##VIDEO ID:Es8hNh2ORYE## [Music] everybody doing tonight well good thanks for being here we should sell tickets to this event popcorn peanuts okay in compliance with the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed in the annual meeting are posted on the public Bolton board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year okay so next we're going to do the salute to the flag but before we start um we have uh tenly Tigers here plus we have the wits Club here so Dan do we have a couple of members who would like to help with the pledge and Mrs hes do we have a couple of uh members who would like to help with the Pledge of Allegiance you come up oh yeah you can come on up here it's even better okay so you guys stand here flag 2ag United States of America the stands Nation God thank you Omar could I have a roll call please got council member Corsair here council member minen here council member Michaels council member Dr o Conor here counc member Park here C member rural area May Zen here okay first we're going to do the witz club Proclamation thank you very much guys for putting this together child safety is extremely important right so great work as always okay so I'm going to read this whole Proclamation whereas children product safety awareness month was proposed by the witz club and designated to create awareness that all products used by children not just toys must be thoroughly vetted for safety and whereas children's product safety awareness month was enacted into law in 2013 at the urging of witz a group of school children who wanted to make life and place safer for children across New Jersey and whereas the witz club students are third through fifth graders at Stillman Elementary School in tenly let's hear it for Stillman an Afterschool Club devoted to identifying problems in society and pushing for changes to rectify those problems and whereas in 2009 a member of witz went to Trenton to see a bill on children's product safety pass a year later the club went to Trenton again and was compelled to make the law more apparent by designating November as children's product safety awareness month and where our students spoke before members of the State Assembly in support of the initiative Governor Chris Christie signed the bill into law on May 9th 2013 still no follow-up action to support the law so the students wrote to their Senator assemblywoman the division of Consumer Affairs and Governor Christie in October 2015 and whereas on November 2nd 2015 Governor Christie responded to the witch children and issued a proclamation making November children's product safety awareness month in New Jersey whereas the mayor and Council urge tenly parents to be selective in their toys and children's products when choosing such items to bring into their homes as we approach the holiday season now therefore be it resolved that I Mark Zenna do hereby proclaim the month of November as children's product safety Awareness Month in the pr of tenly thank you very [Applause] much you guys want to take some pictures oh go ahead come up to the microphone yeah bend it down rice you go ahead yep children children's product safety awareness month was proposed by our wit club and designed to create awareness that all products used by children not just toys must be thoroughly thoroughly vetted for safety thank you for issuing the proclamation again in New Jersey so that parents in New Jersey to learn more about safe play and to review their children's products children have the right to save fun and beneficial play thank you very much great job bring the thank you okay here's the proclamation guys want to take pictures or what all right say Stillman rules Stillman rules thank you thanks [Music] guys okay okay now we're going to move on to the 10U Ten oflight Tigers Little League [Applause] team okay so first off congratulations and uh I'm going to read one of the proclamations and then Omar the burough clerk is going to have individual sign congratulations for um each of the team members okay all right so the burough of tenly Mayor and burrow Council proudly present presents to the 10U tenly Tigers little league baseball team in recognition of your Championship win and the 10U USA BL Championship on November 1st 2024 on and certified on this 12th day of November in the year 2024 so congratulations [Applause] guys does does the team want to take some pictures also Dan okay so line them up and come on up and the coaches thees this is like the best part of the job yeah just got keep winning nicey you got all these scans in congratulations there's Dorothy where is darthy calling in from California hi I'm in California darthy Quincy are you there yes yeah can you all hear me can we hear her hold on we're working on on it make sure you're not muted okay not no she's not muted it's just the speaker really low all right speak up Dorothy hi can you all hear me yes like where where in California are you in San Francisco where is she San Francisco oh congratulations good you enjoying it Mark Mark want get so far yes yeah is this we're going to wait two minutes some some people are leaving the uh the the uh council chambers thank you nurse take care guys good to see you conratulations thankk you thank you Mrs H always my [Music] pleasure they can stay you're welcome to stay actually a couple minutes yeah we're going to talk about some interesting things actually it's good what no it's good they can stay out late all right are we ready okay all right Dorothy we've got to have a little quiet because we have someone on Zoom from San Francisco and it's hard to hear her Dorothy Quincy how you doing hi I'm really good thank you all for inviting me to to join you today I'm sorry I couldn't be there in person so um uh we're here to recognize Dorothy Quincy who's done uh a whole bunch of excellent environmental work and composting work for the burough of tenly and she's uh relocated out to uh San Francisco you know it's our loss and San Francisco's benefit so you know we hope you come back soon um darthy I know uh councilwoman Dr Okana has a recognition statement she would like to read um for you so Dr go ahead when you're ready so Dorothy one of the reasons I was trying to get you to the meeting in person was not to read all the metrics of all of the food waste we've diverted by now as you kept saying I have all these things ready to present no it was to recognize you for this amazing work that you have done for a year and we are so grateful for you having started our compos program a year ago in October and I'm going to be reading a Proclamation that was given uh from the town of tenly for you we also have uh the environmental commission we have some gifts for you for when you're back in town so uh we uh we're really really glad glad that you that you made our community a better place so uh we're we're grateful and I'm going to read a proclamation and then councilman Park will also be presenting you something as well um okay so here's the proclamation from the burb tly whereas Dorothy Quincy a graduate of tenly schools has helped tenly start its first ever food composting program and used her skills to assist our community in becoming more sustainable whereas over 20,000 pounds of food waste over 10 tons have been diverted from landfills through her initiative whereas by spearheading efforts to bring neighborhood compost to the burough Miss Quincy has helped tenly reduce landfill methane emissions and recycle nutrients back to the soil whereas in addition to initiating the program Miss Quincy has spoken to numerous tly students visiting different schools educating the Next Generation about responsible environmental stewardship whereas Miss Quincy has worked closely with the bureau's environmental commission to Be an Effective liaison um among the different stakeholders allowing this program to become a success now therefore be it resolved that on behalf of the mayor and Council of the burough of tly we appreciate Dorothy Quincy's service to the community during her tenure Dorothy has exhibited the utmost dedication to the environment on a daily basis we are grateful to Dorothy for her efforts which have not only helped tenly but the broader community and councilman park has something too um there are 70 towns in Bergen County we are one of the most forward ones in this topic 20,000 pounds of food is a lot and I told the county and Z about this and he has prepped you a commination for your efforts as well and hurry back so you can pick this up thank you so much um so I I want to just we we do have an audience full of people here I just always I want to plug the fact we do have a composting program always please join Tedy compost always plug it um if we're always accepting members it is great that you get a bucket you bring it over my Stillman family there's one at the end by uh the end of Windsor um Dorothy did you want to say anything real quick oh um I'm at a loss thank you so much um thank you for your kind uh recognition and um it has been such a pleasure to can you speak a little louder yeah yeah absolutely sorry um it has been a huge pleasure to be able to be of service to tenly having spent so many years of my childhood and my whole life in community so um I'm really excited particularly for the students in the room to carry forward the intention of environmental stewardship and um being of service to the community and one another and um recognizing that that that often comes in close contact with taking care of our Earth uh yeah thank you okay Dorothy thank you very much we look forward to having you back real soon absolutely thank you all thank you for for um inviting me here all right take care have a good night bye okay next on the agenda is uh to be considered I'm going to if the council's okay with it I'm told there's some people here want to talk about the post office RFP so I'm going to just switch to be considered to make the post office uh parking lot discussion first everybody good with that yep okay so for members of the public who have not um uh are not aware or haven't followed on this particular topic so our senior center is in uh desperate need of replacement it is uh don what is it two trailers basically bolted together it's it's it's I think that's right and I and I think they were they were temporary trailers that were taken from one of the schools originally wasn't it from Stillman school about 30 years ago 25 years years ago they were brought to where the senior center is now bolted together um and it's time for anyone who goes to the senior center knows they uh they certainly deserve and the building needs to be replaced and so in the conversations about how that happens of course all that construction costs a lot of money and so we kind of all put our seniors and ourselves we put our heads together and we came up with this thought of potentially using the post office parking lot as a new location for the Senior Center um the land is owned by the burough of tenly um and what we came up with was the concept of why not lease the land not sell it we're always going to keep it lease the land out to someone who could build a new senior center for the burrow um a little bit larger than what's there now and a much better layout um at no cost to the burrow and then also allow the Builder to maybe build a restaurant there and a couple of floors of offices above that the purpose being that the burrow would then potentially enter into a long-term lease with the builder the Builder would build the whole thing at their expense and part of the deal would be uh they would uh we would be using the senior center at no cost to the burrow permanently so it's kind of in the best interest of the town and the seniors the taxpayers is everyone everyone so that's what where the council and I we going to talk about now and then uh when we're done with that uh part of the conversation if anyone has questions on that topic or comments they'll be welcome to come up to the microphone phone to uh have the voices heard okay who's got questions about this comments we added the issue about the um um liquor license why don't you talk I'm just going to jump in a little bit the idea being that we would put out a request for qualifications and proposals rather than a straight bid for release so that the council would retain the opportunity to evaluate proposals that come in rather than excuse me making it based on a straight lease kind of situation um the developer would have the opportunity to put other uses there as well it it does specify a certain space for the senior center so that we can ensure that we are building a larger um slightly larger facility because our our membership numbers have increased every year which is fabulous also the regular uses that would be allowed in the downtown such as restaurants br's um office space as the mayor said one of the benefits of it remaining burrow property