##VIDEO ID:ika1xIS7368## [Music] hey [Music] hey hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey hey [Music] hey [Music] hey hey hey hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] and gentlemen I will call the meeting to order I'd like to welcome everybody to our October 1 City Council meetings hard to believe it's October already it seemed like we just turned 2024 and now it's October so if you would uh please remember to silence your electronic devices and please stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord we pray tonight for all those affected by Hurricane K Helen we ask you to bless those who lost loved ones and those whose homes or properties were destroyed we pray also for the workers who are valiantly providing assistance to those in need help us to come together in steadfast support of our fellow Americans in their time of need amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God with liy and Justice thank you and in addition um just to mention to those who might be watching in addition to um praying for those affected um by the hurricane we as a city have also made an offer of mutual Aid to those communities that are devastated by this so um thus far nobody has called and asked for that um but that offer is still out there so um it's very likely that we may be sending some of our equipment and our employees over to um the beach communities or wherever we're needed so um okay our first order of business is a proclamation for Hispanic Heritage Month and our own marketing and Communications we're supposed to do the fact first oh I'm sorry so I'm racing right to get the National Night Out good so um our historical fact I'm hoping you're you're doing it because it says here Gil and he's not here so and I switched okay so council member Fernandez okay so um many of you will know and some may not but when this community was first developed um as Temple Terrace Estates we were a community we were a vacation community and the homes the original homes don't have um well they have tiny little kitchens they do not have big kitchens so if you bought a home in Terrace estate so you were expected to maybe have breakfast at your house but lunch and dinner were at the Country Club and today I have some of the original China from the country club and this China actually dates to 1923 and I don't know if yeah W do I go here okay and if you it's hard to see but we are going to be we have some pictures of it so we'll be posting it on our um City Facebook page but the the the shield on the China is actually a golfer and an equestrian flank bearing flanking a shield bearing images of the temple orange trees for which the city was named and it also features a Taj Mahal in the shield which was obviously an image of important architecture and a lavish lifestyle so the configuration is to basically hint at the Exotic and luxurious lifestyle you can expect as a member of the Temple Terrace Estates community so this China was used for the inaugural ball that was February 21st 1923 at the Country Club so this China was there and ready to go so we've got some plates we've got our Sugar Bowl we have a silver creamer and I am not sure if this was a creamer it actually looks like a solad dressing Bowl to me um but these are some of the pieces that local residents have saved so this China was actually designed by Lamberton and and he designed so the sil and the silver service was custom designed by Albert pick and Company so was quite luxurious and ornate way to dine and uh the country club the inaugural ball was very well attended and this is the China that they used at that ball and used throughout the early days of the country club so that's my fact that's very good thank you that was uh so You' up the game on all of us not bringing in props and show and tell and so what are we going to do now but I well it we have it we don't have any of this of these items on display anywhere um we don't have our own little display but there are people in the community that have saved uh pieces bits and pieces over the years from old Temple Terrace so we do have things that they might be willing to loan us to display that's very cool so thank you thank you I'm sorry I raced over you there that was good thanks for stopping me so now our next item of business is the proclamation for Hispanic Heritage Month and our own Communications and marketing officer Joel dwarte is here um and I'd like to read this it says whereas as a community that is committed to celebrating our diversity the city of Temple Terrace is proud to join in the National recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the contributions and accomplishments of Hispanic Americans Hispanic Americans have had a lasting impact on the United States making our nation state region and Community stronger uh Temple Terrace Hispanic Americans represent numerous and distinct cultures helping to shape our community into a more vibrant place to live this year National Hispanic heritage month's theme is pioneers of change shaping the future together which celebrates Hispanic Trailblazers who have left an indelible Mark and made outstanding contributions to the well-being prosperity and visibility of the Hispanic community in the United States Hispanic Heritage Month provides an opportunity to learn about the cultures that have helped to mold our country reminding us that cultural heritage is something that must be recognized celebrated and shared we celebrate Hispanic heritage month our community reaffirms its Collective commitment to inclusion as we continue to work to ensure that each person who calls our city home feels valued welcomed and has access to opportunities that help them Thrive now therefore I Andy Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace Florida to hereby set aside October as hispar Hispanic Heritage Month and we have Mr DTE here would you like to say a few words uh yes I like to first thank you and the council members for allowing me to accept this proclamation in the name of uh all the residents and employees that work here that our Hispanic heritage um it's a great honor for me and for us to know that we make a part of this city that is you know amazing I like to say something in Spanish if you don't mind don't mind um thank you thank you Mr G let's give him a round of applause there we go all right three two one thank you all right has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes from our September 17th city council meeting and if so is there a motion move to approve second any corrections or adjustments to the minutes if not all those in favor signify with I I oppose no n the minutes are adopted next uh persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda um I currently have one request to speak from Mr lob Mr lob welcome good evening good evening my name is Charles lo I live in Terrace Park and first of all few things reminder hurricane season still has two months ahead uh secondly I want to wish the city a happy fiscal New Year which begins today and not to mention that what begins tomorrow night is the Jewish New Year rushia honor so for the Jewish audience being I'm Jewish I did want to wish them Happy New Year's too uh I have tonight a very serious topic and I was uh thinking about to myself whether I should say it or not but uh when people keep quiet that's part of the problem as Edmond Burke said uh when good people do nothing is when evil as when evil thrives I wrote two letters recently one on August 30th one to the administrator dealing with uh those $100 cards which I'm all saw and he also wrote one on September 11th and that was on purpose to the Public Service Commission um as far as um as far as the administrator's letter goes I told them that uh one of the main comments I made was that the state of flid has no right to take our money or anyone else's money and do what they feel like without asking us they have no right to make