afternoon ladies and gentlemen um I will call the meeting to order uh for the record uh the mayor and members of city council will now adjourn for a closed executive session pursuant to Florida State Statute 4 44765 regarding labor negotiations the Clos session will be held in the city managers conference room on the second floor of City Hall the executive session will be attended by myself mayor Andy Ross vice mayor Meredith Abel council members James Chambers Allison Fernandez and Gil schist city manager Carlos baa Deputy City attorney Ernie Mueller fire chief Ian Kemp assistant Finance director Jennifer Newman and Human Resources Director Antonio Nazario so we will now adjourn to the second floor [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] hey hey hey [Music] well good evening everybody um the uh Council had uh convened a closed executive session at 5:00 and we have returned from the closed executive session so therefore we are ending that meeting and are opening the city council meeting so welcome everybody to the June 18th meeting of the Temple teror City Council it's nice to see so many people with us tonight like to remind to please silence your electronic devices and if you would please stand and join us in the invocation and the pledge Lord we begin our meeting tonight in gratitude for the blessings you bestow on our amazing City we thank you for our freedom and pray for all those throughout the world who suffer oppression or tyranny we pray for those in our city who are sick or struggling with economic hardship may they feel your comfort and the support of our community finally we pray during this election year that you will help us heal the divisions in our country and work together in promoting the American ideals of freedom and justice for all amen I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you and good evening again for those of you who don't normally join us at our Council meetings we have a new tradition that we've been doing for well I don't know a year and a half or so now and we begin each meeting with a historical or interesting or fun fact uh concerning our city or the region and so we trade duties uh every council meeting it's uh rotates down the deis and tonight I'm happy or sad to report that that Duty fell on me and so tonight I want to talk about um Temple Terrace and our love affair with our trees if you've been in Temple Terrace for any length of time you know that Temple Terrace is a city that is in love with our tree canopy and and we all of us shudder uh whenever a tree is destroyed by a storm or hit by light in or removed by development and so I wanted to back up from that a little bit and discuss how our tree canopy is doing and what we're doing to ensure its continued um health and prosperity and and actually there's a lot to this there's more than you would think it's not just let's go find a tree and hug right so um if those of you who know some of the history of Temple Terrace know that as much as we love our Oak canopy and we and we do that that's really not the original what Temple Terrace looked like back in the day and if you look at pictures some of them are up here but you look at the the back in the birth of Palmer days and the mod Fowler days uh most of what is now Temple Terrace was scrubby Pine Forest it wasn't Lush Live Oaks like it is today so what much of what you see today is not really what it looked like back when they first came here um it was scrubby Pines for the most part and also remember that we were home to the largest Citrus Grove in the world so we had like 5,000 Acres where there were there were no trees except orange trees right so we didn't have the trees that we have today and if you look back in the you know the 30s 4S 50s when at postor War II era when there's a lot of development in Temple Terrace you'll you'll recognize some of the streets and houses but there are no trees it looks like they just built a house on the surface of the Moon right there's no trees so the tree canopy that we enjoy today is largely a product of plantings that occurred after the the Orange Grove Days right post World War II so some of this I'm going to cite today came is is a published article it's a scholarly article written by a Temple Terrace native named Steven Fernandez not native is a resident I don't think he's any he's a Temple Terrace resident named Steven Fernandez um Steven's a great guy he is a researcher and professor at the University of South Florida uh he's also the city's appointee to the Planning Commission really really interesting guy and his specialty is something called lar which is light light distance and ranging it's like radar or sonar only it's done with light with lasers and there's something called aerial light R where they fly over and they map they it's really tricky cuz they have to hold the plane at a really constant altitude and measures um I mean within much smaller than square feet I mean it's like point and they can get precise exact elevations and they they map they scan and map the entire State of Florida um they've been scanning the State of Florida for over 20 years now so most of Florida fact I think all of Florida has been scanned and at this point scanned several times what's neat and important about doing it several times over a period of time as you can compare the previous scans to the older scans and that's exactly what step did in the city of Temple Terrace is he looked at the tree canopy using lar data from 2007 which is the first time Temple Terrace was scanned and then 2017 was the last time it was scanned this article is published in 2020 citing the data from 2017 so it's 7 years old at this point um so keep that in mind but the trends are good so what Stephen found was comparing the 2007 data to the 2017 data was the city limits at that time at 2017 City Limits it's changed a little bit now city of Temple Terrace actually gained what do you think how much tree canopy do you think we gained anybody got a guess an acre 5 Acres say 20 70 we actually gained 70 Acres of tree canopy between 2007 and 2017 now that's a combination of growth of the existing trees and the planting of new trees that are over 12T High 70 acres in this in the city of Temple Terrace was gaining that 10 years now keep in mind this is seven-year-old data right so we've probably gained at this point even more than that but there's a flip side they also discovered something that was kind of unintended he looked at where there were tree canopy losses and there's a pattern to this and one of the patterns he discovered was after World War II there was a lot of development there a lot of properties were were developed in fact 30% of the properties in Temple Terrace were developed prior to 1970 30% most of that development during that era involved the planting of Laural Oaks because they're a faster growing Oak they provide shade and become mature trees fast so people planted Laurel Oaks when they put their homes in Laurel Oaks have a lifespan of 50 to 70 years so do the math guess what's happening now they're dying they're old right they're not like Live Oaks they don't last as long and so the Laurel Oaks are dying in the city and that's he he actually picked up on this pattern with the lar scans and there's even hotpots in the city like on Druid Hills and Cliff I think was one of the hot spots where we've had Laurel Oaks dying so um not to belabor the point but in 2017 right over 40% of the city of Temple Terrace had a tree canopy over half or not over half over 40% right which is pretty good if you compare us to other Metro other cities of our size that's a pretty good number so there's some scientific evidence that our tree planting program our tree under our arborist our tree management our tree mitigation strategies that we employ when we have development are working right um so it's working I think we need to stay the course there's no talk about us not staying the course but um it's working it's not just anecdotal so I want everybody to kind of remember that when we talk about new development we all love to see new development because it brings new business and new growth and new taxes that we can spend to build parks and amenities and so forth so it's a good thing when we see growth but we all cringe right because they're cutting a tree down right and and I get it I cringe too when you see a big tree that's come down but I want everybody to remember that we have a healthy Modern urban Forest management system and this biodiversity by planting different species of trees Magnolia different types of Oaks and we have trees of different ages and levels of maturity that's not a bad thing either right and so that's how modern forestry works and I've got a lot more to talk about because that actually this caused me to say well I wonder how we're doing compared to the rest of the country and there's a lot of stuff about this um but it's not all doom and gloom if you're a tree lover as I'm sure everybody here probably is um it's not always a gloomy picture even in the United States it's not Doom and Gloom now there's some problem areas but we're actually doing in today's world pretty good compared to every year since 1940 the tree canopy in the United States is increased we have more trees now than we did 100 years ago so we're actually doing a pretty good job um as a nation now I know you're going to go somewhere and say well they just clearcut there okay there's exceptions but I mean as a as a as a whole our country is doing very very well so anyway I don't know if that was fun or interesting but I'm done so I'm good okay first item of business is a proclamation for national waste and recycling workers week and we're going to invite our Public Works director Jason warrenfeltz to the podium good evening Jason for those of you who have not met Jason he's one of our newer directors a fantastic guy really cleaning up a lot of uh things in the public works department and we're really thrilled to have him on board and uh so I'm glad you're here so the proclamation reads whereas the nation celebrates the week of June 17th as National waste and recycling workers week and according to the Centers for Disease Control the eradication of many diseases in the western world is due in large part to a higher public sanitation standards resulting from effective garbage disposal the men and women employed by the city of Temple Terrace sanitation collection and Hauling division serve our community making significant contributions to the safety Health and Welfare of citizens sanitation staff contribute to a tidy and clean Community the city of Temple terce values and celebrates our waste and recycling workers trash collectors dumpster haulers street cleaners and all others employed in the sanitation industry to serve residents and local businesses and I I think you know from our your short time here how much our city loves our Public Works employees so so I'm proud to say that I Andy Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby set aside June 17th to 22nd 2024 as National waste and recycling workers week so thank you Jason would you like to say a few words yes sir thank you mayor city council I want to highlight our City Sanitation a little bit by the numbers um city council and and staff know this but for the residents it's good information I think sanitation has 16 full-time dedicated staff um they're led by their manager Joe Munos who unfortunately was on vacation this week so I stepped in for him um sanitation split into two functions they have a commercial section and a residential section the residential operates five or six trucks on a daily average serving the residents um they visit their homes multiple times a week uh doing the residential solid waste collection they do their Recycling and they also do their yard waste their yard debris the commercial division uh which operates seven or eight trucks on a daily basis consist of the front loads and the rolloffs and then the boom truck which does bulk pickup on the front load side which is the most active outside of residential for the commercial um we have over 200 the city has over 250 commercial accounts for front load that has over 330 dumpsters out for service and these drivers haul over 700 dump or pick up 700 times a week on front load service so they do a fair amount uh the rolloff drivers have over 70 rolloff compactor containers that they service weekly um and then the solid waste division in 2023 hold just around 22,000 tons of waste from the city with 400 tons of recycling products that were removed from the city so th those are good numbers and that's that's a lot of waste that's a good amount of recycling this year what we're seeing in in the calendar year not the fiscal year we're averaging a little over 2,000 tons a month so the numbers are up um and all that I mean great great St of men and women that serve the residents and the businesses and uh I'm I'm happy that they've dedicated a week to the to those workers so very good thank you [Applause] Jason good thanks for being here all right 3 two 1 3 two one thank you thank you guys thanks for your work [Applause] next we have some honored guests tonight I'd like to invite up our uh Jonathan russnak and georgees Gonzalez two of our esteemed residences thank you for being here U we have a proclamation for pride month and I want to thank you guys for coming out this evening I know you're both very busy so I appreciate it says whereas the city of Temple Terrace observes pride month to honor the history and support the rights of all citizens to experience equality and freedom from discrimination all people regardless of age gender race color religion marital status national origin sexual orientation or physical challenges have the right to be treated based on their intrinsic value as human beings the city of Temple Terrace accepts and welcomes people of diverse backgrounds and believes a diverse population leads to a more Vibrant Community Temple Terrace will continue to be a city where all people regardless of their sexual orientation are treated with dignity and respect Temple Terrace does hereby recognize and salute that diversity and welcomes and Embraces the inclusion of all members of the community as part of what makes Temple Terrace an amazing City now therefore I Andy Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida to hereby proclaim the month of June 2024 as pride month so thank you gentlemen for being here you like to say a few words thank you mayor Ross for having us out here I mean as long-term residents of the city it's it's great to see how far we've come and how much we enjoy living here so thank you very much gorgees same I feel like I'm at work I've never known you to be short on Words Right very good all right three two one three two one thank [Applause] you all right our next item of business is a centennial celebration committee update and our chair of that committee uh Nancy Hudson is here to give us an update welcome thank you mayor Ross thank you council members I'm here to give you a quick update and I have a little presentation just to share where we are um on our committee we've done a really good job we have a great committee working really hard to try to make 2025 just a great [Applause] celebration so just want to remind you guys of the objectives that we had which was to plan coordinate market and secure sponsorships for the city celebration to develop all of the plans gather Community input um make