##VIDEO ID:SyAcZo73RFE## back in the box so once they come out it's just take I'll them good evening everyone it's 600 p.m. I'd like to call this meeting to order it is our November 14th 201 24 regular council meeting maryan can I get roll call Mayor Young here vice mayor Sor here council member Brandon here council member painter here council member French here the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance will be led by council member French thank you mayor I'd like to welcome up this evening the pastor of Family Church Testa Mike Richardson uh to pray for us hey good evening everyone it's been a pleasure to live inquest the last 15 years my wife and I build our family here and just on behalf of our congregation we love being a Neighborhood Church in this neighborhood let's bow our heads and pray together Heavenly Father we love you and God we're just so grateful that we get to live in a place like this God thank you reminded on Monday for veterans that have fought and given years given family members given their life given their best God to create a place where we can live the life that we feel like you called us to live and thank you for this special place that this is God it's beautiful and families are flourishing here and there's just diversity of life where people want to come to thank you for the wisdom of the council God I pray that you continue to give them wisdom God to help this to be a place that people want to live in that it has human flourishing God we lift up our Public Services we lift up all the other departments God thank you for them and their selfless service to make this place so special we thank you that you love us thank you that you gave everything that you could gave and the death Bill and resurrection of your son Jesus so that we could be pulled in and lift up into your family God I pray for the rest of this night that you be on it and bless everyone here it's in your name Jesus that we pray amen amen amen thank you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance a pledge of allegiance to the fire of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay um I would like to get a motion for approval of agenda with uh Council considering potentially moving agenda item 20 which is resolution 12-24 for the police pension to go before or after agenda item 17 which is ordinance number 10-24 for the police pension so moved second do you you want it before or after the ordinance it should be after yeah there's no can't do the resolution unless the ordinance okay perfect right it be going to new business yeah it would be the first the first new business I yep okay so good I'll make a motion to move 17 to 20 being the first order of business for new business thank you can I get second second all in favor all right first presentations tonight we have Sergio from discover the Palm Beaches well do you want to introduce yourself while we wait for the yeah yeah that's I wasn't sure where to start here but uh hello everyone H good evening my name is Sergio Pedra I'm senior director of community engagement and advocacy for discover the Palm Beaches uh the official tourism marketing Organization for Palm Beach County uh in other words you're your tourism folks um and we have been over the last year been taking our message on the road um so this is the latest stop in our tourism advocacy Road Show and we're very happy to be here in Testa actually it's my first time in the village hall uh very nice U so um I think we have a very short presentation here kind of give you an update on what we do and what tourism is looking like at least for Testa um but also through the entire County um like I said the object of this is to kind of bring our message to you uh we are more than just um in our minds at least and we want to change that perspective is that we're more than just a tourism marketing agency we're a community organization which is kind of tells the story of all the cities in this County um all 39 cities mean something to us and everyone has a story to tell and Taqua has a heck of a good story um to tell and we wanted to let you know that our organization uh wants uh to keep lines of communication open with all of our cities um and we appreciate the few moments we have to kind of tell you what we do and think how things are looking so um I'll I'll wait just a moment here this it yeah that's it thank sorry okay so uh like I said I kind of covered this first slide there uh but um you can go to the second one there um like I said we are here to keep your lines of communication wide open I represent you to the world and the entire County but also change perspectives on what we do as an organization um so what better way to do that that if a very quick video that I uh we are very happy to uh present to you um and if you've already seen it it gets better each and every time trust me so um hopefully this should work we get a commercial too so welcome everyone at Discover the pal beaches the official tourism marketing Organization for pal Beach County we're reaching more visitors than ever before and bringing direct benefits to our community making tourism a win-win for everyone tourism generates over10 billion annually for the local economy as well as over 7 billion indirect visitor spending what does that mean visitors generate more than $260 million in local taxes and fees these are cost residents don't have to pay plus tourism supports nearly 90,000 local jobs providing stable incomes and opportunities for career growth right here in palach County tourism helps fund community events and cultural activities enriching the lives of residents by making the pales a vibrant diverse and culturally Rich place to live additionally tourism helps facilitate efforts to preserve our natural resources keep our beautiful and protect our sea turtles and Wildlife all funded in part by tourist development dollars all of these dollars come from a 6% bed tax on overnight stays in hotels vacation rentals paid by visitors coming to the Palm Beaches and not by residents discover the pal Mees works for everyone in palach County we work together with all the tourist Development Council agencies to connect with businesses and residents together we represent palach County World there are a lot of travel destinations competing for our share of visitors and our job at Discover the Palm Beaches is to establish a recognizable BR story to show how incredible our destination is from Jupiter to Boon to Lake Oobi thanks to these efforts visitors are coming to the pal beaches to experience unsurpassed shopping beaches restaurants nature Arts Resorts and more tourism is a Cornerstone of our community's prosperity contributing to quality of place and quality of life it's the reason why the pal beaches continue to be extraordinary for residents and visitors alike to learn more about our efforts scan the code or visit the pal beaches.com advocacy today thank you for the second part of our presentation um I'm going to bring in my colleague Gustaf uh take you into the D thank you Sergio thank you for having us here today I'm Gustav liel I'm the senior vice president of research for discover the Palm Beaches and if we can move to uh slide here right so where I'm going to start is you saw some statistics in that video in there so I'm going to dive into where this comes from so this is our research platform so the basic things that we're focusing on is uh this visitor information how many people are coming here where they're coming from what they look like we have a variety of sources where we get that it's not just one source we have surveys we use uh geolocation data which helps us dive in to more than beyond the county so that's one of the things you know we primary focus is to see what's happening in Palm Beach County but we have the ability to go down into the granular levels into zip codes into cities um through some of the stuff that we subscribe to we also opportunities to to Leverage The Power of all the research we're doing to dive in uh with you know ad hoc requests anything if you have any questions about taquesta we can certainly figure out how we can dive deeper into that um Beyond visitation the spending the economic impact Hotel performance resident sentiment I'm going to go through some of these one thing that I do want to call out is uh destination demand is that's something that we've developed over the last 18 months that does a week toe forecast for for uh six months out on Hotel performance and we leveraged that uh as a team and as a community to sort of see where the need periods are they need a little extra promotion and that we feel that's been very successful in our performance in the last year the next slide this is visitation data that we have for Testa so we're using a company called Placer AI you may have heard of it's geolocation it's how cell phones are moving around the the country and uh they're estimating in there about 38,000 visitors to Testa in 2023 and these These are uh devices that are originating from somewhere else outside of the county so not just we're excluding anyone that's a Palm Beach County resident in this number and that makes up about half a percent of the total visitation to Palm Beach County next slide here is tourism sales so from the fora Department of Revenue we we've been able to get uh basically grow sales from a variety of sectors by a zip code level so the 33469 ZIP code which is is maybe a little bit more than just AA we have restaurant uh spending there that's $73 million up 9 million from 2022 there is uh there is some lodging data but they they kind of they don't allow us to have uh when there's you know less than five businesses in any sector we're not allowed to get that data in there just because you know want we don't really want to know what an individual business is doing so I know there's one hotel definitely there's airbnbs and things like that that would roll up into this number as well um in there next slide this is resident sentiment survey we conduct a survey every single year with 800 Palm Beach County residents and we ask in there a whole bunch of questions about um you know their perceptions on tourism and also where you reside so taquesta is definitely one of those um cities that we ask about uh I've rolled up data from the last couple years uh and also put Jupiter in there so we can get a better example there's only you