##VIDEO ID:iy5eFHyPHm4## e e e e e okay are we all set we have 5:30 and Greg Paulie is chomping at the bit okay so I will call the meeting to order welcome everybody good evening and welcome to the October 20th meeting of the Temple Terrace August 20th meeting thank you of the community redevelopment agency um is there any comments on the minutes from our previous meetings and if not is there a motion to approve the minutes to approve second any discussion or Corrections seeing none all those in favor say I I oppose no nay the minutes are adopted [Music] um we have have the Temple Terrace Redevelopment area meeting dates for fiscal year 2025 an interim community development director business relations manager fit that on a business card Greg Paulie is here to present good evening sir thank you sir good evening everyone once again Greg Paulie um what he said as far as the title um my part here tonight is very uh very short I did want to uh um just bring before you proposed dates for for the fiscal year 2025 um keeping in uh routine with prior schedule years these dates for the scheduled CRA meetings fall immediately prior to the second council meeting of the second month of each calendar quarter um all of the dates fell uh in line very similar to uh what we've done in the past and this keeps the same algorithm if you will for those dates and uh just for the record I'll read them off uh November 19th 2024 February 18th 2025 May 20th 2025 and August 19th 2025 and once again CRA meetings traditionally start at 5:30 p.m. right here in this room um however for any number of reasons additional meetings may be added to this schedule uh as warrant as as warranted um all meetings are subsequently uh or prior to the meeting are posted and publicly noticed by our city clerk's office and with that I'll stand for any questions you may have about the upcoming calendar a year for CRA and um staff would seek approval of these dates uh should you find fit thank you board members any questions from Mr Paulie yeah dates work for everybody very good is there a motion to adopt the schedule move to approve second all those in favor say I I I oppos no n schedules adopted thank you Mr paully thank you everyone next item is a resolution approving the CRA annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ending on September 30th 2023 Finance director Jim Ingram is here to explain thank you good evening chairman and uh board we have a uh resolution to approve the CRA annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ending September 30th 2023 uh did you all get a copy you should have gotten a copy and much shorter than our city annual comprehensive report um it was conducted by the same firm obviously MSL CPA and advisors with Jeff wolf uh our lead uh CPA accountant and auditor performing that it is recommended that the Temple Terrace Redevelopment agency adopt a resolution approving the CRA annual comprehensive financial report for fiscal year ending September 30th 2023 and I will stand for any questions you might have about the report thank you are the members of the public who wish to comment on this item see none board members are questions for Mr Ingram okay I see none thank you very much appreciate that Mr Ingram is there a motion to approve the report move to approve the uh uh CRA annual comprehensive financial report for the year ending September 30th 2023 second motion and second discussion of the motion seeing none all those in favor say I I opposed no Nays the report is approved thank you thank you next item is a presentation of the fiscal year 2025 tax increment fund budget proposal for the CRA and Mr Ingram will now explain that yes thank you this is no action is needed tonight this is a presentation it is included in the uh budget that will be presented uh next council meeting first hearing to for the ordinance for the fiscal year 20 25 uh budget year but I did want to go over a few points specifically related to the CRA and the Tiff budget there is a typo I just noticed uh today it says 3% increase in taxable value actually it was 8% and the the problems we had with the um the estimate going down to the final value actually it was reversed in the case of the CRA it actually went up from the original you know the original estimate they gave us uh the final numbers though are 8% higher that sounds good but if you compare it to last year last year was 29% last year was a huge jump 2023 so it does show a little bit of slowing down I think that's understandable as some of the um development in the area is slowed down in terms of uh property values the estimated uh 24-year in fund balance is $81,900 it was around $112,000 as reported in the uh comprehensive report for 2022 this year we we did add some more and we uh that includes uh 400 about $400,000 in expenditures for the uh Riverside Park if you'll recall we added that since we knew that we were going to have a good Reserve balance for fiscal year 25 uh the county Hillsboro County and Port Authority contributions are estimated at $729,750 and that's based on their what they are proposing uh millage ratewise and what the uh county has appraised our uh property values to be in the C in the city's contribution same in fact I included a little calculation sheet so they show how we come up with that number uh the city's contribution from the general fund is $824,900 2,940 from the Tiff fund to Debt Service fund for the loan payment uh that remains with the well uh no not well South State uh Bank also called Center State that's both principal and interest and again just as a reminder that's the one that is has the fixed 2.75% rate uh going out and until I believe 2038 require uh no I just mentioned $400,000 another $400,000 is budgeted for the Riverside Park project out of the Tiff fund um and $3,000 this year for the audit the C audit that in the past it's just been paid out of general fund but now that CRA is starting to make money we are able to do more things more projects and able to pay pay for things like their own audit with all of this we Still project a reserve of 35,44 at the end of fiscal year 25 and those funds will be there if you know something comes up during the year that you desire to uh expend some of those reserves toward that is uh my Pres presentation and if I glad to answer any questions you might have about the budget thank you Mr Ingram board member schisler yes thank you uh good presentation thanks Jim um two questions though number one does the uh expenses include the 50,000 or the demo on stake and na for the year yes that was this this year it does include that those have been booked and they're fully okay now the growth was 8% you said 8% how much of that is and the definition could be Lucy with this was organic versus expansion organic growth being uh increased value year-over-year versus a new item came online because I think we had some peripheral properties that came online that would I know last year we did okay this year I'm I'm not so sure did did did we have anything come online on the the outskirts of the of the or the the edges of the or is this all organic growth in other words the values improved all the way around I do not know the answer to that question I can certainly research it it would take a little bit of research and I don't call to the I don't want to waste a lot of time on it but it might be it might be an indicator for us in our analysis going forward that if commercial properties are moving at a different rate than residential property that could be an influence a factor for projecting into the future what because you know we we we're all up here a little concerned with the the slowing down if you will the rise of property rates um if there's a disconnect between residential and B and and Commercial and I I don't mean industrial or anything just just general just generally between commercial residential that could be a big influence next year and the year end after I that's just an academic question there nothing to do with this this function or what we're do what we're doing with this with the budget but just something for thinking about for next year that's a very good point and I'll try to do some research on that particularly since uh I am still trying to work on that pro forma for the tip fund which yeah will be included in uh we're planning to includeed in the budget documents you get toward the end of next week week or don't waste a lot of time on it just could I understand and it could do two in the morning and you just can't go sleep it it could be uh it could be timec consuming but I'll see what I can find out that could be a bear thanks Paulie might have some comments on that yes very good question um I'll share with you uh just some personal knowledge that I have on those properties um you are correct there has been um a slowing in the commercial but you mentioned the the outer boundaries the peripheral we we have had some come online there but those are actually the Residential Properties over off of Overlook the um Habitat for Humanity project there behind so um it's it's almost a mixing of the tides here because it's raising the value of our C CRA a small amount but it's still raising it's a small amount it's not a big commercial project but they actually are residential single family residential homes so there's a little bit of mixing of the tide there with regards to some of those uh organic increases versus some of those outer uh perimeter uh improvements we don't ever think about those really I mean we've got the to the the the apartment complex on the one quarter and then whatever you want to call the tow houses in is that residental a commercial I I don't know how to you know sure but uh but but as far as when when people traditionally think CRA you're thinking commercial property possibly even larger scale commercial developments but some of these smaller ones that I want to share with you are actually residential on the outer boundaries thank you thanks Paul while you're up yes sir do you have any idea when the I hesitate to even ask this but what's the latest on the pulse of the Enigma project good good time in on that I spent my entire afternoon talking about this project um they are currently in the final stages of getting their resubmittal uh checked off and um I don't want to speak out of turn because staff still is working with them to uh to fine-tune a few uh issues but they did submit we have a uh a nearly complete resubmittal ready to come before uh Council that's a that's a resubmittal of the site plan of the site plan yes sir because um just kind of giving you a quick snapshot Looking Backward um there was some issues with both uh the Southside perimeter wall the little retaining wall on the Southside and there were issues with um conducting work without permit with some of the uh parking lot lighting so uh obviously um they had um they had some situations they had to deal with with our building department over that um so that all went on hold uh the site plan was resubmitted myself um our uh city planner Malik Hall uh have been working very very closely with the applicants engineer and we are very close to being able to uh put a green check next to that and get it on the agenda come forward for you how I remember the site plan issues but that didn't stop work on every they were still able to work on the inside some that didn't totally stop work did it the the way that that order of events unfolded was the The First Development issue was the wall there was uh it was discovered that they were