##VIDEO ID:UilWJxpi5f0## e e e e e e e e e e e e e right I'll call the meeting to order good afternoon ladies and gentlemen uh we are here for an emergency meeting of the Temple Terrace city council for the purpose of discussing a declaration of emergency concerning hurricane Milton I have to stop and think with the name is of them they're coming so frequently so um Mr be would you like to as the fire chief is not here so I know everybody's very busy today so so uh thank you Mr Mayor M of council so in light of the storm the resolution before you uh calls for declaring a state of emergency effective uh Tuesday October 8th 2024 at uh 6:00 a.m. uh this will result in uh several things happening and some actually will will take place earlier than that but that's when the official state of emergency will will will go into effect um just give everybody in the community an update there will be uh no residential trash or recycling services uh starting tomorrow and that will be for the rest of the week so there will be no trash and recycling for the rest of the week effective tomorrow uh any vegetative debris we are doing our best to pick up all the vegetative debris that's that may be still out there but there is a very good chance with everything going on uh with this storm that and our crews are stretched thin that we may not get to folks so the in light of that we have opened up a vegetative debris drop off site uh which will be open until 700 p.m. tonight uh at the Youth Sports Complex at 10369 us301 so I encourage everybody in the community if you still have some vegetative debris if you can manage it to drop it off that would probably be your best bet rather than leaving it um on the on the side of the of the of the road where it could become a a hazard during the storm and also by the same token we encourage everyone in the community not to put anything out at the curb please don't do that don't put anything out uh it will just probably lie there and then it will create again a a potential uh Hazard for your for their property or your neighbor's property uh we have a sandbag operations ongoing uh we have given out thousands and thousands of sandbags yesterday I think we did well over 2,000 and I imagine today at this point we're we're getting the nodded head from my from my Public Works director that we are probably doing just as much if not more sandbag operations will also be at the Youth Sports Complex uh until 5:00 P p.m. this evening so if if residents still want to take advantage of that please get out to 5 it's until 5:00 p.m. until supplies last uh because we have a limited amount of sand as you can imagine everybody's doing the same thing so um if they want that they should get out there as soon as possible uh we'd encourage everyone again to remove any objects lying around their house uh to avoid uh again any issues during the the high winds as far as operations with the rest of the city uh utility billing office is open today but will close at 300 p.m. rather than 4: so that would close at 3: uh the rest of City Hall and all city services including the the rec center family Rec Center Lightfoot uh Library will be closed as of tomorrow uh and until further notice and once we get an idea after the storms come through we'll determine whether we can reopen this week or not um and I believe those are the uh major notices Joel anything else that okay and that's it we're good so Council the item um that we are discussing the action item is to declare state of emergency that will be effective at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning uh will remain in effect and up to a 7-Day period um it can be extinguished early by the city manager without Council action uh should it become necessary to extend it Beyond 7 days we would need to meet again uh in order to renew it I believe I actually the resolution is written that I could extend it without having Council oh you can okay all right very good that's how it's written okay okay so um if that is the council's desire that is the motion that we need the ordinance is 1575 and would declare a local state of emergency effective 6: a.m. tomorrow morning move to approve ordinance 15755 declaring a state of emergency effective uh Tuesday morning 6 a.m. second is there discussion of the motion if not all those in favor say I I oppose no n declaration has been passed um we need a roll call vote we need a roll call vote okay very good so Mr Shon would you please call the role Madam clerk the city of Temple to Florida declaring a state of local emergency in response to the threat posed by tropical storm Milton which is now hurricane Milton authorizing the city manager to extend or resend the state of emergency as necessary suspending all ordinances in rules inconsistent with sections 20 25231 through 252 90 Florida Statutes executive order 24214 and 24-25 um 215 is amending 24- 214 or this emergency ordinance through the duration of this emergency adopting and incorporating State of Florida executive orders 24214 and 24-25 into this ordinance and providing an effective date thank you madam clerk uh now that we've read the ordinance would you like to renew your motion of approval yes move to approve Ord 1575 establishing a state of emergency beginning Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. and