##VIDEO ID:jYKYo-iHWHI## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay microphone's on please mhm all right the November 13th 2024 meeting of the municipal code enfor enforcement board is called to order uh please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all ladies and gentlemen the Municipal Code Enforcement board is charged with conducting hearings to determine whether an alleged violation of the city code has occurred decisions made by this quasi judicial board will be based on the evidence and facts presented tonight our meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order and each case will begin with the city presenting its evidence of the alleged violation the respondent will then present his or her case both parties will have an opportunity to cross- examine all Witnesses the board members May question any witness comments by both parties must be relevant to the case persons wishing to speak will be given an opportunity to do so by the chairman and must address the board from the podium after giving their name and address upon request copies of materials submitted by the staff are available for review board members are reminded to obtain permission to speak from the chair and questions of the city should be directed to the attorney for the city at this time I will ask all persons to expect to give testimony tonight to stand and be sworn in by the city clerk stand raise your right hand pleas do you swear or affirm that the testimony you will provide the board tonight will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth oh one all right so cases will be taken out of order tonight to accommodate respondents and Witnesses present at tonight's meeting at this time I would like to ask the board members if they have had any expart Communications regarding any matters coming before the code enforcement board this evening if you have had verbal Communications please disclose the sum and substance of the communications when and where the communications occurred and with whom it occurred if you have received any written Communications please disclose disclose the nature of the communications and provide it to the city clerk to be filed in the record start with Juan ju no sir um I just this uh communication was from uh the person uh his name is Sam I don't know if he's going to be present tonight um he was going to come and ask for extension but we had the hurricane and I think he talked to you and you told him because he's his um $25 per day it's for offence yes some kind of offence so that's the only he called me and I told him you know we did not have a meeting last time and I directed him to talk to you yes I I spoke to him yesterday okay he's going to be present tonight no okay then no other exper okay uh I have none none I've had none I've had none I've had none all right so we'll move on to approval of the minutes uh minutes of the regular meeting uh that was held on September 11th 2024 have all the board members uh received uh the minutes of that meeting yes yes okay if the minutes are acceptable I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes motion to approve the minutes second second you do it all right so now we are going to vote to uh approve the motion all in favor say I I I I any Nays no n motion has passed all right so so we'll move on to uh the cases the hearings uh I think number one we're going to do case number 24-1 1754 City versus Jim D let's see so I guess you'll announce the first case this evening is city is case number 24- 1754 City versus Jim D for the property located at 203 South Lockmore Avenue the case is before the board based on an alleged violation of section 8-- 01213 c roofs exterior and interior maintained in good repair the case will be Pro presented this evening by code compliance officer Lori Smith the city has evidence that the notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good evening Mr Vice chairman board members Lori Smith Code Compliance this case originated proactively on April the 22nd 2024 my inspection revealed overgrown grass and weeds there was no address posted on the front of the structure it was facial stains on the front and both sides of the residence and the front soft it was in disrepair at this time I left three door hangers with the reinspection date of the 24th and the 30th of April and also May the 27th 2024 my inspection on June the 5th 2024 noted the grass had been mowed the faal surrounding the structure had been pressure washed and the house numbers were now affixed to the bu holding front however the front's offit was still in disrepair therefore a notice of violation was prepared with a compliance date of the 20th of June 2024 no one was at home so I posted the notice letter at the front door and requested copies be sent certified in first class mail to the owner of record I also request a copy be posted at City Hall for the 10-day requirement Mr Vice chairman on June the 12th 202024 Mr Dy contacted me about the remaining violation excuse me he asked for additional time to bring the property into compliance and extension until the 12th of August 2024 was granted at this time I'd like to submit photographic evidence of the violation taken by me on the June June the 5th 2024 may I submit sir sure please thank [Music] you exhibit number one shows a notice posted at the front door exhibit number two shows the front soften and disrepair as of today's date the site is not in compliance and I am seeking a ruling also Mr Vice chairman the respondent is here in attendance this evening Mr Dy and would like to uh come up and address the board of course first uh well I have a question first did you say that both violations were still not in compliance no sir the other violations have been brought into compliance uh the address posting on the front of the structure and also the faal stains on the front and both sides of the residents um have been brought into compliance the the only violation that remains would be the front s it and disrepair okay are there any questions for the code we're looking tonight at one violation yes sir we're looking at one violation it started out where there was more but Mr Dy did take care of quite a few things and uh we're able just to have uh one remaining sir okay uh it seems pretty minor um what what are you looking for um honestly just either repair that that wood that's rotten right there uh Mr Hubert like I said there was other violations on the property and going up to the uh front of the structure uh we are trained to take a look at everything uh on a property uh so I had overgrown grass that I could see from the street um I could see the faci stains walking up to the door you get closer and you you see other things um I wanted to make sure that that got addressed as well and not just have the grass cut as that is a violation um as well um and would just like to get it brought into compliance okay do you think it's uh got um uh structural in Ender endangerment uh no sir I don't I don't believe that um it's just it's not that big of an area again it's the front coming into uh the respondent's home um so looks like the wood is just in disrepair um probably need some new wood right there and I think that he would be be pretty good to go uh it looks like in the second picture the uh the gutters seem to be separating or falling down is that just a trick of the photograph or is that I think it's just maybe a trick uh Mr reading of the of the photograph the gutters are are fine on the structure it's just that that sofit right there anyone else all right thank you Mr Dy is here Mr Vice chairman you'd like to come up sure yeah please please cancel I'm here on behalf of my father name and address oh sorry John D 203 South Lockmore Avenue Temple terce I'm here on behalf of my father uh he is the owner of the property I am residing there currently and uh and just till he can make it back down here unfortunately he's suffering from degenerative health and uh not able to make it down here while I'm here for him sorry getting a little emotional here I'm thinking about him but uh uh I know it's been quite a posting since Terry her has said here uh I've been unemployed for a few months in throughout the spring and pretty much summer and was just hired at wind Dixie uh early September and it's uh it's been a roller coaster so I'm just just asking for a month maybe two months at Max to try to find somebody cuz I've been basically Outsourcing myself uh to through customers that I've been familiar with and uh trying to see if they know any handyman personally and so forth and um it hasn't been that