##VIDEO ID:GU4rWojbIyE## [Music] in compliance with the open public meetings act pl1 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed that the annual meeting are posted on the public bulleon board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year a salute to the flag please unit States andice for all roll call please councilwoman corer here councilman Menan here councilman Michaels presid councilwoman Dr o Conor here councilman Park here councilman rary here mayor Zen here okay the first thing on the agenda tonight is the Hispanic Heritage Month Proclamation so thank all of you for being here and all your advisers and teachers also so thank you so who's speaking first hi just give us your names and um we can go I'm Alison I'm okay and speak a little closer to the microphone when you're ready okay take your time [Music] is me Johnson for thank you okay who's speaking next and remember to speak into the microphone and start off by giving a your name please I'm Nikki Tetro and I'm Ash Shan whereas Hispanic Americans have enriched our social intellectual and artistic life in United States of America and whereas Hispanic Americans are the youngest and fastest growing segment of the United States of America and the resident population of Hispanic Americans in the borough of tenly has doubled in the last 10 years and whereas the national Hispanic Heritage Month the bough of tenly recognizes that his Spanish Heritage and American Heritage and that that we see that influence in almost every aspect of our lives and whereas each year Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating the histories cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Mexico Spain the Caribbean and Central and South America and whereas what began in 1968 as Hispanic heritage week under President Johnson was expanded by President Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 15 and ending on October 15th and whereas the day of September 15th is significant because it is the anniversary of Independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras and Nicaragua in addition in addition Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16th and 18th respectively and whereas this year's theme Latinos driving Prosperity power and progress in America encourages us to salute the vital contributions of these public servants and of the more than 62 million Latinos who help make our nation stronger every day and now therefore be it resolved that on this 19th day of September 2024 the mayor and councel of the Bor of tenly do hereby Proclaim September 15th to October 15 2024 as Hispanic Heritage Month and encourage all residents and burough employees to celebrate our unique and vibrant history it is a history of hard work Family Faith pride and possib ability and it is a proof that there is nothing we cannot do when we do it together thank you thank you who else is speaking all right well thank you very much for being here council members have questions or photographs you want to take that Miss PM would like a photo with you and the governing body she said you guys want to take photos yeah come up back here come around back get time thanks for coming tonight thanks for coming you like one of students ready thank you so much J tonight hey can we get printed copies of what uh of your Proclamation okay that' be fabulous if you could send that to us all right thank you very much have a good evening you too okay that was great you know maybe when we get that Proclamation we should post it on the website okay let's make sure we get a copy of that okay uh um next is to be considered let's start with um Andy hippol come on up to the microphone please we've got a few questions on a couple of you know projects that are going on um but let's start with the leaf composting facility presentation so I'm here more for Global right on Leaf compost earlier this year really back in 2023 the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection changed of rules on what we'll call Wood and leaf recycling which affects Leaf compost facilities those rules require you if you're going to compost leaves on site or any wood type materials like Stomps and trees you have to upgrade your site to meet the storm water requirements for that runoff those materials leaves come off streets and Roads and come with all kinds of other stuff that that are contaminants on streets and Roads and they found that when you accumulate leaves in one area when the rain H set stor runoff through streams and lakes and rivers eventually makes the oceans that water has some level of contamination Opera Leaf compost failing moving forward as of January 1 you have to capture all storm water on the site hold it treat it or or I say hold it test it if it needs treating treat it and then dispose of it properly sometimes you could let it flow back into the stream sometimes you got to truck it off in railroad cars to some site to be treated that process is very expensive so we looked at the 105 Leaf Compost Facility based on its size it's like four acres if you were to upgrade that site to catch all the storm water and then treat it you'd probably lose one third of it to do that the second part is the upgrade would probably cost you about a million dollars I mean roundly it could be 850 but it's definitely GNA be a million could a million and a half it's a lot of money and then every year your operating numbers are probably in the range of a low of 50,000 to a high of a quarter million dollars a year to treat and dispose of storm water there's not a lot of data on this um there are a few towns that are actually tried this process they were like pilot programs as the city of summit and it's are Jewish at best and very expensive not sure where they're going to go or other towns are going to go that tried it but the feedback and talk to them is we'd rather just send the leave somewhere else to a facility that can handle them you know like a Nature's choice or a couple facilities up in New York state that take leaves in and they're set up to capture a storm order and treat it and do what they got do any questions for the council members on this yes go ahead Julie hi thanks for coming tonight Andy um so I have some questions first regarding the price uh can can you expand on that now that we're going to have to ship the leaves elsewhere what are we looking at I know the price to retrofit what we have but what are we looking at to was bid I think I think Mike prepared David Mike prepared specs to bid it and they bid the price I don't know the actual number it was I they bid results yeah yeah we the bid the bids were open today so um it was very competitive we had three bids the low the low bidder was um 1195 a cubic yard so it's based on 16,000 cubic yards it's 191,00 hourss in year one and in year two uh it Rose to um $122 so it's like aund I can look up the resolution but I believe it's that would be $15,000 that's pretty stand a year and they were very competitive so the second lowest bidder was 40 cents more a cubic yard in year two exactly the same price in year one the third bidder was 2950 cubic yard or 472,000 so so then that would beg the question and and I'm asking also because I I know a lot of people be curious about this if we're looking at roughly $200,000 a year is the cost for shipping the leaves away uh why do something I'm just asking the question why do something that in five years we would have uh paid to keep our leaves there and then have no cost on year six I I can answer that it's a five payback why not just do it pay million and yeah but it's not it's not it's not at Payback so the so day one you have to improve your site you have to lose onethird of the area so that right there hampers you because you can't lose one third of the area you take up the whole area now and that's going to cost you a million dollars to prepare the site to take these leaves so the the whole site has to be made impervious you have to capture the storm order in the Detention Facility once you capture it then you test it so you need a million dollars day one about against yeah and you'll never get that money back and then each year the estimated cost to to test and tree storm order is a low of maybe 50,000 to a high of a quarter million dolls every year forever oh you'll spend that forever and then you'd also then we can't use that land never that's the that's the UNL the question becomes do something more valuable with that land I'll make it really simple if you do something more valuable for that with that land then $200,000 can you generate that's that's the math I would do on the other thing though and I know the mayor speaks about it a lot right now I think there's still opportunities for education on how do you what you spoke about last night compos it such that making a number up the million you know square feet that we use today if we teach people it goes to 800 or 600 start composting start shredding all that good stuff right right um absolutely we as a town are going to have to be concerted effort you know to that education um but also what's been um shared with me and maybe you can illuminate me a bit on this piece is um in the D so these are these are regulations that have come rather recently would you say passed in the the EP and voted on by the assembly and Senate and signed by the governor in 2023 okay a fair fairly recent situation um we are one of a few towns that had their own leaf composting pile most most have always been shipping them elsewhere most municipalities in Bergen County ship their leaves out somewhere else we ship them out and so my my question and I'm going to let Dan take over is something that's been told to me is there's different um divisions within the D that maybe they're not actually even talking to each other so we have the the one group in the D talking about the lead shap and and these new regulations but we had an another group that actually is um promoting the the fact that they want to have compost Leaf Composites are you there is no there is no doubt so we so my questions are like on point okay your question is on point there's a group that promotes composting of leaves and then they reuse those leaves in everyday life and there's a group that control storm order and the runoff so the composting group wants you to compost your leaves the storm Order Group says hey that's great but if you're going to do that you need to make sure your storm war is clean we went to the composting group and they said we just want you to compost whatever they say for storm war is what you have to do okay so the the two groups even though they're not necessarily in total sync they are and that the composting group says yeah we want composting but if you need whatever they tell you to do it has nothing to do with us we're just composters we're not stormore runoff the storm this is all coming out storm runoff this has nothing to do with composters the storm runoff people you know I'm a certified FL play manager I go conferences this legislation