##VIDEO ID:d2V7tt1Ngd8## [Music] in compliance with the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public Bolton board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year salute to the flag please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one na indivisible and justice for all Omar please call the role council member Corsair here council member men here council member Michaels pres council member Dr o Conor here council member Park here council member Roary here mayor Zena here okay the first item to be considered is the sewer emergency and Greece traps update you want to walk us do that David yeah so um after the the sewer emergency that we had I've uh had DPW um and our our burrow engineer go and inspect and they're in the process and they're going to finish up tomorrow of inspecting all the establishments that would be required to have grease traps thus far um we have between 55 and 60% failures um they're either failing with grease in the grease trap or they they don't have uh the logs on site that they're required to have on site uh we're in the process and we went with the health inspector today we're going to give her the list of the failures so she can send out um violation notices and summonses uh uh to the uh the businesses that have failed um and then before you tonight uh for introduction is an ordinance that you would uh had consensus on to have a burough attorney uh draft and we can talk about that when we get to the introduction of that ordinance um and that's basically the update are we going to how are we going to communicate with assuming the ordinance passes ton or is read tonight how are we going to communicate to the businesses that this is coming well I wrote a draft general letter U that I could I could send out to all the businesses that would be okay by the new orance so be aware okay that's what if there's a consensus to do that I can send that out this week any questions on that topic from anyone and again we do we review it every year I thought the the inspector does it every year well she'll inspect the grease trap but then three they have 364 days to not clean out the grease trap before she but did all these people pass I'm going to make this up they would have passed they passed the annual health inspection but typically they'll know the dad is coming up or that they're going to be there in two weeks so they can clean it yeah that's what I was just about to ask that's for yeah that we're changing that with this new ordinance but that's what's required in association with that the annual license to operating food everything has to be cleaned monthly and going forward are they going to know uh when they're coming no well for the annual visit they may but we're going to now basically uh with the new ordinance if it gets introduced and adopted as written uh there would be inspections and minimum of four times per year once per quarter uh more than likely yes unannounced more than likely we'll be doing monthly inspections she's still in charge of inspection no so the annual inspection is part of the whole restaurant relicensing um and that's through usually the Board of Health does everything else but the ordinance puts the inspecting officials is either the building code officer um DPW or the health inspector so the more frequent inspections to make sure that the log is maintained or that the grease trap is being emptied that could be done by any of those three it does not have to fall on the services that you're getting from uh Regional Health fac we're moving beyond that yeah my plan would be that the DPW sewer unit would be charged with making those inspections okay next item on the agenda tenac Hill Swim Club okay we with the tenaco swim club there's a resolution on the agenda tonight that basically directs me to establish a membership program uh that we can launch um you know if if it gets adopted uh you know by basically gives me until December 15th to put a program together that I'll bring back to you at the next meeting on December 17th um assuming that that gets approved or Modified by the council uh during that review then we can launch that program uh by the end of uh of that week so December 20th uh the plan would be is we would put it on the website we blast it out on you know uh asked the schools to put it in their newsletter or to send it to the parents uh of school children as well as Community pass and the recreation uh organization um what I would Envision that on the 17th we'll nail down the rats for both uh residents and nonr and the the goal is is to have a sense of how many members we are going to get um by like February 15 so part of our plan would be is that we offer if they pay the entire fee up front and they're an early bird you know maybe there's a a differential in in in a discount in the um in the rate that perhaps they save 10% or what have you uh so and the goal there is to gauge are we going to get the 200 members if we only get 10 people by February 15th then that may cause us to revisit uh where we're heading with the PO yeah the the the resolution has basically a kill switch in it that if the council is unsatisfied with the volume of the signups then the plug gets pulled everyone gets their money refunded let just make agenda so councilman mg Larry it's resolution r24 534 um that authorizes uh and directs what I would need to do uh regarding the public pool membership program no no yeah the document would come for your approval on December 17th I think my concern show the same concern I don't want people to say oh want they have he