##VIDEO ID:TFPnaAhzrzQ## the uh environmental advisory committee for the village of Desta it is 2:00 on December 11th 20124 um do we have any additions deletions or modifications to the agenda none from me none none all right um do a roll call yeah I think I think it might have left me off as an attendee oh in the minutes yeah from the minutes that's all okay I'm sorry you ready for roll call roll call yeah sure we we'll fix that Thomas Bradford here Russ Redmond here Brad freeze here clay Damon Jill W Michelle shuss here Wade chance here all right so other than that modification I guess yeah I'll make a motion to approve the minutes with the modification uh that was uh suggested for showing the proper attendance second all right motion passes no you got you have to ask for the v i sorry all right Q card next uh communication from citizens nobody is here so we'll skip down to presentation no presentations today on purpose um if you had a chance to look through last month's minutes if you have any comments or additions deletions modifications now I'm confused didn't we just do a motion to amend the minutes to show that Wade was present we did so I guess we took that out of order yeah the appr the agenda that first part was this agenda not last month's agenda right yes so I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as submitted second right we need a second right second and uh all those in favor motion passes communication from citizens no presentations no consent agenda we noted the the modification uh to that and uh if there's nothing else do we have to get that motion okay oh for the consent yeah I don't know we did we did vote on the minutes and the only item on consent is the minutes okay do we need to adopt the con consent agenda or is it okay the way we did it I think it's fine yeah yeah you're fine okay all right so let's get into Old business a regular agenda old business and new business starting with uh the living Shoreline um I just put you know some kind of basic I guess basic things uh with regard to the living Shoreline I think everyone understands we discussed last let me get to it here we discussed during last uh month's meeting that this would possibly be something in the future that the village of taquesta May um be positive about um and there may also potentially be some unknown amount of money that would go towards um a grant program for incentivizing folks that live along the uh water intoa to either replace their seaw wall with a living Shoreline or perhaps supplement their sea wall with a living Shoreline um these were kind of basic uh what I consider phases possibly uh it was just something I threw out there as a a way to uh spark conversation and uh um give you some idea where I was thinking uh but I would certainly like you know to understand how this committee uh would like uh to advise The Village Council on such a grant program um Michelle I think this was you put this together for this particular item um I'm not sure if you all had a chance to look through it it was uh pretty darn detailed and uh was this the email that we talking about that Michelle sent out come to sent it to yesterday so I apologize um I like it uh I mean does anyone else have any comments about it I mean it it's also a working document like the working PR somewhere to start yeah 100% yeah um and going in looking at your phase one um for the candidate location so this would be for our pilot program correct yeah it's something that um Jay and I had discussed uh it might be uh easier to convince uh perhaps maybe um correct me if I'm wrong uh The Village Council to go along with this um because you would have kind of a definite um idea of where the money would be spent uh from the get-go uh I think those two locations are uh ideal and we can present them to um Tekk which in Phase One okay um as a pilot program to convert a shoreline there is that what you're saying yeah and and the idea was okay so we have this now um at the very least we'd be able to uh demonstrate what it would look like what it would entail uh to you know potential applicants in a phase two where you know they may be interested in supplementing their sea wall or maybe their seaw wall is coming up for replacement or repair that is over 50% and uh incentivize them to or help them motivate them to do something like this um the the so the the two candidates here at the Riverside drainage easement I'm not sure if everyone knows where that is it's right on Riverside um I know we were trying to look for it oh is it the do ditch is it the the outfall from the ditch I'm not I'm not sure I was going to ask the same question that Brad just so looking at the map and driving up and down Riverside a million times a day to get down to uh Jupiter I think I know where it's at is it that first one yeah okay yeah that's do ditch so you all been down Riverside I'm sure if you're going east onto quest to drive and you take a right onto River Side it's the first it looks like a basically a drain for runoff right it's a ditch yeah and there there are some uh I believe there are some mangroves there now we're actually we're actually imp permiting right now for a for a living Shoreline in the ditch portion of it so in the inside but it's different than the type that we're talking about doing it's not in the in the the North Fork River or the South Fork it's not the river it's in the canal right and so when you said both of these are ideal I actually we discuss this and I put that in there but I in my like later on I was like maybe that's not so good because it doesn't necessarily demonstrate like you said uh what a living Shoreline would look in front of a seaw wall or in you know a more uh closely related environment that the homeowners would would see it does offer for homeowners that have existing SE seaw walls and are not interested or cannot remove their seaw walls it would always be subject to being replaced because of the way the uh pool structures and step tiebacks are on pools that seeing a application where you enhance your seaw wall with whatever Concepts we look at is um something good to see that there's one uh on there I don't know if you had a chance to look at it called um kind something and um they do 3D printing of an application that actually goes on the front or on the water side part of your seaw wall to encourage habitat which is fascinating M so is that that link called kick or something like that kind kind yeah yeah yeah I saw that that was then they also do like tiles on the face of the seaw wall it's aesthetic looking instead of um some of the applications that we've seen so far look more commercial and Industrial looking this is completely from a different approach anyway the concept being to appeal to homeowners or property owners that have existing seaw walls that might be we might be able to offer these Innovative looking opportunities to create habitat and reduce that reverberated that wave energy it goes back and forth um but if there's another location that gives you the opportunity to do a complete living Shoreline without a hardened application in it well in in my mind and I could be wrong um I I think I hate to say this but I I believe anyway way that asking a homeowner that has an existing seaw wall to just take it out and put a living Shoreline in is going to be a tough sell that's not prob that's it's not I mean I don't think it's probable at all uh so we're kind of left with supplementing their existing seaw wall MH I mean I you know is it is it doable I you know I don't know I'm not a environmental engineer I don't know inv mean water line and you know how that is in front of various seaw walls what I do know with regard to the North and South parks and to Questa Country Club there is a seaw wall um both of them have some mangroves already um but it might be a good location uh if I can get to crusta Country Club Community Association and you're on that right to uh to agree to it uh at the very leas to demonstrate the use of some sort of reef Arch or Reef Arch like device uh since there are already some mangroves there um and I you know like for instance I took some pictures I forget which one it is the North or South Park um the seaw walls like this you have mangroves on both sides and the middle is open why because people bring their kayaks in and launch from there now we also have a dock and a ramp in addition to North and South Park uh that you can easily launch a kayak or whatever or a boat we have a a boat ramp there um but I think it would be a harder cell to say oh we'll just put some mangroves in and put some Reef arches in and you know you sort of cover that whole area kind of I mean in my mind anyway I haven't asked the question I'd be happy to you know for them it's um you know have to find a win-win situation what what's the benefit for uh that that area we know it but you know we had to educate them to to see what and the neighbors that are on each side they're going to wonder are is there sand going to get affected by putting in these instruments you there's certainly property rights those concerns that we have to address and see if it's um feasible because the reef Ares build up build up this yeah and I don't know does it stop right at the ends of them or will it encroach onto each supposed to stop adjacent properties yeah and and you know as you're sitting there describing that you think of like boat access you know a lot of a lot of the residents along the water have boats have a dock it's is you know the ones that are close to the Shoreline the dock is could create some problems with access of their boat if it's further out maybe less so there's probably a lot of variables that might be a different value equation for each resident well and I think those are issues that would come up if anyway a a homeowner uh decided oh I think this is a great idea well the homeowners on each side right you know I is there a negative impact to them yeah if they're not interested in doing this similar um in terms of building up sand is there other ways to but isn't that a Perpetual problem I mean that always is a problem that you uh but most Property Owners just ignore the problem in the sense that they're entitled to put a seaw wall up and they put a seaw wall up and you know if you don't like it build one on your property or whatever it's kind of how it works and so it becomes a domino effect over time which you know is not good for wave energy and habitat etc etc but but it seems to it seems to me we have two two scenarios to to think about relative to where would we seek to do a grant kind of a thing one is there are properties inesta that are on the water that don't have anything they don't have RI wrap they don't have seaw walls they're just there right so that could be a potential for rip wrap and mangroves is that private property or private property on private property yeah and or not public or private but then the other scenario is where there is a seaw wall to see if there would be people that wanted to augment their seaw wall with say rip wrap Andor mangroves waterw of their seaw wall so those could be those could be in my head would could be two possible scenarios for Grant consideration in other words you realize we're not building a seaw wall we're either augmenting an existing one or we're just putting in uh a living Shoreline but the question I have for all of you is if you're talking about a grant are you talking about the to Quest a council funding the grant or are you you thinking of like getting an FD or some other governmental Grant to do pilot projects what what are you what are you thinking about when you think