City attorney will go ahead and take that I'll uh get that started we'll um take nominations there does not need to be a second for a nomination so if and then once all I've gotten all the nominations we'll go ahead and vote at that time for the chair then we'll do the same thing for vice chair so nominations are open for the chair don't everyone speak at once exactly yes I want to nominate Letha all right Lea Lea did you want to be her that's really sweet but I've got three I'm I'm I'm uh an officer in three other uh organizations and I just don't know if I can do do another one but thank you I all very nice of her so I'm taking that as a thank you but no thank you thank you right yes okay so uh we still have nominations open well seeing none I will volunteer all right Sher I was going to I was going to nominate you but I didn't know if you smack me or not you do so much you don't want to be shot down right any other nominations none all right I'll close the nominations all those in favor of Sher Donahue to be the chair raise your hand it's you d congratulations I get to move oh sorry Lynn okay that's fine leave me well if you want you could all slide no that's quite all right okay all right then I'll do the vice chair and then turn over uh the meeting over to you Sher we have a um motion a motion in a second or how am I doing that is it going to be the same as a normal well we had the election everyone voted she was voted in anonymously there's no need unanimously not an unanimously um and we won't need a second on the elections on a on a nomination okay so with the motion I'll get with you on that on lator then yeah I I I wouldn't even consider Mo who's nominated and then what the vote was okay all right yep all right now uh we'll open up the nominations for vice chair in the event that sher's unavailable promise to try to come to all the meetings I'd like to nominate MOA if You' so like to do it accept the nomination will you accept the nomination yes all right any other nominations all right we'll close the nominations all in favor of Moira being a vice chair please raise your hand was you V uh unanimous congratulations wonderful M Don H meeting is yours thank you thank you by the way you know you can change the chair every year so this is not a lifetime commitment okay so you can boot me out if you need to please don't put that in a minutes um I think the first order of business then would be to if you we all were sent the minutes of the meeting from last we did not have a meeting last time that oh so these don't need to be approved okay yeah we don't have that was no official business an unofficial we all took it so seriously okay all right well in that case we'll move on to the agenda which then would be the Draft rules of procedure and those were in and are in our notebook they are also at the desk so hopefully uh you've had some time to take a look at it um does anyone um want to discuss it further Ernie is there anything in particular that you wanted us to look at I was going to ask jeie if she had anything but the one thing I do want you to notice is uh page two under the notice of meetings in read there um through consensus last time everybody thought the fourth Wednesday of the month would be the time for you know would be the appropriate time for a meeting but since we were at a workshop we couldn't make that official we can do that now if you would like there would be a motion in a second as for setting the regular meeting date and as we're considering that um I had I asked a question earlier is this a monthly or quarterly you know right now we're all in a learning phase but we can't we don't have any variances in front of us however it's up to local government dictates that the board must meet quarterly but you can meet more often if you so right okay also everybody just uh been reminded every so often you might see a flashing light it means someone hasn't put their microphone on so just be sure uh you turn your microphones on when you speak if you not sure how that's what you're wanting right Brian Genie couldn't hear G ah jeie you're the culprit you'll have to get you please take your spot at the uh the certified local government dictates that the board must meet quarterly but you can meet more often if you so choose well how does the board feel about that I mean right now we don't have any variances but that could appear at any time correct because we are now established so do you feel that we need to meet monthly and for a certain period of time or are you ready to go ahead and meet quarterly well could I I was just going can I chime in real quick not that I'm board but we uh because you're kind of an organizational mode and training mode I think that we've been kind of thinking that at least for the next couple of months you'll meet on a monthly basis as we try and bring you all up to speed on something that's absolutely new right so I think at least for the you may want to consider monly type meetings until we you know you get we get you a queen oh I I I'm definitely in the training mode the only reason I was willing to say I would act as chair is because I do know how to chair meetings I don't know everything about this particular subject so I'm definitely in a learning curve um yes no Oh I thought you were raising your hand no okay right so anybody have any ideas or any suggestions should we vote on the well I think what we said was the fourth Wednesday of the month do are you yes ma'am you brought up a very good point it does not state in the rules the chair will only serve for a year so do you want that in there well I don't know let's see how this goes is this a