##VIDEO ID:JnGAbnogL00## [Music] Saied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed that the annual meeting are posted on the public Bolton board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year salute to the flag please to the flag United States America the stands Nation indivisible J have a roll call please Omar sure council member Corsair Council men here coun M Michaels pres counc member Dr o Conor here council member Park counc member Roary Mara here okay first thing on the agenda is presentation by um the northern Valley Greenway team is going to give us an update step up to the microphone Andrew tell us your name Andrew mcash 50 sh Road not your address anymore no give it oh you can give it to us be no longer required to all right so you're GNA talk to us about Northern Valley Greenway update yes mayor wonderful uh first of all I wanted to uh thank the council and the mayor for support I want to recognize our team members uh cman Park who has been aaz on and uh Chad here has been a very uh supportive and amazing addition to the team so between what and solo correct we well we haven't said that yet publicly but uh so the northern Valley Greenway and most of you have been there so I'm going to skip a lot of the uh background information kind of focus where we are what the challenges are and where we're going um what very quickly what is the northern Valley Greenway a s and a half mile unus railro um and then hopefully in time we'll get connected to overpack park and other places so that there is a lot of other things going on around this part of the county when it comes to what they call Active Transportation initiative which is anything that's not motorized Transportation biking running walking anything that rolls or crawls or whatever that there is also going on I'll touch those very briefly um I assume you guys have the handout so I'm not going to yes so very briefly the northern Valley Greenway is a interlocal municipal team it was started as a rotarian service project it still is and then the six stands along the greenway within six weeks I believe eight at the most passed the exact same resolution with the same language authorizing [Music] the thank you uh currently the currently the northern Valley Green planning committee has a representative from bur County Str going we at least one some te committee Future Vision Future Vision picture over there over there um have maintain amazing commun Community Support just let's say that that's a picture where we have EXA District 37 District 39 mayn all types of people all of at the kickoff meeting kickoff meeting so that has an amazing support very early on Technic started a project fls no FAL fls def find the objectives real real map for going forward map for going forward to me the biggest significant is that it's not one mil changes to 65 depending on the location there is no one no model we have to design each linear foot Greenway as we Goen as we go uh so they Define they def Alternatives Alternatives the AL Al to the spored stud so how could the Green Way be done could green be done it's probably going to be partnership ag ag um transaction support [Music] similar funding will be some private equity and mat the way the way one of the biggest challenges fing very like this in a pre-transaction planing activity so all the years of government say just planning don't actually possession of the land possession of the land there's no funding for you no funding for so we've been struggling with that little struggling CSX repeatedly even if even if we didn't have the issue of guines just saids said that is not an option that is not an option um um we have a lot of we have a lot of we can easily reach 10,000 weekend we just organizations potential in working with us us we attend events we have Constant Contact Facebook Facebook and I mentioned earlier about transp going ony the county uh New Jersey d noed um with it helped parps put some input into it we have Rel relationship with New Jersey and things like like there are lots of advocacy advocacy group and there's also New York funding for pal connect Bridges conect that's looking at they included as part of their so they we got I'm not going to go into proud of every of of every of them all in the past the um um we we lost the last cple Transit CSX has because the exact B to be as some of you know last year last year told by the fact that imp statement imp statement and lots of other things other things so that is a couple of that is a couple nice years worth of delay of delay the team made a decision team made a decision we are not waiting any longer longer for that we had some interaction and we decided to movee plever uh so that is our current stat that is our current stat we are moving ahead we we engaged engaged the same that got the couple of years ago so they know how to do they transaction re-engaging CSX moving forward moving forward hopefully whatever it takes to whatever it takes to get and then plan it so the big news is the big news is we decided not to decided not to wait any we are exploring ways of exploring ways of and that's about it that's about questions to answer my 10 minutes information on information on the 9 W project project New Jersey doy do stud questions on the greenway questions is anyone talking about conversations going going CSX I think it's fair to Sayid money money big Doge big Doge but so far everybody everyone loves the IDE I I think I think it's it's somebody at to blinking to come to the T to the table that's really where we are where we there is no answer now but the good news is the good news is in just waiting we are now moving for we are now moving forward than thank you foring thank you for driving us okay all right thank you appreciate your time appreciate your time next time we'll talk about we'll talk about the 9W project the 9W project once we a little further up a little further up yeah okay okay yeah okay perfect okay perfect thank you thank you all right to be considered considered if no one objects I'd like to move to the first item unless you want to siten I'm still exhausted from last with no thank you Chief thank you absolutely absolutely trying to fix the mention that you mentioned to the in the past but um we have a a device it's a it's a nondescript black box that we will put out it attaches to a user utility pole and uh it through the box itself it counts cars and it measures speeds and uh it's it's been very had it for many many years and we had deployed this um prior to Summertime because I was concerned that the summertime numbers would would provide a false read because obviously people are away but we did this when obviously it was before the summer break and it was Norm Rush Hour um uh traffic and the the tables are there also too on your uh the handout and and and while yes there always are those outliers that you do get us people that are are are speeding you know it gives you the averages and uh you know for Direction One Direction two and it shows you know obviously the average speed is 27- 26 85th percentile with 32 and 31 so this is not really any different than a lot of our other streets in town probably the almost the same that we did have the highest recorded speed range of 65 miles an hour I'm pretty confident that