Grant so initially I again correct me if I'm wrong initially it would be a budgetary line item from The Village Council that would address phase one okay so Tom think of it like the adopt a tree program where where people can agree to get a tree put in their in their property then the village will pay for it similar kind of concept here where we'd have a budget and we would somehow subsidize from that budget um planting of living shorelines or main Gres it could be on a natural Shoreline like you said or waterw of an existing seaw wall okay so then in years after that you know assuming we can accomplish phase one if we decide that phase one's a great idea um it would continue to be a budgetary line item and there would be this is something that we would discuss probably at the time um a granting mechanism of some sort uh available money and I again these are things a 50/50 cost share you know FASTT tracking permit I mean those were just a couple things that I thought of uh there could we we could advise Council on how such a taquesta municipal Grant yeah would would would probably be a medable to our know legal department as well as um something that we could sell to yeah so getting money from the village is faster and less hoops and reporting requirements and so forth versus say getting a grant from FD or whoever wfwc etc etc uh but it might be harder to get money out of the Village Council that is a consideration can I share so a thought that I have for how to how to roll this out is um you know year one you do it as the pilot program right we ask for let's say it's $20,000 what ever we figure to do one really good project if it's the country club or Dober ditch or wherever we do it we then do that project in year one we Show an example of a successful project and then in year two or year three we then actually go I mean look for Grants look for alternative funding sources but also go to some of these same people who have been coming to talk to us about lahache water quality we go to the lockah hatchee River District who I'm sure have a you know healthy budget the south Florida Water Management District um you know other groups like that and just say hey we've got this successful project we've done phase one our council is going to commit to x amount of dollars for phase two would you chip in and you know the more the more money you chip in the more projects we'll be able to fund um so that's just kind of where where I my head was at with it that's kind of what I was thinking too when I did the research is initially get going and like U Tom said with less um red and then eventually uh tie in all these Grant monies that are seem to be available so other municipalities have done the same thing um using those agencies and there there was quite a few of them like four or five of them and wrap that into it as well for the future yeah the same grant that we just partner with jupyter narrow on I think we'd be able to come back and reapply for that one through this program it's a DP Grant um it's a 50/50 match but if we've got and that's one thing we can probably go to the council and say hey in year one you might give us $20,000 but in year two you'll hopefully give us $20,000 but we'll turn your $20,000 into $40 or $60,000 if we do it on private property uh in some manner on private property do we need to be able to secure the owners understanding that somehow we're going to be able to kind of like it's not the right word but Market the fact look at what we look at this thing look at these photos except I don't think they want people trumping on their property but maybe you can allow people to somehow know where it is if they're on the water plus we would have photographs that we could put on smoke signals and it's a great Point yeah it's part of the agreement we'd have to make that part of it you know that you're consenting to any kind of marketing materials The Village wants to do yeah say stuff like more than one you know visit a month you know just yeah has to be something do we have a idea how many residents to qua live along the water like would be subject to some sort of change or influence from us uh about a living Shoreline living sheline but all that yellow right on that side um to Country Club and into um Bay what is it Bay Harbor is that the name of it yeah B Bay Harbor right um point I think that's Jupiter so I mean I mean I'm just thinking out loud we got what what little over 6,000 population in Testa something like that yeah maybe a hundred or less more okay 100 200 I mean that's a really small percentage of the overall population I know our you know the answers that came to us is hey we we really it's important to have the a shoreline protection and I just wonder like you know part of our challenge is going to be how do we how do we create a solution that where most of the people are saying we want to protect our Shoreline but most of the people don't live on the shoreline and and will never be imposed by any of this requirement whatsoever it's just a really small percentage of the residents would be asked to participate in some form or fashion whether it's money we find through many means or actually trying to compel them to make some change I think that balance might be our one of our larger challenges yeah no 100% And and I had that same thought early on like you know typically these people that are living along the water um they could probably buy you know what we're offering them you know money right uh but there are other advantages and we' have to of course you know highlight the fact that you know if you use the lockah hatche river which I know a lot of people do into Questa that don't live on the water um you know the benefit that having these sort of things are going to have on the lock River in general right which will also you know be a better experience for and I'm not bringing it up as though it's insurmountable I'm just saying like we need to call it one of our challenges and then figure out what is the best solution you know to approach it because this is going to be real you know first and the the other three water how many um I forget which part of the river is called North Fork and which is not but that's North Fork on the right okay the skinny one skinny one skinny one's North other one's main so both sides of North Fork are um waterfront properties right and um um of course Country Club and then over on the in coastal more there what are available to do there with it being an icw are we going to be in other parameters per in issues the inter Coastal um the right side or the Eastern side of the inter Coastal is you know primarily what Coral Cove and um condos you know what what the Jupiter uh jalon or not jalona the Narrows Narrows The Narrows is is kind of addressing uh the west side of the inter Coastal I believe that's the BLM Bureau of Land Management um and that one section in that green section north of it is that all residential but north of that green section you'll see a white space that's unincorporated then the the reddish color above the white space is in the village okay and those are condos yeah there's really not many single family section so we're really focused on little one there the river yeah yeah and to your point I mean I don't know if there are I would imagine there special permitting involved when you are dealing with an area in the in coastal it's it's the controlled by the Army Corp Engineers yeah so when you're in the lockah hatche it's DP which even though they're difficult they're easier than the Army Corps won't take a year or two okay that's good right just thinking it through like thinking of some other things like that that video you sent out that was pretty cool it was informative that was very informative and and I think you know if any of our residents look at that go wow okay now so there's some very specific requirements in order me to maintain this and you know a lot of the residents there want to be able to enjoy the water view so just letting it grow unmaintained is probably not an option for them and I'm get I'm just brainstorming thinking out loud but maybe there's if we compel someone to want to plant or let us plant or have fund or whatever mangroves in their you know along their Shoreline we're asking them to also sign up for some lifetime maintenance you know program and I wonder out loud if there's a way to create an incentive there where maybe the city helps maintain it to these standards so they don't have to worry about it or I mean that could be very costly too but I'm just wondering if there's some additional benefit that maybe it wouldn't cost us that much because we already have some arrangement with someone and I'm saying this because I don't know right yeah did anyone in any of the presentations uh mention maintenance sort of comparisons between say living shorelines versus because you know if you got a seawall you got to maintain that too and that gets expensive at some point I don't think so but the only thing I remember was you know it's living Shoreline can can be used to extend the life of your seaw wall you can put it in waterw of your seaw wall and it'll give you more time before you get got to spend $1,000 a foot for a new seaw wall it's less wave energy yeah basically you know hitting your seaw wall right um it's a great suggestion Wade because one one of the things we talked about I think Brad and I had a one-on-one about this was also creating easy permitting path for residents to be able to do this so it's part of this incentive program where we would say look we've got we talked about even partnering with somebody to do the design I think Michelle you had that in your idea too where we' we'd kind of have a shovel ready design for somebody and we'd have a easy permitting path for them maybe we've already gone to D and they've said okay we'll bless this concept and then maybe is the third part of it we agree to help maintain it um because to the your point earlier it's a public good right this is this is these aren't being put in to help the residents it's to help the lockah hatchee which is a public good so because it's a public good the same way that we repair trees in our RightWay and maintain Landscaping in the village RightWay I think we could hopefully take that on as well in some ways you almost would want to have control of it anyway because what if you know somebody buys the property like I don't like these mangroves and I don't mind about paying any fines and I just going to chop some stuff down so to have the control of it might be a good thing but of course expensive potentially all I can tell you I don't mean to be a sad so but the there's a lot of properties for Mangrove trimming on that map yeah yeah the interesting thing is if you keep them if you start trimming them at an early age apologize I didn't watch your video so I'm not sure if this was in there but if you start trimming them at an early age you don't have to get a professional trimmer right so the village could actually get we could probably have one of Public Works guys learn how to do it get free day out on the boat go out on the boat and do a little bit of Mangrove trimming yeah some be fired up about that there was a nice there was a nice guide didn't you know the PMT the professional Mangrove trimmer versus just how to do it yourself if you fall within that you'll see on the video that category of size when it comes to the mangrove there's a slot basically uh that you can do it yourself there's a certification for it isn't there yes but if you're within that slot you don't have to that was interesting because I didn't realize that a property