lifetime appointment I didn't know that I didn't know I thought CU I uh when you said that I was like oh is that I was going to say does anybody else think how long do you think you signed up for three years two years three three years some are three some are are three I'm two I'm a three okay but yes for for the term but but in the me meantime I guess we can make a decision on the board chair it it's it's up to us correct correct yes anybody else agree disagree why don't we reelect every year we'll put that in the rules now and that way you can be off the hook in a year if you need to I'm fine with that yeah I think I think that gives us an option of everyone taking a leadership position not that we're not all going to have to be in leadership positions for this but yeah I'm more than happy to do that um the question is do we want to do that now we want to go ahead and finish the motion we're talking about let's start let's go back to the dates and get that settled okay so I need a motion to make it official that it will be the fourth Wednesday of the month and then we can you can roll that into your motion or we can make it two separate motions it's up to you I would motion that um when we when we meet it will be the fourth Wednesday of a month okay all right so we have a motion on the floor uh to meet the fourth Wednesday of the month okay and I'll second that in a second all right any discussion on that all right we'll take a vote all in favor of meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:00 in council chambers we'll just put it all in there just are you okay with that motion okay all right ready for the vote all in favor looks like it's approved okay so now how do you want to do it do you want to meet quarterly or do you want to begin my meeting monthly until we feel like we have some education behind us and we're ready to go quarterly I would think that would be the best way to handle it because none of us are really familiar with all the all of it well I know over the holidays we each this was our holiday reading so definitely and we all read it all yeah right watch out we don't even need the train we're not on TV this month but we will be from now on so this is is your only month to make make make statements like that so I need a motion uh to would you like to make another motion Miss Werner yes okay make a motion that we meet uh on the monthly uh for the next three months and then determine our status there thereafter okay so would you mean that we would meet February March and April yes okay that'll get us started do I have a second I'll second okay and do we have discussion hearing no discussion I call for a vote all in favor of meeting monthly for the months of February March and April say I I I any opposed okay who was my second the second was Moira okay right no waso no yeah okay sorry last time I wrote it down this time I didn't so I'll take better notes okay all right so we have that established it has been um talked Mo here that we would decide to um elect a chair on an annual basis so let's see where would that go in your oh it is in there it is in there there so annually elect a chair Tada see look at us we're following the rules already where's that Tre um M officed chair where is that first page first page officers and number one okay done chair if I could yes please uh Miss hajes and I were talking about the El elections yesterday and you know we have several boards and we got to thinking that if if we can try and get all elections of chair and vice chairs to occur in January for all boards that way it'll help us remember the to do that so it we don't have in here you know when that would be if someone would want to maybe say that the elections would be in January do you have any issue with that no um that would be probably helpful so you're suggesting that we say members officers and duties number one read from among its members the board shall annually elect a chair Vice chair and protm chair when necessary in the month of January or insert January before you get to a chair poem actually just for a chair and vice chair okay uh just for your edification a chair protim is when for some reason we have a meeting meeting and neither the chair or vice chair could be there let's say right away or whatever you would elect a chair protim which is chair for time that would preside over the board until either the chair or the vice chair showed up so chair protim would always be on as an ad hoc okay so that's an as needed person okay so I will need another motion to change the rules of procedure to read from among its members the board shall annually elect a chair and vice chair in the month of Jan in the month of January whatever sounds best maybe someone can make a better motion than I have read no that works that works yeah do you have that Jen not the way you said it but but who's made the motion I'll make that motion okay thank you the item number one from among its members the board shall annually elected chair and vice chair in the month of January and a chair Pro time when necessary I wouldn't even we may even want yeah well it's in there already okay do I have a second I'll second thank you Lea any discussion all in favor say I any opposed okay well we passed three motions and it's only 5:15 so I don't think it we we won't be able to keep up with that in the future okay is there anything else Janie that you thought we should pay close attention to um no I oh uh I believe everything else is in order um so with those revisions with the revisions that the board has indicated um you can either choose to uh adopt the rules of procedure tonight or we can rise them and