has been in works for about five years now the storm water R said listen these leaves are contaminating our drinking water we need to treat this water or get it to facilities that can handle the treatment of the water they want it to go to these massive facilities that have they're all built in to filter the water and create water that's discharged clean and that's a process being in a storm or a treatment world is a tough world to be in and unfortunately a very big Bill very that is going to be passed along to us right so the other when you get in this treatment world you you know let's say you store an acre of water a few feet deep if you get a bad test it could be hazardous hazardous means you're removing it in railroad cars it's not how do you do that so then they give you time to hold it and then add other additives to it you become you become a treatment facility you don't want to do that okay I don't want to dominate question what was it he answered it the upgade the water what can we do that's a good question so compost right like so people buy compost right could you go into composting business where you sell a bag and sell compost you could but then it's a different operation you have to get some those no we're not that we're going to focus on roads and traffic lights Parks so if we ship out right one of the you're I think David was talking about a sliding upward scale in terms of cost how far can you buy out that contract a hedge inflation let us go three years five years seven years do we even know well we do gonna We Do A Garbage Contract at five years Leaf compost World taking most your shying towns have shipped their leaves off for years and numbers has stayed pretty consistent the number has gone maybe that I've seen as low as $5 and as high as 15 I I mean over a 25 year per I'm not sure I ever seen outside that AG well the only question now is that everybody has to do it right so it used to be doing it so we're an outlier yeah they all all always sent leaves out so so the people been on your job are taking leaves out here every day so it's not not you're not you're not paying a premium because you're not I don't think you are because there's only a few towns that don't do it bur County and we get that land back and you get that you get four acres back so it's four acres yeah yeah okay okay Dan then Vu pick it take it you'll put it vu have a question yeah just a quick question about you know maybe you can explain what Bergen County does with it uh with its needs I I don't know the answer that I'm not involved now I don't know if bur County collects leaves but they have Parks parks yeah put it somewhere yeah I don't I don't bur count I know does not have a facility yeah because most of our most of ours it's coming from residential correct the county probably bues it pushes to the side what about Dan's quick question that he just said about where where would we store the leaves before they get taken away I mean again going into these DP regulations there's really not a storage if you're going to store the leaves even for a short period of time you have to catch the storm water and test it and treat it so you really got to pick it put in the dumpster and get it out and that was addressed in the bit so they they have to come and take the leaves as they're collected between October 1st and December 31st on on a regular basis yes I believe so I I could double check that but yeah the basically as Andy is saying it's my understanding and from Mike Cassidy that they cannot touch the ground and be stor might give you a volume per day uh I don't have a volume per day I know it's 16,000 cubic yards per per year uh but I don't I don't have it per day I can get that information from him L you just go down there and see the piles I mean the files what is there about 18 cubic yards in a truck that's gonna um you know yeah I guess 16 to 18 right and when they're mulch you know somebody if somebody's blowing and mulching at the same time they bring the curve you get more in truck the less air the more you'll get but yeah a truck can hold about 20 cubic yards okay Vu has a question please yeah so um right now you're saying we use 100% of the 4 Acres um and um and if we put the the whatever equipment or whatever on the property we would use up a third so you know the rest the 2/3 but right now we put uh the Le leaves on there and leave it there for six months um in in the case of you know oneir and having two thirds left over do we would we still uh keep that those leaves for six months I mean I think we would do you're not have anything there to me to me no no I I mean if we went the route of uh of getting the million dollar equipment and all that so if you went through if you went through the process to actually keep it on site you now have a volume problem you can't store 16,000 G yards so have to you're going to have to you're going to have to Chuck still Chuck some off yeah but but that's what I'm saying that we you know we would be processing it would be more like you know leaves come in we process and and take it out rather than storing it for six months the leaves when their stor is because they're break down and they're turned over they're not just left there it's a process to keep turning them to make them break down so it's not you need all of that space to to spread them in a way where they actually will have the opportunity get oxygen into to break down the p is going only be so high you're at their Max height now there's like a machine that flips more they can't only get so high they get too high they'll self combust B so if we cut down trees we don't need all right why don't you talk about the let's talk about Grove Street Park give us an update on that gr Grove Street Park was awarded by UD Kinder Contracting we had the pre-con today they're going to start the fir basically the first week October so the park will be closed starting September 30th there'll be no parking in front of the park no parking on the side street on the one side they're going to AC access it from the back and it'll be closed for about four about four months so once once once we get close to September 30th probably Thursday Friday I think you should do a code red and just let everybody know because they're not gonna be use the dog part for six months and and there'll be a point where the fence will be down month we we four months sorry four month but we have a delivery date with financial punitive measures at 1231 correct that's three months yeah yes but it's win so fair but but we're still that they know it's 12:31 they 12:31 deadline the contract way up in my headed we're going November December so I'm counting for days of weather so they any day of weather they they had a day so if it rains they get a day it snows they that's why stay that's why St they all right any other questions on that Grove Street did you want I'm sorry no I was going to say they their intent is to get moving rather rapidly because they want to get concrete in the ground before we're doing shop during review starting this week so they they want to they want to be done unless it's weather they're gonna be done before we get into Christmas very exciting thank you exciting good I'm excited for it all right pickle ball pickle ball court almost there we're about two weeks away two weeks from pave the fence post we gr up today probably next week middle next week they'll power they have to get the court a little time their power wash the cords to get the oil off so as you know asphalt contains oil before we can put the acrylic surface on we have to power wash that off then we use the power washing to check to make sure the surface has no low spots then they come in with a certain rubberized material put that on the court and then they put theic surface on it and then they'll put the fence I'll be done so we're anticipating about two weeks maybe three weeks till it's done great we have a register to reserve um through the wreck I I was talking to David about Recreation yeah we'll get that out on the website and the newsletter and so forth okay uh the salt Dome we have two options right renovate brand new you have two options so we wanted to give the council every option they could have with respect to the existing shed verus the new shed the short version of the history was the shed was evaluated a few years ago when it was evaluated we said there might be sub isue at the walls at that time we recommend taking the whole thing down a couple Engineers including us looked at it we all came to the same conclusion the whole thing should come down then the vendor a couple years later came out and said we think we can rehab the walls we weren't that confident in that because my structure under has looked at it gave you a report that said 50% of the walls are compromised at that point you should take it down because there's no guarantee too much salt has gotten into the concrete into the rebar the shed's been taken down if you go look at the walls are not in great shape we did bid the rehab of the walls with a new shed and we did bid brand new walls with a new Shed So at the end of the day there's a $90,000 difference to rehab the walls and put a new shed over it's $90,000 less what I would tell you is the longevity of the salt shed new walls will last at least 25 years up to 50 years with the wood shed above as long as everybody takes care of it does her job rehab walls could last one year and start breaking down so they're going to rehab 50% of the walls the other 50% there's no way to know the walls are this thick there's no way to know how much Sul on those walls you know concrete walls are ass salt chest you're supposed to have liny go spray every year maybe one year they did it maybe five years they didn't do it who knows that Sal CH 35 years old I don't think there's enough savings to take the risk having a brand new shed put up in rehab walls that you have no guarantee for it no longevity you know the new walls is G last for Le 25 years so I have go ahead please just out of curiosity $90,000 a difference on what denominator base it was 410 for the brand new everything minus 9 90 for the rehab just the numbers too close if they would have said and the reason we bid the re yeah the reason we bid the rehab is the vendor said it's going to be way cheaper to do the rehab right like $125,000 that was not what happened it came in twice as much as you said it would come in so I have a question so I was in Rome last year all right the Coliseum built out of concrete I've been there I've been there Flex lead bars keep and the concrete's been there 2,000 years and here we have the concrete 35 years and it's kaput is it all about the salt or is it all about the salt so what do we do to protect it going forward so what happens with a salt shed when you have concrete walls there's a I'll say linsy roll there there's a linol you actually put on the walls once a year L seed oil yeah you put on the walls it just protects the every once a year once a week you put it on