constructing a retaining wall on the south side of their property that was not shown on the plants and when they were asked to verify that it was in fact on their property and they weren't constructing they weren't building in the right of way they presented a amendment to a survey but it wasn't the site plan and so even after being uh directed to stop work in that area um it was discovered that they continued to work in that area and they were actually issued a stop work order for that outside work now under that stop work order they were permitted to continue work on the interior to prepare the interior store spaces if you will and then the situation arose with the parking lot and what happened with the parking lot was I don't remember the exact number I believe it was about 14 or so uh light poles were installed without a permit and obviously it was on the site itself so at that point our building official issued a second stop work order and that's when all work was ordered to be stopped interior and exterior because they were not following the prior directive and at that point everything was stopped and we began to um we began to engage them on a very regular basis to update that site plan so that's where we're at right now and we are very very close to the finish line on the site plan so they they're under a full stop right they're under a full stop right now how far long is that building is it 70% 9 the facade is um the exterior facade is nearly 100% complete uh the parking lot improvements the parking lot still has to be um reconfigured in the in the fashion that they are moving parking lot Islands obviously they're improving the Landscaping in that area um they've already installed the lights but they still have to settle outstanding issues with the light poles that were not permitted um and of course Paving and restriping of the finished parking lot what about the building the in the exterior as I mentioned is nearly I mean interior interior is still open studded walls there's no interior and again because he did after they violated his directive on the second time he shut him down completely so it's not ready to go I mean it's a lot of work to do sir no sir uh the very first thing is to get that site plan before the city council and to get approval on that site plan which I'm not anticipating any issues um they have uh they have amended the site plan in every manner that we've asked them to do uh it's just it's taken a while to get to this point but once we get that checked off then we'll be able to settle up with the stop work orders and the prior work that was committed without a permit and once that has been settled once their account is completely settled then we will be able to issue the new permits to get them moving forward again any other questions if that was cleared up tomorrow how long would it take him to be to get a CO there's no way he can answer that what should take a week is taken a year well well okay under normal circumstances well in a situation like this um and again I I I don't want to speak for the building official because he has to address that but traditionally what you will see is um you will see a certificate of completion for the exterior shell okay and then individual applicants store stores if you will individual stores will then hire their own team to do their interial build outs so what you would see is you would see a series of cosos that would follow that initial cooc okay good other questions for Mr Paulie or Mr Ingram okay thank you both very much I believe that concludes our business for the Redevelopment agency so we will stand adjourned until 6 o' thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey hey hey [Music] [Music] e e everybody I'd like to call the meeting of the Temple terce City Council to order uh welcome everybody here and if you would please uh remember to silence your electronic devices and if you would stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord we ask you to continue to bless our amazing City and the people who call it home we thank you for the gift of of community and especially for the right to self-govern we ask your blessings upon our great nation help us to look beyond our differences and Safeguard the common good of all grant us here tonight wisdom as we strive to advance good public policy for the benefit of all of our citizens amen I pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible withy andice thank you very much so um I think everybody's catching on to this but for those of you who may not come to too many Council meetings we do have a custom of beginning each meeting with a uh historical or fun fact concerning our city or the region and uh we rotate that Duty and tonight it falls upon Council member Chambers oh thank you he always does a great job because he's lived through most of the history here so thank you and this is about uh the history of of me and my perspective so yes it's not really a fact but it's my facts um my family came to Temple Terrace from Tampa in 1968 uh my dad was a professor University of Tampa and then he got a job at the brand new way way way way out University of South Florida which it was at that time and he commuted for a number of years and then he got a we got a house uh in Temple Terrace in 1968 I was 11 uh we were the last house on whiteway Drive White way did not go through it stopped just past 62nd Street and from White way all the way to Gillette was orange and grapefruit Groves so the first thing I learned the second day I was here in Temple Terrace was the way the city uh called its unteer firefighters the volunt firefighters were all volunteers at that time I believe and it was way before electronic devices and the way they uh called their firefighters remember I'm a child that kind of remembered the Cuban Missile Crisis in Tampa living near mcdill so you knew that and then also during the Cold War so at that time to call the volunteer firefighters it was a Cen on top of the old library or post office which was across from Corpus Christie and the siren look like an air raid siren so my second day here the siren goes off and I am duck and covering in my bedroom that's true it was scary at the time but that's thing and that I don't know how long that they had the siren probably about another year or so and then it went away uh the roads uh some of the roads in uh uh Temple Terrace were still shell roads they weren't dirt but they were shell white packed shell and every now and then Public Works would uh grade the shell uh and then spray it with tar or oil I guess we we certainly don't do that now but 62 Street right at my house in Richland down the road they were that way and they first get the tar on them andan you couldn't be on them for a day or two because if you did your bicycle tires got gummed up um and then uh after a while the tar would wear off and then it would become white chalk again and then every time a car or bike went on there it got white dust would go all over and get on there everything so then the Public Works people at that time uh decided that if you put an aggregate Rock in the in the tar it may last longer so I think the RFP that went out was we need rocks that are the sharpest corners of on them at all as bad as diamonds so when they put those on especially 62nd Street when you wrecked on your bicycle you just got tore up that's true so that was our roads uh back then 7-Elevens and convenience stores didn't exist so when Mom ran out of milk and it was when the hours Publix wasn't open because they weren't open like they are now there was a milk machine a drive up milk machine on the corner of 56 and uh Temple Terrace Highway Buller Parkway where the old Burger King used to be so that's not there now Fountain shops are there now so we'd go at night and drive up and my job was to get out of the car put the money in the machine and get the gallon of milk or whatever so we had that then walking anywhere in the city or riding your bike especially coming home from BL League games you just if you were thirsty you just went to someone's house and you would go to their garden hose attach their house you didn't know these people if the hose was there you'd turn the water on and that's when I learned two valuable things let the water run for a little while when you first turn it on because if not it was very very hot in the summer and also lizards lived in the garden hose so you wanted those I hope other people have done this and then the last uh thing from my perspective was Temple Terrace had its own mosquito spraying truck and it was not like now where we call the county and it was way uh before the nice whatever they spray now but it was a thick billowing White Cloud I don't know if anybody remembers that it was so cool to ride your bike into that cloud and yeah I mean it was and so much so my mom would hear it first for some reason or my dad and they'd hear it and they say the M mosquito trucks coming and the kids would come out of the houses and we'd ride behind it now you tried not to breathe uh while you're in the cloud but I did sometimes and I realize now looking back is that's when I decided I might want to work for the city so that was that so that's the perspective of me in 1968 when I first moved into the Terrace so I think that's been one of the best ones we've had since we started this it does explain a lot though it does it does so that's I remember the mosquito spray yes she do we we rode our bikes around behind I remember the mosquito trucks too um that's pretty good so the house that you grew up in is it still there uh yes I know the people who live in it really she does yeah her her brother and family it's not not in your family anymore no no um I I lost that battle with Beth ah well that was very good thank you that I think that was probably one of the best ones we've had yet so we should just a journ now and call it a night right so our first order of business is appointments to the board of adjustment and as you all will recall I won't rehash the whole thing but we had an issue here where um all the board of adjustment members were on the same term and therefore the board of adjustment members were all going to term out at the same time so we made a slight tweak to the ordinance to stagger their terms um so they will be appointed to different length terms tonight and so a little background so the board of adjustment is established in accordance with the city's code of ordinances Council recently approved ordinance 1567 to change the terms of boa members from two years to up to three years with staggered terms that's what I was just talking about uh the city has received three applications uh from Eric Kravitz Mark McKenna and Stan cope who is with us tonight um we um as a reminder we asked the board members to would be reapplying um to if their preference to see if we could honor their preference of the length of terms that they had and it turned out that it worked out because Mr cop and Mr Kravitz both requested three-year terms and Mr McKenna requested a two-year term so it did work out the way we had hoped um I see Mr cop is here Mr cope would you like to say anything you don't have have to but if you're here if you'd like to you're welcome we'll be very brief very good welcome sir thank you um I just wanted to say thank you I have enjoyed the last several years of working on the board and working with the city and a lot of the city officials um it's it's been a break great pleasure to serve the people of Temple Terrace and work with you all