##VIDEO ID:a-oFKAUlJ_k## [Music] hello everybody uh I just wanted to give you the update for Tuesday October 15th uh things are progressing uh they're progressing slowly but they are progressing so I wanted to give you an update of the status of things in the city right now I think the number one question on everybody's mind is when am I going to get power restored to my house um the the easy answer for that from us is I don't know um we still have significant portions of the city that are out of power uh you're not in this alone uh and nobody I promise is singling you or your neighborhood out uh I'm I'm without power uh most of the city council's without power the city manager homes without power um and I really don't know um when too is going to be to each circuit so um as of 1045 today uh the outages have been reduced to under 100,000 uh in too service area which is significantly lower uh each day it's dropping each day um so I really have no way and our staff has no way to know when when your address is going to get back up I wish we did um I know it's in convenient it's uncomfortable but it is going to get cooler the weather's come getting cooler so that's helpful the second thing I hear uh a lot of people is on a lot of people's mind is the boil water uh advisories and so we do have some progress on that although not as much as I I know you wish we did so I told you the past two days we've done uh sampling that's required by law uh to do a series of sampling before we're allowed to to remove the precautionary notice um of few of those samples came back positive which didn't really shock us because those were the areas where we had to turn the water off and repair pipes and and turn it back on so it was not surprising uh that we found some bacteria some of those areas because we had to open the system [Music] [Music] hello everybody uh I just wanted to give you the update for Tuesday October 15th uh things are progressing uh they're progressing slowly but they are progressing so I wanted to give you uh an update of the status of things in the city right now I think the number one question on everybody's mind is when am I going to get power restored to my house um the the easy answer for that from us is I don't know um we still have significant portions of the city that are out of power uh you're not in this alone uh and nobody I promise is singling you or your neighborhood out uh so I'm out I'm without power uh most of the city councils without power the city manager homes without power um and I really don't know um when too is going to be to each circuit so um as of 10:45 today uh the outages have been reduced to under 100,000 uh in too's service area which is significantly lower uh each day it's dropping each day um so I really have no way and our staff has no way to know when when your address is going to get back up I wish we did um I know it's inconvenient it's uncomfortable but it is going to get cooler the weather's come getting cooler so that's helpful the second thing I hear uh a lot of people is on a lot of people's mind is the boil water uh advisor with and so we do have some progress on that although not as much as I I know you wish we did so I told you the past two days we've done uh sampling that's required by law uh to do a series of sampling before we're allowed to to remove the precautionary notice um a few of those samples came back positive which didn't really shock us because those were the areas where we had to turn the water off and repair pipes and and turn it back on so it was not not surprising uh that we found some bacteria in some of those areas because we had to open the system up and sometimes little dirt will get in there when you're making the repairs so that's not a surprise however the good news is that these locations are have now been kind of identified and so we're working with the Department of Health right now to try to get permission to remove the boiled water band for the other areas of the city that came back clean and just retain it in those isolated areas uh where we know we had to breach the system so we cannot remove that the boiled water notice until the Department of Health uh gives us those permissions uh we are in contact with them uh today right now as I speak our staff is is talking to the Florida Department of Health we are hoping that we can get authorization to remove uh the the boil water ban for the uneffective areas of the city uh but again we can't make that call without their permission so hopefully we'll have some good news on that soon uh the next area that Still Remains uh somewhat of a threat is the river level uh the water is Flowing very rapidly as you know as I've already discussed the water coming in from Pasco County Down Cypress Creek and cow house Crank that water is expected to Crest or max out at 2: p.m. this afternoon uh it is supposed to be no more than 3 to 6 in above what it was yesterday at the Fowler Avenue gauge so we are monitoring that so far the Fowler Avenue gauge has tracked uh exactly as the Army Corps of Engineers told us it would uh we're going to continue to monitor that gauge but so far everything they told us has turned out to be accurate and so what should happen is at 2 p.m. the water level should stop going up it should probably very gradually start at that point to decrease but it will be a very slow decrease so I'm I'm very optimistic I'm cautiously optimistic let me put it that way that we are going to our structures are going to be fine we've pumped water down uh up in rain tree up on soaring and I think we uh will'll be okay and I don't think that water is going to threaten the uh don't think that water is going to threaten any homes so uh that's good news the debris cleanup uh started yesterday uh we have our contractors it started in the neighborhood yesterday picking things up um it's a slow process this is going to take a very long time but I do have a couple things I want to ask you uh ask of you about this one is um our contractor uh these are not our city employees picking this up these are these are FEMA contractors they will not pick up debris that's been bagged if you've put it in plastic bags they will not pick it up and so we've in the places where they have picked up they've picked up the piles and bypassed the the bags so if you're putting new debris out we ask you not to bag it if you already have baged debris out by the curb you have a mountain of bags leave it there for now and we're trying to figure out uh how we're going to deal with that however this is up to you I'm going to give you the option here if your pile is there and you have some bags next to it if you want it's probably to your benefit to open the bags and dump it out onto the pile because it'll probably get picked up sooner because if the clock truck comes around they'll pick up the pile but not the bags and then you're stuck with the bags until we can figure out how to get those picked up so that's up to you I'm not telling you you have to rip open the bags if you want to leave them leave them and we'll figure this out but if you're putting new stuff out please don't back it just pile it up the other thing is if you've put stuff in like an old trash can and you've put it out there like our yard wasti guys will normally just dump out the trash can don't do that and if you have done that and it's sitting out on the curb please go dump that out onto the pile um because what will happen is the the vendor the the contractor will come by they will either skip it and leave it there or they will pick up and take your container too with the claw truck they're not they're not like our normal waste um city workers where they'll get out and and do this they're just going to go down there with the claw and that's all they're going to do so if I were you unless you want to lose your trash can I would dump those out so uh let's see what else do we have oh I have some other good news that we're doing to try to help the public and expedite recovery uh I have a new order uh that is effective today uh that waves some of the permit requirements so let me go through that so this is good news for you um first of all the replacement of fences that were blown down or damaged as a result of Hurricane Milton if you are repairing or replacing a fence that was damaged by the hurricane uh we are waving the permit requirement if you are repairing the fence regardless of how many sections the permit requirement is waved until November the 10th however I want to be clear on this this is for the Reconstruction or repair of an existing fence at along the same route if you're going to expand the fence and take in more property you have to get a permit if you're going to install a new fence where one wasn't before you have to get a permit but if your fence was blown down and you're putting it back up on the same place that it was before the permit requirement is waved until November the 10th similar thing with trees if you have a damaged tree a damaged tree that has less than a 24 in diameter of the trunk you do not need a permit you can cut it down right if you are removing a damaged tree that has over a 24 in D bigger tree and it's damaged by the storm we want you to call the city we have Crews that will come out look at the tree inspect it and give you approval on the spot to take the tree out uh without the normal permitting process so that should make things easier for everybody uh again these waivers are only um ineffective till November the 10th but that should help for questions concerning this or to request somebody come by and look at your tree please call the city at 813 506 6470 uh next uh the light Foot Center at White way in 56 Street continues to be a comfort station today and till 5:00 you're welcome to come by use the air conditioning charge up your electronic devices uh and just hang out for a while we are not providing anything there we don't have any water or food to give away there that's not the place for that but you're welcome to come by and and sit in the comfortable building and and recharge your electronic devices family Recreation Complex remains closed only because we have no power there uh we have the the facilities cleaned up it's ready to go as soon as we get power there and we we can get the employees in we will open it but right now we're just at the mercy of uh Power restoration so uh building's not damaged then we'll get it open as quickly as we can at Mission Hills Church hope Florida continues to operate their releas station today uh until 3:00 um they have a drive-thru you enter off of Serena uh they're located at 102 nor 56 Street uh you can drive through and get supplies you can get water uh I think they have some basic food items you can get diapers uh pet food I was told they have pet food there uh if you need that that is open until 3:00 today uh at the same location uh they're going to shut down at 3:00 and