[Music] hey hey [Music] heyy [Music] hey hey hey [Music] hey [Music] hey hey heyy [Music] hey [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] all right well welcome everybody I'd like to call the council meeting to order uh welcome to the June 4th meeting of the Temple terce City Council like to remind everybody to please silence your electronic devices and if you would please stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord as we begin our meeting tonight we pause to thank you for all we have to be grateful for help us always to remember those throughout the world who are suffering from war oppression or poverty we pray that you guide government leaders at all levels to work for peace and fundamental human rights for all grant us resolve to heal the divisions within our nation and remember that we can be both diverse and United at the same time we ask for your blessings here tonight as we work together to advance the common good of our community amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you all and for those of you who don't often come to our Council meetings we have a fairly new tradition year and a half or so now I guess where we begin our Council meetings with a um fun or at least interesting fact about the city of Temple Terrace or the region uh we used to call it the fun fact and then we had a couple evenings where it really was interesting but not so much fun so we've call it the interesting fact now and so uh we rotate that Duty Among Us and tonight it falls on council member Chambers so council member thank you mayor um my interesting fact um for uh tonight is about golf cart usage in Temple Terrace so I did a lot of research along with the city clerk and we couldn't find any official about using golf carts in Temple Terrace before uh 1998 uh the only thing I found before that was a letter from the city manager at that time Mr Bonfield to the uh president of the golf course saying that uh because of the new Florida law that prohibits open containers and cars that that pertained to golf carts also that's the only thing before 1998 in September of 1998 the city council passed its first ordinance about golf carts it was ordinance 981 and that ordinance allowed anyone over the age of 16 with a valid driver's license to operate a golf cart on city streets going to and from the golf course that's the only way you could have ridden uh a golf cart in Tumble Terrace is going to and from the golf course uh they had to have a a decal provided by the country club and that was administered by the Country Club and of uh golf carts were prohibited from going across the state and County Road 56th Street in Fowler and only could cross at uh Bullard Parkway at Glenn Arvin light or the tunnels in May of uh 2012 the city council modified the ordinance to what our rules are currently golf carts can be driven on any of the city of Temple Terrace internal streets with the same restrictions to the state and County Roads if the cart is registered and decaled by the city and have the safety items like breakes horns windshield turn signals things like that operators must have a valid driver's license or permit uh learner permit I couldn't find any information if a learner's permit had to have an adult with them or not maybe we could figure that out but I don't really know but those are the same requirements that you that was yes yes from the back Chief thank you uh same uh requirements as to drive a car and also the same requirements that is a new state law uh which uh our our ordinance is just a little strier strictor now these are the decals they are $10 for a year they are uh available from the family Recreation Complex there's a membership form you have to put all the information about your cart and you get those and with this uh you can drive your cart and Temple Terrace there used to be a joke in through the city that you could tell the start of summer because the teenagers were driving golf carts through the city uh that is illegal unless of course your teenager is the right agent has a driver's license so there's this also this is a very good brochure that is again available uh at the family Recreation Complex and it tells all about the city's uh golf cart ordinances and of course we know golf carts are a great way to drive through the city you can now go to uh the one grocery store that's in the legal boundaries uh but you can drive around go to the rec centers Library all that um also for this year uh the Fourth of July parade the Leisure Services Department is having what they're calling the Citizens Brigade for golf carts usually some groups have golf carts in and out but this time any citizen that has a golf cart and wants to be in the parade just contact Leisure Services I think it's $5 to be in the parade and there'll be a mass group of golf carts somewhere on the in the parade staging area so that's coming up on the fourth so that's it on golf carts thank you council member be sure to pick up that brochure because you cannot drive down Fowler Avenue on a golf cart so so I can't drive here because I live on the other side of Fowler Avenue so I do not have a golf cart but okay so our first item of business is a proclamation for code enforce M week and I see we have our whole crew here but our director Tom Bron is here to receive the proclamation um and it reads as thus says whereas Code Enforcement Officers provide for the safety Health and Welfare of the citizens of Temple Terrace through the enforcement of building zoning housing animal control fire safety environmental and other codes and ordinances and code enforcement officers are responsible for improving neighborhoods and the quality of lives of the the residents in Temple Terrace and every day assisted by support and program staff they attempt to provide quality customer service to the public for the betterment of the community and whereas too many times their efforts go unnoticed even after Code Compliance has been accomplished due to their efforts and expertise and code enforcement officers are dedicated well- trained highly responsible individuals who take their jobs seriously and are proud of the their department and the City of Temple terce now therefore I Andy Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple terrrace Florida do hereby Proclaim June 3rd through 7th 2024 as Code Enforcement Officers appreciation week and so Tom would you like to say a few words I would thank you very much and good evening uh mayor Ross vice mayor uh Abel and City members city council members on behalf of the 3,400 code officers throughout the State of Florida we just want to say thank thank you very much for this Proclamation so thank you well thank you and and I just I see you have your staff here I want to thank all of you for the work you do it's a it's a very thankless job at times and we're all up everybody up here is well aware of that and uh many times uh the fruits of your work are sometimes difficult to see because a few unfortunately properties go into disrepair and people wonder oh what's code enforcement doing when in fact due to Legal restraints are hung up in the legal system and you know kind of exhausted our options so uh you guys do a tremendous job I hope you know that I hope you know the whole Council appreciates what you do and and the city does too so thank you Tom if my group come up not at all we have the group picture for the last three years I'm trying to keep that everybody D all right one two three one more one two three thank you thank you guys thank you [Music] our next item of business is an appointment and Alternate appointment and we're going to do the regular appointment first to the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee uh there's a regular member vacancy due to a resignation and an alternate member vacancy on the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee the City received two applications one from Jennifer Remus I don't know if I hope I said that correct and a second from Austin Peterson um Jennifer rimus hobbies include walking and cycling Austin Peterson works for fdot and has had exposure to how bacs operate familiar with the numerous bicycle and pedestrian improvements on fdot roadways so Council what we've done um the clerk and I discussed how to try to do this in an orderly fashion and so we've come up with a ballot that hopefully is orderly enough to um delineate which of these applicants is appointed to which vacancy um so if you would please are either of the candidates here the applicants here okay good so if you would pass that down and we'll have the C the clerk culate the results thank you so I just want to say to both of the applicants if they're watching or if they watch at a future date that we appreciate both of your volunteer talking to you but um appreciate everybody who applies for these positions and whether you're selected as the regular member or the alternate member it's not a reflection of how much we value your service it's just simply a calculation of who we think has the most expertise in that area so it's we're we're very happy to have both of you and Council once the results are known we'll need on this particular agenda item to appoint simply the regular member and the next agenda item we will appoint the alternate so was unanimous that everyone voted for Austin Peterson as the regular member and Jennifer as the alternate okay uh council members is there a motion to that effect I move to approve Austin Peterson for the the regular bicycle pedestrian advisory committee second motion a second discussion all those in favor say I I I oppos no Nays motion carries uh the next item is a motion to approve the appointment of Jennifer remitz as the alternate member to approve Jennifer remitz as the alternate to the B bicycle pedestrian advisory committee second is there discussion of the motion all those in favor say I I I opposed no nay very good thank you both for your service we've gotten better at that we used to get all tangled up on these we've gotten better next is an appointment to the hillsbury county building Board of adjustment um there is a vacancy on the Hillsburg County building Board of adjustment for a term extending from July 7th 2024 until July 7th 2028 uh the city received an application from Michael mechan McAn thank you Mr Ritter he has 38 years experience with Commercial Roofing and general contracting and has served on the hillsbor county building boa since 2016 is there a motion move to approve Mike mckin to the Hillsboro County building Board of adjustment second motion second discussion all those in favor say I I opposed no Nays thank you for your service also there is a vacancy on the Municipal Code Enforcement board for one alternate member uh for a term extending from June 4th 2024 until June 4th 2027 the city received an application from Taylor Williams this Miss Williams here hello Miss Williams would you like to say a few words you don't have to it's up to you you're welcome to if you care to I mean I just opened it thank you mayor uh city council for having me um I I don't bring relevant professional experience to the code board however I've been a high school teacher for 14 of my 16 years teaching and the value of rules and regulations that make our community great um are very important to the betterment of Temple Terrace in general and you were right mayor Ross when you said that oftentimes code enforcement is thanless work but not by my family and not by