I especially want to thank Mr Chambers who has been at many of our meetings and has been a fantastic guide to help me get started as as well as the City attorney who has taught me a whole lot about the laws and places that I didn't know about so thank you very much I appreciate that as well I'd also like to extend my support to my two peers that you have as well before you Mr mckenny and Mr Kravitz I feel like as a board we have worked quite well together I certainly look forward to working both of them um as we go forward so your my thanks for what you have already done and my thanks if you choose to support me for another three years thank you thank you Mr cop and thank you for your service to the city so um is there a motion to approve the appointment of Stan cop Kravitz as members of the board of adjustment for terms extending from August 2024 until August 2027 so moved second is there a motion to Second discussion if not all those in favor say I I opposed no Nays yeah hold on just a second though we need a yes I just wanted to commend uh Mr cope uh he's chairman of the boa and he doesn't excellent job running the meetings thank you very much he does I was at one recently so thank you very much again for your service and so uh is there a motion to approve the appointment of Mark McKenna as a member of the boa for a term extending from August 2024 until August 2026 so mve second motion a second discussion if not all those in favor say I I I I motion is approved uh those three members are reappointed and I'd like to thank all three of them them for their service to the city uh next item is approval of the minutes from our August 6th council meeting has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes and if so is there a motion to approve second any discussion or corrections to the minutes if not all those in favor say I I opposed no Nays the minutes are adopted next section of the meeting is um persons wishing to be heard on items not list on the agenda or items on the consent agenda uh there are forms in the back of the room to request to address the council uh please give complete the form and give it to our city clerk Who's down at the end of the de we do have a three minute time limit imposed on all members uh from the public comments for each member and we ask that speakers come to the podium and state their name and city of residence I currently have no requests we do have a couple members of the public here or there any nobody wishes to address the council okay next uh ladies and gentlemen is there a motion to approve the consent agenda move to approve consent agenda second all those in favor say I I I opposed no n the consent agenda is adopted next is the resolution approving an easement agreement with the Tampa Electric company for storm hardening facilities within city-owned parcel within the city owned parcel identified as t-24 D28 d 19- zz- 000000001 d54 3-0 and I don't know who's going to speak to this because my notes are we have that I thought that's consent oh that's on the consent my apologies my mistake um next item is a public hearing on the petition to vacate Broadway Avenue and I have a note here that the petition has been withdrawn and no action is required by the council is there any comment City attorney or anybody on that no okay next is the first reading of an ordinance amending code section 14- 72 concerning local business tax or Finance operations manager Jamie devie is here to explain good evening it's been a while since we saw you at one of our meetings yes hello good evening so as we reported last time that we spoke um to city council several months ago the finance department has been auditing the city's local business tax receipts so BTR is what we normally call it for framework the current fee schedule is really cumbersome and it has around 679 business categories Andor subcategories many of the business activities listed within the current schedule are no longer applicable to in the 21st century and the clarification is kind of needed on others this current schedule makes it difficult for City staff and business owners to navigate through the process these proposed changes to the schedule of fees will make the process cleaner and simpler by reducing these 679 categories down to just four main categories then with 62 business types underneath those the these changes will fix some of these current inconsistencies and will assist in applying these fees correctly moving forward the city staff recommends adopting this proposal for a more straightforward and efficient process and we do believe it'll be a great benefit to our residents our business owners and multiple of our city departments thank you m devie is there members of the public who wish to comment on this item council members questions I know I have some so council member Fernandez well to to begin do as part of this process did you all look at neighboring jurisdictions and other similar sized cities in order to establish what are what would be the reasonable business codes and U fees Yes actually when we came last time we had already done a study when we were looking at amending for the warehouse situation and uh we had I think it was kimley horn if I'm not mistaken uh do a study for us with a different neighboring um cities and right now with our ordinance we have to kind of stay similar so we are able to make changes at the moment we cannot raise anyone above what they are now so what we just did is we just kind of narrowed down in some category and made it more broader for these different businesses to fit within there so they're not having a million different categories but yes we did do a study on that and we do have to kind of keep to what we have in our ordinance so we tried to make it very similar we just made the categories a little bit more broader member sh yeah um I was hoping we'd have a presentation for the public to see it um some you know what do we condense it down to uh can we get that for the second reading absolutely I can have that made okay just so it's a little more there's more explanation for the people that can see absolutely we can do that other questions council members I I have one I I think you might have answered it but I'd like to flesh it out a little further so my question was going to be if you appli the new categories and and the corresponding tax rates and structures and because under the different schemes some of it's based on the number of employees some of it's based on the number of trucks you know there's different ways of calculating my assumption is that some businesses would go up a little and some would go down a little depending on you know as we re okay they used to be in this category but number 642 is being eliminated another in this category which results in a small increase so my my question um well there's a couple questions related to this and one is I'm sure you have have we run the calculations to see is what's the maximum that somebody's going up because if you're a very big business and you say well it's only going up a perc but that could be a lot of money 1% of a lot of money is a lot of money and have we ident ified that specifically is there anybody in the city who's going to say oh my gosh look what you put me in another category now my tax bill went up $775,000 or something like that have we looked at that the other thing related to that is if you take the whole aggregate of this the whole thing some go up a little some go down a little what's the net loss or gain to our revenues as a result of these new categories are we boosting our revenues by by 2% or 3% I mean no no that's not the purpose of what we're doing but what's the result or is our Revenue going to go up or down or stay neutral what's the financial impact to the city so a let me address each question for you um yes with the calculations as we are going through this system and this process what we did is we took a a selection of from different categories and put them into this new fee schedule to see where do they come at so when we looked at for instance by employee we ran a schedule to make sure if we limit this down and narrow it down to not have so many different categories where is it putting people and there was no one that was above or below a difference of like $1,000 and that's when we're getting into big big numbers now the majority of people were within a couple dollars the other thing with um the revenue looking at that that that is something that we are putting together it's a lot of different categories so we're trying to take a selection we were planning on having that for the second reading so I can definitely put that into the uh presentation that we create that way you can kind of see where does it go with all the categories we have not had a lot of businesses updating their information a lot of the different businesses we have in the the system from when they first began so we don't know if their employee counts are correct if their inventory is correct so there is a chance that there could be some changes just due to updated information and that was part of why we wanted to get this new system out is to kind of clean up our records so that's a piece that you know we we know could be a variant in there but we are uh working on getting that to see as close as possible do we have everything in place so it's hard to say with any kind of precision whether our revenues will go up or down or stay fairly the same correct due to the fact that we don't know if we have the business owners correct information so this will be it'll be good because we're going to be getting all updated information we're going to be getting everyone will be cuz some people's might go down now another piece of that is if we let's say we took two different uh categories and we merged them into one and we put them under a broad thing we took the lowest fee for that so if somebody was paying only 5787 and this group was paying 11576 they're now getting the 5787 because again per Florida slate statute we cannot raise anyone so we wanted to make sure that we had we always took the lower now if some if a business owner has not given us all the information and now now that we are getting the new system and we get updated information on them yes their their uh business tax receipt can go up but that would only be due to updating the information right they would only be paying what they should have been paying all the along correct [Music] so okay I'll leave it at that okay so second reading you're going to try to get bre a little more precise on the forecasted Revenue impact of the revenue and we'll be able to give a more in-depth visual presentation for the public could I ask a question the City attorney Pam if we vote Yes to this to the first reading and then the information by way this council member schisler let me recognize you so we know who's talking so oh I'm sorry okay um I I forgot where I was um we vote Yes on tonight and additional information bubbles up that becomes well we're not really sure we want to do this can we would we could delay it at the second one till we get a better results so you're talking about delaying the second reading to get no no no no I'm saying well I'm saying the first reading we passed tonight and they go back in working on some analytics and if the analytics come back that uh it's untenable to some to to somebody really gets hammered or or we find a flaw with the with the logic can we uh delay it at that point to another to another time to to better refine the formulas yes you're I