##VIDEO ID:fSWLk3PK1OI## T right here a little bit same it's the same it's a delay remember oh that's right a delay I have to go in I'll go in about 9:30 do one Rec are you changing again no but you laugh at me because I was having a moment when I couldn't find anybody's ads in the by the way oh they're not in the paper I know iware my jacket doesn't match my pants and I pulled that email too from you stating that I could I was really afraid behind it's like being a news person I you Anil you could look at it about the campaign treas saw you sent it I haven't had a chance months it's not one week mons I'll take a i i button it on button my shirt sometimes throughout the day depending on who I'm with if Dale hedri walks in I'm like can you talk into the microphone hot mic hot mic yeah I was going to um I always like to go on here and look and make sure that it's working is um coming she said she was pulling up just a minute wait okay it shows that we're live so [Music] Jer is that in copy of that the script is that an extra background yeah with guy Luke bran would be good right no more cane no more cane you put me back in place maybe Halloween it'll visit previe all right good evening everyone I'd like to call this meeting to order it is 5:31 p.m. September 12 2024 it's our special council meeting for our second budget hearing uh Lori can I get roll call Mayor Young here vice mayor Sor here council member Brandon here here council member painter here and council member French here thank you can I get a motion to approve the agenda so moved second all in favor I any Communications from the citizens okay moving on to the agenda agenda item one a announce the proposed millage rate one B announce a proposed operating millage rate necessary to fund the budget is 88.6% greater than the roll back rate and C summary of the proposed budget will be presented by manager Jeremy Allen thank you uh the village of Testa is a taxing Authority the proposed millage rate is 6.45 95 Mills the proposed operating millage rate necessary to fund the budget is 8.60% greater than the roll back rate of 59479 Ms the specific purposes for which the adorm revenues are being increased are to cover the increased operational cost and planning costs asso associated with parks and Mobility uh you have a a summary of the budget in your back back up we have the presentation that we did last time also included the backup summary of the budget total budget of 48 milon 72377 thank you and just to be clear there was no changes from the first budget hearing correct correct all right moving on to agenda item 1D citizen comment any member of the public Desiring to address the Village Council on the proposed millage rate or the proposed budget will be given the opportunity to do so the public is permitted to ask questions prior to the adoption of any motion do we have any public comment okay I'm going to close a public portion of the hearing I'll open it up for any Council input I have n me all right I will close the public hearing and I must state that the final millage rate cannot exceed the tentatively adopted millit rate right moving on to agenda item two by motion the village of Desta should adopt the final millage rate the motion should be that resolution 18-24 setting the final millage rate for fiscal year 2024 through 2025 at 6.45 95 Ms be approved and adopted do I have a motion to approve resolution 18-24 setting the final millage rate for fiscal year 2024 through 2025 at 6.45 95 Ms so moved second all in favor I right moving on to the final agenda item three by motion the village of Desta should adopt the final budget the motion should be that resolution 19-24 adopting the fiscal year 2024 through 2025 budget be approved and adopted do I have a motion to approve resolution 19-24 adopting the fiscal year 2024 through 2025 budget so move second all in favor I I and with that can I get a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I I that's the way that's supposed to work congratulations you have a budget great job everyone love itd remember the first one okay we be absolutely [Music] are you yeah I wasn't given anything all right but you do so that's good l [Music] it's ites well too that's why I'm asking don't talk is these forms instruction on these okay me read that guys matter [Music] he know is I to oh yeah social media pict two SC now okay every all f so 6 that s s here Swit I do that e [Music] gu EV e e my feel s you I've you did he get get all the presentations back up for you okay okay all right good evening everyone it is 6: PM I'd like to call the meeting to order it's September 12th 2024 and this is our regular council meeting Lori can I get roll call Mayor Young here vice mayor Sor here council member Brandon here council member painter here council member French here thank you the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance will be led by council member painter okay you oh invocation first invocation I mean you can stand for the prayer give a second dear heavenly father as always we just want want to thank you for the opportunity to gather here tonight to talk about uh the important business U of our of our village Lord we are so grateful to live here and to have the opportunities we have not just for us but our families and to provide opportunities for those in our in our community but as always I ask that you just give us clear Hearts clear Minds as we uh make some big decisions up here tonight allow us to just hear everything um from the public from um those giving presentations tonight and really take all that consideration um when we're making those decisions Lord I uh ask that you be a beacon of light on the Rock in which we stand as always and uh in your name we pray amen amen now you can stand I to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy present okay um I'd like to get approval of the agenda with adding uh item number four under presentation which is a proclamation for fire prevention week can I get a motion so moved secondry all in favor I I right our first presentation tonight is the annual overview presentation by Palm Beach County Commission on ethics by Gina hi good evening my name is Gina LEC and I am the intake and compliance manager for the Palm Beach County Commission on ethics and I am here to talk to you about our crucial role in fostering and enhancing Public's trust in government Commission on ethics was established in 2010 following a grand jury recommendation from 2009 and I have been with the office since Inception I have had the privilege of being of watching our office grow and watching the impact that we've had over the years our main responsibility is to ensure oversight transparency and accountability for over 12,000 elected officials public employees and Advisory board members throughout the county we've also limited jurisdiction over vendors lobbyists and their principles and employers of obvious our commission operates independently through um from County or municipal government influence it consists of five volunteer members of the community selected by independent groups ensuring impartial and fair oversight the county excuse me the County government and the 39 municipalities in Palm Beach County must adhere to the ethics ordinances and that we enforce the code of ethics provides a framework to ensure public officials and employees act with Integrity Independence and impartiality it prohibits using public office for personal gain emphasizing The public's trust and accountability education and prevention are the cornerstones of our Ethics program we focus on continuing training our advisory opinions excuse me offer advisory opinions and strive to force to foster a culture of ethics within government agencies our programs are designed to enhance the public trust in government operations demonstrating our commitment to ethical governments our staff offers live training sessions and provides advisory opinions having issued nearly 540 pinions to date this proactive approach aims to prevent ethical lapses and ensure ethical uh conduct within our community while we can enforce penalties such as reprimands and fines up to $500 per violation our office our primary focus is on education to prevent violations before they occur we ensure transparency by making all of our advisory opinions gift forms voting conflict forms and complaints available on our website in conclusion I'd like to thank you all for your dedicated work as you continue your responsibilities remember to ask first and act later if you need further assistance or information please call our office at any time I'm usually the one that answers the phone so I will be helping you if anyone has any questions I'll be happy to answer thank you Gina Council any comments or questions n other than thank you for being here ma'am two two questions uh how are we doing since 2009 well we are no long we no longer have the moniker of corruption County so we are doing much better and we measure our success by the number of complaints and the number of inquiries that we have we started in 2009 2010 2011 with 30 and 40 complaints we're down to about 10 or 12 a year now so you measure your success by going backwards in this in this particular instance so I think that we are being rather successful that's fantastic news and thank you for your hard work getting there do you foresee or what challenges do you foresee if any um you know in this day-to-day do you see any future challenges right now with the passage of the new state bill um our challenge is going to be um with taking Anonymous complaints I think it's going to limit um a little bit what we do but we just need to get out there and educate educate educate and encourage people to come forward if they have questions like yourselves if you have a question first of all ask Mr Davis he's your first line of defense and look at him looking up at me and then um if you have any further questions after that we are more than happy to answer your questions we really enjoy the proactive approach of asking those questions because then it prevents uh violations and we encourage the public to get involved thank you right thank you I would appreciate it thank you next up is a presentation from Village lobbyist Ken puet good evening mayor and council members Mr manager and clerk it's my name is Ken puit pp5 group and grateful to be able to have this opportunity to present to you a post session and also start to make arrangements for the 2025 session as well um it's sort of like old home week for me I when I was in the Senate I represented from Indian River County Bard county line all the way um to to Royal Palm Beach and to Questa was kind of the heart we uh actually had a a district office here so it's uh wonderful to be back and wonderful to see everybody so thank you very much for the opportunity to represent to Quest is as well if I could what I'd like to do is uh share with you just a few statistics and give you an overview a brief overview I really want to focus in on the budget um if we could but so we had 19002 bills filed uh 325 of those passed there was probably uh thousand or more amendments that uh can be significant they can they can take on uh just as a bill uh there were 14 of those 325 bills that were vetoed by the governor uh the budget's 116.5 billion actually lower than it was last year by almost a billion dollars and of course the governor issued $950 million in vetos