reopen for an hour at between 5 and 6 to serve hot meals so if you have been eating uh canned you know cold canned soup or something like that we uh you can get a hot meal from 5: to 6 at Mission Hills Church and I'd like to to thank all of those volunteers I'd like to thank Pastor Paul pervis uh and his staff at the church as long as well as hope Florida for doing this for our residents um I was also informed that schools Hillsburg County public schools are opening on Thursday um believe countywide um so if you haven't gotten that from the hiler County Public Schools I was just informed of that um a short time ago the last thing I'd like to say folks is our employees here at the city are tremendous they have uh I I wish I could tell you some of the things that they've been able to do in the past 6 days since this storm and how hard they've been working um but e e e we have the best employees uh anywhere and we thank you for that and so please continue to bless our city keep us safe and it's all this uh we pray in your name amen amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you ladies and gentlemen and I know it's a viol it's a breach of protocol to be wearing a ball cap I understand that I'm indoors I know that it's a breach of protocol but I also know what I look like so please bear with me so I do have a couple quick announcements before we again these are things that are uh new updates I'm not going to repeat the daily update uh it's available on the website and social media but this is brand new information that has just come in um and I think most people will be happy to hear this and concerning the water boil protocol we've been talking about for the past 6 days um I've been uh urging citizens to to bear with us as we've been working with the Department of Health to try to lift that I have some good news um we are going to be able to lift that in fact we have lifted it except and I I mentioned this earlier today we do have uh four neighborhoods where the water testing that we did came back positive for bacteria this is not a shock to us because these are areas where we had to physically turn off the water cut the pipe put a new piece of pipe in put clamps on it and refill the hole so all the homes Downstream of those type of repairs are continue to be on a boil water notice but the rest of the city other than those four areas um can stop boiling water we've been a we got the approval from the Department of Health to lift that so the four areas are um and and this is a little difficult because they're portions of neighborhoods because it depends on who's on what water line so this is very Surgical it's depends there might there's going to be one house that's on a boil water and the ne the next door neighbor is not going to be because they're on a different water feed so the four neighborhoods are parts of Terrace Ridge um the Primrose neighborhood up off of moris bridge um the a portion of the West River neighborhood uh and 17 Homes located around the Ben lman Park area so what we have done is this is currently up on our website we have maps and each of the four I know you can't see this from here but this is what's on the website so each of the four neighborhoods we have a map um with the addresses on the map and then following each one of the maps is a list of specific homes so residents if you live in those four areas or you're unsure you can look on the website right now and and click on the map in your area and look to see if your address is there or if it is not if it's not you are good to stop boiling water you don't have to observe the boil water protocol anymore okay um the water main brakes I think I hope that all the trees that are going to fall have fallen I'm hoping that we've turned the corner on this and that we're not going to have any more water main brakes so we are cautiously optimistic that um this this will be it there'll be no more additional water boil notifications I can't promise that if we get a water main break we'll have to re-evaluate but I think we're I think we've turned a corner on this if you have questions about this if you're in one of the neighborhoods and you want to know how long it's going to be for your home or you know what does this mean what can I do with my water am I safe to give it to my dog the answer to that is yes but um you can call a number for specific information on your home and that number is 813 56 6570 that's 5066 570 now keep in mind that after business hours that number rolls to the water treatment plant at the water treatment plant there is one employee working um overnight so if that employee in the other end of the water treatment plant doing something essential you may have a little trouble it's a 24-hour number but there's one person there so keep that in mind and I think uh real quickly our city manager got some other recent news that has come in thank you Mr Mayor members of council good afternoon uh so the power has been coming on uh progressively throughout the city over the last few days so some of our facilities that were closed and now open for operation so I want to update the community so the uh Lightfoot recreational center which has been serving as our comfort station will actually return to normal operations tomorrow as a senior center uh we will keep a one of the rooms in the facility available for a small Comfort station um at least tomorrow the family recreational complex on whiteway uh came on to Tio power just late this afternoon so it will be open tomorrow uh from 8:00 a.m. to 900 p.m. so the hours the starting hours are a little different 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. uh use of the pool will be delayed uh because now that we have power we have to run through a complete treatment cycle that takes several hours uh but by the end of the week we should have everything back in order uh City Hall will be business as usual uh I want to also update the community on a couple of permit questions that we are getting typically in the city of Paris if you are doing fence work or if you're doing tree work you need to pull a permit uh we are I have waved the uh the fence permit requirement so if you are repairing or replacing a pre-existing fence you don't need a permit so just take care of that work as at your own schedule as soon as you can uh that waiver will apply through November 10th if you are thinking about putting in a brand new fence and never existed before then you still have to pull a permit we are also waving the tree permit requirement uh so trees if you have trees uh that are still in the ground that are 24 in wide at chest height they're their trunk uh 24 in wide wide or less you are not required to get a permit so we're waving that permit requirement so if you need to prune that tree because one of the limbs is is completely locked off or hanging or the tree itself took took a lot of damage and needs to be removed if it's 24 in wide at chest height or or or less you can do that without permit if the tree is 24 in wide or more at chest height uh you don't necessarily need a permit but you need to call the city and I'll give you the number it's 813 56 6470 let me repeat that 813 506 6470 you need to call to request an inspection we'll have uh the City Arborist or design go out take a look at the tree to assess the condition of the tree to determine how much of that tree needs to be taken down if any of it needs to be taken down uh and once that clearance is given then you as a homeowner are free to go ahead and and take care of that tree uh so those are the updates that I have um and if we learn more I will share that with the community through our social media Platforms in the website thank you Mr be okay our next item of business is a recognition we're starting out on a positive note now here with uh our employee of the month for the month of September is Michelle Wilkinson Michelle would you please approach the podium good evening so um Michelle Wilkinson is an integral member of the city of Temple Terrace Leisure Services uh she's been here for 19 years and has served in various positions over that time span uh she currently is a recreation leader too at the Omar k light foot Senior Center uh so if you've been to Lightfoot you always see uh Michelle there um these are just a couple of examples of uh things that Michelle has done to earn this distinguished award and I will tell you that to get recognized as an employee of the month um in that department is Quite a feat because we've got a whole department full of superstars so um this is really an accomplishment so just a few things Michelle helped to conceptualize promote and execute the first light foot senior Olympic games uh which are are a vital part for our seniors at the light Foot Center she also uh is an integral part of the Senior Expo which is an annual event that takes place at Lightfoot that uh touches the lives of many seniors and their families uh she is responsible for the monthly senior field trips U which is really cool program that we're able to do that take seniors to different places of points of interest throughout the community she recently took them to armateur work for a lunch outing and followed by a ride on the Tampa water taxi which is pretty cool you didn't tell me you were doing that I would have probably come so uh you know keep in mind folks these are these are often times people that don't get to to go anywhere so this is this is life-changing stuff for for people um she also takes uh she's a lead in providing a critical service of driving our seniors to doctor's appointments and pharmacies to pick up their medications she takes them to grocery stores if they Transportation challenged the need to go get food and supplies um she coordinates that she also plans the routes to maximize the effectiveness of those trips and minimize wasted time and and gasoline and that kind of thing she's personally involved in the lives of these seniors um they love her their family to her to her to them they're their family and so um all of these things and and there's much much more but we have a long agenda so I I'm not going to be able to brag on you all that I could but uh Mich I want to thank you for everything you do and your staff um you don't know the difference that you're making in the lives of our seniors so thank you thanks wait you're not done yet would you like to say a few words I'm really bad up here I'm really yeah I can talk to you on the phone like you're my best friend and like you're my grandma but being in front of everything and everyone is just not usually my we would like to give you a certificate though hate to have one of you guys give it you look better than T you're good ready one two three one more thank you [Applause] next we have a board appointment we have uh there are there's one regular member vacancy on the Riverwatch task force the city received an application from me Lewis