great of a f but I feel like I do have a couple leads and if I feel like if I have maybe a month maybe two months at Max I can get this fixed it's just my dad unfortunately is living off of Social Security and getting old and he was residing up in North Carolina at the time and trying to make it down here while selling that house up there um so yeah this where I stand and uh I do appreciate your patience here and your time but uh I just I would like maybe another month Max you know if maybe two if possible you know to have this fixed um it's not that much you know of a hazard to the public it's just you know roof Roofing panels or a side panel there and the sofits that need to be fixed I've been trying to make progress on all the other rest of the property as she stated uh with mowing lawn and keeping the facial clean and so forth but just it we used to have a handyman ourselves and uh we had him for like almost 20 years and he did everything around the house everything for a you know great price unfortunately he died back in this January and so we don't have that kind of handyman anymore and I don't Outsource myself that much I'm not that much of an outgoing guy but yeah um so yeah I I uh I'm just really wish you know for more time here I really request and beg of you you know just a month maybe two months if that and uh you go from there and I I promise we'll have it fixed any questions for the respondent I have a question you said you have a couple leads um do you have any quotes uh no well the leads I have actually are just based off of phone numbers that I've contacted them about and this was actually in the past couple weeks but unfortunately because those leads are booked up themselves they aren't able to make it out to to get a quote for me so i' I've got them going I just need a little bit more time for them to have the time to come out and get that estimate and then work on it they tell me that you know once they're done with their previous jobs that they'll be able to get it done but they just they're so booked up right now again it's just only a couple of leads that's all that's all I have so uh Tom there there's no permits or architectural drawings required for repair like this correct no okay can I ask one to like uh our calendar ends this month do we know what December and January December 11th DEC December 11th okay all right there no further questions oh did you have one no I don't I'm just fling okay okay thank you so thank you Council all right so if there are no further questions then um I'm looking for a motion from board member yeah I'll do it okay December 11 H December 11 yeah yeah I got it okay December 11th 2024 thank important in case number 24754 I move that the city has br proven by the greater weight of evidence the following violation of the city of Temple terce City code exists on the property located at 203 South lmore Avenue with appliable uh code violation section 8-12 subsection 13 subsection C this motion is based on the sworn testimony this board has received from the codee enforcement officer Lorie Smith along with any other evidence incl including photos Avid davit and the notice of violation of which received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move that the Sid violation be corrected on or before December 11th 2024 if the respondant does not comply with this order on or before that day they are ordered to pay a fine for each and every day the violation continue past the date set for compliance upon considering the following factors the gravity of the violation any actions taken by the Violator to correct the violation any previous violations committed by The Violator I move that the fine be $25 per day I'll second all right we have a a motion in the second any further discussion um I I would like to see maybe go to January give him 60 days I I was going to I was going to do that the reason I said that I talked to a handyman like two weeks ago he showed up to my house this weekend and said oh I'll get you I'll get you my estimates and Etc and I still don't have it so I'm just think I I consider that I was I was going to go for two months but since we uh we can he can come back uh our next meeting and ask for another extension for another month that would be you know so it won't take every case two months and two months I know it's yeah I know just becomes I think uh I don't want to it a trend great I would agree with that like I I don't I understand the two months at the same time yeah communication is best so that's where I feel okay any other any other discussion all right I'm going to call for a vote uh all in favor say I I I any any Nays no Nays all right so uh just in a further a little further explanation about what just happened you were found in violation $25 per day fine that will start in a month before after the next meeting uh if it turns out that you can't uh get the repairs done in that time you can always come back here and uh ask for an extension there's no no guarantees that it'll be granted but you can ask for an extension at that time at the next meeting any any questions December 11th December 11 December 11th yeah sorry that's what I thought I heard earlier yeah okay I appreciate it thank you so much you're welcome all right so next case next case this evening is case number 24- 4469 City versus Randy Allen punck and Jenna Ella Pac the cases before the board based on an alleged violation of section 12- 861 E6 fen's appearance and section 10-34 sanitation due to keep premises clean the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance director Tom Baron the city has evidence that the notion of notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good evening Tom Bron Code Compliance this case this evening originated on September 24th 2024 when I observed a collapsed 6- foot fence along the South property line as well as a pile of treur since the property had no trespassing signs posted I generated a notice of violation with the compliance date of October 15th 2024 I posted the notice letter at the property line and I also requested copies to be sent out certified in first class mail I also requested a copy to be posted at City Hall for the 10-day requirement on my reinspection on October 22nd 2024 I noted no change at this time I'd like to submit photographic evidence of that was taken by me on September 24th 2024 exhibit number one notes the damag fence and the pile of treat B along the South property line exhibit number two shows the posting of the notice letter at the property line exhibit number three shows the posting of the notice of hearing at the property line as well I'd like to submit as EV sir yes please please do I my inspection on November 1st 2024 noted that the tree the had been removed from the front yard however the fence Still Remains out of compliance I'd like to submit an Affidavit of compliance for the tree debris please yeah please submit I I don't have that one either uh Mr chairman uh um I just spoke to the respondent earlier this evening and he advised me that the fence doesn't belong to him it belongs to his neighbor so uh along this front line there were back ERS uh that the students of USF put on fence indicating to me that I thought it was their fence as well so uh that property up there was annexed into the city maybe about 20 years ago yep so there was no permits for that fence and that's where I really couldn't determine who actually the ownership was so the respondent is going to come up to tell you that that's not his fence that it's his neighbor's fence so if if I find that that's true I will you know put the property in compliance tomorrow morning and I'll eliminate this violation if it's not his fence guys but as so yeah let me just let me just complete so as of right now the ownership to me still belongs on him until I can verify that that fence doesn't belong to him so I'm going to have a conversation with the neighbor next door as well as look up at the property files and stuff like that so for the purposes of this meeting we still consider this violation to be there to be a violation with involving the fence correct because I spoke to responded maybe 3 weeks ago he did not tell me that that was not his fence okay so he just got made aware of it from The Neighbor Next Door and he'll explain to you when he comes up to the podium okay am I allowed to ask you a question now sure sure I yeah yes uh why why would you not do a survey The Sur well the survey would to figure out where the fence is it sometimes we have that on file at City Hall yes okay but this property did not require this was annexed in 