was probably a vehicle that we were probably pursuing um it's interesting but uh some of our Pursuits um that stolen vehicles things like that these these criminals are using ways and and Google Maps and it's taking them on on on on some of these routes um and that's probably someone's probably trying to run from us um but that's that's that's a very rare speed there but the the the the the the unfortunate reality is you know people obviously you know complain about speeding and we we all do on our street and then lots of times those same people when they drive to someone else's Street they do the same speed somewhere else you something so this these are the averages this is what happens there are there is it is a cut through street but the the the speed data uh did not indicate something that uh it was it was was problematic in conjunction with the crash data the speed data and the numbers of vehicles the traffic volumes the engineering firm uh went to this I did a did a in-person um survey of the site and in their report they did not recommend uh the speed humps at this time um based upon the information that was provided also too if I could just add so we have some information that the about the roadway widths and um I should have picked up in the beginning and it seemed like it was a little wider than than um than I thought uh the numbers that were provided were actually RightWay numbers the RightWay numbers actually are from the center line to the curb line and Beyond people's properties actually my phone but the width of looy street by the school is 35 feet Yeah Yeah from the where the road Narrows from Downey down to Bliss it's 30 feet feet and elid it's 25t road is it's narrow it's narrow to begin with um and and the 50 and the 60 I I should have picked up on that right away but that was that was just the right of way and I think that that you would have to use that information to find it with because you have to subract the the right aways then you get the rope with when it comes to the sidewalks so this is a very long stretch of sidewalk um going from connecting the school down to elat there's elevation issues that was mentioned and recognized by College's engineering um in Hippa he knew that right away and then also too with this this traffic engineering fir something that recognized there's there's there's elevation issues as mainly in the area of Downey that would make U the erection the erection the construction of AA very very difficult because it would have to do with retaining walls and things like that um also too we have a lot of properties that would be impacted here um that where tree tree removals um lawn lawn ornament uh and and things like and structures and uh taking a lot of property and um in addition to that it's such a long distance that I think it would be I think they they quot somewhere between $750,000 and a million dollars to construct a sidewalk they felt is something that they madean a recomend recommendation not to actually how long is it about a thousand feet uh it's probably something I think it's a little bit longer than that but yes yes I think it was like 1100 possibly so however um you know obviously there are complaints or something there is has been some trash data there something there's a school nearby and we are you know we do want to always try and make some some improvements where we can and in the traffic engineering World there are are um a traffic caling device something and and um uh mechanisms so in the report what was recommended and also too the road was just Rec recently paved prior to being pav being paved it had a double yellow line um that went by the school area that was not replaced and I think that was about the only markings that were there so in visiting the site with John jar from right engineering myself reason I was involved because I've been in the traffic re for so long and I'm probably the most versed when it comes to traffic regulations and such I want that W line reimplemented because obviously that um what it does establishes channelization and we felt that creating a fog line there um which you've seen on certain streets have then also create some channelization and what what that does is uh uh unconsciously as you're driving down the road and and these lines you're on top of these lines they're actually they're they're um they're supposed to be slowing you down they channelizing you and there's a feeling of constriction and what it what it does it's supposed to basically slow you down and this is why you have this the same thing same uh philosophy with cones and and and tapers and things like that you go through construction zones in addition to the fog line and W lines right now there is some painted uh stencil words in the row that say school crossing or school crossing head whatever we had recently purchased a 25 mile per hour stencil that that that we can paint on certain roads I'd like to add that also too in that area uh that's just a that's just a matter of the road department actually something getting the time them to actually go out and paint it and then also two which I think and I said this before in the past which I think is very effective um is okay the radar speed signs course radar speed signs we actually have I think it's six to eight of them we have them they're on crates right now and that we have them ready to go in in locations in town and we're just waiting for the road department to install them um we've done the we were waiting for markouts there's a backup on markouts because there's so much construction going on that you have to get them Mar out before you start hammering and poting to the ground so we're going to be putting these in different locations Right View made a recommendation that they felt that those devices would be effective here which I I I believe also too something so between painted channelization some more um 25 miles per hour painted in the roadway and the speed signs that will flash when you're going when you're going too fast that will slow Vehicles down um as as as recommended and I agree with that um and also too I believe they're also calling for a uh a new crosswalk painted there with that the larger bars in it I don't know if crossing the road there is is is is the issue I I believe it's walking traversing the road is more of the concern having a safe safe travel way but with the road being so narrow um there's there's no room to make the road more narrow to create a sidewalk um that's not there now and there elevation issues we can't create the sidewalk now also two much too many much property to take so this is what we've been um provided with I think it's sound I think it's it's feasible I I I I think we could could do this pretty pretty quickly uh with the exception of the um the raid speed ra radar speed signs which we have to I guess find some funding for if if the council wishes to to proceed with that the flashing beers do we have to purchase those do we have any inventory at the crosswalk yeah that that would have to be purchase also too that I believe is more secondary I I believe the the the concern is is more walking along the road right than actually Crossing there but but I mean uh the crosswalk obviously we could we could could I think maybe do it a two-part but right now