uh Mr Lewis's term has expired and he's interested in being reappointed um Mr Lewis is here I don't know if you'd like to say a few words if you would you're welcome good evening you doing okay your is your home okay no anyway uh thank you guys so much um I I I've really I moved here what five years ago I think it is and I've just fallen in love with Temple Terrace and I love volunteering any way that I can um you know whether that's making stupid little apps to uh help facilitate trick-or-treating in town or uh you know volunteering on this Riverwatch committee um thank you guys so much for supporting my efforts um being chairman of the committee has uh allow uh the Riverwatch task force uh has allowed for uh um me to really help guide volunteer efforts help broaden our scope and our mission so that we can help keep this place beautiful green and uh keep our water you know as incredible as it is even if this week we had too much of it thank you guys so much thank you Mr Lewis is there a uh is there a motion to approve the appointment of me Lewis as a regular member to the Riverwatch task force move to appoint me Lewis to the Riverwatch TK Force second is there discussion of the motion all those in favor signify with i i i oppos no Nays thank you for your service Mr Lewis has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes of our October 1st city council meeting and if so is there a motion to approve move to approve any corrections or adjustments to the minutes if not all those in favor say I I opposed no n minutes are adopted persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda there are request forms in the back of the room uh if you want to fill those out and deliver them to the city clerk to my left uh we will recognize you in the order received uh Council has agreed to a 30 minute time limit for all public comment for this section of the meeting rather to be continued at the end of the meeting as more time is needed um I don't know that that's happened in a long time that's a lot of people to fill up 30 minutes but I I like to read that periodically so when it does happen uh 3 minute time limit is opposed on all public comments individual public comments and we do ask that speakers come to the podium State their name and city of residents um and we' like to assure you that your items are followed up on uh those that are within the city are power to follow up on I currently have two requests to speak the first one is Mr Lope welcome welcome glad to see you all really uh my name is Charles L I live in Terrace Park and I want to talk first thing I want to do is compliment like the mayor did compliment the people especially the Mission Hills Church for the leadership they've shown in the community and I also wanted to mention the fact that of all the people that have come from out of town from a long distance to come and try to help us around here so I think it's important that they're recognized publicly uh the did want to talk on my general theme on Tio and hurricane Milton I was rereading the uh articles about the public hearing up at Tallahassee that he was talking about for the energy inquiries that they proposed and I was thinking to myself if he considers this the level of service that we that we should get he ought to be giving us the payments rather than we giving him the payments for power and that's just being honest uh by comparison uh Duke had a plan in for by Friday to restore power and a lot of people already who had Duke's power are restored uh when I was living in Miami I live where I of course got FPL served and they did sort of a triage style uh triage meaning that they fixed the easiest people first and then they took care of uh everyone else the harder ones individually uh but the point being it seems that too was clueless Tio in my opinion was negligent in two regards first of all not to have under more underground wiring and secondly why did it take them if the problem was so big why did it take him so long to Monday to start getting all these trucks uh on the road in order to um in order to you know get things started to get restore people's power now from my point of view I'm hoping that once this is all over that maybe people will use less power hopefully significantly less power because they'll be used to not having power in other words so they'll be much more energy conscious and hopefully help preserve the environment but of all the things that really seem to scare me the most about this really is the fact that despite there was not really very much structural damage or along in our area anyway and all that that people of the government were just that that so many people were shut down for so long uh the younger when we educate young people we have to teach them to learn things that there that there's going to be times are going to be without power there's going to be times matter of fact the first Power plan was actually in 1881 and went through wind power and for centuries people have been able to do things without uh Power and young people have to learn this because there's going to be times when they're not going to have power to have it do and they have to have a thing that's really functioning in the future thank you all good evening thank you Mr lobe Michelle Whitmire hi good evening my name is Michelle Whitmire and I live at 407 Deer Park Avenue which is part of what we affectionately call the Bonnie Bray neighborhood which runs from Druid Hills to Mission Hills in our assessment um from ESS to 56 and the reason why I'm coming here today is I've been walking the neighborhood since all of this has been going on in like a lot of the areas in Temple Terrace we have many many trees down we have many many uh power lines down and we have many many trees um entangled with power lines and on roofs and this is basically where I've been walking since the hurricane we we've been without power the majority of the neighborhood has been without power since the hurricane my block is a little bit unusual because too always manages to cut our power because they've never been properly cleaning the line so we get power off a little bit early we went off about 8:30 so um just trying to get the scope of things and this afternoon I decid you know this is probably a really good time to go find a a stump grinder I have a stump in the backyard that needs to be addressed so I drove around parts of Temple Terrace that I haven't had the opportunity to drive I I walked it the first time and I know that there's been huge Live Oaks down everywhere other places with lots and lots of power lines down and again on homes I've talked with May Andy about this personally but the thing that really really really upset me and the reason why I'm here tonight is when I was driving around in the north side of Temple Terrace what I noticed is that the golf course is open for business when I live in a neighborhood that is majority without power I love our golf course I've been a member of our golf course I'm happy that I'm able to walk the golf course I understand it's not full service but it is coming across as a neighborhood that frequently loses power not even in a hurricane or we lost it for 4 days but in other situations that we are always constantly having to not go through Power and then you turn around all of the trees are being cleared on banic Burn and there's very few even sounds of power saws coming from our neighborhood this morning and I'm looking for this I'm seeing what's going on I'm seeing what's happening in terms of the Improvement so I'm asking of two things one we have to understand that there are neighborhoods in our city that frankly the perception is get treated a little bit different from the other neighborhoods it is terribly upsetting when someone has the luxury of golfing on the golf course and I myself am personally thankful that I have a neighbor who is gener enough to have me on their generator for these last many days which they actually need in their house for health concerns thank you ma'am Mr maid Lewis hello again uh you have three minutes before you're allowed to be sick of me um uh so first of all I want to thank all of you all um You Were Heroes um you know uh this could have been much worse um the Emergency Services were very active we didn't have to worry about safety threats um and that's really honorable and Andy thank you so much for your daily updates that I run a company that's tough that's tough um so sorry if I get emotional um I mentioned that my house is not okay earlier um what ended up happening was a tree fell through my Leni destroyed my pool caused a bunch of damage um my neighbor um I'm going to admit names obviously my neighbor decided they wanted that the stump of the tree off their property immediately hired somebody to cut said tree this person was unlicensed uninsured um and actually had a substantial criminal record um they cut the tree it catapulted did about $370,000 worth of damage to my house um and so so when we talk about permitting um you know we're allowed to cut trees that are fallen and I agree with that when it's on your property but this was on my structure and from the permitting standpoint they were allowed to cut all right and it did catastrophic damage to my house uh about 38 of my property will be unusable for the next 6 months um and uh you know forget the finances of it you know luckily we're insured and we'll figure that out that's all civil stuff but it really hurts it really hurts so when you're considering and I mean no offense when I say this typically the city over permits right we require permits for everything all right sorry if that offends anyone but this was a clear this is a clear example of under permitting all right when something's on my property I should have a say in how it's removed and so that's about it thank you Mr br and we're very sorry to hear about your home and what you're going through are there other members of the public who wish to comment during this period anybody at all okay so to to the three of you I want to first of all thank you for coming here tonight I know it's um very frustrating period um and we're very sorry to hear about what happened to you Mr Lewis so normally this is not a part for give and take in the in the meeting but I do think under these circumstances it's appropriate just to state some facts that um just so everybody's aware of what's going on so um there was a remark and and I'm not defending TCO but there was um a remark about why did it take too so long to Stage resources well I I that's not accurate uh too had the largest staging of linemen in too history prior to Hurricane Milton striking they had over 6,000 linemen from all over the country and Canada here in hillsbor County on the ground before the hurricane hit so too was not asleep at the wheel um they had they called people back from North Carolina they called people back from other parts of Florida