##VIDEO ID:Q## e e e e e [Music] hey hey hey [Music] hey [Music] um it's good to see everybody and if you would please remember to silence your electronic devices turn off those storm alerts I had to turn those off on my phone because it come even if you turn on silence I realize that it tells me every time there's a tornado warning so um if you would please stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord Lord we pray tonight for those who lost their lives or property during Hurricane Debbie May the families of those lost feel your comfort and the support of the community may those whose property was destroyed find help and hope as they rebuild we pray also for the family of Lake County Master Deputy Bradley link who was fatally shot over the weekend and his two partners who were seriously wounded grant them peace during their time of grief and Recovery we ask guidance on our meeting tonight give us wisdom and compassion as we strive to make the best decisions for all members of our community amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so I guess I failed to formally call the meeting to order so if you haven't figured out we are in session so um as most of you probably know by now we have a uh fairly recent tradition where we begin each meeting with a fun or interesting fact about our city or the region um we rotate that duty every meeting and tonight that falls on me although we had a little debate over that and they all voted that it was my turn so um I did come prepared this is kind of um both an interesting fact and a call for information because I don't know everything there is to know about this and I'm hoping that some of the folks who have lived a long time in Temple Terrace may be able to fill in some of the blanks here U hint Mr CH yeah I know we'll see so um there's been a variety of I guess set the stage here so make build up the drama right there's been a um a variety of newspapers over the years and during the 1940s there was one of them called The Sentinel and it published from 1940 to 1946 and it was published by a felony name John Perry um who I don't know very much about but I'm trying to find out more that's question number one for anybody who knows so Mr Perry was very vocal in his editorials he was very passionate about the city and not always um complimentary of the three City commissioners there were three back then and at um periods of time when he didn't think things were going quite right he was pretty vocal in his newspaper about what needed to happen and why they weren't doing well and that kind of thing so this is an article not critical but we'll come back to John Perry probably in future meetings but this one's not critical this is from September 19th 1945 right so Place imagine the time World War II just ended right we're we're getting back to normal this is an editorial by John Perry in the Sentinel that says I won't read the whole thing but today is a big step in the right direction for the development of Temple Terrace today big step in the right direction for the development of Temple Terrace was made by the Temple Terrace boys in a cub airplane for the past three afternoons as soon as they got home from school these boys have been preparing a landing strip in Temple Terrace for light airplanes today the first airplane landed on Temple Terrace's own airport it landed took off landed and took off again the first step in the future development of Temple Terrace has begun the onlookers to onlookers the sight of planes flying around may have been a bit misleading these planes were not stunting or buzzing but making Preparatory runs over the strip a procedure made by pilots when landing on a new field they were competent pilots who knew their business well we understand the Temple Terrace civic association is most anxious to do all it can for the development of Temple Terrace here is its big chance just think what it would mean for our city to have an airport of its own air conscious tamper residents will fly out to play golf swim or visit friends at the Florida Christian College uh Temple Terrace boys as well as some adults will be wanting to fly it would provide Speedy transportation to the hospital on Davis Island in case any of any severe sickness in the Terrace right it would put Temple Terrace on the map this is no kids scheme these boys mean business our City commissioners and the civic association should back them all the way interesting side note here one of the things that Mr Perry's critical of and some other stuff I'll talk about is that the City commissioners are failing to do their job the city government is not doing anything therefore they found it the civic association which is basically functioning as the city government and doing things that the Commissioners they didn't feel were doing I've put the plans for an airport suitable to a community our size which is to put out which is put out by Piper aircraft it shows how easy and cheaply a strip for light planes can be built these small planes do not require a hard service Runway a side strip is plenty sufficient however question however the present strip is the asphalt road leading from hole number 13 to the garbage dump now I know where the garbage dump was that's where the family recck center is but I don't have any idea where hole 13 is and I don't know what road would have been the paved road Gillette dead ends into Druid right at 13 so it would have been Gillette up up to probably where white way is you know that's where yeah okay all right so if you live on Gillette you used to live on you lived on what was a runway for at least a day or two planes take off and land away from Temple Terrace houses so there's no possibility of danger civil Aeronautics Authority requires that a pattern must be flown