we were looking to provide some traffic caling additions to the street to make to to allow uh possession to feel safer as they walk down the street questions for Council Members say that again Dan so so that would be the thermoplastic painting which I I don't have control over I think that's that's in the road departments so I don't want to I don't want to speak out of turn we would get a we would get a vendor for it um and we're doing we're going to be doing some other striping in town so we can see if we can ke back that on so I think that that's an easy answer Chief I think you have old capital money that would uh fund the speed radar signs or where you don't have it I I could check I'm not sure but there there uh would be additional monies that are available that um as we're going through the process of canceling out projects we corporating so we can look at that and come back to your next we yeah a pair of speed radar ass signs saying that out wrong order I think it's relatively around $3,000 three yeah what would picking up on an old conversation topic the idea of like we did on Downey of taking whatever four or five feet of the road and making a sidewalk there rather than having to do deal with the elevation issues well so so the road other than by the school which already has a sidewalk the road is 30 feet wide and then goes down to 25 feet W which is which is narrow it's narrow to begin with to make it even more narrow would be problematic um so can I ask a quick question yes J go ahead Julie hi um so Chief thank you for coming tonight I just wanted to ask you in what you've laid out in your opinion will this uh if we take these other measures that are you know not a sidewalk will this assist with the The Neighbors in that area who are so concerned about the safety like you know do you think this will make the difference I believe it's going it's going to have a positive effect I don't know how much but but again the the the the the engineers they are the professionals that that that create these these rules and and they have research and studies behind it that when you when you when you apply these these mechanism this is what your you know expected um um results are going to be so again like I said the theory of constriction the channelization that should make feel people it's almost kind of like a squeezing in um kind of feel and uh the WL lines keep people separated again more I always felt that the signs on the on the side of the road have a have a value but I think uh sometimes they get lost but things that we drive over I think actually res resonate a little bit more so again the stencil the 25 mile per hour trying to really drive that home and I really think that the radar speed signs I really do they they are effective uh not to get off topic but I said we have we have six ready to go we're putting two on East Clinton Avenue putting one on West Clinton Avenue trying to find a location on permont road um and we're putting two down by 10y Road by stman school and I I'm I'm confident I was gonna say I know it's Stillman school they really work when you the ones on the whe so and this know something and and I'm confident that they're going to work and then as we see them work as something we could look to uh to to purchase more in the future with your approval yeah thank you you know and I I apologize something I glanced over the one thing something that was probably uh one of the big ass was the was the speed humps and they they were not recommended uh based upon um at this time based upon why and again I had wanted to maybe get set of temporary and something like you know I meant to try new stuff let's try something let's see if it has a positive effect I guess I'm dating myself going back to some you know the you know the times you can you could do that more freely um very very strict and uh you need a you need a a road study and um by an engineer actually before you implement them because obviously they have to be a a certain size and and fit fit a certain um calculation and it's not so simple anymore so um the engineering firm did not recommend them at this time so uh that's where we're at so I'm sorry were you gonna say something so how long how long before uh we can implement the recommended changes and improvements the painting we could do is I mean if we're going to move on we need to move on before before weather gets cold because obviously you want you know you want the pavement to be you know not too cold so if we can find the funding for that we can move on that quickly I think we would be able to move on that it's so is is the Council of the consensus that we would move forward with these recommended improvements Julie what do you think absolutely yes thank you and and this doesn't mean that it's um that these measures it doesn't mean if you could would just explain to everybody this is something we're trying but I'm sure that it's a conversation that's open right so if something doesn't work then we continue solve start here and we see we'll see what it achieves okay got you thank you any other questions for the chief uh another topic for the chief I spoke to some of my fellow Council people so obviously Washington um two uh potential issues that we've heard from residents and business owners so the first we all know unfortunately there's a uh epidemic of uh u-turns on Washington I know we put up the um cones uh a couple of my counil people were sitting having a coffee and literally saw four people in less than an hour make that U-turn the barrel you mean in the middle of the street we put up yeah they put yeah Barrel the cones are actually in the are the whole side says no U yes right so I think it's Dan and I just talk about this it's it's enforcement enforcement enforcement doesn't matter what rules we set in place if it's not going to get enforced we are enforcing it we are addressing that we are stopping cars we're trying to educate them and uh we just have a steady steady stream of people that just oblivious they're actually making the U-turn right next to the barrel that has the u-turn on it but so I'm you know if we make a hundred million dollar fine right maybe they listen I I don't and obviously this is not my area of expertise but is there something we feel that we should do obviously the chief's the boss on okay if they're willing to do it right in front of us clearly like it's not safe right it's not safe for multiple cars it's not safe for residents that are walking do you not think it's something like what's your recommendation the recommendation is is that can we find them can we we have and we have been issuing some it's a three-point moving violation you can't you can't raise it's a state statute you can't raise the the uh the the price of it um it's it's clearly marked you something and we're enforcing it and we get people that just come down should say something message is it 50 I made a guess that I number the ones that we saw a lot of out ofate ples so obviously the mayor's message is not gonna help on those see that's the issue something you know something I think a lot of people that we've been seen doing have have New York Tags I'm not trying to pass the buck here but and it's good that we're getting you know different people coming to town but and and see