and they put out a national request for Mutual Aid um all throughout North America including Crews from Canada so largest power outage in too history and the largest mobilization of resources in too history it's taken time um if they meet their projections they will be seven days and they'll have everybody in here County restored but they started out with over a million people accounts without power accounts not people that's a lot more people but over a million accounts just I'm not trying to make you not frustrated with too there's only one person on this de that has electricity at their home right now so we're in the same boat we understand uh in terms of uh there you know we were spared structural damage we were not spared structural damage we were spared the loss of human life but we have lot lots of structural damage there are lots and lots of people in this city whose homes were destroyed impacted there's people sitting on this de whose homes were destroyed and and impacted that are here at this meeting tonight so um we were not spared uh we were certainly not hit as hard as some other places down south of us Sarasota that they they were hit much harder than us up in believe it or not up in Dade City and Zephyr Hills and St Le San Antonio um they were hit harder not in terms of wind damage but in terms of um post storm flooding so we are not by far we're not the worst but we were not spared either we have um plenty of our folks our residents in Temple terrorists whose homes are possibly destroyed or flooded or damaged so the golf course um thank you for bringing that up um so the golf course unless they got power back today they're still without power I haven't checked no they got power this afternoon they got power this afternoon okay what I said it seems that they were prioritized okay well this is not back and forth I'm just putting out facts okay um I was in touch with the golf course we've been in touch with them um all along until today they were without power too we don't control whether they golf on their course or not I will tell you that they haven't had their facility open because they've had no power unless that's Chang this afternoon they did get get the debris pushed out to the curb um and so if you are a Temple Terrace resident member of the course they call and say we're going to let them play I mean if they we don't have any golf carts to rent them we don't have any food to serve the bars closed the restaurants closed but if they want to take their own golf CD or walk and golf we're going to let them so um I understand the Optics of people out there golfing while everybody else's but I mean we we didn't have any I mean that's their decision to make so the debris pickup um the allegation we get this every time there's a storm that we're prioritizing certain areas of the city um and I I will tell you that I have been joined at the hip with the city manager and the Public Works director since I don't know 3 or 4 days before the storm I don't think we've spent more than 20 minutes apart um there are the golf course area is there's no part of this city that's being prioritized over other parts of the city I I know it feels that way if you live in an area my I could say the same thing about my neighborhood I mean I I I I realize that if your neighborhood hasn't seen power my whole neighborhood's out and you haven't seen debris pick up you feel like you're singled out but I assure you that that's not the case we gritted out the city and we started debris pickup at one corner of the city and we're working systematically through five zones five grids five four four grids four zones in the city there are some of the FEMA contract trucks that are big they're tandem trucks they're trucks with huge trailers behind them so it's like I don't know how long they are but they're long they can't get through some of the neighborhoods they can't for instance they can't get through my neighborhood they can't turn the corners the streets are not big enough they can only navigate certain they can't take sharp neighborhood turns so our Public Works director when they arrived said holy cow can't put them in the area that I wanted them in because they're too big they can't fit and the tree canopy is too low or they can't fit in there so those huge trucks have been diverted to streets where there are winding and letting fewer curves so it could very well be that some of those big trucks have been um put into the parts of the city where the streets Meander instead of the sharp right turns like my neighborhood but that was made on the size of the truck issue U the golf course Community the center of the city is not the first Zone to be cleaned right that is not the the fact the trucks we started picking up debris yesterday and they started in the north part of the city they did not start in the golf course community so today there were some trucks in the golf course Community but only the big ones that can't navigate the turns so just a a a few facts and I know if you're without electricity and your neighbors are without electricity and your debris is piled up if feels like you are and then you drive down the road and you go well how come they have power and there's a somebody's picking up their debris it's not a perfect science here folks I mean we have we're decimated we're doing the best we can um and some of these decisions are difficult to make but I assure you we will get through this just encourage patience it's going to take some time um and and as this goes on I know people are frustrated they every day that goes on they get more and more frustrated when we get power restored it helps because then they have air conditioning they have you know it the boil water thing was a pain um so that every day the Situation's getting a little better but um so anyhow I don't want to belabor the point we have along long agenda but I did want to respond to some of those things anything to add Carlos okay all right ladies and gentlemen has everybody reviewed the consent agenda and if so is there a motion to approve to approve second motion a second all those in favor signify with I I I oppose no Nays the consent agenda is adopted next is a resolution amending the final site plan for property located at 8633 North 56 Street and our city planner Malik H Hall was here to explain I believe Malik is yes he is good evening Malik good evening everyone can we get the presentation for 24 one up thank you all right we are here to see the presentation for amending the final site plan for 8633 North 56 Street also known as Enigma Plaza turn it on the subject property has an acreage of 2.44 Acres its Zone commercial General and has a future land use of downtown mixed use 35 it's also located in the downtown overlay District known as the dold it's at the intersection of Chicago AV and North 56 Street to the north of the property is a multier retail property to the south of the city-owned bacon commercial to the east of cityone outfall pond and then the West Commercial uses the site plan modifications related to this amendment is a sidewalk widening Landscaping buffering parking signage and dumpster location drainage and water service lines and minor building elevation changes the DRC supports approval with a few simple conditions the version of the plan submitted September 12th are the final is the final site plan for the project staff suggest that the landscape requirements under the dold is waved for section for Chicago Avenue as well as the sidewalk with requirement along Chicago Avenue so the portion of the building that AB buts Chicago Avenue that is proposed to be 18 ft in width to be extending the sidewalk however the portions at the tail end are not proposed to be um expanded they will remain existing which is 4T wide due to um utility lines in that same vein the Landscaping that would be proposed along those same sections is to be um wavered because there's not enough actual width on the property to accommodate the um required Landscaping the permitted uses will meet the standards of both division 5 and subsection B of 12-2 34 the restaurants if restaurants are to be um in the tennis spaces will be regulated by section 12-31 a complete sign package must be provided upon time of building permitting and the elevations are bound by the on submitted February 1st 2024 section 12- 380 will dictate the expiration for the site plan and then where standards are not mentioned or um strayed from in the final site plan the standard code sections will apply so if if approv that this reading because this is just a site plan review application in a commercially zoned property it only needs uh one reading so once it is approved or if it's approved tonight then it will proceed to building permits and the applicant is here tonight as well good um would the applicant like to make any comments or presentation I'm not sure which one of you is the applicant okay you don't have to if if you want now would be the time no I'm good okay very good thank you Mr Mr Hall thank you are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item okay council members other questions for Mr Hall yes council member um thank you uh we waiting for something to happen with this so I'm kind of I'm glad at least there's some movement on it um what why why the changes on the Chicago side other than just the the the the available land to work with why is it just coming forth now I guess is my big question during my time of reviewing this project these were the sections of the code that I noticed that need to be attended to I can't speak for previous resolution or review of the project okay all right that's fair um how long is this all going to take till we're finally completed I'm I'm sorry it's a bit of an eyesore and I get comments on it constantly how much longer are we going to to wait for this project to be completed if there were to be approved tonight then they could submit building permits I assume as soon as resolution resolution signed and whatever conditions that may be applied to that I don't know the actual jargon for um the approval of the resolution but once that is recognized then they can proceed to any um Corrections with the permitting office that need to be made and it's been so long since we've seen the last set of uh elevations uh there's no other changes that you're aware of everything else is the same as we approved back in February uh there are slight changes the trim of the building is different than what was approved there's an extra window at the corner corners and I believe the um the um alignment of the actual doors and tenant spaces and build and departments okay with that okay it made DRC approval so with conditions that is suggested conditions all right thank you council members other questions council member Fernandez my question is about timing so is there a deadline once if this is approved tonight and building permits are