you guys you okay how many viewers do we have how many what viewers well just a second got on so she's still counting 159 good there we go hi Jay hello J have we heard from oh he looks like he's yeah he's here I think he just went to the rest room we have for him yeah as soon as he comes back and then we have that's a this some hi are you you good thanks great on the smoke signals article came out nice yeah nice good where is it in the mail to where is it I um I just got it in the mail today okay I haven't seen I haven't seen oh physically in the mail yeah in the mail and then um o00 all right okay all right we will call the meeting to order this the February 4 14th 2024 meeting of the environmental advisory committee uh we'll do a roll call here Jess here Brad here Russman Jill W Michelle sh here okay Mr Damon's here as well I'm sorry I'm so sorry that's okay Mr D all right um and now we will have the approval of the agenda and Jeremy is this the point at which you were advising I add this in um okay I was I would like to add to the agenda um a special uh item an emergency order so to speak um item uh to discuss the public the the uh the erosion that is happening uh on Jupiter Island we have some houses that they're losing or nearly losing um in the inlet Colony um part certainly lost portions of um but I would like to just discuss how that might affect us um in the future and make sure that we're doing everything we can to ensure Public Safety and environmental um you know what environmental impacts and safety that may have so I don't know how I make a motion to approve that second it amendment to all those in favor I I all right thank you um so then we'll just have that added is that going to be the last agenda item we'll have on um we can it or well yeah okay um I have a question for you I guess we come under old business I don't want us to drop our Green Building conversation no and I was under you know this is this is um my so would we just well I and I apologized because I had I was under the impression that it carried over like we were carrying over a lot of these like the items that we have been discussing in the past previously like there was our old business yeah right just make sure that we don't lose it so I guess would it need to always be listed under old business is that how that would go about for the new item that you all just added to the agenda no no the previous items so so everything that we had kind of previously been doing okay okay so in other okay so you want to go to Communications from citizens we just do did we answer your question Mich is you okay all right thank you yes can and we would like to let the record reflect that we have Jill W here at sorry 2:03 p.m. um okay and yes Communications from citizens we have none um presentations do we have any presentations we have none uh all right well the consent agenda we have the minutes from the January 10th 2024 meeting uh is there anything that the change with this any objections to the consent agenda I move to approve the minutes from January 10th okay second Wonder wonderful are all those in favor signify by saying I Sor it Michelle yes all right so now we are to the regular agenda and back to Old business here um I think um first we should probably if we could first add the item that I you want before I think so I think that wouldn't dive into it go for it um unless are we first discussing what was previously on the agenda because I think that was the question uh we can after we can do it after because it's not much okay yes in other words did you have something you wanted to right I just want to make sure it wasn't um so uh I would like to discuss the erosion that we have um on what we've seen in the Jupiter Inlet Colony um which is about four or 500 yards south of at the condos the Beach Road condos that um are up for redevelopment or in the process of Redevelopment and um I think that in in talking with the residents and seeing how many this has gotten like8 million views uh online the the the clip showing the onewe difference and I know we've got realators all up in you know there's all sorts of I lived in the inlet Colony for 5 years so I'm friends with a lot of the people that are in there and uh realators that have worked in there um and I know that this is an interesting um Avenue for everybody or or obstacle for everybody um governments I've reached out to the Jupiter Inlet colony to ask and see what they were doing in order to stabilize the house MH and um they informed me that they had sand you know ready they had no way of getting the sand down there um they had emergency you know conversations with they were trying to get emergency permits with d and um all of the different uh you know agencies they needed to and the day that I had spoken to them they had a commission meeting and then um had had a meeting with all of these different agencies I guess to see what could be done and I think that um my concern uh knowing what I know and I have seen and wanting to make sure that we're all aware of or you guys are um because last January we had a meeting with Council um where this had come up and we were talking about or encouraging them to add a 5ft setback to the 300 Beach Road um and uh council member Lori Brandon was in support of it but our mayor and council member damra and former council member Stone were not in favor of it and um I think that again we might want to try to speak out or speak again and let them know that we we see some clear erosion that is clearly affecting these homes and there safety issues that um we might just want to reconsider or or certainly in the future um take special heed of because you know what I've kind of learned here is that up north a lot of times or in a lot of other places when there's Redevelopment that's just something that was non-conforming or is non-conforming there's knowest to make it less non-conforming um if possible and in you know some way and that seems reasonable to me um but we hear this grandfathered in grandfathered in business a lot and that um has allowed these buildings to be grandfathered and at the 1977 line Coastal Construction Control line and the grandfathered in Claus in and of itself is something something that when I looked up the history of I wasn't a fan of and Stems back to um you know racist terrible things you know being grandfathered in you know being allowed to it had to do with voters rights it's a very non it's something we should be not saying or a term I I I think is canell yes so I was appalled when I saw what really the history behind it um but I also think there there's very few people that if they knew they were buying a 1977 car how anything they wouldn't be interested you know so um I just I think that there needs to be more uh honesty and upfront or or we need to make sure that future buyers or residents or people that are living over on Beach Road are aware of a few things um because I was over there I've been over there and spoken with different I've had people email with concerns people want to know where their Beach is what's happened to the beach and I don't know if you guys have seen we've already had one leather back it's nested so far this season which isn't supposed to start until March 1st um and that is a critically eroded Barrier Island labeled by the DP you know so we've got some issues with that um but what it seems um and what we know uh is that anything that has a revetment or a seaw wall or needs that to stabilize is more likely than not going to have a beach it's not going to they should not expect to have a beach in front of it um and I think that the answer that a lot of people keep hearing is the sand is coming and the sand is coming the sand is coming but after I've lived here 35 over 35 years and we still don't have we've been renourishing for a long time and there's not a significant portion of Beach there and so I think that explaining Newton's laws that we all learned in school are reminding people that there's an equal force that's going to happen when a wave hits something or when it kind of gradually slopes up and down something slowly depositing sand you know when it hits and goes back out it's going to harshly pull sand with it you know and that's why the sand isn't staying in front of any of these structures that have revetments or these seaw walls s for the most part unless there's just enough space between it and the ti line that there's that it's you know you can build up enough but we don't on our critically eroded barrier sliver of an island that the ocean is in you know six people's backyards according to one homeowner you know it's scary business over there but if you look at the dpcc line for the inlet Colony the news is really not great for them I mean it's literally behind every single one of those houses on Ocean drone that's the coastal con now nobody adheres to this but that's where the state recommends that you build behind when um and this when was that go ahead Coastal Construction do they update that this is current you can go on to their site they have the most interactive so just question one the last update was that let see you have that 1997 97 thank you there wasn't an 07 or or a 17 I mean 97 thank you that's crazy that they would not have done it right so so for example the Coral Cove public bathrooms yeah those are built at the 1997 Coastal con that's that's that line yeah so that line could go even further back well when you look at the entire I mean I have when you look at it you know I mean yeah it's it's not an answer anybody wants to hear no but at all right but it's the problem is that when when we have residents that are just waiting on Sand to come to get their Beach back you know they may make a different choice of purchasing elsewhere if they have to realize they're not going to have a beach if they have that hard structure to stabilize like they have to have that so um I think that that is so thinking of looking at education well I think that we need to just the council this is one of those things where transparency these are people's lives and fortunes at at risk here and these are huge buildings like when when when somebody comes