know maybe a handful of people from taquesta that fill out the survey every year but you can see the the general the taquesta Jupiter area how they compare to a Palm Beach County General resident and some of these metrics and there so generally a little bit lower a perception of Tourism on how it makes a positive impact improves quality of life and things like that so I think you find that interesting information in there and then finally here the in terms of attribution so we do all of our marketing and Promotional and sales efforts we track back to our performance and there we find that uh about every $1 that we spend $109 is returned to Palm Beach County in total economic impact and that also returns $3 in bed taxes which is our primary funding source so we're basically getting a three to one on every single dollar that we're investing in terms of generating uh room nights and economic impacts spending at restaurants and all that then next slide in here the tourism master plan so this is something I've been with discover for 14 years and for the last 10 plus years this is something we've really wanted to to have we've never done a tourism master plan for the county so we've kicked uh this off this year we've been in process maybe about six months there's a website that uh you can go to called it's right there pbct tourism plan.com it has everything about the plan we have a a report on what are all the deliv Ables what are all the things items that the consultant CSL is working on I know that a few of you have been invited to some of these stakeholder interviews we're in the information gathering process right now just getting all the documents that we can find with there's a couple documents I know from Testa that have been incorporated into the document review phase uh some some of those Master plans I believe it was a Parks master plan and some infrastructure master plan that's in that review process so everything is sort of in this information gathering stage where we're going to launch some surveys uh out beyond the the one-on-one interviews and focus groups that we've had within the community all those reports so far are on this website so you can go there and you can see how everything's progressing in there so there's a summary on toqua in there some of the things some of the key findings the goal is to once we aggregate all this we have heard from everyone in the community you know what you know every single little pocket is is interested in or concerned about we're going to embrace all of that and create an entire road map for tourism into the future and how that would affect each community so if there's communities that want less tourism or want more tourism or they have infrastructure needs and how to get people around the community all those things will be addressed in some form or fashion so once that plan uh we we gathered all the information we've sort of delineated okay what are the items that that the county that the tourist Development Council can kind of take ownership of and be the champion of we'll start up and socializing those ideas to see if that's if we're in the right place and we know that that's the that we're on the right track and that's what you're interested in then we can move forward on an implementation plan from there so that would be probably another six you know six or nine months of process so would love to come back here and sort of roll out some of those ideas uh with you in the future on that that's the last slide in there so I want to thank you again for the time to have us here to to present and share uh what we do and the information we have about tourism in the county okay thank you counil any comments or questions no just thank you for coming in it's great to hear uh what you guys are doing and keep up some good work I've had the pleasure of working with Sergio and Gustav and some of the stakeholder engagements and the data is is real just so you hear these numbers and you always wonder does it really that economic impact is it there and the way they track and the programs that Gustaf has access to um it's real like I said they track that Visa card to where it originates from where it com so those are real dollars and uh just a class organization your your kickoff of the master plan a couple weeks ago was just top-notch programming so again congratulations what you do and thank you for including us uh two quick things that I think were um really neat from your website that maybe you could talk about so the community can know um I think don't you have on your website that you can build an itinerary depending on the city you're going to I mean that's even like local people in Palm Beach County can use that if they want to do like a station and you know go to another city and then um something I learned just from the County EOC calls during storm is I think it's your website that has a list of hotels availability for people that are evacuating can do you just want to talk about those real quick because I think they're really great features that probably a lot of people don't even know about yes um actually thank you for bringing those things up um right now we have a a program kind of a campaign called our Palm Beaches collection and taquesta is part of that and what it is designed to do is like you pick an individual City whether it's boa rone taquesta West Palm Beach and so forth and it kind of Builds an itinerary around that um that's kind of like one phase of it and then now we've kind of brought in an AI uh concierge if you will which again will kind of showcase some of the things to do like if you say give me top 10 things to do in Desta or top things to do in w and so forth so so yes and then second part of question yes uh since I'm the hurricane guy at our office um one of the things we do pride ourselves on is being able to send out that information about hotel occupancy Hotel availability during storms this past one uh during Milton we had quite a few uh vacue coming from the West Coast Tampa Orlando and so forth um and we were able to showcase our hotels and show them where there was occupancy levels um Gustaf was able to kind of track down availability for hotels but also recalled each individual property in the county to figure out whether they what their status was um so our hurricane action team um our storm emergency team we kind of work together on this so we want to be a trusted source during you know times of Crisis um so yes uh it's about hurricane plan is about 20 years in making but we keep getting better I think yeah it was great I think it even says like if it allows pets like it's very detailed and I mean that's even could be helpful to our own County residents cuz you might be evacuated or your house might not be safe but you don't necessarily have to go far you can maybe find a hotel that's just in a safer area um so you can go back to your home quickly so I think it's all great stuff you guys have on the website there so thank you for um talking about that okay anything else all right thank you for your time we appreciate you coming here much for coming thank you much appreciate okay second presentation tonight is by Scott case uh from the f. US1 Bridge replacement all right good evening everyone uh thanks for uh having us here uh tonight to present on the progress update for the Jupiter Bridge Project um first uh want to start off there's an embedded video at the bottom of the slide um I know it's been a while uh since we had our last meeting it's been since March of last year prior to the detour so I just wanted to uh we prepared this short video to kind of show you the progress that went from March 13th of uh last year till where we're at today so I hope you enjoy it go ahead nothing popped up when I hit play oh there we go okay all right so uh as you can see a lot of work uh has been done in the past year and a half if you remember you know from a year and a half ago we uh closed the bridge down and we had to demo the existing structure and then start putting in the new and try and do that about a year and a half year and 10 months uh to open it back up the traffic with one lane in each Direction um and there you go and uh what a lot of people don't realize is that this is more than just a concrete bridge this a concrete bridge with two four story buildings and a lot of electrical and mechanical equipment that go in it to operate it and all these parts coming in from out of state uh all over the country you know coming in um and supplying our project so a lot of work work you know has been done in the past year and a half um before I get into the schedule I wanted to talk about some of the key successes that we've had on the project you know to date and there there's a lot of them but I want to mention a few key ones here um so when we started the project a lot of people didn't realize we had to repair the A1A Bridge the alternate A1A Bridge so uh to get that ready to receive all the volume of traffic that we were putting in for that detour we had to go underneath the bridge and repair a lot of the invents you know in the peer caps uh because of their deterioration in order to withstand and hold the the traffic volumes uh so that was done um The Detour you know the smart work Zone that that we put in that whole first year of us being on the project was doing all the intersection improvements within the detour route and putting in all of our its uh infrastructure in so what was that that's a bunch of communication cables and cameras and devices that monitored the traffic that went and hooked up to the traffic Management Center so before all this I'm sure you guys been around a lot of these intersections where if there was a backup at a traffic light or whatever you'd see somebody out there Counting Cars you know for the the traffic Management Center then they'd relay that information back to the engineer who' make an informed decision to change the the lighting sequences here all of that data is now at the operator's fingertips at the traffic Management Center from speed to traffic delays traffic counts and uh monitoring the intersections as a whole and all that is hooked up so they can make uh real informed decisions in a timely manner um we also put in a bunch of uh um emergency uh preemption devices uh for uh local uh emergency uh responders and that so as they're getting towards the intersections they have