is that the burrow could also assist in obtaining a what's called concession permit which is the equivalency of a liquor license but for public property so that would also be an opportunity for anybody that were to provide a proposal for this space okay questions or comments from the council sorry the proposed duration the proposed duration right now would be 99 years based to cover construction costs and and a buildout planning for lease payments as well so that's could be changed if the council would want but that's what the proposal as in draft form right now specifed the question what you say about the parking uh for this facility so the park so let's talk about the parking for a little question is about how do we handle the parking um so when new Senior Center if this building when it comes to fruition obviously the old building wouldn't be needed anymore that would be torn down that entire area back there would become parking facilities um for the B more expressly though there is another adjacent adjacent parking lot um that fronts Summit Street that as part of this proposal we are also requesting um there is a couple steps down into that parking lot to connect it to right now we would be looking for somebody to make it ADA Compliant of a connection so that there is parking right adjacent to it's just going to be coming off sumon which we already which we already own we already own that correct um and I'm sorry another point is that any successful bidder would also have to repave that parking lot right the reason I was asking is because I think uh you know with regard to the post office itself so the par you know because that's not moving right so that then you said the parking lot is kind of on the other side of the post office right it's actually just behind the post office just Runing Summit Street and and let's not forget there's also still parking across the street by the basketball courses and the other side of Washington there's still a parking lot and street parking new please um now this is just one uh one proposal right there is there other proposals that are out there you for uh I mean there's the um we're talking about the RFP post office right but in terms of this is all connected with the senior center and potential uh you know what we're going to do with the how we're going to um eventually getting your senior center correct are there other proposals besides just talking mean like other rfps ideas the senior senator so again this is our request for qualifications and proposals so if you don't like what comes in you can move on to another idea so we're so we're not required or nobody's required to go with this yeah right everything is specifically written so that you have come to us with ideas we don't like them have a nice day we'll do something else there's no obligation on the burrow to do you know on the for the burrow to actually do anything thing as a result of this AR and it doesn't have to be a u you know a developer coming in and and doing the no it could be any anything is on the table anything yeah if you want to build it you can build it against that based on this request for qualifications proposal the only thing that must be done is a senior center correct everything else is op for this particular for this particular uh yes qualification just to clarify on on the long-term lease on understand that there's a cost recoup and everything else but at 99 years there are performance obligations give the burrow the right to terminate the lease I would assume that there are maintenance specifications and requirements that be build in anything that came in such that 10 years in if something's not going well we had some optionality around it on a performance basis so that's not written into the proposal qualification at the moment because this is still a conceptual idea that would be something that we need to make sure that we're comfortable with prior to entering into a lease agreement two any questions from the council before we ask the uh members of the public okay do do does anyone would anyone like to make a comment or have a question about this particular topic only if you do you're welcome to come up to the microphone come on Don so don just give us your name not your address Don residents I'm the president of the senior center as you all know I think the concept is is uh is the only way we're going to get Senor Senior Center uh the only thing that I know the members are going to be concern is that when it's SP that we do have inputs I'm sure we will have we like to make it so when we're using the center nobody can tell us what to do and how to do it as far as having a bar or whatever next to us if it's in the evening that won be a problem thebly leave the center and go have a drink so it might be I don't know we do that but anyway but we would like to have you know an input control especially on the layout but other than that people are going to say well if you have apartments or if you have office on to you know we can have everything so that's my so I really appreciate that you actually work so okay let's hope for the best all right let's hope for the best thank you for your comment anyone else like to speak or have a question just give us your name not your address please my name is George WTH my question is hi my question is when will the what is the deadline to get back these quotations okay so what we're going to do tonight after all the public comment I'm going to ask ask for a motion and a vote from the council to move forward with this and then what will happen is our borer attorney Wendy um with the borer administrator David they'll do the calculation of whether it's due back in 30 days 60 days or 90 days we want to give people um more time than less time so that they have time to come up with some creative thoughts for the whole process and this way everyone becomes aware of it and and conceptual design right it can't be turned around too quickly any other questions or comments on this topic no any other comments from the council or Omar anybody out uh on Zoom heads up heads up and I think we have a gentleman here would like to come through the microphone just give us your name not your address okay hello my name is Chris ambrosie um I just wanted to say I'm just going to make a comment it's not a question so basically that I think that any new Senior Center should have all all of the amenities that our current Senior Center has current Senior Center building has and more right so all the amenities we have plus more sounds good okay fair enough thank you Omar is there anyone on Zoom who's looking like they want to make a comment see no hands May no hands all right so if the council doesn't have any questions if somebody likes would like to make a motion so that we can move this forward and get it out to the out to the public second Omar call the role please Corsair Yes Men uh yes C Michaels yes CC Dr o Conor yes that's my part yes that's there yes okay thanks everyone so so you got you when you work on the schedule we'll get that out thanks everybody thank you thank you guys yeah appreciate I appreciate your input it's it's you know we Council and I it's very important that we have an understanding of the people who will be using it the most how they feel about it of course all right so let's um we're going to go to Leroy Street uh John jar we're going to talk about sidewalks on lero Leroy and after that we'll do the um recess reor calendar and the chief is here too Chief is going to be part of this conversation you like why don't you move to the front Ro Chief if you're hiding back therea why he was there John step up to the microphone please how you doing Chief the chief should have to join me I'm here for other business also too Chief has has to put up with me on every other thing so all right so we're here to talk about the sidewalks on Leroy street so the floor is yours uh okay then I guess I'll just jump real quick okay so we've did we've done two um reports for leard Street all right the first report was primarily based in speeding and safety concerns that were happening out there um it wasn't as focused on putting a sidewalk in although that question was out there um so for Simplicity we looked at the safety of the road we made some recommendations with regard to some things that could be done on Leroy Street to make it safer um and we we you know throw that into the town spoke with the chief he and I were both in in agreement on you know narrowing the road and putting some beacons a a driver feedback sign and you know some other ideas to to keep it safer um we we did look at the possibility putting sidewalk we made it just an initial review uh we didn't delve real deep into it because it seemed that would be very very expensive and it might not be the best use of of public funds uh at the time uh count the uh administrator got back to me and said NOP we want a deep we want a little deeper dive into the sidewalk specifically the the ask was can I narrow Leroy Street excuse me um and put in a uh sidewalk on Leroy Street and can you now look also at Ela Terrace and see if if from from the um um Anglewood line at East Hudson Street to bliss bliss Street correct um could we possibly put sidewalks there so first thing is we have to do things by the rules the first set of rules is called rsis residential site Improvement standards the other set of rules is called ashto American Association State Highway officials okay those are the two guide books that tell us how how wide the road needs to be how wide the sidewalk has what you can do what you can't do those are the rules okay we can't break those rules Leroy terce is designed per RSI standards and so is elid all right but there there are important rules we need to consider so lway street is a 30 foot wide Street it provides for a travel Lane each Direction and it allows for parking on both sides we currently do not have any no parking ordinance on lero street but rsis allows for a 30 foot wide road to be designed and built this man Elwood is very different Elkwood varies from 30 to 26 feet but Elkwood has a ordinance on our books that prohibits parking on both sides so Elwood also meets the requirements of rsis by by having no parking allowed on either side a 26 foot wide road is allow okay so we have currently two conforming streets on Leroy we could physically build a sidewalk on the southbound side adjacent to where the school is um all the way down to um Woodland Park okay Woodland Park Drive Woodland Park Drive down to the school um so from Bliss to Woodland Park Drive we could build southbound sidewalk within the road we can take the road we can rofile it you said Bliss to Woodland right Drive is where the school is the other natural so just for clarification building it in the road so we don't have to deal with all the construction Logistics right of people's property correct and so there still be little bit but much much less if than if we look at the the Northbound side so southbound side Leroy which where it makes sense you could narrow the road all right you could put a curb in we could put little grass strip and a sidewalk and put a safe pedestrian walking path there will be a couple challenges okay um there are some areas with a really steep drop off um there are some some some other challenges but it is physically doable a little bit more complicated for Elkwood okay because Elkwood does not provide the width we would not be able to narrow the street to build the sidewalk but I'd like to point out that Council that Elkwood has a 50ft rway so that means most likely there is enough room behind the curve to build a border and and sidewalk but I must warn you a number of the residents have been very good stewards and they've built beautiful landscaping they've done a great job of taking care of the town's property okay most likely they think at this point they think it is their property not understanding that the town is right away there's some really beautiful landscaping been put okay so in the section between you know Bliss and the Anglewood line we would definitely want to meet with those Property Owners before going too far we definitely want to do a very thorough right away review if you wanted to put sidewalk behind the curve so to answer your question straight very directly Leroy place you may build a sidewalk within the roadway section narrow the road prohibit parking on both sides and create a allowable plus section for RSI standards for Elco terce you would only be able to build de side behind the curb and You' also be again you'd be able to meet them required standards but there is the challenge of making sure that those Property Owners you know are communicated with to get that my recommendation if you wanted to proceed forward with this would be to not get go too too far first step I would recommend is we do a concept plan and then have a community