so good evening uh everybody and welcome to our strategic planning meeting uh it's nice to see everybody here I'm sure the employees are getting ready to Mutiny against us for having you late two evenings in a row apologize for the planning on that but thank you all for being here um so we are very uh fortunate and honored tonight uh to have Dr Rick will with us from the Muma College of business over at USF uh Dr will is extremely accomplished in this Arena and has become a a friend of mine through connections with both uh USF and the USF Federal Credit Union where he is chair of the board and I think most of you know my wife is involved in the supervisory committee over there so um through that U many discussions have taken place about the strategic planning process that occurs at the at the credit union each year and Dr will was gracious enough to offer to do that process for us and so I don't take up a ton of time and embarrass him with his lengthy resume but uh we are very very fortunate to have somebody of his caliber uh to walk us through this process and there's a great deal of work that goes into this on his end far more work on his end than on our end so thank you Dr will and I'll let you take it away put the council to work as soon as I can get to that that working part I am aerius Professor Meritus at the University of South Florida which been I actually retired in July of 2020 and then went back to work and after my year of sitting out I went back to work uh just working with dissertations in the Muma College of Business uh Doctorate of Business Administration programs uh for the last couple years that's all I've been doing is working with with DBA candidates on their dissertations uh should have been finished in December but we've got one that hasn't quite finished yet so hopefully we'll get that one accomplished by the end of May and I don't know whether I'll be working on the next Cort but I hope to be the process we're going to go through tonight is uh based on um Harvard style discussion cases and if if you know any well Harvard hasn't been the best in the news lately our our program director uh DBA program director all three of his degrees are from Harvard Bachelor his NBA and and his DBA and he is the one who started the DBA program at the uh Muma College of Business and he has been my mentor to actually uh teach me how to do this and we did it initially as to bring industry into the classroom we we brought in issues with the credit union uh technology issues we brought them into our senior level under graduate classes to see how uh what their take was on what our technology offerings were like at um the University of South Florida Federal Credit Union and they were incredibly unfiltered and let us know everything that we were doing wrong and everything that we needed to be doing and we ran that case probably for two and a half years and at the end of three years we accomplished everything that the students had expected from online technology Etc at the University we've run cases on on student run Marshall Center Etc I approached uh Dr Brandon Gil the program director I said really want to do in industry for industry I want to do this in the boardroom for the boardroom you know for our uh strategic planning session as it turns out it's it's it's really a pre strategic planning session it is it was for us at the USF Pho Credit Union an opportunity for the board to actually live up to its expectations from our governing body the banks have FDIC we have the ncua uh National crade Union Association and it's basically the idea is that directors should provide direction for the credit union we don't carry out we don't do the rowing of the boat but we provide the direction and then um I I we started that in 2013 we did it in 15 we did it in 17 and when we did it in 19 our president CEO came up and well actually in 27 we used to do it jointly with with management and then in 2017 I said I said we're we're going to do it without you yeah so so we basically excluded management from sorry Carlos but we excluded all management from from the uh discussion case that that we held and so we did it again in in 19 my president CEO came to me he says uh he said re he said you really can't do this every every other year anymore I said really he said no he said he said we need you to do it every year now I said well two things I said number one I said technically uh you don't actually get to tell us what to do uh number two we'll be really glad to do that for you so we've done it 1920 21 22 23 and we'll be doing it again this year and in 21 we actually published how we did the the discussion case So for anybody who wants a copy of a discussion case that we we did it's not as it we've refined it since 21 but it got published in 22 so it had to be based on the 21 it's available if everyone's interested I can I can give you the link and you can kind of look it up and and see the entire process and we do a lot of different things um uh some of which are required by uh not required they expected by people who are uh that we respect in the industry for performance excellence and the State of Florida it's the it's the Florida Governor's award and performance excellence and often called the Sterling award and the USF Federal Credit Union actually won that uh award and so uh and it's based on Baldridge criteria if you're don't Malcolm Baldridge performance Excellence criteria so that's the criteria that we use actually do all of this um we did go up for the baldre uh we did not wi the national bald award at the credit union and I just helped um one of my dissertation students uh looked at why why we did didn't actually accomplish that and she and I are were working on a presentation for the for the credit union management that's not quite so academic and we're also trying to uh get some papers published on actually what what we saw as where where the the disconnection was between us and Baldridge at the time so this this process has a a a solid grounding in in literature and Academia and and and Industry we uh there there's a form that went out to uh the uh to collect information to the council um and it asked for your input which reviewed Mission Vision Values and for competencies we looked at SWAT uh uh Str weaknesses opportunities and threats a lot of those things very familiar with everyone the thing that might not be as familiar is the what we call critical success factors uh it's definitely not new it's not from Harvard it's actually from the Sloan School of managment Massachusetts Institute of Technology and it has been used uh throughout the years it's pretty old the last time I saw it really used probably 2008 but and that is what we that was the last kind of input that we we got from from the council members that will be the basis for what we're going to try to accomplish tonight and tonight we're going to try to accomplish giving strategic suggestions to Manny to Carlos your entire team as to what does this Council want to see done and we'll say over the next three to five years and then if there's something that's more immediate we'll talk about priorities uh we we've tried to do 10 years out 10 years out gets pretty fuzzy uh the three to five year Horizon seems to be what what fits pretty well we can think in in in those terms and then if there's anything that's more critical and we'll see if we can't asate that start what's going to happen is I'm going to write down the Strategic suggestions tonight which when we get to it I'm gonna be standing up I'm G be writing on the board I'm writing on these on these little stick up I'm G to stick them all the wall I'll I'll take pictures of all of them and then I will actually code them and then send them back to the council to make sure that it is what my interpretation is actually what you want communicated uh to City management as you know and and if for those of you who've read some of this uh that there there are some distinctions between duties and responsibilities and the the duties and responsibilities of the council this is where Andy got me okay he he says you know councils are a lot like boards this was at our strategic planning session that we had at the very and I don't know an hour later I guess and he convinced me that yeah this this this really is there's a lot of similarities in the way councils work and the way boards work because you um although I think there's there's probably more integration with Council and in the implementation of things that with boards we uh and here tonight we'll probably stick with what do you want done and not how to do it you guys can work on the how to do it at a later point in time but tonight we're going to just try to focus on what you actually want to done and you actually take a look at um you know for background information the swap that was really great great SWAT information but it's pretty much background information uh the the criticisms of SWAT are it provides okay we going identify what your strengths your weaknesses the opportunities and threats are but it's not actionable there's there's nothing in swat that tells you okay this is where we want to go this is what we want to do where are we headed with this it gives you great background information and tells you maybe what you're capable of doing or where you need help in getting you know U to where you want to go the other thing and I talked to Andy about this um briefly was uh your Mission Vision Values and core competencies uh I I will say we're we're kind of all over the map with that but there there's there's actually a a reason for that I I did a lot of soul searching on uh the first part the the Mission Vision Values and core competencies and it will work to get your input but only after you've gone through a pretty lengthy Grassroots effort to build my understanding is uh and believe you pointed it out it's been a very long time since you've done this before and uh so I talked to our our president CE because I remember the process and it was probably eight good eight years ago or more we the started to Grass Roots effort employees up so employees were involved management was involved everyone was involved in creating a set of core values that we expected everyone have how they were going to be hired uh at at at the credit union how we want to bring rep what what the behavior was that we wanted to encourage Etc the vision and Mission uh