before landing and after and after takeoff it would not be necessary for planes to fly over houses so that gives you some idea there were no houses in that area the plane we'll land again Friday afternoon sometime after 5:30 p.m. The Sentinel urges all interested citizens to be out at the strip and see what improvements need to be made come and see what these boys have been working for we need your support let's make Friday A Day to Remember in Temple Terrace history I guess they succeeded we're talking about this here is our big chance to put Temple Terrace forward think this over you cannot help but see the advantages to an airport in Temple Terrace it's not often that I ask Sentinel readers to do something that by the way is not really true but this is one time I do wish you would turn out and see what an airport has to offer there is no need for a cross strip if the present site is not desirable maybe our good friend Mr herb will donate enough land for strips or maybe the Civil civic association could buy it from him John ER John Perry editor so interesting he was um like I mentioned kind of uh there's some other ones that I wanted to read he gets inflamed at election time about who who you should vote for and why and very critical of some of the Commissioners at the time and I'm I'm a little hesitant because I don't know if these people have descendants that are still here but um anyhow I didn't know exactly where the paved road that went to the garbage dump was but I guess it's Gillette so I also found another interesting one I don't know why I thought of you with this but where they directed the city manager uh every day to after they dumped the garbage to douse it with kerosene and burn it so that and the idea was you know what the idea was to prevent the spread of polio that was the they so they burn the garbage under the swimming pool so then there's ashes under there I guess so anyhow I don't know if that was fun or interesting but to me it was sure so thank you very much so our first item of business is appointment to the school support committee we have two regular member appointments there are two regular member vacancies on the school support committee the city received three applications from John Carlo Del Salvo Tom mortensson and Laura Sabella um John Carlo Del Salvo has been employed by theill County schools for 9 years Tom Morton mortson has served on many city and county boards for many many years uh Laura Sabella is an associate professor of education at USF are any of them here I'm John car why would you like to say a few words sir it's up to you you have questions I wouldn't mind answering them I didn't have a prepared speech okay if you would prefer me to speak I can but you said well okay yeah are there questions would you like to have him approach okay um any other I don't see any okay um so we do have ballots and we are appointing two correct two so one of these folks do not vote for three of them okay so if you would please cast your ballot sign them and pass them to our left to our Deputy city clerk thank you now while she tabulates that we can talk about John Perry I did not find much yet about John Perry but I did hear that that there's a historic home that just came on the market for sale on willowwick you might have read about that and that supposedly is his um childhood home where he grew up so I don't know where he lived after that as an adult but more to come we'll find out I thought you were working at the rec center in 1945 that that's funny yes ma'am I've got four votes for davo one vote for mortensson and five votes for Sabella so is is there a motion to appoint Mr Dal Salvo and Miss Sabella to the school support committee um for a term extending from August 17th 2024 to August 17 2027 so moved second any discussion of the motion all those in favor say I I I oppos no Nays thank you very much thank you for your willingness to serve um Mr mortensson if you're watching thank you for your application as well and and uh there's only so many appoint there's so many slots on each of these committees so it's unfortunate that sometimes we don't have enough to appoint everybody who applied so okay has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes from our meetings of July 16th 2024 and July 30th 2024 for that was our special city council meeting to approve both sets of minutes second motion to Second Corrections discussion of the minut minutes all those in favor say I I oppos no n the minutes are adopted next is section of the meeting where we hear from persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda for those of you who might not know it there are forms in the back of the room uh if you wish to address the Council on any item that's not on the agenda I currently have one request to speak from Mr lob good evening sir evening we have quite challenge tonight uh my name is Charles love I live in Terrace Park and I want to make several announcements first and foremost uh that I gave councilman Chambers what I promised him that picture of the universe second that on Friday September 20th 2024 is going to be uh the light foot program for seniors thirdly uh want to remind people that school will be opening on Monday and that about the sales tax holiday before I get in anything else uh I wanted to among now among the regular stuff I wanted to talk about a brief discussion about the library sale uh it went over $1,400 and I think they seemed pretty good they seem very happy about that it's because the but I think the publicity had a lot to do with it what I was also told was that the donations were greater too they said it was extremely busy particularly on Thursday I went there Friday morning so I did want to mention to that my guess and I'm just saying my guess they only do this