaining specimen trees and um they remove the entire Shrubbery underst story it has been three months since I submitted the complaint I would like an update from the township attorney for what has been done today to pursue remediation for this Forest as is required by the developers agreement and now tenek Township ordinance number 8-22 4 from the rules and regulations on tree removal dated May 7th 2024 I want to emphasize for the EK mayor attorney and council members that tenek was required by njde to pass this ordinance it's not an option it's not advisory the terms of the ordinance are a requirement and within my three minute limit at this public meeting I have no time to discuss details of how we can proceed to remediate the forest but the fact is that five star is required to plant probably somewhere between 30 and 40 trees I have had cordial conversation with the new executive director for five star she's new to the neighborhood she does not know TX she does not know the riverfront she does not know pomander walk she does not really know nature she manages a senior citizen facility and I've had cordial conversation with Anthony Mass the area manager but no action just talk tinac attorney needs to act to get things moving to repair this Forest back to to wildlife habitat not Parkland but wildlife habitat it was home for all of the animals that lived in this my area on pandrew walk on the hackensac river that's everything deer foxes raccoons the whole lot of them um instructions for remediation of habitat are found within the flood Hazard area Control Act because 90% of the forest is entirely within the flood plane of the hackin saac river I do hope that tck is not allowing okay you it thank you Miss anyone else in Chambers want to speak Mr Brown good to go all right thank you Chris Brown uh Bell Avenue um was here three weeks ago discussing our drainage issue uh councilman Oregon you mentioned that we were very close um with the Grant from the EPA and um so number one you know not to single you out I know you're not going to provide but um where are we with that Grant what is the timeline uh it's been three weeks obviously that um you know we're still waiting on on reply with specifics in terms of um Milestones um generally speaking if you guys put put yourselves in our shoes where we're at um it just kind of feels like collectively you all are okay with myself and my neighbors taking on some level of risk and impact and damages with ongoing storms for the sake of what I would amount to being uh fiscal responsibility and that doesn't feel great it feels like the longer this goes on we are going to be exposed to damages and and again look this is just a feeling you know it's a feeling that I have it's a feeling that my neighbors have it just kind of feels like you all are okay with this like you're all you all are okay with me and my neighbors taking on some level of risk for I I I don't know so so you know that's that's a frustrating feeling and it's ongoing and every time we ask for an update we don't get the update it just keeps on snowballing it's a um further and further delays it just kind of exacerbates that so um the fact that this project is not shovel ready is concerning um if there's any way that we can free up funds free up something for Designing the system so that the project can move along in some way and I'm specifically talking about the detention tanks on Sagamore uh if there is a way that we can find some money to design this system to begin the design of this system that would be appreciated that's a good first step a better first step is I will just say bonding for the whole project and just moving forward with fixing the problem um but this project is not shovel ready it's been two years since the drainage study was complete um it's been three years since Ida and that's just not acceptable so again fix the problem the problem will persist we're going to be in this situation please do not further expose us thank you Mr Brown anyone else in Chambers amirit I think I saw your hand go up no Mr mki Right David Mery uh Tac president um so as you mentioned mayor Pagan it was a great time at Teck day um it was really a blast it was a blast for adults I had fun my kids had fun there was so much to do for everyone um it was awesome to engage and see Neighbors from across town friends meet new people um the staff really did a wonderful job setting up the atmosphere the environment was great um it was really enjoyable so I just wanted to publicly say thank you to the staff for all the help that they were able to do um and was able to thank them in person for those who were there also um I also just wanted to going to start off as we kind of get back into the next session we're coming out of Summer just take some time to thank you all for keeping our town running um doing things that are not so simple though many people think it is um and so I want to just list some of those things that not everyone may be aware of um for those who may be tuned in or not um for example like bonding to all for more usable funds as mentioned that's something that is being utilized in some places selling a sell Tower I imagine