e e check check mayor we have a quum can everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Mr clerk we have a quorum and call this meeting to order at 88:13 p.m. please call the rooll yes mayor we have councilman uh councilman Schwarz here sorry councilman beler councilman Goldberg here councilman Morgan here Deputy Mayor Catz Deputy Mayor G here mayor Pagan here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by resolution number 299 d223 sending a copy to the newspapers official designated for 2024 by way of resolution number 2224 buing a copy in the township clerk's office and posting on the municipal building bulletin board and the mayor hereby directs that this statement be included in the minutes thank you Mr clerk good evening and welcome everyone to tonight's council meeting Township Administration president at tonight's meeting are Dean kazinsky our Township manager Doug ruson our Township Clerk Kristen denor our Deputy Township Clerk Thomas row our Deputy Township manager Scott sammon our Township attorney and Ron Goodman our volunteer cable caster for the public information we are currently holding a hybrid format meeting we have people in person and on Zoom if our Wi-Fi at the municipal building has an issue where the zoom meeting drops we will aim to retrieve the connection and continue the meeting the next televised regular council meeting is April 16th and it begins at 6:30 p.m. with the public portion of that meeting beginning at 8:00 p.m. Council met in Clos session earlier this evening to discuss the following Personnel DPW update Library update p and diversion cell towers empathy training queenanne Road and West Trion a Township property legal issues and opinions regarding items on the Open Session agenda litigation updates and Oprah and before we get to our next order of business I would like to ask our residents and the media to please refrain from using flash photography just the flash okay our first order of business is presentations and we have a certificate of recognition for Mr Norman Adams one of our crossing guards Mr manager can you us do we have anyone from the family of Norman Adams here this oh great I'm going to come down okay it always brings me a lot of pleasure to recognize especially school crossing guards and you know whether you know it's in the morning rush or the hustle and bustle of afternoon pickups you can always find trusted friendly and compassionate school crossing guards assisting children on their way to school to and from school crossing guards are often unsung Heroes and we say this all the time who work during the school year to keep our little ones safe in good weather rain snow and sleep and uh Mr Adams today you know we're recognizing Norman Adams um this evening who was a dedicated crossing guard keeping TX safe for over 20 years and since 2001 yes he's uh certainly handled uh handled the hustle and bustle of a very busy street while ensuring the safety of our pedestrians and school children and Norman's dedication and ability to manage such a challenging location is truly admirable and I thank you for that uh Norman's played a crucial role in the community making sure that students and parents can cross the street with peace of mind and his presence and guidance have undoubtedly made a positive impact on the lives of countless people and Norman is a true here in our community and I'd like to extend my deepest gratitude and admiration to Mr Adams this evening for his unwavering commitment to the community so that being said from Council we have a certificate of recognition uh that reads to Mr Norman Norman Adams school crossing guard the township thanks you for more than two decades of dedicated service thank you for assuring our children and neighbors are safe while walking around our community and my sincerest thank you and I appreciate all you've done for the township of CHR Adams thank wa Mr Adams wait Mr Adams Mr Adams we we we'd like to thank you as well Deputy Mayor cats first yeah I'm sorry I missed the name of the street that you were what what's your Crossing at oh wow busy okay I I think it's very I think it's very fair and reasonable to say that youve thank goodness saved many many lives over the years and prevented potential horrific accidents so uh we really do appreciate it you know it's nice to do the job on a day like well not today but yesterday or tomorrow but you also do it during the winter during the really cold when it's snowy out so uh on on uh behalf of the tck residents thank you very much for everything you've done for the last 20 years miss belter all yeah I just want to say uh to uh Mr Adams thank you for your service to our community thank you for keeping our children safe um my two daughters probably benefited from certainly crossing guards throughout the years um they're adults now but thank you for keeping our little ones all the way up to our our grownup um children safe and thank you for your service to the community Mr Schwarz um uh just a correction it's not just to kids or adult children you know Council organ I have been jogging or walking for about 15 years and it's kind of embarrassing but they always stop trafficking for us as well so um I I want to thank you for your service I'm G to put this out there don't answer me now maybe at the end if you have a good story for us we'd love to hear a story like some crazy thing that happened to vandelinda like you the truck flipped over and you picked it up or something but if you have a great they probably have some heard the stories but if you have one for us please if don't if I didn't mean to put you on the spot but so just want to say uh Miss Oregon Ju Just to piggyback on what um councilman Schwarz said our new friend Robert stands at Windsor Road and West Anglewood Avenue and when we run we usually can't breathe by the time we get there and we're so happy to stand on the corner and talk to him about the day and the weather and it it really adds to to our experience um and also gives us a reason not to run and to stop and to talk um but we really do appreciate you as adults and and over the years we've met so many people who are kind and always have a smile in the morning and I'm I'm sure that's what you had at your post Deputy Mayor G I want to EO echo my Council colleagues many of us I think all of us have children we all parents but three of us still have little ones here in town and so we continue to benefit from you and and we're just so unbelievably grateful for your commitment to our town for over 20 years I can't even imagine and of course both I guess Mark and Karen will continue to benefit from your services as well when they cross the street so just thank you so much Miss goldber yeah I just want sorry I just wanted to also say thank you you know this pedestrian safety and kids safety it's one of the issues that we hear about a lot so I just wanted to say thank you and that is a very busy um intersection so thank you thank you for your service for and from the bottom of our hearts Mr Adams thank you so so much for your so many years of dedicated service it's not an easy job and you helped so many people day in and day out and you've done it for so many years so from the bottom of our hearts and on behalf of the 42,000 residents who Calla home thank you so so very much we appreciate you and we love you and if you want to say anything please feel free I just want to thank everyone for for uh thanking me for being a part of helping the children to cross the road and I'm thankful that uh uh the children obeyed and thankful that they are moving on in the world and thank the board for acknowledging my service thank you for all God bless everyone thank you Mr Adams God bless you all right our next order of business is work session items and first up is miscellaneous does anyone on Council have anything under miscellaneous seeing no hands I do actually sorry go ahead Miss Morgan um we have a resolution that I'd like to walk on um that the attorney wrote up that I I asked the clerk to read I'd like to see if we have enough um if we can vote to put it on the consent agenda tonight I'll second but before we second a motion um I think the motion needs to come then I read the language and then a second so let me do that for you guys this is a resolution requesting assistance from the state of New Jersey regarding ongoing protests over the conflict in the Middle East whereas in the past 6 months the township of TX has witnessed a significant increase in protests regarding the ongoing conflict in the Middle East among other issues and whereas these protests have taken placed within the public right away of the township on its streets and sidewalks as well as related County and state-owned roadways and whereas many of those organizing and attending these protests are not residents of the township and whereas the increasing number of protests have drained considerable resources from the township as they require a significant number of police officers from the township to work overtime as well as resources from Bergen County and neighboring municipalities and whereas in the past 6 months the township has incurred approximately $150,000 in unexpected costs in the form of police overtime which does not include the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by Bergen County and neighboring municipalities in their assistance of the township and whereas those unexpected costs also include the Department of Public Works and fire department as well as other administrative costs for the township such as various logistical supplies including portable bathrooms and food among other costs and whereas a single protest recently cost the Township in excess of $50,000 as well as tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to Bergen County neighboring municipalities and whereas the protesters have failed Andor refused to obtain required permits or pay the associated cost with their protests leaving the financial burden fully on the township and whereas the number of protests have remained consistent over the proceeding six months and there do not appear to be an end in sight to them and whereas while the mayor and Council Township support the core right to participate in PE peaceful marches demonstrations and other expressive activity that is protected by both the United States and New Jersey constitutions the township cannot continue to financially sustain these increased costs in the long term now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the township at tinac urge Governor Murphy attorney general plaen sen state senator Johnson Assembly women haer m park and the state legislature to assist the township with these spiraling costs by and through reimbursement for overtime expenses logistical support and assistance from the state police as may be required and be a further resolve that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the above name Representatives all other members of the New Jersey state legislature and to the New Jersey state League of municipalities that is the language of the resolution I believe we had a ver from councilwoman Oregon and I heard a second from councilwoman Goldberg and this is to add it to the consent agenda tonight councilwoman Oregan correct correct as resolution 107 d202 and Mr CL this is a roll call just to add correct there's just to add to the consent agenda as resolution number 17-22 what we just read into the record councilman Schwarz yes councilman Bel are we going to have discussion on this attorney are we before we vote are we going to have discussion on whether or not we are going to proceed as this is uh thank you councilwoman this is just to add it to the consent agenda so there is still time for Council to discuss as well as the public okay you going pull it and then okay we're gonna have discussion later okay as long as long as it gets pulled then yes we sure okay all right no problem uh I'm going to vote uh I'm gonna abstain on that right now councilwoman Goldberg yes councilwoman Oregan yes Deputy Mayor Catz yeah Deputy Mayor G yes mayor Pagan yes all right resol resolution 107 d224 added thank you Mr Clark does anyone else have anything under miscellaneous no moving along next up is old business does anyone have any old business on Council No Hands does anyone have anything for new business no hands moving on to Communications does anyone have anything for communications next up committee reports by Council eaon Mr Schwarz yes um I did not file a sub zoning Comm report because we actually did not have a meeting but I wanted to report back on the the public meeting that the sub zoning committee hosted as it relates to American Legion Drive and to um Beverly Road uh there was about 45 people in attendance there was also about I think 70 on Zoom that I don't have the exact Zoom number uh quite a bit of feedback we took quite a bit of notes and the zoning subcommittee as well as the professionals that were in the room will be circling back and we be um uh addressing it both internally and then again later on as well with the with the council in in public session but uh right now there is an a formal report no steps have yet been taken thereafter thank you Mr Schwarz is anyone else have any committee reports Miss beler okay we did not have a meeting um for the um affordable housing we have one scheduled for later in this month um but I just want to uh report that one of the areas in which I'm working on uh is to to uh convene a meeting with um a fair share um housing to get some um intricate details about the new legislation that uh is affecting our municipality as it pertains to affordable housing thank you thank you Miss beler anybody else have any committee reports no moving on Council listed items first up Mr Schwarz good and Welfare portion at council meeting yes okay that was I sent an email out to the council but I don't believe it's in the packet and I'm not sure if anyone has it in front of them I'm going to read it um as everyone knows and I've been a proponent of of not going uh into extended hour of the morning uh I put together on March 20th in my email to council four things I like to discuss the first one which I'm striking and not going to be reviewing um I'd like to um review the following for good and Welfare I motion to modify the code to state that this portion should be a minimum of one hour but shall end no later than 11: p.m unless by Council vote to extend frankly a 4H hour good and Welfare um with is something that is just filler bustering the meeting and that we cannot address any of the people because they frankly they can't stay around that late and while some people may view it as a personal platform the original intentions of good and Welfare were to address residents concerns such as illegal dumping on uh at dead ends and parking and whatnot so what I'd like to do and since speaking with some of you you've um asked me to make this 90 minutes that good and Welfare should be no more than 90 minutes nor 11 o'clock at night um and one of the reasons why and it's something was just brought up is that after good and Welfare we have an resolutions and the resolutions that we have are important things that that really change tetin that need to be reviewed and when we rush through that at 1:35 in the morning we we don't we literally just consent agenda and we literally push everything through that was um question for you Mr short do you want to go through all three first or you do want to do one by one for discussion I I can I you what you want yeah go through all three of them and then secondly um any and all speakers must be on camera en list their first and last names must they don't they get shut down we can't the fake names the fake accents people that I I frankly can't find them internet these people do a great job of hiding on in the internet because they just don't exist it's a danger and it makes a mockery over a council if you can't show your your video and you can't say your fir write your first and last name we should not want to hear from you there's plenty of people I disagree with and I'm not going to mention their names but they're on camera and they list their names lastly uh something you've talked about the Quorum in the past about you know uh hissing and booze and clapping about maybe asking people to leave if they're going to to um act like that that's not something we've really had lately but I thought it' be important to to add we've more had that in the past thank you for bringing it up Miss she um okay so I I think the best way to have less good and Welfare is to create the conditions where folks don't need to come here and share their opinions so I think that's that's where we should start rather than trying to fix the um you know over um be over prescriptive in the ordinance for 90 minutes 60 Minutes whatever if we don't have things for folks to come and talk to us about they won't come um so I think that's where we should start um in terms of a minimum of 60 Minutes I don't like that because what if we don't have 60 Minutes of of good and Welfare so I think it should be open-ended um in terms of the camera and name requirement I think there are some people who may not have access to a camera um I you know we have to take take into account the unintended consequences of requiring things like these there might be folks who don't even know how to go into zoom and change the name um so it just becomes very um we we're going to have unintended consequences if we do this where we are those who have less access to resources um will be impacted and I know that's not your intent in creating this um recommendation so I I would like to not change the way that we've done things I don't like the hour max I'm sorry the hour minimum on good and Welfare I think when people come here we should hear them um they're all entitled to their three minutes moreover we have been getting inundated with emails usually I would say okay if you can't get get to us on good Ware send us an email 5,000 plus emails a day we can't read all the emails anymore and so now folks have to come here to hear from us because they're they're not getting their emails responded to in a good enough in a short enough period of time so I think we just have to be really thoughtful about anything that we Implement based on the current status this isn't what this isn't what it's going to be every single day I think we are in a very unique um period of time I hope we can get past this um but the reality is when people come here they want to speak to us and we should listen to them Miss Bel Miss beler uh yes I I would U be against restricting um uh good and Welfare to an hour or 90 minutes I believe also that we have been um um inundated with emails to the point that our our clerk on it department has had to um send most of our etail uh emails to to spam at least mine so I don't I don't even really get a view as to you know many of the copy and pasted emails that we get it's it's just very overwhelming so I personally like to have residents come out and listen to them um I think that we you know we're sitting here for the reason of being elected to hear from our constituents so I do not want to silence them thank you anybody else on Council Miss Oregan so we went to a hybrid format after covid when we reopened and came out publicly before that we had guests um who could speak to us during good and Welfare from the audience and everybody else watched on channel 47 or Channel 77 and that's how I grew up it was a staple in my house um we watched every council meeting with my father we sat on the couch it's what we did and we're one if not the only municipality in Bergen County or one of that has retained the hybrid format which is fine there are people that can't get out and I I wouldn't bring that up because they have the opportunity to be on their phones or on their computers from home it's something that we do but what has that done it's elongated good and Welfare to a point where people who are sitting in the audience are not able to speak until later in the night and so somebody that comes in and wants to speak at 8:45 or 9:00 may not get to speak week until midnight now and they're sitting here with us so it's not just the wear and tear on us and us going to work the next day and us doing the business of the town after midnight or 1:00 when we're exhausted and and rushing through things because we you know there's nobody listening anymore and they're not hearing our answers um but but there's that and so I'm in favor of minimum of an hour but not past 11 o'clock 11 o'clock is still reason a reasonable time for people who have come out to meetings to sit here listen to our responses and hear us do the work of the Town pass our resolutions introduce our ordinances so that's Point number one um absolutely the hissing the snapping the booing should not be tolerated in here everyone deserves respect when they speak and anybody that reacts like that should be asked to leave there are people who are waiting for seats now they should not be for people who show disrespect for the audience or for members of council the last thing is and I I'd like to add this to the discussion we didn't discuss it t neck residents should be allowed to speak first and that to me means coming into council chambers and also speaking on zoom and for that reason I think we need to have names on zoom and cameras on the other reason for cameras on is because people when they're looking at you tend to be more respectful there tends to be more decorum when people are not when people are hiding behind a black screen it's a lot easier to say what you think than when you're looking somebody in the face and I think that's the problem with one of the biggest problems with the world right now is people feel free to type and say what they want with no consequence or without looking people in the face so I would I'm I'm in favor of what you said but I would like to add 11 