##VIDEO ID:nt0-_lVJc_0## all right we'll do this again call to order for the toest environmental advisory committee November 13 2024 2 pm uh could you do a roll call please of course Brad freeze here Tom Bradford here Russ Redmond clay Damon here Joe lenta here Michelle shuss here Wade chance here um approval of the agenda uh I do have a modification we're going to jumble up the uh order of the presentations I'm going to have um me go first and then hopefully Steve Parker and then um Nick and Keith Keith is going to be a little bit late so i' I'd like for Keith and Nick's um presentations to go one right after the other hopefully if he's here on time if not I may have to kind of let him speak uh as we go through the agenda I don't know if a uh motion needs to be made for that but I'll do I'll do it I'll make a motion to approve the agenda with the reordering of the presentations as mentioned by our chair second all right all those in favor I motion passes um okay so the first presentation is Megan wobble wble wble wble but I like wobble wobble that works too green initiatives for the village of deester there she goes okay so we are going to talk about Green Building certification systems today this is kind of part one of two part series we're just going to go over the certifications their versatility how they're used different like categories and criteria that people would need to achieve to be certified in these green buildings and then later after you know we kind of get familiar with it we're going to talk about different municipalities how they have incentivized their communities to use these practices and things of that nature all right so why build green green building is the practice of creating structures that are energy efficient resource efficient and environmentally responsible it provides us a unique opportunity to shape our landscape it provides for sustainable change in the future it improves living and working conditions there are Financial benefits for builders most all of these have a lower cost over the life of the projects and there is the of course lasting environmental impact there are four common certification examples we have leadership in energy and environmental design or lead Florida Green Building Coalition the fgc national Green Building the ngbs and energy star home certification these are all very common they are all a little unique and we'll get into that the first one that we are going to talk about is Le this is managed by the US Green Building Coalition it is the most widely recognized out of all the certification system that's going to be globally and nationally there are four levels to lead certification certified silver gold and platinum and then use a third party independent verification system to ensure their criteria is being met for versatility we've got commercial residential and communities most people when they think of lead they think of new projects but lead also does have a certification system for previously constructed projects called lead om operation nams here are some local we buildings we have a single family residence in Hound Max plank laboratory in Jupiter and Jupiter Medical Center Cancer Center um I would note that two single family residences that are certified there are more commercial buildings probably because of the price point all right so this is all of the different categories and how an applicant could acquire points in those categories so you've got location Transportation sustainable sites water efficiency energy and atmosphere material resources air quality Innovation priority for example if I was building a new project and I wanted to put um low flow Faucets in and reduced water tank toilets I could gain points under water efficiency if I was building a commercial building and I wanted to put it near a bus stop or some other type of Mobility I get points under sustainable sites and location and transportation all right so like we talked about there are four categories Platinum for Le is the best one 80 points and Beyond these buildings incre the environmental impact but Inspire others to strive for excellence next we have gold at the Gold level the project is earning at least 60% of the available points they're Exemplar models of sustainability silver is 50 to 59 points combined efforts result in decreased carbon footprint and enhanced indor air quality and then we have certified certified is this project has acknowledged and taking the initial strides to reduce impa next we're going to talk about Flor Green Building Coalition so the one the thing that makes this unique is that focuses on flor's ecosystem and what we need to support our environment this also has four levels to their certification system certified silver gold platinum and they also use a third party verification when it comes to versatility also they have commercial residential local government here are some local buildings Museum and Pine el west Palm Tampa times and St Petersburg and this is a breakdown of their categories and points criteria so again much like Le you know platinum gold silver certified National Green Building standard what separates this one is it's focused on residential buildings that can be a single family home or multi family again we have four levels of certification bronze silver gold emerald they use a third party to verify and again it's residentially focused so if a project or single family home wanted to get an ngbs certification it might cost them ,000 to $2500 the same home if they went for a lead certification could go from $2,000 to $5,000 so really when this was constructed it was for residential all right certified buildings we've got a multi-unit in boa single family in gardens and multi-unit in West pal this is the breakdown of their certification levels and then we have energy star certification so I'm sure you've all seen like energy star on your microwave or your dishwasher this is actually Energy Star Home certification so it was set with standards in place by the EPA It ultimately focuses on energy conservation and efficiency this one is unique in that it is a single level certification it's a one andone you either are or you are not energy STAR certified and of course energ local energy star buildings with wol of campus in Miami Four Seasons Resort in Palm Beach and Department in sty go back here for a second I did want to mention for energy St the versatility is almost endless when it comes to en energy star certification it appliances it homes commercial industrial like they just they are very adate about getting out there all right on the left you can look Savings of a commercial project and on the right is a breakdown of the average residential savings obviously when you're looking at these projects can be so different it's kind of hard to nail down a number but the point is there is a savings for the community and there's a savings for the building to summarize lead is internationally known it's broad it covers a variety of buildings the fgbc is Florida focused the ngbs is residentially focused making it easier for to obtain and the energy star home certification is focus on Energy Efficiency and is applicable to a wide range categories so that's kind of your crash course on GRE building certif thank you for your time that was very good thank you anything I got when I spent months trying to find out that was excellent thank you for your time and effort well I do have a question yeah do we have any questions I I do you want to go first no go ahead so that's all well and good but we how do we inqua make so the developer or the homeowner can make they can go down that path on their own so are we thinking of putting that in our code somehow that we allow it or the that's part two of the presentation Tom the incentive that's part two we figured we had a lot of other presenters here today in a pretty full agenda so we were're kind of breaking it up into kind of two parts so this was the primer on this the next one we'll come back with with kind of what other places do to incentivize Green Building and maybe some ideas that we've got we do have to talk we're going to talk to our water department to see if there's some incentives they can provide and then a little bit more of our building department to see what they can provide um so we will come back with that okay perfect this was excellent any other questions any other questions no good thank you appreciate it all right next up Steve Parker Village of taquesta tree code prohibited species list so I'll just give Steve a quick introduction he's our village landscape architect um he helps us do um plan review when new projects come in anytime the village is doing uh landsc parkitect related project he'll do the design I think you did all the design on Quest drive right this new planting plan um so we utilize him you know quite a bit uh he's got substantial expertise in the field and and the last time the village updated its code related to prohibited species um I think you were pretty instrumental in writing that and and kind of rewriting our our landscape so just thought we'd have to see you come out and give you a little bit species list St all right does everybody have the list that Tom I it's attached it's part of I think speciically we look at um trees that are on vill list not on this want to get to what what should be on the specifically in the trees we're focused on we're we're just pulling up Tom's list that he sent out so you can look look at it I start just we'll have it up in one second so question U Fisk that is uh the Lis is for or was U developed by UF think so I thought there was a list has a list and then f is a organization that has it own list so maybe just following the common names on the right so green is on boths so that since there's consistency there we just keep blue is on the list but not on the F list so there's two there see lofty fig and Bandon the lofty fig is similar to our Str thing it's a nonnative typically starts Tre form props so that I would still recommend being on the list of trees opinions on that matter as a non-native do have Str think it's a native species apparently this this was a tree that uh because it wasn't dated to the area wasn't really pollinated until this non appear I think it's also important to mention too people if you have an existing lofty fig you don't have to remove it correct correct so somebody could could still maintain an existing lofty fig or Bion it's just that when when people are coming in planting new trees the code would be encouraging to plant the Strangler fig rather than the ly fig is that is that the can I ask a qu is that the only point of relevance for this list is new construction new projects or renovation projects essentially I think correct me if I'm wrong but I think there were some that that were maybe some invasive some invasive trees that were um worse than others and had and actually had to get removed within a certain time period could come up two ways of new construction where you have an existing tree that's on list and then you have to make that decision well we have them take it out or keep it depending on situation typically has to be if it was proposed obviously very can't Steve do you have a microphone there because I'm having a hard time hearing you there is no microphone for the podium there's no mic okay is one sit maybe just sit and talk into that mic you want to sit next to me sorry um here come sit so you can also this mouse you can scroll on your sitting right next to you no honey you're going to see here sorry okay what I feel like I'm in the Commander's chair responsibity so did anybody have any comments regarding the lofty fig to start no okay uh the next one is the banion and that may be a little bit more of an issue that that was on on our list because it just becomes a massive tree and you know aggressive root system and so forth um it's also non