owner actually could maintain them in that slot which was I think a maximum of six feet from the base of the tree but once it goes over that then you're in a whole another slot and then you have to have a you just have to be on top of it so the village did that so that it's always maintained at that 6 foot if that's what people agree to um like you said the same as maintaining the trees for the good of everything uh that would seem like it would be appealing to a property owner to not have to even that's deal with that yeah and wonder about what all the rules are and whatever maybe keep them all at the six foot lot maybe we decide they're going to want view of the water anyway so keeping it below that would probably solve a lot of the the selling it to them problem that we might have if I remember correctly just so we're kind of all on the same page uh so when it grows six foot and that's six foot from the substrate grow 6 foot between 6 foot and 12 10 I thought it was 10 might be 10 I think it was 10 yeah uh that's kind of the slot where the homeowner can can cut back the six y and I don't know as long as it's not going to create mortality right not cutting it off where it's could die but you're right yeah and there was one um variety I think there's probably more than three but there they talked about three and there's yeah and there's one and I I don't know if it's the white or the red or the black that it it it gets damaged much more easy for when you uh when you trim them too much than the other two and having the village have somebody who's knowledgeable of all that really takes a lot a lot because that's a lot of information if I put a mangrove in I got to tell you if I was looking at that and read I'd be scared to death I it got out grown outside its limit and then I'd be stuck with a 20 foot Mangrove in my backyard you know it's it's something I would be thinking about but if the village is maintaining them at that six foot level and I know that I'm in compliance as a property owner and that seems like um a good sell to me what somebody educate me what would you think the the uh St current standard height of a seaw wall is from the shore it's higher now three or four feet four feet and I'm I'm assuming these Heights are going to get higher as the new ones as they come in remember we put that in the code that people can actually put them higher um because of SE future sea level rise but I think it was 4 and 1/2 ft that they can go up to above sea level okay above waterline I think it was waterline or yeah sea level so when y all so let's say it's 4 feet for talking purposes is average just for talking purposes are you guys saying that a 6 foot Mangrove that's measured from the bottom of the water sub I mean where the sand is well isn't that where we're measuring the height of the seaw wall from no where you me from water level yeah mean high water line mean high water line so dep it really depends on how deep the water is at the sea wall okay if it's a beach you know it's there's no water like right there at the seaw wall or if it's four feet deep seaw W it's probably what was stumping me if a typical seaw wall is four feet and the mang gr can only go up the six before you have to do other things then you're really only looking at 2 ft of Mangrove above the top of a seaw wall mhm some seaw walls it could actually be below though it would be below it right because if the if the sand is lower yeah yeah if it let's say it's four or five feet lower then it's only one or two foot up and if it's even lower than that it could be below but if they have a lot of beach even higher over time we're going to get more Property Owners knocking on Jay's door asking to go higher than four and a half feet or whatever's in the Cod today because sea level rise I mean it's just we built in an extra height based on projections out to like 20 60 for sea level so they can they can build them up pretty high okay yeah that's good which is interesting because you do see some that have really high seaw walls and then but their neighbors aren't so like the water run around unless they're building their entire lot up on each side too that's what Michelle was worrying about earlier yeah sand and you're right don't want one idea I I think we haven't really even discussed is I I followed back up I think Brad and I both followed back up with mang and the reef arches guy because I those presentations were amazing right and we told them kind of what we were kicking around with these ideas and they they said oh we'd love to partner with you on this so we really have kind of a built-in partner um with those two guys where we could and and when we fall back up I said you hey could you guys even create like you know one two or three different design options that we can go to the residence for and so then the people could you know we could put the Roll the program out at some point and they could say yeah we want to do this or that or or option three and they're not having to pay a landscape architect or some sort of specialist to do it we've already got these guys built in and we could partner with him on this pilot project too so I don't think Russ saw that that we're talking about the I was looking at the the me the minutes I need to did they give a a presentation I could look at at home or something is it on the um the presentation is available online for rearers yeah I mean I Googled rearers so I have a small idea of what it is it's saw their website he gave a great presentation you you should go back to watch yeah I'll go look at it he's interesting gu so we're we're you know tossing around ideas of effects in general so to begin this the Consulting process of having someone come in that's a grander scope than just the specific resource of sea arches or whatever it may be mangr to evaluate what I don't I'm not real sure really what we're evaluating yet are we going to have an evaluation we do want to know what the effects of these three different proposals would have how it would affect the neighboring properties um if one client we say one one property owner decides yes I'd like to do this option A the next property owner says oh I'd like option three do all those can they flow does it all work together if it's different choices um I kind of feel like we need to come out and yeah I spot on with those questions so so um in my conversation we had separate conversations with both of the gentlemen from uh those companies um he you know I told him about the North and South Park um and uh he said he you know both of them said they'd be glad to come out and take a look at it and see if it is actually you know a candidate right for what they can provide um so with the initial to Questa grant money be to initiate a a a general consultant is that an engineer is that a coastal specific engineer Coastal Marine i what does that look like tell me if I'm wrong but I thought we would be thinking in terms of a pilot project right but it um we are so but and so in the course of but does that pilot project come from one product manufacturer of say Rees or does it come from just one um person like who puts this all yeah together where the rubber meat it could be either or and it could either be this it could be this company that we've already had a presentation from name but the effects on the whole Shoreline of or you could go to the trouble of doing an RFP uh what's that what's that request for proposals get people to B on it yeah you know it could be like we could just trick or off for what you're saying that we can create a document maybe one already exists today that says what must be true for it to be a living Shoreline and serve the greater purpose so here are the characteristics that must be true and then we seek out a pilot that's going to satisfy that must be true and then perhaps there is design ab and C that we want to create that says if these designs have to meet that criteria right each of those and not only for options you know because there's various needs of residents and whatever but if we can solve it with a a several different options I think that would be um that would be awesome uh and then be able to then create a you know a strategic Vision that says okay who can say who can build these three designs and I just made up the design thing because it came up as an idea but you know who who can actually do this at the an affordable cost what else do we want to tie in if you pick one of if a resident picks design a b and or C then we'll maintain it for them if you pick your own design but it has to meet the criteria but you want to design something separate and new and tailor made and customized for your property then fine you're on your own you know to to maintain it I mean we could create I think a a scenario here that almost pulls people toward the solutions the more efficient solution perhaps no I mean you give cookie cookie cutter options right like you said a b and c one two and three um but we have to get to that point and again I I don't have any interest in mang or Reef arches but they have volunteered their expertise so to get to that point otherwise would probably require I don't know an environmental engineer or you know like that's what I'm thinking yeah yeah I was I was going to say the same thing so don't they come typically typically in like let's say like right now um if the village wanted to do some sort of study and there were 25 Consultants out there that specialized in it and were great we would do an RFP because we want to see who who's the best at this who can do this and and and if it was a big enough I dollar item let's say it's a $200,000 project you're going to get a lot of people interested in it if we're just doing a small 15 20 $25,000 pilot project um you're not going to get many people because that RFP process is it's intensive people have to fill out paperwork and go through all these proc government procurements and there's also to Brad's Point these guys so mang is a pretty big deal right they they do really big stuff all over the place and they happen to be local re arches is you know a little newer concept but there's really not that many people in this world I I went to a a session on it last year and there's there's not many people doing it right now so because of that like to Brad's point I have no interest or pre-relationship with these guys either but I think just partnering with those two is the easiest way to do it and it's a small enough project that we don't have to RFP it we don't have to put it out to bid um and I feel pretty comfortable in saying that they'll be the best ones we'll get even if we did put out to bid they'll be the best ones that we'd get so that's the easiest way to do it in phase two you know where we're creating all these different design options A and C like I mentioned that could be done in phase two yeah but but with this phase one project pilot project with these guys we could even have a workshop where they come in I think they I'm sure they'd be open to it it could even be on site where the whole EAC goes out with them and says hey let's look at the North Park and let's design something so my still concern would be not not being negative but I just want to think of what all the unintended consequences could come out about if let's say we have and I'm going to use the two that we've been presented The Reef arches comes out says we can do this this this and man comes out and says we can do this this and this for this project which one how what are the effects of those two projects who's monitoring that part who's look who's looking at that part to say well perhaps mang is the best