o'clock not not 90 minutes we can go to 11 depending on when we start at least an hour though and um I want I'd love to amend our ordinance on this or introduce an ordinance where we allow for Teck residents first whether it's asking for ID and have people seated before um you know if you're by 8:00 or you're here by 8:15 if you're a tneck resident I'm I'm fine for special occasions if you're a crossing guard that lives somewhere else of course we'd like you and your family to be here and that can be arranged with the clerk's office but um I think there need to be restrictions now these meetings are out of control thank you Miss foran anybody anybody else on Council Mr Schwarz were you hoping to take action tonight or were you just let us know so that we can sleep on it while you craft a resolution or an ordinance with the attorney yeah I mean we can definitely sleep on it for the next meeting I I I do um I would like to respond to the comments um is first yes pull the 60 Minutes to both you in 90 minutes it would be my my resolution um I love Sandy silverberg if Sandy silverberg could figure out zoom and she changes her name I think anyone can not really sure if you can log in to zoom in the meeting and not have a camera I don't really understand how that works I don't believe that's the case but um hiding behind cameras again that's an absolute and fake names is an absolute hard stop U hard stop for for me and I would obviously you know that's why we have voting um definitely um I understand you're saying that you you emails and people get lost and they can't communicate with us with emails um my cell phone number is 91792 n303 I speak to countless residents all day long I I do hope and my wife's listening so I really shouldn't say this I don't get any work done anymore during the day because all I do is talk to Residents so um I I really um I don't think anyone is coming up here and then leaving because he didn't he talked to us and never talking to us again for several weeks um and um those are my comments but yes I'd like people to sleep on it and I'll start doing some more crafting back and forth thank you Mr Schwarz I think you have another item under Council items believe that's already sell Towers that's already addressed as a resolution correct so we're done thank you um Mr manager manager's report the floor is yours sir uh thank you not a long report tonight uh from from the last council meeting just a reminder to the residents we have um disaster shelter training taking place on April 25th that's from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Richard rotus Center and we're looking for volunteers who are interested in learning about the basic shelter functions and guidelines and procedures this is going to be run by the American Red Cross and the staff from our office of emergency management uh to get a uh some additional information on a copy of the volunteer application just send an email to OEM tnj.gov that's OEM tenek nj.gov just a couple project updates we're going out to bid for the new tennis court lights at B Park and the Community Development block rant milling and Paving for a couple streets one being skoon marker uh neldon argon and hurlan uh the bid opening is going to take place on April 23rd uh we're in the process of completing categorical exclusion forms and this is required for the EPA as it relates to the detention tank that we're putting in in s more Park we're going to have a resolution listed on April 16th for the BIOS Swale signing contract so again uh there is relief on the way for that area of Bell Avenue and and Sagamore Park it's a long process the township recently submitted our Rossi I'm I've been told that it's called The Rosie but I guess it's a north south thing with Trenton and and Bergen County but I call it the rosi uh so that's with Green Acres right now for review uh we're receiving bids as we speak for renovations to East Beverly Road parking lot um and what's going to happen is we're going to do some minor milling and the repair work and then we'll place a nice skim coat of as ball and that should be done in time for the opening of the farmers market and grants this month we were notified of six Awards including the Bergen County open space Municipal Park Improvement program that was for $146,700 US Congress Community Project funding and that was for 565,000 uh we submitted applications to the New Jersey Department of community fairs uh local Recreation Improvement grant program the United States Department of interior American Battlefield Protection Program and grants to the fem assistance for firefighters grant program and the last one was for the ARP Community challenge grant program so we've been pretty successful in receiving awards from the various agencies that offer money and I'm sure we continue to be successful and Millennium strategies has done a pretty good job for us good thank you anyone have any questions for our manager seeing No Hands Mr salmon just real quick um the township has received a lot of um questions and requests for information regarding our ordinance related to protests marches demonstrations things of that nature I've received U uh also request from members of council including councilman Oregon and others uh to work on to work on an ordinance that will clarify our our Township Code and procedures uh that ordinance is currently being drafted it'll be Council soon uh for the council's consideration at a future meeting that's it thank you Mr sammon Mr clerk since we have no ordinances to adopt our next order of business is good and Welfare any member of the public wishing to be heard at this time shall come forward and state their names for the record comments shall be limited to 3 minutes per person if you are on Zoom please list your first name and your last name so our clerk can call on you we also ask that you turn on your camera when speaking if possible and before we start I just want to remind residents that it is budget season and we would love to hear your thoughts on the budget and other local teic issues because that will help us in crafting a budget for our residents first up the man and the you yes thank you so much Heidi fukes tenek resident thank you to the tinck police department and those of the other townships that are called upon to maintain peace when agitators come to our town to disrupt Our Lives limit our mobility and our ability to enjoy religious freedoms and access to our synagogues sadly tenek for Palestine is referred to our brave officers as tenek slave Patrol and has caused and has accused them of acting uh an act of suppression when at the last meeting the doors were closed because we were at capacity thank you to the mayor and council members Goldberg Oregon catson Schwarz who showed their support for the Jewish community at last night's event to honor zaka Israel's non-governmental rescue and Recovery organization zaka is made up of over 3,000 volunteers that deploy 247 around the world to respond to Terror attacks disasters and major accidents zaka responded to the World Trade Center and Pittsburgh synagogue Terror attacks the serai building collapse and earthquakes in Turkey Haiti Nepal and tsunami earthquake in Japan and the typhoon in the Philippines and the volcano eruption in Guatemala providing on the ground assistance For All Mankind in Search and recovery and whatever else might be needed to assist in mass casualty incidents showing the greatest respect for all life and Humanity zaka does not ask the victims religion their race their political affiliation or their stand on the goings on in the Middle East Russia Ukraine Somalia Sagal or Nigeria zaka is a legitimate organization devoted to serving mankind unlike the AUC who claims they are built on the principles of Public Service respect equality Justice and peace For All Mankind disrupting an event that honors the noble individuals of zaka reflects the ignorance and hate that spews from some residents of this Township and bust in agitators it is imperative that the council upholds and protects fundamental rights our civil rights for all members of our community and Society Free Speech ceases to be a first right once it crosses the line and becomes incitement to violence defamation disturbing the peace and harassment now is the time for the council to act and not allow our beloved Township to be overrun by hate mongering not from outside the community and certainly not from within thank you sorry before we go to zoom I forgot to ask if there are any members of clergy here that need to speak sooner rather than later to attend prayer oh sir byebye Elliot Trier Teck resident two and a half years Rabbi of congregation Bena shuran as you just heard last night my Sy at my synagogue we hosted an event in honor of zaka an internationally recognized humanitarian agency that collects and buries human remains in the aftermath of natural disaster or in the case of October 7th mass casualty events the speaker we hosted last night has testified around the world including at the United Nations about the atrocities he witnessed firsthand on October 7th and its aftermath there had been no legitimate bodies that have questioned the Integrity of his accounts even as there were questions about details reported by other zaka volunteers who testified about dead babies that based on forensic evidence later turned out to be older children toddlers there was also no real estate being advertised at this event no Town Council resolutions being debated or passed no Israeli politicians no representatives of the Israel Defense Forces there was a humanitarian volunteer sharing as he did in the UN what he witnessed this past October a protest organized by groups that openly celebrate the Hamas atrocities of October 7th gathered outside my synagogue the leaders of these groups have openly called for violence against Jews and they unsurprisingly did so last night as well like the protest outside of ker Tor on March 10th vile rhetoric was thrown at the Jewish community seeking to intimidate and harass and once again at a point that I thought we had hit the bottom here in t New Jersey we managed to dig down further still I don't really want to comment on the protesters and their supporters I have nothing to say to them or even about them I think and I certainly hope that their own rhetoric and conduct speaks for itself but I would like to briefly comment on the many others who don't participate in these protests or even necessarily approve of them but somehow nonetheless find a way to blame the Jews for them at every one of these Council meetings there is someone who overtly or tacitly suggests that the anti-Semitism that we see in Tac is the fault of the Jews the Jewish Community needs to look in the mirror the Jewish Community needs to ask themselves why this is happening the Jewish Community brought this upon themselves and you know what there's nothing new about these claims it fits into a general pattern of victim blaming in which victims of religious ethnic or racial hatred are blamed for the very hatred against them and it's nothing new to us Jews either Jews have been blamed for anti-Semitism for thousands of years but I never thought I would encounter that kind of egregious victim blaming here in UK and it's consistent it's been normalized the kind of rhetoric that we would immediately recognize as outrageously problematic in the context of any other minority has become perfectly acceptable when it comes to the Jews it is enough it's enough of the gaslighting it's enough of the victim blaming Jews are not responsible for anti-Semitism and to everyone who does blame us to everyone who suggests that the problems and disunity in this town are the fault of the Jews because we're proud of who we are because we memorialize those slaughtered in the worst anti-jewish prrum since the Holocaust to anyone who does believe that let me be very clear you are the problem not us thank you Rabbi thank you thank you Rabbi Rabbi rabbi fredman Daniel fredman Rabbi of the Jewish center of tenek uh a lifelong EK resident very esteemed members of council um I want to just Begin by respectfully uh reiterating my suggestion uh from the last council meeting uh for Dean day uh to celebrate the Decades of service um our town manager has Faithfully rendered please last four decades to be marked this subber uh public service is a great value and celebrating its Champions um are really its way of celebrating the best amongst us I would like like to note that this week marks the 56th anniversary of the assassination of one of my heroes Dr Martin Luther King Jr a faith leader whose vision championing and perhaps the most indelible phrase in a life filled with Unforgettable phrases of judging one another based on the content of one's character over the politics of division grievance and resentment a Visionary who led to so much progress that radically changed our country for the better I hope that in remembering him we can help restore his vision of a society in which a person's path is determined not by the color of the skin or any other element based on identity groups but based as he said on the substance of their character Dr King forced American society to ask difficult questions and in his spirit I ask one of Tink tonight the Jewish Community has made it clear with great dignity and courage that we will not be run out of this town the unrelenting campaign of harassment for 6 months has only strengthened our resolve as we all witnessed last night but I do have a question for our friends and our neighbors will you continue to tolerate the anti-Semitism in our Township will you continue to acess to accept the SOP of those who claim that it was the resolution passed unanimously by this body that made TX Jews a legitimate Target as if announcing a genocidal terror attack was actually taking sides will you continue to accept that the Israel Gaza War regarding which we all have different opinions makes the Jews of EK a legitimate Target for ongoing harassment is that not the very definition of anti-semitism will you continue to accept the Canard that an information event about purchasing homes in Israel was a true cause for a March against ketra Torah where we heard chance of return to aitz will you continue to believe these things even in the face of the depravity that we saw last night when people came to denounce an organization that picked up the remains of burned and slaughtered men women and children women who had been murdered and then raped raped and then murdered is this legitimate in our Township as Dr king1 said cowardice asks the questions is it safe expediency asks the questions is it politic but conscience asks the questions is it right and so we ask our neighbors does this sit right with you your Jewish neighbors would like to know thank you Rabbi are are there any other members of clergy in attendance no Doug someone on Zoom please I am bringing in con please state your name for the record feel free to show your camera con family is your Zoom name they're coming in please bear with them again once you get in cone family please state your name for the record and please turn on your camera if possible please you are free to unmute hi can you hear me loud and clear okay um a couple of things first of all I want to give a huge shout out and thank your name for the record ma'am please oh sorry F con I'm a Teck resident thank you um thank you all um first of all I want to give a huge shout out to um the police department for um everything that they did yesterday to keep um it seemed like a I was there last night and it seemed like it was like at times very difficult and I want to just thank them for showing up um with Grace and with courage to try to keep the peace in our town um not only were they just doing a wonderful job of keeping the streets safe but I personally encountered a lot of situations where they were just really gracious and kind to community members so I want to say thank you for that um I Echo the sentiments that the rabbis just shared about really feeling that we need to do something in our town about ending the anti-Semitism and um you know looking to our neighbors to to try to figure out how we fix um make our town a place where Jewish people could again just feel like they could live and worship in peace um and I would want to request also that with these meetings I know that you're I think that you're prioritizing te um residents to speak so we could speak specifically about town concerns but I also want to request that when people speak on Zoom that they'd be required to um be on video um because last time when we had a town meeting I was up till 1:20 in the morning so thank you all for um for taking everybody's comments but there were some comments that started with a very AI sounding uh tone you know there were a few of the comments where people were not on zoom and it started with hello hi hi can you hear hear me you know if any of us receive a phone call like that we hang up immediately because we know it's Ai and I feel like especially we know that there are a lot of people from outside of the township who are bringing hatred and resentment to our town um when people want to speak up here uh they should at a minimum be able to show their like be required to show their face um thank you all for everything that you're doing and thank you for giving me a chance to speak thank you Miss Coen Mr Yu hello hello everybody Phil y tck resident for 45 years um I want to talk to you about the uh the development uh the proposed development on American Legion Drive and Bly road we've had three public forums where the residents have spoken overwhelmingly overwhelming ly 95 plus% of the people who spoke at these meetings are against any of this development the silent so-called silent majority has remained silent nobody has come out strongly in favor of this development people have toyed around a couple people have toyed around with maybe it should be this or maybe it should be that but nobody nobody uh has come out and and and said this is a great great idea except maybe one or two members on this Council it is not a great idea it is a bad bad idea it's going to radically change our town and there are other ways many other ways to develop affordable housing in tenek I just saw an article which I passed along to the mayor about uh palis spark and how they have turned uh uh single family homes into duplexes to to increase housing I don't know that we need to increase housing in town but I know we need affordable housing and and adus are another way to do it but when you do a foolish thing and I've said this before to the council when you do a foolish thing when you do a a Bad Thing uh you have to pay the price you just have to pay the price whatever that price might be so if you get sued by the developers so be it and if you lose that suit so be it pay the price because it was the wrong thing to do and now I'm going to ask you to do the right thing and to abandon this plan completely and start from scratch Let's Hear What the residents would really like to do with those those properties if anything and go from there one other point the only possible reasonable development in that area in my opinion and by the way I'm speaking both as an individual but I know that I I represent many homes in my neighborhood the only reasonable development I believe might be senior housing at the end of the Stop and Shop parking lot the Stop and Shop Park nobody ever parks there even holiday time that lot stays empty I don't know why Stop and Shop wants that lot that's the only thing other than that abandon this please stop the madness MP fell someone on Zoom Doug bringing in Ari please state your name for the record feel free to show your camera free to unmute Ari please state your name for the record yes Ari green a longtime tneck resident um I apologize for lack of camera uh I agree I think it's a great idea I could have chosen to use a computer with a camera I didn't because I noticed lots of others but I think it's a great idea and I think it should be enforced for everyone and I will do so going forward if I cannot make it there in person um while I a few comments to make um while I have the utmost respect for the tenek police department officers who put their lives on the line I'd like to comment on the lack of law enforcement that I've seen specifically with regard to moving or traffic violations I've I'm in the process of raising three children here I'm trying to teach my children about Law and Order how to follow the law respect the authorities what do I say to my daughter who just started driving when she sees that some people or Vehicles seemingly that seemingly aren't required to follow the law what am I referring to these car rallies or Caravans that are mostly coming from outside of tck from what I understand I personally witnessed multiple laws being broken in full view of law enforcement unambiguous clear violations such as people hanging out of windows with waving flags clearly not wearing seat belts why is the tck police department not enforcing our laws when it comes to the unpermitted car rallies and the fact that they don't have permits is another issue which I believe has already been been addressed I have addressed this with with two multiple of the council members but I've yet to receive a clear answer as to our why our laws that are on the books that are as clear as wearing a seat belt or not blocking traffic or not being enforced um besides for my personal reasons which I just outlined for bringing this up we as a town are making it clear to those violating our laws that we're okay with it and they're coming back and they're coming again and again and we're just reinforcing the fact that maybe we're really not a law-abiding town and unfortunately we've seen this move on from simple um you traffic violations to violence at some of these rallies that I have seen that that can be viewed on videos