see a U-turn a U-turn is not illegal you could do u-turns on on most streets you can't yes you can't do a U-turn um on a Hill Crest on a curve where you have limited visibility within 500 feet and you can't do it where it's signed and as an ordinance so we have the WL has nothing to do with it so we have it so so so Washington West Railroad Avenue Hillside in Highwood in our immediate downtown area we have no U no u-turn restrictions so um it's it's it's it's it's not a matter of you know because people can do it elsewhere and they just I I think they're just so focused on trying to find a parking spot that um you know something that's that's what's happening something now now maybe the fact that we've you know improve the downtown our traffic signals and the flow maybe something people are gonna get something maybe you know not be so inconvenience to drive around the street you know something because when we stop people we want like just go around the block you know something that's that's what you got to do oh I'm sorry but we do write summonses also too there's a balance it's a it's it's it's it's it's an education campaign whether we're verbally telling you not to do it issuing your warnings or ISS summonses but um if the mayor wants us add it you know something in his Friday message here and there you something and uh maybe we get a couple more barrels to really drive home the message it's really more so Washington than the other streets it's Washington and again I think for 30 I'm making up this number if you're vigilant for 30 days 47 barrels more summons right we're gonna yes yes do we have do we have any data on what time of the day most u-turns are being done like can we tell that from ticket prob could but it's yeah but I mean it's mainly going to be you know in the middle of the day when people are are you know shopping downtown or or or visiting downtown and there's no no no parking spaces you obviously know what's best my preference is we could do some level more enforcement for 30 days right I think good so that's just one one topic another but parallel topic is again feedback from residents and from business owners and I think we've had conversations over the years currently Washington there's two it's all two-hour traffic two hour parking yes and again whatever did we decide obv it's enforcement enforcement enforcement I would love for you to bring back a recommendation because it's all about safety um and again speaking to my fell Council people I think there is a sense that possibly if you thought it was safe and it could work having I'm making up a number so don't take this number but four spots the whole idea is when people want to run in into Osaka or the police or the uh pizza shop or the deli they just want to go right in and out 30 minutes there the spots being two hours there's not a lot of those five minute parking spots would it make sense professionally and safety wise to have four 30 minute parking spots in the middle of both sides so two two on each side such that there at least is possibly an open spot so when you run into the deli you could just pick it up or sha cheese or the pizza place or Osaka would that be a good idea or is that something that is worth thinking about that's not that's not an idea that's suppos that comes from me that comes from you folks something I mean that's not really a safety issue that's more a convenience issue I think his question is does it make sense though and if you say it's safe then obviously I can go to my fellow Council people and so so we have we have last conversation we have was that we have a lot of salon in town right we have nail salons we have hair salons and that um that those um right right something so yeah I'm sorry those processes take more than an hour something prob not two hours something so that's and again remember downtown used to all be an hour that's why I went to two hours not only for those reasons so if you're telling me there's a lot of places something that that that that are congregated that are in and out um could that yeah I could probably that could work I mean is the enfor we have to be around there more to do it but but people will be like if you have two-hour parking and people are going to push it they're probably GNA do maybe three they're not gonna go all day long if it's a half hour Park and we we're busy don't get around to it they're probably not like gonna do an hour they're gonna do maybe 45 minutes so there's probably a value in doing that getting some more turnover and maybe that can contribute to some less U-turn because people u-turning because spots yes we talk about that two spots on each side right and we can see draw line for the next meeting whatever we as let's put us to be considered talking adjust I guess the only thing that I would U ask is you know you don't have them you know the stores that you would go in for five minutes in any like it's not like all in one place right it's all spread out so now people are you gonna do a f minute parking for each no for example like there's Pizza on that side there's Pizza on this side there you know so but I mean the question yeah Ian the question is whether we want to keep them all together or keep it you know as something like that and I end I I honestly I'm thinking more the ends and together you know something so because because if you're gonna spread them out then the signage has to it's all what what starts and what ends but if they're but it's also a question of you know if you do a five minute or 10 whatever 15 minute parking the the amount of time that somebody needs to get to to the store you know and come back you know so and also too maybe 30 minutes when we're talking about 15minute parking we're not writing okay when when we're talking 30- minute parking we're probably not writing summons is at 31 minutes I know I know but you don't want to get somebody in the situation where they need to take you know right long time but but the Mill's Bakery picking up coffee picking up flowers picking up pizza AG yeah half hour is enough yeah um can I have one more question go ahead Julie um so I heard you say Chief regarding um education uh and and certain areas like the U-turn I was wondering uh where we might be at with the four-way stop sign uh in the center now it seems that we have a lot of people I hear this from the businesses who who are there and they can observe it all day I think a lot of people are still used to it as a a two-way stop sign and so people are just kind of blowing the stop sign the four-way stop sign so I was just um wondering if there was possibly an opportunity for us to post some officers there especially after school hours things like that where it's a little bit more dangerous for the kids to cross now um I just wanted to throw that out there because I am getting that feedback so is the feedback there they're just blowing through it not stopping at all or they're doing the Jersey roll and then not coming to a Full Stop uh honestly I think there's a lot of a lot of blowing in the stop sign you know it's still new that that's why we have the additional stop signs out there because we're really still still trying to drive home the message now the other two four-way stop signs that we have in town probably see the same