e hey everyone it's Mary back with our series honoring the women of the Terrace today's special guest we have the dispatch training coordinator Miss Amy hutchla how are you good how are you doing I'm very good thank you so much for being here I know it's your day off um what have you been up to today um working working I've been editing uh documents I'm on a committee for the Department of Health we're currently rewriting the curriculum for 911 so um creating tests and just editing so we can get that off and get it approved and then creating graphics for another committee that I'm on with 91 Wonder Woman yeah your shirt can we talk about it can you tell yeah so um 91 Wonder Woman is a nonprofit organization that um a friend of mine Sarah Weston founded and we do a virtual 5K every year so 911 dispatchers all over the country um sign up and then we do like a couch to 5K prep leading up to it and then the 5Ks for a whole weekend in April and and um we all just kind of share pictures and Empower each other to do more and Learn and Grow I love the dedication but it feels like there's no days off not really yeah does it feel like work though cuz you're passionate about no it's something that um I kind of took on because the both committees that I'm that I was talking about are um kind of important and they play a huge role in the future of 911 and it's something that I just love so it kind of just happens yeah that's amazing yeah so can you tell me a little bit about your role and responsibility here at City Hall doing dispatch yeah so I am the training coordinator for communications so I um edit and update all of our training program and then I work with our trainers when we have new hires and kind of goes through the process on who's learning what they're learning how well they're doing and then I also answer 911 and administrative lines and get to tell the police officers and the firefighters where to go and who they're looking for and all of that so on top of just being a dispatcher but they a little more administrative stuff and how long have you been in this field um almost four years my anniversary is next month so R that's exciting does it hearing the word dispatch I think of you know all the 911 calls is that super super stressful how does how does that it can be um 911 you know it's it's Hit or Miss either somebody's having the worst moment of their life and you're able to help them through it and get them the help that they need or they're calling because they don't really know who else to call and so in those situations you know I can guide them and direct them to the proper Channel and get them the help that they need um it's it's always something new you never know what you're an answering you never know what's going to be on the other end of the line so it definitely keeps you on your toes and guessing yes that's amazing that you get to help those people on a daily basis and just be the change but um can you tell me a little bit about like does an experience come to mind that you felt really gratified or proud of yeah um you know it's it's kind of funny cuz there's calls that we have where I've had calls that kid calls for me are always the worst because I'm a mom so and anytime I'm talking to a kid uh they don't know where they are they don't know where Mommy is like that always hits me really hard um I've got to talk to a few moms that were kind of in distress with their babies and been able to help them through it but overall I think that just the calls in general I grew up here so I've taken calls for people that I knew or that I've known my entire life and then being able to help them and then follow up with them and know that like CPR worked and we're okay and we're going to be good or that kind of thing like there's so many different situations that happen that you're not really prepared for but you are because the training so you just kind of rely on that and then just keep going yeah thank you for being there in those scary I wouldn't trade it for anything I never even considered this as a career path and I had a really good friend of mine that worked here for years um she retired shortly after I got brought on um but she kept calling me and she was like you got to do this you have it like you would be perfect you need to and I was like I don't know and then now I'm here and it's everything like I just love it yeah so Amy so after that call what would you say like what characteristics would that caller say you have in order to do that call well so I think to be a good dispatcher realistically you have to be able to multitask your brain has to be ble to jump from one thing to the next but not lose the prioritization of it all and just understanding the gravity of We Are the officers and the firefighters paramedics we are their Lifeline so understanding that we directly impact how their calls go but then also being able to kind of shake things off not take it personally people call when they're having like the worst moment of their life they can be really um angry or or mean um but they can also be really kind too in those moments so having the compassion and the empathy to kind of understand like hey I'm here to help you let me actually help you and then again just multitasking that Controlled Chaos you know knowing where everything is knowing what every everything that needs to be done and then making it all happen efficiently so it's just kind of putting all the pieces together of a puzzle as quickly as you can yeah that definitely takes a hardworking person and that scen it's very it takes a lot of dedication so but it's definitely something that if you have those strong characteristics you like to be in charge you like to know what's going on you want to help those things all play a part in it so yeah absolutely so you said you grew up here um did you go to like the schools here like Greco Lewis um no I well I didn't go to Greco or Lewis I did private I was in private school um and then I graduated from King so oh yeah yeah I I went to those schools I had I grew up here a little bit I feel like I'm a part-time Temple terrorist native but um yeah we're probably around each other but I knew a lot of people who went to King so what would you say growing up here was your favorite part of the city like what set Temple Terrace apart um so for me it was a little different because my dad actually um opened Uncle Fat's Pub and then we had another restaurant that when we sold her it's out of temp ter Highway okay so my dad was one of the ones to open Uncle fats and then because of his role and the city and everything he actually knew all of the officers back in the day so for me as like a teenager if I was out and about my dad would get a call be like your daughter's doing and I'm like couldn't get away with anything um so that was always really kind of funny to me just because it's such a small town and you know everybody but then growing up like I was at the rec center and I took ceramic classes here in City Hall back in like the '90s so it's kind of funny to see like the progress and everything kind of change and just develop and grow yeah um but it's I love the city cuz it it is the community it's just a good community and people kind of stick together and you know your neighbors and you can rely on one another and it's nice yeah I remember I used to do like back at the light Foot Center I would take lessons it's so full circle you remember the old light Foot Center yes like I did gymnastics and everything there so dance lessons all of it so seeing all of the buildings kind of like Get redeveloped and grow and just all the new stuff and the changes and going in a positive direction it's really cool it's amazing coming from yeah especially now like I feel like it's changing so much right now and I'm glad that we get to be a part of absolutely we also have those good memories but yeah so you could describe yourself in what word what would it be I know it's like it's heavy it's a chos I feel like it's a good one I'm always doing something always have a project always have something going on or a new idea or something like that so probably chaos is probably the best one oh I love that's real yeah yeah that's probably the most accurate awesome well thank you so much for being here on your day off and just telling us all about dispatch and just all you know the stress it could be but all the amazing things that come out of it so thank you very much yeah thanks for having me absolutely and dispatch is hiring we are hiring 15 days a month once we get fully staffed and then $23 an hour starting full benefit so it's it's a kick butt job absolutely thank you so much Amy for being here thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen I'll call the meeting to order and welcome everybody to the March 19th meeting of the temple ter city council this is amazing we haven't had this many people since you guys are angry about a bunch of stuff so it's very nice to see everybody here tonight I see a lot of familiar faces some of you I don't recognize um it's nice to have all of you here you're welcome um we start turning out like this every meeting we're going to have to build a bigger city hall though so we don't have that in the budget so if you would please remember to silence all your electronic devices and if you would stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord we ask your blessings on our meeting tonight grant us wisdom to make wise choices understanding to consider the views of others and compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves grant us peace as we celebrate the holy seasons of Ramadan Passover and Easter help us ensure that Temple Terrace remains a place where people of all cultures and Creeds can live together in mutual respect we humbly ask these things as one Community diverse and yet United amen amen plge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy andice so for those of you who don't frequently attend our meetings we have a tradition that we started a year or so ago whereby at the beginning of each of our Council meetings we have one of our council members present a very brief um historical or interesting fact about the city of Temple Terrace or about the area in which we live sometimes it's an old fact sometimes it's a current fact so um tonight that dude falls on council member James Chambers and I will turn it over to you James thank you mayor um tonight's historical fact is about the Temple Terrace history with special events and a few examples over uh time has been over 50 years of Fourth of July celebrations 50 years of the Community Arts Festival uh Winter Wonderland uh just happened a couple weeks ago the Garden Club spring Market at Woodmont and the two I want to key on right now uh first is Art in Blanc art in Blanc is the main fund right raiser activity for the Temple Terrace Arts Council the concept of this event was started years ago in France as a popup dinner with everyone dressed in white and we call it art in Blan because we celebrate art for the Arts Council and everybody's eating dinner dressed in white this is the 11th year of the art and Blanc event which started in 2013 at Woodmont park with over 200 people attending that year and on your screen you'll see that's a picture of art and Blanc so the park is beautiful we have white lights everyone dressed up and it's a nice evening uh there's dinner music dancing artists donate uh artwork for Raffles uh it's just a it's just a lot of fun in 2015 there was Heavy Rain that night and the event moved to the country club but other than that year everything has been held in Woodmont Park the 12th art in Blanc is coming this Saturday night with over 300 people already signed up and there's a few spots left the second special event is the temple uh Temple Terra craft Brewfest to be held again at Woodmont Park on April 13th with samplings of over a hundred different craft beers from over 35 Brewers this event was started in 2015 as a partnership with the Rotary Club and the City of Temple Terrace this year the Temple Terrace Uptown Chamber of Commerce has taken over the event the event is capped at 1,200 tickets and every year they sell out and has attracted people from over 70 zip codes exposing different people to Temple terce these events plus the many other special events uh we hold contri to making our city truly amazing that's my report council member chamber was that all right let's give Mor of Applause oh thank you very good thank you very much James so uh first is a proclamation tonight in honor of Ramadan and Muslim heritage month and U our brother Jamal NAIA is here to accept the proclamation would you like to or whoever from the community yes sir I'd be glad to please approach so well this Podium for now there we go and so the proclamation reads as follows says whereas freedom of religion holds the distinction as a cherished right and a foundational value upon which the laws and ethics of the United States are based and whereas enriched by the unparalleled diversity of its residence the city of Temple terce takes great pride in supporting individuals who Express their religious freedom and varied cultural Traditions Islam is the second largest religion in the world and there are millions of Muslim Americans both immigrants and native born of diverse backgrounds and beliefs Temple Terrace as everybody knows is home to a very large Muslim Community many of whom are here tonight whereas for the followers of the Islamic faith Ramadan is the holiest month of the Islamic calendar and is regarded as a time for Spiritual reflection solidarity with the less fortunate and a bridging of differences between people over shared commitment to Faith now therefore I Andrew Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida encouraged the