before season starts and after season starts maybe twice it costs very little you spray you spray but we hadn't we hadn't done that I I don't know so remember this salt shed was 40 years old okay that's a long time that salt shed the the usual life of these walls is about 50 years Max and you 40 so okay I think your guys took care of it good it just run out it ran out of life okay okay um I think we're good with that part right Andy's done yeah I think you're done Andy has hand up do we want to ask him about the pond or is that we could ask him about the pond go ahead sure yeah well actually there's a different question one of the items on U on David's list is the uh $1.6 million Federal grant of Des snagging uh clearing um what um now that's just uh the grant part of it right correct um that includes an engineering cost that includes uh all the various costs how much no that's not sh you're gonna Pro what one of the things you have before you tonight is um an expenditure to engage the engineering for the environmental review um the total cost going forward to do all of these snagging is going to be more than the Federal grant okay so it it we're going to be incurring the engineering expense outside of the Federal grant um because we're probably six months away from getting the actual uh notice to proceed Grant agreement document in place but we can get this part of it done and the environmental review during that six-month period so I mean I don't want to steal the Thunder of the uh the September 24th special meeting I'm sure that that'll be covered there but just you know in terms of just generality the um U the cost will be more than the for the overall cost from today till it's done will be more than the 1.6 so at at this point we're looking at the 1.6 million Federal Grant and what we know of the $178,500 engineering engagement and I just and two things are colliding at the same time a year ago you received a letter from the D that you need to map all of your storm sewer systems elevation iners the whole thing and you had three years to do that the estimate to do that was $150,000 and every town has to do that put it over here that that was something you had to do then then you got this Grant and actually use the grant properly you need to do the same thing because you can't design the stor stuff in D clear without that so so you're it's maybe a little more expensive but it's very close to the same thing and you're get you're really getting two birds at one stone right great news for two it is that you know yes you'll have a great you're your system will have everything mapped all inverts on it all the streams be located with inverts on you'll be able to model we'll be able to model anything you want and tell you what all the problems are and how solve actually great data most towns don't have that data perfect okay so let's move on to the Roosevelt common Pond revitalization and Landscaping yep councilman you want to talk about this issue a little bit please um so the I mean having grown up here you could ice skate on the home and it was a very pretty feature of the town and you can see it from across from bur Hall and it's a it's a main state of the town it's an Abomination today I'm sure you've seen it when you walk past pickle it's just terrible um so David is is uh you know thankfully You Know spoken with Mike about what we can do about it um historically as I understand it there was a geese problem which is why you know prior mayor and Council decided that they would just close the whole thing up and let it become a swamp uh we'd like to reverse that if there's you know anything that's you know kind of a deal killer in that or anything you know historically around why we couldn't pursue such an effort you know be great to know that just from historical context because right now it's just it's not an acceptable condition seeing the pond in the spring this year see it now it looks terrible you can walk over it's it's like green on top at this point I can walk on it I think I'm pretty sure I could I could cross it if when you step in it You' probably sink up to your waist and that's the Genesis for this and that this is very fous on same you need your pond has I don't know how much but probably this much people leaves it's filled in at both ends this W deep door is just deep so the best thing you do to that pond is get that vegetation out of there get the edges mowed down and taken care of and youd have a use life a pond that would be you know you look at F Pond what it's like today it's a whole different Pond now because you're Hydra it needs to be Hydra which doesn't need any D permits it's a project you're allowed to do you need to take the leave somewhere right so that that'll be a cost now because you won't be able to storm on your own property like you did last time but that's the best process it's not that big of a pond it's small yeah it's small so it'd be a pretty quick project there's two or three contractors that do this work could be that's what I would do and there there there's there currently I know if there's no grants but there may be grants available for the restoration of the banks okay so there are some grants out there for restoration of Banks and possibly planting it with Geese prevent vegetation and just have some pathway for people okay so no no no red flag no history we're unaware of in terms of restoring that just it just maintenance Hawai it's green you know literally it was a feature of the town I mean and you could see it from River and you should see it from reverge Road and then it ingratiates people to come into Roseville col right now I'd be horrified to be the internet argue it's a health hazard yeah this is a problem all over the United States once the leaves get in there it starts generating and keeps building up it doesn't go away that matter it just keeps building up okay so uh David we'll start looking into this issue and yes if you want to so if you wanna just as a piece of advice we go back to FIS Pond little history if we're going to do a Hydra project the first thing is I don't remember the name of the company there's a company that will come out Aqua yeah Aqua something something yeah they come out with a little Robo and they do probing they'll do probing like every 10 fet square and they'll tell you dep to leave so volume then we can put an tell you exact price that's what you should do so they charge like $2,000 to do it okay I can give you that we they did they did we already Ed as a vendor [Music] soy yes they are perfect corre and they're great yeah it's a small job you may be able use the county sh to do the hyri too that would be nice the F Pond was we try too big okay all right you got that one Andy all right Andy thanks we'll see you Tuesday night we talk thanks for your time thank you okay administrator's report please okay um the traffic signal at East Clinton and Dean we had the bid opening um we are uh one of the ordinances for introduction is is setting the funding um aligning the funding correctly with the American Rescue plan and previous ordinances uh the the low bid was $779,900 9915 we actually received four bids uh for the traffic light um the thing to uh to to know is that we want to get this done as quickly as we can in order to get the light poles and Equipment ordered because there is a one year lead time um so we are in good shape with the ARP funds as long as we encumber the funds before December 31st and complete the project but before December 31st of 2026 we're in good shape um the $1.6 million Grant we just discussed briefly I did attend uh the first session with HUD which is going to be the grant oversight agency uh we will be getting a formal invitation to create a uh Grant account within one to three months and as I was saying that process should be completed uh within the next six months but we can do some concurrent uh uh uh task in the meantime the one good thing about this is that it is a reimbursable grant but it's different in the to the extent that we don't need to expend all the money to get the fund reimbursed so as we legally incur the expense we can put into draw down on the Federal grant that's the clearing daging one. the clearing daging yeah so it's that's it's a little bit different than usual grants where we have to expend and complete the project before we can get reimbursed so David you just said that six months was a DAT you you th is that was that to how did I hear that to so six months so HUD is is still working on rolling out uh and getting everybody signed up for FY 23 Grand so we're in FY 24 Grand Okay so their formal process and they just they just they assigned a new Grant officer to our to our grant um they'll be sending invitations out within the next one to three months and as that rolls back into their perview to get things lined up and assuming that we have our environmental review done we should be able to go live within six months just start to start utilizing the work in this grant which would line us up for the end winter which means our engineering things are done and all those other things you mentioned so we're looking to start this six month yes we want to make sure we this is one of the topics of Tuesday night we want to be able to explain to everyone yeah and then on on Tuesday night we did send 140 certified mail letters to property owners that have property that touch the overpack or or the TAC kill um regarding the traffic engineer we are at the end stages of uh the work at Pont J with the bump outs there's a couple of punch list items that we have the traffic engineer looking into uh to resolve with my Cassidy the interim closure permont Road the striping is done uh the outstanding item is the timing on the lights which I'm told will be completed by Tuesday of next week the the railro time yeah I believe that he's gotten what he needs from CSX yeah than it is that's that so the whole idea of the downtown Shing roads is we're gonna be able to change the traffic patterns right now the biggest inside of everything was that the reason why it takes so long to get through town is it actually thinks there's a train going by every it's still timed as it was in 1968 yeah so Say by Tuesday lights will get tiny and you should and we will track you should be able to get through town faster because the timing of track thank that and pedestrian safety were the two major reasons why we're different they also long the time there are two sequential lights in town all right if you come to the bottom of Hillside there's a light past the bottom of Hillside you go to the next one there's a light there and then there's a light when you cross railroad those two lights are pretty tight and it creates a pedestrian challenge is there any way to to elongate the duration of green between the okay correct I I find myself driving through there and you're like you got to hustle if you're like the third car to go through the first light you may or may not make it through the second and that creates pedestrian