your second is there any discussion of the motion now seeing none Mr sh would you please call the role councilwoman Fernandez yes councilman chamers yes mayor Ross Yes councilwoman Abel yes very good the uh ordinance is adopted I just I have unanimously yes um so just for the The public's information do you know what zones this the city of Temple Terrace is for evacuation zones I I don't believe we have I don't believe we have any evacuation zones in our community in fact very very limited parts of our community are even in a flood zone per se if you're along the river yet you're you're you're probably in a flood zone you're most likely in a flood zone but um the rest of the community we have the Good Fortune we're relatively High um we're not near you know canals things like that where we can run some of that title surge that came through that hit South Tampa so I don't believe we have any evacuation protocols in effect for Temple Terrace okay I just I just wanted to make sure people but I would like to to comment on that I just left the a press conference at the EOC and um this is the topic and so the the county did um order evacuations in in certain areas the part that concerns me the most is the um the evacuation order includes all mobile homes or manufactured housing throughout the county and although we in Temple terrorist maybe have a couple of exceptions but we don't generally have that our residents do have loved ones in the in the county who reside in manufactured homes I know people are reluctant to want to leave their home I understand that um as a Floridian I get it um people are naturally most comfortable and feel safe and secure in their homes and or don't want to leave them when they feel exposed to the storm I understand that um and a lot of people will tell you well I've never evacuated before I'm Inland you know we've been through hurricanes before and I've always been okay and that's true you have always been okay and you you are always okay until you're not okay and and every storm is different and this could be the storm that you're not okay so if you in Temple Terrace have loved ones who live in manufactured homes um really anywhere on the west coast of Florida please contact them and encourage them now today this afternoon is the time for them to leave and they don't have to go far they don't have to go to Georgia or you know um they they but they need to move into a hotel or they go to a shelter or something and the other thing is as a Floridian I understand completely nobody wants to go to a shelter I mean why would you want to leave the Comforts of your home and go hang out at a middle school for a couple of days it just is not fun everybody understands that but um this could save your life you are you are gambling with your life and and uh yes the shelters are not fun but they will have food they will have electricity they will have the ability to charge your phones and stay in touch with your loved ones and and you don't have to stay there forever but um could really be a lifesaver so I would encourage all the residents of Temple Terrace to please encourage everybody they know to adhere to these evacuation orders um or to take them you know take your loved ones into your home for a day or two and uh so please take these things seriously um and I said uh at the press conference earlier I said you know it one of the things that's most tragic is we we can't protect you from property damage from the forces of nature nobody can guarantee that but so many of the lives lost are avoidable they they're lost because they don't they don't adhere to the evacuation orders um and that's heartbreaking to see people who lose loved ones unnecessarily if they'd have just gone to shelter for 24 hours or gone a few miles Inland or something and and uh so please don't let that happen to you so long- winded but you got me on my soap box that's a so Mr B I could just add um I'm not sure if any other council member has a comment I want wanted to clarify one thing that you not clarify but add to what you just said um for the members of the community that are out there please uh if you haven't already sign up to get our our feed follow our our our social media feed get on our website our Communications team is putting out information regularly throughout the storm they're going to be at the EOC as well so you're going to get all the all the updates you need will be coming directly from from us as to what's going on in Temple Terrace so make sure that people uh stay tuned to that information other council members comments no okay staff stay safe anything Jennifer yes anything there yes please our assistant Finance director Mrs Newman so I just wanted to um give everyone some knowledge I just found out recently that if you go to Florida disaster.org no k w and put in your address it'll tell you if you are in evacuation Zone and what letter you are so if your house is in either you know even e d e or F it'll tell you that or if it's just completely blank you're not in any evacuation zone so that can give you an idea of what you might need to do to get your house ready and if you really should leave thank you m Newman y staff anything else okay everybody stay safe and we will be adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]