community to reflect on the history and contributions of Muslims in the in Temple Terrace throughout through the celebration of Ramadan and Muslim heritage month and so thank you very good sir would you like to say a few words good evening mayor Ros vice mayor council members city manager City Clerk and staff thank you for the proclamation declaring the month of Ramadan and the Muslim heritage month for our beautiful city this month the Muslims fast for the entire month and devote their time in prayers and arms giving to the poor and the needy it ends or culminates at the end of the month on the day the day of Eid which is like Christmas to you but for us it is a day of Celebration gift giving and we give it to our children the gifts that normally you would give to your give children in at Christmas it might be noted that muham besides Muhammad all the prophets mentioned in the New Testament are mentioned in the Quran not only that it also might be noted that Mary the mother of Jesus is mentioned more times in the Quran than in the Bible I've been a long time resident of Temple Terrace I moved here in 1972 and I was hired by your Earth city engineer Paul thomasino and then I went on and became a city engineer director of Public Works for city of safety Safety Harbor and part sometimes I used to act as acting city manager too and I have helped with many of the projects in Temple terce my first uh direction or my suggestion to Paul thomasino was when they were building the new fire station on bullet Parkway and they were thinking of putting a new signal there and I said number one it'll take more than $60,000 to install the signal so I suggested just a flashing Beacon and that cost less and that is what the city has today I thank you again and if there are any questions I'd be glad to answer thank you very much sir for being here and and in uh tradition of when we traditionally break our fast we break it with dates so I have brought you some dates that you you can share with your staff and your council members thank you very kind of you thank [Applause] you you want to go okay so I've been at this a long time first we look at the city photographer we do this one at a time so we're not all staring over here in the pictures mayor may I City if you want to go up Now's the Time all right we still have people coming up all right can we get a little closer I don't know if I get everybody everybody Brea all right yeah cuz you all right ready one two one more one more there we I got everybody there one two three thank you my here you go Bud you're the professional you got to do ready all right one two three all right anybody else done all all right thank you very [Applause] much [Music] [Music] take care good to see you next we have a proclamation for government Finance professionals week I believe our finance director Jing Jim Ingram our assistant Finance director Jennifer Newman and Finance operations manager Jamie devie are here would you guys like to approach the podium thank you very much thank you that's the team right here the team this is the team this is the J team this is the J Jennifer Jim Jamie okay good we'll keep that in mind this is the the dynamic Trio here so the proclamation reads whereas the Florida government Finance Officers Association is a professional association founded in 1937 and serves more than 3,300 professionals from state county and City governments school districts colleges and universities Special Districts and private firms whereas the fgfoa is dedicated to being a professional resource by providing opportunities through education networking leadership and information whereas this government Finance professionals week sponsored by fgfoa and all its member governmental associations is a week-long series of activities aimed at recognizing government Finance professionals and the vital Services they that they provide to our state and our community whereas during this week government Finance profess professionals throughout the State of Florida will be acknowledged for their hard work dedication and Leadership now therefore I Andy Ross by virtue of authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida do hereby set aside March 18th through 22nd 20124 as Government Finance professionals week and thank you so much for all you do give them a round of applause like to say a few words uh sure thank you honorable mayor and city council um I'll try not to take too much time but if I start hearing music I'll know to sit down there is a lot of work that goes into Public Finance the governmental Accounting Standards Board makes sure of that by adding new reporting requirements each year in fact this week we are celebrating Finance week by working on finishing up our audit for fiscal year 23 um and as we are uh wrapping up that audit we are soon beginning work on our fiscal year 25 budget so it really never ends for us we go right from audit to budget from budget to audit as a department we are on a journey of transformation that never ends always looking how we can get better as mayor Ross has said many times we're good and we're getting better we we really tried to live by that motto we have a great staff at Temple Terrace including these two ladies next to me Jennifer Newman and Jamie D who spend many hours including some evenings and weekends dedicated to continuous Improvement in excellence I also want to recognize that we have great support from all our city departments our city manager and of course our Council personally as a soon to be 25-year resident of the city on April 1st having worked with and for local governments for 33 years and having worked and lived around Temple Terrace for over 40 years I could probably give you some of the historical facts um it is a great privilege and a fil fulfilled dream to serve this community I used to back about 15 years ago I would drive down the street over here by Public Works ni City Hall the time I was working for a nonprofit organization that worked with governments all over the United States and Canada and this is no no story no lie I would think you know someday I'd like to work for the city of Temple terce and uh it became a real reality and I'm very pleased very happy to be here and to to serve in this great Community thank you well thank you Jim and I think I speak for everybody up here when I say this a little off script here but we really appreciate what you and your team have done in the finance department Department as you know cuz many of you were here um we had some turbulence there over the years and and uh sometimes our budget process was we got there but it wasn't always an easy process and and uh you guys have really transformed that that area so I I know it's made all of our Lives much easier and much more efficient and you've saved um a lot of taxpayer money in the process and so I'm really proud of you for that I think the whole council is so thank you thank you Carlos I think you should come down for this one just sliding a little this [Applause] time ready one two three one more for good luck there we [Applause] go all right next item is a presentation about the smoking shot clay shoot U it's a fundraiser that we'll hear about we'll hear from our fire department engineer Shannon Parker is here to explain good good evening good evening Mr Mayor and members of the council and department heads my name is Shannon Parker I have 18 years experience here with temple terce driver engineer at Station 2 on the ladder truck as shift um but I wanted to bring your attention today to the uh smok and shot clay shoot this is the second year that we've had the charity fundraiser for the firefighters benevolent charity um it's been a amazing turn out last year we had a couple mayor Ross City maor Carlos and uh Chief km graced us with their presence last year and it was a turned out to be a very fun event so we decided to do it again and I wanted to bring attention to the city and hopefully we could bring it to the department heads and possibly get some teams throughout the city um you know I don't know if you know anything about benev but are we're a grand Stam sponsor for the Buddy baseball here in Temple terce and U that's one of the biggest things that we do so we tried to raise some funds to help sponsor teams for that event and then um the event going to be held on April 13th again the same day as the uh what my uh Brew Fest but the good thing is this thing happens in the morning you have plenty of time to go home take a shower and recover attend the Brewfest in the afternoon um other than that that's much all I have for you I don't any has any questions I hope to see some of you guys back I do know Mr Ross is going to be out there we are going to be gunning for you unfortunately uh he's probably going to be the team to beat this year maybe maybe not but if anybody has any questions I'll be happy to answer them and I just wanted to bring it to your attention we'll see so Shannon I do want to add just for our listeners that a lot of people that don't understand that this is not a an activity that you have to be um familiar with there's beginner Shooters out there um all the time aren't there and so U this is not something that you have to be an avid shotgun Enthusiast or anything like that this is really a fun there's kids out there there's you know everybody's out there so um we actually had a few females that came out there and shot on the team and it was their first time ever been shooting yep and they were ecstatic yep and had more fun than they thought they would and they're they're all coming back this year again as well so so so I encourage everybody to sign up it's a great event so thank you for being here thank you very much yes so I just want to say for the public it is a great event and in fact there's trophies in all categories including worst shooter of the day which I happen to win so it's a good day thank you so they they I have to tell you on that note that the city manager and I were shooting on the same team and he left early before the that trophy was awarded and they tried to call me up to get his fishing pole trophy as because he wasn't there and there's no way that I was going up and getting his fishing pole trophy after that was not going to happen what the fishing pole trophy was little skunk was that what it was okay it said you stink ah there was no way that was going to be on the city's Facebook page no way we had we had to make a fire department fun so oh good thank you thank you very much thank you next we have an employee GA engagement survey results by Dr step Neely um Dr neie thank you for being here and so um Dr Neely is somebody that we've contracted with to um poll our employees to try to get a climate survey so that's uh I'm sure he'll explain that so good evening good evening and thank you for having me back last time I was here I believe it was space day that we were talking about and now it's the uh clay shooting so you guys are having a lot of fun down here I got to I got to come more often but it's nice to be back with you and um we conducted a follow-up survey to the one conducted in 2022 and I loved hearing your your slogan there we're good and getting better because I think I could have hung that b right over uh what we have to talk about tonight we do have a lot of data in the survey so I'm going to try to move a little quickly but if I'm going too fast please let me know I can slow down I can take any questions as they come up um I'm going to I'm going to hope that this thing is for me it is you would it this way got you that that makes it work better thank you I appreciate that so we we um used a very similar process to that used in 2022 which was a web-based survey we left it open for employees for a month and they were encouraged by city leaders department leaders to complete the survey everybody received that via email the link to complete the survey had a nice little uptick in participation this time uh 140 complete responses which was 42% of the workforce was up from 37% in 2022 what I really was happy about this time was that there were some nice improvements in um representation of the workforce I believe in 2022 1% of our respondents um identified as African-American that is up to 8% this year um Hispanic respondents up from 5% in 2022 to 12% this year so much much better representation in the completion rate of the survey which is really great because it helps us to trust the inferences that we're drawing from the results a little more and um we find some really great numbers related to job SA satisfaction um overall job satisfaction among city employees which is fantastic but what I really like is that we see some improvements um so 96% of employees in the city agreeing that they like their jobs 75% rating the city is an excellent or good place to work but what I really want to focus in on here is the change we see from 2022 to 2024 we see and I apologize if it's okay I'm going to step forward a little bit because I'm having a hard time seeing from that part um somebody should have made their slides bigger is what should have happened so we have a 14% increase in the percentage of employees describing the city as an excellent place to work so good and getting better is is a great description of this um overall the percentage of employees who describe the city as fair or poor place to work went down commensurately so we have some really great improvements over the past two years in employee perceptions of the workplace um would we like to see that number at 100% of course we would so it's always room for improvement but the city is definitely moving in the right direction in overall kind of employee perceptions of the workplace so we want to dig into a little bit of what what drives that what are the factors that influence employees