to make sure that the park is safe for everybody who's using it and finally the river is going to be such a key component of this park when it's completed the permitting process to make sure that we are the proper environmental stewards of the sensitive lands between uh the Upland areas and the river and to make sure that any work that's done in that Wetland area is done responsibly and done with a proper permitting from the proper agencies in order to open that area up to we have we have the the vistas of the river that everybody's going to want to see at that location ultimately uh the selection committee unanimously decided on uh health engineering as the design firm that was ultimately the best qualified uh to do the work myself and Brian McCarthy sat down with representatives from Hal uh thoroughly went through the scope of services that they would provide to us and based on that they provided to us a cost of services for the work at just over $488,000 um on your screen right now you see a overview of a conceptual plan of what the park uh can look like and how the features can be built into that Park including the pier observation canoe and kayak launch uh the the parking uh crossing at River Hills Drive and what their ultimate vision for it is uh here they they discussed some of the challenges that they see uh with the park and how it's developed including the street Crossing uh the permitting with the agencies that we will need to work with with regards to the wetlands working on parking working on the safety within the park and the and the community involvement uh The Firm did a very good job of in their presentation to us of creating some great animations again showing the potential that this property uh has and things that can be incorporated in it uh to create a a really a signature Park and a signature location within the city that connects our downtown area with the southern area of the city we currently have uh agreements uh from half with regards to their scope of services that are at legal department now under review um I'm going to turn turn it back over to Greg and he's going to kind of discuss with you the next steps that we have moving forward with this process thank [Applause] you very good looking at the total cost of the project uh $448,000 66 the funding options that I would like to present tonight uh involve a two- fund approach the first being $125,000 um from Community investment tax funds that are currently budgeted in the fiscal year 24 budget that we actually ear marked for this project that leaves a balance of slightly greater than $323,000 with that in mind I would like to propose that that additional fund that those additional funds be paid from the tax increment financing fund after our presentation this evening and after each of you had a chance to pose questions that you may have staff would like to the city council at an upcoming council meeting um that can be done through motion by this board and um it is our hope to be able to present that to the city council uh by June 8 or I'm sorry um on the June 18th city council meeting and with that said I would like to invite your questions and please um as I mentioned for the financing component Mr Ingram is present to answer questions regarding those funds and payment of this project I can certainly answer any overview shots of the CRA and then Mr langfeld will be happy to return to the podium to answer questions on the work that he and his team have recently undertaken right thank you Mr poy council member questions Mr schler yeah Jim Mr jum question regarding the the Tiff is f but I mean sorry the the cit's fine regarding the Tiff what's the fund balance right now or what was the fund balance at J October SE September 30th $122,000 do we now this year we um we got all our revenues in we know what our expenses are we're adding close to 400,000 well 300 350 to 400,000 and and fund balance so we do have enough to cover we need 323,000 to make up the difference we were already projected uh to have 351,000 to to add to the existing 12,000 for fund balance and I believe we have one of the budgeted expenditures that we're not going to do this year which was like another 25 30,000 35,000 35,000 how much of the debt Services would be transferred out of out out of Tiff any of it or is it all coming out of general fund no no it it is coming out of Tiff um that's that's the the beautiful thing about it is now our annual Tiff revenues are exceeding what we have to pay uh on the loan which is about 900,000 let me ask you a different way that what's our Tiff revenues for the year uh 1 Point uh 1309 million and our Tiff expenses of the 900 change for The Debt Service leaving the reserve of for 300 some thousand that's right and we we spent 60,000 on the uh 62,000 on the curry Bowl demolition okay what was our plan going forward with that we were just going to sit on that and Rat Hole it until we needed it for this project yes uh in the budget for 24 we budgeted 351,000 of reserves which we at the time stated could be used for projects that come along or just to build up the reserve fund okay excellent my next question is for Carl the scope of work if if I may with with half or half half which half was going to do this will just be those F five steps that you were talking about permitting but their scope of work is extensive um will there be any dirt turned they don't turn dirt they are the engineering firm but they will create all of the construction documents they will also uh provide construction supervision this the the the fees that we're talking about are not for the construction of the park is strictly for the design and Engineering work okay and then how long will that take the design and Engineering work according to my conversations with the firm will take approximately 12 months to complete okay so we're looking at turning dirt in turning dirt is in probably late 25 and anticipated completion depending on what council's wishes are with regards to funding and phasing whether it all happens at once or whether it gets phased out um I would I would anticipate construction probably taking the better part of a year okay the delineation between the riverfront park and the river and the the flat the other area is that's the canal or the creek or whatever it is okay all right love it and just to add um that mysterious $35,000 you may recall last year I came to the podium and I requested monies be earmarked for surveys of the property that's where that money was it has not been expensed uh that was kind of uh just left in the account um pending this this project of course thank you good good council members Mr uh Chambers thank you um what's the estimated budget for the project I know you mentioned phasing but if we're going to do everything they're designing you have any ideas I my guesstimate at this point is probably going to be in the neighborhood of 4 to five million okay and the project around Springdale Pond we had plann for a lot of improvements to to link with uh the Redevelopment is that going to be in part of that or is that that that will be part of that okay the the the the project as it's being designed will go from uh what's the name of the street at the post office Chicago Chicago all the way to the river okay thank you so very much it uh looks great council member Fernandez so I do want to confirm the design of this project is going to be is going to allow for staged or phasing of the project correct that would yes that is a conversation that we've had with uh the design firm because at this point we didn't know all the answers with regards to how the construction was going to take place that it it's fa phasing construction is not a difficult process to do as opposed to phasing design you really can't phase design but you can phase the construction and and James and I have experience with phasing construction we did that with uh with the family complex when when we built it uh we've done that with other projects um where phased construction has the the trick is to making sure that you don't leave any unfinished edges I think is is the easiest way to describe that so and then with with regard to the size of this space can you give me an idea of like a visualization of the usable space in terms of event usage um as maybe compared to like Woodmont park or some of the other spaces that we've used for different events the the current vacant Riverfront parcel is between 3 and 4 Acres uh Woodmont Park is less than an acre can can you go back to the slide because you have one slide that it shows it even though you're talking about that many acres you're also talking about parking and uh space that takes up corre EV space some of this stuff is still conceptual at this point and excuse me sir did you want to see the the animated slide or did you want to see the the maps there was a there was a good there was a still the first slide that showed the the parking and the the so what I'm talking about when you when you get that slide up is specifically the open lawn space that that open lawn space is is is roughly between three and four acres the Great Lawn space is is specifically so for example if we wanted to host an event there that's been hosted at Woodmont there's ample space here this is this will this will provide significantly more space than Woodmont park has now Woodmont park has the advantage of the first Fairway across which expand but with regards to Woodmont Park this space is significantly larger so any any event that we have hosted to date throughout the city would fit here and we're saying that the parking even though maybe all the parking wouldn't be right here we have enough expected parking in other areas well and and again as as I was discussing challenges with this parcel um as we look at these these three areas together is how parking is going to play out um in the design aspect of this that is one of the biggest challenges that we're looking at with the development of this of this park is where we're going to put and where we're going to fit adequate parking when we host you know the arts festival or winter wonderland um you know we utilize the ball fields we utilize the school there is a lot of available parking at the that is available within a short walking distance of Woodmont Park um we don't have that luxury here unless we start talking about the Redevelopment area and the parking there but now we're talking about the the grocery stores parking area and parking that you know is is used for businesses um and whether or not that's going to be made readily available um again parking is one of the the primary challenges of of this park that the engineering firm is going to have to work on city manager thank you vice mayor um members of the SI board so just address addressing the parkings just to clarify one thing so the the parking the city does have public parking up by Waverly Terrace Apartments there are at least a 100 spaces that are public there now I know people have used them people the apartment users they park there as well but those are City spaces so uh if we had an event here I don't believe there's anything stopping us from making those spaces open to the public probably barricading those off a day or two before the event and then using those and then we may have to have some sort of a a shuttle process perhaps uh this is not a long I mean it's a longer walk than going from the school of Temple Terrace Elementary to where where Woodmont is today but it's not that much of a of a long distance that if you had some sort of a shuttle set up that you couldn't accommodate folks they could park at Temple Terrace Elementary for example if we had to they could park at Waverly Terrace so there's different ways to to address this because I think one of the things you'd want to just take a real good look at is park space is limited so I don't think we want to consume a lot of it with parking we really want to use it for green space and I also want to just caution folks who are watching this at home or in the audience this plan here this is a conceptual plan that was presented as part of their interview process so they're going to go through an interation probably have public meetings things like that so this the ultimate plan may look different than what's presented here I my really what I just want to confirm is that this space has the size that will accommodate various community events that we have hosted throughout the C city um so it's a reasonable use for this space is what that's really what I'm trying to get at right now the this space will certainly be usable for community events all of the community events that we currently hold at Woodmont might not be the right fit for this for this location there may be community events such as the ARs F I think W the woodmon park is a great location for the Arts Festival it has all those trees it has the beautiful canopy over it um they may want to stay at Woodmont park I think this this site here has opportunities for other events that the city does or possibly new events that the city um can locate down at this area thank you and just I just have one more question um with regard to the the connection as it moves into the Redevelopment area have we talked with any of the current property owners at the Redevelopment area about this proposal and if so have any of them express any opinions I can tell you that um during The Pedestrian master plan development many of them were spoken with at that time and all were in favor of some type of outdoor recreational attraction to obviously draw more patrons to the area this is a brand new concept being presented um they have not seen this as of yet but um we have individually spoken to folks regarding the Riverside the vacant Riverside property and also the Springdale Pond property we just haven't presented it as a cohesive comprehensive plan as of yet okay thank you so we are a little bit short for time I know um council member schisler had a follow-up question 30 seconds Mr inam when we come back I'm assuming that this gets pushed forward to the council could you come back with a pro perform a projection on Tiff for the for the duration I think we only got like 10 or 11 years left right would you come back with a forecast as to the revenue gener anticipated revenues generated on anticipated properties coming online between now and the sunset