[Music] hey he [Music] hey hey [Music] hey [Music] hey hey hey [Music] hey hey hey hey hey [Music] [Music] hey hey hey [Music] hey hey [Music] heyy [Music] to the Fe February 6th meeting of the Temple terce City Council it's always nice to see everybody here I'm sure you love being here after working all day but we'll um keep you as let you out as early as we can I promise so like to remind everybody to please silence your electronic devices and if you would please stand and join me in the invocation and the pledge Lord we ask you to bless our meeting tonight grant us wisdom to make sound decisions for our amazing City we ask your blessings upon our employees and their families may they always feel our appreciation for the work they do we pray also for our legislators and Tallahassee that they Advance sound legislation that promotes the common good of all people in our great state and finally help us to remember that our finest accomplishments only happen when we work together towards common goals amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so those of you who don't frequently come to our meetings we have a fairly new tradition where we open our meetings with a interesting or fun fact concerning uh the city of Temple Terrace or the region that we live in and so uh we pass that Duty around uh down the deis so that we don't I don't have to do it every month thank goodness so tonight uh it's council member Fernandez's turn so welcome thank you um I want to talk a little bit about the golf course a lot of you familiar with the city know that the golf course winds through it but you may not have given it any more thought than that but Temple Terrace is actually the first planned Golf Course community in the country and it's one of two golf courses on the National Registry of historic places so it's actually um a very well-preserved golf course so it was designed and built by Tom bendalo and 1922 on land that wound through what would become the city of Temple Terrace and Tom bendalo designed many many courses he's a very well-known Golf Course designer and designed other golf courses in the Tampa region and designed Temple Terrace um some of you may notice a lot of streets around the golf courses have sky is names and that is because he was from Scotland so he was partial to that area um so the golf course was an attractor along with the river and the natural landscape to attract people to settle here or at least buy houses and come and be part of the winter community that uh people from the north enjoyed in Florida and along with the golf course they created a luxurious golf country club and that club is part of Florida College now but at the time it was the primary place that the people who bought houses the first houses in the city would eat um if you know anybody with one of the older Mediterranean Revival houses or Spanish style houses they have very small kitchens unless you've remodeled them and that's because they were expected to take most of their meals at the club but the country club also was a hotel and it had rooms that people could stay in so um you didn't have to have a house here you could be visiting and the country club was also very involved in the Tampa social scene so there were a lot of parties and nightlife that happened and uh as part of this social scene we had Club Morocco which wasn't part of the golf course but that was a casino which also attracted people so it was it was definitely a happening place um the club house house as aside from getting all your meals there and being a hotel the golf course had our first pro was Jim Barnes and Jim Barnes won the PGA Championship in 1916 1919 the US Open in 1921 and the British Open in 1925 so he was a very well-known golfer so you can imagine a lot of people were attracted to come to stay at the city or maybe even buy a house to learn Golf and play with such a esteemed golfer um in 1925 Temple Terrace our Golf Course was also the site of the I I don't know this was the first Florida open I don't know how long they played it but we hosted the first one they also played at Poma but they played rounds at the Temple Terrace Golf Course and uh obviously that was there were a lot of great golfers that came to play in that tournament um so a lot of our early visitors were golf enthusiasts although you know that the city was started as a Hunting Preserve so I imagine some came just for the natural setting as well um but today many residents enjoy the golf course by playing golf or exercising or walking their dogs on the sides of the golf course um I won't talk about what the teenagers do on the golf course when it rains heavily um but they enjoy it a lot and uh obviously people bicycle around because the streets that the surround the golf course are very Scenic and treelined and of course because we were built so early our style is different and our houses are for the most part across the street from the golf course and not backing up which makes the golf course easily accessible to anybody driving around everybody can see it so um in n in 2012 the golf course became the second Florida golf course to be listed on the national register of historic places which is a really big deal and one of the reasons they were able to achieve this is that our city is built up as it is as it is around the golf course there which makes it very difficult to enlarge it and over the years as golf interest has come and gone we haven't actually changed the course measurably so it's still very close to how it was when it was built in 1922 and that's one of the reasons that it qualified for listing so it's it's still a challenging course I'm I'm not a golfer and I'm I put that course really well but I it takes me a long time to play it so it's challenging for all skill level levels today and it's also a course that people who like to go around to golf courses and play with the Hickory clubs that were popular in the 1920s like to play because our course is so close to the original design so um that's a little more about the golf course that runs through the community and I hope that was interesting that was great thank you that was really good I I some things you mentioned that I didn't know so Tom bendalo wasn't just from Scotland he was from Aberdine Scotland and I know that because that's where my family's from so I don't know maybe my great-grandfather and Tom's father I don't know who knows so but very good thank you so our first item of business is a proclamation for Black History Month and we have our awesome and uh esteemed principal from Greco Middle School Wendy rald would you like to approach Wendy she is here to accept the proclamation which I don't seem to have I'll be right back okay so let's tap dance for a few minutes oh no no worries no wor it gives me a good time to give you an update right very good well why don't you do that because I'm hearing uh wonderful things about Greco and we have a minute or so while Cheryl goes and gets the the proclamation so absolutely absolutely um at least for me when I think about Black History Month I think of it as a time for reflection so I think about my work and how is my work impacting the lives of students but all students regardless of race ethnicity