it installed in their vehicles and it's installed at the traffic uh signal cabinets so as they approach the signal turns the light green and lets the traffic uh flush through the intersections and it helps get the responders to where they need to go in a timely fashion um so all that was good and overall you know as far as a detour goes I mean let's face it it is a detour you know there are going to be some impacts but I think overall the way this detour has went over the course of the construction has been remarkable I mean it's been uh performing better than what was anticipated um sure you're going to have some backups during peak hours you know when the Indiantown Road Bridge you know opens up or when the trains come in you know you're going to have those uh backups but overall I think we've been able to keep the traffic moving uh given this this this detour route and the volume of traffic that we have um vibration monitoring you know there was a big vibration monitoring program that we had on the project and so what we have uh as the contractors and that on these uh typical projects is to monitor the ground elevations for vibration levels uh not to exceed certain limits and we put vibration monitors all over where it's local um residential buildings or commercial building buildings or historical preservation uh buildings um but on this project due to the nature with the museum and the lighthouse we also hired another consultant to install monitors at the top of the building to measure the amplitude of the ground vibrations going up the building to make sure that those historical sites were preserved as best as possible um so that all went done without a hitch um so we successfully completed that and speaking of the foundations themselves um when we started the project you know the project was involved with pile driving so all of you I'm sure you've had you know seen construction with driving piles in the ground picking a big concrete pile up putting a hammer on it driving it down that's typical you know construction technique this job however when we started the test pile program we started getting into severe vibration impacts as a result of what we were driving through despite the soul borns despite all the historical data that we had it was just too much and we made the determination in the test pile program to drill down and remove the material all the way down at the bottom of it remove all that material so that eliminated the amount of drive time that we had to uh encounter during the pile driving so we stuck the pile back in drove it a few feet to get our end bearing then we took that material put it right back in uh the casing that the pile was in pulled the casing tapped the pile again to consolidate everything and did that for 300 pile so you can imagine it's tedious but it was at the benefit of the local residents to preserve the local structures the surrounding structures and the historical sites that we have and we are able to do that with minimal impact you know on the overall project um so that was that was great um the uh uh exterior walls you saw in the video you saw the on the face of the bascal piers this three-dimensional architectural feature that's on in the wall so that was a design change that we did as far as constructing it uh it was supposed to be monolithic you know all the way through uh in the pier but there was no way we were going to achieve that that look by pouring it straight down a form um you'd have people out there pointing and patching those walls forever so we came up with a plan to separate the architectural uh portion of the wall from the structural portion of the wall and we laid it down and precasted that on the barges out there and then stood them up and then cast them with the architectural or the structural piece so what did that do that saved us time and get the forms out there to to build this steel metal forms you know in a vertical scenario it saved us time doing that and it preserved the architectural look that was the intent of the design um so that was a win for us um all the utility relocations that we had the big ones with FPL and and uh the gas that uh went through uh the lock ater River and Inter Coastal um those were major impacts you know to the project you know as far as getting those relocated the gas went without a hitch but as we all know FPL little different story with them um but we were able to work around that and take our schedule and work out a phase in order to help mitigate uh that time and keep the project on on schedule um one of the things that uh I wanted to bring to everyone's attention is a safety feature that we implemented on this project that was postd design so I'm sure you've heard in the news even here recently and prior to the job starting some of these movable structures where pedestrians have walked on the structure and the the bridge had been opened without seeing them and either they fall to their demise or they get severely injured uh as a result we have implemented or the do has mandated a change on all existing movable Bridge structures and on new structures to incorporate what's called a light R detection system what that system does is it detects pedestrian movement on the bridge through a series of cameras and infrared uh sensors that are hooked to the control house at the control panel so if I'm the bridge tender and I'm I think everything's clear and I go to press the button to release the span lock and raise the bridge if those sensors detect mov it keeps the span loot closed and will not allow the bridge to open until you have to manually override it unless until the movement clears so those are safety features that we're putting in uh as a safety Improvement for the project so next slide please all right uh what everyone wants to know schedule so um as I told you before we started the project in the fall of uh 2021 um that first year was getting everything ready for the detour um we did that detour in the spring of 23 March uh 13th to be exact um and we're looking to open up one lane in each Direction by early of uh next year we are working seven days Around the Clock um to get that done by Christmas right that's what we're trying to do but we're telling everyone um at this time uh early 25 because we're still in the hurricane season as you seeing this week there's another storm out there that's looking to rip you know across the states we don't know what kind of impact uh that's going to have but you know um boring any major um disasters here we should be able to uh get it this year um but like I said we got time uh till early 25 to get it to get it knocked out but a lot of things have happened you know throughout the course of the project that U you know have caused delays you know um uh the pile driving you know was one of those even though it didn't have a long-term you know impact it did have some you know delay because it's very tedious we had some demo uh problems when um we were demoing the existing structure uh some of the footings that the existing footings with the asol showed 5 foot thick and they ended up being 15t thick so it took a little extra time to get through those footings uh that were existing to get all that debris out cuz we had to put copper cells around it uh in order to remove it um but um you know even with those impacts that we had we were able to come up with certain techniques like the wall panels right where I told you we could save some time by pre-cast and doing that so we would come up during a project with little techniques like that that really you know saved us some time and working around the clock in seven days a week you know going from 5: to 7 you know just trying to get out we started making up a good bit of time we're well on our way to hitting the November uh date and then the weather starts coming in so most people don't understand that U you know with the weather the way it is you know if I take a hurricane and it comes in a hurricane impacts this couple of days right or somebody says a week well that's all your impact How could a week turn into this well if as i' said this isn't just a concrete bridge I've got mechanical and electrical that's going in these four-story buildings to operate the bridge so if I have a delivery that's coming from Detroit that's supposed to be in Florida that week and it can't be in Florida that week because the Hurricane's coming in it's on a route so it's going to continue on at Route and pick me up on the back leg of it so it might be a couple of weeks to three weeks um before it gets back here to deliver the material that I need and I've got a you know you take into account the electrical the mechanical I've got Detroit you know where I'm getting material from Alabama Georgia so all those uh you know States you know multiplied it kind of throws it off it's not just a one day delay it turns into several weeks um and then when we're trying to pour the concrete you know for our concrete structures if we're doing walls you know and stuff of that nature it's in a form right so it's protected from the weather um but if I'm doing a bridge deck which is what we're doing now which is the most important part you know right now it's all exposed to the weather so the conditions have to be pristine in order for me to pour that deck if the winds are too high it'll crack the deck and then I have to demo the deck you might as well talk a couple of million add it to the budget and a year delay right so especially on the basal spans um you know if uh if I have to postpone it I get the concrete trucks they're coming from West Palm Beach so if I can't pour early morning if I push it out they're caught in traffic and I'm getting cold joints in the in the bridge deck which I'll have to demo the deck start all over again you know if I push it out to early evening well I just this the things you don't think of I just V violated uh labor laws with truck drivers CU they can't drive more than so many hours during the day and so I have to wait till they open the plant back up you know at 3:00 in the morning or pay a premium on the weekend to open them up but they just you know they don't have enough truck drivers to work you know these type shifts so it just turns into a an evolving process um but just you know trying to give you you know an explanation of how we got here um but like I said we're we're working seven days a week trying