perceptions um one of them you know we we're dealing with a a public municipality here and we've already seen a lot of kind of Public Service ethos on display in in the conversation so far tonight well that's an important motivator for people who come into this industry who come into this this sector in this line of work they want to know that they're making a difference we want to know that they're make that they feel like they're making a difference and that they they're they can be proud of the work they're doing proud of the contributions they're making to the community so we always in these surveys want to measure that public service motivation and task satisfaction this was a real strength if you remember back in 2022 when we talked this was the real underlying strength of the city Workforce and we see it replicated here again in this year's survey um 98% of employees um um saying they feel a sense of accomplishment in their work it's a fantastic number I will tell you that you know I do these surveys for several cities it's not always that good A lot of times when you have disconnects between leadership employees you can you can lose that sense that you're making a difference lose that sense that you have that you're accomplishing something worthwhile um and that often boils down to to problems with communication problems with Goal congruence but here we have just an overwhelming majority of temp terce employees saying I feel like I make a difference I'm proud of the work I do I understand how my role contributes to the mission of the city just absolutely vital for for a public sector organization so once again you have a really strong Foundation going there as you did as you did two years ago um fairness and Equity Al also something we always want to look at in the workplace and once again we see some really nice improvements now again are these numbers we would like to see at 100% of course they are but the progress being made really shows in this year's survey the percentage of employees who disagreed when asked if the wor workplace was free of discrimination and harassment fell by 7% from last year the percentage who disagreed when asked if if they were treated fairly based on factors such as age race and gender the percentage who disagreed with that fell by about 6% in those categories um so we see again some of those really strong improvements um if you look on the left there the PE the percentage of people who strongly agree that the workplace is free of harassment that's that's a pretty massive increase that's um that's a bigger increase in from a year-over-year survey than I think I've seen in in a city workplace before so the improvements that we're seeing here are are you know I don't like throwing around the word statistically significant it gets a little clouded what it means sometimes but these are very significant um these are not random sampling errors these are very significant improvements that you're seeing in these numbers um again I know I'm talking fast because I want to respect everyone's time but let me know if you need to jump in with anything compensation stood out last time as an area that employees had identified for improvement um we measured it a little differently this time on on kind of a consultation with city leaders and and um human resources department we kind of broke out our examination of the benefits associated with employment a little bit and so we we have a kind of slightly different set of numbers this time that we're looking at we asked specifically about health care benefits specifically about retirement benefits specifically about vacation time on those benefits you have a pretty solid pretty consistent 3/4 majority of employees expressing satisfaction with those offerings from the city but we still have this this tricky issue that all public agencies are plagued with when it comes to actual compensation in compensation we had I believe in 22 53% of respondents disagreed when we asked them if they were fairly compensated for their work that number improved a little bit it fell by 5% so that's a that's a 5% Improvement um this time but it's still sitting at about 48% so one of the recommendations I and I'll get to this later is kind of continue those compensation audits I know you've done those not too distant past but just continue those keeping keeping Pace you know right now we're struggling of course with inflation we're struggling with cost of living effects for employees and in the public sector where salaries tend to move a little more slowly than in the private sector obviously employees feel that pain a little more and so um it's something to keep an eye on something to continue exploring um through my conversations with city leaders I know it's something that's on your radar and something that you're that you're actively concerned about so I'll just make a note of that we did see improvements though in most categories for benefits um some of these we can't compare to 2022 because we did change the way that we asked the question this time but we saw some slight improvements in um questions about opportunities for professional growth um questions about whether employees can see themselves being promoted that's critical to Workforce retention um and then and some some minor increases as I noted in um the actual compensation question itself um and so all of these data are built a little more little more detail in the report I'm kind of touching on some of the high level points here here for you I want to get into a couple things that I thought were really important um there are some numbers in there about familiarity with City programs um I I'll kind of for the sake of time I'll kind of just summarize that as saying you know employee turnover creates constant awareness gaps with the benefits the City offers whether it's tuition reimbursement Wellness programs um employee assistance program so you want to keep a kind of constant campaign of raising Awareness on those things some times we think okay we did that 5 years ago that that's pretty recent for for an information campaign with employee turnover it's actually not recent with benefits and I don't that's a hypothetical I don't know that it was five years ago that you did a major a major initiative on that but um you want to kind of have an annual reminder for employees of of those those offerings those initiatives where they can get information on those things um I want to talk about organizational Communications though it's one of the weakest areas for every single municipality that I ever conduct employee surveys for and it stood out as an area of consideration last time and so we asked a specific question this time about a relative comparison to a year ago if organizational Communications have improved stayed the same gotten worse than they were a year ago a third of your employees said that Communications within the organization have gotten better than they were a year ago while 50% said they stayed the same so there is some evidence of improvement there but I think the one piece that drags that that drags those numbers down a little bit when we dig into them is Cross cross- departmental communications okay employees generally say we communicate well with one another like us staff on the ground day-to-day we do well communicating with one another at the department level we're not quite as sure in the responses and so that stands out as an area to explore one of the one of the recommendations that's offered in the report is to kind of conduct a strategic review of organizational Communications in an effort to improve those departmental um those departmental efforts or cross- departmental efforts one of the best ways we found to do that is with a kind of liaison model where somebody from you know Department a will serve as a liaison to Department B especially especially when we're talking about internally provided services um and get to know that department better and be able to communicate that department back to their to their own and be able to kind of serve as a link between the two so it's an option to consider but I just I want to note that that's also in the recommendations and the report um overall though this is another area where we see some pretty solid improvements compared to where we were two years ago um City leadership and goal setting we um we see some nice Improv improvements there as well 82% agree that the city has clear goals well that was 69% in 2022 so that is again a 133% increase in the percentage of employees saying hey I understand what the city's goals are they're clear and 84% feel the city's moving in the right direction when it comes to those goals so again these are very positive numbers these are good improvements that's up 7% from 2022 um and um had a chart here for you as well show just showing some of that um sharp increases in the percentage of employees see seeing clear goals in the city seeing the city making progress toward those goals and moving in the right direction so these are these are very positive Trends these are what we want to see this is the purpose of doing these surveys so that you can collect this data you can act on it and you can identify your improvements or you can identify areas that are continuing to lag so I think my overall assessment of what of what came out of this survey is that there's a lot of good news for the city now um being a professor of public administration I also don't want to um I don't want to encourage complacency I know you guys are committed to continuous Improvement um just because numbers improve very nicely over a two-year period doesn't mean we take a break of course there are recommendations in the report for continuing to move these numbers forward we're in a obviously a very unique information environment right now that's evolving extremely rap rapidly um I spent a lot of my day today um in meetings talking about the implications of artificial intelligence for local government um these are things that communication plans are going to have to adapt to um that they're going to have to build upon and so um while there's really great um well there's an incorrect title on this chart for one thing again whoever made these slides just I'm going to have to talk to him um I'll get that corrected for you but um while there are some really strong improvements here I would consider them the first step toward the the levels you want to be at I want to jump backwards really quickly because I skipped over something very important and I apologize but we talk also in 2022 along with compensation and Communications the other area that we said um was an area for consideration was morale and you guys had this very unique phenomenon two years ago where most employees reported their morale was positive but said when I look at the organization I don't think moral in the organization is as good I don't know if youall remember that conversation we had so we wanted to specifically focus in on that and identify whether employees perceived morale as having improved from that time stayed the same or gotten worse and I was really pleased with the numbers that I saw there 42% of employees say the morale is higher today than it was a year ago 42% of employees say it's higher today than it was a year ago it's a fantastic number about a third saying it's the same and about 20% expressing concerns that morale may be worse and so again when we look at the three major things that stood out in 2022 I think you can point at this year's survey and say we have measurable improvements in all of them if these were 4% improvements I would say be cautious be cautious because sampling error could easily give you a 4% swing it doesn't give you a 42% swing um so you have some really strong underlying num here lot of foundation to build on I'll Guin steal your your line May and say that you know you guys are good but you're also showing evidence that you're getting better um there's nothing in the survey results that I consider a red flag that's not always the case I get to be the bearer of bad news more often than I would like for cities and um there's no bad I don't have any glaring bad news to share with you I do have a few recommendations based on kind of some current trends in Oran in Employee Engagement and organizational Improvement we talked a little bit about the communication piece specifically focusing on cross- departmental Communications especially awareness and familiarity across departments um we talked about compensation review I know you've done it I don't mean to to kind of preach the same thing that you were doing two years ago I believe it was ongoing at that time um but it is something to keep an eye on given the current environment where we know that employees wages are just not keeping up with the cost of the things they have to pay for especially here in Florida with housing and and other costs um workload management was was a small thing that stood out there of just making sure that there is an accounting of the distribution of work within departments you know we all we all have experienced that phenomenon where when you're good at something it comes at the cost of getting more and more of that to do um and so there was a little bit of that being showing up in the results so just a a quick assessment of workload management could be valuable um professional development and career advancement we talked last time again about this about just building that into that annual review process ensuring that you're not losing really good employees because they don't recognize or don't feel like there are opportunities to advance um and then increasing awareness of some of those employee benefits this is another really key piece for um Workforce retention is making sure employees know the range of benefits