20 years ago right so they may have not pulled a fence permit through the city and I know they haven't because there is no survey on file oh okay okay so I I I get that no I get it I get it but the the if you know that property there's banners that are attached to that yep all the way from the front yard to the rear yard yep that would make me indicate that it's their fence yeah on one side or the other I got it okay but the neighbor is saying to this gentleman here the respondant that it's his fence not his fence the neighbor's fence okay okay so the respond will explain to you when he gets up here as well got it thank you any other questions for uh director Bron okay thank you sure all right so please come forward uh Randy psac 12214 North 51st Street um at Tom had mentioned um after the storms of of this past season um there's some overlap where we were both out of town the neighbor was out of town when the original tree happened uh during tropical storm Debbie uh and then um I was out of town the entire month uh from the end of September through uh the weekend right before Halloween so some of this correspondence that was happening back and forth I did not receive it was going to my tenants who lived there my son and his college roommates um so that that's that explains some of the um uh discrepancy or somehow the treat Bri got in violation when I returned home I made a call based off the letters that I had received and immediately gotten everything that was in violation that I believed to be my responsibility taken care of immediately um while we were gone the neighbor had informed me that that his fence had had been damaged by the tree that had fallen um um and then we have one also on the on on the inside of the wood fence a chain link fence is part of it so the boys did hang uh USF banners from the fence I stopped at the property this evening told him to remove that um so those will all be gone uh while we figure out whose fence it really is we just purchased the home uh about two years ago uh and the wood six foot wood fence is not in our survey the the portion of a chainlink fence is in our survey so I have no reason to um believe that it's ours after the neighbor told me it was his uh and then it's not listed in our survey as part of any of our closing package so that's why we've not done anything with it I shared with Tom earlier uh that if we find that it is the property that I own fence's responsibility we'll take care of it I would just ask for an extension at that point in time um just due to the expense and and the length of the fence that it is so you said there's a chain link fence that is on your property and the inside that's not damaged no it's not in full so the chain link the wood fence is here the chain Link's on the inside the chain Link's not in full it's a portion of it um the chain link is on our survey the wood fence is shown on the survey but ownership is not committed okay so the wooden fence the wood fence is the only thing that's in violation right at this time yes okay okay any any other questions yes uh it's it's for Tom uh can can this case be continued rather than having a finding yes I I think it's a better idea rather than finding something something in violation that's not belonging to this yes I I I agree but I just I just want to let you know this violations were way prior to the two hurricanes so I don't want you to think we're out there violating you know citing people for damage this was September so this is way before the August 3rd is when the original the original D way before the two the thing is now it's for Ernie how could we do that because he has two and he took care of One how can we separate it as continuous or can we decide on it next time I don't know you can uh just make a motion to continue case you know you identifying this case number um until I guess the December 11th hopefully you know you'll have opportunity to discern whose fence it is sounds like it's the neighbor fence because we and if that's the case then I think that uh Tom will probably remand the remaining or dismiss the remaining case and bring it if it's if it's the neighbors and then bring a new case because he has a case he's in compliance we have to give him that compliance too right well no they already have an Affidavit of compliance in yes well he's just asking what what verbiage should we should he read Contin continue continue the case the whole thing and then thing okay well are we able to order the city to do a survey no [Laughter] like that seems like a already why would the city do a survey to figure out whose fence it is where where is the fence why would the city spend the money well I'm question right like why why would they no no I think we have a survey that's going to I think it'll be figured out enough evidence and Tom will certainly investigate I I think we'll see where we're at in in a month yes now okay there we go so any other questions for the respondent I I I will make a motion to continue we'll get there we'll do that for the whole case we'll do that just do that for the whole case right yeah for the whole case that that was what we decided okay all right this say all right so if there are no further questions it's not not you're welcome it's not you can be seated if you want we we don't that that that particular violation is open pending right now we're just going to continue okay so continue the whole case the complied one will go with it we he already knows that's complied no risk of being fined for that VI okay so I like if I wanted to make a motion I would say I want to make a motion to continue this for a month until December what was it 11th December 11th correct until we can figure out whose fence is whose and we can make a choice yeah good job you want do you want to you want to carry second that there we go if I wanted to I want to so let's go ahead and go forward with a with a motion and okay I want to make a motion to go to continue this case until December 11 mention the case number uh case number 24- 4469 City verse Randy Allen punar and Jenny L punck uh sections 12- 861 subsection e subsection C continue until December 11th until we can figure out whose fence is who did you want to add the U I guess the I don't want to add a fine yet well though the complied continue didn't yeah continue the case until then to find a finding I guess right with both violations and it and if it turns out that it's the neighbor's fence Tom will probably just dismiss that violation and what will be left is the one that has already been complied make a finding on that's a weird one okay yeah he doesn't have to be present here we'll just give you a clearance no don't Rel I I won't say y or n to that that you have to yeah all right we have a motion do we have a second second okay so time to take a vote or excuse me is there any further discussion about this case anybody else okay all right so we's take a vote all in favor say I I I any Nays no Nays the motion has passed so we will we'll continue this on Nick on December 11th okay all right sorry that was weird well that was a I don't think I've ever we've ever come across anything like this in the past that I know of I don't think so no so okay all right so next case next case is case number 22445 77 City versus Andrew D Henry for the property property located at 329 Sunnyside Road the case is before the board based on Ange violation of section 8-28 A1 permit application required the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Steven Valley city has evidence that the notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good evening Mr Vice chairman and board members my name is Step Valley code compliance officer this case tonight originated back on October 4th 20 20 2024 when Community Development issued a stop work order for the installation of pavers and a drainage pipe that's discharging into the adjacent neighbors property causing flood damage I prepare to notice a violation with the reinspection of October 10th 2024 I posted the notice letter at the front door and requested copies to be sent out to certified in class mail first class mail I also requested a copy to be posted at City Hall for the 10day requirement my reinspection on November 1st 2024 noted no change therefore I I prepared a notice of hearing and scheduled the case for the November Municipal Co code board meeting I would like to submit the photographic evidence at this time I submit evidence here okay please submit thank you exhibit one shows the noov posting exhibit two shows the stop work orders exhibit three and four uh these these photos sir were