to get it open this year um and then with that we've got the other Milestones you know spring of uh 25 uh we should have all four lanes open up so that's another thing that people don't see out there is that we're building the north half as well as we're building the South half we're just not building one side of it and then starting from scratch again on the next side it's pretty much complete uh when we open up one lane in each Direction so um we'll have a quick turnaround when we uh open up all four lanes so it'll be just a few months between them uh and that that Milestone will be complete and then the final completion will be U early uh 26 for final acceptance of the project but we'll be done much sooner than that we'll be done in towards the fall of 25 the early 26 I've got contract time that extends out there with weather days and holidays that we've been granted so it pushes that date out but we're pretty much on track to be done in 2025 you know for that um just uh real quick we'll go through some quick slides here so you can get a better you know feel for where we're at this is the South approach so this is coming up uh Northbound uh US1 towards the bridge on the South Side you see we paved the approach there um we've got our msse wall that that's leading up to it with some of the PED railing uh that we've installed um so that's ongoing this is the spans you know past that that's spans one and two that are complete with ped railing the traffic railings going on it as we speak next slide this is the uh peers that I was talking about you see the front faces with those three dimensional uh panels uh there very hard to achieve that um so uh just wanted to show you those panels next slide this is the inside so you can see it's a four-story building in there um so you can see the shell what it looked like before um prior to us putting in u u mechanical and structural steel uh members that you see on the right that's going in so a lot of work in there these are the uh mechanical uh features and I just want to spend a minute here so those who aren't familiar with how the bridge opens the first picture on the left is What's called the trunion that is what the bridge rotates on okay so all that it is nothing more than a steel piston smooth machine piston it just rotates up and down on okay on the bottom of the of the uh structural steel member there's this half moon section that you see in the middle picture with some machine teeth right so that's all attached to the to the leaf now that it sits inside What's called the pinion the pinion is a machined piece it's a with a motor on the end of it so when it when the motor turns on it starts spinning engages that rack frame and the bridge starts moving and what's in the on the section on the right that's what's called the hydraulic power unit what we say is hpu so if you think about this here I am I'm the bridge tender I'm the guy operating the bridge I see everything's clear I hit the button the signal goes down sends a signal at hpu turns on sends a signal over the motor the motor turns on starts cranking the bridge starts moving rotates on the trunion and the bridge opens up so that's how all three are integrated together and that's what operates the bridge now to take all that mechanical equipment and put it up to the operator desk I need a boat load of electrical infrastructure to go from down there up into the control house what you see right here are all these cabinets that go inside this is one room that's down there the first two pictures that's one room inside one of the peers so four floors of that you know on the outside is what you see you know a lot of electrical a lot of infrstructure that goes in and then the picture on the right that's one of the control panels that goes in the control house so you got the main operator desk in the middle and then you've got two standing control panels one that controls the traffic Gates and the other one that controls the span locks and opens the bridge than uh this is where we're at with the bascule spans um we poured our first uh bascu Leaf um last Saturday um we're putting the traffic railing and ped railing on it uh this week that's good and then the second one uh well this is the control house um you can see we took all the scaffolding down but this is the outer shell we got Decker of stone that's already been put out there um so the outside is pretty much uh wrapped up putting finishing touches on that next this is the inside look um obviously this is it's more advanced now over the last few weeks we've got more of the electrical cabinets in there here um but you can see the 360 view that the operator has from inside um this is uh the north approach where span five is so the the span on the right that's the southbound Direction that's where we'll have one lane in each Direction when we first open than uh this is again uh the approach leading up to the bridge between Jupiter Cove and Jupiter Cove Drive and the and the bridge and this is from Jupiter Cove Drive back to alternate A1A so that that was paved last week and we should pave the other uh section prior to Thanksgiving or the first week after than so again you know these are what to look for and I put this together so everybody can kind of have these checkpoints and I picked these because this is what people can see you know out there um so pour pour in the deck of span five this is all what's required to open the bridge for one lane each direction we want to pour the deck for span five we've done that you can see it uh pour the deck on the basc bridge so we've got the first one done the second one will be done next week okay then uh we need to shift the boat traffic into the main Channel why we need to do that okay so everyone sees the Gap that's out there right now say why is't anybody building you know that Gap what the hell's going on well the boat traffic that's a tempor channel that we're using right now so that we can build that vascular span so once that's done and we are able to open up one of the leaves I can then move the boat traffic into the back into the main Channel and then set beams to fill in that that last span and we're looking to do that by Thanksgiving is to have one of the leaves open and shift the the boat traffic again um once that boat traffic is shifted we'll start setting beams for span three and then we'll pour the last span uh then we'll finish Paving you know the approaches uh we'll do our final inspections you know a functional checkout for the bridge make sure everything is operating uh the way it's supposed to and then safely open it you know open it up the traffic so that's kind of the process uh there next slide and like I said this is just you know going through with those checkpoints you can see that first one was span five that span five in in the direction that we're trying to open that's complete next um these are the basal spans the one uh on the left is complete the one on the right we're pouring uh next week this is the span three that's the missing span so as soon as we shift that boat traffic over which we'll try and do by Thanksgiving then we'll uh start working on that last span and then that's the South approach where we've paved that uh leading up to the bridge and we've paved a portion or half of the uh North approach from Jupiter Cove back to A1A and then we'll PID from Jupiter Cove to the bridge probably uh either by Thanksgiving or the week after Thanksgiving and then I don't want to you know again don't want to lose sight of some of these other Milestones that we're we're excited to have well we said few months after we open this you know we'll have traffic open to all four lanes right instead of just one lane we have all four lanes by around March you know March April time frame of of next year next and then this is the exciting thing is that once we put the traffic on the bridge right then we're going to drop down underneath on the south approach by 1,000 North and we're going to complete that River Walk that connects 1,000 North to utiki and The Pedestrian uh observation deck that goes underneath the bridge on the south end and we we should have that by summer of uh next year and then project completion we should have we're tracking the fall of next year we have till um early 26 is our contract time but we're we're pretty much tracking we'll be done in the fall of uh next year with final and that's you know painting everything you know doing all our Point patch and making everything look you know the way the drawing you know looks here so um that's it so I think we're we're in on a good track um to have everything done I appreciate you know everyone's patience you know in this construction process I know it hasn't been easy um but the end is near so just bear with us a little longer we're getting there um and with that I'll I'll open it up to any any questions you have great thank you Council any comments questions for Scott uh no no questions just one I'm I'm in the construction industry and we build buildings on dry land and that's hard enough so I uh I very much respect what you guys do and um I also know that very rarely do things happen exactly how you think they're going to um and really it's how you you react to those mitigate and ultimately recover from is what matters and it sounds like you guys are doing a great job at that and just appreciate the hard work and can't wait for it to be done appreciate it thank you first question is this gentleman back here with you you uh for moral support okay this is uh Joelle Jara he is the fdot project manager for the project and these are my two cohorts here uh Tyler Smith and Tony grow they work with me um monitoring the project and my Pio uh or community outreach specialist Marth Cruz with us I was going to ask you if you have a son named JJ May Bank what's that no only if you will understand um what a cool job you have very hard job but very cool so how do we get you guys into our schools to start motivating our next Generation go just let me know come CU we need these right we need these Bridges and as time goes on they're not the old school Bridges they're very high-tech with all the Mechanicals and everything um you mentioned alternate A1A Bridge oo I need you bring it up do we have any idea like plans for the future on that bridge heard yes I I know it's coming up for replacement it's currently in the plan and development