three times a year my guess is that the next one will be the weekend before Thanksgiving which is November uh 21st to Saturday November 23rd I was reading online that my next topic is I was reading online that fot is having a study for 56th Street between uh Fletcher Avenue all the way down to 50th over down to the expressway and of course that includes Temple Terrace I remember that you all got epot over here back back in April I think it was April 2nd I was kind of wondering if you could do that again uh to get them talk to you about the 56th Street study publicly uh I do have some things I like to discuss with them and I also like a couple of things to discuss with you all relative to the 56 street so I did want to mention this uh so you know realize and if anybody doesn't realize it that epide is doing a study currently at 56 Street as well finally I want to take um I want to go back to the same year the mayor was talking about a little earlier in the year uh January 30th 1945 now what happened on that day that has to do with the local area this has to do with Bob Hope doing his radio show here uh back on that date actually more specifically in Drew field and Tampa his guests are was Edward G Robinson according to this book I picked up over over at the library actually it's cassette tapes and it says here I think I still have enough time to read this Edward G Robinson tries to pursue the Frugal Bob Hope to contribute 10 cents to the March times um well whil President Roosevelt was still alive Fran language sings more and more and skinny enus Crown SS my dreams are getting better all the time and again this was of course during World War II uh still so it was very interesting to find this little piece of history for this area in this little book here that had to do great big 20 as this this whole set is 20 uh audio cassettes for 40 episodes and this was the only one in Tampa so I guess few seconds left so I wish you all a good evening and again good luck for the school year and all that and everybody and all that thank you thank you Mr L order yes um did we have two sets of minutes to approve did we skip one we did both I'm sorry I must have blinked out when that happened um was that your intent did you have questions about either one of them I did no sorry okay so we passed them we adopted the minutes it's good with me okay all right good um I currently have no other requests to address the council other other members of the public who wish to yes sir please could we ask you after your remarks to please fill out the form and give it to the city clerk so that we can have it in the minutes who you are yes sir I I just filled it out okay we just need you to begin with your name and city of residents then and uh is it okay to pass pass out these sure my name is Billy Chapman and um that's my partner Michael Hunter thank you and um we are the owners of Natural Born leaders Academy you Natural Born leaders Academy is a youth mentoring group um designed for atris teens uh here in the city of Tampa as well as uh Temple ter uh you all have may have have have have seen us on um ABC Action News Fox news9 and uh Spectrum news9 um Natural Born leaders Academy is designed to cultivate the leaders within the young people uh we specifically Target atrisk teens um dropouts um children um who who've had uh troubled troubled youth um the program is centered around motivation inspiration and positive affirmations uh as many of you know that a lot of the crime that takes place within our city um may happen by fatherless uh youth uh I'm also the uh school resource officer at Greco Middle School I've been there for on and off for the past 10 years um our program was in two different schools this year uh Kimble elementary school as well as greo middle school as you know Kimble had to close um but uh our program was a great success uh the district came out and looked at it um they liked what they saw the reason that we are here today is to find out if the city of Temple Terrace has any grants that can help push our program further further along um we do the program once a week while school is in session um and um we would like to do it outside of the school as well within um the city of Temple Terrace we also want to know if you all have a building available that we could use um or or we could rent from you uh at a low cost uh to help conduct um um this program any questions no sir but we'll have uh a member somebody from our staff contact you and have some discussions with you yes sir okay thank you for coming thank you thank you sir are there other members of the public who wish to address the council at this time okay seeing none council is there a motion to approve the consent agenda move to approve the consent agenda all those in favor say I I I opposed no n consent agenda is adopted Next Issue next item on the agenda is a second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1567 amending chapter 12 of the code to change the terms of board of adjustment members I will open the public hearing and ask Deputy City attorney Ernie Mueller to explain good evening good evening Council mayor uh as the mayor said I'm here for second reading uh to the ordinance that'll make changes to the term length for the board of adjustment members if you recall it's to Move It from or change it from being two-year terms to up to three-year terms uh we did get through the uh City C uh the city County Planning Commission they did find it consistent so we are good there and um I'm just available for any questions if you have any question for Mr Mueller okay we're good is there are excuse me are there members of the public who wish to come in on this item seeing none uh I will close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the or no I don't need to