you can adopt them at your next meeting whatever you're comfortable with that's what I was going to ask if if you're comfortable passing it as is or do you want to read it over and see if you have any questions and you'd rather push this off to next month's agenda move to accept are you okay yeah I'm good I moved to AC as written okay so we have a motion on the floor from Miss Warner to approve the rules of procedures as amended tonight do I have a second I second Moira second any other discussion all in favor say I hi okay we're on a roll all right the next is Robert's Rules of order and procedure who would like to address that yes let me talk real quick on that what your rules procedure obviously are what you'll follow as you know you you run your meeting as a board in the rules can can't cover everything so in case something comes up that doesn't seem to be covered by your rules your fallback is always going to be Robert's Rules of Order so I just wanted to make youw okay all right and and I I should be able to advise as to what Robert's Rules would require if that should come up okay I do have one question U there we are a quas Judicial board correct and so there will be times when speakers will need to be sworn in and will there also be times when we have to um say yes or no that we have spoken to the presenters oh absolutely yeah we'll do would you explain that because I don't know that people have had to go through that before and we're having a video I can't remember if a video talked about xar but just in case you'll just hear it twice um because you are Quasi judicial you have to be independent um and if someone were to speak with you in fact I may have talked about this last month too when we talked about is in the event that you you should refrain from trying to have any conversation with anyone about something that could come before you but as best you try you may not be able to do that someone's going to start talking to you and next thing you know you have a conversation going the conversation itself is not detrimental if as long as you disclose it the idea being everybody knows that you had this conversation what it was who it was with and the fact that you can still be fair and impartial and you'll be able to base your decision on the information that's at the hearing never on anything that was outside of the hearing itself yeah I mean that that once people know who you are you will get those conversations they will approach you would you just close immediately following the conversation or at the top of the next meeting it would be at a time just before the the hearing itself okay right you know we what we don't want to do is go through that hearing and then find out that there was an next parte communication that could undo everything that you did so yeah what in and I will uh ad you know just do that prior to the hearing I'll ask if anybody's had uh either verbal or uh written expar Communications an expar always kind of meaning outside of this noticed here and we also probably wouldn't want to disclose it if they actually haven't brought forth their case correct you know they could be saying hey you know I've been thinking about whatever and we're we're taking notes and we're paying attention and then they don't do anything with it so yeah exactly we want to make sure it's isue before we that'll we'll know that if they're on if they're on your agenda and then so everyone will be anyone speaking to us in a case even their own they will be sworn in before they begin their testimon will we but we also will be given what their request is ahead of time like will it come to us in an agenda yes uh okay I don't want to speak for you Marissa if you have an idea of what the you know how the staff or Mike's here too that can address this situation rep so good evening Mike Sherman on the commity commity development director I'm not sure if I've met everybody but to answer the question for each item you get whether it's for a variance application or we're looking at um uh certificates of appropriateness or whatever the issue may be if we're looking at Grants you'll get a staff report from us that'll give you an idea of what the issue is what our recommendation is what findings of facts and why our recommendation is as it is we'll list like there's uh hard ship criteria that youall have to look at when you get a variance we'll address each one of those hardship criteria tell you whether we believe it's a hardship or not but yeah there won't be any item that yall have to deal with uh where you won't have some kind of Staff report or documents for us to help get yall up to speed before the meeting that that that makes a big difference to know ahead of time what what's coming to us because no one just drops in yeah okay all right that's important all right so thank you very much that I appreciate that so we did talk about so I understand you have a PowerPoint presentation to tell us some of these same things yes um actually you have done on your agenda quasi judicial board presentation and a variance presentation uh you won't have the variance one tonight we're going to have to tweak that a bit in fact we'll probably be tweaking the Quasi judicial board one too but we want to have something here for you so uh hopefully uh it'll work out good enough for you guys to follow and everything else so uh chair if you're ready we can I'm ready unless anybody has anything else okay hello I'm Ernie Mueller from the legal department and today we are going to briefly discuss the basics of Quasi judicial procedure the oath you took for your office requires you to uphold the laws of the city the state and