in submits for a permit to build like the condos and what um what are they looking at in terms of knowing what their Li their uh vulnerability is according to what guidelines we already have in place setbacks and such do they are common sense would be aware beare of the Coastal Construction line do we need to State it is that well it's more the buyers I don't know that the buyers it's I'm not less concern the developers and the contract like of course I would love for them to know but I don't you know it's not adhered to very strongly you know what was the opposition for council with the five foot setback what was the opposition about do you recall Jeremy what the opposition was about I asked what the data what they were basing their decision on and I didn't get an answer I don't not to my knowledge but I don't recall at this time what the what the ultimate reason was they voted on and I think it was four to one so maybe we should go back and look at that and and if you watch that video you know Bob shoda has a much more eloquent job of I than IU of explaining he wrote out you know and very clearly you know reinform them of the sea level rise that's projected by scientists the 12 to 14 in in 30 years and for that amount it's expected to encroach 75 to 100 fet um and and this type of event is not yes it doesn't happen very often but this all occurred up at Bathtub Beach decades ago and all a lot of homes lost their property but it's a risk it's a risk you you take you do know because you're well you should know because you should be informed of it's really a cool I mean they it's such an Interactive so this is the coastal constru this is the DS uh down in I know I'm like my gosh where are we this looks terrible down here we could maybe it's cool it's cool we'll get there guys but anyway so this you can zoom as you see you can zoom in zoom out all over and it'll show you where they advise building correct so the CCL line for the houses in jic is at the street right the the 79 line the 97 line is Oh wait wait I'm sorry well the current line the7 line is Street the old line is is further out it's like where they're building you know a lot so for me my concern is that buyers or home like the developers the people whose house we're all seeing that eight million people have now seen fall into the ocean have not even moved into that home yet right and you know the the the realator that posted videos beforeand there's a clearly a seaw wall there or something which it didn't hit the news till about a week after it was on Instagram and um at least five days because I saw it on social media and I showed it to my husband and said did you see this and he's like that's got to be fake it hasn't hit the news it has hit the news and then five days later it hit news because I mean the guy that does it I know who he he he he's like just a drone flyer down on the beach and he he didn't even he just like found an old shot turning around and saw that and then everybody you know there's been a lot of people documenting the water 300 site what's that red line represent that's the co that's the 97 line the 97 that's where that's where the State of Florida advises building behind 79 line Michelle was further east towards the ocean oh okay so so it's already set back well it's where they're built basically so this line is not the this line is um that's where they most updated that we have yeah however you could imagine where it would be if they did a you know 2023 line Jay where would you guess do you want you want because if that's based on a 20-year data difference you know 77 79 to 97 um I think that it you know that's and that's the 97 what are we looking what are you looking for EAC to do is that again we see where that is and we did show that previously to the council and they they declined setting advising a five foot setback my concern is just you 500 foot no five foot five that doesn't give what is that going to give we just for trying for anything and they wouldn't do five okay all right well you got to have some yeah so there no interest in going five feed back 500 don't you tell did you hear I know I was like where is that going to put that property at like trying toe that building is going to be and I don't know who gets you know how things happen or Surf Side I didn't follow up the legalities of you know what that was but we had residents I've heard residents over the past week or five day however long that have talked about how seag glass has already lost out portions underneath their swimming pool seen yeah they said they've lost there's portions of thing and it's just scary you know and for me is somebody that is involved I feel a responsibility to continue to speak up and say uh this is a different stretch of beach than like my than other portions that are part of like a Mainland because this is a critically eroded Barrier Island it's much more susceptible and vulnerable and I think there's imagine their insurance how do you write insurance insurance I mean well and then you know now you have neighbors that are wondering who's paying for for the sand replenishment if they've had a revetment and somebody has a seaw wall and what are we you know I mean it's just kind of a nightmare I don't think it's even possible for those houses are around the beach to get insurance I well my thing is that you know the Jupiter Inlet colony is a small enough Community with enough resources and money and folks and you know single family homes to adapt however they need to as quickly as they can I believe so I'm less concerned about them obviously as I am about us where we do not have that kind of money or resources necessarily and we have hundreds of lives do Beach renourishment yeah well you know this is well and that doesn't last my concerns would be the turtles and the debris that's going into the beaches and oceans because I don't well there's a lot that's being lost and the water that was breaching the 300 site was washing so much sand across the road they've had to plant Rass there now to stabilize it temporarily but you you know all of that deterioration of the Dune and of the Barrier Island raises the flood risk for everybody that's on the M you know the land here with that's our main source of that's our water yeah that's our front line that's our that's our front line and so when we don't have that protection you know things get a lot worse for us here and so so again where um let figure out what you specifically where does this come it's a big issue get to council yeah it's a big issue so I guess there's multiple components and that's what we're we need to identify them before we present them so can I I will please this is the the red line is the 1979 line the blue line is the hardening structure of the seaw wall so the 79 that's where all these buildings you'll see that they're they're there um I think the you know the other point that needs to be brought out is the 300 building was uh amended they had to move their site back 55 ft from from that line from the the property side so the 300 building which is a little bit further south you almost can't see in this picture moved back 55 ft so it wasn't like they built all the way up to the line they built they had to move back 55 feet to the West the 250 building also was far back so um you know the both both that's the old footprint right so do we have the new with their new no but it'll be 55 ft back I don't have the new one I have I can send everybody the approval that was done in June of 23 um that's and it'll show on their site plan the 55 Fe back from that line I'm curious though because again so the 90 or this the 79 is that what you're showing that's the 79 they're all vested to the 79 right so where is the 97 though can we just see a visual can we show a comparison please that's what the other one was that you were seeing I don't have a comparison on the top on you know overlay on the two to um approximately oh yeah there's the two gotcha so the 79 line is is this line and this is the 97 line wow yeah the way they the way I understand when they do these is they base them off the 100-year flood plane obviously the 79 when they all built to that it was a different you know different you know sea level rise however you want to characterize it the 97 line that's why it's all backed up however you know the law you know says that you know they they have vested rights to the 79 line so we can't we can't make them build to the 79 line however when they submitted to the state with the flood plane they had to move the building forward 55 ft from this well that's because we we can enforce stricter than is required we just can't make lot we can't make it more lenient we can of course enforce them to move back well they move back but we didn't force them to they were forced I mean I'm saying that the C our Council declined to encourage even the five foot setback and so my concern it doesn't seem to be you know I I I legality doesn't seem to be an issue to anybody nobody seems concerned of who's you know financially responsible if something God forbid does happen I of course am concerned I know that that should all be beach in front of there and that should all be turtl Nest there should be you know everything should be built behind there so there's where our beaches you know and that's a concern that's frustrating to me because there is enough room for a dune res restoration and Beach and and man or uh nesting I think one of the points to identify to to bring awareness is the cost and is the village of taquesta in a space to be able to respond to something as tragic as what's gone on in Jupiter and life yeah because the costs for a condo failing I think they need to have some pretty thick paperwork of liability release of liability because the problem is when you see how many times we've spoken in presented this information and it's been just denied based on nothing in my opinion but I'm I would love to see the data or whatever other than it's just been okay up until now you know because I don't believe that's good enough and if it is to everybody then I just would like to also make sure that the buyers are aware of where those control on