##VIDEO ID:9rKqRYD7XDg## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh so I'm marketing for for I'm not sure if I'm allow to we go in after the fact so after something bad happen the January 8th 2025 meeting of the Municipal Code Enforcement board is called to order please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I flag of the United States of America the repblic for stand one na Our God indivisible with liy and justice for all ladies and gentlemen the Municipal Code Enforcement board is charged with conducting hearings to determine whether an alleged violation of the city code has occurred decisions made by this quasi judicial board will be based on the evidence and facts presented tonight our meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order and each case will be with the city presenting its evidence of the alleged violation the respondent will then present his or her case both parties will have an opportunity to cross examine all Witnesses the board members May question any witness comments made comments by both parties must be relevant to the case persons wishing to speak will be given an opportunity to do so by the chairman and must address the board from the podium after giving their name and address upon request copies of material submitted by staff are available for review view board members are reminded to obtain permission to speak from the chair and questions of the city should be directed to the attorney for the city at this time I will ask all persons who expect to give testimony tonight to stand and be sworn in by the city clerk you stand and raise your right here do you swear or affirm that the testimony you will provide the board tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you there will be no cases uh the cases that are on the agenda will be taken in order tonight okay there will be a three minute time limit imposed on all comments from the public appropriate address when appearing before the board's appreciated cell phones must be turned off during the meeting at this time I would like to ask the board members if they've had any expart Communications regarding any matters coming before the code enforcement board this evening I have not I have not I've have none none I've had none I've had none I forgot to read the rest if you've had verbal Communications please disclose the sum and substance of the communications when and where the communications occurred and with whom it occurred if you have received any written Communications please disclose the nature of the communications and provide it to the city clerk to be filed in the record so have to go through it again sorry I've had none I've had none none I've had none I've had none all right so now we're going to move to the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting the minutes of the regular meeting were held on December 11th 2024 have all board members received the minutes yes yes yes yes if the minutes are acceptable I would entertain a motion to approve the minutes motion to to approve the minutes second need to vote on this all in favor say I I oppos nay no NS motions approved all right so I think we're ready to move on to the first case and that's uh what is it yeah 2 43721 that's the first case of evening will be case 24- 3721 City versus Dolores K Owens for the property located at 8510 renald Boulevard cases before the board based on an alleged violation of section 88-102 13B MH exterior walls and section 88-102 13 C MH roofs the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Lori Smith the city has evidence that the notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good evening Mr Vice chair and board members Lor Smith Code Compliance this case originated proactively on August the second 2nd 202 before uh my inspection revealed overgrown grass and weeds on the site low branches over the sidewalk front and Southside exterior wallwood sighting is in physical Decay and the front and Southside facial was peeling paint at this time I left three door hangers with a compliance dat of the 5th and 30th of August 2024 my inspection on August the 30th 2024 revealed the grass had been cut and the low branches over the sidewalk impeding walking had been trimmed up however the front and Southside wood siding was still in disrepair as was the face appeeling on the front and the southide of the structure a notice of violation was prepared with a compliance date of the 16th of September 2024 no one was at home so I did post the notice letter at the front door and request that copies be sent certified and first class mail to the owner of record I also request that a copy be posted on the electronic board at City Hall for the 10-day requirement at this time I would like to submit photographic evidence that was taken by me on the thir 30th August the 30th 2024 showing the violations Mr Vice chairman the pictures do not fully show the extent of the violations due to heavy shade conditions and dark colors on the structure however I am testifying these violations exist exhibit number one shows a notice letter posted at the front door exhibit number two shows the front and the Southside exterior walls in physical Decay exhibit number three shows the front and Southside exterior wall in physical decay Decay exhibit number show four shows the front and Southside face appealing exhibit number five shows the front and Southside face appealing on the 27th of November 2024 Miss Taylor asset preservation