in compliance with the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 the notice requirements have been satisfied the meeting dates for the year are confirmed at the annual meeting are posted on the public B board in the lobby of the municipal center and published in the record within the first 10 Days of the New Year salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States America the stands indivisible andice roll call please counc cour here here counc minut here counc Michaels pres council member Dr OK Conor here counc M Park here counc member rerry there's it here okay the first item on the agenda is the Eagles Scout project with the young man Cel but I don't believe he's here yet Omar did you have any information if he's running late or I haven't been in contact with um um Mr Patel but I I can reach out um as we go through the meeting okay so if he if he comes in we will um we will put him to the top of the list all right the next item to be considered basement garage ordinance you want to talk about this little Council sure thank you mayor so at the last meeting i' had indicated that the engineers had put together a proposed form of ordinance that would help residents who have downward sloping garages that are leading to um water damage come going into the basement levels and so there is on your to be considered item a proposed form of what that ordinance would look like and I'm open for any questions if you've had a chance to review it questions from the council well just I was just if maybe you can explain to the people of what this is avoiding to this whole idea the floods you know I think it's great so to to back it up a little bit more this has come up a couple of times this year uh the mayor was looking for some kind of relief for property owners who have had repetitive flooding of their basements due to the alignment of how the garage sits yeah and um the subsurface level for the running in through through that opening so to speak so this would as the burrow code currently reads any residential structure needs to have a parking structure for an enclosure for for parking this would provide almost like a ability to be outside of that box and if you can prove that there's been flooding and meet certain requirements as per how this ordinance is drafted you know a certain slope Etc you would be allowed to have relief from the requirement to have a a garage with your your home structure and you could actually then waterproof it seal it and just use a driveway for parking but this would not allow the the house to like necessarily park on the street or no it does it does not do anything with the off street parking rules what it does is allows for a change from the requirement of having a garage to allowing an existing home to close CL their garage this also would not allow new construction to not have a garage yes I I think it's just very proactive work I know the mayor's worked for a while on on this topic for for quite a bit right and we had this issue where these slope driveways you know creates a lot of Havoc so this I think is very good fix any other questions go ahead I'm sorry Wendy I was going to say is I I know due to the Passover holiday it was a little bit late getting on to your agenda um so what I would ask is if you have any comments or suggestions to it if you could just send them to me directly and this way perhaps we can have an ordinance finalized for introduction at the next meeting that makes sense and the cost of this would be home correct correct and again it's only for existing driveways not any new construction so when does that date told from the time the council if they choose to pass the ordinance so you already have requirements in your code for new construction for grading right um but to your question specifically once the ordinance is advertised and becomes law it would be a home that is already constructed presumably any new construction would already have a different slope because of your current ordinances okay any other questions on that topic okay I can help explain the next one if you need we're going to go back CU I think uh oh you have a scout is here you want to talk about your Eagle Scout project yes okay so come on up to the microphone thanks for being here tonight so um what you're going to want to do is is that microphone too high maybe we can lower that yeah okay so you're going to want to uh just give us your name and your address and then tell us what you'd like to do hi my name is Karen Patel a I'm at T high school and and a life Scout at in TR 63 Scout say I my objective in coming here was to gain your input in what my Eagles Eagle Scout project may be and uh one of my Initial Ideas was to support the composting pilot and us phe two may be and if there's any support so so your thought is to support the composting program yes okay have you thought about in what way you like to you'd like to support it whether it's us seeing if I can help educate people about composting and getting more people to join or um maybe because I know there's a monthly fee as I me and my family were part of pilot okay so maybe if we get to join that to go down okay possibility okay all right so let's just go right to questions from the council Julia do you have any questions sure um thank you for coming to us uh I will say that this last Saturday I got to visit the place that all compost goes to over in Warren County that was exciting for me um I know that the the woman who's the point person in tenly one of our residents Dorothy Quincy would love the help because she has been trying to get into the schools and has had some success with getting into some classrooms but you know we we you always could use more compost Educators and I think it's great that you're coming to us to kind of ask you what's needed and and fill in the holes in that way can I just ask the when how did you learn about the program because that'll help us learn what we're doing right I've always been passionate about supporting the environment and I've always been into sustainability so I remember um I I think it was at the the B organization I I met Mr Men and he he told me about Coupes to Pilot and we I of from there great so then that lets me know that I think we have a probably a lot of work to do in the sense of like really letting people know about it because if we don't have just a a good opportunity like a good discussion then we wouldn't know that it exists right um so if if it's something that the council thinks is something that we can pursue I I love the ability to put her in contact with Dorothy who can you can you just give her a quick rundown of where we're at right now in terms of amount of amount of people fundings are we've taken out 10,000 uh pounds over 10,000 pounds of food waste out of the out of the landfill which is for our 50 family comp who are who are composting um I'm so glad you're involved with it um and um we have three sites now and we're just always trying to improve it and yes it' be great if we could kind of either reduce that fee or give give families a fee holiday but I do think that that also can come with like growing that program you know so I'm I'm right there with you um but I've learned a lot about it myself but yes so that's that's where we at we're at every bit of food waste that we take out of our of our own garbage collection program you know saves the town money as well so um and it's of course sustainable in visiting this last um Saturday I learned that they turn it into the soil which they're using for the fruits and vegetables on the farm and it really was just great to see I think you you've got to go visit it if you didn't go it was a lot of fun okay are there a question are some other council members do you have you have more questions for us uh no question okay so what I'm one super quick update the compost uh for anybody who wants the composting soil they're doing a free giveaway uh at the trash at on on Sunday at hiler so make sure everyone everyone congrats okay okay so I think what we should do here is you have my email address okay so just send me an email tonight or tomorrow and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to connect you to uh councilwoman Dr OK Conor I'll connect you you guys together and then uh we'll connect you to Dorothy and you'll get the program going and then once you come to have a plan and then you'll uh you'll come back here and then uh we'll go through that process okay okay thank you well thank you very much for being here it's very important thank you and if you're going on Sunday then you'll meet Dorothy okay because she'll be there oh perfect okay thank you okay that's great perfect can really use that all right uh next item is donations to various Parks dedication by Ryder I can help explain it I know that Zen and wesy have worked on us for a while but just um what you're looking at is the fruits of the labor this you know went through Susan is the last phase here which is basically if people want to donate money to a park see right there there's a column with a payment code so that would allow um the finance department to funnel the money to the specific Park that it's being um donated to so it cleans it up and uh