the United States the board attorney will advise you on the laws as may be necessary from time to time it is very important you listen to their advice when you follow the advice of the board attorney you not only protect the city but yourself as well as long as you follow advice you are protected from lawsuits against you if you fail to follow the attorney's advice you might be held personally liable in a lawsuit related to that action the city Also may not provide you legal counsel in those situations as a member of a public board you are now subject to several laws including Florida Sunshine Law all discussions on matters that may come before the board or commission between two or more members is subject to the Sunshine Law that means that it must be noticed open to the public and min must be taken your regularly scheduled public hearings meet these requirements and are the correct time to discuss items the following are not in compliance with the Sunshine Law discussions that occur in the back room during a recess passing a note to a fellow member during the meeting discussions at a neighborhood association meeting or any other Communications of board business not noticed as such open to the public and recorded in some manner is a possible violation of the Sunshine Law this includes emails text messages Facebook posts Instagram posts tweets telephone conversations as well as the telephone game where you tell someone to go tell another member also all of these written forms including your personal emails and text messages regarding board business then become public records and must be retained according to the public records law it is better to just not create these records in potential violations Communications on board business with fellow members is best handled at noticed public meetings in the sunshine if you have a topic that you feel should be discussed either send an email to the city staff who can neutrally disseminate information that would not violate the Sunshine Law or schedule it for discussion at a noticed meeting meting however matters pertaining to a particular application should only be discussed in the hearing on that application do not violate the Sunshine Law if you do you may be assessed up to a $500 fine knowingly violating a Sunshine Law is a second-degree misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $500 Andor imprisonment for up to 60 days you will likely be susp ended or removed from your office attorney's fees can be assessed and may be assessed against you personally unless you are following the advice of the board attorney in addition if there is action taken on the matter discussed outside the sunshine that action could be voided you must also comply with the laws on conflicts of interest there are statutory conflicts of interests and there are conflicts based on the appearance of impartiality first first let's discuss statutory voting conflicts you are required to vote unless a ground for conflict or recusal exists under Florida Statutes board members are conflicted and must recuse themselves if the matter will inure to their special private gain or loss special private gain or loss means an economic benefit or harm that would inure to the member his or her relatives business business associates or client the economic benefit or harm should be fairly direct and immediate Not Mere speculation for example your spouse is working on this project is a statutory conflict that your spouse has a landscaping company and this project could hire them to provide Landscaping if approved is not a statutory conflict if you have a conflict you must recuse yourself on the record State the reason and file the form with the city staff within 15 days even if there is not a statutory conflict disclosure of a conflict and possible recusal may still be necessary consider whether it would appear to someone on the losing side that you may not have been completely impartial examples are if you live or own property within the area that required notice of the property at issue you should recuse yourself in this instance what if you are within the neighborhood and either have been or currently are active in the local HOA that is opposing The Proposal again this should be disclosed and you may need to recuse yourself what if your college roommate is the applicant once again disclose and you may need to recuse yourself even if there is not an expar communication these types of perceived or real conflicts should be disclosed and the board attorney will walk you through whether recusal is necessary whether your possible conflict is with the applicant or the opposition it is better to disclose than to have a decision overturn because you failed to disclose Florida Statutes also prohibit soliciting anything of value in exchange for a vote accepting anything of value given to influence a vote attempting to use an official position for private gain using nonpublic information for private gain doing business with one own's agency or having a conflicting employment or contractual relationship these are all prohibitions found in the Florida code of ethics for public officers and employees unlike the previous slide we're clarifying the impartiality or recusal from a vote cured the defect violations of these Provisions cannot be so easily cured we are going to talk specifically about what is a conflicting employment or contractual relationship a public officer is prohibited from having an employment relationship or contractual relationship with a business that is subject to the regulation of or doing business with their agency practically speaking this could come up if you or a business