sent to the code staff on September 19th 2024 from Mr fedman which is the the uh adjacent property for the drainage uh that lives at 330 Bahamas AV showing the pavers coverage in the rear yard drain pipe and the flooding into the neighbor's home uh Mr Mr Vice chairman the city's building official Dallas fost is here this evening and is available for any questions the board may have tonight the site is not in compliance and I'm seeking a ruling okay thank you do we have any questions for the U code enforcement officer yeah um can he can you explain to me a little bit further on exhibit 4 what's what's that fall in and those are all cracked pavers oh those are the papers that that the uh that were put on to the property and there's a pipe there right in the center that's uh the drainage oh this is a drainage B yes and the papers all around that was what was put in those aren't correct those are act the actual papers okay this this pipe is supposed to be under the papers right uh I believe so um but uh so I you might want to miss uh Dallas Frost might be a excuse me guys Dallas Frost might be able to answer those questions a lot [Music] better okay so just one question for me so the uh the stop work order is that that's been complied with I mean there's no or has the work already been completed um the stop work orders were actually from what Dallas Frost told me they have been removed he uh placed them there twice and they were removed from the site by the by the uh the property owner has has the work been completed as that was my question um that's a question for Mr fost I'm not sure if it was completed or not okay anyone else have any questions for the code enforcement officer all right so I guess we need to hear from either the respondent or I guess first from uh Dallas F from Dallas yeah well do you have any questions for Dallas right now or do you want to hear from the respond well here I I want him to explain this situation a little bit more into the technical ways so we can I I don't understand the case like what needs to happen yeah right I got a question what kind of Permitting they went through and all that Al build at this point there is no permit for the pavers in the backyard at all the drainage pipes were there at one point and it drained through the rear yard the grass now they put pavers down the water's flowing and 330 Bahamas is with the water is going to as a new home he's now collecting water around his property in his laai area which is runoff from the Sunnyside home but they have not requested any permits or anything for any pavers in the rear yard of the Sunnyside address but they're required to have a yes they are required to have a permit for that okay and this pipe is is it the perforated pipe underground to take I in the rear yard I walked up the front the property when he posted the stop workorders you can see the pipe does go across the driveway it collect there's a collection point there in a grading and it runs to the side of the house to the rear yard but I have not been in the backyard to see what's there the only evidence I have in the backyard is what the photographs were sent by the neighbor original plans shows there is a pipe there no the the pipe was there previously because looking at the evidence that was there when I was on site the pipe had been there for some time but they change when they changed the rear yard from soil and grass to pavers now it's collecting the water and sending it off under the adjacent owners instead of being able to let it dissipate into and go into the ground it's now flowing across the yard and into everyone else what kind of permit do they require on this it's a site permit for putting down pavers it's a p permit anything over 100 square ft or that it requires it also comes with our zoning codes is your lot coverage you're allowed a 47.5% coverage of your lot so all that has to be brought in with a survey showing what they're doing to have it all reviewed to make sure we're not exceeding anything to cause adverse effects on the neighbors uh during the uh application for a permit would it have been discovered that this the runoff change like would that change have been discovered yeah well I I noticed it by looking at aerial photographs from prop appraiser and you can see the time frame of nothing there nothing at trees to all a sudden boom trees are gone and pavers are there I I mean um it looks like it's it's providing a a pretty significant change to the flow of water around the property um had he applied for a permit ahead of time would part of that application process have uncovered that yeah covered that to say okay what are we going to do with the water your runoff where's it go so there would have been like an analysis an analysis to say we got to keep it on the site somewhere okay and there was some comment about uh removal of of stop work orders from the property is there were two stock workers Matthew cook my the other inspector posted the home yeah I followed up post it again and both stock workers would put were taped to the front windows have been removed but the the work is there any continued work that's being done as far as you can tell as far as I know the pavers I think was already there everything everything was basically it's an after the fact to get it taken care of okay so I'm I'm looking at pavers and I'm looking at what appears to be base so is this that is 330 B the ones four and this looks the pites are the rear of 329 okay the other photographs are 330 Bahamas which is the property behind him this is the neighbor this is correct God right okay the home has a u has basically has a u- shape on the back of L ey in the center and that's where all the run is running into is onto that L ey area that's unfortunate the uh also Dallas one more question is there any ditch around the area where they can pipe that use that pipe to pipe the runoff as far as I know that there isn't a drainage area back there all we come uping permitting proc that's going to go through that would be determined during the permitting process correct yeah all that we're looking just violation of not having a permit correct okay good all right any other questions or build inspector all right thank you so I guess we need to hear from the respondent now please even Council Dr Andrew Henry 329 Sun Side Road I sent an email to the city about 3 months ago three three and a half months ago telling them that when it rains I have a serious water problem because where the house sits the water comes down in Sunnyside and then the water comes down from Brentwood it meets and it runs straight into my garage my house has been flooded several times I met with Mr air he came out spent about 5 minutes with me said I'd hear from him in two weeks he called me back in two weeks and he told me that it is my problem this drainage pipe has been there for about 5 years my dad was visiting from New York I was out of the country and the house got flooded my dad placed that drainage pipe there to divert the water to the back at the time my neighbor Mark there was no house there at the time so there was not a problem now my neighbor is sitting back there and when the water comes down when it rains the amount of water that he gets is washed out if the pipe if I don't have a drainage pipe there my house is flooded and I approach the city and the city said nothing to see here it is my problem so what I'm asking the council is you can move the pipe you can find me if you want but what happens to my house when all that water comes if I may approach you I'm going to show you on my phone what happens when it rains on Sunny Side is that some some evidence we can accept it's yes you can accept it it's you're going to give it whatever weight when it comes to this violation can can we pause for a minute maybe he can email it and then we can get it on the file is too big to email because it's about 2 minutes I tried emailing it to a mirror but it would could through Section like 10 minute sections or 10 second sections or whatever I'll try um like would that be fair just so we have it in the file as opposed to just us seeing things uh erne can I ask a question um in in in my previous experiences if if a resident have a drainage problem that's caused by the neighbors and by existing the the city or the county whatever you know whoever has jurisdiction they can go out and investigate it and if there is anything they can do to help the property owner I think that's from my experience but I just don't know how the city operates here I can see his frustration thing that I I'm I'm not on the operational side and