of the Tiff yes I can in fact Mr Bay has already tasked me with that so okay okay it is on the on the list so we we will do that and one final comment from Mr and and why you're doing that is somebody going to give us like a a phasing budget or funding plan so we know uh how we're going to fund this down the road I was wondering if someone would ask it the the good thing is we do have some options some different Reven I need to know them now I just want to know we're thinking about that yes okay that's all that's all right thank you all for the presentation um I think that our next um order of business needs to be to send this forward to the council um to handle at the June 18th meeting is that something we need a motion for that is that correct so can we get a motion for that I move to I mve to uh uh the CRA forward to council for further consideration the um proposal made tonight by the uh uh development committee we have a motion is there a second we need the date on that June 18 no June 18th if possible whatever if I may I would not attach a date to it only because it's still in review and okay if you'll simply uh grant us um an action that allows us to take this to the council that way we don't have to wait till the next CRA meeting but isn't this us taking it to the council to then at Council propose to put it on the agenda no no no you'd recommend it you're recommending it now so staff will put it on the assuming you approve this yeah we'll put it on the agenda and you can have your hearing that evening if that's your desire so we have a motion and we have a second all those in favor opposed no n the motion passes thank you with that said we'll um adjourn the CRA meeting and we will resume in two minutes for the council meeting hey how you do oh I should have announced when the next meeting is e e e e good evening I'll Now call the meeting for the Temple Terrace City Council on May 21st 2024 to order welcome everybody if you would please turn off your electronic devices and um silence your phones um first we'll begin with the invocation um and Pledge of Allegiance led by council member schisler Heavenly Father be with us tonight be with us as We Gather tonight to handle the business of our city we thank you for the many blessings you bestow upon us each and every day and ask for your guidance to this Council on the decisions we make both large and small that we will always do what is right and just we ask for your comfort to the members of our extended City Family who have suffered great loss recently and to the ones who are are who are so very ill in fighting for their lives lives we ask for your grace on all of our employees of the city and for the protection of our First Responders who Serve and Protect the citizens of our great City in your most holy name we pray amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you so the histor iCal fact for today will be shared by me um first let me take you back in time to where garbage trucks did not roam our streets to pick up our garbage and that was an ERA where the per capita generation of Municipal Solid Waste was about 2.5 lbs per day now it's about 5 lbs per day so there was a lot less trash back then so when garbage began to accumulate for Temple Terrace residents prior to the 1970s they carted their to the city dump the dump was not without problems an article in the Temple Terrace news from 1959 outlined some of those issues I'll read it to you the article says City officials and Temple Terrace have been presented with a new problem The Dilemma was created last week when the County Health Department answering a citizen's complaint inspected the city dump Health Department officials after looking over The Dumping Ground at the Northeast limit of the city told mayor NP mhm okay that several changes in operation must be made complainants have objected to the Flies breeding in the area as being a health hazard if the city handles the dump situation as suggested by the health department it means the purchase of a bulldozer and the employment of full-time Personnel other alternatives are the purchase of a new dump site away from the city or the construction of an incinerator several years ago the city looked into the latter possibility and found that an at plant would cost in the neighborhood of $80,000 in the meantime City workmen are faced with a problem of cleaning up the dump with no special equipment although the health department has not issued an ultimatum the tener of their letter indicated that action must be taken you may be wondering where the dump was it was located on the site of the family Recreation Center I asked longtime resident Jack Ritter about the dump and what it looked like and he said he remembered bringing things there and it was just a big hole in the ground I wasn't able to find all the details pertaining to the timeline of the rise and fall of the Temple Terrace city dump a map and event schedule for the 1967 best foot forward event Series in Temple Terrace clearly demarcates the city dump on the map where the rec center stands today the original rec center was dedicated in 1979 so the dumps demise occurred at some point Point prior to that for those of you who might be concerned about what might be underneath today's Rec Center I have on the good word of council member Chambers the former director of leisure services that the dump was excavated prior to the construction of the family recreation center and more excavation took place prior to the building of expansions and the pool later on so it doesn't seem like there's an issue to this day so that's my historic fact all right so um moving forward if anyone is here for the first hearing and first reading of an ordinance concerning the rezoning of 8702 Overlook Drive please note that this item will not be on tonight's agenda but it may be on the agenda of a future meeting of this Council so with that said we'll move on to the first agenda item which is recognitions and proclamations we have a proclamation today for National Public Works week I'd like to call uh Mr warrenfeltz director of operations and maintenance and Mr tench director C of utilities to the podium good evening I'm going to read you the proclamation it says whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and the public health high quality of life and well-being of the people of Temple Terrace and whereas these infrastructure facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation water supply water treatment and Solid Waste Systems public buildings and other structures and Facilities essential for our citizens and whereas it is in the public interest for the citizens Civic leaders and children in Temple Terrace to gain knowledge of and maintain a progress Rive interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in their respective communities and whereas 20124 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association now therefore I Meredith AEL by virtue of the authority vested in me as vice mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby set aside May 19th through 25th 2024 as National Public Works week with that said would either of you like to say a few words or both sure I'll I'll get started I just wanted to thank you for recognizing the folks that are out there on a daily basis making sure that things get done I think we're often overlooked but when you go to the faucet and turn it on and it runs people don't think much about it but when it doesn't they think a lot about it so thank you for this uh these accolades this week we be sure to pass it along to my staff thank you Mr Warren felds thank you vice mayor to EO what Troy said there you know the Public Works employees are dedicated staff that you know work tiously to keep the city clean of trash we don't take it to the rec center currently but it's a good thought um but uh no we have we have great staff and we have great you know we've had great progress in the in the past year to to make it better so thank you certainly we certainly appreciate you let's take a picture all right three two one three two thank you [Applause] okay we have no presentations today we do have board appointments we have um appointments for the fire pension Board of Trustees the fire pension Board of Trustees is established in accordance with the city's code of ordinances five members serve on the fire pension Board of Trustees mayor Ross and council member schisler currently serve on that board and their terms have expired um before I call for nominations for the two appointments ments I will say that um the city manager Mr Baya has spoken with um with um mayor Ross and he would be willing to accept that nomination I understand so with that in mind um do we have nominations I nominate uh mayor Ross and council member schisler to the board second we have an emot we have a motion do you I mean we have a nomination nomination do you accept the nomination so we have exception from acceptance from both and and um do we have a motion to appoint them to the board I move to appoint mayor Ross and council member schisler to the board we have a motion is there a second second okay motion and second discussion on the motion all those in favor signify with i i i those opposed the motion passes so next we have consideration of minutes from previous meetings move to approve second all right so we have a motion in a second for the for the minutes on May 7th 2024 discussion on the motion those in favor signify with i i i opposed no opposition the motion passes the next item on the agenda is persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda um any um forms are in the back of the room um if you have if you would like to speak please give them to the clerk um Council has agreed to a 30- minute time limit for all public comment to be continued at the end of the meeting if more time is needed a 3 minute time limit will be imposed on all comments from the public um when speakers approach the podium please state your name and city of residence and during public comment on items not on the agenda city manager and directors and attendance do make note of these items and all of your comments are taken seriously and will be followed up on I have two items here um so since Overlook Drive has been removed if people want to speak on that their items not on the agenda and they can speak is that correct this's on the agenda I thought it was moved so what's on the agenda is the rezoning for Overlook not the actual uh site plan for the Overlook is that Mr Sherman can probably clarify that thank you sir um so there we're going to be scheduled two overlook rezonings 8702 and 8727 8727 is on the agenda tonight the other one has been withdrawn we were not quite ready for this meeting on that particular one got you so these these two that I have say res zoning on them so we're going to hold off until I imagine they would be for 8727 Overlook I see 87 20 I no if if there is somebody here for 8702 and they want to speak tonight since it has been removed from the agenda they may talk about that the one that's on the agenda is also on Overlook Drive but it's a different address well it says item 8A so if we're doing item 8A which it looks like we are then they're going to wait until that time for their com for yes for 8727 but if it's 8702 that's the one that was taken off okay so those of you who are here for a comment on 8A we will wait until we get to 8A for that um seeing no other public comment for items not listed on the agenda we'll move on to item 8A which is public hearings ordinances resolutions first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance adopting a rezoning of property with folio numbers 20115 94-00 and 21593 and with the address of 8727 Overlook Drive first I'll open the public hearing and anyone who intends to speak on this matter please stand for the oath a administered by the clerk you to tell the truth truth the truth I thank you and now I'll ask the City attorney to make an inquiry on expart communication if any member of council has received any expar communication either written or oral concerning this item uh please state so for the record and if it was in writing uh you will need to provide a copy of that document to the clerk as soon as possible for the record and uh if it was an oral communication or written communication you need to state with whom that communication took place when it took place and what the sum and substance of the communication was and I'll start with uh council member Fernandez and ask whether you've received such communication um I have the email that was sent to City staff that was provided to council okay and and who was the email from it is from Kathy lobenthal and it was provided to Michael Sherman and that was that's in our Council packet okay it's in the packet then yeah all right thank you yeah I received the same email from uh Miss linthal and I forwarded that to the city manager and he sent it to Mike Sherman who replied to miss lenthal and I sent that copy of her original email and the reply to the city clerk okay I've seen that same email I've received nothing you received nothing nothing okay thank you okay so uh community development director Mike Sherman will explain thank you ma'am good evening vice mayor members of the council tonight there's a public hearing the first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance to a adopt um rezoning classification on 8727 Overlook Drive we've uh designated rzp 23-05 um the owner is 2 8727 Equity Group LLC and the applicants development Support Services LLC uh the folio ID numbers there's two of them it's 20594 D4 and 2011 5934 um November of 2023 we received a rezoning application uh from the applicant proposing to change the zoning classification on two Parcels located in our downtown the community redevelopment area uh this property is located approximately 540 ft south of the intersection of Overlook drivein Bush Boulevard right now the property zoned r10 which is a single family zoning district and the applicant is asking to rezone that to the PD as the council probably remembers all rezonings in the down Town um uh need to be when they're reson they have to be rezoned to the PD District um it's approximately 0.54 acres and on the slide up on the screen right now on the left is an aial in blue shows the properties and on the right it's bolded in red uh