and and you see that right there there's old swim club and that's it's kind of a temporary name but we knew that that area is going to be a park so that that's why this is on the agenda because Susan had said that right now it's not one of the parks so we had to do this by rri so that's kind of the yeah I think I think at some point we need to uh come up with a new name Susan do you have any comments on this yeah of course hello I don't really have any comments it's just that um it would be good if we had a name for the park I could put it in and amend a resolution to include it in the current dedication by ryer I already spoke to the DCA about going about this and then we'd have to put the new name eventually okay there something for us to you have a question go ahead question um Are there specific needs these parks that can be communicated because for me at least my give money I like to know that it's going to certain things that are needed so maybe right so that's a good question Jamie so that that was the other piece of this is that this is going to be like accompanied with a wish list if you will you know what I mean because what was happening was it was like a little bit counterintuitive of people like we're going to donate a a brick or a paper or something but that the Park itself needed something else you know what I mean so what what they're going to do is say okay you can you know please donate the money but but this is what it's going because this is what we need in Churchill this is what we need in Fr so you're you're completely right it's it wouldn't go on on this form but we're going to have it be like maintained on the website with the DPW knowing about like what we're what the money is going to go for because you're correct um go ahead of course so just two things one is I think Churchill needs to be the spelling is wrong for Churchill it's what that the spelling is but oh yeah but that's the uh I was just I was just wondering if I mean is there a specific place like on the website that we can put this you know so that it's it's visible and you know yeah we can we can U maneuver it around the website to make it sort of pop up as as fresh news and then we'll have find our permanent housing for it and the dedication by Ryder is one of your resolutions tonight uh and it's listed astion so once we come with the name we'll amend it on the can you to pay there no but I think it's one of the things we're looking at um with Civic plus as we go through this because we want to be able to get to that yeah I mean I was going to say that I think it would be a good idea to have it house somewhere where you know you get the description what the needs are you know so that it's all in one place and then you know and then have the payment done online as well easier than people writing a chck and actually what I had learned about this a the way like I say Dan had had started this all um but um what I learned along the way is according to our environmental commission chair uh Olga and and Mike at DPW this is actually fairly frequent they they get a lot of call I want to donate money to such and such Park so you know in memory of or in honor of so you know people it is a need so this will clean it those okay perfect great um thank you next on the agenda we're going to have a little cannabis industry update um Todd uh P why don't you come on up please we invited Todd to be here this evening um he can tell you a little about his business and see if the council has any questions because it is a ongoing conversation if you could just give us your name at the microphone and your address and then uh give us your story please sure story my story yes Todd um my address is 84 rainbow trail from Resident Denville uh I am a senior partner with a firm of saxs sax LP that's a counting tax and advisory firm and I read the canidates practice firm I've been practicing over 30 years and uh I've spent about 75% of my time in canus this um give you a really brief presentation go ahead I'm G to give you I promise less than 10 10 minute presentation five minutes for questions and answer and might even stop she that so um I'm a Serial entrepreneur uh By Nature I'm actually considered entrepreneur Crea so when New Jersey decided to go green I went to my managing partner and I said I think we should be in the Canabis industry he said well you're the craziest one Among Us so maybe you should read it so at this point my clients are existing dispensaries cultivators manufacturers in New Jersey New York Massachusetts we also do some multi-state operators I've been involved in this space New Jersey from the very beginning so I can speak about all the difficulties and challenges that face the municipalities u a little bit about the Cannabis industry overall if you don't know uh out of the 50 states seven states uh it's not legal at all uh 20 States it's legal for medical purposes and 23 States it's legal for both medical and recreational New Jersey has opted to be both recreational and medical it's been a real struggle to get the market going uh primarily the when new decided that it would take a stand and allow for recreational it opted instead of making the decisions as to who should be getting the licenses they said let the municipalities decide so different M municipalities have decided to go in some have stayed out and um I work now with all kinds of stakeholders people in the industry people who are stakeholders um people like yourself and investors so real quick uh three things to be to consider about whether or not you should be opting in or what how you should move forward in this I'm addressing you okay and I'm very transparent as a person so if I'm too transparent please forgive me three areas one you need to consider how Progressive your community is number one opposition in the Cannabis world are folks in your community who still there's a stigma attached to it and they have all kinds of concerns as a council if you opt in and you have a strong contingency in your a group of people in your community are against it you're going to be fighting pretty hard um we find that mostly that's in folks with a very strong religious background or folks who have been harmed somehow uh through some type of drug abuse that's one area is your community really Progressive um if it's not you may and you want to go forward you're going have to do a lot of educating in that community second there's a issue there's a moral issue uh certain folks feel that cannabis should remain illegal uh they're prohibitionists and the real question is can cannabis be used for medical purposes can you bring that argument to bear and can you overturn the concerns over uh folks who are under the age of 21 using cannabis while you're driving and all those things the third consideration is economic honest this is the number one reason why municipalities opt in is because of the tax revenue it's going to generate so suppose I have several clients who dispensaries and suppose on average they take in $10 million a year annually that's about $200,000 in tax revenue that you able to get so that's a consideration and most dispensaries are going to average between 5 to10 million in revenues some are going to be a little bit larger some are going to be smaller also with many of the dispensaries they're giving back to the community there's some type of agreement that they're going to not only provide a tax revenue but they're going to do something else for the community with that being said the economics from getting the tax revenue but just going to be some additional expenses as well associated with that that perhaps you can pass on to the cannabis companies maybe you won't so those are three considerations if you are going to move forward with this I strongly strongly advise you to get the right help instead of doing it yourself because a lot of municipalities have absolutely screwed up on this because they thought they could do it themselves and now you have some municipalities that have offered and given resolutions to folks who can't even actually close on getting uh completing the license they have the license but they can't actually open up shop so that's really quick overview because I can see some of you have questions so I'll pause and then I'll kind of conclude who has questions go ahead um hi I I used to be on the one the Cannabis Committee in for this town and we were exploring this issue when it first got legalized when you mentioned about um a company that would bring in $10 million of of you know revenue for the year um and then the town would the bureau would get $200,000 is that after some of those things where I remember at the time talked about how some of the money had to go to some uh areas that had been impacted by drug um enforcement you're saying this is after the money has been split up $10 million whatever so when a consumer comes into a dispensary and and the towns May off to go less than 10 2% but they don't the consumers actually paying that 2% when they're purchasing product kind of like the sales and use tax so that % goes directly to the municipality there's additional taxes as well that you're referring to but that's that's taken in a different way that goes a