solution for the pilot program because of who decides that they wouldn't work together actually yeah okay they want to work together but they also did not dispel the idea that maybe the location that we pick um isn't really appropriate for the reforge but it is for M or vice versa and they're willing you know like they're not a package deal basically all right and they have marine engineers at each of their companies if I'm if I remember correctly that I'm not 100% sure about but they do have the experience yeah of the I think they did think so I'm just thinking you okay we it sounds like let's let's use the re forches at such and such Park and then somebody said well didn't you investigate what that would look like you know three houses down because it had some effects three houses down yeah yeah who's who's looking at that they they do have that expertise okay they do um I don't know if it's in the form of an environmental engineer or whatever but um they because we've talked specifics about that um but that that could be in our criteria like here here's what must be true for it be a success for us you know residents to the left and right it can't it can't create any hardship for them or whatever right how are we want to word that appropriately but once we we lay out that criteria then we ask them to partner say can you can you do this in a pilot you know project and to see how would you design this you know with this criteria success criteria you know laid out well we're going to aren't we going to have to show the permitting agency drawings MH so I would assume that mang and or what's the other one Reef re Reef arches would be able to do that for us as part of the permitting process but I'm thinking about here's what is currently on my mind so suppose you're mang okay what what's in this for you what's in it for them is the long-term effect of people seeing potentially how good it could be for them right so I'm think so if that's true then I'm thinking that those two companies are going to want us to pick a water front single family home M and because that's the that's the primary Market here in most other places for them and or condos I guess so let's say that that's true and that the the two po pocket parks in the country club aren't really Prime for their long-term interest then maybe we ought to consider trying to do something about say through smoke signals or something else that says we're when we get all our ducks in a row uh we're looking for property owners to to come forward who would like to participate in this or something you know so that we end up selecting or we end up securing one single family home somewhere in taquesta that's willing to do whatever it is we could end up with and then that's going to be more advantageous for mang SL Reef arches or something because it's a single family home everybody can see it you know and realize oh yeah there's a house back there that that's that's what I'm thinking that I would be thinking if I was mang M well also with the seaw walls they're they're it's all seaw walled uh percentage wise it's the highest part of the Shoreline is hardened so I think it would be beneficial to be definitely looking at how to affect the coast the shoreline with these hardened surfaces because like you can't take them all down right so so that means the probability is does that mean the probability is higher for a project that is to augment an existing seaw wall I would think so so because so much of our Coast our Shoreline is hardened intoa that's my initial thought I don't have any stats or data on it but just looking I keep looking at that map it's primarily hardened don't hold me to the number uh but in my discussion with mang uh they did say that taquesta has one of the largest by percentage living shorelines without oh seaw walls compared to okay you know further south and further south which doesn't surprise me yeah um and maybe the low hanging fruit or the one the the customers the residents that are along the water that currently have living shorelines and are thinking about you know putting in a seaw wall maybe there's some Focus that we need to try you know convince them it's another application you know okay so you're having a problem with trimming you you spend x amount of dollars a year or every other year to trim your mangroves that are currently there here's also you know you can submit for this Grant and I'm not saying a grant would necessarily go to one project either right it could but initially it would be the pilot program initially it well yeah the money would be spent by The Village on a pilot program um but to your point yes I ideally you would want it to be an exact example of what you know a private homeowner on the water could expect that's that would be the ideal situation I don't know do we know anyone I don't Jessica nameth as a Joe live on the water I have no idea yeah um but the next best thing in my mind unless there are other places are these two parks because number one it's a seaw wall no there's not a house there m but it's you know in mine's eye it's a seaw wall just like it could be in the back of your house mhm and number two access to it is free and clear yeah yeah and yeah we don't want to encourage yeah well I don't think we're going to have 50,000 people trying to go see it either that good at promoting right you know I think you're even as I hear you describe that location and some of the activities that go on there like people you know coming up on a kite back right and want to come up to the sand where there's no mangr if the point is to protect the erosion and build a maybe there's a design that creates still a kayak landing spot and you know whether they Wind Through mangr To ultimately get to the sand but it still serves the purpose and like you could think that you know designers could be relatively creative and accomplish both things so it's not cutting off all public access and you know Recreation that we all enjoy Joy but it's still it still serves the purpose that we're trying to do we have to talk to Tekk but just from my Years of Living that those two parks are not where you really launch your uh watercraft you do it at the boat ramp park off the beach because there's no seaw wall at that there is one kayak that's secured that's just one family that has you know okay so both parks have ladders that go down yes so it's not ideal for launching uh kind of storing I guess we have one storage there but you know it's um those parks are meant to be passive Parks anyway the the activity is at the is the boat ramp Park yeah so I don't I I don't want to speak for Tekk but but that's something a conversation we could have with Tekk is how do you feel about it just not having that opening or or maybe you keep the opening like you said whatever yeah I think that would be like what what is the objective and I think we have to we have to clearly Define that but I think we also need to have an expert or experts take a look at both and say no these aren't really an ideal location or yeah we can do this we can do that and it will cause this right um so I mean what I'll do is like I'll call these gentlemen back up and say hey okay we met we discussed and and um you know I'll take you up on your offer uh you know take a look at at both locations now I guess the other hurdle would be Tekk right that would be the first one because um Tekk owns those properties and uh it's um not open to the public so um that's a conversation you definitely have to have with them first I think before you do you all meet like on a regular basis that's already done for this year the next one is in January but it's very informal so if you wanted to call something special um it will be where where do you meet at the um Recreation Center okay here the village we don't have a it's not a HOA it's a Community Association so um Steve vaugh is President and um I can share contact so you are the former president I'm vice president Vice 12 years and I just retired so you just retired from that group on December 31st I know that you got a lot of free time basically it sounds like so in your opinion I'm not going to hold it hold it to you um what do you think how would this be received um do you think so if I speak to you just from as a board member I would be very interested um in the concept of the environmental piece to this um we would just need to I would be looking at the presentation in what is the the overall benefit okay one is the environment and that's important and then is is there the maintenance that part of it is going to be an important piece and um what is Our obligation for the future once it once an installation is made and um I don't want to create it to be a public space for people to come and go through because it is a you know it's private so those would be my first four things that I could think of off the top of my head being a board member and listening to the presentation but the primary one is the Environmental piece and they are passive Parks so they would be also enhancing its um um Aesthetics by having it um enhanced with the mangroves the current mangroves that are there are at six feet level right so I don't really know that and this would come from the two companies to decide you know what did what with their products what enhancements does it make to the Shoreline and and one of them obviously would be the wave reverberation of course it's still going to happen on the other side of the river is that palmach County unincorporated on lahache I mean yeah lahache River Road across so you know Jupiter has some pocket Parks too between uh Dober ditch and the railroad tracks yeah yeah little tiny strips right mhm but it'll be very odd for us to be doing a pilot project yeah but but these are you know this is all good conversation to to come to where we you know what we think I wonder too around like the bridge the bridge is a hardened surface over to Quest of bridge underneath I don't know what kind of wave action hits there but I don't know if that's it's a if that's also an alternative you know that could be considered um I don't know what kind of permission we need to do something you know what I'm saying around the I know as long it didn't interfere with the navigable water part and probably St that Shoreline area not the bridge peline you know but so the shoreline on the east side of that bridge there P private homes on both sides and I believe one of those has a living Shoreline like it doesn't have a SE does it does the South side yeah Southeast side is uh and then the West Side okay is a two apartment complexes the North the north side let's call it the Northeast part of the bridge M that's where a major drainage pipe is discharging from taquesta drive into the loti river which is owned by taquesta there's about a 100 feet of rideway there and so the bridge itself let's just fake it the bridge itself is like I don't know just say 70 ft wide so there's probably 15 feet of rideway on either side of that bridge that could be worked yeah and and and that's Harden on each it's not like the shore line necessarily if I'm thinking of like the bridge going this direction the bridge kind of juts out you know that there's hardened Shoreline or Bridge you know construction right there and then it crosses where the Waterway you know you're Crossing where the boat or whatever but even that area right there seems like could benefit from that's not someone's property I don't think to your point Tom maybe that's that's something that could be considered as well it's pretty deep there yeah see usually the hard stuff hard scape if you will under the bridge is there to uh