our community and the reason that people choose simple terrorists as a place to live is because of the high standards that we set so I hope to continue to maintain the standards that make Temple Terrace beautiful while also recognizing that often times things happen that are out of the control of our residents and hope to bring a little bit of the grace and um and observance of of the needs of our our I'm sorry I'm losing my I'm a little nervous um the grace of our community to this um the same Grace I offer the high school kids so thank you for having me very good thank you m Williams uh council members is there a motion yes um move to appoint Taylor Williams to the Municipal Code Enforcement board alternate alternate member second who got the second May let's get it first vice mayor got it first okay may got okay we have motion to Second by the vice mayor uh any discussion all those in favor say yes I I okay very good thank you has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes of our May 21st meeting to approve second motion a second Corrections discussion of the minutes okay all those in favor say I I I oppose no nay minutes are adopted persons wishing to speak on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda there are forms for this at the rear of the building if there are people who wish to address the the councel at this time uh I currently have no requests to speak okay next uh consent agenda is there a motion to approve the consent agenda move to approve consent agenda second motion is second all those in favor I good consent agenda is adopted next item is a resolution approving the inter local agreement for the distribution of the proceeds of the community investment tax to be levied from December 1st 2026 through December 31st 2041 assuming that passes um on the ballot and we have Greg horwood all our Deputy County Administrator here to discuss this Greg thank you welcome thank you mayor vice mayor council members city manager very much appreciate the time that you've afforded me to go through very briefly I promise you uh presentation that we're giving for all of our Municipal partners and others who are interested in what the community investment tax is what it's done over the past 28 years and what we would like to see it do over the next 15 years so with that see if I can bring it up yeah we got to get that very important cover slide so first I want to bring you uh greetings from my boss Bonnie Weiss County Administrator and county commissioner chairman Ken Hagen unfortunately Mr Hagen was planning on being here but he had something come up at the very last minute and could not make it but he ple he asked me to please extend his regrets so I'm doing that and I know he did want to be here so CIT what is the CIT it's Community investment tax it is a tax that the voters approved in a special election back in 1996 it is a tax that is a half a percent of sales tax it's not a full percent as the statute might allow you can either do for this tax a half percent or a full percent the reason that Hillsboro County does a half% is because we also have a half% Indigent care tax so that because of that combination we're limited to the 1% and that's why we have focused on the half perent it is levied by an ordinance um from the County Commission they have the sole authority to Levy the ordinance but we want to embrace and engage Our Community Partners um so we have set up a mechanism so that we share those proceeds with all of our Municipal partners because it is a countywide tax please note that you can use it to plan and finance um Capital infrastructure you cannot and I want to emphasize this you cannot use it for operational expenses so everything that we build fire stations roads they all need maintenance and operation correct well we can't use this tax for any of the operating costs for those fire stations we can't pay for firefighters we can't pay for the sheriff's deputies but we can pay for all the Capital Equipment that's necessary for us to provide Public Safety and trans and meet our transportation needs throughout the community so how has it been distributed and I'd like to point out that although we did this in 96 we have sort of a different Arrangement that we're going to be going through um this time around and I'll talk about that in our last slide as to what the board actually authorized and we're here to present to you today so back in 96 off the top there was going to be 25% of the revenue given to the school district because at the time in 1996 the school district did not have a separate funding source today they do in fact they're using it they can get up to a half cent on the sales tax as well they're using that for their buildings you'll see that they also have a proposal to add a millage one mill to all of the properties in Hillsboro County to help support their teacher salaries I'm not here to talk about that I'm sure you can get the superintendent to talk about that but I did want to make you aware that that is something that may appear on the ballot as well along with this initiative so those dollars came right off the top there was more money about $9 million a year it fluctuated depending upon what the sales tax receipts were that went to the stadium a lot of people who were here in '96 sometimes refer to this as the stadium tax I want to assure you they've received over the course of the 28 years that it's been in effect about 9% of the total it has been used by far much more for transportation and Public Safety and cultural Assets in all of our communities yes the Stadium does receive money for Capital infrastructure we are obligated to make sure that we provide a stadium to meet NFL standards that means that we're on the hook as the county to make sure that everything is maintained in a in an orderly way and frankly has to meet NFL standards after that the remaining distribution goes per the state half cent shared sales tax formula and you can see the percentage that there on your screen those of you who are behind me probably can't see it all that well but approximately 75% goes to the county uh 22% goes to Tampa Plant City 2.2 and Temple Terrace about 1.5% over the last 28 years I would note that the county gets a slight extra bump it's not a straight population percentage if it were the county would only receive about 69% the reason the legislature did it this way and allows us to get that slight bit of extra is because we engage in projects throughout the community that may be in your area Tampa or plant city that benefit the entire County for example pet resources facility that desperately needs to be improved that is a countywide function everyone can bring their animals to the pet resources facility but we fund that through a combination of CIT and countywide general fund dollars and I truly hope I'm not boring anyone with this this is I mean somewhat exciting to me because it's very esoteric but I get that it's not everybody's dinner table conversation so you can see from the the revenues that have been received Hillsboro County hased the most at about 1.2 billion over the last 28 years your jurisdiction and I cannot read that number because it's way too small I used to uh I think it was about 27 million is that correct yes um so you have used it as I understand it for quite a number of Capital Improvements in your community the expenditures by category again these are all available on hcflgov backit all of the monies the approximate $2.3 billion that has been collected has a project associated with it you can go to the County website and you can see the vast variety of capital projects that have been paid for for with this to really improve our community fire stations roads um cultural amenities really it's everything from A to Z when it comes to Capital items not only in your community but also the communities throughout the county so our Capital project expenditures um most people would be surprised out of the little over 1 billion that the county has received to find out that we've spent 50% of those dollars approximately 49% on Transportation improvements so for our P from our perspective that's incredibly important to make sure that our community can get to the jobs they need to go to get to the parks having those Investments is extremely critical for us to make sure that we stay a pace of growth the rest of it is Public Safety and then you can see down the list all of the other expenditures that we've made this is just a flash slide to show you some of the representative projects lots of big ones um the zoo Citrus Park Drive you all may be familiar with that one um Plant City City Hall actually was built with CIT dollars so why are we doing this now the tax expires in two years but in order for us to adequately plan for the massive Capital needs of the community we need about two years so this will generate uh sign significant Revenue we'll talk about that in a future slide but what's important here is that we've got about 23,000 people a year over the last several years who have moved into Hillsboro County you could see from the breakdown on the slide um unincorporated County about 83% of that growth has occurred there plant city has seen a little over 50 56% Tampa and Temple Terrace both have seen 40% growth and as those of you who have been here long time you can attest to the fact it's been huge amount of an impact on our community we need more facilities we need more roads we need more police vehicles we need more fire stations I think what's particularly interest interesting is that we're projecting that by 2050 this County will house over 2 million residents so that's why we need to renew this tax we need the dollars to be able to support the infrastructure that is no doubt going to accompany the new people moving into Hillsboro County and Temple Terrace I think it was pretty interesting when I looked at the call volume our call volume is increased by 191% for Hillsboro County for fire rescue that's a tremendous amount for um for the sheriff very similar the calls that they're making now are far in excess of what they were even 10 years ago I think what's really important on this slide too again those of you who can't see it but I'll try to describe it as best I can our sidewalks uh for example have expanded exponentially um from here to Seattle Washington would be the length of our sidewalk Network which is phenomenal we have a lot of repairs that need to be made on that system because it's Antiquated and frankly hasn't been well maintained it will take us approximately to fix every crack every Gap every broken sidewalk it will take us approximately 600 million do just in unincorporated hillsbro County think about that just for a minute that's a tremendous amount of money that needs to be invested so that we can make sure we have safe sidewalks not just for those who are strolling in the evening but for the children on their way to schools for handicap folks and wheelchairs all of those needs need to be met with investment in infrastructure I would point out that our roads um are only 31% higher and I you know as I looked at that initially as scratched my head and wondered why and I'll tell you as we looked at the investment of these dollars we have not had enough to expand our road network commensurate with what our population growth has been so if you think our road network is bad today imagine how bad it would be if 28 years ago the board and the community had not adopted the CIT