different way so so J if you could repeat that one more time that so every person that goes and and buys any amount in that municipality that City they are going to be it's kind of like sales and use tax so when you pay your sales tax you're you're turning over to the the person that who you're buying from that sales tax it gets remitted to the New Jersey state or sales tax the 2% gets taken in and it's remitted to the municipality I guess I'm just so to trying to figure out how many people that like A10 million a year business that you know how many people are going population size it's based upon the population size and it's also remember it's based upon the surrounding population and with candidates right now there's the opportunity if you have a dispensary and tenna fly there there's also the ability to do delivery delivery services so you can actually deliver the canidates to other areas could you know pick the size of how many miles away so it's not just the immediate people living in the town it's the surrounding town so it could be further out because you could deliver it and that 2% applies to all those sales it doesn't apply to virgin stuff so um if you're buying t-shirts or any other things it doesn't apply to that just to the canus sales and we're just talking about now dispensaries okay we're not talking about manufacturing or cultivation there's different taxes and transfer taxes Rel need to yeah no I was uh I just remembered that question from the past and then what were there there were still issues regarding to how close to a school things like that those are all yeah so my recommendation is that one of the areas you want to learn more it's really easy just to go onto the state New Jersey site the Canabis Regulatory Commission with CRC spells all those things out so that's one area if you're interested to learn you know a lot more it spells out all those uh specifics so you have to be properly zoned right so if you opt in you need to consider you know for your own constituents where you going to have this uh retail store if it's a dispensary and you also be concerned about whether or not that location fits in with the state regulations you may say this is great for the dispensary but it may not fit in with what the state allows I appreciate the information I just remembered some of those questions from last and things have changed so over the past two years a lot of things have changed in those regulations have you found that in the past two years people are getting used to this it's becoming a little more easy easier for municipalities to get comfortable with it and or do you feel like it been time I think that it's a slow so you know look at it this way um currently there is 100 110 Recreational dispensaries in New Jersey the estimation is that there'll be another 50 before the end before the 2025 so if the dispensaries are opening up and they're going to survive that means that the municipalities are embracing it and also the populations Break by the way if you did take people's pulses people under the age of 45 tend to have no problem with cannabis people over the age of 55 it's a mixed bag although most interesting statistic is that the number one consumer in the legal dispensaries is the 55 and overpopulation they have the money but they also have the interest because it cannabis is a very exensive product I mean for a 3.5 G is probably somewhere between if you're talking about the flow between 50 and $75 so it's very expensive so not everyone's going to be able to afford it um so the 55 over population is number one consumer question and the ones and the ones who are under that age are consuming it illegally through the Legacy market for the tax train transer how is that done when the the banking part how is that done when they have to remit the taxes to us basically they they send you a check so there's banks that actually do um Bank Canabis Valley Bank is one BCB is another Park bank is another and you're correct and it's the most ridiculous thing in the world because the Canabis company's taking the Canabis expens is taking cash a courier picks it up it's put into a lock box and the bank takes it from there so it's a crazy system but they do have real banking accounts so they can give you they can transfer the money to you all the municipalities I deal with they actually s paycheck in fact I think that they actually drop it off at the burrow hole quarterly or monthly what's the it's quarterly and it's usually ties into their sales and use tax so they look for some type of proof so if they're filing a sales of use tax return it's tied in it's reconciliation and it ties to that and it's 2% and if they don't pay it they're penalized with interest yeah when you talk about the uh the 200,000 you know that that's right so so that sounds very attractive when when you're hearing the number but uh you know where's the 10 million how are you calculating so that's the average so so I'm look what I'm giving you is real numbers of real real dispensaries that I know of it could be $5 million so if it's five if it's and5 million then it's probably $100,000 if you're under $5 million you're probably not going to survive because the average basket SI is about $100 someone goes in and purchases Canabis you're going to spend $100 so you can figure out how many people need to come in every day in order to calculate that and I'm an to accountant but I didn't read my calculator so I another half so that's like a break even would be about 5 million 5 million is a small dispensary 10 million is average anything over that like if you're talking about a set a Euro shell you're talking about Way Beyond that and remember you are going to if you were to open up dispensary here you do have to consider your competition in order to determine what those numers will be what is uh what's the size of the Legacy Market versus the the legal Market very large it's not even you can't even determin it um I believe that most people States like 70% of cannabis use is is the Legacy Market um and I don't think that's going to um change that much in the near future until it becomes kind that's is legal Market expensive for this is a nice meing yes the legal Market is very expensive [Music] right right someone's some cannabis Miss is that someone asking a question sorry about the technical me my name is it's the world of Zoom who has more questions I I did oh another question what does it cost for another question entrepreneur to buy a license now so it depends on on what dispens the license itself is not exactly expensive I mean in other words what you're paying for it's all the fees associated with action gr from filing the appli application the attorney fees County fees um most people spend close to $200,000 and getting license that's before you build a store correct and a store is going it's kind of here in Alexandria sorry about that other questions from Council Members mam did you have a question yeah and if you need my help I basically gave to Omar my cards happy to um help you anyway whatsoever uh this is the area that I live in right now and U that's basically it okay thank you for the and right we have your information we have our cannabis committee so we'll go here all right appreciate your time coming out here today thank you very helpful coming thank you okay um administrator report thank you mayor I did my memo is in your packets um we are making progress with the traffic engineer there are two bids in reference to uh the traffic engineer tasks that are going to be going out uh on Monday and they'll be open on May 16th and um hopefully will'll be on your agenda for um action on May 21st um the engineering report uh has been modified somewhat it was received late today so is handed out in your in your packets tonight um The Swim Club project is anticipated to uh go to bid um did you hand that out I'll give you so the U The Swim Club project is uh is set to go to bid uh at some point after May May 20th uh and we would be looking to award a contract for the construction on June 11th um notice proceed would be June 21st and then the construction would be June 24th through September 13 um the highway Avenue Highwood Avenue roadway project um the we're not it's not on our agenda tonight so that would probably be May 7th and the repairs will be made hopefully the week after that the Bergen County Ada ramps uh there's a Mee meeting with the county today and we're waiting on their schedule um to proceed with some of those improvements the 2023 njdot Grant um we're going to authorize that uh today the design phase would be between uh after their authorization today and the end of June uh the njd review would be June 28th through July 12th bid phase July 177 and August 21st with a contract uh attentively uh scheduled to be awarded at our September 13th meeting and construction uh through SE through October of uh 2024 the salt shed there is a contract uh consideration a resolution tonight to award a contract um the demolition of the structure is slated to be between May 10th and May 24th and the engineers will evaluate the existing Foundation report provide a report uh May 24th through May 31st and then the Rosevelt common um there's an