recommendations and implement the celebration plans lead the fundraising initiative solicit sponsorships and coordinate with the city staff on the marketing efforts and I really wanted to thank the committee because we do have a great group of people who've been working for quite a while on this I think we've been at it about 18 months now so I want to thank Julie almea Sher Don Hugh Cheryl money Marissa Robinson our city liaison Corey Collins and Joel Duarte and of course James Chambers who's our Council support so just as a reminder our plans are to do an overall city celebration for all year next year from January through December and we're trying to Brand the current events and bring in some new events to really be part of that celebration we hope to have branded banners and decor and signage throughout the city and we're working with Joel to make sure that that happens in a really meaningful way that people really know that we're celebrating and that there's something special going on we have branded merchandise including my new t-shirt which you can see here and we have some house flags that are already completely designed and ready to go and we will have those ready very soon our Committee Member Julie alme did design all of these and she did a great job we're really lucky to have such a talented graphic artist um on the team so it's making it look great we would love to do 100-year Christmas ornament and we currently don't have a committee or group that has taken that on we thought we did but we don't so if anybody has any suggestions or would like to own that piece of it we'd still think that that would be a really meaningful part of a of a promotion activity and again we're trying to have all these things ready by October of 2024 so people can buy them for Christmas gifts and be really ready for the celebration of 25 let's see our monthly events uh we do have something planned pretty much every month with the current events and other things that will'll have the Centennial overlay and we are working on an online Taste of Temple Terrace that will really support the restaurants and kind of promote all the unique things that we have and we'll launch that with the website on our web page um hopefully hopefully soon we have our sponsorship form completed which I think you might have a copy of in your packet um we do have verbal confirmations from the Women's Club and the temple tus Arts Council um as $5,000 sponsors which will help support our murals specifically and then we did apply for the city Catalyst grant for 2500 which I haven't heard but I hope we'll get so um our signature event has taken a bit of a turn um we had originally talked about doing something on the golf course Allah the 4th of July event and now we've decided to turn it more towards the river River Hills Park um we do again it's it's to be a pre Community event that everyone can be included in and we just thought it might be nice to have something that was different very special for the Centennial make it something that we could own maybe something that could be continued so music inv Benders maybe it has a battle of the bands this one still needs a lot of work and we're working very closely with Corey to pull this all together so by the time we have our next update and October we'll be able to give you a lot more specifics but the date is May 3rd 2025 which is a Saturday and it will be again a big community- free event we've done a lot of work on the muralist which we talked about last time what we're trying to do is to create something that has some Nostalgia something about the future something about the uniqueness of Temple Terrace really make some destination murals here in Temple Terrace that not only our community would love to see but people will drive here just to take pictures of so you can see we had over 25 artists um submit to be part of it and we've selected these five artists to join us and these are the areas that their murals will be um presented in and again we're just hoping to have that um we're looking for sponsors hard so hopefully we'll be able to cover a lot of the costs of the murals and uh we hope to have the final budget approved so that they can commence work in January so that all of these murals would be completed by that signature celebration the beginning of May again working super closely with Corey because they're scaffolding and cleaning and a lots of other things that have to take place but she's she's all over it we've also been working with Marissa um Robinson another Committee Member she is working on a comprehensive 100-year timeline what we're hoping to do is either create some sort of 3D model cool Banner something that we can take around the city to different events could be displayed in the library or at the rec center that can be just something very meaningful that will be special and unique throughout the year mariss has done a really great job great pictures about people about history and just make something that will last long after the celebrations over we're also really focused on the school involvement we're dedicating our whole October meeting to inviting all the principls hopefully some teachers so that we can spend some time talking about what they need to make sure that the schools are very involved with the program for 2025 talk about what educational outcomes they need what materials they need how we can help them brand some of their activities so that all the kids feel really really included in the overall celebration so next steps for us are to get that budget approved um when you guys do that the end of the year and then again really work on the coordination of those murals um we're working in the next two months or so to really Comm overc communicate to the clubs and groups so that they make sure they know what's going on that they know how to participate that they have thought about their activities for the coming year and how they can be even more involved working closely with Joel on dwarte on the deor celebration plans and the new website page because we think that'll be really helpful in communicating all that we're doing um again working very closely with Corey on that signature event and the distribution plan for all of the promotional t-shirts and so forth can you get them at the rec center and the library and maybe here the different places that that can happen um again really focused on that school involvement and helping them produce their needed materials um really want to encourage Community Support we haven't had a tremendous attendance at our meetings we've had a couple of DieHard fans that come every time but people would love to come people have ideas I keep hearing through the grapevine what about this or how you guys thought of that so we'd love to encourage everybody to come our meetings are the first Thursday of every month at 5:00 p.m and we'd love to have more involvement and more ideas so our next update will be from your new chair um and that'll be in October of 2024 so I'm happy to entertain any questions or any thoughts that you guys have before close it up thank you Mrs Hudson Council yes council member Fernandez uh so the HBO county has a cultural assets committee that does award grants and one of well what the focus is our community cultural and Artistic Endeavors Act of activities especially events that are highlight in the community and open to the community and this seems like the signature event would fall within that purview I know that the grant window should be opening sometime in early August but there are two Grant Cycles so I don't know if the early August award would cover into May or if that would come out in in the second cycle but um I would encourage the committee to look at the Hillsboro County website and see if that's a possibility also there is I know James will probably talk about it but there's also an art committee for Hillsboro County that does award some grants great thank you I will definitely follow it no questions I have a comment later on but no question questions no questions just great PE um Council uh your Centennial committee is fantastic these people work hard they've been working hard they have great ideas thank you very much to you and your committee thank you thank you so wait wait wait wait wait you didn't get me I'm sorry so I have a more of a comment than a question too and um we've talked about this before but it's become really apparent to all of us who have struggled for these interesting or historical facts every it was easy at the beginning and now it's getting harder every time you have to do it but it seems like there's a lot of stuff from the 1920s you know there's a lot of 1925 stuff not you know a lot of things about berth of Palmer and mod Fowler and then and then things kind of go dark for four decades and you know until the 70s you don't see much of anything and and ironically that's when most of the city was built and yet there's not a whole lot from the 19 what the post world War II era is was huge and yet it's like this black chapter we just have nothing on it and so I'm hoping that your committee can resurrect some of that because you know at this point if you've been around Temple terrrace for a long you know about the Orange Grove you know about berth of Palmer you know I mean the stories kind of get redundant but nobody knows about you know 1940s and 50s and that's so I'm hoping that Marissa and you guys are able to uncover some of that pass that note along thank you thank you okay thank you for being here next we have a board appointment um there is a vacancy on the hillsbor county maritime law advisory committee um the city received an one application from Eric Kravitz who I don't see here um Mr Kravitz um is the current well he he this is an expired term he currently served on the committee and his term expired on May the 3D um he also serves on the boa the board of adjustment in the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee um he's our one applicant so is there a motion I move to approve Eric kevitz for the Hillsboro County maritime law advisory committee second motion is second discussion all those in favor say I I I okay if Mr Kravitz is watching we thank you for your continued service Council has everybody had an opportunity to review our minutes of our June 4th meeting and if so is there a motion move to approve second any discussion or corrections to the minutes if not all those in favor say I I I opposed no nay minutes are adopted next are persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda there are forms in the back of the room uh just inside the door and that little table if you to address the council I currently have no requests to speak nor do I see a big stamped back there to the getto form so I'm going to assume nobody wishes to address the council okay next uh council is there a motion to approve the consent agenda move to approve the consent agenda all all those in favor say I I I very good consent agenda is adopted next is a public hearing and resolution approving the city of Temple Terrace Community investment tax project list and I will open the public hearing and ask the city manager Mr Bea to explain good evening uh Mr Mayor members of council um at the last council meeting Deputy County Administrator Greg hell was here uh to present on the community investment tax and the interlocal agreement that the city council approved that evening allowing for the measure to renew the uh Cit to be put on the November ballot uh as part of that process the city council has to adopt a list of projects to be used against the proposed revenues that would be generated by the 15 years of the new CIT were to be renewed um those projects I will go through this evening for the public as part of the hearing so and these are at this point obviously this is a 15-year program so these projects will change or could change uh but right now this is our our best estimate as to uses of those projected dollars so uh first item is a public safety building um and actually I have the presentation I just need to tweak it uh public safety building uh that we've talked about here uh 17 mil 500,000 projected costs also police vehicles um 7,200 th000 police equipment uh would be 200,000 Fire Station 3 including a training tower building would be 9,500,000 a fire apparatus or vehicles uh would be about $6 million over the course of the 15 years uh Fire Equipment uh would be uh about 500,000 in the Leisure Services Department we're looking at parks improvements again these would be funds to acquire playground equipment and other amenities and make safety improvements to our Parks we looking at about a million dollars there potential new new park construction if we wanted to build new outdoor recreational facilities including uh Playing Fields boardwalks Etc $5 million projected we also have improvements to existing recreational facilities to enhance things like our swimming pools or fitness and exercise facilities tennis equipment Etc $6 million and then improvements to the library including new flooring and expansion of the office area and study rooms projected at $750,000 and then improvements to General government facilities uh including City Hall the Public Works complex uh $300,000 that adds up to uh $3,950 th000 which is more or less what the projected Revenue would be from the CIT happy to take any questions thank you Mr Bri we'll go to public comment are there members of the public who wish to comment Mr lob yes good evening sir good evening nice to see you all again there's a couple of things that I noticed I was reading the list that the city manager was talking about and there's a couple of things that maybe you might want to think about to put on the list first of all it be a city bus for your residents as they all get toward aging they might want to transfer around through a bus through the city the second thing I was thinking about is solar paneling over the course of time the electric is going to keep going up and up and up and up for running your buildings and that uh eventually I believe like television that prices are going to go down on solar paneling as there's more competition of course as the price of electric goes up so you might want to think along those lines too and add that to a your possible list especially when you think in terms up to 2041 thank you thank you Mr L are there other members of the public who wish to comment on this okay seeing none council members questions for Mr be no no very good thank you and that case I'll close the public hearing and is there a motion to approve the project list move to approve the project list the the Temple Terrace Community investment tax project list second any discussion of the motion um well the only thing I'd like to just say is that it's it's a list that would be first the community investment tax can only be used for actual investment it cannot be used for any ongoing expenses but also this project list could is not set in stone it's just our PR preliminary list and as time goes on if the tax does uh pass and it is in effect into the future I mean we can change this list as the needs of the city change that's all that's a good point Thank You council member other comments discussion if not all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays resolution is adopted thank you Mr be next is a resolution authorizing a city manager to execute a contract with half Associates Inc for design and Engineering Services for Riverside