or socio economic status so I took time and I thought back about when I stood here about two and a half years ago right when I first met you guys um and I was taking over this um Journey with Greco and we had a lot of challenges we had a lot of things to work on um in the first year we worked on um reassociating Greco's behavioral expectations right and really diving into what a middle school should look look like um and we made a lot of progress but we also um had work to do on the educational side and throughout that year I know a lot of people saw what was on the news they saw the the violence um but what they didn't see was we were missing quite a few teachers so we were averaging 12 teachers out a day so I wasn't really surprised when we um had a d as our school grade that next year but what we did that year was kept all of our behavioral expectations but we poured into our teachers and I know we talked about that how can we support them how can we make sure I can't pay anybody more but how could I work on that work life balance right so and the working conditions so we made sure we provided all the supplies teachers needed site-based PD we paid them for planning we planned during the day like we really took a lot of barriers off of them um and I know that's why we were able to improve our school grade from a d to a c and happily I just got some good news on February 1st that we are an official IB World school so we were officially authorized so it came perfect time your email but I was just really thankful that you guys were able to allow me to come and give you an update in these couple minutes before receiving the proclamation well that's wonderful I I heard about that progress this week and so congratulations to you and your team I know it's been quite a journey for you so thank you thank you for all your work there and thank you for being here tonight to receive the proclamation the proclamation reads whereas black history month affords special opportunity to become more knowledgeable about black Heritage and to honor the many black leaders who have contributed to the progress of our nation such knowledge can strengthen the Insight of all our residents regarding the issues of Human Rights the great strides that have been made in the Crusade to eliminate the barriers to equality for minority groups and the continuing struggle against racial discrimination and poverty as we journey toward a more United Nation let us use this commemoration ation of Black History Month to serve as a reminder of the need for Meaningful dialogue and shared commitment to actions that uplift and Empower all now therefore I Andy Ross by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Temple Terrace and on behalf of all the city council do hereby Proclaim February 2024 as black history month so you like to say any comments about this well thank you I appreciate um you allowing me to come and speak this is a wonderful armor thank you mayor Ross thank you city council this is awesome I'm really happy we're very happy to have you so there's only two we stand up here try not to break the camera here I do this all right thank you thank you thanks for being here you don't have to stay I know you [Applause] work next item of business is an appointment to the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee there's one regular member vacancy on the bicycle pedestrian advisory committee for the unexpired term of Dennis Barber the city received one application from Brent Buffington Mr Buffington is an active cyclist uh he's been a cycling event organizer in Tampa Bay since 2019 and currently runs Tampa Bay Riders a Cycling Club uh I think Mr Buffington is here and would like to say a few comments would you like to approach welcome sir thank you yeah I'm looking forward to uh serving both on the Temple Terrace committee and also for Hillsboro County as our representative um I actually grew up in Temple Terrace and as a kid rode through the streets and so I'm very familiar with the city and um recently my wife we and I we just bought a house in the city back in September so kind of coming back home again full circle so excited to uh serve our residents and uh City on these committees so very good and another USF connection too I believe right yes yeah I did my undergrad at UCF which I know is O but uh did my masters at USF so very good another USF connction so we love it so thank you very much is there a motion move to approve B Buffington for The bicyc Pedestrian advisory committee second any discussion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no n congratulations and thanks for serving the next appointment is related to this uh there is a one member vacancy on the Hillsboro County Bicycle pedestrian advisory committee for the unexpired term of Jamie Morris the city received one application from Mr Brent Buffington uh for this also and just to clarify for the public the first appointment was for our Temple Terrace City Bicycle pedestrian advisory committee this one is for one member of that board to represent the city on the County's bicycle pedestrian Advisory Board they have almost the exact same name so it's kind of confusing but uh so that's what this is so is there a motion to approve the appointment of Brent Buffington as a member of the hillsbor County Bicycle pedestrian advisory committee move to approve um Mr Buffington for the Hillsboro County Bicycle pedestrian advisory committee second motion and second discussion all those in favor signify with i i opposed no n thank you again Mr Buffington so Madame clerk um if we can get this information to the county by tomorrow tomorrow we can make their cut off for the BCC agenda okay um they're going to put it on the consent agenda and that would enable Mr Buffington to be at the next bpack meeting instead of the following month so I I talked to them today about that but we have to have to they're holding it up so we have to have it in early good next is an appointment to hillsbor County Historical advisory Council uh there is a one member vacancy on the Hillsboro County historical advisory Council the city received an application from Marissa Robinson uh Miss Robinson is a longtime resident of the city of Temple Terrace and currently serving as the city's representative on the hillsbrook County Historical advisory committee Miss Robinson is also a member of the Temple Terrace centennial celebration committee again for a little clarification because there's several organizations that share the almost the exact same name so she is on the city of Temple Terrace's C Centennial committee she's also currently on the Hillsburg County Historical advisory committee this would be an appointment to the Hillsboro County Historical advisory Council which is the group that actually votes on delegation of the of the funding so little confusing because everybody's got the same name so is there a motion to approve the appointment move to approve Marissa Robinson to the hillsbury County Historical advisory Council second discussion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays don't see Marissa here but he'll see her in the morning please thank her for her volunteerism one more appointment this one is to the hillsbor