stage is it um but it probably won't go to construction for maybe another I don't know 5 to seven years I I say 30 yeah I everybody prefer 30 okay just cuz those bridges aren't ours so we don't always hear things like right off the it went to uh I was I was surprised to we when we just uh did the repairs that first year um I'm wanting to say it was the beginning of last year um or the the fall of the previous year in 22 when I saw it um go to PDN okay uh study so that's where it's at right now I'm not rooting fling the guys door just curious because I don't want to be blindsided by that yeah um but that that one that one does need to so just for our our people's sake because once that bridge opens everyone even one lane in each Direction everyone's going to go bananas and want to use it Donald Ross Bridge and Indian toown bridge in the past year at least have gotten stuck do we have plans for how you're going to staff your Bridge open just so in case because it's new and you know everything to be fun absolutely so uh what people need to realize that when we do open it it's being managed by the contractor so the contractor has all he's the one operating that he's got the bridge tenders that uh he actually has a contract with the people that were operating it previously um which is FDI but they're part of the construction team so the contractor and them will be on site okay at all times so it won't be just one perfect a phone call and then two days and Y okay cool exactly that's pretty much it thank you for the tour of the site uh a week ago and thank you for all the hard work and update absolutely yeah and feel free if you guys ever want uh who for those who missed it the last time if they ever want something feel free to reach out and we'll take you on a tour yeah thank you it's a it's an amazing feat that you guys are accomplishing I just it's beyond my I can't grasp how you build something in the water like that it's it's amazing um so congratulations what you're doing it's it's a one of those modern from Marvel so you guys are doing a great job so keep up great work appreciate it y thank you for the time for the tour last week and I saw you on a chamber call as well I mean you've been out and about too on top of your very busy schedule uh you know getting the word out to the community so thank you and I kind of uh second when council member painter said I'm um in Marine construction so I I do know how hard it is I've never done a bridge I couldn't imagine like it's another level and you're working seven days a week I hope you all get a very long vacation after is done because I know you're working hard and The Detour I don't think could have gone better um so yeah it's it's been probably the best case scenario to date even with being a little late I mean it's very understandable with what you guys are up against so appreciate it all right appreciate thank you very much we appreciate it okay thank youn appreciate it all right moving on can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second oh Meredith did you want to say anything than you yes she is okay moving on any communication from citizens he you have any cards oh I'm sorry we didn't you interrupt can we get a motion to approve the consent agenda second okay all in favor I I now do we have any Communications from citizens I have something for um item number 11 okay love and on the consent agenda that's fine it's not a problem I just wanted to thank the village staff and the council who are involved with the enactment of the brick policy especially for designating a sacred place in remembrance Park this program will give everyone the opportunity to procure a marker for remembrance and honor in that vein we historians which to donate from our funds 20 Bricks on which we will will be the names of our Founders and those following them who through their services and commitments built this village community as Sir Isaac Newton once said we stand on the shoulders of giants as the construction continues I am envisioning a lovely space where people can uh find a quiet place away from the turmoils of the world and find peace thank you thank you thank you moving on Communications from Council I'm good I just got something quick um just want to recognize and remind everyone uh month of November is Men's Health Awareness Month hence this ugly mustache on my face um but it's uh it's an important month and just to remind everybody what we're really talking about is certain cancers particularly prostate St to particular and suicide that affect men um so just remember that and everyone stay healthy I do not get to participate in November but I very much support it that is it mayor uh a few comments uh Florida Liga cities committee that I attend it's a state committee that I meet three times and we vote on top two items uh to take to Tallahassee for next year's session uh it's been an enjoyable experience I've learned a lot met a lot of great people um from around the state elected officials of all sizes of municipalities and I think that taquesta is represented very well on these committees as we have the same uh vote that the city of Miami does so whoever is in attendance that's who votes um and that's how they count it up and each counts as one so Testa is represented well amongst the state and uh I look forward to continuing to uh be a part of this committee and learned from those from around the state as well uh another item the tailgate event that happened for the the uh the loss of the Dolphins but it was a great time um a couple Sundays ago uh phenomenal event all the neighbors just came out and and said how great it was they didn't know what to expect I even had a high school uh boy come up to me and say you know how great and fun the event was and that's a hard thing to do right at that age so thank you for all staff that participated in that can I just say one more quick thing yeah of course uh also wanted to recognize fire um I've been to a few chil cookoffs I think that was the best one I I've heard like 4,000 people came in and out give or take it's there was a lot of people there um so awesome work to your team and everybody involved and really love the emphasis you guys always do but the emphasis on the veterans this year was was strong so good work yeah thank you um to the staff driving in tonight with this time change uh the lights look amazing so please pass that along to to Doug or whoever is in charge of that that was really great to see um as Jason and Molly were I also attended the for Le of cities um on the natural resources Public Works and utilities and we have a few of those projects going on um our priorities one of which is one we discussed last year where um the inability there it's coming back the legislation that will want to um restrict our ability to um sarch charge upcharge our extra territorial water that's going to come back again uh this last year's sponsor feels its taxation without representation um he's the only one that believes in that but it's a priority for the leadership so it's coming back so we need to stand firm on that um and um the ability to transfer from um Enterprise funds to the general to cover the administrative related administrative uh expenses so those are probably the two that we'll be focusing on but we have one more month to discuss um as a note to my colleagues I was appointed as the alternate to the PM Beach County water resources task force um haven't had a meeting yet but um so we'll keep things all things water um and congrats to our staff for early voting um this is the first time that we had an early voting facility here uh it brought people to Taqua that had never been here a lot of positive feedback the poll workers were great um we had uh over 4,000 people come to the Village to vote which was fantastic um and chief I I'm assuming you'll talk about it but I Echo Patrick's comments on and and Jason was there and thank you for your time to volunteer mayor who ate 32 or 42 s ofil recovered still digesting great event so thank um I'll just give a quick update on my Florida Liga City's uh finance and Taxation committee um the same four items were discussed no one else there was opportunity at these the uh November meetings for committee members to bring another topic um but nothing else was brought for us for discussion so we did vote on the four and the property taxes including the tangible personal properties we are going to wrap that into the property tax and local business taxes were the two that came up as a top two so in December we'll be wordsmithing the statements and we'll decide which will be our priority and which will be our policy issue um and then I do uh you know along lines with the chili cookoff it was on our consent agenda I do want to just thank the FP dequest of property owners for letting us use that uh property again it's very kind of them to let us do that every year and then I don't think we're meeting again before Thanksgiving so Happy Thanksgiving everybody right that's it moving on to standard reports Village attorney thank you mayor uh Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday thank you very much so you know when when they made me president the Florida Municipal attorneys Association they didn't tell me that I had a seat on the Florida League of cities uh Education and Training advisory committee and then in addition to being on the municipal operations policy committee I have a seat on the actual Florida Lega City's legislative committee so for everyone who's on one of the policy committees if there's anything you want me to convey at the legislative committee meeting which meets Friday morning after all the policy committees meet Thursday just let me know cuz apparently I'm I'm going to I'm going to go up and I'll be there for all three days doing all this stuff um but I did want you guys to know because it sounds like we have people on just about every one of the policy committees so I I will be in the Friday morning meeting and I'll be happy to convey anything you want me to um and I'll leave it leave it with that for tonight thank you thank you any comments questions then two Jay's on um what what one are you on Jay because Jay's on a committee too devel and then Jeremy you're on one too yeah but I I didn't go this last time but I know there's uh discussion about annexation and and trying to uh do more with that there was