um processed is there a deadline that they need to be completed that the project would need to be completed thank you for the question good evening everyone um Greg Paulie community development director um unfortunately uh Malik is a planner does not work in our building department so I'm going toh step in here and try to help you out a little bit um as you know from prior reports from me uh this particular project has been put on hold um due to stop work orders being imposed by our building official our building official is not here this evening so I can't um speak for him but I can tell you what I do know um the project has been on hold for quite some time and during that time all existing permits have expired uh the applicant will have to take tonight's appro I'm sorry if approved tonight will H will take tonight's approval um along with the required clearing of the stop work orders and then apply for new permits at that point um the permits require um Regular inspections by our by our building official icial um if the if those permits are allowed by the developer to stall and go dormant then they too will expire um so it's certainly in everyone's best interest for the developer to uh expedite um completion of the project for those of you that are familiar with the project and have been by the area um the project has uh has been developed up through the shell and exterior finishes uh the project has a appealing uh Street appeal however it does need work within the parking lot area along the perimeter on uh around the ex the uh boundaries of the property and of course interior buildout and a project such as this a build a suit project is often delayed due to uh tenant contracts with regards to those leases um Mr Singh is in the audience tonight and um his development of those spaces will be dictated by the available tenants that he is able to uh obtain and to bring into those spaces so to give you a simple answer to that that's very very difficult for me to do right now um I can tell you that I've spoken directly with the I've communicated with the developer as well as his engineer and they are both uh anxious to get this project up and running again it's not doing anyone any favors by sitting in its current condition so uh with your approval tonight um I have committed to both Mr Singh and uh Mr AR that that I will do everything I can to assist them through my team of the Community Development to get this project moving again okay just and the reason I'm asking um there have been a number of comments in the community concerns expressed at the duration of the project and I I fully comprehend the build to suit for the tenant that's interior however um normally when you get to that point you have the exterior fairly finished so um along along the lines of the the request the waivers that have been requested um are those and I know that what that we said that there are some minor changes to the elevation what I have in my packet are the current it's the current proposed elevation they don't have it I don't have the previous elevation that we approved in February to compare to to say this is a significant change or it's not a significant change so I'm going to ask you are the proposed uh waivers and the elevation changes significant compared to what we have already approved absolutely not if I were to put them up on the screen side by side I would uh challenge most people to even find the differences they're very very minor but they do exist and so Mr Hall chose to uh include them in his presentation okay thank you any other questions council members I have a comment for later okay not a question no question we're good okay thank you Mr Paulie um if there are no more questions is there a motion to approve move to approve the resolution amending the final site plan for property located at 8633 North 56 Street second okay motion and second discussion council member sh very quick comment on it um we really really like to get this thing done I know it's your money that's tied up but we get complaints from citizens all the time and I know what you build a suit that's inside I don't that's your problem and I don't need to be crash about it but we need the parking lot done we need the fence down we need the light structures up the Landscaping done so I'm going to vote to approve this on on the belief that you are going to do whatever you need to do to get it done because I I don't know I get I get a call two three times a week on this even during the storm I got a call on you know so anyway so it's it's I'm to vote in favor of it so you guys can have an opportunity to get this done but I it's this is important this is important to the area I would like to speak well there's a there's a motion on the table so now's not the right time um yeah now's not the right time sorry are there other comments no of the on the motion okay if if that's the case all in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays the resolution is adopted site plan's adopted so thank you thank you you sir thank you Council next is a first public hearing of a resolution adopting the final site plan for property located at 8702 Overlook Drive so the next two items both involve two different properties on Overlook Drive I just want to explain up front because this is a little out of the ordinary because of the way our code is written so that everybody understands what we're doing the next two items even though they're only resolutions they require two hearings like an ordinance and the reason for that is because their their PD their plan development zoning and per our code that requires two um two public hearings and so that's why when we get to the end of this and we say it'll be heard again if it's approved uh it's because of that the other significant um thing about these is that motions tend to be in the positive like we only vote would make a motion to approve we would not make a motion to disapprove it if it was if there was a motion to approve and the motion died it would just be default to disapproval but on this particular type of action um if the council wishes to disapprove it it has to take affirmative action to disapprove it so um that applies to the next two items does that make sense okay very good so I'll open the public hearing and our planner Malik Hall is here to explain welcome back Mr Hall thank you for having me so we were hearing a final site plan review for 8702 Overlook Drive also known as Overlook 2 the property is located at the intersection of Grove Hill Road and Overlook Drive his acreage is0 404 Acres Zone plan development and has a future land use of downtown mix use 35 the surrounding properties are single family residences to the north south and west and multif family to the east the property to the east is overlook won their their first project so the project entails four buildings with two units per building for a total of eight town homes so it's depicted there in the photo you kind of see four structures it's a divided two units per structure with a little driveway that goes down the middle of the property and is access from Overlook Drive there's no access from Gro Hill Road DRC supports this project with these uh laid out conditions the version of the plan submitted on October 4th 2024 is the final site plan for the project the suggested waiver for the project is item two of 12- 1055 that's for an interior Landscaping visibility triangle so in our code we have actually Landscaping visibility for interior exterior to the property so in the RightWay and on the lot um because of the conflict between regulation within the C and standard Landscaping regulations the corner of the building is in the visibility triangle it doesn't cause any issue to visibility all the RightWay visibility is still met but for the one that's landscaping and interior to the lot that was impacted so we suggest a waiver from that uh staff does not foresee any visibility issue with that interior triangle the building elevations are bound by the on submitted under ordinance 1565 which was the rezoning application for this project the piding will uh abide by the plaing regulations in Our Land Development code and then the city engineer must approve the storm water Pond and conveyance system prior to issuance a building permits same with the Enigma project these last two conditions is section 12- 380 will dict take the site plan expiration and where codes are not um straighted from or mentioned in this application standard LDC will um apply so if approved on first reading then we will return anticipated to be November 4th for a second reading thank you Mr Hall is the petitioner here the applicant wish to make comments good evening sir this is um a member of the applicants team just to be clear good evening sir sir good evening Mr Mayor and uh board members Todd Pressman 200 2 Avenue South number 451 in St Petersburg appreciate staff's work and um good review of this I'll make this very short uh your staff tells you that uh you found the site consistent on the comprehensive plan uh Planning Commission has also supported and approved the request as it's come through the cycles uh they found that is consistent with your Land Development code and support this request tonight um I I won't go very deeply into this but there there are quite a number of policies in your comprehensive plan that call specifically policy 1.2.6 about a greater variety of housing types occupancy standards and compatibility of these type of uses 1.17 create incentives to Spur infill for these type of opportunities and also notes uh that there's a need for a higher proportion of multif family along with mixed use and other uses so it falls well within your comprehensive plan strategies and directions and we appreciate your staff's work we worked very closely with them through the whole process happy to answer any questions you might have thank you thank you very much sir are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item if not council member questions for staff or the petitioner yes council member Fernandez um well it's it's for staff and it's really just to have the information so that somebody watching this understands that because they might say this has already come before Council and Council already approved it but our previous actions on this property were to approve the zoning not necessarily the actual project correct correct uh under our jurisdiction rezoning applications and S plan applications are separate some of them have them conjoined in one process or Nicks one include the other for us is the reone first and then the site plan application that follows so we're at this spr stage now the site plan review stage the resoning has already been done within ordinance 1565 for this application so if the city council does approve this tonight it will come before us again for a second reading yes if it does go through the process what would be