County Plumbing Board of adjustment there's one member vacancy on the hillsbor County Plumbing Board of adjustment the city received one application from Michael Williams Mr Williams has over 30 years experience in the plumbing trade he most recently served as the city's representative on the Hillsburg County Plumbing Board of adjustment I don't know if Mr Williams is here or not I don't think so okay is there a motion yes uh move to approve Michael Williams to the uh uh Hillsboro County Plumbing Board of adjustment second motion a second discussion all those in favor signify with I I oppose no Nays Mr Williams is appointed uh has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes of our January 16th city council meeting and if so is there a motion move to approve second second I don't know who won that one okay seconded by council member Fernandez uh any corrections or adjustments to the minutes if not all those in favor I I opposed no nay the minutes are adopted next we have persons wishing to be heard on items not listed on the agenda or items on the consent agenda um there are forms in the back of the room for anybody who's present that wishes to uh address the council I currently have two but there's time if you haven't filled one out yet uh there is a three minute time limit imposed on all comments from the public uh we do ask that speakers speak only from the podium and that they begin with their name and city of residence so I have two currently the first is Mr Allen sheer good evening sir Mr mayor council members do I hit the this button no should give your name in Street near in City alen Sher U uh North 52nd Street Temple Terrace uh I've communicated with a number of uh representatives of the city council the issue is my uh neighbor to the South Miss Tatiana Ooa is uh putting a a up a spite fence and um she has um repeatedly tried to get us to to move the spite fence will not only block our view but it will also uh destroy the fern Hedges that are on the on the property um she has repeatedly encroached on the on the property by throwing n numerous pieces of junk um and O over the fence line as well as onto the to the grass the um she has uh trespassed on the on the property uh to uh throw this junk as well as to try to DeMark uh What uh she thinks is the property line based upon a survey that she had which dates back to 2015 which is incorrect cor uh as we purchased the house in 2022 and had the survey done so our survey is is more accurate and and current so we asked the uh the uh Council um and the uh uh to uh to stay the uh permitting of the uh of the of the permit uh from the uh Miss Tatiana cha who resides at 12406 North 52nd Street thank you Mr sector next is Mrs Anette Ren M renie I've been not resuing dogs today so um Annette reny 9512 Woodland Bridge Drive I'm here to ask Council to please put a sign up at the preserve what is allowed back there and what is not allowed Thursday night last week my friend who was going to be here Lindsay which has family in town saw a drug exchange between two cars um we found drug paraphernalia we found alcohol bottles back there and you know we found animals that are being ditched we also have a guy who goes back there and sleeps at night in his car and then gets out early in the morning as well as a truck that comes on Sunday I guess cuz he thinks no one's going to be back there with motorcycles and uses it with full-size motorcycles not motorbikes but motorcycles so if we could get a sign and a security camera not a camouflage camera but at the entry and in the parking lot I think it would help because it's really getting bad and there are neighborhoods surrounding that now we have DR Horton we have our neighborhood and we have rolling Terrace and it's all being seen by people so please consider a sign and security cameras thank you you are there member other members of the public who wish to address the council Mrs Snelling I saw you look like you were going over to get a form good evening give a little update legislative update um Ellen Snelling Temple terce and I just wanted to give a little update on legislation um regarding Delta 8 THC and um I came here about two years ago and you're the first legislative body that I spoke to about this issue and you're all very um helpful and gave me some pointing me in the right direction and since then I went to the County Commission and now um Tallahassee for the last couple years so last year what happened let me just kind of give a history I this is for you um Skittles it's a Delta 8 THC it looks exactly like children's candy but it had 250 milligram of THC and it sold in convenience stores and gas stations and this was back in the day when it first started very confusing any child would eat this um so a law was passed last year it started to be in effect on July 1st and they are not allowed to Market like this anymore um no marketing to children and age 21 for sales but here we are and there's still a lot of children as well as adults going to the emergency so I've been going to stores in timle Terrace as well as Tampa and just to give you a couple examples this is um thca now it's not just Delta eight there's about probably 20 different forms but thca uh rainbow worms this really shouldn't be sold because it's worms which is supposed to be not acceptable any kind of an animal shape and then the rainbow colors but um 1,000 milligram so this this was 250 now it's 1,000 and that was a few months months ago and then the latest I found is this is 7,000 milligrams just in one package and you can see the bright colors and fruit flavors very still very attractive to Children um and then my last one it has a picture of a slushie on it blue raspberry slushie and just one there's only one in here has a th000 milligrams just in the one gummy so um I've been bringing this up to Tallahassee to talk at legislative committees and there's two bills working their way through um s SP 1698 went all the way through both Cate committees is ready to go to the floor and it does set a pretty strict limit on THC none of these products would be legal if it goes through all the way and signed by the governor and in the house um 1638 has gone through one committee has to go through two more so just wanted to give you an update and thank you all for your your support right at the beginning of all this thank you Mr snowing thanks for your work on this appreciate that other members of the public okay very good we will now move into public hearings uh first up is a public hearing and first reading of ordinance 1559 adopting rezoning of folio 2762 d00 and addressed as 609 whiteway drive from the r10 zoning District to the pqp zoning District I'll open the public hearing and ask anyone who intends to speak on this matter to please stand for the oath administered by the clerk you're ahead of me you to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth all be I do okay very good City attorney would you please PLL the council for expart communications um if any member of council has had any expart communication regarding this matter please State what that is now um if you have received anything in writing then a copy of that needs to be uh given to the clerk for the record and that