meeting and make sure we get a mailing out to everybody along there and make them aware what's going on and then maybe we could do what we call a walking school bus where we do a community meeting tell everybody about it have the concept call and then offer to meet everybody out on Leroy and Elkwood and walk them through what the concept plan is give them an opportunity to see you know what what's proposed that would be my recommendation to move forward should you want to consider going forward with sidewalk there is a sidewalk right now yep and park people par there it's took a drop off pickup zone okay so you say the way to park would you stop the sidewalk when got school and then pick it up again afterward you take the sidewalk at the school we can we come back out into the street right now it's actually kind of set back a little all right it actually a giant tree at the end where it is all right so we bring that sidewalk out into the street all right we a new curb in the street and put a new sidewalk in and a Border strip to make it safe all the way down the bu okay and you still be able to do a drop off oh yeah it's it's perfectly where the drop off is now is perfectly safe meets standards there's nothing it's it's spot on Chief do you have comments about this I'm not against the the building in the street building it not in the street I would be against it would be such a massive disruption of people's properties and the loss of trees I know this is a tree City USA you'd have some Majestic trees that are taken out and uh you know uh driveway pillars and talking about on Leroy yeah well Leroy this Leroy would be a not tree reduction plan Elkwood we'd have to have a whole another level of conversations Elkwood you know something again you I know the property on the south St something you're G there's be massive disruption there also too it's not as many houses listen I was I was one who pushed for sidewalks on Downey years ago for the school yeah now that had a direct Nexus to children's safety in the school so while I I felt bad you know something actually something encroaching people's properties uh a little bit different than just pedestrians walking the street which I'm not trying to diminish that but this is that was more for kids you know directly going to the school you know to remove parking on both sides of the street you know something that you know that's a luxury that they've had for quite some time you know I mean if if we could do it with removing Park on one side and not the other side he's shaking his head now that is not to the rules yeah so I I don't I don't know if you're going to get the the Buy in and the support I mean again ultimately it's your decision anyway but you do want to try and meet the The Residency and something most of the way okay Julie go ahead please I I'm not as familiar with with Smith but I think I I want to actually drill down on one of your points is there a benefit on this is for everyone who's more familiar with the school than me um is there a benefit to having the sidewalks just on Leroy as a for the purposes of doing this and not do Elwood is there is there is there a benefit to that I I don't know sure there is because obviously it's a longer span of yeah it's a longer distance and people walk there I I believe the people that that really were pushing this really wanted to be able to their point was that Ang Anglewood has a sidewalk on Al Terrace and then it basically stops they want to have to continue is something obviously to the angled section something so if we only did looy then we'd have a block where it's not there and then it it starts again so that would be a little little odd little counterproductive I think joh I have a question go ahead I'm sorry no just that if if you're if you're doing this but then you're not wanting to interrupt the elk wood then is there a reason to do the leway you know that's the question I'm you know you're like not really you want to do [Music] it I think it's two hous and three hous need to be affected by it from Woodland Park drive all the way to Bliss all Bliss this is this is the reason why you have to really it's not so easy you have to think this through thoroughly and remember there's positive want build that in the road the rules are clear what we have to do they have to parking on both sides and we're really not talking about anything nor well it's it's the streets that are directly adjacent to the school property so so it's it's part school but it's also you know there's a lot more pedestrians in the neighborhood that are walking and trying to enjoy walking something so if you're North good luck Street side the the challenge you're facing is one I face in every Community that's more than 20 minutes and that is years and years ago we just didn't really think we needed that many sidewalks sidewalks are really the greatest thing ever now because people are really walking a lot more now but we have an older community so we have to work with these challenges and this is you're you're there funny though it's many conversations that we had on this equally if you remember just a few months back we had to do conversations around well no one else has sidewalks I want to get rid of my sidewalk front of my house all right so so what do you want should we have um John prepare kind of proposal for the development of the concept plan and then discuss it at the next meeting to be considered what do you think David really do you think we yeah there this is where we are with engineering we uh we are spending a lot of money in engineering as things po up during the year so what I would suggest is that if we want to do this study we put it into temporary capital okay for the 2025 budget do the concept plan study and then that will inform cost wise and all in Project cost wise if you do a permanent project when you do the permanent capital okay that's fine would it also be worth getting the res feedback of the folks on the street that are going to lose their Street Park yes that would that would all be done with the concept plan yeah you you would want to have people would want they would want to see the whole picture of what's going on okay all right so so so I'm clear concept plan we want to do a community meeting and a walking bus route I think we got to figure out and talk about it there's nothing now yeah we we we're going to put this on the agenda to be considered for the council to now discuss that now that we've got your top level presentation which is perfect thank you we need to go into a deep dive of timing steps what's next perfect for questions you guys any more questions anyone no the chief because everything I do get coordinated through him understood we appreciate your time tonight thank you thank you very much is he here for East Clint Avenue traffic light no that's done right what traffic light East Clint Avenue you don't need him for that right that's not not tonight right no no right it so e and Clinton um Town recently executed the contracts um contractor reached out today we're going to be setting up the pre-construction meeting uh I'll be inviting some folks that are here good uh beron County and we should get underway um we'll have to see what construction we get done between now and the end of the year uh signal equipment will be ordered within the next week or two we already approved all the shop and all all the equipment it's on a very very long Backwater but they tell me we may be able to have it by the end of next year so we're going to push real hard and getting that great wonderful thank you good job thank you how has the the the downtown been working we made some pretty significant changes to the way the lights work when are we G to get a uh I know we spoke about this bit of a post uh analysis on are we seeing speed up so I think the final touches will put around the end of September John just yesterday study that for 30 or 60 days yeah we need to let things settle in for a little bit I honestly think we need to get through the holidays because it'd be the traffic be all screwy now for the next couple of months yeah yeah let's let's let's recircle back say February March maybe I'll talk to the Chief and come back in and you guys can observe for me and please give feedback though um the best way of us making this better for everyone and to to do better quality of life for everyone make these things work is giving us a feedback very welcome please okay a very quick question for you um is there only one because I get this question is there only one company that makes traffic lights in the country there like no no there's many there's many but but but there's but but because of covid and supply chain issues um there there's a very limited number of companies that make the bases and the poles and the arms the key the three main components okay and and they're on terrible backlog it it's it's it's been a problem they're starting to get caught up a little bit but Co really knocked that industry on its ear okay all right great thank you John okay uh thank you everyone let's move on to the 2025 calendar recess and reorg meeting schedule so there a couple of so let everything in my life back so if you start from the bottom I think there just a couple tyos so Tuesday the December so30 is there any reason why it's 7:45 the last meeting um it's just a traditional 15es you want to get rid of the tradition yes let's make it at 7:30 I hope you're late that day was there a reason so you go to so I'm all for but just make sure we call it out so there's no October 7th for particular reason um it's no October 7th probably holidays in there Co I love consistency we do two we do two a quarter two a month except for summer and so you have um excuse my pronunciation of the the holiday but suck so it it would um fall in that range so it's October October 6 2025 and it ends Monday October 13th 202 I I would say that Finance does have an issue with as many months as we go with having one meeting with build list and so forth so we can make October two meetings we all discuss so where can we put an extra meeting in October um usually I I know we typically have two two two meetings in October um how about October 9th October 9th U still it's okay the first two days October 9th Tuesday and then on that November um next year you have the three T the four Tuesdays the first Tuesday is election day so this room is utilized the second Tuesday is Veterans Day next year and then the third Tuesday is is uh probably going to conflict with the municipality schedule that brings us then that brings us to Thanksgiving the Thanksgiving week what about the first Monday November what day is it uh no because the room's gonna be used have all the equipment in here Monday you could do Monday no the equipment's gonna well Omar is the can we use the council chambers on Monday the 1 Monday how about Thursday the after Veterans Day because today's after day th I don't know I'm just doing conceptu like in my school we have the voting machines come in and they're and you think there set well that's a question for Omar right well we did have a meeting a special meeting October 30th the V ha yeah so do you want to do it then day before will that work um so November 3rd one day nov yeah that's oh no that's not gonna work so let's do how about the Thursday sleeping bed Thursday the 6th 6 that should work Thursday everybody good with Thursday the 6 that's probably teach convention so it's all yeses I'm hearing so the 10th is Mond the only is Thursday the 6 so who here is going you're going I was about to say we have no kids on the city council right now all right so you're justing what Monday what Monday the 10th everybody good with Monday the 10th yes it's Monday the 10th okay and then you go up to February March and April maybe I couldn't see the holidays but we do one week after the other like February 25th and March 4th and then we do April May 6 that's every week I don't know why we weren't doing April 22nd I we offline but you know it should be February 25th then March 11th and 25th well January you're going to be on the 14th and the 28th so your meeting should probably move to the 11th so it's whether or not whether or not you have the 25th or you leave March 4th what I'm saying is the second andth in February it should always be the second and fourth month fourth and 18th let's take it offline on that the only thing that we we should talk about as a team is um so the reorganization meeting we have this Friday night why do we want to do that on Friday night i' like to stay married at least one more so why don't we move it to Thursday the 2 that or or Wednesday the 1 oh on the oh you're talking about January 2026 right no we're talking about January 1 or 2 I don't know if you want just a question yeah the third I would I just January 5th to far the future oh they you have seven days you have to we have to