the applicant has proposing to construct eight unit duplex style Apartments excuse me uh eight duplex Style attached tow houses uh the subject properties will then later be subdivided through the plat process um and uh the property is surrounded by single family uses to the South and West multif family and a cemetery to the East and Commercial uses are up to the north uh on Bush boulard This is the conceptual plan uh this conceptual plan depicts uh twostory 42 unit town homes uh sharing a common wall and it's located on two Parcels it will be accessed from Overlook Drive and at a later date a detailed site plan and Subdivision plat will be submitted to the council um the future landuse map category for this area as is for our entire downtown is the uh dm35 it has a maximum dwelling dwelling uh units per acre of 35 drwing units per acre the property here if it was maximum dwelling unit would be about dwelling units based on that density would be about 19 dwelling units the applicant is asking for eight um with this there are some waivers our code requires that when somebody wants to change to a PD District they choose the most for uh design the most um like zoning uh district and one is this is for tow houses so um they designed it based on some of those townhouse standards so they're going to need some waivers uh We've listed the waivers that they've requested and we've added two more uh staff has no issue with any of the waivers that they're proposing as the council also knows in the in the community redevelopment area in our downtown zoning ordinance we require that the new buildings as much as possible try and meet uh designed standards of um Mediterranean architecture so the applicant has provided elevations these elevations are also part of an exhibit to the ordinance this would be the front elevation the rear elevation of the property and the side elevations um we looked at the criteria for uh or the architecture uh style in our um zoning District dealing with massing building facades roof form and details and materials window treatments and building entrances all these are uh pretty much consistent with what is in the um zoning District requirements for how the building should look our recommendation well on December 26 of 2023 the Planning Commission reviewed this and made a recommendation for consistency with the comprehensive plan as a always make a recommendation uh and they found it was consistent with the comprehensive plan staff has reviewed that and we recommend approval on first re event ordinance adopting the zoning reclassification uh application 23-05 which proposes the change the zoning classification for 4.45 Acres uh from the r10 zoning District to the PD zoning District the applicants are in the audience tonight I can ask you any questions that yall may have and I believe there's also some people in the audience that want to speak to the uh Council as well thank you Mr Sherman so now for public comment I have a couple of papers on this first one is from um Mr Jenkins um with all due respect uh vice mayor I believe the applicant would speak next is that is that right um that's that's your Liberty Mr Shan yes okay yes sir please go ahead thank you start okay please sir uh good even I know this is first reading and uh typically do do you want us to go through the full presentation or wait till second reading or we're ready to to make the present tonight tonight if that's what uh you desire okay thank you for the record my name is Stephen Thompson I'm an attorney with the law firm of nashby Thompson and I have been sworn I'm representing the applicant with me today I have the applicant uh Mr uh Charles Thomas also um I have our land use consultant Todd prman I'd like to begin by just saying a couple things about um Mr Thomas uh it's interesting I do a lot of land use work and we get a lot of developers from different areas coming in to to develop properties it's interesting about Mr Thomas Mr Thomas was actually went to middle school in Temple Terrace so he has a connection to this community and I know when we first started talking um with Charles he basically said hey I want to make sure that we do a quality development in Temple Terrace I have a lot invested in the community and so I think true to his word we have done that um I think the the first thing uh that we did was met with the staff and talked to the staff about what we were going to do had some great input from the staff and I think that is really what was the key to this project is making sure that we listened obviously to Mr Thomas but also to the staff understanding what the issues were and working together and I think as a result of that we have really come up with what I would consider a superior plan and that is something that you really want in that plan development District so we've gone to Great Lengths to to come up with a good plan you can hear details about what we have inside of the the homes I mean is you know the the level of the Furnishings but you can see the quality of the exterior and we're certainly a lot less than you know what would be allowable under the density we're probably about half of the allowable density so we're not trying to squeeze everything in here I think we remain true to what Mr Thomas told us I want a quality development for Temple terce and and I and I think uh that's what uh we're we're bringing you um taking a look at the staff report um this request is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan uh recommended for approval by both the planning staff and your staff um we're in agreement with the staff report and also the conditions and obviously uh the stipulation so we appreciate that at this point time I'm going to ask Mr presman to make a presentation I'm going to ask Mr Thomas to come up here and talk a little bit about it and then after the residents have spoken I would at least like the opportunity to if necessary to reut and basically go through uh why we think that uh you should approve this request thank you great comment great comments thank you for the record Todd prman 2002nd Avenue South number 451 in St Petersburg I do have a quick PowerPoint for you there we are uh which Mr Sherman I think covered very well some of the points um the uh fil uh issue the file number uh location and what's proposed which is eight multif family units um he showed you a really very nice elevation uh that you've heard has been uh elements that have been discussed in terms of feedback and best suggestions for that immediate area this would be uh different elevation with a little bit of different coloring and you saw the rear as well which is uh very uh open uh with a lot of Windows uh the project site is the two Parcels that you can see here per the property praiser uh and importantly the same owner uh of this project owns to the North and then is also indicated the staff report the cemeter is located uh to the North and then also to the East and as well in terms of um consistency and compatibility apartments are located uh to the rear on the east as well uh the plan has been laid out uh to produce or to have uh a lower number of driveways so that the uh uh units remain looking at a nice single U residential Family Manor um and um the view from the front uh will maintain the same trees uh the only difference of trees may be a few in the rear depending upon the arborous report that we've received there's a number of points I just wanted to emphasize in the staff report um which notes that U the design incorporates multiple elements that allow the facade to bring continuity and cohesiveness to the entire project it's consistent with the spirit and intent of the city of Temple Terrace down downtowns mixed use multif family District zoning uh which the future land use for this property uh is the downtown mixed use the current resoning requested seeks to change from r10 to plan development which as just indicated to you which I think is a very important finding that the allowable maximum number of units is 19 however there were only eight units being proposed here U and as you look through the staff report there are uh many many land use policies that are referred to uh and that are confirmed as being consistent and compatible with the site so with that we appreciate your attention and as indicated we're happy to answer any questions you might have thank you thank you Mr Pressman so now we'll do public comment um U Mr Jenkins would you like to speak good evening my name is James Jenkins I reside at 8722 Overlook Drive um my mother and father moved moved to Temple Terrace in 1949 and bought the entire side of Overlook Drive it was Wilderness then and my father built his home there by himself and I still own and maintain that home but when I was married in 1986 my wife and I moved there and I built a beautiful a big beautiful contemporary home um many of the people that reside on Overlook Drive have been there 30 40 or 50 years we're a pretty close-knit community a very very good friends but people just don't come and go uh on Overlook Drive um and I have some concerns that have happened already one is is that when Ralph lton sold his restaurant to O'Reilly bot Parts O'Reilly also took one of his properties behind it so they extended down Overlook Drive recently in the last couple of years Joe uh chacho at Dewey's Liquors bought one of lon's residences behind dey's Liquors and extended down the next thing that happened is the storage units decided on the parking lot that used to be for the bowling alley which faces Overlook Drive decided to put up twostory units so I have to look at that wall all the time so now Mr Thomas has already begun and been approved and is building these Town Homes at the end of my street on some vacant lots that were there and so I just feel as though are slowly encroaching and I don't live directly across from 8727 but I live very close to it and personally no matter how attractive they are I don't want them across from my home I do not want twostory Town Homes facing my house it's simply not compatible with that neighborhood and the gentleman that spoke earlier that said that Mr Thomas had an investment in this community I've lived on that street 71 years I think that I have an investment in that Community as well and in closing i' just like to say that I know some of you in the city council I know Miss Fernandez uh my son and her kids played baseball together I happen to know where she lives and I would ask you that if someone came to your neighborhood and wanted to tear down the house across the streate from you no matter how attractive they are and put up twostory town homes would you approve of that would you like that I think not thank you thank you Mr Jenkins uh next up I have um Miss uh Acton Gail Acton good evening good evening my name is G Acton I live in 8721 Overlook Drive I have lived there now 10 years I my parents own their house um they bought it in I believe 1968 they lived it until my father passed away was the last parent I had in uh 2013 I was retiring from Wisconsin so I moved down here and took over the property which I inherit I have three lots I build a ranch house I thought about two stories but it doesn't fit in that neighborhood and besides that I was getting older and I wanted to downsize so anyway I'm against this zoning because I'm liking at door to 8727 I'm on the left hand side with the three Lots now Mr Mr Charles came to my house last week and offer his help whatever I needed well what I really need is not to build any more tow houses he had already taken over the last and I had put a petition up three years ago before he got that land at the end of our street and I had everybody signed in the neighborhood plus the homes that facing those Town Homes now at the in the street so I fax it to Gus I believe I talked to and he got it of course I didn't follow up on it that was my mistake so anyway I feel that that would be an on ball situation and it might put a damp on my value in my own home and property like I said I own three lots he HED around and liking to like to buy my property I'm sure he can build more town homes so I feel that is never going to be end to it he's going to get who whatever he wants on property on Overlook Drive more H Town Homes so we will be kicked out I'm not going to sell I'm definitely not going to sell to him if I sell I'll sell them the way I want to be sell it but anyway I said Phil I've been like I said I've been living here 10 years had the house redone it's only 10 years old now and I want to keep it and pass it on to my family so I don't want any tow houses next to me so to end it all I feel that uh I don't want to Res zoned thank you Miss act thank you is there any other public comment okay seeing none um uh would the applicant like to speak on any of the matters presented by the community well I appreciate really don't have much to say but um you know when uh a developer comes into a community the first thing he looks at is the comprehensive plan and the Land Development code talks to the staff about what can we do and that really is what happened here and what we have tonight is really a proposal that meets all of the legal criteria and requirements of the city of Temple Terrace and that's what we always we're not cutting Corners we're not doing something that's not allowed for in the code it it's basically a contract or an agreement between a homeowner and the city and that's really all we're seeking to do we could have requested a lot more density we did not do that um we think that the uh proposal is consistent compatible um but again um when we approach this we determine what we could do legally and it's a lot less than really what we could do uh but certainly it does meet the city's requirements and again what we would request is approval with the conditions and stipulations and I'll let Mr Thomas talk too thank you good evening Charlie Thomas 8725 t l lart um good to see you all um I would like to start off a couple things um first that this property was owned by a homeowner who had owned it for 60 years and their children were selling it and they reached out to us and I think that's a testament to what we're doing and our commitment that we've been in the neighborhood because the previous properties they were for sale we found an open market but they sought us out with our previous communication to them um