the next step for this project would they then be able to get building permits yes if approved on second reading then they can move on to the um building permitting process okay thank you good other questions council members Excuse me yes I just wanted to say if if someone's going to make a motion to approve please make the motion to approve subject to the conditions of approval presented by staff so include the conditions of approval in your motion if you're going to make a motion to deny you need to include reasons for the denial thank you Mr Shan um if there are no more questions I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance a resolution of the city of Temple Terrace Florida approving site plan review application 24-6 for 44 Acres of real property within the downtown community redevelopment area located approximately 1,140 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive in Bush Boulevard with an address of 8702 Overlook Drive fio number 2016- 00000000 to allow for a new multif family residential development and a plan development zoning District providing an effective date okay thank you madam clerk is there a motion move to approve on first reading resolution adoped a final site plan for property located at e702 Overlook Drive subject to the uh um uh clar conditions of approval by the DRC by sta you have a motion in a second easy for you to say huh don't don't do it again is there discussion of the motion seeing none all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no n resolution is adopted on first reading and will appear for second public hearing on Monday November the 4th catch that everybody it's Monday November the 4th who second that I did okay thank you Monday November the 4th not a Tuesday it's because it's the election day so our council meeting will be on Monday okay thank you everybody next we have a first public hearing of a resolution adopting the final site plan for property located at 8727 Overlook Drive and everything that we just did applies to this one as well and I'll open the public hearing and Mr Hall is going to explain good evening it's definitely going to feel like deja vu for this one so um we're here for the final s plan review for 8727 Overlook Drive also known as Overlook 3 Overlook 3 is located towards the interior of Overlook Drive so just north of Overlook one and two the acreage is about half an acre a little bit over the property is z plan development and its future land use designation is downtown mixed use 35 the surrounding properties include single family residences to the South and West and then there's a cemetery to the East and then the north vacant area is actually part of the cemetery's parcel so that's why I phrase it as Cemetery to the north and East but there's no there's no actual grave site to the north of the property it's just all one parcel similarly four buildings two units per building eight town homes just different configuration so and then the DRC supports approval with a few simple conditions as well the final site plan submitted October 4th uh is the site plan for the property for the project the building elevations uh are bound to Elevation submitted for ordinance 1564 so that's the rezoning ordinance for this project so that was the resoning this is the site plan the elevations are already in the resoning so we didn't need them in the site plan application the plotting is Bound By The Land Development codes regulations City Engine engineer must approve storm water Pond and conveyance system prior to issuance of building permits section 12- 380 dictates site plan expiration and where the codes are not explicitly straighted from in the actual application the standard Land Development codes applies so same language same dragon as mayor Ross mentioned once again for this one as well if a approved on first reading it will proceed to Second reading which is anticipated November 4th Monday couple mes from that from here and the applicant is here with us if they want to speak very good thank you Mr Hall any comments sir welcome back um I just like to say very quickly that again working with your staff has been great um they're great to work with keep our feet to the fire but uh they're great help and really help get the project through and accomplished thank you thank you sir are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item council members are there questions I do Mr Hall can you bring back up the slide that shows the general area map that the so yeah that that one's fine so this the cemetery the branch Family Cemetery is an L-shaped piece of property then yes the property itself is yeah like upside you know Tetris piece going the worst type of Tetris piece really but yes it's it's a elsh property flipped on his head and um but the cemetery portion is only to the east of the property not to the north so where is is is the cemetery where itself depicted in this map where is it in not not entirely I focus the map uh just on the actual two Parcels that make up the um cuz currently in property prayer it's still a larger parcel and a smaller parcel um the parcel where the the red blip is is the larger parcel and the one to the South is the second one so once everything's updated and said and done they'll have it all divided as according to the S plan so the branch family access to to their Cemetery would be they would have to then go in off a Overlook north of this project and then turn right to get down so you you would no longer see the the cemetery from I'm actually not aware of what what the access is Mr Paulie can you know what I'm saying you can see the cemetery from Overlook now I um I'm familiar with the cemetery I'm familiar with the access to the cemetery um the access to the to the cemetery would not change from what it currently is um it is uh along the northern boundary of this project um and for those of you that are familiar with the cemetery you know that uh the the drive if you will into the cemetery leads you past um this parcel to there's a uh there's a monument sign uh back near the chain fence and then there's the fence and then once you enter the fence if of course you have access then the cemetery is both in front of you and to the south of where you would enter and this project does not impact the cemetery at all okay all right have we I I don't even know where the branch family I mean they're spread all over the place at this point have we had any communication from them at all or no sir not that I'm aware of I don't know if the applicant has but I don't believe staff has okay so they didn't own this property they didn't sell this property to this I don't believe so no I'm getting the no from the okay from the developer all right very good thank you Mr P other questions of Staff or of the applicant okay if there are no more questions I'll close the public hearing and ask clerk to read the title of the resolution resolution of the city of Temple Florida approving site plan review application 24-7 for. 545 Acres of real property within the downtown community redevelopment area located approximately 540 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive and Bush Boulevard with an address of 8727 Overlook Drive folio numbers 20115 94-00 and 2-1 59300 Z to allow for a single family residential town home development in a plan development zoning District providing an effective date thank you madam clerk is there a motion move to approve on first reading resolution adopting a final site plan for property loc located 8727 Overlook Drive pending um the uh uh oh God conditions conditions thank you subject to conditions as expressed by staff very good thank you D thank you Mr Right Out of My Head we have a motion is second by council member Fernandez is there any comments or discussion of the motion if not all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays resolution is adopted on first reading and will appear for second public hearing on Monday November the 4th 2024 next item is a resolution approving the Third Amendment to the sale and purchase agreement between the city of Temple Terrace and Temple and the City of Temple Terrace and Terrace real estate Holdings LLC community development director Greg Paulie is here to explain good evening good evening once again and no we didn't plan it this way it just kind of worked out this way um quick background on this item in um October of 2022 the city entered into an agreement to sell the property located at 10851 rollison Ranch Road to Terrace real estate Holdings LLC the original agreement provided for the development of a private educational and training institution on the property on February 21st of this year the parties amended the agreement modifying the proposed development to a multifam project residential project uh this amendment also included um certain conditions uh a couple of deadlines were also put into that agre that Amendment um first the buyer was to deliver a preliminary conceptual plan to the City by July 20th of 2024 um this condition was satisfied and we did receive that the second um criteria was the parties uh were to adopt work together to adopt a mutually acceptable final conceptual plan by October 18th 2024 now obviously that's just a couple of days from today um this requirement has not yet been satisfied and is why we are here tonight the final condition that was uh in that amendment was for the buyer to include a 10 % um multifam offering within their uh within their developed project this requirement also obviously remains pending on September 16th of this year the city received a formal request from the buyer um requesting uh a 90-day extension to that original October 18th deadline um you have before you tonight um a copy of that uh request that was submitted by the buyer and also a uh Third Amendment to the sale and purchase agreement for your consideration if the council finds uh this request acceptable I would ask that the council approve a resolution authorizing the city manager to execute the Third Amendment to the sale and purchase agreement with the buyer um the buyer and um his team are present this evening for any questions that you may have thank you Mr ply um would you like to say a few words have to you're it's up to you you're welcome too if you want good evening sir hi hi Council Jeff Shannon on behalf of the the buyer and cardi to the third amendment and the the uh underlying agreement uh we just appreciate all the uh efforts by the city so far Greg ply and changes in the administration and we've worked through all of that and we were happy to comply with the the first requirement of delivering the the plans timely and now it's just taking a little more time to kind of work through and make sure sure that the the council and everybody is is content with our plan moving forward for our multif family project so that's the reason for the extension request that I've worked with Mr Shon and