where they should be built behind and I also would like for them to understand that if there is a seaw wall or a rment in front of their structure they should not expect to have Beach you know and that's unfortunate but I mean that again is just like a Newton's law of an equal and opposite reaction and those waves aren't always gentle they crash that's what they do so so those yeah those are two good points so we're exacerbating the erosion with the seaw walls and the revetment so to a builder you just would want to make sure that it's communicated where the CCL line is and what the seaw wall uh having a seaw wall could do and then also asking the village how how do we know what Builders know where that line is think it's just they're building where they're allowed to build cor so the problem right so the problem is that it it is on I feel the onus is on us I feel a responsibility to protect you know know yeah I mean I think it's kind of a squeaky wheel gets the grease type thing um now that this has occurred uh I mean if you kind of want to say it it's it's almost a a small not a blessing in disguise but it's a wake up of hey we can't just say no to this kind of stuff we can't be voting a 4: one um that this is real um this stuff happens um but I think it is a very challenging it's a very slippery slope with the very challenging there's it's a buyer's due diligence to understand what they are purchasing it is not a seller's obligation to when I've asked realators would you feel like for example that house that's collapsing would I've asked for our friend Bob Shaw for example I I don't think he would mind me saying using him but I said would you feel a responsibility if you had sold that house to have told them you know or shown and or would you feel guilty or would you feel badly if you sold them there's a coal construction line form when when you're selling to buyers yes disclosures Point making is is there's a risk everywhere so it's it's hard to say like you know it is a buyer if you're purchasing in California and you you have to be aware that there are fires your house might burn down at some point course but if you're in a high risk zone or if you're on a critically eroded Barrier island or if you're at certain things when you're coming from out of state and you have no idea what any of these things are and you're just flying down of course yes it is on you you should you should have known you should have known however again if we could add a piece of Education to the purchaser yeah I mean something I don't know I don't I don't know but I try and keep things in what's actionable like we're not going to all of a sudden change uh farbar contracts that we're going to add in a special document um just I think though that we should like again I I don't think that we should be necessarily adhering to just what is we're allowed to I think we should recognize that there's potentially major dangers that wasn't even a storm not potentially I mean yeah no and that was a cold front it wasn't even a hurricane or anything you know that that so um so I do have a question um so when property changes hands yep they still yeah can abide by the 7 correct what is the what is the 97 line used for new development right not revelop so this is considered Redevelopment in Florida there's what's do development on the Flor very nothing nothing right so exactly I mean those buildings exist they're and so again the we have an opportunity we can make we can enforce stricter than what is required but we cannot make things more lenient stricter than the 97 line no we can well we can we can like for renovations for example they're allowed the the or the 779 I from my understanding we are allowed to enforce setbacks are we not right yeah so we can we just choose not to well I guess the question would be what to what degree because 5T they CH we choose not to add 5T so if and 5T probably in the case of this this house isn't going to do anything if we were to say okay you got to I mean if you're going to ask you have to go back I don't know 150 ft 200 feet closer to the 97 line um that would squash development period I mean there there be no room from what I can see very little room very little so I mean it's like could build there you can't it's a risk that they I mean I think as a personal property owner you you do take risk um I I would worry more about what the effects are to the coast the the beach the you're losing you lose you lose your whole sh that that should be our Focus I mean I feel bad for these people but I mean whether you knew the risk or not you should have known everything about a parcel of land that you're buying for multi-millions of dollar do you think that as a council or a village we should be imposing more of a setback than the 1979 you have no property left for their property I mean again it so if it's 10 or 15 feet I still don't think that would have mattered the other week correct and it only will matter if and when somebody tears down and builds new so which is what we have at 300 correct so it was a missed opportunity there and then they'll say we bought and F and read all the laws prior to so is that like the word that you hay grandfathered in to go ahead and build 250 and 300 can we do it for anything moving forward you know what I mean sure it's a conversation for the future um how we set guidelines and rules for that yeah I mean we' love to ask for them to move that back but I don't know we'll get very far no I don't think either but I think that I think that given what we see right now we should at least say guys we have an opportunity here to encourage whomever it is for the 250 and not reative to change if they so feel if they feel that there is a risk of Public Safety or to their property um it certainly seems like we've got some some erosion issues and if they aren't then as we were discussing the future it should well no for those 250 and 300 should be stated very clearly here the Coastal Construction lines of 79 and 97 here's where the building is and like you were seeing buyer be wear right do you mean the buyer they should see that no the developer should have to make sure but that's for new construction but do you think but do you think that the buyer should have to know that the new construction they just bought the brand new building was built at a 79 Coastal Construction like I think that they should do they know that is that a requirement now it would seem like it has to you could show the overlay I mean at some point we could I'm going to assume it's probably not I don't know if it is I don't think it is for a village like in the village approval whether or not they have to legally you know disclos as a real estate disclosure I think they should have to yes I mean you have to disclose yeah there's no doc there's no extra document that is part of a sales contract that stipulates uh we building at a 79 because you don't have I mean do you have to disclose you're if something's in a flood zone there's a sell's disclosure bues due diligence I have seen in development orders that places have required things to be put in the sales contract right so if we were looking at a new condo I mean this is a question for our attorney but we could potentially say we're approving this subject to putting the CCL stuff in the Sal documents I believe that that that I mean to me that would make me feel a lot better about at least it's the liability you want to be liable sure I I know in Del re uh I did a deal there about a year and a half maybe a year ago but either way there's Now new contract language that says I forget if it's by 2030 or 2032 something like that but if your seaw wall isn't at X level you will be required to repair and increase that seaw wall that that's now part of a contract if you do a purchase in Del re guidelines um so I'm not sure if we can't couldn't adopt something um similar to that but but again it's super challenging that we're really talking about condos um you know not necessarily a single family I mean is there a section of single family homes on the beach intoa I don't think so so it's not quite Apples to Apples thing no it's that again they have much they're they're they can adapt much more easily to these situations and and again they have a smaller Community they've got Financial they have a lot of different this to me you know you have you overnight can't this is just this is a big if these condos um fail you know that's a lot of lives and a lot of people that are displaced and hump you know that's a that's a lot to have to deal with it's like slly off topic but on topic I've known to I'm a native grew up here been at Jupiter Beach club since I was in my diapers um I do know that even from when I was a kid there were times where I was like oh my God the beach is completely eroded and sure enough you go back two weeks later and it's all there again 100% is there is there a scientific thought Pro or what what occurred here that was so where are you in front of though what Beach are you talking about being at like literally the beach club at the end probably the strip of first 20 houses you know of what Jupiter Island you're saying yeah okay yeah there at the inlet and I was like oh my God the beach is gone so you know how the beach club is set back so far you know how it's back so far and those houses on the end there are back far so that's why again we're seeing this it's the first 11 houses in the inlet Colony starting at the North End that have the revetment and the house that's falling into the ocean is the 12 house okay so it didn't have it they did previously look like they had a seawall that got taken out and so for me I'm like gosh I don't know how long I'd want that sand to fill in before I'd feel like we'd kind of restabilize because I would think taking a seawall out would but I don't know and I don't know that yeah sure I guess what I was Loosely getting at is like was this an ultra freak thing that happened no but it's my point is that like you have a lot more room you have when you have room for the ocean to do its thing it can fluctuate right when you create a wall you create a drop off by the nature of a wave hitting a