e e e e e welcome back to honoring the women of the terrrace today we we have a very special guest would you like to introduce yourself hi I'm Miranda Anaya I am the city planner for the city of Temple parce thank you so much for being here today with us Miranda I know you are very very busy woman um you said you're the city planner can you tell me a little bit about what that entails and what your day-to-day tasks are sure I oversee the Planning and Development Division and so the majority of my job is uh keeping the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan up to date and interpreting that code which in a nutshell means that uh that guides the growth of the city and it uh Implement um some of the development standards so you're like the backbone of the temple terce okay that sounds like it could be very like stressful is it for you it can be um I deal with a lot of the developers whether they're trying to build a residential subdivision or if they want to come in and uh build a restaurant or retail Center I have to help and guide them but it's also rewarding to do that oh I love that is there an experience that you're like super proud of anything that comes to mind um right now we're updating Our Land Development code um that's the first thing that comes to mind uh it's we're doing the workshops for those but currently right now um in general I like to um it's always satisfying when we get to the end of the project and I can see uh that development come to fruition I'm like seeing the whole like new building in front of you yeah espec especially since we're only live or we're close by a couple minutes away we can always drive out there and see how the development turns out I love that that definitely sounds satisfying um I mentioned it could be you know stressful what do you do to like decompress on your off time um I one of the great things about Temple Terrace is all the Parks and Recreation so I love walking around um all the amenities that we have here oh what's your favorite part um I actually like the re Center the best but I like going down to um river river river Hills yeah yeah that one's really beautiful and it's been really nice lately so I'm like I want to go do a picnic I want to do something fun yeah yeah so I want to ask how did you get into this field of planning yeah so I went to uh school for my bachelor's in Environmental Management um it's interesting because I've always wanted to either do um something that impacts uh where people live work and play and so one of the things with that is um you know impacting everyone's everyday lives and so I always wanted to be that mediator between um city government and the people and a lot of people don't understand codes and uh especially Land Development code so it's that Midway to help people understand what's actually impacting their prop property and their surrounding community and so um it's great because I get to do some of the civil engineering work looking at site plans and also a lot of it is interpretation as far as legal wow stuff so it sounds like you wear like a lot of different hats yeah and it's cool I love it where did you go to school uh University of West Florida that's a thean handle in Pensacola okay the great beaches oo love that especially summer's coming up yep love it um what would you say sets Temple ter apart from other cities that you visited um like I said I love the amenities that we have here including the parks um I think actually city council is one of the best councils I've ever seen they uh definitely take uh the Public's uh comments into consideration they feel very deeply about it also because we're just a even though we're in an urban uh environment it's very uh small Community yeah feeling and so um you can just tell that the city workers go above and beyond because they actually live work here yeah absolutely I used to live here I'm swim a part-time Temple Terrace native but yeah everyone is very um goal oriented and we all just want the same thing and yeah and even the residents who speak at city council they're always so involved so I love that what advice would you give to someone who is considering this career path especially as a woman what would you say uh to definitely get involved in your community change starts at your City Council meetings so getting involved knowing uh upcoming projects um you can definitely go to school for it I'd advise you to um ask other planners uh planners that are already in the field I know the job aspect wise uh there's uh good job growth in planning so it's going to be more needed in the future so uh that's what I would say for planners is just to get involved in your community and ask other planners um specifics because there's so many rules in planning there's Transportation Planning where you're looking at the roadways there's uh um policy planning where you're more looking at the law and uh land use planning where you're looking at the actual type of development zoning there's so many different types of planning that you can go into and specialize if you want to um but I would say yeah start with uh going to Council meetings and getting involved in the Comm as far as the uh um woman aspect uh future woman of planners I would say um to just go for it because I feel like a lot of women have imposter syndrome and um you don't feel qualified but if if you have the qualifications then go for it um and stop under aerating yourself you're just as good as the men and planners and uh it used to be a male dominated uh field and that's changed over the decade so I would say you're definitely more than capable being that it is women's History Month I do want to ask do you feel like you your being a woman has any effect on your work in City Planning I think uh people are always concerned about what's happening with their property about their neighborhood and just the city in itself we definitely have an impact on their Community as far as planning goes and so I think when it's a t touchy subject um I can put a little bit of a woman's touch on it and be empathetic to that situation um because uh sometimes you know being a director I do have to be Stern in some areas but I also know when to um have a softer tone of voice and also um not that men can't do it but I also feel that um and I'd like to welcome everybody to the April 2 meeting of the Temple Terrace city council it's always nice to see everybody um I'd like to remind you to please silence your electronic devices and uh for those who wish to comment during public comment portion of the meeting there are forms in the back of the room that you can fill out and deliver them to the city clerk to my left and if you would please stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord we begin our meeting tonight and gratitude we thank you that we live in a country that although not perfect has enshrined in its Constitution the core values of Liberty and Justice help us as local elected officials reflect these values in all we do we thank you for our residents our businesses our terrific employees and all the other stakeholders who make our city such an amazing Place grant us wisdom and compassion tonight as we strive to advance the common good of all amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you so for those of you who don't often attend our Council meetings which is a lot of you understandably uh we have a fairly new tradition that we began a year year and a half or so ago where we begin our Council meetings with a historical or interesting fact about the city of Temple Terrace or the surrounding region and so we rotate that Duty around and despite my best efforts to elude it it has now fallen on me tonight so this is my turn in the barrel so this started out as what I thought was a fun fact and and uh then it took a turn in the fun went away and you'll see where I'm going with this as we go so this is an article from the local paper uh in January 9th of 1949 at that time it was called The Temple Terrace town crier and uh it goes like this this this is front page it says probably all of the residents of Temple Terrace have at one time or another visited other cities in Florida and commented on the rough streets encountered some things just don't change do they recently several visitors to Temple Terrace made a comparison of streets in large cities and small cities and decided that we were indeed fortunate in having the system of pave roads that we have many of us as residents go to and from our homes on paved clean streets and take them for granted the city has approximately 22 miles of paved streets the maintenance of these roads has been made possible the maintenance of these roads has been made possible by the small tax of 2 cents per front foot on all property on a paved Street this tax is applied to vacant property as well as improved property the tax is fair to owners of improved property as well as the owners of vacant property in that if the streets are not maintained and kept in good repair the investment each owner has is depreciated by the deterioration of the streets the next time you are in your car we suggest that a ride through Temple Terrace will will prove much in prove of much interest not only will it give you an idea of the problems faced by the city and the maintenance of these roads but it will also make an enjoyable ride and one that people from Tampa and surrounding areas drive from miles to enjoy so that was the fun fact and I thought well we're going to have our friends from the Transportation Planning organization here what a great thing this will be really interesting not so much so I did a little math which I know is scary but I do have a calculator and 22 miles of Road City Streets 2 cents per Frontage foot equals $ 4646 in 1949 $ 4600 that's $211 per mile so that doesn't tell you a whole lot unless you correct that for inflation because you say well what does that really mean today so I corrected that for inflation in today's dollars that would be $6,300 and that would equate to 2700 m per mile I'm rounding off a little bit $2,700 per mile but you think in 1949 that's a pretty good chunk of change that's a that's a significant investment the other thing that I'm assuming I don't know from the article but I'm assuming they were using some of this These funds to pave more streets so some of that was probably going into new Paving so I thought well I wonder how that compares today right I thought that'll be a cool statistic to show that you know if you correct for inflation you know we're pretty good that's where the fund goes away right so correct today in 2024 we have 81 miles of city streets so about four times we currently budget $750,000 to repave these streets and up until fiscal year 23 that has been enough to repave every Street in the city at about a 34e interval which I was really proud of I used to go around talking about that I'm not going to do that anymore prior to the FY 23 we used to it used to cost about $60 per linear foot to repave to Mill and overlay a city street since the budget in 2020 23 now we're going into 25 that number has gone from $60 a linear foot to13 $31 a linear foot that's a 218% increase in the past two budget years which means that our $750,000 that used to keep us on a 34-year pavement repaving schedule now only Keeps Us on an 81-year repaving schedule right this is not good and it's not sustainable what we used to be able to pay just under 2 and a half mil miles of city streets a year based on that $750,000 now it will do less than a mile so in order to get back where we were on this schedule and I'm not saying we're going to do this but in order to get back just trying to exemplify the problem in order to get back on the schedule that we were on not even to get any better just to get back where we were it would take an additional $885,000 in the operating budget just to get back where we were so I I told you the fun went away right it was interesting at the beginning and then I'm like oh my gosh I wish I'd have picked something about the library or whatever but um so I want everybody to understand that these are real numbers these are not political issues they're math issues right and we're starting in a good spot because our streets are generally in pretty good repair we're not starting behind the curve where every street we have needs to be repaved tomorrow but if we as Council and management don't get on top of this if we allow this to continue unchecked all of our streets will degrade at the same time and then we have a problem that's almost impossible to dig out from so um we don't have the solutions to that yet but uh I don't think that number is ever going to come down to $60 a foot like it was so anyway interesting not fun sorry about that but uh that's a reality of it so okay that was uplifting wasn't it yeah yeah okay so we have uh some Rec recognitions and some proclamations uh the first one I'd like to call our Library Division director Teresa Frasier up to the podium the first one is for National Library week good evening thanks for being here so the clamation reads whereas libraries have long served as trusted and treasured in institutions where people of all ages interest and backgrounds can come together and learn and libraries of all types are at the heart of their cities towns schools and campuses libraries offer members of the community a welcoming space and opportunities to explore new passion through technology programs and services libraries strive to develop and maintain programs and collections that are as diverse as the populations they serve libraries and Librarians work to create an equitable Society by providing free access to accurate information libraries are a resource for all community members regardless of race ethnicity Creed ability sexual orientation gender identity or socioeconomic status by offering services and educational programming that transform lives and strengthen communities now therefore I Andy Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of temp Temple Terrace Florida do hereby Proclaim April 7th through 13th as National Library week so would you like to say a few words just like to thank the city council Mr Mayor Mr uh for your continued support you know the library couldn't do its job without you and just uh let you know that in recognition of National Library week um we've scheduled a solar eclipse for Monday at 3m. kick off all the uh exhibits and we brought you some glasses so you can step out your door and enjoy it all right thank you good I'll I'll get those to the clerk and she can pass them out great thanks let's