Visions don't change as often maybe as as the missions do your core values should not change very often at all so once you get that built and I won say that it probably took a good nine months for us to get that done and I would not expect it to be a lot faster lots of focus groups a lot of different people involved in focus groups there were actually board members involved in employee focus groups so that uh the employees could get the board members perspective on some different things but mostly we were there to listen and offer you know our opinions when they were asked but then it was brought up all put together then the board the council would then review those and maybe tweak those every year and that's really I wasn't sure exactly where we were when I started this and and when I asked all the input from uh Council on what to do with this but I would say that my Rec recommendation start with a Grassroots effort and get this thing built up over the next several months and then maybe have have the council review it after another you another year but I'm not I'm not sure with the with the disparity that I saw and the remarks and there were some suggestions and you know this suggestions there were some like okay this this this is good enough or you so you it was a little um I say the spirit but um everything from it needs to be Rewritten to I'm okay with it so uh I'm sure it's somewhere in the middle but that would be my recommendation I don't want to just blow that off but it's also not necessarily where we need to be spend in time this evening not that I'm really in a hurry to get anywhere either uh interesting uh SWAT that was the next thing that came up and um SWAT strengths weaknesses opportunities and and threats um they were all listed and um I did some some coding of the input for I I did coding for SWAT I also did coding for for um critical success factors one of the things I left out about the one the last few in my last few years of actually teaching in the classroom I taught the um doctorates and business administration course on qualitative research methods where I got in lot involved in qualitative is you not Quant I grew up with quantitative stuff my phds and information systems I'm pretty much a Quant guy but I was converted to qualitative and this coding aspect had really interested me and so a lot of the dissertations I've been on in the last couple years involves qualitative type research but there is some coding and uh for the council members if you're following along this is when you get to most colorful page where we have a lot of different uh issues brought up with uh what do you believe your strengths are what do you believe your weaknesses uh your opportunities your threats and the size actually matters the size just means that more more of you mention that than others and Andy told me something about the Don't Shoot Me Andy I I I thought this was a I thought this was a compliment but you mention that you you believe that the council was very complimentary that they they come from different um perspectives and viewpoints and actually this reflected in the way these things turned out because usually um the strengths you guys all mentioned a lot of the same similar strings Okay so that was that was pretty good and there were 26 unique strengths uh that were actually mentioned but there's 38 with duplicates so there there were this was the most number of duplicates I see it's not uncommon to have you know if we had had more input a dozen or so uh you'd probably see more duplicates than were actually on here but uh so this is this is the one with the most commonality the uh small Community Field uh Council collegiality those those were uh the biggest along with the river your location uh high quality of services your size your agility the citizens response uh you know proximity to urban areas a lot of these things are things you can influence some of these things don't influence they just here you you're in this spot you actually can't change those things but they are something that is mentioned as one of your advantages and I will mention to the council members and and I should have made a note of this the size of these words are only relative within each category so it has to do with the software I use to actually do this but uh a a a phrase that is one size in one category that same size doesn't mean that it was was had more that many respondents in the next category it's all just relative in the single category and in weaknesses there were 19 unique 23 duplicates that means that okay there there there there was there were more people bringing up different ideas about what we is work and then the opportunities probably the most spread out so this this is where I thought okay this this this is where it really grabbed me and said okay this council is very complimentary they were thinking of things that maybe other people that hadn't thought of and so that's why you actually see that 22 unique 25 with duplicates that to me was was very interesting and then finally the the threat um there were two that were on people's minds um that that would will will possibly bring up later in the with the critical success factors but there were 20 unique and 22 with duplicates so there were only two that were duplicated that was that was that was kind of interesting again that just that tells me that you guys really are complimentary of things maybe that other people thinking of again could be also due to the the number of individuals by the way I'm I'm talking anybody has any questions stop me yeah what you got I had a question about um my question was about um use of synonyms or like words that were similar when you made the word clouds did you kind of group things into categories that's that's the coding stuff that I have been doing at the University for and assisting uh dissertations Dr H candidates with for the last little less than a decade I guess yeah so with that is there a little bit of um it's sort of an art um as much as it is a science right yes there's really an art form to that there is something I I will explain when I give there critical success factors because I actually combine some things and it it actually had to do more with a software limitation because I I I was sitting there going okay I want I really want three of these things but it wasn't going to fit on the page so so I I'll I'll explain that when I get to absolutely quality that's the uniqueness of qualitative research um so yeah we try to train the students to look at what those similarities are and then we do groupings and actually that's what we'll be doing tonight too because we will come up with strategic suggestions and I'll be writing those down and then I'm going to group those but I'm gonna send them back to you guys for confirmation on whether I you think that's the right place for them thank [Music] you and I will probably remind you again there's um a section in here on strategy versus tactics and um my purpose here today is to stick with strategy we're we're you're the council you set strategic direction for the city uh and you you get your input from your constituents on on who you're representing to try to make sure that that actually happens the howto I understand that councils are a little bit more involved than boards are and necessarily there's certain aspects of of how to get things accomplished but we're going to stick with strategy this evening what do you want done because if we get into how to do it we're going to be going going down rabbit holes and we're not going to get very far this evening so we're going to try to do our best to stick with strategy what you want done and we're going to avoid how you expect this to be accomplished we get that list of strategies we can work on prioritizing those strategies then you can get with Management on how you actually want to have that accomplished but I do believe that there's uh some directors and actually your your Council handbook or city of Temple terce handbook on the separation of Duties between the council and the um city manager so we're going to try to stick to that as as best we can this evening merth to your point if if you turn to the uh it's page 15 where we have the critical success factors I did not put but there were 27 unique ones but there were 35 County duplicates um the big ones were enhanced communication and uh there was actually three but there actually to your point that you raised earlier there are enhanced communication there were several sub criteria that actually came out of enhanced communication so I I combine that there there was dialogue with citizens okay enhanced communication when you're when you're dialoguing with citizens enhance communication by surveying your your citizens to find out what their issues are what their concerns are the third one is enhanced communication by enhancing the distri distribution of information how you get it out there in a better fashion so you so you you guys actually gave me three of them that fit in that one little category it's not little Cal good category um City infrastructure investment was the next one um that had the biggest commonality and then we get into several Transportation modality improve environment natural resources uh financially viable golf course and expand influence in local schools that doesn't that just means it's on your mind okay it's really on your mind when when these things start coming up but I can tell you from experience the the other ones uh they they were just mentioned once by someone and that doesn't mean that that's not going to be the highest priority item that turn into a strategic suggestion it can but that's when we're going to have hopefully a lot of lively discussion very shortly the rest of the material that was handed out to you is kind of supplemental stuff I was I had to educate myself on a few things having to do with municipalities and uh so I kind of dug into some of this and found some interesting uh information from the United State Census Bureau on selected social characteristics and they compare Florida with Temple Terrace I don't know if you you took a look at that in the back but it's really kind of interesting and so I included that mainly because I was interested in myself and I would think if anybody would you know eventually you if this becomes a publication uh in the future this would be something that would be