mean you're not compelled to vote okay yes again on the second reading well I don't want to kill it and then have to start the whole process all over again because then it just it just it can it can be tabled it can be continued it can you know we would have to we might have to read vertise it but that's the only thing okay all right thank you Council vice mayor Abel along with these changes is there going to be a procedure in place that's going to bring about more frequent updates from the businesses about what they're doing yes this new this new program that we are implementing is going to make it so that they can go online every year they'll be able to go in and update themselves at this moment currently they would have to physically come in here redo an application send all that information in whereas each year they're going to get a link sent emailed right to them they'll go into the link it'll take them right into their profile and it'll say do you have any changes and then it'll walk them through and it'll ask every year for those items that they are calculated on it's going to ask them for their inventory it's going to ask them for their employee counts it's going to ask them for any state licenses and and Etc anything that would need we would need to have um and that we are required to have so really streamlining the process very good thank you that is the system that we have now or the system that we're moving towards the one that we are moving towards so that is one of the things we have we got the they pushed out a a tester phase I guess for us and that's where we've been starting to on these revenues so we are we got it about a week ago and we're starting to look through each of the different businesses we've picked a couple in the main categories each category we've done each of those four main ones and everything is very similar and if it's not similar it's lower okay council member schisler yeah thank you is there any with within our ordinance is there any any teeth to requiring businesses to update we can say please do this and what what is it it states that we are able to uh not only are we able to request the information we are able to audit them so we could send code out there to audit them and code would take care of that correct all right other questions good very good if there are no further questions I will ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida amending the oh second yep sorry an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida amending the Temple Terrace code of ordinances chapter 14 section 14- 72 schedule of local business taxes to be paid tax levied payment required and amounts to be paid providing for severability providing for codification repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith providing for an effective date Madam clerk is there a motion to approve on first reading move to approve first reading ordinance amending code section 1472 local business tax second motion to Second discussion just the only comments I have we've already said next reading we'll have a visual presentation and we'll hopefully have some more precise forecasts yes sir very I can I request as part M Fernandez as part of this presentation that you bring in maybe some business examples it doesn't necessarily have to be a real business but just an example of a business and what the impact would be maybe example old system new system just for more visual Clarity absolutely other comments if not all those in favor say I I oppose no n motion is ordinance is adopted on first reading will appear for second reading of public hearing on Tuesday September the 3rd 20124 thank you Miss devie next is a second public hearing and second reading of ordinance 1568 enacting article 4 section 16- 95 and 16- 96 city of Temple Terrace code of ordinances prohibiting camping and sleeping on public property and rights of way we'll open the public hearing and our Deputy City attorney Ernie Mueller is here to explain good evening Council mayor uh just a quick refresher we're here for second reading this is uh as we all know there's a state law going into effect October 1 which is going to require the city to address people sleeping on the right of way and on public property um and what this uh ordinance is doing is setting forth a procedure and a process for our Police Department to handle those situations here for any questions thank you Mr Mueller other members of the public who wish to comment on this item seeing none council member questions for Mr Mueller okay very good if there are no questions I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida creating article four camping and sleeping on public property and rights of weight under chapter 16 of the city of Temple Terrace code of ordinances creating section 16- 95 camping prohibited exemptions creating section 16- 96 sleeping in or on the rights of way providing for applicability and separability repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances and conflict herewith providing for an effective date very good council members is there a motion to approve on second reading excuse me ordinance number 1568 enacting article 4 section 16- 9516 96 prohibiting uh City Temple ter code ordinances prohibiting camping and sleeping of public property and rights away second motion a second discussion of the motion if not all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays ordinance is adopted on second reading thank you for your work on this thank you chief for your work on this uh next is Council business uh carryover business is a consideration of potential street art locations and it says that I will explain this so I guess I'll take I'll wing it how's that So for anybody watching uh the city oh I don't know a year maybe two years ago but at least last year we decided to start a a small um contribution in our budget or to program some money in our budget for public art and um we're still working on the bugs in this but we're going to start displaying public art in some of our buildings here in City Hall um the rec center Library uh Lightfoot and U display some of art from our local artists and part of this campaign is also wall murals you'll see some wall murals going up on some of on this building and some of our other buildings like local welcome to Temple Terrace kind of stuff um in addition to that we're talking about pavement murals art murals at prominent intersections within the city and so in moving forward with that staff has identified um a few locations that we could consider for our first pavement art under this program we we already have one but the first one under this new program uh so we have a list of locations um and it's like everything in government it's a little more complicated than it seems because we had to consider how old is the pavement is it due for repaving are we going to be doing storm water projects or utility work in the area we don't want to put down a beautiful art mural and then dig it up next year to put water pipe in or something so we have come up with our staff has recommended to us some locations and the following locations are for our consideration are white way and 53rd Serena and 52nd Serena and 53d or Mission Hills and 53rd and I believe that we are here to select one of those to be the first one um this doesn't mean that the other four were no particular order but we're looking to pick one of those four locations to be the first one and so are there members of the public that would like to provide input on this okay I see none so council members which one council member Chambers okay well I I brought this up to the Arts count Temple Terrace Arts Council on uh T last Tuesday's meeting and uh they liked all four and well there that's the backstory they liked all four uh it was kind of torn between uh white way in 53rd but really the first choice and I kind of LED that so it I'm kind of might have influenced them to be uh Serena and 52nd which is the entrance to our city right by uh uh the park there uh the uh Merit of whiteway in 53rd is that's the intersection to Florida uh to City Hall here also it's the intersection to Publix I mean everybody goes down that that road so but it is 53rd is not the entrance to the city it's the 52nd is the entrance but there's Merit to that so my suggestion just my suggestion would be uh a 5502 and Serena first the Arts Council feels with the money we have left and it's somewhere between three and $4,000 that it could possibly get to this year so I maybe we could get an order rank on that so okay but anyway that's that's the Arts council's recommendation and my personal recommendation Mr B you see anything wrong with the council picking one and two yes ranking them in that order that way we don't Council Arts Council willing to move forward yeah that way we don't have to the procedure would be the Arts Council again is in the in in the middle of it uh once the location is picked they will go out and do an RFP for the artist to uh get proposals and then the the whichever the final Design's coming here first I mean before it gets done we will approve the design of the the artwork so uh it's not just left to the Arts Council did I hear you correctly that in your opinion Serena and 522nd should be number one and maybe white way in 53r should be number two yes and when I say Serena in 52nd you know the the park is on between 52nd and 53rd so we could we could get both those out of the way I mean not in the intersections but we could kind of get one closer to the middle of the park if we want to do that okay Council I concur that's the conclusion I came to as well I like that best you I like white way of 5 um 53rd second I like Serena were you saying between 52nd 53rd and Serena in the middle the park is more on the second St okay okay all right I concur okay I I just thought we should do it wherever we have the most traffic that would see it so I whatever the recommendation is from yeah well actually I I don't know if the police never have ever done a traffic study out there but my my gut feeling is 53rd and whiteway has a little bit more traffic but uh whiteway used to have and I I've looked and I didn't see it but it used to have some brick uh fake brick at the entrance on white way coming in from there and I don't know with the paving that just happened if that all went away might be gone I think it's gone so we used to have an entrance feature there uh my my only I mean I'll if that's what the majority thinks then that then the ARs Council I'm going to follow your lead my only thought while you were talking is that if we do it at Serena in 52nd 53rd everybody's going to give Tampa the credit for this nobody's going to realize that this is Temple terrrace they're going to think that oh look what Tampa's done um I don't know yeah but not not a bad point and 53rd and white way seems to get quite a lot of traffic through there and uh 53rd and white way has been redone and there are very defined crosswalks so it kind of makes a border uh for that if that's a consideration I'm not against it I I orbe it from me to go against the Arts Council but it seems like white way in 53rd has a lot more um anyway did I hear you correctly AEL did I hear you correctly um um council member Chambers when you said that there there's the possibility of maybe doing two at this time or did I misunderstand that it depends on the uh it depends on the cost of the artist the paint is pretty much standard uh I don't know what that would be but an artist may an artist May charge a th000 