give her a round of [Applause] applause do you think they can res that's a have to be in the middle so they all right all right that is a thought thank you okay next would public safety telecommunicator training coordinator Amy hutcha please approach the podium that's a mouthful you have big business cards yeah it changed actually this week too it did yeah I'm now the supervisor congratulations very good yeah that's terrific I'm sorry I didn't have that in my notes or I would have said so it's okay it just happened well congratulations this is a proclamation and recognition of National Public Safety telecommunicators week and it reads uh whereas the city of Temple Terrace police and fire Public Safety telecommunicators play a vital role in the protection of human life and property in our community and the safety of our police officers firefighters and paramedics telecommunicators are the first Contact our citizens have when calling or texting for help during an emergency they are the vital Link in a chain of individuals who make up our emergency response system and provide vital critical communication to theity City's police fire and Emergency Medical Services while enduring long shifts and handling life and death emergencies Temple Terrace Public Safety telecommunicators set high standards in performing their duties 24 hours a day 7 days a week last year the men and women of the Temple Terrace Communications Department answered 15,19 911 calls and 41,021 administrative calls they monitored 33 , 281 police activity incidents and dispatched in progress calls in an average of 1 minute and 35 seconds the Temple Terrace Public Safety telecommunicators were successful in dispatching 4,512 fire incidents in an average of 42 seconds each telecommunicator exhibited compassion understanding and professionalism during their many duties now therefore I Andrew Ross by virtue of the authority vested me as mayor of the city of Temple terrrace Florida to hereby designate April 14th through 20th as National Public Safety telecommunicators week so would you like to say a few words just again thank you to this city to the council to our city manager also to our Police and Fire Chiefs for all the support that they give us and all of the understanding from all of our people and a good job to my team cuz they work really hard congratulations again on your promotion and I'd also like to point out that Amy is not only our newest promotee but she's also a lifelong Temple Terrace native so uh we're very happy to to have a homegrown person in that role so thank you let's give it a run of [Applause] appuse hope somebody's watching the we got people in there don't worry [Music] all right yes look at that three two one three two one thank you [Applause] congratulations Mr Mayor Mr Mayor yes can I just add one yes please do so I another they walking out right now but for the public we just recognize a great group of public servants here uh they work very very hard and the reason that they're working even harder now is that we have several openings for dispatchers so if anyone is out there in the audience watching at home or on on the internet I encourage you to apply uh it's a great career and you can really make a truly truly make a difference uh in the lives of people at their probably their worst moments in their lives when they need that kind of counsel and guidance so um please I encourage you to uh look us look us up and hopefully apply thank you thank you Mr B corpal Tandra mopus Sergeant Sergeant I'm sorry you know when I read this I thought I had missed a beat and uh Mr Jamie robe of the Hillsboro children's board is here also please please welcome this is a proclamation for Child Abuse Prevention month and thank you both for being here and the proclamation reads whereas the city of Temple Terrace's future Prosperity depends on the healthy development of the children living in Hillsboro County growing and learning within our diverse communities children who experience adverse childhood experiences are at a higher risk of short and long-term physical psychological and behavioral challenges that can impact the individual child and the Greater Community Community parents and caregivers who are provided with social support and resources are better equipped to provide safe and nurturing experiences for their children the Department of Children and Families Works to develop effective Child Abuse Prevention strategies through Partnerships created with citizens human service agencies schools Faith communities healthc care providers Civic organizations law enforcement agencies and the business Community the Department of Children families and the children's board in collaboration would prevent child abuse Florida's pin wheels for prevention campaign will be engaging communities throughout Hillsburg County in a coordinated effort to prevent child abuse and neglect by promoting awareness of healthy child de healthy child development positive parenting practices and the types of concrete support families need within their communities now therefore I Andrew Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do here hereby set aside April 2024 as Child Abuse Prevention month and so thank you both for being here would you both like to say a few words Mr robe thank you very much on behalf of the children's board and the staff of the children's board um thank you for acknowledging this important uh month because one in seven children in our country has experienced some form of abuse it's very hard to even talk about it and it can be sexual abuse um mental abuse emotional abuse and just plain neglect and it's through Partnerships with City Temple Terrace and other partners in the community that were able to um make an an impact and and that's why the the pin wheels that you put up in the city and all around hillsbor County have been um bringing awareness to this this issue and uh i' invite any of you who haven't gone to the children's board Family Resource Center which is located one of them is located on fer Avenue over here it's a beautiful facility it's open to every member of our community there's no cost to any of the programs and they can go over there and and and get support and help and uh we just thank you very much for your partnership and all of this um and I am a resident of Temple terrce so I'm I'm honored to be here as well we're happy to have you here thank you Sergeant I just want want to thank the children's board for providing the pin Wheels over 200 pin Wheels is what they provided us to be able to put throughout our city I saw them today out in front of the rec center they really catch your eye they uh yeah they're very nice we'll see after tomorrow's wind storm what they might be flying down the street be picking up pin will tomorrow we'll be getting we'll get more well thank you both for all the work you do in our city and the county and and uh thank you for uh all your efforts and and we're really happy to have you here so let's give them there might be plant cityor there might be in Plant City tomor all right three two [Music] one three two one thank you okay I'm pretty sure utilities director Troy tinch is still utilities director Troy tinch I am indeed very good so the next Proclamation is for water conservation month and our utilities director Troy tinch is here to accept and the proclamation reads whereas the State of Florida water management districts in the city of Temple Terrace are working together to increase awareness about the importance of water conservation the city of Temple Terrace in the State of Florida has have designated April typically a month when water demands are most acute uh Florida's water conservation month to educate citizens about how they can help save Florida's precious water resources water is a basic and essential need for every living creature and every business industry school and citizen can make a difference conserving water in promoting a healthy economy and Community the city of Temple Terrace is calling upon each citizen in business to help protect our precious Resources by practicing water safety measures water saving measures and become more aware of the need to save water for this the 26th year of water conservation month there will be a special focus on improving outdoor irrigation efficiency now therefore I Andrew Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple ter Florida do hereby proclaim the month of April 2024 as water conservation month would you like to say a few words I would actually first I want to thank the council for acknowledging water conservation month it's a very valued commodity and I think it's going to only grow as we move into the future I would also like to touch a little bit on the irrigation aspect um I think it's in important to understand that research has shown that we use between 40 to upwards of 60% of our portable water for irrigation purposes in this region of Florida um we all know that Florida is a a rapidly growing State I I think it's important for us to look at Alternatives Florida friendly Lawns uh Florida friendly Landscaping as well as drip irrigation and some of the other low flow irrigation heads for for that purpose you know as I again as I mentioned Florida is rapidly growing that's really kind of exceeding most people's expectations over the last couple of years and I think it's important for us to do what we can to limit the use of portable water for nonpotable purposes as to ensure that there's available drinking water for future Flor readings very good thank you Mr ension thanks for being here with us [Applause] tonight three two one thank you okay so next we we have a couple of presentations the first is from Dr Rich Rick will who is here from usf's Muma College of Business um Dr will has I I'll let him explain but he has worked with our city um over the past several months to um help guide us through a new form of doing strategic planning and so he is here tonight to present the results of that process uh his report that he's going to give uh verbally to us we will make available to the public we'll incorporate that into the meeting packet somehow and we'll make this available to the public so they can see what we're looking at also so Dr will thanks for being with us glad to be here um we held a strategic planning session on uh February the 7th now there was a lot of preparation from the council members before we got to the point where we held this discussion case but for about 2 hours we worked on the the previous input and came up with a list of strategic suggestions that would be handed over to the city manager uh for uh consideration in a larger strategic planning or what you refer to as a goal setting um with those are are some major categories uh that U Were I guess discovered in this particular process and you know the first one having to do with growth and just I'm going to capture just a few but um you know investigating annexation opportunities uh um promoting business engagement another category of Citizen interaction and engagement and a a variety of different points were brought up there including enhancing communication efforts uh while maintaining citizen focus and increasing citizen engagement conducting a market analysis identify and address um uh citizens needs investigating Avenues uh for increased Public School influence and then there was another category called planning uh which included uh not limited to but Advanced long range planning efforts in areas including expanding the city infrastructure investment uh developing some scenario planning and also uh an item for revisiting CRA vision and marketing strategy also a a category uh was discovered with maintain and improve employee Focus improve employee retention enhance professional development opportunities maintain and improve competitive salaries and benefits and create additional opportunities for employee engagement and lastly um for this is a process Improvement uh category which is to establish a continuous process Improvement in uh performance Excellence program and with that I um I know the council has has seen this list and had the opportunity to actually you know give some feedback refine it before the the final list was was created and so may Ross the the the list is in your hands um we did talk about um Mission Vision Values core competency development and although that's very appropriate in a strategic planning session for review it was determined that this was going to be a a larger uh bottomup um development effort effort that will take months if not maybe a little over a year to actually accomplish this there there's a lot involved in actually doing that if you haven't done it for quite some time but I'm here to answer any questions you might have about the list or good Dr will and so council members the there's an appendix to this that has several links on it a couple pages of links I have that electronically so I will send that electronically to you it's much easier to click on and have it like that so questions comments for Dr will thank you for your efforts so just for the Public's edification so these these overarching strategic priorities um are very useful to us as we enter the budget process here this month um which I'm going to talk about more later in the meeting but the budget process and our budget priorities should reflect the priorities that the council has kind of established and these are overarching they're not necessarily tasks but the tasks and the projects that we decide to fund should somehow promote these so this is a a big step for us and uh we're very appreciative of all your work on this and uh I look forward to uh yielding the results of this just um one other comment uh maybe to the residents of the city of uh Temple Terrace uh this Council was incredibly engaged in the discussion case and one of the typical challenges in doing these Harvard style discussion cases is keeping people at a strategic level this Council never faltered from staying at a strategic level and that's very impressive good well thank you so I I used to brag a lot about our repaving schedule but I also brag about the quality of our Council I am very very honored to be the mayor of a city that has a council this good um they are not all I can tell you that and and uh we we have a really uh outstanding Council here and it's not because we all see the things the same way it's because we work through that so so thank you again for your efforts on this I greatly appreciate it and uh I will see you soon I'm sure stay in touch thank you good thank you next uh is the axis 2050 long