just to go through I'm not going to go through these but this is just kind of gives you a a template of the local government bills uh that passed uh you had uh the annual inflation adjustment to homestead exemption I'll get into that in just a few minutes the vacation rental Bill uh that passed again and was vetoed Again by the governor you had an alternative Mobility funding system Bill uh that where the league of cities and the counties were fighting against each other on that uh and that bill did pass uh the counties did come around and did uh support with that bill the bills that failed uh where where you would not have to have 2third vote of a membership of your governing body to increase your millage rate one that was significant and that what manager Allen uh was he was he was great along with the mayor about keeping us posted beyond the league of City issues but issues that were of Paramount importance to the Village this was one of them that would allow on the Municipal Utilities to allow them you wouldn't be allowed to have a sech charge for those who were outside of the village limit so that bill died the sovereign immunity Bill died that was to go from 200,000 to 300,000 per individual and 500,000 per instance that bill did die there were some land use and development regulations some which really were some preemption bills that died um so all in all it was a typical typical legislative session but probably most important is that uh no more American Rescue plan money no more covid dollars are going to be there and I I'll get into that in just one moment we had our two Champions uh Senator Gail Harold representative John Schneider who represent Testa they were the ones who sponsored the Testa Regional Park funding um I need to commend your citizenry here uh we I know that I know the village has tried to get funding for this and we were successful but if there was a common theme uh to the leadership to the chair of the committee was your citizen participation in this to make toqua Park the regional park the planning that went into that they were incredibly impressed with that so I want to thank the village but also the citizenry so for being so actively involved and often times our citizens think well you know if I get involved is it really going to make a difference it makes a huge difference particularly to the legislators who want to see is there a Buy in is there is the local community really behind this or is this just another project that a city wants or a count County wants where you know where are the citizens in terms of their of their activism for the citizens whenever you do have a chance um you can imagine there are a lot of member projects that are filed most of them do not get funded and they have to become a priority um our job as your lobbyist is is to is to get it to the one yard line but some times that one yard line to get it over the goal line is sometimes the hardest yard to get and if you don't have your legislative members champing the cause it doesn't happen um we can do our part you can do your part but it's the legislators who are sponsoring it who are the ones that really have to push it over so whenever you have an opportunity I know you all have mayor council members you all have done a great job of thanking them but the citizens as well just to let them know how much you appreciate that 340,000 341,000 is really just that's just the planning and design and money there's still a long way to go as as you all know to be able to get the next uh series of funds for that but what's important with the legislature is that normally what's critical about this is they normally won't make that original investment in there unless they're going to follow through it's not always a given but it's very important for us to get sometimes that first slug of money that we get is the hardest because you know the legislature wants to see okay are you all going to be able to put your share into this as your share into this as well you all have been great uh resilient Florida program I know you're going through some assessments with that uh that was back in 2021 where they took some dock stamp money to dedicate it to this really critically important as we know with all the flooding that's happening throughout Florida that that obviously that the vill village gets its fair share but there's uh there's a recurring source of funding for that through the doc stamp uh as well as the beach management funding assistance program I know you all worked with palmach county in their durm on that uh and we've been having recurring sources of fund coming through on that as well so Jonathan Dickinson State Park um that has been and rightfully so first and foremost in a lot of the citizens Minds uh Senator Gail Herold is going to be filing a bill we don't have the mechanics of that bill yet and that bill is going to be moving forward as we all know the regional park is leased because it's part of the state lands and so we will be working with you collectively and with manager Allen is to make sure that whatever language is put in there uh doesn't obviously we have a lease that's already in place there but we also have to make sure that any use that we're putting into that part would be would be allowable so we just want want you to know that we're going to be working closely with Senator Harold on this bill to make sure that no unintended con consequences with it and that the the bigger goal of of what it is that she and the citizens obviously and all of us want to make sure is in there is protected but also that that that that the regional park is protected as well so these are your legislative session dates uh we'll be as soon as the the elections are over we'll be hitting the ground running they'll have the organizational session on November 19th and then the House and Senate they'll be meeting separately in December but then then January and February that's when a lot of the real work begins and of course the 60-day session for March in March starts on the 4th and as always uh vice mayor I know you came up for Palm Beach County days La last year it I we just want to open the door if if there's anybody if you ever want to come up and and you know any time during the committee weeks or during the committee SE during the uh during the Le during the legislative session just give us a call we're more than happy to get you into the doors as to as many of the committee members and committee chairs as we can I I I want to take some and manager Al I don't know how much time I have here and I'm not I'm not going going to take a lot more time I'm almost done here but I I think this is really important for us just as your budget that you just that you all I believe just passed so we look at General Revenue uh the budget of the state's 116 some odd billion dollars but the General Revenue is about $50 billion because the rest of that money is draw down it's trust fund money like your gas STX so the state does what's called a three-year Outlook the this is actually constitutionally mandated and it's a very good exercise for the legislature to go through so if you look at year one and if you go down to the revenues available it's 49 billion almost $50 billion if you look at the next line it says $7.7 billion that's the amount of reserves that's not the rainy day fund that's the reserves that the legislature has set aside over the years just to put there to make sure that if we have some like a CO event again that we've got some reserves in place then you've got your minimum reserves that we have to have that's obviously there's the constitutionally mandated percentage that we have to have and then you have your recurring base budget so what that says is that the recurring base budget from this budget that we just ended uh was $45 billion the next two lines are called critical needs budget drivers and other high priorities those are your education all the new kids coming into the school system it's your Medicaid it's your FEMA funding so whenever there is another storm event to make sure that we have the money to match the FEMA uh just like you have your insurance for your employees the same thing happens to the state you can imagine with with the amount of state employees that's also a cost driver as well the natural resources particularly with the Everglades because of the recurring Source the Florida forever funding program because of the bonds that have to pay for that uh even in the past because they're trying to use non-recurring gr for that and also Economic Development these are critical needs drivers and just like when the governor decided to accelerate the amount of Road construction that's happening in the state well obviously that that requires funds for us to be able to match those funds um so those those are that so after all a sudden done uh it says ending balance after expenditures almost $3 billion you get your Revenue adjustments and so after this next budget year they're going to have approximately $2 billion in TR in in funds to be able to spend a presiding officer the speaker and the and the Senate President you know as you know has a two-year term so if you look to year number two and at the very bottom it's 2 b825 million and it's in parentheses what that tells you is that that's the deficit that they're going to have the following year so what these presiding officers will do is there not going to be that two billion that we have and everybody kind of celebrating it we're going to have all this money well they're going to be very conservative in what they spend in year one because they have to get through year two and then the the presiding officers who come after them they're the ones in 27 and 28 if you look at the bottom end to the right you're looking at a deficit of 7 billion so the legislature is constantly looking to make sure that they're not overspending and that's what's great about the State of Florida it's a balanced budget State they don't spend a penny more than what they have it's just it's just important for us to take pause and just to remember American Rescue plan money gone Co money all but gone it it there's there's some remnants of it but there's not that much of it left over for us to be able like they've had in the past few years to be able to spend so it's just for us just to say not to panic but just to say okay let's just let's just take a hard look in terms of what we're asking for because this is what the legislature this is what the professional staff this is what Jeremy Allen would be doing in tahashi right now because he's not just saying looking out for for next year and saying well we got we got2 billion let's goe and spend it he can't do that just like in your budget here your you're always looking out uh obviously into the out years so this is the reason I say don't panic is because if you look at the Blue Line these are the revenue forecasts that are projected and in the blue let's just take 23 and 24 which is where we what we just finished so they projected that we'd have $47 billion in General Revenue we actually had 48 billion the where they get the money for the projects like the Testa Regional Park is the difference between the blue bar and the gray bar that difference so it's a billion dollars this next year what they're saying is we're going to have about a billion dollars remember they still have a little bit of Reserve money left over and of course