another one may charge 2,000 so it just kind of depends on what we get on that but it's this is not the only one we're going to do we can have this kind of list and there's money in next year's budget well I was I was going to say we're pretty close to October 1st when we're replenishing this fund so I don't see why we couldn't do both of them right we could do that yeah I I cuz even if the I mean if we approve it today by the Mr city manager the money the remaining money is going to have to roll over because uh is that what you were just talking about yeah we were just talking about that because these are fiscal $24 so um if you could encumber it before the end of the fiscal year that would be the simplest option otherwise we would have to figure out a way to uh we could fast track at least get the artist agreement right and there but I don't know if I have time to get it on the agenda for one of the September meetings to approve the design but if we had an artist agreement with the design to be approved later doesn't that incumber the funds seems like it would we could encumber it anyway right they we're going to do it also the other the other wrinkle here is you we have programed the same amount of money in the fy2 budget too so you do have that there are dollar 25 as well so if that was a concern even by passing the resolution to approve the the general project we could encumber the the budget at a m can't we okay well let's not lose sight of the issue before us let's pick the location the issue before us is to pick the location do we have a motion and then all the money stuff is we're not what we're here to decide that's for recogniz right so but we may need to have Council action in order for them to do that that's my only concern they know where to find us okay all right so am I correct in this so we're just trying to decide the location that's as far as I was concerned and then you guys can get together offline and figure out how to encumber meeting we'll have we'll have it okay Direction yeah okay so both Serena and white way in 53rd yes right yes number one so um I move that the first public art street street public art location would be Serena and 53rd or close to the entrance of the park on Serena possibly between 52nd and 53rd and then the second street art location would be white way and 53rd second Motion in a second by council member sister any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed no you got some fiscal stuff to figure out we got it okay we'll get done any other carryover Council business I I have one thing yes council member Fernandez and it's really just it's really more for the public and that is um for those of you anybody on social media and you see the Temple Terrace bulletin board or you see people posting things to Facebook and they're asking questions specifically about things happening in the city um the some you know sometimes a building project might come up and I just want to make sure that for people listening that they understand city council is not supposed to answer you on a social media platform so if you have questions regarding City issues or or things happening in the city I urge you to contact the city staff or a city council person directly so that we can answer your questions U because we are not supposed to be responding to you on on a social media platform so that's it good any other carryover Council business I have one no I don't under this any new business or board reports council member Chambers right it's it's along the same lines of the art project uh I hope people notice the art in the hallway of uh City Hall uh uh the art that's there now is what is our called our practice art uh the artworks have been uh done donated uh for this brief Time by members of the Arts Council from their homes and everything uh some other other art too from some city employees uh it's up there it was a learning process so we could learn how to hang them how the the hangers work the locks the lights all that uh it's up the name placards about uh each piece was put up this afternoon so it's out there so on the way out look at it it's it's it's pretty nice in the we we hope to have new artist work in December uh an all calls going out I have a presentation to make to the Hillsburg County Arts Council on September the 3D to get the word out to the local artists so we can start our program so thank you any other new business or board reports I have one quick thing to report I just really proud I want to brag about the city a little bit you know I I go to the Florida League of Mayor conference and Florida League of City's conference every year uh League of Mayor conference is one day and then it rolls into FLC the following days and so the way this conference is conducted is there are breakout groups many of you have been so you know but the public there breakout groups you choose which ones you want to go to um this year I went to I don't know how many you just pick which ones you want to go to and and every one of them that I went to I'm sitting in a room with Mayors council members from all over the State of Florida big cities small cities and every Workshop I went to we were all over what the speaker was talking about Temple Terrace was already out in front of it we knew about it in some cases we had already drafted an ordinance about it we had already restructured our Public Works we had done different things I didn't go to one single workshop and I'm sad to say this I didn't learn as much as I used to to learn cuz we're on it and and used to be I'd spend the week going around saying oh tell me what you do so I can try to take something back now people are coming to us and saying oh you've already drafted an ordinance on that would you email that to me or what did you do with this or how did you get how did you achieve that and that folks is all due to the work that you have done the past couple years we've asked more of you you're working harder we know it um but we are out in front we are no longer I I spent there was a room I went to was probably 75 different people in there and they were talking about the ordinance we passed on second reading about the new homeless law that came out that takes effect in October there were probably 50 people in there that that was the first they heard of this they had no idea what the cities were required to do and what this meant and truthfully after the end of it I'm not sure they knew much more than they did at the beginning but um so I I can't tell you how proud I am of the work that all of you are doing uh it really has it it just shows it really does I'm very proud of you so and that's it city manager thank you Mr Mayor for those comments and uh good evening everybody uh so I have one item on the in the backup and that is the quarterly report uh actual versus budgeted financials we we we try to get this in uh last one or two meetings ago and we had the other the bulk of the reports but as you can imagine Mr Ingram was pretty swamped with the budget so I gave him a pass uh so that's in here if you have any questions either he or myself are U ready to answer ccil member schisler good no questions good first time in history Mr s had no questions about a financial report anybody any questions okay thank you that it that is it all right City attorney I have nothing to report nothing to report any other business to come before the council council members anything directors you just want to go home right thank you again for all your hard work it goes uh it is not unnoticed and and very much appreciated so we will stand adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for --------- ##VIDEO ID:Om29BZf88wg## e [Music] hey hey hey [Music] [Music] hey e e everybody I'd like to call the meeting of the Temple terce City Council to order uh welcome everybody here and if you would please uh remember to silence your electronic devices and if you would stand and join in the invocation and the pledge Lord we ask you to continue to bless our amazing City and the people who call it home we thank you for the gift of community and especially for the right to self-govern we ask your blessings upon our great nation help us to look beyond our differences and Safeguard the common good of all grant us here tonight wisdom as we strive to advance good public policy for the benefit of all of our citizens amen I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice all thank you very much so um I think everybody's catching on to this but for those of you who may not come to too many Council meetings we do have accustom of beginning each meeting with a historical or fun fact concerning our city or the region and we rotate that Duty and tonight it falls upon council member Chambers oh thank you he always does a great job because he's lived through most of the history here thank you and this is about uh the history of of me and my perspective so yes it's not really a fact but it's my facts um my family came to Temple Terrace from Tampa in 1968 uh my dad was a professor at University of Tampa and then he got a job at the brand new way way way way out University of South Florida which it was at that time and he commuted for a number of years and then he got a we got a house uh in Temple Terrace in 1968 I was 11 uh we were the last house on whiteway Drive whiteway did not go through it stopped just past 62nd Street and from White way all the way to Gillette was orange and grapefruit Groves so the first thing I learned the second day I was here in Temple Terrace was the way the city uh called its volunteer firefighters the volunt firefighters were all volunteers at that time I believe and it was way before electronic devices and the way they uh called their firefighters remember I'm a child that kind of remembered the Cuban Missile Crisis and Tampa living near mcdill so you knew that and then also during the Cold War so at that time to call the volunteer firefighters it was a h siren on top of the old library or post office which was across from Corpus Christie and the siren was like an air raid siren so my second day here the siren goes off and I am ducking covering in my bedroom that's true it was scary at the time but that's thing and that I don't know how long that they had the iren probably about another year or so and then it went away uh the roads uh some of the roads in uh uh Temple Terrace were still shell roads they weren't dirt but they were shell white packed shell and every now and then Public Works would uh grade the shell uh and then spray it with tar or oil I guess we we certainly don't do that now but 62nd Street right at my house in Richland down the road they were that way and they first get the tar on them and you couldn't be on them for a day or two because if you did your bicycle tires got gummed up uh um and then uh after a while the tar would wear off and then it would become white chalk again and then every time a car or bike went on there it got white dust would go all over and get on everything so then the Public Works people at that time uh decided that if you put an aggregate Rock in the in the tar it may last longer so I think the RFP that went out was we need rocks that are the sharpest corners of on them at all as bad as diamonds so when they put those on especially uh 62nd Street when you wrecked on your bicycle you just got tore up that's true so that was our roads uh back then 7-Eleven and convenience stores didn't exist so when Mom ran out of milk and it was when the hours Publix wasn't open because they weren't open like they are now