that have been shared by others I'm very concerned as a parent and as a resident of tenek to the message that we're sending to not only people that are coming out of town but more importantly to our children by not enforcing the law when they can s sit there and watch the police officers um experiencing these these violations and not doing any anything about it um and I I think with that I'm going to end my comments and thank you very much for the time and I appreciate all the time and effort that everyone on the council has been putting in and I mean no offense at all to the officers of the Teck Police Department who I have the utmost respect for and I'd like to thank all of you with my last few seconds for all that that you do to keep us safe thank you thank you Mr Green the lady in the back row yes ma'am I'm the angel at Tac resident good evening everyone Last Night tin faced the challenge to its core values as a group from outside our community descended upon us without a permit aiming to suppress our religious freedoms and directly targeting the compassionate work of zaka this organization a beacon of humanity became the focus of an unpermitted protest that not only sought to undermine our principle principles but also placed a financial burden on our town the cost of this unnecessary disturbance was significant funds that could have been dedicated to enriching our community like enhancing our playgrounds adding resources to our library or supporting youth programs were instead diverted to manage this situation it's disheartening that our resources were strained by a group intent on spreading Discord and hate especially when they blatantly disregard our laws by not securing the necessary permits for their Gathering gathering this brings to me to me this brings me to a crucial point the financial accounting for this disruption it is only fair that those who organized and participate in this hate fueled event without regard for our Town's regulations be buil for their expenses incurred by our Town's fund should serve the interest and well-being of our residents not cover the cost of illegal and divisive actions by Outsiders tenek is built on the foundation of unity respect and support for one another we stand firm in our commitment to ease these to these values and to supporting organizations like zaka which embody the best of what we believe in the actions of last night will not weaken us instead they reinforce our resolve to stand together ensuring our community remains a place of inclusion and growth in moving forward I urge us to consider the implications of last night's event not just in terms of community Spirit but also in financial terms let's take steps to ensure that those responsible for undermining our Town's peace and resources are held accountable thank you for your time and commitment to keeping TX vibrant welcoming Community welcoming Community for all together we are stronger I also want to say thank you to um mayor Pagan yesterday at the you were amazing and um to the Town Council for everything that they did to make us safe yesterday and to the police department for everything that they did to keep us safe thank you thank you ma' someone on Zoom Doug jerb benowitz please state your name for the record unmute jerro Ben benowitz her.com please unmute state your name for the record all right we will try Rachel k please unmute state your name for the record yes hi my name is Rachel Kaplan a teen president so um I just want to make it very clear that no one is out here attacking Jewish people the self victimization needs to end now okay they has to do with people in t neck thinking they can support a genocide and not be called upon it hosting illegal estate sales within synagogues that is the issue we're not protesting against the synagogues or Jewish people it's the fact that you're hiding these illegal activities within the synagogues to escape sanctions and that is the issue yesterday there was a huge protest yes indeed but really truly who were the Violent ones the pro-israeli supporters there's even a flyer circulating the internet showing that they bust in outside agitators from New York so who is bringing the outside agitators um and I do want to speak on the police you know I appreciate what they do but in reality they very clear they're here to protect one particular group right they were protecting the pro Israelis just seeing by the way they were facing the the um both different uh protesting groups uh they were not doing their job by making sure every human being that was there was safe they were obviously haering to the pro- Israelis and that is the issue with this County that is the very issue with this Township because the board members are clearly in support of Israel so clearly so that one of the board members uses her social media to speak for Jewish people for only is she here to represent all constituents or just Jewish people that is the concern right now so all these resolutions that are being passed is clearly in the benefit of one group you are not representing the whole population of EG and that is where we are upset at we don't care you're Jewish or Muslim or Christian it's not about religion and stop making it about religion it's about morality and Humanity you have lost your sense of humanity and that is what is very concerning also I want to point out on March 17th there was a person hanging out their car out of her sunroof waving her Israeli flag and driving around AUC right uh her plate number is n59 NZ right I would like her to get a ticket indeed so we're here trying to vilify people that are pro- Humanity Pro Palestine it's a question of humanity right now it's not about religion I'm tired of this they Palestinians that are Christians too that are Jewish too so let's stop making it about religion and stop the self victimization because we don't care you're Jewish it's not about that so um that is what I wanted to mention and to actually want people to get on camera that is very unfair you're targeting people that might not have the means to fix their cameras that are broken this is very deliberate thank you ma'am thank you ma'am in the front row good evening my name is Jasmine Ray I'm a Tac resident so I just want to first start by get sharing some definitions so Judaism is a beautiful monotheistic religion that developed among the ancient Hebrews and is over 3500 years old meanwhile Zionism is a political movement that emerged in the 19th century with um the goal to enable the establishment of an ethn State um for Jewish people in Palestine okay anti-Semitism is not okay and never should be normalized however political movements specifically political movements are fair to challenge I keep hearing the question when will this stop and I'm very happy to confirm that there is a real and tangible solution to the concern of indefinite protesting in this town one stop inviting organizations that promote and commit domestic and international crimes and incite violence into our town two deconstruct the callous racism so many of our palest neighbors relentlessly share and three hold the fear-mongering sensationalists that inappropriately use their positioning on Town Council both current and former accountable since my words at the last meeting have already clearly been forgotten I will repeat myself I'm here to demand the immediate dismissal of council members Hillary goldber hereen Oregon and Mark Schwarz someone else already called you out by name and no one got interrupted going by name yeah if you can refer to me or just councel please absolutely and I want my time back he paused you're good no it wasn't I have three other seconds that aren don't worry I'll keep in line of it so go give you three extra seconds so please continue thank you how dare you claim to represent this constituency while show casing your thinly veiled fascism at every opportunity you all Fain care and concern for the ever splitting divide in this town while actively Fanning the Flames to burn a semblance of unity to the ground you are all complicit and your legacy left behind this tenure is destined to be remembered as being everything you claim to stand against that this Council was a beacon for violence how many deaths in Palestine in Lebanon and Syria and Yemen and the DRC will it take before this Township divorces from the vi ideology of Zionism we have Township members carrying guns to intimidate those that speak up with no consequences does there have to be a death in these teenx streets before our pleas are taken seriously also since we want to talk about hostile settings I want to highlight all the hatred I was subjected to at the last meeting being as one of the only two black people in the entire Chambers and one of four people with an empathetic perspective of the horrors facing those in Palestine in the entirety of the room as well I was stared at like an outsider and I didn't belong even though I've lived in t my entire life while simultanously having multiple people try to knock into me and cut me in lines I've had people attempt to stick the police on me and my friend people were coughing at me and my friend someone was pulling my hair multiple times I was violently shushed and belittled I was gas lit by umor multiple times someone tried to put a camera in my friend's face to try to dox them by taking a picture even though they didn't speak thank you for your time and of course all the racist rhetoric spewed take this thank R someone Allison Allison yes sorry your last name is cut off on my screen please stay your name for the record Alison gor arier been here 17 and a half years and I wanted to talk about last night volunteers flew in from Israel to talk about about the work they do at crime scenes all over the world but this was specific to Israel do you remember how after September 11th First Responders went through the crime scenes like the Twin Towers or where Flight 93 went down in Pennsylvania the Pentagon they were looking for survivors and then later on the crime scene investigators combed through so that parts of bodies could be recovered and identified this is similar to what happened in Israel after the massacre on October 7th there were beheadings people were blown up by grenade people were set on fire and so on these volunteers from zaka like who came last night to speak in tenek these volunteers from zaka and Israel did the holy work of visiting crime scenes finding and picking up every body part wiping off every splash of Blood on the floors Walls Furniture and collecting these pieces of someone's life with the utmost dignity and respect these volunteers wanted these people who were murdered to be collected as intactly as possible and returned to their families for a proper burial again these same volunteers stoic Brave human beings and this is what they do on a volunteer basis they're not paid for this they came to the United States to speak last night about their work and what was the response war mongers from outside of town were busting they were fed dinner and unfortunately I've heard some reports they were paid an appearance fee to motivate them to come from out of town to Teek last night why was any of that necessary it created so much drama particularly for law enforcement and for the individuals who just wanted to come and hear from zaka directly about the work they do for dead civilians there's no logic to why people were bust in to create havoc in an otherwise peaceful suburb to hear people who collect bodies it just it doesn't make sense pick your battles protest something that's actually offensive or meaningful in some way to your cause yes many Muslims in this town hate what's going on in Gaza and many Jews in this town hate what's going on in Israel but last night's protest and these other protests are not coming across as about Israel or Gaza what shows through the most prominently are the radical strangers from out of town who are just looking for an excuse to show aggression towards Jews at the end of the day we're here together Muslims Jews Christians atheists it doesn't matter we're here together we live together and we send our kids to the same programs together we don't have to have problems together we can have differences of opinions but busing in people from out of town who just want to incite violence and hate this is wrong and it needs to stop thank you miss someone on this side sir good evening my my name is Frank breau I've lived in tenek for 48 years my thanks to Mayor Pagan the township manager Mr kazin the police and their Chief and the various other officials who have kept the Jewish Community safe despite some people making groundless accusations against us special thanks to the township manager Mr kazinsky for all of his work on our behalf for the last 40 plus years in various capacities in the words of the late Senator liberman you are a real mench I'm very disheartened at the continuing invasion of non- residents who are demonstrating in a very anti-semitic manner against the town Jewish population in front of our synagogues the town ke Council should adopt a resolution barring any demonstrations within several 100 ft of any house of worship what I find even more astounding is the free reign being given these demonstrators why are they allowed to have parades and demonstrations without permits when permits are required by Township ordinances the Jewish contingent in front of benur on Monday night had a permit where was the Palestinian demonstration permit furthermore several years ago I got a $54 jaywalking ticket on Cedar Lane Crossing in the middle of the street on a Tuesday morning at 7:30 a.m. when there were no moving vehicles in sight the Palestinians jaywalked across River Road while there was traffic on Monday night without a single summons being written one has to wonder if all of the township regulations currently on the Burke were enforced I don't think we'd need the overwhelming police presence evidenced on Monday night things would be a lot quieter and safer one also continues to amaz me as the tck Islamic clergy is curiously slent about all all of these marches and demonstrations I would have thought they would say anti-Semitism is not part of Islamic Doctrine hostage taking of the elderly women and children is not part of Islamic Doctrine raping and wanting killing of Jews is not part of Islamic Doctrine instead nothing but silence this serves as encouragement for the kind of needless demonstrations against a meeting on Monday night to recognize those courageous individuals who gathered the remains of the October 7th massacre victims and were possibly identified the victims whose remains were unrecognizable the council must send an unmistakable message that any religious harassment in this town will not be tolerated and enforce all applicable Township ordinances thank you Mr brelo someone on the zoom Doug Brian Brooks please unmute state your name for the record hello my name is Brian harand Brooks I am a EK resident for over 30 years I went to EK high school as I said last time there is much use of black history being used to justify varying perspectives but many don't seem to fully understand that the United States became the meltic pot that many of you seem to believe we live in through violent protest often unfortunately law has never been an example of morality righteousness or Justice for black Americans slavery was legal red lining was legal segregation was legal the Casual killing act allowed white people to kill us with impunity the only way that any of that changed was through consistent illegal and often violent protests those protests were were to hold the USA accountable for denying its black citizens the right laid out in the amended Constitution to resist a a tyrannical Nation a fascist nation and a theocracy we do not live in a theocracy when I first was moved to tinck with my parents I moved here and I enjoyed wonderful relationships with my Jewish community members I went to The JCC I learned everything about the Jewish community and we had robust conversations and discussions about Black Americans about black history about Palestine Palestine and Israel those conversations are absent in this moment because many of the citizens having these conversations fail to have solidarity with their black citizenry in tck New Jersey we are having a town council meeting and we're taking three minutes to tell you things but we are not talking to one another when Philip panel was shot we had a Town Council meetings where we talked to each other and black people explained our point of view and white people understood and there are white allies and Advocates and it was the Melting Pot that we worked to create we cannot simply give speeches and yell from our outrage we have to create an environment of understanding and solidarity between members of the community even if we disagree vehemently about International politics I will only say this to my Jewish brothers and sisters that live here in Tina New Jersey we in the United States do not live in a theoc so it is hard for many people to understand although I understand what you're saying about your indigenous nature to Israel many people in the United States have a hard time understanding the Theocratic understanding of Israel we have to have conversations where education is is afforded and where people are able to say what is real and what isn't but to to say that you're going to silence protest and force people to stop speaking because it makes you uncomfortable discomfort is not a threat discomfort is just discomfort I just want to leave everybody with that we need to be talking to each other and having deeper conversations so that we can come to some form of solidarity and understanding in EK because as a person said last week we are not going to solve the middle in a East in EK but both sides are bringing outside people in to support their point of views that is not helpful to us but those outside people are here to support ideas that we all hold and we justify their outside presence when we need them I wonder if my Jewish brothers and sisters would feel that it was outside agitators if the Town Council of the United States and Israel was protesting against them thank you Mr Brooks thank you Mr Brooks Miss Wilson good evening I'm here to open up some eyes hopefully the Coalition call for respectful Behavior we we the Coalition of the north neighborhood association are kindly aware of how recent international events in Israel and Gaza have affected our community EK is unique and it's in diversity and many residents have family and friends who have been directly affected by the recent tragic event emotions are running High demonstrations have taken place in town and some residents have expressed fear for their safety and the safy of the families many residents bone have divided our town has become some are also grieving and worried for the safety of loved ones abroad it has become clear to those of us attending Council meetings that council members are also divided the tension and divisions on the council have become increasingly apparent we believe that it has been adversely affected the ability of the council to function we understand that several of you have been received serious threats that cannot be tolerated we also believe that the division and open hostility visual among Council Members Only enables and perpetrates the divisions among residents the majority of residents want unity and peace all residents want their families to feel safe we need our Council to model Corporation even if there are differences among you and to lead our town down the path of healing and peace we implore you to lead our example lead by example and Not Mere divisions that have risen we ask that you mayor Pagan do whatever it is necessary to lead the council and thereby the community and insisting on Civility and respect among council members and to the public who elected you remember that you are council members representing the entire town of tinck the work of the Town needs to be done the tension and animosity that the public is seeing amongst you is not acceptable please do not please do what is needed to lower the temperature and get back to the work of respectively leading this incredible unique and diverse community and I also like to say that I didn't get a chance last week was so long but I'd like to congratulate you Mr kensy you've been not only a good manager a good friend and a caring person and I hope that you are able to take the time to be with your mom I am also a caregiver and I know what you're going through take the time and may God bless and continue you and your family thank you Miss Wilson someone on Zoom Doug Brian ladenheim Brian ladenheim please unmute state your name for the record Brian ladenheim Brian ladenheim please unmute your hand is up state your name for the record Karen futter Karen futter please unmute state your name for the record Karen futter please unmute state your name for the record Karen futter please unmute state your name for the record we're g to try Valerie Lev next Doug if Valerie doesn't come on I'm going to go with someone in the chambers Valerie's coming Valerie Levan please unmute state your name for I'm I unmuted I'm trying to get my camera going I want to follow the rules hi can everybody hear me loud and clear three minutes okay awesome uh a memory came up uh on my Facebook memories from 2015 back when the Board of Education was going to remove busting for non-public school students and that was the biggest problem going on in my life back then and I thought when I saw that memory I was like wow I I wish I had that problem I wish that was my big problem right now um after attending W Monday night's counter protest I am nervous that like a year from now or a few months from now or or even a few days from now I I'll be wishing that what happened last night you know was my biggest problem I I am nervous uh about the the tone of everything going on