coordinator for the property contacted director Bron by email stating she will process the request to the service provider to perform the needed repairs on the site at this time uh the site is not in compliance and I'm seeking a ruling may I submit sir yes thank you are you representing the I'm representing reverse Mor yeah just why don't you have her take a look at the photos before we oh you have okay have the site is not at this time the site is not in compliance and I am seeking a ruling the both violations are still out of compliance yes sir I had the same question so there was some cleaning yes sir first and then you went back and they I thought you said they cleaned something they did they mowed the grasser and they trimmed the branches that were impeding uh walking down the sidewalk it was low canopy that was hanging we're supposed to have an 8ft clearance we did not have that um so they did mow the grass and picked up the debris um as well as trimming those limbs over the sidewalk area but we still had the minimum housing code violations that were still outstanding which is the exterior walls as well as the phas shift oh okay so we have we would have if they did not do that we would have had three violations oh we would have had four sir okay Miss Smith is the property occupied no ma'am it is not any other questions for the code officer all right I assume the there is a representative for the responding yes Mr Vice chair good evening my name is Roberta count I live at 1222 Oxbridge Drive in loots I am representing reverse mortgage funding LLC who was a plaintiff in a mortgage foreclosure action against the owners of the property the plaintiff prosecuted their foreclosure action under case number 22ca 00 3654 in Hillsboro County Florida and uptain actually well the the a certificate of title was issued back to them on September 12th 2024 so while the action was pending prior to the certificate of title being entered the plaintiff Representatives can only do so much they can cut the grass they can try to deal with the exterior but the owners of the property still have rights as long as they own the property so the you know there is nothing that the bank could have done at that point as far as the additional work uh Miss Smith has already been apprised of this and also of the I'm sorry of the certificate of title being issued back to them on September 24th 2024 and we've requested and she's she knows that we're working on trying to get everything done and get in compliance because you know I'm sure my client would like to get the property fixed up and make it look nice for everyone as as well as sell the property at some point which is their intent the property is currently vacant there is some work that does need to be done done some additional work orders and some of the work has been PL put into place there was a question as to whether or not and I I don't know the answer and they just asked me to ask if anyone knows whether or not um a what do you call a permit needs to be had to replace the sofit or do the the roof on that work part and I really don't know the extent of it so I'm I'm just inquiring so they want to make sure that they're given additional time to make the repairs bring the property into compliance but that the time given is realistic because if they do have to obtain a permit it's going to take a little bit longer to get everything together and get the repairs done um and we do have approval to begin working on some of the the work that needs to be done like the fasia board but again the question is the permit so we would ask that no fines be entered against the bank because they weren't entitled to the property they couldn't make the repairs at the time when Miss Smith was there in August 2nd they they didn't own the property when she took her photos August 30th they still didn't own the property it's my understanding that the property is looking a lot better today but I don't I have some photos on my computer but I'm not sure which photos go with which day so I don't want to speak out of line I you know of course tell the truth as to what I know and I know the property is looking better so we we would ask that you continue this matter for 60 days I think would be reasonable in order for them to get everything done uh and avoid any fines with no fines being imposed against the bank so legally speaking the the P Mrs I guess Miss Smith is the the new owner of the property no Miss Smith is your oh oh I'm sorry never mind okay there is no new owner the property is listed the bank got the property back and it's called ano property at this point it's listed for sale the bank currently owns the property yes today the bank right now owns the property there's no legal reason that you can't proceed with doing the repair Works they are proceeding the bank in it does seem that we do not have then the proper respondant um I wasn't aware that a CT had been issued I have no objection to um a continuance so that we can get the right party at as the respondent on this um I don't know if is 30 days doable for a continuance because even even if it comes back the board's going to give time if the violations are still existing so I'm just wondering whether 30 days would if that's the best we can do then I mean I think 60 would be better I mean realistically but I understand if you're saying if it's not done within 30 then we're back in another 30 but meanwhile they do have to pay me to come back and visit you