not saying saying no i% if they pay the full if they pay the full amount so part of the process is do we allow people to put a a deposit a non-refundable deposit up if if we kill the entire program every is going to get reimbursed proposal discount payment but a contractual Comm theit yes long cont satisfi and the deposit I guess this is an off the deposit shouldn't be 10% it should be much more considerable a third or a half yeah something like that right right we don't want to get right right correct yes um the time frame seems kind of aggressive you um I know we have our deadlines with the budget and everything well it's more so with the with the organizations that utilize the pool whether we're going to be open or not I think is is really where I was coming from with February 15th um at the last meeting we talked about March 15th we can pick whatever date the council is comfortable with um we could either set it as a hard date or we'll set it as a milestone and see where we are in a snapshot that's why you think second December 15 February so if you're going to put up the let's call it $1,000 and you don't know what's going to happen in summer it's just am I going to burn it am I going to sit on it what am I going to do with it do I want to sign up in May when I know my summer plans are what are my kids going to do what are what what am I going to do with this you're not saying it's a short duration you're saying it's a point in time that's a challenge yeah we're doing the pool this summer it's February there's snow on the ground what do I know what's going to happen in June right so we're we're at it's a bit of an inflection point V you'll be next because the pool takes time to prepare to open right so for 60 years they knew they were opening every year and they did the usual cash flow figuring all that out but they were never without a doubt about opening right so we need to know that we have a commitment that the public actually wants to do this which is demonstrated by them joining writing a check right right um because then we've got things to do to prepare the pool for the season right Plus in addition as David said there's a couple of organizations that need to know whether it's open or closed or not or they can't they can't wait till May to find out right so yes B oh sorry go ahead to that point without the the family signing up the organizations are they part of this calculation so if they start calling like I don't know the KCC calls and says we need 3 hours out of the week here's the blah BL here's a check we're signing up now is that part of the whole well we go towards the revenue so so the aitor but towards the calculation we about I would say yes because we're basing it on on uh Paul lurch's perspective of of what the revenue would need to be in order to get us down to the the burn rate so to speak um so yeah we would consider all revenue in as part of moving what I'm saying is with 100 families plus the other programs is we reach that goal or is it we need the 200 and those to reach the goal no it's a dollar number no I know but that from the from the meeting from that meet uh the meeting we had so it's a combination right see how we get again I'll speak for myself obviously I want this is a community good however again uh if no residents want it but a couple of the businesses want it I don't know that's that's a different perspective than if 100% of everyone from New York want want it but no one from tenly wants it we had 500 people personally I'd say no I'm not creating a tool for New York resents so I think we just have to see what it is but I hope very much we have lots of our residents are 15,500 V yeah I mean I I I understand Dan's Point uh you know but maybe the idea should be just to that we're not prescribing the what the minimum number should be right but we we're just at the moment and we have an idea of what we want the minimum number to be but yeah basically it's really a a snapshot in time R deadline to say this is what we have in registrations the council then would consider that and figure you know together with with CFO myself say okay this is this makes sense for us to move forward right now the other question is does this mean that we're uh you know I don't think we're going to stop registrations on let's say February it'll continue on correct you're thres just a threshold if you end up only with like I saying if you have 10 you know it makes it doesn't make sense but it seems like we're getting close to a minimum that makes sense in our survey we had 700 people respond uh at various times the the the people that have been in favor of it had a petition out with 400 signatures so you know we want to see of that hemisphere what we actually did we should communicate that to people we will we have we've already oh yeah so already started communicating that to people so yeah so the plan would be we're gonna yeah the plan would be is that we would launch it um uh by December 20th realizing you have the holidays both Christmas and Hanukkah coming and New Year's so we're you know right after the holidays we're going to relaunch and then do a weekly update until we get to that that point okay any other questions on that topic all right so let's move on Tac performance-based stien yes and I know JP is joining us uh on on uh online um and this kind of ties into the next topic also of EMS soft billing what do you want me to you want me to do the soft billing first no do the do the TAC before let's do it in order on the TAC uh scenario we um out we budgeted a certain amount of money I think $150,000 in the budget um Tac is uh putting forth a request to to make uh their incentive uh on par with the fire department um so the request is $7,000 the fire department gets 6600 now this is dependent on participation level so the maximum they would get $6,600 in a clothing allowance so there's no clothing allowance for TAC um and they requesting $7,000 I think in in the list and I I I email this out to you um on the list I think there's two or three people that would get the full amount and then there's various others that would get lesser amounts I do want to correct one thing is I was I was told originally when I sent that communication to you that um it was in the bylaws ordinance that we had to pay it by December 15th that was incorrect but we do have it says that we have to pay uh in the month of December so you know you have tonight and our meeting of December 17th to make a determination please perance performance yes yes so it it it and that's where they would qualify for different levels based on what they actually responded to and participated how many calls you go on calls you go out on correct final reward for that which makes a lot of sense right then you mentioned clothes allowance no what I was so the clothing allowance is fire department okay so the fire department basically and it's participation performance- based as well so the fire department could could earn up to $6,600 in incentive if they depending on their level of participation and then there's a clothing allowance for the fire department in lie of a clothing allowance going to Tac they are requesting the $7,000 which would put them on par with the combination of incentive and clothing allowance for the fire department appreciate this what this then does is compensates people that are consistent responders yes this is for now this is for 2024 this is monies that we have in the 2024 budget but we actually we actually pay the bill in December as opposed to the beginning of the year I think we just have to a lot of stuff and I know we're rushing and I know we had another council meeting last week we're having lots of Council meetings 50% of today's meeting got sent us within the past 24 hours so like I I know nothing I know you sent something last night at 10:40 p.m. yesterday 1040 I think we just have to it yeah so that is not on for Action tonight yeah uh not the no there that was on the back end of the agenda but it's not on the agenda you correct about that Omar yeah so this is really for discussion um and because the the December 15th date is not the absolute date the plan would be is that we come to a consensus if you will tonight and then resolution for Action would be on 17th you're not voting on it tonight no of course I mean vote on so could vote on tried so then again this is this is the year's done 11 months 11 and a half months through the year but we want to change no you this is you set the rate of reimbursement on the incentive now in December and pay in December allocated and budgeted so in the beginning of the year we in the beginning of the year we budgeted 180 what's the number 150 150 so we budgeted 150 with the performance and how we structure correct and now it's time to divy up the money and what we have in through it sounds like we wanted they want there's a change you want we want the T I'm I'm saying what they what they're asking to be on part with no there's no clothing allowance oh so Rel right and and then what we have been what has been submitted is based on 11 months or 11 and a half months of actual participation I think it's 10 10 months okay it's 12 oh is it 12 12 I have four different numbers in the past seven seconds it's a full year it just starts from the end last year so we have a Target hold on one second we have a target of what's been submitted for participation that would would uh come to $1 137,000 of the $150,000 that we budgeted if the if the consensus is to uh say yes to the request for moving the incentive up to $7,000 I I would caution not to not to be the bearer of um of bad news or or setting it but at some point I think the council really needs to set a cap on these things because you know if you raise Tac then the fire company's going to want to have theirs raised next year and then Tac want to go up to that so you know you're you're at a point because this is on top of loap so my understanding is that uh you know the uh this is uh statutorily set no no no no loap is statutorily set okay um so so the the question is is this is the 7,000 all being paid now or I thought that was quarter no we pay it in December for the for the year based on their performance in that year d might be helpful if I just read the section of the ordinance that provides for the payment so that everybody understands what exactly they not be P the ass you need his shoes in a bag it's members of the volunteer Ambulance Corp shall be eligible to earn a performance based stien in the amount of 2,000 or any greater amount as may be authorized by resolution of the mayor and councel in accordance with the annual budgetary Appropriations which sum will be paid annually such members um during the month of December and then you know to to receive those the the stien then it goes into the list of how you earn points so what you're you're doing is something that you've done every year which is basically the base amount is in the ordinance and you all have always taken the position that if there's if and the base amount is set to meet the budget that that you set aside if every member qualified so that you don't Maxim Exposure