protect the Integrity of the foundation for the bridge but you could put mangroves all around that and also do the actually be very attractive also just hide it a little bit too right very attract location it's a high-profile spot too yeah yeah there that's public area right be walking over the bridge all the time good idea that's that would that would enhance it the Aesthetics it would be very visible accomplishes the living Shoreline good country club just lost out on a big deal could you not extend it a little bit too onto the the condos too if they if they're open to play ball so the one on the Southside has some some boat um Docks but there's a good looks like a good couple hundred feet that's open of hardened that's hardened that maybe you can would be because again it's high profile right I mean everyone's going to see it there it would be beautiful to hide that um hardened wall from the bridge that's a very pretty Bridge people enjoy walking across it yeah I like that yeah I don't know I guess we wouldn't be able to go all the way down because I believe those boat slips just are right up against the seaw wall they don't jut out and that that is made mostly in the control of tqu so it's going to be an easier yeah path but still thinking about mang and the other company their long-term interest has got to be private property sure yeah so we probably need at least one pilot private property thing well that's I discussed that with them and they understand that you know ideally like like you said and and I told them yeah ideally I'd love to have it behind a a private homeowner um but the way we can do at least this initial one quick or is to do it in a public land I I didn't think about that as a location which is wonderful or perhaps these two parks I mentioned those I did not mention that do ditch because there you go there's bridge I honestly I don't think that's a good candidate it doesn't really reflect anything the southeast side that's all beach front both North and Southeast right yeah and they have some is that some mangroves on the Southeast proba and it could come out and well yeah I'm to design it but Marine people need to that would look very pretty anytime you can soften a hard looking industrial look it's very aesthetic and I see where that drainage pipe you see the oh yeah the water sand oh yeah yeah oh gosh that would even help um that's dug a hole there hasn't it yeah it does it has done that before that's probably a good little I need to I need to go my boat up to that little okay so if I do get these two out I understand you got to do the first thing first which is probably get the Buy in from T TCC yeah um but if I can get them out to take a look at that I'm going to have them look at North and South Park anyway yeah but just call stepen it's a very informal board it's not like we have to wait till the next board meeting to have a look at it so just reach out I'll give him a warm up and let them know what's going on yeah and um if we need to call a little special meeting before December 31st but I can't I can't so if everything ends up being a go that you know or they say this will work this won't whatever then we then we have to come back and find tune the elements of the proposed pilot too because at some point and Jay you correct me if I'm wrong some point we have to go to councel and say can we do this March and this has to be you know well laid out professionally laid out yeah that that occurs in March strategic planning session oh okay yeah which yeah we'll get to next but March but then the budget itself doesn't start getting kind of formulated until like summertime so ideally between now and then we could start getting some concept of how much money we would be asking for to do this yeah okay and then and then I mean I'm sitting here just thinking of this bridge since you put the image up there you almost wonder like if there's something really cool and creative that can make that visually you know like the standard of Excellence like you know how do we set our talent apart and how we do this versus you can just let it grow naturally that's okay too and that will serve its purpose you know but maybe there's a way that wouldn't add a lot of bucks you know or expense to it just to do something really cool and creative and I don't know I don't know what that means it's more just a challenge you know to the designers and the experts yeah what have you seen in your industry that is something unique and different that would stand out I I lived in a town in Texas um years ago and they they um the town would would provide like taquesta does provide these uh red maple trees okay for free and in the in the fall they wanted to attract visitors because the town was like a little town and come in you know Antiques and buy all this stuff from the vendors and you know the the shop owners in this little town you walk down and they wanted people to have these brilliant red Maples that turn this bright yellow color in the fall and it was really an attractive thing yeah and it was kind of a unique way to bring in people for tourism you know to spend money in the town but uh it was kind of an inexpensive way of doing it they weren't advertising or promoting or marketing it was just more of these trees and they became the known thing for the town which is kind of cool and I just just wonder if there's like some link to that little idea that seemed to work over time to some I don't know some creative mangr living Shoreline that would uh you know it' be very unique something we'd be super proud of and can sculpture it yes sculpture it exactly what would that look like I don't know well I mean if anyone would know I think um mang wood yeah um they have done projects I don't know like exactly like this but they have done similar living Shoreland projects and uh large scale smaller scale um so I mean again these guys are willing to let us lean on their experience and expertise yeah I I'm more and more liking the SE I liked it the first when you mentioned it but visually you've got your drivers you've got your pedestrians and your boers and the Residential Properties looking across to it all this hits a lot of um visual points yeah that's a great that was a great suggestion um I just brought this this image up because the that little Sandbar also caught my eye right because you've got the little Mangrove islands that are down here it's like you know longterm right this is a bigger project but long term maybe it's kind of cool to do a little small Mangrove thing here where you create a little Outpost and a little place of snorkel or sandb bar a little bit here's a here's a food for thought we're talking I like that too that's kind of a kind of outlines the danger area want to be boting exactly true let me while we're talking creative ideas and and your Texas idea I had this thought too that you know for Branding instead of just saying hey we want to do living shorelines pilot program you know what about branding it like something like 100 mangroves or 250 mangroves and you just say that the EAC and the Village Council have a stated goal to put 250 mangroves in in the village over the next 5 years or 10 years and then the the the program is just the identifying places to put them in just just the thought and we want pretty mangroves yeah the good the good ones on that can be sculpted just I'm joking now but I've seen you know there's like a group I think that's called like a thousand trees or a million trees or something and it I think if you put a metric to it or yeah it's a commitment long-term Comm it's a commitment and it's just a little bit sexier yeah that's NE too when does Arbor Day come up it's unrelated to mangr when when is Arbor Day that's also on the agenda but that's uh April 25th 25th okay and Earth day is April 22nd and I'm trying to see if there's a way we could have that event at remembrance Park but if you want to do something mangr we could do that yeah so Jay had brought up that that little island and I was a bit skeptical because number one it doesn't like sh it's not a great example of you know putting something behind your house but number two people I mean a lot of locals understand when they can take their boat over that and it's typically smaller boats or flat boats so I and plus I I just don't see it being a good spot for you know a little ecosystem where people can um snorkel or what not because danger that stretch is full speed you know not full speed but it's it's a speed area going into the North Fork is is speed as well true so it's a little harrowing I was riding a jet ski and I fell off just about where your cursor is but out in the and I was like trying to so boats didn't hit me but uh yeah it's and it gets a lot of traffic but it's worth considering but I there's a lot of I think more negatives the idea of it for Aesthetics and marking that area as a danger zone is good but not to encourage um water sports or anything it does shift do shift size and shape yeah but maybe perhaps a row of mangroves would uh decrease the amount of shift yeah like that little island of mangroves right yeah right there MH seems like you could also create something in the other one that we were just showing a minute ago who did that Pro big U shape or what PR the right Bird Island we call it I don't I think there's there's always been something there and it was either the Palm Beach County's was it Palm Beach County that came and did that I think they did that it might have been town of Jupiter but I think it was Palm Beach County that did the little break water around it in the future maybe we can encourage them to keep putting some in there but that's a great little spot when they put the rip wrap around it it created a nice yeah snorkel I've also talked to the Jupiter um the Jupiter narrow folks about containing what they're doing at Coral Cove so you know they're they're they're trying to put basically break Waters around around here the same way that that last man gr but you know we talked about just doing the same thing and having little break Waters throughout Coral Cove where people use the beach just to prevent the wave action you create more habitat is that the reef Arch was that a good application for that it could be good for the reef arches yeah or I mean I was even think in like Peanut Island right when you go to Peanut Island you get great snorkeling there um a thought that'd be great why we digress oops all right okay so we we got a game plan for the next step for the pilot yeah so I'll I will uh call those two gentlemen I will have them come out to those locations uh we'll see what they say um I'll try to get as and draw out as much information as I can um from them about each location I do like your suggestion about that bridge because the bridge is a pretty bridge to begin with it would be nice to enhance it uh you know some way people see that that could make an easier sell buy in for pres for residential piece as well you see how beautiful that is okay all right so I know what I'm going to do um okay so are we saying that we want something completely put together for March that which only gives us January and February all you have to do actually is get them to to prove the concept of promoting living shorelines so it can be very still be very open-ended you don't have to finalize it yet okay um because that's only two meetings January February so you mean uh get the blessing for the concept and then come back later with the details well but then the the funding for it has to be in place by budget season which is sometime in the early summer but they but in the Strategic plan they create