available to them a lot of employees in here indicated may not be am with Wellness programs or tuition reimbursement some of those items that are that are really valuable assets for for employees to to advance their careers with so those are some things to keep an eye on um that's probably the fastest I've ever talked through 16 slides I was told that I want to watch my time so I wanted to be I want to be respectful of that but um that said any questions I can answer for you happy to do so thank you Dr Neely Council Council vice mayor Abel first of all thank thank you for the presentation um there's it's one thing feeling like we're on an upswing and then it's another thing entirely to see that we're not the only ones that feel that way and there's evidence to support that so that's really exciting to see but I was curious about the survey instrument and how it compared to the one that you used in 2022 I know you had some questions that had a more in-depth perspective to notice change over time and I was just curious about how closely the bones of the survey parallel the original the bones of the survey were the original and then we built those out where where the city's leaders and um identified it as necessary such as getting some of those comparative questions in relative to the prior years getting a little bit more of a breakdown on benefits because benefits can be a very abstract term so for the most part the survey tracks in a way that allows you to build Trends I'd say 90% of the questions in there are consistent with what you asked two years ago and consistent with what I would recommend that you ask you know again in two years um and so for the most most part it is the underlying instrument is the same thank you council member schisler yes thank you no very very good presentation thank you very much um employee uh satisfaction is very important to us as a council and uh this information will go will will will help us as we do we enter into our goal setting sessions that um it gives us with h things we can work on things that we can improve so thank you very much I appreciate the data absolutely good council member Fernandez a couple questions uh one in in the first slide where I think it was the 96% employee satisfaction but then in the second tier of that is 96% were satisfied that they they liked their job in Temple terrorist but then there were something in the seven I'm I didn't write the numbers down something in the 70% back up I yeah can we go back to the first slide thank you yes okay so we've got 96% agree that they like their jobs but 75% say that it's an excellent or good place to work so I my question has to do with how does that translate that if I like my job but like is this a question of maybe some people just not answering that question no I'm only giving you percentages based on the breakdown of people who did answer um to use a you know maybe a a silly example I imagine that um that every every baseball player would tell you that they love their job um but most wouldn't necessarily love playing for the Pirates right I'm from Pittsburgh okay so um I think there's a combination or or there's the issue there's kind of some nuance there I should say in the distinction between the questions it's important that they like their job it's important that they like what they do that they find Value in what they do um that's different from saying I think we've got it all together right here where I'm doing it now does that make sense so it would be like somebody who says I like uh maintaining the roads but I don't but I'm on the fence about maintaining the roads here but I think there's room for improvement is is how I would interpret that I think there's room for improvement in the workplace okay that that was I just reconciling those two yeah did that help yes and then this question is actually I think for staff regarding the employee benefits it seems like that should be part of the onboarding process like at that moment when a new employee comes on board you show them all of the different benefits that are offered because a lot of them you might want to take advantage of at the time of employment tuition reimbursement maybe you aren't in school then and that would be some of them should be ongoing campaigns but some of them feels like we should the awareness of them should happen at the time they're employed May um I I agree and in fact I think we actually do can I get a nod uh from we we do this but as you can imagine I don't remember my orientation and so I think there's a lot of information on that day it's ours and hours of getting a lot of information basically from a fire hose so it doesn't surprise me that folks don't remember all those details in fact the um Mr Nazario and I have been talking about a way that we can improve that going forward and having a because I was actually there was one piece of data there about um uh you know knowledge of the of the programs and the benefits and we've really the entire Council we've worked very hard in the past 18 months to improve our benefits dramatically so it's very discouraging to see that folks aren't aware of that and so we uh we definitely need to do a better job there so we're working on a potential campaign to do it on a more regular basis I'm working with Joel and his team as well to get the information out uh one of the other things that Dr Neely pointed out was that whole communication piece just in general and that's something that uh I've been giving a lot of thought to as well how do we communicate I know we do an excellent job communicating with the Department directors the middle managers Etc we need to do a better job getting the word out to our Frontline staff folks who are out there doing the work they may not have an idea of all the things that the great things we're doing so that's on me to make that happen uh so that's one of the things I really took as a lesson from this survey so I I appreciate that it was pointed out because otherwise you know we would lose sight of that so we're working on that as well okay if I could just interject and underscore that from an administrative standpoint we we know and I'm sure the HR folks will agree um onboarding is an overwhelming process it's actually a really bad time in terms of information absorption it's it's it's not a it's not a time where people um are really learning and absorbing and remembering what they're being fed because they're being fed so much and what they really care about is I got to learn my job so I don't mess it up right and so it's it's actually not an ideal time sometimes to share that kind of information if that helps time counil member Chambers yeah thank you mayor um my question is our participation of employees went up slightly to 42% what can we do to get that number way up there um you know it it always seems like such a low number um I had one recently that was in the 30s um and you know it's it's it's just hard to to get employees sometimes to feel comfortable sharing their opinions um I can assure any employees in the room your responses truly are Anonymous I don't even collect your IP address um they nothing that I uh that we give the city that could link back to you um but it's hard to to sometimes kind of have confidence in that and um it's also hard to just find time to take a survey um I mean Mo imagine half the people sitting in this room your day did not go the way you thought it was going to go at 8:00 this morning right things come up you get busy you say hey I'm going to do that today and then you know it kind of drifts out of your mind because the emergencies rise right and so I think um carving out some specific time for employees um and just saying hey we would really encourage you just you know if from 3: to 3:20 today stop what you're doing and take the survey um I understand that's not always plausible you know our friends in fire an EMS can't can't say I'm taking the survey so let that call go right so I mean it's not it's not um always feasible but to the extent that you can carve out that time I think it would be really helpful okay thank you thank you Dr Neely this is been very beneficial and just I'd like to talk briefly to our employees and please share this with your staffs and those who may be watching at another time we I say we this Council um originated this process in 2022 for those of you who were here you might recall this was driven by the council two years ago um in recognition that we had some issues internally that we thought it needed to be improved and so um at that time we had an interim city manager Dr Spa who at our Direction contacted Dr Neely and we did this Baseline survey in 2022 um so we did this again now in order to get a comparison from 22 to the current conditions and as you can see as we can all see things have gotten better um in most regards I think but this is a work in progress for all of us us from for us for City Manager for you as Department directors um this is not a destination we will never get a survey that's 100% the way we want it to be this is something that we need to visit all the time and that's exactly the point in doing it so some of these slides are like man who's the 20% that this place is you know you always want to know that that's the wrong question the question is what can we do right to continue the elevating um we're good and we're getting better and in two years we're still not going to be 100% but we're going to be better than we are now and getting better then and so that's how great organizations are built and and I just want you folks and your and your staff to understand that if we weren't concerned about you we wouldn't be doing this right and I've been on the council for a while now and there was a time when the council didn't care to spend money on you know we we figure okay we can get another whatever if that person doesn't like it they can go work for whoever we don't feel like that we understand that our success is tied directly to the quality of our employees so that's what we're working on and so we will continue to work on this through the city manager I think he gets it I think our HR director gets it I I think you guys get it um and this is a this is a journey that we're all on together so so thank you Dr Ney anytime thank you thank you anything I can answer you know as a follow up if anything comes up please feel free to reach out good deal thank you next we have our uh marketing and communications director Joel DTE is here to talk about something very exciting but I I'm going to let him tell you so welcome good evening mayor Ross and council members today I'm here to address an issue that was brought up uh in my first week probably uh for a city that's training 100 next year we don't have a city flag and last year last week we last Council we also spoke about how there was one design and it got lost so today I'm here to present the city flag challenge um we're hoping to have the Public's help and actually design the city flat um if we could bring up the presentation please so we're looking for uh the public to design a clear simple flag uh that can be rectangled and enlarg to three and A2 3T to 5T ratio um we're looking for an original design so no plagiarism basic two to three colors avoid uh seal too many seal and letterings um not to duplicate a flag but there can be similarities um and anything that's not positive will be rejected each design should be submitted by an official submission which would also include a written description of any symbols that are used and color explanations U so that it can have some substance as most flags do um the there's going to be three ways to submit there's an online submitt form which is actually active now that we'll share on our social media platforms our websites they can email it to flagor challenge at temp.com .go sorry and they can either bring it in or mail it in um um if they do it by hand and choose to bring it in we can digitize it and also has it um be submitted to the poll of different flags that are coming in all entries should be submitted by April 30th by 5:00 p.m. and all submitted entries shall become property of the city of Temple Terrace and be modified reproduced and published at the city so discretion all entries will be reviewed and the three finals will be presented to the city council um the winning design will be selected and announced on or or by June 4th uh the winner will be recognized at city council meeting with a certificate recognize a frame and have received a frame copy of the wi design signed by the mayor and the city council um we're asking the public to help lead us to the next 100 Years hopefully with an official flag that represents us and represents the future of the City by also M commemorating the past of the city um so I'm ready for any questions you may have thank you Mr DTE so the only question I had real quick is is um the April 30th deadline is there a reason that we have to have such a tight cuz that's only like 6 weeks away well I do feel like this would generate a lot of attention and a lot of people will be you know if you love The Art you would definitely want your name attached to a city flag so I felt like if we give too much we'll have too much to review so I think a tight wiu allows one for people to actually get to it and two gives a manageable time to receive uh the submissions and if we don't get enough that you like we could we could extend it yeah obviously so the dates aren't set in stone there obviously flexibility but I feel like you know this is a city that loves art so I can see the city itself submitting a lot and you know the Public's open to it I think it's honorable mention to have a flag that you design what's the judging criter you're going to have like a committee to yeah so there's going to be a