all every time so um I don't like getting paid and if you do want to copy the certificate of title you can have my copy yeah I can and then chair may I direct a question to the witness as soon as he's okay let let the lawyer and we have another we have a question for you from can you just clarify the date that the um certificate of title was issued to the bank I just gave him I just I apologize that's all right no you're fine let me just I have a copy the docket here just let me look it was actually recorded on September 30th 2024 a corrected title was issued on September 30th let me see what happened here the property was sold on the 12th of September I had and then they have to wait and and the 10 days so the CER certificate title according to the docket States uh September 23rd but I believe it's September 24th okay me yeah please um um we're going to go ahead and dismiss this case we don't have the correct respondent um if in 30 days uh the work hasn't been done yet we'll probably start up a new case and we would then uh probably if we can serve you or would you rather us serve how would you rather us do it I just need to give who the new owner I'll give you the contact information for the The Firm that represents um the the bank the bank I'm local Council for them they're in South Florida but I'll give you their contact information because they would be the Hope be done and we don't even have to bring new case that would be the goal my concern is your 30 days but um maybe it'll take you guys longer to get your case so just so you see no no committes required to replace thank you or thank you just appreciate that good to know so do we need to to have a motion in order to dismiss the case or is that once the city says motion to dismiss to I think they said dismiss not continue it's actually the department that would end up dismissing the case not necessarily the board okay so um I tell you what why don't you we ask you to continue the case for 30 days we're going to end up dismissing it get it and starting okay all right I think that'll be the easiest okay so just for my understanding the board continues it and then it gets dismiss we're we're going to go ahead and just end the case and and start a in 30 in in that 30 days probably start a new case against the present owner which is reverse mortgage funding out right and I will if you let me see if the Firs on here get a copy you can have no I don't need it yeah it's not there okay I will write down the information for you while you move on to your next pleas thank you right thank you more questions I don't think so so good even though we don't have a I don't think we have a script for yeah we we need a motion to for you want to give it a shot yeah it's try I make a motion to uh for case number 24 3721 to continue till our next meeting um day uh on February 12th 2025 you have a motion you have a second second you have a second any further discussion so let's take a vote all in favor say I I I oppose nay no Nays motion passes unanimously so next okay thanks Rod thank you next case is case number 24- 449 to City versus L Jane marzuk for the property located at 13202 North 53rd Street the case is before the board based on alleged violation of section 10-3 B sanitation grass weeds the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Lorie Smith the city has evidence that the notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served Joe I have one one comment we're we're seeing and I don't know if that's City meeting seeing a council meeting council meeting yeah but I don't know if that's what's on being displayed to the public or I think they get that I can't speak to that that was yesterday yeah what we see here is not that that's not what's being displayed to the public I'm having some issues in here going okay all right that was brother no that was me okay thanks yesterday was at the council meeting Fair off okay sorry for the interruption but we were yeah I was seeing something weird on the TV that's okay good evening again Mr chairman uh board members sorry that's okay uh this case originated proactively November the 26 2024 my inspection revealed overgrown grass and weeds on the vacant lot at this time I left a door hanger with a reinspection date of the 2nd of December 2024 my reinspection on the 4th of December revealed no change therefore a notice of violation was prepared for the compliance date of the 11th of December 2024 posted the notice letter at the front gate has this as a vacant lot and requested copies be sent certified in first class mail to the owner of record I also requested a copy be posted at City Hall on the electronic board for the 10day requirement at this time I'd like to submit photographic evidence of the violation taken by me on December the the 6th 2024 showing the violations uh Mr Vice chairman Mr marzuk contacted me on the 19th of December 2024 he stated he needed a new Landscape Company I provided him a list of contractors December the 26 2024 Mr marzo contacted me again about the cleanup of the lot exhibit number one uh shows a notice letter posted at the front gate exhibit number two shows overgrown grass weeds in the vacant lot as of today's date the site is now in compliance at this time I'd like to submit an affid compliance and I'm just looking for a finding Polie submit yes sir I think any other questions for the code officer no we can we can move on I guess we need each of us needs to look at the yes sir on the