authorization uh that would be up before us on May 7th there was an ordinance for the open space allocation tonight and the public hearing will be May 7th so we can take action on uh moving that forward at our May 7th meeting the design phase and this would be for the pickle ball courts and the U um the volleyball court and the two four square courts or the open play um the bid phase would be June 24th through July 19th the award of contract would be August 5th and uh the construction phase would be August 12th through September 27th and the Riverside Co-op um we're anticipating that we would be in in a position to tenant we award a contract at our May 21st meeting The Cooperative has uh awarded their contract so we know the master uh contractor I think it's Els um they their action March 26 uh we would adopt a a resolution that would become um effective after the esta period of the bond so you're having your second readal new Bond ordinance on May 7th we publish a notice we can take this action on May 21st it would be contingent on the certificate of of availability of funds and the run of the stop periods the resolution would become effective instead of immediately on May 21st become effective after the stop period and uh talked with Wendy and we have the language appropriate for that that's the only project that uh is really contingent on the stop period running the other pro programs with Bond just uh two and a half things on this so the first one is huge thank you I see that we now have uh dates and uh times for each of these uh pieces really appreciate you getting that done I think it's really helpful now we understand where we're sitting so that's just one two since it's going to lead to my half um congratulations Little League opening day was really cool love the braid little upset that I didn't have my banner that uh we forgot the mayor and Council Banner but I'm okay with that I'll survive it's good to see uh hot dogs and and free ice cream my half was and I I don't want to be the guy that like just realized this because I am sure everybody on the council knew this but I did but me since we were at Little League I and I walk the tennis courts and again I'm not going to be the first person to tell you this I will I'm raising my hand I did not realize how embarrassing it was not not like I have pictures I could send to you it is first of all I hope people don't get hurt about it there I mean there there big craps throughout the entire course so I'm not talking about my forehand or back end I'm talking about you get hurt as you're running from side to side I know we have a um a small Grant but I I really I'll send you guys the pictures I swear this is not cosmetic this is but Adam if you if you remember Andy was coming like collecting ideas and he hasn't brought them back and that was one of the things is I he's not sure that'll qualify for the county Grant but I I do think that should be one of the ones we haven't decided I think we have well I thought we USA grant for the upcoming we applied for the US no but when Andy came and was um and then you came up with some ideas and we were like oh we need to talk about for the next one we already picked that was that's the little that's a little oh that's the little e so so I guess my ask and I don't want to create work here and maybe try every engineer did not help us on the last one since that was a failure um what is the size the magnitude of what this is going to cost knew said it was 300,000 then we should look at I don't know open space is I'll send you the pictures that I have I just want everyone to see it I swear I didn't fully I thought it was cosmetic I thought you know it didn't have the right you know brain it's bad underst massive it's extra bad so I don't know how you know again whether it's open space whether it's some other funds but we should look at it obviously we're not going to be able to do it this summer which now we just miss the entire season but at least let's plan it such that you know I heard it just so happens I was with Jamie uh and Carol while we were walking around and I think it had to do with we did it when it was a little too cold so it was never going to set to begin with I believe Andy came and gave an explanation that when it was done the decision by the council was made was to resurface it but he's saying that there's underlying issues and CRA that the cracks just come back you have to actually dig it all up and redo it for it to be done correctly it's like anything we learned that we learned the hard way take action so at least my ask is to the council and we get you know de side together let's take action on let's get the you know if it's going to cost 300,000 what's the right timing to do it again such that you know it's not too cold too hot but I don't even play tennis and I was no but that's also one of the reasons that you know because I remember you saying the tennis uh the association right but I mean it's it's definitely a top level you know concern so's that's the that's the one behind the park the the kitty parks right it's it's every single one of you know all six or eight cords on each side right there's one on one side of the old all of them all of them are terrible one's not better than the other so let's let's find out and what I can also pass around is we did have cers uh develop a some plans and specifications that the cost estimate for the USA process so I'll disperse that to the members of council and and we got that Grant from the US no it's a process that we had to submit that in order to get invited to submit the gr well that's no that's moving that's good but the USA uh officials have had a phone conference with us and they're looking to come here in May to talk to us very thank you can I make a suggestion we have a resolution on a non-consent for the Roosevelt Sport Court Improvement area can we make an alternate add an alternate for the tennis courts that are closer at least so what are you saying add an alternate to that bid if they can include the tennis court renovation so which resolution you talking about this is the four of the 8 184 right if if a contractor's coming anyway doing this project yeah that's that's for the additional engine so they have them include all right so I think the work product may already be done is what I want to show you but we can this is for additional Engineering Services so it's too late so I'm it's too late for that no I don't believe it it's just something different it's not what you think it is yeah this the RAR com is going to be funded through the open space yes yes good point good point I forgot about that good point Andes good point forgot about that I guess about that too then it or you can do that any time you can do another open space ofation down but again just as as it was explained to me by Andy you know a lot of times communities want to stretch their open space by getting the the match from the Cy so you know we want be Penny wise pound foolish of not going for the things that can actually stretch our money more where we get a bit of a match so let's not go in like um make a 50% match a 25% match yeah at a at a wrong time correct corre one step at a time School junior I know Junior bars uses so is that something that maybe we can share good question good question we can certainly look also one of the things we should explore yeah I agree you got all that yes and the one last thing that I have for you for my report is for Grants um as you recall that we we submitted for the community facilities Grant Booker for the uh tenna nature club and the accessible uh Ward walk Trails there we've uh submitted also for a congressman goth himer for a four4 half million ask to build upon the um $1.6 million grant that we just received to do additional uh stream clearing oh excellent thank you and I I just do want to say that the um T of line Nature Center was very you know happy that they got a a copy of the draft that yall prepared for for you know Senator brooker's office so uh you know fingers crossed anything else all okay all right we're going to move on to our correspondents we've got a letter here from Cafe Angelique so it um prior to most folks that are on the council a bid was done for that property in order for CAF Ang jelique they were the winning bidder to use the old tfly railroad station and as part of their lease they have the ability to unilaterally decide to extend their contract so but they just have to give notice that's what this correspond bond is is the notice that they would like to continue their their lease for another five years so so do do they have to they don't have to Reid B correct correct the the original bid contemplated the lease renewals oh okay is there anything is there anything in this that we need to talk about in CL session or no no as I said it's at their discretion and they're this is only for them to notify you that they're looking continue their lease for another five years so it's it's a notification have no choice in the matter correct right I just want to know so there's no reason to ask any questions just explaining you don't have a say no problem I just wanted to know okay uh moving on to public comments audience members wishing to