all right we'll look at that y we'll send that request over to John J when is the the changing of the timing of the traffic light Tuesday so we will see differences and then we then then they're going to have to evaluate gather data and see if it needs to be tweaked further yeah right because there may need to be further tweaks all right um we talked about the rusal commons uh project already with Andy uh The Grove Street Park I have on my old Swim Club I Chang it's no longer the old Rec we we discussed um the EXT the police extra Duty uh uh scenario is is something that will be coming on a future agenda after we have some talks with the PBA uh the sister city celebration is uh set for next Sunday the 29th um here in the in the courtroom and we are o yes one o'clock we are expecting um some visitors from senica Falls yeah five to 10 people from senica Falls are coming down um and that's what I have uh mayor oh an update on the uh electric vehicles uh the electric stations um they're near incompletion I don't have an exact date uh of when they're going to be turned on but I'm being told by October 15th there should be at least the the ones down at the CVS parking lot ready to go perfect October 15th October 15th okay all right correspondents we've got a letter here from uh uh meline mcone about the annual uh the crash that gets set up every year everyone's good with this yes okay wonderful um let's go into public comment you'll let mine know yes thank you thank you uh audience members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them would anyone like to uh speak please come up to the microphone and give us your name you want to speak also sir so come up over here and just await your turn please hoe how are you just give us your name not your address hoe siden um so it was interesting to hear what Andy said about the leaves um still brings up a lot of questions so now we're talking about it has to be removed simultaneously and that'll mean I've seen the DPW work in the in the fall into the dark hours so now we're talking about trucks that going to be coming through 10 we're looking at based on the numbers he said my estimate would be a th000 trucks over the season am I correct based on his numbers so we're adding a thous a thousand trucks to the roads of 10 yeah your math is accurate yeah yeah now that's something else to consider about what the wear and tear on the roads because the trucks will be heavy leaving um that's another thing to think about here and the safety for kids that are out and about in the afternoon I I because obviously we can't regulate the time that they're going to be traveling through if it has to be removed you know as the DPW finishes so um can we regulate the what streets that these trucks will take so so David it's a good it's a good question so howwi is asking the question about the route the trucks take out of town right so I guess how the best way to compare is this about a thousand trucks over three or four month period right so there's trucks removing um the leaves now to stop that deteriorated of course probably less than a thousand but the question about what route they take is a is a very reasonable question they may we may in fact have that in place in terms of how they leave the DPW based on where they're going to I can find right so let's let's find that out let's find out what the route is and we plan for it it's a very good point okay the the other thing that's still concerned me is the cost as it continues to go up each each year um I know Wayne got caught with their garbage collection this past year where all the companies were in collusion together and there was only one bidder and they had to reject the bids about four or five times and they ran into an emergency where they had nobody to remove their sanitation and now with every town supposedly going to this Leaf system it could happen to us in terms of that so you have to wonder you know for for the million dollars based on the five years I mean I understand that you know we might get a couple of extra Fields out of it but that's going to cost us money too so so everything is money money money and uh just a lot of things to consider the one other thing about the traffic light at Clinton and Dean is that going to be tied into the traffic light at County and Clinton so that way uh the time the timing would be coordinated traffic engineer okay great all right and that's all I have thank you Hoy thank you who would like to uh speak next if anyone yes sir come up to the microphone give us your name but not your address okay my name is mat Miguel uh Hey everybody my name is Matel demiguel and on behalf the ten uh tentacl Council uh I'm here to represent and even though I may not look like it I'm 12 years old believe it or not most of you probably won't believe me and I've been going to tentacle to spend my summer afternoons for as long as I can remember or six years ago and going there has always made me feel safe relaxed and basically at home if not walking over to tentacl to have a fun day with friends or to have an exciting swim meet with thrilling buzzers and last minut last minute wins I don't really know what I would do with my Summers except laying on the couch being on my phone like any other brooding teenager this brings me to think where else would we make cannibals make uh play Marco Polo and have backflip challenges but fail miserably on our stomachs where would we pedal as fast as possible on our bikes in already after already being 10 minutes late to swim team practice where would we go to take a splash in the pool with families and friends when it's so hot out it feels like our hair is going to slip off our heads would we really go and sit on the packed High School field and watch the fireworks with everybody else that's why I sincerely hope this relaxing summer Retreat stays with me and all the tli cens so that so that it can become affordable for loss of other tlight kids so that they can have the chance to experience this wonderful summer Oasis just as I did I learned to swim more or less dive and made many friends and now swimming is part of my everyday life due to this positive influence of this Beloved Community pool so that's why I say I can't imagine my childhood without tentac kill and I hope so greatly that it stays part of our to thank you everybody for listening and I hope you out all have a great evening thank you don't walk away from the microphone yet so thank you for coming up and speaking we appreciate it just to give you an update because you raised the issue is our B administrator for the past few weeks has been crunching the numbers so that we have under meaning the money so we have an understanding what the status is and uh we have an executive Clos session tonight after this public meeting to talk about all the different options and possibilities for the pool so it's in the Forefront of our minds also okay all right thank you and thank you for coming up appreciate it anyone else like to speak hello just give us your name sure hi I'm Nina siden hi okay so I was a little surprised to hear that you received bids back um for the leaf composting because my understanding was that tonight we were supposed to be hearing a report and that we would be sharing information and then using that information to then decide what to do so it kind of what I think usually what we don't want to do is arrive at a conclusion and then set our information to set our narrative to fit what our conclusion is so I'm hoping that that's not really what's going on um I have to say that I did my own research and I've spoken to many people um I've spoken to other towns that have their own leaf composting sites I've also spoken to the D who I do work with regularly because I am in the environmental field myself and I have to say that the numbers do not add up at all that I heard tonight I'm actually very surprised to hear numbers like a million dollars bandied around I would have hoped to have somebody from the DP actually here because I think that to hear the information secondhand doesn't really um serve our purposes I feel that um there's a lot of different things that go into making a decision about having a leaf composting site and I think the fact that we're able to take care of our own leaves within our own town environs the way we've done it for so many decades is such a gift it's unbelievable to think that the number of trees we have in this town we've been able to inhouse take care of our own vegetative waste for all of these years it's totally amazing when you think about how we would be at the mercy of the private Marketplace if we were to ship out our leaves um things can go wrong so with markets there's problems that happen um private markets have issues sometimes also many of them don't take leaves on weekend um there are all kinds of things that can happen um there was another comment regarding uh collusion and this does happen often I mean it's great to hear that you got three bids that's amazing because I do know for a fact that this type of thing happens all the time where actually some towns um get one bid and that bid is much higher than the towns surrounding it because the bidder um has spoken with other companies and they decide that they're going to subsidize one town that they really want to have as they um account and so they give them a really inflate like a a an artificially low price and then all the other towns end up having to foot the bill for that one amazing town that that vendor just wants to have in their portfolio so these are things that can really happen um and I want to say also that it's not necessarily an either or that we have to just completely get rid of our composting site um and ship out our leaves or keep it completely inhouse the way we're doing it it sounds like there are some problems but I do want to say that I did get a copy of the notice of violation from last December so you're talking about almost a year ago it's the only violation that tenli composite got we got one violation there were some problems admittedly there was some ponding there was uh the height of the compost pile there were some issues I'm not saying that there were not but it's one violation and there was nothing serious in here and nothing since we haven't received any other violations um the de p is not in the business of putting compost sites out of business in fact I spoke with people there and they were very surprised to hear actually that tenly was thinking of doing away with their compost site it was like uh they had no idea that this was something that was probably coming down the pike um there are other towns that still are operating um one town that I spoke with today actually has a really great solution um what they do is they actually process onethird of their leaves and ship out the other two-thirds of their leaves and why they do this is because they don't want to give up their permit they want to make sure that they always have the ability to take care of their