there was a milk machine a drive up milk machine on the corner of 56 and uh Temple Terrace Highway Bullard Parkway where the old Burger King used to be so that not there now Fountain shops are there now so we'd go at night and drive up and my job was to get out of the car put the money in the machine and get the gallon of milk or whatever so we had that then walking anywhere in the city or riding your bike especially coming home from BL League games you just if you were thirsty you just went to someone's house and you would go to their garden hose attach their house you didn't know these people the hose was there you'd turn the water on and that's when I learned two valuable things let the water run for a little while when you first turn it on because if not it was very very hot in the summer and also lizards lived in the garden hose so you wanted those I hope other people have done this and then the last uh thing from my perspective was Temple Terrace had its own mosquito spraying truck and it was not like now where we call the county and it was way uh before the nice whatever they spray now but it was a thick billowing White Cloud I don't I know if anybody remembers that it was so cool to ride your bike into that cloud and I mean it was and so much so my mom would hear it first for some reason or my dad and they'd hear it and they say the me mosquito trucks coming and the kids would come out of the houses and we'd ride behind it now you tried not to breathe uh while you're in the cloud but I did sometimes and I realize now looking back as that's when I decided I might want to work for the city so that was that so that's the perspective of me in 1968 when I first moved into the Terrace so I think that's been one of the best ones we've had since we started this it does explain a lot though it does yes it does so that's I remember the mosquito spray yes she do we we rote our bikes around behind I remember the mosquito trucks too um that's pretty good so the house that you grew up in is it still there uh yes I know the people who live in it really she does yeah her her brother and family it's not not in your family anymore no know um I I lost that battle with Beth well that was very good thank you that I think that was probably one of the best ones we've had yet so we should just adjourn now and call it a night right so our first order of business is appointments to the board of adjustment and as you all will recall I won't rehash the whole thing but we had an issue here where um all the board of adjustment members were on the same term and therefore the board of adjustment members are all going to turn them out at the same time so we made a slight tweak to the ordinance to stagger their terms um so they will be appointed to different length terms tonight and so a little background so the board of adjustment is established in accordance with the city's code of ordinances Council recently approved ordinance 1567 to change the terms of boa members from 2 years to up to 3 years with staggered terms that's what I was just talking about uh the city has received three applications uh from Eric Kravitz Mark McKenna and Stan cop who is with us tonight um we um as a reminder we asked the board members to would be reapplying um to if their preference to see if we could honor their preference of the length of terms that they had and it turned out that it worked out because Mr cop and Mr Kravitz both requested three-year terms and Mr mckenny requested a 2-year term so it did work out the way we had hoped um I see Mr cop is here Mr cope would you like to say anything you don't have to but if you're here if you'd like to you're welcome we'll be very brief very good welcome sir thank you um I just wanted to say thank you I have enjoyed the last several years of working on the board and working with the city and a lot of the city officials um it's it's been a great great pleasure to serve the people of Temple Terrace and work with you all I especially want to thank Mr Chambers who has been at many of our meetings and has been a fantastic guide to help me get started as as well as the City attorney who has taught me a whole lot about the laws and places that I didn't know about so thank you very much I appreciate that as well I'd also like to extend my support to my two peers that you have as well and for you Mr mckenny and Mr Kravitz I feel like is a board we have worked quite well together I certainly look forward to working both of them um as we go forward so your my thanks for what you have already done and my thanks if if you choose to support me for another three years thank you thank you Mr cop and thank you for your service to the city so um is there a motion to approve the appointment of Stan cope Eric Kravitz as members of the board of adjustment for terms extending from August 2024 until August 2027 so moved second is there a motion a second discussion if not all those in favor say I I opposed no Nays yeah hold on just a second do we need a yes I just wanted to commend uh Mr cope uh he's chairman of the boa and he does an excellent job running the meetings thank you very much he does I was at one recently so thank you very much again for your service and so uh is there a motion to approve the appointment of Mark mckenny as a member of the boa for a term extending from August 2024 until August 2026 so moved second motion Mo a second discussion if not all those in favor say I I I motion is approved uh those three members are reappointed and I'd like to thank all three of them for their service to the city uh next item is approval of the minutes from our August 6th council meeting has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes and if so is there a motion to approve second any discussion or corrections to the minutes if not all those in favor say I I opposed no Nays the minutes are adopted next section of the meeting is um persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda uh there are forms in the back of the room to request to address the council uh please give complete the form and give it to our city clerk Who's down at the end of the de we do have a 3 minute time limit imposed on all members uh from the public comments for each member and we ask that speakers come to the podium and state their name and city of residence I currently have no requests we do have a couple members of the public here or there any nobody wishes to address the council okay next uh ladies and gentlemen is there a motion to approve the consent agenda consent agenda second all those in favor say I I I opposed no n the consent agenda is adopted next is a resolution approving an easan agreement with the Tampa Electric company for storm hardening facilities within city-owned parcel within the city owned parcel identified as t-24 d 28-19 d zz- 000000001 d 5430 d0 and I don't know who's going to speak to this CU my notes are we have that that's oh that's on the consent my apologies my mistake um next item is a public hearing on the petition to vacate Broadway Avenue and I have a note here that the petition has been withdrawn and no action is required by the council is there any comment City attorney or anybody on that no okay next is a first reading of an ordinance amending code section 14-7 to concerning local business tax or Finance operations manager Jamie devie is here to explain good evening it's been a while since we saw you at one of our meetings yes hello good evening so as we reported last time that we spoke um to city council several months ago the finance department has been auditing the city's local business tax receipts so BTR is what we normally call it for framework the current Fe schedule is really cumbersome and it has around 679 business categories Andor subcategories many of the business activities listed within the current schedule are no longer applicable to in the 21st century and the clarification is kind of needed on others this current schedule makes it difficult for City staff and business owners to navigate through the process these proposed changes to the schedule of fees will make the process clear cleaner and simpler by reducing these 679 categories down to just four main categories then with 62 business types underneath those these changes will fix some of these current inconsistencies and will assist in applying these fees correctly moving forward the city staff recommends adopting this proposal for a more straightforward and efficient process and we do believe it'll be a great benefit to our residents our business owners and multiple of our city departments thank you m devie is there members of the public who wish to comment on this item council members questions I know there I have some so council member Fernandez well up to to begin do as part of this process did you all look at neighboring jurisdictions and other similar sized cities in order to establish what are what would be the reasonable business codes and uh fees Yes actually when we came last time we had already done a study when we were looking at amending for the warehouse situation and uh we had I think it was kimley horn if I'm not mistaken uh do a study for us with a different neighboring um cities and right now with our ordinance we have to kind of stay similar so we are able to make changes at the moment we cannot raise anyone above what they are now so what we just did is we just kind of narrowed down in some categories and made it more broader for these different businesses to fit within there so they're not having a million different categories but yes we did do a study on that and we do have to kind of keep to what we have in our ordinance so we tried to make it very similar we just made the categories a little bit more broader council member Sher yeah um I was hoping we'd have a presentation for the public to see it um with some you know what do we condense it down to uh can we get that for the second reading absolutely I can have that made okay just so it's a little more there's more explanation for the people that can absolutely we can do that other questions Council memb I I have one I I think you might have answered it but I'd like to flesh it out a little further so my question was going to be if you apply the new categories and and the corresponding tax rates and structures and because under the different schemes some of it's based on the number of employees some of it's based on the number of trucks you know there's different ways of calculating my assumption is that some businesses would go up a little and some would go down a little depending on you know as we re okay they used to be in this category but number 642 is being eliminated and now they're in this category which results in a small increase so my my question um well there's a couple questions related to this and one is I'm sure you have have we run the calculations to see is what's the maximum that somebody's going up because if you're a very big business and you say well it's only going up a percent but that could be a lot of money 1% of a lot of money is a lot of money and have we identified that specifically is there anybody in the city who's going to say oh my gosh look what you put me in another category now my tax bill went up $75,000 or something like that have we looked at that the other thing related to that is if you take the whole aggregate of this the whole thing some go up a little some go down a little what's the net loss or gain to our revenues as a result of these new categories are we boosting our revenues by 2% or 3% I mean I no that's not the purpose