speak will have a three minute time limit to address the governing body on items on the agenda large groups are asked to have a Spoke person represent them would any members of the public like to make any public comments on any matters at this time yes sir can you please give us your name and your address Andrew till 124 oord Drive um next time well this is not this is just my head but the councilman M made his point maybe the next time Andre comes up if you can force their hand to use their liquor license that they're able to use okay we appreciate that all okay so that's number one number two I want to I'm use the other half he thinking about tennis cours but I'm here and I I had to remember to come the base the little leag field we've been talking about this for a very long time so that's on the agenda for tonight but go ahead okay yeah what we're funding we're funding some of what is what is oh so tell me I I know I did right because I was in totoa New Jersey gorgeous fi unbelievable how this be to is not by way they have a great commercial tax little to it is it is low property tax not not to for me but whatever but all right so um all right let's listen to the gentlemen the microphone can someone tell me I'm not I'm say what has happened you can you skip to it or not skip to it can you he's just asking what we're doing there I mean we're making improvements to the Fieldhouse there and the bleachers the dugouts I didn't hear where how how about the field and how about the field itself the field itself yeah so the field itself at some point will be needs to be rebuilt because you know how it drops off in the back there where that's not contemplated as part as the part of this how about but how about like um literally I mean is there anything allocated for any any band dat not notop something back but like right yeah so literally like divots right the plan is to make it to install and construct a Turf infield oh okay and uh we'll have a adaa uh bathrooms and so forth as part of this grant opportunity that we have put in for the state and and also for the burn County open space fund okay is that so that's not that oh goad sorry no I just had a question for uh for David um how close are we did we get the grant or that was my approving submission of the grant we're right so there's two things so so one is the the DCA uh LG Grant um that deadline was um the end of February they Ed it till mid till mid April we submitted on time back March 1st um so we should probably hear about that sometime in June what you have before you tonight is that we are are asking the Bergen County open space fund to fund the little leag program through their their process and there's a public hearing on that purpose tonight for submitting the grant for the open space okay and then there was another question related to that I think there was some discussion about uh the little Le also you know putting in something where is where are we on that yes just as a reminder just back please keep me honest no go ahead keep mind up until you know a week ago type thing the school was responsible for maintain they W put any money whatsoever into it and we have graciously offered to uh take responsibility for that right as said a combination of we actually put in you heard coun Dr Conor we put in for the annual Municipal bur and County Grant which that's what we're dedicating to it and then having the other open space funds as we were really clear with the little league and I've had a couple conversations with leadership there that we wanted to put in at least my personal opinion but I'm 106 I look at as a a third a third a third we wanted sorry I wanted a third of the funding to come from Brands a third of it to come from our open space and a third of it to come from the little e and what what is that value well so so so it's whatever we want so the the lally organization shared you know one pjer that I Shar with David on you know all the things that we can do over the next couple years obviously nothing's gonna happen not everything's right but it's a lot they so it's a function of where the Fund Raising is going to come from to match the so so is any of the money we're talking about coming from because tly has an open space fun right remember I said thir one3 that's our the council has the open space fund okay that's what how much is in that fund 170 about3 million okay so that's our tax money that part of our tax to get paid that goes in there right it's a special a separate it's not a tax per se have you to pay into that if I can see it coming back out so that's great so just so you know every year we're spending hundreds of thousands of it be for the Nature Center for froggy Park so we do try I'm a Believer the last time I was here to bring this up there was a different Council here and the comment was why do we have to spend it why if we have it why do we have to spend it it's the most insane thing I I think this Council spend more and I want to say I so appreciate that that's great our tax money is going I mean I think that was kind probably you know a little bit disingenuous in terms of the comment or you know the understanding of the comment I think it's more that you know accumulating a certain amount before you spend it you know some people have that idea and other people want to spend it as soon as they get yeah the person who said it's not here so it's hard to but yeah it doesn't really matter but it's great to hear spent that's so to follow up on Adam's follow up on Adam's comment regarding money okay okay so that property histor that property is owned by the school the burrow now signed a lease which gives us the ability to actually maintain it the school has the Board of Ed has never funded the repairs there all the money for maintaining that facility has come from the little Le organization which is great um so kind of the the concept is the third third and third how ever the Little League was raising money you'd like to see you know fundraising continued to go on and then that money kind of comes as part of that third so how do we so so I guess I heard David say we're voting or whatever to go for the county county open space and a different open space when when does the burrow come and say hey look we're whatever that whatever whatever that third is right we're willing to take from the open space our third to make sure that F raised from the actually like reasonable like something we really I mean we know how to fund raise but you know if someone asked the little Le to fundraise a million dollar that's yeah I don't think that's not why don't you take that question yeah so the uh State LG Grant application um it's a $200,000 project that we put in for and we would get a $100,000 Grant and if it's awarded and the other $100,000 would they would come from the local open space fund okay for an example um the buron county open space fund if it Awards we would also have a match on that so and any matches on that's another 75,000 yes any of those matches would most likely come from the our local open space fund unless the ccil chose to fund it some other way okay but there there's an active I think tonight there's an introduction of um an appropriation out of the open space fund of about 7 765,000 of that nature okay for improvements at R and number acties Little League nature sent to the old skate par is the recommend so first of all it's amazing that we're spending that money so thank you so much whereever we're St um so I guess is the best suggestion just from the fundraising standpoint right because we're open you know we'll do it what we have to do to speak to the whatever level senior levels of little Le to see where their mind is at what their what that yeah so yeah so if you want to talk about the numbers so we're applying for about 200,000 in Grants open space uh our open space money will put up about $175,000 so if you want to pick a target number use 175,000 for fundraise okay that's that much more we can do for the field okay okay have to you know see how feasible it is every dollar that's ra helps yeah yeah okay beautiful well progress is great so also Andrew I might say what I've learned on the council in this last couple years sometimes having the the project in mind toward fundraising for it might be the better approach that you mentioned about the the field itself and we were talking about U fixing up different parts of it but if you're like okay the problem is the fields the drop off the drop off then and was like you know what that's the thing that we need to address I I'll leave that to the I'll leave that to like Dan and but uh but yeah you know look that field is in that same position that Council Michaels noted with the tennis really dangerous right so um and by the way so is the clubhouse so I mean we're in like Danger Zone on all of them so it's not as much yes of course it's aesthetic yes of course again Toto New Jersey very nice Town New Jersey okay but it's like it's it's I this is like it's embarrassing right that we don't have facilities like Crill from that baseball field right we play a lot of mostly every field that we I guess restaurant yeah local he must his business in I think they're in they're Inwood orever business