corre you exactly with the understanding that there's some people that do a lot more than other members and you would like to potentially reward those members and that's traditionally what's been done in a resolution at this time of year you can decide for certain members to go above the 2,000 so long as the budget permits it you're not changing the ordinance at all so then when uh when does the fire department uh do this the Fire stive gets paid in December as well Susan the fire department incentive when do we they get paid quarterly okay yeah so that's why I was asking about the quarter because I thought the fire department they get paid they get reimbursed or paid quarterly it may not be a bad idea to to put this on part with that um so this is essentially what we do every year yes the am so the budget was 150,000 as you can see here through October it would come to 13 what do you ask correct so it's under the correct correct any other questions about that it's a it's 12 members that get the full allocation right I don't have any yeah here it is was in an email 12 to like 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 or 12 y all right and like I said JP is on on zoom and this was submitted by him on the 27th of November all right um next topic is EMS soft billing did we want JP to say anything or well we preparing the resolution for the next agenda at the 7,000 or some other is everybody okay with the recommendations just 137 right or we'll discuss it again on the yeah so let's prepare the resolution gives Council two weeks to review it all you can insert the number on the correct correct so that's what the plan will we'll have the resolution and then the council can determine what what number we insert okay so the next thing ties into that is EMS soft billing and we we've discussed this a few times um earlier uh this year uh so other municipalities have in fact done soft billing and I talked with JP about it today I think that he's open to this um basically the when Tac uh collects all the patient information they would just collect an additional uh data point if they get their insurance information if they have Medicare Medicaid or private insurance so the soft billing would then bill the the insurance coverage if the insurance coverage pays that's Revenue in and assists with uh the the support of the burrow for First Responders um where the soft billing part comes in is if the insurance company doesn't pay or the insurance company uh pays less than what the bill is uh we would not then go after the resident to to actually make up the difference or put it into collections or something um so that's the concept and you know we would probably look for this to to become effective in 2025 so we get the whole the enjoyment of the whole year I would imagine Wendy that we would need correct it would definitely be required and and a lot of uh background work as well so JP can you hear me yeah I can hear you so what we do about 800 calls a year yeah yes so let's say ambulance cost is $1,000 right uh if if we only get 25% of those people to pay the bill there's $200,000 and to the kitty to help pay for things like what we are going to be voting on in two weeks does this stop us sorry go go ahead does it stop us from getting any grants there's one the one caveat is as as a purely volun as a purely volunteer organization uh the state would pay for EMT training which is about $3,000 a person if we go to soft billing then then they would not be eligible for that state funding it's is this like the uh off duty uh police thing where we set the rate but they get the money it would go into our budget no so it would be medical uh coding billing so I would we would probably uh you know get that that billable rate and then monitor what that is so we can Bill accordingly um and we would just bill whatever the the prevailing weight rate is right so Dan yeah does this require separate employee to oversee medical billing um well yes or we or we have a current full-time employee absorb this that are we are potentially considering reducing the part-time so it would justify maybe that if you recall we're having the Departments justify their positions um so there may be somebody that has bandwidth that's currently employed that we put on or I don't think it would be anything more than a than half of a of a FTE so so essentially this Con the goal of this conversation tonight is to determine whether we can get a consensus from the council to investigate whether any of this will work right cuz all kinds of pitfalls that we don't know about and could we wind up with a couple of $100,000 that gets you know helps relieve some of the expenses of TC yeah one of the things about it any Revenue that was generated by this would be used for TAC things because we've got volunteers working so it's got to go to their program right whether that's equipment ambulances whatever it is insur corre right okay so we have a consensus from the Council on this one JP did you have anything you wanted to say uh yeah I just um so for those of you that have been on the council are familiar Tac used to have a part-time employee that would do admin work um that was relevant to calculate things like stien and the numbers for all of that uh that position was dissolved a few years back um and as Captain it's fallen on to me to do that as a volunteer um I do so without you know getting paid I'm at the burrow multiple times a week I do way above more of my share so something I did talk about with David would be the possibility of adding an employee for TAC to handle