cannot be easy um working through affordable housing in our small town to make that go um sharing services to find ways that we can keep money within budgets like working with Leonia as was mentioned before um hiring Mrs hashmat so that was also a great thing was not easy she was fantastic um the roads are starting to get repaved and we have a few hundred more to go but seeing that progress has really been great um keeping safety in our town um in order just know that everyone is behind you guys and we do see if if we don't always vocalize that thank youness so I wanted to start off just by um thanking you all um for that um two items I did want to talk about a little bit is um about the affordable housing subcommittee U meetings and mins for those I haven't seen much updat or movement there but happy to follow via email um to kind of get some more updates on where we are I know there was mentioned in Clos session discussion regarding some changes there so i' love to to be able to see what's going on there um also I would be very interested to know about what are the steps being taken to alert and remind the residents about the work being done on Cedar Lane that is a large swath of Road um and I think as a town we'll probably need like 1.5 million reminders and people will still get upset but um what might be the plan to kind of execute the reminders for the town on a consistent basis to make sure fewer people are upset and more people are aware and able to make those changes so um just some two questions um for you all um and just in general thank you um for all the work that you all do thank you thank you Mr mki anyone else in Chambers Doug someone on Zoom I have Sarah K raising her hand bringing in Sarah K Sarah once you're on please feel free to unmute Hi how are you I want to thank you all for wonderful um anybody who was involved Tink today the day in bti was just so absolutely fabulous um like other people have said it was just so nice to see friends meet new people um see everyone from leadership there it was just such a lovely day kids had so much fun we had so much fun um we love these days and we hold these days special so thank you for that I want to thank you for U continuing to look at the corner of Grayson and Prince um it continues to be a problem today I was outside and I just happened to notice three times yes three times today um near close accidents is like what happened is people just inch in from Prince because they can't see and they inch forward um and someone coming down Grayson without a stop sign is not stopping um and so that's what the close calls are about there is some trees in the area especially in front of like a private house think it's coming from his property in front of 71 Grayson that is partially obstructing the view um I definitely like the idea of the school bus signs like anything would help at this point to be honest just yesterday a car ran past the school bus again not the first time um a car ran by the school bus with uh even though like all the signage on the bus are up they just drive right by so thank you for continuing to look at this and continuing to have the Traffic Engineers look at this corner um I appreciate that you're continuing to look at this corner thank you so much for your time thank you Sarah anyone else on Zoom Doug anyone else in Chambers in that case good and Welfare is closed Mr Schwarz yes um I'll make a very brief um Mr mki Road repaving this is about our eighth or ninth year we've done hundreds of roads to tune about over almost $19 million so far it's actually more of the exception not the norm that we have a bad road but we're going to continue working through it affordable housing there's a lot going on that we discussed in close session contractual legal so that rest assured those are very important topics uh currently we're in the more the legal mode so we're um but don't want you to think that we forgot about it and Grayson we already had a police report on that I'll forward it over to you specifically about the bushes at the northwest corner of Grayson and Prince I'll for that to you in a few minutes as well thank you m reps Miss beler um kind of briefly uh I just want to mention uh we certainly want to make sure that any kind of um development uh agreements is being um upheld you know so essentially when it comes to things like that I would say definitely bring that to the attention uh specifically um of looking at you know the building department to so that we can research that to see if there's any violation we want to make sure that we're on top of that so uh I also want to say about uh as a chair of this of the affordable housing subcommittee we are in the like the reporting stage right now we are uh all towns all municipalities are reporting up to the DCA um uh Department of of Community Affairs and and it's really kind of like a um it's like an auditing kind of thing where we're auditing what we've done thus far um I can just say that we are on top of it we've been told that we are probably more proactive than than many many other towns um there is U most recently the DCA did um provide a uh a portal that we this information can be reported