partner represents someone appearing in front of your board so if your employer or a client paying you come before the board you would need to resign however and this is a big however there is an exception to the statute for professionals that are on the board because of their profession for example if you are an architect on the board in the architect position and your client that you provide architectural services to under a contract appears before the board you can simply accuse yourself instead of resigning if however you are on the board in a citizen position you would be required to resign if you are not sitting on the Commission in the professional capacity you will want to be very cognizant of whether someone that you have an employment or contractual relationship with might come before the board a second part of this is worth noting also continuing or frequently recurring conflicts can also be a cause to resign for example you would not want your business partner to start routinely representing people in front of your board even if you fall within the exception mentioned above a constant frequent cause for recusals may still necessitate resignation okay we've talked about the matters that affect the public hearing let's talk about the hearing itself staff will present the item all staff departments will with a presentation should present first this is followed by the applicant then comments from the general public then the applicant is afforded rebuttal after rebuttal the public hearing will be closed the very next thing that should happen is a motion All City hearings operate under Robert's Rules of Order generally Robert's Rules call for a motion a second discussion and voting always in that order thus discussion is appropriate on a motion and a motion should be made immediately after closing the public hearing new state law requires that every board decision to approve approve with conditions or deny must include written findings in order to allow the minute taker to accurately capture all the grounds for the board's decision and commit commit those to a writing the motion must come before any discussion let's briefly discuss motions the motion to approve approve with conditions or deny should State all the grounds or findings that the motion maker believes supports the decision the best way to support the board's decision is to have all the reasons for the motion stated in the best possible detail the motion maker should cite the code section and all factual references that he or she feels support the decision board members may find it helpful to take notes for themselves during the hearing that they can reference them okay board members may find it helpful to take notes for themselves during the hearing that they can reference at the close of the hearing however board members should never pass these notes to other board members keep them only for reference not communicating if you are not the motion maker you can still help if a fellow board member makes a motion that you feel lacks code or evidentiary support you can offer an amendment for example evidence of X and Y in the record also supports your motion will you accept that as an amendment is a welcome addition to all motions if a motion is made but does not receive a second it will die and another motion is in order once a motion is properly made and seconded discussion is appropriate the chair May limit discussion if time is limited but generally board members have an opportunity to speak after the motion in the second if they so desire it is not necessary to speak however if a board member simply agrees with the motion there's not a requirement that they discuss it if however a board member disagrees with the motion that was made this is the correct time to bring up concerns to fellow members after a vote is taken unless the vote failed the matter is closed and should not be further discussed if you have concerns after a vote has been taken it is best to address these concerns to either staff or the legal department privately the need to be impartial and act impartially continues even after the applicant has left the room and you never know when a particular issue applicant or case may come back if discussion is going long and not progressing and if the chair has not called for an end to the discussion any board member May signal to be called upon and upon obtaining the floor move to call the question call the question means to cease all discussion and take an immediate vote if seconded and approved no further discussion is allowed however generally all all members will simply agree to vote if another member calls the question under Robert's Rules almost all motions require the moving member to obtain the floor by signaling and being called upon to speak similarly almost all motions require a second and a vote point of order does not require any of these point of order is used if you believe procedure has been violated in some way if you believe an important part of procedure was missed you can simply call out point of order and then State what you believe the concern to be it is always best to obtain the floor first but if you cannot get the chair's attention always feel free to just speak up on important procedural issues it protects the city to make sure proper procedure is always observed point of information does require you to obtain the floor first but it does not not require a second or a vote board members can use point of information to ask questions from staff or of the legal department while questions may come up at any time ideally all questions of Staff legal members of the public in support or opposition as well