also um just discussion I don't think it's really a policy thing about uh Regional or f. transportation from like a regional standpoint putting together Master plans um just uh I guess updating those um uh I can't remember the other one off top of my head but um I don't think we picked a policy statement yet at this point yeah very well represented like you said which is great right Village manager um just a few things the we're continuing our resident program with the the Jupiter High School um December 6th and 10th we're going to have two days um with those high school students their their government class so I think that'll be fun I you know appreciate the clerk's office for taking the lead on that and I know we've been trying to do a youth program for that for that class for a couple of years now and so it's good that the high school's uh participating in that with us um thank Jay for um submitting the grant for the Jupiter narrow project uh as you guys remember last meeting we uh agreed to partner with them to submit that Grant and so Jay worked uh for a couple days straight to try to get that that Grant submitted um salty zebra will be having a ribbon cutting tomorrow um at 2 o'clock uh right here in the gallery uh Gallery Grill parking lot um and then what's already been said is the chili cook off just an amazing event my brother came in the veteran and he just overwhelmed by how cool it was so just kudos to Dave McGovern and you know all that that group that participated and congratulations to the quest of fire so for the for the chili still any comments questions for the manager nothing okay next up police department evening mayor vice mayor council Village manager uh you have my report before you just a couple of the highlights uh October was very busy for us we had National Night Out coffee with a cop as well as a silver and firearm safety class actually both on the same day a couple of chunker treat uh events at the legion as well as it's Questa Family Church uh of course car seat installations which we offer have no charge to our residents uh and we're always available as well as fingerprinting Services again no charge to our residents for non-residents there is a charge uh and then the other only other thing I'd like to highlight is November 20th um sure you got the invite from solena will be graduating our first group of explorers uh they passed their exam under Lieutenant BL leadership and guidance and we'll have a small ceremony on the 20th at 6 PM in Council chamber so if you can attend we'd appreciate that so thank you I have one question about your explorers program if they graduate this time do they get to participate next time so are they done with it's kind of misleading right so it's not they're graduating from the program it's more they they learn our 10 codes there certain things about police Department that they learn but they're they're going to continue on in the program so it's not like they're actually so you can kind of stay in it absolutely up until the age of 20 they actually stay in there but they you know to to be provided a uniform and every all the other steps eventually we like to get into competing against other explorers throughout the State of Florida uh you have to go through this graduation but they continue the training with us very cool any other comments or questions no thank you thank you fire department good evening mayor vice mayor Village Council Mr manager Village attorney Village clerk uh I'm going to start off by saying uh the very top of my uh report you'll note that uh we've been continuing to have these meetings with emmc that is the uh EMS billing company that we Outsource too so I'm happy to announce that those meetings are going to go to once a month which is standard operating procedure at this point so the onboarding is complete we're up and running fully secondly of course you know last month was uh disrupted by Hurricane Milton so we're not going to spend too much time more on the hurricane season hopefully the rest of this season uh we were able to get out to firefest we had a four-person team out there at firefest teaching CPR and stop the bleed so that was again uh right after the meeting we had had last month we brought the Palm Beach State College in for two rounds of three days of training and a command and control class uh this is actually teaching our firefighters our officers how to command and control larger scene so you start with something simple like a single uh Family Residence with a fire in a bedroom and you graduate to a bigger building commercial building and eventually to a high-rise building and um I can tell you they they they put some of our captains through the ringer there at the end so interesting class we'll be glad to have them back at some point and then of course there's the chili cook off actually if I get the manager to move me to page five and six on that great so they're old pictures but it is going to get you to the flavor of the day you don't want to talk about the Hurricanes we don't want to talk about that so so those are actually the pictures from last year but you know one of the things of course we're really happy with is just the turnout um I don't want to get into Dave govern's presentation which will come next month when we do the check but I can tell you we we definitely beat what we normally do at the gate I can tell you the crowd was probably in that 3,500 to 4,000 range um I can tell you I don't I don't I don't think we had a lot of complaints about anything we'll do an after action review in January like we always do and we try to make this event run smoother and smoother to run the event and again I don't want to steal Dave Thunder but there's 140 150 volunteers with 10 or 15 people in very key positions and I know Jason understands this it's just like running an incident command system we can actually get points for that in training if we wanted to submit it as such but uh it's a it's a it's a really unique event I think it's really become a unique event to TOA I know our name is out nationally on this it's a nationally recognized Chile Cook Off it gets put on the national news occasionally um it's certainly all over the local station so we get a lot of a lot of good publicity out of it but more importantly we we we take take care of our veterans and I think that's something that um the quest is always done and I think um you know this event kind of showcases it but uh you know we're we're we're proud to take care of those veterans and it started with Dave mcover a little idea to support Honor Flight and it it's it's grown into you know multiple Charities and all that and uh I'm pretty proud of us and and of course I probably would be remiss if I didn't say we won the dest of Chile Cookoff this year and uh next month you'll probably get to see the trophy up close it's really tall we'll be carrying it out in front of us um I'm very proud of the guys um I was tired of losing to that other team down in Broward I'm not going to mention the the fire department but uh somebody had to beat him and I'm glad it was us so that's the second time ever that we've won it it truly is as said we have done been the judges you're sequestered you don't know what chili you're tasting um it's as honest chili cookoff event as you'll find so to win it is is pretty impressive and I think the guys did a great job so obviously we're thrilled with it we we appreciate the support as always from from the village quest of the council and all the people so um moving on yesterday was a little bit of a Bittersweet day uh for to Quest the fire rescue uh we had our November emsn service which is something we do six times a year and in this time we had Dr venic joining us for the first time and as the medical director he took over of course on November 1st with your consent agenda approval of course you approved the contract um we also said goodbye to Dr tanabi we had a luncheon pretty much that followed immediately afterwards we gave him a a nice gift from us from from the fire department and we gave him a plaque and uh he had 30 years of service with the village of Desta as the medical director the only medical director we've ever known uh we would not be the fire rescue agent without his his efforts you know if I think back to 93 when when we all started we went to ALS the following year 94 Dr tabi joined us um the department made an effort to be not just good but to lead you know we were one of the if not the first Department in the county to have 12 lead EKGs Nitro drips one of the first ones to put paralytics not just on a command vehicle but inside a rescue truck so we've always tried to stay out on the front front lines if we can and Lead where we could and um we'll we I'll be forever thankful for Dr tab's efforts is what I'm trying to tell you and um he was a big help in picking his own successor so Dr venic comes with his approval as well so I think we're in good hands um and I wanted to just bring you up the speed on that uh next week we were hosting Swiftwater 1 and two uh we do have a couple members getting certified in that which I'll bring our numbers up on our team up to nine uh the three days before we go into thanks you Chief thank you waiting the grant reimbursement um and see just trying to hit the highlights here um water main number four I've stood up here saying we're in the um Twilight of the project and really I think as you go as you drive down Country Club you'll see that we really are the the restoration is uh really uh picking up the pace there so um we've completed all of the five tie-ins to the new water main uh to the water distribution system and uh we have a second D audit that will be next Tuesday so we passed the first audit uh for the srf loan and we will be meeting with them uh with Mr James guren he'll be coming down from Tallahassee um and there's a number of photos of course for you guys to to see because I try to um yeah I can't compete with Chief but you know um Martin County uh we've gotten the the um the team will send me pictures of projects as you Council thank you thank you director when you're doing construction but they've got some some interesting ideas they're kind of when you're doing construction but they've got some some interesting ideas they're kind of kicking around um to to really do some volun some voluntary stuff um and um do a lot of educational stuff