native I know there are a few bandings existing in taquesta especially over by First Presbyterian Church um I don't think they would ever be an issue and there would ever become an issue as far as removing them or asking to remove them um this this tree I I would I would certainly not want to see it being proposed on a new project especially a commercial project where there's not a lot of room and you'd have root systems damaging parking or sidewalks and so forth so I would recommend that it stay on the list there could be qualifiers that um if it's existing in certain areas specifically the one near the church and U that one Street in that area there that it that would remain in perpetuity Steve I've heard rumors that there are people in U with Bay Harbor Andor uh members of the Presbyterian Church that are of the opinion that that banion tree that pretty much at the entrance of Bay Harbor should be designated as a historic tree so my question for you is would that be very strange to have a historic tree that we actually end up not Bo right definitely a conflict of interest there yes I agree so it's it's we could pull it off the list of prohibited trees uh but it certainly would be something when I review plans I wouldn't want to see someone proposing a banion right it is historic I mean it's been there for historic kind of gives it its ticket to stay but not something that you want to plant these days no yeah that's true the ones that exist there's the one um down at the end of River Drive they kept it when they did the new build Steve all the way that's the North End right very end yeah very end it's massive yeah I can't believe it hasn't blown out their seaw but it has it has yep still there it's a historic tree yeah uh then the last tree that was on the V olesta list but not on the fisc list were the eucalyptus species and I would still recommend keeping it on the prohibited list uh for a number of reasons it's fast growing brittle ranching structure it's highly flammable um leaves are somewhat toxic and uh it does draw a lot of water out of the soil and it's is really high water usage type type plant or tree I had just an unrelated question is the melaluca related somehow to the eucalyptus it is yes okay and they're both Australian trees that's not banned on the F the eucalyptus yeah yeah surprisingly it's it's not what I thought that was basic that had to be removed H yeah I agree I read a article that uh people farmers in Northern Florida are planting them regularly as a wood source and I think that might have been why fics allowed it to stay but okay that's just a vague you know and I was putting that all together I would check and say well what kind of tree is that and blah blah blah I when I read that uh but you know I don't I I don't know with positivity that that's why they don't have it on their list yeah it could be um how do I scroll down to the underneath your oh you want to go all the way down to oh I think uh maybe go up a little bit and go down okay I justess keep going down actually those are all okay yep might as well go to this list here yep that's it perfect you sound like me when I'm trying to get my husband to hang something on the wall this is right furniture moving okay so now so there the just those three trees that were on Village testas not on fisc this is a much longer list this is these are the fisc trees that are not on Village at Testa and we can certainly add some of these into onto our list um so starting with the and Steve one way that I think we've talked about doing this is just saying that any anything that's on the FI FC list that's not on the village list is is considered a prohibited species list because this is getting updated every year that way we're not having to go through and have this discussion every year with the council and and update our code every year it's just whatever fic says is prohibited becomes prohibited well but the addition don't does does Steve agree that yeah there's a couple oddballs on the list maybe we'll just cover those I can understand the rest of them being on the list certainly understandable but there's maybe a couple here that that uh but you may agree and but we might as well discuss them one way we could also craft it is to say that the village landscape architect has discretion to allow something that he thinks you know that's on the FC list that he thinks is is actually worthy so some of these things he's going to say I don't I don't think should be on there he could he'd have some discretion to say yeah you you can that okay agree with that okay well the two that I noticed that uh maybe questionable but I've seen them on the list for a long time have been the glossy privet lustrum Lum the Chinese privet lustrum sense I can understand that's very invasive but the lustrum lucidum is used quite a bit in South Florida and it's it's a street tree on Indiantown Road and and Alternate A1A which one again is it what's it called lustrum lucum oh lustrum okay there there's there's a couple varieties it is there it is oh wow so the senet I can understand that that is very aggressive and prolific but the lustrum lucidum I'm a little surprised it's on there but I've seen it on there for a while now and um I've still specified it on on projects so I I don't know if you're in disagreement I'm in disagreement with that one okay did they say why I think they've kind of lumped it in as as a aggressive invasive plant fast growing yeah yep but I have one in my yard and I've never seen it actually spread at all I've had it for 20 years got firstand experience with that the second one is the the sapadilla um the sap was originally a base for chewing gum um according to University of Florida it has said no invasive potential um I don't people really aren't specifying that that tree very much but that's uh that's that's the only other one that I would question so you you you're in favor of keeping sapadilla off the prohibited list right correct okay then you can see I mean there's the guavas people people use guava still quite a bit but they do they are invasive I was in a site one time when there I was walking through a guava Thicket they were so dense and spread so much oh The Last One S oh go ahead kudu is it is fair game no that oh yeah it's oh if it's on the list it's considered invasive and prohibit if it's if it's on the list yeah sorry the highlights just mean have different meanings the highlights have different meanings yeah my bad the one the last one there the the Vitex the beach Vitex Chase tree even though it's called Chase tree that's actually more of a beach plant and a ground cover so if you just wanted to focus on trees that that uh it should be on the list though because it is invasive and it it it pushes out you know Beach sunflower and railroad vine and so forth is that that's native right so what is I'm confused oh the Vitex is a non-native it looks a lot like it a lot like it but it's it's a non-native so that's the summary of the list and um I think it's good to talk about it and it sounds like we'll just update and and just expand the prohibited list include a lot more of these plants I have a general question do we have any any sense of how often trees and these non-tree species come up in our compliance code evaluations that that that someone's trying to plant something like this that someone's proposing a prohibited tree yes it's very unusual it's very unusual very unusual yes I think most people especially you know larger firms like Cutler and Herring and gential and Associates that's where I see most of the plans coming from they they know our list inside and out so they they're not proposing any of the uh prohibited plants okay thank you at individual homeowners I don't review those plans but that that's Poss where some of those are maybe proposing guava trees or well per per the gr uh game plan that uh Jay outlined about how we would get from here to codification um then I would say we accept all of uh of Steve's recommendations so that they the certain trees that he specified don't become prohibited and then uh and I know I'm on the agenda for the same subject but we can kill two birds with one stone here the um the only other thing that we as a board need to talk about is do since today's Focus was trees do we want to look at the fics list of non trees that they prohibit to see if we want those to be included in thetic COD like the flowers pardon shrubs yes Vines shrubs grasses so forth yeah I thought that's what the second list was yeah the non trees that's the long list I think right well I think I can't remember if I have both trees wait a minute trees are I think one of the colors means it's a tree right yeah and the ones that don't have a color those were non Tre this is the totality of the list but we but we've only focused on trees trees today yeah yeah okay the only one that was it that's highlighted that was not a tree was that last one the Vex rolia but the rest that are highlighted were all trees that we looked at is it to assume that the non trees that aren't highlighted are in alignment I didn't study those but I'm sure sure most of those would probably I'm sure most of those would probably make sense to be on the prohibited list and they they're probably more of a problem than the trees almost except for of course the the real bad ones like Brazilian pepper and Australian pine but a lot of these ground covers are really aggressive and really bad and so this entire list is prohibited species and then the highlights are the Fisk and your recommendations yeah quested versus FK right um and it's in totality trees and plants well that list is both okay but today we I think the yellow I forget if it yellow or green was focusing on trees on right okay um and then just FYI everyone you have this but you see the URL to the far right in blue that'll take you to a photo section or uh a Google search that'll show you photographs of the plant and I think on that last thing that Steve was talking about when I did that I couldn't tell whether it was a tree or a or a regular old plant but I but that was months ago so I don't I don't really remember um but anyway may I think we you tell me if I'm wrong Mr chairman but the U maybe the thing we do today is we we record Steve's recommendations then at another point we come back to the EAC and we we look at the non- trees and make sure we're okay with you know recommending those be prohibited or whatever and then at that at the end of that meeting then we'll have a list that's eligible to be taken forward to council for their consideration sound like a plan that's a fair motion so yeah a motion to uh make a ruling on the trees list for today and um uh review the plan shrubs Etc at a subsequent meeting second all does the does the does the motion include following Mr Steve Parker's recommendations yes indeed okay a second all those in favor car thanks all right thank you thank you for everything you're doing appreciate it okay next up is Nick uh from Reef arches Nick B bordon bordon bordon bordon Nick is the co-founder and director of environmental development at Reef arches and be here in minutes is there a I have it super cool all right so hi everybody I'm foron I'm the co-founder and co-inventor of re parches so we focus on is nature based Solutions living shorelines and oyster restoration it's kind of fun so a little bit about us um we're actually a spin out from Hedrick Brothers Construction and so Hedrick Brothers is about 200 employees 45 years old and we're a season contractor so I heard about what you guys were doing through ke because we actually did a partnership together and been M so our goal really at rearch is is to focus on a couple things Marine enhancement also focus on living shorelines educating people what that is and also protect your shorelines right so even if you were for example remove invasive species that's great you