activity and we have a three-way stop sign also too and again we know we we we we do stop people there's a little bit of complacency going on but going back to that now I I I drive I try to get out of the office a lot I drive through that I'm seeing people stop I've seeing people I'm seeing people stop and it's like no you go you go you go people are trying to figure out so I'm I think it's being effective but I will pass that your your uh what was pass on to you onto the troops uh thank you my own experien is whenever I I get there you know there is a lot more consideration yeah you have the occasional you know somebody did cut in front of me type of thing but uh I think generally it's been more effective I've been stopping we hope you stop thank you so please he's not leaving yet yes but you can you want to thank him go ahead no that's okay all right pmon Road Improvement project update so this is the chief fed oh first let me talk that the timing right say has been configured as of last week traffic engineer has reported back that it was working good as as he had I think it's working a lot it was lovely when I drove through yesterday I'm happy to see that a bunch of times people are giving me looks because I looked like I just got a on your but it was way better I think it's I think it's actually benefiting and and and you want me to go now or no well what I was going to say beyond that the chief had made a recommendation that we take those large planners in the middle of the island where the new bus stop is and put them where the the U the temporary uh blockades are to make it a look better it's more attractive okay we could probably get that accomplished if we approve it we could probably get it accomplished before Fall Fest I could just go back to the traffic lights and I'll touch that so the traffic lights and so I think there's a dramatic Improvement I just wanted to anyone listening at home or in the audience um the the timing change should have been done right when the we closed the the the parking lot of the roads um it was an unfortunate death in the um the vendor That was supposed to do the light timing um and that come was crippled and for those reasons I guess we can't complain you know something um that's what created the delay but we finally did get the timings done two weeks three weeks after we close the roads um they are are cycling quicker I think there's dramatic Improvement I'm happy that to see that you're experiencing that I'm experiencing that also too um I do think that county road now the beauty of technology is the old traffic signals went on a wheel and you had 60 seconds 90 seconds to deal with and that was it now now they're computerized and you can put programs in them so you can give more time at different times of the day I think I think there's a room for a little bit of tweaking maybe in the morning of Rush Hour going south but now that the project is done gen electric who is our regular um contracted um uh vendor for the town they can do that at a later time so we can make these tweaks so uh there's it's already been improved and I think there might be a little bit room for a little more Improvement but we have some flexibility there getting back to the barricades um they were very effective you needed to put them up in the beginning because you had to drive home the message and said that the road is closed and there's no Outlet it looks like a I95 construction zone right now to me it's very unsightly I don't live in town but I do uh I am concerned about the Aesthetics here and I want to look like a pretty town I think we're at a time something where people know the road is closed and uh the message has been delivered um and we have these really nice planters that are on the island by the uh the bus stop and I I think some had mentioned that possibly the town looking get new plant Planters or whatever but but but I think the ones that that there right now I mean they would obviously be effective to put in the road to prevent a vehicle from going the wrong way um and I think you're something we know uh there's enough to put on probably both sections and it would would establish the the uh the closed road and it would look a lot nicer and I think it would uh be it would serve the purp what we need go ahead any markings on them like so so here's the thing so they were one ways to begin with so no one was ever coming the other way so I'm not so concerned about that it's more if they're in the parking lots but people are going to be in parking lots which basically very low speed now it's not like it's a road they're driving to something so I am going to double check with the Traffic Engineers of what we would need on on this side really it'll be more aesthetic on the other side because right now the when you know the the the intersection you just see these big AR orange barricades Road closed well you couldn't get in there anyway it was more but but but it's just it's it's it's it's loud and screaming and I think it's we we've we we've educated the public I think now it's now time to transition to something that's basically more aesthetic and we'll will serve the purpose of of keeping the roow closed thank you to the whole team this has been you guys have been great too you know something with your directional so too so I think the downtown is definitely shaping up when you going to make the those changes with the the Planters yeah um if I could get into the caterpillar machine and do it myself I would love to uh you know my my buddy my cassid not sure he's listening here but I know he's he's severely underst staffed and he's doing the best he can and I'm throwing a lot at them they're doing a great job but it's it's it's Lea season so um but you you had put up um fallfest which which is when what day is that again Sunday October was it October 20th so hope before then okay the only issue is is that and I'm thinking that you could use the that payload to lift move them I don't they might have to be do they be empty before we can move them I don't know that's the only thing I don't know I don't know because uh the structural Integrity of I I don't know Michael know what to do right that that's his his Avenue his vein yes is the chief done uh dud one one of little piece then I'm out of you here um the the Tiger cage yes the the parking lot next to it it's it's if you remember the Tiger cage is sitting on top of where a larger parking lot was so basically the it's borrow lot R the parking lot there a very little piece that's like an L it's like a free foll in is like no direction I know Jamie Cannon was looking for possibly to be um resurfaced I don't think it needs to be done right away but it but it does need um some markings and uh maybe maybe next year or something just to put on your radar something but it there's room for improvement over there because people are using it and there's also a three-hour parking restriction there which I don't think is needed anymore because what are the time slots for the Tiger cage Now isn't is there time slots so just so we had a conversation today um uh the state is um requesting shovel ready projects um for grant money other words there's grant money available for shovel ready projects we discover we found out today we received a phone call and