but yeah I mean you know hold on V did you have a question for Andrew you're good anything else um I think someone who runs USA May left but oh there you go come visit the tennis tennis court well thank you thank you thank you your com any members of the public any other members of the public that would like to make a comment here no okay Omar is there anyone online who looks like they'd like to make a comment No Hands mayor No Hands okay so we're going to close public comment time thank you everyone all right can I get a motion to to approve the consent agenda resolutions are 24 yes question so a couple of them on 24170 which is uh the sale of the you know the auction Surplus property the Surplus property um now a couple of them are Vehicles again you know I'm asking just because I think we just need to ask every once in a while can we transfer any of those vehicles to say the building department or to you know any of the other departments that are asking for I think the one is the is the old mobile command vehicle for the it's not on that list yeah one ofori is a 202 2021 something happen to that or maybe that's the accident so when it can't be 21 that's a hold on go ahead Omar this resolution on the meeting um um an officer had approached me and vehicles are um um they're not drivable so they were going through this process to try to see if they can auction the vehicles off first and then if it doesn't go through auction then um they'll have the ability to um junk the vehicles or try sell the vehicles for par because they're literally not drivable D okay okay all right that's fine you said you had another question yeah so 74 Sor 174 amend temporary budget right I was just going to um ask if C was here where that came run out what's the explanation for are these going into for engineer fees is it because it wasn't enough is it because of what's presented to today that you know they need more just want yeah I think it's U uh work that we're authorizing to date that is part of our overall budget but the budget's not adopted yet until May 7th so Susan needs to transfer money to cover the incumen for what we're doing today up to and and you know how how does that you know how much did that incre where Where was the engineering fease before this General engineering you have a $70,000 up to but then as you're approving the various projects that engineering to move from there over to the project so this the increase in the temporary budget you just needed to cover the bridge until the bond ordinance is is fully done and the insty period is run and the total budget is yeah I mean I'd love to know how much the engineering fees are for the entire year like 2023 budget year 2023 like 2023 2024 you know but I will just say though that it doesn't look like the overall budget has been amended this is just the temporary sure and then the other one is going back to right so I think it's anticipated just being spent earlier got it yep and then the other question was 175 um we're talking about the local capital budget the amount was uh 4.49 9 2 million and that's the temporary capital budget right that's how I understand it I can't be that's what I saw in the oh yeah that is true but that can't be either though or is that everything that we that I I think is uh the capital budget uh amendment is reflecting the open space right allation I was just wondering if the 4.4 92 million that's you know the 3.72 five is that only the temporary and then we have an additional from the um the no that's the total no be the so it's tempor so your new yeah your new Total would be the uh the 4419 no the issue is it's tit the page is titled temporary capital right it's here on the page but it's not the temporary it's it's the full capital for the for yes it's amending it's really should be amending the capital you introduced the capital this is amending the capital and and the changes are adding the uh the details from the open I was just concerned you know the 3.72 five but there's you know even more out there that we didn't that we're going to adopt next 175 I'm G to pull that now capital budget okay so by the way Susan just told Wendy that resolution r24 175 we're going to pull that the consent agenda and then vote on it after we approve the um after the capital ordinance is introduced the needs to come after on the agenda so we're just pulling the order of it Susan had just gone to confirm that okay that's just hold on while we're on that topic um that is so that is 2409 after the no it was for the ordinance yeah it's 2409 it is 2409 yes so that that's the uh that's the money from the um open space open space okay I just want to make sure once you introduce that then we could do this resolution makes sense okay r 24-15 1 17 175 thank all right any other questions no that's it for me okay I get a motion to approve resolutions R 24-1 166 6 through r24 d174 and then r24 176 and r24 d177 so second I have a second please second I have the roll call please Omar there yes counc men yes counc Michaels yes counc member Dr W Conor yes counc member par yes hold on 24 okay thank you all right the non-consent agenda I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d178 please so moved I get a second second Omar please call the rooll cair Yes counc Men yes counc Michaels yes counc M Dr Conor yes counc par yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d179 so moved have a second second Omar please call the RO cair Yes Men yes c m Michaels yes cember drer yes yes a motion to can I please have a motion to approve yes go ahead I don't understand and this is just because I don't understand the we bought all these garbage trucks right and for recycling is there a reason that the recycling SPS can also do regular weights like instead of having to B to to employ another company to do regular ways when we have the facilities that you have to do the recy we use those trucks so those trucks are you know the one on bandage as opposed to our recycling trucks which dumped in the back so so could the buau decide to do its own garbage pickup 100% absolutely but then we have to go into the garbage business and we would need more trucks full not even saying it's a bad idea I'm just saying that would be a whole different sort of program and the burough I mean Dan's been around long enough um um rough estimate was three Milli year to run a whole garbage team so previous councils have considered that and gone through the numbers if this Council or a future Council wants to do it again they certainly can but there is it's a it's the the proposition is very labor intensive and it's usually the number one um utilization of workers C cases but it was just studied last year again before putting out a bit for a new contract okay okay can we get a motion to approve resolution R 24-180 please so moved I have a second please second Omar please call the road Ro Corsair yeah men yes yes C yes C yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 181 please so just a quick question on that one go ahead um so the we we got you know so this is the demolition of it and you know up to the concrete base we haven't done out to bit on the on the construction part of it right right this is you have to demolish current structure evaluate we have to evaluate the the the foundation to make okay which will right okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d181 please so moved have a second please second Omar please call the roll coun Corsair yes C men yes C Michaels yes Dr Conor yes par yes could I get a motion to approve resolution R2 4- 1882 please so moved I have a second second Omar please call the rooll cair yes yes Micha yes yes yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d183 please so moved have a second second Omar please call the rooll coun Corsair yes CER men yes coun Michaels yes counc Dr Conor yes CC yes can I get a resolution to excuse me a motion to approve resolution r24 d184 so moved Oh I thought it do I have a motion so moved have a second please second Omar please call the rooll C yes C men yes C Michaels yes member yes yes can I get a motion to approve resolution 25-1 185 please so just a real quick question is this a four-way stop sign situation over here double check which one I would roadway P just wasn't sure what these Engineering Services for repairs okay I apologize storm um [Applause] it's two separate storms for repairs yes there it is corre that's exactly about 185 185 y yeah this is for the construction just be clear this is for the construction uh contract Administration and observation for the um B Highwood Avenue roadway project it's not just for storms there so and to be clear so you had this set up uh you bonded for it I believe in 2022 23 so you buy for it and you had some section 20 cost for engineering that um was $49,000 which was for design and Grant Administration and um it spefic specifically excluded in that proposal um Construction contract Administration and observation so that's what this proposal was for why $59,000 but why did exclude it they didn't give us oh yeah so what what is the project the this is for repaving um Highwood Avenue doesn't tell me you know how we do an NJ DOT road that's NJ oh okay and they've been out