staff committee that we haven't selected yet but we will and then we'll narrow it down to three and then have the council choose the the winner okay council members will the go ahead will the uh Flags ultimately ultimately be available for a purchase by the citizens uh yes I think that would the idea yeah good and hopefully flagged in the entrance and here in the council great idea council members Arts Council go yeah so we're going to look for the Art Council as well as you know Hillsboro was brought up and approved by the Centennial group okay very good good deal so we'll be looking for lots and lots of good uh submissions and it's open now so anyone can start submitting good and getting better I you can see it now thank you thank you Joelle next item is an appointment to the municipal code board um there is currently one regular member vacancy on the MCB the city received an application from Mr Brian Hubert Mr Hubert's is a current member his term expired in February 2nd um he is the only one who applied and I see that Mr Hubert is not here this evening is there a motion move to approve Brian Hubert um to the municipal code Board second motion and second discussion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays Mr Hubert is reappointed next are this is a little more complicated these are appointments to the Riverwatch task force there are currently two regular member vacancies and one alternate member vacancy on the Riverwatch task force um the city received three applications from Steven Almeida Angie alot and Jeremy Boolean um Mr Alida teaches environmental science at King High School Angie olot has lived in Temple Terrace for four years and has an interest in the river Jeremy Boolean enjoys spending time on the river and is interested in preservation and protection of of the river so we have three vacancies but one of them is only is for an alternate the other two are regular members I I don't know personally I don't think I know any of these folks and I don't know yet if they're here but um I asked the clerk to provide the date that the applications were received we have used that in the past as a way to determine which of the three would be an alternate I can't remember which board it was but we had the same situation I have a question sure the alternate serves the same term as the two regular members um that's what that's what I thought but I just wanted to confirm that is correct yes and so are any of the three applicants here okay so um you're not bound by this it's obviously council's pleasure this is just for guidance if it's helpful is there a motion we need two separate motions we need a motion to appoint two of them to the regular member slots and one motion to before the motion question in the past we've also voted and the top two vote Getters go to regular members and the third went to the alternate we've done that in the past so we can do that too Circle your choice Circle your preference sign we don't have ballots though that you can use our sheeto put your name on do okay so you need wait first we need to decide do we want to do it that way well I'm comfortable with doing it that way CC let's do it okay it looks like that's the consensus so make sure you put your name on the slip of paper and signify which one of them should be the alternate thank you B you know and now we need some of that Jeopardy music while the city clerk tries to figure this out she taking her shoes off so um the majority of council decided to make the alternate Jeremy bullan and then I had one vote from um Council May vice mayor um Abel for Angie alst okay so if I understand that correctly then Mr Almeida and Miss alot receive that's correct the two regular votes vice mayor do you want to speak to that or are you comfortable with that I'm okay with that okay I mean you you can make your case if you'd like okay okay is there a motion we need two motions who to approve Steven ala and Angie alot as the regular members of the Riverwatch task force to fulfill the open terms second motion the second discussion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays we need one more motion move to approve Jeremy bullan as the alternate member to the Riverwatch task force for the term that had March 19th 2024 through March 19 2027 second um the wrong date is it wrong dates oh I'm on saying yes February 2nd to February 2nd no that's no it's the 19th that's not right sorry which is it it's March 19th through March 19th 2027 it says it on my cover sheet I probably have his notes wrong oh okay second wait discussion all those in favor signify with i i opposed MO all right thank you very much that wasn't nearly as clunky as it's been sometime so everybody's had an opportunity to review the minutes of our March 5th council meeting uh is there a motion to approve them still moved second motion a second discussion and corrections to the minutes not all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays minutes are adopted next are persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda there are request forms in the back of the room for anybody who wishes to address the Council on items not listed on the agenda um we do have a three minute time limit on all comments from the public and ask that you please approach the prodium and state your name and city of residence so I currently have one request to speak from Mr lobe Mr L good evening sir good evening good evening everybody nice to see a full quarum here my my name is Charles lobe and I live in Tampa or more specifically terrorist Park which is your neighbor of right across 52nd Street uh the first thing I wanted to do was mention tonight about the library sale this Thursday Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 4:00 is going to be the library sou the Temple Terrace library and this is not only for you all but for the public uh they have very whole big selection of books DVDs uh compact disc records and just about all types of things along that line you can imagine it's 10 to for the 21st 22nd and 23rd over in the auditorium in the library so I did want to make sure this is mentioned and if you all want to come sure you might be able to find books usually they're not more than a Dollar by the way and they are used books generally from donations uh the other thing I did want to mention I did want to expand upon especially with mayor Ross here tonight was an idea I had about for the Centennial committee that I talked about two weeks ago and that is about having a program ready for November when the league of national league of cities meeting is going to come and you might be able to get visitors uh from other cities to come to your Centennial events whatever they are whatever they happen to be when you have them all figured out I did want to expand upon this idea with one other thought on it too I brought this up last night at our Terrace Park uh Association uh meeting and I kind of thought maybe an idea to go out over to the city council if you want our help depending upon uh what events you have and what talents they have and all that if you all would like us to help you doing your centennial celebration depending now again I will repeat terce Park just across 52nd Street I thought it might be an idea to have a nice uh in City to associ neighborhood association a different city Communications and to start that over thank you thank you Mr are there other members of the public who wish to address the council okay very good um ladies and gentlemen is there a motion to approve the consent agenda move to approve the consent agenda second I have a question about I the item 7A so you want to pull it well it's a yeah I guess we have to pull it if I have a question about it we do so you yes I would like to pull 7A Okay so is there a motion to approve the consent agenda minus 7A move to approve the consent agenda minus 7 a so approve 7B second all right all those in favor signify with i i opposed no Nays very good next is a second public hearing and second reading of we have to do 7A no that's at the end of the that goes to the end next the second public public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1560 partially vacating partially vacating hin drive I'll open the public hearing and ask our city engineer Brian McCarthy to explain good evening honorable mayor city council I'm Brian McCarthy city engineer and I'm here tonight to present the second public hearing to partially vacate um highis Avenue and to recap what was discussed during the March 5th meeting um we reviewed it based upon the city code 12-3 330 um f kind of gives us um what needs to be considered when you're vacating a public Street um some of the things that we noted was that this is an area that's unneeded for existing or future vehicle bicycle or pedestrian access the area is unimproved um the area has significantly changed since the area was dedicated to the city and that utilities and drainage patterns would not be adversely affected by this vacate um staff is proposing a utility easement over the area in this figure um we have uh the area of high and drive that's to be uh publicly vacated and here in the first figure is uh a picture taken from the Eastern point of the vacate looking West from moris Bridge Road and in the second figure um this picture was taken on the western side of the vacate looking East from uh P Primrose Lane um and with that that kind of just Recaps um the area that's being recommended for uh to be partially vacated the applicant um miss an um Alan is Annette alvan is here today and would would like to uh um say a few words as the applicant very good welcome thank you this is the applicant Brian yes okay very good good evening ma'am hello hello oh I come up here yeah so you can see your there goes yeah okay so I'll say greetings to the city council members mayor and assistant May and everybody else new faces my name is Anette aanaa I reside at 11705 Primrose Lane I've been there for 22 years I've been in Temple Terrace since 1994 I've enjoyed this city and actually the property if we have that um uh little yes the property that I live on now is interestingly when we bought it we did not realize that it didn't go all the way to marbridge road because of the survey had the legend down there so for years we just thought we we owned the entire thing and we continue maintaining when we found out that we didn't we realized there was a little pizza slide I'm looking for that slide Brian the one that shows the very small piece of property sorry yes so we're living at 11705 which is the big uh piece right there at the corner and the red section is the highest in drive we asking for it to be vacated and that small piece that looks like a slice of pizza we also own that because that was left over from a church that was there so we purchased that one so our property um we go across and we plant trees and we would love to keep that as a wooded area it's nice and Woody now lots of things growing there ferns we actually use the leaf mold we grow all our food that we eat all our trees since in the 22 years we' have planted so many things things and we eat from there um Miss chisler had a great had great stories from out of that property because our grandkids were taught by her in school and they had they would go into the little wooded area for their Forest so what we're asking for is that if we can have that section vac vacated so in the event we would like to put a fence we can go across now we can't because that place is not ours um legally technically were told it was but legally now we'd like to be able to preserve it protect the trees that are there we get a lot of wildlife coming out of there um we feed the birds we have so many different types of birds and Brian will show some of the things we are growing now and simply asking that we be allowed to We Grow figs avocados lemons bananas uh uh beautiful avocado the birds the Hawks come through last couple of weeks we had uh some of those protected um uh woodpeckers that um were there they nest somewhere in there we grow jack fruit we grow all the tropical stuff lots of um Citrus star fruits and uh those trees are getting ready to be trimmed again we have had to trim them a few times uh and we have never asked for anybody to pay to get them trimmed and right now they're getting ready again um yeah mangoes those stay away from them but um yeah we're simply asking that if we can get that piece of property to be legally uh vacated so we can just know that that's how it's going to be you know so we can keep that um the Mars Bridge Road is getting very very busy nowadays and if we can keep those trees the buffer is really good and in in in the future if we can have it um where we can fence as I said course that's thank you good thank you ma'am you might want to stay there if there's public comment you'll have an opportunity to rebut it so are there other members of the public who wish to comment on this okay I guess not thank you ma'am council members any questions for staff yes sir okay if there are no questions I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida providing for the partial vacation closure discontinuance and abandonment of pisen Drive located north of Temple Terrace Highway south of oanda Drive East of Primrose Avenue and west of Davis Road with the Primrose Gardens plat in the city of Temple Terrace Hillsboro County Florida subject to the res subject to the reservation of a non-exclusive public utility easement providing for conditions of vacation providing for recation providing for repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and providing ineffective date thank you madam clerk is there a motion I move to approve ordinance 1560 partially vacating highin Drive upon second public hearing and second reading second motion second discussion