and we didn't have those dollars to invest in our roads and our sidewalks the project categories that we looked at frankly are all in statute they're four very basic categories transportation and Public Works Public Safety public facilities and Public Utilities all of those are eligible to be um fixed repaired installed with CIT dollars so these are very small numbers for everybody in the back what this means though over the 15 years if this is approved that Temple Terrace will receive over $53 million what we've factored in is some anticipated growth $200,000 starting off but growing at a 3% annual rate so all in all um I think from our perspective it provides a substantial funding source for the community not just in Temple Terrace but through the entire County timeline um I can tell you that there's been a lot of work done thus far we've had the board in April authorize us to go on the ballot we're working now to get out to all the jurisdictions and talk about the benefits of the CIT we can't advocate for it we can educate which is what I'm doing here today but we can't tell people to vote one way or the other and I won't do that today everyone has to make their own decision as to whether they think this is a good investment to continue on in the future um we are right now going through the aaga audit that's a state mandate that requires us to have an audit of the CIT program uh the last time we went through this we came through with flying colors I expect no less this time um we have strong um accounting and finance team that make sure that we track the nickels and the dimes and make our expenditures on time and appropriately so we have an interlocal which you all are talking about today that needs to be approved by August 1 the project list I know you'll be talking about that in a subsequent meeting frankly I'm happy to come back if you would like I'm not sure you know if you want to hear me talk again happy to do it if you do um talk to talk to you about the County's list because that all has to be done by August 1st if not the enabling legislation of the ordinance says it's not done by August 1st it doesn't go on the ballot this year so we're working very hard with our partners to make sure all of us get everything done that we need to come uh November we have the decision and we'll find out whether the community believes that this needs to be renewed and hopefully um we'll be able to start planning so what the board approved 15-year term there are a lot of there's a lot of discussion about uh whether we go to a 30-year term or a 20-year term the board felt that 15 years was an appropriate time frame in today's environment they felt that if we were successful in delivering projects over 15 years we could come back and do it again in 15 years there's um a number of communities around us Pasco pelis they only do it for 10 years they're a little different because they can Levy a 1 cent ADV valorum tax we cannot they can generate quite a bit more than we can so from our perspective we need to make sure that we're maximizing the dollars available for these critical infrastructure projects 15 years we think is a appropriate time frame for us to be able to demonstrate we can continue to hold the faith in the community and those infrastructure improvements that they've entrusted us with 70% cannot can be bonded but the rest cannot be bonded and the board felt pretty strongly about this the reason for that is that when in 96 when we first adopted this we bonded probably about 95% right off the that it was only until the last 2 to three years that we've had excess Revenue over what The Debt Service payment is so we call that pgo dollars that's one-time money that enables us to make improvements and investments in things that may have popped up since 1996 and I assure you there are a number of things that have popped up as I mentioned earlier um everything needs to be done before August 1st there needs to be some private sector Outreach because because as I said earlier I can't Advocate but presumably somebody will Advocate don't know who that is just yet happy to work with them to provide them the information and any education material that we can I'd like to close by pointing out that this tax is somewhat unique it's been estimated that about 20% of this tax is paid for by people who live outside of our community so if you had somebody who was willing to help you pay 20% of your mortgage and didn't want to live with you I think almost all of us would want to take them up on that with that I'm available to answer any questions I thank you very much for your gracious time and uh I look forward to the conversation thank you Mr horwood also before I open it up for public comment and questions i' just want to clarify for everybody that the the issue before the council tonight is not whether we're not asking anybody to support the CIT or not support the CIT you'll get to vote your your your vote in November uh and each of us will get to vote for that in November what were the action item before us tonight is simply to approve or disapprove the interlocal agreement that governs the distribution of the funds if the tax passes so I want to clarify that for everybody because somebody's going to say tomorrow oh the council approved the CIT last night we don't get to do that the voters get to do that so the only thing that we're deciding tonight is the distribution of those funds um and the proposed interlocal agreement the formula reflects the language that's contained in State Statute so this is not when I open it up for public comment I mean you can say what you want but we really not appropriate to say whether you're for or against CIT because you get the vote on that so okay are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item I said all that for nothing okay council members questions um well let's see I heard her first council member Fernandez so I mean just to clarify for projects that the county can support if we have a project happening in the city of Temple Terrace but it's Temple Terrace only for example a new fire station that's primarily going to serve our residents the county cannot help fund that project from CIT so we could but we have our own fire stations to support we would look to you all to handle your primary needs if for example there were uh something let's just say for sake of argument a road a County Road through Temple Terrace we could expend County funds on that and make sure that road was improved so that it would benefit the residents of Temple Terrace but also the benefits of hillsbor benefit Hillsboro County residents as well so that's your primary criteria for because obious obviously we're all within Hillsboro County so any project we have is within the county but your criteria would be that it needs to serve the larger population of Hillsboro County versus more City specific so if you look at it in different way the unincorporated portion of Hillsboro County we have approximately 1.5 million residents now there's about a million residents who live in the unincorporated portion of Hill bro County so that's if you want to call it this it's the City of Hillsboro County that's where much like you would spend your dollars there we would spend our dollars in the unincorporated area to serve our residents there that doesn't mean as I said earlier that we wouldn't entertain joint proposals uh depending upon what they might be if there's something in particular that the city of Temple Terrace wanted to consider we're happy to do that and then also I wanted to ask since the schools have developed their own funding and they're looking at putting a millage on the ballot as well why are we including 5% of this community investment as going to schools that's a great question councilwoman we had quite a bit of conversation about that with our board and the board felt that there was still a need to help support the schools they showed I I believe it was nine schools that had a a total cost of $244 million over the next 15 years um 5% will generate only 187 million so the school district will have to figure out how they're going to close that Gap so that there is still a need I think our board recognized that but they didn't want to go to the 25% level or anything less than the 5% let council member Chambers I'll just work down council member schisler I three quick questions number one the um transportation expenditures yes sir is that better just defined as roads roads sidewalks Trails there are bridges included in there as well but it's it's it's it's on the ground it's not any kind of mechanized Transportation opportunties okay I just want to clarify that um the bondable portion the the 70% is going to be bondable um is that statutory or is that just just arbitrary number by I'm not sure I would call it arbitrary okay but I mean it was it was set by the bccc that is correct and they spent some time discussing that and what they wanted to do is provide flexibility for emerging needs for every community so you may have something that pops up that could be paid for with CIT if you had the revenue available if you bonded it all you wouldn't have that Revenue available so the 70% applies to everybody yes sir okay all right then the last question is how long is the indigen care tax he say was that to perpetuity yes it is in perpetuity yes okay all right that's all I have that's all I have vice mayor my question was related to the Indigent uh Indigent care attacks as well and did I understand correctly when you said that the CIT can only be up to half a scent because the inent care tax is in place yes vice mayor that's correct okay thank you okay I don't have any questions Greg thank you well I appreciate it and will close with this I will say that your mayor and your city manager have represented the city of Temple Terrace extremely well so should be proud of their their work thanks thank you so again council members the issue before us is not pro or against theit it's simply the distribution of the funds if the tax is renewed so is there a motion go Ahad go Ahad I move to approve resolution approving an expenditure to oh I got the wrong one sorry resolution approving the interlocal agreement for distribution of the proceeds of the community investment tax to be levied from December 1st 2026 through December 31st 2041 second any discussion I have a comment council member Fernandez um I I am going to vote in favor of this I'm generally in favor of this interlocal agreement however I would like to say I do not agree with the 5% allocation to the school district as they have their own funding sources and their own taxing ability but the rest of the agreement I agree with so I'm not going to not vote for it okay other comments all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays inter local agreement is adopted Mr horwell thank you for your time I'm sure you've had a long day and we appreciate you coming here thank you mayor I appreciate your time and attention very much appreciated okay thank you thanks next item is a resolution approving a two audit Services contract with MSL paa and our finance director Jim Ingram is here to explain good evening Mr Ingram good evening honorable mayor and city council the city's audit Services contract with mslp for fiscal years 2021 2022 and 23 expired with the completion of the fiscal year 203 CRA audit in May 2024 that was the final piece this resolution is to approve a new audit Services contract with