range Transportation Plan update and our friends and colleagues here from the Transportation Planning organization Wally Galler and Sarah Caper are here to explain good evening thanks for being with us tonight oh good evening thank you so much um as you said my name is Wally glart and I'm with the Hillsboro Transportation Planning organization first I want to take some time to uh acknowledge mayor Ross and councilman schisler uh for allowing me to present tonight in front of the council as well as well as for councilman shisler's commitment and involvement with the tpo's transportation disadvantage Coordinating Board so tonight my presentation will be an overview view of each of the different slides and what each section of the tpo's longrange transportation plan access 2050 survey inails though I'm presenting it to you tonight this is also intended to be helpful to all those listening and watching cool thank you um by 2050 Hillsboro County is estimated to have a population of over 2 million people therefore we need to make decisions on where money should be spent to ensure we have ways to walk bike Drive take a bus and train to the places we need to go so we have launched a survey for Access 2050 our longrange transportation plan to understand what your priorities and values are access 2050 is about reaching all voices and we're using Innovative Outreach methods in working closely with Community leaders ensuring boots on the ground engagement to access even the hardest to reach communities and residents I'll se our our survey is available in multiple languages is ada8 compliant and accessible via any digital device or through hard copies the survey also includes all modes of transportation as we ask you to give input on Transportation projects that are important to you we're dedicated to providing access to everyone the access 2050 long-range Transportation plan looks 25 years and directs Federal and State dollars towards Transportation Investments That You value we update the plan every year excuse me every five years and this one will be adopted in October of 2024 in this survey you will share your thoughts and ideas on priority Transportation projects how to fund them and what major projects you support your thoughts matter in shaping the future of these projects you can take our survey by by visiting access 250. org scanning the QR code on the screen or filling out the paper survey I'll show this QR code again at the very end so upon entering the website you will land on the W welcome page for the access 2050 Transportation survey after reading the prompts click on the green next button to continue to priorities Tab and begin the very first part of the survey let's move to the next screen so you can tell us what is important to you so in the priorities tab you will drag your top five Transportation priorities above the dotted line and make sure to rank them in order of importance once you list your top five Transportation priorities you are ready to move on to the funding sources tab by clicking on the double arrows or clicking on the green tab titled funding sources on this screen we want to know your thoughts on how we should pay for transportation the funding sources tab has five options that will that we will need your input on each section will require you to answer the questions with approval or disapproval using the green thumb to approve or the red thumb to disapprove you will also be able to leave a comment for each question by clicking on the gray circle with the white comment sign for more information about each of the funding sources you can click the information icon in the top left corner let's go through each of these five options the first option is the community investment tax this is a current tax that benefits education Public Safety and transportation for median income individuals they would pay approximately $53 per year for a half cent tax or $106 per year for a 1 cent tax the second option is the gas tax this is about 7 cents per gallon and funds many of our transportation projects a gas tax is a fee imposed by the government on each gallon of gasoline sold and the money collected goes towards maintaining and building roads and highways the third option is a Transit service property tax that funds bus service and maintenance a home with a median assessed value of approximately $200,000 would pay $100 per year at the current rate of half mil an increase to $1 per $1,000 of assessed home value would increase that to $2 $ and an increase to $3 per $1,000 of assessed home value would equal $600 the fourth option is the express toll Lanes like those currently on the veterans and summon expressways Express toll Lanes on highways are used to reduce traffic toll prices can be set to remain constant at all times While others can be adjusted to traffic levels and finally the fifth option is other funding sources like the driver license fee and ride share Services these funding sources would require advocacy from the community and may may require approval by the Florida legislature to be implemented after completing all five sections on this tab please click on the white double arrows or click on the red tab titled major projects to move on on the major projects tab you will find a map which shows 23 potential projects designed to reduce congestion and provide access to key job centers please click on each colored bubble and let us know if you support the trans Transportation project by clicking on the green yes button or the red no button you may also leave a comment on each project if you have additional questions or concerns each of these projects are broken out by color the legend indicates red projects as Highway widening the purple projects are elevated or managed Lanes the green projects are Transit projects and the yellow indicates new or modified interchange projects we will start by walking you through the four yellow projects which are the new or mod interchange projects and we will start in far south county and move north the first one is the new interchange on I75 which would build a new interchange at I75 near Fort Hammer next is the I75 interchange reconstruction which would reconstruct The Interchange at I75 and us301 then we have the new I275 interchange which would build a new interchange at I275 near us41 and then finally we have a new interchange I75 which would build a new interchange at I75 near Harney Road next we'll look at the six green projects which are Transit projects we're starting on the top left west side of the county and moving East first is the East West Metro rapid this Transit project would be a rapid bus service connecting communities from West Shore and the airport to Temple Terrace second we have the CSX South Tampa multimodal Corridor and this Corridor has been uh identified by various agen SE as a prime opportunity for fixed guideway Transit and trails next we have the downtown Tampa USF Brandon premium Transit which would create an exclusive guideway connecting the active areas of USF downtown and Brandon next we have the street car extension and this extension would be from Fort Brook garage to Palm Avenue then we have the regional passenger Transit excuse me yeah Regional passenger Transit that would from Brooksville to brington passing through hillsb County and finally we have the USF to Brandon bus Rapid Transit brt and this rapid bus service would connect USF to Brandon along 50th and 56th Street next we'll look at the six purple projects which are elevated or manage laned projects we're starting on the bridges over the Bay from left to right on the west side of the county and moving East first we have the I275 managed Lanes which would add two Express toll Lanes in each Direction next is the gany bridge which would aim to replace the existing gany Bridge with a new elevated Highway connecting to the Selmon Expressway third we have the Sun Coast Parkway widening and this would widen Sun Coast Parkway at Van Dyke Road to State Road 54 from 4 to six Lanes next we have the I75 North managed lanes and this project would add two express toll Lanes in each Direction then we have the I4 managed lanes and this project would add two express to Lanes in each Direction and finally we have the I75 south managed Lanes project which would add two express to Lanes in each Direction now we will look at the seven red projects which are Highway widening projects again starting on the top left west side of the county and moving East first we have the I275 widening and this project aims to broaden I275 along Hillsboro Avenue to Bears Avenue from six to eight Lanes next is the US Highway 301 Express extension um this project seeks to build a new elevated Highway above us301 from the Selman Expressway to Big Ben Road please note that US31 is multicolored because the transit service is part of that project according to both Thea and Hart third is the balb road widening and this project would expand Balm Road along Clement Pride Boulevard to Balm Riverview Road from from two to four lanes fourth we have the Lithia Pine Crest Road widening and this project would take Lithia Pine Crest Road along Kings Avenue to West Hawk Boulevard from two to four lanes fifth we we have the State Road 60 widening and this project would brought in State Road 60 along South Val Rico road to the P county line from four to six Lanes next is country County Road 39 and this project would take County Road 39 um along State Road 674 to State Road 60 from 2 to four lanes and finally the US 92 widening and this project would expand us92 along Park Road to the pole county line from two to four lanes once you have finished please click on the double white arrows to move on or simply click on the blue tab title wrapup to move on to the wrap-up section of the survey on the screen of the survey please provide us with your zip code and answer a few optional questions after filling out the form click finish to submit your survey participants who provide an email address will be entered for the prize drawings including Sports tickets concert tickets a gift card and more survey completion is not required the last day to take the survey is April 15th and after that we'll be doing the survey and Outreach analysis and the access 2050 long-range Transportation plan will be going into the board for adoption on October 16th 2024 today we ask that you as elected officials help the TPO share this survey to your constituents and spread the word for one final push as we begin to conclude our Outreach efforts as mentioned before this survey closes on the 15th of this month now I'm joined here today by Sarah Caper who's an executive planner with the TPO her and I would be more than happy to answer any questions that concludes my presentation thank you thank you Mr Gore council members council member chisler yes um I heard this presentation about a month or so ago and and I felt it was very important that we brought it up here that a that we all take it take the survey and B we publish it and let everybody know as as best we can so that um the our residents have an opportunity to participate um I do have one if if everything was done how much would it cost any idea has anybody done the calc we're still working on those num okay it's got to be a big number it's got to be a way big number but there's there's there there are several projects in there that affect uple terrorist directly M The Interchange out by Harney that would be significant for uh uh East East part of the city um as well as the uh brt out to Brandon there's just a whole bunch of them so I I I appreciate you coming in I thank you for giving up your evening to to sit through the council meeting and then make pres very good presentation and I encourage everybody to take the take the survey I've done it already um and uh uh we need the input we need we we need to know yeah thank you vice mayor AEL I'd also like to thank you for the survey and um I did it last week also so um I'm in the completed team but I would be curious about what the results would say and if you all publish that those results and compare them to 2045 in previous years we do publish the results and we'd be happy to share that information with you I know mayor also see a presentation on it at the TP board but it's public information and we can definitely share the results it might not be a direct comparison from all of what was done 5 years ago 2045 but we do look at what's changed in information like that thank you I do oh council member Fernandez I don't sorry I don't know what I didn't want to like jump in um a couple questions for this have any assumptions changed since the 2045 survey so like are we expecting more people to move here than we previously expected or has any of that stayed the same we do look at that every five years when we update the plan so we've been working on that for the past about a year and we do update the demographic information so we have looked at how many people do we think are moving here between now and 2050 so not only adjusting what we might have assumed before but also adding that 5-year period and also what the composition of jobs might look like so we do every five years and we have been working on changing some of those assumptions and updating our modeling efforts to account for that so when this survey is completed this will get presented to the TPO but it is this we're really looking at this being funded out of Hillsboro County or would there be other there are a range of funding sources that we look at and that's why the funding questions and the survey are so important for us one of the requirements of the TP by the federal and state government is that our longrange Transportation plan is cost feasible so we have to reasonably assume that the funding sources are ones that we can count on for the future and that's why it's so important to understand what our funding sources are today and also what the community believes we should value for funding sources in the future and that helps us understand what projects we think we can fund and with what kinds of funding sources whether it's federal state or local and what projects are part of the needs plan but not ones that we think we can reasonably fund so So What entity would actually be approving any of these projects would it be multiple entities or um one entity in particular fdot or or multiple entities it is required in order to get state or federal funding that a transportation project is in the longrange transportation plan so whether it's fdot who's doing a work and it's in their work program or whether it's a different uh different