that in handle that as well as the billing because it wouldn't be something that would be within our realm as a volunteer to have to oversee the billing portion um if we did have that well I guess I my first comment to that would would be that we would talk about that as part of this whole you know soft billing process and see what we can come up with yeah right because we would need another resource yeah right and and in in terms of the uh these these STP in if anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer it um we do a lot more than just go on ambulance calls we're at every single event in town um we do standbys uh for every you know sport event um so this really is something that uh again we're just trying to get consistent with the other department um and trying to just make it more reflective of the work we do something we recently did was we did update our ordinance so everyone that is getting a full stien has truly gone above and beyond the work um it's we took a lot of years and energy updating the typen to really reflect the work we do so if anyone has any questions about the calculations or the work that our members do I'd be more than happy to talk offline or anything like that um for that okay thanks JP one more go ahead think JP you said attive surface of collecting incremental degree of information which includes insurance point of service yeah yeah JP does that impact Your Service delivery or are you comfortable with that you're responding to emergencies you're responding to things that are fairly intensive is that a does that impede in all your ability to continue to go the service that you do um no we so the way we run our ambulances there's multiple people on an ambulance at once so you have someone who's rendering care someone who's driving someone who's collecting information it would just be another set of information that we would collect um it's really just the backend that would really be more of the changes where we would need someone working to to handle the billing um you know an employee okay any other questions on these two topics no all right so U is would the council be all right if I switch public comment administrator report we have a few people here all right we're going to switch we're going to do public comment now anyone from the public like to make any comments whoever you like to come up to the microphone just give us your name not your address hi everyone my name is Al Rosenthal uh thank you for the opportunity to speak with you really briefly uh first I would like to say that I am incredibly grateful that that Interruption occurred this week and not last week that would have been much more inappropriate uh uh but uh on a serious matter I know you're speaking the Clos meeting about uh the issue of parking I am a new small business owner in the community uh and opening up a co-working space on 15 uh West Railroad uh where W realy used to be uh it's simply a a topic that is uh going to be incredibly near and dear to me uh so just something uh to put to your attention and thank you for the opportunity and if you have any questions so what's the question you have about parking uh I right now there's uh I believe the uh typical limit is uh seven uh permits per location for business uh this business is on a larger uh footprint and we'll have more people than uh seven will uh will so7 will not suffice typically so uh I know white CT would have people running in and out moving their car right it didn't actually mitigate any of the issue it just simply move the cars from one spot to another spot okay what type of business you're opening by the way uh co-working space oh excellent oh that's fabulous thank you co-working space oh excellent well good luck with that thank for coming to TL thank you okay well THS class of 97 so okay all right so what we're going to want to do is have you have a conversation with David the B administrator have you communic yet yes okay all right so okay good so we'll work it through all right thank you very much okay all right hi just give us your name Jan yeah Janet Kim I'm just um happy to see another uh THS Al I'm also THS class 2005 um so I missed a bit of the conversation about t kill in the beginning I'm sorry um but I as I understand I think that the council and the mayor have decided to move forward with um running T kill as a municipal pool um this summer um and in the future so I'm just here to say thank you um that's basically it um I will be the first one to sign up yeah for sure and it's not just me um my son goes to Mckay school and um a lot of people have been aware of this issue because I this something I talk about maybe too much in conversations at the playground and they're very excited um and looking forward to enjoying the pool this summer uh so thank you and I just wanted to reiterate as I've done in uh past meetings that I look forward to working closely with the buau um to really ensure that the pool will thrive um this summer and Beyond um just some examples um we can help with a membership Drive uh first of all so in fact we just filled out the form today so that we can have a table at the tenly Holiday Fair on December 14th so we'll be there um we can also share ideas for diversifying revenue streams um so one idea for example is to offer optional swim lessons to children who participate in Rey's summer camp um and to charge families an extra amounts for this so this is not just you know some other business that would be using which although I also think is a great idea but this would additionally serve our ten residents