do that if the ordinance is acceptable is there a motion to adopt ordinance 1567 move to approve ordinance 1567 amending chapter 12 of the code to change the terms of board adjustment members second Motion in the second discussion of the motion you only have one comment I did go to the boa um and explain what we were doing I did mention that we were going to poll them and ask if they first step would be to see if they were volunteers that aligned with what we needed you know you take a twoe you take a three year we are going to do that right yes okay good okay all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays ordinance is adopted on second reading thank you Mr Mueller next is the first public hearing and first first reading of ordinance 1568 enacting article 4 section 16- 95 and 16- 96 city of Temple Terrace code of ordinances prohibiting camping and sleeping on public rways or property I'll open the public hearing and our Deputy City attorney Ernie Mueller is back to explain this one good evening Council and mayor all right for the past several months the city's Police Department the legal department has sought to make some changes to chapter 16 of the city code which is entitled offenses so this ordinance that's before you now is kind of the first step in making those changes um this ordinance is to prevent camping and sleeping on rights of way and public property uh and as I'm sure you're aware the state uh recently passed a law that goes into effect October 1st that prohibits cities in counties from allowing persons to Camp or sleep on any public property including public buildings the associated grounds and any public right away uh one of the provisions of that new law is that it will provide uh a cause of action for residents and business owners against the city if uh we do not prohibit the camping and sleeping on the right of way so by enacting this ordinance the police department will have a procedure to follow when encountering people that may be camping or sleeping on that uh the public property right away uh we were also waiting of course for the Supreme Court to make a decision in the Grants Pass versus Johnson case which came down just recently which uh they ruled that that local governments can prevent uh people from sleeping on the right of way and the uh uh public property including the unhired uh Ernie let me interrupt you is our microphone on yeah it has the light am I not it is okay I'm usually I can see people in the gallery are having difficulty hearing Ernie I don't know if we have the Capac the ability to turn the volume up I'm sure I can project I see a gentleman back there is having trouble okay I'll try and be a little louder uh and uh the ordinance that's been provided to you has been modeled after the city of Tampa's ordinance um and so by enacting this ordinance the police department will be able to effectively enforce the provisions of the new state statute and uh with that both the chief and I are available your questions very good thank you Chief or you see you're approaching did you have did you want to add to it or okay want to stand for question the only thing I would add please approach good evening mayor and city council can obano your police chief the only thing that I would add I think is important to to understand that that does not include neither the statute or the ordinance does not include areas that are already permissible per minute for instance by the city and and the statute itself specifically say say what is and is not camping so we're not we're not looking to regulate people that are permitted here in the city to be someplace uh camping at one of our parks that is that has already been addressed through the processes that we already have and quite frankly we we are already dealing uh with our citizens that are that are unhoused in situations where they are on private property so really My Hope Is that our citizenry will not see and and and our unhoused members of the unhoused community that that we Service as well will not feel anything any any differently than what it is that we are we already doing now with respect to the private property issues this just gives us as a last resort a a means to effectively deal with uh what I what I believe is going to be quite a few individuals that that present uh no other alternative to us and with that we'll stand for questions thank you Chief are there members of the public who wish to come in on this issue yes sir please approach we just need your name and city of residence okay Joseph stano and I'm at 6110 East 110 and uh uh uh I work with the homeless just personally and also with the through the Corpus Christie St Vincent dep Paul food pantry we see a lot lot of them coming in on Saturday for for provisions and things like that and I I heard this new ordinance coming down oh I also do personal Outreach uh on my own uh in various areas of the town right now I'm concentrating more on Nebraska F where there were a lot of homeless but uh and we see an increase in this among the in the our Temple Terrace area too I think we're seeing that but uh uh my understanding was that uh enforcement and and penalty uh was only in the case of uh uh if a a municipality had a facility to send them to and they did not choose to go you know that they uh then could be arrested I don't know what the if there's a consequence yet for that if they if they don't move Chief Alano or oh yeah maybe maybe but um uh I I just thought that uh uh it it's a it's a major problem like where do we send them we move them on City of Tampa moves them on quite a bit you know I'll I'll go out and and find them in parking lots one night one Sunday and then the next Sunday You're hunting around for them and they show up and uh many of them have resources but not enough