own leaves if they need to so they continue to pay their permit fees they continue to operate and they continue to keep their permit alive because remember once you give up that permit and it lapses you will never get it back again that's a big deal because if tlight ever wanted to compost again they most likely will never be able to again so once you make that decision that's probably going to be it um that's really that's a big deal um so in this particular town I'm talking about so they process onethird of their leaves um have control over that they send out the other two-thirds of the leaves um but at any point they can change that ratio they could even take all of them back if they wanted to um that gives them control and they feel really confident about that decision for themselves and they're a town which is similar to tfly actually they're a little bit larger than tly in terms of the amount they are a Class C facility whereas tfly is exempt because we're supposed to be taking fewer than 10,000 cubic yards of leaves they this community I was talking about in Essex County takes more than 10,000 cubic yards so actually larger than tly is um there's one other option too which is that potentially to go out to bid to get a company to come in and actually run our site for us um and if we were to do that then the cost of Labor and things of that nature I'm sure that was factored in trying to determine whether or not it's feasible for us to keep the compost site running you have to think about the labor costs I'm sure right so um that's another possibility is to get a private company to come in and just run the site um maybe Market or composting maybe we would be able to sell it and make some money off of it um collaborate with maybe some other towns in a shared services agreement there's a lot of things we could do rather than it just having to be one scenario or the other so to such extreme decisions um so that being said what I would have hoped for is actually to have a representative from the D themselves be here rather than to have secondhand numbers um coming from a report that was done because again what the people that I spoke with at the D the numbers were any weren't anything close to that there were some engineering costs there were some sampling costs testing of the water um parameters what they call parameters which are barriers to keep the water or slow the water down from going you know from uh the lee8 um you know seeping into the stream or whatever uh nearby um the site um but the numbers weren't anything like a million dollars I mean they weren't even half of that probably not even a quarter of that so I'm not exactly sure where the the numbers are coming from was there an actual report done that enumerated what each of the costs were well this is you can jump in here too I mean this is the whole point of what this is the responsibility Engineers to figure that out and the issue about the this is not because we got a summons or so for whatever it was last year it's because the rules have changed at the D regarding these sites so we either have to cart them off site or we have to start building water retention facilities and managing that whole process right but that's where the investigation went in to figure out what everything would cost and we went out to bid to get the bids back I mean that's how the process works yes I understand I'm just saying that when I spoke to the D that the numbers were not nothing like what I'm hearing this evening so it would have been nice to hear it directly from them and maybe even had a cost breakout from the D directly I understand that you have Engineers that do that um but again um I went right to the source and it didn't sound like that at all to me about what it would cost to keep tenies compost site running what's the town in Essex County that you're it's Milburn Milbourne yes so in in conclusion I would greatly appreciate um when when you are um considering the bids that came in um I understand that you probably went to a lot of effort to to get the bids out and and have them returned but I think that the fact that tly has this gem this compost site where we can take care of our own leaves in house and it's worked for so many years I do know that the that the storm water regulations have changed admittedly but I think that there are a lot of things that we can do um to try to keep at least part of the program still inhouse and again if we were to get rid of that and let that permit lapse we will never again be able to return to taking care of our own vegetative Wast in house I think that's a big loss for our town thanks thank you appreciate it thank you comments further public comments I Linda come up give us your name but not your address Linda Chiki in tly obviously I'm I'm here just to talk about the proposed beo statute when I was here before I just want to just break there will a public hearing on it when we get to the ordinances so you may want to hold your comment for that that part soriz otherwise it's not considered as part of the record will you go through the statute at that point or it's just the ordinance the ordinance so it is it's the second reading right so we'll have public comment during the second reading during the reading okay so it's for later on today corre yes not too long from now any other members of please come up to the microphone give us your name not your address please hi everybody thank you for the opportunity um I was very happy to see on the website that noise is covered under the environmental commission and the reason I'm quavering in my voice and standing up today is there are um two issues that I don't know if have ever been addressed by the commission or of or of Interest one is the um Teterboro Air route that um has been changed in the last couple of years and now goes over a section of ten FL is for the most part to the west of nicera Road actually went over our high school graduation which was a bit um disturbing uh at the time um so that is something that is it's very disturbing to a very narrow band of residents within the town um and the second is the issue of gas powered leaf blowers uh which is not unique to tenly obviously and we're just heading into the season so I did not realized we were going to have so much Preparatory information on leaves I learned a lot this evening um but as someone who especially postco is spending a lot of time working from a home office and I'm not alone in that um I think that there are many Creative Solutions that have been taken up by other affluent towns uh that can allow the landscapers to do what they need to do within the constraints of electric leaf flowers and their issues um but limiting to certain times of year uh uh for those leaf blowers is um would be something to consider so uh it's not about putting anybody out of business of course but there is a quality of life issue and my perspective is if I if I wanted to live under an airport route I would have moved to Howard Beach and if I wanted incessant uh incessant Landscaping noise I probably wouldn't have come to beautiful tenly so those two issues are ones that are of particular interest to me and I don't know if you've already covered them in the past I I looked in past minutes but I didn't see them but I was hoping that um in future meetings or in other meetings that those could be addressed in some way or information put on the website thank you thank you good topics for the next environmental Commission meeting right okay anyone else in the chambers like to make a comment okay is there anyone online who would like to make a comment any members of the public online that we can see yeah I'd like to make a okay if you could just give us your name please uh my name is John Flack um I just wanted to talk quickly about the uh t a kill pool yes go ahead we hear you so um just very quick my kids and I have been coming to ten Hill Pool for um two and a half years we're part of the tenna flight Annex known as Washington Heights in Manhattan um and the reason why the tentac hill pool is important to me is um in 2022 I had my second case of covid which resulted in long covid um and I was unable to walk more than a few blocks um I couldn't really spend any time inside with large groups of people and when we were able to join the tentacle pool I was um able to use the water uh because it was cold and was able to put pressure on my limbs and which just helping my my circulation and stuff and it really helped my health um and um I continue to slowly improve over the these last couple years but um I think the pool is a really great resource for people like me who um can't go inside uh and do a lot of things inside and crowned private spaces um can't really find you know a lot of you know indoor pools really aren't accessible anymore for for people like me um and so that kind of resource doesn't just serve um kids but it also really serves people with health issues um people who need um a little bit of exercise but in a certain kind of space so I was uh heartened to hear that you're going to considering the pool um tonight in executive session and I hope that um one way or another um the people uh who use the pool and the City of tenly can come to some sort of um you know uh conclusion that's benefits everybody so I appreciate you taking the time to hear what I had to say okay thank you for your comments and your time appreciate it okay it looks like there's no other public comments we're going to close public comments now okay um consent agenda can I get a motion you have a question go ahead um on number 416 which is about the sinkhole um I don't know if Susan is still here she's still what are you looking for I just had a quick look at um the um hold on the rece 46 yeah the invoice for that and just out of curiosity I saw the um there were a few items where on there like the air compressor has 12 quantity1 as the cost is that was that just kind of thrown in or is that is that a legitimate yeah so was it an emergency it was work done on a Sunday and the contractor we actually utilized the emergency contractor through the Riverside Co-op so the terms are are set by that contract on the amount that we get charged so if that uh was something that is included with that with that price that's why would be viewed as being uh included with that well so for example there's uh labor and supervision uh labor is 90 as the quantity as and uh the rate is one penny so so the extended amount is 90 cents so you know just right but I I think the total invoice is like $30,000 right it's 32,000 so just I I went to the work site just to throw it out because you've asked the question I don't believe they use the E compress because the air compression is for a jackhammer they actually they s cut the uh existing black top and didn't use the air compressor to the best of my memory and that could be why there's no charge for it I mean it looks a little weird right to say the least 12 cents I I don't mind I mean you know or if this is the right