into uh and and uh in our planner as well as our attorneys as well as our manager uh we are uh certainly on top of it even our CFO who has a report financials as well so um but thank you for that because it keeps us on point uh we know that we're we're faced with the end of of the third um phase and we're going into the fourth so we want to be on top we want to be proactive so that no nothing um you know Gets By Us that we're we're actually addressing you know our affordable housing needs for our Township thank you Miss Oregan so miss I um Scott can can we look into what's going on at at five star yes absolutely okay um so we will look into that um I agree tck day is my favorite day in tenek followed closely by the 4th of July I just think it's wonderful to see everybody out there and enjoying and together Chris we're trying um nobody wants bad for anybody that lives anywhere in town especially you um and I I do hope that we see a solution soon I um am very sad about um the hearing that somebody passed a school bus um I know that people are not driving well I know the police department has um signs and they they have an initiative going on um but it seems like nobody knows how to drive anymore and there are traffic calming measures I know that we have tried at that intersection and if they're not working we'll continue to try them there um I was asked to announce that the sports organizations have an event uh this Sunday from 8:00 a.m to 2: p.m. hosted by tck soccer t TBO tck Southern um top soccer and tck football it's a swap and score it's an equipment exchange so if equipment doesn't fit your child if you need new equipment at the Rota Center in the gym from 8:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. come down with your equipment and trade it in for equipment uh that will fit your child it's a great idea um and should be a great event that will save money um equipment is very expensive right now so um I hope this is something that we can continue to do for years going forward um and that's it thank you you miss Oregan Miss Goldberg thanks Mr Mayor so first I just want to make mention that uh tomorrow is the 23rd anniversary of 911 and I just wanted to take up a minute to remember the seven uh 18ch residents who we lost that morning Daniel bergstein Gregory Clark Danny Espinosa George Ferguson Jennifer fialco Lillian Frederick Edward lixin and Mark Rosenberg um deian I'm going to defer to the attorney attorney regarding the trees um I know when the most chair sent me your email I sent it to the attorney um I think maybe the planning board but I'm going to defer to the attorney a while back I sent it to um Chris uh I just want to start by saying I'm sorry and I'm not okay with your neighbors feeling the way that they do I've spoken to several of your neighbors this week and I've heard from quite a few of them that they're even thinking of leaving tenet no one should feel that way I'm looking at all of our options to find faster ways to get this addressed while we wait for the EPA and I want to thank Jackie because when it rained the other day I immediately thought of you guys and I checked in with a few of your neighbors and was relieved to hear that it was raining harder on River Road but you and your neighbors had no flood so thank you Jackie for your quick response I know it was a weekend um and making sure that if barriers were needed um they were going to be set up I don't make promises or commitments that I can't guarantee I'm not necessarily against bonding at the end of year or next year for the amount if the grant money doesn't come in but I'm not in a position to make that specific commitment right this minute but I can and I will commit and promise to you and all of your neighbors that I'm spending hours many hours weekly to find Financial Solutions to get this done faster as well as additional mitigation efforts so to you and any of your neighbors can call me or text me anytime 845 545 2582 thank you Miss Goldberg Deputy Mayor G um I think my Council colleagues answered most of your questions um you know Chris I Echo Sentiments of my colleagues you've been here countless number of times um one of the things we did discuss is getting a timeline that we can connect on regularly things change it's not our desire to have you in this situation but if we can at least communicate more effectively going forward I think that would be at least a little bit helpful um the the caller who um called in about the prince and Grayson intersection um I I live a block and a half away my son gets picked up a block away from that on the bus so I share your concerns um I know we've been looking at that intersection for years I know we're putting up signs um definitely we'll look into what else we could be doing to make that a safer intersection it is really really troubling that intersection so just know that we're looking into it um thank you everyone marriage as always thank you to all of our residents for coming out tonight in participating Miss IP I was just as as appalled as you were how they cut down all those beautiful trees and we'll ask our attorney manager to please look into that for you and to please