would need to be done either now or as soon after this meeting is possible um I'm going to start with um council member Fernandez and if you have received any exp parte communication then you need to state with whom that was and what the sum and substance of it was and when that took place let me begin I have none I've had none I've had none to my knowledge I have mentioned this project in group Civic during presentations but I've never had a back and forth conversation from any of those audience members okay so nobody has contacted you to discuss this no okay I have had none had none thank you very good community development director Mike Sherman is here to explain good evening Mr Mayor members of the council so tonight for the council's consideration is a request to amend the official zoning map from the r10 single family residential zoning District to the public quasi public zoning District on approximately 4.8 acres of land uh located at 6009 White whiteway Drive uh and that is the city's um utilities facility service center as well as we have our uh water treatment plant facilities behind the building itself um this zoning map Amendment will allow for the Redevelopment of the existing facility uh and um this will improve customer service for the utilities and Engineering departments and it will relocate Our IT department out there as well um the intent of the project is to construct a wind rated hardened facility to house administration maintenance Personnel within the water and wastewater sections uh as well as I said the engineering and IT staff um so this is a general area map the map on the left shows the location on white way uh drive it's um as I said the current zoning is R 10 the proposed zoning is public quasi public and it's um about 4.8 Acres these are the property informations information for it the applicant in this instance is the city of Temple Terrace utilities department uh and the proposed use is to upgrade the facility um to provide better service to our citizens and to have it hardened uh here's a surrounding uh zoning districts and uses this is squarely in the middle of an r10 District which is a single family zoning District the r10 district allows for some public type uses um so it's not an a it is a conforming use it's compatible or consistent with the comprehensive plan in the existing zoning category it is right now um and the purpose of this District primarily I said is residential it does allow for some um util or city bit City facilities as well as healthc care facilities um and what we're trying to do is rezone this because we feel like it's really a better zoning District um the Quasi uh public quasi public District really is for larger um uh public uses and this since it's a we creating a 12,000 square foot facility the existing one's going to be torn down but we feel like it's really it's consistent the majority of City properties that have facilities like this are uh zon public quasi public um and uh this is would be specifically permitted under the City Zoning District um these are the yard regulations it's going to meet all those yard regulations as well it's got the minimum Acres the width of the road the width of the property at the road um the height is going to be less than 50 feet of this structure and it's going to meet all our setback regulations um it's so this just sort of just a synopsis on why we think we should change it um the change really furthers the a comprehensive plan it's a the the Quasi Public public quasi public Zony district is uh specifically allowed under the future lanus map category of public semi-public uh it's going to allow more flexibility and creative site design and it's one of the things that's important about this is it's got some specific buffering and Landscaping and um wall requirements it's going to protect the adjacent single family residential districts and really another thing is at a glance you know one thing our our zoning map and the future land use map should do is when a citizen or somebody is looking to see what land uses around in the city if they just looked at this on a map it would say r10 and they're going to think it's single family residential the public quasi Public District really reflects more of the city's uses on that property and gives a better idea at a glance of what's going on in that on that site um these are the boundary surveys of the entire property this is a um topographic in tree survey and Boundary survey of the front portion now the new facility is going to be on the northern part of that facility it's going to uh bring it a little bit closer to the street than what the existing building is right now um one of the issues and and challenges we've been having is there's a really massive Oak Tree on that property we're going to do all we can to save that so this is a our our protection plan right now we've showed the building moved out in front of the uh tree and Arbus is working with the um another arborist to make sure that when the construction begins that tree will be protected um and as you can see that's our conceptual site plan um once we get further along and the rezoning is hopefully approved we'll come back with a site plan for the city to consider and you'll see the final site plan the location of the of the buildings the buffers the landscaping and how we have intended to protect that tree uh on November 14th the Planning Commission staff reviewed this and found it consistent with the comprehensive plan staff's recommendation is for approval and first the ordinance adopting the resoning classification uh to change it from r10 to uh public quasi public zoning district and I can attempt to answer any questions that the council may have or anybody from the public thank you Mr Sherman are there members of the public who wish to comment on this item okay council members questions yes council member Fernandez well it's more so that you can have this public but this is really just adding a building this is not changing any of the utility usage and the utility structures on the yes ma'am you're correct this will be like offices um the industrial part where we treat the water that's not going to change it's just this service facility you know unless you knew there was the building gone there's going to be no additional traffic the off there'll be no offside impact so yes ma'am it's just putting a new building the program's really not going to change for that site other questions I have one so I know this building is being funded with um federal dollars that we secured is the cost of this rezoning chargeable to that also or is this rezoning something that we have to pay for and we got the funding to build the building and all the the engineering and all all that but does this cost fold into that I think a lot of this cost is being absorbed it's internal to our staff but yes any costs like this I would contemplate to be like engineering and design costs that we part of the overall project okay so the rezoning is not a financial impact to our budget per se maybe a little bit here and there but not not anything tremendous that I'm aware of nope okay that was my question okay if that's the case I'll close the public hearing and ask the clerk to