the Tiger cage parking lot is one of the shovel ready projects that we're looking at to include I've um I've been seeing more uh people walking in with dogs and stuff like that into the Tiger cage is that something that in the Tiger cage I've never seen that just yesterday and then a couple week and like the dogs run around yeah oh kind of like training it seemed like he was training the dog you know so so so I'm gonna say no unless it's a service dog and that's a whole slippery slip I don't want to go down but we'll keep an eye on for that average dog no that that that's not permissible did you have any questions yeah you live on Blue Ro right do you have a question what while the chief is here we'll break with the public comment protocol for a second just give us your name you don't need to give us your address anymore please hi I'm Jenna lion been here before first of all I I want to thank the council and the police and the administrator and everyone for putting this all together for you know for doing the safety study um I'm excited that we're trying something um but I was just walking on the street today and now we have leaf piles and the study actually doesn't take into account Bliss to East Hudson um it was it wasn't I know you mentioned but it wasn't in the study so I don't know if that was part of what they were doing because that's like that really narrow part and your next picture but this is just a picture coming from Anglewood pass around you you definitely see this picture um but it's yeah so when you're coming when you're walking on Elkwood from Anglewood you get to East Hudson and you see a lovely welcome to tly sign and then the Sidewalk Ends so it really feels like you know you're com you're you know walking on this this Main Street it's the exact same street it feels like that City cares about pedestrian safety and we don't I know that that's not true so that's and there's a blind corner right there um I saw people today and an older couple jump onto the the grass because they were in the middle of the street because they were leaf piles and cars um so that's you know it's still concern so I'm hoping that with the safety that's going to be coming we can see how that goes but it's it's a main walking Street and people walk there all the time people would walk more if it was safer if there was a sidewalk um I saw I see people walking you know their kids from from Smith jumping onto the grass turning on to Bliss um it's it is a place where we really could have a walkable neighborhood if that street had a sidewalk and I know it's it's challenging with all the different you know aspects but you I guess we have to see and I know that there's it says again that there's not a lot of pedestrian traffic but again there would be if you know if it was really a walkable place and people have to kind of Go in different directions because of it I don't I don't disagree the except you talking about um elid terrorists which uh is that's the most narrow area that's 25 foot width um and and and and for for pedestrians that that's your concern and rightfully so and that's one thing for vehicle traffic actually the more narrow the road slower the car goes but that doesn't really help you because yeah for walking purposes yeah I mean know I see kids I see elderly people walking dogs it's all the time and I'm actually surprised that there weren't any pedestrian accidents I think because people are just walking on people's grass um trying to avoid getting by but the majority of pedestrian HTS that we have are at intersections people crossing the road what you're referring to people are are are are paralleling the road which I'm not I'm not saying is is is is any any safer but um usually car sees someone the Turning is usually the issue that causes pring crashes all right so I mean I have a large gr group of people who are very interested in this so we're gonna continue to to work on this so okay very good thank you thanks for your time and thanks for coming thank you okay chief do we need anything else for the chief now from the chief then we have to go back to the planning board to all right Chief I think you're done thank you for being here please thank you Team all right so let's go back to a the planning board ordinance Amendment recommendations there's a couple right we've got flag poles parking and loading facilities then the bulk regulations right does anybody have questions about these or when do you want to give us a little summary go ahead I'm sorry okay well you know I wasn't plan part of the planning board discussions but um as far as accessory structure ordinance the front yard parking ordinance flag pole ordinance those are well let's say the accessory structure of the flag pole ordinance those or clarification ordinances so that um people understand better when they're making their applications what is required what is allowed what is not allowed and so it's looks like it's really just from what they deal with at the planning board level they're requesting to clarify it so that it's easier for them when the applications come in for people understand yeah the flag pole situation arose over um Bottle King situation right so um that's why this is being clarified here that is an accessory structure then you have the parking issue off street parking in um can't be within the um front yard within the front yard setback unless you're in a single family or two family home then it can't take any more than 30% of the front yard and again I guess it's it's really looking to clarify what that means um the last one is um the ordinance that was brought forth by the council to clarify an additional situation to allow for somebody with an existing garage to close it if they have uh repeated flooding and proof of that flooding the I can explain that in detail their recommendations yeah so so what was happening was with with the way the ordinance was originally written you had to be below uh you had to be below grade and then experience flooding okay and then when one person the first person to apply for it went to the building department and the building department said well where the house is sitting they are at grade because grade in the planning board world is measured from where the house is sitting so you can build let's say a zone for a 30 feet high measured from the grade right it didn't consider that the the street was actually 10 feet higher and you had a hill going down so it again it was a clarification like Wendy said so that it's downhill from down slopes from the street so the planning board had requested two changes to that the ordinance as we sent it over um one of them was and I believe they had made this recommendation the first time the ordinance was made to allow for another method of proof after insurance claim um I was not recommending that because this is a new ordinance we want to make sure that somebody has had a loss type of event and isn't for documentation purposes um the consensus was to just move forward with it as written originally and I'm going to make that same recommendation again and if problems arise where people are having flooding that for whatever reason may come forward that insurance claims cannot be made that could always be addressed at a later time if you want to make a