and that's why Dallas is here and maybe maybe they need to further study that area and see where the runoff sure and and what's from what I'm understanding of the issue here is the pavers correct the pavers is what's directing all this water to the neighbor I don't know what it was like when you know it was just the pipe but he said he put the pavers to prevent is the issue yeah so that's why I the pipe was permitted and needs to be maybe maybe when the through the process of a permit they would figure out the whole the whole setup probably that's part of what is supposed to I think the violation is we don't have a permit yeah and part of the permitting process will resolve some of the things that you have questions about they'll they they have to evaluate how much of the surface area of your property is being covered and how much is not and basically that's the question is is you know can you get can you apply for a permit I I don't have a problem applying for a permit the city told me my driveway kind of Slants so when the water comes it turns and it comes down the city told me I need to elevate my driveway I have a PhD in physics it's not going to work because the water is coming too fast off the road the velocity with which the water is coming elevating the driveway is not going to solve the problem the problem is actually very easy there's a storm drain about 80 to 90 m ERS to my right the city just needs to make a ditch and divert that water into the storm Train That's the solution it it seems to me that there's two different two different issues and I apolog for what you're going through uh which is one issue but we're here because of the permit permit I mean it it we're two we're talking about two separate things right it's that I I mean one the violation they're related sounds like they're related but this seems to be uh you know a a problem of its own that needs some resolution uh which is separate from the permit for the pavers is am I tracking correctly yeah I I think so yeah as Bill said right we we need to get the permit process be picked up throughout the permitting process because they're going to figure out where the water is going to go and then they'll see what's what's your share of it too because also there's some shares has to be done the the city will probably have some but we might have Dallas come back up and and he explained that to us too more information about what the city process would be but I'm surprised Dallas did not go to the back of the property and actually look I don't think he's allowed to so he had made erroneous assumptions because he has not seen the complete problem well but the permit is for the coverage the property is how much cover how much of your land is covered by pavers or concrete or whatever that's that's that's the permitting process that that's what is in violation basically as far as what I understand it's not has it's not about whether your solution is is good or not it's about or or successful it's or whether your neighbor's property is being flooded it's how much of the property is being covered that's that's the first step and that my understanding how much of the property is being covered by concrete pavers whatever it can only be 47% from what I understand right so thought that was permanent not pavers it's impervious it's a matter of perious perious yes okay is the water percolating down into the got it yes um I know I'm going to mention this to the city engineer um say does an engineer need to be does an engineer need to be involved like well I obvious if there's a street issue I mean I think they should take a look you know this is a major problem I'm at work I'm a physician I'm at work if it rains I have to be wondering if my home is going to flood I got a 2x4 the last thing I resorted I had to get these big 2x4 to block my driveway so so my so my neighbor doesn't get flooded I mean it's question uh when did you put the papers in this is several years ago you put the papers in several years ago we laid the pavers down this was never an issue the issue the issue came because there's some 2x4 because I'm trying to divert the water into the storm drain so code enforcement saw it and assumed all right you're about to do some type of a work and issued some work permit I had done nothing since that permit since they had placed that thing I was doing no work it was already done so I'm at work it rains I have to run home to put 2x4s to prevent water from coming into my house I have two trees on my house at Sunnyside from the storm if it rained I would not be having this discussion with you because my house would have been flooded would have been completely destroyed because of the volume of water that's coming off off the road so so the city stance is if he wants to keep the pavers he's going to have to apply for a permit I know there's two issues going on here and I sir I sympathize with you I hear you loud and clear as far as the city engineer he only inspects City properties he doesn't go out to private properties excuse me uh he doesn't do inspect private properties well I get that I mean I'm saying he's got to look at see if the RO right no that's two separate issues and I I agree with you I'll mention it to Brian he's the engineer to go out there and evaluate the drainage area in that in the city rights away to make sure that it's flowing in the right direction uh but as far as the city's concerned this evening this gentleman needs to come in and pull a permit to keep those papers in the rear yard I have no problem with that okay that's what I'll goal is here tonight is there any work that has to be done aside from that aside from getting a permit no I mean he he right now to satisfy code enforcement he needs to obtain a permit for those pavers whether they allow it or not that's up to the planners to evaluate the application percentage it's all about percentage yes percent of coverage soil that's covered by the how the water is being channeled yes so so do you understand what my goal is the city okay can you come into the City and pull a permit sure okay all right okay did did so any other questions that for the respondant concerns okay the gentleman's telephone number and contact information sir would you would you mind if we reach out to you sir sure let you know what the engineer says or maybe he can reach out to you sure thank you sir I'm going to give you my card too as well thank you sir did we have anyone else I thought there was another person that wanted to testify is he the neighbor he's the neighbor evening uh Mark fman 330 Bahamas Avenue hey just as a neighbor uh I came to support Andrew because I did notice this is an issue um the house is a new construction house where I'm in and it was just an open open lot for so this really was not an issue for for Andrew because the water wasn't uh flowing into anybody else's house so I can see why this was a not something that had to be you know addressed right away this year we had an extensive amount of rain and I think that the storm storm surge was definitely a big part of this issue because when he did put those 2x4s out there's I should mention this is everything is on a on a hill he's his property is elevated from mine and then the road flows into his driveway essentially perpendicular to Sunnyside so yeah there's an extensive amount of water that comes through his driveway and what he was doing was directing the most of that away from his house when my property wasn't there so I do hope that uh we can figure out a way to expedite the process with the city Engineers because uh I think we're all dealing with quite a bit especially from these storms and I think you can see how how upset he is as well so that's all I have for you have any questions I well I I kind just one question sir those photos that we submitted tonight there are your photos that you gave to this code staff the city asked me for them okay I kind of feel like this is a a a thing the city should really focus on I mean my neighborhood had houses that flooded in it and I know we focus on what's here tonight but at the same time if there's a house that is having an issue the city should focus on it how can we push that as a board I think it sounds like and Brian I I I hear you loud and clear but if the a property owner Alters his property to cause this that's something that we have to look at you know what I'm saying I'm not saying that the papers are the cause of it but right now we have to go through the process of pulling a permit and let the city planners look at the plans and determine the process right okay so maybe by removing