reorganize by by January 7 yes so we've usually done no we've done it on we've done it on a Saturday or Sunday this year we're not going to have the same un traveling Adam's traveling Oh you're not you're not back in time for the new year no I'm back for the new year but I won't be here that weekend the weekend act for New Year how do you guys know where we going to be that far I don't know where I'm going this weekend so why don't we do it the second does that work for you jul it's fine okay so we do it on Thursday January 2nd Mark can you also check with the other uh um Council candidate yeah I'll I'll let her know it's 7:30 or 7 o' I remember sometimes do like the food or something start close and then we start again have food and then 7 o00 recess 7:30 and there's then second page Mark the holiday schedule that's Trad this is the holiday schedule for burrow Hall closing yes is this the same as this year well you have the floting holiday so this year was the Friday after 4th of July so what this calendar proposes is that the employees are off a half a day for Christmas Eve and a half day for New Year's Eve so that floating holiday make both of those days days for the floating holidays yes okay is anybody have any questions or any issues with this schedule okay do you need a motion on this schedule Omar no next meeting I'll fabulous okay we got that out of the way let's move on to the administrator's report okay thank you mayor um the first thing up is the police department Staffing and Equipment recommendations can I interrupt you for a second sure can you talk about the leaf pickup first sure so the leaf pickup uh is is underway um our our DPW crews are out uh during the entire day and are picking up a lot of leaves each Leaf crew is probably doing four to five uh round rounds uh per day uh we're actually ahead according to the director of DPW were ahead of where we were last year what's happening is that you know the leaves are falling a lot quicker so it seems like there's there's U more leaves on the street uh that are waiting to be picked up uh but we actually started the week of uh uh October 15th I think the 17th was the actual first day then we started full gear on the 21st of November um we're going to take advantage of the of the current uh dry weather and have DPW add um Saturday this coming Saturday uh to have crews out on Saturday and likely the following Saturday we can get the leaves picked up before they get wet and icing and so forth that will help get the leaves out of the way and U you know we help also with the red flag question about the Saturday so driving around Sunday because everyone's home breaking leaves on Saturday would Sunday be a better day instead of the Saturday rotation pay double time but you could we be paying time and a half on Saturday pleasure just it's art form it's right Saturday science Sunday is the it's just sitting there for till Monday oh yeah start with the SAT Sunday let's see how the first Saturday goes let's see what kind of progress we get the first Saturday okay then we'll judge it the second weekend um so on the police department Staffing and Equipment the police commission uh met uh last Wednesday and uh heard some recommendation from the chief the CFO myself were also a part of that meeting um we came up with uh the the recommendation number one to permit the chief to hire four officers from the Police recruitment testing interviews which were completed uh on Thursday November 7th uh this will back backfill three operational vacancies and increase the force to 37 however the net operational force will be 35 as two of the 37 or sro's which would only be available to the chief 30% of the year the tenly school district uh is is going to reimburse us at 70% for each SRO for the full cost per school year which we negotiated up from 50% last the at the ending of last year second second we're we're um moving some funding that we have in Old unneeded permanent financing into an ordinance for um uh surveillance cameras and plate readers and other uh equipment investigative equipment that the chief would need uh that is on I believe for first reading tonight public hearing on the 26 and the chief is here if you had some questions for him um but I believe that the police commission by these actions have have have responded to the concerns that we have theer meeting and the safy the chief's immediate needs and place him in a good position moving forward so Chief would you like to come back up are these additive from what you have requested at budget time right because I I remember you saying during the special meeting that we've always supplied you with what you've requested is this something that was something that came about as maybe allows you to get things a little quicker or it was it was evolving and it was you know based upon some conversations that we have with the police commission um again I got hired back in 19 1994 32 years ago and uh we had a force of 32 people I mean yeah no I'm sorry 37 people uh I think the highest 10y ever was was 38 people um and then we had actually gone down to 33 something and uh we were uh managing but the quality volume is extremely high right now U that's been something that's been um consistent for quite some time and it's it's across the board and then you factor in all the mandates something that the Attorney General keeps throwing us with training something so we have people that are constantly out that are training FMLA you know something obviously something with the outages there uh and then we had went through some unfortunate unexpected um separations had people that transferred out of here um something and uh transferred someone want to be fireman they want to be a police offic something and and then someone wanted to go back to being an engineer something so we we experienced a lull in addition to we have about five to six officers that tomorrow could say I don't want to do this anymore I'm retiring so and it takes about nine months to actually get a police officer something replace because of all the training and the academy and the backgrounds so uh and then also to the sro's something while they start an extremely valuable function in the schools they're in the schools they're not on the road whereas back in 1994 something we had 37 offic on the road so um I think that in itself justifies the need to get back to and again um we and a lot of other departments ba establish our table of organization based upon an FBI recommendation of Two and a Half officers per thousand residents so that actually is 37 point something so it puts us in line with that recommendation so um you we're not there yet it's going to take some time to get these people trained but when we do have them up our response time will be better and we'll be uh obviously a little more better equipped and uh I thank you something for recognizing this and and approving it Chief uh when when did U what was it last year how what was our staffing like last year last year we were probably at the 34 right probably 34 and then we had an officer something that left us we went down to 33 and another officers in the process of of of of leaving it it's the topic of discussion for the flow session after this so we're still dealing with that matter so and the 34 included an SRO one SRO officer and and we added an SRO also to saying the 34 included the one two well two we have two SRO no no no that's now but I'm saying the last last and so the 34 included the one SRO yes so if you're adding one more that would be 35 so you're in increasing the number by two more from 35 to 37 that's correct yes okay yes think open and dat the right number is under and came the last a lot of things come into the conversation including productivity uh tools things like that you know there's there's a lot of things that will change the the number uh from just a strict you know two and a half per th 2,000 or whatever um you know because we've gotten uh productivity tools we've gotten and now we have cameras we but we've had we've gotten automatic license readers we've got uh you know a number of things that are uh you know improvements in productivity and as productivity increases sometimes you know the number of uh officers you need can come down that is correct so right now based upon our call Vine based upon the recent crimes that we're experiencing something right now is something we have to answer something the the challenges that that we're facing but as I presented to the police commissioner something that the five or six five or six officers are probably going to be leaving within a year or two or three so at that point in time time and place thing at that time and place if you feel that basically it's not warranted to to replace then you don't replace at that point time okay all right thank you Chief thanks thanks Chief good so to continue on um I'd like to turn our attention to the ten ten Hill Swim Club um we're continuing our due diligence I uh sent around earlier today um some results of the preliminary survey that that the recreation department had posted online um so that survey had you know significant number of of folks that indicated that they would like to see um the pool operated by the municipality and also that they would join if were under a certain price we're going to continue that survey and analyze it now that to be to be uh clear that survey is not really a scientific survey you would allow someone to vote more than one so we just have to take that into consideration I also expect to receive the financial uh modeling report from Paul Lurch um which would be available at our November 26 meeting to present and discuss okay good um% based on total res 6% respons um we could blast it out again on email ask the school to to send something out maybe in townwide mail yeah we could talk about that right correct we can look at that we could look at that sure all right um the next is U planning for our 2025 budget um you know I I believe that we really need to look at a strategic plan Capital plan and then temporary capital ordinance as we move closer to the end of the year I'd say sent out a few dates uh and I believe a a work session a real productive work session getting Council priorities the capital budget and strategic plan is going to drive your operating budget so we really need to look at what the council and mayor would like to put into the capital plan um and then nail that down that whatever the final Capital plan is is that that becomes a lock on any capital projects for 2025 um so that things can't get added um which causes some Havoc to um uh funding and and bond ordinances and so forth one of the keys there is really na nailing down the engineer with giving us an Allin cost because as it's been working over the last couple of years I've noticed that they give one price for Engineering Services to a certain point and then there's invold in excluding the next set of services and you know in some cases that is almost doubling the engineering cost so I've talked to Andy about that and U you know we really need to get to a point where we know it all in cost so that you're going into that knowing that the Project's going to be X and it includes all your engineering um so I thrown a few dates out um November 23rd November 30th December 7th and possibly the morning of December 14th because you have the F the holiday festival later that day um um on this memo I I targeted December 7th but is there a can we get to a consensus where we can have a good attendance from all the council at one of these want to do that by writing or you want to do it right now uh either way I mean it's I had some responses that said some could do the 23rd some could do the seven you want to do an email David do you want to do an email tomorrow so everyone has their calendars in front of them and then we'll we'll correct correct um next is our employee health insurance uh as you know we we introduced a uh the difference card to try to bring down uh the cost that we're paying purely in premiums um there is obviously as we discussed before a significant increase again this year from the uh state health benefits plan we did have 19 employees opt into the difference card solution for 2025 IID hoped for more participation but it does give a good cross section however the one key um you know all employees that are hired need to be issued a offer of employment by the administrator um so moving forward I plan to only issue offers of employment with the options being limited to Blue Cross Blue Shield 2035 and the difference card or Etna or one of the hmos um you know allowing or offering new employees to select the highest cost premium going forward is going to be unsustainable correct um next uh you know it's the time of the year where spending needs to be Frozen um you know there's in in Long practice municipalities departments all over public uh