removed them but you know trees also Supply roots and that kind of holds your soul together so that's a classic example or you get erosion from Oak wake May Cher in the lighthouse got erosion of rain hurricanes so that's what we did so instead of throwing rocks and just saying hey here's a rubble and amount of it here's an actual solution to create habitat as well so what is the arch so it is a pretty cool product this is our 50 lb unit that I sell and the one in the screen there is actually through our manufacturing site for beers that's 12200 lb so we make them and we also have it stacked like Pringles so I can basically take this unit here place it on top and I can easily ship it put it onto a barge and transport it so that makes it very quick very efficient and then just like the image there with an arrow pointing actually it's possible make so there's a plate that connects all of our arches together like Legos so that's a very quick to address erosion from horizontally or vertically so we can put this on any Shoreline inshore or offshore so we've been around for about two years and we actually have made some pretty big strides in the industry we partnered with a very large National distributor called Ferguson so they focus on Waterworks and they just moved into a green storm water treatment so we actually did an exclusive arrangement with them they provide Engineering Services Supply the product so that's pretty exciting so now we can help all of Florida coast lines on the east coast and on the west coast so Keith and I are able to tag team together on this so we basically tailored a solution for each environment we've also did a strategic uh partnership with a mining company to supply local sand so that way we can now address all FL coastlines especially after the Hurricanes so what can you use rearch ASE as well you can use it as a living Shoreline that's been a growing topic especially for resilience and when we started in the early days uh Keith and I got together and we thought you know you really could just combine mangr in Arches and the way you do that is you plant the mangr behind and The Roots will grow through so once you have your prop Roots growing in now you created this entire Iron Man suit for your Shoreline you created an attraction You' created a new snorkeling location and it brought a lot of good publicity especially in this location too so because it's a growing meat we able to pretty much provide a turn key solution and we're local we're based out of West so another solution is to use reches as a break water so that's exciting if you need a product just to take the punches no problem it actually slows down the wave energy so we got some cool physics I can show you of how it works thank you so like I mentioned before uh depending on the location depending on the type of wave we just cater it we can stack it high or keep it to one stack and once that system is stacked together it weighs around 3,600 lb so that's great because you don't want this you know thrown around dur hurricane so our last project hurricane milil went through it it didn't move that's great those been tested um now with that we also do continuous testing so if you click that video I think was a player dead center oh there it is so we actually do continuous tting especially in the lab so it's called weight tank testing it's basically a glorified btub so you basically just start splashing water through it and then you measure the waves of the front of the arch and then behind it and then we're able to show here that we do slow down wave energy that's really important because I can put this in front of a seaall so now you can actually lengthen the idea is you can lengthen the length and the L of the seaw wall because if you get all your sand getting thrown out you just put this in front instead of r I don't need to go from a barge I could just go from a truck lift it and drop it now that's cool and then you can put all your habitat through it so all your fish will be able to cater you know create their ecosystem underneath it and you got have a marine light that goes through basically having a quering in your backyard I'm sorry one real quick question M the picture that you had showed looked like three just like that yeah but you just picked that up you said it was 3600 lb no yeah did I get that wrong so those are that's a scale down model to fit in a Tangles are 50 lbs so this is we have two models we have a 50 PB units we sell and are half a ton product and we're going to scale up to three and a half ton later so but for this one because everything's scaled appropriately um okay so now proofing the pudding like where has this been done before so while we are a 2-year-old company this this was our first project we did in March so we literally had a client come up to us and they said Nick I give you 60 days no permits and I don't have a barge and you need to manufacture it install it and deliver it can you do it I said sounds great that sounds reasonable so we did it and we were able to actually produce the results you see already 3 days later this is in Palm Bay Florida in the Indian River lagon and it's a micro tile Zone meaning 4 in title swing it's also a Native American Site it was a shell mid and from the ice TR so they needed a way to protect the actual site it didn't have a beach and everything was damaged from Hurricane Michael previously so our job was to basically make a break water so as you can see three days later the physics is working we trip away kind of like a waiter you just trip the waiter the food spills he trip the wave the sand spills fly to the Shoreline so she acting up excuse me did you say that you were able to do that without a permit or they just gave you you had your nine month your three month timeline to get it done including permitting including permitting okay oh yeah we definitely have permits we actually complied with a fdp permit exemption anytime there's Bank stabilization less than 500 ft owned by the city it is is is eligible for a per exemption so we have an fdp exemption and then we got an army courp permit with within that time frame so we were able to get everything done the stress levels through the roof but we did it so we're super excited um we can go to the next slide and see so you could see how we transform the shoreline very quickly so myself and our counterpart is there with our with the lady she's a scientist so she was able to measure all the sand we collected the environmental impact the seagrass that we grown actually and all the oysters there so this is huge news I got you okay so 18 days later post deployment we have contact awesome we literally grew the beach 10 ft out that's insane so 18 days now we're forming habitat and then next slide 45 out we're able to show already 16 in thick of new Beach 10 ft out 90 ft wide and growing notice here for for the the water nerds like me there's no scouring meaning the sand isn't getting lost the water is actually moving through if you use Rock if you use RI rra you actually create a problem you create what's called crenulation or like light marks on your Shoreline because the water is going to run behind the path of the resistance it will run behind that rubble and you'll actually create more problems that's why our solution as water can move through it you keep the sand we keep the waves away from their homes we keep the waves away from in this case archeological s so as of July 26 you can see already we we grew land that's insane like that is that has never been done before so we were able to Showcase that and we thought hey well we got new beach I I know what guy that could grow mangroves this could work so then next next slide we thought let's just put some mangroves behind it so that was my very nice scrap of drawing next slide and um mangr so with manger able to kind of consult us on how mangroves should be placed MRC was actually the one that supplied the mangroves for this particular project and you could see how they took their mangroves and we're planting it so next slide we basically created a of community right that Shoreline was absolutely trash from a hurricane now we're able to build a beach build a living Shoreline and create a whole new value out attraction protecting the archaeological site so already you can see our mangoes were planted and then unfortunately two days later we had chle storm Debbie but they were still there which was great so it totally worked and and that's because that we now show that the re arches did in fact keep the mango alive and it wasn't because of the roots they were literally just placed there so we were super excited and we had a control group where in are planted mangroves no protections I mean they're stressed they're not going to so the ones behind our new beach our new brick bars in fact did all right so I mentioned earlier how we deployed they didn't have a barge that's cool so how do we do it so actually we invented a whole new way so go-kart gokart so we basically took it from a flatbed I mean it also looks super cool right because in nature it's always about curves it's never Corners so we thought all right let's put this honeycom design this this be inspired structure put on our flatbed and then next slide we took our Lo we just lift it and then next slide I give it Wheels we basically make a go-kart and we thought this would work because what's a shoreline if not a giant R so next slide we we launched it we just straight up throw it down the hill and you play We safely roll it down the I would say that so there's nothing confirming or denying that we were sitting on top of it so but in this video we basically showed a whole new really medium to deploy so there's no gas no electricity just straight physics there wasn't any sress in this uh scenario so we basically just said all right just four guys and we manually pull that so it takes about five guys to move 12200 lb apparently that was brutal we moved all 37 units in 4 days all this to say please have us use a barge please that would be and then next slide well how do we lift it I give it Wheels how do I take the wheels off so we make a giant seesaw using the preceding Arch as a full we lift it we then now suspend the arch take off the wheel slide it and then connect it together like with Legos now you created effectively a brand new bre water system no gas no electricity and we got featured on bbard news South Florida Business Journal we were actually able to pick up even exclusive arrangements with the distributor and even other resorts in the Caribbean were like Nick can I grow corals on it I said yeah could grow corals on it we able to grow it in our handy dandy inserts so these inserts you could actually put oysters on it and then we place the oysters right on it like so so now you can actually have a clean water that's great everybody likes clean water but if you don't have an area to hang it or place these you could just take our larger units put the oysters on it and you can place it around your seat wall like so so now every member in the community especially if the qua could just say I could just install this I could have an impact I could help my community in next SL so talking about those oysters um we're able to find I really wanted to make a way to grow our agriculture industry so we actually work with oyster Farmers locally in the State of Florida and we actually partner with treasure Co Shel next slide we actually take our giant inserts and that's placed already in our 1200 lb units so you basically could have an instant water quality enhancement so rather than waiting for those oysters to grow we have a meod to do that so four months we're able to grow oysters that's a big deal so the way we do is with treasure Co shellfish we say hey we will pay you in order to take our inserts into your oyster bags they float them next to the existing oysters the oysters spat like