pertinent to okay what what was the status of Temple terce at the time when you were actually looking at all this information um I didn't filter any of it I just put it all in here uh from the Census Bureau and then there was something called quick fact I thought that was kind of interesting but I will point out one thing because I remember it being on and I'm not sure which council member actually said this but remarked that uh um Temple terce had a highly educated Community wonder if that's true and it's very true I looked at the just compared with Florida the the number the percentage of people with college or graduate school in the state of Florida is 28.6% and tempal terce it's [Music] 43% that's pretty remarkable bachelor's degree in higher I mean if you look at that was just one of the things that caught my eye because it was it was something that one of the council members had actually mentioned and so when I was looking at the US uh Census Bureau information I was wanting to information that would confirmed that and guess what it's confirmed you guys in Temple ter are brighter than the rest well more more Highly Educated let's put it that way my brother has a bachelor's in economics I ended up with a doctor in Information Systems a master's in Business Administration and an undergraduate degree in engineering and my brother's a smarter one so I may have more education but that doesn't mean I'm the smarter the smartest one in the family so what we like to do and this is where I us to sit down and I understand our cameras if there's anyway make me look better I really appreciate Brian's pretty good Brian's pretty good yeah you know if you could just kind of fuzz me up a little bit that probably would help so actually I do like to have a little bit of fun with this so I I know I can pick on Andy and I think I can pick [Music] onbody but I'd like to use the critical success factors if you turn to that one that probably gives us our best best starting point we're trying to come up with what is it that you think that the city of Temple car needs to be doing in the next three to five years to ensure Prosperity success the city of temps just one thing well we're going to start with one thing and and and what we start with may may end up you know somewhere in the priority list I have no early idea uh when if if y'all are stuck and and don't come up with anything I'm going to be going back to this list of the critical success factors and and going through them and trying to pull out see what what you meant by some of this stuff what you know what's your time Horizon on this when you expect to how you like one of them is a strategic goal setting how you you know want to revisit that often do you want to do these kinds of things I have no idea and you might not either there you see the results from this all right what do you got well one of my first thoughts is evaluating potential annexation potential annexation yes okay not necessarily for sure annexing but giving it a very High consideration okay investigating the indexation and I know that one has got to be on the list somewhere okay strategic annexation plan okay and I'd say there's at least someone else that was interested in there if I remember [Music] correctly jump in guys why are you bashful you never bashful C so the the go first time I sat in with u management always did a a a run through the day before we had the joint strategic planning session and one of our facilitators caught me I I was ready to go out and hop on the bus and go visit parts of Sarasota that's where we had the session and facilitator came out and said well Rick aren't you st for this was invited yeah I I this is for man so they actually um he said well you really should be here and the president CEO said yeah you know so I sat next to the president CEO and if I I did not ask a single question first part of the day until after after lunch and first part of the day if I had a question I just I texted it to the the president CEO and then if he thought was worthy he would ask the question and then at a lunch time I was talking to one of the vice presidents and they said well we weren't sure what to do you know was it was so intimidating to have you in the room with us so I go I said I'm intimida I can't even intimidate my undergraduate do this how in the world am I intimidating a senior level executive te said this is nuts so anyway they they got comfortable after lunch and they just start asking questions directly they just didn't care because I was there to help them present do a better presentation with the board and get to the Strategic issues so please you got go ahead oh I'll go I'll go ahead and say it we really need to work with the golf course to help them um find their financial footing or something okay so the the the financial viability of the golf course yes needs to be on the stret P yes and I'm going to guess based on the conversations I've had with the council that this is not a fiveyear thing this is not a threeyear thing this is more of a pretty soon yeah okay I can blame two things I my misspellings up here one one is uh one not an attorney okay so there's that and uh my oldest daughter used to use it as her excuse well my dad has a doctor and he doesn't know how to spell and then I I can always use the attributable uh apparently to Mark Twain which a lot of folks are mistakenly attributed to Mark Twain he said I never did get much for a man who could only spell a word one way so you see Miss spelling I'll I'll correct it later okay maintain a strong employee pool maintain strong a strong employee base employee base well I don't know what to say on that uh Mark Twain didn't have anything for that one and uh but to maintain a strong have very competent employees and keep them retain them here I don't know how you want to say it help me out guys say maybe hire and retain quality professional development yeah but all that not only that I mean professional development salaries recruiting Sal ret retention with salaries insurance I mean the whole package to maintain are very good employees attract and retain skilled employees because all of that I would like to retain and then attack if we don't retain so right all of that all that oh employee Focus what Manny's read to have employee focus and what some of the things that you want them to concentrate on are what it's going to take to main employe what you what you need to to have professional development for them us competitive salary and benefits and that might directly Rel to detention something that is on our I will say that's a commonality you Andy pointed out a bunch of commonalities one the commonalities uh the board has my apolog my apologies for comparing you know municipality city of Temple ter to USF Federal Credit Union but we have had m g from what I would say dismal protention rates to some of the besten rates also has to do with I want to add things unless you agree this engagement Employee Engagement is probably one of the biggest Factor we can able to see you know besides comp salary business let's add it let's add it let's add it and um from experience if you do go back to do Vision Values for comp the Grassroots [Music] up all employes for employes all dou andion organ what else is on your mind we need a better citizen Focus not better but we need to to to improve our maintain and enhance our citizen buness okay now by that I mean um communication um accessibility um and there's so many little things to me that come underneath of that review of our policies Rie a l polies or fees at this type of structure uh issues both residential and Commercial so I mean this is this is a hard this this almost like sh no this is the whole no this is the whole category talking about and and this is the one that kind of went under enhanced [Music] communication I'm off on this but communication okay and you the first thing I believe you mention was citizen focused okay citizen Central focused and by citizens Focus can you can you elaborate on that a little bit what what is it that you water from I'm not saying that we're doing anything particularly raw with it what we're doing but in order for us to be a successful organization city right City management we have to make sure that everything that we do focuses on the Citizens First okay Public Safety sanitation Public Works the whole rights every every every aspect of it has to be uh focused on and the citizen has to feel that they are included in that that they are the settle Forks again I'm not saying that we're not because we make sure we have to make sure that everybody everybody recognizes what we're doing and and the citizens may not be aware that the council is citizen Focus yeah a lot of citizens don't get excited about anything until something goes wrong or doesn't or isn't benefitting them okay uh we had uh city council last night we had what three citizen citizens there three non directors and and and and attendant um if we had been talking oh I don't know what up or something 3 weeks ago we had 25 or 30 people there uh for various various iny issues okay um I've had people tell me Well we don't we don't know anything about it we don't know what's going on we haven't heard so you we need to I think we should look into better communication back en force with the citizens citizen engagement just like you did Employee Engagement yeah citizen yes engagement exactly you know we have how many open board positions do we have volunte you know it's some of these are tough to keep fill you 25,000 28,000 employees yes 27,000 citizens and we have 50 open POS or 50 positions on boards and we have open know ideally we have none we had people clamoring to be there we had three four positions filled last night but two of the same two positions were filled by the same person so it's hard to get it's hard to get the citizen involvement and engagement really like of Citizen citiz Focus heard one is I actually started out United States Mar when I came to the University of South Florida and I know that was s she not in front of the faculty Council St decision myself is going to be asking the question is this in the best interest of our is this in the best interest okay so C Focus see what Avenues are available to increase citizen engagement yes uh through dialogue through distribution of information I have one um customer service perhaps customer service all right you're