Park in the amount of 488,000 488,000 $665 and Leisure Services director Carl langfield is here to explain good evening mayor members of city council Carl langfeld Leisure Services director during the May 20 1 Community Development agency meeting I made a presentation outlining steps taken to select a firm to perform design and Engineering Services for Riverside Park additionally concept ideas were presented and at that meeting the CRA voted to move the project forward to city council the current Riverside Park was constructed in 2009 this park was one of the initial projects to kick off the city's downtown Redevelopment efforts the vision of this park was it was to provide recreational amenities to the new residents moving into the new downtown area directly to the east of Riverside Park is approximately 4.8 Acres of city-owned undeveloped riverfront property this property is a mixture of Upland and Wetland areas through the city's Redevelopment efforts there have been multiple concepts for this property including a cultural art center Senior Living facility and restaurant usages following unsuccessful efforts to engage with a developer to bring forward a viable project city council elected to move to remove the property for sale listing and move forward with development of this property into a new Waterfront Park the vision for the development of of the vacant Riverside parcel is to link it with the existing Riverside Park to the west and to the Springdale Pond property to the north linking in the developing these three Parcels together creates a cohesive uh Park uh space and provide pedestrian access from the south side of the city to the city's downtown area conceptual ideas for the new park include Waterfront boardwalk and fishing pier canoe and kayak launch nature observation tower picnic and green space areas additionally pedestrian foot bridges over the existing Canal to connect with the existing Riverside Park and improvements to River Hills Drive to provide safe pedestrian Crossings to the Springdale Pond area additionally the design firm will be tasked with providing parking facilities for Park users earlier this year this fiscal year leisure services staff were tased was seeking a qualified firm for the uh through through a request for qualifications initial advertisement uh soliciting for qualifications the for the project was published on December 2nd of 2023 nine firms submitted proposals to be the selected firm for this project four firms were shortlisted and ultimately half Associates incorporate at was selected their selection was based on their extensive experience in developing Park Properties incorporating Waterfront and Wetland areas into their design and developing uh engineering and draining structures such as the Springdale Pond into usable Park spaces Hal's tasks will include but are not limited to surveying and geotechnical services public engagement meetings presentation to city council development of concept plans and construction documents permitting including coordination with third party groups such as Swift Mud EPC and the Army Corp Engineers bidding assistance and construction oversight so tonight I'm here to request a resolution authorizing the city manager to execute an agreement with Hal Associates Inc in the amount of $448,000 6655 for design and Engineering Services for Riverside Park Mr do you want to restate the amount I think he said it wrong 448,000 06655 we've got numbers different on my sheet did I am I am I reading it wrong well the screen's different from what you're saying I've got 488 but in it's 448 so oh I'm sorry I have a typle on my page 4 488 48 there yes my my notes that I'm speaking off of has a typo on it excuse me yeah so which is the correct number 488 excuse me 488 is the correct number okay I I I the notes that I'm reading off of I type it okay and your CLK it looks as though in the language of the resolution though it says 448 is that because does it all add up to four is that why adds up to 448 it all adds up to 4 12523 is 448 oh boy yes um 44866 55 my apologies I I I made an error in error in somewhere let me see which which the the the correct number is 448,000 44866 55 is the correct number thank you I'm just stepping into the future here a little bit when the motion maker please make sure you say the correct amount thank you Mr langfeld are there members of the public who wish to comment on this seeing none council member questions I have a question council member Fernandez um I don't know if it's for you or or for the actual firm but when the public input informational meetings are held I know that building on this site given that it's Upland and and lowland um Wetlands that there are there will be restrictions about what can be built and how the access to the river can be constructed uh for the boat launch the canoe launches Etc will that be part would will the meetings be set where it's everybody just throw every idea in their head out or will it be uh will there be some guidelines like wow that's a great idea but we can't do that there there will be in in my conversations with the firm they will be holding two public engagement meetings the first engagement meeting will be an opportunity for like you said to throw the ideas at the wall and see what sticks and and kind of Garner a uh a a level of interest for different features that could be incorporated into the park the second meeting will be a more focused meeting on what their design features that they gleaned from the first meetings were they were able to incorporate into the park and what can and can't work um based on what the they found following that first meeting okay so the second meeting will be the one to take the ideas and try to incorporate them into the design in a way that's allowable based on EPC and Swift Mud and and all the regulations that might be existing yes ma'am okay that's it other questions council member schisler all right I have two questions um first one what kind of deliverable due dates are we looking at for any of this I when I spoke to the firm about time frames they're they're anticipating approximately 12 months um to get through the design and into the bidding process okay second question I noticed you have the the amounts broken down between two accounts the significance uh one account is the CIT and the second account is the Tiff funds okay excellent thank you questions good um okay very good thank you is there a motion I move to approve a resolution authorizing the city manager to execute a contract with Health Associates Inc for design and Engineering Services for the Riverside Park in the amount of $4 48,6 55 second motion second any discussion just have one quick comment I I did hear there was a concern of somebody in the city I don't even know who but it reached me today that they're under the impression that we're going to like clearcut the whole shore of the river and make it like a beach and I just want to assure the public that that is not what we're planning to do I don't think any they wouldn't let us do that anyway but um the idea is to put a boardwalk but to maintain the natural beauty beauty of the River Shore so we we're not creating a beach here so um we're very goes back to the trees that we talked about at the beginning right we're not uh we're not clear cutting cypress trees so um if there's one person that's concerned about that there's probably others out there that are too so that is not our intent so very good all those in favor of the motion say I I I opposed no n thank you Mr lanefield next item is a resolution adopting and Rev sight plan and building elevations for property located at 13102 North 56 Street and our community development director Mike Sherman is here to explain good evening Mr Sherman hey Mr Mayor how are you tonight good how are you Mr Council so tonight we have going to hear again I guess it's a continued hearing from last um city council meeting for a site plan to consider where there was some elevations changes building elevations and some minor sight changes after the council approved the uh site plan and building elevations back in 2022 so here's uh we I know the council knows where it is but it's at the corner of uh it's the Salah commercial Plaza and it's at the corner of East 131st Street and North 56th Street the property is about 61 Acres so a little over half an acre the zoning is commercial General the fut use map category on the property is c commercial uh the approvals they have at this point are sight civil and building elevation plans a little bit of background it was approved back in June of 2022 for one story 7200 square ft multi-tenant structure the elevations were approved as part of the site plan approval there's 24 parking spaces located behind the structure as the council knows the building is pushed up to the street uh there's a 6ot landscape buffer on the west side of the property uh separate the residential uses of landscaping and a fence and the access is off 131st Avenue and I did that again here we go so these were the approved elevations that the council looked at back in 2022 um and after that the approval uh the building elevations in the site plan were modified a bit uh the the building perm was issued with the revised elevation plans at that point when we realized that we reached out to Dr s he immediately came forward and we started working together to try and get a set of plans and building elevations that the council would approve we met with the applicant worked very closely with them back to council for consideration of the last month meeting last meeting and then they uh remanded it back for tonight to do some more work um so this is a site plan of the property uh the modification on this one is the handicapped parking space was relocated there was some modifications to the storm order management system as well and here's the modified building elevations let's see I can't tell too much there but uh they include relocation of the handicap space storm water management control to the to the site plan itself modifications to the building elevations uh include uh these wanted to go on these These are what the act the contractor gave us to show sort of a detail what changes were done uh and this is the changes to the building elevations of the property and here's building elevation modifications called out on the uh elevation itself so one of the discussions we had at the last meeting was what is the facade going to look like um and this is what they uh applicant wants to propose a facade film on the property and you can see that on a number of properties throughout the Tampa Bay Area especially in the Wesley Chapel area for some of the buildings that are pushed up to the street where the building front is just faces the parking lot like this and this is kind of what it looks like you can see it's like a window film type material that they put on the building elevations and that I believe is what the applicant wants to use on the building they're in the audience tonight so they can probably the contractor might be able to give you a little better information on the facade film here's views from the street how it is right now that's the east side of the building facing north 56 Aven uh 56 Street here's the South uh in the north side of the building the changes they're proposing I believe would put a additional window on that side facing 131st Street here's the west side of the parking lot looking out into the uh building looking into the parking lot here is the North side of the building excuse me that's the storm water system and the DRC review uh we're recommending approval we think the applicant has worked hard to come up with elevations uh that we hope meets the council's approval there's one condition we're still having and that's the modification of the storm water plans approved by the southwest Florida Water Management District and the city engineer prior to the issuance of the co we received um uh a letter from the water manager District that says that the storm water system is operational and meets their requirements we still need to get the city Engineers sign off on that prior to I can answer any questions or attempt to that Cil may have the applicants in the audience tonight they may want to address the council Mr Sherman before we do that can you put the slide back up that shows the proposed East Side elevation with the call out boxes of what's been I can the proposed changes are yes sir we may need to pull the applicant that one all right so let me leave that up for a second please okay council is it okay if I move to another slide now but just to confirm y this the top is what is actually facing the street or facing the parking lot that's facing 56 okay that's correct yes ma'am 56 okay that's now could you go to the photograph of the west side of the building I can oh oh was that that one okay good applicant like to say welcome sir good evening good evening counselor um JD alab engineering I am the civil engineer of to the project um as Mr chairman indicated um last April we meet with the modification to that elevation from previously approved and um after that um Mr chairman our counselor and the City attorney with the owner and contractor had met and came up with a proposed change which is four item as listed so um which is it make more Improvement to the elevation as you see so um you know as you as you see we already have been mature and improve this elevation uh accordingly and I think I think to the point is looking for your approval on this thank you sir are there members of the public who wish to comment can I speak sir yes sir please approach the podium we just need your name and city of residence for you have to okay start over for because we have to have on record please good my name is Mohamad s I'm Dr s I'm the one they call me developer but I'm just a neurologist trying to retire on that building peacefully and uh I've never thought we're we're in the same page I see what you see I respect the aesthetic and the beauty of what Temple ter is trying to do actually we grew up on River Hills Drive with my boys and we know the value of oak trees and trees and the river and the aesthetic especially when Temple Terrace downtown was developed and how important was it took 10 years to reach a point of how we want that to look so I promise you this building will be beautiful especially I'm going to be in the corner practicing practical neurology where I treat migraine and cognitive decline and trimor and next to my friend David the owner of Ace Hardware Store who is eagerly waiting waiting for me we're going to also have an IDE doctor so I know the beauty of the building is essential the way you drive by and see it but also what the building is providing is also as important to the community so neurology Wellness 2400 sare ft of dentist care two beautiful young ladies coming there graduate of USF and UF they want to do discounted Dental Care Pediatric Care so God's willing that building will provide some beauty and functionality and service to the community at large and we're hopefully we'll be there hanging out and enjoying it with your approval thank you if you have any questions by the way my one point I wanted to say you know certain age you don't want to miss certain points you have to make them before you say oops I should have said that we really tried our best to provide the best look of the building when I saw the building coming up I ran to David I said David what's