read the title of the ordinance an ordinance of the city of Temple Terrace Florida resoning 4.8 plus minus Acres of real property located on the south side of whiteway Drive approximately 1300 ft east of the intersection of North 56th Street in whiteway drive and across the street from Ridgedale Road addressed as 6009 whiteway Drive folio number 2762 d00 from zoning classification residential 10 to public SL quas public for resoning 23-3 providing for the amendment to the official zoning map of the city providing for severability providing for repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and providing an effective date thank you Madame clerk uh if the ordinance is acceptable is there a motion move to approve on first reading ordinance 1559 adopting resoning folio 2762 d00 weight weight Drive second motion a second discussion of the motion I just have one comment I'm going to be anxious to see how you guys preserve that tree that is a weird shaped o Live Oak in the front there it is but it's a it's a live oak that's wild that real like that just all on its own that's got one incredible branch that goes out to the side so I'll be curious to see how you how you successfully do that but good I'm glad you at least working that direction that's our attempt we're going to sure try and save it if we can good very good other discussion okay all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays ordinance is adopted on first reading and will appear for a second reading in public hearing on Tuesday February the 20th 2024 next is a public hearing and first reading of an ordinance partially vacating hin Drive did I say that right hin Drive okay good open the public hearing and our utilities director Troy tinch is here to explain good evening your honorable mayor city council I'm here this evening to actually request a continuance for this particular ordinance we've had a number of conversations as of late with the city attorney's office to make sure that we are vacating the existing rway and also placing a an easement over that particular rideway we have finally come to a solution that we think will work best unfortunately we're not able to get that in time for this first reading so we're asking for a continuance of this particular ordinance to the first uh meeting in March March 5th um I will stand for any questions that you may have regarding this continuance request thank you Mr tinch so we do have public comment portion of this however all public comment is now shifted and needs to be related directly to the request for continuance not on the vacation of the right of way so if there are members of the public who wish to comment on the request for continuance this would be the time to come forward I see one yes sir just please remember we're only addressing the continuance not the the issues right and we just need your name and city of address please hello hello backer 11721 Primrose Lane I was understanding that it was the contous was going to be February the 20th that's all my question is is it going to be now March the 5th we I don't know we'll figure I'm going to ask that same question okay yep good question thank you are there other members of the public who wish to comment on the request for continuance okay so could you speak to that because I think we were going to ask the same thing absolutely so we were trying to again we were trying to get everything put together and now we realize we need to have a a resolution ACC company this ordinance so we're going to need to work on writing that up and we wanted to make sure had enough time to get it through the proper procedures and get it to you in time for review and staff feels that uh allowing that continuance to the 5ifth would better work with that schedule because it is kind of tight we would have to have everything done by the end of this week so that we meet the timelines required for um City Council meetings so that's why we're extending it to the fifth okay does that answer your question sir that's the DAT okay we will also be I'm sorry presenting this information for the Public Notices so when we redo the public notice that information will be on the uh placard that will be out on site okay and also in a newspaper very good council member questions related to the continuance we need a motion we will but now's the time for questions first yes I just have one question council member Fernandez for the parties that are involved in this has has there been any comment about the timing has anybody said that's too far into the future that it that it would impact their their property planning my knowledge there's been no concerns we did reach out to the property owner who's making the initial request and let them know that we would have the continuance and they indicated that would not be an issue that's it questions any other questions okay I double checked with legal today and because we're continuing not closing the public hearing there won't be a new ad for the first hearing so what is being sought is a motion to continue this hearing until March 5th that's correct okay Council and when and when the motion is made it we need to State the the dates so it would be good to state that the first reading will be on March the 5th and that the second one will be was it the 20th 19th 19th on the 19th and state the location and the time so you got that you have the pen okay way to go all right I open my mouth uh move to continue the um first public hearing um the ordinance for providing a partial vacation closure discontinuance a high drive moving it to the 5th of Time start 5th of March with a sec second reading on the 19th of March at city council chambers at after at the 6:00 meeting right second Motion in a second discussion of the motion if not all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays first reading serves March 5th second reading is March 19th I a question or is it too late um we'll try we'll see what the question is I found out today from the city planner that this vacated RightWay highis is a street that's not there it was deed a long time ago but that the the vacated RightWay is also going to extend past 86011 Oleander and those people have never been notified by mail and I just didn't feel that was great I understand the one landowner at 11705 who has asked for this deed right away to be closed their land is so you know their land property exists but they are also trying to EXT extend it past their property line got that landowner at 8711 Oleander knows nothing about it okay well our staff will yep we can address it oh you can address it now okay so we we sent a certified letter to 8711 oaner so they will have the information regarding the the rideway um vacation okay okay I talked to her today she didn't know about it okay nope thanks for being here and thanks for bringing up those points okay um we already passed the motion I will not close the hearing because it is continued not closed and the city clerk had bets on whether I'd remember to do that right or not next is a resolution approving the city's revised land disposal policy for the sale and disposal of surplus real estate and our city manager Carlos Bea will explain thank you Mr mayor members of council so back in 