agency if they're seeking federal or state funding for transportation that project has to be consistent and in our longrange transportation plan or our 5-year Transportation Improvement program so then my my last question is with regard to getting this out to people we have a couple of static places in the city where people routinely go which would be the family recck center um Lightfoot and the library is it possible or do you have something that would be a sign that would have the QR code or something that could be put up in a location we brought with us rack cards to leave with you um but if you would like something else please um let us know or your staff can let us know and we'd be happy to provide something else we can also bring more cards if this isn't enough for those locations um but we would love for you to put this anywhere where you think people might see it and take that's it council member Chambers yeah thank you um I know you don't have the answer to this question but um when you're talking about funding sources one of them was the S cents gas tax uh in the data or the little bubble you can click on does it say anything in there to know the difference between cars now are getting less uh better mileage so you're they're spending less gallons so that's gone down but then there's more cars so that's going up so is there a way in your documentation to show how that funding source has been um growing or not growing over the year so you can make a determination of funding sources I'm not sure if it's in there that way but that does go into our calculations the Florida Department of Transportation produces a revenue analysis that assists us and it does analyze that information but I'm not certain what the survey bubble says about that specific funding SP okay all right I have seen that data though okay um I could get it well just if I was going to look at that funding source I want to know is 7 cents enough and you know is it falling or growing correct me from wrong but I I can tell you from my role on the TPO that the gas tax funding is woefully inadequate okay you are correct yeah anything else council member good good thank you guys well thank you very much for your time appreciate you staying and and visiting with us tonight and and uh so I really appreciate you coming out and thanks Gil for asking him to come out thank you great job okay do we have a motion to approve the minutes of our March 19th meeting so moved second any corrections or additions to the minutes if not all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays the minutes are adopted next is the uh persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda we have forms in the back of the room if there are members of the public here who have not filled them out and wish to address the council I currently have one request from Mr lobe Mr lobe you are up Sir my name is Charles love at 4912 east line by Avenue Terrace Park uh the first thing I want to do was uh talk about the hard board meeting it's been the first time I've been to one since um since uh before Co if you wanted to know where your tax money about tax money the meeting going to the hard board meeting would have been the place to be yesterday first of all they were talking about the court settlement it looks like it's in the process of occurring but they have to get the Court's final approval but it does look like in principle that there will be a settlement coming up pretty soon and soon as they get approval of the Court uh secondly uh I don't want to go too much into this topic because I feel this is councilman schor's topic uh but um there would have this thing about the uh changing the charter uh for the hard board it's been uh since the same way since uh 1980 44 years and one thing it got talking about was the millage and dealing with Transportation so uh I'm going to leave that that if he wants to talk about more I because especially being that he's the chairman on the board on that um another thing that I did notice at the uh hard board meeting was that they put the specific dates for the national league of cities meetings I did want to mention that because I've I've talked about before here uh uh about putting a presentation for the city of Temple Terrace together if you want to have before the national leag the cities that is going to be November 13th to 16th which is a Wednesday through Saturday so if you have something ready hopefully you have something ready to press other cities so in case you do want the representatives from other cities here um another thing I did want to go and of course battle for it I did have a little success maybe uh with a man from staff who does the charge of the presentations his name is uh uh Justin willoz uh he's the person that does presentations and all that he does seem to be interested in my ideas for dealing with uh brt between USF and downtown and also about the fer Avenue study uh today I wrote a four about three and a half four page uh detailed more information when I was able to kind of sidebar with him over at the Hard board meeting and uh um that's pretty much what I guess I wanted to tell you except I went and tried my hardest to fight for with my program and well I didn't quite do as well as I would have liked to of course you never really do um one other thing I did want to remind now especially with the water department here the water conservation that don't forget April 22nd is Earth Day and I did want to mention this too so uh again even more to think about it so good thank you and good evening thank you [Music] Mr are there other members of the public who wish to address the council seeing none we will move on to our consent agenda is there a motion to approve the consent agenda approve second all those in favor say I I I opposed no n consent agenda is adopted next item is a resolution approving the sale of approximately 2500 square ft of city property located at the rear lot line of 6725 drifting Sands Road and our Deputy City attorney Ernie Mueller is is here to explain thank you mayor uh as you said before you was going to be a resolution approving the sale of approximately 2500 squ ft of city-owned property to the owners of 6725 drifting Sands Road uh this 2500 square ft is part of an old railroad RightWay that the city bought from seabo uh they purchased it in fee simple from the Seaboard Coastline railroad back in 1973 uh the purchase price of this 2500 square fet a square foot parcel is 6,000 plus the owners of 6725 drifting Sands will be paying any closing costs uh the property will transfer by quick claim deed and the city will be reserving uh a non-exclusive easement across the entire 2500 square ft uh Brian has brought up the uh diagram there and I believe you have will have seen this from uh I believe the last meeting where you uh vacated right of way at the rear of 6725 so when we uh sell them this property we will be kind of replacing that easement by having it laying all over you know having that easement lay across this 2500 square ft um that's really all I have I'm here for any questions if thank you Mr Mueller are there members of the public who wish to comment on this council members are there questions okay if there are no questions is there a motion I move to approve the resolution approving the sale of approximately 2500 ft of city property at the rear lot line of 6725 drifting Sands Road second Motion in a second discussion of the motion not all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no nay's resolution is adopted thank you Mr Mueller is there any carryover Council business from previous meetings car vice mayor I was just thinking the same thing she just told me which is a bike with the mayor was rescheduled it was a couple of Fridays ago but it got rained out so it's actually going to be this coming Friday um the date of that is April 5th April 5th thank you thank you I should have said that any other carryover business thank you good cat that's why there's five of us any other Council business very good new business you need to be there on Friday new business board reports I guess council members sh sir okay um give an update on uh what's going on with Hart said everybody's on the same page um we we at heart the heart board I should say has been struggling fin with financial coming up with new Financial uh new Revenue sources um and uh about six months ago a recommended the establishment of atot committee to uh investigate these options and uh I thereby got appointed to it um by uh the board chair so you know no good deed ever goes unpunished but anyway we've met numerous times and we we kicked around ideas but we come back to one problem we can't do anything without changing the charter Charter's maxed out at a half half a mill of property value um even penel county is at 75 Ms so uh we're we're we're we're pretty much hamstrung with being able to do anything so whether we participate in CIT whether we come up with some type of a um a city ADV theorum uh only or a county Ador or countywide or whatever we got to start with changing the charter so that that issue came up yesterday and um it after much wrangling um we got a motion approved to uh uh establish a charter review group commission or if you will to uh you know as as Mr L had said nobody's looked at this since 1980 so 44 years ago there's even verbiage issues that need to be corrected much much as we did back in 2016 and 17 so um you'll there there'll be uh uh there was a lot of consternation as to wanting to put a an adelore referendum in front of the uh the the the public this time around there's not enough time to do it for 2024 if anything it be 2026 but the process is the any Charter review any Charter revisions has to be approved by the hardboard then it's got to go on the road be approved by the city of Temple terce City of Tampa and Hillsboro County then it gets approved by the by the by the the public any any changes that come out of that so it's U it's it's it's a long road it's going to be it's going to take a long time to do but uh it's not going to happen until we take the first step and that step was taken yesterday so uh I will keep keep everybody AB breast as to what happens where it's going and um uh we'll go from there so if you ever have any questions when when or do you know do you have any anticipated time frame of when you would hope to see the charter review commission established and begin having meetings I would hope it happens pretty quickly I'm going to lobby for that through the the board chair it'll be established by the board chair um and uh I would expect that to uh I would hope it happens in the next 30 days at least we get started and con form and get ourselves set up how would the commission members be couldn't tell you couldn't I have no idea it was it was contentious enough getting this through that that was not that was not approached the chair is still L virer correct correct so that's all I got okay other board reports new any questions on this okay other new business or board reports if you'll indulge me for just a couple minutes I'd like to walk the public through a little something real quick there's both of you here but there's people people on television as well there's three of you here so the city of Temple Terrace is just about to embark on our annual um budget development process for fiscal year year 25 this is the time of year when we start that each year um just to let everybody know how this is going on um because all of a sudden we start having public meeting or meetings about this to pass the budget but this actually a long process so this month uh we begin that process by having goal a goal setting meeting with um staff and the council members and of course all our meetings are public but we get very few people that come to the and at this meeting we will kind of look at these we this year we'll look at the U product of the strategic planning session that we had with Dr will and we will discuss priorities projects that each of us will present what we think ought to be funded for this year and then we have discussion until we agree on these are the kinds of things that we think we should try to do in fiscal year 25 once we establish those priorities staff starts to work on well they've probably already started to work but they start to put these priorities into the budget um we then have a series of meetings between May and July usually we're done in July if it spills over go can go into August but usually we're done in July we have a series of meetings where we go through each section of the budget we start usually we start with operating we talk about Capital the then we talk about the Enterprise fun funds the water and sewer rates and the sanitation rates and what it takes to keep these funds healthy um I talked about Capital what kind of projects that we can accomplish and so once we've made it through on these funds usually by July um then we set the millage which is in August is it not and usually it's in August yeah it's in August we we have a meeting we set the millage the budget meetings as I said they're usually they're they're public but we don't usually get a lot of public first of all they're they have to be during business hours because we need our whole staff here to do this and so they're a little harder for people to get to if they're working because they're during the daytime but um they are public they're here we do televise them we record them right and so we try to make them available to people who want to watch them later when they can on YouTube and so forth um and then in September we will at a regular council meeting we'll have two readings of the final budget so that's kind of the process how it happens um like I said for a lot of the public they don't see this until September and they're like you know I wanted to give everybody an idea of how the sausage is made um it it's a very labor intensive project particularly for staff but um but it works and and uh I'm proud to say that our finance team now we have is tremendous they were last year was much much easier U we say sailed through the process um in half the time probably than we have in some years in the past so anyhow I wanted to let the public know that I don't know if anybody cares about that but that's what we do and and there it is so all right any other new business okay city manager really wow that's good news no news is good news City attorney nothing nothing okay wait a minute wait a minute this you guys could we another another half hour or so anything directors we're good anything okay good so thank you everybody