basically very overarching goals so it'll say like it'll it can just be um encourage voluntary living shorelines that that's all it is and under there there's a few bullet points it may say you know evaluate creating an a grant incentive program or a pilot project and then bullet too can be create better educational material on The Village's website and so that's that's really all it takes but that gets you kind of um it it shows that it's a stated goal of the council and it makes it easier to to work its way into the budget over the summer okay oh perfect segue Jay unless we have more to talk about with this um we'll move on to new business um see if I can find this myself EAC Workshop yeah we talked about this I could have put this in Old business but um I know we talked about this in the last meeting um oh yeah trying to get more Community involvement um having something a little bit in later in the day like after five um Jay has um we haven't come up with a date but kind of in a general way um stated that we could you know perhaps host one of these uh in the evening like what six o' or six is usually the best yeah um what do we want that to look like um my idea was kind of a similar thing that Council does a workshop um you know perhaps it's more presentation driven um again I I feel like I'm in tunnel vision talking about M and living shorelines all the time but you know are there other things that uh you know keep it in more of a broad um meeting now this would be in addition to our normal you know two o'clock meetings on W the second Wednesday so it'd be kind of a special meeting or Workshop well just in General my thinking is assuming we're going to get the village to help advertise this something that's presentation heavy with you know screens and PDFs and photo that's ideal to let people come out and see that yeah uh that's that's a good uh grab you want to come here lecture anything right yeah probably had ENT yeah I like the concept of just the just talking out loud for initially I like the concept of just having that one topic for the first Workshop because this is it's a big uh project it's a big piece because if we have too much information about other things it'll muddle the waters a little bit well we might lose the interest but maybe not maybe not if I think about the other respect if there are different topics we uh encourage different perspectives to come in now so yeah not too many topics yeah so that's what I was asking do we kind of make it broad or do we focus in on one thing uh in my mind Al would want to focus in on living shorelines yeah General educational session on living shorelines maybe with a little teaser that says okay Testa just you know passed the living Shoreline ordinance and um this is what it is you know not reading the actual ordinance because that will create glazed eyes but you know giving them a a pragmatic understanding of what it is and then an education on living shorelines an introduction on living shorelines time frame you thinking of February I think no I mean um actual half hour 60 minutes it's a best okay I think what probably an hour hour and for the total meeting yeah yeah it depends on how much you want to have I I have another addition to the to the living shorelines too is the do ditch project so it's a very cool living Shoreline the village is doing it's in permitting right now um so that's another one you add on to ITP it's too much if you go hour and a half you're going to lose people yeah I would Max it at 60 minutes yeah because it's an overview we're not trying to completely educate a lot of people just want to see what's what's happening right just images of what what you're designing they don't have to get into technical details but right you know the the Jona stuff I didn't even know about the the you know everyone I think knows about what they're doing on the south end but the North End is also happening right so just having people see what Jon is doing on both sides Jupiter nrow our over ditch project um you know brief introduction to this concept we've tal you guys just talked about I mean that's a lot of material almost too much one topic uh maybe have state where we could talk about how that event looks but um I think if you go over 60 minutes we lose Y how long is this uh U what do you call it video that I haven't yet been able to find or see how long is it it's like I think 14 minutes okay because everybody's talking that it's really great yeah but I so imagine that's shown to the audience first just for talking first and then Jay has a good PDF and I think it was or some sort of PDF presentation you showed I remember I told I said it was really great I don't remember if you remember that the living Shoreline presentation yeah his so imagine you get this overview of the video and then Jay shows and folks here's what we are doing and have done and then that's probably 30 minutes right right there right yeah you could use the the proceeding 30 minutes to build up here's all the reasons why we've invested this energy in these areas right because you said this is important you said you want to protect this like we asked you you told us that that's our work list right that's what that's what's putting us to work I mean hopefully it would give confidence in the process that you know these surveys aren't just surveys sent out you answer them we look at them we debate them then we decide what we're going to spend our energy on and hopefully it's on things that you prioritized and so what do you think about these yeah it's almost like the sales pitch you know all the way up to okay here's the outcome yeah and you can do stations that have running that can constantly running videos so after the main presentation somebody go back and look at the one on just mangr have that running on a computer and another one running on the shorelines or whatever just so that there's still um information to look at again right some interaction after that that hour I mean it doesn't have to be an hour but I agree with you no longer yeah that would be 7:00 and nobody's I won't even come no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding so the question is who one subject matter or multiples I'm forel I'm for one one that's a big one it's a big one and I really like how you just described how you said we responded here's what's going on either one of them would be willing to I talked about you know having community outreach and I think well it's from last our last meeting we talked about having a nighttime one where citizens would would actually participate so the purpose of it would be to educate our so if we do mid-February I forgot the date it's computer's not on but if we do mid-February we're really looking nothing's going to get done till J first week of January so we're looking at approximately six weeks where we can get the word out yeah about this yeah Workshop right we would have to start in the beginning of January so we can we put the banners up that you have on the um Community you know we put that that there's going to be a yeah we can try it's tough because there's so many other meetings and one one problem in February I just realized is we have our resident Academy if you guys are familiar with that but that's a couple nights a week so I'm I would have to find a bunch of available dates okay and my thought was we could reach out to whoever we identify as the speaker so go to Su Panella Peter dwit the mang rearch his guys and say hey what days work for you in February and then work backwards yeah and find out what dates work in the are available in the village and then what dates work for the EAC members I'm try pin something down and getting that word out to address what you just said um that's something that uh we talked about um and one of the things that I didn't really know but we can Target those that live on the you know along the water really into Questa correct you just do it through geom Maps just yeah we and then we can send mailers out yeah you can just to them yeah but also there are not just to them I'm sorry all of the question yeah but make sure that it definitely gets to the uh Shoreline Property Owners but there's a lot of boat owners oh I if we properly advertise this we're going to have Ys and nays in the in the audience which is good which is good in my opinion very good we have to hear what the oppositions are that is one of the reasons because we're not experts on on this sort of stuff one of the reasons I would probably have M uh Andor reforges be here at least um you know maybe maybe present I can't let them present the way they did tus because they went on forever right which it was all good stuff but you know I I would it would be understood before they gave the presentation then you've got 15 minutes you got to make it happen you can't you know help Q&A until the end you know I mean I can manage a meeting like that but some some of the stuff that you guys just spoke about is expensive like targeted marketing uh creating a flyer printing a flyer stuffing in the envelopes paying the postage it starts to add up rapidly and I don't even know we don't have a budget so how do um Jay what's the standard procedure for through the village of how they it's it's through they put those banners up they put it on the website it's in the newsletter those are still you put in the Weekly Newsletter and then social media on the Facebook page okay I think that's enough just just those sources enough for aone to get people what is that what's the formal name of the thing that lri sends out every Friday out to Quest of Friday news yeah there's the I think it's just called the Friday newsletter yeah the Weekly Newsletter but we could easily get in that we need to get in that probably at least for oh you could get into it a few weeks beforehand it'll just be a recurring reminder that's a good one because that's I forgot so it's called Friday newsletter just yeah the Weekly Newsletter Friday newsletter yeah so if we got on that and got on social media I mean that alone I think would hopefully do a good job especially if people share it right when it goes on social media hopefully you all and maybe your friend networks could could post it and get all the community associations and HOAs to share it yeah I'll do that on mine and civic association as well is February too quick because you also don't want to do something and not do it not execute it so with the holiday situation is it's February too soon it might be better to do late February early March yeah you're right that is a little stressful people are not going to be that engaged yet you know I guess it wouldn't matter then um March you know after the strategic planning session um knowing now that it it just needs to be somewhat generalized um yeah I guess it doesn't matter whether it's February or March maybe March gives us a bit more time March is a good time frame post holidays prior to the whole school ending yeah that's right so what we will do then is I'll ask them for dates in March um and I I imagine we're available here other than the strategic planning session and normal meetings that Resident Academy I think it goes February through March but I'll I'll get a list of Village dates that are you know blackout dates basically and then I'll get that to you yeah why don't I have those before I go and to these guys but I'm gonna I'm gonna contact these guys uh soon very soon okay Jay do you need EAC to bless just say the statement that you're looking for for the strategic planning thing with the few bullets that may be under that statement well Brad's going to go and give a presentation to them at