um we're also happy to think of and help organize programming that will serve different age groups in town uh for example we can have a mommy and me or a parent and Me session for toddlers at the kitty pool when it's too hot to play um in playgrounds in town uh we have a camp I think starting from age four and up right uh the I forget what they're called tiger tots um reies teens camp but nothing for three and under so I think this could be a great idea for them um and then nice idea for parents to socialize and get to know other families in town um also we would love to help organize events that are just fun and provide more opportunities for community members to get together spend more time with each other in the summer uh for example I personally would love to enjoy live music by the pool and think it would be great if we could feature our super talented high school students um at the pool uh regularly over the summer so that's all I just want to keep it short really just here to say thank you on behalf of all the people um who really care about the pool and think it's important um as well as those who are have not been members are but are very excited to sign up um so just thank you thank you thank sure go ahead respons promoter as you are asolid let make to to this so we have visibility in terms for sure I mean I think the early bird registration has been a normal um thing for us um so I think if we um have some incentives um if we can come up with a good price for the pool I think it'll be a big um motivation for people to sign up who haven't been members traditionally yeah thank you Janet thank you all right talk to you soon um does any is there anyone else in the chambers here would like to uh make a public comment anyone online who would like to make a public comment no Omar oh hi you're is she on mute yeah hi can you hear us yeah hi B how you doing hello how are you uh my name is betus Poes Martinez and this is Alba Martinez Paz hi and we just wanted to say uh thank you to the mayor the council for supporting the tenac hill pool and thank you so much ala do you want to say anything about the pool is a really good coach okay thank you for everything all right we're all good all right thank you thank you very much thank you Omar is there any any other members of the public who would like to speak see no hands mayor all right we're going to close public comment move on to the administrator's report okay mayor to follow up on the uh sewer uh and and grease trap um uh scenario as I reported you know what we're getting thus far is about a 55 to 60% um uh failure and we're going to move forward with uh with the violations that will be based on the current ordinance uh which has a a VI a penalty of a minimum of 500 hours to a maximum of 5,000 hours okay um I've I've received some uh some inquiries and some complaints about the short-term rental properties um um I guess some there are some airbnbs that are popping up um what research I have found is that uh the state law preempts the regulation of rentals they have jurisdiction of a rental is 30 days or longer so it would really be whether or not the burrow wants to regulate or prohibit rentals that are less than 30 days um and and uh you know a short-term rental policy could be that we prohibit them or that you want to develop a a regulation uh of short-term rentals um you know I know that with the backdrop of what we have had what we've heard over the last few Council meetings about home break-ins and AO thefts uh there are some concerns uh about allowing this um because it it creates a transitory type of possibility in neighborhoods uh the code enforcement department the building department has opine to me that they would be in favor of a of a a stra straight prohibition of short-term rental property so we would if that is where the council wants to go the consent is we would need to do an ordinance in January to and short term is defined as 30 days or less 30 days or less so what's the council's view on this go ahead Dr OK um so uh yes I I'm very supportive of of prohibiting less than 30-day rentals um there was people have come to me saying things as as simple as when Airbnb is popping up on their street that the trash cans are in the middle of the street that you nobody knows you know and then also at worst they have young people just partying there every week and it's different people using it and so that the owners of the house are are never there they're just using it strictly as an Airbnb this is not what we sign up for antenna fly and your Point's well taken about the uh situation of of our safety um heaven forbid you know somebody is is using it to case out you know other people's homes um so I think we need to Pro prohibited I'd be very supportive of that any comments any other so I'm going to ask for just one clarification two clarification so this is for short-term rentals less than 30 days right so this doesn't let's so you know we have ordinances that cover people who are filming whether it's commercials or a show this doesn't affect that sort of thing right well resal what residential us you're commercial no so some if I want to rent your house to fill you film gentleman a tenly or whatever the heck it is right husbands a tenly and you're starring in it can they use his home for three days well that would beting resal I'm just making claric just raising the question so we have consensus on the council to put this together okay and the burrow attorney is going to have to do some research as well you know we have to frame this in what we legally can