the baby oysters grow on here now it's ready to be set so now I can take those oysters and then place on a wall instant re so you don't have the weight you have an instant instant value next slide please this is just more like a beauty shot of all the great habitat we had when we deployed our 1200 lb units we got oysters Barnacles muscles I wouldn't eat those oysters the water was kind of but eventually we want to so we want to clean up the water so that now you have your whole new industry uh next slide just another picture another snapshot of where the oyers were growing um this is in a different SE next slide so that's everything about myself and re parches and then you go towards the appendix we also the slides for for next yeah I just text can you just add these really quickly be easier this way you'll see the giant green slide with giant green slide be scr four five slides all right Keith before you go is there any questions for Nick yeah so the one you know case that you depicted here was only one layer have you experimented with doing the two Andor three layers High yeah actually we have I have around 208 leads give or cake and actually we're getting spect through the company to make the break water in this fashion so I'm L doing proposals for six different break Waters rather than rip because the municipality is saying we want to get more attention for what we're doing in resilience we want to be seen as the you know one of the municipalities to Showcase this so we have those uh we also did the wave tank testing we're also looking at West Coast you we've been approached for sou Carolina and state Georgia one I hope no one's a buld that's great I have a question um the example you showed us was in a micro tile environment yes um do you have an example in a I guess regular tide cycle versus micro tile um no not with our 1200 PB units um we have three grants we got funded through D um we got a million and a half dollars from it and that's we're using 12200 lb in Boon Beach and we have two other projects for scheduled for Sebastian and town Marland it just takes a while for the pering so really all we have to show to the engineers is does our map work so we take the wave tank data we take our case study we submit it to them and that's plenty of information for them to show that this works they just have to measure the weight height so if it's like a twoot you know deep area you get a 1ot wave or twoot wave boats they say okay you can measure that easily so so it's done in the lab but not out in the field yet correct okay correct because each and it's pretty difficult to have every case scenario because you have different slopes of your Shoreline then you have different wave heights and then you have different activity coming in or you could have boats you could have bench from wind so there's all these Dynamics at play that even if I had every scenario the engineer would still require me to send in the wave data and they still com it out um you go ahead M just a quick question what is that material a composite of some sort yes was so excited I get to N Out about concrete so this is a pH neutral concrete mix so it's 7.5 and the reason why you want a neutral is so that it's more friendly for the oysters if it's acidic then the oysters won't grow if we're just trying to use this pan this just take the Hits From The Waves then we use just typical cement and we pour it right in if we're trying to grow cors then I use calcium Su aluminum which is CSA concrete I use around 30% of that and then 70% is mixing sand and then I reinforce it with the salt fibers um and I also have that stainless steel rod where I attach the wheels too so that's more of that so it's not Plastics you don't touch plastic and a second quick question Aesthetics how uh from in the example that you had it extends or protrudes up above the water line is that what the mangr could eventually all get in there and hide all that yes okay because and that's a really good point so we do two things for the Aesthetics if you don't like the curvs on the of the arch then we actually change the the color using natural pigments like C and then you can't have any mangroves to grow unless you have some sort of blue right you need to have calm waters for mangroves to grow eat some sort of sand so over time the mangoes will completely help this completely and this will be hid you got to give the mangoes a chance to grow right and those roots won't destroy and break down that will The Roots dest the concrete yeah over time no over time um not at all actually create spaces for it to go through it and actually lock it into place so and keep it tell you more about the how pop Roots work so I just make the hole big enough Pops to go in and keeps it all to place that way we protect the homes behind it that doesn't restrict the growth of the mang um the 1200b units the hunting shape is relatively large a little bit larger than like the full growth of a prop rout so think that over time it's not going to impact the growth of the mangrove even if it hit the Restriction point it would just be a restriction point and then it would either grow above below it like you ever seen like a tree growing through a fence kind of just find way but it has to be very mature main grow but the 1200b units based upon the the size of the hole I'm not too concerned at all about it impacting that and at that point um your sediment already kind of like moving into the unit your oysters are growing so what it's creating is kind of perfect scenario for the mangroves to continue to grow through the unit and so you're creating what we call like our Iron Wall Def fenses and for the future florid Coast lines so it's the ability to actually grab the sediment have your oyster Reef that actually protects your mang grow from getting scoured out so like let's say like loss of sea grasses and things that happened over the years especially in any River lagon because of loss of seagrass is you'll have these scouring events happening during storms that wouldn't happen before because that seag grass is holding down That Base sediment so what we're trying to recreate is actually how we rebuild our shorelines back um these structures will also enable the uh the intensification of the growth of seagrasses in areas by adding structure you we see an increase in the footprint of seagrass around those areas and specifically even if you just look at some of the projects the Jupiter Islands right on the south side of us Bridge or east west side excuse me um those River piles or SE grass that's everywh around that but that wasn't there before they put the r in right so any kind of structure enhances the and growth around it so I wouldn't be too concerned about the roots damaging the um the there's three projects uh that you got that grant for that are in the regular title zones yeah um when do those projects start or expected to start I have to the agement signed so we awarded it um we need 8 months get the grant agreement sign then we apply for permits through Army core and then once we get the perment issued then we can start producing it so call it a year and a half okay so that's why we only have the the way to make data I'm only as fast as my my per no no I understood I was just but what we are doing to actually increase our project get a lot of private developers that have called us so we're trying to create basically incentives by going to the insurance companies so we say if you're able to put this in something is better than nothing so we can actually show we can slow down the wave energy that way the developer say I get a lower insurance rate putting this in and I can get my permit quicker because sometimes you projector mangroves in that area so we've been exploring that as well that kind of Falls in mind with that previous presentation that you made like how you incentivize developers to actually be more green so we're trying to address that from the insurance angle sa but us we slow down the waves and we protect the asset th lowering to flames so have you guys thought of um Beachin being on an area that you guys trickier subject yesing but if you were to we have thought about it that would include the next size up which is the 7200 times um because anything offshore has to be larger but only a lot of Hope if we're able to actually push it board that we would actually be able to do the same thing um we tested small scale what it would look like along the beach with our 5B units and uh it it does it does build back the beach so it's actually pretty promising and you could create some maybe some great surf surf break for some Surfers so there there's there's a du d i just you look at some of the areas like uh my parents are up at Palm Coast and they lost the entire Road of like it's gone and they keep trying to build it back going away in the infrastructure cost on the cities to you know pump sand in beach is immense know Palm Beach the beach would already be gone right now if they weren't pumping any yearly so those are those are I have also like seven or eight different Breakwater projects just to protect roads because he said if I could put this you know 30 ft away from my roadway I don't have about like Road com through well think about Flagler County up there in the Northeast because they would desperately need something for sure they're trying to build it back right now and I'm just shaking my head saying that Sand's going to be gone and one probably ice but that's a great project you guys that's amazing thank you very intelligent could you provide just a little context on the big cost you know how does that compare to traditional rip wrap methods um yes you know at the end of the day cost is always a a barrier uh for yeah so if you were to compare us to Red prap there's a couple other factors so typically people see you know oh rip is you know Rubble just rock pile and it cost me know X number for The Rock but they don't really take into account execution like you got to Stage it you got to pick the rock you got to transport it but in terms of the amount of rock required my footprint to get my highest peak is much less than it would before your rip rack so a lot of people ignore the cost for mitigation so if you have a giant Cass patch and you put you know already a 20 foot footprint that's a that's a big amount already off the bat just on the foot so we're able to reduce that just on this size so we sell our arches currently at $2,500 per and they sound like a lot but it's really not because we make our savings on speed so rather than going for you got big fers size F and small ones then you have to place each one and then over time you create two problems one the rocks will roll and that's it there's really no maintenance PL for what it is afterwards you also create those bike marks on the shoreline because the water's going to race behind it is going to take that standand and actually cut deeper so if someone chooses they're going to kind of make a trade off for the longevity of that sheline behind it whereas as ours you actually put it in if this break on the top taken and swap it that's why you want to make a monitor so those are just some other factors to consider and over time we're actually reducing our costs so we're able to you know do a soul sort with the municipality and then we could have anybody come in through R so uh Reef are es is the name you've given this or do you have like a different thing for it okay um I noticed when you're doing multiple arrays of these things that they I assume the permitting agency is making you have a gap what's what's the purpose of the Gap yes man man it's man in TR because if you have um any any break water doesn't matter what you have as the recedes and and the manate is behind it it needs it needs a place to kind of Escape so the manate natural reaction is to run along the structure until about to doorway so every