for being here thank you for all your continued hard work and uh we will be adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e --------- e welcome back to honoring the women of the Terrace today we have a very special guest would you like to introduce yourself hi I'm Miranda Anaya I am the city planner for the city of Temple Paris thank you so much for being here today with us Miranda I know you are very very busy woman um you said you're the city planner can you tell me a little bit about what that entails and what your day-to-day tasks are sure I oversee the Planning Development Division and so the majority of my job is uh keeping the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan up to date and interpreting that code which in a nutshell means that uh that guides the growth of the city and it uh implements um some of the development standards so you're like the backbone of the temple terce okay that sounds like it could be very like stressful is it for you it can be um I deal with a lot of the developers whether they're trying to build a residential subdivision or if they want to come in and uh build a restaurant or retail Center I have to help and guide them but it's also rewarding to do that oh I love that is there an experience that you're like super proud of anything that comes to mind um right now we're updating Our Land Development code um that's the first thing that comes to mind uh it's we're doing the workshops for those but currently right now um in general I like to um it's always satisfying when we get to the end of the project and I can see uh that development come to fruition I'm like seeing the whole like new building in front of you yeah especially since we're only live a or or we're close by a couple minutes away we can always drive out there and see how the develop it turns out I love that that definitely sounds satisfying um I mentioned it could be you know stressful what do you do to like decompress on your off time um I one of the great things about Temple Terrace is all the Parks and Recreation so I love walking around um all the amenities that we have here oh what's your favorite part um I actually like the Rex Center the best but I like going down to um river river river Hills yeah yeah that one's really beautiful and it's been really nice lately so I'm like I want to go do a picnic I want to do something fun yeah yeah so I want to ask how did you get into this field of planning yeah so I went to uh school for my bachelor's in Environmental Management um it's interesting because I've always wanted to either do um something that impacts uh where people live work and play and so so one of the things with that is um you know impacting everyone's everyday lives and so I always wanted to be that mediator between um city government and the people and a lot of people don't understand codes and uh especially Land Development code so it's that Midway to help people understand what's actually impacting their property and their surrounding community and so um it's great because I get to do some of the C engineering work looking at site plans and also a lot of it is interpretation as far as legal W stuff so it sounds like you wear like a lot of different hats yeah and cool I love it where did you go to school uh University of West Florida that's a the panhandled in Pensacola okay the great beaches oo love that especially summer is coming up yep love it um what would you say sets Temple Terrace apart from other cities that you visited um like I said I love the amenities that we have here including the parks um I think actually city council is one of the best councils I've ever seen they uh definitely take uh the Public's uh comments into consideration they feel very deeply about it also because we're just a even though we're in an urban uh environment it's very uh small community yeah feeling and so um you can just tell that the city workers go above and beyond because they actually live work here yeah absolutely I used to live here I'm swim a part-time Temple Terrace native but yeah everyone is very um goal oriented and we all just want the same thing and yeah and even the residents who speak at city council they're always so involved so I love that what advice would you give to someone who is considering this career path especially as a woman what would you say uh to definitely get involved in your community change starts at your city council meeting so getting involved knowing uh upcoming projects um you can definitely go to school for it i' advise you to um ask other planners uh planners that are already in the field I know the job aspect wise uh there's a good job growth in planning so it's going to be more needed in the future so uh that's what I would say for planners is just to get involved in your community and ask other planners um specifics because there's so many rules in planning there's Transportation Planning where you're looking at the roadways there's uh um policy planning where you're more looking at the law and uh land use planning where you're looking at the actual type of development zoning there's so many different types of planning that you can go into and specialize if you want to um but I would say yeah start with uh going to Council meetings and getting involved in the commity as far as the uh um woman aspect uh future woman of planners I would say um to just go for it because I feel like a lot of women have imposter syndrome and um you don't feel qualified but if if you have the qualifications then go for it um and stop under asserting yourself you're just as good as the men and the planners and uh it used to be a male dominated uh field and that's changed over the decade so say you're definitely more than capable being that it is women's History Month I do want to ask do you feel like you your being a woman has any effect on your work in City Planning I think uh people are always concerned about what's happening with their property about their neighborhood and just the city in itself we definitely have an impact on their Community as far as planning goes and so I think when it's a t touchy subject um I can put a little bit of a woman's touch on it and be empathetic to that situation um because sometimes you know being a director I do have to be Stern in some areas but I also know when to um have a softer tone of voice and also um not that men can't do it but I also feel that call meeting order and I'd like to welcome everybody to the April 2nd meeting of the Temple terce City Council it's always nice to see everybody um I'd like to remind you to please silence your electronic devices and uh for those who wish to comment during public comment portion of the meeting there are forms in the back of the room that you can fill out and deliver them to the city clerk to my left and if you would please stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord we begin our meeting tonight in gratitude we thank you that we live in a country that although not perfect has enshrined in its Constitution the four values of Liberty and Justice help us as local elected officials reflect these values in all we do we thank you for our residents our businesses our terrific employees and all the other stakeholders who make our city such an amazing Place grant us wisdom and compassion tonight as we strive to advance the common good of all amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you so for those of you who don't often attend our Council meetings which is a lot of you understandably uh we have a u fairly new tradition that we began a year year and a half or so ago where we begin our Council meetings with a historical or interesting fact about the city of Temple Terrace or the surrounding region and so we rotate that Duty around and despite my best efforts to elude it it has now fallen on me tonight so this is my turn in the barrel so this started out as what I thought was a fun fact and and uh then it took a turn and the fun went away and you'll see where I'm going with this as we go so this is an article from the local paper uh in January 9th of 1949 at that time it was called The Temple Terrace town crier and uh it goes like this this this is front page it says probably all of the residents of Temple Terrace have at one time or another visited other cities in Florida and commented on the rough streets encountered some things just don't change do they recently several visitors to Temple Terrace made a comparison of streets in large cities and small cities and decided that we were indeed fortunate in having the system of pave roads that we have many of us as residents go to and from our homes on paved clean streets and take them for granted the city has approximately 22 miles of paved streets the maintenance of these roads has been made possible the maintenance of these roads has been made possible by the small tax of 2 cents per front foot on all property on a paved Street this tax is applied to vacant property as well as improved property the tax is fair to owners of improved property as well as the owners of vacant property in that if the streets are not maintained and kept in good repair the investment each owner has is depreciated by the deterioration of the streets the next time you are in your car we suggest that a ride through Temple Terrace will prove much prove of much interest not only will it give you an idea of the problems faced by the city and the maintenance of these roads but it will also make an enjoyable ride and one that people from Tampa and surrounding areas drive from miles to enjoy so that was the fun fact and I thought well we're going to have our friends from the Transportation Planning organization here what a great thing this will be really interesting not so much so I did a little math which I know is scary but I do have a calculator and 22 miles of Road city streets 2 cents per Frontage foot equals $ 4646 in 1949 $4,600 that's $211 per mile so that doesn't tell you a whole lot unless you correct that for inflation because you say well what does that really mean today so I corrected that for inflation in today's dollars that would be $6,300 and that would equate to 2700 mil per mile I'm rounding off a little bit $2,700 per mile but you think in 1949 that's a pretty good chunk of change that's a that's a significant investment the other thing that I'm assuming I don't know from the article but I'm assuming they were using some of this These funds to pave more street so some of that was probably going into new Paving so I thought well I wonder how that compares today right I thought that'll be a cool statistic to show that you know if you correct for inflation you know we're pretty good that's where the fund goes away right so correct today in 2024 we have 81 miles of city streets so about four times we currently budget $750,000 to repave these streets and up until fiscal year 23 that has been enough to repave or every Street in the city at about a 34-year interval which I was really proud of I used to go around talking about that I'm not going to to do that anymore prior to the FY 23 we used to it used to cost about $60 per linear foot to repave the mill and overlay a city street since the budget in 2020 23 now we're going into 25 that number has gone from $60 a linear foot to $131 a linear foot that's a 218% increase in the past two budget years years which means that our $750,000 that used to keep us on a 34e pavement repaving schedule now only Keeps Us on an 81-year repaving schedule right this is not good and it's not sustainable what we used to be able to pave just under 2 and a half miles of city streets a year based on that $750,000 now it will do less than a mile so in order to get back where we were on this schedule and I'm not saying we're going to do this but in order to get back just trying to exemplify the problem in order to get back on the schedule that we were on not even to get any better just to get back where we were it would take an additional $885,000 in the operating budget just to get back where we were so I I told you the fun one away right it was interesting at the beginning and and then I'm like oh my gosh I wish I have picked something about the library or whatever but um so I want everybody to understand that these are real numbers these are not political issues they're math issues right and we're starting in a good spot because our streets are generally in pretty good repair we're not starting behind the curve where every street we have needs to be repaved tomorrow but if we as Council and management don't get on top of this if we allow this to continue unchecked all of our streets will degrade at the same time and then we have a problem that's almost impossible to dig out from so um we don't have the solutions to that yet but uh I don't think that number is ever going to come down to $60 a foot like it was so anyway interesting not fun sorry about that but uh that's a reality of it so okay that was uplift wasn't it yeah yeah okay so we have uh some Rec recognitions and some proclamations uh the first one I'd like to call our Library Division director Teresa Frasier up to the podium the first one is for National Library week good evening thanks for being here so the proclamation reads uh whereas libraries have long served as trusted and treasured in institutions where people of all ages interest and backgrounds can come together and learn and libraries of all types are at the heart of their cities towns schools and campuses libraries offer members of the community a welcoming space and opportunities to explore new passion through technology programs and services libraries strive to develop and maintain programs and collections that are as diverse as the populations they serve libraries and Librarians work to create an equitable Society by providing free access to accurate information libraries are a resource for all community members regardless of race ethnicity Creed ability sexual orientation gender identity or socioeconomic status by offering services and educational programming that transform lives and strengthen communities now therefore I Andy Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby Proclaim April 7th through 13th as National Library week so would you like to say a few words just like to thank the city council Mr Mayor Mr Maya uh for your continued support you know the library couldn't do its job without you and just uh let you know that in recognition of National Library week um we've scheduled a solar eclipse for Monday at to kick off all the uh exhibits and we brought you some glasses so you can step out your door and enjoy