prohibit righty and uh you know that would come before the council fort leine fort and Alpine did it a few years back prohibited for did so does does thisan we if people are interested was bad one a few years back expected to be ready for jary 14th five weeks yeah the anticipated public hearing on this would be January 28th just want to make sure right so we we uh read it for the first time on the 14th and as David said you hear it on the 28th perfect thank you okay okay um and then the uh ice shrink is due to be set up this coming weekend by DPW and so that would be all in place and running on the day of the of the holiday uh celebrate or the Holiday Fest on the 14th uh other than that if you have any questions from my written report I can answer them but that's all I have to add any questions David the ice be at the basketball or next to theck um basketball court because it's right next so as a remind the winter holiday is right on the what so yeah so the fountain uh is turned off Mike Cassidy turned off it's December well not only December but C we were in the drought scenario we were what with the drought oh with the drought yeah the fountain is is the source is a well so we didn't want to run okay one of the things I would like to look into is maybe a a recycling of the water versus pumping fresh out well that makes sense as we get into the spring okay let's move on to the uh ordinances new business okay councilwoman Corsair would you like to uh make a motion on 24- 36 the bond ordinance i436 hearing for December 17 2024 at 730m or uh could I have a second please uh Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call ordinance number 24-36 bond ordinance to authorize the replacement of sanitary sewer line on the West Railroad Avenue from rivered road to Washington Avenue and by and for the burough tly in the county of Bergen New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $500,000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such Appropriations and to provide for such for the issuance of bond anticipation those in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds council member Corsair yes council member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes C my RO a okay um ordinance 24-37 Public Works supervisor supervisors uh councilman roer would you like to make a motion please to introduce first reading 2437 set heing for December 1724 730 I have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct a roll call please ordinance number 24-37 an ordinance to fix the salary wage or compensation of the employees of the Department of Public Works represented by the teny public works supervisors bargaining unit for the calendar years 2025 2026 and 2027 coun member Corsair yes council member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes council member R AR yes okay ordinance 24-38 police salaries council president Michaels would you like to make a motion to introduce yes Mr Mayor I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-38 and set the hearing for December 17th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter have a second please second uh Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the Roll Call ordinance number 24-38 an ordinance to amend ordinance 24-15 the salary wage or compensation of the rank of police officers of the of the police department of the burough of tly in the county of Bergen and state of New Jersey for the calendar years 20 2023 2024 2025 and 2026 okay council member Corsair yes counc member Min yes counc member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes counc Park yes coun R area yes okay okay uh ordinance 24-39 admin group salaries 2024 through 2026 uh councilwoman Dr okon would you like to make a motion please sure the c um I I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-39 and set the hearing for December 17th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter have a second please second uh Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call ordinance number 24-39 ordinance to amend the salary to amend the title salary wage or compensation of the employees of the T tfly administrative employees bargaining unit for the calendar years 2024 2025 and 2026 okay yes coun M Corsair yes coun yes coun Michaels yes coun member Dr Conor yes coun Park yes coun member roer yes okay ordinance 24-40 regulation of uh grease traps uh councilman men would you like to make a motion please I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-40 and set the hearing for December 17 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or resume thereafter could I have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call ordinance number 24-40 an ordinance of the burough tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 18 sewer section one sewer connections to revise the regulation of grease traps and interceptors of the revised general ordines of the burrow tli 2004 customer Corsair yes customer Min yes customer Michaels yes custom member Dr o Conor yeah cust member Park yes cust M Ro area uh ordinance 2441 non-represented salary ordinances uh councilman Park would you like to make a motion please I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 2441 as and set the hearing for December 17 2024 at 7:30 or soon thereafter could I have a second please second uh Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct a roll call please ordinance number 24- 41 an ordinance to amend ordinance 24-18 the salary W salary wage or compensation of certain management admin ministrative and part-time employees of the