everybody on to uh present this tonight thank you sir are there members of the public who wish to comment on this council members are there questions for staff or the applicant no okay very good uh is there a motion move to approve a resolution approving the Third Amendment to the sale and purchase agreement between the city of Temple Terrace and Terrace real estate Holdings LLC second motion a second discussion of the motion see none all those in favor say I I I opposed no nay resolution was adopted thank you for being here I hope everybody okay in the storm next to resolution approving the ballot language for the November 5th 2024 general election uh our city clerk Cheryl Mooney who also served as the city supervisor of elections will explain so this is more of a formality um the candidates qualified by the deadline of August 16th for the November 5th 2024 election to be placed on the ballot um mayor Ross qualified but because he's running unopposed there is no need for this race and his name to appear on the ballot the two candidates that did qualify are Eric Eric Kravitz and Karen mckowski for city council and we a picture of the okay okay so are there any uh members of the public who wish to comment on this seeing none council members you have any questions for city clerk if not is there a motion to approve move to approve the ballot language is listed second Motion in second is there discussion seeing none all those in favor say I I I opposed no a ballot language is adopted thank you madam clerk next is a resolution approving a change order to danis utilities Inc in the amount of $ 36,7 for the rehabilitation of the Tupelo North Lift Station and our utilities director uh Troy tinch is here to explain I you've been a little busy this week haven't you I have been very busy yes sir so I feel like I've left as as have have most of us including yourself so good evening I think it is evening right seems to be dark outside uh I am here this evening to request the council authorize a change order for Danish utilities to conduct a pipe bursting effort associated with the Tupelo North Lift Station re Rehabilitation project for the amount of $360,000 70 so when we initially brought this project forward um and was approved under res resolution 2307 we had an ad alternate in that language where we would have the these pipes potentially lined the incoming pipes that come into the system if I could have them pull up the item that I provided so what you have here is a diagram of the incoming sewer lines to go into the station the station actually looks like kind of a house shaped object so the two red lines indicate the flow into the system uh these the receiving manhole is called a king manhole so that's the last manhole before it enters into the wet well or into to the lift station so we typically line the king manhole and then we clean and inspect the incoming sewer lines to see the condition of those sewer lines and if they're in bad condition we will line them as part of the project however when we cleaned and and line or cleaned and inspected these particular lines we found that there were offsets in the both the 12in uh gravity line and the 8 in gravity line it's that both flow one Flows In into the king manhole the other then flows into the corresponding wet well so the offsets are simply that you have the pipe that would normally join together you get an offset in that pipe so when that occurs it rules out the opportunity for you to line that particular Gravity Man so the next option would be to dig the M up and replace it so the main that goes from the King manhole into the lift station is about 16 ft deep so generally that would be considered too deep for us to try and dig down to and and replace um in addition the 8 in gravity main that leads to the king manhole is adjacent to the a a home as you can note there and for us to dig down and get to that point it would create an unsafe condition for the home if you were trying to create a trench to dig down to it so the really the best option for us and likely the cheapest option was to go in and pipe burst these particular lines so quickly what pipe bursting is is you take a line of equal or even somewhat larger size and you attach it to a steel bursting head it has a cable to attached to it the cable is then fed through to the in this case the king manhole for the 8 in and from the King manhole to the lift station wet well and it would literally it literally pulls in the new line in place of the old line so you can make sure you match that gravity that you want to have that slope it pulls it in it bursts the existing pipe and pulls in the sleeve of the brand new pipe of equal size and as I indicated in some instances you can actually increase the size of the pipe we're not proposing to do that we're just simply pipe bursting the existing lines so we asked Danish utilities to provide us a cost estimate to conduct this effort and the estimate came in at $360,000 70 which is greater than 10% of the construction cost of about $1.2 million so we had to bring this forward to council uh to approve this specific change order so that we can go ahead and conduct that effort finish everything the the lift station itself is fully online it's it's operational it's been completed at this stage we're just simply waiting to pipe burst these two pipes and then danis can pull off and we're moving forward from there so that said staff recommend city council authorize a change order for Dan utilities to complete a pipe bursting effort associated with the re Rehabilitation of Tupelo North lift station for the amount of $360,000 70 I will stand for questions if any thank you Mr tin members of the public who wish to comment council members are there questions council member schisler yeah um how two questions how long would the process take the PIP bursting effort yeah it's actually quite quick once they get lined up they pipe burst it in a matter of an hour oh that's just a curious question number two my other question was you the offsets yes okay they were they weren't expected obviously yes they were would that have been required in the as builts or should they have been required in the as builts so the offsets are something that occur over time and it's okay it's something that's unforeseen a lot of times you'll have a small leak generally It's associated with a leak in the pipe that just manifests itself over time and the soil falls out from around the pipe and causes it to Sag it's not an issue it's not all right that was my questions question other questions yes yes council member Fernandez um so this is in regard to the Sewer fund and and finance um and so the question is when we were doing the budget um did we I know you can't anticipate you didn't know that this was going to be discovered but did we build into our budget or our reserve some do we have the funds available without to raise rates yeah I think you want me to answer yeah so to your point we did not build it into the project because it was an unforeseen event however we do have a fairly robust uh fund balance and so it was able to accomplish the the goals at hand okay that's it question other question so I I have a couple I'm remember what they were now um so the what is the status of the operation of the lift station now is it up and running it's up and running and has the rehabilitation that we plan to do has that been completed that has been completed okay so this is just to finish this the last piece yeah danis is basically waiting on us to approve this they'll get the uh contractor to come in and do the Pipers effort and then they're all done and how quickly will that be done after we approve the resolution if we do I would say within 30 days I mean given the fact that we've got a lot obviously going on around us I think contractors are quite busy at the moment but I would anticipate that they can get this effort conducted within that time frame once they get set up at you know to councilman shisler's point it happens quite quickly so this is cast iron pipe that has yes and the new pipe is no um that's all right yeah it's either cast or it could be vrii clay pipe it would be one of the two what's the new pipe the new type pipe will be htpe high density polyethylene pipe okay so which doesn't have joints at all except at the end right okay be fused it all be fused together okay okay uh if there are no more questions is there a motion Mo to approve second we have a motion in a second is there discussion of of the motion okay if not all those in favor say I I I oppose no Nays thank you Troy thank you Council business is there carryover Council business from previous meetings okay new business board reports I have something yes council member Fernandez and I I don't necessarily have to have any kind of answer right now but I just wanted to bring this up for consideration so one is for anybody that wanted to have some kind of contact with Tampa Electric if they have a concern um because it was brought up to us earlier that that somebody has a concern with interacting with um a contractor for Tampa Electric what would they do to get those concerns to an actual person at Tampa Electric that's one and then um my my bigger question is with being a tree City uh we have a lot of trees and people are very happy with their trees and they're very unhappy when Tampa Electric butchers the trees to trim them around the power lines um because I I do think that that there's not a lot of care taken to make sure that the the result of the trim still res still has a a nice tree but at the same time we know that we've lost a lot of power lines due to the trees and tree branches falling on them so I guess my question is should we do some kind of tree to power line analysis and look at our vulnerabilities in the off season the off storm season and perhaps let those people with trees that and I know there might not be a replace a good replacement location but people who have trees that are in precarious locations in relation to power lines give them the opportunity to actually take those trees down and then provide a replacement Tree in a better location on their property out of our tree fund and I so I'm not expecting any kind of answer but maybe this is something we should be thinking about because undergrounding utilities while people do think that's the best way to go it's actually it has its own problems and people even in this storm system who have underground utilities have lost their power so it's it's not necessarily um a guarantee and it is a very expensive process um because Al and I also want us to think about and this is obviously not something maybe that the city would do but in conjunction with Tampa Electric we also have power lines in people's backyards still because it's you know some of these houses have been here a long time and when something happens to that power line it's very difficult for the power