wall there's no there's you you see how much more Beach there is down well here I I I know what you're saying well I hear you but I'm just saying it's like an it's like a tri you know it gets much narrower you see how the sand is much thicker down here than it is up here sure so again there's a lot of room here for the ocean to play question about Beach re nourishment whose pocket does that come out of I know it's I don't know how jic works I know that all the The Beached palach County um so okay so that's a county tax and so when you add Revenue that generates work with grants and resiliency grants to get money to RSE that beach I believe so do we know how often it's renourished in Jupiter yeah they have a whole there's an they have they have a timeline that was something that one of our residents had reached out and asked because they give they have a um an informational document that they give to Residents showing when it when it comes and what happens and all of that but again you know we've been seeing renourishment for a very long time here you know and there's not really a substantial addition to the beach never will be that's just the nature of nature there's never you can't dump all the sand you want that's Nature's got control of that but what do we want to we need Beach for the turtles we need a dune to protect the mainland we need all of I it happened we're doing it the county is doing Beach re nourishment but what are we trying trying to establish here for a village to address what what specifically are we addressing that we um don't want to or that we want to provide the education to the builders developers well I don't think that I don't think we're being as proactive necessarily as we can be about protecting that can be future residents and renourish you know and doing what's best for or advising to do what's best even for the beach be a piece that we recommend from the EAC is um making sure that a new developer in our case in the village we're going say developer because that beachfront properties condos that they understand 100% what we were what you're were just saying about um the the lines the CCL lines yeah and it's the buyers that I'm most and the buyers true the individual condo purchasers so we have to figure out how that looks what does that look how does that fall into our Realm of being able to suggest that type of you know we're there's if as an environmental advisory you know board we're uh I don't think we should be I think that we should be encouraging setback versus revetment personally I mean I don't think it's doing any good for the Dune system or the beach and Shoreline to have seaw walls and rment yeah so I like good yeah but setback I mean for the setback to be effective you would have to build on top of a road well I hear you I I mean I I don't know again I know people aren't going to like the answer so what do we wait until the building falls and collapses and then we say it's probably not a great idea to build here or then everybody leaves and then is everybody sued the village you know I don't know how this works but I know that I personally would not be wanting to wait well I think if the village is following all of the laws that are required I don't know if there's necessarily liability on The Village's part it would be for the developer okay um if you wanted to alert potential buyers uh for these condos in this Condo building um you're not going to get the support from the developer to do that I I would imagine of course not and I'm I'm not somebody that like you know in this small kind of a community I would not be wanting to work at the front desk and have somebody come in and say and I watched the meeting you knew that this could happen and you approved it and say well it was the law so for me again in a community our size I'm not really into the well it was the law so because we do that that's what the mo is and to me that's you know it's that's looking for an opportunity to be transparent and provide some ucation regulated but we can provide well we kind of can we could I mean with the letting them know when they buy maybe there's a a way to do that that falls we know they're going to deny it probably but personally I think that we should advise you know again setting I don't think that the environmental advisory Community should be in fan in favor of revent and seaw walls because it we lose our beach because of it you know that's the wave action that is caused by having that Hardline structure is what pulls all that sand back off shore buries and covers our reefs and kills them which is why Surf Rider doesn't like re nourishment programs or why any of the environmental groups don't like re nourishment programs and so it's just pulling all of this sand offshore that covers and kills everything and I mean I I I like that Avenue more than try more than trying to alert developers and I mean we can do that we can do that in addition I just I think I agree from a village standpoint it would I don't know how far well I guess that I led with that because we've tried advis about a setback and it was definitely deined so it's like when you we've tried and we've explained sea level is supposed to rise 12 to 14 in over the next 30 Years and for that it's also supposed to encroach 75 to 100 feet for every 12 fortunately of that vote that was 4 to one what three of those people are no longer on Town Council so I mean sometimes you just got to try try again exactly um but I like the the idea of going after the environmental impacts of losing that sand sure it got shot down once before it doesn't mean it gets shot down again now there's undeniable has there so then I I would focus on the on on the beach and uh the ecosystems that are supported by that beach and not destroying you know offshore or near offshore so um reefs so another way of saying that too would be that instead of focusing on the sand re nurishment or the sand coming in it's fix the try to fix a problem as opposed to just bandaids on it every six months right exactly and what does that look like I don't know I mean I I don't know how many regulatory Hoops you'd have to jump through to put like a a barrier in front of the Barrier Island you know what I mean you know they they kind of have it up um where is it I've Dove there a million times it's up near H Hope Sound but in the ocean yes they're giant Granite blocks oh God they stacked them they don't breach the surface but they mitigate some of the wave energy that comes in I mean I hear you voters will not be a fan of that I not you know I don't know well I mean so this is probably we have a way of avoiding that I would I would I would rather not have to start already um no I'm just throwing it out there brain hear I totally hear you but I just I think that install those do you think I have no idea but I've I dove there a million times there's a lot of light throw something out that you think there is there is there is none it's like that there shouldn't be anything like un sh a spotlight on it New Town Council Members get them in support of it um you know I'm sure I don't know when the is the next town council meeting this we you know is itan I don't know like what would be something safer or different is there he some structure like I don't know what sure be top well this is again the second opportunity we have the you know is the to review our strategic plan and we have an opportunity to go before them next month and present kind of the updated recommendations or things that we have of importance to us and you know again I I think that this is a huge huge item of importance because you know so do we need to come to the three or four points now so that you can take this is that what we want to accomplish here today is to figure out I that's accomplish today but I think it's we need to put forth a list um or come back here with some recommendations um I don't know how much we're but you're under a time constraint of March 4th Jessica yes and so again I I I think that if we focus on the sand re nourishment like you know what the we're not fans of the Sandry nourishment the bandaid on the problem you know uh in or or I don't know how folks are feeling about that but again if we were able to focus on the loss of beach as reflected we can back that up there are countless letters from residents um and can you know well countless you know sure numerous that are um frustrated by where the beach has gone and a lot of them maybe seasonal and they come down and are shocked to see you know so um but there are also full-time residents that have lived here their whole lives and they say this is the worst they've ever seen it you know and so um I just think this is an opportunity to readdress what we're suggesting to developers based on what we see is obvious I think sand renourishment is fine I think it's okay to have a discussion or a recommendation of like I said the thing in Del re I don't see any reason why it would be super harmful to have to Quest the lay out some type of regulation for if you're going to purchase one of these condos there needs to be a you know part of that purchase contract perhaps um well again I'm not sure that we're going to I think that the from an environmental standpoint if if that's uh we can certainly suggest that but I think that stressing that what we know about the revetment and the seaw walls um exacerbating the loss of Beach and it being this continuous cycle of having to bring in and renourish constantly when the problem is really just that we're too close you know essenti so uh we are encouraging for redevelopment that they set back I guess as opposed to have to use I know but but again the problem there is is a five foot setback with this type of thing does or choose a different to not so then we don't say that so then we we would we would encourage them to not use a revetment or a uh you know seaall which they're not going to want to do but it's just more I think we have to say or do something as an EAC you know and it's that we're losing Beach there's nowhere for turtles to Nest we have buildings that are you know glasss that reflect heat straight down on the beach that people are concerned