this we need more please raise the wall please hide AC we talked uh the drainage system to the back we moved the electrical power too cost us $60,000 extra to move him and hide him so we tried really to create front back elevation that's almost identical so hopefully we'll all enjoy that building than thank you very much you're not constrained by the three minutes doctor if you have more to say we didn't know you were the owner when you approached so we set your timer for we thought you remember of the public so you're not constrained by the three minutes no I just felt like I need to say something about the functionality and the purpose of the building trying to be irrelevant not to retire so you have to continue working until God's willing help whatever we can thank you thank you Doctor than are there members of the public who wish to come in on this item oh can I have a second yes sir I'm sorry I'm think advantage of you now this what neurologists do and the last 24 square fet foot on the corner toward the South Side we have a young gentleman there when propose a cafe elegant Cafe with authentic beans from the mountains of Yemen and ethopia and Colombia so if approved that building also will have a very nice touch of that Elegance that also will I heard that we're trying to make Temple Terrace a destination not just a local so that will also give us some beauty and service that is unique what kind of Cafe did you say it's no don't come up but yeah yeah it's a authentic it's called Yen Cafe style it's a fashion now where people don't like Dunkin Donuts coffee anymore I like it still but Starbucks give me palpitation so I would rather eat something mild it's authentic with their own pie and pastry so it's going to be really a destination to visit like downtown so hopefully we'll I add a flavor to professional thank you doctor please thank you I know one question too many I know I know are there members of the public who wish to comment okay Council are there questions of our staff or the petitioner yes i' like more information on the window treatments that are going to be used or the treatments going to be used on I assume it's the East Side East Elevation the uh the east side and I believe the South Side will have some additional winter treatments correct maybe that's correct uh JD elab again to the east side and the South Side yes sir what what's it going to be what we what what are you doing so the forward change is applying every dinson face film to the existing metal door that's the first thing the same way appli to the existing um um uh this is the first the second is Fox window on the sou elevation to match the existing Center window between the control lines so this is the paint the existing eifs surrounded with light lighter and contrast color so this item going to be done after you approved which will be within few weeks or so and he show you example I think uh uh of the material be will be completed can we go back and take a look at that I'm just I just want to make sure what it is okay now go back go back go back go back I think it's this so the red and the dark colors that's the film now is this just going to go in the doors or is it going to go in the wall or the facade or what to the window just to I think oh we got if I remember correctly we got some door there at this point can I come in sure I guess I worked on that so the East Elevation facing 56 Street already have a nice three uh door like one is the functional one and two next to it these going to be dressed to reflect glassy looking okay and then the South elevation we're going to add two windows to the existing windows on each side more like a foam so it looks like four Windows a comment this young lady stated that we need more when we met with her that we need more windows so reflect more Beauty than just concrete fa facade and this what we're doing really okay thanks thank you anything else all right okay council member questions council member vice mayor a so just to be clear it's not going to be red right it's going to be reflective like a mirror yes okay Mr Sherman that is that the same or similar material that we have on the fountain Oaks we have that that building butts up to 56th Street too and it looks like Windows but it's not they're faux windows and they can be made a number of different ways but but it's the same idea same idea so it'll look like Windows instead of doors that's right you'll see this kind of stuff on a lot of dollar Jens too they put faux windows up lot of what they put faux windows up on a lot of dollar General stores as well so same you know there's a number of different ways to that's a bad comparison not a good comparison just a project I worked on that I remembered we did okay so the material makes the door and the panels next to the door look as though there are Windows window like correct which is difficult to pick up on a yeah know get clarity what it was okay other questions thank you all thank you very much doctor thank you for being here and clarifying okay council members is there a motion move to approve uh the adoption of a revised site plan at building elevations for the property located at 13102 North 56 Street second Motion in second discussion of the motion comment comment um I'm I'm going to vote to approve this although I'm really not happy with the way this trans transpired from the you know since for the last six or eight months um as I've stated numerous times before that uh you know when we approve something we hope you know we're going on good on somewhat good faith as to the the petitioner and uh just we're not trying to be difficult but we we're just we have a concept in mind and it came out way different than what we originally looked what I what I expected to be there and uh so I'm thank you to the petitioner for do doing the extra steps to at least come close but um uh I'll leave it at that other comments same okay all those in favor say I I I opposed no nay resolution is adopted the uh site plan is revision has been approved thank you next is the first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance approving a rezoning of folio number 03753 4- with an address of 100024 Davis Road an unknown address folio number 03753 1-500 I will open the public hearing and ask anyone who intends to speak on this matter to please stand and be sworn in by the city clerk the truth thank you Madame clerk City attorney would you please poll the council for expart communications at this point if each member of the city council if you would please State whether you have had any expart Communications concerning this matter either written or oral if they were in writing then you will need to provide a copy of that written communication to the city clerk um either way please State whether um you've had that communication with whom you had it what the sumon substance of it was and when did that take place and I will begin with uh council member Fernandez I have none uh yes I've got an email uh forwarded from the city clerk's office yesterday was forwarded this morning but it was sent yesterday from a Carl Johnson uh uh so the city clerk has a copy of that email and it was in opposition to the project thank you is that I was going to report on that also we all got it is that's in the record though isn't it but you need to state that you've received that I did receive it the same email that was mentioned by council member Chambers okay so uh Council council member Fernandez received it but did not look at that yet so I did I likewise receive the same emails forwarded from the city clerk's office from Mr Johnson I think it is that's all okay same here I received it also and if the the clerk has that uh communication um it it needs to be provided to the applicant as well okay okay community development director Mike Sherman is going to explain where did actually it's me oh I'm sorry it does have the wrong name so welcome Miranda thank you uh Miranda Nia city planner uh good evening mayor and city council uh this is the first reading and first public hearing of rzp 2302 wait for my slides this is an aerial view of the subject property which consists of two Parcels at the March 19th 2024 hearing the southern parcel was annexed into the City and a comprehensive plan amendment was approved from a Hillsboro County designation to the Temple Terrace R9 future land use District the property is located within the utility service area and will be connected to uh Central utilities the subject property is approximately 6.7 Acres the nor the northern parcel is approxim ately 2.4 acres and has a zoning of R seven Temple Terrace and the southern parcel is approximately 4.18 acres and has a zoning of agricultural single family conventional acs1 Hillsboro County the applicant is requesting to change the zoning of the subject property to PD plan development for 28 single family detached homes these photos are looking north south and east on Davis Road from the subject property and looking West at the subject property from Davis Road uh this is a snapshot of the zoning categories and properties in the surrounding area that are located in Temple Terrace properties that are in white are have a uh Hillsboro County zoning District to the north and west of the subject property is Temple Terrace R7 and to the south in blue purplish is PD so changing the zoning to PD for the subject property would be compatible with the surrounding area here is a survey of the property submitted by the applicant the existing structures will be removed if this project is removed is approved so as a brief reminder the previous master plan that was presented at the March 5th hearing contained 32 single family lots the deviations requested were lot size and width the plan had propose uh width a lot size of 4,400 square feet and a lot width of 40 feet the application was continued and the applicant has proposed a new master plan to address some of those concerns uh from that hearing here is the new Master Plan uh submitted June 6 2024 the new Master Plan proposes 28 Lots 26 of them being at least 50t wide the general proposed lot size is 5,500 ft 50 by 110 the plan also includes uh the removal of the park adding parking spaces around the maale kiosk and relocation of the lift station uh this submitt also includes an updated letter from the traffic engineer new elevations and floor plans and new bulk standards here are the proposed PD standards versus the R7 District the PD standards um state that PD has to be based off of the closest zoning District which is R7 however the purpose of a PD is flexibility and modifications can be granted that serve the best interest of the PD uh standard single family lots less than 70 uh feet have to be proposed through a PD through the PD process the applicant as I mentioned is proposing deviations from law area and width uh the applicant is also requesting a deviation from the front yard setbacks maximum building coverage and maximum lot coverage uh staff is in general en support of the project but has an objection to the maximum lot coverage the applicant is proposing the PD at 60% with the caveat that pools do not count towards lot coverage the applicant wants the ability for homeowners to have a poll the applicant assumes 60% of the lot including things like the house the driveway AC pad sidewalks the applicant stated they feel that the uh project will meet the uh lot coverage proposed staff can support up up to a maximum lot coverage of 60% um for a single family law in its entirety over 60% for single family detach is not at all supported by staff all single family detached zoning districts in the city have a maximum lot coverage of 47.5% that includes r10 R9 R7 and R 7.5 the Land Development code States accessory structures including polls and decks shall not exceed the total lot coverage of 47.5% the highest lot coverage in multifam zoning districts in the city is 60% also the applicant appears to be proposing the building Envelope as the proposed building coverage and based on the elevations and floor plans the build building footprint appears to be smaller than the uh building uh coverage request if there wasn't a deviation request then I would say a building envelope would be appropriate and wouldn't matter as much uh the applicant also submitted two models uh two elevation models and the proposed master plan is based off of the larger model here's a view of one of the models this is the smaller model uh it is proposed at 2400 Square ft of living area which means the U bottom floor and the and the first floor and the second floor and that's elevation a and here's a slide of elevation B it's similar to Elevation a uh but there are slight changes and in uh facade materials this slide here shows um elevations with an opt optional larger uh front porch here's elevations with an optional ly and here's the first floor plans for elevation a and optional second uh level four plans and then moving on to the uh larger model which is at 29 100 square ft and that uh is for living area so this is for elevation um A and B again same as the smaller model has slight changes in uh facade materials and these are optional uh lenai they have um the section detail on the left is for like a smaller n and the right is for a larger option and these are floor plans for that larger model on the first floor and um some options for the first floor and second uh level floor plan okay uh staff has proposed 11 conditions if this application is approved uh those were in the staff report um I did have to add one uh condition since the staff report was written and that was with discussions with the city engineer the city engineer has a concern let me go to the master plan has a concern that the new Master Plan um has lots one and two adjacent to the rideway and so his concern is if uh the county uh wants dedication of the rideway it's going to but um Lots and two and they'll have to be reconfigured so the new condition reads at if RightWay dedication occurs lot one and lot two may be reconfigured but must have a width of 50 ft at the property line and follow the remainder of the bulk standards as outlined in condition to that way um the city is protected and we still um still would meet the project was still meet condition number two but it also allows the applicant uh flexibility and not having to come back for those two lots if there is rightaway dedication okay staff also conditioned condition number two to the 60% limit which eliminates the polls not counting towards lot coverage staff proposed these conditions but city council can modify the conditions add a condition or eliminate a condition Community Development does um request if you do consider more than the 60% lot coverage that there be a limit uh for the building permit processing because uh reviewers at the building permit process will need a limit um or it can create trouble not having one established um that's it recommendations so the Planning Commission recommended approval of the zoning reclassification and finds that it's uh consistent with the city's comprehensive plan um again staff is in general support of this project but we have a objection to the lot coverage exceeding 60% other departments in the DRC had no objections and staff recommends city council will approve this first reading first public hearing with the proposed conditions as outlined thank you Marin I've got a hundred questions but we're not there yet um are there members of the public who wish to comment on this good