I I I want the car rallies to stop I want these crazy protest to stop I wish there was a way forward I'm I'm looking out into the internet I assume someone on the pro Palestinian Muslim side is feeling as tired as I am right now I we need to figure out a way forward so um I want to thank Cheryl Hall for speaking out Monday night Cheryl I'm hoping you're somewhere on Zoom listening to that um and thanking the police for all of that on to town business 566 T-Neck road is a uh property that has been trying to get itself sold for years possibly decades now it is unsellable okay it was under contract for almost a year before it got withdrawn from the market again I wish there was a way to remove the historic status of that house and we could could knock it down um and build Condos for Middle inome people because when a for bedroom one and a halfbath house in tck is costing north of $600,000 we are not making housing fair enough for everybody um and my last comment is I wish there was a way to get her Avenue between Mildred and Albin properly milled and paid you keep patching the potholes it's not working I want it properly ground down and I want it properly repaved peric Avenue between Mildred and Alvin thank you thank you Miss Leven Mr Leon Mr clerk please let the record represent that I am wearing a chicken suit I didn't want to come here tonight um I stayed up till 1:30 last time watching on Zoom to see what all you would say to everyone here who came and who spoke on zoom and everything was repeated and everything is tired and I'm tired and you're tired um we're all tired so let me just do the the the the local stuff first chickens do it I'll embarrass myself for you I don't care do it um I I support Safe Streets the the the the complete streets thing that sounds awesome we should totally go forward with that but n since I don't take myself seriously I want to say something serious to you I was struck by what Deputy Mayor G said a couple minutes ago about how we need to create the conditions that people stop showing up to complain about everything um and I think that that's on you guys right like everything that you do affects one of us somehow and we're going to come here and we're gonna complain about it whether that's limiting my property right to have some chickens in my backyard whether it's limiting my neighbor's property right to build a duplex whether it's making some sort of um outward display that causes some sort of political ire regulating some kind of new business all of these things that you do are inviting this and we're inviting it to various degrees right we're inviting the entire world's attention right now there's an Al jaer reporter recording me saying this why is aler reporting on a tck municipal uh a t Municipal meeting right aler is international news agency and they're standing here in tck looking at a guy in a chicken suit talking to a bunch of local politicians stop regulating us stop regulating me stop making statements council speech should be limited to the things that are gerine to running this town and this town only we've made lots of mistakes with that in the past from today forward no more resolution ordinances only or I don't maybe I can be corrected on the legalities of that I don't really know how one works or the other one does don't say anything except thank the guy who helps kids cross the streets and thank the police officers and thank the firemen when they're retiring and you know make a street name for a local notable that's great do that that's Town stuff don't talk about National politics don't talk about local politics don't don't spend money on all kinds of things that we don't need right just just do I've said it before say it again do the things for us that we elect you to do pave our streets talk about our recycling talk about whether or not our streets are safe enough for pedestrians I'm a pedestrian I like walking around in t neck one day a week I can only walk around in tnx I would like to not get hit by a car in that day I'll I'll I'll put in for a stop sign at the corner of Grayson and Prince again even though I know that that's not allowed um just please I I come here as ridiculously humble as possible to say stop thank you thank you Jesse thank you Chris no Chris noell please unmute state your name for the record hello good evening everyone yes my name is Chris noell and o w l uh I'm a Fort Lee resident um but I you know I I really want to impla applaud your consideration of adopting a complete Street policy for Teck um you know it it's going to improve the quality of life for all people um who live in tck who visit tck and pass through tck um and I also uh really want to encourage you um to sign the letter of support for the countywide complete streets policy that would not only help the people of tenek um but really everyone um you know in in Bergen County or visiting or passing through Bergen County so I'm really excited to see that on the agenda and I you know support support you on uh you know passing those things um and um yeah I mean I I don't know if it's if it's uh patronizing to say I'm proud of you but I I really do feel proud that um tck you know could be tonight the first town to uh you know pass a resolution in support of the countywide complete streets policy I mentioned that this was on the agenda in the Leonia meeting last night and the Leonia mayor said we're to put it on our agenda for our next town council meeting so you know you are um really at the Vanguard here and um yeah I mean that that's it really I just look forward to collaborating in the future um and uh yeah that's it so thank you very much and have a great a great night thank you Chris sir Yousef AA T resident history is not kind to those who chose the plat up the path of complacency it remembers the brave souls who stood up against Injustice who fought tirelessly for a better world and it condemns those who in the ignorance chose the easy Road of Conformity the actions of this Council will be remembered in history will this Council retract the resolution that was passed on October 17th the resolution that supports a genocide against the Palestinians the icj has stated that what is going on in Palestine is a plausible genocide un expert Franchesca albanes and her late this report titled anatomy of a genocide has found reasonable grounds that a genocide is being committed against the Palestinian people will this Council eat the words and apologize for introducing such a divisive resolution we are no longer asking this is our Council not yours you are here to serve us not yourselves we demand that you take back the devices my of yesterday to restore the Peace of Tomorrow this Council needs to worry about sorry this Council needs to worry less about redefining words in order to fit a narrative and focus on truly defining what it means to have Humanity let me be clear the municipal government Council does not have the privilege of defining what the term genocide means to them this is the same Council that has prioritized the lives of puppies over the lives of Palestinians this is the council who has made it clear that not all ten residents are equal this is the council who thinks that the First Amendment only applies to those who they deem worthy referring back to one of the speakers at the last council meeting who stated that she was told not to go to the tinic public library because quote Muslims were demonstrating there is these types of ignorant statements that have been normalized in EK the Muslim demonstration the demonstration at the public library was actually a Muslim Heritage event where books were read out loud to kids and all were welcome the Muslim Community my community will always welcome others I know it's hard to believe that a group of Muslims could get together for something other than a demonstration this is the fear monitoring that was set in motion by a single Council woman with the backing of the rest of this Council this is TE neck where Community sensor for the people can get demonized over and over again and go unchallenged this is Teck where councilwoman can lie on our names with no repercussions this is TE where a councilwoman can manufacture lies but still play the victim this is TE where car r creates more public outcry than a genocide this is TE where the Town Council is allowed to put the interest of foreign Nations ahead of its own citizens this is not the Teck I moved to 12 years ago this is not the Teck I chose to raise my family in we we can do better we must do better it starts with our elected officials stopping the spread of ignorance and hatred amongst the people that they were elected to serve thank you I'm on un Zoom D Lisa Hassan please unmute state your name for the record feel free to show your [Music] camera good evening uh my name is Lisa Hassan I will not uh show my camera on because Mr Schwarz shame on him for wanting to investigate people online you have our name you can't force us to put our camera on I'm not hiding you have my full name and I could meet you in person I've been asking to meet you and to have a conversation with you instead you choose to attack people and with your propaganda newspaper anyway I digress I would like to thank G and beler the only council members on that Council that are actually working for all members of the community all not just the Jewish members every single person feels safe by the words that G and beler say because they are doing their job as council members serving the community now as for yesterday's event and all the events prior to yesterday they were caused only for the incitement of that resolution that was passed on October 17th which we now state that by the icj declares the genocide is happening by zacha false accusations so that's why that was there not because we were going to protest the synagogue or anything else we are there to protest the genocide we don't want to keep coming out but we come out peacefully and for you guys to keep using your power to fearmonger that's shameful shame on the mayor for allowing this to continue we call on those Council members to resign stop using your power to fearmonger yesterday at the rally the ones that were bust in were the pro genocide people the pro genocide people were the ones inciting the violence they grabbed a few children separating them from their parents as they were passing being escorted by the police I would like to thank the police I have family members that are police officers and the tentin police department and all the out help that they were getting is shamefully behaving in an undignified way for that badge they were facing the pro Palestine Pro Humanity um civilians when they were should have been facing both sides we are not the agitators we are not crime victim we are not anti-semitic we had Jewish Christian all different walks of life on our rallies we are not there to incite violence we are quite the opposite we are calling for Humanity humanity and this genocide that's been six months what hostage situation has is solved by carpet bombing a highly densely populated area shame on you Oregon belg Oregon Goldberg and Schwarz you need to stop the insanity stop dividing our town please stop dividing Our Town resign counil as an entity over through me thank you ma'am through you you cannot thank you Mr for your comments every meeting um let's see I think I was on this side G sir right there yeah uh thank you my name is dove Adler uh I'm a lifelong ten member I have no prepared remarks I actually was not planning on coming and speaking um but my father was the founding Rabbi of congregation re usel and he told T me very very well that when you see something you have an opportunity you got to take advantage of it I come tonight the clock's not ticking because I can't see it I come tonight from a work event in New York City um that was really celebrating and honoring kids with cancer and it was people from all walks of life coming together and I got an interesting question someone said to me Dove you live in Tac I said yeah they said what is going on I saw what happened on the news last night do you feel safe what is going on what was the cause of that rally this person was not Jewish had no political sides to take had really no understanding and I explained to them what zaka was that so many people here have already explained and explained to them what the rally was that there were Pro Palestinians who mostly do not live in tin New Jersey that were coming to protest at that event and they could not understand and they said to me simply how does your Township allow this how does the police department put you at risk they said I was watching the video videos and yes you might have felt quote unquote safe but it was intimidating there was intimidation from the pro Palestinians asking us and demanding and cursing and using words and language that none of us would want to hear our children ever he and they said and they said to me how does your Township allow that to go forward and I said I have no idea I really don't understand we talk to them we come to meetings we try and get them to understand and explain the risk as to what we're going through and it's easy to explain that people here are just being bust in from other territ from other townships coming from other places that don't live in EK to protest anything that has to do with Israel quote unquote genocide that is nothing to do with the day-to-day lives and you know what they said to me they said do they think that someone in Israel is watching this protest of them acting how they are trying to intimidate you and they're going to say the war's over no more war that's not going to happen this is what they're saying someone that has no relationship to Teck no context within a political side to take and I just implore you that if you don't act immediately and you really don't try and curb this these rallies that are going on that are not safe EK is continuing to get a Bad Name a very very bad name in the entire metropolitan area and within the globe from that perspective people people are commenting on it saying it's not safe how do you live here is this someplace I could raise children it used to be from what I heard of a very nice town that people get along and this is what people are thinking about right now so I urge you to really take action and to think about the law and putting things into place to prevent this from happening thank you thank you Mr Adler someone on Zoom Doug Lana Lana please un mute state your name for the [Music] record Lana please unmute state your name for the record your hand is up hello can you hear me loud and clear Lana please state your name for the record you have three minutes hi my name is Lana Hanks I'm a t resident first I want to urge you to stop using the victim card it needs to end this is not about religion so stop making about religion this is about standing up against a genocide you want the protest to stop at tinic and near religious organizations stop supporting terrorist organiz St like Israel for example holding an event on how to purchase illegal stolen land um in ker Torah congregation makes the town and the congregation a target for protest don't be surprised when protesters start showing they're not coming out of nowhere or like inviting zaka to speak at a synagogue and portraying them as Angelic Heroes when according to Times of Israel they made up fake horror stories on October 7th to raise funds I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like Angelic Heroes to me stop twisting everything to sue your narrative as for bringing in people from outside congregation Benny yurin yesterday bust in people from New York Lincoln Square synagogue for that zaka event your hypocrisy is showing you want us to stop doing stuff you stop doing stuff on your end and let me make it clear as many people before me have okay we are against genocide we are against the bombing of hospitals we are against the stealing of land we are against of the killing of 40,000 innocent civilians we're against Zionism we're against that ideology if you support all of what I have listed above do it but stop behind hiding behind religion to support it stop stop using religion to support all of the above just say that you support the killing of people and move on but using religion is not going to help you hiding behind synagogues is not going to help you as you guys have seen we have Jews protesting for pro Palestine we have Jews on our side we have Christians on our side we have atheists on our side we have people on our side because we are standing up for Humanity okay and um as for the potholes please fix the potholes please please I am begging you to fix the potholes because that will make our next car valy go more and more smoothly thank you so much Daryl green good evening my name is darl green tck resident since 1976 pck I'm very concerned we've really come to a place now that is very troubling this is not the tck that I grew up in last Wednesday we had some Architects do a presentation I'm about trying to rebuild tck not tear it down Architects from the Smith group did a presentation to TX stakeholders I want to thank Rabbi fridman I want to thank our school superintendent I want to thank Our Town manager I want to thank the Northeast teen Block Association I want to thank Maia usani of the dasam mosque on Route 80 who sent his representative we had 20 maybe 25 stakeholders on a zoom call to talk about building a unified structure here in tet not on the municipal green but a unified structure that everyone can get involved with no one person should stand Superior over another this is something that we feel the whole town should be involved with for those who do not know the Smith group are the architects who built the africanamerican museum in Washington DC they are interested in coming to tenek and doing something here in ten to help unify our community we've had so much negative press people are afraid people are wondering hey what will Teck be like for my kids what it's difficult to get people to want to invest in Teck right now I want to see how we can try to rebuild our community and come up with something that we can work on together together the Smith group is willing to come here to TN at the appropriate time and do a presentation to council um these gentlemen have designed buildings that surpass value of$ 45 billion so I think that they can come up with something that can fit the needs and be something that we can all be proud of um on another note I like to talk about a possible Street naming for someone that is near and dear to my heart when I was in tck high school he was the vice principal of tck high school his name was Robert Elmo Wright we all called him Mr Wright he was probably best known for his detentions but Mr Wright made sure that his kids walked across that graduation line I'd like to see if we can do a street naming for Mr Right um possibly sometime in the spring his family is still around Mr Wright is deceased but he was loved by thousands thousands loved Mr Wright um I know Elizabeth place has the black lives matter sign if we could do it on cramp thank you sir thank you thank you Mr Green someone on Zoom Doug Shaina brander Shaina brander coming in please a mute say your name for the record feel free to show your camera hi um do you hear me loud and clear sha you have three minutes awesome um hi everyone my name is Shaya Brer um and I'm a Teck resident I guess a relatively new one of three years um two months ago I raised a concern regarding the traffic and congestion on Country Club Drive I was very pleased to hear it mentioned again on last month's council meeting on the list of ongoing infrastructure related items I really appreciate that the concern I raised is being considered I want to thank each member of this Council the mayor and the town manager for staying focused on tangible issues directly affecting um members of our town and for all your efforts prioritizing the traffic and safety here I know this is not an easy problem to solve for but with continued attention we will continue to make progress I look forward to seeing all the Improvement on the Traffic Safety in our town thank you thank you ma'am Mr SE hi my name is Rich seagull um warmongers being bust in and paid an appearance fee wow I really thought I'd heard it all that's a new one that ranks with one of our count ccil members saying that people at the demonstrations are shouting death to Jews nobody shouted that nobody ever will a lot of the people at the demonstrations are Jewish including me but what I wanted to do here today in whatever time I have and the clock is not on could you please turn it on um oh very nice okay so we have the Jewish link and the Jewish standard which are both published here look at this hate March through tenac and tck law enforcement wrangles prop Palestinian mob that's hate language that's not journalism okay there's more here's the Jewish standard there's a photo of a poster that has the phrase rape Is Res existence on a Palestinian flag and it says free Palestine by any means necessary so some zionists made up this fake flyer to demonize the Palestinians to try to pretend that Palestinians are endorsing rape that's evil and the fact that this newspaper would publish it as if it's legitimate is evil now let's go to uh oh how much time do I have very quickly um there's a poem or a song lyric in the Contemporary uh the current issue of the Jewish link called lyric of the week ARS forever and it's it has in it this little um nursery rhyme that I've seen lots of kids do at the salute to Israel parade when I've demonstrated ated against it it goes like this 2 4 68 Israel is the Jewish State 3579 there's no such thing as Palestine okay that's advocating the Eraser of Palestine that's why we organize these demonstrations because you all are trying to erase Palestine and we object to that here's more one land between the sea and River Israel Israel