FWC requires every 50 to 75 ft of continuous break water must have a 5 to 10t Gap the other thing too is you can't have any openings greater than uh 8 in so on the side of the reap arches in that project we actually put some cattle fence on the side that allows the water to pass through you so get your fish to pass through but you don't have kids go to and you don't have manes or tur so that's what you with the cence you still have your sting race kind of move through but um that's how we're part to the Gap and I've seen similar University of Miami has is working with someone that has a similar product but theirs if I remember correctly they they actually plant The Mangrove into it to begin with so but you guys are confident that the mangr will go uh waterward over time and then grow into that the system that you lay is that's right so for the question different ways to do it all right I'll do a quick in yeah we could jump in but for the mang question those mangr are actually mang which is like back in the day if we gave to them seive specifically um the reason why just planting them straight into the concrete alone so the seahive is essentially a giant cylinder um and it does nothing to actually bring the sediment in just is a wall essentially so they just stack and stack and stack it main gr grows in over time the main gr will grow out but eventually the main growth will be unhappy in that type of a system it's not a flourishing system whereas with this system your waves come in your sediment deposits you're able to actually capture nutrients as well and so that's helping to strengthen the mang Gres and giving them the proper elevation to grow so we really really what we like to see is the ability for natural Improvement to start to happen we think of the number one causes for what we're seeing in Testa specifically the Jupiter naos project with Su Pella um they're working on actually building rip wrapp on those islands right now and looking how we s that are quickly disappearing from Boat Boat wave action right that repetitive interval boat wave boat W is one the number one causings of Mangrove destruction in the State of Florida right now it hasn't really been recognized that as that but we see it each and every day um and those islands are slowly disappearing and because when that boat weight comes in it comes in hits the sand washes it out so with a system like this boat weight comes in even if um no matter what your tital interval is whether it's a 4ot TI tie the system works all the same as far as how it's going to trap sediment um it's going to trap it at this at this lip first and then it's slowly going to build it back so it's going to build back the shoreline and then at a certain point depending on the set of it types you're going to have different different elevation grow But ultimately the elevation growth should be stable uh suitable for either up blend uh buffer main growth you got your whes your blacks your Reds they all different elevations so understanding how that transition comes down um the goal is that and if you really wanted to you could plant a mangrove right in the top if you had it in the right elevation you could just create a little planter like that we actually working on some interesting ideas around that as well but yeah thing too with that section you mentioned of that that company it's still a perpendicular surface on Sand you'll still get scouring so and they out of multiple conferences they've actually come up to us and they kind of and could you put yours foot of ours right because it's still seaall effectively so they're going to still get all the scouring in front but if you put this in front of theirs it will prevent that so I mean Contra what we do but it's great the other side the other side that is side of reef arches versus a seahive is the ability of habitat creation do you think about the amount of space organisms that will attach to this and actually because of its design when the water moves through it it creates micro circulation so it actually helps feed oysters Barnacles and actually speeds up the growth over time versus a flat wall it comes in splashes off the organisms can't actually feed on on a plank INF things that they're actually eating and bacteria and stuff like that so it does actually create amazing amazing um as you can see few already barles an is already attaching to the units because of their design which is really really like for me it's one of the big reasons why I wanted we started working with was like Sol this prod I was like oh boy this is this is the next any more questions all right appreciate it thank you very much all right I only have two pictures I I couldn't put a ton in here but honestly it's more about answering your guys questions there oh perfect um so I'm Keith Ros I am the co-founder of a Appo company called mang we an environmental Appo company that plants a mang gr for every product we sell we've been doing mang restoration for nine years um I'm also the CEO of M Consulting Services which is a spin-off of M and really what we're focusing on is working with companies like rearers on how do we develop um future systems for one fixing our seaw wall problem to fortifying our our coastlines from hurricanes storms and actually being able to rebuild land with products like Reef purchase But ultimately how do we add more mangr into our ecosystems understanding the the benefit that mangr have for our state as holistically from an economic standpoint But ultimately how the habitat in our whole life cycle in our oceans actually revolves around mro ecosystems so here's some products i l this I was actually up here took this picture this morning morning um and this is what we call a mainr planter so this would actually attach along a seaw wall and then below it we actually would have reches for Habitat creation as you can see with the nice glowing lights so it's actually an aesthetic um this is a project that we're currently working on we haven't deployed this yet so this is literally prototyped um working with a 3D concrete print company to develop the planter and then with recares with the accessories on the wall for oyster grow and uh everything along that so so when I was talking with Brad um he was mentioning how you know we're talking about this ordinance and and what are the things we can and can do and I just really wanted to be here to help kind of guide you guys through the process of my understanding of living shorelines what we're looking to make to Quest of the tree city right of the world right so and uh so you know we're we grow mangroves we have 35,000 mangroves at our Farm West bom Beach um and you know part of that part of what we what we're trying to do is find more projects but also being up here in Jupiter now in Jupiter's actually in pal Beach County we have more mangroves per sea wall than anywhere which have 65% Mangrove Shor lines versus are 35% and if you go down the coast just to the south of Jupiter it changes drastically pretty much from Palm Beach County um Fort Ludo comes more it's about 75 to 80% of that entire shoreline is sea walls and that's a big major issue because when you think about mangroves mangroves are that life cycle so when the leaves fall in the water bacteria forms on those leaves phytoplankton feed off of off of the bacteria zup plankton eat the phytoplankton and the laral fish the zton so mangr are a critical critical component to actually reestablishing the Snapper group grouper complexes on our reefs because those fish are growing up in our manger ecosystems and then when I when I first saw rearch as a product I was like this is a great way for us to kind of segue how how do we create like green and GR that one protects existing Mangrove ecosystems that are fully mature you talk about a 25-year old Mangrove ecosystem specifically like if you think about the galona property and how the mangr are being washed out on the other side of the Nars there on on the west side and every every year more and more mangroves are falling into water but what is the cost of keeping that Mangrove there versus The Mangrove being G immense for our ecosystems immense for um you know restoration so that's why systems like this that actually help to rebuild habitat we take back 10 ft of land and then the mang GRS will naturally regrow and we actually be able to rebuild and actually make a more resilient infrastructure and so and then the other option is an option like this when we have tight Corridor corridors where we're working with riparian brides and we don't we not have the ability to actually build a living Shoreline because you can't just plant a mang gr all on the seaw wall there's too much scou that happens boat WS it's pretty much impossible to get anything to grow there unless you have a really really calm backwat B and nice sloping Shoreline mangroves need that nice slope they need the right elevation and they need an area that's nice and calm to be able to effectively grow along shorline or have some kind of rip wrap um to actually protect the mang so some of the product some of the projects we worked on with the county in the past are you know they create these Arch seaw Wall Planters and they put rip rep and they bring it all the way to the seaw wall they bring in sediment and fill and then we plant the main gr right in the middle of right and so those those and they capture a lot of um they're not really capturing sediment sometimes they actually let too much sediment into the systems um specifically one Monster Park that they did not build correctly but it's but it's looking hopefully like it'll stabilize I know right now the MERS are being compounded by the way that the sets move along the show L there so understanding how we build them the right way um and we've seen how they built in the right in the past along c Park is a great example where they brought the rock the wall and didn't leave big large gaps along the seaw wall what will happen is you have these the northernly Northerly or souly winds that will bring sediment along the seawall and then it will just stack into the planters that they're built improperly and that's just in certain scenarios specific SE anywhere else but understanding that we're able to hopefully help you guys see the larger picture of what there's the right and wrong way to do this kind of you know mang restoration and also seaw wall insulation [Music] that's so this is one of those uh what we call seaw Wall not a seaw w but one of those adaptation shorelines in Sea and so they bring in a bunch of rock they bring in some fill and you can't see the edges of it but the edges are open on this particular unit which is Led for sediments to kind of like Pile in one way pile another whereas if you were just to build it all the way to the Shoreline um your goal would be to actually incase that siment so you're not seeing that shi so we've seen kind of the good way and the bad way of doing that type of U structure it's good to have a little bit of flow but not where it's you know six feet of the Gap you want to bring it as close as you can maybe a foot at most and that way you don't have that sentation that'll cover mainr um and so this was a community project right there at mono Park we also planted the four Islands in front of the neighborhood that are just off in the distance here about 5,000 mang gr trees there um another one of our local products here in Jupiter is on the south side of juper Lighthouse where J District put the rock piles to stabilize the erosion there every one of those mangr might there is a main Mangrove um so we've built Community Based projects around L restoration and uh really really you know we care about educating Community about the importance of these ecosystems and we restore them and then sawfish Island um we planted the M there as well so we're very U we're very familiar with local ecosystems in Jupiter