to own a home or rent an apartment and things like that and uh we do mainly the feeding operation and uh when I think of this uh uh hurricane we just came through three door three uh uh days of that incessant rain uh how do people survive out there you know how do they survive so uh I I think in the long term we have to think of uh of some facility some facility and I know that Temple terce just went through a tremendous search for uh land for affordable housing and and it was kind of I guess disappointing that it's hard to find and and indeed but uh it seemed like some kind of temporary facility that there'd be a roof over there like a pavilion and bathrooms uh uh things like that uh would be a great step forward and uh uh I don't know uh what the other areas of the county are doing uh of course Hillsboro County itself has a a big program for housing housing the homeless you know sorry but I'm going to have to cut you off in a second because it's three minutes from when you start oh okay all right well a final comment or two that'd be fine okay yeah I I just wanted to say that uh uh we need Alternatives we need uh support uh we need to support them in some way but uh of course I I can see the objection to the businesses so uh uh that's that's what I I wanted to come out for the homeless tonight and I appreciate you listening thank you Mr stco are there other members of the public who wish to address the Council on this topic if not council member questions for chief Albano or Mr Mueller council member Fernandez um so the question I have is not really I don't know microphone oh it's on it's red I know I see it's on I don't know which one of you it would before but the every year at the Arts Festival and maybe a couple of other times during the year the Boy Scouts camp at a couple of parks like one they camp at the Art Festival to protect the art overnight and that's so that's what I'm asking is what would those activities still be allowable under this ordinance Article 4 SE section 16- 95a except as may be specifically authorized by the city any of those type of events that was specifically authorized by the city would not fall under this okay council member right and this is for you Chief can you explain briefly what's the process your officer comes up on somebody asleep on a bench and on city property what would be the process with this new ordinance it would be no different the process that we already have in place our policies and procedures this this is not what that is our policies and procedures will be the same when we have to make contact in those situations the first thing we try to do is establish a rapport we try to offer services uh often times we we are we are successful uh Services include what was mentioned uh by the citizen at the podium talking about the things that the the state of Tampa have the county has we have those listings we have a specific unit that actually follows up in addition to the initial contact with with our homeless and tries to provide them with with a means through some of the services that we do have to get you know whatever they need sometimes it's a it's an address that they need so they can have a place to get a check and and we work with them to do that sometimes it's a ID card that they need and we work with them to accomplish that we are not turning our backs on this problem not at all and I I hope no one gets that thought in their head we go out in fact quite frankly clue has built such a rapport with with the homeless that we sometimes we attract more of our homeless in our region because we do take the time we do take them and transport them to places we do provide a uh referral to St vant depal and and our local our local community groups that provide those things or churches that that are have a means so to provide additional assistance to them the resource center we have on fer Avenue all of that's going to continue to be in place it's not going to be affected by this at all okay thank you yes sir yes council member s um thank you m mayor uh just just clarifying so this this have no impact on any private property so people are sleeping in front of the this the shot um down by um kabus for example this will have no impact on any anybody dealing with that we already deal with private property yes or no this has nothing to do with private property that's that's I've already had that question asked of me you know private property is controlled by the property owner and we work with them they often want to partner with us will we become their agent in in cases for trespassing in situations like that where we are their absence able to act upon their wishes and um and so that's how you handle the private property type of of situation well as I read as I look at it I gu a comment I'll do it later okay thank you thank yes council member vice mayor AEL thank you for your explanation and your um assurance that it's not really going to change current procedures which are already very helpful to the homeless population um I've heard you say many times personally that um homelessness is not a crime no and I I appreciate hearing that um because sometimes you know in the language of these things it sounds like it is so I guess my question is this ordinance um does does it permit the police department to do anything different from what you're currently doing and how will it affect your procedures if at all this will allow as a last result as Resort rather an officer to address a situation where a member of the community who finds themselves homeless and unwilling to accept any of the other things I've explained that we have in place to try to assist them it allows an officer to act much like we would on private property with a trespass program in place and unfortunately that could lead