it all right thank you good I'll I'll get those to the clerk and she can pass them out great thanks let's give her a round of applause you think they can that's a middle all right all right that is a thought thank you okay next would public safety telecommunicator training coordinator Amy Hutch please approach the podium that's a mouthful you have big business cards yeah it changed actually this week too it did yeah I'm now the supervisor congratulations very good yeah that's terrific I'm sorry I didn't have that in my notes or I would have said so it's okay it just happened well congratulations this is a proclamation and recognition of National Public Safety telecommunicators week and it reads uh whereas the city of Temple Terrace police and fire Public Safety telecommunicators play a vital role in the protection of human life and property in our community and the safety of our police officers firefighters and paramedics telecommunicators are the first Contact our citizens have when calling or texting for help during an emergency they are the vital Link in a chain of individuals who make up our emergency response system and provide vital critical communication to the city's police fire and Emergency Medical Services while enduring long shifts and handling life and death emergencies Temple Terrace Public Safety telecommunicators set high standards in performing their duties 24 hours a day 7 days a week last year the men and women of the Temple Terrace Communications Department answered 15,19 911 calls and 41,021 administrative calls they monitored 33,2 181 police activity incidents and dispatched in progress calls in an average of 1 minute and 35 seconds the Temple Terrace Public Safety telecommunicators were successful in dispatching 4,512 fire incidents in an average of 42 seconds each telecommunicator exhibited compassion understanding and professionalism during their many duties now therefore I Andrew Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby designate April 14th through 20th as National Public Safety telecommunicators week so would you like to say a few words just again thank you to this city to the council to our city manager also to our Police and Fire Chiefs for all the support that they give us and all of the understanding from all of our people and a good job to my team because they work really hard congratulations again on your promotion and I'd also like to point out that Amy is not only our newest promotee but she's also a life long Temple Terrace native so uh we're very happy to to have a homegrown person in that role so thank you let's give it a run of Applause hope somebody watching the we got people there don't worry you all right yes look at that 3 2 1 3 2 1 thank you congratulations Mr Mayor Mr Mayor yes can I just add one yes please do so I another they're walking out right now but for the public we just recognize a great group of public servants here uh they work very very hard and the reason that they're working even harder now is that we have several openings for dispatchers so if anyone is out there in the audience watching at home or on on the internet I encourage you to apply uh it's a great career and you can really make a truly truly make a difference uh in the lives of people at their probably their worst moments in their lives when they need that kind of counsel and guidance so uh please I encourage you to uh look us look us up and hopefully apply thank you thank you Mr B Corporal Tandra mopus Sergeant Sergeant I'm sorry you know when I read this I thought I had missed a beat and uh Mr Jamie robe of the Hillsboro children's board is here also please welcome this is a proclamation for Child Abuse Prevention month and thank you both for being here and the Proclamation reads whereas the city of Temple Terrace's future Prosperity depends on the healthy development of the children living in Hillsboro County growing and learning within our diverse communities children who experience adverse childhood experiences are at a higher risk of short and long-term physical psychological and behavioral challenges that can impact the individual child and the Greater Community parents and caregivers who are provided with social support and resources are better equipped to provide safe and nurturing experiences for their children the Department of Children and Families Works to develop effective Child Abuse Prevention strategies through Partnerships created with citizens human service agencies schools Faith communities Health Care Providers Civic organizations law enforcement agencies and the business Community the Department of Children and Families and the children's board in collaboration would prevent child abuse Florida's pin wheels for prevention campaign will be engaging communi throughout Hillsburg County in a coordinated effort to prevent child abuse and neglect by promoting awareness of healthy child de healthy child development positive parenting practices and the types of concrete support families need within their communities now therefore I Andrew Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby set aside April 2024 as Child Abuse Prevention month and so thank you both for being here would you both like to say a few words Mr robe thank you very much on behalf of the children's board and the staff of the children's board um thank you for acknowledging this important uh month because one in seven children in our country has experienc some form of abuse it's very hard to even talk about it and it can be sexual abuse um mental abuse emotional abuse and just plain neglect and it's through partner Partnerships with City Temple Terrace and other partners in the community that were able to um make an an impact and and that's why the the pin wheels that you put up in the city and all around hillsbor County have been um bringing awareness to this this issue and uh i' invite any of you who haven't gone to the children's board Family Resource Center which is located one of them is located on Valor Avenue over here it's a beautiful facility it's open to every member of our community there's no cost to any of the programs and they can go over there and and and get support and help and uh we just thank you very much for your partnership and all of this um and I am a resident of Temple terce so I'm I'm honored to be here as well we're happy to have you here thank you Sergeant I just want to thank the children's board for providing the pin Wheels over 200 pin Wheels is what they provided us to be able to put throughout our city I sold them to out in front of the recck center they really catch your eye they uh yeah they're very nice we'll see after tomorrow's wind storm they might be flying down the street be picking up pin will tomorrow we'll be getting we'll get more well thank you both for all the work you do in our city and the county and and uh thank you for uh all your efforts and and we're very happy to have you here so let's give them there might be PL C more they might be imp plant more all right three two one three two one thank you okay I'm pretty sure utilities director Troy tinch is still utilities director Troy tinch I am indeed very good so the next Proclamation is for water conservation month and our utilities director Troy tinch is here to accept and the proclamation reads whereas the State of Florida water management districts in the city of Temple Terrace are working together to increase awareness about the importance of water conservation the city of Temple Terrace in the State of Florida has have designated April typically a month when water demands are most acute uh Florida's water conservation month to educate citizens about how they can help save Florida's precious water resources water is a basic and essential need for every living creature and every business industry school and citizen can make a difference conserving water and promoting a healthy economy and Community the city of Temple Terrace is calling upon each citizen in business to help protect our precious resources by practicing water safety measures water saving measures and become more aware of the need to save water for this the 26th year of water conservation month there will be a special focus on improving outdoor irrigation efficiency now therefore I Andrew Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple terce Florida do hereby proclaim the month of April 2024 as water conservation month would you like to say a few words I would actually first all want to thank the council for acknowledging water conservation month it's a very valued commodity and I think it's going to only grow as we move into the future I would also like to touch a little bit on the irrigation aspect um I think it's important to understand that research has shown that we use between 40 to upwards of 60% of our portable water for irrigation purposes in this region of Florida um we all know that Florida is a a rapidly growing State I I think it's important for us to look at Alternatives Florida friendly Lawns uh Florida friendly Landscaping as well as drip irrigation and some of the other low flow irrigation heads for for that purpose you know as I again as I mentioned Florida is rapidly growing it's really kind of exceeding most people's expectations over the last couple of years and I think it's important for us to do what we we can to limit the use of portable water for non-potable purposes as to ensure that there's available drinking water for future Flor readings very good thank you Mr ension thanks for being here with us tonight three two one thank you okay so next we have a couple of presentations the first is from Dr Rich Rick will who is here from usf's Muma College of Business um Dr will has I I'll let him explain but he has worked with our city um over the past several months to um help guide us through a new form of doing strategic planning and so he is here tonight to present the results of that process uh his report that he's going to give uh verbally to us we will make available to the public we'll incorporate that into the meeting packet somehow and we'll make this available to the public so they can see what we're looking at also so Dr will thanks for being with us glad to be here um we held a strategic planning session on uh February the 7th now there was a lot of preparation from the council members before we got to the point where we held this discussion case but for about two hours we worked on the the previous input and came up with a list of strategic suggestions that would be handed over to the city manager uh for uh consideration and a larger strategic planning or what you refer to as a goal setting um with those there are some major categories uh that uh were I guess discovered in this particular process and you know the first one having to do with growth and just I'm going to capture just a few but um you know investigating annexation opportunities uh um promoting business engagement another category of Citizen interaction and engagement and a a variety of different points were brought up there including enhancing communication efforts uh while maintaining citizen Focus and increasing citizen engagement conducting a market analysis identify and address um uh citizens needs investigating Avenues uh for increased Public School influence and then there was another category called planning uh which included uh not limited to but Advanced long range planning efforts in areas including expanding the city infrastructure investment uh developing some scenario planning and also uh an item for revisiting crra vision and marketing strategy also a a category uh was discovered with maintain and improve employee Focus improve employee retention enhance professional development opportunities maintain and improve competitive salaries and benefits and create additional opportunities for employee engagement and lastly um for this is a process Improvement uh category which is to establish a continuous process Improvement and a performance Excellence program and with that I um I know the council has has seen this list and had the opportunity to actually you know give some feedback refine it before the the final list was created and so mayor Ross the the the list is in your hands um we did talk about um uh Mission Vision Values core competency development and although that's very appropriate in a strategic planning session for review it was determined that this was going to be a a larger uh bottomup um development effort that will take months if not maybe a little over a year to actually accomplish this there there's a lot involved in actually doing that if you haven't done it for quite some time but I'm here to answer any questions you might have about the list or very good Dr will and so council members the there's an appendix to this that has several links on it a couple pages of links I have that electronically so I will send that electronically to you it's much easier to click on than have it like that so questions comments Dr will thank you for your efforts so just for the public edification so these these overarching strategic priorities um are very useful to us as we enter the budget process here this month um which I'm going to talk about more later in the meeting but the budget process and our budget priorities should reflect the priorities that the council has kind of established and these are overarching they're not necessarily tasks but the tasks in the projects that we decide to fund should somehow promote these so this is a a big step for us and uh we're very appreciative of all your work on this and uh I look forward to uh yielding the results of this just um one other comment uh maybe to the residents of the city of uh Temple Terrace uh this Council was incredibly engaged in the discussion case and one of the typical challenges in doing these Harvard style discussion cases is keeping people at a strategic level this Council never faltered from staying at a strategic level and that's very impressive good well thank you so I I used to brag a lot about our repaving schedule but I also brag about the quality of our Council I am very very honored to be the mayor of a city that has a council this good um they are not all I can tell you that and and uh we have a really uh outstanding Council here and it's not because we all see the things the same way it's because we work through that so so thank you again for your efforts on this I greatly appreciate it and uh I will see you soon I'm sure stay in touch thank you good thank you next uh is the axis 2050 long range Transportation Plan update and our friends and colleagues here from the Transportation