mslp for the fiscal year ending September 30th 2024 and the fiscal year ending September 30th 2025 the annual cost for each is 54,000 for the financial audit and and 3,000 for the community redevelopment area audit totaling $50,000 for each year if a single audit to report Federal award expenditures exceeding 750,000 is necessary the cost will be an additional $2,500 per year due the due to the escalation of project expenditures funded through arpa staff anticipates that this will be necessary um for the next two years the audit committee established by the city council to oversee the audit selection process and compliance as defined in Florida Statutes 29391 met with mslp on May 2nd 2024 to discuss the results of the 2023 Financial audit and a propos proposal from Jeff wolf partner of the mslp for the city to retain auditing services with the firm for an additional two years for fiscal year 2024 and fiscal year 2025 the committee agreed that retaining mslp at this time would be the most advantageous direction to the city due to recent changes in City staff and management the committee agreed that soliciting proposals to bid for audit service should be initiated by staff starting with the audit services for fiscal year 2026 staff anticipates the work to initiate the request for proposals would begin in the summer of 2025 after Consulting with city manager Baya and reviewing the city's purchasing policies the city manager also deemed initiating an RFP for either fiscal year 2024 or fiscal year 2025 audit Services would not be advantageous at this time for the city for the same reason cited by the audit committee this in compliance with the city's purchasing policy I'm sorry this is in compliance with the city with the city's purchase policy for exceptions to soliciting bids for items exceeding $50,000 and staff recommends that Council adopt a resolution approving the 2-year contract with mslp and I stand for any question that you might have thank you Mr Ingam are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item council member questions council member Fernandez um so does the city have a policy that requires us to change Auditors every per for in a certain time period check your phone no there's no policy of a certain uh restriction on the number of years or the number of renewals however it is good practice not to go beyond 10 years this will I think extend our contracts with MSL for a total of eight years so we are getting to the point where we do need as much as we like their services and theyve they've done excellent work um common good standard practice would be to go out to bed for uh the next round so um so then my and now I'm going to the the cost part does arpa count as one Federal award or is it an individual Federal award for each project that we're doing um well in terms of uh for the I'm I'm asking about the single audit and the single audit right right you report we've already received the arpa money which was 13 million but as you spend it you record the amount that you're spending toward the revenue you're booking the revenue so if we were to spend over $750,000 in a year on any number of arpa projects a combination or just one arpa project if we hit that threshold then we have to do a single audit we did not hit we came close but we did not hit that for 2023 but again with the escalation of our projects now in in going into const from design to construction we will uh most certainly hit that for 2024 so the 2500 would be because this would count all spending on all projects would count basically towards one single audit not multiple single audits then that's correct one one single audit right that's that was all I wanted to clarify okay council member Chambers council member schisler really talking about Finance stuff I bet it this in the count in the a committee okay vice mayor very good thank you Mr R appreciate this um council members is there a motion yes I move to approve the 2-year audit service contract with MSL for um to be paid from account 001 d1212 d513 32-11 second motion a second discussion of the motion all those in favor signify with i i opposed no Nays resolutions adopted thank you Mr next next item is a second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1564 adopting a rezoning of folio numbers 20594 D 000000 and 201 593 d00 with an address of 88727 Overlook Drive I'll open the public hearing and ask anyone who intends to speak on this matter to please stand and be sworn in by the city clerk right hand you SAR to tell the truth the whole truth enough about the truth so help you find yes very good thank you madam Court um City attorney would you please PLL the council for expar communications if any council member has received any expart communication with regarding this matter please state so at this time if your communication was in writing you will need to provide a copy of that document to the clerk for uh public record um if whether it's in writing or uh orally um please state with whom you had that communication when that occurred and the sum and substance of the communication and starting with uh council member Fernandez I have none I have nothing new since last meeting correct I've had none I've had none I was asked by Sher Donahue about the number of waivers for the Overlook properties um I looked over the the waivers and I asked Community Development about them and I told her what the waivers were for and do you know when that occurred um I can give you the exact date it was within the last couple days okay all right thank you very good thank you all right Mr Sherman you are up all right thank you sir Mr Mayor members of the council tonight for consideration by the city council is a resoning petition TW RS rzp 2305 this is uh the 8727 Overlook Drive there's two Parcels involved this is the second reading and second final public hearing of this application there's the owners and the applicants on that slide up there okay so this is general area map showing the the area which this properties will be uh being rezoned for the location again is 8727 Overlook Drive um it is in the downtown community redevelopment area the CRA it is has a current future L use uh map category of dmu 35 that's downtown mix use 35 up to a maximum of 35 dwon units per acre the proposed zoning is PD and the parcel size on this particular one is 0.545 Acres a little bit more than a half an acre and as the council knows uh in our land of element code requires that all resoning in the uh SI be rezoned to the plan development zoning District or PD uh the applicant proposes in this instance to develop eight units of attached housing on the site and these will be as you see by the concept plan sort of in a duplex layout uh the subject property surrounded by single family uses to the South and West and multi family and a cemetery to the East and Commercial uses are to the north of this property okay so this is a conceptual site plan one thing that's um required with the PD district is that a conceptual site plan or master plan be provided uh this particular one we worked with the applicant a whole lot through our DRC process and this is what we ended up with uh it's a uh the development of two story four two unit Town Homes sharing a common wall it's located on two Parcels the site will be accessed from Overlook Drive and a detailed site plan and a subdivision plot will follow this if it's approved by the city council okay so there's a whole lot of waivers um with this particular one and then the next one and they kind of all stem from that first waiver but the one of the reasons there's a lot of waivers because when we're in the downtown especially in the residential areas we're working with a number of different plans and documents and we've all got to make them come together and get a product uh that the city would want to approve so we're dealing with the comprehensive plan in the future land use map categories we have our CRA plan we're working with we have the downtown community redevelopment plan overlay zoning district and we have a PD zoning District which they're going to one of the main reasons we're having all these waivers requested is that the minimum gross slot area required for Town Homes is 10 acres and um in this in this particular one we don't have any 10 acre Parcels in the downtown area um me the these waivers come from um the RMF zoning District so our code says that if you're going to do a PD that you should pick a zoning District which most closely documents or closely mimics what you want to build and that is the RMF zoning district one of the first requirements for Town Homes is you've got to have 10 acres this does not meet that 10 Acre Site but to get the densities and intensity of use that the council has we've got to work with the properties we have so um it's going to be the request for this waiver goes from 10 acres to 0.545 acres they're asking for reduction in the minimum common open space from, 1500 ft per dwelling unit to 1425 Square ft the side SE backs will be reduced from 19.6 Ft to 5 ft again if you're working with a 10 Acre Site that's relatively easy to meet um the entry yard side setbacks go from 15 ft to 8.65 Ft and those are the distances between the various duplexes which you'll you saw in the site plan um we're asking for reduction and parking from 17.6 to 16 spaces the fencing compatibility and variations with design of the principal building basically the code says you should try and have your fence reflect the architecture of your buildings and they're asking for a waiver from that uh the fencing in this particular site will be PVC with vinyl material and it won't be any higher than 6 feet and they're asking to reduce the minimum number of tow houses from four to two our code says for town houses you've got to have a minimum of four units uh stacked and this would be just two as you can see in that site plan there another thing that we've got to address add in the downtown area is architectural standards and as the council knows the architectural standards are in downtown try and have a Spanish Mediterranean style architecture the applicant has worked really hard on the the previous Overlook one this is Overlook three they're doing the same thing so this is what the front elevation for these tow houses would look like this is the rear elevation side elevation one other thing when it comes to the architectural standards we need to make sure that various uh items that we look at in the land of alod are reflected in the in the elevations and that's massing building facades the roof forms details of materials the window treatments and the building entrances when we look at all of those this meets Those comp those design standards which are um required in our SI and the downtown overlay zoning District I think I oh I hit the wrong one okay so on December 9 excuse me December 26 2023 the Hillsboro County City County Planning Commission uh reviewed this and made a recommendation for approval at the council meeting on May 24th the council recommended approved on first reading uh the rezoning classification from r10 to PD that is my presentation tonight the applicant is in the audience um we are recommending approval and I can answer any questions that the council may have thank you Mr Sherman do you know if the applicant intends to make a they may want to make a comment no no counc yes sir thank you are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item okay council members you you all