public sector on a cyy year basis have thought that they need to spend everything in their budget or else they're going to get penalized by having the budget reduced in the following year that's not how I'm approaching the budget but we need to ensure that there's not holiday or Christmas tree spending um so together with our CFO we're going to clamp down on spending and all spending that is needed post November 15 through the end of the year will require some approval by myself and by Susan to move forward so we can sort of uh not not extend the full budget uh can I ask you just if question on that when you say spending is that things like the things we budgeted for for argument sake of like wood for the flower boxes but more more likely If U it's not that you know if they have $1,000 dollar that that they haven't spent they don't need to go out and buy ,000 dollars of office supplies just because okay no but it wasn't like oh if I needed the the wood for the flower box it's already budget for and if it's in the budget and they haven't procured it yet they can make a justification that they they need buy okay and then the 2025 Municipal operating budget um what I'd like to do is have department heads be required to uh build their sta their departmental staffing needs from zero sort of to start from scratch build the Staffing justify each position and whether each position is necessary to be continued as full-time could be reduced to part-time or be a candidate for attrition in 2025 um also the Departments will be requested to determine whether their respective department is fully utilizing all software and technological tools that we have provided as they justify their staffing needs um the goal obviously is to cut the overall cost where possible to provide more options as we work on the 25 budget recommendations for administration to this is awesome I really appreciate you put this together so this is also part for our strategic offsite on where we want to Prior so we can find money in places that is not as much a priority for us and put it into places where we decide as a council working with Department that is a priority now you've found money for your priority so it's awesome so to build off what you just said for the staffing purposes shared services like you got to start thinking because if other birs let's say are doing the same thing do we need a full-time clerk doing this one job or can we share among three towns things like that I mean sound like a broken record we just did this last week judge Court yeah we always thought but that comes from that comes from a need because they need a court Contin to do that but if but if there's a a registar that we use to share with little faery it's like that stuff like oh this other town does share Services let's call start making phone calls that's it so we would look at that and in other opportunities to host Shar Services um we talked last year and chief is here you know um if there's opportunities for us to post police dispatching services for some nearby towns or smaller towns we can you know take a look at that on the shared service aside as far as the burrow U moving into a shared Service as the um recipient we would have to look at that I I don't know of anything off hand right right that's would fit but certainly let the creative Juices Flow and you know uh just to follow up the driver on on the budget besides health insurance and and wages obviously is pension so for the police and fireman's retirement system the employer contribution is 36% and on the Public Employee Retirement System it's 17.5% employer contributions so that bill keeps going up and they're usually about two years behind so that bill will increase as we move forward one of the things that I'd like to explore um Susan and I have been talking about this um is potentially putting together a retirement incentive plan um the bur of Cresco did one in 2020 that was somewhat successful um so we we'll look to do that I think uh Susan has the goal she's over there has the goal of of uh identifying if we could about 2 million dollar worth of salary that would be candidate for this some of the positions we would have to backfill but you would backfill them obviously at a lower salary um so it's something we're just putting some framework into place uh so unless there's a hard no don't consider that from the council we'll continue to frame that out and present it more detail future meetings yes let's see what you can up so it's two million worth of salaries total yeah total cost so it would be health benefits so like yeah that are retirement eligible retirement eligible so there were there are parameters you could say they have to have 25 years of service or you can say 15 years of service or retirement age that type of thing and um um you know Susan has put a lot of work into it and has identified um you know a number of folks and I think you're at about $2 million right now right so now as we as we look at this though as we look at this not all the positions that would be eligible to these in our best would not be in our best interest to try to get some of those folks to retire with some of the institutional knowledge and so forth and again this isn't pushing anybody to retire we have to be very very careful with that um you know it's just an option that you know if they are considering it this would be something that might move them in that what else just super because you pass over your too mod the so the Ros com I've heard good things about pickle ball for square all that putting in a new doorway I know we're adding new doorway or Square have you tried the new uh Rosell comments area I haven't tried it you got say look it's cool [Applause] stuff spoke about this I see it's being used let's track uses let's make sure that yeah I know that Jamie C and his reparation have started the reservation membership reservation like they do for tennis so I'll ask her for that is going um and then one final thing on um on on the r com uh the Little League uh uh complex we have the grant to do the infield uh the mayor sent me something earlier today with a possible Grant opportunity to um upgrade lighting at sports facilities to LED lighting so I'm going to look into that at mayor's direction to see if that would qualify our little leag field would qualify for that lights over there are about 20 years old the power keeps tripping the electric and uh a lot of times it'll shut the lights down that would be an expensive proposition but if there's a grant that could substantially pay for that great to I just have one sry go ahead John just want to also thank you David for the work on the pond uh obviously that Pond's been cleared you can see it now uh looks good and I'm abundantly confident the electric will be done to get the uh the fountain up going Fountain was running this morning that's part of the day fantastic so but yeah we're working on that and I'll find out where it stands question for the downtown committee Christmas tree lighting have you guys picked out a date yet or is that still in flux for the actual lighting and so we can knock it out here I don't know I think we're still on the 26 right now we're looking at the 26 at 26 a problem 26 is you have council meeting at so there is so what's happening on the 26 is um there's interface there's interf so we actually decid to move in earlier such that it doesn't interfere it would still be dark by 5:30 we change it but that's what so maybe have a whole maybe let's have an offline conversation about it with some because different people some different people are asking off the downtown committee yeah but that's a whole separ even a little bit earlier they don't need to be oh in terms of that happening also that night all right so let's take that conversation offline let's do that let's decide this by tomorrow we can decide it all right next on the agenda correspondence from uh labovich does anybody have any issues with this we do this every year everyone's good okay Omar we're good with that okay now it's public comment time audience members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body uh any items onor off the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them would anyone like to come up and make any public comments hey Don just give us your name again 131 or Street I have a question about the LIF collection you guys are doing a great job but we watch the contractors come out and put the lift 10 12 15 fet into the street is there an oiness how far they can come out and how they can go I just saw a guy a while ago who ran 8 about higher than me right right on the curb or away from the curb away from the curb he's he's about 10 that's a good point we must have rules about that come from the from the C which street was that on on Oak on Oak and then West two days go okay you can go through because we're on both sides of the street 12 15t all right we don't we don't as as we don't have rules around uh where you put the leaves we don't have the definition of what it okay that gives us something to look at I appreciate that thank you who else would anyone else like to make any public comments or have questions yes young man come on up when you come up to the microphone just give us your name not your address yeah hello um sorry what's your name my name is Dave Singh and uh I'm a seventh grader currently here in tenly middle school I was born and raised in this town and um my family has been here for over 10 years around 15 now um so I wanted to talk a bit about the tentacle pool and the possibilities of keeping it open so I'm going to share a little bit on what it means to me the tentacle pool I've been there since I was four years old and I'm now 13 so I've been there for about nine years I learned how to swim there and today I still swim competitively on many different teams including the town pool team over the summer um it's a great place to make friends I made a ton of friends there and I know some people that I'm still friends with today and Middle School uh job opportunities I was really looking forward to when uh when I grow up and I had the opportunity to become a volunteer lifeguard at the pool I could do that as a summer job and over the summer after summer enrichment which is this course I'm pretty sure all of you know uh it gets pretty boring because in the afternoon you have nothing to do so I would go down to the pool for like four hours every day swim hang out with friends you know amazing time um and yeah the day would just be very boring without the pool and I know Cresco pool is there and all but it's like not the same as tacl because tacl is an easy access to all residents who can just walk down bike down and just have a nice time um and lastly we can't close the pool till we beat creskill one day we're going to beat them someday and I know it's coming thank good point pretty good point thank you okay who else would like to speak come on up to the microphone Chan hi I'm Janet Kim um first of all I just want to say thank you um thank you for putting the time and resources into exploring the possibility of operating tenac Hill as a municipal pool thank you for releasing the survey a few weeks ago to gauge the level of community support for such an Endeavor and thank you for making the decision to winterize the recently as well um I represent a larger group of individuals who had been members of tenil before its recent closure we had not served on the tenkill board but we had been actively involved particularly in supporting tenkill swim team and we're very excited about the prospect of tenil becoming a municipal pool and are eager to contribute to its success um should the decision be made to turn tenakill into a municipal pool we're ready to form a friends of the pool organization that could work in close partnership with the burough similar to how the library has an Affiliated organization called tenly Library friends indeed we have already begun supporting the Burrow's efforts by helping spread the information about the survey that was created by the bureau uh we for example shared information about the survey to families of all six schools via the hsas we posted Flyers at the library the senior center um and businesses downtown and we engaged in conversations with community members at the recent Fall Fest um in October should tenil become a municipal school we will be able to to provide support in many more ways for example we can help with intense promotion efforts and membership drives we can help with the swim and dive team we can help organize special Community programming at the pool throughout the summer and we can help with fundraising efforts as well um as you continue to think about the best way forward please know that we are happy to serve as thought Partners we're happy to have discussions with you and the various burough departments and committees about concrete