Reese and said hey we like what you're doing on the index down there we would like you to do something with this the house has um been deteriorated and so we were able to facilitate it and then purchase this house and so I say that one to say that um there's a myriad of people in the neighborhood but one of the neighborhood members reached out to us to say hey we would like you to develop this the second part I would like to say is that we've heard you right we came here before the the overlay District calls for multif Family rental high density and then we got the sentiment that that's not what the council has a taste or feel for and so what we did on the development for this was to addressed that we wanted single family home ownership with a uh single family neighborhood uh Feld to it which is what the design that you have there uh we've gone back and forth with staff the original design uh staff had issues that they wanted a single drive and we fought hard and said we couldn't come to agreement on the single driveway because that would give a uh a look of an apartment complex or something like that and would have a 24 28t driveway down the center so we've taken a lot of time and energy to make sure that we've heard what you asked for and that we've come back with something that's not only compatible for the neighborhood that meets the comprehensive plan and the intent um for the overlay District not that it does allow for 35 but it's it's a appropriate mix right 35 next to this and then so our neighbors are the uh the commercial building that has the two story wall on it the white wall the uh graveyard behind us and then the apartment complex there we believe that it's consistent with the plan and it has not only the spirit but the intent of what the development would look like in the community so we uh request your approval thank you Mr Thomas um Mr prman just a couple points U I think it's important to recognize that the r10 category now allow structures up to 35 ft High uh obviously twostory so in regard to height issues what's permissible now what's proposed uh are basically the same even though this would uh the structure probably would be a little bit less than that but when you look at the staff report it does bring out a number of I think critical land use policies 3.5.7 to establish concentrations of Housing and varying densities with varying mixes of uses goal number one provide a variety of adequate housing in order to serve the community's population and orderly fashion and promote the vision of Temple Terrace and policy 1.2.6 the city shall encourage a greater variety of housing types occupancy standards and sizes to diversify yet maintain compatibility with single family neighborhoods and goal 9 objective 9d provide a housing inventory and living environment that supports its population and provides a safe and pleasing environment and these are elements that you find throughout Tampa Bay as housing is becoming critical and affordable housing is becoming critical and the new term mid missing middle housing which is what this would apply to is desperately needed throughout Tampa Bay that's what these land use category or these land use goals refer to and that is precisely what is proposed here so with that we appreciate your attention and consideration thank you thank you Mr prman so now we'll open it up for council member questions council members do we have any questions I do Mr Chambers first uh Mr Sherman it was mentioned that height is not a factor in this rezoning because uh twostory could be built on the current zoning classification what would be different in this project if the zoning did not change if the zoning did not change it would still allow for single family homes they would have to be detached single family homes whereas these are attached single family homes the height would not change it would still allow 35 ft or two stories um lot coverages and things like that there would be some minor differences it's just a higher density in the dmu 35 category I know you're I'm asking you to speculate but of the uh eight units what if it's state r10 what could be built the number of units I know you're I believe it's one house per lot so two unit units okay might be able to subdivide it I don't have the lot width in front of me but I believe one house per lot would be built okay that's all I have I have something for the developer other questions from Council okay seeing none wait I want to talk to the developer now oh I'm so sorry please go ahead yeah or somebody and I know this really doesn't have to do with the zoning but I'm going to ask anyway um since they're uh individually owned uh town home homes uh the mowing of their areas that's done by the individual the homeowner there's not going to be an association or is there um there would still be an HOA um t u there will be an HOA the um what we've done 8701 there will still be HOA this one's a little bit different the um water is paid by individually it be individually metered and then there will probably be a a a Community Lawn Service because of the swell in the backyard the storm water um retention we would U it would be paid by the HOA so it' be an HOA fee to cover that okay garbage same thing garbage would be individually it would be picked up with the water meter okay and my last question again it doesn't have to do with this but my curiosity uh could there would there be fencing could could somebody fence between the detached units um T well the city it's only going to if they wanted to fence in their sidey yard to side yard set back currently um no they could fence in it could be fenced in from the HOA from a security purpose um the perimeter and then there would be gates to access the back okay but the the the way it's platted that Fe simple they own the square box and then the driveway and then the other would be common area okay thank you that's all the question just to answer your question um currently it's three units that's allowable um okay what you asked earlier it's three units through the PD process it would be four okay than thank you anything else all right so I will close the public hearing and ask the cler to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida resoning 0.545 Acres of real property within the downtown Community Development Area located approximately 540 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive in Bush Boulevard with an address of 8727 overlook Drive folio numbers 201 59400 and 2011 59300 from zoning classification single family residential r10 to plan development PD providing for Amendment to the official zoning map of the city providing severability and effective date and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance resoning the property at 8727 Overlook Drive to approve on first reading the uh uh reclassification the ordinance re approving the re the rezoning of the uh folio num 2015 94-00 and 20115 93-00 the address of 2 8727 Overlook Drive this would be an approval of first re first public hearing and reading with a second we have a date certain on the 2nd what will that be June 4th next June 4th okay with a with a a second hearing scheduled for June uh 4th we have a motion is there a second second okay is there a discussion on the motion I just would like to thank the developer for I recognize that there's concerns in the neighborhood but I know that Mr Thomas has done great work with the other area and I have confidence and he will uphold and and and live up to the the the commitment he's made to this area also I'm confident anything else okay all those in favor signify with i i opposed no n the motion passes if approved this ordinance will appear for second reading and public hearing on Tuesday June 4th 2024 all right next uh Council business anyone have any um carryover Council Council business nope okay um new business and board reports I just have one item council member Fernandez uh just to follow up with the Riverwatch task force they discussed the comments from the last council meeting at their meeting last night and we'll be coming back with um an adjusted policies and goals so I'll let you know when that's finished thank you for the update right nothing else okay uh City manager's report Madame vice mayor members of council I have nothing to add City attorney's report I don't have a report but I wanted to introduce our uh legal intern that we have right now who is a student at Thomas KY law school and that is Kimberly Stafford she's right over here so and she's she's in our office uh at least two days a week and if anybody wants to stop by they can but I have her working really really hard welcome Kimberly happy to have you I'm glad to be here great right um with that said we will adjourn the meeting thank you all very much yes I didn't mean to cut you off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e --------- all thank you everybody for being here today we greatly appreciate it uh once again my name is Gary Olsen I'm vice president of the Westside chapter non- Knights of America motorcycle club uh I want to thank the city of Temple terce and chief Albano for graciously hosting our Memorial here at this location the idea for the whole K9 Memorial came about after the West Side made a run all over Hillsboro County going to different memorials around the site uh we realized there's a lot of individual memorials but there's not a general Regional memorial to honor like the entire state so we spent the next four years fundraising designing and building current and building said current Memorial uh while on our quest to build the memorial we searched the state we located a few you know once again they honor theirs but we want to honor the entire State I first want to thank everyone for coming out this morning some traveling as far as Miami this morning to be here so that we would be able to come together to honor the names of 31 additional Fallen canine officers this is our third annual Canan Memorial ceremony and I would be remiss if I didn't offer a special word of thanks to the local members of the Nam Knights Westside chapter for covering the initial cost of this beautiful monument and for their continued efforts to help us to update and to maintain this incredible Memorial the memorial serves as a constant reminder of the unfailing Loyalty commitment and fearless dedication to duty that all law enforcement canines provide to their communities they serve while this began as a regional Endeavor it has rapidly expanded and now includes 32 agencies from around the state and as of today will have enshrined 84 law enforcement canines courageous loyal dedicated Fearless these are but a few of the attributes that describe the unparalleled devotion that a canine displays toward pleasing and protecting their Handler it is now my honor to share with you the 2024 list of Fallen K9 officers and the agencies from which they served from the ATF K9 Jam End of Watch March 13th 2024 from the Bradington Police Department K9 rigs End of Watch August 2022 [Music] from The Bard County Sheriff's Office K9 cargo End of Watch June 2023 from the Citrus County Sheriff's Office K9 rigs End of Watch March 2024 and K9 repo End of Watch March 2024 from the Florida Highway Patrol K9 con End of Watch October 2023 from the Flagler County Sheriff's Office K9 keano End of Watch February theth 2023 from the Hillsboro County Sheriff's Office K9 Kaiser End of Watch October the 18th 2022 K9 TBO End of Watch November the 11th 2022 K9 OAS End of Watch August 31st 2023 K9 Zeus End of Watch September 5th 2023 and K9 champ End of Watch December 1st 2023 from the Lake County Sheriff's Office K9 Savannah End of Watch January [Music] 2024 from the Lakeland Police Department K9 Azor End of Watch January 2024 from the lro Police Department K9 Murphy End of Watch April 2024 from the Lee County Sheriff's Office k9's Jagger End of Watch August 4th 2023 and K9 karma karma watch December 2023 from the Maran County Sheriff's Office K9 Leo killed in the line of duty End of Watch February the 20th [Music] 2024 from the my Police Department K9 Ricky killed in the line of duty End of Watch March [Music] 2023 from the Orange County Sheriff's Office K9 Fredy killed in the line of duty End of Watch October 16th 2023 from the Orlando Police Department K9 Vice into of watch July [Music] 2023 from the pelis county sheriff's office K9 Bosco End of Watch October 6 2023 from the P County Sheriff's Office K9 Halas End of Watch March 2023 from the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office K9 Knox End of Watch June the 18th 2023 from the St Augustine Beach Police Department K9 kilo End of Watch March 2024 from the St Petersburg Police Department K9 saurin End of Watch November 2022 from the Tampa Police Department K9 Endo End of Watch November 21st 2022 from the Tampa International Airport Police Department K9 iar End of Watch February 27th 2024 from the Bia County Sheriff's Office K9 Kota End of Watch April 2024 from the West Palm Beach Police Department K9 Thor End of Watch February February 2023 and K9 K End of Watch May [Music] 2023 this Memorial was created in honor and remembrance of all of these that have been enshrined here today for those that have preceded them in death and for those that are yet to follow Fearless servants faithful partners and beloved friends may they rest peacefully throughout all eternity and may those they left behind know that your partner will never be forgotten in remembrance and to honor all of these that have been in memorialized here today please join me in a moment of silence [Music] first item on the agenda is the consideration of the minutes from the February 20th 2024 meeting um if the minutes are acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes to approve second we have a motion and a second um is there a any comment on the motion all right all right all in favor I I opposed no n motion passes second item on the agenda is a review of the proposed C Park improvements uh business relations manager Greg Paulie will present thank you um I'll make sure I try to get this right board members and vice chair good evening Greg Paulie your business relations manager here tonight with a quick uh introduction on a two-part presentation that Mr langfeld is also going to participate in and we also have Mr Ingram in the audience to answer any questions that may involve uh