stealing one I didn't get a turn sorry I thought we just shouted out answers yeah please do please I I have one that's related to the stuff we've talked about and it's kind of we're thinking the same thing I'm sure it's related to that although in addition to that I would expand that to include our business Community I don't know if that would be embedded than that or another but they are constituents and and not residents but they're stakeholders in the city as well well a lot of them are residents a lot of them are but the the next item it's related but not quite the same thing would be in my mind and let me explain it and then we'll figure out how to put it into two words but organizational Excellence is what and what I mean by that is has a lot to do with the both of these things what I mean is that our our processes our ordinances our rules or processes for a citizen to pay the utility or to get a garbage account or to get a building permit or a fence permit all of that needs to be customer facing and lean and agile so that and and I don't mean we give the farm away our standards are high and they're high for a reason and I don't want to water down the standards because sometimes the answer is no you can't do that in Temple Terrace but we should make our organization as lean and as agile as we possibly can and we're already working on some of this but I think that we need to have a processes in place that guarantee continuous process Improvement not just a one and done because what happens is we update an ordinance we update a policy or procedure as the problem arises we are got a room full of pretty smart people and we always have so we fixed the situ situation to to address that particular issue but there's no organizational learning we're doing it was the person involved in is ad hoc decision making it was the person that made that decision and addressed that issue made probably the right decision but if that person is not the same person the next time somebody walks in with a similar problem they might get a different answer and we don't have good mechanisms for the or organizational learning to occur so we have an issue with the fence okay what was the resolution how does the organization learned from that and so I still think we need to continue forever in continuous organizational Improvement there need to be processes in place where we are driven back to re-engage our processes to see if they're still relevant and maybe that's policies that expire in 5 years and have to be read addressed and maybe re renewed whatever that is but I I'm really focused on the organizational excellence and I know our city manager is U they we've already made a lot of great strides in that but we can't let the guard down on that and that has a lot to do with the what you're talking about Gil the customer focus the citizen engagement so that they get the best possible service for every tax dollar they spent and it also has to do with the employee Focus because the professional development impacts the service that the citizens get um so put that in two words um I'm I'm going to where you go Andy um mayor Ross uh um okay I no I'm actually I'm I'm going to steal I'm going to steal something here but uh you have a gigantic category here I don't can you green doesn't show up very well I'm um I I was I'm going to steal something from USF Federal Credit Union and one of the things that we do is we always I always give all of the volunteers uh it's not just our board but it's also our supervisory committee that's involved in our strategic planning sessions and I always give them the last two years of our strategic suggestions that we hand over to our senior leadership team uh this was one this is just one page and it was from 2021 this was from 2022 which went out this year they'll get the 202 well they've they they approved the 2023 one but they'll be reminded of it again and there's a category in here for process improvements and and just is because it's down at the bottom doesn't mean it's a lower priority it's um and it's it's been an interesting one and with some conversations that I've had uh with both uh your mayor and your city manager is the looking into process improvements via it it's actually the Baldridge criteria but I believe you're looking at possibly the Sterling the the governor Sterling award and there are different categories uh for these Awards I mean there's a healthcare category there's education category I don't know there's different categories that that you would actually compete in government being one of them and process Improvement the criteria um the the Malcolm Baldridge National criteria is what the Sterling Council used es and that is very focused on process Improvement and if you are if if the council is behind this and want management to focus on that that's a that's a long list there under process Improvement you wanted me to get two words that's those are the two words process Improvement but there there are there are so many different things in process Improvement um a lot of it has to do with exactly what you just said documentation uh and making sure that it's consistent across all levels of the organization and the different divisions in the organization and I can tell you from experience that's not easy to do this is this is the not this is is not a six Monon fix this is not even 18mon fix this is a journey that that you will go down and it it will be eye openening um I've been about process Improvement my entire career uh as a software engineer I was one of those people who uh pretty much wanted [Music] to shov change down everybody's throat but my own okay so we were into making process improvements where we thought that they would work fit better in the organization Etc I work in systems analysis and design taught it for years it's about process improvements it's about it's about making processes better and I don't think anyone in the room has been absent in in some kind of interaction where you're thinking to yourself there's got to be a better way there just got to be a you can't I can't believe this is how I have to do this and maybe that's you're echoing maybe some frustrations of your citizens that are going I can't believe you just I I called here I got transferred here then I went there and uh you know and I I I got it's I thought I was talking to the IRS because I got a different answer from every single person that I talk to process Improvement it's it it's going to be a lot about documentation it's going to be a lot about consistency uh in that documentation and the processes involved but that's that's that I I'm just going to tell you this this is a journey and so I always thought that there was never ever going to be a lack of Need for information systems professionals because it's oh there always a better way there's got to be a better way to do some of these things so I thought we were going to talk about the same thing but we didn't so I'm sorry I cut you no no problem and it is related I totally agree about the process Improvement and um just it's kind of a continuous thing and I feel like with the city right now we're really on this upward sort of good energy you know improving and it's easy to kind of rest on your laurels and kind of plateau after that but with process Improvement um I want to say institutionalized it kind of keeps the inertia going uphill I feel like so that I think that has a lot of power and potential um that said I I would like to see customer service on that one right there if you don't mind and I think it's all part of the same thing do you mind talking about that a little bit just what you mean by that and what kinds of sure kind of I mean it I know the words is self-defining but I'm kind of interested to hear more what your thought I mean this it's going to be like anecdotes and stuff okay but yeah you know someone reached out to me and um she had a um uh she she was paying the city double for for trash pickup she was in a condo and she was paying her condo association um the money for trash pickup um there but she was also paying the city for years So eventually she realized the mistake and she tried to get it fixed so she went through more than a few people to try to get that resolved and it didn't get resolved until um she came to me and I said okay we'll take care of this and it went through Carlos and it went through you know the people who could fix it and she got her money back she was so happy and I was happy too but at the same time it's like shouldn't have taken that long you know it shouldn't have been that long to resolve and I feel like she kept running into dead ends like you said maybe the IRS or something rather than your local government so that anecdote makes me think like you know the first person she talked to when she called should have connected all those dots and made it happen but maybe they didn't have the tools to so that's the kind of thing I'm thinking about thank you or he I didn't know if it was she or he um have to ask the question uh customer service um do you have any kind of metrics that you look at when you're evaluating um the city's customer service no but we're talking about that okay um post engagement [Music] surveys um those kinds of things we have talked about okay okay some of this is a reminder to myself to make sure I I get stuff put put back into a form so that you can review it and say yeah this this is what we talked about but customer service metrics you need some okay I U I want to bring up our Public Schools public schools okay we as a city do not have control over our Public Schools the school district of Hillsboro County controls the the public schools however per our census we do know that education is very valuable to our residents and we are not getting the results that are very attractive to the majority of our residents and I know this is like a a third rail issue but I sent all of my four children to our local public schools and I was the PTA mom at all of them for a really long time so I'm not speaking of do as say not as I do but the feedback that I get from a high number of residents is Disappointment in the local public schools and not being a body that has direct influence I don't I don't know what the answer is but I think it's an issue a lot of people move either choose not to move here or move out if they can't send their kids to the local public schools and they