ours forever ours forever that means for Jews forever that means not for Muslims and Christians okay and you object to when we say from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free but that means free for Muslims Christians and Jews thank you Mr seag Palestine Mr Isa Hollander Isaac Hollander please for the record can you see me yes loud and clear okay I did okay I've got a video going too good okay um Isaac Hollander 18-year tck resident let me start with the mundane I'm still waiting for an update on the large pothole at West llon and Forest it is so wide that you can't avoid avoid driving over it and bouncing around as I said last time eventually someone will lose a tire or break an axle hopefully a crew will come and fix it once the weather improves now to the less mundane um and it's difficult following Mr seagull but I'll do my best I want to thank the ten police department the Bergen County Sheriff as well as the law enforcement Personnel from other jurisdictions who did a great job last night in front of congregation B Assurance it is unfathomable to me that anyone would be so triggered by an event in in support of First Responders Heroes who literally clean up body parts after the most terrific bombings one can imagine who have dispatched to many other countries to perform their holy work who work tirelessly for weeks in the aftermath of the October 7th Kamas attack it is clear that the motivation of The Outsiders who came in to protest the zaka event last night who maliciously sto traffic on Route 4 on Sunday and who have harassed us every week for several months now has nothing to do with the war in the Middle East I'll say the quiet part out loud they are motivated by Jew hatred to avoid some confusion expressed two weeks ago I won't even use the word anti-Semitism it is Jew hatred for some people hate is bad unless it's hate of Jews it is very telling that American flags were flown only on one side while the other side flew flags of organization identified by the US government as terrorist groups one side cursed and ranted and spit the other side sang and danced and prayed one side had a permit the other did not we've been dealing with this garbage for long enough last night the Jewish Community said enough no more after six months of frankly minimal response the community decided to respond in a classy non-violent way no one is going to prevent Jews from engaging in day-to-day activities no one will restrict Jews from exercising their first amendment rights of freedom of speech assembly and religion no one will drive Jews out of te like Jews were driven out of practi Al every country in the world at some point over the last two Millennia the presence and support of our non-jewish friends and neighbors last night really meant a lot I appreciate that the six six out of seven council members who spoke out at the last meeting against the rising tide of hatred and I look forward to even more support going forward in the mid-60s TK was an inspirational model to the rest of the countries to the rest of the country the first municipality in America to integrate schools what has happened to us let us pledge to work together to bring Amity and civility back to our town I want to end by expressing my support for the effort for the efforts councilman Schwarz introduced tonight to fix good and Welfare Town re residents must receive preference and we should be discussing the mundane issues of living here like potholes traffic and sewers thank you thank you Isaac Miss Khan good evening Ramadan greetings to all of you wow the level of hypocrisy tonight is just unbelievable not only is Free Speech being suppressed but the standards are different Tina Council what kind of double standards are we pedling here it is really unfortunate that Free Speech works when certain people can speak and certain people cannot guess what happened in Israel today the nesset passed a law Banning Al jazer pre pre press is a Cornerstone of democracy so is good and Welfare Corner Cornerstone of teenx democracy here and we are trying to limit that I watched painfully three hours of footage of the March 10th protest because I was not there I watched the protest from last night an entire video recording I did not see any kind of lack of Civility from any of the protesters in fact I saw certain Council people who are sitting up on the Des who are actually making vulgar reactions to the protesters I also saw an ex-council person wo be on him he's an ex-council person and he's standing there filming everyone this is the level of double standards we have and to everyone who mentioned that the pro Palestinians should are Muslims I'm sorry to say I noticed that the protest was a sea of black white brown people including Jewish people standing there so please don't keep using the same hatred that you are accusing the opposition every accusation is a confession so Tina Council if you want to reverse your stand from October 17th there's an idea you can do that call for a permanent ceasefire call for the return of hostages of all the prisoners and call for the illegal occupation of Israel to end because guess what today's Ramadan I will be going to the mosque from here to pray peacefully but for 75 years Palestinians have not been able to pray peacefully in Majid alaka because every year there are incidents where the iof kicks them and harasses them while they are in prayer that was me speaking RMA Khan as an individual resident now I will speak tonight on behalf of the Coalition of Teek neighborhood associations this is a coalition that represents several rapidly growing neighborhood associations from across town we are concerned with the timing legitimacy and official assertions made by the town public meeting meeting on March 27th shared by councilman Schwartz we are very concerned that you're again trying to suppress te resident voices you're doing the same thing that we did you did uh there's a huge building towering in front of uh Miss Baker's home and completely having abolished the neighborhood feel of her surroundings it's also not lost on us that you use Junior planning uh firm staff to deal with the residents I will send you the entire statement I had to come here uh to make sure that you all know that all agitators who speak on the prop Palestinian side are being attacked and will ified Rich you're next so thank Miss please keep that in mind thank you miss someone on Zoom dog sharuk aala please say your name for the record on mute good evening sh speak the truth even if your voice shakes I called in today to shed light on and dispel the misinformation surrounding yesterday's demonstration it is imperative that we address the inaccuracies that have circulated the demonstrators were not present to intimidate worshippers or disrespect any place of worship let me clarify that the organization welcomed at the synagogue is an extremist group our Jewish Neighbors extended a welcome to what they beli to be heroes of zaka yet the truth reveals a different narrative the actions of these individuals who misrepresented their findings on October 7th are despicable we cannot turn a blind eye to this manipulation of facts the zaka organization claimed to have witnessed horrifying scenes including 40 beheaded babies and children tied up and burned such Fabrications only to serve to fuel the Flames of the genocide that continues to ravage our world it is Our obligation to delve deeper into the issues at hand I urge everyone present tonight to conduct thorough research don't take it from me conduct your own research these demonstrations are not spontaneous acts rather they are a direct response to the one-sided resolutions passed we implore the council to reconsider these resolutions concerning the Israel Palestine conflict instead of acknowledging the heartfelt pleas of our constituents one council member chose to trivialize the gravity of the situation by posting on social media the definition of genocide let me State unequivocally the war on Gaza meets the criteria for genocide as recognized by the United Nations and any rational individual we must demonstrate empathy and understanding towards those suffering rather than engaging in political posturing I implore the council to listen to the voices of reason and compassion calling for a reassessment of our stance on this critical issue now moving on to another topic if we can please have a little more information about selling the Township's phone cell phone towers what implications would this have on the resident thank you for the opportunity to be heard thank you Mr [Music] s Alan S tck resident lifelong proud Zionist by Jewish tradition one of the greatest Mitzvah that one can perform form is attending a funeral when you pay respects to the dead there is no possible quid proquo after tragedies we often hear that we have to pick up the pieces on October 7th while rockets and bullets were still flying zaka took action to perform this Mitzvah in the middle of a war zone I was at beneran last night and I heard how zaka literally picked up pieces of people where there were only fragments left the Israeli military response didn't happen because of zaka it happened because Israel was invaded by Hamas and more than a thousand people were murdered raped or kidnapped I don't believe that October 7th atrocities occurred because of testimony from zaka I believe it because Hamas terrorists wore GoPro cameras on their heads to record the atrocities live to take over the phones of their victims and post post their videos of people having their heads blown off of tossing grenades into bomb shelters ripping people into shreds zaka volunteers were there literally to pick up those pieces on October 7th just as they have responded to tragedies here in the United States and throughout the world within our lifetime one of the organizations behind last night's protest has been outspoken in its support of Hamas and did so publicly on on October 7th Days Later within our lifetime organized protests quote to defend the heroic Palestinian resistance on its website within our lifetime called the Hamas attacks quote an inspiration to the world Saddam Masuda founder within our lifetime attacked Matt Greenman a Jew wearing an Israeli flag part of a group repeatedly kicking him in the face on the ground arrested he asked officers all this for one Jew this incident happened two years ago this is an organization dedicated to outright anti-Semitism this is the organization that protested last night outside of synagogue against the holy work of zaka to recover the bodies of those murdered by Kamas imagine being at the pit at the World Trade Center placing your life at risk to recover fragments of victims of 911 now imagine a crowd of protesters taking the side of al-a and attacking those volunteers working to provide closure to families that's exactly what happened last night I am sickened to hear that abcr chair Cheryl Hall is being attacked for her efforts to bridge our differences and being accused of standing on the wrong side of History all seven of you passed a resolution condem mamas all seven of you passed a resolution asking for peace and Unity on October 30th what does it take to condemn anti-s thank you Mr s on Zoom Doug Hildy Dylan please unmute state your name for the record feel free to show your camera Hildy Dylan good evening everyone my name is Hy Dylan and I've been a t neck resident for 38 years a lot of tough acts to follow tonight um uh I want to completely change the subject and give this community an opportunity to work together to clean up tinck uh our next town cleanup uh that will be sponsored by our Department of Public Works and and your environmental commission here in tenek takes place on April 14th that's a Sunday from 12: to 2: p.m. and we'd love for you to join us at the r Center at about 11:45 transportation to and from the cleanup sites will be provided and there will be Refreshments when we come back to the r Center following the cleanup it's an opportunity for us to work together uh to keep our town beautiful and also to do something productive together as a community um I also attended the um the American Legion uh Drive Redevelopment meeting on March 27th I have to say I'm not speaking on behalf of the environmental Commission because we haven't had a chance to speak about this at our meetings I'm speaking on behalf of myself right now but the amount of open space provided in that enormous plan was almost funny um these Open Spaces were along major cers like Garrison Avenue um and they're not a they're not safe B they are not enough if you're going to build a complex of this size there should be an open space area where people can congregate where there's some Recreation available for them uh we all know that Chestnut Plaza is a nice place it has what three bed es it's not enough for a town of 46,000 people and what was provided in this this plan uh was inadequate I do agree that if we're going to do something to this area we need to start from scratch it's a it's a huge plan you're passing I hope a resolution tonight 104 2024 the complete streets policy how does that fit into this plan how are you going to have complete streets in such a adjusted um Redevelopment area with with uh these all of these cars that are over 800 cars in a parking lot how are they going to get in and out and how will that be safe we need to really think about the big picture in our town I would like everybody here that's upset about what's going on in the world to remember to vote our Primary in the in New Jersey is June 4th if you have not registered to vote please go to vote411.org and you can register to vote online in New Jersey and you must do so by May 11th to vote in our June 4th primary election um exercise your right to vote thank you thank you Miss Dylan thank you Miss Dylan Mr Goen Paula Roven tin resident uh the EK peace and Justice vigil implores the EK Town Council to pass a resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and humanitarian Aid to Gaza while it's important for Israeli hostages and Palestinian political prisoners to be returned we say the first step is a ceasefire on October 17th the tenek township Council passed a resolution supporting the Israeli government as we all know Tink residents were deeply divided about this resolution now at least 33,000 people in Gaza have been killed nearly 13,000 of them children 177,000 children this is this is real data 177,000 children have been orphaned at least 75,000 people have been injured many are buried in the rubble the majority of people have been displaced from their homes and the majority of people are near starvation this is real information this has been made even worse by the recent killing of seven World Central Kitchen employees by Israeli forces acknowledged by the Israeli government World Central Kitchen has SU ended its mission in Gaza which will bring more starvation the tinac peace and Justice vigil founded by veterans and military families and other residents will hold its 972 consecutive Wednesday vigil at the National Guard Armory corner of tinck Road and Liberty Road even when it wasn't popular we protested the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars the ti of public opinion turned and the vast majority of Americans opposed those Wars at our October 11th vigil this year when we called for the ceasefire in Gaza we've had we had an overwhelmingly positive response from passers by and that support has grown stronger each week the te- neck peace and Justice vigil implores you to pass a simple resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and humanitarian Aid to Gaza without passing such a resolution the township will remain complicit in the death of many thousands of civilians thank you Mr Goen someone on Zoom Doug bringing in Ellie cats what's going on here yes my name is Ellie not Ellie yes so my name is Ellie not yats I'm a 10e resident of T um I'd like to comment regarding the route route four underpass Crossing at Webster Avenue and Alfred Avenue um with the continued development at 329 Alfred Avenue in the very active traffic patterns in Country Club uh between I95 and Route 4 um the installation of what I think is called a convex Corner mirror at at the Northwest side of the structure to allow cars making a left turn from Alfred Avenue through the underpass um would be very very beneficial many drivers currently have to inch forward um and many are nearly hit trying to safely negotiate a left turn um I don't know if this falls under complete streets or a traffic study but it would certainly improve the safety and traffic patterns of that very dangerous intersection um I'd also like to say thank you um for the new stop sign that has been approved at decator and Alfred Avenue but in keeping with my comments on keeping TX Street safe I humbly ask for all those in power to continue doing what you can to enforce that all all laws um are just really being followed in um really just keeping groups from disrupting just the peace in our town it's really really important to I think everybody um a very big thank you to Dean for your many years of service to the township and thank you councilman Schwarz for your introduction on uh the resolution in fixing good and Welfare uh thank you for your time thank you Mr cats the gentleman in the back so many goodlooking Ali Cates out there how about that good evening my name is eon J Ari uh tinck resident I spoke at the last um council meeting so this time I'm just going to have series of things for you guys to think about so I sat here it's my first time here I sat here and I've listened attentively to everybody's thoughts and one thing when the tinic high school students wanted to protest and use their voice I noticed adults shouting at them sort of intimidating them as if they didn't have the right to speak against what they deemed is important as an educator and a history teacher I'm assistant principal now but I'm still a history teacher at heart we teach our kids to use their voice so for adults to go around and Shout at them what are you leaving behind think about that second we talk about hatred of Jewish people when I walked in the room I saw a lot of people just looking at me I'm a I guess I don't know I I if I'm in intimidate individual but I just walked in but if there are people here who you feel hate you they cannot sit next to you because they hate you if you hate each other you cannot be in the same room we may have disagreements but that's what it is it's disagreement and we have to find a common ground to move forward when I first moved into Tac and I said this before so I'm going elaborate a little bit more my daughter went to the park V on a Sunday now I did not know but this may alarm some of you right now she wanted to play but unfortunately the people that were there I would say the Jewish St uh kids that were there did not want to play with my daughter so we left we haven't been back since we go to overpass so again think about that thank you sir thank you sir thank you someone on Zoom Deb B please unmute state your name for the record hi good evening this is Deborah blerg with a real English accent um I'm calling tonight for a number of things um I just want to remind people that what happen on March 10th could have actually been avoided if a certain Council woman would have actually done her homework instead she conspired with a member of the public here Mr seagull emails back and forth as per the opra request and decided instead of doing her own work she would instead um bring out this huge libel to the Jewish Community which affected not only teen Jewish Community but Jewish communities around Manhattan New York Long Island all over and honestly any police bills that went for March 10th should really be sent to this particular Council woman so we need to discuss a deputy mayor who requested seing for people who couldn't make it on time because of their Festival let's not forget the graduation this year from T High School is UN shiver us so um I apologize for my situation I'm currently on College phics um so let's not put light to that that um it seems to maybe is that a a violation of the open uh meeting act but I do believe that we actually have a council woman that needs to be brought up on ethics because she should have spent two weeks researching instead of trying to figure out a way to come at the Jewish community and as for what happened on Monday I was not here but I was fortunately I'm able to see a lot of footage what I saw was singing American Israeli and then I saw this screaming from The River To The Sea and all the other delightful um tropes that are said and um again let's not forget uh within our lifetime is financed by Kata they are there specifically to be actors and uh bus in um and when we talk about busting yes there was a another sh busting to support us did create violence no I saw an article written with truns and all kinds of stuff um but again we know the truth we know the lies um we know that Al jazer lies we know that Al jazer gives fake information we know that the woman who called in about IDF soldiers raping people made it all up to create what Unity for the Brotherhood you also know Al sh hospital was full of terrorists and Kamas and they um right so again we when you sit here and spew your hate we see you we see exactly what you're saying and ra C you British do me a favor anyway have a great one guys and grer is p Palestine and she needs to stop and someone need to Beal with it thank you thank you Miss gentlem yes it's been 90 minutes I'd like to know if the council would like to um entertain a motion to stop good welfare so we can address our consent agendas and resolutions how many people want to speak right we have nine in nine in Chambers and I'm what is everybody thinking though I think we should go to 11 I'm okay with 11 Mr Schwarz you okay with that sounds good it's okay with myself true I just want make sure everybody