of what we're doing but what's the result or is our Revenue going to go up or down or stay neutral what's the financial impact to the city so a cou let me address each question for you um yes with the calculations as we are going through this system in this process what we did is we took a a selection of from different categories and put them into this new fee schedule to see where do they come at so when we looked at for instance by employee we ran a schedule to make sure if we limit this down and narrow it down to not have so many different categories where is it putting people and there was no one that was above or below a difference of like $1,000 and that's when getting into big big numbers now the majority of people were within a couple dollars the other thing with um the revenue looking at that that is something that we are putting together it's a lot of different categories so we're trying to take a selection we were planning on having that for the second reading so I can definitely put that into the uh presentation that we create that way you can kind of see where does it go with all the category we have not had a lot of businesses updating their information a lot of the different businesses we have in the system fir when they first began so we don't know if their employee counts are correct if their inventory is correct so there is a chance that there could be some changes just due to updated information and that was part of why we wanted to get this new system out is to kind of clean up our records so that's a piece that you know we we know could be a variant in there but we are uh working on getting that to see it's close as possible do we have everything in place so it's hard to say with any kind of precision whether our revenues will go up or down or stay fairly the same correct due to the fact that we don't know if we have the business owners correct information so this will be it it'll be good because we're going to be getting all updated information we're going to be getting everyone will be cuz some people's might go down now another piece of that is if we let's say we took two different uh categories and we merged them into one and we put them under a broad thing we took the lowest fee for that so if somebody was paying only 5787 and this group was paying 11576 they're now getting the 5787 because again per Florida slate statute we cannot raise anyone so we wanted to make sure that we had we always took the lower now if some if a business owner has not given us all the information and now that we are getting the new system and we get updated information on them yes they're their uh business tax receipt can go up but that would only be due to updating the information right they would only be paying what they should have been paying all along correct so okay I'll leave it at that okay so second reading you're going to try to get Revenue study a little more precise on the forecasted Revenue impact of the revenue and we'll be able to give a more in-depth visual presentation for the public could I ask a question to the City attorney Pam if we vote Yes to the to the first reading and then the information by the way this council member schisler let me recognize you so we know who's talking so go oh I'm sorry okay um I thought I forgot where I was um we vote Yes on tonight and additional information bubbles up that becomes well we're not really sure we want to do this can we it would we could delay it at the second one till we get a better results so you're talking about delaying the second reading to get different no no I'm saying well I'm saying the first reading we passed tonight and they go back and they're working on some analytics and if the analytics come back that uh it's untenable to some to somebody really gets hammered or or we find a flaw with the with the logic can we uh delay it at that point to another to another time to to better refine the formulas yes you're I mean you're not compelled to vote okay yes again on the second reading well I don't want to kill it and then have to start the whole process all over again cuz then it just it just it can it can be tabled it can be continued it can you know we would have to we might have to read vertise it but that's the only thing okay all right thank you Council vice mayor Abel along with these changes is there going to be a procedure in place that's going to bring about more frequent updates from the businesses about what they are doing yes this new this new program that we are implementing is going to make it so that they can go online every year they'll be able to go in and update themselves at this moment currently they would have to physically come in here redo an application send all that information in whereas each year they're going to get a link sent emailed right to them they'll go into the link it'll take them right into their profile and it'll say do you have any changes and then it'll walk them through and it'll ask every year for those items that they are calculated on it's going to ask them for their inventory it's going to ask them for their employee counts it's going to ask them for any state licenses and and Etc anything that would need we would need to have um and that we are required to have so really streamlining the process yes very good thank you that is the system that we have now or the system that we're moving towards the one that we are moving towards so that is one of the things we have we got the they pushed out a a tester phase I guess for us and that's where we've been starting to run these revenues so we are we got it about a week ago and we're starting to look through each of the different businesses we've picked a couple in the main categories each category we've done each of those four main ones and everything is very similar and if it's not similar it's lower okay council member sh yeah thank you is there any with within our ordinance is there any any teeth to requiring businesses to update we can say please do this and what what is it it states that we are able to uh not only are we able to request the information we are able to audit them so we could send code out there to audit them and code would take care of that correct all right other questions Good Very very good if there are no further questions I will ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida amending the oh on second yep sorry an ordinance of the city of Temple terce Florida amending the temple terce code of ordinances chapter 14 section 14- 72 schedule of local business taxes to be paid tax levied payment required and amounts to be paid providing for severability providing for codification repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict here withth providing for an effective date Madam clerk is there a motion to approve on first reading move to approve first reading ordinance amending code section 14- 72 local business tax second motion to Second discussion just the only comments I have we already said next reading we'll have a visual presentation and we'll hopefully have some more precise forecasts yes sir very I can I request as part of M Fernandez as part of this presentation that you bring in maybe some business examples it doesn't necessarily have to be a real business but just an example of a business and what the impact would be maybe example old system new system just for more visual Clarity absolutely other comments if not all those in favor say I I I opposed no Nays motion is ordinance is adopted on first reading we'll appear for second reading of public hearing on Tuesday September the 3D 2024 thank you Miss devie next is a second public Hearing in second reading of ordinance 1568 enacting article 4 section 16- 95 and 16- 96 city of Temple Terrace code of ordinances prohibiting camping and sleeping on public property and rights of way we'll open a public hearing and our Deputy City attorney Ernie Mueller is here to explain good evening Council mayor uh just a quick refresher we're here for second reading this is uh as we all know there's a state law going into effect October 1 which is going to require the city to address people sleeping on the right of way and and public property um and what this uh ordinance is doing is setting forth a procedure and a process for our Police Department to handle those situations here for any questions thank you Mr Mueller other members of the public who wish to comment on this item seeing none council member questions for Mr Mueller okay very good if there are no questions I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida creating article four camping and sleeping on public property and rights of way under chapter 16 of the city of Temple Terrace code of ordinances creating section 16- 95 camping prohibited exemptions creating section 16- 96 sleeping in or on the rights of way providing for applicability and separability repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict herewith providing for an effective date very good council members is there a motion to approve on second reading excuse me ordinance number 1568 enacting article 4 section 16- 951 16- 96 prohibiting uh City Temple ter code ordinances prohibiting camping and sleeping of public property rights away second motion a second discussion of the motion if not all those in favor say I I I opposed no nay ordinance is adopted on second reading thank you for your work on this thank you chief for your work on this uh next is Council business uh carryover business is a consideration of potential street art locations and it says that I will explain this so I guess I'll take I'll wing it how's that so uh for anybody watching uh the city oh I don't know a year maybe two years ago but at least last year we decided to start a a small um contribution in our budget or to program some money in our budget for public art and um we're still working on the bugs in this but we're going to start displaying public art in some of our buildings here in City Hall um the rec center of the library uh Lightfoot and U display some of art from our local artists and part of this campaign is also wall murals you'll see some wall murals going up on some of on this building and some of our other buildings like local welcome to Temple Terrace kind of stuff um in addition to that we're talking about about pavement murals art murals at prominent intersections within the city and so in moving forward with that staff has identified um a few locations that we could consider for our first pavement art under this program we we already have one but the first one under this new program uh so we have a list of locations um and it's like everything in government it's a little more complicated than it seems because we had to consider how old is the pavement is it due for repaving are we going to be doing storm water projects or utility work in the area we don't want to put down a beautiful art mural and then dig it up next year to put a water pipe in or something so we have come up with our staff has recommended to us some locations and the following locations are for our consideration are white way and 53rd Serena and 52nd Serena and 53rd or Mission Hills and 53rd and I believe that we are here to select one of those to be the first one um this doesn't mean that the other four were no particular order but we're looking to pick one of those four locations to be the first one and so are there members of the public that would like to provide input on this okay I see none so council members which one council member Chambers okay well I I brought this up to