there replacing the U putting installing in the new handicapped walkways things of that nature on highway on that's corre we installed them over by Elizabeth Katie Stanton house that's the uh those are the ramps right sure the handicap ramps with the little bubes in red the red plates and and we added the always stop um J at the very bottom right okay that's what I was confusing myself yes so to answer your question about the this cost what we've uh directed the engineer now is that as we move forward they're to give us the absolute Allin price um so that we have the correct amount in for Section 20 cost moving forward as opposed to this coming late in the game and we have to find dollar correct and then yeah this is just a silly question but U normally I would see Andrew hpet as the Bor engineer we have James Jano now this a geographic discipline leader yeah uh James is um has really oh no no no I'm saying on the resolution yeah Andy is still involved but I think he's in the process of um transitioning the primary engineer to James who is one of his Fe assistants okay he's that's who's been attending the monthly engineer meetings in person Andy us the uh attends on on the call okay but Andy still about any other questions on that no okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d185 so moved can I get a second please second Omar please call the rooll C Corsair yeah c yes C Michael Yes counc member Dr Conor yes CC M yes could I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d186 please so moved I get a second second one more please call the role cair yes CC men yes coun Michels yes C yes CC par yes can I get a motion to approve resolution r24 d187 please I yeah I was just wondering about this one if maybe it could be explained to me the municipal lot this is the this is the one where we're doing the um with the planner we're looking to engage the planner to put together a um correct me if I'm wrong here you know uh bid and proposal documents those the right terms um correct for the idea of building the new Senior Center oh right because okay because I was like I know that the EV charging which was going to be going in the municipal I think there shouldn't be no C there should be no cost associated with that correct so okay this is exploring potentials this is exploring the potential of getting a senior centa built at no cost to the barel but so how how much is not to exceed not to exceed $5,000 but that can be amended you absolutely can amended but at this stage you're only authorized in $5,000 start the conversation oh John so John Omar could you please note that councilman Ro Al has joined us hello sorry I'm okay can you hear me we can hear you as long as you can hear us right I can hear you and you look great another resolution Omar you ready yes okay can I get a motion to approve resolution r241 87 please so moved could I get a second Omar please call the role yes counc Min uh yes counc Michael Yes counc Dr Conor yes counc Park yes CC yes John did did you hear Omar John the yes or no please again so Omar can hear you I said yes okay thank you okay thank you everyone okay we're going to move on to public hearings okay ordinance 2407 Omar could you please read the confirmation and publication of the ordinance and the title of the ordinance sure or ordinance number 24-7 it was an ordinance published in the April 14th Edition of the record it's an ordinance of the B teni County of Bergen state of New Jersey amending chapter 7 traffic of revised General ordinances of the burough T 2004 to add a fourway stop intersection at Highwood Avenue and Jas Street uh I'd like to open the floor for any public comments on ordinance 2407 any member of the public in the uh Chambers here would like to speak on this topic Omar is there anyone out in Zoom world that would like to speak on this see no hands mayor okay um councilman Park would you like to make a motion please I move to pass and adopt on second and final reading ordinance 2407 and that notice of same shall be published according to law can I have a second please second Omar could you read the roll call please sure Council cair yes Council Min yes counc Michaels yes council member Dr Conor yes counc Park yes council member R yes okay all right um we next we moving on to the county open County open space application R 24-1 188 and the borrow administrator is going to give a brief overview of the Grant application please yes so this is is uh for improvements to the little leag field again um for Ada improvements um making the infield uh Turf the dealing with the Dugout the bathrooms um this will um join and hopefully we get the Grant from state for this because the the overall cost to do all of the work at the little leag field is uh anticipating to be about $750,000 so as we can piece together um some of these improvements between the state Grant and the burd count open space the the first phase of this is targeted for making the infield Turf and the bad Firs and dugouts and so forth Ada compl was this previously um it wasn't turf or it was grass or was it always Turf and turf be repaired about the little Le field that's all grass grass grass and dirt inter sa comp and by making T the infield then we comply with Ada and and what Andy had uh Counsel on particularly with the state grant that that will move us up to in points in getting consideration for having the r award if we're making Ada improvements is there has has it been looked at I know that there's issues with Turf you know as far as it's like much hotter for the kids or there's like been issues in the past with the materials that was used for Turf and stuff like that like the environmental perspective is it is it absorbing you know all those pieces I don't you know there's a lot that's been written about issues with turds you know is that something that was um considered or what is it I'll get some information back to you from Andy uh that was part of his scope and recommendation on how we move forward so it's not I know that it's not the entire field so it wouldn't be it's not the right we're not Turing the whole thing we're just got it just want to you know if we could get more information because I know that you know that comes up like you so if you were to get the grant funding and move forward with the project that would be a great discussion to have as the specs for the bid are put together because those that would be you know those types of considerations would be part of bid bets not necessarily the only way that comes into play here is just general figuring out costs um but from what I've seen Turf has had each new development and and new product that comes out tries to correct the errors of the past you've heard you've heard these issues right correct the first Municipal field was not as good as the next Municipal it's evolved over the time yes okay all right but if you don't mind just having him and then so W's point is as project moves on the spe we get that information yeah and I'll ask him if he's done some of this leg work to get that to us and great thank you okay we're going to open the floor for public comments on the open space Grant application for the tenly Little League facility project only any members of the public that would like to speak on that please come up to the microphone and the chambers here doesn't look like there's anyone Omar anyone on Zoom who would like to speak on this see no hands okay uh um councilman men would you like to make the motion please sure uh I move to adopt resolution 24-1 185 although it says 188 185 185 I have it 18 188 188 it is oh it says okay so I mve to adopt resolution 24-18 okay so it's a typ here okay problem I second second okay we have that omark would you please call the role counc member Corsair yeah counc men yes counc Michaels yes counc M Dr W Conor yes counc Park yes council member Ro Larry yes yes okay we're going to move on to Old business I believe councilwoman Dr Okana has comment to make yes thank you um I wanted to just let the council know and anyone in the public I'm not sure if you have heard about out um in New York there was a rather famous owl who passed away Nam Flo Flaco yeah so Flo had um escaped from the Central Park Zoo and lived for about a year in the Wilds but they did not think that this Eurasian owl would be able to survive in New York and and he did very well um he did die uh just a few like a month and a half back and so now they have these bills that are called flos law they they've packaged some bills as to one of the packaging of the reasons that the owl might passed to two contributing factors one was um that the the glass for the windows that they want to have tainted glass because many many birds like a staggering amount actually die by flying into the glass the other package the other part of the package bill is to use more Contra pest to use more birth control and to lower the amount of rodenticides because in the necropsy for Flo they found that he um was one of the contributing factors of his untimely death was that he ate rats that were um full poison poisoned so I wanted to just say that this is something ten ofly took action on this budget and the budget before about getting rid of those SGS and the teny