as questions of the applicant will take place before the applicant is given a chance at rebuttal if additional questions come up after an applicant has already given their rebuttal they may need to be afforded additional rebuttal time to address any evidence given in response to the question thank you go ahead any questions again we will be tweaking that a bit but we wanted you to at least get something uh so you know if you have any questions on that please ask no pleas good okay thank you for putting that together Ernie sorry I jumped the gun and asked you a bunch of questions you were going to talk about here twice it just reinforces yeah okay let's see here uh do we have Mr Fernandez here tonight actually this is next month he'll be here what we wanted to do was kind of let you know that he was going to come Dennis Fernandez is the manager of the historic preservation over in Tampa has been doing doing this for years and he has generously offered to come and talk with you um about the different processes you're going to go through as you're aware you're going to be doing certificates of appropriate when time comes uh you'll be getting applications for certificate of appropriateness uh uh also applications for uh recommendation for designation uh all these different processes um not thinking of everything oh variances all these different things actually I'll be teaching you the variances but all these uh the use I mean I'm sure everybody's going Department of interior standards I need to apply those he'll talk with you a bit about that so come with questions Dennis will be a great resource to ask those questions too okay so now that we officially know that we're meeting in February I hope he's available he is he's already confirmed he's already confirmed okay just in case we decided to go quarterly right away yeah well better to have him confirmed than say whoops you're off the hook than to not so okay well that's good to know um I had a question for you and it's just gone right out of my head but hopefully it'll bounce back in um anybody have any other specific questions I note I don't know if you read the article U I guess what I want to say is how important it is to come to every meeting if at all possible now watch I'll be the first one to have to say I'm not out of in town um there was an article about the building did you read the historic registered building on Davis Island where it has historic registration however it isn't going to be protected from Demolition and the comments were about the board more than they were about what was happening about how there were only four in attendance and I believe they have they don't quite have seven themselves right right right this is the city of Tampa yeah and I thought oh okay they don't mind talking bad about us if we're not doing our yeah not doing what they job right and so I don't remember now did they have seven or they were having a hard time filling their board and they fill it they opened with the minimum number and four was their minim minimum number that must have been Quorum yeah I'm afraid I didn't when when was this oh last week maybe yeah it started about two weeks ago that they've been talking about but the house was up for sale I think it's like 4 million or and then they want to talk about knocking it down yeah I know is that is that the house that was Mr Davis yes Mr Davis is home oh cuz I I saw the listing yeah all the pictures and all the stuff but it didn't say anything about yeah demo so we might all want to take a good look at this case because you know all I know is what I've read in the paper you get in the paper and I mean that's probably the only place I'm going to know more unless you know y all know more about it yeah yeah but my point is one of their comments was that they barely had a quorum that they had members who were missing and so they voted anyway and that for something that important they the petitioner wanted them have a quum they did have a quorum but the petitioner said you didn't not everybody was there and I didn't feel like I Was Heard by everybody so you know sure we do have a couple of those buildings that well we had that one my sister house that um that they purchased and like 3 days later they left it all down right well and then I guess my other question is going to be what at this point we have buildings that we're all like biting our fingernails waiting for them to come down because they're being neglected so that they will come down and I'm looking at Marissa she's like got this rolling list so you know the question will be at some point I mean I guess we're not going to be proactive right we have to wait for people to come to us oh that'll be hard can we just have a suggestion box maybe and suggest might kill your impartiality yeah yeah I'm sorry yes is that something we could use time to get more information on the specific lists of properties that are in danger as part of this board yeah I can me and to what degree and and remember sorry no no I just really the way that we adopted this ordinance that we had the council adopt this ordinance is because this is a strictly voluntary program so there's no way I mean if the property owner is not willing there's pretty much nothing we can do it's all voluntary you can nominate another building to be um registered I you know designated locally but if the owner is not willing to do that then we can't I think for me it would just be helpful to understand the full sort of historic landscape um and just have an awareness of that okay so a list of endangered properties pretty much okay we have we have the map of the location of of all the properties