can't afford to do a charter or Magnet or private school situation so which I realize magn Charter are not necessarily financially but the parents may have may not be able to make the arrangements to get their children there so I I just it's something that to me I hear a lot about it that was brought up by someone in the in input um and I was curious about how that actually gets accomplished because I heard it and I realized that the city of Temple Terrace is inside the Hillsboro School District and what kind of influence do you actually have there or what are the Avenues for actually increasing your influence um which may require an increased level of Engagement by the council increase level of Engagement Maybe by some of City management I do have someone I can ask I mean I don't I have some thoughts but I don't know what the the actual technique would be to achieve a a greater level of influence I know in the years past that the school district likes to tell the city that they're doing great great things but when you actually look at the the measurement the metrics they are not effective or they may be effective for a short period and then the district stops whatever it was that was causing the Improvement so and I know that not one single School Board member needs to win the city of Temple Terrace in order to hold their seat just so I I don't know what the actual strategy would be to achieve the increased influence but I mean I have some thoughts but I they're not necessarily making everybody happy well I I I briefly asked that question of my son-in-law at my grandson's performance over in pelis County only because my son-in-law happens to be the superintendent of schools for pelis County and I said um you have a lot of different cities here in pelis County how do they get engaged what do they do to become more involved and un fortunately I I I I got kind of uh very crowded very noisy and I got the little elevator uh answer and I and I did not follow up yet but I'm can see what I can find out I mean it's not Hillsboro County but they they may work they may have a I want to comment on that Rick cuz before we put that in there I I first of all I mentioned it in my response so I completely agree that this is an important issue to the city of Temple Terrace and to its attractiveness for new residents I I don't think anybody would dispute the importance of that my question is in this process are we making strategic priorities for another organization because I mean we don't control the school board we don't control the school district this is like making the Strategic priority for management of the credit union to impact IRS policy I mean well it impacts us why can't we have some influence why can't we yeah but how increase what what are we going to give the Carlos to do that's going to affect I that's what I said I my thoughts nobody wants to hear what I think we should do but I think that we can start by reaching out more in a more direct way and asking for more concrete responses I'll give you the example the bank Street program brought that into Temple Terrace Elementary with great money and Fanfare it actually brought the school up which Temple Terrace Elementary was hovering between a d and an F maybe occasionally moving up as far as a c that program brought that school up to an A and then it stayed within an A and A B and guess what that program is gone and was that a program that we brought in it's not but we didn't we didn't make a big stink about it we just okay the school district said that and we didn't necessarily as a city say to them well now the school's back down at a DNN F and you're you're killing our our attractability when you had something here that was showing measurable results and we didn't come to them and mass and say you you know why are you doing this why did you take this out but wouldn't would that be Carlos's job though or our job well but we're talking about not necessar we're talking about right now things that we the question was what do you think is important for the future viability of this city that's what we're talking about that's why I brought that up it's not necess I don't know what the specific task would be but to me that's as important to the viability of the city as looking at future annexations or the the financial health of the country club because most we are a very family oriented community and most people when they have children or going to have children look at the schools where they're going to move so it's a really big factor in the viability of our community I don't I don't disagree with that the only thing is the the end product that we're developing here is a product that we as a council give to City management to implement those problems that you're talking about in my mind anyway I I'm just one person but those problems in my mind are action items for the elected officials to engage not City management I wouldn't expect Carlos to be calling the the superintendent of schools about that I would expect me or you or somebody on on behalf of the council well you can take it off but the question was just well the question that you started this was what is important for the future viability of the city that was what I took what what what strategies do you want to you know give to City management now the strategy okay and is is if you investigate avenues for increased engagement which may be pointed right back to the council and and so this can be a strategy to to let's go investigate you know what are our avenues for this increased engagement so that we can have more influence but again I mean it it it it may not be anyone in management that is actually going to be able to do that it it could just come right back to the council has to do that yeah along with that and I think there's something we can give management to do on that is a lot of it is perception too we have a lot of perception about our schools and we have a lot of good things that's happening now King High School Greco we heard the other night but it goes back to communication how does our citizenry know that uh can we start incorporating some of the school stuff into our our City Communication whether it's the newsletter U online or any of that stuff to help promote just like we do with other things in our city little leag any of that so maybe that's something that can tie into communication um you know you keep hearing bad it's going to be bad you start hearing good it could change that just a thought but I go back to touching on what the mayor said as far as what we're doing here I think that our our goals and so for have to have reasonable expectation of something that we can do to accomplish it and I believe that you know we've been we fought this we fought the school district for 25 years okay I was one of the I was one of the first people of the school support School Improvement task force back in 1995 so it's this this is not something new this is something that we've been fighting for a long long time so but you know we do do things for this we do have the school support committee uh I know the mayor has reached numerous times with the uh um superintendent and so forth but uh I kind of agree we're we're working on things here that we can actually do and influence and have control over them and and to uh give the administration expectation we want that to increase Public School influence I agree that's going to be us it's going to be us us so I don't know how you would incorporate that into well I say us and the council represent Council uh engagement s Rick I don't know how that gets included I mean I I'm not disagreeing that it is an important priority for the city I just don't know how it is an actionable item for on my list too yeah but I guess you can figure that out thank you my pleasure well the whole deal is see I I don't I don't take responsibility for any of this I I get it down I take responsibility for getting your ideas up here and I'm I'm going to summarize them and get them back to you you are going to verify them and then once they're verified then well it is an important I mean as you can see so okay I think yeah off this subject onto something else uh mentioned a lot City uh infrastructure investment we talked about annexation but somehow to Foster very long range planning for our city and what I mean by we have a six-year Capital plan we we know that but a lot of times sometimes you end up just trying to survive dayto day and not think 10 years down the road for example we've done a good job now we've identified property for Fire Station 3 and the police station down the road but you know come across I don't you know a year prior to learning we don't don't have enough water capacity to think and plan and also with budget and stuff to know that when is this building going to be renovated again U more than just a six-year plan start fostering that mental uh to look way long range I don't even know how to say it other than that but develop the policies for that and budgetary too to know that we're going to have the money in 10 years to do something that needs to be done instead of an emergency um long range you mentioned six years well the city currently has a six-year Capital Improvement project where they budget six years out okay uh I'm looking at more strategic than just the dollars more of uh you know where are we going we're going to need this facility in 10 years yes right sooner or later Mr langfield's going to run out of Park acreage to meet his comprehensive plan in the same cor but the same way when Mr tench is going to run out of water capacity and you know we do a good job uh I I when I say we do a good job I when the police are accredited fires accredited all that's figured in with them but all the Departments aren't don't have those standards and and just develop something Citywide for that I was definitely not aware of the of the Year range but yeah that's helpful but um how does this capture the the long range City infrastructure investment that's you this is something you want to to see something I see I'll give an example in the six-year plan probably the department heads know what they need to replace pool pumps or police cars or whatever but are they thinking towards are we replacing them with solar car you know solar power on the buildings uh technology that is just barely being talked about as someone forward thinking on that that's the the