and Cha and we know what we need to do to restore them and bring them back to full health it's just going to take some green and gray infrastructure working together for us to be able to rebuild what we're losing and you think about even like you know Coral Cove um that whole sh the air that's slowly degrading over time as well us be beautiful SE grass Flats there all sorts of things how do we look at um you know working our way up the Indian r really just building back what was lost over the years from Bo and just storms and human destruction see all that stuff so that's kind of where where we're heading um happy to like answer any questions you guys have I know we talking specifically with BR about ordinance that you guys were um kind of working through and be happy to kind of help help to make sense of what is feasible one for the consumer so the consumer is taxpayers who live along the water so are what does you know replacing the seaw wall mean and then if they're replacing the seaw wall what medication credits are we going to require them to have to give back to the environment for the replacing of the seaw wall and maybe explaining that process a little bit so they can understand it a little deeper to and me if I don't saying this incorrectly be yeah so I do have some well you had a question go start down there start down there question um not sure about this so do you have any data that suggests or or maybe points to the direction that seaw walls uh or maybe a combination of the Arches and mangroves have a protective effect on seaw walls the data is only off of the one site that we've observed but we know just the how hydrology works and how by slowing down water and being able to ACU sediment we're able to stop this scaring effect along that seaw wall and it's all about understanding the placement of the rearch for the desired result so a shoreline that's facing south versus a shoreline that's Facing East you're going to essentially attack it in a different way and it's understanding how the water is actually moving through that system and where our trade winds are normally coming from and going build up over time is how we actually bring it all together in a full circle is what I also kind to understand how hydrologic flow can actually impact the with the with the right placement we can actually rebuild there will be probably certain Shor lines that you won't have that kind of flow or that kind of wave energy that's going to help you build that shine out and so you'll see you know maybe not the desire that particular but as a as a general whole we can understand going help to stabilize that sea W actually reduce the impact over time of what damages could be done in the replacement time for that se wall I could jum our US Army Corp has a packet called nature based Solutions and it has about about eight different options of what St line or look like so introducing this would be more comparable to be like a sill which is a type of Shoreline where it's just slope some rock and then some gr behind it so that's how we could actually be pretty comforable to it and that's how we were able to get our our inore permit for the first project so there's um I could definitely send a link to what nature based Solutions look like and they show exactly how it's measured and why our cures it for all the all their projects really so um Mangrove question is there such a thing is a pygmy Mangrove small Mangrove so other than it being we call a d mangrove there is and it's not a different type of M it's just the habitat growing in so so like look look I get that in the day this is great um so we have four different types of classifications of mangroves they're all the same species that's call right Mangrove right you have your fren mangr you have your barrier mangroves you have your DF mangroves and then you have um your basic mangroves so your only difference between your dwarf and a river and mangr is the habitats growing in so you go down Florida Keys you see these little tiny mangroves 25 50 years old but they don't get any bigger why don't they get any bigger they're growing in a limestone and they don't have an excess am nutrients that's why the water blew the water was dirty like ours those mang would be bigger right because all that suspended sediment it's carry nutrients those nutrients of grow the mangr right so you think about the riv mang and lots of Hatchy nice talls mangr thicker than you can see through and the reason is is because all the the nutrients coming out the land are actually helping grow of those mangroves and that's why we our project along Lighthouse those mangroves I mean they're growing about twice as fast as any main that we pled today so their speed two to 3et per year in general if you to do like a barrier on the main Ro it would grow about fo year right so just because the accessibility of nutrients and the kind of siment it's growing in and you know all those factors lead to you seeing the this little guy here and this guy that's 25t 30 ft in the air you probably see where I'm going with this that um would be one of the biggest push backs um in convincing people uh who live along the coast and have seaw walls uh to put either a living Shoreline or supplement the seaw wall with the solution like this because they don't want to block their view right this is where we come in with our with our mro knowledge and we create that was going to be my next question I swear it's right here yeah so um that's actually an arm of the business we're building right now and have clients asking for that type of work biggest thing is doing it the right way and doing it to these requirements and making sure that we're maintaining the health of the manger but the absolute most important most importance and it's still going to benefit the shoreline it's still going to do the same things on on on the low side the only thing it won't do on the high side is slow down winds and slow down waves above the ne R right it'll slow down them if let's say four W it's going to slow down the 4 foot section four foot above it'll still knock it down but it's not going to do the same as if you had a wall of angres right the sticks and everything and the branches that it has to move through but yeah I mean that's that's definitely a huge concern for people that live along in water um but the way around it is just trimming it and making trimming more accessible well I guess what my question would be can the dwarf mango live in these Testa Waters or and Thrive yeah so it's not a different species of Mangrove the habitat is very conducive for Mangrove growth here which is a good thing we don't necessarily want slow growing mangroves we want to have fast growing mangroves um uh because they're going to provide more ecological value to the Eartha um and because we're in a we have a river ecosystem it's a very nutrient Rich ecosystem um in every little you know pocket depending on how the hyd moves through the area you'll see mang growing slower than this one but it's all just the way the moves okay my question is so we're listening to this in terms of Shoreline talking about the ocean side right that kind of Shoreline and the inl No No so for residential on the lockah hatchee river seaw walls how does this a boat owner with a dock and how does this impact the sand buildup and being able to get access to the boat yeah so that's a great question and up the river is very common so you're not necessarily going to see maybe generally the same kind of sedimentation with this particular product as you would if you were to develop an actual R sh line but you'd have to bring in bill for that but that's an unknown we don't know will compound in the river ecosystem um we can't we can't understand how it's going to compound in more open areas I do believe that there is potential for it to build I just don't know what the potential would be um the other side of it is to you know you plug up one side and you actually bring in fill um but yeah my understanding in the river itself is uh it's one of those areas that we'd have to do some testing to actually understand how to clarify you mean access for the boat to go underneath the dot is that what you mean no to uh take your boat into the water if it gets if there's a lot of sand build up then it's too shallow and but you draft you hit the B you so it really depends how you Orient the the arch right if you were just put a a rock out there you're not going to get set a build up it's not it's not a sent magnet at all we had to really position it in that in that scenario we position in such a way where it was close to short and it was going up right so that's where as a place where the sand was able to be captured if you're just putting this underneath a dock just to have some structure just to bring some more oysters and some more habitat absolutely you would get a a d delous permit it's around a $50 permit and you just throw this underneath so you're not going to have like siment and just a massive build up yeah it's that's not what the main goal is to just protect the SE appro of let's say we wanted to create uh suitable have four mangr to grow along the seaw wall we would place them very close to the seaw wall itself and in hopes that they will build up siment which we there's a lot of suspended salts in the river itself so there is a good chance it will build up siment and depending on the way that we position them in regards to the flow correct if your seaw wall is here if you're if I understand your question correctly if you put the seaw wall right up against it then yes you would see the hopeus you get the siment But if you're like at the end of your you just want some structure no I'm talking about not the seaw wall because if you wanted if we're encouraging residents to consider um mangroves and things on the on the seaw walls in the river because of the uh wave action that just keeps reverberating back and forth and um to create something where it can be a living area for our spe uh Native fish and Nursery basically and if you install one of these up against a seaw wall in the river will it comp will it create that um sediment buildup such that you would not be able to launch your boats absolutely because that's something we would have to um yeah so the seaw walls like this your dock would go out and typically your boat is at the end of the dock right so you would put these at least in close proximity if not very very close proximity to the uh to the seaw wall that sand is going to be built up between that and the seaw wall and not and it's not going to go out you know once it once there's there's a drop off point F this that it will only build set up to a certain level and then it's going to do what it's always done as which is wash through I mean you have certain areas I'm sure that fill up with regularly anyways without any structure those areas are still going to be the same you know it's not going to change those areas that you know the Backwater canals and Creek have you know um durage that actually brings more and then to encourage Mangrove planting in that area then that comes back to our question of How High and all that business how much are you allowed to trim the mangroves a year uh so let's say like we we planted mangroves you can trim them 25% at a time as far as they're like height down but you have to be you can't start trimming them until they're 6 ft and from 6t you keep them maintain so you can't trim see well generally is much higher you may have a little bit of mang like it's not going to be where does that six ft start at the root base or at the height that it started if it grew up top of that structure or on the uh it would it would start from wherever the sediment root bases so it's from the ground up so whatever is exposed at that time so if you pop one on top then you've elevated your okay yeah or you have your mang you can still lower