to an arrest um but that's not what we would lead with and that would be made abundantly clear throughout the conversation if it even began to look like that was going to be the outcome or alternative our goal is to be able to provide our homeless with Alternatives with u resources that can help them uh some of some of them it's they only need a couple two or three things and and they can begin to move forward others uh and it's it's a limited few but we've had situations where people would be laying across sight sidewalks and refusing any assistance and without this we have we have no alternative after offering everything we can but to walk away and this will prevent that walking away it will not be something a lot of what we do in law enforcement I mean you apply the the the law but it's not a black and white thing I mean it's situations and circumstances and it takes that that's why we have clue the community the a unit that follows up on all of these contacts and ensures that for those citizens that are willing to accept the the the the opportunities of these resources that we do everything we can to make sure that that happens for them all this is going to do is allow us to because of the new statute we won't be in a situation where we have to just walk away walking away now because of what's been put in place and and takes effect in October puts us in a situ ation where I if I didn't bring this forward I wouldn't be doing my job for you and and having it having created a a mechanism so that we wouldn't find ourselves in that liable situation understood thank you for that clarification question for Mr Mueller I just a clarification I I I know the answer to this question but I want to make sure everybody else knows the answer to it so the new state law that takes effect in October essentially prohibits local governments from turning a blind eye to this issue so if people are encamped or sleeping on public rights of way or on public property it's no longer going to be legal for a local government to just say well people sleep under that tree and We Know It And we let them do it like some cities in other states where they just have given up parks and said well that's where they that's where the they set up the tents and they just seed the park to the homeless because that's where they are this will demand that we not turn a blind eye to this is that correct correct it's making you know it's going to force the city to take some sort of action right thank you other questions if not is there a motion to approve on first reading we need to read the ordinance oh I'm sorry no oh yes see one time I go to do it and I'm wrong and the next time I don't go to do it and I'm wrong again us here okay if there are no other questions council members I will close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance thank you Mr sist an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida creating article four camping and sleeping on public property and rights of way under chapter 16 of the city of Temple Terrace code of ordinances creating section 16- 95 camping prohibited exemptions creating section 19 correction 1696 sleeping in or on the rights of way providing for applicability and severability repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here withth providing for an effective date thank you madam clerk now is there a motion to approve on first reading ordinance um 1568 enacting article 4 section 16- 95- 1696 to the temple ter code of ordinances with a second reading to be held 20th a I'm sorry August 20th second motion second discussion of the motion not all those in favor say I I I opposed no n very good the ordinance is adopted on first reading and will appear for second reading and public hearing on Tuesday August the 20th 2024 Council business councilor are there any is there any over is there any carryover Council business from previous meetings Okay seeing none new business and board reports any new business vice mayor able I have something from the bpac at our most recent um bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee meeting they passed a motion um to upon council's approval um spend some of their funds and I know that they have some discretion about that but their motion specifically said upon Council approval so I wanted to run it by you all typically those funds are used for things such such as promotional items but they were interested in purchasing a membership to the the uh bike League which is an organization that actually um hosts the program that does a bicycle friendly communities it's $50 per year or $100 for two years and um some of the benefits of it include like free event advertising for bicyclist events resource libraries quarterly webinars and and it basically supports organizations that advocates for bicycling and they just wanted to make sure you all approved expending the funds in that manner as opposed to um purchasing promotional items good vice mayor I I don't know enough about it I mean I'm not oppos it if you're in favor of it I don't know if the city manager has been had an opportunity to enter the discussion I have not reviewed this the league or anything but I would would you be willing to talk to the city manager as long as you as as far as I'm concerned I don't know about the others but if you two are both in favor of it I don't see no objections to it I agree I agree okay with you I think he ought to get a chance to chime in on it of course if that's okay with you sure okay very good other new business board reports council member Chambers an update on the the art projects uh a little bit later city manager is going to go over some locations the city has for the uh uh Street mural but um the hall project this Friday uh we are going to hang art in the hallway and