burough tenly in the county of Bergen and state of New Jersey for the calendar years 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 council member Corsair council member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr oconor yes coun member par yes coun member R any questions about the consent agenda yes um 528 and 529 just a question about it's uh these are the two uh that we just read um are we allowed to are we able to uh you know do resolution on something that hasn't been gone through a second reading so the the resolution is on the on the um draft CBA not not necessarily just on the salary portion of it right so go ahead you so the normal course would be to First approve the agreement and then adopt the ordinance so you're you're right on track because the adoption of the ordinance would happen at the next meeting assuming you approve this if you don't approve it then the ordinance would fail at the next meeting as well so the this approving this resolution does it commit the dollars um is Council committing the dollars or that can't happen till the ordinance is approved the commitment doesn't happen until the ordinance is approved however it would be retroactive I believe these these agreements some of them are going back some are going forward right the so the uh the administrative unit would be retroactive in January 1 2024 and that so that's 529 right so you asking about 529 and 528 right right so that's for 529 it would be and yes and the other the other one is the is the supervisory uh DPW supervisory unit and that's moving forward their their contract expires at December 31st so it would be awesome it would be the CBA would be for 2025 20 26 27 right but I mean is there a reason why we can't do the resolution um after it's been approved you know after the second reading no the resolution to approve the agreement always comes first okay got it any other questions can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d525 through r24 d536 have a second second Omar please call the roll council member Corsair yes council member men yes council member Michaels yes council member Dr o Conor yes council member Park yes counc member R ER does anyone have any old business any upcoming meeting there I I would note on upcoming meetings that there is the tax sale that is actually taking place tomorrow tax s what time tomorrow 11 11:00 a.m. in burrow Hall Chambers here okay tax sale tomorrow morning 11:00 a. in burrow Hall okay councilwoman Corsair any reports Council roari council president Michaels just a reminder next uh Saturday the 14th uh is the uh holiday Fair Resco par 12:00 excellent councilwoman Dr Okana not last week oh sorry sorry I apologize I also want to thank DPW director Cassie and everyone just that all of us just uh before lit the uh the holiday tree Christmas tree my re be very proud of me um it was super awesome special thanks to Amanda cookies andyes super fun you and Nancy Riley for coming up with the idea yes yes thank you Nancy yes thank you Nancy councilman Menan um yeah so uh we had um a board of adjustment meeting yesterday and uh there were two uh applications uh one was just uh the uh the roll call for or the uh vote for um what was discussed in the prior meeting um but on that one uh it was originally a two family dwell submitted as a a two family dwelling um that it it then was you know it seemed like it was a little too close to the the sidey yard and and front yard uh they the um the developer modified it to being a single family dwelling made it a little more modest they had a feeling that the the board was not was going to turn it down uh with the with the two family dwell um and um so they approved it with the the more modest variance request um there was a the the second application was um actually uh this is the first request that came in front of the board uh based on um our uh approval of the parking garage ordinance um there that was a house that flooded so this was a house that flooded on Woodland right and um you know they've had floods regularly and uh and I think it's 5T under grade and uh so they they asked if um they came to the board for um changing the the home to being a um to move the garage to a different uh area and and build up and and so good um well I mean so they the ask ended up being a little uh aggressive and they sensed that from the the board and uh they took a 10-minute recess in between and and came back with um uh with a much more modest increase in the um um in the um impervious coverage uh you know for the for the property so um so that got approved as well at the more modest okay size thank you councilman Park do you have anything to report no I don't okay so before we go into close sessions in my mayor's remark I just want to announce that I have beaten uh councilman uh Michaels by four minutes in terms of the meeting finishing at 56 minutes so there you go okay that's okay all right so can you read the language to go into closed resolution r24 d536 7 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the burough of tenly County of Bergen state of New Jersey held on December 3rd 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council the bur of tenly are going into a closed executive session to discuss the following matters burrow property burrow lease real property parking updates and under Personnel Personnel policies and the Personnel policy manual minutes will be taken of the meeting or released to the public at the time that the matter is resolved I get a motion to go into closed uh second all in favor any opposed [Music]