follow up Mr Brown I reached out to a regional 2 director who was a kic high school graduate but we haven't heard back from her yet so I'm going to give her another call tomorrow see if we can get through and the manager provided a brief update earlier that going to ask please repeat again tonight before the meeting ends and M hasmat is there any anything you would like to add or say about anything or any of the comments made tonight um yes I'm going to follow up obviously with uh Prince and Grayson um we're going to um I'll get the report from U Mark and then I will follow up next meeting to see if we can make some improvements at that intersection um also about the C Cedar Lane Paving um it'll probably be my first Robo call of many um that I will provide to the residents I will continuously remind everyone uh that Paving is upcoming what the schedule is keep everyone alert so you can uh plan an alternate route for your workday dropping your children off um to keep everyone in the loop um so I will um post this as much as I can through nixel website Facebook and robocall um so I just wanted to assure everyone I'll keep you in the loop um as far as bav um I did receive an email today um from um from the DP I am working with the township engineer we got some information about the diversion permit um I'm reviewing it with her um between today and tomorrow we did have a brief U meeting today but I was prepping for this meeting so um time was limited today so we are actively working I don't want you to think that we aren't uh paying attention we are not giving this our full attention I speak to her almost daily did you hear anything um can I send them an update um it is super important to me to get this resolve for you as it is uh the C the whole Council um the survey just so you know for the diversion tank it has been submitted to the D for approval and comments as you know this does take time they don't respond right away um they have to review it so we are waiting on that as you know also the design phase for the BIOS Falls is underway so there is movement for the project and I assure you I know it doesn't feel like it's moving quick enough and I know there it feels like there are delays but it has our full attention so I do want to reiterate that I haven't forgotten and as much as I want to give you I thought I could a weekly update unfortunately I'm not getting those updates as quickly as I thought so I apologize for that but um if you want to reach out to me at any point in time I am working on a document that I will share with all the residents um I think um I already shared with Miss fineberg that I am working on that uh with the township engineer um so you will all have a comprehensive update and we'll all have the same information Al together um that's all I have mayor miss hashmat our next order of business is our consent agenda and all matters listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature by Council and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately Mr clerk can you please read the amount of the bill list into the record because it's on the record now reced I'm sorry you can't interrupt because good and Welfare is over can but we're gonna end the meeting real soon if you want to talk to us afterwards that's fine but she just put into the record that information had been sent that had not been sent so that's really distressing no Rebecca we can't do this we can't interrupt the meeting because we have we have to follow we we have to follow code just give us a second the meeting is most over I'll make a motion sorry the bill list was right I apologize we're waiting for the bill list yeah he has to read it into the yes apologies we got a raffle two sets of minutes resolutions 265 to 272 d224 and the bill is in the amount of 12,236 th2188 I'll make a motion to approve the consent bill this is right second councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler yes councilman Goldberg yes councilman Oregon uh yes with an exstension on the bills list uh 24 3787 3787 24 3787 is what you said uh Deb marats yes with the abstention on the bills list and an abstention on um 27224 only because I don't I can't figure out the AAL something you said 270 sorry about that Deputy Mayor yes yes to all forgot thank you thank you Mr Clerk and thank you Council our next order of business is our introduction of ordinances Mr clerk can you please read the title of the ordinance into the record yes sir we can we have only two ordinances on introduction this evening ordinance number 23- 2024 authorizing the sale of town property known as 1478 silen Terrace in the town of TAC ordinance number 24- 2024 authorizing the sale of town property known as 416 Newbridge Road in the township that's all motion second Mr May councilman Schwarz sorry councilman Bel uh yes this is on introduction Council Goldberg yes councilwoman Oregan yes marats yes G yes may yes all introduced Mr Mayor Mr Mayor M Mr CLK I make a motion to adjourn second all those in favor please say I I yes have it thank you everyone for coming out tonight and thank you for participating get home safe you know we're going to drink old days the old days