screen it was showing on the screen yeah okay we're back yeah it went back it went back normally to watch past T well I mean she said that it's in compliance so yes yes ma'am it is you have a photo after I'm no sir it looks good though looks good looks good I trust you just want to see the correct all right seeing no further questions I'm looking for a finding I knew this one okay uh in case number 24- 4492 I move the city has proven by a greater weight of evidence the following violations of the city of Temple Terrace city code did exist on the property at 13202 North 53rd Street uh applicable code sections are 10-3 subsection B this motion is based on the sworn testimony this board is received from code enforcement officers along with other evidence including photos affidavits and the notice of violation all of which is received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move that there be no fine imposed because the violations were brought into compliance prior to the date of this hearing you have a motion a second have a second any further discussion all in favor say I I oppose nay no Nays motion passes next case next case please next case is case 24- 4576 City versus sck non horn for the property located at 12406 pagota place the case is before the board based on alleged violation of section 8-28 A1 permit permits app required case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Lori Smith city has evidence that the notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good evening again Lori Smith Code Compliance this case originated from Community Development on October the 4th 2024 requesting a notice of violation letter to be prepared for work without a permit for rear yard accessory shed slab addition I prepared a notice a violation with the compliance dat of the 21st of October 2024 Affidavit of service was obtained by hand delivery to Samara horn at this time I'd like to submit photographic evidence of a screenshot in Central Square showing the stop work order as of today's date the site is now in compliance I'd like to submit an Affidavit of compliance and I'm just looking for a finding please submit you have any questions for the code officer while we're reviewing the documents yeah um I have one so they were building a lot of things in the backyard shed I guess they put a shed at one time sir uh and they got rid of the shed and but they poured the uh the slab uh for the shed um and that also was another violation they took the shed down but then the slab was still there they never got a permit for the slab so uh they sent over the stop work over order to our department requesting a notice of violation is what what I did so they did they obtain a permit or they removed everything uh no sir they uh they obtained the permit and they paid the uh the fees uh that were due uh for the permit so they are in compliance okay great so the slab's still in place but that I don't know sir because I can't go in their backyard another interesting thing about this case I saw was that I didn't realize that the that we had annexed that part is it's up on I think it's on the south east corner of I75 and Fletcher it's I off old Morris Bridge there yes sir yeah so there's a lot of Hillsboro County property out there and then you've got sagebrook but I see more development probably coming out there okay yeah sometimes but honestly because it is um that's really the only subdivision out there you have a legal dumping uh quite often um out there uh going to sagebrook as well as coming all the way at the end because that dead ends all the way back there so um yes I definitely have to patrol for a legal dumping in those areas it's a part of Temple Terrace I wasn't aware of that's for sure we do have some illegal dumping unfortunately unfortunately all right um I'll do this yeah seeking a finding so yes um in case number 24- 4576 I move that the city has proven by the greater weight of evidence the following violations of the city of timle ter city code did exist on the property located at 12406 Pagoda place with applicable code violation 8- 28 subsection a subsection 1 this motion is based on the sworn testimony this board has received from the code enforcement officer Lorie Smith along with any other evidence including photos Avid David and the notice of violation all of which received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move there will be no fine imposed because the violations were brought into compliance prior to the date of this hearing we have a motion can I get a second second any further discussion seeing none uh looking for a vote all in favor say I I I oppose nay no nce motion passes next case next case is case 24- 4685 city of ver mod bayari for the property located at 12608 North 52nd Street cases before the board based on an alleged violation section 12- 922a parking commercial vehicle in residential the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance director Tom Baron the city has evidence that the notion of VI notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served before I start i' just like to wish everybody a happy new year thanks everybody uh Tom Brony Code Compliance good evening uh this uh case originated back on November 20 2024 when I observed the commercial vehicle parked overnight in a residential Zone later that morning Lori Smith visited the property and also noted the vehicle parked in the street area which she left a door hanger with a reinspection datee