the revenue forecast they're always conservative you want them to be conservative you don't want them to overestimate and then imagine having to come in mid year and take money back back from education or health and human services so as you're looking at this this is the reason why I say Don't Panic it's that that's that nonrecurring money that's going to be available for member projects like the like the Testa Regional Park these are your incoming legislative leaders uh president of all Britain uh comes from the wuli area and and speaker Perez comes from the Miami dat area U it's just it's it's great how you know the faces of Florida the most rural parts of of of Florida to to Miami date and and how and and how they come together to make it really is a citizen legislature in the faces of Florida really are representative of of of those two leaders and the elections here as we know as we're all going through them in the House of Representatives are 120 there are 40 Senators there were nine house members who were elected without opposition in the Florida Senate there were two but I will tell you this is about the most contested election cycle that that I've ever seen just about every house seat has is contested unlike you know unlike in years years past and I'll close with this as you know we have these Constitutional Amendments that are going to be on the ballot um obviously we we want to make sure that the citizens are uh are not knowledgeable about what about what they do uh really the one that uh amendment five it's not going to be a huge amount of impact to the cities or counties but what it allows for an infl inflation adjustment for the value of of of homestead exemption on the second 25,000 that's one from 50 to 75,000 with that want to thank you and I'm be more than happy to entertain any questions thank you Mr pet Council any comments or questions no questions just thank you for being here well thank you I appreciate thanks for what you do thank you thank you for the thorough update and thank Megan as well I know she's not here but she does a lot of work behind the scenes absolutely we look forward to working with you this upcoming session well thank you and it's a privilege and honor to be able to represent you thank thank you okay uh presentation three a proclamation recognizing octob October 7th through 13th as Florida climate week Florida climate week October 7 through 13th whereas the climate change 2023 synthes synthesis report listed a current temperature rise of 1.1 Celsius leading to constant unnatural weather events bringing disarray to the planet and its inhabitants and it reports an increase in weather related disasters with every rise in temperature level whereas Florida and its 825 Mi of Shoreline and low elevation points of 100 ft above sea level make the state highly susceptible to sea level rise and other natural disasters related to climate change and the high level of CO2 pollution also threatens to harm Florida's coral reefs and a variety of sea organisms whereas Volo Foundation along with other nonprofit organizations local state and federal Partners elected leaders news media volunteer and professional associations is committed to educating Florida Citizens and visitors about the climate crisis so that they may take action to bring about positive influential change to protect their families businesses and themselves whereas the citizens of Florida are encouraged to become more aware of our changing climate and participate in the various programs during Florida climate week now therefore be it proclaimed by the village of taquesta October 7th 13th 2024 as Florida climate week in the village of taquesta thank you laori and is anyone here to accept it I do just want to add I know um our Council you know we as a whole really support all the efforts that our stor Mar utility our a water plant and our EAC the projects work on to really help with the you know changing climate and changing factors we have to deal with so I really appreciate the efforts from our staff and our EAC on that thank you thank you and agenda item four Proclamation for Fire Prevention Week Fire Prevention Week October 6 through 12 2024 whereas the village of taquesta recognizes the significant personal and economic toll fire takes on its citizens whereas the village of taquesta understands that safety measures can significantly cut the risk of fire and whereas a fire can spread rapidly and a quick escape from the home increases the chances of survival whereas 79% of fire deaths Nationwide happen in the home whereas smoke detectors have been proven an effective Lifesaver having helped to cut The Home Fire death rate by one/ half since their introduction to the general public and whereas working smoke detector protectors are essential in every household and should be installed on every level of a home and outside of each separate sleeping area and whereas the village of taquesta is reaching out to its citizens with a message of fire safety during fire prevention week now therefore mayor Molly young does hereby proclaim the week of October 6 through 12th 2024 as fire prevention week another and I just want to say know our fire department does an amazing job of getting out uh firee prevention uh messaging on all our communication platforms I know for me personally they're extremely helpful and I always read them so thank you for everything you do okay moving on to the consent agenda can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved second all in favor okay next communication from citizens on uh items that are not on tonight's agenda do we have any I do um most people did not put a number next to the agenda item number so I don't know if they want to speak under citizen comments or on a specific item number so I'll call their name a Pastor Paul Mayor mayor gory and Mass counil Jason and Dr Davis manager Allen and clerk um it's good to be here tonight I mean it's really really good to be here tonight several months ago I was diagnosed with a serious illness that I'm dealing with right now thankfully I've got a great team of doctors and surgeons and technicians and nurses to help deal with this but I just just was um wanted to just say tonight how thankful I am for you onas and all of our employees and staff this is just an incredible place for me and uh things sometimes you take for granted uh I thank you for your prayers I thank you for your kind words your text and and well wishes when you're diagnosed with a disease like this you you reflect a little bit on life and just real quickly I just was thinking about over 20 years ago where I had the opportunity of beginning a chaplain program which was never here before it started with our police department and then include our fire department and for over 20 years we've been able to give support to our police and fire department counseling services available to them and that's been a great honor that's been a great joy for me and then um a few years ago we had the first Abby mayor Abby Brennan award and I along with my dear friend Pat Watkins was the recipient of that and that was just absolutely so humbling and so thankful for that and and then yesterday at our 911 Service uh to be able to stand up there and open with prayer and to thank the Lord for our freedom and to pray for those families was a great honor and chief TR thank you for the incredible service yesterday for that and then a few months ago we had our our U public safety awards banquet at the the TR PE Country Club nice Affair very very elegant Affair and this is the first year I couldn't be there because I was the way of getting some treatment and so I asked chief M I said there there a way I could just you could FaceTime resume so I could see our men and women getting their their Awards and so they work some things out with they their FaceTime I was watching our chief stand there and saying these these words and um I saw my face on a screen and given the chief's award that a civilian has never received ever and I'll never ever Chief you I can never thank you enough for that great honor so I just want to say again thank you for your support it's I don't have a job I have a gift thank you for allowing me to to be able to serve our village and to serve our men and women and I'm again thank you for your prayers I'm so so very grateful I'm going to sit down tonight and enjoy this wonderful time together thank you thank you Marie sairi Mar Peri um the country club Madame mayor I ask the council Grant one extra minute for public comments on agenda item 15 in view of the importance of this decision and the major change that is introduced for the first time in this proposal and in the interest of enabling Fuller comments from residents just one extra minute please thank you Heidi and Sydney Perry it says Village Development so I don't know if it c um if the clerk calls your name but you want to speak on an agenda item tonight we'll call you up during that agenda item but if you have General comment that's not on the agenda you can come up to the podium now um I wouldn't mind so Council I we'll leave it to your discretion we typically don't do that I do see your child here so I'm okay there she said it's General development okay kids up Council I am fine with that I just want to clarify are we moving the agenda or just allowing a general comment associated with that agenda we were gonna allow a general comment since she has her child here want to get the because it could be a long late meeting I understand that okay can you come up to the podium and state your name and address please hi I'm Heidi Perry and I have Sydney Perry with me as well we live on 12 Shady Lane in taquesta um thank you I really do appreciate you allowing me to speak now and since we have bedtime and all those things um I'd like to speak tonight just in regard to proposed development in taquesta um also exemptions to height and density codes and overall development in our village in general um our village of taquesta is truly a gem it's a beautiful neighborhood that has avoided the overdevelopment of nearby areas even as close as Palm Beach Gardens bokeh Del re um more and more people I me are moving away from those busy crowded areas and looking at taquesta as a refuge The increased desirability and demand for homes in our village creates a very prosperous incentive for developing and building but if we do not establish guidelines and then stick to those guidelines without waivers or exemptions keeping the future of taquesta in mind we're likely to Simply repeat history and turn our village over into another over congested uh overbuilt Florida Town exactly what currently not being makes toqua so special there is still time now to ensure that that f does not fall on our Charming Village whether it's through maintenance of restrictions codes town plans um we can maintain the Integrity of our town and ensure its charm and specialness continues for our children and thank you again truly for your time and exception to the agenda I appreciate thank you ma'am thank you appreciate Scott Tedford it says town homes and waivers even my comments are specifically for agenda items so if you'd like I can wait yes how about do this since I that sounds to give a lot of cards I don't have agenda items does anyone have in the public have any comments to make that are not related to an agenda item tonight Mrs nameth you can come up yep she's the