the finances related to what we're going to share with you tonight if I could pull the slides up please thank you okay uh first just a quick background as I'm sure you do recall back earlier this year it was completed in January and presented to this board in February The Pedestrian master plan that plan actually did include uh recommended Park improvements for the area surrounding the Springdale Pond however it did not include any significant proposed improvements for the vacant Riverside Parcels or improvements to the adjacent Park next door of the Riverside Park and I can tell you the reason did not include these items is because when we created the scope of services for The Pedestrian master plan that uh vacant parcel was originally listed for sale so we anticipated uh selling it at that time last year the city decided to remove that those Parcels from the list of available Parcels for sale and at that time staff began looking at those three Parcels from a more comprehensive position as far as Park improvements excuse us a minute a timer is getting ready to go off and we don't know why oh oops thank you okay thank you didn't want it to buzz on you um so just as I was saying uh last year staff began to look at those three Parcels that I just mentioned in a more comprehensive manner uh with the idea of an overall plan to improve the amenities and the park lifestyle for that area here's a uh graphic of those three properties you can see the Springdale Pond area there just south of Chicago Avenue along the west edge of uh Springdale place and then immediately south of that on the south side of South River Hills Drive we have the Riverside Park and adjacent to that we have the Riverside Parcels which are the vacant land in December of last year uh leisure services staff published a request for quotes for design and Engineering Services to address the project that we're here to talk about tonight in February earlier this year at the deadline they received nine proposals in March the proposals were ranked and the top four ranked firms were invited to make presentations to the selection committee and also in March the selection committee finalized uh and selected their final selection of those firms the selection committee consisted uh was led by Leisure Services director Carl langfeld and also included Parks and Recreation division director Corey Collins and in parks and athletic fields maintenance supervisor Tony Goodwin and with that being said I would like to invite Mr langfeld to the podium to share with you a little bit about the work he and his team have done for the last couple of months and also announce the firm that was selected and then I'll return to the podium and talk about uh some financing options to help move the project forward good evening Vice chair board members uh Carl langa Leisure Services director just a point of clarification um Mr Paulie referred to the RFQ as a request for quotes it was a request for qualifications not not not for quotes when we uh initiated this process uh the costs were not part of the considerations at the time it was strictly based on qualifications of the firms involved uh so I just wanted to clarify that a little bit uh moving forward when myself and the selection committee began reviewing uh the options presented to us by the different firms that submitted there were different presentation factors that we keyed in on to determine which of these firms which were all immensely qualified to do this work but which ones really stood out um that could provide the city with the the best product to meet the vision of what we're trying to accomplish here so some of the things that we looked in on is which firms provided experience developing park properties on water fonts and specifically on freshwater and Riverfront water fronts uh which firms were developing park properties that were coexisting with uh developed downtown areas and which firms were developing parks that were incorporating uh drainage and utility structures into parks marks so looking at those three things we again we we managed to to create a short list of four firms um to select from features that we discussed with these firms and things that we wanted to incorporate uh is pedestrian connectivity uh from the south side of the city uh to downtown we wanted to incorporate uh Boardwalk feature fishing per fishing pier and canoe and kayak lach we wanted to incorporate an observation tower to overlook the river we told them the importance of the preservation of the tree canopy in the area the beautification of the Springdale Pond and incorporating that and making improvements to the existing Riverside Park and the Angel of Hope Memorial that is at that location some of the challenges that were discussed with the firms um were providing equate space for parking for Park usage and events that may take place in the park to provide safe pedestrian Crossing of River Hills Drive between the Riverside parcel and the Springdale Pond to make sure that we're including the neighbors and the community in the decision-making process of what this park will ultimately look like and how um how we can make sure that the park is safe for all its users uh by providing lighting by providing open sight Lines by providing other mitigating factors to make sure that the park is safe for everybody who's using it and finally the river is going to be such a key component of this park when it's completed the permitting process to make sure that we are the proper environmental stewards of the sensitive lands between uh the Upland areas and the river and to make sure that any work that's done in that Wetland area is done responsibly and done with the proper permitting from the proper agencies in order to open that area up to we have we have the the vistas of the river that everybody is going to want to see at that location ultimately uh the selection committee unanimously decided on uh health engineering as the design firm that was ultimately the best qualified uh to do the work myself and Brian McCarthy sat down with representatives from Hal uh thoroughly went through the scope of services that they would provide to us and based on that they provided to us a cost of services for the work at just over $488,000 um on your screen right now you see a overview of a conceptual plan of what the park uh can look like and how the features can be built into that Park including the pier observation canoe and kayak launch uh the the parking uh crossing at River Hills Drive and what their ultimate vision for it is uh here they they discussed some of the challenges that they see uh with the park and have it's devel including the street Crossing uh the permitting with the agencies that we will need to work with with regards to the wetlands working on parking working on the safety within the park and the and the community involvement uh The Firm did a very good job of in their presentation to us of creating some great animations again showing the potential that this property uh has and things that can be incorporated in it uh to create a a really a signature Park and a signature location within the city that connects our downtown area with the southern area of the city for we currently have uh agreements uh from Hal with regards to their scope of services that are at our legal department now under review um I'm going to turn turn it back over to Greg and he's going to kind of discuss with you the next steps that we have moving forward with this process thank you very good looking at the total cost of the project uh $448,000 66 the funding options that I would like to present tonight uh involve a two- fund approach the first being $125,000 um from a community investment tax funds that are currently budgeted in the fiscal year 24 budget that were actually earmarked for this project that leaves a balance of slightly greater than $323,000 with that in mind I would like to propose that that additional fund that those additional funds be paid from the tax increment financing fund after our presentation this evening and after each of you had a chance to pose questions that you may have staff would like to reest EST that the CRA board recommend the forthcoming agreement as well as the funding options proposed uh be presented to the city council at an upcoming council meeting um that can be done through motion by this board and um it is our hope to be able to present that to the city council uh by June 8 or I'm sorry um on the June 18th city council meeting and and with that said I would like to invite your questions and please um as I mentioned for the financing component Mr Ingram is present to answer questions regarding those funds and payment of this project I can certainly answer any overview shots of the CRA and then Mr langenfeld will be happy to return to the podium to answer questions on the work that he and his team have recently undertaken right thank you Mr Paulie council member questions Mr schisler yeah Jim Mr J question regarding the the Tiff is fine but I mean sorry the the CIT is fine regarding the Tiff what's the fund balance right now or what was the fund balance at June October thir SE September 30th $2,000 what do we now this year we um we got all our revenues in we know what our expenses are we're adding close to 400,000 well 300 350 to 400,000 in in fund balance so we do have enough to cover we need 323,000 to make up the difference we were already projected uh to have 351,000 to to add to the existing 12,000 for fund balance and I believe we have one of the budgeted expend that we're not going to do this year which was like another 25 30,000 was 35,000 35,000 how much of the debt services will be transferred out of out of out of Tiff any of it or is it all coming out of general fund no no it is coming out of Tiff um that's that's the the beautiful thing about it is now our annual Tiff revenues are exceeding what we have to pay uh on the loan which is is about 900,000 let me ask you a different way that what's our Tiff revenues for the year uh 1 Point uh 1309 million and our Tiff expenses of the 900 change for The Debt Service leaving the reserve of for 3 some thousand that's right and we spent 60,000 on the uh 62,000 on the curry Bowl demolition okay what was our plan going forward with that we were just going to sit on that and Rat Hole it until we needed it for this project yes uh in the budget for 24 we budgeted 351,000 of reserves which we at the time stay could be used for projects that come along or just to build up the reserve fund okay excellent my next question is for Carl the scope of work if if I may with with half or half half which half was going to do this will just be those F five steps that you talking about permitting well their scope of work is extensive um will there be any dirt turned they don't turn dirt they're the engineering firm but they will create all of the construction documents they will also uh provide construction supervision this the the the fees that we're talking about are not for the construction of the park is strictly for the design and Engineering work okay and then how long will that take the design and Engineering work according to my conversations with the firm will take approximately 12 months to complete okay so we're looking at turning dirt in turning dirt is in probably late 25 and anticipated completion depending on what council's wishes are with regards to funding and phasing whether it all happens at once or whether it gets phased out um I would I would anticipate construction probably taking the better part of a year okay the delineation between the riverfront park and the river and the the the flat the other area is that's the canal or the creek or whatever it is okay all right love it and just to add um that mysterious $35,000 you may recall last year I came to the podium and I requested monies be earmarked for surveys of the property that's where that money was it has not been expensed uh that was kind of uh just left in the account um pending this this project of course thank you you good I'm good council members Mr uh Chambers thank you um what's the estimated budget for the project I know you mentioned phasing but if we're going to do everything they're designing you have any ideas I my guesstimate at this point is probably going to be in the neighborhood of 4 to 5 million okay and the project around Springdale Pond we had planned for a lot of improvements to to link with uh the Redevelopment is that going to be in part of that or is that pulled out that that will be a part of that okay the the the the project as it's being designed will go from uh what's the name of the street at the post office Chicago Chicago all the way to the river okay thank you so very much it uh looks great council member Fernandez so I do want to confirm the design of this project is going to be is going to allow for staged or phasing of the project correct that would yes that is a conversation that we've had with uh the design firm because at this point we didn't know all the answers with regards to how the construction was going to be take place that it it's fa phasing construction is not a difficult process to do as opposed to phasing design you really can't phase design but you can phase the construction and and James and I have experience with phasing construction we did that with uh with the family complex when when we built it uh we've done that with other projects um where phased construction has the the trick is to making sure that you don't leave any unfinished edges I think is is the easiest way to describe that so and then with with regard to the size of this space face can you give me an idea of like a visualization of the usable space in terms of event usage um as maybe compared to like Woodmont park or some of the other spaces that we've used for different events the the current vacant Riverfront parcel is between three and four acres uh Woodmont Park is less than an acre can can you go back to the slide because you have one slide that it shows it even though you're talking about that many acres you're also talking about parking and uh space that takes up corre event space some of this stuff is still conceptual at this point and excuse me sir did you want to see the the animated slide or did you want to see the the map there was a there was a good there was a still the first slide that showed the the parking