of November 27th 202024 on December 3rd my her inspection noted no truck therefore the case was closed on October um sorry on the 5th of December I observed the commercial vehicle once again parked in the street therefore inspector Smith prepared a notice of violation with the compliance date of December 9th 20224 the notice letter was posted at the front door of the violation and she also requested copies to be sent out certified and first class mail she also requested a copy to be posted on electronic board at City Hall for the 10-day requirement on December 21st 2024 the commercial truck was parked in the driveway of the residential property at this time I'd like to submit photographic evidence that was taken by me or Lor on exhibit number one uh which displays the posting of the notice of violation at the front door on December 5th this photo was taken by me of the truck being parked in the street uh on December 21st this photo was taken by Lori Smith showing the vehicle parked in the driveway uh December 7th this photo was taken early morning on Saturday by Doug Allen showing the vehicle parked in a residential Zone uh January 4th uh Doug Allen took a photo of the vehicle parked in the front yard at this time I'd like to submit something this could not pull up on that uh that FN the board was not not able to see this picture sir okay I'm sorry I did it at the same time thank you sir he's having issues I did I tried three times [Music] okay okay so as of today's inspection the commercial vehicle was not parked in the street or the property therefore the property is in compliance and I'll submit an affid of compliance at this time can I submit yeah please submit thank you sir I have some question great outcome um R is a question yes uh I'm I'm C I know it's in compliance uh this so this uh towing truck is for his business and he just Parks it in front of his house that's correct and can you explain to me commercial vehicles cannot be in a uh residential Zone the only time it could be present for unloading or loading um packages otherwise they can't be parked or stored on the property of a residential home or the street area so even if the owner of the house owns that business where is he going to go with his towing truck he's got to parket in an area of a storage facility or with they can't store it on a residential Zone wow I did not know that but you know we've had multiple cases well we had we had multiple cases but for like if they had a u a trailer or something like that but this looks like it's a towing truck that maybe a private two separate violations one's a commercial vehicle and the other one's a trailer so it's if it's a commercial trailer that can't be belong in a residential Zone either so how would you know if it's a commercial vehicle L the length of the vehle oh the length and the weight and he cannot have it even in his driver that truck yeah no no backyard no oh okay can't be in a residential Zone just it's okay sorry you know to a yeah if he's going around I know if if he goes into to a truck uh to another car but that's uh he's picking up a vehicle at the property that's fine yeah he's picking something up and then putting it on and driving away he's Liv he should have two vehicles one where he Parks his truck and then he goes in the morning in that small vehicle whatever or bicycle to wherever yeah I'm just trying to you know think with with sympathy to this person you know yes just I think the way this gentleman's acting is he'll be back here again as a repeat violation based on my observations yeah well that's why I from the trend that's why I asked these questions you know appears that he he's like me did not know the real rules and I hope he hears it now yeah I hope so too yeah I wish he was here tonight but he's not I was going to ask no he's not here and at this point if it comes back it' be a repeat violation that's correct which FS can be the first observation of if I see that truck once again yeah he could be fed up to $500 we all know that just kind of make that depending on what finding we come up that's right I'm just making it clear it would be a repeat that's a good point because it's going to be a repeat violation similar you know similar to the people who uh have like car dealers and have no tags on their cars and the driveway I understand that part but when you own let's say a small plumbing company and you have a big truck parked in front of your house you cannot do that okay put in garage I believe this is a rental property I don't know yeah oh does he have the chance to build a garage that fits this vehicle he could he could put a commercial vehicle inside an enclosed garage yeah but does he have that no no he doesn't have that room plus he said he's a renter so I believe he's a rental it's a rental property okay so thank you you're welcome any any other question any other questions for the for Tom Mr Baron thank you B okay all right so um just looking for a finding um sure I got this okay um in case number 24- 4685 I mooved that the city has proven by a greater weight of the evidence the following violations of the city of temple terrce code did exist on the property property located at 12608 North 52nd Street um violation section 12- 922 subsection a parking commercial vehicle in residential Zone the motion is based off the sworn testimony this board has received from code enforcement officer Bron along with other evidence including photos affidavits and the notice of