the papers the soil will absorb the amount of rain that's flowing from that flow that 8 in pipe into the rear yard it sounds like the water is is going to his driveway not his backyard it comes to the driveway and then ends up in the backyard right so that tube so so if the engineers determine that it's it's a a matter of how the street is how how the how the water flows off the street is that something that they can do something with I I I can't speak for that honestly we'll certainly have look at yeah okay all right that's a tough one that's a tough one we got a couple of tough ones tonight so um all right so um I don't any other did Dallas did you want to add anything to okay all right so um I guess if there's no other questions then we to to come up with a motion yeah before you continue this is basically we're going to just come with a finding that the property needs a permit for the bers in the backyard that's we're focused on the permit the other issues can be handled internally okay yes yes all right okay okay seeking seek do it yeah go for it all right it sounds like you want it h in case number 24- 4577 I move that the city has proven by the greater weight of evidence the following violation of the city of Temple ter city code exist on the property located at 329 Sunnyside Road with the applicable code violation section 8-28 subsection a subsection 1 permit application required this motion is based on the sworn testimony this board has received from the code enforcement officer uh is Tom Baron Ste oh Stephen oh sorry is it Steven Val and um along with any other evidence including photos Abid David and the notice of violation all of which received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move that the Sid violation be corrected on or before December 11th 2024 if the respondent does not comply with this order on or before that day they are ordered to pay a fine for each and every day the violation continue past the date for set for compliance I've been considering the following factors the gravity of the violation any actions taken by the Violator to correct the violation any previous violations committed by The Violator I move that the fine be $25 per day a second any further discussion we have a motion in the second any further discussion this casee all right let's take a vote uh all in favor say I I I any any Nays no Nays all right okay so just to explain what happened uh you've been found in violation of not having a permit for for the pavers and uh you have until did we December 11th one month yeah one month to before the ne by the next meeting to come into complain clients uh if for any reason you you know can't get the permit or there's some problem with the permitting you can always come back here to and on December 11th and request an extension any qu you have any questions no okay all right thank you so next case next case is case number 24- 0581 City versus Susan oon for the property located at 334 for Sunnyside Road the cas is before the board based on an alleged violation of section 88-102 13B exterior walls minimum standards section 8-1 10213 c roofs exterior and interior maintained and good repair the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Lorie Smith the city has evidence that the notion of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good to me again Mr Vice chair and and board members Lori Smith Cod compliance this case originated proactively on February the 8th 2024 my inspection revealed the front wall uh stains also wood siding in disrepair South and front side FAS disrepair and unmanicured vines on top of the rear pool cage at this time I left two door hangers with a reinspection date of the 23rd of April 2024 my inspection on May the 8th of 20124 revealed no change therefore notice of violation was prepared with the compliance date of the 23rd of May 2024 no one was at home so I posted the notice letter at the front door and requested copies be sent certified and first class mail to the owner of record also requested a copy be posted at City Hall for the 10day requirement Mr Vice chairman Miss obron reached out to me by voicemail on March the 8th 2024 advising that she would be having a contractor in place by the end of the month to begin working on the needed Corrections on APR ail the 8 2024 Miss Oberon advised by voicemail that the vines on the top of the pool cage had been re been removed the 6th of August 2024 Miss obergon emailed Jennifer Hodes who at that time was our Deputy city clerk Miss Oberon stated in the email she would be unable to attend the August 14th 2024 MCB due to to her being out of town for a prior engagement August the 14th 2020 24 Miss overon sent an email to Code Compliance regarding her request for an extension from the August MCB hearing to complete the necess necessary repair work by the end of October 2024 director Bron emailed Miss obron and granted her an extension to the next hearing date of September the 11th 2024 at this time I would like to submit photographic evidence of the violations taken by me on May the 8th 2024 and a copy of both emails sent Jennifer hajes and Code Compliance on the 6th and 14th of August 2024 May submit thanks thank you sir EXC Mr chair Mr Vice chairman although my photos do not depict the violations as clearly as I would like I personally observe the issues that need correcting exhibit number one shows the notice letter posted at the front door exhibit number two shows the front wall stains also the wood is in disrepair um it's behind the tree exhibit number three shows the front facia and dis repair exhibit number four shows the Southside fascia and dis repair as of this morning uh Mr Vice chair and board members Miss obon did email director Baron uh I have a copy of that email that I would like to submit I have eight copies for each of you you can just take one take a look at it I really would rather not read it um there's some information that's personal I don't believe that should be um spoken sir it's not relative to the case but I would like to submit please yeah I don't know as of today's uh dat dates uh M Mr Vice chairman and board members the site is out of compliance and I am seeking a ruling uh the case has been uh orchestrated February of of this year are both violations out of compliance uh yes sir they are uh the um well actually now it's only it's it's one violation is it yes sir front wall uh stains well exterior walls and you got the fa notice to I'm sorry two two violations sir wall staining and wood in disrepair as well as the fascia in disrepair on the front and the south side of the structure again I I'm sorry I you know for the the pictures or um but yeah CU I thought you said she the first time she contacted you she said she was going to clean the walls but that didn't happen um I believe that she did uh sir I just don't know what they use as far as a cleaning um chemical they're still still staining as far as you're concern yes sir there is the the the stains are are still there on the front um as well as the damage to the uh to the fous are on the front as well as the South Side the property is a corner uh so in taking those photos I was on a side street it was very very difficult um but I observe the violations they're still at the site um and again I am seeking a ruling um Lor should we still okay go ahead should have ask yes nobody else is so that's okay yes um so we have all these section code violations till non-compliance uh as far as the the front wall stains uh and the uh the fascia no sir uh they are not in compliance um believe the the front um maybe with the pressure washing it didn't get off as much as uh the respondent would have liked to um I believe that that was uh stated maybe in that third or that last email U uh board members as far as some painting uh possibly may be necessary I you know hopefully that would would alleviate it yeah I I noticed from the email she's asking till January and again you know I don't want to make it this at Trend but she could not tend because of her working but she's asking you know like she's confirming that she's going to fix everything and I think she's looking to sell the house and uh she wants tell January but that's according to the board here do we want to take a minute for everyone to get a chance to to read this email no problem sir unless somebody else has a question for a Cod enforcement officer okay okay so let's just take a minute because I have't is chance to read it either yes sir on [Music] everyone had a chance to read the email all right so uh any any other questions for Lori okay all right so um I don't think the