evening sir we just need you to state your name and city of residence Jeff Hower city of Temple Terrace um we were here in the first reading uh back in May when they were trying the other development um we do appreciate the strides that have been made to come up with some of the suggestions that we had talked about earlier uh we were definitely not in favor of the 40ft Lots uh we are to the property of the north which is owned to r s which has 70t lots in our neighborhood that is something that we were trying to uh to keep and like to see with the development with the rest of our road we already have talked about Davis Road being already not taken care of and and very poorly um in need of some repair and just we keep adding more and more traffic and packing more and more houses on this road which is always been an issue for us so we had um talked about it and and agreed that we would like to try to keep the zoning at R seven um but we do feel like this proposal is definitely heading in the right direction thank you very much thank you sir other members of the public good evening sir we just need your name and city of residence please good evening my name is Carl Johnson I'm Aus in NE ja poser on Davis Road I'll be very brief and I agree with Jeff I think there have been strides getting to the development to very we think it fits into the overall not just the overall neighborhood but the overall idea that Tempo ter wants to start moving in the direction where developers want to build here but we have the demographics to support the trendy walkable neighborhoods that we want um if you look at right now a lot of the trends a lot of green spaces and Park s all residing to the north of us in River Hills area that new development that they were talking about over by um um R um Riverside Park like River Hills Park you know what I mean if you look at where we are in Davis Road the only thing we had was the driving range and now that is gone so our green spaces in that area is actually diminishing and not really increasing so to be brief or just to capsulate what I said or just to say everything quickly is yes I think the the new proposal is going in the right direction so we're happy about that we want to kind of gravitate upwards and not necessarily have all of the if you look at Davis Road there's a lot of minority housing lot of duplexes along Davis Ro that's all you see plus there is the just built um Amazon they just built the large new V Hospital which is welcome and then the there is also the trailer park just at the end of Davis Road so right now we have a lot of what we call um lwi income housing and we have nothing against low-income housing but we would like to build rather than just housing but communities with support a greater good and can have more of that happening rather than just building communities just to House people and then you get the negative impact of that happening crime rates increase and other social impacts that are not necessarily best for the city of Temple terce and the neighborhood that we live in we really strive to me on neighborhood very welcoming we trve strive to keep it going in the direction that people want to come to Temple terorist as I said in the letter I wrote our location is great but all developers said we don't have the demographic to support some of the things we will like and we're hoping that this community that he's planning to build will help support the overall vision of Temple terce thank you very much for your time thank you sir other members of the public okay the app good evening sir evening I am Harry Todd a longtime resident of uh Temple Terrace and I have a few questions about the uh the buildings are they they going to have um concrete driveways asphalt or papers anybody give me that answer this is not question and answer you can make comments and we'll ask if we feel appropriate we might ask the staff uh well anyway I was curious about the uh the drainage because they had pavers on the driveways that allowed the water to go through naturally rather than everything having to go to a retention Pond it would make it a lot e easier for us to swallow because we'd have less concerns about it also the uh setbacks I I'm not sure with without the plan looking at it what are the setbacks on the streets and uh side yards that's just a couple of questions and thank you for your time thank you sir other public comment evening uh mey Rari also neighbors of Carl and Jeff uh I do appreciate some of the changes that they're proposing um the biggest concern that I have and I express it is like he said it's just the uh you're adding one more traffic and it's great that you're building a nicer Community Based versus what you see there but I know the road and just the infrastructure this does nothing for the infrastructure out there and I know I don't think the city can or maybe has a lot of interest in improving that it's not a very walkable area it's a safety hazard for people I try to run that name I I no longer do that because it's just not safe for you to do that now you're adding more you're going to have potentially maybe they're saying maybe so low-income House housing you're going to have kids coming in there in an area that's not walkable and it's not pedestrian friendly at all because you're going to increase the traffic and that's the biggest concern is it's good to develop the area but it's not doing anything for the infrastructure there's drainage issues right outside that same area uh it floods right outside where that entrance is being proposed and some of these projects the added traffic is not doing anything for the infrastructure and I don't think Hillsboro County cares about it I wish Temple terrorist would Annex the road instead of these Lots you know that would help the community more than adding more development that's just my concern is the infrastructure out there it's falling apart and nobody cares so I hope you guys do other public comment okay is the applicant here floor is yours Sir Michael Shu State Street Investments Tampa Florida this is your time to if you'd like to make a present a or respond to the public comment or whatever you'd like to state in March we were here we met with the council and we listened to the neighbors in the community and uh thought that what we proposed was in line with what was being requested at that time uh took us obviously a couple months to put everything together but we feel confident that this is going to give the answers a little bit more of fulfillment on what they were looking for um so that's that was the intention good thank you hey good evening Council uh Jeremy couch with Tampa civil I reside in Lando Lakes but have offices in St Pete and lo happy to be here um staff report was very thorough fantastic job um Rand to thank you um in speaking with the staff um let me answer a few of the audience questions really quick so the proposed setbacks for the structures are 20ft front 5T side 20ft rear minimum lot width of 50 foot minimum depth minimum area of 55500 Ft which makes it 110 ft lot when you remove the front and rear setbacks it's a 70t deep home maximum um the driveways would generally be concrete however depending on the Builder and the city's um allowance of pavers that would certainly be something we'd be interested in um the community will have sidewalks internal and along Davis Road as you guys know Davis Road is uh owned and maintained by Hillsboro County our traffic engineer Michael Yates is here uh we have met with the County engineer we have discussed the access the driveway is aligned with the adjacent uh roadway across the street which is why we have the swing when you come in um uh the county did not request any additional rideway but certainly if we needed to give right of away to make the sidewalk work we're good with the condition that Miranda has proposed um speaking of the lot coverage um so when we did the River Park Subdivision we in the PD we had a lot coverage of 75% and the purpose of that is so that if some of those homeowners wanted to construct pools in their backyards they had the ability it would not need to rezone their lot to build a pool or ask for a variance um I don't see an Elmo but if I could approach the dis I have a few handouts just to kind of show you what this would look like and what the percentages would be sure thank you enough so when you look at this document this illustrates the smallest lot proposed within the community and the maximum potential for any single homeowner to enjoy their lot uh the maximum coverage meeting all accessory setbacks lock coverage two-car driveway full pad building from setback to setback reaches 69% we would ask the council to consider 69% instead of 60% strictly so that these homeowners have the flexibility to build pools um as far as runoff goes there will be adequate retention we would consider that in the design we're impaired so we have additional retention requirements above the regular retention requirements and that's pretty much it here for any questions thank you Mr couch okay council members where do we start to eat this elephant so we'll start down here coun vice mayor Abel I'll start with um the idea that originally this was proposed to be affordable housing and with um 2429 th000 foot I mean sorry 100 square foot um Footprints and potential for pools I'm getting the impression that that is no longer the case just wanted to confirm that okay that is that is correct when the uh 40 foot Lots when we listened to the community the community objected against the 40ft lots and the affordable housing so we had toh start from scratch so that so followup question what do you expect to be the starting price for some of these homes that's hard to say it's going to be similar to the community to the north uh the Navajo uh Street community so it's there's houses that are 400,000 and there's houses up to 650,000 okay so it would be a swing of probably you know low fours or high 3es to probably in the mid sixes okay thank you I I have more questions on a different topic should I go on or sure okay so there were several mentions about um drainage concerns by the public and I was wondering are there existing drainage issues in this neighborhood um I'm not sure if you're the one to answer or if um yes sir uh Jeremy CS Council woman um no ma'am the subdivision to the north was developed with retention pond so when you see drainage concerns there a lot of these uh old subdivisions that do not have proper drainage facilities they don't have designated Retention Ponds um there are no drainage issues uh a very very small portion of the northwest corner of this property is Zone AE we will not be uh impacting that flood area okay thank you that's all for nowc I have several questions um you answered the one about the anticipated selling price what what the the the general flavor for the houses in in that area what that's going to be like uh talking about storm water capacity a little bit we get a little more detail on that will there be a retention area yes all right and where's that going to be located it's on the uh low side of the site in the northwest corner okay all right um that that that's a good is that that'll be taken care of um let me see my other question was about the road the internal Road not not Davis Road the internal road we haven't decided whether that's going to be private or public when will you guys make that decision and if it's private who's going to be in responsible for maintaining it home Owners Association or will it be a compulsory homeowners association or voluntary um so um the Swift Mud requires all all subdivisions to have a mandatory homeowners association okay because the homeowners association needs to maintain the Retention Ponds and other common area infrastructure um if if we gate the community if we can make a gate work um then it would certainly be private streets um otherwise we've laid this out with your standard ride of Way section and your standard roadway section and so we would talk with the city engineer about possibly dedicating these streets to the city okay all right um I do have one I had a question for uh um Troy but he's not here but anyway Miranda can you readdress or reiterate the coverage concern the coverage statistics I'm I'm a little fuzzy on where we stand right now um some of my points were that um all of our single family detach zoning districts have a maximum of 47.5% I do recognize that the PD does allow for flexibility it's just when you get into um 60% that aligns with our multi family districts in the city and then once you get above 70% you're looking at commercial so so um that was one of the that's most of the concern so you're recommending 60% in its entirety yeah in it's entire that includes pools decks every everything so the larger model probably uh if they're at their Max uh they they said 60% without um polls being counted so I'm assuming that wouldn't include the pool um so those probably won't have a pool but if they go with a smaller model they might be able to okay have a poll but they didn't provide those Mr catch is saying 69% at this point yeah so we got we have staff can't support anything over 60 hary staff will not support anything over 60 okay but we have the ability to mate 60 as a Max yes I have that as proposed condition number two if you go to okay now I realize that and I'm glad it was a good presentation but you plate of spaghetti here you did really well with it so and explaining everything so you're still holding with 60 still holding with 6 60 but if Council wants we can amend condition number two for 69 okay I think that's it I think that's it council member Chambers thank you mayor um yes uh what happened to the park I know it's probably because you want to put a house on there but you had a park in the nice one and now we don't we um councilman we do have a open space in the front of um the property I'd say if I were to Kentucky Lage it that's about 6,000 ft of area Okay um I don't know that I'd call it a park um on 6 Acres but certainly it could be activated with something for the residents um so originally we had an open space area here um in the back um between the two um projects the roadway didn't really change but the the yield did and so that's really kind of where this came from okay uh next question your homeowners association that you talk about would they be responsible for all the maintenance of the Yards of the homes or would that be the individual individual okay so the individual Aral control common area maintenance collecting dues you know um making sure people don't paint their houses pink that'll be the service that the HOA provides okay um and would um fencing be allowed between the homes yes okay so they could subject to the city subject to the regular our rules of fencing okay so same for the backyard too all right okay and the last question in your presentation it was mentioned the uh development with the 70% lot coverage I wasn't familiar with that maybe I called it a different name what development is that so it's um that's a great question because I had a a hourlong conversation with Miranda about it um other outside of Temple ter uh lock coverage refers to the building coverage and then they have an imperious impervious surface coverage maximum they have it in two separate categories um I believe that the Temple Terrace Land Development code references it as loot coverage and that's everything sheds driveways houses pools so when you