Planning organization Wally Gallard and Sarah Caper are here to explain good evening thanks for being with us tonight oh good evening thank you so much um as you said my name is Wally glart and I'm with the Hillsboro Transportation Planning organization first I want to take some time to uh acknowledge mayor Ross and councilman schisler uh for allowing me to present tonight in front of the council as well as well as for councilman shisler's commitment and involvement with the tpo's transportation disadvantage Coordinating Board so tonight my presentation will be an overview of each of the different slides and what each section of the tpo's longrange transportation plan access 2050 survey entails though I'm presenting it to you tonight this is also intended to be helpful to all those listening and watching cool thank you um by 2050 Hillsboro County is estimated to have a population of over 2 million people therefore we need to make decisions on where money should be spent to ensure we have ways to walk bike Drive take a bus and train to the places we need to go so we have launched a survey for Access 2050 our longrange transportation plan to understand what your priorities and values are access 2050 is about reaching all voices and we're using Innovative Outreach methods in working closely with Community leaders ensuring boots on the ground engagement to access even the hardest to reach communities and residents our Ser our our survey is available in multiple languages is ada8 compliant and accessible via any digital device or through hard copies the survey also includes all modes of transportation as we ask you to give input on Transportation projects that are important to you we're dedicated to providing access to everyone the access 2050 long-range Transportation plan looks 25 years and directs Federal and State dollars towards Transportation Investments That You value we update the plan every year excuse me every 5 years and this one will be adopted in October of 2024 in this survey you will share your thoughts and ideas on prior Transportation projects how to fund them and what major projects you support your thoughts matter in shaping the future of these projects you can take our survey by by visiting access 2050.org scanning the QR code on the screen or filling out the paper survey I'll show this QR code again at the very end so upon entering the website you will land on the W welcome page for the access 2050 Transportation survey after reading the prompts click on the green next button to continue to the priorities tab and begin the very first part of the survey let's move to the next screen so you can tell us what is important to you so in the priorities tab you will drag your top five Transportation priorities above the dotted line and make sure to rank them in order of importance once you list your top five Transportation priorities you are ready to move on to the funding sources tab by clicking on the white double arrows or clicking on the green tab titled funding sources on this screen we want to know your thoughts on how we should pay for Trans Transportation the funding sources tab has five options that will that we will need your input on each section will require you to answer the questions with approval or disapproval using the green thumb to approve or the red thumb to disapprove you will also be able to leave a comment for each question by clicking on the gray circle with the white comment sign for more information about each of the funding sources you can click the information icon in the top left corner let's go through each of these five options the first option is the community investment tax this is a current tax that benefits education Public Safety and transportation for median income individuals they would pay approximately $53 per year for a half cent tax or $106 per year for a 1 cent tax the second option is the gas tax this is about 7 cents per gallon and funds many of our transportation projects a gas tax is a fee imposed by the government on each gallon of gasoline sold and the money collected goes towards maintaining and building roads and highways the third option is a Transit service property tax that funds bus service and maintenance a home with a median assessed value of approximately $200,000 would pay $100 per year at the current rate of half Mill an increase to $1 per $1,000 of assessed home value would increase that to $200 and an increase to $3 per $1,000 of assessed home value would equal $600 the fourth option is the express to Lanes like those currently on the veterans and sellman expressways express toll Lanes on highways are used to reduce traffic toll prices can be set to remain constant at all times While others can be adjusted to traffic levels and finally the fifth option is other funding sources like the driver license fee and ride share Services these funding sources would require advocacy from the community and may may require approval by the Florida legislator to be implemented after completing all five sections on this tab please click on the white double arrows or click on the red tab titled major projects to move on on the major projects tab you will find a map which shows 23 potential projects designed to reduce congestion and provide access to key job centers please click on each colored bubble and let us know if you support the transportation project by clicking on the green yes button or the red no button you may also leave a comment on each project if you have additional questions or concerns each of these projects are broken out by color the legend indicates red projects as Highway widening the purple projects are elevated or managed Lanes the green projects are Transit projects and the yellow indicates new or modified interchange projects we will start by walking you through the four yellow projects which are the new or modified interchange projects and we will start in far south county and move north the first one is the new interchange on I75 which would build a new interchange at I75 near Fort Hammer next is the I75 interchange reconstruction which would reconstruct The Interchange at I75 and US31 then we have the new I275 interchange which would build a new interchange at I275 near us41 and then finally we have a new interchange I75 which would build a new interchange at I75 near Harney Road next we'll look at the six green projects which are Transit projects we're starting on the top left west side of the county and moving East first is the East West Metro rapid this Transit project would be a rapid bus service connecting communities from West Shore in the airport to Temple Terrace second we have the CSX South Tempa multimodal Corridor and this Corridor has been uh identified by various agencies as a prime opportunity for fixed guideway Transit and trails next we have the downtown Tampa USF Brandon premium Transit which would create an exclusive guideway connecting the active areas of USF downtown and Brandon next we have the street car extension and this extension would be from Fort Brook garage to Palm Avenue then we have the regional passenger Transit excuse me yeah Regional passenger Transit that would be from Brooksville to Bradington passing through Hillsboro County and finally we have the USF to Brandon bus Rapid Transit brt and this rapid bus service would connect USF to Brandon along 50th and 56th Street next we'll look at the six perple projects which are elevated or manage laned projects we're starting on the bridges over the Bay from left to right on the west side of the county and moving East first we have the I275 managed Lanes which would add two express toll Lanes in each Direction next is the gany bridge which would aim to replace the existing gany Bridge with a new elevated Highway connecting to the summon Expressway third we have the Sun Coast Parkway widening and this would widen Suncoast Parkway at Van Dyke Road to State Road 54 from 4 to six Lanes next we have the I75 North managed lanes and this project would add two express toll Lanes in each Direction then we have the I4 managed lanes and this project would add two express toll Lanes in each Direction and finally we have the I75 South manag Lanes project which would add two express toll linges in each Direction now we'll look at the seven red projects which are Highway widening projects again starting on the top left west side of the county and moving East first we have the I275 widening and this project aims to broaden I275 along Hillsboro Avenue to Bears Avenue from 6 to 8 Lanes next is the US Highway 301 Express extension um this project seeks to build a new at Highway above us301 from the sumon expressway to Big Ben Road please note that US31 is multicolored because the transit service is part of that project according to both Thea and Hart third is the Balm Road widening and this project would expand Balm Road along Clement Pride Boulevard to Balm Riverview Road from two to four lanes fourth we have the Lithia Pine Crest Road widening and this project would take Lithia Pine Crest Road along Kings Avenue to West Hawk bu Ard from two to four lanes fifth we we have the State Road 60 widening and this project would brought in State Road 60 along South F Rico road to the P county line from four to six Lanes next is country County Road 39 and this project would take County Road 39 um along State Road 674 to State Road 60 from two to four lanes and finally the US 992 widening and this project would expand band us92 along Park Road to the PO county line from 2 to four lanes once you have finished please click on the double white arrows to move on or simply click on the blue tab titled wrap-up to move on to the wrap-up section of the survey on the screen of the survey please provide us with your zip code and answer a few optional questions after filling out the form click finish to submit your survey participants who provide an email address will be entered for the prize drawings including Sports tickets concert tickets a gift card and more survey completion is not required the last day to take the survey is April 15th and after that we'll be doing the survey and Outreach analysis and the access 2050 long-range Transportation plan will be going to the board for adoption on October 16th 2024 today we ask that you as elected officials help the TPO share this survey to your constituents and spread the word for one final push as we begin to conclude our Outreach efforts as mentioned before this survey closes on the 15th of this month now I'm joined here today by Sarah Caper who's an executive planner with the TPO her and I would be more than happy to answer any questions that concludes my presentation thank you thank you Mr Gore council members council member schisler yes um I heard this presentation about a month or so ago and and I felt it was very important that we brought it up here the a that we all take it take the survey and B we publish it and let everybody know as as best we can so that um the this our residents have an opportunity to participate um I do have one if if everything was done how much would it cost any idea has anybody done the calc we're still working on those num okay it's got to be a big number it's got to be a way big number but uh there's there's there there are several projects in there that affect uple terce directly The Interchange out by hary that would be significant for uh uh East East part of the city um as well as the uh brt out to Brandon there's just a whole bunch of them so I I I appreciate you coming in I thank you for giving up your evening to to sit through the council meeting and then make a pres very good presentation and I encourage everybody to take the take the survey I've done it already um and uh uh we need the input we need we we need to know yeah thank you vice mayor AEL I'd also like to thank you for the survey and um I did it last week also so um I'm in the completed team but I would be curious about what the results would say and if you all publish that those results and compare them to 2045 in previous years we do publish the results and we'd be happy to share that information with you I know mayor see a presentation on it at the TP board but it's public information and we can definitely share the results it might not be a direct comparison from all of what was done 5 years ago 2045 but we do look at what's changed in information like that thank you I do oh council member Fernandez I don't sorry I I didn't want to like jump in um a couple questions for this have any assumptions changed since the 2045 survey so like are we expecting more people to move here than we previously expected or as any of that stayed the same we do look at that every 5 years when we update the plan so we've been working on that for the past last about a year and we do update the demographic information so we have looked at how many people do we think are moving here between now and 2050 so not only adjusting what we might have assumed before but also adding that 5-year period and also what the composition of jobs might look like so we do every 5 years and we have been working on changing some of those assumptions and updating our modeling efforts to account for that so when this survey is completed this will get presented to the TPO but it is this we're really looking at this being funded out of Hillsboro County or would there be other there are a range of funding sources that we look at and that's why the funding questions and the survey are so important for us one of the requirements of the TPO by the federal and state government is that our uh long range Transportation plan is cost feasible so we have to reasonably assume that the funding sources are ones that we can count on for the future and that's why it's so important to understand what our funding sources are today and also what the community believes we should value for funding sources in the future and that helps us understand what projects we think we can fund and with what kinds of funding sources whether it's federal state or local and what projects are part of the needs plan but not ones that we think we can reasonably fund So What entity would actually be approving any of these projects would it be multiple entities or um one entity in particular fdot or or multiple entities it is required in order to get state or federal funding that a transportation project is in the longrange transportation plan so whether it's fdot who's doing a work and it's in their work program or whether it's a different uh different agency if they're seeking federal or state funding for transportation that project has to be consistent and in