it right that 3D printed one you just lower it down plus 6 feet then you could always accommodate it we don't want block views either you can always just account for it just start your initial orig so looking for selling points for you got have the selling points I and Michelle this is to you what about discussing this at our um for about the ramp I had that in my chat yeah I neighbors I have a thought how can this board help you two guys in your operations and specifically do you need a place in the river to test you need a place to Showcase people what can be done might we we agree I I agree that you do and that would be that would help the village as soon as they have finally adopt the living Shoreline ordinance this would help people to understand Ways and Means and to see the whole thing stud we can help build those PR materials around what's the benefit versus not doing it and those materials are going to essentially be do you like fishing well they'll be a more like for for example to Questa Country Club to Questa Country Club has a boat dock area and they have two pocket parks that are on the river I have no say in what I'm about to say but that could be a PL that could be a place to test cuz you know they have Waterfront that may have erosion issues and I don't know but that that so I will say there I think there's three of us right yeah three of us live at the cross the country club on this board and uh the two pocket areas uh currently do have mangroves they do yes they do the North View and South have mangroves have Beach area and and then our dock has a ramp and a little fishing dock that comes out and we can't put something to build up sand there we have plenty of sand buil up at that one and that would obstruct our ramp and people use that as a and it's a beach basic but as a testing spot north or south and I'm to be um in full um transparency I'm I serve on the um Community Association for to Questa Country Club so it would be interesting for you to maybe um come talk to us to see if this is an opportunity where you could um put up a test one at North and South View to see how much more it could build or if it's if it's no areas where there's been loss of land Groves this is a great way to rebuild what has been lost so there's like particular areas where you noce when have falling in water over the years and we're looking to rebuild rebuild those that that would be a great way to kind of show even if there's only let's say there's a couple mang still like hanging in there or seeing a high erosion point this is what that product is on for to protect those mangroves that are still hanging in rebuild it and then build mangroves back um would be also another thing to think about it's just FYI Palm Beach County has a natural area set aside on Riverside Drive just north of toqua Pines to really walkways you to the water Riverside Drive I the last time I went there which was probably about a year ago they were having erosion issues that I saw and you know IR in the county they might say yeah test it use it Coral Co pardon is that Coral Cove yeah Coral Cove too Coral Co yeah yeah yeah that'd be great I mean the more opportunities for projects CU you can use partes in different applications and then that way we could say this is a new standard of resilience that municipalities can adopt and then everybody could just say this is how tquo is the leader of it right Miami gets a lot of attention for um but we're the only other competitor Le sitting in the backyard competing against them we can say yeah but not Florida isn't just Miami there's a lot of other players that can actually create that standard and collect all that PR it's pretty much a land rush right now for our Market totally pilot project to locations ready well when you when the time comes I think in it may be Thursday night they're going to adopt the final reading of the living seaw wall is that I mean the living shorelines is that true Jay so shortly assuming it passes on second reading shortly uh it would be helpful if you gave us some of those educational type materials so that we could get it through our various to quest uh platforms for communications so this Thursday the proposals being set forth tomorrow so is it but in that proposal what is the living Shoreline consist of like what is the idea around how you actually build Jay would have to answer that Jay the community development director here so um we're really hearing what Jupiter did with their code so um requiring rip wrap and some when someone rebuilds a seaw wall so um it's only we can only force it when someone's rebuilding the seaw wall right um so we're just encouraging to do that and then we're also um encouraging people to not Harden their seaw wall so the code the code almost kind of prevents people from doing that without getting the zoning varas so if someone has an existing rip wrap or natural Shoreline they've got to maintain it that way and they can Harden it through a living short and if possible I don't know if it's available but if you guys could say rip wrap or other cuz if you just specify just rip wrap you box out all potential technologies that are available to you I can yeah I can pitch that tomorrow I I'll say the g WRA are similar structure so be kind of a last minute Edition but um I had no idea that's exist we've been around it's a good thing this meeting was today not you might want to take a picture show tomorrow want create aine like traditional RI rat bringing and Bill yeah maybe do you have this presentation from Council kind of knows what do you have an understanding of how much square footage you're requesting per per linear foot it's it's just 10% so at at initial establishment 10% of the shoreline has to be comprised of main grow within two years and if not then they have to come plant 20% what the idea is that it'll spread and we didn't and I think like I said it's mirring Jupiter's code we didn't want to force too much because the you know people don't want their entire property priz of of mangroves so um we didn't let him too hard with the you know with the stick but I do think we're going to talk next Brad got idea kind of car which is how can we actually people voluntarily do this or have incentivize them to do this I would say it's challenging um to bring like you can bring in rock bring you're talking 10% standard l so 20 ft of that so you're talking a very small planter or the other options is to go with maybe seaall Planters or habitat enhancing units like rear we can with the challenges of just bringing in rock you're bring in siment which you're bring inity barriers so there's things that you know will maybe make that more challenging trying to think about the cost to actually bring ADV oil for say 20 what that would be well the the whole property has to be Ri so it's it's 100% rip W but 10% mang okay R so no more traditional seaw W you you can still replace an existing seaw wall with the seaw wall but the idea is that at least create the living Shoreline water of the seaw wall but if something does not have an existing seaw wall if it's an existing r or natural Shoreline it is to to maintain it in that state and enforce it with rip and it's just the first kind of the first like we can always it yeah that's one quick question have you tested this in in title areas is where they not up against the seaw wall but here's the visual I'm thinking of is right in the middle of lockah hatche river just west of the railroad track you know that Mangrove Island was right there have has this been tested where the waves would maybe move both sides of those and is there an opportunity to test something like that I'm just curious if if we've done any projects like that yeah so there's is that what you mean I'm not sure what the name of is it's like it's like a mangrove Island right in the middle of the river an exting M talking where the sandar yeah we're actually trying to do that where we could create um so those spil Island D material that dump in so yeah we're trying to be able to Showcase that instead of R you just put an arch all the way through and then in theory if you just have a ring of arches you can also put SE grass there if it's uh Rings sand and mangr then you create a new new Ries so absolutely so we could address it kind like yeah it's almost like you're Crea a new island yeah pretty much there's a lot of wave action there seem it seems to me if I heard you right like the the more wave action the quicker the rebuild back time could be pretty much I mean you just have to you would have to measure the sediment the siment transport but if you have like a ring scenario that way you're tripping all the sand you put it in and if you assist it with Dr material now you have a really quick way to stabilize it I mean it's easy to get fill but man it's hard to move RI like a lot of it so we just go drive and drop them you can do that and if you're just to place like one out in the middle you know pile the moves around it's probably not going to drop on it becomes a it becomes a full unit especially if you have in andout title you might see some build up on either end of it um depending on how you place it but it's not going to be like you know bu talking scal okay I'm GNA have to yeah end it because we still have a few things to do here but Nick Keith I really appreciate you guys coming and and providing insight to this please uh if either of you guys my last words on this would be if you need us for anything either contact our chair or Jay behind you so and let us know so we can get into action to help you what with whatever it may be all right so we kind of addressed the uh the tree code yes during the presentation so we're good there so the the game plan would be for us to take this same table come back say a month or two from now and look at whether we want the non tree Pro prohibitions that's on fix to be on the to come didn't didn't we make a motion on that yes yes I did okay did oh consent agenda oops skipping all over the place here okay so would someone like a motion to consent agenda approval um the uh minutes August and September August and September well I make a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes of August and September for this board and the motion is to approve the same hi hi hi okay so we will skip down to new business um Jay do you want to just want to give you guys a quick update on dreo I the last meeting I think they reached out to some of you guys about for Grant um after that meeting we were able to get uh like Rush from our our Village Council to to be a co-signer of this Grant and um we partner with them to actually get the grant submitted so in the time from that last meeting we've actually applied for a grant from the the Florida DP um it's not a big one but it's uh up to $60,000 but the jeros group is actually has agreed to do all the grant writing all the grant maintenance and all the funding of the grant um and the village is is kind of a co- Parker um a municipality has to be the signer of the grant so we're we're basically partnering with with them on that U but the good thing is we we now have a framew workk for work with them on other Grant applications so we're going to partner with them and look into Partland navigation Grant and some other stuff I know Brad you sent us a list last year we're going to evaluate some of those too so should be a good good partnership moving forward good deal thank you all right next uh Mangrove restoration program I was talking to Jay about this and it I think I'm going to make this homework since we have like 15 minutes um let's assume that we are able to get money uh either through the normal budgetary process with the village or or a grant um enough to have one person or personal property uh you know uh install maybe something like this but install a living Shoreline with or without without a current um seaw wall okay so the