2019 the city council adopted a resolution creating a a policy for how we dispose of surplus property um and that policy is largely centered around going through a competitive bid process and that works perfectly for most instances but there are uh times when we may encounter slivers of property or we're dealing for example with a private property owner who may have a little bit of city land right behind their their basically extension of their yard and has made a request for example to acquire that and it really wouldn't interest anyone else besides that particular property owner or perhaps the neighboring property as well so in those in those cases it seems like the policy we have would be a little bit onerous because it require us to go out competitive competitively bid this uh there's a lot of paperwork involved with that also uncertainty to the person making the request because again they don't I I don't think they want to know now that somebody else is going to buy the sliver of land behind their backyard so uh we also have instances where after different projects we may have again just little Remnant pieces here and there again which wouldn't really typically be marketable um except for people usually in the vicinity or for example if we're doing a transaction with fdot for something we may give up a little bit of land in exchange for a project that they're doing that requires a little bit of space so what we are proposing this evening and I want to thank uh jeie Barlo my executive assistant for actually putting this together she was proactive with this is a policy change that would dictate that um if there are those instances that I just referred to that you would allow me the discretion to negotiate with the parties involved come up with a good faith uh means of assessing a value to that piece of land and then working with the city attorney to draft an agreement that would come to you for your approval so we would never sell land without the council seeing it but the the difference would be we wouldn't go through a competitive bid in those limited instances we would just negotiate this I'd advise advise you of it an in a public setting you'd agree or or not agree I guess to sell it depending on the will of the council so that's pretty much the uh the change we're recommending this evening I'm happy to answer any questions council do we have a lot of these little pieces wouldn't say a lot uh but every Community ends up getting remnants like this over time uh we're actually in in negotiation right now with a property owner who is sort of will be the the test case for this if we make this change um uh again he has a little bit of sliver of land that's left over behind his property it was a a sliver that extended Beyond a series of homes and over time it's been disposed of but this person was left with the one remaining piece so um I I would think M Mr tinch we probably have what half dozen of these maybe throughout the city yeah so Mr be and I talked at length about this the other day too and another possibility um would be if you put out an RFP for some of these and some of it may be just a sliver of land that only joins somebody's backyard and many cases they might not even know it's not theirs already but somebody could come along if they had an ax to grind with that person and bid some ridiculous amount of money to either Drive the price up or to acquire it so that that person can't do whatever so um I remember when we passed this ordinance to begin with it was because of some Habitat homes that were sold that we didn't really approve of the way that that transaction went but we didn't really Envision this when we wrote that ordinance so so other questions yes yes go ahead council member Fernandez so the a bid process is designed so that City residents can know that the most care was given to get the best value for the property that the city is selling so how would we establish a a value for a a piece of property that we may have paid a certain amount of dollars for but on the open market may not be worth that because it's doesn't have the the The Wider Market interest so you know how would we go about establishing that we are using public land in the most Fair way possible and getting the best dollar that we can get under those circumstances so there's probably no one answer to that question because I I've actually done these in my former community did probably two or three of these and every instance was slightly different um I've used for example assessed value I've gone back and look at recent sales in the neighborhood for example using an assess value use a per square foot number um uh We've Bartered back and for not bared but negotiated back and forth with I'll say I I'll go you I'll give one value we'll go back and forth to a number that I think would be reasonable for the community to consider again in a lot of these cases these are properties that aren't they're not productive properties they're just sitting there in many instances the the property owner is probably the one taking care of it to begin with uh maintaining it because otherwise it would just overg groke as a city we're not going to get out and take care of these little these little pieces here and there um so I take that into consideration as well you know the fact that this the property is being maintained and this will only continue because now it's part of their of their of their um uh land so I don't I I can't give you one specific answer what I would say is I whatever means that I would use to calculate that I would put that in the report to the city council so you would have a comfort level as to knowing like this is how it came to this value if you decided that wasn't the way you'd prefer you obviously could do that at the meeting and we could say we could put it on hold you could vote no whatever you want to do but the ultimate discretion is yours it's not mine I'm just going to make a recommendation to you thank you we could also if if there was a property owner that was adjacent to the parcel if they are requesting to purchase it we could also require them to get it appraised other questions okay good discussion is there a motion M toer resolution City uh to uh revising the policy for the sale disposal of surplus real property um to provide city manager with discretion and authority to negotiate the sale second motion is second discussion on the motion all those in favor signify with i i i opposed no Nays resolutions adopted Mr Bea any carryover Council business I have one um item here certainly not in my job description to tell anybody how how to dress and I would not presume to do that however I would suggest that for our strategic planning meeting tomorrow night that I think probably business casual would be appropriate I've communicated that to Dr will U we are having more of a workshop environment of course it's open to the public but it is more of a workshop environment so dress however you want but I will not be in a tie um so any other uh carry over Council business okay new business or board reports I I do have this relates to the public comment from earlier this evening uh first of all Miss Snelling thank you I know you've been working very diligently with