company to to then go in and you know gain access and make the repairs and that can delay people having their power restored down the down the wire so I just I think maybe is this maybe this is something we can look at to see how we could possibly reorganize and mitigate before we have a storm situation um and then my last item is we did lose a lot of trees in this storm and some of them were old good large trees and not all of them were on public property but could we maybe look at a way that we could ask people or ask private property if they'd like to have trees to retree that you know we work with the community to to see about replacing some of the tree can canopy that we're losing in areas that are obviously not going to be vulnerable to more power lined loss so that's it okay so Mr be respond to it but but I do want to say a couple things about that if if people want to interact with too Tio energy.com is the place to do that and so I I do want to tell the public that the city it's not that we don't care about you but the city is not the inter intermediary between you and the power company that is not a role that the city takes if you go buy a car from a dealership the city's not in that deal it's not it's not we don't get in between you and Tampa Electric company and so we don't have anything to say about that we do Supply your water we're the supplier of that we're the supplier of your sanitary sewer system that's us but the Energy company in this part of the state is too and so if if you have issues with too you should contact too not not us um because we're not going to take your complaint and then call too and work that's not the role the city plays um I too energy has.com has all kinds of resources available for people who have issues now I will tell you that today this week you're probably not going to get the same level of service response from them that you would get normally but um they do have a a very good customer service um and and they're very responsive to us we do interact with too it's not like we don't but it's City issues pertaining to too not a particular resident dealing with too we're not that's not our role um the trees I don't know if we could do better I'll let Mr beia talk about that but I I personally I've never had anybody contact me and say look um Tio's back hacking trees on under my power line in my backyard and I'd really like to just remove the tree but the city won't let me I I have never had that happen um if you want to remove the tree I'm sure I mean I can't predict every situation but I'm sure our arborist would say look if you want to take that tree out that's under the power line instead of too hacking it take it out um now could we do some proactive things about people that say look you're I don't I don't know but most of the complaints we get as you well know are people who say oh my gosh they cutting my tree and now it look you know that's what we get and so um anyway I'll let Mr be thank you Mr Mayor members of council I I I think you actually addressed most of what I was planning to say um as far as retree quote unquote retrain the community uh we do have the tree fund uh we everybody it's obvious we s suffered significant loss to our true canopy so we'll be working with our our City Arborist as to again put out more information about how people can can acquire trees to replant in their in their properties if they if they'd like I'd also like to remind Council that in this budget in the current fiscal year 25 you approved $25,000 I believe it was for a tree canopy study that I imagine will be largely different than what it would have been just a week ago so in that study we'll get some more detail as to approaches to maintain the health of our of our tree canopy uh which could include again planting different varieties of trees and different in different properties encouraging folks to plant perhaps different species and things like that that'll come out at least that's what our expectation is during that study also thank you you're welcome thank I'm sorry anything else you still have the no okay um where are we a new business yes oh we're on new business yeah okay we new business for reports no no okay I'm just curious and I and uh with the consent agenda item regard regarding the um uh subon we're still we're still okay with oura timing yes no maybe uh yes so thank you for the question so in fact just wanted to um put it out there for the public in case they didn't look at the backup uh at the last council meeting uh Council approved the arpa um uh storm water project for Breer and bagburn and at this meeting this evening the council approved the arpa project for mayel place and River Hills um that storm water project so U Mr warrenfeltz will be leading the the charge on on those projects and uh we're moving forward I always say this week what happened with with this week as Mr uh uh tinin noted contractors their schedules have been disrupted um so we'll get back on track but yes all our indications are we're moving we're going to keep the deadlines that we've that we that we're under uh relative to the federal um guidelines we don't anticipate running the risk of having to refund the feds for these two projects thank you thank you other new business I have no new business I have comments so now is it okay um comments to the staff to the department heads to all our volunteers to the council and especially to the mayor and city manager for your hard work you know this was a major disaster that hit our city and the city has a great plan for many years and for the most part that plan worked and like any plan some things came up that didn't quite work according to that plan mother nature but and some things we didn't anticipate but I know that our city will look at the after action reports and try to do better God forbid we have another category 3 hit us but I want to thank you I watch the mayor personally do a lot of work this whole time thank you mayor Ross City manager department heads being out there way longer than your work days and the staff what's impressed me about the staff whether it's Leisure Services fire police Parks talking to all them in the middle of this days after when they've been working this whole time their morale was extremely high throughout the whole place and that's that was great to see and that's because of the leadership of the directors and um the city manager and the mayor and this Council so thank you everybody body I just had to say that thank you very much other new business okay uh City manager's report where do you start so thank you council member Chambers and the rest of the councelor for your uh kind words this evening um it has been a very challenging I think almost three weeks at this point we we rolled out of Helen into Milton um the community itself the residents are under a lot of stress a lot of us are residents ourselves in this community so we understand what what folks are going through um you alluded to it we have an outstanding team outstanding Team all all doesn't matter Frontline Staff All the Way to the Top everybody worked harder than I've ever seen them work um people were out 2: in the morning in chest high water trying to fix water main brakes uh cutting trees we had people cutting trees as as soon as they could possibly get on the streets they were out clearing roads and cutting trees and they did not stop in fact Mr warrenfeltz who's a department director you'll see him covered in sawdust and wood chips half the time uh he's probably still shaking him out of his shirt tonight uh because he's out there with the crews and and Mr tinch he's probably he's got I'm sure he has my number on block now because I've been calling them you know the last three days straight about you know the boiled water and what we're what we're doing there and then trying to pressurize our system um it was it was truly a challenge and if you can imagine we lost water pressure to the entire city at 3:00 a.m. on Thursday morning and when that happened it was a shock and I'm sure our first reaction was oh my God uh but these folks within 30 seconds of that initial reaction they were on top of it and they were taken care of that um the residents also we want to thank the residents they have have been wonderful to our team um wher I've gone to talk people are like hey thank you for what the city's doing you know they're bringing out water bottles to cool us off lunches uh they've supplied you know food for the EOC and and whatnot so they couldn't have been more hospitable to our staff so U I'm very proud of our organization and I want to thank them and thank the council that's all I have thank you Mr Bri I do want to rec I mean there's a lot of people to recognize here but um I do want to again recognize uh Dale and Daniel mclen for those of you who know them they own m&b products which is the milk packing plant out near the Amazon warehouse on horney road we came critically close to running out of diesel fuel for our backup generators um at our 36 facilities that it takes to operate the water system um we were less than a quarter of a tank at the water treatment PL on whiteway and if if if that tank had run out we would have um we would have lost water for about 35,000 people so um I called Dale mlen and said Dale I know you have big you know are you on energy are you have on Power and he goes we are now and I said well how much diesel do you have left and and he said a lot and so I said Well we'd like to if we can figure out how to get that can we buy some Diesel from you U we were having trouble finding it because everybody in the state was looking for diesel at the time and so um Daniel mlen uh jumped into action and delivered helped us we we bought Diesel from m&b we haven't paid them yet but we're going to um and Daniel's filling up tanks in the back of his trucks and running them over here 100 gallons 200 gallons at a time uh we were hanging on by the by our fingernails and we're able to get enough diesel in these generators to make it through the night uh literally we made it through the night um so I can't thank uh Dale and and uh Daniel enough for that um so the fact that you had water yeah I know you had to boil some of it if you wanted to drink it but you wouldn't have had any water had it not been for Dale and Daniel mlen so thank them theity attorney's report I have nothing very good and uh Pam I do want to say that we all know what you're going through with two homes that were damaged and so um and yet you are here tonight for the council meeting uh not only does uh I'd rather be here than there not only does uh Mrs Shon not have water or electricity she doesn't uh even have a livable home so um you know thank you for being here uh we do recognize that so thank you anything else guys I'm not even going to try to talk to you you know all right we'll be adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]