properties those that's a fancy word for it's a it's a small acronym for a fancy word about rodenticides and I we switched to this contrapest I just wanted to thank everybody and know that we were we're ahead of the curve when it comes to these things but uh when you hear about this issue with Flo and the issues of poisons in rodenticides this is something that we started to take action on here so uh I just wanted to bring that up and and let you know how the actions that we take here really do impact things so hopefully a little less poisons in the in the community okay thank you okay could I get a motion to approve the minutes of March 5th 2024 budget hearing minutes April 9th 2024 Clos session and April 9th 2024 mayor and council meeting have a second second all in favor I any opposed is anyone have anything for good of the order anything for upcoming meetings okay we're going to move on to new business okay we're going to start with U introduction of ordinance 24- 8 uh police dispatchers uh councilwoman Dr o would you like to make this motion please I move to introduce on first reading ordinance 24-8 and set the hearing for May 7th 2024 8:00 pm or as soon thereafter I have a second please second um Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call please sure ordinance number 24-8 an ordinance to fix the salary wage or compensation of certain management administrative civilian dispatchers and part-time employees for the calendar years 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 counil member Corsair yes counil member men yes counil M Mich yes council member Dr Conor yes counc member Park yes counc member Larry yes yes okay thank you um also on the new business um introduction of ordinance 2 4-9 um councilman Michaels would you like to make the motion please sure I have introduce on first reading ordinance 24-9 and said the hearing for May 7th 2024 at 8 pm or as soon therea okay can I have a second please second Omar could you please read the title of the ordinance and conduct the roll call ordinance number 24-9 an ordinance of the B teni in the county of Bergen of New Jersey appropriating 7665 for Dr Road land stewardship cost where the Nature Center upgrades and repairs to the little Le field renovations to the old skate park including multi-use free play and new pickle ball courts improvements to the tly municipal complex Municipal field and benches for various locations throughout the Bur member Corsair yes counc member Min yes coun Michaels yes counc member Conor yes coun member Park yes counc member R yes okay we're going to return and vote on the resolution r24 d175 to amend the capital budget could I have a motion please I have a second please second please call the role counc member Corsair Yes counc Men yes counc Michaels yes council member Dr yes cember Park yes C member R yes okay we're going to move on to committee reports um uh councilman Park do you have anything to report I do not councilman Menan um I guess just the uh the last senior cator meeting um you know the ual we had um um the um they're they're in the process of you know going through the um whatever the interviews for for their upcoming board so the board election is going to be next uh the next meeting uh for for the upcoming year uh but otherwise they they had memberships that they exceeded uh five 00 so they're now something like five something 520 515 um and then just you know the usual activities they had a um they had a um Italy's Mali Coast lunch in uh you know in the past everybody loved it um there were um um you know a number of other um events at the uh Senior Center they're also uh they have CL so uh please reach out to Michelle how the senior center manager and um for more information and um I think that's about it okay thank you councilwoman Dr okon yes so the TL Nature Center currently has a silent auction online it's been extended so I encourage everyone to check it out uh obviously it's all things trashon this Sunday 1:00 at highler Park we're encouraging everyone to register in advance I know councilman Park got uh Pickers from the county for us we've got the DPW all lines up and everybody goes and gets an assignment uh about where to go and you know clean up the trash you come out with bags and bags of trash that you really you make a major impact on Sunday as I mentioned earlier our T ofly compost uh program they're going to give away free compost there and um I I did get to visit the facility like I mentioned earlier I really encourage people to sign up for the compost program but uh Sunday promises to be a baly 78 degrees so we're your sunscreen and please come out to the trashon thank you thank you councelor Michaels uh following on the trashon uh want everyone to come out for that next week next Saturday is Spring Fling so extra credit if you could trashon around the Railroad Park area um but yes um next Saturday May 4th Spring Fling lots of food lots of fun and lots of lots of rids there there may or may not be you know a t tiger running around you don't know who's going to be inside come on out all right thank you well there'll definitely be a tiger running around this Saturday at T flies lacrosse day yes okay we're really excited um it's a recreational program the JB the high school JB starts playing at 10 at ging and um then the varsity starts at 12 and then it will go from 3 probably all the way till 9:00 um one R team after another after another playing Mawa so hopefully we will have a lot of wins a lot of W's and um there'll be food trucks there'll be games there'll be you know retail to buy it's going to be a really really fun day um this Saturday so definitely come out for that it starts at 10: well the JV starts at 10 JV at 10 and then bar 12 and then the rest the kids most importantly no rain this year no rain we're having a nice weekend ofun a lot of okay and then May 18th Saturday May 18th at 12 we're they're doing a dedication and ribbing cutting um for the the Elizabeth K standon rail oh yeah so um there's gonna be a ceremony and then a free walking tour after that at one so definitely that's really important for the town so I encourage everyone to come and come to that dedication can I can I just ask a question about that um I was wondering um you know whether other whether we've invited people from um from like I know the great great granddaughter is is supposed to be coming uh but any other organizations you know because this is a a big thing for suffragette you know for women's rights and all that yeah women's um It's A League of Women Voters I think divided and I know they reach a bunch of what was the date in time again that's Saturday May 18 at 12 right no no no so I already I reached out to somebody who uh you know he's a um he's an illustrator uh and and put out a book of um Bergen County uh railroad stations uh you know and and it was supposed to it says volume one so you would think that there would be a volume two more well it ended at volume one team so he so you know I reached out to him and he will be coming okay U you know but he did a nice uh you know illustration he and his I wasn't sure if it's a wife but he called it his partner who passed away um who had you know done an illustration of how the train station would have looked when you know in 1860 whatever pretty cool so so it's a very you so he'll be there hopefully uh you know I think he he's in fortly so perfect so so I so I I was reaching out to Amanda about getting an invite that yeah okay that would be because she she didn't she wasn't sure so I mean I was talking to Thoren and you know J that's okay all right uh council royy do you have anything you'd like to tell us about I'm just looking forward to coming home with so much exciting activity then we'll see you soon I look forward to it mayor's remarks I was going to talk about the things that you guys already announced so I only have one thing to announce is the first week of May is the Elks youth's recognition week and the national Elks they do a lot of good great work over there so we just want to acknowledge them tonight and so for full disclosure I'm proud to say I've been an elk for 13 years and just got my renewal mail my renewal card in the mail this week yay just one more thing to add uh tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. at froggy Park we are planting the a tree in honor of tly high school's 100th anniversary so that'll be there tomorrow that'll be fun 100 100 years I'll be there there okay uh councelor can you please read the closed session language sure can it's resolution r24 d189 at a meeting of the mayor and Council of the bough tenly County of ber in state of New Jersey held on October 25th 2024 be it resolved in compliance with njsa 10 4-12 the mayor and Council the B of tly are going into close executive session to discuss the following matters uh under attorney client privilege potential litigation under collective bargaining police Administration and the DPW driver labor update and under real property potential property acquisition minutes will be taken of the meeting and release to the public at the time that the matter is resolved can I get a motion to go and close please I'll move have a second second all in favor [Music]