violation all of which is received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move that there be no fine imposed because the violations were brought into compliance prior to the date of this hearing I have a motion do we have a second second any further discussion all right all in favor say I I I oppose nay no Nays motion passes uh that concludes the case hearings we have one unfinished business uh case number 24- 3231 City versus Terrace Oaks HOA Incorporated care of West Coast managements for the property located at 10325 council's way the deadline for compliance is midnight tonight A F of $25 per day begins on January 9th 2025 there is someone present okay so Mr chairman this was uh presented by Doug Allen last month for a pool duty to maintain uh the the gentleman here tonight is from the HOA uh he'd like to speak to the board sir want to come up I need to be sworn in okay yeah please good evening everybody need to be sworn in first do you swear or affirmed that the testimony you will provide the board tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do thank you please identify yourself U my name is Adel Musa I'm a board member with terorist Oak Association um I was here last month and um as I said um the board already uh approved the the money for to repair the swimming pool but um unfortunately during the holiday in New Year um did not get chance to get the get hear back response from the pool company and I called them couple times and they still did not respond to me so we are at the stage where we need to know what we have to do with the electrical work in order to move forward so we are asking for another 30 days extension I something U yeah if you uh I want to mention that we missed him last time because we did not realize there was a holiday and we gave him just a short time I I'm willing to you know make a motion to give him an additional required time if that with your permission to um the city's fine with that I think we uh talked about being a pool issue that it was the health and safety issue and that we didn't want to Grant more than 30 days if I recall that I I recall that but because we had a very short time that's the timing of the holiday we I did not realize that the the next cases you remember uh when we realized that we started giving uh 60 days especially during the holiday a lot of people don't respond as f as fast as possible so that's fine I I don't have a problem with 30 days remember I don't see much progress here okay which concerns me a little bit but I'm willing to Grant 30 days if the okay with that yeah I think the pool was secured but I think there also was a question of whether residents there could unlock the the gate if they wanted to and I don't you were going I thought you were going to try and I asked if you guys want me to I was willing to go and put a lock on it and stop from anybody going in but okay um I did not hear a respond if you guys want me to put a lock I'll be glad to do you think anybody is going in at this time nobody doesn't swim um in there you know I mean um I don't see anybody in there either but um but if if I have to put a lock I don't mind to put a lock there you know but it's lock you know it's a concern though I I agree with Tom is a concern because somebody could jump the fence even right is the clarity of the water clear is the water condition is it clear could you see the bottom of the pool um I don't know I have to go and look honestly I don't want to give you a wrong answer I my concern is if a child fell in the pool would you be able to see the child on the bottom of the pool probably not I don't want to say I I need you to lock the pool liit yes yeah okay okay I'll I'll work on it tomorrow okay 30 days would be fine sir um I wouldn't go any more than that yes all right that's my recommendation I'll make a motion to extend this until um was it February 12th and we can see where you're at from there hopefully he'll get some progress have motion she second and yeah I think second just to clarify the motion it'll be January or February 12 12 25 all right any further discussion I have a question in regards to the lock uh how can we uh confirm that the lock has been placed if you want me I can in the picture I mean they can come and take a picture I mean I just have to do some Drilling and put screws and get something from home T all right good question you could put a chain around it with a lock as long as you feel as though actually um I won't be able because when the door closed the bar in the side is attached to the wall there's nowhere where I can sneak a chain okay um so I have to figure out something tomorrow okay I have to put some screws in uh when you put the lock on there call me okay oh sure I all right so who was who wanted to do oh you already did the did the motion and we and we had a second okay so all right yeah no further discussion right so uh all in favor say I I oppose nay no Nays motion passes so the extension passes thank you sir and that concludes the agenda okay all right thank you I think we're ready for any new business yeah I don't think yeah there's no leans report there's no anybody have any new business they'd like to bring up any items tonight see anything I think we're ready to to adjourn if you have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second thir all in favor POS nay no Nays all right time Bill yeah record I think it's close that was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]