this County Commission Tallahassee everything all up and down so uh uh thank you for the efforts that you put forth in this I I I I've seen the the progress that you've made and it is it just shows that with dedication and and efforts you can get done what you need to get done and um I know some of these packagings uh replicas of candy I have little grandchildren who aren't going to read that it's Delta whatever THC and it's they're going to it's a Skittle it's a Skittle so thank you on on on as a citizen thank you for what you've done um my second point it would be uh regarding Miss renny's comments about The Preserve can we do something with us is it is it you know I mean it's how difficult would it be for us to to move forward with this or can we just say do what you can with it so so we have some signage out there today um which we put up several months ago for a different um activity that was raised actually I think my is reny at one of the meetings um we will look at signage the the issue or the challenge with cameras at that facility is that there's no power there so we'd have to bring power from quite a distance away to actually have a we use trail cameras those are those are different types of of of entities I think what what m reny is suggesting is a more of a monitor type camera and that would be a larger investment uh than I at this point would feel comfortable recommending to the council um but we will look like what we do for any any of the public we will look into what the public said at the at the meeting here um we'll talk to Mr lfi and I will probably talk tomorrow about this and we you know we'll come back to you with some sort of an update as to what we're we're going to do that's good thank youcome other new business board reports I have one other item real quick to mention so the bright line proposed um the proposed extension of bright line from Orlando to Tampa I'm sure you've been reading about this um in my role on the TPO and also in our visits to Tallahassee and constant back and forth there there is a an effort to include $50 million in the state budget to be given to fdot to do um work preliminary work in the median of I4 as they do other work on the interstate they would add that to the scope of work to prepare the median for the future expansion of the track um that idea was uh first championed by county commissioner Mike Owen um it is sponsored in the house uh it's not a bill number connected to it because it's Appropriations request part of the budget process it's being carried in the house by uh representative Karen Gonzalez Pitman um I I don't know what the chances are or not I can tell you that the house and the Senate are far off on the budget right now so I don't know um we have talked to Carlos and I talked to representatives from Bright line and about the importance of this project uh and it's important to the entire region I mean obviously the brightland station wouldn't come to Temple Terrace it would come to eore but it is important for the entire region not just Tampa and so um I would like your permission I guess is the right word to write a letter in support of that Appropriations um I don't know if it will go anywhere or not but I think it's important that we speak regionally for topics like that that are important to everybody uh whether it makes it or not I'm hearing I'm hearing elevator talk right now that it may not make it until next year which would not be terrible either um but getting this letter of support report in there would be it certainly won't hurt yes council member for now I so generally speaking I think that this kind of Transportation can be a good thing however I my concern is is this self- sustaining because I'm not necessarily in favor of a subsidized train the the the high-speed rail or or whatever the mechanism is because if it ends up subsidized I mean I just think a lot of people won't be attracted to it so I don't necessarily think that that is a good use of tax dollars so I mean that's my concern because I can tell you right now every time we drive to Orlando my husband works there all the time my son works there it they drive because they have to go to so many different places they're not going to take a train and if we go for the weekend we're not taking a train because we're going to different places so I don't I just my personal opinion if it's depending on how it's executed it could be a good thing but I I mean I'd be concerned that we're just throwing money in to build something that won't have any riters well I don't know that I can fully answer that I I mean bright line is a is a private Endeavor um now do they get Federal Highway dollars or do I I don't know that will they ever get federal or do dollar I I don't know that I can really answer that so I'm not sure I I can't give you that guarantee that that wouldn't ever happen it may be happening now I don't know exactly what their funding streams are I mean I'm just concerned about when you look at like the street car it doesn't have a lot of writers ship it's but it's a novelty and it's it's a good thing tourism wise in this area but this is not that kind of novelty and attractor so I wouldn't want to I I just wouldn't want to spend the money on something that people people aren't going to use well what I what I can tell you though is that where the bright line has gone through in Palm Beach and up to Orlando and in the where it exists now the economic development around those stations is very real and very immediate that's the officials from Palm Beach when you talk to them they will tell you this has been a real engine for us here all the places because everybody wants to develop around this station and so I know that Tampa um and all the folks in eore all the business Community the Westshore Alliance the downtown Business Partnership they are all very much in support of this um because of the economic development that always follows this now ridership I don't I can't I don't know I can't answer that but I do know that the the the economic development that occurs in the areas of the route is real that's that's demonstrated in fact on a much smaller scale even PSTA when they've moved some of their express bus routes they've seen the same thing so I don't know in terms of um ridership whether public transportation ever pays for itself I don't think it probably does but you do see the downstream benefits of every business wants to be around that every you know so you'll see that so but I don't know how to support that I'm just saying I don't want to just support right generic let's give everybody money but if you can say there's are demonstrable benefits coming from this type of investment then I favor it okay there's also the economy of scale which DT keep speaking of and that is if they have contractors out there already working on that section of the road it's cheaper to to include these modifications while they're there than it is to put a separate project out because now you've got a mobile mobiz all the equipment and everything like that so um it's entirely up to you but I I um I don't know how to answer some of your concerns yes it will be subsidized ultimately there's not a rail line in the country that's not in