a workshop oh okay I don't is that is that our next that's yeah it's that's our next one is this the annual thing that we have to do yeah okay yeah so the strategic planning happens at some point in March but then there's also a regularly scheduled Village Workshop in early March and I think Brad is tentatively scheduled to be on that workshop at which time he then has a chance to come and say hey these are these are strategic priorities to look at um for next year but also to um it's also during um legislative session so it's a time if if there's any legislative issues you want the village to look at that are happening at the state level um it's it's an opportunity to make that that statement as well which could even just be something as simple as we you know what happened with Jonathan Dickinson we don't want anything like that to ever happen again and that lady the senator in Martin County filed a bill the other day to protect it nice meaning no golf she it's a bill that says no golf courses and pickle ball and one other thing in state parks or something than doesn't mean it'll get past though okay so that means we're have we moved on yeah sorry um is there anything else on the workshop I think I know my marching orders many other so that I haven't understand the workshop is is it going to we going to present like this as a or are we going to be walking around as an event I think more of presentation style in my opinion yeah something more like this where we have two big screens but we're not back here doing we're out here yeah answering quite it's an event that we're giving information we're not having a meeting meeting right at least some of us need to be here because you're going to be hopefully you're speaking to an audience well when with presenting but I mean we're not going to it's not going to be set up like a meet like this kind of a meeting it could be whatever we want it to be yeah I mean does it look if it's a typical Workshop we would be here but we don't have to be here yeah because I'm thinking this is more of a um uh meet and greed yeah more inform more informal informal educational so then perhaps maybe there's a better venue look more approachable than a bank that's true we could we could do it at the recreation center which is also maybe a more approachable place for people to go right because you can say hey your kids can go play shoot some hoops or play at the park while you're listening to this stuff they have new don't have this Harden Shoreline in between that's what I'm thinking I don't like this piece they have audio visual equipment there now too yeah you do yeah and that's I mean that room's great I I like it for meetings so that can be fun all right okay is that where Sugg meets to yeah we do too yeah I need some more employees all right so is there anything else on this no the word EAC or shop is what I'm calling oh there is one thing about that room we're talking about there's only 25 chairs for the audience there's no way to expand that's it I don't think so I mean that's the totality of the number of chairs I've seen when I've held meetings there if we have more than 25 people it's a good yeah I was say problem to have I know but but and we can also keep it a working event too it doesn't have to you don't have to be seated if the videos are short and sweet and the speakers are short and sweet and and um we identify ourselves as um committee that people could ask questions they do have three or four tables that can be helpful but the seating is I counted it just last couple months 25 chairs okay all right going once going twice okay that's going to be for March uh so the next one is uh the oh did I put so do we want to call yes our our strategic goals for 2025 I mean I know one we just spent an hour and a half talking about yeah that is a big one but what else is there the Green Building initiative that you have on there 2025 okay so those two big projects I mean you you got big and small things we can deal with I would like small well I'd like both yeah and we can decide but maybe some more small things well we have the part two of the invasive species thing we did trees Steve Parker opined on what should and shouldn't be in the tree list what remains is the non tree invasive species and to look at what taquesta has on its list compared to Fisk and then hear from Steve and then once Steve says this that and the other and we agree with what he says that now we have a package that we can take to the council and say Here's what EAC recommends you do to update your invasive species list in your code of ordinances okay and I think Jay mentioned we might do that in January's EAC agenda something like that yeah uh well let's see um the legislation is starting to be filed in Tallahassee I mean I hate looking at that stuff but there's always something that we would be for or against just that simple um I'll try to look at it and say hey here raise a flag when I see it um so do shall be still imp permitting right um well I one thing that I I don't know that it happened but it would be I just think the village of dequest a council they need to allocate money annually to improve Street skate plantings uh I mean it's not anything that I mean we've talked about it a hundred times but the uh it doesn't happen I mean it could be just $20,000 a year all these years you're ending up at it over time you'd end up doing an entire Street and I don't think I I I thought about this the other day I think that Old Dixie Highway Improvement project has fallen off the radar screen do do you all remember that I don't think W was here here then um was urging Palm Beach County needs desperately to not only pay Old Dixie but I I'm starting to get concerned about County Line Road too but the uh uh they're scheduled to repay Old Dixie Highway from that restaurant on the south I forgot the name of it blue Blackbird or whatever it is all the way up to County Line Road and it was the staff's belief previously that uh before they do that then we need to get Buy in from them relative to Street Scapes along the edge and the inclusion of medians with Landscaping in the medians and who pays for what and all of this stuff and I know that the staff when I say staff I'm thinking of uh of Jeremy and the Public Works director I believe were working with Palm Beach County and this was months ago and I haven't heard anything since I don't know what the outcome was or anything but that was for the early days of EAC that was a big issue let's get you know let's keep Old Dixie is an ugly track it is the good news though it can be better the the cement plant got torn down finally after all these years the roads being paved and to get trees in there and native trees yeah I know one time we discussed having a park situated adjacent to uh the railroad tracks you remember that but I think that was on the non Street side right it was on the uh or was it the street side on the west side of the railroad by okay to change the name didn't we change didn't the council change the name from a park to a trail that parcel property because it's not really a park both both of those uses that close to the railroad tracks really is not a good idea I think we shut shut it down because of that health and safety aspect of it it's a good one for health and I mean it would have been but Landscaping with Native uh plants would be beautiful landscaping along along the A1A or Dixie what what is that road alterate Dixie Dixie between Dixie and the tracks that whole parcel is is um unattractive and be primed for Native plantings just Thea do you know have jurisdiction over that strip I know I thought the further north you got uh up to Questa Drive on Old Dixie I thought that that was still owned by it it is we we own the strip that's south of there okay and we're actually getting a a developer who's fixing up one of the buildings on Cypress is actually like coming in and doing a whole really nice landscape plan at their own expense in The Village's property which is cool but we do not own the the north part okay okay so we don't have any say in that yeah we own starts at the edge of the taquesta drive right away and goes all the way to the South Village Limits line Y okay it's 50 900 ft yeah it's like and it's 50 ft wide yeah Tom I've got notes in a Capital Improvements thing on the Old Dixie Improvement saying that the county is inserted unrealistic language in the agreement but I don't know the full extent of it so I will I'll talk to Jeremy Allen and and give you guys an update of the next meeting okay um Meg when you did the um Green Building presentation so where where's the where's that in terms of are we going to look at some of those initiatives or U we're going to do a second portion of the presentation we we talk about how municipalities can incorporate green buildinga specifically could okay go about that okay um but we don't have that scheduled for a date yet yeah okay we can put that can we is it safe to put it on the 2025 strategic th% yeah yeah I mean we're we're going to hopefully have that too in Jan January February so that'll probably before Brad even meets with Council what else H those are that living sheline is a big one Speaking of that can I ask you a quick question I think you guys might have touched on this at one point I don't mean for this to go long it's just a curiosity that in the inter Coastal inter Coastal Canal north of K's Bridge with the Jupiter Narrows project is proposed at one point that was proposed to be a no wake zone and they got shot down right um do you know which jurisdiction like shot that down F uh the boting it was the marine industry sued the FWC Florida wild is it Wildlife Commission um sued them on a technicality FWC wanted it to be what you said the no wake zone slow speed whatever they call it and so that killed it then they went FWC went back did a study and dotted all the eyes and crossed all the te's and now it's being reconsidered again okay and uh there was a hearing in this room um I don't know three two weeks three weeks ago and um they they originally wanted to do everything make it a slow speed no WG Zone from the loti river to the northern edge of the condos that are on the water okay and people including me came and said you know and oh and it would only be on weekends and uh holidays yeah weekends and holidays and so a lot of the audience said you know that's crazy you know you you expect a boat drop owner driver to know that they can you know to Wi this speed or when not this it was just stupid uh and others argued including me you should make it all the way to the Martin County Line and uh but at the end of the day I told him I personally would compromise and just make it to the northern border of Coral Cove park because from Coral Cove a lot of people to the condos that's where a lot of people are in the water where they might just be waiting or they're swimming or paddle boarding or but there's a lot of people in the water so they the fwc's whole program or purpose is Public Safety so I I've tried to tell them okay yes the Boating situation is getting problematic due due to to uh congestion and speeding but don't forget about all those people in the water but they so they did extend it now I think it's to marker 58 or 59 yep yeah so it's still it's it's a a southern portion of Coral Cove Park but not the whole thing but it's an improvement it's an improvement depending on your point of view some boers are like adamant against it because it's going to cost me four minutes to get to the Martin County Line but the um uh uh it's just a matter of time I don't know if you guys all know this but all that V