revision but we're not looking to open a large can of worms which is in your recommendation is the way it's here it's written correct right correct and then the other thing was to add the word engineer after bro in another section which I believe it was you know upon um review or approval of the buau and they wanted to say the buau engineer that's a clarification you can put that the buau obviously going to rely on on its professionals um but again it's you may want to rely on more than just the engineer so I would recommend leaving it as the burough and then leaving it to David and his team to figure out who needs to approve what yeah okay um so I think the uh the concern at the uh at the planning board was that um um you know by forcing somebody to have an insurance claim um it doesn't prevent the um the issue so they wanted to make it preventative um so somebody wouldn't have to have the damage and that wasn't the intent of the ordinance though uhuh the intent of the ordinance is to help people who have damage not to allow everybody to close up their garage no no so so they were very clear on not that just you know you can arbitrarily close the garage but that uh you know there needed to be some like a you know evaluation that there was impending you know that there could be um something or maybe you know the insurance company was not uh you know that there was still damage but the insurance company wasn't covering it oh it doesn't an you can make a claim and not get covered but you would still have made a claim so you don't have to get a payment on so you're saying that you would still insist on the on the claim not necessarily on on satisfaction of the claim correct so so I'm going to read it just so for clarification so proof shall be in the form of an insurance claim within the past five years from the day of the application for removal and then it goes on to a difference so that's it it's just the claim quite frankly I'd be surprised if everybody does get payment on their claim because um many insurance providers won't cover that absent flood insurance but which we're not in the flood zone most of us so so you'd still have to go through the uh the exercise of uh you know putting through a claim at the moment it is the what was originally decided in the drafting with the engineer and in the the subcommittee that's what seemed to be a good starting ground without opening Pandora's Box because you do require every residential unit to have off Street covered garage and so while this is somewhat I mean it's not a pilot ordinance right because you've already instituted it but it is something new and it can always be tweaked moving forward but my recommendation was to start here and see if the need arises just like when we realize that grade may be different from the street it can always be amended if if the need arises but I would not recommend opening Pandora's Box before you have anyone even come in on the original so so you're saying send it back the same way no I'm saying that you should move that it's up for for second reading tonight um I'm saying that unless you all disagree which you have the you know obviously the right to you're you're the the council that's going to to vote on this if you would like to amend it you can make that motion to amend when it comes up in the agenda instead of adoption as is um and it would get carried for another public hearing at the next meeting but it is already advertised for second reading today if you want to move forward with the language as is that's what I'm saying that's your recommendation my recommendation was to move forward with the langu as is yes okay any other questions about the ordinance that those recommend all right so let's go to the Bergen County Community Development block grant please so uh in your packet there's uh the opportunity uh the deadline is December 20th so it's just going for discussion uh we should talk about some ideas um what the municipal municipality can do is uh Municipal infrastructure projects uh such as Municipal Road repay sewer and drainage improvements playground and park upgrades handicapped accessible curb cuts and public building access upgrades have we applied for this before have we won yeah so I think um the latest I believe was the handicap bathroom here bur Hall and I think we've done some parks or playgrounds in the past as well it provides money though for drainage like in storm systems sewer and drainage improvements so you probably have to have a specific area how about Walnut Street is it w not Walnut um what's the street uh Julie you know what street uh with the flooding yeah down Walnut Park right not ly is it a ly yeah Linley something like that then maybe you know maybe it is Walnut then we got to check that out I think it's Walnut yeah it's Walnut Street yeah yeah yeah you're totally right that's a big flood area let's have Andy look at that area over there yeah we could right but that one is also particularly underwater a lot that area all right a couple of recomend have have Andy come up with a couple of recommendations to bring it back to the council we have time because you know you basically will have four csil between okay but I do like where the mayor's head is at with this with regards to it in a way this could supplement what we're doing with all the other flood work right oh yeah that's right a piece of it you got a question no that's that's another location though by the apartment buildings yeah that's that's a second location there that we can bring up with d he knows about it Franklin Franklin Street correct all right administrator report does anyone have any questions for uh David or David anything you want to call out specifically no I think it's um we covered a lot of the territory when the chief was here tonight um the Rosevelt common Sports Court we should have that completed by October 18 so there's a tentative plan to hold a ribbon cutting there on Tuesday October 22nd at 6:30 uh which would precede the 7:30 pm council meeting perfect um the electric Char vehicle charging stations are coming along I don't have an exact date but uh they are are referencing that we should have one of them at least powered up in the next week or two and the work they're actually they have started physically work at the Grove Street Park yes there's machines that were delivered there I know they were doing work there today and I have a uh meeting with contractor and the engineer tomorrow perfect okay public comments audience me audience members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body on any items onor off the agenda large groups are asked to have a spokesperson represent them anyone in the chambers like to make any public comments no no one no more okay anyone online out in the zoom there would like to make a public comment any hands Omar see no hands mayor okay so we're going to close public comment and we're going to move on to the consent agenda take care okay could I get a motion please to approve resolutions r24 D R20 microing many that for that any idea the what your what resolution 440 micros change um let me just take take a look at that you want to pull that out of the no that is well for this is a change order because the price this a change order for because the price went down from