have heard this before this the first time for me so are there questions for Mr Sherman I I just can you bring the slide back up that addresses the waivers yes sir I will try and do that okay give me just a minute because I was I read this in the backup and I was reading it again while you were talking but I was trying to read and listen at the same time so there was a question so reduce the required ENT yard side setbacks I think you said that's the distance between the buildings okay um and again if you have 10 acres these distances aren't that hard to meet reduce the side setback from 19 1/2 ft to 5 ft so there'll be 5 ft between the end buildings in the fence in the property lines yes in the the property line is there any concern with that in ter I don't know where the utilities run there do they run Street on the street side or behind or I don't he need to be sworn to answer that yeah okay okay I actually do not know I would assume their street sides generally that's where they are in that location most of our rear setback easements are located in the southern part of the peninsula area the older parts of the city okay are there any other concerns with this narrow because 5T you can't even get a big mower through there I mean that's pretty close okay can you bring that slide back up yes sir there you go so Mr Sherman I don't want to put you on the spot here if you don't know it's fine because it's not really do but do you know when when this code was developed that requires 10 acres for Town Homes do you know when that was enacted how old that is was that something that was done in 2010 or 1970 do you have any idea it was done before the crra plans were done so it goes back away so it goes back aways yes and that's why it's like almost shoehorning those standards into our CRA which we're able to do the applicants are pretty easy to work with and so do we have other comparable projects like this in the city that you're aware of that we've approved I I don't remember any with 5 fet Overlook one it's very similar to this and that's across the street oh excuse that's across the street on the other one we'll talk about yes sir so right across the street has an Overlook at the intersection of Overlook and Grove Hill we approved over um Overlook one that has 5T also I believe it's 5T as well very close to that five or six feet okay council members was there concern raised about this at the last did I didn't see anything in the minutes about that the primary concern raised is from the longtime residents that they don't believe the twostory and the intensity is consistent with their neighborhood I I read some of that but the two story would be compatible under r10 anyway right yes sir the height restrictions don't change right so regardless of whether we pass this or not they could still get a two-story right their contention was the property values was was so the design was so different from the existing houses that would that would those houses were built what in the ' 50s I mean we're not built in 1950 they were they were they were content with what they had they were all long-term owners council member um I'm pretty sure I asked a question about if the did our planning staff approve the waivers and the answer was yes we're recommending approval waivers yes approval there were no objections to the waivers okay can you put them back up one more time please yes siru from 10 to 05 here's one more reduce the minimum common open space from, 1500 square foot per dwelling to okay never mind that's negligible side setback we talked about interor yards we talked about parking spaces I don't know how you'd come up with 17.6 to begin with but think it's like 2.2 spaces that's that golf cart parking that you're always talking about fencing 4 to two Okay final wrong I can't thank you Mr Sherman that word okay council members is there oh I'm sorry I will close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the order orance an ordinance of the city of tumble Terrace Florida resoning 0.545 Acres of rail property within the downtown Community Development Area Redevelopment area located approximately 540 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive and Bush Boulevard with an address of 8727 Overlook Drive folio numbers 20594 d00 and 21593 000000 from zoning classification single family residential r10 to plan development PD providing for Amendment to the official zoning map of the city providing severability and effective date and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances and conflict here with thank you madam clerk council is there a motion move to approve ordinance 1564 upon second public hearing and second reading second motion second discussion I there's possibility that somebody in the audience did have something to say about this microphone can you start over please I wanted to make sure that anybody in the audience who was raising their hand and wanted to speak had that opportunity so I don't know if I did ask well I they didn't say anything and I guess their hand wasn't wasn't recognized so before you do the motion and vote on that we probably need to reopen the public comment section part of this and let the person speak okay but I did ask and nobody spoke up at that time you're right they didn't speak but they were just sitting there waving their hand so I don't know what else to say okay so I need to open the public hearing again yes to reopen the public hearing again so okay we will reopen a second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 156 for adopting and rezoning of folio numbers 20594 and 20159 3- 0000 with an address of 8727 Overlook Drive Mrs renie I had put my hand up runny 9512 Woodland Ridge Drive I'm opposed to this as are several other people because what you're doing is making exceptions several exceptions and when you do that you set a presidents especially when you're building and I think that it's really not fair to the locals and then we go to another project and they said well you did it for this person why are you not considering it for us so here we are we're setting a precedence on building and setbacks and Frontage and square footage and and space between town homes not right sorry thank you there other members of the public who wish to comment on this council members anything before I close the public hearing again okay the applicant yeah I just want to follow up a couple things uh pleas please just your name for the Charlie Thomas I have Miss sworn um so those waivers are potential waivers and um as it just relates to that the CRA District which is the downtown overlay District actually calls for uh zero line setbacks so what we're actually asking for is not a reduction of the um the um multif Family town home because that that doesn't actually apply here um they said that uh Mr Sherman was sharing they have to pick a a similar zoning District to mimic and say this is what it would look like to get through this portion which is the rezoning port portion when we come back to the site plan portion where the rezoning is now the downtown uh overlay District the downtown overlay District outlines no different than it outlines the design of the building it outlines the setback the green space and all of that it's all regulated in the CRA so those waivers are potential waivers but they have to do those because we have to have a basis to come before you but in reality because it's in the CRA um it's compatible with the CRA because that's what you guys have said that you want in the CRA zero line setbacks and what we're asking for actually reductions against that we're asking for a 10-ft front yard setback instead of a zero front yard setback which is required of the CRA inside the CRA so I just want to bring that for clarity that we're not asking for exemptions against that uh the town home uh zoning it doesn't apply to the CRA District which is what this parcel is located thank you Council questions for the applicant while he's up okay thank you sir okay so the public hearing is still open anything okay I'm going to close the public hearing Mr shown we have a motion do we need to restate the motion at this point now that we've reopened them it's been stated okay so we have a motion and a second are there comments on the motion okay all those in favor signify with i i opposed no a the ordinance 1564 is adopted on second reading next item is a first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance adopting a rezoning of folio number 2016- 00000000 with an address of 8702 Overlook Drive I'll open the public hearing and ask anyone who intends to speak on this matter to stand and be sworn in by the city clerk yes very good thank you and um City attorney would you please poll the council for expart communications if any member of council has had an expart communication with regard to this particular item now is the time to State what it is um please provide the uh the date when this occurred with whom you had this communication and the sum and substance of the communication if it was in writing please provide a copy of that to the clerk as soon as possible and if it was and whether it was um in writing or orally you need to provide that information information uh at this time starting with council member Fernandez I have none I've had none I've had none I've had none the one I had before might have been about this one because it was about Overlook in general and now I know the date it was Friday May 31st thank you good thank you and Community director my chairman will explain good evening again Mr Mayor members of the council tonight for the council's consideration is the first public hearing and first reading of an ordinance of adopting a rezoning at 8702 Overlook Drive so okay this is rzp 2304 changing the rezoning from or the property from r10 to PD zoning District uh the Planning Commission staff report is is consistent with the city's look at this I'm sorry this is the applicants I'm sorry I like I didn't even recognize that felt like I was having a senior moment or something okay so this is uh second uh rezoning hearing for tonight it's rzp 23- 04 for 8702 Overlook Drive it's the first reading and first public hearing tonight okay so this is a general area map it shows the location uh on a GIS map and then it also shows the location uh on a map there the um map to the left shows the area bolded in blue and that's at the intersection of Overlook uh Drive in Grove Hill Road uh the current future map category is dmu 35 the current zonings r10 single family residential it's again in our downtown community redevelopment area and in the overlay zoning District the proposed zoning is to PD and the parcels a little smaller than the last one it's 44 Acres I keep hitting the wrong okay so again according to the city's land of elopment code the rezonings in our downtown will be done in as for PDS the applicant proposed is in this instance to develop eight town homes on the site four buildings with two units per building the subject property surrounded by single family uses to the north south and east and multif family units to the West okay here is the conceptual site plan that's required um it's again four twostory units sharing a common Wall located on two or more Parcels excuse me or two Parcels the site's going to be accessed from Overlook Drive and a detailed site plan and a subdivision plot will be submitted later for the council to consider again there's a bunch of waivers requested the one