our longrange transportation plan or our 5-year Transportation Improvement plan program so then my my last question is with regard to getting this out to people we have a couple of static places in the city where people routinely go which would be the family recck center um Lightfoot and the library is it possible or do you have something that would be a sign that would have the QR code or something that could be put up in a location we brought with us rack cards to leave with you um but if you would like something else please um let us know or your staff can let us know and we be happy to provide something else we can also bring more cards if this isn't enough for those locations um but we would love for you to put this anywhere where you think people might see it and take it that's it council member Chambers yeah thank you um I know you don't have the answer to this question but um when you're talking about funding sources one of them was the S cents gas tax uh in the data or the little bubble you can click on does it say anything in there to know the difference between cars now are getting less uh better mileage so you're they're spending less gallons so that's gone down but then there's more cars so that's going up so is there a way in your documentation to show how that funding source has been um growing or not growing over the years so you can make a determination of funding sources I'm not sure if it's in there that way but that does go into our calculations the Florida Department of Transportation produces a revenue analysis that assists us and it does analyze that information but I'm not certain what the survey bubble says about that specific funding okay all right I have seen that data though okay um I could get it well just if I was going to look at that funding source I want to know is seven cents enough and you know is it falling or growing correct me from wrong but I I can tell you from my role on the TPO that the gas tax funding is wul inadequate okay you are correct yeah anything else council member good I'm good thank you guys well thank you very much for your time I I appreciate you staying and and visiting with us tonight and and uh so I really appreciate you coming out and thanks Gil for asking them to come out thank you great job okay do we have a motion to approve the minutes of our March 19th meeting so moved second any corrections or additions to the minutes if not all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no nay the minutes are adopted next is the uh persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda we I have forms in the back of the room if there are members of the public here who have not filled them out and wish to address the council I currently have one request from Mr lob Mr L you are up Sir my name is Charles love I live at 4912 east line by Avenue Terrace Park uh the first thing I want to do was uh talk about the hard board meeting it's been the first time I've been to one since um since uh before Co if if you wanted to know where your tax money about tax money the meeting going to the hard board meeting would have been the place to be yesterday first of all they were talking about the court settlement it looks like it's in the process of occurring but they have to get the Court's final approval but it does look like in principle that there will be a settlement coming up pretty soon as soon as they get the approval of the Court uh secondly uh I don't want to go too much into this topic cuz I feel this is councilman shor's topic uh but but um there would had this thing about the uh changing the charter uh for the hard board it's been uh since the same way since uh 1980 44 years and one thing it got talking about was the millage and dealing with Transportation so I'm going to leave that at that and if he wants to talk about more I because especially being he's the chairman on the board on that um another thing that I did notice that the hard board meeting was that they put the specific dates for the national league of cities meetings I did want to mention that because I've I've talked about before here uh uh about putting a presentation for the city of Temple terce together if you want to have before the national league of cities that is going to be November 13th to 16th which is a Wednesday through Saturday so if you have something ready hopefully you have something ready to press other cities so in case you do want the representatives from other cities here um another thing I did want to go and of course battle for it I did have a little success maybe uh with a man from staff who does the charge of the presentations his name is uh uh Justin willoz uh he's the person that does presentations and all that he does seem to be interested in my ideas for dealing with uh brt between USF and downtown and also a about the fer Avenue study uh today I wrote a four about three and a half four page uh detailed more information where I was able to kind of sidebar with him over at the Hard board meeting and uh um that's pretty much what I guess I wanted to tell you except I went and tried my hardest to fight for my program and well I didn't quite do as well as I would have lik to of course you never really do um one other thing I did want to remind now especially with the water department here the water conservation that don't forget April 22nd is Earth Day and I did want to mention this too so uh again even more to think about it so good thank you and good evening thank you Mr are there other members of the public who wish to address the council seeing none we will move on to our consent agenda is there a motion to approve the consent agenda to approve second all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays consent agenda is adopted next item is a resolution approving the sale of approximately 2500 square ft of city property located at the rear lot line of 6725 drifting Sands Road and our Deputy City attorney Ernie Mueller is here to explain thank you mayor uh as you said before you it's going to be a resolution approving the sale of approximately 2500 square ft of City owned property to the owners of 6725 drifting Sands Road uh this 2500 square ft is part of an old railroad right away that the city bought from seabo uh they purchased it in fee simple from the Seaboard Coastline railroad back in 1973 uh the purchase price of this 2500 square ft square foot parcel is 6,000 plus the owners of 6725 drifting Sands will be paying any closing costs uh the property will transfer by quick claim deed and the city will be reserving uh a non-exclusive easement across the entire 2500 square ft uh Brian has brought up the uh diagram there and I believe you have will have seen this from uh believe the last meeting where you uh vacated right of way at the rear of 6725 so when we uh sell them this property we will be kind of replacing that easement by having it laying all over you you know having that easement lay across this 2500 square ft um that's really all I have I'm here for any questions if thank you Mr Mueller or other members of the public who wish to comment on this council members are there questions okay if there are no questions is there a motion I move to approve the resolution approving the sale of approximately 2500 ft of city property at the rear lot line of 6725 drifting Sands Road second Motion in a second discussion of the motion not all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no nay's resolution is adopted thank you Mr Mueller is there any carryover Council business from previous meetings carer were vice mayor I was just thinking the same thing she just told me which is uh bike with the mayor was rescheduled it was a couple of Fridays ago but it got rained out so it's actually going to be this coming Friday um the date of that is April 5th April 5th thank you thank you I should have said that any other carryover business thank you good cat that's why there's five of us any other Council business very good new business you need to be there on Friday just new business award reports guess council member schisler okay um give an update on uh what's going on with Hart said everybody's on the same page um we we at heart the heart board I should say has been struggling fin with financial coming up with new Financial uh new Revenue sources um and uh about six months ago I recommended the establishment of atok committee to investigate these options and uh I thereby got appointed to it um by uh the board chair so you know no good deed ever goes unpunished but anyway we've met numerous times and we we kicked around ideas but we come back to one problem we can't do anything without changing the charter Charters maxed out at a half half a mill of property value um even penel county is at 75 Mills so uh we're we're we're pretty much hamstrung with being able to do anything so whether we participate in CIT whether we come up with some type of a um a city advolum only or a county ADV countywide or whatever we got to start with changing the charter so that that issue came up yesterday and um it after much wrangling um we got a motion approved to uh uh establish a charter review group commission or if you will to uh you know as as Mr L had said nobody's looked at this since 1980 so 44 years ago there's even verbiage issues that need to be corrected much much as we did back in 2016 and 17 so um you'll there there'll be uh uh there was a lot of consternation as to wanting to put a an advore referendum in front of the uh the the the public this time around no there's not enough time to do it for 2024 if anything it be 2026 but the process is the any Charter review any Charter revisions has to be approved by the hardboard then it's got to go on the road be approved by the City Temple terce City of Tampa and Hillsboro County and then it gets approved by the by the by the the public any any changes that come out of that so it's U it's it's it's a long road it's going to be it's going to take a long time to do but uh it's not going to happen until we take the first step and that step was taken yesterday so uh I will keep everybody AB breast as to what happens where it's going and um we'll go from there so if you ever have any questions you know when when or do you know do you have any anticipated time frame of when you would hope to see the charter review commission established and begin having meetings I would hope it happens pretty quickly I'm going to lobby for that through the the board chair it'll be established by the board chair um and uh I would expect that to uh I would hope it happens in the next 30 days at least we get started and con form and get ourselves set up how will the commission members be it couldn't tell you couldn't I have no idea it was it was contentious enough getting this to that that was not that was not approached the chair is still Lis Vier correct correct so that's that's all I got okay other board reports n any questions on this okay other new business or board reports if if you'll indulge me for just a couple minutes I'd like to walk the public through a little something real quick there's both of you here but there's people people on television as well there's three of you here so the city of Temple Terrace is just about to embark on our annual um budget development process for fiscal year 25 this is the time of year when we start that each year um just to let everybody know how this is going on um cuz all of a sudden we start having public meeting or meetings about this to pass the budget but this actually a long process so this month uh we begin that process by having goal a goal setting meeting with um staff and the council members and of course all our meetings are public but we get very few people that come to these and at this meeting we will kind of look at these we this year we'll look at the U product of the strategic planning session that we had with Dr will and we will discuss priorities projects that each of us will present what we think ought to be funded for this year and then we have discussion until we agree on these are the kinds of things that we think we should try to do in fiscal year 25 once we establish those priorities staff starts to work on well they probably already started to work but they start to put these priorities into the budget um we then have a series of meetings between May and July usually we're done in July if it spills over it goes can go into August but usually we're done in July we have a series of meetings where we go through each section of the budget we start usually we start with operating we talk about Capital the then we talk about the Enterprise funds the water and sewer rates and the sanitation rates and what it's takes to keep these funds healthy um I talked about Capital what kind of projects we can accomplish and so once we've made it through on these funds usually by July um then we set the millage which is in August is it not and usually it's in August yeah it's in August we we have a meeting we set the millage the budget meetings as I said they're usually they're they're public but we don't usually get a lot of public first of all they're they have to be during business hours because we need our whole staff here to do this and so they're a little harder for people to get to if they're working because they're during during the daytime but um they are public they're here we do televise them we record them right and so we try to make them available to people who want to watch them later when they can on YouTube and so forth um and then in September we will at a regular council meeting we'll have two readings of the final budget so that's kind of the process how it happens um like I said for a lot of the public they don't see this until September and they're like you know I wanted to give everybody an idea of how the is made um it it's a very labor intensive project particularly for staff but um but it works and and uh I'm proud to say that our finance team now we have is tremendous they were uh last year was much much easier U we sailed through the process um in half the time probably than we have in some years in the past so anyhow I wanted to let the public know that I don't know if anybody cares about that but that's what we do and and there it is so all right any other new business okay city manager have really wow that's good news no news is good news City attorney nothing nothing okay oh wait a minute wait a minute this you guys could we another another half hour or so anything directors good anything okay good so thank you everybody for being here thank you for all your continued hard work and uh we will be adjourned