resolution r19 323 change order resulted in a reduction in the scope we decreasing the contract by 71,72 this is from 2019 yeah I can get that information for you Susan do you know that please come out to the microphone what is this just an accounting for what happened it is an accounting when we did our audit we found that there was a still an open encumbrance on the books and when we reviewed it we found that the contract was completed and there and that the scope of work had changed so we made this resolution to reduce it and put the change order in that occurred at okay perfect do you happen to sorry go ahead so should have been adopted in 2020 this was an item that was outstanding that we came that we discovered okay thank you okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d425 through r24 453 please I have a second second Omar please call the rooll sure c a minute yes Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes council member Park yes okay give me one second [Music] here4 okay all all right ordinance 24-29 garages constructed below grade Amendment uh Omar could you please read the confirmation of publication of the ordinance and the title Please ordinance number 24-29 it was published in the September 25th edition of the record is an ordinance of the burough of tly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 35 L development reg regulations new section 35-8 84.4 location and Improvement of required parking and loading facilities of the revised General ordinances of the B tenly 2004 I'd like to open the floor for public comment on ordinance 24-30 only anyone here in the chambers that would like to speak on this ordinance it doesn't look like anyone's here Omar um I will uh okay anyone online see no hands mayor all right we're going to close public comment uh councilman Michaels would you like council president Michael would you like to make the motion yes I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 24-29 that notice of same shall be published according to law I have a second please second Omar could you please conduct the roll call sure C minut yes C Michaels yes coun member o Conor yes part okay thank you uh does anyone have any old business business all right moving on to the minutes could I get a motion to approve the minutes of September 19th the 2 2024 mayor and council meeting and the October 1st 2024 mayor and council meeting can I have a second second all in favor all any opposed okay um anyone have anything for the good of the order or for upcoming council meeting any upcoming meetings okay all right we're going to move on to new business introduction of ordinance introduction of ordinance 24-30 amending the sidewalk repair replacement fee um the councilman men would you like to make the motion please um sure um I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-30 and set the hearing for October 22nd 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter could I have a second please Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call sure ordinance number 24-30 an ordinance amending chapter 20 section 20-6 sidewalks of the revised sh ordinances of the burrow tly council member minute yes coun member Michaels yes coun member Dr W Conor yes that's report okay um we're going to move on to committee reports councilman Michaels council president Michaels you have anything to report no just a reminder again uh Sunday October 20th 12 o'clock uh we'll have our ten of flight ball Festival uh big costume big prizes for uh costumes and um yeah it should be awesome in the higher Park sorry for the winter Resco uh so in the highla Park area and then and then um also just a huge thank you again I'm really proud of the downtown stuff it's awesome with the traffic lights I appreciate all the beautification I really appreciate DPW director Cassidy and the chief so please uh if you can please thank the whole team okay thank you Council Menan anything to report um no I think uh um Don actually gave the senior center report last time and uh you know I think that's uh nothing else on um on the uh Board of adjustments so okay thank you thank you councilman Park councilwoman Dr Okana so uh I don't have anything I I don't believe any of my uh committees met since our last meeting but I did want to say one thing that arose at the last environmental commission uh since it relates a little bit into earlier when you were talking about making um on your mayor's message different reminders the environmental commission uh what came up last time was if we could remind people about trimming back their own um Hedges or brush um that because when they get overgrown it causes people to walk into the street even if they don't have a sidewalk people might not be aware that they are supposed to um you know it there's some rules about it that I I can email you again if you not include them on your mayor's call but it was something that came up about people should be reminded especially if they're newer homeowners just that they should be maintaining uh their own Hedges to to not be in the right of way uh as as people are walking I know it's a strange thing to bring up in committee report okay I just made a note of that to myself for this Friday's message but feel free to send me an email also if you don't mind thank you not at all and I just I want to thank you all for um Coming to the to the women's voting rights uh celebration I I thank you all for your support and uh I think uh it was a great day so thank you all and actually just sorry I apologize please congratulations again to council woman Dr Alor it was super awesome this place was filled up not that it's super important but the cookies were awesome two different type of emblems so congratulations Dr for putting together oning event oh thank you thank you all right so do you want to read the language to go into Clos session sure is resolution r24 454 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the B of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on October 8th 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council of the B of tenly are going into close executive session to discuss the following matters contract negotiations for a shared service agreement and burrow property attendant kill Swim Club Action may be taken after the Clos session minutes will be taken of the meeting and released to the public at the time that the matter is resolved could I get a motion to go into close can I get a second please second um all in favor any opposed okay let's go inside thank you everybody thank you a motion to approve resolution r24 d455 it's it's a motion for Tran Isabelle and shadian to review um a shared services agreement contract have a second second could I have a roll call please Omar sure counc men yes counc Michaels yes CC M Dr o Conor pass part yes could I get a motion for R 24- 456 a resolution accepting the termination of the lease at the tenac Hill Swim Club and authorizing an amount not to exceed $6,500 for pool winterization and maintenance moved can I have a second second Omar could you please call the role minute yes CC Michaels yes Park yes I get a motion to close can I get a second all in favor any opposed all right have a good night everyone thank you everybody thank you Omar good night [Music]