respondent's here obviously she's not said she wasn't going to be here so so um I guess the next step is to is is a motion Mr Vice chairman if I may say one other the thing um just being the the code enforcement officer the case has been open sir we we've had this open since February the 8th of this year um we've definitely um G given time uh director Bron has has granted uh an an extension uh try to help to to bring the property into compliance um just this just is a frame of reference this started in February of last year is that correct no sir this year this year February of this year this year yes February of this year I wanted to ask one more question is that costly to remove the vines it's $1,200 that seems exaggerating but maybe if they came back a second time possibly can I just say the vines in Temple Terrace are insane yeah mine I've I have to pull them down every two weeks like every two weeks so I'll just throw that out there I feel sorry for her for $1,200 just to remove Vines that's and she had to cash pension fund and she's kind of like having some you know okay okay so do we have a I'm looking for a motion anybody want to take this okay in case number 24581 I move the city is proven by a greater way the evidence the following violation of the city of Temple Terrace city code did exist on the property located at 334 Sunnyside Road it's 88-102 subsection 13 subsection D and 88-102 subsection 13 subsection C this motion is based on the board and testimony this board has received from the code enforcement officer Lori Smith along with any other evidence including photos affidavit and the notice violation all which is received and is part of the record of this hearing a further move that the said violations be corrected honor before the honor before December 11th if the respondent doesn't not comply with this order honor before that date they are ordered to pay a fine for each and every day the violation continues past the date set for compliance upon considering the following factors the gravity of the violation any actions taken by the Violator to correct the violation and any previous violations committed by The Violator I move that the F be $25 per day second we have a motion and a second 11 any further discussion all right take a vote uh all in favor say I I I any Nays no Nays all right okay so uh move to the next case next case is case number 24-20 69 City versus Donald J Bots and Kaye sbots for the property located at 118 Glen Ridge Drive the case is before the board based on an alleged violation of section 8-28 A1 permits application required the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Doug Adams city has evidence that the notice of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good evening Mr Vice chairman and board members Doug Allen code compliance officer this case was originated by Community Development for renovation and plumbing work being done without obtaining and paying for the needed permits on May 9th 2024 I went directly to a notice of violation on that date with a reinspection datee of May 16th I posted a notice at the site and a notice was also posted at City Hall for the 10-day requirement and copies were mailed both certified and regular mail to the address of the owner of record reinspection on November 1st showed no change so I prepared a notice of hearing on that date and the case was scheduled for the November Municipal Code board meeting this time I'd like to submit photographic evidence of the site taken by myself on May 9th and a screenshot of the work without a permit all right oh sorry yes please thank at this time the site is in compliance and I'd also like to submit an affidavit to compliance and I'm seeking a finding all right awesome ahead any questions for the goat officer being none I'm GNA ask for a finding I can do this one I think in case number 24-20 69 I move the city is proven by greater weight of the evidence the following violations of the city and simple terce code did exist on the property located at 118 Glen Ridge Drive applicable codes 8-28 subsection a subsection 1 this motion is based off the sworn testimony this board has received from code enforcement officer along with other evidence including photos affid D and the notice of violation all of which is received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move that there be no F imposed because the violations were brought into compliance prior to the date of this hearing motion have a second second second all right let's have a vote take a vote uh all in favor any Nays no Nays next case next case is case number 24 4- 3354 City versus we bu houses LLC for the property located at 707 aine Circle the cases before the board based on an alleged violation of section 8-28 A1 permits application required the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Lori Smith the city has evidence that the notice of violation and notice of hearing were proper served good evening again Mr Vice chair and board members Lori Smith Code Compliance this case originated proactively on July the 17th 2024 my inspection reveal window installations without a permit at this time I left a door hanger with the reinspection datee of the 24th of July 2024 my inspection on August the 12th 2024 revealed no change therefore notice of violation was prepared with a compliance date of the 28th of August 2024 no one was at home so I posted the notice letter at the front door and I request that copies be sent certified and first class mailed to the owner of record I also requested a copy be posted at City Hall for the 10day requirement at this time I would like to submit photographic evidence that was taken by me on August the 21st 2024 showing the violations and a copy of the stop work order in Central Square yeah please add me ask B yeah thank you thank exib number one shows a notice letter posted at the front door exhibit number two shows the stop work order in Center Square as of today's date the site is now in compliance at this time I'd like to submit an affidavit compliance then I'm just looking for a finding any questions for the code officer all right yeah please go ahead thank you no questions so the work so now they got a permit did they they're continuing the work that's it they got the permit sir they got the permit from the windows that's great thank you all right so compliance is in compliance uh looking for a finding or a motion make a motion okay in case number 24- 3354 I move that the city has proven by a greater weight of the evidence the following violations of the city of Temple terce City code did exist on the property located at 707 Aberdine Circle applicable code section 8-28 subsection a subsection 1 the motion this motion is based on the sworn testimony this board has received from the code enforcement officer Lorie Smith along with any other evidence including photos affidavits and the notice of violation all of which is received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move that there be no fine imposed because the violations were brought into compliance prior to the date of this hearing a motion is there a second second second let's take a vote all in favor say I any opposed no Nays right motion passes next case last one next case is case number 24-3477 City versus Nava hilvano for the property located at 203 Redwood Avenue the cas is before the board based under alleged violation of section 10-3 B sanitation grass weeds the case will be prosecuted this evening by code compliance officer Doug Allen city has evidence that the notion of violation and notice of hearing were properly served good evening once again Mr Vice chairman and board members Doug Allen code compliance officer this case was originated by me on July 23rd 2024 for the partial construction of a shed without a permit I went direct to a notice of violation on that date with a reinspection date of July 29th 2024 I posted the notice at the front door and a copy was posted at City Hall for the 10-day requirement and copies were mailed both regular and certified mail to the owner of record my reinspection on November 1st showed no change so I prepared a notice of hearing and the case was scheduled for the November Municipal Code board meeting would like to submit photographic evidence taken by me on July 23rd 2024 a screenshot of the stop workor order yes please submit uh a permit package has been submitted this week to Community Development for plan review but the site is not in compliance at this time and I'm seeking the ruling all right any questions for the code officer they applied for a permit just hasn't been