only other card I have I apologize I'm Jessica neth 20 Shady Lane um and I had a flat tire on the way here so I apologize for my clothing but um anyway I just wanted to start um by saying that I think we have seen a massive movement in our state with people with the state parks I was so proud of the community for coming together and I think sending a message across the state that the people appreciate transparency and they appreciate things being made uh brought to their attention um and I think that um we've got a bit of a problem with that here in a sense um it was concerning to me that there were such decisions getting made tonight and quickly and so I appreciated council member Brandon posting things and just leaving them there for residents to see and to discuss and in my experience with the parks which I started a group that united we have 48,000 people in right now so um in my experience I've seen people are generally very concerned with the things that they love so we know how much people love toqua and again I thought this was a very quick decision getting made or coming upon us very quickly so I posted it online I shared I shared council member Brandon's post um on my page and I was surprised to have um friends and neighbors and all kinds of people coming back with responses that they were receiving from our vice mayor unfortunately claiming that I was spewing vital or that he was not in favor of having open conversation with the public and and um I was tuned into to the sori sound nameth if you could address me directly and the council as a whole well there's a Sor sounding board that I'm concerned with because it's an email that is sent out I don't know who is on it but it addresses every agenda item and gives his position on them and again I don't know how kosher that is but it's a very clear um I approve I support I don't here is where I stand and Mrs please don't Target any individual council member quite a lengthy email but the conceptual presentation has generated quite a stir and resulted in approximately 20 emails to all Council as of writing this at 10:00 a.m. I am repeatedly criticized for not discussing discussing things on social media please it's not appropriate it doesn't follow concern is is there a violation of the Sunshine Law to absolutely not okay so is it a problem for citizens to communicate about things online and to discuss issues relevant to our community because to send that message out I think is inappropriate and I enjoy looking forward to everybody's comments tonight thank you thank you I have no other part any other public comment that is not related to agenda item nope okay moving on Communications from Council I don't have anything tonight May nothing ma'am no ma'am no comments no comment I have a couple updates um uh as you guys know I'm on the board of palmach County Le of cities and last month the board did decide to support the collaboration efforts that are currently underway with the county and the cities on drafting a scope of work in RFP for a countywide transportation plan I think um manager will give a little bit more of a update because they've uh the Count's incoming to the manager meeting so he can give us a little more info there and then um next month we're going to be discussing the state park uh issue that obviously came up um I think Senator Herold will be attending the meeting and I think the board will probably discuss is it something that you know the the board would take a position or would it go to flor Lega City so that kind of thing will'll be discussing next month so I'll bring that back to our next council meeting um and then last month I attended the Florida Liga cities conference I know vice mayor was there and and J our community development director was there and it's three or four day conference and there's elected officials and managers and clerks from all over the state uh there's a bunch of educational sessions and it's just good to really collaborate and um work with you know other cities and and it really you no matter what the size you know we're all deal with the same issue so it's really great to have that platform to connect uh some of the sessions that I attended were we had our joint legislative policy committee meeting there was a AI for municipal leaders um retail matters best practices for natural disasters communicating your budget to Citizens which is appropriate since we just went through that process uh and then there was actually two legga City Board me uh board meetings I attended I was appointed to the board to represent the 12th District at the conference there was Al also two keynote speakers one was an international leader and adviser on teamwork collaboration and Innovation called Erica uh dwin and then the next was very interesting and I know uh Jay this with me it was a world leading urbanist and author Richard Florida so the presentation he gave was very appc applicable to what um the village and really kind of Florida is seeing as a whole he uh Dubbs that we're living in the creative class and that communities are rapidly changing and your home is kind of becoming your identity because we're not as tethered you know to the offices as we were in the past um and this is giving families more of a choice of where they can live where they want to live and so he spoke about you know how much communities matter and that we need to maintain uh many different unique kinds of communities so I thought like for me there was takeaways are very relevant to some agenda items we're talking about tonight as well so I just wanted to share those updates thank you all right moving on to standard reports Village attorney nothing tonight thank you okay Village manager yeah uh just want to start by uh thanking the staff and and Council um at 5:30 tonight we passed a 48 $8 million budget and so appreciate the hard work that's went into it I know most of our directors are here um you know we service water to unincorporated Martin County all the way up to Jonathan Dickinson park uh to unincorporated uh Palm Beach County as well as jic uh we also provide fire service to uh unincorporated uh pal County jic and the village of taquesta so we have a very big operation for a small town that most municipalities don't carry their own water and there's only 14 municipalities that carry their own fire so um we have a very big operation with a with a very small staff that do a lot of work so I appreciate the work and effort and of course council's Direction and Leadership on that um just a little update on that Transportation wide you know there's been a lot of back and forth on mobility and transportation the last couple years especially the kind of the back and forth between municipalities and the county um the county has really um I'll say uh taking initiative that they really want to work on Regional Transportation plan with with the municipalities there was some back and forth for several months about how do we make that happen between the Palm Beach County Managers Association and the county working hand inand they're going to develop a scope for an RP to to for all municipalities to have a piece and a regional transportation plan that'll help connect hopefully that last mile for all the municipalities to get to you know some of these alternative transportations and so um the next several months will be very um um we'll we'll see a lot of that coming forward and obviously Council have will have an opportunity to review that and and possibly vote on that so um more to come on that um we just to update and this is probably for some of our citizens as well because I know we get calls occasionally we have continued to try to compel the post office to clean up their their building I just know that that is ongoing we've been doing that for uh I mean going back a year we sent a letter to them via the coun um we have reached out to Brian Mass's office and um um Senator Scott the both of their staffs have been great really trying to move the needle on that so we continue to try to do that as I get updates I'll try to provide them um obviously there hasn't been any movement you know even with the communication we've had um a little reminder if you're not on our social media and if you haven't received notice our residents will be receiving their new trash carts between September 16th and September 20 there will be an informational brochure attached to that so keep an eye on that as you guys know turnning the first of the year we'll start an automated trash service um for the residents um Road update um we've been milling and Paving have completed Yacht Club uh Place North uh palmino way and fair viiew East and West striped and manhole adjustments are still pending Milling is currently underway on Golf View Drive with Paving anticipated to start by mid next week weather permitting we are obviously are trying to get that done before the end of the physical year uh and but some of that might run over into to the next year just because of the weather um and then tomorrow uh will be the final day of our naming contest for our new PD officer our our new K9 that we have and so if you haven't participated in that and you have a great name for us as a recommendation please submit that that's my report any comments or questions for the manager no thank you um would you mind just giving an update on the uh FWC meeting for the Jupiter nrows oh yeah so the Jupiter and arrows will be having a a meeting October 2nd um and Jessica is here Jessica is the one that uh reached out to us I guess uh she had attended one of the means or knew the the director there and uh suggested it'd be held here in taquesta since it is uh adjacent to taquesta they are considering a slow uh slow speed speed zone for the Jupiter Narrows they have done a study they plan on releasing that study trying to get comments back from the public um they plan on doing a virtual meeting as well in later in October our meeting will also be streamed online we'll be able to Prov provide that link um and so that if you can attend uh October 2nd you can provide a link and then obviously email and your comments they plan on voting on that in December at their commission meeting uh the Florida um uh the FWC meeting so um we'll see how that turns out thank you right next up police department a presentation evening mayor vice mayor council Village manager attorney and clerk uh before me uh before you you have my monthly report uh as Lori is trying to get a PowerPoint that I have real quickly to show about the noal club but the only thing I want to highlight from that report is September 3rd we had our first explorers meting meeting uh I want to thank the mayor and vice mayor for coming and saying a couple of words to our our youth as well as volunteers uh we just had our second one and we're starting to uh just added one additional person correct so we're up to eight kids from uh from the area that'll be involved with the Explorers a couple of things already that they will be doing there you go I just wanted to touch a little quick highlight on the nautical Club you all hear me talk about it just great job that my officers uh do and I'm so proud of them this year like I said we had 44 participants 11 to 17 the average AG was 13 we started on June 7th until August 10th I don't know why I don't know why it's not working is a little bit of a delay is it yeah I can control it if it's going to be delay you're