ideas for programming and events that could enrich the community of t toly as well as about Revenue generating ideas that could contribute to the town's budget if tenil becomes a municipal pool it truly could be the center of tenly community activity during the summer months again thank you very much for recognizing the importance of preserving the pool and all that it has to offer for the community of tenly and for thoughtfully considering the possibility of turning tenil into a municipal pool thank you thank you thank [Applause] you come up to microphone sure if you'd like to speak just give us your name not your address please hi there good evening my name is Ram uh also want to talk about the tacal pool I'll be short uh I've been living here for eight years I have five I have three girls age 15 12 and nine we've been here as I said eight years we discovered ten Hill around four years ago in the middle of covid this sorry and as I said before here it's become a community center for us it's where we go swim team we go diving where we meet on week weekends there's pep rallies there's family nights there's kid nights there's floaty hours for the kids uh we spend almost all our summers there it's a great place for the kids um we love the fact that we can bike there we can walk back and forth uh one thing I think I can give as a special perspective is that we're also JCC members we're part of the Israeli Jewish sub Community here and we've St we're both JCC members and ten kill members I don't think it replaces one another JCC is a business it's has a lot of limitations it Clos on Saturdays there's always camps there's always swim lessons ten Hill is much more of a community um I think that's about all I wanted to say I think what tenac kill is makes is a part large part of what makes tenly home and not just a computer account so once again I think we appreciate you guys thinking about us and have a great night than thank you [Applause] [Music] right hi Sharon hen um I have not been a part of the tenac kill pool yet um I moved here four years ago in the height of covid and the first neighbor that I met when summer started and he was carrying a towel I was like oh there's a pool here I've been part of a town pool my entire life growing up not far from here and it was just always a thing and he was like yeah there's a great pool and Crest Hill you should totally go there four years later he's still a member in that that's where they go they have no children they're an older couple and that's just where they choose to go and it's a shame my kids go to wy's camp they're not at a Sleepaway Camp they're not at a all day camp they're not on a bus Camp they are at an affordable camp for me at you know reies and um when I left the house my son's like where are you going I was like I'm G to go make sure we go to the pool next summer and he's like well can you you know tell them about the bathrooms and I'm like all right we're gonna you know hopefully make sure it stays open and we can go back there and also maybe they'll do something you know to make it more desirable and at the end of the day at the rate that it was over the last four years I work from 9: to 5 which means if the pool is open from 5: to 7: when I'm available to take my kids it's an 20% chance I'm going to take them out of the house at 5 o'clock to 7 on Monday to Friday to make it to the pool so hopefully if we're in town on those few weekends and it's a nice weekend then that's probably where we're going to go and at the rate that it was or at the daily rate of $50 a day for to take you know two kids to the pool and myself at $150 like you feel like you need to spend the entire day there as opposed to just be able to stop by the pool every day or have the flexibility to go whenever you want to go and yes if it was more affordable and compared to you know the kids that attend reies the same amount of families that go to reies should be the same amount of families that sign up for camp and every year at Rey there's a weit list I've been weight listed there because because I signed up late and I paid the extra fee but that's the that's the camp my kids can go to and I think that it's really important you know with having the surveys go out only 6% of the people signed up I don't know how many kids are in reies or how many families that accounts for but the same families that go there and get picked up by whoever it is at 3 o'clock want to be able to continue on and to go to the pool be like come work from the pool I can't work at the pool I cannot watch my children while I'm on a laptop and working at the pool but if it was more affordable I'd say you know what I'll leave work a few minutes early we'll go for an hour and a half at the end of the day we'll put every effort to go on every single sunny day and have the pool be full and have the kids enjoy it and and feel like it's a pool that we want to whatever the rate is like we're happy to pay it because it doesn't feel like you know it's a subpar pool to the town over where if we pay a little bit more as non-residents oh it's nicer you know that's not we're not signed up for presco we don't want to go there I live here this is the pool I want to go to okay thank thank you thank you very [Applause] much my name is John Flack I won't give you my address but I do live in the city and I'm also here to talk about tanil pool um uh I was asked to come I'm a pastor in the city and one of my parishioners asked me to come to the pool one day and so he went to the pool and had a great day and the next year I was a member of the pool um and we've been coming pretty much every day ever since I will say as an aside the pool really needs wi-fi Wi-Fi would me would mean that every single mom and dad who worked from home would be there um all the time and then they would go to the stoping shop like I do to get their groceries on the way home and then maybe go to a couple other little stores like coffee or dinner whatever else you might do while you're there but the thing I want to really talk about with the pool is two things that I've noticed there the first is sort of an intergenerational space as a pastor I realize that there are very few spaces like that left where you really are in contact with people of different age groups um mingling and doing different sorts of things um and that can really really should happen because of public investment it's a public good the pool it's for it's for the village it's for everybody who lives here and I guess people like me who are friends of people who live here um and the second thing I noticed is sort of the ways that the kids as they grow older become leaders um the kids that were teaching my kids how to be swimmers uh started as Little Swimmers there um the lifeguards who were there started as Little Swimmers there and the leadership development and the kind of care and concern for a community I I saw you know teenagers like suddenly find out what responsibility meant and what it meant to be a leader and what it meant to take care of other kids um and those are sort of the invaluable skills that I think happen organically in a community center like the pool so I just I really hope that you guys uh continue to have the pool so I can continue spending my Summers here in my evenings and um if there was Wi-Fi I'm sure my wife would work all day here um so I just wanted to put those things out for you and I just want to say thank you for um considering making a municipal pool I would be great great to your advantage thank you thank you yeah yeah yes uh my name's Tristan tooya do you don't need my address no address so uh good evening members of the council um I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today about another community resource and that is the pool so I will preface by saying that I also was not a member of the ill pool ever um and I will say that my wife and I came from a slightly larger town in Kansas where growing up the cost of admission was a dollar a day so before I came to the meeting tonight I looked in to see what the current daily rate is it's $4.50 or $15 a day for a family of four um so that said with that background in mind when we moved here and looked into the pool prices we were you know shocked to see how expensive the the tinaco pool was not just the price for the annual admission but also the bond which I we were very unfamiliar with and I know from the very minute that we moved here eight years ago there had been questions about the solvency of the pool which came to fruition right so I don't think that those people probably got their bond back and I I'm I probably patted myself in the back for not spending the bond money because I wasn't going to get it back um the the other reason that we didn't decide to join the pool though was that because of the poor stated facilities the bathrooms in particular had exposed rusted metal in the Stalls and it was really a safety hazard so I didn't want my kids run running around there and with that background we joined the JCC for one summer but because of the you know it not being open on Shabbat it really didn't work for us well and then we joined the harworth pool for two summers as well which has better facilities but my kids were always complaining that all their friends were here in teni which of course they were so with that background in mind I just say that the pool is more than it should be more than just a place to swim as the previous speaker said it should be a Cornerstone of the town's well-being and community and should serve as a hub where families get to meet their neighbors and there's intergen gener space where both older people and younger people can coales and get to know each other but beyond its social value the pool provides measur immeasurable benefits to the community and i' just concentrate on three key reasons why the town should consider taking over operations to the pool um and why it's a necessary invest investment in the town's future uh the first is the public health reason so swimming is one of the most effective forms of exercise improving both cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of obesity and for many residents the pool should be a lowcost option um and a low impact way to exercise and I think this is particularly true for for children and seniors that have limited recreational options the second reason um I think is because the economic and social impact as the previous speaker stated anytime we go to the pool we're always ordering takeout that day right but not only that I know that there are a contingent from Washington Heights that comes over um every summer you know and is they're part of that community that have made tly for some reason you know their second home in the summer and I think that's really neat and it Alles for diversity and and everything between our our city our city cities and then the final reason that I'd add um and that's probably the most important is that um you know swimming saves lives um swimming lessons rather save lives so according to a CDC media release from May of this year which I'd ask you know get shared with the the members here and particularly put in the public record drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in children one through four uh ages one through four and more people are drowning per year in the US uh by an average of more than 500 more than what was happening preo so there had been an actual decrease in the number people that are able to swim since Co happened since everybody was at home and I think it's you know it's you know great to do things like the skate park skate park and pickleball courts and four square courts but in the grand scheme of things this city has a moral obligation I think to subsidize the learning of critical life skills for its children and so by saving the pool we're helping to ensure the water safety of our children and Empower them with the skill that they they'll carry for life and take pass on to their own kids as well so um I just close by saying that I understand that the running the pool comes with cost but these costs pale in comparison to the benefits and the cost of of losing the pool so by saving the pool you're investing in the health safety and future of tenly and accordingly I implore the the council to consider taking over the pool's responsibilities operations and if needed be subsidizing its future um thank you for your time and consideration thank you very much thank you anyone else in the council chambers want to make any public comments Omar okay so let's see if there's anyone on Zoom who would like to make the public comment there is Johnny you want to speak yes hello hi go yes I'm Jenny Jackson and I think everyone made really great points um and I don't need to repeat them um but I do want to add something and emphasize something that was said which was that from a business perspective tenilla