the thinking I want to try to and I know we have that it's just how do we put that in a policy or a program maybe like does that make sense to you guys yes like seek out sustainability well I don't know thank you guys for helping me with that appreciate it I don't know that you can say something that you want a long range plan of technologically advanced they you could say now right now solar is becoming a little more popular but but maybe 10 years from now hydrogen power is more popularly but you're not going to know that until it happens right it's up to your point where we should possibly do don't throw it just an inventory of what we've got okay life foot's going to be have to be replaced in 2050 or you know the fire station or this or city hall or whatever the age and the expected time what's our expected life life cycle for this uh so that you know we can think at least be thinking about that going forward that's a good point I I think that's that's something but again it's process Improvement it's just one better tomorrow than we are today I think we kind of nibbled around the edges of this perhaps not thinking of the big picture though we we' talked about a master plan for the downtown CRA which we've not t talked about yet we've talked about a master plan for the city hall property so I think we've kind of nibbled around this but I think youve on to something you know how old are these buildings what's the expected but it's not it's the process of trying to sometimes just taking the time or have the ability to think outside and just start brainstorming of what can can happen in the the city and it goes even to customer service and it goes to everything you know just we need to have we need to have policies and stuff in place so the the staff can also not just survive every day and we have that now don't get me wrong but I'm just continued that you know forward thinking you know to your point back in was it 2016 2017 when ABM was want to come on board and they did they did a survey of all of the equipment and so forth so we knew going forward this AC needs to be replaced that needs to be done and this needs to be done and it and it prevented to play wacka ball you know for for these building mainten so quite possibly you know for the for the the bigger cap of items would help in future plan um and you know a 5-year Horizon is one thing but a 25e horizon they do it with the comprehensive a plan for the caby you know maybe we should start looking in that direction it's not going to be an immediate issue but it will help us in more term well this this is really good discussion and I'm I'm we're getting to a point where Rick and I talk 100 times about this we're getting to a point where this is the discussion that I was hoping we would start to have where this body the council would start to think strategically big picture longer rang and we're not supposed to get into the day-to-day stuff this but these are the conversations that in my opinion we haven't had enough of over the past few years anyway because we've been busy reacting to things that right get thrown you know we can't ignore I mean we have to react at these things but we've not had the freedom and the luxury of having enough time to have these discussions about where do we see this city in 10 years or 20 years what is it that we want it to look like in 20 years is it going to look the same just with a Fresh coat of paint or is it going to and and uh so thank you for this is good discussion I think well one of the areas that I think then that goes under staff activity would be creating a comprehensive development plan and I I don't I know we have the CRA but this comprehensive plan that I'm thinking of would be very marketing centered and have a lot of analysis about the demographics of the area what that attracts in businesses what what our demographics are interested in and I know we've Al we all saw the the master original master plan uh but a more practical development process where we we know what would actually succeed here and we know how to Market this city to that potential development or developer um because I don't think we've had that I think we've been operating from a place of Wishful Thinking from the shetes that happened I I don't I don't know how many years ago and and then a place of having so so much debt that that encumbered our decision making so I I think that I mean I'm an accountant so like I think that kind of financial planning would be very helpful I don't know what you call that I'm I'm trying to summarize what it's kind of strategic planning for for development not just the Redevelopment but development that would kind of be our comp plan sort of but I think your thoughts Encompass a lot more than sure well there is the comp I'm just you know when when budgets are tight and you're having bad times then all you're trying to do is survive and you can't think ahead and we should we as a council should be putting things in place I don't know what they are that we ensure of course we can't burden future councils but some way to make the that that we're not going to have to worry about closing building because we planned ahead that that the we don't have to lay off staff I've had to do that years past and it it's it's tough uh but anyway put things in place to ensure not only financial viability in the future but also the ability to plan and all that and I don't how this I can't we can't put anything I don't think in place to tell a future Council what to budget how to budget but maybe we can I don't know you can they can always change it no that's true but if we put the processes in place where they they the staff that did not support me with five years or six years um but that they have uh the ability to plan and submit that in for the for the future even though there may be some budget constraints I don't know if I'm explaining it very well no I think I I don't know if everybody else I'm far okay and they can change it and they should be able to change it because circumstances change and but if we build a good plan it's a good foundation there's a direction that we're going in which I think we've sometimes lacked we had the shet for the CRA but take the downtown part out if you asked anybody when I came in Council except for the downtown where do you see the city going organizationally in the next 10 years I you would have gotten six different answers I mean there was no still um well hopefully hopefully we're getting better on this I think you mean six different answers from each council person or well maybe that too I um sure okay so um I I think this goes back to there's there's a comment that I I may have mentioned before in our old budget books there's a comment about how Temple Terrace is a bedroom community and I think this gets to what you're looking at are we truly a bedroom because if we're a bedroom community what we're saying is we don't want industry we just want single family homes for the most part some shops barber shops things like that to support that and a supermarket and to your point we're not but what are we so what are we going to Target so what is our marketplace right so what do we want to go after uh is it realistic that we're going to go after Microsoft and they're going to open a you know 400 campus here no because we don't have that but there might be something between the bedroom community and that that and that type of development that we should be able to Target so that I think that's something we can we can definitely look at in terms of figuring out who we are from an economic development perspective and we where we can position ourselves now you all have done a very good job already in terms of for example our largest economic driver in this are as USF and we have somebody from USF here too so you know app propo but doing more looking at them as an economic multiplier you know for industry for patents or things like that we have Telecom and that's why one you know we've had and some of the staff knows that here we've had requests from owners of property and Telecom to do Residential there and we have been very very adamant that that's not a good idea because we there's so little land left for us to grow industry to grow Commerce and we got to cultivate that land make sure it's there so that when there's appropriate target market and we can tap into it we have something to offer otherwise we've got nothing annexation also plays into this I think it's tied into that because you know we still have some vacant land to our East and how do we want to position ourselves to develop that land and I think that's part of this conversation as well so in in that same logic I think one of the things I've heard from you is that you don't want to be that bedroom community so we took that language out of the budget so it's not there anymore but that's just one little thing I mean we need to think bigger than that um and I think our team is geared up to do that um you know not to say we may not have to ask for some outside assistance for that but this this is the kind of conversation we need to have if you support us doing that that can drive us in a completely maybe not completely different but largely different direction that maybe the councils have had in the past you I want to talk about that statement a minute and I'm not saying we didn't do it but an example in the in the you know 30s 40s and in the 50s we were not considered a bedroom community because it wasn't a bedroom to anything it was when the University of South Florida was built and a lot of the professors started moving out here uh which is how my family came here we were the bedroom community what I want to do is have us or the thinking enough to figure out years in advance that we're not going to be a bedroom community than to figure out that we quit being it 5 years after we quit being it that's the the point I'm trying to to say to to that point five years ago nobody here was have thought that Amazon in the city need um annexation annexation you got 301 the whole 301 Corridor we have all of East Valor AV okay that we could you know potentially go after that would accommodate Telecom Park there's a lot of airing you get you get the two Verizon buildings or one's GT the other at this point but um you know who's to say we couldn't get a a Microsoft type organization here as as as an incubator well considering how much they