and the the so what I'm talking about when you when you get that slide up is specifically the open lawn space that that open lawn space is is is roughly between three and four acres the Great Lawn space is is specifically so for example if we wanted to host an event there that's been hosted at Woodmont there's ample space here this is this will this will provide significantly more space than Woodmont park has now Woodmont park has has the advantage of the first Fairway across which expand but with regards to Woodmont Park this space is significantly larger so any any event that we have hosted to date throughout the city would fit here and we're saying that the parking even though maybe all the parking wouldn't be right here we have enough expected parking in other areas well and and again as as was discussing challenges with this parcel um as we look at these these three areas together is how parking is going to play out um in the design aspect of this that is one of the biggest challenges that we're looking at with the development of this of this park is where we're going to put and where we're going to fit adequate parking when we host you know the arts festival or winter wonderland um you know we utilize the ball fields we utilize the school there is a lot of available parking at the that is available within a short walking distance of Woodmont Park um we don't have that luxury here unless we start talking about the Redevelopment area and the parking there but now we're talking about the the grocery stores parking area and parking that you know is is used for businesses um and whether or not that's going to be made readily available um again parking is one of the the primary challenges of of this park that the engineering firm is going to have to work on C manager thank you vice mayor um members of the CR board so just address addressing the parkings just to clarify one thing so the the parking the city does have public parking up by Waverly Terrace Apartments there are at least a 100 spaces that are public there now I know people have used them the apartment users they park there as well but those are City spaces so uh if we had an event here had a believe there's anything stopping us from making those spaces open to the public probably barricading those off a day or two before the event and then using those and then we may have to have some sort of a a shuttle process perhaps uh this is not a long I mean it's a longer walk than going from the school Temple Terrace Elementary to where where Woodmont is today but it's not that much of a of a long distance that if you had some sort of a shuttle set up that you couldn't accommodate folks they could park at Temple Terrace Elementary for example if we had to they could park at Waverly terce so there's different ways to to address this because I think one of the things you'd want to just take a real good look at is parkks space is limited so I don't think we want to consume a lot of it with parking we really want to use it for green space and I also want to just caution folks who are watching this at home or in the audience this plan here this is a conceptual plan it was presented as part of their interview process so they're going to go through an interation probably have public meetings things like that so this the ultimate plan may look different than what's presented here I my really what I just want to confirm is that this space has the size that will accommodate various community events that we have hosted throughout the city um so it's a reasonable use for this space is what that's really what I'm trying to get at right now th this space will certainly be usable for community events all of the community events that we currently hold at Woodmont might not be the right fit for this for this location there may be community events such as the Arts F I think W the Woodmont Park is a great location for the Arts Festival it has all those trees it has the beautiful canopy over it um they may want to stay at Woodmont park I think this this site here has opportunities for other events that the city does or possibly new events that the city um can locate down at this area thank you and just I just have one more question um with regard to the the connection as it moves into the Redevelopment area have we talked with any of the current property owners at the Redevelopment area about this proposal and if so have any of them expressed any opinions I can tell you that um during The Pedestrian master plan development many of them were spoken with at that time and all were in favor of some type of outdoor recreational attraction to obviously draw more patrons to the area this is a Brand New Concept being presented um they have not seen this as of yet but um we have individually spoken to folks regarding the Riverside the vacant Riverside property and also the Springdale pond property we just haven't presented it as a cohesive comprehensive plan as of yet okay thank you so we are a little bit short for time I know um council member s had a follow-up question 30 seconds Mr inam when we come back I'm assuming that this gets pushed forward to the council could you come back with a pro for a projection on Tiff for the for the duration I think we only got like 10 or 11 years left did you come back with a forecast as to the revenue gener anticip ated revenues generated on anticipated properties coming online between now and the sunset of the Tiff yes I can in fact Mr Bay has already tasked me with that so okay okay it is on the on the list so we we will do that and one final comment from Mr and and why you're doing that is somebody going to give us like a a phasing budget or funding plan so we know uh how we're going to fund this down the road I was wondering if someone would ask that the the good thing is we do have some options some different Reven I need to do them now I just want to know we're thinking about that yes okay that's all that's all thank you all for the presentation um I think that our next um order of business needs to be to send this forward to the council um to handle at the June 18th meeting is that something we need a motion for that is that correct so can we get a motion for that I moveed to I moved to uh uh that the CR way forward to council for further consideration the um proposal made tonight by the uh uh development committee we have a motion is there a second do we need the date on that June 18 June 18th if possible whatever if I may I would not attach a date to it only because it's still in review and okay if you'll simply uh grant us um an action that allows us to take this to the council that way we don't have to wait to the next CRA meeting but isn't this us taking it to the council to then at Council propose to put it on the agenda no no no you'd recommend it you're recommending it now so staff will put it on the assuming you approve this yeah we'll put it on the agenda then you can have your hearing that evening if that's your desire so we have a motion and we have a second all those in favor I I opposed no n the motion passes thank you with that said we'll um adjourn the CRA meeting and we will resume in 2 minutes for the council meeting how you do oh I should have announced when the next meeting is e e e good evening I'll Now call the meeting for the Temple Terrace City Council on May 21st 2024 to order welcome everybody if you would please turn off your electronic devices and um silence your phones um first we'll begin with the invocation um and Pledge of Allegiance led by council member shisler Heavenly Father be with us tonight be with us as We Gather tonight to handle the business of our city we thank you for the many blessings you bestow upon us each and every day today and ask for your guidance to this Council on the decisions we make both large and small that we will always do what is right and just we ask for your comfort to the members of our extended City Family who have suffered great loss recently and to the ones who are are who are so very ill and fighting for their lives we ask for your grace on all of our employees of the city and for the protection of our First Responders who Serve and Protect the citizens of our great City in your most holy name we pray amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you so the historical fact for today will be shared by me um first let me take you back in time to where garbage trucks did not roam our streets to pick up our garbage and that was an ERA where the per capita generation of Municipal Solid Waste was about 2.5 lb per day now it's about 5 lb per day so there was a lot less trash back then so when garbage began to accumulate for Temple Terrace residents prior to the 1970s they carted their waist to the city dump the dump was not without problems an article in the Temple Terrace news from 1959 outlined some of those issues I'll read it to you the article says City officials in Temple terrist have been presented with a new problem The Dilemma was created last week when the County Health Department answering a citizen's complaint inspected the city dump Health Department officials after looking over The Dumping Ground at the Northeast limit of the city told mayor npki okay that several changes in operation must be made complainants have objected to the Flies breeding in the area as being a health hazard if the city handles the dump situation as suggested by the health department it means the purchase of a bulldozer and the employment of full-time Personnel other alternatives are the purchase of a new dump site away from the city or the construction of an incinerator several years ago the city looked into the latter possibility and found that an adequate plant would cost in the neighborhood of $80,000 in the meantime City workmen are faced with a problem of cleaning up the dump with no special equipment although the health department has not issued an ultimatum the tener of their letter indicated that action must be taken you may be wondering where the dump was it was located on the site of the family Recreation Center I asked longtime resident Jack Ritter about the dump and what it looked like and he said he remembered bringing things there and it was just a big hole in the ground I wasn't able to find all the details pertaining to the timeline of the rise and fall of the Temple Terrace city dump a map and event schedule for the 1967 best foot forward event Series in Temple Terrace clearly demarcates the city dump on the map where the rec center stands today the original rec center was dedicated in 1979 so the dumps demise occurred at some point prior to that for those of you who might be concerned about what might be underneath today's Rec Center I have on the good word of council member Chambers the former director of leisure services that the dump was excavated prior to the construction of the family recreation center and more excavation took place prior to the building of expansions and the pool later on so it doesn't seem like there's an issue to this day so that's my historic fact all right so um moving forward if anyone is here for the first hearing and first reading of an ordinance concerning the rezoning of 8702 Overlook Drive please note that this item will not be on tonight's agenda but it may be on the agenda of a future meeting of this Council so with that said we'll move on to the first agenda item which is recognitions and proclamations we have a proclamation today for National Public Works week I'd like to call uh Mr warrenfeltz director of operations and maintenance and Mr tench director of utilities to the podium good evening I'm going to read you the proclamation it says whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and the public health high quality of life and well-being of the people of Temple Terrace and whereas these infrastructure facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation water supply water treatment and Solid Waste Systems public buildings and other structures and Facilities essential for our citizens and whereas it is in the public interest for the citizens Civic leaders and children in Temple Terrace to gain knowledge of and maintain a progressive interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in their respective communities and whereas 2024 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public work Association now therefore I Meredith AEL by virtue of the authority vested in me as vice mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby set aside May 19th through 25th 2024 as National Public Works week with that said would either of you like to say a few words or both sure I I'll get started I just wanted to thank you for recognizing the folks that are out there on a daily basis making sure that things get done I think we're often overlooked but when you go to the faucet and turn it on and it runs people don't think much about it but when it doesn't they think a lot about it so thank you for this uh these accolades this week we'll be sure to pass it along to my staff thank you Mr Warren FS thank you vice mayor de of what Troy said there you know the Public Works employees are dedicated staff that you know work tiously to keep the city clean of trash we don't take it to the direct Center currently but it's a good thought um but uh no we have we have great staff and we have great you know we've had great progress in the in the past year to to make it better so thank you certainly we certainly appreciate you let's take a picture all right three two one three two one thank you okay we have no presentations today we do have board appointments we have um appointments for the fire pension Board of Trustees the fire pension Board of trust Tres is established in accordance with the city's code of ordinances five members serve on the fire pension Board of Trustees mayor Ross and council member schisler currently serve on that board and their terms have expired um before I call for nominations for the two appointments I will say that um the city manager Mr Baya has spoken with um with um mayor Ross and he would be willing to accept that nomination I understand so with that in mind um do we have nominations I nominate uh mayor Ross and council member schisler to the board second we have anot we have a motion do you I mean we have a nomination Nom do you accept the nomination so we have exception from acceptance from both and