highlighted in yellow is where things or excuse me Red is where a lot of this goes for uh when you pick the RMF zoning District which is the town home zoning uh district and you try and utilize it in our si in the downtown area uh you're going to have to have waivers and the first one goes from the 10 acre a lot requirement and so these are waivers which we have potentially will need to um um have them hopefully approved and then when it as um Mr Thomas said the site plan when we get down to that point U we'll have it covered in case they are needed uh the front y setback is going to be reduced from 25 to 8 ft the rear yard setbacks reduce from 20 to 8 ft the maximum build building coverage is increased from 30% to 49.6 the required vehicular parking 17.6 to 16 spaces minimum gross Lots going to be reduced to 126 ft minimum lot areas reduced from 1,800 to 1697 minimum number of contiguous town houses will be reduced from 4 to two uh the contiguous town homes and related accessor structures to contiguous town homes and related accessory structures set back to be reduced for 20 feet to 14 ft um I can't read those I'm sorry the contigous townhouse related accessory structures the property line adjoining the yard side yard of an adjacent lot not included within the townhouse development setback to reduce from 30 to 14 ft that will be I believe the setback to the northern property uh the minimum separation between structures the entry yard will be reduced from 15 to 14 ft the common open area uh on the property is zero and we're okay with that because there's a city park directly across the street from here uh the fencing uh is PVC and won't be any higher than 6 fet uh we're asking for waivers from the of wall plane visual variations and the number of multif family residential Landscaping setbacks reduce from 5T to 0 feet I keep hitting that wrong again uh there's architectural standards that need to be met in our CRA and these are the front elevations the rear elevation the left side and the right side elevations they all meet the requirements of the architectural standards in our downtown here's our analysis of that again it meets the massing building facade materials the forms of the roof and the details of materials the window treatments are correct and the building entrances and features on the site follow those design standards on December 19th the Planning Commission recommended approval uh and staff's recommend approval on first reading of the ordinance with exhibits a through D adopting the on classification I can answer any questions that the council may have tonight the applicants representatives are in the audience as well excuse me as well thank you Mr Sherman I'm sure I there will be several questions but um are the members of the public who wish to comment on this first I'm looking okay very good council member questions yes council member Chambers Mr Sherman can you put the slide back up showing the site proposed site plan but does the applicant wish to speak before questions or okay okay yes welcome welcome thank you rather U mayor counsel I'm very happy to be here my name is Shandra Frederick I'm a land use planner representing Charlie Thomas on this project and I would like to get the there we go um again my name is Shandra Frederick and um I'm representing this project where we are requesting to go from r10 to a plan development as Mr Sherman has mentioned we are proposing to do a similar project um as across the street that you all are aware of thank you what happened I don't know may I can just use the mouse I don't think I need to use that okay uh hold on it's tweaking out little little wanky there okay thank you there it there it is okay thank you so much so we are appreciative of the hillsbor Hillsboro County City Planning Commission um supporting the project as well as the staff here with um Temple Terrace um again we are trying to introduce um uh a diverse um housing type project that is supportive of the policies that are in your land use um comprehensive plan we are looking to create um a product that is um transitional and very much appropriate for the area there's multif family in the area there is single family in the area and this introduces the town home product which is a single family attached product we talked about Mr Sherman talked about um the location so I won't spend much time there we are located on the northwest corner of overlooking Grove Hill across the street from the other um project which is on the northeast corner and um as you can see from this um diagram there are single family homes and we actually have um a good relationship with the neighbor to the north we've talked with him about tree plantings to enhance the um tree plantings on his property to enhance the screening so that um the transition from the town home to the single family is even more seamless for him um again it was mentioned that there is multif family in the area across the street is the park this is a lovely Community we believe that this will be an enhancement um something that will um bring a diversity and housing type particularly Workforce housing where we can perhaps provide something for your professionals and Temple terrce your teachers your firefighters your police officers Workforce housing is something that we all have been talking about we know the need in the in the community in the county and in the state for affordable and Workforce housing so again today we are talking about the site on the northwest corner and the site plan has been discussed but I did want to just reiterate that these are um treated as single family lots they will have access on a private 24t wide drive that will um go to overlook and um I think in a previous um in a previous presentation I heard a question asked about how these will be served in terms of waste man management and things they will have their own cans they will be responsible for taking their cans to the place where they can be picked up so that the trucks are not trying to navigate on a private drive that would be hard for them to back in and out of so we are trying to make this the other thing that I would like to mention is that we know that in your code it talks about four town home units being attached but in our scenario we have two and it does make it the mass much more similar to the single family homes in the area area as opposed to something that is a lot larger without breaks in the facade um this is the layout again the four buildings with the two attached units they're two stories as been as has been discussed and these are the elevations I'm very um happy and proud of these elevations the the um the differences in the facade the balcony features um the different um amenities of the facade give it an approach that matches the desire of the downtown CRA these are the left and rear and the right elevation so at this time I just want to share a couple of the point out a couple of the policies that are in your land use plan that I think are relevant to discuss um first of all I think this is the one I can barely read that um I mentioned before that um this this project really promotes Workforce housing to support Temple Terrace's professionals so we definitely believe that we are addressing those concerns the the second policy that I wanted to highlight was housing policy 1.96 which is the bottom one and it seeks to it speaks to utilizing mechanisms to stimulate the market to develops sustainable housing through incentives such as setback reductions height variances and allows for smaller lot siiz and flexible lot configuration we are trying to provide a unique and needed Pro product on a lot that may be a little bit smaller than what you might have envisioned but it's what's there and we are trying to do our best to provide something on what we have that you can be proud of in your community and with that I stand for any questions that you may have just want to share a couple things yes thank you again Charlie Thomas hello mayor hello didn't plan on speaking earlier um so I just want to go back and walk us back this this Project's been we appli for this this actual resoning two years ago two and a half years ago so when we came with 8701 Overlook when came when we had our Key West project well let's skip that before the Key West project there was the apartment right and so the downtown overl district calls for multif family and so when we came to the board we heard you that multif family was not the style or direction that you were go what you wanted for the downtown re revitalization so we went back to come with single family attach which uh accomplishes two goals it gets the intent of what the council's looking for which is single family ownership along with increased density and so that's how we got to the project to where we are that we've massaged from Key West to where we go to the Mediterranean and then so I I I give you a couple points so that we that we we level set because so we're we're talking technicalities so when they discuss that we meet the design criterias for the downtown overlay District makes sense except when they discuss the zoning and setbacks and usage they're using the RM multif family which is not the downtown overlay District but that's the mechanism that you have to go to to get the step two but if we just take it and apply the downtown overlay district there is no reduction of waiver from 28 to8 is a reduction from zero zero at the sidewalk to 8 ft it's 0 on the side to the six feet so what we're doing is taking what you guys have said intent that you want and give it the style and feel of single family attached ownership than multif family um for the CRA and so I just want to make sure I've met with staff and they have been excellent to work with and we've kind of worked through the language because and I think it's important that these are potential waivers so they're not we don't need these waivers to go to the next phase when we come before you on the site plan which is this a site plan project you'll see this twice we'll come back before you with an approve with a site plan asking for your approval the site plan will go against again the CRA and those waivers won't exist they will be why aren't you going for a zero lot line why aren don't you you have a side yard setback and your design meets the design criteria so I think it's important that we we understand what we're talking about and so those waivers the the Green Space all of those waivers would be potential if we were in that District but we're not we're in the CRA and if you pull up the CRA requirements we meet all of those and exceed those and so I just want to thank you for that I want to tell you that we've heard you that we've worked at it and that we've come back you weren't here for the last hearing U for 8727 and so I want to uh speak on that just for a little bit that that property um never went for sale in the market the homeowners reached out to us to say hey we like what you're doing at 8701 and want to know if you want to buy this and do that similar development down there which is how we got to 8727 before we came to this one because we purchased both of these properties again two and a half years ago and we've been working with Council and staff to get to this process so we want to make sure that we have been with our neighbors we are working with the fire department um they were looking to see if they could use the facil at 8727 uh for training which it's not working out but we're