is supportive of our town because because we are keeping residents in town enjoying our town and from um personal experience I order and like however trivial this is I just want to bring it up that I ordered more takeout that summer in tenly than I do than I ever have and that I do during the year because the kids were playing in the pool all day and I was there and there is a very relaxed and um um welcoming like environment around bringing food to the pool and and staying and playing all day there and um so my kids we you know or we also ordered food from the um beautiful um snack bar there which I think is also an opportunity area to help to increase um Revenue at the pool so anyway I just wanted to just to add that kill is okay well I just this is your jacket oh hello someone else continue on Jenny yeah that it that it's a that it's a resource an important resource to our town that keeps people in town enjoying our to enjoying our town and also now that we'll have this um great park across the way that will continue to um enhance that area as an overall um destination for people to enjoy okay thank you okay thank you and the gentleman wants to speak yes thanks so much hi everybody um thanks for making time to have this conversation uh my name is Keith I've been a tenly resident for 16 years I'm a native New Yorker so as a kid I remember visiting Jersey towns and them having pools my New York town did not have a pool so for Jersey superiority reasons I think we should continue with the with the pool concept and Jersey Pride reasons not withstanding but the the serious conversation I think here some wonderful topics have been brought up my my family has been a member of the pool for more than 10 years um my daughter swims competitively as a result of learning to swim at tenakill and then moving on to the JCC and then swimming with in USA swimming meets it's been a wonderful experience for her um I think that the Rey's program which someone very eloquently talked about is enhanced significantly by the pool's accessibility and I think without the pool Reis is not as an effective of a camp so I think that the fact that the Reis kids can visit the pool is a a huge upside for tly and if the pool is not available I think Reis is a less effective program overall um I also wanted to to share you know I think there have been some wonderful points raised on very serious aspects just colloquially I will offer like the ability to keep kids off screens and to be have kids connected to other kids in this post-pandemic world and raising three kids myself I think it's a wonderful thing that the pool is here to have kids be connected and disconnected from their phones and connected to other human beings and I you see that really in the pool and like no other place in ten of uh I want to thank Janet for her leadership on the issue and thanks the town for considering making a municipal pool okay thank you for your comments okay we're going to close public com we're going to close public comment uh at this time and uh just so everyone knows uh about the pool so we're going to be having a conversation and closed session tonight about regarding the pool issues and then the next meeting is November 26 yes November 26 Open Session uh to discuss the financial aspect that we'll have from our Auditors at that point okay so please come to the next meeting November 26 okay let open right open all right thank you okay it to Omar let's go on to the consent agenda take care did I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d480 through r24 d503 I have a second second please call the RO yeah there's a couple typos oh go ahead sorry thank you they already changed do you have question yeah so if I wanted to have a couple of resolutions which on do you want to pull out uh 495 and 503 just for separate votes 4955 495 and 503 attorney contract andine contract okay could I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d480 through R 24- 494 r24 496 through R 24502 have a second second Omar please call the RO council member Corsair yes Council men yes Council Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc Park yes council member Ro yes okay Council men do you have a a question or something you want to say on 495 so uh on on 495 um there you know that's to amend the contract to um you increase the amount budgeted for the uh for the borrow attorney by 25,000 um just you know want to know what what the reasons are you know how much uh you know um what the background is for that there's been a few issues that you know involved some in-depth legal um research and and opinion that was not anticipated when we finalized the budget uh back in March namely the sign ordinance there's the co uh legislation um that that Wendy is dealing with and um the liquor license the RFP for the uh for the post office parking lot a number of things least met so you know what we will do is that will inform as we move forward in 202 to see if we're adequately budgeting uh for for legal and and your second resolutions about engineering likewise um see if that needs to be increased or um or stay where we are if it was just an anomal that we had increases this year or to okay with the engineering one um you had mentioned earlier about wanting to get like Allin costs yes is that part of this well that's the resolution tonight is that we had we had budgeted $70,000 for General engineering and they've exceeded that U with a number of things um with with engineering uh whenever there's a question that comes before Council and you ask Andy to look into something that has now been habitual that that starts at $10,000 uh you know I get a proposal and it's $10,000 that look into this or $10,000 that look into that um so I think and I know that that the mayor has has directed uh me and Omar to do rfps for Professionals for 2025 one of the things that we are looking at is to um potentially look at a project engineer um that would supplement and and and be focused on some projects that are not necessarily go all a with the with the bur engineer be automatic and that would uh lower the cost for engineering overall I mean the the cost of engineering has actually skyrocketed not just with um with Colliers we now have a traffic engineer we have you know we have two or three uh different Engineers that we're and to that special projects engine traffic engineering I think uh on the on the agenda tonight was $7500 for bra View um but if you if you recall we asked him to look at uh Leroy we asked him to look at a crosswalk on Hillsdale um and you know other things that we refer so that is sort of just keeping in check as we first off that we've got to put a u a cost Factor limit to what they're going to expand to do that or else it becomes you know sort of something that they're going to just grow into 10,000 yeah I mean I just think that uh you know the uh the council especially uh should be reminded that uh you know every time we ask for uh something new you know there's a legal cost and there's a a an engineering cost and uh you know this you know again it blows up the budget um far more than than a lot of other things do so we should be aware of it and and uh you know I think um you know obviously it's too late for this year but that needs to be changed would would we impose the limit yeah you could if you're basically what I would propose is you would do a resolution uh that would have a not to exceed number that you would put right the resolution uh you know it has to be realistic and and U you know fully take in what you're asking them to do but yeah I would say that you would set the limit that way and they would have to justify if there's some reason why they can't produce what you're asking then within that okay any other questions about those two resolutions okay I have a motion to approve resolution r24 495 and r24 d503 so moved have a second Omar please call the rooll Yes Men abstain on both coun Michaels yes coun member Dr o Conor yes c m park yes C member Ro Eric yes all right thank you um public uh hearings now ordinance 2431 amend schedule B area and bulk regulations oh Mark could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title sure ordinance number 24-31 it was published in the October Sunday October 27th this of the record it's an ordinance of the burough cifi County of Bergen state of New Jersey to amend chapter 35 entitled Land Development regulations attachment 11 entitled schedule B area both reg regulations and the revised ordinances of the fal 10 FL I'd like to open the floor for public comments on ordinance 24-31 only Omar do you see anyone in the chambers or on Zoom see no hands mayor okay Clos public comments uh councilwoman cors would you like to make a motion to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-31 and that notice of same shall be published according to the law could I have a motion a second please second Omar please call the rooll pass rep there yes pass member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes council member roer yes so on the next one on the flag po one just there you know it's a little bit messy there's a couple of things that need to be what do you mean what's your question cleaned up uh so if you read through the uh the red Parts um not notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter flag Poes are a flag pole is so you know there's things that need to be cleaned up is the language oh sorry planning board but if there's a typle we can certainly right I think that's what it is the first R yes yeah that's a Ty yeah so there's a bunch ready right okay all right uh Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title of the ordinance sure ordinance number 24-32 published in the Sunday October 27th edition of the record there an ordinance of the burough tedi County of Bergen state of New Jersey to amend chapter 35 entitled Land Development regulations article 8 entitled zoning regulations Section 35- 80220 entitled flag polls and the revised General ordinances of the buau of t f I'd like to open the floor for public comment at ordinance 2432 Omar do you see anyone in the chambers or on Zoom here looking to make a comment see no hands all right uh public comment is closed councilman rieri would you like to make a motion please could I have a second please second uh Omar please call the rooll counc member Corsair Yes counc Men yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc member Park yes okay ordinance 2433 amend regulations pertaining to parking within front yard set box uh Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title of the ordinance sure ordinance number 24-33 was published in Sunday October 27th edition of the record in ordinance of the B teni County Bergen state of New Jersey to amend chapter 35 entitled Land Development regulations article 8 entitled zoning regulations Section 35-8 804 point4 entitled location and Improvement of required parking and loading facilities and the revised General ordinances of the B apply uh I'm going to open the floor for public comments on ordinance 2433 anyone in the ordinance here or on Zoom Omar see no hands going to close public comment uh council president Michaels would you like to make a motion please yes I move to pass second reading3 have a second please Omar could you please conduct the roll call counc member Corsair yes counc member men yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes member par yes C member Ro yes I feel like I'm on C-Span here 24-34 22 Leslie Place easan Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title of the ordinance ordinance number 24-34 is published at the Sunday October 27th edition of the record the ordinance of the bur of tenly in Bergen County providing for the acceptance of a de easement of easement from 22 Leslie tenly LLC for a drainage easement on block 257 lot six okay I'd like to open the floor for public comment on ordinance 24-34 only uh Omar do you see anyone in the chambers or on Zoom looking to make a public comment I see no hands I'm going to close public comment uh councilwoman Dr OK Conor would you like to make a motion please sure thanks uh I move to pass and adopt on second final reading ordinance 24-34 and that notice of same shall be published according to the law could I have a second please second um Omar please call the role coun men yes coun member Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes coun member Park yes coun member roer yes okay thank you everyone next is old business the signage ordinance dress question about this can I ask now or Now's the Time okay so um this came from the planning board so my question had to do with the second bullet about the only allowing the um welcome to tenly sign am I reading that correctly at the corner of 9W East Clinton like not to eliminate any other temporary billboard signs and I just wanted to ask about that because I think that's where if memory