land that is south of Coral Cove Park and north of the condos that's owned by the state and it's destined to be a coral Co Park expansion and the numbers are going to be double what we see today so it's just a matter of time that uh it'll be no wake zone all the way to Martin County Line I might be dead by then but it's going to happen also on that uh The Village Council is adopting a resolution tomorrow night at their meeting to support fdc's U no wake zone good and I think Jupiter in the colony and Jupiter and other places are as well but yeah it just seems like the advocacy of that in that section really supports what we're trying to accomplish anyway like that's that that's creating wave action it's not natural wave action I mean it's man-made wave action and that's the other thing environmental impact there's certainly safety that's the biggest thing yeah but I told him I said I know it's the secondary thing but you know it would help the mangroves too right well it's not our mission statement but we understand but so I know but it'll help when I think in Sue's uh presentation that was one of the reasons that she had explained that the mangr that were there have dissipated throughout the years in addition to just an increase in in water levels in general but it's that wave action yeah I can well you do have a lot of people crawling around in there too exactly well and even north of where Sue is proposing those Mangrove Island improvements I had to take photographs for the civic association the other day along the water and looking south and north and all this stuff and so I got to I got in the water to you know get the right shots wherever the humans are interacting with the mangroves they're just deteriorating them they they they they got to have a cut through to get to the water then they make the cut through and then the the combination of them humans and wave action is just it slowly becomes sparse over time and it's just not certain parts of it just don't look healthy at all yeah thanks for that history I appreciate it okay so and we'll we might touch on this again on February for the Strategic for 2025 but so I have mangroves are living shorelines the invasive species well that's probably next month um environmental legislation I'll watch it yeah um and let there's something there's always something good or bad so I'll keep my eye on it for us um is there anything you need EAC to do Jay Megan relative to Arbor Day so yeah that's Tom you're just jumping every single agenda itday I think that's four for four I read I read it what two weeks ago I can't remember what's on now impressive but before we go to the next uh agenda item do you guys have anything you want to add to the Strategic goals of the EAC for 2025 that I should present to I think that's pretty uh manageable right there okay unless something comes up between now and January well we can yeah we can think in in January we can if something comes up we can talk about it then we can go back and look at the survey too to see what other items uh citizens may have expressed well that's funny you should say that because I included that excellent um this is the day of Segways right yeah um all right so Arbor Day Earth Day um I just saw that they water conservation Proclamation was done what last month was it is that right I thought I saw something in the B news maybe I'm wrong anyway Arbor Day and Earth Day there are the dates [Music] um we need to come up with what we believe is going to highlight and uh I don't know I'll jump in I'll jump in Brad yeah so so we're in the tree City USA program now and as part of that we have to have an annual Arbor Day event and Arbor Day and Earth Day both are around the same time so it's kind of easy to do a joint one last year we did a very last minute Arbor Day event to to cap off our our toest Drive planting program it really worked out great for how last minute was this year I'd like us to the EAC to maybe provide a little more input early on and um ideally you know something that you guys would be able to attend as well um one thing I'm working on is seeing if there's a way we could do it to coincide of the the opening of remembrance Park so looking at the construction timelines now the completion date is going to be around that time frame so um it's possible we could do do those You kind of do a joint Arbor Day Grand Opening event which would be fun but I need to talk to some people a little bit more and figure out if it'll be done by then if not um does anyone have thoughts on where to have a Arbor Day event so it so it has to entail of tree planting I don't think you even have to plant a tree I think it just has to celebrate trees in some way well at the rate we're going I would think it'd be nice to plant at least one tree but I thought last year I know it was uh U Came Upon everybody kind of quickly but the turnout was pretty good yeah and uh we planted that oak tree that's out in front of uh Village Green now and we had two or three classrooms of elementary kids from the local schools here which was I mean they had the time of their life it was great or mangoes trees what's that mango not included in the yeah that' be tougher right was a Live Oak right Live Oak okay yeah how yeah it should be centered around planting a tree that's very visual ceremonial can they just hold back on the last tree that they're planted well that's first that's what we did at out here we held the last one so we could we could look at that um I just don't know if the Park's going to be done by then they got they got delayed by some some issues and a big tree yeah not a two foot three foot tree a big MOA put the money in the last tree let me let me talk to the um I'll talk to the Village manager and Public Works director and see if there's any tree plantings that we can sync up around that date or if remembrance Park is not Avail or not ready um but it's probably going to be pretty far along I would imagine if it's safe to have people on that site yeah and you know where X tree needs to go perhaps that might be even cooler mhm if we're going to do the kids thing again too yeah I like that okay that hold that just all Blends in because that's a passive park with all the natural yeah that makes the most sense makes the most sense but again a good big tree yeah we're taking donations from Shel whatever you plant the little ones but for that one put the money into that tree cuz that's going to be in the park provide shade yeah they need the shade don't want to wait till I'm not here to have some shade and and remember this 30 years remember this game L of referen this to people leaving I don't know should know for it happens we don't know how this happens a palm tree does not absorb carbon gases as well as a tree tree lots of leaves or as well as a mangrove or as well as mangroo mangr they'll also grow in the fresh water right which start certain one um it's has to be not sure about I think it's salt and brackish on okay but go ahead I'm sorry you were saying no I I said it okay salt and bread so you don't like you don't like the Palm frees then because they don't have as much yeah they don't their shade power is low and they don't absorb carbon like a say a live oak wood or some other native and a lot tree I think everything in remembrance Park was native right yes I think we kind of went through that I hope so I think it was either all Native or maybe at least Florida friendly I think it heavily native though and I'm sure there was a good siiz Tree in that yeah there's a few Live Oaks and I think there's I'll look at the landscape plan but I I'm I'm sure sure we can find a couple good on high property so so what's the fallback if we can't get in in the park for the event what's that would be something we probably need to discuss next meeting yes because you're going to find out if if it's not done if it's safe or you know appropriate to have 100 people there whatever uh you know to plant a tree exactly right okay yeah good plan um in addition to that what else do you think EAC needs to suggest or do for this aror day Earth Day uh if that Park is available my recollection is a u Proclamation is usually issued by the mayor letting the citizens know that they hereby deem you know Arbor Day to be Arbor Day into ques something like that I don't remember that's but that's not in our hands basically but yeah uh but we need to make sure she does it I think I that used to be a tree City USA requirement I think so yeah so we do the proclamation and then at last year's like I was the MC and the mayor gave a speech and then um the previous EAC chair gave a speech and then and then we and we all planted put the tree in and the kids all came in and got to like scoop the the dirt in so they were part of it and these were schools just they were just divided like you guys it it was the local ones I'm my brain's dead right now but uh no it was just a simple invite wherever it was yeah is what I'm saying yeah yeah they walked so good good shepherd walked over and then um Providence Providence both they walked over so they each walked the kids over and they didn't bring the whole school they just brought like maybe the third graders from one class and fifth graders from another could I made I made the mistake of I brought like 20 things of candy not knowing that there'd be like 50 kids so I was I got slapped on the hand I I was told I the kids were upset that that they didn't all get candy so amongst the now fourth grade at these schools you're I miss what was it they got a darkart board with his face long oh jeez if there was some um educational piece for the students to take back to their schools would be would be neat I don't know what that is is it a a book for their Library about Arbor Day or Earth Day or and then the V was presenting that book isn't it what's cool is they did it on their own last year so I did I was my the candy was supposed to be just a Q&A for the kids that answered it and they were all getting the questions and I was like how did you know when the first Arbor Day was and they're like oh we just studied it beforehand yeah good so that was cool questions be harder yeah ex didn't didn't Jessica mention some book that she did there was something she did some tree kids tree book yeah some tree thing that that she said most children she was surprised that a lot of the children in the in the audience actually knew about that book and um she was pleasantly surprised I don't remember but apparently it's educational relative to the value of trees and the story book kind of a way yeah if we donate that for their Library the school library all right so I like that idea you'll find out if uh if at the very least we can be on property if it's not going to be done yeah see if we can arrange the planetry I mean they're they're already probably already purchased at that point we just need to get the approval to put one in early yeah yeah we'll see what we can do can't be a tree maybe it's some other plantings that are going in I don't know what's grasses or things like that yeah something interactive and does that qualify as Arbor now Arbor oh no it doesn't Earth Day Earth Day yeah we have to switch the focus yeah we're trying to celebrate both of them so yeah okay all right that it yeah it's all okay okay all right um that concludes can I get a motion I make a motion to the meeting is ended to end the meeting adjourn adjourn the word I'm looking for second it did you yes oh I'm sorry yes all those in favor is a good meeting couldn't think of that word a Jour it's a big one they got another meeting here at 6:00 I think happy hours don't count as meetings