in Chambers at least gets to speak um the gentleman in the back evening mayor and Council I'm here to renew a request oh I'm sorry Aaron Cohen a tneck resident I'm here to renew a request for a crosswalk across Palisades Avenue where Griggs a tees into Palisades AV at the entrance of heric Park um I made the request in December and here to renew it again um it's very dangerous AC cross the street with my family all the time trying to get to the park um and if we can do anything and I'm happy to spearheaded to remove the graffiti from the playground equipment at herro Park I know there's a Green Acres application uh pending but uh some landscaping and just some general removal of graffiti would be much appreciated happy to help spearhead that for the council thank you very much thank you Sharon Doug I'm going to call I know some of my friends on Zoom are going to get upset me but I'm going to call on some people in the chambers uh Mr vasky O vaty te neck there's a lot has been said tonight I I love the exchange I don't call this a good and Welfare I call this a safety valve we need to have different ideas in front of each other and hear what how we sound to other people how we look to other people and that's one of the things I I want to mention uh Doug when you tell me when I'm down in two minutes oh you got okay so um we're safety valve people here are scared we're scared and uh we're also not that well educated we know we're in different silos the knows about silos and we have selected facts and if you try and get out of your Silo you find out oh I didn't know that fact I didn't know that way that looked now if I was in that Silo this would look pretty bad minutes or two minutes I've got two minutes okay okay so that's what I'm saying this is good and Welfare and what I want to say about it is you missed one option about extending good and welfare every other week we have just a good and Welfare session people can come the council is here and we talk ourselves out of whatever and then you have a regular meeting with good welfare after that it's more work for you but if you want to be safety valve in this town at this era you should think about it every week good welfare all right now I'll get to my uh other subject that I think people are growing tired of which is the trains okay the trains are a problem I've said there a problem before and now I've learned they're a bigger problem than I thought and uh we're not ready we weren't ready for one track we weren't ready for two tracks we're ready for we're not ready for three tracks we don't have the and we have three tracks we have three trains on three tracks operating a lot okay office of emergency management said 40 trains a day I thought they were all on one track or maybe one or two now they're on three put three tains together and have them derail and you're talking Mega attack Mega damage three trains that's over 300 rail cars I'm going to speak I'd like to speak to the council at the next meeting in a full formal presentation but uh it's happening it will happen no I won't say it will happen it could happen you cannot say it can't happen and um disaster yes Mr VY thank you Mr thank you the lady sitting next to Mr seagull good evening my name is Karimi I'm a Palestinian Christian from Jerusalem with family in Gaza I'm us educated I'm a nurse and licensed to practice in 42 states in the United States I served in rescue and recovery after 911 from the 11th of September until the 27th of July when we closed the landfill we still are doing DNA studies I am the recipient of the 2018 angel of Mercy award I am presently a board member of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for peace I'm not going to rep uh be redundant and repeat the atrocities of the past six months but I will tell you that the director of the Anglican hospital that was hit is my cousin the 16 people that perished at St pereria Greek Orthodox Church were my cousins and the people that were shot by snipers at Holy cross Roman Catholic Church were also cousins I came today thanks to Mr seagull who invited me to let you know of the illegal sales of Palestinian land and occupied Palestinian territories I'm here to testify that these lands and properties not only violate international law but laws in the United States that we have worked so hard to eliminate laws about racism and discrimination I'll share with you a very small experience 2009 I went home to Jerusalem I thought I would settle there with my son I went to Mali adumim after making an appointment went up there sat down with the gentleman he looked at my ID he go go I can't rent or sell to you I said why not he said to me you are not a Jew those are laws in Israel certain people can buy or rent in certain areas certain people cannot we have fought I have had the pleasure and the honor of knowing Mrs ketta King Miss Dr buts of the Abyssinian Church and the Reverend Jesse Jackson they put their whole life to make sure that those things did not happen again in the United States please do not encourage it to happen in my country in my land to my people thank you for your time and thank you for giving me the chance to be able to speak tonight good night Sir in the front row hi thank you for the time no I'm schn uh tck resident for seven years uh sometimes it feels like there's just a lot of words that need to be clarified and I'm hoping to provide some clarification because there seems to be this wonder about why um parts of the Jewish Community are responding to the protests the way that we're responding uh and there's been accusations leveled that we're maybe uncomfortable seeing certain types of people Gathering or maybe it has to do with people's race religion or or or or skin color um so I want to talk about specific phrases that I heard at the March 10th rally um and explain that these phrases are extremely disturbing to us um the first phrase is globalize the inap the inata was a war against Jews for being Jews it was a war I have a friend Yoni jnner he was a friend of mine in 2003 got on a bus he was killed in the inap nobody argued about what the inapa was that was what the inapa was so when people say globalize the inap I have a reaction to that have a friend who was killed in the inap when people say there's only one one Sol whatever one solution the final solution right when people say there's only one solution inata Revolution I hear the final solution I maybe I'm paranoid I really don't think I am but thanks for the to support Rich uh I don't think I'm paranoid I think one solution final it's not a stretch it's not a stretch and when people are saying that that is evoking the Holocaust I don't think that that's a stretch when people say from The River To The Sea I have tons of family that live in Israel from The River To The Sea means they won't have anywhere to live now I know that there are those who argue no they'll live happily in in in a glorious Palestinian state but we don't really see that reality so I okay you know everyone says they don't consider themselves a racist I don't consider myself a racist I was I was critically involved in organizing a wonderful Teck event in 2018 after the horrible events in the uh Christ Church Massacre we had a beautiful gathering in the Daris La um mosque the whole Community got together as a is a model of what TX should be and perhaps we can get back to that if we can get back to understanding each other's words so I'm I'm coming here not to be confrontational not to argue I'm coming here to explain these are the words I hear these are the words we hear and these are the reactions we have if you feel we're misunderstanding misinterpreting come talk to me I'm happy to listen I'm happy to hear I want to hear what people have to say there's one final word I've heard is normalization which is this concept that you can't speak to zionists that I've heard from okay well I don't think I can get into that thank you sir the lady in the second row I saw your hand upam Herman I've lived in Tac for 24 years um first of all I want to say thank you to Dean kazinski I'm really going to miss you and your voice you should really consider a second career as a voiceover artist you got fantastic voice I hope you'll stay a little longer or at least do the recordings for TAC um I also want to thank the Town Council I know this is it's hard to be here late at night um I know it was difficult for me in the audience and so I would encourage thinking of taking T-Neck residents first um before non-te neck residents I wasn't planning to speak tonight but I was late and arriving in part because or L because I hit a pothole and I got a flat tire and I had to wait to change to have my tire changed so we definitely need to address the potholes uh in Teck and we need better lighting but I do want to thank the Town Council for the um the flashing light at Windsor Road that definitely helps uh the crossing and I've lived on both this side of Tek and nvo so my kids have used so many of the Teek Services whether it's been Camp k teet Board of Ed the library programs the programs at the Center and my kids have really had diverse friends as a result of all of that programming so I hope we can get back to letting our kids enjoy all that EK has to offer because we are a diverse Community um and we're a great Community with so many great Services um I know you asked about the budget and getting feedback from the residents I was very concerned to hear about the cost of all the overtime because that means Teck residents are going to have much higher taxes we don't deserve that we pay such high taxes already um so I hope that the police department could be more Vigilant in enforcing our laws and issuing tickets because that'll make just a little drop in the bucket but it it will perhaps at least um be a disincentive to violating the traffic laws thank you thank you mam the gentleman in the back excuse me she left her phone Ellie Clapper tneck resident uh 18 years first I want to just thank the uh Council I haven't been to a lot of these meetings but I've been to a few and you guys sit here and listen to us and it's probably a therapy session for a lot of us so I really appreciate you coming and sitting and listening to us every month um I really want to tell uh also I'd also Dean Round of Applause for Dean love you you've been great so sad to see you go and and the police of also police and fire really just been amazing in this town living here for the last 18 years I really want to just tell you two stories um that happened to me in the last three weeks um the first one is there was a uh newer family that moved on right across the street from our house and um really didn't have a chance to meet them I knew who they were but Ramadan came along and there was a big blow up Ramadan Mubarak um on their front lawn and uh my wife said to me you know we really don't know these neighbors and with everything going on maybe we should go introduce ourselves maybe the kids can make some cookies or we can make a basket for them and I said you know what I think maybe is better is they probably won't eat our cookies there's probably a Halal place that we can go to and maybe bring them some Halal uh treats so I asked someone in my office said hey do you know any good Halal places around here I can get a good basket um normally I wouldn't tell the story in public and it's not something that I bragging about but um so I went he said there's this place in Patterson the best you're you'll love it they'll know what it is it's a great place so I went to I went to this place in uh Patterson and um realized I probably didn't get a lot of uh Jewish visitors uh similar probably to your situation I felt like when I uh walked in the music stopped and um they were looking at me and the lady behind the counter went to her manager and said can I serve him and he said yeah you could serve him and I said I just I felt like I had to explain myself I said it's not for me I I have a neighbor across the street I just want to get them a basket you know what what do you recommend gave me a basket and I I dropped it off at the at the at the neighbors and um it was a good way to connect and I felt good about it and I I do want to courage trying to uh bring some Unity to the community and I said just very quickly the second story because I know I only have 35 seconds left is on Sunday night my wife and I were supposed to go to a organiz an event and uh we saw that there was something going on on route for so we decided to take local traffic and we went down um Teck Road on Sunday night at around 700 p.m. and there was this uh Palestinian Car Rally going on and it was it was very intense for us my wife was very scared in the car and they were driving erratically and and yelling things at us in the car with seemingly cuz I had my Amicon and I don't know I'm Unapologetic Zionist you and I would like to be friends with all my neighbors thank you someone on this side Mr Berliner lower Norwest Cumberland Confederation with respect Rabbi fredman I urge Council to not support Adan kazin day for anyone who has worked with the manager every day is Dean kazinski day the future is a long time but I guarantee that we will be hard pressed to ever have a child of teex served as well in his many roles across four plus Decades of service thank you again we have made progress in tinck our elected leadership Has Come Together in united front against hate within the township that we call home wait no apologies six out of seven council members denounced the hateful rhetoric harassment and threats of violence against neighbors friend the constituents mayor Pagan Deputy Mayor G Deputy Mayor C council member Schwarz Goldberg and Oregon thank you we do not always agree on politics or policy but I appreciate that we agree on this that leaves only one of you all you have to do is repeat after me I denounce the hateful rhetoric harassment and assault on the citizens of tenek whoever and wherever they are anyone who brings and creates this platform for anyone to come to tenek will be shunned this is not a First Amendment Free Speech discussion just because they can doesn't mean you should I hope that we are better than that I hope that you are better than that or want us to think you are you see how easy that was if making such a statement scares you then we have a larger problem than budgets ethics cell towers are good and Welfare last night had you been there you would have seen an actual flag of a terrorist organization raised in the streets of tenk the largest banner last night displayed the symbol of the flag of the pflp alongside a photo of a leader who impis who was imprisoned for organizing the assassination of a senior Israel Minister while this group has been active since the 1960s hijacking airliners firing rockets and attacking civilians and synagogue worshippers since October 8th 1997 the US state department has designated them as a foreign terrorist organization does that date sound familiar this is who you brought to EK there was no exaggeration pointing and calling them terrorists this is who marched across from a synagogue this is who was protesting an organization who tends to the dead and mutilated the best I can hope for is that you didn't know this ignorant of the details but I do we all have to as elected officials in the United States and our elected officials here in EK I hope you appreciate the Optics and Nuance of your actions and with whom you associate if you do not agree denounce the world is watching communities are learning your legacy is being written this wasn't a closed event with an Art Exhibit featuring a painting of aircraft adorned with USA and the Jewish star dropping bombs that had a Jewish star roundo what comes next hooked nose and tentacles side locks and passion plays as I tell my children understand the impact of the friends you choose and the associations you make I don't enjoy leaving my family to come and spend it with you but until I know that everyone can meet this lowest bar of leadership and decency I will be here if today you do not stand up for me for my family safety who will it be tomorrow yesterday was the pflp I hope I don't find out what's next your move thank you how the gentleman in the polo David mki T resident um I want to thank you mayor pan Deputy Mayor G uh manager kazinsky and esteemed council members um I want to start with a traffic request uh that was sent to the manager's office last week which was immediately jumped on so man rinsky I don't know you know after 40 years you're not slowing down so thank you thank you for that but I do want to bring to everyone's attention and it was addressed at one point before um about the traffic that is happening between 95 and Route 4 um through the country club streets and so on um as more young families move to TK and as young children become older the dangers for them are they are become greater they as their independence increases from playing on the front yard to riding bicycles to learning how to drive I've seen parents older siblings and have personally had to drag kids from the street to a neighbor's yard to remove them as a car speeds by exceeding the speed limit by easily 10 to 15 miles per hour um so I know that there has been a a sign put up um that will alert drivers when they are going a little too fast however it does not illuminate I don't know if there's a plan to connect power to it um but it's also going One Direction um additionally there does need to be a stop sign on Alpine and Club where they intersect with Bennett I see way too often cars flying around these Corners there's no yield there's no stop sign there was even an unfortunately a police officer who had to Skid to a stop coming from Alpine as I was driving on Bennett there are no signals there so if there could be um that addressed as well it would be much appre appreciated so item two uh how much time we have great cool um after sitting through the last two Council meetings the last one after ending after 1: am I Echo the resolution about um adjusting good and Welfare I propose um I I agree with the proposal that Teck residents should take priority in speaking not just in person but also online as they are residents with concerns that we do want to hear from um to that end I would also appreciate that we hold the requirements of Zoom that callers have their name and camera on and permitt to speak fake names and accents do make it a mocker it is special that we is tenek as one of the few municipalities that are able to continue using Zoom let's keep it used with decorum um lastly I would like to add into the resolutions for good and Welfare to keep it to good and Welfare of T neck not to be used as a soap box or to waste time Stoke haate and more violence my request is to not allow for our Council meetings your time in our town to be hijacked and abused thank you thank you David someone on this side sir resident um I just want toess what was your name I'm sorry Rett pein P resident I want to express my gratitude to all of you for the time that you give for us to speak and the time that you all the time that you spend making EK a great place to live even though we're going through certain uh difficult times right now I also want to thank some of the people who spoke today who really are looking to reach out and create to everybody and I also want to thank some people who spoke who probably stand on very different sides on very tense issues that I do but spoke in a very respectful way and that's the way that we Bridge gaps one thing I'd like to speak to today about is fear-mongering that's a it's a term that's been thrown around but I'd like to tell you about what my last two weeks have been like the synagogue that I go to was has been forced to increase the amount of hired security 24-hour security at the synagogue that's not from us being afraid it's the TX police who has suggested that to us we've also had to have um members of the synagogue including myself who have had 24-hour who have had 24hour um shifts at times because of that getting up in the middle of the night to uh to police the synagogue with 911 ready to be uh ready to be pressed is not something that we need to do that's not us doing it that is the Teck police who are asking us to do that that's not fear-mongering that is true fear um with regard to the um to the protest several weeks ago I was standing on my on my block on Downing Street cars were driving down it honking horns obscene gestures being made I don't know if that's fear-mongering or not I was not afraid I refuse to be afraid of this but those are actions that are meant to uh that are that are meant to intimidate Us in terms of yesterday is uh in terms of yesterday's protest and counter-protest thank goodness there was no overt violence and to that we have to thank the Teck police I know that there are some people that feel that uh that they might have been um faced the wrong way I have a feeling if they would have turned around the other way it would have been they're facing us because they're looking at us because they think we're doing something wrong I saw a lot of tension on the face of the police uh the tck police it was a very tense time they were very tense they could not have handled it better and I commend them for that some of the things that I saw there again under the under the guys of uh of fearmongering I have a picture on my phone geotagged of several members there who are holding up anti-semitic um symbols on their phones and showing them across to the pro uh to the pro-israel uh uh protest uh counter protesters that there that was meant to uh to scare us in addition I saw several gestures just a 54-year-old out of touch dad and I when I saw these gestures I had to Google them and they were overt gang gestures meant to intimidate us again it's not fear-mongering it's people who are actually going out and trying to scare us thank you for the time thank you br Mr Rockin Michael Rocklin