about the heat of the turtle eggs that are you know down there there's a lot of turtle concerns and I think that it's our responsibility we've got a critical portion of their nesting Beach I think it needs to be an ongoing discussion I whatever this March 4th deadline there is no deadline I mean it's an ongoing conversation um well she wants to bring something on I understand but it doesn't mean that we can't bring it just to the next meeting you can you can put the um a general concept of this is what we're having dialogue about so that there's awareness that gets transferred from here to council it doesn't have to be specific ideas we touched on it it's an issue what are we doing about you know immediate Band-Aids and what are we doing in a longterm Vision here um Abol do you do you have any what do you think about any of this or is is this presenting Sho step into the I mean obviously it's not going to be well I don't think it'll be um so Jeremy and I have been talking about this because it's come to the Forefront in the past week I mean ke and I brainstormed for like an hour today and at the end of it we were like there's no easy answer there's no easy answer nobody's going to like the solution I know of course but my thought was I mean let's bring some people in a room together and have a you bring some Coastal Engineers yes you know Joe Joe Chason who I'm trying to meet with from the BR district and put some of these people in a room and kind of brainstorm what the solution is because think tank we had a wonderful group that came in um gosh it was years ago we were meeting over in public safety when they came do you remember which group I'm talking about by any chance no the topic go back where is it was it was about about o sea level I mean it was like they were the ocean um it was it was everything about sea level basically in climate change talking don't remember their name they were I mean it was you know there was been a lot of um great information that's already been presented to us you know um that I think if there's something that would need to be represented to council or I don't know what but I think that again uh I mean I think you it's got to be a round table discussion with some sophisticated people because the permanent solution is is simple uh no construction east of beach Ro yeah but that's but it's not but it's not going to happen we suggested a moratorium or zoning in progress twice we right there's another opportunity we could do that again and say for no new development you know that would put a six-month hold on any applications for new development and Molly previously said that she had our mayor had previously said that when she researched it she didn't see any negative impacts it had on any other communities that had implemented it um and so it might be another opportunity to you know just pause and consider how we want to move forward in terms of develop Redevelopment proposals yeah I mean I'm I'm I'm in support of the think tank me too me too that's you need we need resources to make these decision planning Zing 300's done 250 is done we don't have any other projects that we know of that are coming forward but we might who knows you know what I mean it might might be a good time for that you have to have a date certain for moratorium so it's usually like a six Monon moratorium you know you can do that I make that recommendation yeah I think that it would be prudent to because then at least that takes the pressure off yeah buy time what is it that you're trying to ACC you have to know what you're trying to accomplish let me give you my take on what you know I think you know we should do talking with Jay you know having that think tank and then whatever comes to that we really need to address this at the state level and that's you know my recommendation to council is like the state preempts us from doing a lot of stuff we want to you know there's a seaw wall there there's Rock structures hardening structures we can't have them remove that right can't be done without the state approval to allow us to move those it it can't be done you know you start talking about you know move making every all even redevelop move backs a 97 line it's got to be the state that has to change that I think there's a lot of energy from other municipalities too if we if we can kind of work together and get the state to realize that there's a real issue I know there's an issue I I 100% agree with her I I'm a Believer in sea level rise now wasn't before but I I am over the last four and a half years so I I get it but I think you know and again I've had to raise my dock six Ines you know I you know I've lived on that I've seen it Rising here so a major problem that we have is that you know the the state really values property rights to more to the point than they do environmental concerns and so that's that's the issues we have to be able to have those conversations at the state level and kind of flip that script a little bit and get them to understand there's environmental issues we know there's property right issues but I mean there are state laws in place that says you can private property rights and so that's that's very big I me now right now in the state legis now I'm lecturing but there are bills taken more power away from local governments today um and so it's very concerning but that you know really if we want to make some some div we need to get um you know these Coastal communities together and well address could you could is there any way to put the liability on the state then if they want to be the ones to make this their issue and impose this on us because as a municipality if we're a A Ware firsthand of these risks they're forcing us to take that's an imposed risk like we know better we would not be doing that to ourselves but for them not forcing us to so should something happen the state approves most of these they have to give a permit to us before we can issue a building permit okay well so then again this is something that allowing something without having explicit without a buyer being explicitly aware of what they're purchasing you know again I I would be very frustrated if I thought I was buying a 2023 something or 2024 something and it was actually built at a 1979 something that to me I would be frustrated because there's obviously been a lot of knowledge since then so if that's not aware to me as a buyer I'm I'm very upset and then if I know that my own Town Council and people have talked about this and known about it and it's been a discussion and we they chose not to disclose it my gosh I mean so if you were buying a piece of land you would have to get it surveyed right so well a condo I'm we only are I'm only concerned about t I'm not worried about the inlet surve so I'm like if I were buying a condo here and I want to be a bu they've already built seag glass or something saying but a survey is still included in a condo purchase think the CC it clear nor is it on a one sheet like you're saying it needs to be like one form that says just the Department of Environmental Protection for the State of Florida does recommend things be built behind this line and your property is built here buy or beware just buy at your own risk and that's it it's not like we're I I don't I'm not trying to teach or tell or do I mean if you just look at it you can make your own uh judgment call but I just do not from my experience people are not aware of that so we look into it see if we can make it part of the development order and the state may not want that you know they may not want to have to have to do that so they may not they may be more interested in giving us more uh leniency to adjust things you know locally as opposed to having a form that's got to be implemented for every Coastal Community to buyers I doubt they want that we can make it I mean we can make it specific to the question though probably put it in our code if it's something that we can legally do we could we could put it in our code that says anytime Redevelopment happens see word to the 1997 CCL line whoever constructs that has to record it in in some sort of Records or they have to disclose it during the sale so we' can talk to Keith our attorney about how to do that but if it's something that can legally be done yeah we can do it I mean I think it would it be our I mean public relations wise just in terms of fostering trust and transparency I would certainly um not be happy at my community leaders if they didn't provide it and they could have you know I think that's in a yeah but that's I I think that that would be a good thing to suggest yes okay I was thinking you were saying it had to go to the state level Jeremy is we we can make it just a part of our development ordera only okay but in terms of so then what do you recommend needs to be done at a state level well I think our council's already we already having that discussion about how we how we can address this with our local representation and so I think our Council well you know I would like to also make a recommendation that either Lor Brandon or Tom Bradford be the only ones to to spearhead this because recommendation to them that's up for Council this okay well I would like to if the if you guys are all right with that I would personally kind of want to limit it any of them that are interested well well um for example I know that you had mentioned Molly was reaching out about sand or something was that or some reaching out to well I mean it's Molly's first of all Council has to have discussion because it can't do behind closed doors and nobody can speak for the council itself but you know Molly you know has been adant that we need to do something at the state level for this and so um I think that this is coming to council discussion my problem is that she also sat in in front of me and denied a five foot setback so I don't know the sincere you know the intention behind it I know Lori Brandon beg really fought hard to convince her fellow council members five feet it's all guys they're just asking for let's just do five Fe you know that's in the past there's new data there's new information and perhaps saying that I personally