some way subsidized whether it's a federal level all the way down to I doubt it be any kind of local subsidies because we uh this county has been very um inha I on no taxes for rails you know for for years and years and years um my only concern was is that they don't try to use the transit sorry the um discretionary tax monies that are already rat hold up in Tallahassee for that $50 million because hopefully that gets allocated to to existing um entities and projects throughout throughout the district that'd be my only concern with that but I agree that you should we we should we should as a community get behind it because as you say wherever if you've ever been to any on the bright line wherever you go every station has the the the development around it and it is a um it is a a lightning rod is a catalyst for that area and um we will benefit from it there'll be ke people coming from Orlando to Tampa and Tampa to Orlando um it's it's not going to be like in Philly or with SEPTA where you can actually go from here to there and you can get all over the place on the trains this is it's going to be four five six trains a day that are going to be you know back and forth and then you'll be able to uh Branch out from the individual stations but I think we should I think we should get behind it and work towards it vice mayor I'd like to offer my enthusiastic support for that letter and I hope I get to write it within the next 20 years well I don't know about that are you okay with this as I'm I am okay with this knowing that there's an investment value I don't want to build I don't want to ask them to take this money that might have gone to other projects maybe some projects that we're looking to do like such as a bridge over the the river a walking trail or something that would get immeasurable use by our residents for something that people aren't going to use but if there's a value associated with it even though there might not be great ridership that we're not we are not bearing the brunt of a lack of financial support that we would like for our projects then I I don't have a problem supporting it well I think I think that that's a very good point thank you for bringing that up because that's the whole purpose of this additional Appropriations request is to prevent that that's why we're trying to get the additional funding to do the groundw so that we don't have to take it out of fdot's pot of money that exists because that will be the alternative and if that happens then that could impact the West Shore interchange or the you know some of some of the large projects we have so this is a request for them to fund this over and above fdot's current so that much I can answer okay yeah I'm I'm good I'm all for it and I look forward to the ride in 20 years with the vice mayor all right well I just don't want to do it unless we have everybody no okay I'm fine with that based on what we've discussed okay could somebody make a motion to authorize me to do that I move to authorize the mayor to write a letter in support of the $50 million the $50 million doll uh appropriation appropriation for the the bright line okay thank you seconded by council member Chambers and any further discussion everybody's good I don't want to do this if everybody's not on board okay all those in favor signify with I I I oppose no Nays thank you I shall do that any other new business okay City manager's report thank you Mr Mayor members of council um in your backup this evening there are three items there is a quarterly uh update for the first quarter fiscal year 24 of the council fiscal year priorities uh second report on the budget goals as well and then a third one which is the actual versus budgeted financials um I happy to answer any questions but I'd just like to highlight um one particular item which is the the work that uh Mr warrenfeltz has done with our sanitation fund uh the numbers actually Jim Jim Ingram a finance director was in a meeting with me last week and he was actually smiling which is that's great for finance directors smile because he said wow the sanitation fund for the first time in a long time looks like it's on a positive track um and I think that's largely owed to the work that Mr warrenfeltz has done uh there's a lot more work still to be done so we're not sure what it will mean for the rate setting but we still got several months before that um but we're on a good path much better than what we thought we'd be at this time last year so I want to thank him and recognize him and aside from that again happy to answer any questions questions I'd just like to comment Mr be that you know there's a this is a long report and I know that most members of the public or those watching may not want to take the time to go through something that that that is that long but I want to commend you and your team um it it has been a long time since we have had a a leadership team in place that responds to the priorities established by the council and breaks that into measurable tasks and chips away at these goals throughout the year usually by the time we get to Quarter Two nobody even remembers what the goals had been and so um as a result of this if you spend some time reading this report the council priorities have been broken down by what every department is doing in furtherance of those goals and you know all of the goals you talk about it well what does it have to do with it but but those goals are transcending all all across the board and so as a result I'd like the public to understand that you nobody wants to read all the details in the backup material but that's where you see the good stuff and and uh there's some really tremendous work going on here we have moved this city forward late years already and we're only a few years in into this and so uh I just want to thank you and you um for the work that you're doing I know um sanitation we mentioned but I know what all of you are doing um sounds a little creepy but I do and uh thank you for all that you're doing and and I appreciate that and uh thank you uh thank you very much we I think I speak for the entire team we appreciate the support the council gives us to do this work so um we're going to keep plugging away I have nothing else City attorney I have one uh lean reduction or lean settlement to report this involved uh 7460 Terrace River Drive um this concerned two different um two different citations one was initially for an in an operative motor vehicle in the driveway it had an expired tag it had sat there for some time the lean amount was finally $3,100 the city costs involved were $344 so this was ultimately settled for $614 4 that recovered all of the city's costs plus another $310 the second violation was a repeat of the first the lean amount uh was $750 and because it was a repeat we did not reduce that the settle settlement amount finally was $750 plus the city's costs of $294 so that was a total of $1,094 so with the two it's the both of them were now settled for $1,623 eight that's my report thank you Mr Shon any questions councel okay any any other business to come before the council anything else anything okay we'll stand adjourned thank youer oh I have [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]