the Arts count Temple Terrace Arts Council on uh T last Tuesday's meeting and uh they liked all four and well there that's the backstory they liked all four uh it was kind of torn between uh White way and 53rd but really the first choice and I kind of LED that so it I'm kind of may have influenced them to be uh a Serena and 52nd which is the entrance to our city right by uh uh the park there uh the uh Merit of whiteway in 53rd is that the intersection to Florida uh to City Hall here also it's the intersection to Publix I mean everybody goes down that that road so but it is 53rd is not the entrance to the city it's the 52nd is the entrance but there's Merit to that so my suggestion just my suggestion would be uh a 52 and Serena first the Arts Council feels with the money we have left and it's somewhere between $3 and $4,000 that it could possibly get to this year here so maybe we could get an order rank on that so okay but anyway that's that's the Arts council's recommendation and my personal recommendation Mr B you see anything wrong with the council picking one and two ranking them in that order that way we don't councils council is willing to move forward with yeah that way we don't have to the procedure would be the Arts Council again is in the in in the middle of it uh once the location is picked they will go out and do an RFP for the artist to uh get proposals and then the the whichever the final Design's coming here first I mean before it gets done we will approve the design of the the artwork so it's not just left to the Arts Council did I hear you correctly that in your opinion Serena and 52nd should be number one and maybe white way and 53rd should be number two yes and when I say Serena and 52nd you know the the park is on between 52nd and 53rd so we could we could get both those out of the way I mean not in the intersections but we could kind of get one closer to the middle of the park if we want to do that okay Council I concur that's the conclusion I came to as well I like that best y I like white way at 5 um 53rd second I like seren were you saying between 52nd 53rd on Serena in the middle the par the park is more on the St okay all right I concur okay I just thought we should do it wherever we have the most traffic that would see it so I whatever the recommendation is from yeah well actually I I don't know if the police never have ever done a traffic study out there but my my gut feeling is 53rd in whiteway has a little bit more traffic but uh white way used to have and I I've looked and I didn't see it but it used to have some brick uh fake brick at the entrance uh on white way coming in from there and I don't know what the paving that just happened if that all went away might be gone I think it's gone so we used to have an entrance feature there uh my my only I mean I'll if that's what the majority thinks then that then the ARs Council I'm going to follow your lead my only thought while you were talking is that if we do it at Serena in 52nd 53rd everybody's going to give Tampa the credit for this nobody's going to realize that this is Temple Terrace they're going to think that oh look what Tampa's done um I don't know yeah but not not a bad point and 53rd and white way seems to get quite a lot of traffic through there um and uh 53rd and white way has been redone and there are very find crosswalk so it kind of makes a border uh for that if that's a consideration I'm not against it I farbe it from me to go against the Arts Council but it seems like white way in 53rd has a lot more um anyway did I hear you correctly vice mayor Abel did I hear you correctly um um council member Chambers when you said that there there's the possibility of maybe doing two at this time or did I misunderstand that it depends on the uh it depends on the cost of the artist the paint is pretty much standard uh I don't know what that would be but an artist may an artist May charge a th000 another one may charge 2,000 so it just kind of depends on what we get on that but it's this is not the only one we're going to do we can have this kind of list and there's money in next year's budget well I was I was going to say we're pretty close to October 1 when we're replenishing this fund so I don't see why we couldn't do both of them right we could do that yeah I I because even if there's none of I mean if we approve it today by the Mr city manager the money the remaining money is going to have to roll over because uh is that what you were just talking about yeah we were just talking about that because these are fiscal $24 so um if you could encumber it before the end of the fiscal year that would be the simplest option otherwise we would have to figure out a way to uh we could fast trck at least get the artist agreement right in there but I don't know if I have time to get it on the agenda for one of the September meetings to approve the design but if we had an artist agreement with the design to be approved later doesn't that encumber the funds seems like it would we could encumber it anyway right they were going to do it also the other the other wrinkle here is you we have programmed the same amount of money in the fy2 budget too so you do have that there are dollars 25 as well so if that was a concern even by passing the resolution to approve that the general project we could encumber the the budget at amount can't we okay well let's not lose sight of the issue before us let's pick the location the issue before us is to pick the location do we have a motion and then all the money stuff is not what we're here to decide that's for recognize right so yeah but we may need to have Council action in order for them to do that that's my only concern they know where to find us okay right so am I correct in this so we're just trying to decide the location that's as far as I was concerned and then you guys can get together offline and figure out how to encumber counil meeting we'll have we'll have it okay Direction yeah okay so both Serena and white way and 53rd yes right yes number one so uh I move that the first public art street street public art location would be Serena and 53rd or close to the entrance of the park on Serena possibly between 52nd and 53rd and then the second street art location would be white way and 53rd second Motion in a second by council member schist any discussion all those in favor say I I I oppos no Nays you got some fiscal stuff to figure out we got it okay we get done any other carryover Council business I I have one thing yes council member Fernandez and it's really just it's really more for the public and that is um for those of you anybody on social media and you see the Temple Terrace bulletin board or you see people posting things to Facebook and they're asking questions specifically about things happening in the city um the some you know sometimes a building project might come up and I just want to make sure that for people listening that they understand city council is not supposed to answer you on a social media platform so if you have questions regarding City issues or or things happening in the city I urge you to contact the city staff or a city council person directly so that we can answer your questions U because we are not supposed to be responding to you on a social media platform so that's it good any other carryover Council business I have one no I don't under this any new business or board reports council member Chambers right it it's along the same lines of the art project uh I hope people notice the art in the hallway of uh City Hall uh uh the art that's there now is what is our called our practice art uh the art Works have been uh donated uh for this brief Time by members of the Arts Council from their homes and everything uh some other other art too from some city employees uh it's up there it was a learning process so we could learn how to hang them how the the hangers work the locks the lights all that uh it's up the name placards about uh each piece was put up this afternoon so it's out there so on the way out look at it it's it's it's pretty nice in the we we hope to have new artist work in December uh an all calls going out I have a presentation to make to the Hillsburg County Arts Council on September the 3D to get the word out to the local artists so we can start our program so thank you any other new business or board report I have one quick thing to report I just really proud I want to brag about the city a little bit you know I I go to the Florida League of Mayor conference and Florida League of cities conference every year uh League of Mayor conference is one day and then it rolls into FLC the following days and so the way this conference is conducted is there are breakout groups many of you have been so you know but the public your breakout groups you choose which ones you want to go to um this year I went to I don't how many you just pick which ones you want to go to and and every one of them that I went to I'm sitting in room with mayor council members from all over the State of Florida big cities small cities and every Workshop I went to we were all over what the speaker was talking about Temple Terrace was already out in front of it we knew about it and some cases we had already drafted an ordinance about it we had already restructured our Public Works we had done different things I didn't go to one single workshop and I'm sad to say this I didn't learn as much as I used to learn CU we're on it and and used to be i' spend the week going around saying oh tell me what you do so I can try to take something back now people are coming to us and saying oh you've already drafted an ordinance on that would you email that to me or what did you do with this or how did you get how did you achieve that and that folks is all due to the work that you have done the past couple years we've asked more of you you're working harder we know it um but we are out in front we are no longer I I spent there was a room I went to was probably 75 different people in there and they were talking about the ordinance we passed on second reading about the new homeless law that came out that takes effect in October there were probably 50 people in there that that was the first they heard of this they had no idea what the cities were required to do and what this meant and truthfully after the end of it I'm not sure they knew much more than they did at the beginning but um so I I can't tell you how proud I am of the work that all of you are doing uh it really has it it just shows it really does I'm very proud of you so and that's it city manager well thank you Mr Mayor for those comments and uh good evening everybody uh so I have one item on the in the backup and that is the quarterly report uh actual versus budgeted financials we we we tried to get this in uh last one or two meetings ago and we had the other the bulk of the reports but as you can imagine Mr Ingram was pretty swamped with the budget so I gave him a pass uh so that's in here if you have any questions either he or myself or U red answer Cil member schisler good no question good first time in history Mr s had no questions about a financial report anybody any questions okay thank you that it that is it all right City attorney I have nothing to report nothing to report any other business to come before the council council members anything directors you just want to go home right thank you again for all your hard work it goes uh it is not unnoticed and and very much appreciated so we will stand adjourned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]