would prefer okay I mean all right that's fine then we won't make that recommendation no no no I'm just I'm just saying you know okay she didn't vote for it then she might vote for it now sure um you know so and we don't know what the parameters of that five foot what how it was presented we don't know I do I was there I was there but I would it's fine it's okay we leave it open council members just open to anyone who's going to take this on sure the more the better better then yeah okay all righty all right so I think we've kind of at least for today exhausted uh you dialogue that out yeah yeah which is good okay is there anything for your item Jay the second so the second one is the strategic planning process that's going when does that start March March 26 March 26 if there's any other environmental issues you want to bring to the Forefront and have the council discuss and Jeremy discuss during strategic planning um that's something that you guys can can make a recommendation on March 4th about as well I have a question for you on in that strategic plan where do you see the environmental piece of the puzzle fitting into I'm looking at the Mission Vision and then I'm going into the um categories the the general categor see I can find it again Focus areas you'll see um you know Upstate infrastructure maintain strength strengthen the financial stability maintain level of service intended operational excellence and distinct character in Village but that doesn't mean that those have to be the focus areas moving forward they may add another Focus area that says environmental issues I think two years ago we had a focus area like that and we try to conv it down but we will make it fit you guys just tell us what initiative you guys are looking at that'll be part of our discussion as we move forward so you don't have to know we don't have to fit it into the current Focus areas okay so it can be its own Focus possibly or maybe it goes into distinctive character and culture dep what we're talking about might make F and it could be things we've talked about already right so shorelines is going to be coming forward in the next month or two in in an ordinance form it's not too we can put that in there right yeah because that wouldn't be adopted until the summer I mean I think at this point I think it's already working this way through the process I don't know it' be that beneficial to put in the Strategic plan usually the Strategic plan should be a a one to twoyear look at Outlook ultimately you want to get to the comprehensive plan you know 2030 comprehensive plan or 2035 that the Strategic plan is small bites of the Apple to get there and since we're already kind of doing the living Shoreline are there some other things that we can take a buy of the Apple to get us to the comprehensive plan at the end of the day I think living Shoreline I mean obviously I don't know the votes but I I think it's supported at this point I mean you can put it as a recommendation but by the time we you know by the time we adopt this strategic plan in April I think we're to be it'll be at a council meeting already so I don't think that that's that I don't know how beneficial would be okay I mean I think you can take that as in March 4th and mention as a recommendation that that gets done um because you guys are supportive of that and I think you know that'll pull some weight as far as strategic plan it may not be worth in there if you if you just kind of drill down into these and you like pick a a focus area and then you look at you know this is Priority One um in this area um two overall but Priority One in this area priority two in this area three I mean if you look at them every time when you click on one it actually gives you a status of where we are in the process so somebody could track all right we prepared bid documents now we're soliciting bid which is out for right now typically update these every month and so you can get an idea by the time you put the living Shoreline on here it's going to be say completed or almost so it's you know it all it does is give us a green check box that we can put on there but I that's but should it be reflected in there so the community sees that even if it is a check does done that's a big here's the thought though too so there's an educational component of it too right so not just so the code or adopting will be kind of forc compliance with it but then UMUC educational so you're getting people to do voluntary compliance where they say hey my my seaw wall can last longer if I put some inres out in front of it and it won't cost me that much money and here's an example of how it's done so maybe we can do it that way and then it keeps it live yeah okay yeah because I that's a big one and I think Community seeing that in there is a good U strength I would also like to suggest that you guys all come to the March 4th meeting I don't know how many meetings I I think you guys should come to the March 4th meeting the council how many Council have you been to a few Michelle I usually watch them online because I'm usually not in town that's I they typically at yeah well no there I mean it's it's um uh it's educational yeah it is and I I can tell I think that you know I've I've dealt with a lot of the council members here and um I think that you guys should come and see see and be a part of it for yourselves yeah so for the Strategic Plan Focus area for the EAC we need something we need to figure out what the points are that we would like to consider conveying and then figure out the language to make it not so specific obviously for the focus part and then and then figure out which parts of those are the um strategies right so I think you guys will be in the you know this this area here where we're talking about what are the initiatives like development remembrance Park Advanced codes those are the type that's where you guys should be and then staff would if if Council adopts any recommendations staff comes up with what the action plan is to get there so you guys don't need to you know do that part of it you just tell us what what you're looking to do uh so if it's living Shoreline if we put one for living Shoreline then the action plan would be adopt the you know adopt the code next part would be you know put together promotional or informational information and then the third one might be campaign to get the information out so we'll we'll put together the the action plan to get to a successful living Shoreline project did they roll over from the previous year they're not done they will so it's usually a one to twoe look at it and so um come March we'll transition some of these off um that are that are either completed or can't be done so we have when you yeah okay so like on P38 create and fund to purchase critical land tree planting I was curious how far down like older things what Focus point is that under because that seems a bit that's an environment this one it's red because we you know we're obviously we haven't we haven't been able to fund at this point um I'm just wondering which category it's under because that's an environmental interest as well I see you're be under maintain enhance the distinct character of culture of the village so you know getting more Park land we don't meet the we don't meet the requirement for and I just want to know what Focus point it's under that we're required for so is it under we do meet the requirements it's under culture the issue is that some of it is leas land steel counts is our total Green Space um but people there's a movement to make sure that we own all that land but the least land does count toward our comp plan open Green Space okay I apologize I thought I was under the impression okay so for us what items do we need to determine that now what items we want to suggest for the Strategic plan or do we have a time frame right now today yeah that's why we that's why we team it up last month so that way hopefully you guys would come in this month with kind of a couple things you talked about my sheline is my bigest had one or two that you guys were working on I know Jessica was working on like recycling what is the initiative that you want Council to to consider for that for the Strategic plan moving forward what does that look like for recycling and the we have the business liais on who I mean again I know that there are a handful of these business owners that would like to have a recycling program it's just the onuses on the business the property owner to provide the space for the and the service so I I was on the phone with Waste Management today um you know there the I think it's the quest of Brewery shopping center and I always get the names Mi up but they um you know they do some recycling the Lo the the property owners Property Owners the business owners got together and they do some recycling over there they have a separate agreement with SWA Solid Waste Authority to do recycl so then maybe providing business owners with Doc you know with you know some sort of literature as to how they can uh do that you know for themselves or or show them you know aside from I guess we could reach out obviously and let them know that too but I think that um knowing where to go or you know who to ask other than their property manager you know who might just say no we're not interested um is a thing I don't know it might be nice to send something out to them so some of the other ones that we talked about last was recycling living Shoreline Green Building and those yeah Shoreline and recycling yep and so does anybody else have the fertilizer uh what do we call that the fertilizer well that was we were encouraging the legislation to making sure that we didn't preempt that but encourage how do we also I guess that would be well we express it but education to our uh Village members about how important what the effects are which some people know it exists but a lot of people don't don't take the moment to understand so it's education on the fertilizer how it affects the water because it all run runs off into the storm water and gets in there and we all fish eat drink swim in the water okay education on there they Green Building um where