work from home now you might not need as much and that's changing yeah we're we're in a changing uh business environment um that's why uh I I felt that uh the business Community is very very important to us for the next 50 years okay as far as growth goes um maybe it's time we and I know probably staff saying my God but how how the hell are we going to get all this stuff done now maybe it's time we come into a professional development or or a uh future development type ofart and I don't know what you would call it but uh you know that that you know Greg and all his people his multitude of staff to be working with you know um in in in business development going forward so it's it uh this is this is this is good discussion I I really wasn't kind wasn't too sure on what we were going to try and accomplish here tonight but uh are we doing strategic planning how how grandular where we going to be getting and this is good 35 40,000 foot Lev stuff but uh that every every one of the items isn't next year isn't the year after it's 10 years 15 years down the road but it's stuff that we can't lose focus of like if we could do all these things but if we lose employee Focus then that deteriorates then customer or citizen Focus deteriorates because you ask anybody in the city who's our most important people police fire public works okay and and and and trash and and and and sanitation everything else so it's uh I I don't know most you guys I'm old enough the old uh uh Tim cot done better done all the plates in the year at one time Sunday night on at suiv this is I reminiscent of that is a lot that that you your people have to to keep the plates to keep in the air and we just added about 10 more for you so that's no I don't think we did no no but just say no but the analogy that's a great analogy the analogy is you have to think what Plate's going to start to slow down next and take an aead to go get that plate otherwise it all fall yes and with this this discussion I know we're we sound like we're wrapping up and I hope we don't but they they might uh you know we we sit at Council and we we get presentations and we approve resolutions and ordinances and I seem sometimes I think we are doing that and it's at that moment we're doing something we're approving the budget for the next year but we're not doing anything looking years down the road and this tonight is looking down the road so that's just a comment and I'll be quiet because Mark Twain said I'm done I I just I have one more item that's similar to the business Market Community analysis and that has to do with the life work balance which kind of my thought is Recreation but how are we planning for the trends that change so a couple examples examples one we have tennis courts but now pickle ball is really important um we have our Little League field but now so many kids play travel ball and the Little League experience is not the same and we have uh things that are Trends and how do we how what process so I guess what I'd like to say is I'd like us to include in the planning process for you can't adhere to every Trend but to keep to keep a planning for what meets the needs of the citizens that live here that want to live to make them want to live here we have a great Rec Center we have great Parks we have we have so much Green Space we have all we have a lot of things but what are how do we where's the process how are we planning into to the Future For What will be important to people but that goes all along the same thing when we going to need more police planning for the future when do we need more fire when do we need more code enforcement staff it's I think this is a terrific strategy that we I think this was a good one and now I if I understand the process correctly this gets on the list then we prioritize the list and we this and then we have discussion about because this is going to involve us obviously but then we'll talk about well how do we do I mean do we schedule quarterly planning meetings of the council just to talk about like this you know semiannually how does that work and so there is a role for City management to play in that like okay how do we get this group together to talk about these things on a Ono basis so if you remember when I first started I said this is more like a pre- strategic planning session this is to get the strategies out the priorities out and begin a communication with the city manager on what it is you want done I did a lot of summarizing I I didn't want to cut off the conversation because you guys this is like ideal when I don't talk uh but uh and James I believe you were you didn't mention this but I think you were talking about scenario planning to and there was some emphasis on okay well what if it's hydrogen what if it's something else what if what you know do we have are we planning for different scenarios that might come up it it's one of the harder planning efforts to embark on because you it's it's well it's it's a lot of wha ifs and it often times seems like a luxury because there's so many more concrete things we need to plan for uh which you do have to plan for but if you can make time for scenario planning the different things that might come up and how you're going to possibly deal with them if you want me to take this off I'll be glad to take it off but I I that's what I was hearing not exactly those words but I'm good with that one okay and then I also heard market analysis I mean that was my translation we we need market analysis we need to identify and address citizen needs you got to identify what their needs are before you can actually address them so I I think the council's looking for some kind of Market analysis to to be able to to make better decisions about that and then what I heard was you know Vision then I gez okay yeah Vision what do you want city of Temple Terrace to look like 10 years out whoa that's that's that's fuzzy that's going to be fuzzy but it doesn't mean you shouldn't spend a little bit of time on that maybe when you you know when you get in your your actual strategic planning session have a few ideas okay about what you think that vision would would look like and I think that needs to come from everyone uh the council needs to think more about what what that vision is going to be City management we'll have some ideas about what that Vision could be and then you could kind of come up with okay well here's some scenarios there's possibility that is you know there there's a lot of different things that are going on in close proximity to the city of Temple Terrace Rick we have nobody has brought up and I suspect because it's like so obvious to us that we don't really need to talk about it because it's so obvious but the CRA our downtown Redevelopment project right um we are still working to bring that to conclusion and truthfully I I for one think that we're going to have to Pivot on our strategies on that a little bit because we're not attracting what we want but that's tactics not strategy I'm sorry didn't I I I think we're probably need to talk about pivoting on that a little bit because we're just not attracting what we want and I think we need to re-evaluate what the possibilities are and then figure out some strategies to try to get it cuz we're not just hoping for it hasn't worked um but that is critical to um the life of the city too right now that property it's not killing us because we have enough money coming in to pay the debt payments but so it's not dragging us down but it's also the center of our city and it's not really doing anything for us it's not adding any value to the life of our city it's not in fact it is hurting is because it looks like blight I mean we got vacant land down there in the core of our city I I think it's um really on the I mean we're not doing a priority list yet but I think that has to be up there towards the top of our list I mean that project needs to we need to do something we either need to get settle on something that we can all agree on and afford or we need to start looking at different strategies cuz putting it out on the market and just hoping that we're going to get what we want that's not working and we've been patient we've had two or three different Brokers we've marketed it different ways to different audiences I have marketed it myself to every restaurant here within a 100 miles of here I have taken people down there and walked it I can't tell you how many countless times and the problem is not that they don't like us the problem is the demographics don't support the kinds of things that we would really like to see if if we want to put Apartments there we could do that tomorrow if we want to put a McDonald's or something there but we all know that that's not what we want and so um anyway not to get him its tactics but I think that's got to be up there to me that's part of the the market analysis yeah yeah I agree yeah so yeah what's what do we do what's the real situation give give us some facts where are yeah yeah I agree I just think the market analysis should Encompass the rest of our commercial space not just the CRA we have a lot of that data already that would not be a lot of that data we already have just trying to get it into two words for you but that word okay we uh to keep on schedule we got about 15 minutes left you want to talk about not necessarily call them priorities but um continuous priorities that are like survival rates I mean what's the fun if you're not playing a little bit of waca I don't know but um only said that to let you know I actually do listen to everything everyone says in the room um but there are obviously maybe some things that you want addressed immediately you want addressed in the next year next 3 to 5 years we've we've got Vision development plans that are 6 to 10 years out okay uh so we can talk about that but this this is just you know for you to decide and you don't actually have to decide this tonight you can I when I summarize this I will get it all back to you and I can ask you for what your priorities are on all that I I found out that parties don't seem to work all that well um in the sense that everything is a priority uh so we just assume that uh whatever we turn over to management is uh is something we want you to get done and you're going to tell us when you can get it done strategic planning in this environment is significant in my mind is significantly different than a