donating the lock box back to there we are a proud member of the community and giving back to the community and so we've taken time and effort our neighbor 8706 is supportive of the project he's the direct beneficiary and then uh directly Associated to us and if you guys have taken the time or been able to see how the project is going across the street from the park that it's going to be an asset to the neighborhood as they talked earlier you know those 20,000 40,00 people they're really coming they have to go somewhere and so we have to increase the density on these Lots this is the area that you guys have identified that you want the density to go and we're trying to put produce a product that meets that need thank you thank you okay council members questions let me start at this end for this time council member a vice mayor nothing I do council member schisler I do um most say clarification make sure I'm I'm understanding this correctly and this might be one whole case late but the waivers that are listed are not waivers for the CRA overlay District they're waivers from the old um they townhouse zoning the townhouse zoning okay so the townhouse zoning irrespective of you know if if they did anything they'd have to go to PD correct okay and the town Hood waivers would disappear the town they're going PD now they're going to PD now it's a very strange thing in our code we have to pick the closest District what we really need is a townhouse Sony design standards for our CRA and then all these waivers are going to go away we won't need them but I mean it's just it's the fact that they're all listed it's just because we're going to PD and we have to go to PD because it's in the CRA District correct yes so irrespective of where this would be occurring the same waivers would have to happen even if it was done on the other side of the street yes sir okay I'm good thank you member chairman um I originally was going to ask a question about the driveway but it was answered by a slide the applicant had in his presentation her presentation excuse me so I'm good okay council member Fernandez I'm just further clarification regarding the zoning and and this process so what I I don't really understand so clarify why do we need to have the townhouse zoning analysis if we are in the CRA shouldn't the CRA take priority uh those that zoning and that guideline so the and it's just paraphrasing uh council member but the code says when you do a PD you have to pick a zoning District that most matches use things like that that you want to build the only District we have that allows town houses is the RMF zoning District so that was just the leaping off point and that's why all the waivers you see are based on a 10 acre piece of land Because the actual design criteria in the CRA does have zero lot lines and larger Mass buildings which that is located in the CRA and it it also has multif family so because this would be a project where it's technically single familyowned shared wall that doesn't count as multif family correct that's correct these are single family attached units okay as opposed to detached units so I think that's what's causing a lot of confusion is that it seems like the city is granting a lot of concessions for a project that ultimately fits at least the design criteria as it's been established in our documents that actually fits the design criteria for where it's going to be built right okay kind of convoluted is yeah I hope that answers some questions okay um I have a couple Mr Sherman can you put the proposed waivers back up even though I understand that this is a comparison to a zoning District other than what we're I get that but I still have some questions about it regard regardless of that certainly I need the page where it's the proposed waivers there were some I'm not necessarily opposed to them I'm just not sure I fully understand them okay I'm going to try and get a page I can read so okay there okay that'll that'll work I suppose contiguous townhouse and related accessory structures I got that one contiguous related okay well maybe I don't have that so the first couple I'm just confused I mean I understand what the word mean I'm just not sure I understand what that sentence means the contiguous townhouse in related accessory structure I don't know what that is the related accessory structure to contiguous townhouse and related accessory structure setback I I don't know I'm just missing something I make sure I understand that I let me show you this um and I understand that we're talking about PD versus r I get that but I still don't know exactly what that means okay I can probably show you site plan there um I don't see any room for an accessory structure so I wish I had a laser pointer here but I sure that that's part of the code the language says that there is but there isn't as a part of this Pro this project so some of the code language speaks to the structure or any accessory structure so when we were working through we say we need a waiver for something that doesn't apply but because of the choice that it's picked from we still have to address okay so there'll be no accessory structure there is no access there's no accessory structures but it also applies between town homes so they've got the 14 ft I believe which is fine but there won't be accessory structures in there's not going to be any accessory they're lumped together in that standard okay so go back I'm sorry to keep asking you to toggle but that was helpful thank you if you could go back to the waiver page again yes sir want me to do it sure I me I'm I've got it here so I can read it okay let me read this one the contiguous I read this 12 times at home and I don't know the contiguous townhouse and related accessories structured to property line adjoining the side yard of an adjacent lot but not included what is that I I've read that 12 times I can't I think that what that says is that you've got to be 30t away from the house on the adjacent property and they're 14 and that's why the applicant has voluntarily said we're going to beef up your Landscaping to make it seamless as Miss Frederick said okay so is that a moot waiver also because there's not going to be accessory structures this will be um it's accessory structures but also um from the townhouse to the adjacent lot structure needs to be 40 30 ft and they're going to have 14 ft okay again because on a 10 Acre Site you could meet those standards but again given the reduced setback in the rear yard and the side yard there's no room for an accessory structure anyway correct So it's talking about accessory but also the main townhouse structures in that okay minimum separation between the structures I get that common open area park across the street I get that required yard locations and screening got that fencing compatibility I get that required f wall plane visual variations what is that that requires that you have some variation in the walls and the architectural standards in our CRA this will be just a plain PVC 6' 5 fence okay so that's not a wer it applies to like the wall of the no structure that's for the fencing multif family residential Landscaping setback Landscaping will be on the lot line I promise I'm going to wind this down but can you go to the elevations page and go to the rear elevation I can yes sir that's the back okay the northernmost two buildings this will be the back facing the next door neighbor that's right yes sir how close is that I don't know how his house is positioned on his lot are these folks going to be looking right down into his living room window um the answer to that would be no um his house the front of his house faces um East and so they would be positioned over the viewing to the side um and we've gone through we've just planted three maple trees in his um backyard his sidey yard he has a man cave in the back so he he asked for some trees and so we planted some trees in this man cave um to to give a um shade there's a a pear tree that's going to come down that's providing shade over his uh garage and then we're going to put additional screening above that to give him shade over there but no it won't look down into uh his bedroom window so this would look at the side of his house correct yes sir and even if it was a single family home they could build a twostory structure they're not going to be any higher than would is permitted right now good point yeah the structure wouldn't be any higher and then again I I I want I want to belabor the points that these waivers are not request potential waivers which will not apply in the C I got it okay okay thank you sir thank you both other questions council members are you just tired of listening to me ask questions okay okay um I will close the public Hearing in that case and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida rezoning 44 acre of rail property within the downtown community redevelopment area located approximately 1,140 ft south of the intersection of Overlook Drive in Bush Boulevard with an address of 8702 Overlook Drive folio number 2016- 000000 from zoning classification single family residential r10 to plan development PDA providing for Amendment to the official zoning map of the city providing cability and effective date in repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here with good thank you Council there a motion move to approve on per move to approve on first public hearing a first reading of ordinates adopting resting of folio numbers 2016- 0000 uh with an address of 8702 Overlook Drive um second reading will be on the 18th I'll read that if it okay okay all right that's my motion motion is there a second second discussion all those in favor signify with i i i the ordinance is adopted on first reading and will appear for a second reading and public hearing on Tuesday June 18th 2024 thank you both all right Council business we have one item scheduled here is for a scheduling a closed executive session um council members I know you're aware but for the Public's benefit uh we are in need of scheduling a closed executive session to discuss the fire labor negotiations and the progress thereof uh we'd like to hold this meeting on June 18th at 5 p.m. um but we need to have a motion that is approved by Council in order to do that so is there a motion to that effect yes move to approve uh scheduling of a closed executive session on June 18th at 5pm do I need to say the location that would be helpful and and the city manager's conference from very good is there a second second um discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays we will have a shade meeting on June 18th uh new business any other Council Business carryover Council business council member Fernandez let's not carry over it's now that's well okay go ahead okay that's coming next anyway so um I just I wasn't sure I was um told today that the principal at Greco Middle School is moving and there will be a new principal appointed they may have been appointed today um but I wasn't sure if you all were aware that that change had been made and I I wanted to request um in the city of Plant City they are very involved and engaged and I have a relationship with the school district that the school district involves the community in their administrative selections and I just wanted to ask I mean this principal has already been appointed I I don't know anything about them um but I'd like to see if we can somehow become more engaged in these processes because people