that are are in our 1988 historic resources survey if you would like that map we could I'd love that yes thank you yes and and I agree with you I'd like to know I guess my question is if I know that it should be a candidate I mean we're not we're not actually going out as a body correct but if if it's not us who is is it your department going to the site no go you know find if I see that you know the house said we'll just pick my address because it's not ever going to be on the historic register don't so at 209 uh you know this house wow this is a perfect example of a house that should be preserved that's really not in our purview is it you can you can direct staff to send letters to Property Owners that's good to know I think that's what where you're heading so we can Sol encourage yes we can encourage them but okay it has to be voluntary well I don't I'm not going to be encouraging anybody because then when they come up forward I'll say yes I had a conversation with them I told them come on forward we'll we want to hear your case so I probably won't do that I most likely myself will say to you oh this house is so beautiful it should never come down well or whatever just to clarify I wasn't thinking as far ahead as a public you know campaign or encouraging um I just felt like for my own edification and awareness I'd like that information and I do understand the importance of a soft touch so yeah okay now um we are not to reach out to homeowners and none of that stuff right I mean we can talk to staff about if we see a house that we think might fit but we cannot talk to homeowners none of that stuff that right the other thing we can do is this was discussed at the council level is to come up with incentives for property owners owners to come into the program um that's something the board can talk about and we can put something together and send it out to the owners of historic properties but we're not to disclose that to them right incentives to the owners can we tell them hey the city has this incentive and yes that kind of yes if we have a program that offers incentives to the property owners yes we can we can push that out but it's a little bit of a slippery slope there yeah I I think what I think jeie might be thinking that you're going to talk to staff about this and then staff would reach out I mean I would be very reticent about yeah any board members going out and recruiting sorry yeah no let me clarify no it'll be you direct staff to to to do this but the board can discuss incentives markers for historic properties um waving fees for applications stuff like like that that's discussed at the board level and then you direct staff to to send letters or whatever is there a fund already established for incentives in the budget no so that's another thing we'd have to come up with costs and you know present that to council right it would be nice if there was already a pot of money for us to play with but since there's not be nice but yeah unfortunately yeah the ordinance hadn't passed yeah so we were at a disadvantage okay that makes sense would this be a good question for Dennis when he comes just learning what city of Tampa does uh in terms of incentives and okay definitely don't want to try to reinvent the wheel no yeah never yeah it would be good to understand why someone may let their home deteriorate to the point of almost demolition by um neglect neglect because a lot of times especially if they're older they know they they they just get into a the idea that they can't afford it or maybe they can't to do anything and we don't have a program for that yet either no and some of them are so elderly they move out of state and just leave it well exactly yeah you're right they they do but that's another issue yeah yeah that's when that hardship thing comes in for us as well as them yeah yeah any other yes Ernie sorry CH but uh in case you want to uh you know you decide that oh I want some entertainment you could look at the um YouTube channel for Tampa for their boards and just kind of see how emotion goes let me tell you how Tampa's set up so that you know what to look for Tampa it has broken up into three boards everything that you guys have you know this board has been authorized to do they have something called their historic preservation board is actually the designation board and was probably the board that was dealing with the maybe the Davis Island issue because if they were trying to remove that from the list that would have gone through the historic preservation board so there's as far as doing the certificates of appropriateness the variances everything else that's broken down into two different boards the bario Latino Commission the BLC they handle everything that's in the his uh eore City Historic District so you can look watch them or every place outside of uh ebore is under the Architectural Review commission The Arc they do the areas like pmia hide Park seminal Heights and all that um so you'll have two different boards and you may want to watch a hearing of each they're cating are they popcorn ready oh yeah just don't get how many to comfy you'll fall asleep huh actually well you know especially if um you know with you get the presentations and what people are going to do and stuff I you know I I advised those boards I actually enjoyed all the hearings because I like historic preservation and it was just always very interesting so I mean I I'm uh you know trying not to be too uh cheeky about it but they're interesting but you know uh and I think they're they're they're they'll be good for you to watch so you can especially when Dennis is here you might have you know get