going the wrong way I think I yeah stand by technical difficulties you may have noticed a couple of additional cameras they just so everyone knows they're doing a recruitment video for the testal police department just to kind of highlight some of the things we do it's not for the best looking Chiefs in the country but it should be but that's only a dream uh uh the Jupiter Aquatic Center that was uh our first day pool day and swim test uh just some of the pictures you can just fly there you go that's our officers out there that's Sergeant Kowski out there on the water with our kids doing their test uh they also visited loggerhead marine life and the Juno pier and Jupiter Inlet as you can see uh lieutenant smolin's in that photograph can't see who else is in that one and Ray Sergeant Kowski as well uh the navigation and boat training they actually get on the Marine unit with our officers are able to operate it uh we had some great pictures with San cowsky and the kids out there teaching them about waterways and water safety uh fishing training with Captain Bud retired Captain Bud who does a phenomenal job with them the kids truly have a great time as you can tell the picture on the left same day after fishing training he caught that fish absolutely a lot bigger than what the manager catches I've seen what he catches easy easy then he went on a black dog fishing charter we had three Charters because we had so many children and they did a great job working with us on that and again that's just some of the photographs while they're out there fishing many of them for their first time all the paddle boarding at Blue Point as well again Sergeant Kowski should be out there I think Lieutenant smen was out there with them as well Tom jell is that correct yeah Corporal jell was out there with them as well uh snorkeling at the breakers and K's Bridge selfish Marina and penut Island uh just going out there enjoying some snorkeling and uh again just interacting corporate jerell's out there with our officers and Sergeant Kowski just continue to build on our community relations with our youth uh CPR safety Day by reest a fire to our fire and police department as well thanks to Chief true for allowing his Personnel to teach our the kids CPR and going over some safety tips as well and being able to do a tour of the police and fires side um I've always said we have a great work and relationship it's important that our youth see that as well uh the tour of Trapper Nelson's in the Jupiter Lighthouse in Coral Cove again just some of the photos while they're out there uh Corp wowski is out there and then our end of summer pregn gu du boy Park I always say Duo and everyone corrects me du boy's Park and that's just you know just putting it all together with the kids uh going over the summer and obviously some of the people that helped us make it possible besides you all Council who are very supportive of not only the police department but the village uh departments as as a whole uh to Quest the friends of Public Safety the Perry J Cohen Foundation Austin Blue Foundation and Sergeant Kowski and everyone else who helped I mean honestly it's it's not possible without the men and women women that go out there and do it every week but it also is not possible without everyone's support so I want to thank you all on behalf of the police department so thank you thanks Chief thanks thanks you too manager sorry about the fish comment that's all I have that's it any questions comments for the chief no thank you thank you [Music] mayor Fire Department did you turn over yeah I did good evening mayor vice mayor Village Council Mr manager Village attorney Village clerk I do not have the Entourage that Chief Medina has so this is going to be a little bit shorter like to start off by saying we uh hosted the fire chiefs Association of Palm Beach County right here in this room uh back in August and uh we had a tremendous turnout about 40 Fire Chiefs from around the area it's just about teamwork and uh making it all work on a countywide level so that's that's why we get together what we were able to host and it was a great turnout Operation Safe start AG an August again we get out with our friends in the police department and we make sure that everybody knows the kids are back in school they're at the bus stops the buses are moving around and the kids are moving around and uh this tackles a a safety issue for for our our children and and you know we'd like to make sure that um they get off to a good start a good safe start the other thing that we did this this uh in the last month or so with some more training and there I think there are some pictures of this I don't have the can you I don't have the clicker I don't have the teamwork quite with the manager I moved it over the other screen so can me show it on so I anyway you do have it in the report it showed some search and rescue training by some of our guys it's just ongoing training that our guys do all the time um I I like to remind uh not just Council but the public and anybody that we work with our guys trained at least two hours on average every shift on a fire related subject and one hour of Medical Training so this is ongoing training that we do and we're able to do in part because of some of the props we've developed over the years where we've purchased but the training is excellent and uh if anybody ever wants to come out and see it we can certainly show it to them and if any council member would like to come out and try it I know at least one of them has tried it um please come out and join us uh we also of course had our 9911 ceremony yesterday uh I think it was well attended I appreciate all the support from the community and and from Council and of course um I just think it's it's one of those things so we said we would never forget and we will not forget in October coming up we of course have our fire prevention week um we are also sending a couple firefighters to the uh Florida firefighter health and safety conference in Orlando so that's been getting a big push from the fire chiefs Association we will have two members at that this year uh we have a badge pinning ceremony coming in on October it should be October 16th and we have two of our newest firefighters being uh being sworn in at that point uh they've already completed their their probationary year at this point when we do the badge pinning uh which would make us 100% off of probation at that point that's the first time I can say that in a really long behind so we're proud of that uh we're hosting uh Palm Beach County fire rescue for a training class and we're also bringing in Palm Beach State Fire college for a training class in October so we have a busy month plan for October and uh we'll keep you posted um you have the rest of my report if there are any questions I'll take them thank you Chief Council agenda thank you and last utilities department good evening mayor council um I do have an update on the Dober ditch a little bit um the core permit is complete and so we're only waiting for the fish and wildlife permit so we'll stay tuned also um with the srf I just want to point out the srf loan we did get um 5.74 five and so we are going to recommend that we pay out a reserves of 785,000 so we can move that project forward we hate to do that but we you know that's one of the reasons we we did the um um the rate increase and so forth so we we really need to do the water treatment plant projects um so um and then the for the substantial completion for the country club project it's November 15th not October 1st that's a um that was a a typo there I got the schedule uh from the contractor um the updated schedule and also I left out the name of um my water plant person got his water plant Class B operator's license it's chance fell and so I was very embarrassed that his name is not there but his picture is there so with that do you have any questions thank you margerie Council thank you Mar thank you thank you all right moving on to the regular agenda we have no you're jumping the gun there no I'm just kidding you're fine he's like ready to go we have no old business we do have some new business I do want to address we did receive a public comment with a request to extend public comment to four minutes I've given it some thought um you know it's extremely important to hear from our public we do have rules of deor to follow which allow for 3 minutes and um you know we often get conceptual presentations um um and with you know the overlay districts we've had two years worth of meetings and I just I don't want to set a precedence um I don't think it'd be fair to you know allow more comment for one conceptual presentation and then not do another down the road but I will open up for Council input i' like to stay with three minute comments yes so I agree if we're going to do it for one we should do it for all and I don't know if that's necessary I agree keep it three minutes okay just wanted to address that think there's going to be Jay you're up well agenda item 14 conceptual presentation from Kia States and mayor before we begin if I can just um put my normal um little commentary on the record um this will be a conceptual presentation it is not a quazi Judicial proceeding and no action shall be taken by the Village Council Beyond a discussion with the applicant neither the outcome of this conceptual presentation nor any comments made during the presentation by any council member or staff member is a guarantee or Assurance in any way of the final action that may be taken by the Village Council pursuant to a formal application um for development of the site um so just wanted as always put that disclaimer on the record yes thank you ke thank you good evening Jay hup um here to introduce the key St project the applicant's going to give a presentation as well but I thought I'd just walk through a few things first um they're trying to build a 96 unit town home community at the former rude Landscaping property it's 8 Acres it's zoned R2 and is in the medium density land use um the medium density land use allows up to 12 dwelling units per acre and they're right at that maximum allowed density with what they're proposing to do tonight um the R2 zoning district has a maximum Building height of two stories or 30t with rear setbacks of 20 feet what they're proposing to do exceed that they're going to have to go through the PRD process and also obtain a special exception from Council in order to do that uh with a future application if they you know decide to move forward there's a really long complicated history with the project uh and the property I'm I'm not going to go through all of it but I'll touch on some key points on uh July 9th 2009 the previous owner of the property was approved for future land use map Amendment which designated the property medium density residential so it actually increase the density up to that 12 units in acre that's there now uh and also a zoning text Amendment which uh added adult living facilities as a special exception use in the R2 zoning District um right before that approval on July 7th 2009 the previous owner executed a declaration of restrictive covenants that restricts the property to no more than 50 dwelling units and a maximum height of two stories if an adult living facility is not built um so the minutes of the meeting um but prior to that indicate that there was kind of some discussions about