ten resident um it's actually my first time speaking here normally on on the zoom side but I was very excited um that we have a resolution on the agenda tonight or complete streets now my son at home is uh four and a half years old he recently learned a joke in school and it goes like this why did the chicken cross the road now the answer is not in his mind to get to the other side it's to not get hit by a car and the reason that that's where he takes that joke at least some of the time I'm trying to get him to say the normal joke is because when he was about two and a half my wife was pushing him across the street at the intersection of uh Queen and State Street and a car making a right turn uh hit them and that car was turning right on red that car was uh luckily not going very fast the person stopped Tac and the tck police department responded appropriately and thank God uh they are free of any physical injuries but very obviously it is still affecting my son uh two years later more than two years later now I think um and you know I just bought a house right across the street on golf court uh we're excited that we're going to be moving in there shortly um when I hear about our speeding down Country Club Road or Bennett Road um that worries me and we hear about how you know the police department can do a better job enforcing speeding laws that they can do a better job taking people um for all kinds of reasons but at the end of the day they're not going to stop all the cars you know what does stop cars you know what does actually help the problem designing streets for slow speeds designing streets for all users so that people whether they're old young children the elderly adults children whether they roll on a wheelchair on a scooter on a bike whether they drive or sitting in the passenger seat or riding a bus or whether they use their feet to get around are safe in the streets that's what complete streets is all about and so I look forward to the day where our chickens can be running in the street uh no that's all a little bit much but I look forward to the day where you know we can all trust that no matter how we get around that our streets are safe and I really really thank you all for taking uh this seriously for leading uh in Bergen County there was a you know A Rush of a bunch of towns a bunch of years ago who jumped on the complete streets bandwagon our neighbors uh in New Milford in Bergenfield did this a long time ago and it was just words on paper uh and so I impor you tonight to pass this resolution seven to nothing and then make sure that this is actually something that gets implemented thank you thank you Michael the gentleman in the back row Nathan light Nick resident about six months ago the council put out resolution that denounced the the barbaric actions of Hamas against Israeli and non-israeli babies toddlers men women and children both from Jewish and non-jewish faiths I would like to say thank you to the council for openly expressing that condemnation the reason why your resolution was so important and why I am thanking you for it today is because there are people in this room and on Zoom who continue to justify those horrific crimes against humanity I'm not talking about the people who make belligerent statements based on conspiracy theories from Tik Tok videos that the terrorist attack on of October 7th never happened rather I want to speak to those people who defend the October 7th attack by saying something along the lines of this war didn't start on October 7th let's put aside for now the broken moral compass of these individuals that somehow justify the gang raping of women bring children alive slaughtering civilians at a festival kidnapping babies and so on but it's true this war did not start on October 7th these individuals like to claim it started in 1948 however this is false we had a history teacher speak a few moments ago so interested in Natural History should be aware that the that the local Arabs in the region of Palestine began a Civil War in 1947 to exterminate the Palestinian Jews or drive them out of the land eventually leading to the surrounding eventually leading the surrounding five Arab Nation armies to to join in the result of that war was thankfully Israel's Victory but the truth is the conflict did not stop then either decades before the state of Israel declared its independence in 1948 Arabs were killing Jews and Jewish villages in the region of Palestine as early as 1920 dozens of VI riots viol riots and attacks were repated by Arabs against Jews perhaps the most horrific example was the heon massacre of 1929 which saw close to 70 Jews tortured mutilated raped and murdered in Cold Blood so the war did not begin on October 7th it did not begin during the C and the FAS or the young War it began before there was a Jewish State and in truth these acts of violence against Jews were merely links in a long chain of similar incidents against Jewish people in the Middle Eastern countries over the past 1400 years I would list them all but I would need 30 minutes to do so let alone three I have imprison here for anyone interested Al jazer feel free to take a picture of this these acts of persecution violence and murder were not due to Illegal settlements or false accusations of genocide or ethnic cleansing these heinous acts of Terror were perpetrated were perpetrated for one reason and one reason only unbridled anti-Semitism and the refusal to allow the Jewish people their own independence and it is these same motives that fuel the protests and spreading of lies and one-sided narratives in our hometown of tck I am not afraid of those whose aim is to antagonize our community or demonize the Jewish State I am not afraid to speak the truth I will not be afraid to do so at Future Council meetings and I encourage my fellow neighbors committed to genuine history to not be afraid to do so as well thank you again thank you Nathan lady in the front hello um my name is Angie Nassar I'm a journalist for aj+ Al jazer plus I've been in tck for the past few days observing uh asking questions and trying to document what's been happening in the town since the war on Gaza started and even well before that time my job is to listen to people and Report what they're saying in fact the whole point of Journalism is to ask questions to hold people in power to account to document what's happening and to inspire knowledge-based dialogue maybe even to inspire change I was at the event last night um I presented myself as a reporter for Al jazer and in a crowd of hundreds unfortunately I was singled out and harassed screamed at insulted intimidated followed believed repeatedly by people who uh showed up to support zaka unfortunately there's some familiar faces here in the room who were a part of the abuse I faced I was treated like an agitator for asking questions like what do you think about people coming here to protest Zea and also unfortunately almost nobody would uh speak with me I really want to be able to give everyone I can in this community Affair opportunity to explain their side of the story I'm sure there are so many sides of the story to tell as I said my role here is to ask questions and hold powerful people like you guys you guys are all very powerful to account it's one of our greatest Democratic achievements to be able to question the people who represent our communities and have so much control over our daily lives things like you know potholes and those really are important things um but there are elected officials on your Council who refuse to respond to my requests uh for an interview I came here tonight in good faith after multiple requests for an interview with Hillary Goldberg uh to ask questions that give her an opportunity to explain her side of the story uh and this is according to what residents have told me tonight I wanted to ask you some questions you yelled over me repeatedly uh so I want to give them here without being yelled over councilwoman uh your actions have led to children in this community receiving death threats how do you feel about that c woman Miss if if I can interrupt just for a second what are you saying Mr attorney according to Residents wait wait if you could just give give it the attorney a second it's up it's up to you enforce it but we've previously been enforced policy about direct directly yeah would you be willing to try to talk to her after the meeting because your reporter asking questions for an article correct or if you could just ask the questions without names as as Deputy Mayor G is pointing out uh Council people some of your actions have led to children in this community receiving death threats how do you feel about it Council people uh what you are doing to ensure I'm sorry Council people what are you doing to ensure the safety of Muslim Arab and Jewish residents who've told us you're failing to protect them and who've said some council members are responsible for fomenting more divisiveness uh and Council people why is support for Palestine in this community perceived as an attack on Jewish people uh lastly I just want to say what happened on October 7th was horrendous over a thousand people were killed the world was outraged and the world and many members of this community are equally outraged for the suffering of Palestinians people have given you guys the numbers almost half of gaza's population is children the people here uh just want the war to end and they want freedom for Palestinians they want the release of hostages and prisoners uh I just hope you can all really listen to each other that's that's my last request thank you thank you man anybody else in Chambers miss this is the last person in Chambers yeah actually before you speak ma'am uh I make a motion to extend the meeting to 11:30 so we can get through the consent agenda all those in favor please say I sorry about interrupting that's okay please go ahead man Ruth con tck resident I really did not come here planning to speak but I could not let that be the last speech given tonight um you may be a wonderful person but please note that a journalist is someone who uses at least two independent sources for any so-called facts that are printed or broadcast and unfortunately your organization has not done that Mr seagull please don't interrupt she's she's addressing the council please address the council thank you um on that note I would also like to ask the that perhaps in aent there may be some history and context here that I'm not aware of but when you're talking about a resolution to clean up the good and Welfare portion why not limit observers and zoom and people here in the audience to te residents it's supposed to be te Council te business why are we opening it up as some municipalities do but most do not it should be Tac residents only so please perhaps add that into your resolution ordinance whatever you call it um the other thing I would just like to stress is that again as mentioned before people coming here without permits pausing a Ruckus raising H in Our Town should not be acceptable and I would urge you to work Town management Town Council police bring in the governor and the AG if necessary let's all work together and make sure that laws are maintained and preserved and kept and the police should give summonses Andor arrest people who are not following Teck laws thank you thank you Miss Mr schz I think you wanted the floor yes okay thank you everyone for coming out wait are are you making a motion to close G Ware sorry yes make a motion to close good Ware I think you said you're going to do that 11 I apologize make a motion to close good welfare second there's there's 366 people 20 it's going between 20 23 hands all right we have a second you want a roll call yes and who was the second me Council woman councilwoman Karen Oregon with the second is CLO good and Welfare councilman Schwarz yes Council beler no council woman Goldberg yes Council one Oregon yes debie Mar cats just 22 hands up Deputy May Deputy Mayor G no mayor Pagan yes because we have work to do Mr Schwarz can you start us off please with the response yes I will and I'll I'll limit my um conversations to the teenic issues that are brought first of all just a clarification from our first speaker um Deputy Mayor G was indeed there last night and I just wanted to make sure that that was said because it was not her name was not included um thank you um as it relates to um Zoom a few comments of Mr clerk if there's some type of countdown clock or where we don't have that pause where people know an on Deck button or something I'm not sure like if there's a way people can tell if they're on deck or not but we're seeming to lose some valuable time on that if that's something you could look into um to whoever made the comment about 566 tck Rhoden in the historic status becoming a hindrance if they could please email myself or councilman beler who replaced um or years ago I served on the historic preservation and now she does if we can look take a deeper look into that because if that's a hindrance that's keeping the property um unutilized that would be something we we should definitely take a look at not to say we could remove it but definitely an option so whomever owns that or mention to please have them email either of us U Miss Hassan you had mentioned meeting I would love to meet with you my cell phone number 91792 9303 please text me so we can set up a meeting um Miss Con in regards to the comment how the Alfred Avenue apartment building rued the neighborhood feel as I've said at pretty much every meeting that building is built in an industrial park fronting Route 4 and I strongly believe that was an excellent place to put that building and as did the planning board in Prior councils lastly um Ellie not y cats um you made some comments about a a a change to the streets over there if I could please ask you to email me what you're referring to it was very hard to take those specific notes and it was a very specific comment thank you very much and again thank you for everyone coming out sper and thank you um neighbors for coming out and voicing your concerns uh I just want to start out by saying um uh a quote by Martin Luther King uh that is every man of Humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions but we must all protest Our Lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter in spite of temporary victories violence never brings permanent peace peaceful Pro protest civil disobedience is a pillar of our democracy uh these tools such as protest was used during the Civil Rights Movement that brought about change lasting change the very man that we're quoting today was a staunch advocate of Civil Disobedience and protest of the People by the people it's important that we don't talk past each other but rather we have compassion for our neighbors we have tolerance for our neighbors leadership means answering to a higher standard as difficult as it might be for some let's be about the people of tenek I feel strongly that we we stop talking past each other but we rather talk to our subject matter experts our attorney our um chief of police our uh DPW our Township manager these are the people that are our subject matter experts it's not running to the state of New Jersey nor is it running to the federal government to solve for our divide but it's rather us doing the hard work doing the hard lift living together means that we talk to each other and we try to solve for difficult problems American democracy says that we as Americans have the right to peaceful protest and civil disobedience good and Welfare should be about the business of the people I will always be on the side of the Constitution I will always support the enforcement of laws that we have on our books now um how much do we want to do and to be about the people's business uh I know I want to handle things like potholes and leaf collection and affordable housing but in these last six months we haven't been about the people's business so I I encourage my colleagues that we find a way back I denounce and always have denounced hatred of all types hatred cannot live in Te neck we are better than that I suggest that we all seek means to engage with each others by attending events like tea talks and tinck race am Amity peacemakers events that one is being held tomorrow night at the baj Center and that we be about returning to the people's business thank you thank you m Bel Miss foran um thank you Jesse for taking down the temperature in the room always and with your outfit I am very much in favor of going back and only doing the people's business I wish there's nothing that feels better that than naming a street on a Saturday afternoon after a beloved Rabbi on Windsor Road um or fixing a pothole for someone or getting a sign put up that says deaf child lives here be careful these are the things that we love to do and these are the things that we're able to do to fix leaf collection so that we don't get complaints and to call Dean and or Tom and and make it seem effortless when somebody's Street has ice on it and suddenly the DPW appears insults it and we're all heroes but what's been happening now in town is Sunday spent with people reaching out to us calling and texting and calling and texting because they're afraid and because they feel like laws are not being followed and because they feel like they're being terrorized it's talking to people and trying to take the temperature down so that fires aren't fed fuel um until they erupt because people are feeling fear and people are feeling anger and so while we call all the things that we love to do the work of the people as Leaders here we still have to deal with this and there are cycles of this in in town we've gone through it before um and I'm sure people long after us will go through it I think what we're seeing right now is very different unfortunately than what we saw with Dr King um peaceful protests and Civil Disobedience are not what we're seeing now and I wish that from this moment forward we could stop everybody from coming and protesting I wish we didn't have to think of calling the state or the attorney general or the prosecutor or attorneys who specialize in this to say what can our police officers do right now because we don't know because we've never had this here before and I wish that we didn't have to call in the state to say tck is being targeted right now what can we do and that's the reason why we're reaching out because the laws are unclear and we don't ever want to put our police officers in a position where where they could get hurt or they could do something that they don't believe in um so I I wish there was a simpler answer to this I wish I I hope and I pray that from this moment forward EV everybody will settle down and the temperature will lower here and everybody can go about living their lives and going to the library and going to Cedar Lane and eating ice cream and doing the things that we love to do as the days get longer um and the weather gets better um but that can only happen if things stop now otherwise we'll do our best um to to settle things down in whatever way we know that we can thank you thank you Miss Oregon Miss Goldberg first I want to thank Rabbi shrier and Robert fredman for coming tonight I know they have to go I want to thank the police for their hard work I know they are emotionally and physically exhausted I watch them get spit on and abused at kator on March 10th I watched last night as they also got spit on and I was horrified when I watched one of our officers get yelled at with anti-hispanic hate speech by an associate of nardine kwani and I did forward that video to our manager today to make sure that officer is okay racism is unacceptable and I was horrified by the words and I condemn them seeing Mr Leon in his chicken suit is refreshing Mr Leon knows that I support chickens uh my family actually does own a chicken farm in Israel I was at basharan last night when within our lifetime whose leader praised Hamas as resistance after the barbaric terrorist attack on October 7th and denied the rape and sexual mutilation committed by Hamas the barbarism that Miss kwani calls a lie and resistance is the gruesomeness to which the volunteers of zaka ref forced to Bear witness to I was at keter Torah on March 10th as I watched for 6 hours as a violent protest took place where residents of EK had paint thrown on them water bottles thrown them on them the residents of tenek were told to go back to aitz and we are still raping your hostages and Nazi salutes I have been at every single protest that took place in this town minus the one on October 17th where a protest permit was taken out by a board of ed member because I sat in this seat condemning Hamas for breaking the ceasefire that existed on October 6th by murdering the most amount of Jews murdered since the Holocaust as I walked to B aaran last night afraid because I questioned all day and I cried and I prayed that this wouldn't be the night the night that changed everything I prayed that it wasn't going to be the night where our shs were broken into and desecrated as shs were desecrated and burned and destroyed on November 9th 1938 the world did change on October 7th the world changed because Hamas invaded more than 20 communities within the internationally recognized Sovereign territory of the state of Israel on the Jewish holiday of Shia seret and the world changed when more than 250 hostages were kidnapped and more than a hundred still remain where 19 women are still enduring the brutal sexual torture by their captures the word the world changed when 19-year-old tenly resident Eden Alexander and was kidnapped and when 10-month-old bias was kidnapped and still remain Jews around the world and in tinac collectively knew we knew it was coming we knew his protest began in EK on EK Road a week before the resolution condemning Hamas was introduced Hamas counted on those life experiences of Jews to spread propaganda