look at the code that says 47.5% you subtract the driveway you subtract the shed you're ending up with a double wide and so that's why in all of our zonings we ask for larger lot coverage so that the individuals when they build out their home and decide with the builder if they want to put in a pool or something it's not a lot of grief for the development uh the Builder to come in and pull that pool permit and not be in violation of the zoning code okay uh I have a question for either Miranda or Mike do we have any developments or any parts of our city that allow uh coverage up to 70% I believe Jeremy is referring to the DR Horton project um that was approved back in 2020 or 2021 uh he references plan that says 75% uh lot coverage but I can't find it in any of the ordinances um staff has been looking for it we can't confirm that's what was approved we can see the setbacks that were approved the lot size but we can't find documentation at least in the ordinance that provides that one in particular um PDS are generally known to deviate from some of the standards I just don't know any one in particular other than that one okay thank you I'm good council member Fernandez um so my primary question has to do with the maintenance of the retention Pond and how so the homeowners association will be mandatory for the homeowners so they there's no question you'll be part of a homeowners association canot get a Erp for a single family subdivision in the State of Florida without agreeing to establish a homeowners association so the Water Management District for so long um would permit these Retention Ponds for communities and then have no maintenance entity and then they clog up so now we establish um the the water Management District has very specific guidelines and language that we have to include in our draft HOA docks we give that to them and then prior to final sign off from the Water Management District we have to demonstrate that the association has been formed the documents have been recorded and that the common area tracks have been transferred in fee to the association from operation and maintenance so the will the Retention Ponds be actively filled with water is that the expectation no these will be dry ponds okay so they'll they will only be filled at a time when the water is such that it exceeds the drainage capacity okay will there be storm drains on the street or does everything dra okay yep yep the the best example I can give you is probably the River Park subdivision that we developed um with the Florida College in DR Horton I think two years ago we finished same RightWay section Temple Terrace is really high and dry so we have the luxury of dry Retention Ponds I know that's not attrative but it's much better than wet ponds um so it' be very similar okay so then the homeowners association will be responsible for that and the only other common area space would be the open space at the entrance yes and the rest would be private ownership responsible for their own maintenance yes um okay the road however if that remains a private road that would be part of the homeowners association yes okay um and then the sidewalks as well yes okay and that's it a follow upk just a quick followup sure okay um will the what kind of segregation is there going to be on the on the North side SE separating from Navajo Avenue um if anything typically um we usually put in a solid fence but okay single family on single family is kind of sort of what they same same use kind of sort of what's at Dr Horton on the River Park and and the um uh 7 Street between 78 The Preserve yes thank you and if one final question can we add a condition to this okay all right okay thank you I have some questions Miranda I just wanted to Echo the applicant statement about the um RightWay dedication that'll be done at the next stage if this application is approved it'll move to final site plan where they go through the preliminary PLA and the infrastructure and final plot stage you will see that at the final site plan um and that's where dedications occur so you'll know um whether it's public or private at that time for the at least the road and and all the other improvements um the city engineer did make a comment in discussions with him that um the few parking spaces that are shown in the master plan um uh he would like that to be private but other than that um he's not leaning one way or another for the internal road to be public or private um and speaking with him but he said obviously if there is a gate then it would be a private Road okay so can you put the slide back up that shows the overall I I have a few questions I'm going to start with what I hope is the simplest one so we don't get too Tangled Up on the complicated one there a lot of slides in this one okay here we go so Randa help us understand or maybe maybe help me understand about the right of way dedication you're asking for what show tell explain on this map exactly what you're asking for is that the new condition I added yes the city engineer okay so at the very edge uh near uh Davis Road um I believe that let me look at my too small in there but I believe it's lot one and two those are the ones in the south east Southeast Corner yeah buing Davis Road if the county asked for RightWay dedication to put in sidewalks along Davis Road they're going to need broom and because lot one and two already AB but Davis Road those would have to be reconfigured so what but it wouldn't just be those two lots it would be the whole thing I mean why would you just do those two lots you wouldn't you need right away dedication for the rest of it too all the way from the top to the bottom well um there's no Lots there the lift station depending on the width that that Hillsboro County wants the lift station might have to be moved it looks like they have a little bit of space between the lift station and Davis Road uh but lot one and two directly bu it so does the does this proposed as the black line on this proposed map does it align with the current County right of where all the way up and down Davis Road or is this closer to the road than everything else can you state that again I'm not so Davis Road goes all the way from Morris Bridge to to Temple Terrace highway I'm assuming that the right of way line on the west side of Davis Road is I I don't know maybe I'm assuming wrong it would seem like it's a straight line MH no I can probably speak to that okay so it it's going to it's going to jog in and out along the corridor on both sides depending on you know when people have dedicated right away if it's been requested but I I want to kind of give you a a graphic um so if there was a dedication it could look something like that if you can see my blue line here just a parallel dedication so so with lots one and two being much larger than 5,500 Square fet they would be fine they would just get so how much how many additional feet are we talking about sometimes they ask for 10 15 20 just depends on on them Pur they want to make a long ride away if they're going to put drainage or anything there sidew okay so that's not a big issue then okay then I'll move on so help me Miranda I'm sorry Miranda I those lots on lot one and two are big enough where it shouldn't yeah I see they're the deepest ones so okay I'll leave that alone so let me ask the part that I can't quite I I can't seem to get my head wrapped around this so I understand when we rezone to PD that P like the zoning District that we go to for projects because then we can kind of not do what we want but that's the category that gives us the most flexibility to have projects that you know don't quite fit in other things so that's why we have PD when we go to PD I also understand that you're required to try to find the closest matching zoning category to whatever it is that we're contemplating doing and compare it to that like R seven or whatever but we know already that it's not going to comply with R7 or we wouldn't be going to PD so we already know that's the reason we're going to PD is because we know it's not going to comply with whatever category we're using as a benchmark where I'm going with this is I I'm trying to understand the city's interest in the lot coverage and I can't quite understand how that benefits the city and and here's what I'm saying is the lots are smaller than R seven we know that that's why we're going to PD we've we've asked them to increase from 40 ft to 50 ft which they've done they're putting nice homes on these Lots right whether that's good or bad that's your perspective but they're putting nice homes on the Lots which are more compatible with the neighbors and the the area but they're not huge Lots they don't wouldn't comply with r seven it would seem like these homes being of high value would be a benefit to us as a city too and that the ability to put a pool and a pool cage around it or to put that behind the home would only increase the value of that home which would also be a benefit to us so I'm having trouble understanding what's the drawback and what's the what's the what's the secret behind 60% being a bright line what is the 60% bright line I mean we already know that we're working around these rules which is why we're going to PD to begin with if we were just going to make them go with standard stuff we'd be going R seven so what's the significance of the bright line at 60% instead of 69% that would allow a pool which would make the homes more desirable in the marketplace and make the homes worth more money in perpetuity for resale and everything else the taxable value would be higher the the homeowners would be the people who would be able to afford the hired homes would I this is kind of a broad statement but would presumably they would be more compatible with the area I don't I can't quite get my head around What's significant about the 60% instead of 69 can you help me understand that yeah so uh I'll back up to the PD uh PD you're right uh it it allows flexibility uh it's really intended for projects that don't perfectly fit in your zoning categories um PDS are negotiations it's supposed to be a give and take not just give give give um and so they provide the most flexibility and per the Land Development code right you are supposed to base it off of an the closest zoning District um a few things I understand that it's a PD and that's why I would that's why you don't see me having an objection to the to the 60% I didn't have an objection to that because I knew that the smaller lot sizes would be probably greater than the 47% however um going over rough numbers with the applicant uh model one does meet the 47.5% that was without the pool that was with just the building footprint so I do want to state that that the smaller model did meet the 47.5% with the building footprint um but yes I do understand that uh because right if you have a um r10 100 foot uh Road Frontage then uh you'll meet that and should every zoning District have the same if you have a smaller lot size and lot width um that's that's what PDS are for is for that flexibility um but all of our zoning districts for single flamingly Det patched all of them all the subdivisions that you see in the city unless they're PD they're at 47.5% so um and the reason that this 60% is uh at least for Community developments limit is that's when you get into the multif family so there's yes it is flexibility but the as far as the planning standpoint there are limits you have certain areas that you can expand to in a single family that would align with other single family homes and then as you get increased block coverage which is slightly different from ISR they're used almost interchangeably but it covers everything on the lot then you get into higher categories where it's multif family and then of course the higher you get you get into the commercial and the industrial so it's just a limit um we base our limit off what's in the Land Development code so I don't know if that directly question but it hits it but I'm still left with the I'm puzzled so I can understand why we wouldn't want zero lot line subdivisions we want people to have we want some green we want some grass we want some Landscaping we want our city to look beautiful I I understand that but as I understand the storm water because I'm thinking well maybe it's a storm water thing but I think the storm water is being run down the street into the pond anyway okay I can touch on that I think maybe that's where it's going so impervious surface ratio versus lock coverage and purpose surface ratio is ISR that's typically used by Engineers you will have it in some of our Land Development code but that is right uh concerning drainage and actual the engineering calculations with that lck coverage is more it's used more in planning for Aesthetics how um how um how should I say that um the the look of your limit of your uh building coverage and things like that it's more of an aesthetic uh component to it um yeah okay I'm I'm still I'm not going to beat the horse to death but I think it's probably too late for that but I'm still not quite getting the government's interest in this it just seems to me like whether you I I'm trying of walk a circle around this if I'm the neighbors if I'm the tax collector if if I'm a resident if I'm the developer from whatever hat I put on I don't see a downside to to the increased lot coverage that allows people to put a pool in in these homes it to me it raises the property value it increases the salability of the house forever which generates higher tax revenue for us you know as greedy as we are um I don't I I don't know what I'm missing and I don't want to Advocate to go against your recommendations because I have a tremendous amount of you guys do this weird chicken bone thing that I don't understand but I I'm missing something I don't Mike is there something I mean I don't I don't know yeah a couple things so um the applicant has done a great job making improvements uh to the application um but they could have proposed a plan that did meet you know the 47 12% um so it could have but right with the flexibility um they are requesting 60% plus um and I will state it's my job as the planning uh city planner to uh go by the Land Development code so when we have established rules in the Land Development code that's my job to follow them so if I see a 60% limit for multif family I I can't I can't I got you ose a recommendation for over 60% I got you I got you I do think and I and then I'm done but I do think that the DR Horton subdivision I don't remember us having the conversation about the lot maybe we had it and a lot coverage but I do know that those are much that we did talk about setbacks bigger houses on smaller Lots MH and I don't know what the outcome was but I bet you that I don't know what the number is but I know those are big bigger homes on smaller Lots because we talked a lot about that at the time I I remember that discussion because there was a lot of push back a lot of discussion in the community about that a lot of you know and a lot of people said oh you know there's no yards there's no yards or tiny little yards which is really what a lot of people want nowadays they don't want to mow the grass um I think they might be over building coverage um some but I don't know about the lot coverage but looking from Aerials right I I have seen it and it does look like um okay it's the same block all right I'm done but we'll go with whatever city council wants to prove but from a Land