invoice for it that's fine I'm just saying you know we don't want somebody coming to us uh you know a month from now and say no this is the invoice submitted by the vendor for that and was reviewed by the director DPW okay any other questions anyone no all right can I get a motion to appr approve resolution R 24-42 through r24 d421 so Mo can I get a second please second please call the rooll okay councilwoman Corsair yes councilman Menan yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr o Conor yes councilman Park councilman rarry [Music] yes me a second here okay okay could you ordinance 24-23 reappropriate obligations um can you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title so ordinance number 2423 an ordinance re appropriating 3335 hours and proceeds of obligations not needed for their original purpose purposes in order to provide for other purposes in and by the burrow of tenly in the county of Bergen New Jersey it was published on Sunday September 8th in the Bergen Record okay I'm going to open the floor for public comment on this ordinance 24-23 only any member of the P public have a question or a comment about this ordinance is there anyone online of member of the public who's got their hand raised to make a comment okay we're g to close public comment on this ordinance pardon me is a hand up oh please come to the microphone just in time now it's for just for this ordinance only sir right I believe so okay great yeah I believe this is the one where the reappropriate the monies correct yeah I was wondering how much of that money is heading in the direction of the senior center the senior center is not um included in this ordinance okay okay that's good answer thank you thank you okay okay um Jamie Senior Center yeah I mean are to clarify you're asking about the senior center there there is money in this ordinance for the the senior for an additional B for the senior Transportation program actually one of the three things that we're reappropriate the money for is actually for the senior right could anybody elaborate on that sure but was that your question I I just want to I'm just wondering because the senior center at the beginning of the year had less than 500 members we now have over 600 members okay so it's an active yeah yes so on the transportation program that we provide for senior on the Transportation program that we provide for senior citizens that has had a significant increase in utilization yes uh so the director the coordinator there John suin had presented data to the governing body that um on the number of rides that were being denied based upon not having an additional vehicle um and the governing body has considered moving forward with procuring an additional van so this ordinance sets the monies aside for the purchase of the van I'm sorry I thought you were talking about the senior sent we thought you were talking about the building itself I'm talking about the building itself and the the effort of what the people do you know because it's a very it's a very active groupes 600 MERS now enthusiastic and they deserve you know whatever we can get we can give them you have 600 members now pardon you have your 600th member as of uh yesterday I'm not the yeah yes we did yes am I wrong in saying that you're talking about you were originally talking about a new Senior Center not not let me let me clarify it's not a big deal the only question was is a lot of money close to $600,000 okay and I was wondering how much of that was going to find its way in the direction of the senior for whether it's for transportation whether it's for a new building whether it's for a new roof whatever that was the question okay thank you thank you for clarifying it we appreciate it okay uh councilwoman Corsair would you like to make the motion please I moved to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 2423 and that notice of same shall be published according to law could I have a second please did I hear a second second okay uh could you please conduct the roll call favor councilwoman corer yes councilman Menan yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr oconor yes councilman Park yes Council councilman reglar yes and okay it's uh unanimous good okay ordinance 24-24 amend amend the bamboo ordinance um could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title of the ordinance certainly ordinance number 2424 an ordinance of the burrow of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 12 section 7 planting or growing bamboo within the burrow of the the revised General ordinances of the burough of tenly 2004 this was published in the Bergen record on Sunday uh September 8th okay I'm going to open the floor for any public comments on this ordinance only any member of the public would like to come up and speak hi Linda try I'm I'm I read the proposed changes and I wanted to speak against the putting in the proposal and keeping with the statute from a few years ago so we all know once again how invasive bamboo is and in order to have an effective bamboo statute I think we need four things we need a buffer we need a barrier we need some type of cure that requires the bamboo owners to prevent it from going to other properties and we need a serious enforcement not just in the town sending letters but in also actually finding people because you know money talks when it comes to these types of things otherwise there's no incentive so with the barrier I see in The Proposal it looks like we're trying to reduce it to two or two and a half feet based on you know an overhang potential so I took a quick look nothing super scientific but just what I could find on Google and not always the best way but at least a little insight to what was happening in the burken county towns most of our towns in Bergen County that I found seem to still have 10- foot buffer zones I found one so far and I'm not saying it's thoroughly complete but it's all I could find in a you know pugil listing of two feet which was demist so I'm kind of curious as to why you know we're trying to be a little bit different or a little you know leaning toward the other side but my reason for wanting a longer or a wider barrier um area buffers area is because it's tall it breaks it falls over into neighbors properties and unlike the example Mr Mayor that you said last time about the rotten apples or crab apples you know Bamboo's a little different like when it's a tree you can lock if it it hums over on your property you can lock off a big Branch it really doesn't grow back or it takes a million years to go back you can you know but bamboo is so thick and so invasive it keeps on producing so cutting it back my neighbors just did it it's flowing over already again so it's not as easy if you will to contain as a tree might be and it also doesn't spread across your lawn and spread across Roots now the thing about the barrier which I I think is absolutely required and I was a little confused about how that worked it seems now that it's a twof foot barrier but a two excuse me two foot buffer but you a barrier can be back two and a half feet so to manage the overhang but the way I read the change it doesn't require it it leaves you open to different options so I think if I'm reading it correctly that gives people who have the bamboo a chance to try to correct but when you have a season like we had this past you know winter summer the bamboo went rampant in a way I've never seen anywhere I mean every day I find Sprouts coming up from my neighbor in my lawn in my property getting you know running across my lawn now I don't want this to be you know my daily job nor do I want it to be something that destroys our lawn or it comes into our foundation which I know one of my neighbors hasn't gotten really close to that so you know I really strongly believe we may need to make the barrier you know some impenetrable barrier that I think um Dave from cam had spoken about a few meetings ago as an absolute requirement whatever our you know our U border is but it needs to be in there as an absolute requirement first without allowing any other options for them to try to cut it down because running over it or you know putting a lawn mower over it doesn't solve it it just runs further down the batch so that was that end as for um a cure you know various areas have very very specific ideas about how quickly you know once a complaint is put through how you know the neighbor has with the bamboo has so many days in order to present a plan so many days to cure it you know I think that's critical in our statute and I apologize if I didn't read it correctly I know some of this has changed but it looked to me we were going way back from the more recent statute so I couldn't follow it through but I think impenetrable part is in there your comment about the impenetrable part is in there as a requirement yes it is okay and it's a requirement at two and a half years two and a half okay then I appreciate that I still would but on the other appreciate we're requiring an absolute barrier and I thank you because without that we don't have a snow bail chance in hell when you're receiving this stuff and it has to go around the property because I can see like I try to take care of some of mine but I can tell you when the properties are irregular from your neighbors if they don't go around it comes marching across the sides so um also a fine because money is significant when it comes to people acting if there's no code enforcement's job yes exactly and I think we need you know to enforce it enforce it with very specific rules not listening to you know delays of people who are supposed to remedy that oh we're still in growing season when we're far away from it or oh I have other jobs like this needs to be done because somebody who doesn't want bamboo like myself doesn't appreciate that we have to take the burden of it you know there are plenty of other things we can if we if we can't get it under control I suggest we go right back to letting people plan I think Dave had mentioned sycamore trees which grow kind of strong and wild but at least that way it's not running across people's lawn or affecting their foundations you know this is something that you know I think we need to make sure both sides and I prefer you know when you're not the one who wants it I think that weighs a little more strongly because it's not yours to begin with um to make sure that you you know you actually consider that and make sure that you know everybody is happy I guess to some way but there's a major responsibility placed on the person who really want wants it and keeps it and I don't think that solution is you know just letting people come on your lawn and lob it off every once in a while so um you know thank you for your consideration I appreciate you listening to me again any obiously I'm very serious about it so please stronger barrier very buffer and as much incentive as we have to make sure it doesn't spread thank you okay thank you any other uh public comments tonight