commercial Enterprise okay you sit down with a Les controls and have the Telecom per what you do maximize profits okay how do I do that I'm going to increase revenues decrease costs I'm going to increase my sales Market penetration whatever it is we deal with such a plate of spaghetti that everything is all interwine okay now employee Focus everything that we do everything that we do going forward could impact that so we got to make sure that that that that's maintained process Improvement it's a journey it's a long term technological changes we have the investigate annexation everybody here has been involved in that uh you know for for years and years and everything could be going good and then the financial viability the golf course jumps up and it's like well okay now now we've now we now we've got take a l turn because it's going to take time to deal with that so um I guess my my point is that it's it's a little bit different we try to make sure that we keep all the plates in the air and it's hard to prioritize anything over anything else and that's going to be that's that's the wacka ball type thing where we what's the biggest problem at this point so I know I just went Circle back to nothing but it's just it's it's not that at all I I am I am I very pleased I I was concerned we were going to get into tactics this evening so I was kind of prepared to try to keep you out of tactics you guys have stayed strategic that that's very impressive and to uh mayor Ross's point when he was convincing me that uh council is a lot like boards a lot like Credit Union boards because we are not for-profit organization we we are not in all those things you just spouted off I was like okay that that's actually pretty foreign to us okay I mean we we can't run a deficit okay we you know at at the credit union but uh it's after tonight this is so much more similar than I thought it would be uh and that was his your mayor's projections not mine I I was really wondering where the priorities that's why I say you know the stuff at the CR we just gave up doing the priorities we just said okay these are things that are important to us these are the things that we want done and you know tell us how you you know tell us how you you're going to accomplish these things but this Council has stayed strategic tonight and I it's like that's that's sometimes half my battle um I got to tell you something lady that Gil and that sounds corny but I mean it I think if we had to put the single most one single most thing that is our significant strength right now is this Council and I don't mean it's me or it's you or it's you it's what we've accomplished together I think the biggest threat to the Future viability of this city is allowing that to fall apart because we're all going to be off this Council here at some point I me we don't you know we have to raise the bar and we have but we have to ensure that this is the expectation of the community and I don't mean five cookie cutter people because that doesn't make a good counil either right if you get five people don't think the same way you got a lousy counsel but I don't think that's the case here but what we do very well is we listen to each other and we don't get nasty and we don't roll our eyes and we don't you know try to make the other person look bad or stupid or something like that and we all know what I'm talking about that has happened and if we get that again if if we as residents of this city allow that to happen again and and we have to stop it if it starts we have to get a hold of these people who are Will at that time be our elected representatives and say we don't want that knock it off right we don't act like that in Temple terrorists it's not good for the city it's not good for anything and so I I really think that's the biggest threat because it's easy what happens is I've decided I can't stand this new person on the counsel so I'm going to make that person look bad every chance I get and they're going to fight back at me well then I'm going to lure you into one side or the other because right and now we got a 3-2 situation and everybody's right and then city managers don't stick around at cities like that City attorneys don't either City Clerks don't the next thing you know we got our employees right back where we started a few years back where we can't keep people because we don't pay anything we had terrible benefits none of that's true now we're not there yet we're getting better but we're not where we were but that start starts with the five of us we don't attract Carlos's to come work here if we don't have our act together they won't come they won't come go back to Citizen engagement yeah yeah because the more engaged people are they they are going to participate more and it's perfectly acceptable to disagree that's that's expected that's the job and they got to participate in the right way moving the city forward I don't know how many Council meetings I've sat through prior to being on Council like that's going to be three let that's going to be three to two you knew what was going to happen before you walked in the room on any given subject you knew what was going to be what was going to come down or four to one for a while well I mean I'll say this having served on council with multiple different people there were certain people on Council that I was almost never going to agree with and I was probably always going to be voting on the other side of them it didn't mean that you behave unprofessionally just because you disagree but I'm going I'm going to vote the way I think is best so I don't take that as if but it was it's it was more the discourse that came into play as to it was the interaction between the council members to me but anyway I don't think no one can control that we just expand the citizen engagement make sure people are invested it's their Community they want to come and and be part of decision making and Lead You know leadership in the community well we can't stop it Alison we can't we certainly can't but when my successor comes in if I see that person engaging in the garbage that used to happen you can bet they're going to hear from me and and it won't you know I don't not because of the way they voted on any particular topic I mean it won't be because of that they have to vote their conscience that's expected but if we get into that personal battle backstab and making the other person look bad I mean this is this has not Venezuela right well it shouldn't happen anywhere um the the voters do have some influence over that if if and so I but you're right citizen engagement because I'd like our citizens to expect better to to demand better um you know we're paying our council members more still we're at the bottom of the state but we're up at the bottom we were way down here um we need to expect more um I want to answer the one year priority question that Dr will gave us what's our one-ear priority mine is Redevelopment area I think we've done a good job we've got a great great staff we have we're working hard on employee benefits we're working hard on salaries we've got that but I would love to see something happen in Redevelopment if it's a one year thing I think that the golf course yeah the golf course I said the golf course but I know there there's things that are coming coming to happen and I I think that's actually going to work itself out with a lot of work with the city and stuff but I I see an end to that maybe but I don't see any positive yet of in the Redevelopment I think a big deal in Redevelopment is going to be just the just interest rates coming down that's going to be six eight 10 we've been how many economic Cycles have we've been through right it's not I agree I mean I don't know we have we haven't dealt with 7 8% construction interest rates in a long long time but we did have very low interest rates for and nothing happen and nothing yeah apartments that that'll go fast food yes well along with that and this goes back to communication and this is getting close to Tactical and I apologize um but in communication on Temple Terrace Bolton board the last couple weeks has been a very spirited conversation on what the city will put in what the city will put in in the Boston Market yes that which is not us at all and when people ask me that I tell them it's not us uh and stuff but things like that uh you know but that goes back to communication but somehow answering those citizen somehow about that process but downtown Redevelopment for me you know we have an area that's developed that's struggling the corner and then we have the vacant properties we also have a plan for increased pedestrian um accessibility through that area and parks to connect and all of those are attractors looking further down the road rather than like this minute so we have a lot of EX thanks y again it's a plate of spaghetti everything everything is just all over the place you need good metaphors and we love every Noodle and you know it as a statistician told me it's it's the it's not the main effects that are interesting it's the interaction action effects that are very interesting and what you're describing is the interaction effects Next Step plan okay I'm going to take all this I'm going to create a onepage synopsis of it I'm going to send it back to all the council and make sure that that's this is what you want communicated if it is not then you will send me some corrections I and if there are lot of if there minor corrections I I'll just I'll I'll I'll send it back to the mayor but if there are any kind of major Corrections or things that you wanted to add then I will recirculate it again just to make sure everybody sees it and approves it before it moves forward but that and then then it's in your hands well Dr will thank you um for spending time with us and all the work that uh I I know I don't know exactly but I do know approximately how many hours of work you put into this in preparation for tonight and so um I want to thank you for that thank you to the credit union for I guess they don't loan you you did it on your own but uh yeah yeah but thank you they they were pleased that I was doing this at least our our president and CEO was pleased that I was doing that's thank you very much for all that you doing to help usone hopefully the process is not like count you did a great discussion this this this uh this was much better than I had anticipated