Development planning perspective I have to follow the Land Development code I I'm fine I'm just very cautious about not taking sta recommendations which is why I've been yeah trying to run this to ground because I mean my gut tells me that I'd like to approve the 69% or 60 whatever so they can build pools but I'm always very reluctant to not accept your recommendation it kind of scares me um yeah I know you were talking about the other neighbors well most likely your other neighbor has 47.5% unless they're in the PD so it's comparative I have one more okay thank you Mar yes no I'm done I'm done everybody's tired of me okay uh yeah not not yet tired of you but I'm just tired uh uh sorry a question on that so if we approve condition of 60 or 69 let's just say we approve the 69 it will there be a u something in there that says that only has to be for a pool or can they all of a sudden they say we want to build a a a house to that good point okay um let's get to posos conditions so they'll be able to have um in proposed condition number two 60% of lot covered so that would cover everything technically um but they're saying they don't think they have enough space for a pool so it's whatever would meet that limit yeah it's not limited to pools unless you want to put it a condition that would limit that good point Thank this and say up to 69% for a pool to make it specific yeah we can also amend the chart to say up to 69% for pools exclusiv leave it at leave it at 60 to allow the increase to 69 for the purposes of constructing a pool we can write a condition for that also we're not the only just so everybody's clear we're not the only ones who have this the 60% is a common percentage used by other cities in Florida some of them have a little more some of them have a little less but also when you're putting in a pole you have to think on top once I you know someone decides to put it in the pole then they want to put in the walkway around it and so now you don't have just have a pool that can collect water you've got concrete around it that now the water's going to run off it's not going to sink into the ground so you have to consider where does a and then you need the equipment for the pole so you have to think of where the pole is going to lead and not just think of it as a hole in the ground that's going to collect that water so but but again we are not the only ones that have that 60% requirement thank you m council member thank you one more question on the same topic from that so if we go to 60 or 69 or whatever it is above what the the concept plan we've seen at what point does Swift Mud or some agency have to say the retention p has to be bigger because of the loss of uh percolation coverage Jeremy Jeremy couch um so essentially sir when we design the retention Pawn we account for all of this impervious so whatever our maximum build out impervious is we calculate the retention Pond based on that followup so if you cuz you don't know if the people buying the home's going to put a pool in and now or 10 years from now Maxim so you would design to the 69% absolutely we design for the maximum buildout wherever we do business because we know people do what people do and they don't always follow the rules and we don't want to be living on the very edge that gosh forbid somebody puts in a shed or a pool and now the system doesn't work so we designed for the worst case storm and the largest coverage possible okay thank you yes sir Mr couch we had a picture a rendering up there with a couple of different pools on there so I don't know if you can answer this on the Fly is it possible to ratchet down from the 69% number to a smaller number which would allow for a smaller pool is that practical or I mean so so where this came from was you guys have primary structural setbacks that we're going to establish in the PD and then in addition the code has accessory structure setbacks pools are considered an accessory structure you allow accessory structures to be within 5T of the rear property line 5T of the side property lines if this is um approved so what I did was I had our folks calculate complete coverage maximum worst case scenario we might have one or two people build AOL we might have everybody build a pool I don't know but that's what this is it shows all the way to the Limit and the maximum it would be is 69 so I gave you a real number based on you know the real engineering of what it could possibly be it is nothing arbitrary is completely calculated thank you thank you okay council members other questions just yes one um is there an engine this you may have already answered it is there an engineering requirement for the impervious uh surface in other words 60 you you you indicated they were sometimes synonymous going going forward although one one is an aesthetic and the impervious deals with with water runoff and so forth is there a a standard that we have to follow or is that handled by the size of the retention Pond uh yeah the ISR is what the um the engineer would be concerned with because that deals directly with uh the drainage but they're they're not in the code it references both so he's going to build out to whatever limit we set okay yeah okay um and the concern was that um if they exceed they might already be below the 60% because again he did it but B based off a building envelope and not the building footprint so so their proposal might actually be at something less like 55 or I had asked about a condition an additional condition to be set forth could we get that common area or that one area up in the north part a park some of some description can we make that a condition or is that something that I don't want to I don't want to turn anything off on this project cuz I I I like the the progress that has been made on it but um the the the Green Space if it was some kind of a park that would be and this is not the proper time to do that that's fine if it is um are you talking about um they didn't designate a new Park area butre talking about if if they want to park or we could make that a park make that common area park if if that's not an appropriate condition then so be it if it's you know if um yeah I would just uh propose uh a setback I'd have to look to see what are with usually if you have a park you would have a setback for the subdivision I just don't we can set a setback at like 20 ft whatever distance we want it's a PD so we can set a setback and then any further than that setback they can have a park that would be my only concern is you don't want the park right at the rideway especially if there's going to be a rideway dedication but yeah we can certainly put in a some type of condition for park at discuss it with the with with the petitioner yep so you're next but well before we leave this though there's a site plan can we're doing the rezoning tonight right there's still site plan review coming the final site plan for subdivisions would basically be a plot the final site plan would incorporate the prary plot which is basically what you're looking at now and then the infrastructure portion of right so we don't necessarily have to make that a condition of approval for the rezoning we could express a desire for the developer to take a look at this and includeed in the site plan review correct that's we can further do that yeah if we want to leave it to that just because it has to be tied to conditions anyway so if we did I'd prefer to put setbacks in a PD but yes that'll be fine at a later point we can come back with the final site plan I just don't want to hold something that if we're if we're at 99% tonight I don't want to jam it up with I'm not sure curdle that VI mayor so my my concern with the 69% lot coverage has to do with um collection of storm water and it's runoff um from having that much coverage and I was wondering if this might it might be appropriate to negotiate some kind of um compromise about someone mentioned pavers that are pervious for driveways earlier and I don't know if that's something that might um I don't know allow the pools and have not have that concern about that about the 69% um I don't know just spitballing I wish the city engineer was here um there is a section proposed is usually right asphalt but there is a section that says that alternative design materials can uh be submitted and determined but I'm not sure that's kind of gray I'll leave that up for the city engineer but I can talk to him on that yes city manager not that I'm the expert on this but I know in my former Community brick paaver driveways were not considered perious surface it was actually considered impervious so it may not address the issue that you're trying to resolve potentially no not brick pavers perious pavers per oh perious papers okay all right okay council member Fernand I just have a followup for the engineer regarding the storm water collection so it is going to be a dry pond but with and you said that you're designing for maximum capacity um how would H what is the expected collection method so um uh that's a good question um so essentially um it's there's going to be a Miami a Miami curb with um you know standard curb inlets the square box with the opening that you see in the movie it you know um and from the back of the curb up to the back of the sidewalk we generally design that at a 2% grade and then from the back of the sidewalk to the furthest point in the rear of the yard we design that as a 1% grade which is we fall 1 foot per 100 or two foot per 100 and 2% um so essentially um when you design a subdivision we calculate what that furthest drainage is and then we establish our pad and our finished floor from that point and then from there our driveway down to the curb in the front so um these would be all what would be considered a type a lot with the exception of a few of them on the North side that would back up to the pond so these would all be what we consider type A's which is fancy engineering term for drainage from the rear to the front and these Biggers here would be type B's which is half goes to the street and half goes to the rear and so um there's a much more complex method on how we calculate drainage but the simple method is called the rational so Q equals CIA a c is your um coefficient of coverage in this instance we'd be at like 70% 69% whatever the aggregate is of the total community and that's what we'd size the system for um we don't use that method we it's a little bit more we use something a little more complicated but that's what we would do so the expectation is the water would flow from the back of the lot on to the street and then into the storm drains to be taken to the retention Pond retention Pond the retention Pond's going to be dried because of the treatment method required um the pond will stage up and then at some point it will pop off in a structure to the Northwest where it eventually makes its way to the Hillsboro River that's it okay are we ready to close the hearing very good good questions thank you all thank you Mr couch I'm going to close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace florid owning two Parcels of land located south of East Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as 100024 Davis Road and totaling 6.7 plus minus Acres lying within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to by changing the zoning atlas map designation on said property from zoning classification agricultural single family conventional asc1 in Hillsboro County to residential 7 R7 and Temple Terrace to plan development PD and Temple terce for rzp 23-2 providing for Amendment to the official zoning atlas map of the city providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances and conflict here with and providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk so I'm going to vary from my notes here just slightly counsel and have a little discussion prior to asking for a motion as I see it there's as I see it I don't know how you see it as I see it there's a few things we need to do here first one is to decide whether we want to approve or deny this to begin with that's the first question the second one is that if we do want to approve it there's the recommendations of Miranda um that we saw that is most significant of them or the dedication of the RightWay which the applicant doesn't seem to be objected to anyway so that's not a big issue the second issue is the total loot coverage of 60% versus 69% so um with that i' open it for discussion well that's my question is what do we need to do if we want if if we find it acceptable to change to a 69% coverage but with the language that was suggested to be specific that that 69% was uh allowable for a pool and not for that Full House that could be stated in a motion okay um that we the motion could could be made along the lines of we vote for approval on first reading with the changes to staff recommendation to allow up to 69% assuming that the additional 9% is only for the purpose of a pool or its enclosure it could be stated in a motion okay if that's the council's desire I don't know if it is I can so I'm trying to get a little discussion going so somebody doesn't make a motion and then we vote it down or beat it up I'm I'm comfortable with the with the uh additional language modifying it to 69% for strictly for pool purposes not uh additional or anary structures what do you think um I'm reluctant to um support that I will but I I the difference I have between that and the DR Horton project which we don't know was we had no staff objection to that and we do on this one and I'm uncomfortable um going against a staff recommendation there are experts and we're here to listen to expert testimony however I also heard other testimony and reluctantly I will support that VI mayor I can get behind supporting going up to 69% if um we can look into um there's a name for it like permeable pavers for some part of the coverage um I feel like the um storm water runoff is a serious concern over there and um I would like to see that added So when you say what I'm picturing and maybe this is what it is or maybe there's something different I'm picturing like Lettuce Lake Park yeah the parking area Lettuce Lake Park that's like concrete blocks with holes in them and there's grass growing up in the middle those are kind of ugly but um that's what I was thinking this can be Googled and um I I did Google it while we were here but there there are permeable P papers that are designed um to have a little wider Gap in between them um it doesn't grow weeds but it does allow water to seep through and um I don't know much about them to be honest but um I I do have some reservations about the lot coverage without some kind of allowance to um you know allow water to percolate yes you know in my experience over the years on all the different types of uh havers that allow that over time all the pores clog the maintenance of it terrible and it becomes it's better to design the project knowing what you have and design it and Swift Mud and the other our our Engineers won't won't allow it to be built you know my concern is we do that they get some allowances for that those pavers and then over time they stop up and stuff so that's just my concern with that but I also am very concerned about drainage and I think it has to be I mean it'll have to be drained in Perman to the the size well what what can we do to prevent the slippery slope of like more and more land coverage in that area I know we have the possible condition of only allowing