approved yet correct sorry when when would did they apply do you know sometime this week Tuesday I'm assuming oh okay so you takes a few days like why do you need a permit for a shed I thought that it was dependent on the size of the shed if it's too close to the property line yeah there's a variety of reasons proximity to the property line to make sure it's got the proper setbacks and the structural Integrity of the shed as such CPS yeah I don't want their shed to wind up on my roof it was yeah concern nowadays anyway after a couple of hurricanes well we got another one coming any other questions for officer Allen no all right so I'm looking for a finding then well have we had any contact with them like other other than they filed it like are they trying to comply does it seem like that like well they aside from filing the permit for the permit so yeah but I mean it's just a matter of getting it if it's not approved you know it'll be approved in the next that's true days so that's true I I can't control whether it'll be approved or not fair enough okay all right I'll do the last one for find okay I start the first and then I like to do the last just for tomoni Mr B sir we love tomon so we can go home fast go well oh no in case number 24-3477 [Music] I move that the city has proven by the greater way of evidence the following violation of the city of Temple terce city code did exist on the property located at 203 Redwood Avenue with the applicable code violation section 8-28 subsection a subsection 1 this motion is based on the sworn testimony this board has received from the code enforcement officer Doug Allen along with any other evidence including photos Avid David and the notice of violation of all with which received is received and entered as part of the record of this hearing I further move that the S violation be corrected on or before December 11 2024 if the respondent does not comply with this order on or before the day they are ordered to pay a fine for each and every day the violation continue past the date set for compliance upon considering the following factors the gravity of the violation any actions taken by the Violator to correct the violation any previous violations committed by The Violator I move that the fine be $25 per day motion we have a second second second right take a vote all in favor say I I any all opposed no n all right so I think we're done with the uh the P the hearings for tonight now we're going to move on to unfinished business yes Mr chair u under under presentation of Unfinished MCB cases uh case number 23- 0309 City versus Judith and Williams for the properly located at 521 Courtney Drive an Affidavit of compliance was submitted by Officer Smith for Section 88-102 13B dated October 9th 2024 case 24- 1084 City versus husam elmas abir atali and Jihad alar for the property located at 7705 Leon Avenue the deadline for compliance was October 9th 2024 a fine of $25 per day began on October 10th 2024 case number 24-14 N7 City versus Ronaldo J Kindred and Ashley Kindred for the property located at 7105 gadon Drive the deadline for compliance was September 11th 2024 a fine of $25 per day began on September 12th 2024 case 24-1 1810 City versus baf assets 5 LLC for the property located at 9901 Morris Glenway an Affidavit of compliance was submitted by officer Allen for Section 103b dated September 11th 2024 case 24-22 N8 City versus Shelby Winkler and Samuel Crawford for the property located at 6320 East 113th Avenue the deadline for compliance was September 11th 2024 a fine of $25 per day began on September 12th 2024 case 24- 2322 City versus Betty and Technology development Consultants LLC for the property located at 207 Woodbine Avenue the deadline for compliance was September 11th 2024 a fine of $25 per day began on September 12th 2024 case 24- 2568 City versus RZ and Van vonhoff for the property located at 423 South River Hills Drive the deadline for compliance was September 11th 2024 a fine of $25 per day began on September 12th 2024 case 24- 2858 City versus Lonnie Mark Hammond for the property located at 4 414 Park Ridge Avenue the deadline for compliance was September 11th 2024 a fine of $25 per day began on September 12th 2024 finally case 2 43072 City versus Heritage of Temple Terrace LLC and Heritage of Temple 2 LLC for the property located at 10605 North 56 Street number 101 an Affidavit of compliance was submitted by director Baron for Section 10-34 dated September 10th 2024 iclude the agenda right thank you U Mr chairman there should be a correction because in case number 24-23 2227 Woodbine Avenue that should be in compliance and Mr Allen submitted uh an affid of compliance and I have it be on the top of Page Three stop yeah okay that's in compliance all right thank you I have a question for Tom just because remember I mentioned at the beginning of the hearing um in in the case number 24-10 184 I believe he's that's what why he called me because of the hurricane we missed the hearing he was going to come and ask for extension that's what he explained to me and then I directed him to talk to you so his violation does not begin or he said something something I don't know this is this is the fence case no I understand so the conversation was that he hired a fence company they were going to come out to repair the fence but due to the hurricane the fence company called and cancelled that appointment so it's out of his he has no control over the fence company canceling that appointment I sympathize with that I told him to call me when the fence company comes out November 27th to build that fence and put that property in compliance yeah so I can be prepared so his actual but did he did he start uring the $25 per day I had a conversation with him yesterday about that no there won't be a fine against them yeah because you know it was mentioned now it started you know like yeah in the unfinished business it's it just I don't know how Ernie can explain that to me just I mean the bottom line on the case is it's not complied and we understand the situation but we can't put it into compliance until it is complied I think Tom will handle that situation if and when it comes into compliance we understand he's worried because he was mentioning like this going up in and money and all that I don't want to be his advisor or anything but you know we here work for the public so you know I I answer any question I just want it to be legally also with Ernie telling me exactly what I should say you know in case he calls me right and also remember the October meeting was cancelled due to the hurricane so he couldn't come back to the code board to ask for an extension so I I understand where he's coming from very good okay so the bottom line he's not occuring any any fin no yes at the moment that's correct until the next meeting yeah everything's out of his control all I can tell him you're not uring any meeting was canell and the fence company canell because that's why hopefully he can watch us and tell us will we be revisiting this uh case another excuse me at the next meeting is it no I apolog be he's having a fence company come November 27th got so I will be submitting an Affidavit of compliance comp okay cool okay okay all right um I guess there's no leans report tonight okay so no I would like to do some new business first of all we have some a couple of new team members right we have Joe Hartness right Harless or Harless sorry welcome so yeah and also we have a new code enforcement officer Ste Sten valy is that stepen valy so he's in the South zone so anybody from bullet Parkway South to the river there's a new sheriff in town and uh so Stevens came on board about three or four weeks ago so welcome Stephen and so far so good a great job about him was he in the code enforcement officer before or that's his first time this is a whole new experience for him he seems doing good yes he's doing it for the first time y yep that neighborhood got hit rough too a lot of lot of trees down there yes a lot of big trees down there yeah a lot of big ones that's all I have and thank you for uh announc or statement to say is just uh David the the the chairman is uh he uh just keep him in your thoughts and prayers he's he's undergoing some treatment which I understand is successful is going to be successful in the long run so he'll he'll be back hope hopefully sooner rather than later as far as I'm concerned but uh so anyway that's that's all I had anybody else have anything they'd like to new business bring up tonight motion to ad Jour second second needing a journ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e