when they're looking for a place to live one of their number one concerns is where will my children go to school or where are the where is this house where the residents zoned for even if they don't have children for resale so I think it is very important to the community for us to have a to be highly engaged and I know we have our school support task force but I don't know if there's a way to to have more more engagement with the school district in order to be part of these decisions well I don't know either I can certainly talk to Mayor kilton and the school superintendent I'm not aware of what they do or how they do it unless I guess this is some kind of like interview panel or something I don't know how that and and we have engaged in this in the past they've the district has invited community members and and school support task force members or people active at a particular school when they're looking at replacing the administration um but they haven't for a while so I don't know how we can become re-engaged in that process we only have three traditional schools and River Hills is a magnet so it's not a it's not a traditional school but Lewis Temple Terrace Elementary and Greco Middle School are physically within our our city boundaries so they make a you know it it's important to us well I can certainly talk to Mayor kilton and the superintendent and see what they're doing out there and report back to council let let everybody know what they're doing and thank you okay other well we're still in Council business but no no well we okay council member Chambers new business I have a couple things but one is about kind of what we just went over uh not only is there a new principal but there's apparently a new head custodian that probably didn't know know the agreement the city has about Community Gardens and other things and locked a gardener in the parking lot the other day um so with the new people coming in I know we have an agreement with the school to use the citizens to use the track and community garden the community gardening president got that straightened out but we need somebody from staff to maybe reach out to the school so they know about our agreements we have so so I did not know there was a new principal there I didn't either until like 5 minutes ago but I knew about the new head custodian found out the Hardway yes it wasn't it wasn't Beth who has a plot there but it was another one so but anyway uh that's that's one item another item I wanted to report on the uh the art projects we have going on um you know for this building City Hall the hallway Gallery was what we're calling it uh the railing system to hang all the artwork has been ordered I don't know when we expect it in but it's been ordered uh the documents to go out to the artists and all the legalities of it has been sent to the city manager's office and I'm sure he's having staff review it so we're on and we we don't want to ask for the art yet until the railing gets up because we don't have any way to store it and protect it so we're just waiting on that so that's underway what I wanted to ask Council about is it there is money left over this year and one of the projects you mentioned was U Street Art maybe at White way and Gillette or other streets and I wanted to know if we could start thinking about we have enough money to do something like that either there or in front of the rec center or anywhere so I need some guidance on what intersections we might want to consider well I'm all in favor of it Council absolutely that doesn't help me pick the location so I mean would you want something a little more public like white way and 56th Street or are you I don't know if we can do we can't do anything on 56 Street we could on white way though as it comes in from 56 Street I I suppose we could yes white way on on this side of 56th Street and then white way on the other side of 56 Street I don't know if we have enough money for two murals or two artwork but something like that if that's what you want me to work on so I really need a a kind of location and I don't really need it tonight but however you want to do it if you're all ready to pick a location tonight so why don't we um put this on a agenda in the future give the public an opportunity to comment on this give each of us an opportunity to kind of mull it over talk to people in the community you talk to Arts Council Members see if they have recommendations and we'll have it as an agenda item and we'll take public comment sure sure does that make sense yeah yes council member able specifically are we talking about where to put a mural well we can do there's enough money to do a mural after the artwork here we can do something else but I don't know what else I know originally the idea was the gallery system here at the city hall there's rail railings already at Lightfoot and we can certainly put excess art there there used to be art there so the other idea at the time uh at least when the mayor thought of this project these projects was to do some street art and his suggestion was a Gillette and white way since a lot of people travel that road but again we can do something different but there's not enough money to do something like a sculpture somewhere or something one of the other things that I know that the Arts council's been trying to do the first public art project that the city ever did or the Arts Council ever did was the painted origami metal work out side of the family complex which you see when you drive in that's in desperate need of renovation and the I think Leisure Services has been getting prices on that it's probably above the Arts council's means to uh pay for the renovation that could be worked on but I don't know the cost of that you know so we have public art now our first project ever done in the city that needs renovation so I I personally rather use that money for the pavement Bureau and then we'll deal with the renovation question when it comes up but that's just my opinion but whatever we do on the streets we have to get the buy end of the neighbors surrounding it because we've had some other at times some opposition to something like our drain where the uh drainage has been drains have been painted there's been some opposition so we have to do something so putting it on the agenda and probably noticing well we don't know where it's going yet but once we do we need to let neighbors know okay does that sound like a plan have a discussion at a future meeting what's your time frame next meeting first suggestions or what we got what we hoping for I I don't we're not going to do anything in the summer it's just too hot to paint but we'll do it before the budget year ends say we could let the city manager determine which meeting you know cuz I mean if we have a three-hour meeting at the next meeting we don't want to talk about so let Mr be figure out where it fits the best but in the near future not September I mean yeah sound good sounds great I have one more yes new business in our presentation on uh resoning uh Mr Sherman talked about our townhouse rules set way back when uh at 10 acres are are we working on is the city working on new townhouse Rules by chance boy did you just open a can we have a a list about as long as my arm of areas we've identified so yes sir that's on the list to do okay just curious yes sir that's all thank you if it's Big Font you can get only a couple things on short so five six arm I enjoyed the senior moment W I'm a sen now I'm done now I'm done thank okay other new business board reports any board report SPS okay city manager thank you Mr Mayor members of council um just wanted just one item uh wanted to let the public know uh that the city after years perhaps Decades of trying to identify property for a police station is now the proud owner of property for a new police station so uh we closed yesterday on property at 7911 Harney Road um the we've had a flurry of activity today going out to the site from many different departments just trying to get an understanding of what's going to be required to uh secure that site for the next uh several weeks and obviously years going forward uh so the public may start to see some activity there uh both the police and fire departments have asked to use the existing home which is planned to be demolished as a as a testing site or an exercise site for a short period of time over probably a few days or a week or so so we're trying to coordinate that we're trying we're going to get the word out using our Communications Department uh to make sure the public and the neighbors are aware that that might be happening uh and then eventually we'll raise the the structure uh Public Works Jason's Crews already lined up they were out there today just getting a feel for in terms of the landscaping and mowing in and keeping it neat so uh things are moving forward uh what I intend to do is in the budget that I'll be presenting to you at the end of this month include some dollars for initial design of the police station so that we can get this project moving to fruition happy to take any questions good questions no good well thank you for your support I I have to tell you I have to give a presentation to a group on Friday morning and I was making some notes about you know they want to hear what's going on in Temple Terrace and I have 25 minutes there's just no way to cover everything we have going on in 25 minutes and and I'm looking at this and we've paid down our debt from $30 million to just over $10 million and the remaining debts at 2% fixed so we're good we are building an EOC that's paid for no that's yours right we have the money we're paying for that in a combination of State Grant funds and money that we have we're building a utilities building with Federal money that's paid for we just paid cash for for the new police station property where that's going no debt right future future fire station will be going there also we have a we've have not raised taxes property taxes since at least since 2016 since I've been around in fact we've had two reductions they're small but they're still two reductions we haven't raised property taxes in at least eight years we have instituted a public art program we've instituted a hisorical preservation ordinance we've instituted a bicycle pedestrian advisory committee and the list goes on and on and on we've accomplished more in the past few years than we've accomplished in the previous 20 or 30 so unfortunately the chief and I neither one will be around when this police station is finished but if you can find me I will come back for the ribbon cutting I promise so so I'm very proud of the work that's going on here and and uh so good job on your part good job on your part so thank you for to everybody so City attorney I just want to breathe a sigh of relief it was a long day yesterday working on this closing and I kept promising the city manager we will do it by 5:00 but it was we were crossing our fingers and biting our nails but we we made it so there were a lot of last minute Corrections that were discovered and Title Company misstating the the legal description and but it was like hurting cats but it got done well thank you for your work on that too I know that you did a lot so thank you anything else council members any other business to come before the council staff anything okay if not we'll stand a journ well it's good to know this plug works [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e for