for a pool um I don't know I'm just I'm just not sure if that's enough yeah well I'm hearing some yay and some against and and uh I'd really like to get us to a point where we all live with something and if we're not all comfortable with it I don't want to just it for the sake of agreement I don't want to put an arbitrary thing out here recommendation is 60% still not a terrible project I just think it's going to limit the project by not allowing for a pool I I am not as concerned about the runoff um first of all part of the runoff would be captured by the pool yeah I mean there'd be some of it that would fall on the pool deck that obviously but that would run off into the yard too the pool decks are slow so I don't really see this as being as big of a I mean if we were allowing just another concrete slab or something I I I would be less but I mean I have a pool and I have a deck around the pool and when it rains the pool fills up free water and the water doesn't sit on the pool deck it runs into the grass around the pool deck so I don't know that I if it were if we're talking about another slab or a basketball CT in the backyard or something like that I could see this being a little more but I don't I I don't see this being the big problem for the impervious I mean I I I hear what you're saying I'm not dismissive of it but I'm thinking practically speaking I don't see this where's the where do you think the water is going to go it's going to go into the ground I mean it's going to go off the pool deck into the grass and drain into the ground it's not even going to go to a storm drain well a lot of times when it comes to storm water runoff it's not necessarily like where it goes it's the rate at which it goes and how much erosion results from that increased speed so I don't know really so much how that relates or if it's going to have a negative impact by having that much surface coverage but I mean like um um council member Chambers said I mean if our if our planner said our Land Development code says this and there's a reason for that then I don't know um I'd like to understand the the reason more like what you were asking um maybe a point of clarification with that the coverage is more aesthetic okay uh for for the appearance whereas the water r off or the the impervious runoff that's captured by the calculus of the size of the retention pump okay so the storm drain system that's that's that's created would take care of that short of any standards that anybody can speak to for uh the the stormw runoff and there doesn't appear to be anything except that it modifies the size of the tension ponds the depth and and and whatever slopes are required on on the on the property to your point so I mean I think that that solves that problem that was my question you know I I had assumed that coverage and uh the impervious uh uh whatever whatever your acronym was the impervious area um was the same thing was synonymous and it's kind of close but not really Aesthetics the 60% is like yeah it's that's okay a touchy feely whereas the others a hard calculation that can be addressed with the size of the retention pond so forth so if I I'm not an expert in this area I'm sorry too that the engineer or someone is not here but in just looking this up quickly to because I understand that it would certainly help if there was an explanation as to why we have these limitations I was just looking at an article from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and it says that when natural vegetation is replaced with an impervious surface the natural hydrology cycle is altered increasing storm water runoff and reducing groundwater recharge the result is more frequent flooding higher flood Peak flow lower base flow in streams and lower water table levels and then it goes on to talk about how that when water lands on pavement it becomes super heated so now you have hotter water running off and it says it it's talking about streams that when hotter water runs off into streams then it makes them inhospitable for the life that was there so it isn't just Aesthetics and it isn't just flooding it changes other things and all I I there's no time for me to do any more research on that right now but that's all I can offer you but in this case with a dry retention Pond any runoff is going to sit in the retention Pond and seep into the ground there not run directly to the stream unless it's it's an excessive rain and it's going to meet the the Overflow capacity of that dryve retention Pond before it gets drained into any water so I mean in that case that's not it's not direct runoff into the river Okay so we've had some good discussion doesn't sound like it's Landing where I wanted it to but I'm I can um okay so to your point we do have a staff recommendation for 60% to your point that seems to take solve the questions of impermeable surfaces and water runoff and all that um so do we want a motion that just accepts staff's recommendation and we just approve the project on F free I'm not willing to make that yet I told you I that was my objection but I also could support the 69% too I I'm willing to make a motion that we approve on first reading at 69% with the language that 69% that 60% is for the structure with the additional 9% being available to put a pool is there a second a second for purpose of discussion okay we have a motion and a second and you are up okay can we Mr Sean can we approve this on first reading and get a followup report from from our city engineer before the second reading so that we can verify that the the assumptions that we're making are valid sure um you can approve on first reading obviously this is coming back for a second reading nothing is guaranteed between the first and the second and if that's what your request is then um I'm sure that uh Community Development and I will make sure that engineering provides you with a better explanation beforehand which of course would be provided to the applicant as well yes we're on the same page we're we're dealing with expert testimony as you said before okay okay we have a motion in a second with a suggestion for a staff report from engineering at the second reading correct thoughts thoughts you I can support that on first reading we can talk more later can you support that on first reading most definitely yeah okay all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays ordinance is adopted on first reading with staff instructions to come back with that engineering report at the second reading which will be on Tuesday July 2nd 2024 do you clarify was that amending condition number two for the 69% I don't remember the condition number but it was the one that your recommendation was no more than 60% and then we're amending it to say up to 60% um exclusively for pools up to 69% the additional 9% is only for pools or pool enclosures compass and at second reading depending on the engineering report that could be changed back I mean we don't what depending on what right so we're going to ask the city engineer for uh clarification about the driveways see if there's alternate materials that they can use for that um and then I think we're on the same page about the lot coverage ISR but yeah ISR is engineering calculations and lot coverage is all encompassing it's not just Aesthetics it takes and consider the thing too and we would like you to work with Brian yeah come back we want a comprehensive report at the second hearing yep okay fair enough everybody's clear okay we good to forge we have one more you want to do this or you want to take a a break real quick or we going to forge ahead for ahead okay last well not the LA the last public hearing second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1565 adopting a resoning of full fio number 2016- with an address of 8702 Overlook Drive I'll open the public hearing and ask anybody who intends to speak on this matter to stand and be sworn in by the city clerk just we to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you thank you uh Mr sh would you please PLL the council for expar communication yes if anyone here has had an expart communication regarding this matter please state so now if it has been in writing please provide a copy of that to the clerk for the record if it has been rather whether it was in writing or orally please state with whom you had that communication when that took place in the sum and substance of the communication starting with council member Fernandez I do not have any since the past since the first reading that and any of the letters that were included our packet I've had none also I've had none I've had none I've had none thank you okay community development director Mike Sherman is here to explain good evening good evening again Mr Mayor members of the city council tonight is a second public hearing and a second reading of an ordinance adopting a rezoning um at rzp 23-4 at uh the address is 8702 Overlook Drive the folio number is 201600 d0 um and again this is second and reading and second public hearing okay so little bit of background again uh the location of the property is at the intersection of um Overlook Drive and um it is has access from Grove Hill the uh current zoning is r10 the future L use map category is dmu 35 the density allowed with the DM 35 category for residential is 35 units per acre it's uh the zoning category that they're trying to have the council grant them is the PD and it's a little over or just under half an acre um per our Land Development code as the council knows um all rezonings in the downtown CRA area must be through ped uh the applicants intent is to develop eight town homes on the site four buildings with two units per building and the prop proper is surrounded by single family uh uses to the north south and east and multif family uses to the West I did it again I keep hitting the wrong button okay this is the conceptual plan as you can see there's four buildings located on on the property with the driveway in between there uh the site will be this one actually is Overlook Drive it's going to be accessed from a detail site plan preliminary plat subdivision plan will follow at a future date um and as we discussed last time there's a whole bunch of waivers we have about 12 waivers and I want to get back into one reason we're H why we have that as we discussed in the last public hearing and last time we had the meeting here the public hearing here is we're required based on our Land Development code is to pick a zoning category that most um closely matches the ultimate product and that the developer wants to have at the end of the development process um and we're working with a number of different codes and plans to develop in this area we look at our comprehensive plan we look at the CRA plan we look at the downtown zoning overlay district and we look at our Land Development code and we try and fit all those together one of the reasons we have so many waivers in here is because while the Downtown Development overlay zoning District clearly gives us how you're going to develop commercial properties it's somewhat lacking on how you're going to develop Residential Properties in areas that are predominantly at this point single family homes single family lots but because of the CRA plan we're trying to increase our densities to the the 35 dwelling in per acre so these are all the deviations from the code that uh we have for tow houses which is a RMF code residential multifam code so there's about about 25 different deviations we discussed them last time we can discuss them um this time if you would want um the applicant is in the audience and they might be able to lend some more information on the VAR on the waivers of requesting another thing required in our PD and our the downtown is that when rezonings are proposed that developers need to give us what building elevations will look like the CRA plan downtown overlay zoning District uh requires and encourages single family homes and other development to as much as possible have that Mediterranean architecture look the applicant has come up with this elevation uh it mirrors somewhat of some of the other projects that were approved and this would be the front elevation this is the rear elevations here's one side elevation and there's the other side elevation so again what we need to do is we compare those elevations with the architectural standards and guidelines in the uh downtown overlay zoning District we're looking at massing the building facades the roof form details and materials we look at window treatments building entrances features and details and the design of this building elevation to the applicant has come up We Believe meets all those tests for new buildings um in our uh in the downtown overlay zoning District on December 19th the Planning Commission and staff reviewed the zoning reclassification ation and recommended approval that this development is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan on June 4th the council looked at this ordinance and approved it on first reading staff is making a recommendation at the second reading for approval um and I can stand and answer any questions uh that we may have there are also some conditions in the ordinance itself and so we would hope that those conditions would be adopted as part of this PD thank you Mr Sherman are members of the public who wish to comment on this item seeing none as the applicant wish to make any remarks good evening ma'am good evening mayor good evening councel thank you for your patience Shandra Frederick I'm sorry for the record um I'm a land use planning consultant and I do not have any additional comments I'd like to thank Mr Sherman for the thorough report um and for working with us on this project um we do stand for any questions that you may have um I know that we had a very thoughtful conversation a couple of weeks ago so we stand for any questions that you may have thank very good thank you thank you for being here and thank you for your patience so council members are there questions no okie dokie seeing none I will close the hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance in ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida resoning 44 Acres of real property within the downtown community redevelopment area located approximately 1,140 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive in Bush Boulevard with an address of 8702 Overlook Drive folio number 2016- 000000 from zoning classification single family residential r10 to plan development PD providing for Amendment to the official zoning map of the city providing severability and effective date and repealing all ordinances of parts of ordinances in in Conflict here with very good thank you madam clerk council is there a motion to approve ordinance 1565 adoped resoning of folio numbers 201600 d00 with an address of 82 sorry 8702 Overlook AV Overlook Drive on second public hearing second motion a second discussion of the motion if not all those in favor say I I opposed no Nays the ordinance is adopted unanimously on second reading is there any Council Business carryover Council business from previous meetings okay is there any new business or board reports I got nothing seeing none city manager report City attorney's report anybody directors nobody's going to stand up now are they okay well thank you everybody for all your work and thank you for those who've persevered with us we will be adjourned [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]