um do we have a motion to appoint them to the board I move to appoint mayor Ross and council member schisler to the board we have a motion is there a second second okay motion and a second discussion on the motion all those in favor signify with i i i those opposed the motion passes so next we have consideration of minutes from previous meetings move to approve second all right so we have a motion in a second for the for the minutes on May 7th 2024 discussion on the motion those in favor signify with i i i opposed no opposition the motion passes the next item on the agenda is persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda um any um forms are in the back of the room um if you have if you would like to speak please give them to the clerk um Council has agreed to a 30 minute time limit for all public comment to be continued at the end of the meeting if more time is needed a three-minute time limit will be imposed on all comments from the public um when speakers approach the podium please state your name and city of residence and during public comment on items not on the agenda city manager and directors and attendance do make note of these items and all of your comments are taken seriously and will be followed up on I have two items here um so since Overlook Drive has been removed if people want to speak on that their items not on the agenda and they can speak is that correct this one's on the agenda I thought it was moved two so what's on the agenda is the rezoning for Overlook not the actual uh site plan for the Overlook CU that Mr Sherman can probably clarify that thank you sir um so there we're going to be scheduled two overlook rezonings 8702 and 8727 8727 is on the agenda tonight the other one has been withdrawn we were not quite ready for this meeting on that particular one got you so these these two that I have say resoning on them so we're going to hold I imagine they would be for 8727 Overlook I see 87 20 no if if there is somebody here for 8702 and they want to speak tonight since it has been removed from the agenda they may talk about that the one that's on the agenda is also on Overlook Drive but it's a different address well it says item 8A so if we're doing item 8A which it looks like we are then they're going to wait until that time for their com yes for 8727 but if it's 8702 that's the one that was taken off okay so those of you who are here for a comment on 8A we will wait until we get to 8A for that um seeing no other public comment for items not listed on the agenda we'll move on to item 8 a which is public hearings ordinances resolutions first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance adopting a rezoning of property with folio numbers 20594 - 000000 and 20593 d00 and with the address of 8727 Overlook Drive first I'll open the public hearing and anyone who intends to speak on this matter please stand for the oath administered by the clerk you SAR to tell the truth truth nothing the truth so I do thank you and now I'll ask the City attorney to make an inquiry on expart communication if any member of council has received any expar communication either written or oral concerning this item uh please state so for the record and if it was in writing uh you will need to provide a copy of that document to the clerk as soon as possible for the record and uh if it was an oral communication or written communication you need to state with whom that communication took place when it took place and what the sum and substance of the communication was and I'll start with uh council member Fernandez and ask whether you've received such communication um I have the email that was sent to City staff that was provided to council okay and and who was the email from it is from Kathy lobenthal and it was provided to Michael Sherman and that was that's in our Council packet okay it's in the packet then yeah all right thank you yeah I received the same email from uh Miss linthal and I forwarded that to the city manager and he sent it to Mike Sherman who replied to Mrs lenthall and I sent that copy of her original email and the reply to the city clerk I've seen that same email I've received nothing you received nothing nothing okay thank you okay so uh community development director Mike Sherman will explain thank you ma'am good evening vice mayor members of the council tonight there's a public hearing the first public Hearing in first reading of an ordinance to adopt um resoning classification on 8727 Overlook Drive we've uh designated rzp 23-05 um the our owner is 2 8727 Equity Group LLC and the applicants development Support Services LLC see the folio ID numbers there's two of them it's 20594 D4 and 2011 5934 um November of 2023 we received a rezoning application uh from the applicant proposing to change the zoning classification on two Parcels located in our downtown the community redevelopment area uh this property is located approximately 540 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive in Bush Boulevard right now the property zoned r10 which is a single family zoning district and the applicant is asking to rezone that to the PD as the council probably remembers all rezonings in the downtown um uh need to be when they're reson they have to be reson to the PD District um it's approximately 0.54 acres and on the slide up on the screen right now on the left is an areial in blue shows the properties and on the right uh it's bolded in red uh the applicant has proposing to construct eight unit duplex style Apartments excuse me uh eight duplex style attached tow houses uh the subject properties will then later be subdivided through the plat process um and uh the property is surrounded by single family uses to the South and West m family in a cemetery to the East and Commercial uses are up to the north uh on Bush Boulevard this is the conceptual plan uh this conceptual plan depicts uh twostory four2 unit Town Homes uh sharing a common wall and it's located on two Parcels it will be accessed from Overlook Drive and at a later date a detailed site plan and Subdivision plat will be submitted to the council um the future land use map category for this area as is for our entire downtown is the uh dm35 it has a maximum dwelling dwelling uh units per acre of 35 dwelling units per acre the property here if it was maximum dwelling unit would be about dwelling units based on that density would be about 19 dwelling units the applicant is asking for eight um with this there are some waivers our code requires that when somebody wants to change to a PD District they choose the most for uh design the most um like zoning uh district and one is this is for tow houses so um they designed it based on some of those townhouse standards so they're going to need some waivers uh We've listed the waivers that they've requested and we've added two more uh staff has no issue with any of the waivers that they're proposing as the council also knows in the in the community redevelopment area in our downtown zoning ordinance we require that the new buildings as much as possible try and meet uh design standards of um Mediterranean architecture so the applicant has provided elevations these elevations are also part of an exhibit to the ordinance this would be the front elevation the rear elevation of the property and the side elevations um we looked at the criteria for uh the architecture uh style in our um zoning District dealing with massing building facades roof form and details and materials window treatments and building entrances all these are uh pretty much consistent with what is in the um zoning District requirements for how the buildings should look our recommendation well on December 26 of 2023 the Planning Commission reviewed this and made a recommendation for consist consistency with the comprehensive plan as they always make a recommendation uh and they found it was consistent with the comprehensive plan staff has reviewed that and we recommend approval on first reading of an ordinance adopting the zoning reclassification uh application 23-05 which proposes the change the zoning classification for 4.45 Acres uh from the r10 zoning District to the PD zoning District the applicants are in the Audi tonight I can ask her any questions that youall may have and I believe there's also some people in the audience that want to speak to the council as well thank you Mr Sherman so now for public comment I have a couple of papers on this first one is from um Mr Jenkins um with all du respect uh vice mayor I believe the applicant would speak next is that is that right um that's at your Liberty Mr Shan yes okay yes sir please go ahead thank you you start okay please sir uh good even I know this is first reading and uh typically do do you want us to go through the full presentation or wait till second reading or we're ready to to make the Pres tonight tonight if that's what uh you desire okay thank you for the record my name is Stephen Thompson I'm an attorney with the law firm of nashby Thompson and I have been sworn I'm representing the applicant with me today I have the applicant uh Mr Charles Thomas also um I have our land use consultant Todd prman I'd like to begin by just saying a couple things about uh Mr Thomas uh it's interesting I do a lot of land use work and we get a lot of developers from different areas coming in to to develop properties it's interesting about Mr Thomas Mr Thomas was actually went to middle school in Temple Terrace so he has a connection to this community and I know when we first started talking um with Charles he basically said hey I want to make sure that we do a quality development in Temple Terrace I have a lot invested in the community and so I think true to his word we have done that um I think the the first thing uh that we did was met with the staff and talked to the staff about what we were going to do had some great input from the staff and I think that is really what was the key to this project is making sure that we listened obviously to Mr Thomas but also to the staff understanding what the issues were and working together and I think as a result of that we have really come up with what I would consider a superior plan and that is something that you really want in that plan development District so we've gone to Great Lengths to to come up with a good plan you can hear details about what we have inside of the the homes I mean as you know the the level of the Furnishings but you can see the quality exterior year and we're certainly a lot less than you know what would be allowable under the density we're probably about half of the allowable density so we're not trying to squeeze everything in here I think we remain true to what Mr Thomas told us I want a quality development for Temple terce and and I and I think uh that's what uh we're we're bringing you um taking a look at the staff report um this request is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan uh recommended for approval by both the planning staff and your staff um we're in agreement with the staff report and also the conditions and obviously uh the stipulation so we appreciate that at this point in time I'm going to ask Mr prman to make a presentation I'm going to ask Mr Thomas to come up here and talk a little bit about it and then after the residents have spoken I would at least like the opportunity to if necessary to reut and basically go through through uh why we think that uh you should approve this request thank you great comment great comments thank you for the record Todd prman 2002nd Avenue South number 451 in St Petersburg I do have a quick PowerPoint for you there we are uh which Mr Sherman I think covered very well some of the points um the uh fil uh issue the file number uh location and what's proposed which is eight multif family units um he showed you a really very nice elevation uh that you've heard has been uh elements that have been discussed in terms of feedback and best suggestions for that immediate area this would be uh different elevation with a little bit of different coloring and you saw the rear as well which is uh very uh open uh with a lot of Windows uh the project site is the two Parcels that you can see here for the property praiser uh and importantly the same owner uh of this project owns to the North and then is also indicated in the staff report the cemeter is located uh to the North and then also to the East and as well in terms of um consistency and compatibility apartments are located uh to the rear on the east as well uh the plan has been laid out uh to produce or to have uh a lower number of driveways so that the uh uh units remain looking in a nice single U residential Family Manor um and um the view from the front uh will maintain the same trees uh the only difference of trees may be a few in the rear depending upon the arborous report that we've received there's a number of points I just wanted to emphasize in the staff report um which notes that U the design incorporates multiple elements that allow the facad to bring continuity and cohesiveness to the entire project it's consistent with the spirit and intent of the city of Temple Terrace downtown's mixed use multif family District zoning uh which the future land use for this property uh is the downtown mixed use the current resoning requested seeks to change from r10 to plan development which as just indicate to you which I think is a very important finding that the allowable maximum number of units is 19 however there were only eight units being proposed here uh and as you look through the staff report there are uh many many land use policies that are referred to uh and that are confirmed as being consistent and compatible with the site so with that we appreciate your attention and as indicated we're happy to answer any questions you might have thank you thank you Mr Pressman so now we'll do public comment um uh Mr Jenkins would you like to speak good evening my name is James Jenkins I reside at 8722 Overlook Drive um my mother and father moved to Temple Terrace in 1949 and bought the entire side of Overlook Drive it was Wilderness then and my father built his home there by himself and I still own and maintain that home but when I was married in 19 1986 my wife and I moved there and I built a beautiful a big beautiful contemporary home um many of the people that reside on Overlook Drive have been there 30 40 or 50 years we're a