as well so um we'll probably Workshop that with with you all in the future with the ACAC but um that's all we have for now thank you Council any no questions thank you Jay um just I have one it was one of the things we added for the Emergency one one it was one of the things we added for the Emergency One um um in the event that emergency repairs are needed as a result so we would always know so we would always know what's going on and then you would just make that call correct okay and um say to help them with Expediting would there be any kind of followup afterwards with applicant like would you still if we don't require permit would you still inspect it to make sure it's you know installed correctly or would we totally defer everything into Army Corps I mean the way it's written they it would defer to DP in Army Corps okay got it okay any other I have a few uh comments concerns uh I got a month to ponder this and speak to some residents and I think it's a step in the right direction a lot of the language is great I do have some concerns for the mandatory living Shoreline 50% renovation or or new construction uh I think the first part is most of the residents who if not all who are going to be affected by this or unaware that this is uh going into language for the future so they could realize it in one year or 10 years uh it just seems like some government overreach um in my view onto someone's uh private property and then uh the other concern is you know are we going to see this presented more to us as in the future could be solar requirement um for new roof construction and things of that nature and because it feels it's kind of going in that direction and and so that's a little bit of a worry to me and uh and those are my concerns but my recommendation is that we remove the mandatory language we look uh in the future for some more incentive or encourage residents to go towards a living Shoreline without um making it mandatory but the rest of the language I do think is a a good step in the right direction thank you any other Council comments or questions okay any comment cards no com cards any public comment okay can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I no moving on agenda item 17 ordinance number 10-24 second reading of amending our pension trust for police thank you mayor ordinance 1024 ordinance of the village Council Village of the quest of Florida amending the code of ordinances at chapter 2 Administration section 2- 61 pension trust fund exhibit B Public Safety officers pension trust fund to adopt and Implement a service purchase option for police officers to purchase prior Village to Quest the police but um that's how it goes so they come up with an actual sound guest act uh report and there you go okay all right um any comment card com card no any public comment can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I all right this is where I got to amend the agenda so I'm not try not to mess this up so under new business the new item 18 is resolution 12-24 nope I'm sorry hold on nope I was right if I was right 1224 uh resolution for the police pension often okay okay this is pretty self-explanatory this is the next step the companion uh resolution that goes with the ordinance now that we've uh changed our pension ordinance this allows them back into the program any Council comments questions I I just had one um could you explain the difference between the police chief and the assistant police chief uh colle listen the resolution it was different it wasn't clear exactly what that because um according to we we work with the uh pension attorney um Bonnie Jensen and she after looking at the pension plan she said she didn't know how the assistant U police chief wasn't included in the plan in the first place because there was no option for them to opt out and so that's the difference so you you changed the plan to get the the police chief and the assistant chief that that was he was there he should have been there got it okay just much like the fire the intern fires firemen that that same kind of deal they should have been in the plan they weren't we made that right not too long ago I don't remember how long not too long ago but if I remember it it wasn't very long ago 18 months ago it was recent yeah 1820 months ago okay any comment cards any public comment can I get a motion so move second all in favor I I thank you thank you former agenda item uh item 18 which is now item 19 ordinance -09 d24 first reading uh for an ordinance to update our flood insurance and flood rate Maps thank you mayor ordinance 0924 an ordinance of the Village Council Village Quest Florida amending the code of ordinances in chapter 78 zoning article 12 flood damage prevention to update the effective date of the current applicable nfip flood insurance study and flood insurance rate maps by revising certain definitions and correcting occasional scriveners errors and non-substantive internal inconsistencies providing each and every other section subsection of chapter 78 shall remain a full force and effects previous previously adopted preventing conflict Clause separability Clause authority to cify and effective data and for other purposes thank you good evening everyone uh Wayne Cameron building director um just going to wait for the uh PowerPoint to come up but in the meantime this ordinance in front of you just to give a little bit of a background um The Village participates in the uh nfip program as well as the CRS program and uh we've worked with uh the Florida Department of Emergency Management uh to make sure that we're consistent with the language um and making sure that we were able to not have uh any inconsistencies between the state mandates and federal mandates and as such the uh 9-24 is uh designed to clean up uh any such discrepancies that one is 20 that's 19 sorry so while they're pulling that up I can just add um as you all know FEMA has updated its flood maps and study in order to for The Village's res to be able to continue to outdated language and make and some nonsubstance keep you good with that that that's really it's pretty much what we're doing here and it has to be adopted um by December 20th so this will be October 17th meeting in front of you the question that they had was the in the package that you have in front of you so the definition as it stands and is be needless to say the document as isless to say the the document as is written in front of you is is correct um the LPA just asked me to double check that and I just want to make mention that I did check it the document stands it is correct so barring that and then the next slide would just be the the the guidance that they provided which is what's in front of you makes reference to the cost of repair and damage um if you have any other questions I'm here to answer that before I I move on to talking about flood maps I'm good move on I have nothing okay so uh the new flood mops are going to be effective December 20th the changes are in front of you for the most part any xzone properties with which are those outside of the special flood Hazard area are pretty much remaining the same the changes in the flood maps are in the special flood Hazard area which is the AE zones as well as the ve zones so those properties that you see highlighted with the blue are currently a bf5 and they're moving a foot higher for new construction substantial Improvement to six uh a handful of of them remain the same but there for the most part the majority has changed from a five to a six on the V side which is on the Beach Road properties which is the ve side that is moving uh from a 10 to a 12 so that's a twoot difference what we've done is that we've also updated uh our website and we provide uh a link on the next slide you'll see the uh link about finding your flood zone um so on the flood you you'll go to the building department website you you'll click on the Flood information put your address in there and it will tell you what your new flood zone is going to be uh the meeting that we had in Jupiter uh the residents were able to come in and get firstand information as far as what their flood zone would look like and how the new maps would be impacting their existing property but we've also got this available on our website so anyone in the village and anyone in the community can feel free to go ahead and do that and we also provide the uh you know any questions that they have they can also come to the billing department and uh get out information that's pretty much it anybody has any questions thank you Council questions thank you one quick question on um construction if a permit's already issued but construction hasn't started they're grandfathered in on the under the current maps anybody who has a issued permit not a permit application but an issued permit um you are you are grandfather in in on as far as not having to build at the higher elevation okay right that's all I had any c card no any public comment can I get a motion so move second all in favor I thank you you're welcome okay former agenda item 19 which is now agenda item 20 is ordinance number 11-24 which is first reading um to add guest parking and loading zone um to multif family thank you mayor this is ordinance 1124 ordinance of the Village Council village with the quest of Florida amending the code of ordinances of chapter 78 zoning article 10 off Street and on street parking and loading regulations amending section 78691 minimum standards to update Ada parking space requirements in conformance with the Florida building code section 7869 off Street loading spaces to provide loading space requirements for multif family residential uses and section 78 705 required number of parking spaces to provide parking space requirements for multif family residential uses providing that each and every other section subsection of chapter 78 shall remain in full force in effect as previously adopted it's a quick one um so yeah back in 2023 McMahon did a parking study you know the goal of the study was determine if our multif family parking stand per dwelling unit um which was you know showed that the the parking code is generally working however it was kind of pointed out that we don't really have guest parking standards so um at those workshops you directed staff to require 0.25 guest parking spaces per dwelling unit and then we also had a discussion of making currently for