some questions off of that okay so the arc or the BLC under the uh Tampa YouTube channel okay um so on the agenda and the creation of is that something that we direct or are you're going to be putting that together for us at right now without any variances or are the Motions obviously that will I will be putting the historic preservation board agenda together with input from the chair because it's your agenda so um or if anybody has anything that they would like to put on it okay well that was going to be my next question to the board members do you have anything specific you would like to address at the February meeting that's sort such an open-end question isn't it you know kind of it would be easier to say do you want to talk about this or this but you know and if you think of anything in the meantime you're always welcome to email yes please and I am open to any suggestions once you send it to Jeannie so I I don't have an agenda and I'd like for you to if you think of something that you really might want to talk about and you know we've given us a couple of ideas here you know some incentives or some other things for us to research in the month in between on our own or with your help so and if you do email staff this is a good time again to keep reinforcing you know try not to email you know put add everybody else on the board um because if someone replies you now have that conversation going so just remember to um you know just do staff email staff and um if you do get some everybody gets something from staff should be saying at the very top do not reply all um so just try and keep that in mind too and again I know a lot of you are kind of new to boards so you know that's why I'll keep reinforcing this just so think about it well the training next month will be the highlight of it for now so that we can get some more a better idea of what we're doing and and what we still have a little fuzzy on if if anything we may be we may be all ready get up and to speed as soon as what's your estimate that's been out there while people are hearing about us you know I keep going to you because you two have lived and breathed this now for years yeah so what are you what are you hearing from the community is there going to be is is somebody ready for us to be in in action and ready to come forward or oh boy that's solicited jump up don't know you don't have to tell me who it is I just want to know are we comeing close one request that has asked if um if there was any way they could designate their house this was a few months ago we told them prior to the ordinance being passed we told them not at this time that the ordinance would have to be passed first I think it's now time that we send out an invitation um to all the owners of historic properties and let them know where we're at and you know just invite them to to come into the program okay by I yeah sorry was something male to them they we have been keeping in touch with the so they know they're aware of the board and all that but um you know there's nothing wrong with reminders okay and just to bring everybody up to speed on you know where we're at and you know now that the rules have been adopted we can apply to become a certified local government which is quite an honor um you know there are certain steps and certain things that need to happen before you can submit an application to the state now we've checked off everything that needs to happen so we can put the application together and send it in and once we're a CLG that's even more exciting yeah the CLG program will offer us a lot of grant opportunities um that we can apply for um to help with surveying and other things so that's why becoming a CLG is high on our priority okay what is the typical timeline from submission of application to getting your um it's a couple months I mean especially it depends on the backlog in the state um that's actually quicker than I thought so yeah hopefully but it will at least be several months yeah I'd say so but this person now knows that he can move forward he just hasn't started the process not yet but we will we can inform okay so we have one who's just anxiously awaiting us to say go yes so as of today you can file it yes yes oh sorry I've been waiting yes we will start working on the application I don't think we'll be staying late to do it but and we'll keep but the part's at your house yes and there was a story about our CLG being form did anybody did y'all see that was in the beacon no I did see that yeah someone texted it to me oh they saw my name your Nam out this one or uh no I think it's previous no it was at least a week ago at least a week ago yeah okay I can email jeie the picture I got and you can send it out absolutely okay any other business to come before this board all right well it looks like we're going to finish about 2 minutes early so we might enjoy that while we can these could go on for a while in the future and that will be exciting and that's why we all signed up right because this is a subject that we're interested in and we wanted to make sure that with our help the city could actually apply for the designation and then move forward to designate our historic homes so this been a long time coming I have no other objections I know it's been long for you guys I remember when it was started so which is why we're so happy to have you on this board CU you can say I don't know about that been there tried that yeah whatever you do don't mention bats oh boy that's a whole other committee that's a whole different ball game yep I have no objection to adjourning the meeting you're here we are [Music] [Music] [Music] adjourned [Music] [Music]