pretty close-knit community of very very good friends but people just don't come and go uh on Overlook Drive um and I have some concerns that have happened already one is is that when Ralph lton sold his restaurant to O'Reilly B Parts O'Reilly also took one of his properties behind it so they extended down Overlook Drive recently in the last couple of years Joe uh chacho at dwey Liquors bought one of lon's residences behind Dewey's Liquors and extended down the next thing that happened is the storage units decided on the parking lot that used to be for the bowling alley which faces Overlook Drive decided to put up two-story units so I have to look at that wall all the time so now Mr Thomas has already begun and been approved and is building these Town Homes at the end of my street on some vacant lots that were there and so I just feel as though they're slowly encroaching and I don't live directly across from 8727 but I live very close to it and personally no matter how attractive they are I don't want them across from my home I do not not want twostory Town Homes facing my house it's simply not compatible with that neighborhood and the gentleman that spoke earlier that said that Mr Thomas had an investment in this community I've lived on that street 71 years I think that I have an investment in that Community as well and in closing i' just like to say that I know some of you in the city council I know Miss Fernandez uh my son and her kids played baseball together I happen to know where she lives and I would ask you that if someone came to your neighborhood and wanted to tear down the house across the streate from you no matter how attractive they are and put up twostory town homes would you approve of that would you like that I think not thank you thank you Mr Jenkins uh next up I have um Miss uh Acton Gail Acton good evening good evening my name is G Acton I live at 8721 Overlook Drive I have lived there now 10 years I my parents own their house um they bought it in I believe 1968 they lived it until my father passed away was the last parent I had in uh 20 3 I was retiring from Wisconsin so I moved down here and took over the property which I inherit I have three lots I build a ranch house I thought about a twostory but it doesn't fit in that neighborhood and besides that I was getting older and I wanted to downsize so anyway I'm against this zoning because I'm liking that door to 8 727 I'm on the left hand side with the three Lots now Mr Mr Charles came to my house last week and offer his help whatever I needed well what I really need him not to build any more tow houses he had already taken over the last and I had put a petition Up 3 years ago before he got that land at the end of our street and I had everybody signed in the neighborhood plus the homes that facing those Town Homes now at the in the street so I fax it to Gus I'm believe I talked to and he got it of course I didn't follow up on it that was my mistake so anyway I feel that that would be on ball situ situation and it might put a damp on my value in my own home and property like I said I own three lots he HED around and liking to Li to buy my property I'm sure he can build more town homes so I feel that is never going to be an end to it he's going to get who whatever he wants on property on Overlook Drive more H Town Homes so we will be kicked out I'm not going to sell I'm definitely not going to sell to him if I sell I'll sell them the way I want to be sell it but anyway I S fil I've been like I said I've been living here 10 years had the house weone it's only 10 years old now and I want to keep it and pass it on to my family so I don't want any townhouse is next to me so to end it all I feel that uh I don't want it res zoned thank you Miss act thank you is there any other public comment okay seeing none um uh would the applicant like to speak on any of the matters presented by the community well I appreciate I really don't have much to say but um you know when a developer comes into a community the first thing he looks at is the comprehensive plan and the Land Development code talks to the staff about what can we do and that really is what happened here and what we have tonight is really a proposal that meets all of the legal criteria and requirements of the city of Temple terrorist and that's what we always we're not cutting Corners we're not doing something that's not allowed for in the code it it's basically a contract or an agreement between a homeowner and the city and that's really all we're seeking to do we could have requested a lot more density we did not do that um we think that the uh proposal is consistent compatible um but again um when we approach this we determine what we could do legally and it's a lot less than really what we could do uh but certainly it does meet the city's requirements and again what we would request is approval with the conditions and stipulations and I'll let Mr Thomas talk too thank you good evening Charlie Thomas 8725 T Lakes Boulevard um good to see you all um I would like to start off with a couple things um first that this property was owned by a homeowner who had owned it for 60 years and their children were selling it and they reached out to us and I think that's a testament to what we're doing and our commitment that we've been in the neighborhood because the previous properties they were for sale we found an open market but they sought us out with our previous communication to them um Ree and said hey we like what you're doing on the end down there we would like you to do something with this the house has um been deteriorated and so we were able to facilitate it and then purchase this house and so I say that one to say that um there's a myriad of people in the neighborhood but one of the neighborhood members reached out to us to say hey we would like you to develop this the second part I would like to say is that we've heard you right we came here before the the overly District calls for multif Family rental high density and then we got the sentiment that that's not what the council has a taste or feel for and so what we did on the development for this was to address that we wanted single family home ownership with the uh single family neighborhood uh field to it which is what the design that you have there uh we've gone back and forth with staff the original design uh staff had issues that they wanted a single drive and we fought hard and said we couldn't come to agreement on the single driveway because that would give a uh a look of an apartment complex or something like that and would have a 24 28t driveway down the center so we've taken a lot of time and energy to make sure that we've heard what you ask for and that we've come back with something that's not only compatible for the neighborhood that meets the comprehensive plan and and the intent um for the overlay District not that it does allow for 35 but it's it's a appropriate mix right 35 next to this and then so our neighbors are the uh the commercial building that has a two-story wall on it the white wall the uh graveyard behind us and then the apartment complex there we believe that it's consistent with the plan and it has not only the spirit but the intent of what the development would look like in the community so we uh request share approval thank you Mr Thomas um Mr prman just a couple points U I think it's important to recognize that the r10 category now allows structures up to 35 fet High uh obviously twostory uh so in regard to height issues what's permissible now what's proposed uh are basically the same even though this would uh the structure probably would be a little bit less than that but when you look at the staff report it does bring out a number of I think critical land use policies 3.5.7 to establish concentrations of Housing and varying densities with varying mixes of uses goal number one provide a variety of adequate housing in order to serve the community's population in an orderly fashion and promote the vision of Temple Terrace and policy 1.2.6 the city shall encourage a greater variety of housing types occupancy standards and sizes to diversify yet maintain compatibility with single family neighborhoods and goal 9 objective 9d provide a housing inventory and living environment that supports its population and provides a safe and pleasing environment and these are elements that you find throughout Tampa Bay as housing is becoming critical and affordable housing is becoming critical and the new term mid missing middle housing which is what this would apply to is desperately needed throughout Tampa Bay that what these land use category or these land use goals refer to and that is precisely what is proposed here so that we appreciate your attention and consideration thank you thank you Mr prman so now we'll open it up for council member questions council members we have any questions I do Mr Chambers first uh Mr Sherman it was mentioned that height is not a factor in this rezoning because uh twostory could be built on the current zoning classification what would be different in this project if the zoning did not change if the zoning did not change it would still allow for single family homes they would have to be detached single family homes whereas these are attached single family homes the height would not change it would still allow 35 ft or two stories um lot coverages and things like that there would be some minor differences it's just just a higher density in the dmu 35 category I know you're I'm asking you to speculate but of the uh eight units what if it stayed r10 what could be built the number of units I know you're I believe it's one house per lot so two units okay might be able to subdivide it I don't have the lot width in front of me but I believe one house per lot would be built okay that's all I have I have something for the developer other questions from Council hey seeing none wait I want to talk to the developer now oh I'm so sorry please go ahead yeah or somebody and I know this really doesn't have to do with the zoning but I'm going to ask anyway um since they're uh individually owned uh Town Homes uh the mowing of their areas that's done by the individual the homeowner there's not going to be an association or is there um there would still be an HOA um to U there will be an HOA the um what we've done 8701 there still be HOA this one's a little bit different the um water is paid by individually be individually metered and then there will probably be a con a a Community Lawn Service because of the swell in the backyard the storm water um retention we would U it would be paid by the HOA so it would be an HOA fee to cover that okay garbage same thing garbage would be individually it would be picked up with the water meter okay and my last question again it doesn't doesn't have to do with this but my curiosity uh could there would there be fencing could could somebody fence between the detached units um T well the city it's only going to if they wanted to fence in their sidey yard to side yard setback currently um no they could fence in it could be fenced in from the HOA from a security purpose um the perimeter and then there would be gates to access the back okay but the the the way it's ploted that fee simple they own the square box and then the driveway and then the other would be common area okay thank you that's all the question and just to answer your question um currently it's three units that's allowable um okay which you asked earlier it's three units through the PD process it would be four okay thank thank you anything else all right so I will close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida resoning 0.545 Acres of real property within the downtown Community Development Area located approximately 540 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive in Bush Boulevard with an address of 8727 Overlook Drive folio numbers 21594 d00 and 2011 59300 from Zone and classification single family residential r10 to plan development PD providing for Amendment to the officials zoning map of the city providing severability and effective date and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with the ordinance is acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the ordinance resoning the property at 8727 Overlook Drive to approve on first reading the uh uh reclassification the ordinance re approving the re the resoning of the uh folio numbers 2015 94-00 and 20115 93-00 the address 20 8727 Overlook Drive this would be an approval of first re first public hearing and reading with a second we have a date certain on the 2nd what will that be juneth next June 4th okay with the with the with the second hearing scheduled for June uh 4th we have a motion is there a second second okay is there a discussion on the motion I just would like to thank the developer for I recognize that there's concerns in the neighborhood but I know that Mr Thomas has done great work with the other area and I have confidence and he will uphold and and and live up to the the commitment he's made to this area also I'm confident anything else okay all those in favor signify with i i opposed no nay the motion passes if approved this ordinance will appear for second reading and public hearing on Tuesday June 4th 2024 all right next uh Council business anyone have any um carryover Council Council business nope okay um new business and board reports I just have one item council member Fernandez uh just to follow up with the Riverwatch task force they discussed the comments from the last council meeting at their meeting last night and we'll be coming back with um an adjusted policies and goals so I'll let you know when that's finished thank you for the update nothing nothing else okay uh city manager report Madame vice mayor members of council I have nothing to add city attorney's report I don't have a report but I wanted to introduce our uh legal intern that we have right now who is a student at Thomas kly Law School and that is Kimberly Stafford she's right over here so and she's she's in our office uh at least two days a week and if anybody wants to stop by they can but I have her working really really hard welcome Kimberly happy to have you I'm glad to be here great right um with that said we will adjourn the meeting thank you all very much yes I didn't mean to cut you off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]