serves me right you have the uh Armenian Church always advertised there about their Festival as does the um the the Greek you know festival and those are like very key points for a couple of of our churches and stuff for the for the fundraising they do at the corner there so so um that's the one I just thought you might want to the council might want to consider I know these are recommendations from the planning board so I want to so I don't think May no oh okay I was just say that these are uh recommendations to the ordinance that were made at the planning board meeting they actually were not they were recommendations for discussion at the mayor and council meeting right mayor yeah so right these are these are these are not their recommendations the planning board is not saying do this planning board is saying here's some ideas guys knock it around that's more a piece of the broader sign correct yeah they didn't they didn't they didn't want to um have a um they didn't want to they didn't have an opinion one way or the other and they thought that right so so the issue became right so 9W and East Clinton were lded with sign this this year they were everywhere okay it's a presidential year lots of candidates we got a lot of things going on in town in terms of events and so one of the ideas that the committee we were talking about was what if we eliminated all signage up on 9W and East Clinton um and uh and just had the welcome the tenly sign planning board did not pass a you know take a vote to pass a resolution to do that was like what do you guys think so I I'll say my my uh thoughts my first thoughts on this when I read it was that these are oneoff situations and they're really temporary I'm worried if you say just welcome intended fly I'm not particularly passionate but I'm just I always worry about unintended consequences because people are worried about one particular set of a few weeks in one particular year and I I am thinking about all of our institutions that really use that corner to advertise their once in a lifetime event okay so that's my head was out so just just to let you know it doesn't say it here but one of the changes they did recommend uh was to uh go from from three billboard signs to six billboard signs at each of the locations um so as a limiting factor as a limiting fact because right now there's no limit how many right now there is a limit it's three oh oh technically but we never actually enforce that right that's why there's got to be premade spots what it's got to be pre-made spots it's a free-for all it's disgusting right so so so the so the recommendation is that we go from on the books from three to six Billboards that's it we wer enforcing first Ser I don't know you're getting into constitutional First Amendment issues we're going to go from 3 to six that yes it absolutely disgusting for a month but for the 11 months of the year they're not 12 months for the three years that it's not you want to make sure the church JCC that there's a reason why that's Christmas all right so obviously that idea is dead Okay so I don't disagree I was just uh you know I was just kind of bringing out what the but we got to re have spots or an organization what like something to organize them you can't just be like yeah you can go put it up and then some R they still no no no no that part's fine it's just it's a it's free range when you get up there oh this this spot's open oh this spot's open and then it's it's just maybe we should put an electronic billboard up there then everyone just rents you know 5 Seconds circulat what digital real estate one billboard yes so the two two things that they want insane I think the two things that they wanted guidance on one was you know do we want uh signs you know first uh it was the question of 9W if we weren't going to have signs at 9W uh would we have wanted a different location you know to have the four signs so we've answered that question uh the other question was about the sign committee um you know right now uh members of the signed committee are two members of the governing body and one member of the ten flight Chamber of Commerce I I I should ask the uh borrow attorney is was that always in there as the Ten flight Chamber of Commerce so that's that's a pre-existing you know it wasn't something that came up something no it was always the Chamber of Commerce and two Council uh folks in fact um I think this year was the first time that uh mayor Zen actually had to appoint people because something was never issues came up but it's it's a committee that rarely gets used right but um because it's there it it was left so so then the question was are we happy with um the sign from being uh two uh members of the governing body and the 10 flight Chamber of Commerce or should it be um the the two members and uh the downtown committee or should it be U an independent somebody just from the community you know something like that that was the other question chamber so far it's worked well haven't we haven't we haven't appointed used it this so far so there's no problems let's not uh you know any other questions about this what's the next step with this with this so the next step would be to bring it forth now for the council to vote on so it could be introduced on the 26th for second reading in December public hearing be December 17 Again goes share the second bullet no so the the planning board has already reviewed it and and taken move forth with it with some recommendations for you all to consider on whether you wanted to make changes but it's coming up from the planning board so it doesn't have to go back down again like for instance as a council we spoke about the situation where the industrial park a different rule than so no so in in this draft all of the of the signs in that area are all consistent um the regulations of the the size of the letters the color of the awnings all that is now moved into the zoning ordinance and it's all consistent in the um commercial uh the the downtown business areas all of it is going to be the same yeah it's in the pack right here I I thought there there should be a draft in your packet no no it's just one page oh no got the whole thing here scroll scroll up so Wendy okay so the council has to get the whole thing make sure everyone May mayor um am I wrong I I I remember that we didn't vote on it we didn't V in the planning so this does have to go back for us to vote on it there vote on this did they find any consistency with the master plan I think we probably said the usual it's not inconsistent that's that's all they they need to weigh in on I think that's what we said but there was no wa hold hold on hold on hold on we did vote on um we did a roll call the motion was carried unanimously yes we did question okay yeah that's in Code Enforcement Wendy number the third point to determine who will issue F violation notice and remove the non-conforming signs does that go with the RightWay signs the lawn signs say that again what lawn signs right what the people who put the lawn signs in the right away that enforcement has to come back yeah we did it based on I think footage sidewalk curb the lawn signs I'm hold on we have to you just asking what's in the what does that mean the third and remove non-conforming signs does that also apply to lawn signs or is this just for the billboard yes no that that is temporary signs so even lawn signs lawn lawn signs are temporary signs yes yes so it's all it always goes back to enforcement yep so the permanent signs are being moved into zoning into the zoning code and the temporary signs remain in in the same chapter which is 12 which code enforcement yes so so this is this is actually an issue do we have [Music] Zing it it was supposed to be in your packet all is one so in the same ordinance it removes things out of it what is it chapter 14 yep and moves it into the zoning ordinance go downage 2 hold on a second this is a major problem here 26 about signs being removed in the right of way we don't want that yes we do so that that will start the chaos again of the zoning officers taking signs off your lawn but not his lawn your lawn is not the right of way the right of way the right of way is you know the burrow Parks locations where no 10 feet from this curb all along the sidewalks where people put the or whatever the right away is okay yeah exactly yeah we don't no the the grasp between the sidewalk and the curb so here's the thing what we want a situation where if someone puts a sign up on their front lawn no one's taking it down absolutely end of the story Absol we can't talk about right ways about easements all that maybe we can talk about how many feet from the street from the black top but that's not what it says in here that needs to be it was cha so bad this season what I'm saying is I don't I'm on your side you should be able to put whatever you want in your property regardless of the rights of right so this has to even if it fits to your point even if we switch it to wording where it says from the street I'm not sure we want to switch ITW this for then yes it'll still be a no but if it's if it's blatant if it's blatant yes we don't want this to be engineering position this is one of those situations where it's like you let it slide it's going to keep happening problems sign it's worth dealing with there was only one person whoever complained 2019 okay more work to be done on that obviously got to come down okay next on the agenda are the minutes did I get a motion to approve the minutes of October 22nd 2024 mayor and council meeting I'm sorry can we just go back one second because the the part that you are um looking to to do a little bit more work on is part of the chapter 14 however the zoning part of it that went to the planning board that that is all I just want to make sure that I think we need to have another to be considered conversation about this once we make additional adits after an offline conversation all right okay motion to approve those minutes October 22nd 2024 second second all in favor any opposed all right this next topic for the good of the order I'm recommending we actually strike this from the agenda because we never use it what do you have you see it anything you want you want to talk about whatever you want as a whole yeah talk about the weather you want a new weather ve okay so is everybody okay with us removing this permanently from the agenda yes one what happened so again we do a good job with each other we can always go to the on any topics we want to talk about so this doesn't take anything away I think it just means you tell them in advance you just have to be prepared you have to be prepared right so just for everyone's education um it would what we'll do is Adopt a new form of agenda at reorg so that it's official moving forward good all right upcoming meetings anyone have any comments about that no okay new business where is that uh hold on okay introduction of ordinance reappropriate American Rescue plan obligations ordinance 24-35 um councilman would you like to make the motion here please I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-35 and set the hearing for November 26 2024 at 7:30 p.m. soon thereafter could I have a second please Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct a roll call sure ordinance number 24-35 and ordinance reappropriated 214,000 5757 and $179,700 $378 from the local fiscal recovery Funds American Rescue plan ARP not needed for their original purposes in order to provide for other purposes in and by the burough T Fly in the county of Bergen Okay cair C minut yes counc Michaels yes counc member dror yes counc member Park yes council member Ro excuse me okay thank you uh in the interest of time because we have a lengthy close session I'm recommending that we skip committee reports tonight move it to the next meeting and uh same with the mayor's remarks go into to close Council okay with that yep okay um could you please read the closed session language it's resolution r 24-54 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of B tly County Bergen state of New Jersey held on November 12th 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council of the bur of tenly are going into closed executive session to discuss the following matters uh litigation declaratory judgment Action Personnel policy updates real property potential leases and we're also adding in the tenac Hill Swim Club property uh and contract negotiations uh DPW supervisor contract update minutes will be taken to the meeting released to the public at the time that the matter is resolved can I get a motion to go to close can I get a second second all in favor any opposed see you inside thank you everybody okay we're good you ready Omar yes can I get a motion to close the public meeting I have a second second all in favor I any opposed good night everybody thank you everybody baby down [Music]