limiting height and density um for the site if if that adult living facility was not built so from from what we can see from what Keith and I can kind of deduce um the previous property owner put that in place as kind of an assurance to get the um zoning text Amendment and future land use amendment to to increase the density on the site um the Declaration of resar of covenants is currently recorded in the Palm Beach County records um as you'll see in the next few pages I'm show you the the covenants um The Village Council would have to modify or resend it in order for developer to construct anything other than adult living facility that is more than 50 dwelling units and is taller than two stories um you can't see this too well but um this is the first page of the restrictive covenant um as you can see it was entered into July 7th of 2009 two days before that approval I mentioned um and at the bottom there it says that should the decant fail for any reason to develop the property is an Alf pursuant to R2 zoning designation for special exception the decant hereby voluntarily restricts the property to a maximum of 50 dwelling units and a maximum height of two stories then on the second page it says that the um declaration is binding um and that uh unless it's exe um it's got to be released by The Village of Desta or its successors are in the property owner successors are assigned so it runs with the property and the village requests would have to amend it if it were change in any way um there was also a 2016 approval for an assisted living facility um by the current developer um that project had a building height of 43 feet and 10 in however it was set back um you know quite a bit further than what they're what you'll see proposed tonight um there was a 30- foot landscape buer there along that South property line and the um the building is tiered um where it's two stor closer to the South property line and then gets to be three stories so the two story portion of the property was set back 87 ft from the south property line and the three-story portion was set back a little bit under 140 ft from the south property line so there's a pretty substantial landscape buffer and uh you know set back pretty far from those those South Property Owners here's kind of a cross-section that shows that so um as you can see the um see if this shows up on does not show up um the building set back about 86 87 feet there um with a driveway in between as well as a 30-ft landscape offer and then you can see on the right that's where the the three-story portion the building starts um here's the architecture um the renderings aren't great here but it was kind of a Mediterranean reptile roof um architecture and you can kind of see how the building is kind of tiered back two stories in the in the front um the third one from the top is that South elevation so you see the the twostory with the three story in the back um as I mentioned the property would uh appears to need to utilize our plann residential development process because the buildings are taller than 30 feet or taller than two stories and reduce setbacks um the purpose and intent of pities is to encourage the accomplishment of a more complete residential living environment through enlightened and imaginative approaches to development um should allow a variety of architectural Styles and features and typically provide a little bit more open space so p are required to provide 35% open space whereas the standard zoning District uh would only require 30% in kind of an exchange for that the village is able to Grant additional height um and reduce setbacks a little bit when it makes sense when it leads to Innovative design and better design outcomes um however that as you can see in the last sentence there the additional height and reduced setbacks do not have to be granted by Village Council it says the Village Council may add its discretion require adherence to the standard zoning districts if necessary to maintain the spirit intent of the chapter so the Village Council does not have to approve those as far as the ad review process goes the applicant is actually not required to hold a conceptual presentation in the village code it's only required for projects on Beach Road US Highway one to Questa Drive Old Dixie Cypress and Bridge Road um so those projects have to come forward for conceptual presentation at staff's urging we recommended that they come to a conceptual presentation to get feedback from the council and from the residents very early on before they submit an application and go through the development review process um if the applicant does decide to move forward it will go through the villages development Review Committee um reviewed by police fire building utilities Public Works Community Development along with some of the contract people we have that review landscape environmental issues traffic and Engineering reviews and one thing I did not mention the property does have a substantial history of environmental issues dating back to Rude landscape Opera it um we would if they submitted an actual official application we would uh hire an independent environmental consultant just to review things they have their own environmental consultant but we would we would get our own environmental consultant to independently review everything just to make sure that that everything's okay um the project would also be required to meet the adopted level of service standards within our subdivision code so the village currently has those um relating to traffic sewer drainage portal water and Recreation and then also Palm Beach County has a very thorough process all residential projects in the county have to go through it's called the school capacity availability determination or scad by Palm Beach County schools and that will let uh a community know if there's uh capacity for for um at the at the local schools that that development would send people to if there's a if it's overcrowed the developer actually has to pay an impact fee to offset that um which is supposed to theoretically go into providing new schools um that's a whole mother story um so assuming they were to submit a project go through this whole development review process there'd be they'd be there'd be a formal submittal to Village staff along back and forth between all of our consultants and then assuming any issues were ironed out it could then go forward um but would then go back through the Planning and Zoning Board and Village Council so just to reiterate to the residents tonight it's just a very conceptual presentation um nothing is being approved tonight there's a very long and drawn out process that they would have to go through before they actually did get approved tonight it's just an opportunity uh really early on to get feedback from Council and from our residents and I think we'll hear a lot from the residents tonight um we also um you know recommended that the applicant reach out to the residence of Riverside Oaks which immediately abuts the property to the South so um the applicant did not have to do this um but did willingly meet with the residents of Riverside Oaks a couple weeks back um was attended by 17 residents um the residents there express some concerns about the environmental issues which I mentioned um they had some concerns about drainage how the property would drain and you know would it be draining into their Lake um and then there was also some concerns about the need to provide the more substantial landscape buffer between the properties and and also just kind of the general proximity of those buildings to their property um we've put the representatives from the HOA into direct contact with the property owner so that you they would be able to work out some of those issues um throughout the process and that's all I have I'll turn over to the developer thank you Jay hi everyone my name is Alex d'angeles I'm with HD ARS The Firm that's designing working oh I'm sorry I feel like I always scream so every time I'm in a meeting people think I'm either angry or I don't know everyone can hear me we're all good yeah all right so like Jay said this this project this site has a a complicated history for a lack of a better term but we'll go through everything and am I doing this wrong okay so a visual satellite image of where our site sits with relationship with Testa um we're on the northern part on County Line essentially boarding bordering the start of Testa with the rest of Martin County so this is our a zoom in area of our site our site is is um zoned R2 right so R2 lets you be lets you have 12 units per the acre that's that's what the zoning is in 2009 a little bit back in history as Jay mentioned the previous owner was planning on doing an Al um and somewhere along the lines and it's a little get it gets a little complicated because there's not that much documentation but somewhere along the lines they did a restrictive Convent on the site which said if you don't do an Al you can only do 50 tow houses at a height at twostory height really um but they didn't specify the height which is funny because you can do 80 ft if you want right but it's a two-story unit um the current developer the current owner of the property bought the property with the full attention of Juni Alf and throughout the history of of the development of the property and it ended up getting approved if I'm not mistaken it was approved um things started taking a turn around Co times as we all know alfs require a lot of Specialty Care Professionals um there's a shortage of nurses there's a shortage of doctors there's a shortage of medical practitioners so what happened was when we analyze the site and we analyze the product of the AL this building couldn't work anymore we needed over a 100 medical professionals to run it at a time that there were no medical professionals to run it um essentially the building would have been built and been abandoned so the decision at the developers great cost was well the build the zone is already zoned R2 and you can see it in the land use map over there as well um let's change gears let's scrap the ALF that doesn't work because the economy and the market just doesn't work anymore for it and let's do tow houses we're allowed 96 units 12 units per the acre let's do 96 unit units let's not ask for anything else let's not ask for anything less taquesta has in their code an exemption for multif family which allows you to go up to let me read this real quick it allows you to go up to three stories with a Max height of 35t that's if you're an R2 the section is section 78 174 in case anyone wants to read it um so when we're designing this product we said okay we can go up to 35 ft with a three-story product based on the art2 without looking into the convent which was put onto the site um and then obviously all the setbacks and everything were designed to be part of it when we start furthering designing the property and we start furthering looking at the product we said okay we'll do a mixture of the product we'll do half of the units at two stories and then the other half at three stories so that there is a balance it's not just a wall of three story units that are covering our surrounding neighborhoods let's keep going on this B again this is another map of tasta in our location the red circle which is very large um but it gives you an idea I mean we're not sitting in the middle of the Town we're not