##VIDEO ID:MZKQ0nEQ1uw## order um welcome um wow e e e e e the same for the city of Temple terce and I think the time we were looking at would be starting the state of emergency for the city of Temple Terrace would be 6:00 tomorrow night 6:00 p.m. um tomorrow so if uh you feel as though um that would be um something you'd like to to do I I think that would be probably something that we would encourage now one thing we have done is is um we're going to uh make sure that we have um the number of employees um Staffing the EOC um and working that we need but also understanding that you know we're not going to um you know bring in everybody or or or staff positions that we don't think are essential so um um we're looking at probably either tomorrow night or Thursday morning at least partially Staffing the E we're going to really have a good idea what this storm is going to do by tomorrow morning or better idea of what it's going to do by tomorrow morning or or tomorrow afternoon then what we do is we figure out what we need um Staffing wise at the EOC and then we expand that outward um to to other employees but we've certainly on the fire side and we've asked all the directors to make sure they reach out to all their essential employees um so they all know um that uh the you know what they need to be doing and where they need to be over to the next few days thank you Chief yes sir council member Fernandez so how can City residents find out if they are in an area that they should be evacuating or thinking of evacuating because of the obviously it's the water issues um normally I know Temple Terrace is higher than other areas but how would they find that out yeah so the county publishes all that information on flood zones and evacuation zones I would imagine they have not to my knowledge now I've been in and out of the office um and on phone calls but uh usually they disseminate that they will disseminate that information pretty soon and I would imagine there are going to be some evacuations and they obviously start from from the beach and uh and water side and then move Inland um to my knowledge since I've worked here we haven't had an evacuation order here in the city of Temple terce um I don't anticipate this being one as either um you know this is an interesting storm where normally you have a lot of you know of course A lot of times it starts further out um further south um and we have an idea of what it's doing and you have the spaghetti models all over the place um this one you know hit the warm water anticipating there to be a hurricane and then really the spaghetti models if anybody's looked at them they really all pretty much show going you know 100 miles above above Tampa Bay but there are I think maybe two models that show it just catching the tip of us so you know our biggest concern is is it making a a drastic turn at some point um or starting to to to inch over um to the to the east um so we're keeping an eye on that but um so so basically what they need to do is stay watching the news also um hillsbor County will be publishing information on their website and my my assumption is is we'll grab some of that information our Pio officer will will also send that out um if there's any type of evacuations for for Temple Terrace um our PI offic will get that information out then I have another question okay um this has to do with drainage and and the water runoff and I just want to know I just want to make sure that we have the capacity I know Swift Mud will have looked at the bypass canal and opened whatever you know release whatever water they need but for our process we've had so much rain recently have we done everything we need to do to make sure that we have capacity for large Troy tench does a great job over in utilities and um my understanding and we're talking to him is that uh you know they've already gone through all the pump stations pump stations are working um and they've they've made sure we have enough fuel for the for the generators and also um they're going around today as well making sure all the drainage issues where we normally have issues a lot of times all that is is is debris gets on top of um some of our our our drainage and and you know it doesn't take long for debris to just you know flood a whole area so I mean I think that's what happens to a lot of areas is we're just not getting the the water's going to the right spot it's just clogging up so not only um does his crew check that out but periodically through the storm when they're able to they go they go out and we know exactly um where those where those problem areas are so he he um he he'll he'll get out there and get his crews out there to to to watch that it doesn't clog up as much as we can council member Chambers yeah thank you uh is piso Andor Greco still Shel public shelters yeah so they they they are they are still identified as so Greco is a County shelter a County employee shelter so it is not a public shelter um uh so um they haven't opened the shelters up yet but I'm assuming they will be but pisos Min standing is still a public shelter Greco is a County shelter and um something something that was not mentioned uh Mr city manager this morning was that um that also they have opened that up for for for city employees as well um but it's it's County employees and city employees can go to Greco um or the city employees also can can go to Temple Terrace Elementary do we have any fire or police presence at those two shelters not Temple Terrace but the other two we will should they open yep yep it would either be us or the county we've gone back and forth but U um Greco there's always been an understanding that Temple terrce Police and Fire will uh will staff if um if they're open okay thank you yes sir okay so Mr nzero anything to add the council to kindly consider um declaring a state of emergency that allows us to to access uh resources that are available to us and working in tandem with the county um so that we're effici and our efforts are aligned so that's all thank you okay Mr mu if I can just follow up on that in order to pass the emergency ordinance we need a two-thirds vote of the council we have two-thirds present okay so ladies and gentlemen what's being contemplated here is a Temple Terrace Declaration of emergency effective 6: pm. Wednesday evening tomorrow night um often times people wonder why we do that when the county has already declared a state of emergency uh and in fact the governor has already declared um emergency exist in this County too the reason that we do our own declaration is because it triggers some internal things for us in terms of payroll procurement um some of our collective bargaining units and so forth so there are things internally that require a local Declaration of emergency in addition to the County's declaration uh and that's why we do it under our ordinance it takes the city council to uh declare the state of emergency at a certain effective time uh which runs for a period up to seven days and the city manager under our ordinance is authorized then to end the state of emergency at the appropriate time so as long as I've been involved we've never had one that ran for the full 7 Days uh we declare it and then whenever it's appropriate the city manager calls it calls it off and ends it and so that's what we're being asked to do um right now what the U Move that we're being asked to do is to declare a local state of emergency effective at 6 p.m Wednesday tomorrow and what's the date tomorrow September 25th so is there a motion or discussion so move to approve state of emergency beginning Wednesday September 25th at 6 p.m. second Motion in second is there a discussion question we could read the yeah we okay um is there a discussion if not I'll ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida declaring a state of local emergency in response to the threat posed by tropical Cyclone 9 hurricane Helen authorizing the city manager to extend or resend the state of emergency as necessary suspending all ordinances and rules inconsistent with sections 25231 through 2521 90 of the Florida Statutes executive order 24-28 or this emergency ordinance through the duration of this emergency adopting and incorporating State of Florida executive order 24-28 into this emergency ordinance and providing an effective date very good all those in favor say I roll call I'm sorry need a roll call don't think we roll call we do need a roll call vote we need to the minutes will need to reflect how each council member voted very well um Mr mu will you please call the role council member able yes mayor yes council member Chambers yes council member fernandz yes good motion ordinance is adopted unanimously is there any other business to come before the council I think we're pretty Limited in this meeting but any other updates or information that we need to know um and I assume our uh well I know that our communication staff is putting out information to the public on a regular basis so we'll uh we'll continue along that track thank you again for all you and your staffs do for us um we don't need a hurricane for you guys to perform uh wonderful Deeds but we do appreciate that all you do for us uh uh even in a state of emergency so thank you for that and thank you Chief so okay we will stand adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e e