we're still having that dialogue residential business Commercial dialogue Shoreline living recycling that's four are those our major yeah I mean I'm in support all those I don't know if anything I know you were kind of working on some like lead stuff um I yeah we're still back to that original list right I have per chlorates and grants oh yes yeah which we kind of I think when we discussed that that that was um well I mean an Initiative for Grants I I can't remember or recall if uh we have budget for grant writers we don't have any full-time employees but for outside Consultants yeah we have we have money that we have side for for some grant writing I mean would it be possible to to uh get a full-time employee to be kind of the spearhead I heard that for uh for grant for Grant services in general grant writing recommendation but I mean I think that that's going to you know it all depends on budget budgetary we're looking at that's a job requirement you know like that's something that grant writing is I I think I suggested that previously yeah that that just said it be you know I'm not sure why it wouldn't be one of the skills that we're looking for in whomever we would be hiring you know even if it's not specifically for that I guess I mean it touches everything not just environment um for the whole village to have access to I don't know if you guys got a chance to look at like the grant reports that I put on with the council every month and we're pretty successful with grant writing 300 and something thousand L year yeah no it just takes a lot of time is what it seems like from the St it seems like it's not you know something people that aren't grant writers want to do you know what I mean necessarily or want to have to so if I remember correctly your um description you like the head of whatever Department that the grant would be pertinent for right is the one that that ultimately kind of writes it or spearheads the effort spearheads the effort so like utilities I mean you know margerie uh would contract with one of consults that may be designing you know the water plant out there and so she would you know also try to engage one of their grant writers from kimley horn or one of those firms that do grant writing as part of that because they already got the technical part written in kimley Horn and they get a grant writer that helped same thing with like roads if kimley horn or engineer doing design we had two grants written um in the past for roads we haven't been successful but we so typically the the the dor leads that charge and engages a grant writer usually it's one of our Consultants because it's like Jessica says it's it's extremely time consuming so unless you're part of like if we brought in just a just a grant writer and we have all the technical requirements over here like this grant writer typically wouldn't be able to write this grant with all the technical requirements so we typically use a consultant that's already like engaged as part of the process so then it probably wouldn't be beneficial to have a full-time employee even if that person is kind of working with all of the different departments I'd hate to say it wouldn't be beneficial because I know like Lake Park they brought somebody in that that writes that wrote grants for them very specific like storm water so they you know and it's paid off because I think they got like 11 million Grant so I don't want to say it's not beneficial but for the grants that we've been writing it's pretty tough just to bring somebody in that go all right you're going to ride a public works Grant now you're going to go over there and ride a storm Grant utilities Grant like that they brought in somebody very with expert yeah no that makes sense it does make sense yeah so maybe an we looked at it I mean we've looked at it two years ago the grant writing was on our you know our actually three years ago our strategic plan to make sure that it was part of our processes everything time we do something did we look for a grant other than just go spend Capital Money on something have we looked at a grant so typically when a director comes to me like oh I want you know heart defibrillators well did you see if there was a grant out there and when they come back say oh we looked at it there's no grants or it's you know uh you know it's not beneficial for us then you know then we go on to the next age but you'll see that we we've had several applications for Grants usually I'll list them as we've applied and then it'll be like we received or rejected and so we typically list those each month when we're doing them so we've had a lot of applications you know not all of them get it we have a very uh High LMI which is low moderate income level in sequa and so it makes it very tough for for some of these grants to to get some of that but I would say I think we're doing okay with grants I mean I think if there is a an item that the EAC would like to see I think that that's the angle like if you're talking about is there a grant for recycling if you find one send it to us I'll delegate it to one of our staff members um and then we can we can run with it you know sometimes the the challenge is just finding some of those grants yeah so after this uh Shoreline issue uh over the past week I looked through that list that I sent and there there are five that I think are applicable at least I didn't go into the fine detail of the grant to see if there was eligibility criteria that would this allow the village to do to submit um but I I'll send this five to you they're right you know resiliency Shoreline resiliency Hazard management um and in their description I think it would would fit the bill or tree canopy and Jessica mentioned that while ago you know we're foret the date within the next week or so we're you know we're doing a tree canopy project we have looked into a grant for that you know it's we're not eligible at this point for it um you know but we do have a phase two of that in in the future after we get through our our water line going down to Quest drive we will continue to look for if there are tree grants we you know we'll continue to look for it because our trees aren't done we you know we this would be just phase one so you know things like that where the EAC is really focused on maybe you guys do the same thing every time you guys think about something you guys are working on also see if there's a grant that that goes with that when you're making that recommendation councils go hey we like the council you know look at this there's also a grant that we'd like staff to look at you know so you know staff or Council can direct staff to do that uh last question uh with regard to Shoreline resiliency to try to mitigate something that that happened um who would be the director that would kind of that would fall under for Grant so like a situation out there like everything right now like the development orders have been issued those are legally binding everything is turned over to the building department and so the building is sa health safety and Welfare and so the building department goes out there and sees the structures not safe he would deem it not safe and you know obviously Jay works very close with with him but the Count's in charge of they do the sand ring Ur but not the village so we would make sure they're alert but by the time I call them they're you know they laugh and say yeah we've already got a couple hundred phone calls I mean so um so maybe yeah as far as as far as I mean you know sea level erosion all that stuff that's you know it's not The Village's jurisdiction I know that when we get a complaint from a resident we make sure that we call the county and be like hey we just got this concern make sure you're aware of it yeah we're aware of it here's what we're doing that's not the village of Testa if you look at those property lines it's all private property it's not it's not the village of Testa Beach we don't own the beach but would it kind of fall under what was the name of but they're not understanding again if they character and culture of the village having figure out what category I would get caught up on the category for that because we could we might mold these in this year depending on what the initiatives are we'll mold mold the titles of those so that way they'll fit under something so we bring in a consultant that helps us with strategic planning and he'll help mold the focus areas so don't I wouldn't get caught too much of that is what is the initiative that you want Council to consider like what do you want to recommend I'm just I'm just discussing ing right now the shoreline and I I understand your point about you know it's not our land it's the state and the beach and private property um maybe maybe the grants that we should focus on are the ones that are in Loach because we don't we have yeah so I think part of that when you're talking about some of the grants for hardening structures resiliency even living Shoreline is we have a resiliency study going right now the has been doing for over a year um we're doing some final surveys just added we just added another $50,000 to the grant once they get done with that they're going to make recommendations to The Village on what we can do to to help with resiliency and some of that's going to be living Shoreline and some of that and at that point once we get that then we can apply for Grants based on what that resiliency study is the other part of it is at some point tying that all into like a regional or county level that's really the talk at the state level level is trying to make sure all these resiliency plans all tie together because you know water's flowing one way or another um and so I think there's there might even be some like palach County grants available we just really have to get that that final we're looking at probably April or May that's my hopeful prediction and then once we get that I think some of the grants that you're prob that You' mentioned a couple times might really be affable to to that because you know when you're talking about you know that hardening and resiliency you know over on the beach as private property like we we can't