of the motion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays ordinance is adopted on second reading thank you very much thank you ma'am next is a second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1561 annexing approximately 4.18 Acres of unincorporated Hillsburg County to the city of tumble Terrace so prior to opening this public hearing I just want to clarify that I'm on the same page with everybody else and the public knows exactly what's going on so Miranda if you could make sure that I CU I wasn't at the last meeting although I I watched it but I want to make sure that I'm accurate about I what I think we're doing and what we're not doing so this project requires three actions from the council that correct annexation a comp plan Amendment and a zoning change correct if they want to develop they're going to have to change the those three those those three things as I understand it the annexation and the comp plan Amendment are not the controversial portions of that action it appears so and the zoning change is the controversial portion because that involves lot widths and the master plan right that did okay and so that controversial piece we're not doing tonight that's been postponed until May to give the applicant a time to work through some of that okay so I just want everybody to understand that I want to make sure that I'm correct in that also so what we're doing tonight is not discussing the lot width issue correct that will come back up in May yes okay very good in that case I will open the public hearing and ask our city planner Miranda anayah to explain okay good evening uh this is a second reading and second public hearing of an ordinance approving the annexation anx 2302 for uh 100024 Davis Road as we just discussed this annexation is the first of three land use actions by the applicant uh later on tonight we will hear the comprehensive plan Amendment and then the third land use action will be the rezoning amendment that has been tively rescheduled for May 7th um and that will give the applicant a chance to revise the master plan um that was uh depicted on at the March 5th meeting this is an area view of the subject site and the surrounding area to the north south and to the east uh is single family residential and uh the city owns the parcel to the West the subject Pro uh property is approximately 4.18 acres and is currently located in Hillsboro County uh the property is located in our Temple Terrace utility service area the property currently has a mobile home on site and the proposed use is for 32 single family homes but as I mentioned the master plan is being revised so that may change uh the property owner also owns the property to the north which is approximately 2.3 acres and that will also be proposed to be modified on the master plan as part of one development site uh but back to the annexation uh Florida statute has requirements for annexation um there's three criteria that they have to meet uh staff finds that they meet the statutory requirements the application is also consistent with our con comprehensive plan policy that states that we will continue to process voluntary annexations at the request of the property owner uh the Planning Commission staff reviewed this uh request and has recommended approval the development Review Committee has also recommended approval staff has find uh positive findings and we recommend that city council approve the second reading and second public hearing of ordinance annexing approximately 4.18 Acres um into the municipal limits of the city of Temple Terrace thank you Miranda are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item welcome sir good evening sir hello I'm Ralph Jord on know I spoke at the last meeting I promised I wasn't going to speak tonight but I'm doing it anyway um I wondered if the council realizes their responsibility to Davis Road when you Annex this you are now responsible for making improvements to a ridiculously overcrowded road we've been nailed by Interstate 75 traffic cutting across to get into Temple Terrace instead of using Fowler we are nailed by um all kinds of truck traffic coming through to get to Amazon not to mention the uh employees and um now we also have to deal with the VA which has put a big facility up and how's everybody going to get there well they're going to come across Davis Road of course it's the quickest way so I just wonder if the city is prepared to enter into negotiation with the county to repave at least our section the section that you're looking at for the end of the road for this new development uh at every rain it sits in about a foot foot and a half of water okay so the drainage there is terrible can we ask that you guys at least look into this you know you just can't plop a bunch of houses down and go well we're done and I just have a second question um if the council is also considering uh have you done your due diligence on these folks that are proposing they've already bought you know they're looking at buying the property has anyone looked into what these people actually do what is their you know before we hired uh Stan Hines from Temple Terrace to build our house we did a extensive search until we found out everything there was to find out about that Builder um I just wonder does the city do that kind of thing um developer as well as Builder who's responsible for Davis Road can you approach um the uh the county to possibly look at some cooperation to help with Davis I don't know what they're going to do with Davis Road they keep putting more traffic on now we're not going to know what to do um there's no room to make it any wider unless of course they start taking people's property um so those are my concerns that remain we'd love to have new development at the Temple Terrace and we'd like to see developments that reflect the honor and the uh amenities that Temple terrorist has to offer and also that it's a it would be a refle ction of the city thank you sir are there other members of the public who wish to address the council good evening ma'am I'm very honored to speak to you all I have been in this area since 1967 we need your name ma'am and I'm 92 years old my husband was in the Navy for 20 years we need your name ma'am is it all right if I speak now we need your name first what we need your name okay tell your name honey my name is Shirley ker there we go thank you I'm sorry that's all right can you set the clock please now I have lived in this area since 1967 I lived on uh Temple Park development for 12 years and that got to be kind of difficult because it got a little crime involvement and and I had four daughters and my daugh my husband and I decided we needed to live on somewhere safer so we moved out and we have lived on landway Drive since 1979 and we like that little road it's got a dead end we know our neighbors and we're very happy there and there are several little home there are several nices siiz homes with even several swimming pools in the back and we love it very much but now my home my husband passed away in 206 my home is three three homes from Davis Road East of Davis Road okay if they build all these small little houses on the west side of Davis Road in two years the property value of my home is going to go down and my concern is that I want I don't I know how much longer the Lord's going to let me live there but when I go to heaven I want to be able to sell my home and divide it from my four daughters and three grandchildren and that's been our desire since ever since we moved there my husband and I both worked hard at our jobs I was a secretary at the church and he was uh he kept about three different jobs after he retired from the Navy so we could move into this nice home that we have so that's my concern that if you allow these homes to go in in another couple of years my property is going to go down and I won't have so much to give to my children and so thank you so much for listening to me God bless you thank you ma'am are there other members of the public who wish to address the Council on this item okay council members questions of staff city manager whether Mr Mayor I don't know if this is the right opportunity or not but I would like to answer the question that was posed by the first speaker um the gentleman U mentioned about the road uh once this annexation going in the road becoming the cities that's in fact not going to happen that way the road is going to remain a County Road um at some point and in the future if the county chose to do something different that'd be a different process but and purely annexation will not change the stat status of the road it will remain a County Road and and as far as the the character of the developer that's not something I we feel equipped to answer but I believe the representatives here from the from the developer if they'd like to speak to that I'm not sure that's relevant for us to consider anyhow I'm not sure that's a area that we should be straying into agree um we deny it get in trouble for getting out of the legal boundaries here so okay other questions for staff okay if there are no questions I will close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida providing for the voluntary annexation of one parcel of certain rail property located south of East fer Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as 100024 Davis Road and totaling 4.18 plus minus Acres line within the unincorporated area of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to directing that this ordinance be recorded with the clerk of the Circuit Court of Hillsboro County directing that the corporate boundaries of the city be redefined to include the annexed area providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and providing for an effective date good thank you madam clerk is there a motion move to approve ordinance 1561 annexing approximately 4.18 Acres on on incorporate Hillsboro County to the city of Temple terce second motion second um I do have one question I lost my chance because I was thinking about all these different things but I do have a question before we vote Miranda the mobile home that's currently on the property what happens if this property gets annexed and then something happens and the plan development falls through somebody goes bankrupt somebody who knows what happens projects fail all the time but then the property is annexed into Temple Terrace where m mob homes are not allowed so is the removal of that mobile home a contingency on the annexation I believe it was the applicants proposal to demolish it um yeah I'd have to look back [Music] um so Mr Sherman is shaking his head no Mike what what would happen if in that scenario I would think it would just be a a non-conforming use and I don't believe it's a it's in use right now so it's a non-conforming use um it can stay as long as it's there but if they ever try to replace it or you know do something new then it would have to come up to code that's what I wanted to know thank you okay sorry I got out of sync there usually I'm the gatekeeper for that and I'm the one that broke the rulle so okay all those in favor well I have a I just have a comment yes so by just for clarity for the people listening or watching the issue in front of us at this moment is annexing the property into the city it's not there is no other consideration that we're taking in this action it's only annexing the property in this item correct discussion of the motion further discussion and on that vein this property can be developed without annexation correct it's not safe from develop just because it remains unincorporated that doesn't this actually gives us some control over how it's developed if they develop it under the county rules we don't have any say at all so okay all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays okay ordinance 1561 is adopted on second reading next is a second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1562 adopting a comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment for folio 03753 4- and addressed as 100024 Davis Road I will open the public hearing and city planner Miranda and I will return to explain yes back again okay so yes this is the second public Hearing in second reading of an ordinance approving the comprehensive plan Amendment for 100024 Davis Road there are two application numbers associated with with this uh Temple Terrace has CPA 2302 and the Planning Commission has tt/ CPA 2301 so that's why there's two numbers U this is the second of the three L use actions submitted by the applicant here's an aerial map of the subject property this is the same subject property that we just heard in the annexation um so it is 4.1 acres in size the applicant is proposing uh to change the future land use map from Hillsboro County R six to the city of Temple Terrace R9 uh category as far as concurrency goes public works has confirmed the ability and capacity to serve the project for solid waste uh the project will be uh will also need Central water and Central sewer and utilities department has confirmed that there's availability in capacity here is the existing future land use map and here's what the project would look like if this uh amendment is approved here's a chart of the uh adopted future L use uh between the residential 6 and the residential 9 uh the range of allowable uses is is fairly similar um but the major change is uh the density uh residential 6 six units per acre versus uh the 9 units per acre this slide shows a statement from the comprehensive plan um and it basically outlines that the purpose of the R9 is really for the single family attached and detached homes this slide shows the uh future land use map of just the Temple Terrace properties uh in the city limits Temple Terrace does not have an equivalent to the r six category uh that