really affecting a lot of people around us um we did a study with the 96 units we essentially increased the the housing into CLA by 2% 2.8% so when people have a concern which is a true concern of traffic and density and over construction this isn't really that problem project I mean we're not building 200 units we're not building something that's going to extremely change the day-to-day life of Taqua and furthermore we're we're so out of the the inner part of Testa that it it it's kind of by itself in a way right I mean this is if I'm not mistaken the last residential empty lot in the city or in the village any questions on that should I just so this is our plan our site plan shows you 96 units in 26 clusters so when we started designing this project we were going off of the R2 designation correct without looking at the convent the con Convent do I say that right Covenant covenant thank you it's been a long day the Covenant Covenant Covenant the Covenant lets you do 55 units in the 8 Acre Site which to be completely honest is completely unheard of today I mean 15 years ago the world was different today there's not that much land there's different ideologies and construction and urban design and back to the point I mean we're designing something based on the R2 qualifications if this didn't have a covenant um so let's let's walk you through the site plan a bit the site plan's designed to have 26 clusters there's cluster a which sits in the middle of the neighborhood and cluster B which is the perimeter cluster a is is the larger units they're the ones with a lot more glass they're the ones that are the more AR architecturally designed and they're the ones that are further away from the surrounding areas and we did this very much in on purpose the idea of having the bigger units far away gives that buffer between the residents to the south of us and the larger units within our community cluster B on the opposite is a smaller one it's the complete opposite of cluster a they have smaller opening and windows they're farther away from from the setback on the third floor they tend to be Shyer they're smaller in height where cluster a is 316 height cluster B is at 29 um and it creates a more humble building for its neighbors and what we did was we started looking at the site and said okay there's two ways of approaching design of tow houses there's in my firm we call it the Great Wall of China and we've all seen it that's 600 tow houses that turn into one wall everyone has this little garage and the little door and it just becomes a copy and paste we don't like that so what we did was we did 26 clusters three two units or four units per cluster the two Center units are three stories the two side units are two stories and they're designed to keep in scale of what a large house would look like so if you're a passer by and you're driving by these units look like a house or maybe even a duplex but you you your mind doesn't perceive them as a 4unit dlex or fourplex um this also allowed us to increase our open space so like Jay was saying we need 30% um 35% if we choose a different route and of application we are at 39% and we are able to have such a large percentage of open space because we choose this cluster design we're going to go through so landscape buffers I know it's a big one and this I took from code so if it's wrong I'm sorry but based on Multi or commercial and multif family you're required to have 5ot Landscapes on the rear and on the sides 10- foot Landscapes on the front on the public private P public ride of way our property we have uh 16 on the North which is our front 17 on our East which is our side we have 18 on our rear oh I'm sorry 76 on our rear and 77 on our West So based on what the your code would say for landscape buffers for this site we exceeded so so we start going into the architecture of these buildings and you start seeing okay these buildings are designed in a way that they do look like a large home or they look like a duplex versus a wall of town houses you're driving through this neighborhood you don't realize or notice that there are 96 units in this property they look like like they're 26 individual houses um a lot of Green Space a lot of efforts are being taken to design a project that has large mature trees that have shaded areas for pedestrian use that have narrow roads so traffic can go slow and really create a village within a village not something that is secluded from you all but something that feels like home not just a cookie cutter this is a development here is 100 or 96 units there's there's a lot of energy being put into creating a green environment for the residents of this neighborhood and for the neighborhoods around us that are looking in and they see Greenery not just a wall so this gives you a rendering of the front facades of cluster a so like I mentioned cluster a are the larg larger one they're the ones that have the higher ceiling or the higher top of roof height um they have more glass they're more a tricky the renderings are a little deceiving because there's no Shadows so it looks very flat but I assure you there there's trim work there's there's elements of architecture that bring into this unit but it goes back to the main ideology of these are four units and though it's large or it seems large it doesn't read like it's four units it reads like there are probably two you in the middle have the three story units and then on the sides you have the two story and that goes again on how you create a balance within the neighborhood how you scale these buildings so that they don't all just look like a giant three-story building they start bringing diversity in Heights and character within the spaces this is an entrance rendering at the end you can see the one-story Clubhouse the the the Courtyard area where the pool would be placed and again really focusing and we're using perious pavers for the environmental sustainability we're using large trees for shading there's a lot of elements here that go into an environmental standard this gives you an idea of what our internal Alleyways look like so internal Alleyways are where the garages are um you have a two car garage within each unit and then you have space to park two cars in the driveway if you were to have guest or you choose not to park in your garage another rendering of the Interior Alleyways this is cluster B so cluster b as I mentioned prior they're the ones that do the perimeter of our building or of our site sorry cluster B is smaller in height they they are pushed farther into our site to allow more Landscaping towards our property lines so for example this element in the middle which is a three story is offsetted from the property line 45 feet the two-story element is the one that you see that's 18t from the property line this shows you in general uh walkways between the buildings and how these buildings really feel within while you're in them or between them and again the emphasis of a green space and allowing these buildings to breathe not be just a development that's all concrete and all just a wall of tow houses so I'm going to go through clusters and show you floor plans and elevations I'm going to go through them quickly unless you have questions because ultimately they're just floor plans but cluster a again in the middle they're the larger ones front elevations of cluster a rear the sides and then first floor plan as mentioned before they all have two car garages with a two-car driveway to park um second floor and then obviously your third floor and again the third floor sits in the middle so you you create that scale between the two buildings on the second floor on the two story units Being Framed on the middle cluster B the perimeter units um these I think would be the one most people are here to discuss the front of our cluster a technically is where the garages are that's the area within our site or I guess everything's within our site cluster B's uh rear which is the area that faces the property lines so again two story tow houses on the side three story townhouse in the center more punched Windows tries to keep the Privacy not only for ours benefit but for our neighbors benefit and and then obviously the sides floor plans and then this is an important graphic and we'll get back to it but the third story element you can really see how the property line would be at the top of the screen how push back it is from the property line and this is a a line of sight visual um by right the the neighbors to us on the south could build a two-story house so we reflected a two-story house on the drawing but if someone were to build an average twostory house this is this is how they interlock with each other in their relationship these aren't in my opinion overshadowing our neighbors they aren't uh grotesque and scale they they're very complimentary to the to the surroundings and this again shows you our setback so again you know the green area and cluster B they're the three story elements they're 45t 4 in from the property line which is very very significant considering that the property line um set back is 20 ft our two story elements really is the wrapped area around it their top of roof height is 194 and they have a a maximum distance from the property line of 3 to8 and then I wanted to note the distances between the houses to the south of us and I'm sorry if anyone lives in one of these houses but I measured this off of Google so don't shoot me if it's incorrect um but you know each one of these houses are 10t to to 14 ft away the largest distance between the houses to their property line are 24 ft so it it works with its surroundings and and what is seen and built around itself and that's it for my presentation of taking thank you all right Council open it up for discussion I'm still Gathering my thoughts if someone wants to Jump Ahead yeah a few questions the it says the roof height of the third story is 29 feet are you saying Max is out at 29 ft on that last one that's what I was confused yeah so here we can go the the when you measure height height is measured from crown of road to the top of your finished roof and then you're allowed uh parit and Architectural elements to exceed that height right for the second floor top of roof height would be 20 where is it 194 the top of roof of the third floor of the third story is 29 ft okay thank you and uh these are set up as rentals what is the rental term or option that you're presenting from and I I can't speak for my client but from my understanding they they are to be long-term rentals and yeah they they as of now ref can you come up and yeah you can come up and state your name come up to the podium here you can have thank you good evening uh my name is Thomas F I'm the developer behind this uh project and so yes we I mean the idea here is to do this as fee simple and um we're developing this as a as a rental as a high-end rental project with a um you know normal rental uh normal rental contracts not this is not shortterm typically what we do are institutional uh level uh projects and so it's all uh stuff that goes into Pension funds and things like that so uh there's no short term um and the quality of everything we do is above par and and I think um from what we've tried to do is is to create something that um is let's say you know up toate design wise uh within the spirit of Mediterranean um design and a very high and very high quality and we