not seen since Nazi Germany and that same propaganda which led to Christal and the same propaganda that is being used Now to turn the world against us today what Hamas didn't count on is the October 8th Jew what Hamas did not count on was unity and strength and courage and determination of a unified people and I find it so sad as I hear all of the people who call the resolution divisive and call out for Unity meanwhile since its passage I have seen people who have never sat in a room together have coffee shake hands apologize I even took a picture because I couldn't believe believe it with my own eyes and we have found common ground and civility to work together those that will speak every day I get calls and emails and text messages as I'm sure so many others on this day do from residents telling us the words in those resolutions gave them strength and comfort and they are grateful that they have elected officials who are brave and courageous enough to condemn Terror outright and every day I get residents still telling me that they're afraid and we have heard residents Express that the last meeting as well and I am reminded of the importance of that resolution thank God last night was not Crystal KN and tinac I was proud how was scared Community face those calling for the death with the words from River to Sea which is quoted in the Kamas Charter as a call for death to Jews and instead of responding with fighting words they responded with music and dancing and it was beautiful and I will call out anti-Semitism as I see it every day because I will not accept the normalization of anti-Semitism in tenac I will call out anti-Semitism and if it's weaponizing it to you or propaganda then you are the reason that I will call it out because Jewish residents in Tink are not safe until the anti-Semitism here ends because shes and tck are not safe until the anti-Semitism ends and when you say Zionist you mean Jew and when you tell us to go home we are home and when you say from River to Sea it has one meaning and one meaning only and I will not stay quiet while death to our residents are set in the streets of Teek I am tired but I will not rest because serving Teek and representing EK means also representing the Jewish community of EK whether they are reform conservative the Orthodox or October 8th Jews thank you Miss Goldberg Deputy Mayor TS yes um as far as 566 ten road I looked it up though it looks like it was sold in January of of this year but I don't know if that's accurate or not um I do want to Second the request for that crosswalk for herck Park especially as we continue to beautify that Park um I think it's important that we make sure that that's a safe passage for the people that are going across the street um I'll tell you that uh I didn't write down a speech so please bear with me I'm gonna try to speak from the heart but my heart is really broken sitting here tonight um you know I've heard from many residents and I've met met with many residents over the last 6 months um from all over the community but specifically from the Muslim Community and from the Jewish community and my theme first of all you'd be surprised some of their feedback and some of the common denominators than some of the common concerns of safety between all of them um but my theme has been the same and it's more stronger today and I speak really to the residents that are watching and the residents that are here and that is listen it's it's quite obvious that um there's going to be differences as far as the opinion of what's going on 6,000 miles away and it's also obvious without saying it that nothing that is said in this room by anybody is going to make a difference of what happens 6,000 miles away and if it does then you shouldn't be sitting in this room um but what is also obvious is that tomorrow we're all going to be neighbors and for many many years the Jewish community of Tink and the Muslim Community of tinic have really enjoyed a very unique relationship of living side by side together as friends as neighbors and what's Happening Now is really causing in my opinion some irreversible erosion of that relationship and the war will will end and we're going to be neighbors and it's going to be a very difficult future here in EK as we continue I I don't want to just say words I actually want to say an action item and that is that I'm willing to sit down with any community members to please please if we can not interrupt him okay thank you I'm willing to sit down with any community members who have the same interest and there are line that recognize that this is not good for EK this is not good for the reputation of tenk the comments of getting calls from around the country around the world I've gotten calls from to have Al jazzer here well you know is is I guess proof that we're making it into this National stage and and I'll tell the Alger Zer members that are watching to um at home this is not what you think EK is a wonderful place the best place to raise your family um great place to shop and certainly great place to eat and live but we're going through our challenges as the world is going through theirs so my request is if you genuinely and the people that said by the way oh I feel so bad for you that you're sitting here and you have to sit through all this and you have to I feel honestly I'd prefer to do this and have this dialogue together than what happened and what's happening with these um protests the protest last night was a real change in what's happening in the past the Jewish Community has been told to stay home sit back let people who want to protest go through town it was important for for um the manager and the police department to make sure that nobody gets hurt especially not a resident and not our amazing law enforcement but what happened last night sent a clear message that the Jewish Community is not sitting back anymore and it's it's it's not now a matter of if somebody's going to get hurt it's a matter of when somebody's going to get hurt and we going to have more than just Al jazer here in EK when that happens so if you do genuinely care about your property your property values the town then I ask you to reach out to me and let's sit down and continue to have this dialogue no we will not solve what's happening 6,000 miles away but we'll continue to talk and have dialogue and be respectful to each other and try to reset a little bit of where we were as a teenek as a community six months ago thank you thank you Deputy uh Mr cler I make a motion to extend the meeting to 11:45 p.m. second all those in favor please say I I Deputy Mayor G um so first I'm just going to start and say that I'm disappointed that we cut off good and Welfare again there were over 20 people still waiting to speak um I will repeat that rather than trying to redefine good and Welfare guidelines let's create the conditions at as leaders that will leave residents with fewer reasons to log on or to come to council chambers to speak during good and Welfare um I you know I heard folks say today that this was therapeutic just hearing from each other right um I Heard folks say thank you for taking the time to listen I heard my Council colleague say I'm happy to stay as long as possible to hear from everyone and so I I know this is not how it will be every month we are in a unique period of time we should listen to our residents if they would like to speak to that point I I also want to touch on um the emails we are getting a lot of emails from residents that are copy and paste it seems like someone's sending out a link to click on the emails and then we get about 5,000 uh versions of the same email if you want to send it to the council continue but when you send it to our town manager and when you send it to our chief of police they're missing really important emails because they're busy filtering through the repeat emails so if if anyone who is out there knows who's organizing these emails please keep the town manager and the Poli and the police chief off of the emails just send it to us we can filter it someone asked the question why can why can't we just limit good and Welfare to te neck residents can you imagine in Jim celf they said no one who's not from here can speak people have to have the right to speak out if they feel something is wrong even if we disagree and so to close off good and Weare to just teen residents I think could have unintended consequences long term that's why we have to allow and anyone to speak at our good and Welfare can we give te a residents priority absolutely absolutely but we cannot close it off to anyone who is not a teet resident I think that would just set as a horrible precedent uh someone had a very mundane question about the cell phone tower so I just wanted to touch on that really quickly um we believe if that we're able to sell those cell phone tower the cell phone tower this year it could save us a lot in tax revenue um we don't have the exact number uh the cell phone towers currently generate uh some income every year but um the technology is changing and we're we're concerned that if we wait to sell the tower it'll lose value over time so it's something that we're considering we're happy to answer any more questions folks may have offline about that finally I wanted to touch on something that um my Council colleague uh Deputy Mayor cat said um nothing we do here as it relates to issues in the Middle East will have an impact in the Middle East I know folks continue to come and talk about it I think we open that door when we passed that legislation on October 17th I don't believe we should have passed that resolution and and I don't and I don't say that because I absolutely believe we did it with the right intent but I think the the consequences of passing that resolution where we're seeing these protests every day where we're hearing from residents that they don't feel represented by this Council um I think we we made a mistake I think we should stay out of international Affairs I think on the day we should talk about Tek we should speak on T on our individual plat platforms by all means by all means but on the day let's stick to Tina um and that's what I plan to do going forward um I've heard a lot of proposal about how can we enforce local laws like if we enforce those laws it'll stop these protests I don't think I mean yes 100% agreed let's enforce our local laws but I don't think less laying down the hammer is going to stop the protests it's not I think the way that we address what's happening in tck is we all have to come together as leaders and model the behaviors that we want to see in this town that means we need to listen to one another we need to give each other Grace we need to give everybody Grace right and try to look at things from different perspectives and I heard that from so many people today and so I'm optimistic I was optimistic when I saw Rabbi shrier walk over to another Resident and shake his hand I was optimistic when I learned that our uh Advisory board on community relations are going to start their empathy training I'm optimistic because I think if we continue to have that mindset of giving Grace and listening and hearing from one another we can really start to create the Teck that we all know and remember so that is my uh that's my last statement I I'm really I'm really going to stay optimistic but I know it's we're going through a tough time thanks thank you Deputy Mayor I just want to say thank you to all of our residents for coming out tonight and participating and to all the residents who brought up local Municipal issues we were taking notes on your comments and will'll be following up with our manager and staff at Town Hall to help so thank you Mr manager is there anything you would like to say or ADD we move on sure just a couple quick things her Park graffiti we're on we'll take care of that during the week palade and Griggs we looked at that intersection recently uh there was a crosswalk there before palet Avenue was recently resurfaced uh it was not ada8 compliant to do so we have to put in new Ada ramps and the um and the rubber uh platform there uh country club we notified ways um about the diverting the traffic uh pattern keeping them off of Country Club engineering makes the recommendations for uh speed bumps uh they're going to have to uh look at that area and see if the data supports from the police department the Need for Speed bumps there and we will reach out to do in the morning to get that blind spot covered with the mirror uh at um Alfred and deor thank you Mr manager our next over business is the consent agenda and all matters on the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature by Council and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by Council that particular item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately Mr clerk can you please read the amount of the bill list into the record yeah after he reads it okay yes mayor we have our consent agenda which consists of a few sets of minutes resolutions 100 to 7224 107 d224 is not in your agenda packets that is the resolution that we walked on this evening um and the bill that's 107 d202 Deputy Mayor G that was the one that councilwoman Oregon walked in regarding uh cost sharing with the state and the bill list in the amount of 1,643 512 and 43 cents Miss beler I think you wanted to pull something from the consent agenda I'd like to make a recommendation that we pull 107 to uh 2022 uh until we confer with the chief of police the DPW and uh even the sheriff's office so that we are we are um engaging with the stakeholders so that they can give us greater visibility before we um approach the state uh I think it's incumbent upon us to to um exhaust every possibility before we take things to the state or to the federal government so I'd just simply ask that we pull it for tonight uh upon our ability to to to speak with the the chief of police uh DPW and the Sheriff's Office yep procedurally it'll be pulled right now but then we're going to vote on the consent agenda unless someone wants to pull anything else and then we're going to come back to that measure so is anybody pulling anything else from the consent agenda no in that case I move to approve the consent agenda second Schwarz just CLA just clarifying for councilwoman beler he's moving to approve the consent agenda without 10722 24 that will be pulled and talked about afterwards I just want to be clear about that so that was a first from mayor Pagan to consider everything except resolution 107 on our consent agenda um I'm sorry who was the second Schwarz thank you councilman Schwarz councilman Schwarz yes on all except Bill list number 24- 01376 that's 24- 01376 and 24- 01451 which Republic notices put in the Jewish link for abandoned properties that we hope to help the neighbors with you said that was councilman Schwarz councilman beler yes yes and all thank you councilwoman Goldberg yes councilwoman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor Catz yes with an exstension on the bill list Deputy Mayor G yes mayor pan yes everything adopt Miss Bel the floor is yours I heard what you said do you have anything else to add before I open it up to any other member who wants to comment uh no I just uh wanted to confer with our attorney to get some advice as to you know what your position uh would be you know in terms of conferring with the chief of police the the DPW and other stakeholders uh before you know we would take take another step in terms of reaching out to the the state that we would confer with our own subject matter experts before we we take the next step Mr sammon and then Deputy Mayor G I would say it's up to the council I think you can go with either you know with either one whatever you guys are more comfortable with um this the resolution is to ENT send a letter to to the um our state representatives uh to ask for really mostly financial help um we there's nothing wrong with going to speaking with other you know members of the stakeholders as you refer to them with the township first but I don't know that's required either way though it's really in the council's discussion whatever Mar so my issue with this resolution is I don't think it is necessary we can reach out and ask for assistance without a resolution by documenting this and writing it here I think we're just stirring up more drama to be honest by calling out conflict in the Middle East I can already see people starting to point fingers at whose fault it is that we're having to ask more dollars I just think it creates more divisiveness if we need money we can reach out to our elected officials for more money we don't need to pass a resolution to do so Mr Schwarz do we even have state legislators in tck because is there when was the last time we saw any of them in this town months I don't think half the people in this room can name them we've reached out to our we've reached out to our attorney general which has gotten us nowhere I think I I'm I'm voting yes Miss Goldberg oh I'm sorry Miss Oregon Yeah we actually have tried many different Avenues to reach the Attorney General to try to get information from them about what is and isn't okay this is I don't want to say El lasted effort but this is a just memorializing a request from them to come speak to us the managers reached out we've had organizations reached out um and we've heard nothing we can't we can't get them to to um respond to us miss Goldberg would did you raise your hand yeah our residents our our constituents and they're afraid and we've been begging and pleading and screaming from the rooftops for help and they've been silent and they've told us no um so I'm in favor of this anybody else Miss pure I would say that we want exhaust all possibilities with our own people first I mean we have the the the the stakeholders that we're talking about are our chief of police I've not sat down with our chief of police and on this topic um our DPW I've not had any conversation with him um you know our even our Sheriff um so why would we want to reach out to the state which you've already said there's been little or no response versus reaching out to the very people that work for our Township shouldn't we give uh them a first opportunity to help solve for the Divide Miss G so so now I'm confused is this resolution calling for just financial support or are you also from Council Goldberg I wasn't clear if you were saying just financial support or more you were saying when you when you say we need help what are you asking for I'm not I'm not we need financial support we need we needed more police yesterday we didn't know what to expect our residents are afraid and we need the help and to say that we didn't talk to people we have Miss Oregon I think you were GNA say something no one person at a time please miss organ um I'm I'm not sure what the DPW would do about this and I know that the police chief needs more help and that goes into planning when events like this happen there needs to be an open line of communication with the state so that we can their resources and we haven't been getting that um the County's been helpful sometimes but we had an an incident with them on on Sunday so this is this is not um this is just reaching out to them as a council unified to say hey guys we're here in tenek and we need your help um notice us we're having a hard time here and that's what this resolution says real quick do we want to keep debating this or do we want to vote okay one more thing yeah so this is the first today was the first I was hearing of the fact that we reached out no one told me or asked me to reach out to my contacts I just think if we had uh leveraged the entire Council that maybe we would have been more impactful um I think it um you the fact that we're just hearing about this for the first time and then walking it on I I don't think we've exhausted all of our contacts and potential um lever leverage all of our potential networks to to have more of an impact just personally my opinion can I move um resolution 107 Mr clerk we have a first and a second for the resolution no it's okay very sorry was that a first from Council one Oregon and then a second from Schwarz thank you apologies councilman Schwarz yes councilman beler I abstain councilwoman Oregon I'm sorry councilwoman Goldberg yes councilwoman Oregon yes Deputy Mayor Catz Deputy Mayor g i abstain just because I think I can leverage my contacts and get to this without a resolution thank you may Pagan yes so it passes Mr Clerk and our next order of business is our introduction of ordinances can you please read the title of the ordinance into the record yes just give me one second I apologize apologies about that we have a tax map reference number in this uh ordinance that we're introducing and we just wanted to make sure that that block and lot were correct the only ordinance mayor and council members of the public that we are introducing this evening is ordinance number 6- 2024 accepting the dedication of a portion of the property located at block 3003 Lots 2 and three I'm just taking a quick pause Council because in our packets it says Lots 21 and 32 that's a scribner's error it's block 30003 lot Lots two and three lots two and three on the official tax map more commonly known as Chadwick road for the purposes of developing and maintaining a public right of way culdesac that's ordinance 6 for second reading on May 7th thank you Mr clerk I make a motion to approve on first reading second from anybody second sorry okay thank you councilman Schwarz councilman Schwarz Council one Belcher yes Council Goldberg I have never been more happy to vote Yes on this right Council Oregon yes de cats G yes may Pagan yes introduced we'll see you in May in that case the meeting is over I make a motion to adjourn all those in favor please say I thank you to everyone for coming out tonight and participating in person and on Zoom we hope you have a wonderful evening hey I'm safe