it's a it's a uh project it's not the real project with artists from the community it is just a trial with artwork that the Arts Council Members and asking anybody on the city staff if they have a piece of artwork they want to submit uh mainly to learn how the system works to hang it up make sure it's going to work before we risk other people's or but it'll be up there for the month or two until we start getting uh the the artist work in good so that's this Friday very good thank you other new business board reports i' just like to take this opportunity to commend our staff for the uh hurricane operations over the weekend it was uh actually the week in makes it um good in some ways and more challenging in others so it was uh done very very well um we luckily escaped most damage and then we had some trees down and so forth but um these things affect people that don't you don't realize that we always look at the Public Works which obviously has a huge part of it but there's a whole lot going on behind the scenes with finance and with you know the fire department and the police and so there's legal and so there's a lot of pieces going on behind the scenes that people people don't often think about and so uh it really involves uh probably not all of our staff but a good portion of it is involved in this in one way or the other and so I'd also like to acknowledge Mr Nazario who uh got randomly chosen to be acting city manager before the uh before the storm came along and then all of a sudden found himself in the driver's seat during the during the hurricane preparation so um but I also know that you it besides your great leadership that you've got a great team around you and so uh thank you all for everything that you've done and I know that it's a it's an exercise it's it's it's like doing a lot of things it looks easy from the outside but when you're on the inside you you realize there's a 100 things going on and they're all going on at 100 miles hour so so thank you all for that and that's all I have unless somebody has something different if we'll move on to city manager report evening Mr Mayor members of council uh thank you Mr Mayor for those kind words and I was about to say the same thing as uh this was Tony's trial by fire I think he passed and thank you to the whole team everybody uh did an exceptional job and I appreciated the time off so thank you um so in your backup this evening uh you have several items uh you have three reports on the fy2 24 third quarter uh the first is on the council's fiscal year priorities followed by the budget goals as as well as a third report on the arpa and capital projects uh if anyone has any questions on on any of those reports be willing to happy to take those now or have some of our staff address those any questions I just have one just because just to announce to everybody that uh where we are with the arpa projects everything is on schedule to be completed within the deadlines required yes yes that is the case right now where it's uh we'd love to have more time but right now we're on schedule the only thing I have a comment on it and that is I we I I think you and I talked on the phone about this every time we get these reports I'm I mean I know what's going on I know about all these projects I know all these things that are going on but I don't often see them all in one spot and when I read these quarterly reports from A to Z like oh my gosh um we really do have a lot going on I know I run around the city saying how much we have going on but when I see this quarterly report broken down by department and everything that we truly do have going on um it's amazing that you guys can keep up with this and so um again thank you to you for your organization and thank you guys again for all that you're doing you're not just doing uh your job we're not just keeping the lights on here we are really moving this this place forward and so thank you for that so thank you um the next item I have is the um as council member Chambers was mentioning earlier we were tasked with looking at some locations for street art and when we uh embarked on this endeavor we we had several conditions uh first of all we're trying to find locations where the payment was in good shape because the last thing you want is to put you know investment of time on the communties uh part to paint a intersection to only find out a year later that you're going to repave uh we were also looking for locations that would be in highly visible areas where you'd have a fair amount of the community seeing these uh these pieces of Art and then we were also trying to find this was based on some input from the council trying to find locations that might have been west of 56 Street or South of Bullard which are sort of like the the more the less traditional areas where a lot of the already existing art is located so in doing that we had about nine locations uh that we had feedback from Council Members feedback from staff uh and we applied those factors to those locations and we came up with a short list of four um these are just suggestions at this point obviously the council may want us to look at different ones and we'd be happy to do that but the ones we have right now are whiteway at 53rd Serena at 52nd Serena at 53rd and Mission Hills at 53rd and that's the list that we'd like you to consider I'm happy to answer any questions yeah I do have a question council member Fernandez how many locations that's a list of four but how many would we actually install art at right that be a question for the council yeah uh right now the money left over for this year's budget will be one but next year is a new budget year so we would want to suggest one out of the four in the list yes uh yes and I know earlier uh the Arts Council floated white way