multif family projects you know there's some projects we've seen where that can be kind of a you know difficulty um for moving trucks delivery vehicles and service vehicles that operate um so you directed staff to um require one loading zone per multif family development so that's in the code and then also um you know for that discussion there next slide um while updating the parking code we also noticed that there was you know just some slight uh issues with the Ada code so we just tweak that um to make sure it's consistent with Ada regulations um just kind of like a glitch basically um so that's in the new code uh the LPA voted to recommend approval by a vote of 5 to zero um they did have one good recommendation which is um to to give council discretion to require an additional um loading zone in a mixed use project um so for instance right now uh you only have to have a loading zone if you have 10,000 ft of commercial or 25,000 ft of office so in a in a mix use project you could have a multif family project and maybe something that has you know 18,000 square feet of office and 7,000 ft of commercial so those those you know you need it for the residential but you wouldn't need it for the those commercial uses so um LPA kind of pointed out that it'd be good to give council discretion to require those in a multi M family project or I mean a mixed use project when you feel it's appropriate and that's the end of my presentation thank you Council I don't have any questions I support that additional uh line that you just mentioned Jay from LPA that's a great idea than I agree yeah likewise is I mean I think a loading zone for the residential would be like for people moving in and out right I mean where like is a moving truck going to pull up it's for moving truck it's for service Vehicles yeah um but that uh item D what is this under uh section 78- 696 off oh that's just for off street so this would be within the within the project okay I'm like that one D is kind of like similar it's saying the same thing that's our discretion and um I mean it says a council's discretion but I'm assuming that's going to be coming with your expertise cuz I don't know that we're the experts to determine that another loading Zone's warranted and I think we do want to be sensitive and careful that we're not overburdening you know the property with too much you know taking up space with extra loading zones so I mean is that who ultimately we would vote on it but who's going to provide that recommendation is it you would they get a a study from a consultant like what does that look like yeah I mean it's going to be staff at the staff level um you know ultimately we'll have a a joint talk between you know police and fire building planning you know during the DRC process to determine if if they need if we feel like they need one but ultimately it's up to councel so if the applicant were to fight against it and say no I'm I'm not going to I don't think I should provide this additional loading zone they could they could move forward their plans and then ultimately it's council's you know decision to say yeah that's fine or no you're going to add that loading zone yeah so if they refus you would still tell us we recommended they did not add it so you we yeah we would recommend denial of the site second all in favor I thank you okay now we're back on track agenda item 21 resolution um this estimated so we're the $3,000 was the new mandate from the state for uh uh notice for changes in in uh fees so we have to do uh mailings to each individual place so that's the $3,000 and then there were just a few adjustments on the number of uh residents and things like that that got for recycling we got fuse and yard waste so that that makes that up for the 4,800 thank you Council any comments questions I just want to see us not getting this Jam next year or whenever that next contract's up do next year or whenever that next contract's up doing I'm sorry do you have any comments on the Leisure Services so I think I think you answer all my questions we have the uh adjustment coming from um it's coming strictly from RE increas revenues right okay so we're we we're not in a position where we have to like revisit the fee structure anything it's we're covering yeah Mr Corbett's done a really good job with it with the uh eventy plans are there so so the way this I mean works is we these are typically program fees uh we collect fees for you know gymnastics yoga whatever class we got over there the instructors get 70% of the money everybody pays the rack Center instructors get 70% The Village gets 30% and so we've collected $ hundred and something, in additional Revenue that we didn't project and then we're going to have an additional like $80,000 in expenses um so we're in the plus we're in the positive um by like $20,000 um it's just we didn't you know I think a lot of it will get will get better with that Revenue projection and expenses as we have more time in the rec center um but it's going to be dependent upon programs and the success of the programs that we bring in so it's good to hear how this is a renewal uh the final uh agreement of renewal with for line uh actually the next three are renewals for just uh regular water meter fittings and water line accessories and we bring this every year just for regular maintenance activities and this is the just the final renewal of the Cooperative agreement that we have the southeast uh Florida Cooperative agreement for these um purchases your okay got it and then um I as your typical annual the country club the one that we just placed great so maybe there could be some improvement great right any comment cards any public comments still back there all right can I get a motion so moves second all in favor I I agend item 23 consider approval of agreement uh renewal with Ferguson for water meter fittings and waterline accessories and this is the same marjerie Craig utilities director this is the same type of for for uh purchase of Maintenance items this is the um for same type of agreement piggybacking the city of dfield beach which actually act acted as the agent for the cooperative and so if you Google this particular agreement you'll see that pretty much all of the municipalities in the Southeast have used this these agreements with these uh companies to purchase this type of equipment Sunrise bone Deerfield Beach Cooper City all of them great any Council comment or question any public comment can I get a motion so move second all in favor i j item 24 consider approval of agreement renewal with cor and Maine for water meter fittings and waterline assess Ary Craig utilities director this is the um the last renewal for the same agreement under the same purchasing piggyback thank you any Council comment or question no ma' any public comment I get a motion so moved second all in favor I I agenda item 25 consider approval of the FD State revolving fund loan agreement extension two number two Mar utilities director and this is just the date extension um and we've had to do this is the second date extension and this although the um substantial completion will be uh mid December they the final completion they put it out till I think may just to make sure that every little eye is dotted and T is crossed so we don't have to do this again and then the first payment I think I said is due in um November number to the srf loan for this you any Council comments or questions um it on the summary it says that there's a change order forthcoming it sounds like potentially from BMB I'm glad you asked that question um so there is a a change order um and this would be for the um oh gosh the the time delays the materials the um can't believe I'm blanking out oh the um the connections 25 ft in every direction it used to be a smaller patch and so that was not in our original Bid And so that costs more and so that'll be part of the change order and if the change order is that is a um loan increase to accommodate that or is that coming out of reserves how is that paid for no it it's actually we had a um a 50 I think it was like $50,000 um play in the change order which is actually pretty small for that size of a contract yeah um and it's within that amount okay so it's covered in the loan yes oh good okay we have worked really hard great good to hear right any other comments questions no no any public comment can I get a motion so moved second all in favor i j item 26 consider approval of purchase of a Devol Ford uh with Devol Ford a 2025 dump trailer the tamaguchi and uh we've got a verier escavator that we pull around um it also if you've ever seen a utility truck you can't put a utility body on any truck that is smaller than an F250 so if you have an F150 you can't put that utility body utility body is the body where you can open it up and store parts and store tools and small pieces of equipment so anything that's smaller than you have to have a minimum of a 250 so it allows you to put those parts so you don't have to go back to the shop for things um but it also allows you to um carry around the heavy equipment so that's what this will be for generators right Council any comments question questions I have none any public comment can I get a motion so moved because they always get the pleasure of listening to our meetings a second or even a third time to make sure they get all our minutes and notes and God bless them you're welcome if there's interest I think we should probably Workshop it um so you you guys are aware of the juper Nero's Conservation Alliance that we did the support letter and um we helped them with the Grant they had a media event on Wednesday that I attended uh they're partnering with the and andreetta Harris foundation and uh the alliance did send Jeremy and I an email and also the county commissioner if we would support the naming of the islands uh they're probably not going to um do any kind of support they did yeah they gave him like a $175,000 check um know and the Harris Foundation they did yes correct Harris okay the only thing I'd add to that that was maybe along the same lines is they also asked the association has reached out to Jeremy and I to support the slow weake Zone but again that's I mean we need to have a discussion that's something we want to do I have a fine I'm okay with it if you want to just address it no don't you don't okay not to take away from what they've done yeah only