a decision to do that it's not their money to deal with it is taxpayer of Hillsboro's County's money uh I told them that I would prefer that the 50 that we divided 50/50 $50 for the homeless and $50 for the bus riders so I did want to mention that up now the one thing it seemed to the uh point that seem to have in common is that of Tallahasse they seem to have a good way of spending our money which seems kind of ridiculous you go into like you take like for example that the lawyers made an agreement with the Duke customers hey know who who appointed them as our agents or our bosses or anything like that and it's not an entitlement uh for power companies to you know to have just because they put down figures that they're entitled to increases now when it came to uh uh TCO and I wrote seven points that were not in the I studied the uh Tampa uh the the times articles and I wrote seven points that the lawers didn't even bother to bring up that I I felt were important I don't really have time to discuss them all with you but the couple were General points and five were more specialized again as far as I am concerned that if people either either stand up for Injustice or they accept it and if you're accepting it you know well anyway I'll just leave it at that for tonight thank you and good evening thank you Mr L I don't currently have any other requests to speak Brian we seem to have some technical difficulties I guess maybe we have it fixed all right so there are forms in the back of the room if you'd f one out um we'll let you make your comments and then you can fill it out afterwards and give it to the clerk please sir you can fill that out after you make your comments if you would just speak from the podium and state your name and city of residence yes my name is fr black and I'm a resident here in Tempa terce business owner I belong to the Garden Club Etc um I guess one of my issues may not I don't know you know if it's a this is a proper Place addresses U there's a park that sits behind the Shell gas station on this River Hills and it states that um the parks is open for the kids and the bathrooms the bathrooms stay locked all the time now I made a phone call to the city and they said there's certain behaviors that happen at night I feel even though there whatever's happening at night with people doing inappropriate things I don't as a taxpayer I don't think it's fair for me to have to take my child to the Shell gas station when the bathrooms are locked all the time now I know if this is an issue that you all have anything to do with do I have to take it back to the city but the bathroom stay locked all the time and I don't think that's right I just don't think it makes no sense I don't care what type of behavior is happening at night where the homeless is going in there doing whatever why should I and my family be punished or uh why why why have to let my daughter use the bathroom at a Shell when she should be using that the par I just don't get it I don't I don't you know I do understand the behavior and you keep the bathroom locked for the homeless whatever but that has nothing to do with people who pay taxes and and and I'm a business owner I'm a member of the Garden Club Etc why I feel like they're we're being punished for something that has nothing to do with us so I was just wondering is that an issue that uh May it's not appropriate here do I need to call a city to see why the parks are closed why are the bathrooms closed 24 hours and it states clearly on the sign that the bathrooms are it's a sign says the bathrooms are public for the public so okay thank you sir okay if you would fill up the um the form with your contact information provide it to the city clerk so that somebody can follow up with you thank you okay um is there a motion to approve the consent agenda move to approve the consent agenda second all those in favor say I I I opposed no nay consent agenda is adopted next is a resolution approving an IA threeyear collective bargaining agreement agreement and our fire chief Ian Kemp is here to explain good evening Chief afternoon mayor council Ian Kemp your fire chief I'm before you um pres presenting a resolution approving a three-year Collective bargain agreement between the city of Temple terrorist and International Association of firefighters if F local 2160 see and the union worked tirelessly in the negotiation addressing Regional Marketplace disparities created largely by the city of Temple City of Tampa substantial pay increases in year 2022 increases in this contract are significantly more uh substantive uh than any afforded in Temple Terrace's recent history and should be should ensure that our fire department remains extremely competitive and attractive as a premier Workforce the city and ifff negotiating teams tely agreed on a three-year collective bargaining agreement at the last meeting in September um the if union membership voted in support of ratifying this agreement on September 28th 2024 in addition to the Union's existing step plan this contract includes the following cost of living adjustments in year one 9 and a half% pay increase in year two 4% pay increase and in year three a 4% 4% cost living increase the PM incentive was also increased as the following $500 increase in year one $500 increase in year two and $250 increase in year three the contract includes a transition to a 3-we Kelly Day from a current practice of 6 weeks and an additional $50 were provided towards each firefighter's uniform allowance per year it is recommended that a city council adopt the resolution approving approving a three-year collective bargaining agreement with with the International Association of firefighters local 2160 the agreement is effective October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2027 thank you Chief um are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item seeing none there council members any questions for chief Kemp okay is there a motion to approve move to approve the resolution uh approving the I A3 your Collective bargain bargaining agreement second motion and second discussion council member Chambers not a dis discussion of the motion but uh a thank you to the city's negotiating team I know all the the team worked real hard and to the uh Union negotiators and the firefighters for getting this three-year contract done I I just want to Echo the same thoughts I think I thank you to City staff and and all of the financial analysis that you provided council with as we were going through the process and U thank you to the local firefighters for meeting the city and um and approving our agreement there no further discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays contract uh is adopted thank you Chief Council business carry over Council business any new business or board reports to come before the council very good City manager's report uh thank you Mr may members of council I just wanted to thank our entire team for the work that was done during Hurricane Helen uh we were spared the worst of it as you noted early on um but it wasn't for lack of effort on our part being prepared for it so um Kudos all around everybody worked tirelessly with had people cutting trees up in the middle of the night we had our crews responding to Medical emergencies um so it was definitely a a collaborative effort and let's hope that this is the last one for the season so thank you and thank you for the council support as well thank you Mr be city attorney's report nothing nothing to report is there any other business to come before the council very good if not we will be adjourned National Night Out oh National Night Out yes we will now be adjourning to National Night Out over at the family Recreation Center on white way we invite all members of the public to come out uh it's a usually it's a wonderful event and we will hope to see everybody there we our journ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]