apply for a grant for that the private property can but we couldn't so some of the locks and Hatchy stop hardening some of our structures you know I think those are things we can do thank you cool thank you very much absolutely learned something so so let me just recap just to help living Shoreline is one you guys want to keep moving Recycling and and I think it's commercial recycling right Jessica more sure yeah because we already do Residential the education of fertilizer I know we've been doing that but we can you know we can try to te some other stuff up for that um green buildings and and Lead um I think that might be something we've discussed in the past but making that recommendation um and I'm guessing you guys will continue to kind of evolve that a little bit more but we can still I can still offer it up to the council as part of you know something to move forward with and try to make it a priority this year our initiative was there anything anything that I missed besides those so far right that's and this is the one to two year the Str strategic I it could be longer but typically these are small bites Apple get to the longer comprehensive plan you guys really you know went through Michelle you're welcome to present them if You' like to or anybody you guys are welcome to I I don't have to be the one that presents them if anybody else wants to would you like to let me see if I'm here I doubt it I'm here I only come in town for this you only come in town we can probably also if you want um zoom in if you want to be part where are you elsewhere or where you want when you're not in we're retired now for [Laughter] you that's awesome at the zoom in yeah retirement's a good gig I didn't realize what a great part of life that is save people save save your money invest well all right um so for old business I just wanted to make sure that we lead is still on there and that we don't let that go because there's so much more dialogue I was also thinking Jay of um having maybe a conversation with the former mayor of Jupiter Island Jupiter Inlet um that actually brought that program to them and and on the mayor current mayor just to find out because Jill had had a good question what were the actual benefits you know because there's quite a bit of time and finance involved with that so what are the actual benefits and weigh those and see if that's something for the for the um City lead certification yes yeah we'll reach out to them okay might be a good time to just have some cross cross municipality dialog they have a new mayor they it's not comford anymore not chip chip was he was B wasn't he he moved to mayor when Kord left and now they have he's resigning too because of the form six so it's well I just got it I just found out that beginning this week probably Thursday town of Jupiter in the colony will be starting a project to restore the dunes for Lots 11 through 16 the jibc board voted last night to work with the town and allow access to trucks and equipment that will be bringing in 10,000 cubic yards of sand for the project the work schedule will be 6 days a week Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. approximately 60 trucks per day will be bringing in sand and dumping it on the beach behind the club for dispersing along the DMS wow 606 trunks yeah nobody knows I mean again I know that there was they they told me they had sand they just didn't have a way of getting it down but again I'm not a fan of the sand re nourishment you know it's it just seems to be costly and it is destroying what seems to be the Eco you know the turtle nesting it's burying nests or making it difficult for um reefs and sea grass to get sunlight as they get covered in this kind of crappy sand out there and you know I just I don't know that that's the way to go unfortunately and I think that that you know we're wasting a lot of money doing well I don't know I guess not we the county is that who is you're paying taxes to the county it's still a week yeah right yeah well yeah there might be a recommendation I don't know again made to to try to look for ulterior options or to to you know find this this is not the solution is dumping sand um in my opinion so I don't know um if that's that's part of that Shoreline recommendation the living shorelines that's in the locks of hatch yeah that's the lock of hat um well I understand it's just that and I was even told that the developer that pulled the the seaw wall in front of the Lot 12 that we're all seeing was claiming they did it to be environmentally conscious so again I don't know if people are thinking that a seaw wall on the ocean yeah is the same as the seaw wall on the you know I mean if we're talking all I guess no I'd rather everybody restore naturally you know and what that means for safety purposes figure out on your own depending on your lot and your you know if that means you have to move back or design something different or higher or X Y or Z then figure it out but I don't think that um that's going to do anything other than create dead zones it's it's you know there it's just it be to know where the county because that's where this is coming coming from it' be interesting to know what the County's Alternatives you know if you want to look into see you know how they came to that program being the fix what do you mean the beach renourishment that you're just talking about I think how does is can anybody apply for a Reish for a re nourishment program or how do they have to meet qualifications or how does that work they just they just track that because that's part of their responsibility I don't know that anybody like so the county just does that all on their own yeah they're the ones it's kind of like if it's they're they they come out there and they you know go out there on a weekly basis and they see that the sand is coming they they make it part of their work so in other words we couldn't say no thank you we're not interested in the sand we can we not that we would want to I'm not saying that I'm just out of curiosity do we does the county or does the city or the town or the village have the determin do they have any say in I don't know never I mean they have experts that you know tell us that they're going to do sand I mean they have a department you know that's not my expertise I mean so I I wouldn't be well there are other like we know would they listen I don't I don't know I mean I guess we've had to have like reason or there is we know we we know that there is science and data out there to support why the renourishment programs aren't working it's just do we agree and support those programs and scientists or are we choosing to agree and support other scientists and program you know I think that nowadays it seems like you could find somebody to verify almost anything for you you know but it's like we know the reefs are D we we're the ones that live I live here I've go I can tell you from my own two eyes and you know it's but I've seen change I go down to that Coral Cove Beach I don't know about you guys but I walk that almost every day or you know every other day you know it certainly weekly but it is um you know you know up there by those condos it is they don't they really don't have a beach they've added three extra steps and then the whole stairs got washed away they have tried they can't reach the beach from where they are if there was one to reach in the first place so it's just there are a lot of complaints and it's a pro you know I just it's like the round T is do we just continue to get keep getting complaints and keep shoving sand down this roads well they're not doing the sand you know from 400 all the way down to West there is doing a north of 400 because it's all private property from 400 all those condos are private property so the county is not putting sand from 400 to the 100 building they're only doing north of that because it's private property so is that what you tell you tell I mean that's obviously what you tell the property owners that are calling asking where their beaches that were not in charge of that beach I call call call the county I mean the county is the one that's ultim resp respons that if they want to leave me a message I can call the county and say Hey you know so and so is asking about their Beach but I thought you said the county only does to 400 they don't do private that's what they told me so I mean I'll have the county tell them because the County's the ultimate jurisdiction of it's not my Juris oh so you don't want to be the bear of the bad news right or whatever not in charge of it I'm in charge of the village it's request so you can't speak out of out of turn you know like you can't give that kind of advice from from the village OFA they have to call the county for the correct advice you don't want to be spewing out what could possibly not be right okay well um so Jill's point I think we do need to have that Round Table absolutely 100% And I think long term we talked about maybe there does need to be some sort of so we're doing this resiliency study which is more focused on utilities but long term we probably to do like a post School resiliency study sorry sorry and um you know I think like to to Brad's Point there's a lot of funding for these type of studies out there it's a hot fun topic um so potentially from the discussion from our Round Table will lead to whatever the path forward whatever we need to study to figure out the longterm solution is and then we start looking for funding sources to find that but it's it's it's a complex issue we're still trying to wrap our heads around it it's going to take some time to study and find the right path forward correct it's it's not going to happen overnight no it's challenging and it's not it's going to happen again definitely so Coastal resiliency though is we've got that top of the list or on there very near the top right yeah okay that's I think since we haven't in the past okay well then are we good guys new business any new business I make a motion to adjourn I suck it okay all favor all those in favor say I I okay no other matters just skip all that is that okay are we okay was asking did we go through no we didn't we skipped