good evening Robert silver I will be very brief um I applaud the council for making this change um the prior speaker did bring up Demorest I did have the opportunity to speak to the bureau Representatives who said the ordinance which is similar to what the bureau is hopefully adopting shortly has been very successful and it's been a very positive development in the community and they did investigate and do it and I just wanted to offer that as a comment as well as I know we had submitted previously uh a significant amount of material of the benefits of trying to maintain uh the bamboo as long as it does not pass on to neighboring properties and again I think the ordinance properly addresses both the neighboring concerns as well as the property owners who have bamboo and I thank you for that any other public comment here okay um counc oh please come up to the microphone so I didn't see your hand up my apologies just give us your name please gry bu uh it's really just a question um so you said that the ordinance now will require a barrier at two and a half at two and a half yes and could the way I read it though it was like first everybody could try to maintain it and contain it and then if that didn't work no that's not what it means hold on one second the one outside on the board that's it's basically what it say no and just to clarify it's always required existing bamboo to have a bar I think that's the most because it's invasive and if you the only way contain it is to do that otherwise it's like squeezing a tu and then we're gonna try and block it up yeah always it's always the ordinance and the requirement has always been there the only change is what the distance is from the property line okay thank you very much okay thank you sir any other public comments please come to the microphone any anyone online who would like to make a public comment no okay okay councilman Roy Aly would you'd like to make a motion please I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-24 and that notice of same shall be published according to law I have a second please uh please conduct the roll call Council cours there yes councilman Menan um would you come to me last councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr oconor abstain councilman Park no okay councilman minut no no all right so we have two NOS one exstension and counil R are I'm sorry call oh we can't forget him he made the motion bringing this to me I thought I couldn't count so you're a 2 two OB state pass every else put this on me David it's like a Monopoly game yes given the provision of the two and a half the enforcement with with enforcement yes okay all right let's move on to the next one ordinance 24-25 yes it did yes you have three yeses yes so it's hold on a hold on because she abstained and what it Clos to say okay good we're on hold we're taking a time out we have a question about the voting the voting I thought that was only for uh Financial ordinances we've got a three minute timeout you can go go to the next one okay let's go ordinance 24-25 prohibited stop or standing During certain hours um can you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title yes ordinance uh 2425 take your time you want my copy hold on a second all right there we go hold on a second 2425 okay an ordinance of the burrow of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter S no this is yeah chapter 7 section 11 stopping or standing prohibited During certain hours on certain streets of the revised General ordinances of the borrow tenly 2004 to amend bus stops I think the to amend bus stops is not that was a type that should have been so it ends with 2004 correct okay okay we ready yes I'm going to open oh the publication was uh Sunday September 8th okay I'm going to open the floor for public comments on ordinance 24-25 only mayor if you wanted an explanation this is adding no stopping on one side of the street by the M yep okay thank you okay if there's no public comments I'm going to close public uh comments and uh councilman Michaels could you give us a motion please I move to pass ADT second final reading ordinance 242 that notice of the same shall be according to law could I have a second please second okay can you please conduct the roll call councilwoman corer yes councilman Menan yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr o Conor yes councilman Park yes councilman reglar yes okay um old business Lee leeo Street pedestrian safety and circulation okay I emailed uh out a the report from our traffic engineer uh that was received uh this week um and they have recommended um six they made six recommendations do you want me to go over all the recommendations these have been bedded with the chief as well as the TR sure just quickly yeah summarize them okay so um the the first uh one um is going to be taken up separately the the chief has some concerns about uh posting a speed hump guidance policy um so they are recommending that the burrow restripe faded markings on the roadway including double solid yellow Center Line and consider striping fog Lanes Edge lines on the roadway to improve safety and visibility for motorists it is their recommendation that the burrow consider implementing an international crosswalk pattern um stop bars and crosswalks should be restriped and refreshed throughout the roadway uh they recommend that the burrow install fog lines Edge lines along the entire length of Leroy Street uh they recommend that the burrow consider repainting yellow curbs located at the corners of the intersection of Leroy Street and its minor approaches where applicable uh they recommend that the burrow install signs that are up to the latest mutcd standards the bur should Implement vehicle speed feedback signs along Leroy Street to provide warning to motorists that their speed of their speed and encourage following the speed limit uh and they recommend the burrow consider installing rectangular rapid flashing beacons for the crosswalk on Leeward Street and Churchill Road they note that the crosswalk provides pedestrian access to the Elementary School baseball field so what's the next step with this uh the next step I think we have money in the capital budget for the police department to buy these uh speed radar signs so if the council is in agreement with that we would just give the green light to the chief to do that um and then we would uh coordinate the restriping that is recommended and uh the painting of the curbs through DPW and um if if in order the the thermal plastic cross and what um what is all that going to cost we haven't compensation the um well I guess maybe for the restriping well yeah should we get come back to next Council come back with that yes um for the for the uh for the speed radar sign that is already bud didn't we already buy those and aren't they mobile and relocatable is it different one for this different types it's what sign yeah it's you're going too fast 32 34 104 the not the wheel ones there's two types permanently on there and then I believe what the chief has in mind is that it would flash the speed that you're going the speed limit but if it goes over a certain amount over the speed limit then it's going to have red and blue lights that come on as if it were a police car that was there that's a very bad idea but didn't they say that that wasn't the speed wasn't the issue like didn't they say the issue so there might be areas that speed is an issue that we save for that's not the issue um we can we we can hear back from the chief but I I know that the traffic engineer worked on this report with the chief's input but we can have the chief coming in yeah yeah but Council woman corsair's right in the sense I believe at the times during the budget we bought a few so we definitely want to make sure that they're going to important um all right so that's so we'll come back with more information all right perfect okay can I get a motion to approve the minutes of July 15 2024 mayor and council meeting and the September 3rd 2024 mayor and council meeting I have a second all in favor I any opposed does anyone have anything for the good the order or upcoming meetings well remember uh this coming Monday is the town hall for Tuesday excuse me this coming Tuesday is the town hall for all the residents who live along the overc and the tenac hill to talk about cleaning those two streams out and that meeting starts at 7:30 7:30 p.m. 7 o'clock right yeah not 7 7 o'clock in the council chambers here you recall what was put in the letters no well better than people be early than late okay and you Friday I will put that in my Friday message yes and the the women's thing will be in of course okay so let's move on to uh new [Music] business the resolutions 24th yeah I because I know that you talking about comp consistent right we you're probably 100% correct just confirm the letter and then we'll communicate it perfect that's why we have these meetings a good practice okay ordinance 24-26 reappropriate American Rescue plan obligations um councilwoman Dr Okana would you like to make a motion please um I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24- 26 and set the hearing for October 1st 2024 at 7:30 or as soon thereafter have a second please could I have a roll call please councilwoman cair yes councilman Menan yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr oconor yes councilman Park yes councilman GL yes okay ordinance 24-27 and ordinance accepting the donation of personal property um could I get a motion um councilman men would you like to make a motion please I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-27 and set the hearing for October 1st 2024 at 7:30 pm or as soon thereafter could I have a second please second can I have a roll call please councilwoman Corsair yes councilman Menan yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr o Conor yes councilman Park yes councilman rir yes resolution 20 yes when is the the next council meeting it's the um October 1st it's the one we're gonna have by via Zoom um at 7:30 but not not October 3rd is October 8 October 8 the next regular first special that is going to be a brief uh Zoom one yeah it'll just be the it'll just be the public hearings for these ordinances because uh no not on October 1 that will be off October 8 regular right the only the reason I'm asking is uh in the electric vehicle parking it's October 8th on the so what's happening on October 8th there's a regular wait so October 3rd there there's nothing on October 3D October 8th okay got it's every night from here to October 15 okay ordinance ordinance 24-28 electric vehicle parking okay uh councilman Park could you make a motion please councilman Park could you make a motion please 24-28 could I have a second please okay please read the RO please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call okay it's the uh first reading ordinance 24-28 setting public hearing for October 8 2024 at 8:00 pm or soon thereafter uh Council woman corer yes councilman Menan yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr OK Conor yes councilman Park yes councilman reg yes okay ordinance 24-29 garages constructed below grade Amendment um councilwoman cor would you like to make a motion please I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-29 the hearing for October 8 2024 at 8m there after have a second please second can you please read the rle councilwoman corer yes councilman men yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr okor yes councilman Park yes councilman reg yes okay uh resolution r24 d422 amend capital budget for 2024 uh councilman roley AR would like to make a motion please on on that I don't think we that's a resolution oh wait a minute hold on a second wait a minute wait a minute wait minute finished our first reading no sorry sorry is a I'm reading the wrong yeah we were done with you're reading hold on no something got in my P okay uh ordinance um 24 we're done you're done with your first because this resolution had to be after you introduced ah got in my paycheck all right so we have let's see if we can do some committee reports you wait we need to adopt the resolution okay so I do have to ask for a motion yes okay all right resolution r24 d422 amend the capital budget for 2024 so move no wait can I get a motion please Council so move second second okay all right please conduct a roll call do we dooll okay yes I'm doing that okay councilwoman cor there yes councilman Menan yes councilman Michaels yes councilwoman Dr o Conor yes councilman Park councilman R yes okay okay committee reports councilman Park councilman Menan I yes if you could just bear with me can you come back to me later sure councilwoman Dr OK Conor sure um so first I'll start with um uh environmental commission we were getting ready for the community night uh and while we were that so our meeting was before Community night at our table we had different handouts one was our our compost facilities and we're really trying to get people to do their uh to join our composting program uh it has been wildly successful we're at over 18,000 Pounds of food waste being taken out of of our garbage at with just 50 families just hoping to grow those families uh and that's the equivalent of multiple trips across the country in a car is is that amount of like you know greenhouse gas emissions that the food waste produce so that was very exciting please join that um at that table we also had our upcoming electric vehicle charging locations on a map so people will see where they will be located and as everyone heard tonight when those are going to be going live um this was this was a map that it's a little bit rudimentary but you know what we could we could totally put it on yeah that makes sense that would be fine um so the uh so the yes so the environmental commission uh things are going very well there uh there was a lot about environment tonight so I'll I'll let that go through uh to the next topic I'm also the liaison for the Board of Health and um we just a few reminders uh the you know there was a West Nile Virus case reported in Wallington so just reminding people about standing water we are still in a very warm CL you know season right now it's on like a typical September now so people got to really watch for their standing water getting mosquitoes people might have heard that Dr fouchy had gotten very ill and he said he didn't leave the country so it's like in his backyard is where he got sick he said so just a reminder from the Board of Health uh about mosquitoes and not having standing water around sorry Julie there was a spray yesterday yes yes so I want to uh thanks for asking about that John that is not anything good question that's not anything that our town has control of so the the county comes in and and basically when when they get reports or they concerns about something they go in and spray and you know so just thanks for reminding me I just want to make it clear it's not a decision that tenna flying makes but yeah yes so everyone heed those warnings but good point you know mosquitoes we all have to really watch because they carry diseases um so uh we had gotten a new board member on the uh Board of Health we're still one short so so we need one more person yeah keep that in mind mayor um okay so thank you I think that's and of course my it's not a particular committee but uh but the women's celebration uh women's voting rights sister city celebration next Sunday and um come early because I think it's going to be actually very popular okay I'm just gonna make it's passing my way to make one comment here we have a resident on the line Mariam Reyes who had asked me a question about uh when uh we started discussions regarding the leaf Compost Facility changes and I believe we started that late last year right probably the fourth quarter of last year we talked about well when the engineer was starting to warn us about it I thought it was this year during the maybe even before that I I believe actually there was a point when Andy came in to warn everyone that that could last year could be the last year that we could collect so M Miriam somewhere over a year or so and then we can go into more details to the extent you want it tomorrow but actually just because um Miriam messaged meet too that's why I'm resp when a res messages me I'm going to respond did did anybody remember what um Andy said regarding when the rules for the state had changed that 23 what was it end of 2023 I recall something in December December 2023 Miriam is when these rules changed okay uh councelor Michaels anything to report yeah just a couple things just want to thank director Cassidy and the whole PW team hopefully you guys see downtown all the painting that's been done I know there's still some work to do on all the crosswalks but uh we're really happy appreciative all the planting so it looks great so that's number one uh number two just a reminder uh Sunday October 20th we have the Fall Festival reminded me and thank you again for putting the uh the banners up if there's a way maybe I just want to make sure all Community leaders know about it as well maybe the the uh David or the mayor we just send out a note to the the um Community leaders because we're trying to get everybody involved so a lot of people uh do know about it are getting involved but I want to make sure everybody where so there's there's a draft press mayor that we need toie correct we have the list of the community leaders if we can send that press release out and inv participate we'll always find so that's it October 20th 12 o'clock downtown wonderful Council and rary uh NOP good Council man did you have anything to report com back to you uh so nothing on the board of adjustment the one application they had was um uh put off till the next meeting or the second meeting after um but uh regarding the senior center first I'd like to welcome uh Don Al for showing up for being here and if guess you're coming up and if you'd like to add anything to I you know D Tu um we had we have had a great year so far we uh we started the year with at normal launches we doing 14 exercise classes we're doing about between six to 10 presentations every every month we get a lot of uh actually we're having a lot of sponsors now coming and do presentations for us and start paying for some of the lunches desserts and some of the the entertainers so that's help light um we had two big trips uh this year we went to uh lancast to see David we went to R IR Newport for a three days trip we took a I think it was 50 seniors and they had a great timecast we had a BS pool and everybody had a terrific time was a terrific play we had our launches in the summer time now we had two disco launches and everybody dressed up and they had a great time dance for two hours you know so um we had a ROM yes this mon this month last month end of August and we did great we made almost $9,000 we help us to pay for presentations it also help us to subsidize because we are already having a hard time with the infraction on on the launches and the presentations so we're trying to keep the price where the 80 years or and the old I can't you know very TI income can still participate because we don't want just to be a worthy members seniors they want everybody to participate so Michelle and G have done a terrific job on doing the fundraisers and keeping the cost down and getting sponsors to where we are we're keeping the busy they're dancing like I said we have 14 exercise classes we have six to eight all classes going all the time we're starting two new ones now for the four cycle and um shows I'm got 604 members today so and I wanted to thank the council for and the M department and whoever pay for the art room they did a terrific job painting it and great the throwers looks great the art peop are excited really you know appreciative of your effort thank you so much thanks always appreciate it and Don I wanted to say I really enjoyed that um the rumage sale and I know that like a big part of your fundraising efforts for the rest of the year that was so successful mons the plan to organize and pick up uh M sure primary and Gina they go around the town and pick up stuff on people's houses is a terrific and we have volunteers for a whole week working every day the whole week so and you made about 50% more money this year than last year right not qu 50 but we made close to it yeah yeah it's great we did great yeah and the bake sale was a very successful remarkable thank you anything else V uh no that's it just on on the senior center uh you know um Michelle does do a lot of the work for this rummage sale she she sure does she was going into what she um uh you know what's involved but uh you know somebody had mentioned it earlier uh they reached 600 members great so you know this is more than um pre preco so okay fabulous the only comment I'll have is Mayor and my well two comments my mayor's message what we already covered Tuesday nights the town hall for the water discussion and uh I just want to say a thank you to the sver family who is donating about uh $51,000 worth of furniture to the burrow that's uh very generous of them and we're very appreciative so thanks to the cbus for that okay um could I read could you please read the notice to go to close n you need to read it okay it's resolution r24 d423 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the bur of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on September 19th 2024 be it resolved and compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council of the burough of tfly are going into closed executive session to discuss the following matter contract negotiations a shared service agreement in Real Property the leasing of burough property and burough property the Swim Club will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time the matter is resolved I get a motion to go into Clos have a second all in favor any opposed thank you let's meet inside thank you everybody nice hands through my hair Longs red eyes CL