and Gillette which the city's work which was very well done shows that's really not a the perfect idea uh I have not floated any of these locations by the Arts Council yet because this is really a city project they're just kind of the uh we'll make it happen when we uh pick something and how you want to pick one of the four or rank them or whatever personally uh when I work for the city I know we always tried to do something on for the west side and that's what we called it the west side of 56 and all this does that so uh and these are all entrances from the West Side into our city that will make a good impact so I don't really me personally I don't really have one over the other but I don't know how we want to handle the rest of picking one of the four B may able wait one other thing before that I want to thank the city again and it seemed like you really got some input good input put from your staff how they kind of bought into some of this project too and I really like that thank you very much and out there if you had comments thank you very much actually hold on just a second I want to make sure you were finished council member you still have the floor council member for no no no I just wanted to make sure the what we were actually going to be you know one are we four three two you know however many I just want to make sure you were done before I called somebody else vice mayor um Mr Chambers had just said something about he wasn't sure like how to proceed about which one to select and personally I haven't had a chance to do a driveby of these locations so um I would want to make sure I could go look at each of them before we decide um whenever that may be so I mean I feel actually the same way because you know so maybe we could uh bring it up in your report the next meeting or a chance to do that what you know well let's let's give fall apart so let's give um if the council's agreeable let's give Mr be at least some feedback on the the potential for these four are these four we're going to select then the first one from one of these four so we're on the right track with these four I am personally good with the four yes yes okay I like the fact that there there there's a public park there two of them I think that uh um it'll be an opportunity to to to see more just not just not just driving over it but so the people who will go to the park will will um be able to enjoy the visual aspect of it but I think it should be an agenda item so that the public has an opportunity to express their opinion on it I guess I'm just trying to follow so we're with the four are are is the council are individually are you going to go by and I think what the council's asking is that we we approved the selection of these four sites as the final finalists right one of these four will be the first site but I think the council would like it to be on a future agenda to select the one site as being the first one and I I think part of the reason I've heard was that that would provide the opportunity for public comment to for people to if they have any preference also gives us a chance to go to drive by if we want to and go look I I would like to say I I'd like the idea of doing some on the west side or west of 56 Street I hope we don't do the first four on the west side of 56th Street I'd like to find someplace that's close to where we congregate Where We Gather people whether that's near the rec center for the fall you know we have festivals there we have stuff near Woodmont Park we we have stuff you know the places where we bring a lot of people particularly for fireworks in 4th of July we bring thousands of people into the city for that be nice to have it something it doesn't have to be the first one but I notice some of the still it still could be I mean no no no I think the west side is good for the but there's some that look like they might not be suitable right now but they may be in short in a short period of time you know Druid Hills and Breer we're going to do a big storm water project there but that's coming quick I mean pretty soon that'll all be brand new pavement so um that's kind of in the core of the city we do need to get the first one done um I don't know what the timetable is for repaving white way and Gillette I know we've done some repaving in that area already um that's that would be a really good anyway the first one would be one of these four and then we'll go from there okay is that good work for you okay okay um so moving on the last item is uh like to suggest that the if the council would be amendable to schedule an executive session for the purposes of um reviewing labor union negotiations with the fire Union uh looking potentially to do it on Tuesday August 13th at 3:00 mayor it works for me okay Council M for me work for you work for you okay if it works for everybody is there a motion to that effect to approve to to schedule a um ex executive session for 3:00 on the August 13th for the purposes of discussing the contract second second discussion of the motion all those in favor say I I I oppose no Nays we will meet then that's all I have thank you thank you Mr B City attorney's report I have nothing to report okay Council anything else yes sir any other business directors anything we forgot you want to talk about Tony uh oh now you did it I just wanted to also thank the directors and also Genie for their assistance they took what of probably would have been a chaotic situation and really turned it into a guided process for me to follow so thanks for Lending your expertise it it really helped and I appreciate it so thank you thank you Mr okay doie if there's nothing else we will be adjourned book fell apart I don't usually look that far back in the book it all came [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]