currently there for Hillsboro County Temple Terrace only has R4 R9 and r18 as you can see on this map the properties within the Temple Terrace limit in this area have a land use category of R9 there are many comprehensive plan policies objectives and goals that are consistent with this application I won't go through them all went through it last time but the Planning Commission staff report also has uh many more of these policies and so does the [Applause] applicant uh this project if it is uh approved for affordable housing um does uh align with the Strategic plan and this application is not subject to the uh State reviewing agency the department of Florida commerce formally Deo because this application is considered a small scale Amendment which is projects that are less than 50 acres in size on December 11 2023 the Hillsboro County City County Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of this amendment and we are and staff recommend city council approve the second reading and second public hearing of an ordinance approving the future land use map uh from R six Hillsboro County to R9 Temple Terrace un Mills executive planner is here with from the Hillsboro Planning Commission to give a short presentation uh on this amendment good evening and welcome thanks for sitting through our meeting tonight good evening uh mayor council member J Mill Planning Commission staff again uh I'm here to present tcpa 2301 located at 100024 Davis Road uh this is a privately initiated Amendment small in scale a little over 4 Acres uh as has been said previously the applicant is requesting a future land use designation change from Hillsburg County residential 6 to Temple Terrace residential 9 uh here's a general locate location map um more specifically um as we've seen the site is located on the west side of Davis Road and North of Temple Terrace highway just uh south of Druid Hills Lane um from this aial um the site is outlined in pink you can see uh the site is along the eastern boundary uh excuse me western boundary of uh Davis Road um from the aerial you can also see a large lot single family to the South uh this area is predominantly made up of single family residential in the area uh here is a photo looking north um on Davis Road the subject site is on the left hand side in this photo here is uh a photo of looking South on Davis Road the subject site is on the right hand side and uh that's the large uh lot single family home that's just south of the subject site again currently the site is designated Hillsboro County residential 6 uh other future lanus designations in the area include uh residential 12 which is um kind of Northwest in the orange there's a presence of residential 18 um there's um also a presence of Public public semi-public uh located in the blue and then we have some parks Recreation Open Spaces uh in the green on this map The Proposal again before you this evening is to change of future L's designation to Temple Terrace residential 9 I would like to mention just uh the site just to the north of the proposed site uh was before this Council as well as Planning Commission for the same exact approval and it was approved under uh ttpa 1702 back in 2017 it went to R9 it went to R9 same exact request currently uh the site has the potential to develop at either 25 dwelling units or over 45,000 ft of non-residential uh uses um if approved the subject site would have the potential to develop up to 37 dwelling units uh the non-residential entitlements would remain the same PL commission staff did review this request um and found it consistent with the following policies and goals housing goal 1.1 which states uh to provide a variety of adequate housing types in order to serve the community's population Lan use policy uh 8.6.3 which states to continue to process voluntary annexations for non-residential as well as residential uses policy 8.6.3 which speaks to orderly growth with the pro provision of uh utilities as well as plan use goal 2 in policy 2.1.1 which speaks to achieving well balanced growth in protecting stable residential neighborhoods with all that Planning Commission staff recommends that the city council adopt an ordinance approving TT CPA 2301 and I say for any questions thank you Miss Mills other questions very good are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item okay council members questions for staff excuse me Mr Mara yes okay waiting to see if anyone from the good evening sir hi for the record Kevin R uh 401 East Jackson Street with Stern Miller law firm um I just want to point out a few things uh for people that listening as as mentioned in the last one I didn't speak on the annexation because I think that was a little more straightforward as is often the challenge when you're doing a complant Amendment with a zoning you know the public sometimes conflates the two you all are still going to have the power to review this zoning and um and consider the density and the compatibility of the zoning stage the reason R9 is being chosen is because that is the the surrounding area and there is no R six available the r six is the county designation all the surrounding area uh that is in the city is R9 um and so it would actually be uh in in a weird way less compatible to do a lower density for for this application um the the while we're not talking about the zoning here just to give the uh Council and the members of the public listening some comfort the the application we brought before was below five units the acre and we you know we've been asked to make those lots bigger so it's going to go down from there so you know we're we're looking at um we we were barely at half uh in that application and it's going to come down from there and so addressing those compatibility concerns we request your approval thank you thank you very much sir last call questions for the staff okay if not I've closed the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida amending the imagined 2040 Temple Terrace comprehensive plan future land use map for one parcel of land located south of East follow Avenue and west of Davis Road addressed as 100024 Davis Road and totaling 4.1 a plusus Acres lying within the unincorporated era of Hillsboro County legally described an exhibit a attached here to by changing the future land use designation on said property from residential 6 in Hillsboro County to residential 9 in Temple Terrace for CPA 23-2 and also Temple terce CPA 23-01 providing for Amendment of the official future land use map of the city providing for severability providing for correction of typographical errors repealing all ordinances are parts of ordinance is in Conflict here with and providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk is there a motion go ahead uh move to approve ordinance 1562 adopting a comprehensive plan future land use map Amendment for folio 03753 4- and addressed as 100024 Davis Road on second public hearing and second reading second motion second discussion of the motion just another comment council member Fernandez just I know that there was a lot of discussion at the last meeting regarding the potential development to go on this property and I just want everybody to understand that is not being decided in this item at this time that will be a future item to come before the council tentatively scheduled for May so right now all we are doing in this item is we we have no R six it is R six zoned in Hillsboro County we don't have the same land use and and Zoning so we have to put something that is specific to Temple Terrace and staff has determined that R9 is the most is the most similarly compatible so that's all I want to say good thank you other comments council members if not all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no n's ordinance is adopted on second reading next item is a second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1563 vacating to 15t drainage easement at the rear of the property located at 6725 drifting Sands road I'll open the public hearing and our Public Utilities director Troy Troy tinch is here to explain good evening Troy good evening mayor city council I'm here on the second reading our second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1563 to request the vacation or release of a 15ft drain eement located along the rear lot line of 6725 drifting Sands Road uh thank you for pulling up the the survey figure so the area we're speaking of right now is the red dotted line if you notice behind that it says 15 ft uh that is the area of the easement that we're requesting to vacate it's a currently a drain easement the black dotted line or black um sorry dash line is the actual limits of the um property so staff went out reviewed this request we did not find it to be potentially detrimental to the surrounding area or the city if we were to vacate this easement so that says staff recommend city council approve ordinance 1563 on the second public hearing and second reading I will stand for questions if any thank you Mr tinch are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item if not council members questions questions for Mr tinch I have one real quick chy can you put the slide back up the survey slide so I can't tell what's red and what's black there I see where it says 15 ft due to be vacated by city of Temple Terrace I see that rectangle yes below that where the little circle where it says C2 and then it says 25 ft proposed do what is that so this is associated will be associated with the future uh request to purchase that 25 ft of land if you recall back in 2017 we had a similar request which states back to 2000 or I'm sorry to 1989 when Council made a determination they would sell an additional 25 ft of the ex existing railroad easement uh to the property owners along drifting Sands so this will be the last potential lot that's available for that purchase located on the very Southern limits of drifting Sands so that's not part of this action cor why because it's a separate partial right now it's currently city property and for us to sell that property we need to bring that forward as a resolution so the ordinance is just releasing the existing easement and in addition when we the proposed sale of that property would also we would anticipate having an easement over that property even though we're vacating the easement here that's correct okay so by vacating that that also allows the property owner free use of that area if there's not an existing easement okay I got it other question for Mr tinch okay very good thank you all right if no questions I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida vacating the 15t drainage easement easement along the southernly line of lot 13 block one of Andrews subdivision as recorded in plat book 49 page 3 of the official records of Hillsboro County Florida establishing conditions precedent to Vacation directing for the recordation of this ordinance in the official records of Hillsboro County providing for severability repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date thank you madam clerk is there a motion I move to approve ordinance 1563 vacating the 15t drainage easement on the rear of the property located at 6725 drifting Sands Road upon second public hearing and second reading second motion of second discussion of the motion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays ordinance 1563 is adopted on second reading thank you Mr tinch next item is a resolution adopting Subdivision plat SP 23-2 for property located south of Temple Terrace Highway and West of Davis Road or community development director Mike Sherman is here to explain good evening Mr Mayor members of the council tonight for the council's consideration we are pleased to present the final plat for what's known as the VA plat here in Temple Terrace uh we have two owners of these properties one is the medical office Enterprise 2 and citrus LLC and citrus LLC so just for some background information on the left is a general area map showing the three Parcels I tried to bold them in green purple and red I make the line dark uh wide enough so it may be a little bit difficult to see and on the right is an aerial of the property as it showed um when the VA was uh hospital was under construction there's two addresses 8451 Temple Terrace Highway and 8 401 Temple Terrace Highway uh tonight the proposal is to take three Parcels reconfigure them and come up with a plat for three Parcels one for the Citrus LLC one for the um VA site and one for an out parcel which is proposed to be uh developed at a later time uh for office uh retail uses it's about 50 acres so some previous Council actions that happened uh just for refresh the council's memory in 2021 the council passed ordinance 1511 which app approved the re zoning of the property from Hillsboro County PD to the city of Temple Terrace PD that gave the applicant and the V the entitlements to build that facility as well as for the uh uses on the out parcel and in January of 2022 the council adopted resolution 1321 which approved the site plan application uh for the property December 5th of this year the city enter entered into an agreement with the applicant uh to amend the Subdivision plat application to include Citrus LLC and then they should record the plat prior to or no than March 31st and tonight the applicants are presenting the Subdivision plat for consideration by the council this is a uh PDF showing the plat itself there'll as you can see there'll be three Parcels lot one or three lots lot one is the VA lot two is the out parcel and lot three will be the uh parcel owned by Citrus LLC and staff's recommending that we the council approve uh the Subdivision plat uh after this action what will happen if it's approved the we will be sending uh myars to our city uh surveyor he'll make sure