money part is is is the most important part but it's the part we're going to assume that we have how would this Mangrove restoration uh or I should say living Shoreline um program look this would be something to just sort of think about so living Shoreline program I mean I'll just throw it out there I've been thinking about different ways maybe it's a localized Grant uh where people who have an interest in um either a a full living Shoreline or um you know a supplement to their current sea well can apply for this grant now again the amount of money is immaterial let's just pretend we have the money um and whether it's a small amount and it defray some of that cost or it's big amount and maybe we have multiple grant winners and again this might be pie in the sky but I what I intend in my vision to do is once we come up with a plan that all of us agree on that makes sense it's pragmatic um I plan to go uh and see if we can find some money in the budget um so it would be nice to have like a solid program so it doesn't look like we're just hey we want money you know have plan and I can jump in I've mentioned the idea of the village manager already he he loves the and cona so I think he he can be a supporter of this and then it's just a matter of getting the Council on board um one thing for for food for thought too is is also just think of who would be reviewing the grants so maybe maybe we even get Village Council to consent to EAC being kind of the committee that ranks them but then also needing to establish kind of a criteria for how you would score the applications that come in um so yep there's probably five different types of ways you can score them you know need based or how much they're committing on their own dollars yeah just think think of that and and really the last thing I want is for it to be like a Federal grant where it's just a massive job to fill it out it's it has to be so yeah eer friendly um and it would be open to all the residents of Testa although I think a grant submission from someone that doesn't live on the water would probably score pretty low anyway but I I imagine legally we have to offer it till all TOA resid and when we say toqua because we have Martin County and no we don't it have to be Municipal municipality and who who who are the primaries that we would seek money from would it be be pomes County IR would it be loet River District would it be FD would it be Etc etcc I mean I think the easiest is just going straight through our Council but we could try and leverage other dollars from M and those groups you know I think if if our Council committed an x amount of dollars we could then go to those other groups and say hey we're going to run this pilot program our council's already committed x amount of dollars could would you also chip in on top of that and be become a partner in it I kind of what jalona has accomplished that's right you know it's like a domino effect correct so anyway if you could the next meeting we're not going to have any presenters so we'll have you know time to to uh discuss um okay and uh just you know what are your thoughts and and really the nuts and bolts of it too you know not just oh we got to have you know good education for the people that potentially would submit for this grant no it like specifics step by um on that note can I real it's not on the agenda but um I think last year in February the um EAC chair talked to our Council right before strategic planning about things that that um the EAC wanted to to maybe look at the budget for next year year so um something like this would be something that we would ask for during strategic planning then budgeting strategic planning starts in March of 2025 so um you know if we have this idea and if there's any other ideas that you would want to talk to um to council about funding um get that in mind straet trees big ones um okay move on uh last one here is uh I went to this Florida resiliency conference it seems like I went like last year but was in September um really uh interesting and eye opening and what I did in that staff memo if you have an opportunity to take a look at it I'm not going to read through it since we're running low on time here but uh these were some of you know the maybe the high points of uh some of these talks that that I went to uh during this ended up being for me anyway a day and a half because I left this meeting in September and drove straight over and so I missed part of uh Wednesday or I guess I missed all of Wednesday because it was late but um interesting stuff though um especially number five yeah I don't know if you had a incredible like it is literally being built now that's crazy yeah what what how as you drive up they build it into the asphal and it's uh you have to have a adapter in your car and it's just like your cell phone where you can just sit it on top of those things and it charges right exact same thing but you're in your car your EV um it's not it's for the way they explained it maintaining the charge on your car it's not going to charge up your car to full you don't lose your while you're traveling so those miles a year talk about what the emgs oh the um em electromotive yeah emfs or whatever whatever they didn't mention anything like that and um it's a good question Pacers other things that come to mind just general I don't know the yeah I don't know the physics so look at this I had to read that three times pass what as you're passing what passing yeah you're driving literally built into the road um I've got to believe it's been permitted to death and sure it does if there was going to be Health impacts gosh they I'm sure they would have vetted that out years ago I okay I would assume then how about that money talks um anyhow oh and number four as well was kind of interesting um you can get a level two charger for your EV in your home for 31 bucks a month that includes any and all electrical upgrades to your home it includes all of the planning all of all of perhaps the permitting you may need for that um extra whatever 250 volt uh that require you to have electric vehicle it would help I don't know if you want to pay 31 bucks a month for nothing you know how long do you have to pay the $31 good question I I likened it to the ghost solar program mhm where you pay more now but less later and you're you're buying solar raay for fpnl um but it could be attractive to some I don't know it was just inter interesting topics yeah it was uh I I like that it was a great stuff right there that charges your drive and and number three and this will be at um that Cedar Key Shores project uh that was really interesting they put a living Shoreline along I don't know if anyone's been to Cedar Key um kind of that little town area um because they were losing you know after every storm they were losing like parts of the road and so they did this and it's it's still ongoing but um after this presentation is September I think was when those hurricanes or at least one of the Hurricanes glanced uh or was near Cedar Key so um I am going to reach out to the person who gave this presentation and she's a pi of um the uh research group that's you know partnering with uh the Cedar Key area and find out how it fared after uh after this storm that'd be an interesting uh data point what was her name I read it in here I forget Savannah Barry yeah she's a relative maybe yeah to my husband huh so I'll find out yeah warm up your call maybe or not we not all right so that's that's about it uh like I said unless something profound happens we're going to have zero presenters next meeting so we can work okay because it feels like sort of overload with presentations and we don't have the time I agree it has it's hard to reach out and research when you just don't even know which angle you're going in so having these presenters come in has been very nice to narrow in and and see where the paths can go I ALS I also like how Meg and and Jay like on this uh uh green initiative thing how they've taken the ball and ran with it that helps us a lot so we really appreciate that was a great I wish we had that when we first started what two years three years ago thank you thank you um any any other comments I have one yes so you if you recall I don't remember how many months ago maybe three four five months ago the mayor wanted us to consider having nighttime meetings okay and we we considered it and we concluded that this format that we have is currently works best for us and the staff but we decided that when the season came around that we would consider having at least one night meeting of some kind to see if we couldn't get more attendance in the audience here and so I just wanted to remind us you know the season is it's already started basically the winter season and you know if we do find something I'm not saying that we have a meeting like we're having today I'm thinking we find somebody that can give an excellent relevant presentation and they tell us that they're available just fake in these States they're available on February 15th and that would be great because it's you know down down the road and we can be advertising and marketing about and say so and so's coming to the Village Hall on this day and you know have all the stuff with the media platforms we use and so forth I don't know who that might be I don't know what that might be but I have really enjoyed these presentations and whoever is making all that happen is that's great uh Liv yeah try to think of somebody try to think of something that would be enough to get people to come here and yes just a joint one with with Jos and these guys and maybe Jona just talking living shorelines there's so much information that um I agree Jona could give an update on what they're doing I mean I didn't even know it but did you guys know that they're also doing something um north of the bridge too so you know the bridge you mean Bridge you mean Jupiter Arrow's people no no uh Jona so J everyone knows the're also doing something on the North part too yes I know about that yeah I knew I knew that what they I presented that they're going to have you presented you presented the southide well part of the drawings it was those were the all of the drawings I must not have even looked at the part no and and my comment was that they were fully funded to expand up to the north side as well mhm yeah yeah but either way yeah yeah that's living Shoreline February yeah it could be like whatever you want to call it Symposium kind of a thing and U and we could even do it to to try and sell people on what they can do to to do living shorelines right so start the education educational component yeah and that timing that you're suggesting too might maybe is enough for us to have done some homework and proposal writing right and have a rough draft or maybe something even more than rough to include in there appropriate exactly right all right I just wanted to should we remind should we shoot for a month maybe February whatever you all think I mean you know a good month everybody gets distorted in their their thinking and in December December through January is is yeah I think February is your best yes I think February's best too in March March starts up again for end of school and April they're already heading north some of them that's yeah February sounds good to me all right we'll shoot for that find out what's available here to to pick from for March I mean February for February bring some dates the next all right good um any other I just have a comment for the good of the committee Brad you're doing an excellent job oh thank you doing really good apprciate itate thank you great thank you very much welcome um is that the last that's it I make a motion that we adjourn is there a second second all in favor who's opposed who's going to say n that yeah okay turn off know how old that banion tree is on by Bay View yeah no uh I think Bay Harbor was