everything's good and then the signatur will come back to the city council a later date uh the applicants are in the audience tonight if the council may have any questions if y'all have questions for me I'll be happy to try and answer them thank you Mr Sherman are there members of the public who wish to comment on this if not app good evening good evening Cammy Corbett with the law firm of Hill Warden Henderson and I just wanted to say this evening we are so grateful for your staff they were wonderful to work with bringing this plat forward we had a tight deadline we had to work with to get here and they really pulled out all the stops to uh make it happen and we appreciate them and we're here to answer any questions you have very good thank you very much council members are there questions for the applicant or staff IC member Fernandez for staff your staff so it's already three lots we're just changing the configuration or the size of the lots that already exist that's correct it's sort of a reconfiguration plot so and as far as the uses that they're proposing this does not make any change to the uses that are already allowed under the current zoning correct yes ma'am you're correct okay other questions okay we're not good is there a motion boot to approve a resolution uh for sub Subdivision plat SP 23-2 for the property located south of Temple Terrace Highway in west of Davis Road second motion a second discussion of the motion all those in favor say I I I opposed no n resolution is adopted thank you everybody thank you for your patience we now move to item 7A which was pulled from the consent agenda and that is a resolution approving the resurfacing of white we tennis courts by Lawson courts and Mr langfeld will give us a brief explanation sir good evening mayor members of city council uh what I've brought forward is a resolution to approve the resurfacing of the whiteway tennis courts by Lawson courts uh this will be in the amount of $71,000 piggybacking on the school board of man Manatee County bid 24-36 DMR um I stand for any questions that you may have Elson council member Fernandez so my question has to do with pickle ball and it is my understanding that we're talking about restriping the court so that they maintain their usefulness for tennis because they are the tennis courts for King High School um home there's their home courts but also there's been an interest expressed in pickle ball courts and I didn't see where this resur resurfacing would so I wasn't sure if this was part of the process yes ma'am resurfacing of these courts will also include lines not on all of the courts but on some of the courts to allow for pickle ball play on those courts as well pickle ball as we all know is is expanding rapidly in this community and there's a constant demand for additional courts and we will be striping courts to include pickleball play on these courts as well as well that that was I just didn't see it in the you sit here all night for that you could have called the city manager this afternoon and asked that no because I wanted the p i the public has been questioning pickle ball courts so I wanted the public to be able to hear that we are indeed striping for pickle ball courts but that's it okay are there other questions for Mr lanefield okay if not is there a motion move to approve 7A second discussion all those in favor signify with I I I oppose no n thank you Mr langfield we now move on to carryover council business are there any is there any carryover Council M council member I've got a couple of things and if if it's in if it's out of sequence or not in this portion of the of the agenda I apologize but I do have a couple of of questions um uh Miranda you did a fantastic job and I know this was your first one this is very complex I just want to say you handled this very very well and so kudos to you but I got a couple questions okay first one and I didn't think it was it it didn't really have bearing to the case so I didn't want to bring it up then but in in the one in the One summary in the first in the first um uh ordinance there was a question there was a comment about positive findings I hadn't seen that before what was what is meant by when you when we we say there's positive findings related to the to the action it's a staff analysis view so we use that for planning staff when we find that criteria are met it has positive findings if they're not met you can have negative finding okay and that does bring a good case where if you were to deny application you can use that as backup um if we ever were to deny a thing you can base on these findings you can have that as part of your justification to deny things but in this case there's positive findings it meant statutory requirements for annexation oh and because it was in context or in in in opposed to the DRC recommended approval so it was just I just thought it was a little it's more like a a planning this is a planning department versus the the the general overview okay all right thank you but you did you did a great job with those um the and the other thing was on the comprehensive plan we I asked this question last time and I didn't bring it up outside of council but I I've heard some other Rumblings about this comprehensive plan says we are supposed to have or hopefully have almost 7500 affordable housing units by the year 2050 is that a reasonable number that we can ever possibly hit it does it hurt us to have that in how many do we have um really quickly I I did bring that up at the last council meeting and I think you caught onto that and you had responded to that comment yeah it is a comprehensive plan amendment I can go back uh to the Planning Commission and see where they got those numbers because that was drafted in the latest uh comprehensive plan Amendment which is in 2020 so I can see where they found that 7,000 um but they had to pull it from some data I just don't know I mean that's if that's a goal we're supposed to be attaining do we stand with that and how are we ever going to get there is that what the adus are going to ultimately satisfy that type of a scenario I hope numb yeah I know it's it would be you know we'd have rooms all over the place but I I I just thought that number is just stuck in my head ever since the last meeting and and and um I I you know didn't bring it up because I think everybody would benefit from from knowing where this this information came from again I'm not trying to put you on a spot but it's just if you if you ever have any Idol moment and you figure out where the 7500 came from that and just so we don't get penalized in any way shape or form if we ever don't ever we can't meet that oh where we could put 7,500 units absolutely yeah it is in our comprensive plan so I know it's a goal um I I'll talk to Planning Commission and see where they got their exact data from and also I can also talk to the building official to see how many uh residential units we've permitted since that time and look at the plan developments that we've also done and come back to you with just curious okay cool thank you okay thanks Mr tinch got a question for you in the discussion on the annexation there was commentary made about service area does the increased capacity that you asked for at the China B pumping station affect that yes that is within the air for the China Berry Pump Station and as you will recall we just recently released design for that um and it was designed we now have Construction that we be moving forward that was also approved and we'll be increasing capacity for the station okay so that will affect that area for sure thank thank you for having the forethought to to put that in there because I don't know we would would we have ever thought of that so that's good thank you okay I just wanted to make sure um and oh another Point Brian with with Prim Rose Garden that 1925 calendar 1925 map not the calendar 2025 map I didn't understand where how that ever developed but you putting the map in there helped helped me to understand how that pie shape was developed because worb Road wasn't thought of back then and it just how did it happen you where did that where did that come from so thank you for doing that that helped a tremendous amount and the last comment that I have regarding the double TT I'm getting a lot of commentary some good some bad and I I don't have a personal opinion on it but whatever we're doing could we share with the public to make that help them to understand the the Genesis of it um and I'm not I'm not I'm not being critical in any way shape or form I love the fact that we're doing we're being creative we're expanding and we're we're throwing stuff on the wall to see what sticks but if we could share why we're doing that to to the public in in our in our uh our social media help them to understand we're not trying to open a dude ranch here you know that type of thing so it's just you know but um I I don't I don't want to impinge the creativity but I just if we could just share what we're doing with how what we're doing with that that's all uh definitely so it's a concept that um when I was interviewing for the position I uh had a coworker at the time that grew up here and I told I'm going to go interview at Temple he says oh the double te so I said oh that sounded cool so when I interviewed I me mentioned it um she was younger than me um there was also a resident an employee at the rec center that also said that her generation kind of called at that so it's something I kind of used to attract that audience a little bit cuz um from their conversation they kind of don't really involve in the city's social media they not pay attention to what the city was doing um so I figured you know I know there's the TT there's the Terrace The Double T it's just we all one we're all the same it's just a a way of trying to attract that crowd because that's what they called it at their time right and then that's kind of it wasn't my creation something that I heard and I thought it was it was cool I like it so I fig we show I agree if we could just share that type of information because you I TT for a long I still t t you know we still say TT but um uh people are misunderstanding and it's it's not a cattle ranch that type of thing I mean I've heard i' I've i' literally heard that type of discussion and to clarify also that shirt and that stuff was created for a high school event that we had with Career Academy good um you know when we have other events there'll be other branding other marketing coming out um so I'm not neglecting just those were leftovers from that event that we don't want to store we want it out there we want to share it with with the residents so that's kind of what that was not not trying to stop you from being creative it's great we love it but just just share with some of the other individuals thanks I'm done I'll shut up okay other Council business other carryover Council business okay new business board reports only thing I have real quick is I I sent an email out about an hour before this meeting about the goal setting meeting that we're having in April and asked everybody to submit proposed projects to Genie Barlo by April the 9th that gives her a couple weeks to collate the projects like we did last year so that if three of us submit projects that are related we can have one discussion instead of having three different like we used to do took forever so um if you could please have those in and that's all I have other new business board reports sure council member board but my uh duty is U heading up the art project money uh the budget uh my group uh we have uh developed or or identified a uh art hanging system for the hallways I've talked to the city manager about that while we starting on a purchase he has to look at uh there used to be lights in that Hall to shine on the artwork those lights are gone so he's got to look at electricity needs up there so we're going to move forward on that we've identified a person to head up a a committee to be the curator of the art we've uh uh almost fully developed but in the works a a process for an all call for artists to submit their work to ideas so we can uh judge which art we want to go up into the uh into the Halls that's our first project uh we have mural artists ready if we want to go forward with the uh uh art work uh murals on the streets that you know your suggestion of white way and Gillette certainly is is workable we've worked on that so that's where that's where we are we're getting ready to start spending money good good progress thank you you other new business okay city manager may I do not have anything this evening very good City attorney me neither oh wow so what do you want to talk about for the next 45 minutes or so anything anything at all council members city clerk Alison council member for did you want to bring up the project that your committee is doing this weekend oh oh yeah um the Brazilian pepper that much tree removal project I even had it in front of me is March 23rd at 10:00 a.m. and the location is West River Preserve near 1103 West River Drive and for those of you who know Brazilian pepper tree is highly invasive and grows very rapidly so this is uh the opportunity for you to come out and work with the Riverwatch task force and hopefully remove some invasive plants good thank you vice mayor I'm so sorry um bike with the mayor is Friday it is Friday and um 7:30 so should be a really good event it is every year very good I hope to see everybody there we should combine the bike with the mayor and the clay shoot we'll do it all on the same time right very good well thank you everybody for all your work and thank you for hanging in there with us for so long tonight and stay safe and we will be [Music] [Music] adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music]