think that if you know we live in such a difficult world world world at this time if we if there is some sort of a problem and we can't rent them out they will be sold uh as individual uh homes right so this is why we want to uh have the uh the fee simple element uh to it and obviously these will be built as a uh not as a rental product but as a um you know for sale home right that sort of quality right so um we have we have you know I think uh um our view and and our interests are aligned with the uh other residents in Tequesta we want to be uh long-term um holders in uh in Tequesta I think um you know it's the only uh large parcel uh that is still available for development within at least half an hour drive time right so this is only adds about 2.8% to the housing stock to the residential that's the residential housing stock in uh in Tequesta and I think it will um I think you know we would probably pay about half a million dollars every year in um uh real estate taxes that can be used by the village for uh for the community we think you know our residents will be um high level uh you know people who work um typically um in maybe biotech or Aerospace you know these are the the big employers uh around the Questa uh they're going to be you know High you know High earners High Spenders will benefit the uh uh the community and um and you know we love we love tequa we we're not out here to uh destroy the spirit of tequa because we're here we're doing this project because Thea is so wonderful and we want to be here long term so um thank you Thomas and is your goal is your goal when you set out for these renters is it a is it a one-year ter term is it a six-month term is it a it's a onee term yeah yeah and you know the the longer as as long as possible right you know how it's difficult to uh manage rental properties and the last thing you want is to have high turnover of uh of residents so this will be uh you know will put a a great deal of effort in landscaping in the utilities in the maintenance of the property uh and this is not a quick and dirty uh you know project this is a long-term project which uh we want to be of benefit to the community and we want you know our residents to be happy and and to stay in those homes as as long as as long as possible Right understand thank you those are my comments and thank you for having us conceptual and also hosting the HOA community meeting thank for your time and and you know and if any Resident has uh issues or um you know we I'm happy to uh to go through the details of what uh of what we're going to do and even one onone on a on a phone call on a zoom on you know whatever but I really want to reiterate you know I've hold I've held this property for 10 years right uh so I'm I'm a long you know I'm I'm a sort of long-term holder I've spent a lot of money fixing a problem that uh I haven't created and I have here uh the uh the letter I received from uh uh the fdp um stating that there's no further action on the petroleum so uh my neighbors will be happy to uh to know that the petroleum element of the impact has been uh has been resolved after since I think uh this gentleman here Rob uh used to work for arcades he now works for another environmental uh company he's the one that discovered it what year was that 88 or 98 98 I think it was ear than that uh but anyway so it's been uh it's been you know it's these things up uh very difficult to uh to clean out it's extremely expensive and um you know we we uh I'm I'm very Pro environment I uh I love you know everything to do with nature and the environment I come from a farming family and so um for me it's seem you know this this is a this is sort of a pet passionate project right thank you Thomas Council um well I'm G to finish Council comment and then I'll um everyone who wants to speak in the public will be allowed to speak thank you sir okay well thank you guys um not the first time I've seen it um we we met weeks months ago gosh I can remember to look at this um separate Council meetings but um I just want to start off by saying I you know I I appreciate this significant amount of thought and effort you put into the design I think it would be very easy I think a lot of developers come in here and just kind of do I forget the term you use where it's just the gry Wall of China gry Wall of China I think it'd be easy to do that and you know just kind of like you said rinse and repeat copy paste but I I appreciate the amount of thought you put in particularly to the scaling of the buildings on the on the uh perimeter of the property um and you know I know these are just conceptuals but if I assume that this is what it's going to look like um I appreciate the amount of trees fora um and uh let's see we expect to have more you know this is yeah our my client wants to do a Botanical Garden in the middle of this if I if I put a Botanical Garden you wouldn't see the building so you have to play with the with the Landscaping kind of when when get it and in the green space I mean again that's I don't know if every you know you're exceeding the green space requirement which is which is awesome um and thank you for cleaning up the site you know like this the site had some serious environmental issues that someone was going to address but I appreciate you doing that um and you've owned it for 10 years but this site is sat bank for even longer than that and you know the reality of living in a beautiful place like we do regardless of how you feel about development this site will be developed at some point it's just it's going to happen we live in Florida and we live in my opinion the most beautiful place in Florida um but you you know we always strive for responsible development and from what I'm seeing I I think this is um you know you're you're getting really close to that um I think it's responsible I think there are some concerns that probably need to be addressed which you know um you're probably also aware that we've received a lot of feedback from residents um which is great I mean we love to hear from our residents and we love to hear the concerns you know I live inqua but I don't live right next to the site so it it affects me or could affect me differently that it can affect somebody who lives near it um but that said I I I appreciate you taking the time to meet with the the HOA at um what was it Riverside Oaks yeah um what I would say um I would just really urge you and I I believe that you will do this to continue working with the residents to address those concerns I think it's possible I think I think you've done a great deal of work and effort to try to kind of be to get there before those concerns be became concerns but as you know I mean taquesta is a place we really put a lot of um significance into the character of our village and um I just think the more you can work with residents which again I know you will I've seen you guys are already doing it as you continue down this development process just that's the biggest thing is continue talking communicating making sure everyone feels a part of the process um I use the word continue because I know you have it and you know um you know this isn't going to be easy there's a long road ahead but um yeah I mean I think we have you know our interests are line yeah and so we you know people who are close to us they don't want us looking into their property but we're the same right yeah yeah that totally and and for for the people who are going to live in the homes uh they need to be feel to feel comfortable otherwise they going to go somewhere else I totally agree um you know I I also I drive by this site quite often I mean county line there's a ton of single family but there is there are other townhouse developments on County Line this isn't like setting a precedence this is nothing new um there's other multif family and Tow houses on county line so um you know and and I think you know this is as I say this is the last parcel of sides right so after this it's uh you know the the housing stock in Thea is not uh is not going to you know I I'm the same I'm always worried about you know how it how my surroundings are impacting uh but I don't think the quest is going to change going for because there's no more land to to develop right and this is only you know so there's what three and a half thousand uh homes in Thea this is 2.8% yeah that's an interesting statistic yeah and to add to that you know we're you know we could add probably another 30 units on this site and stand in front of you and ask for a variance whether we granted or not um but we're trying to stay within what is the right thing right I mean this is what the site is allowed that's what we're doing we're you know we're not asking except the removal of this Covenant Covenant Covenant sorry English was my second language um but that's it right I mean we we want to stay within the height limits we want to stay within the setback I mean we we want to develop responsibly we're not trying to be the developer Who says let's put asphalts on this and put little palm trees and call it a day you know there's meaning behind this it's also not a cheap design to build so I appreciate that I mean you could have done something much cheaper than this for particularly for rental rental's hot and you know I think I think the design is is I know everyone has their opinion on design I actually think it's pretty attractive um but um so with that um you know and this this is more just to our residents because you know we always want to address your concerns as well and it's it's hard by email sometimes to get that message across but I know most of our residents know that the village and we on Council we cannot we can't deny a property owner's right to develop their property particularly when they're meeting code or in certain cases exceeding it um what we can do is ensure that developments comply with our code um and and that we maintain or even in certain situations enhance the uh character of our village which again I I think I think it's a great design and I I like it um and again just to I don't want to sound like a broken record this is the last to say but you know we live in a beautiful place development is always something we're going to be I hatte you were fighting but it's something that's just a reality of being here I mean we all live in developments every single one of us live on a piece of land that at one time was something beautiful and you know I think it's easy sometimes to point the finger at developers but the reality is we all live in big developments and none of us want new ones right in our backyard but I personally appreciate when uh developers and Property Owners come in that that put the amount of thought that you put into it but again I just urge you continue communicating like overc communicate um there's a lot of communities around there get get everyone's input and to the extent possible incorporate in design but um I really appreciate it it's a beautiful presentation so thank you for your time thank you very much thank you Council M Brandon all right so I'll start with Aesthetics first and I don't have to disclose this but I will I did meet with this developer one one in our conference room so I have seen these designs um I don't have copies of them but I did get to see them I like it and I don't like it and the parts that I'm having hesitancy towards is it doesn't harmonize with anything in the the taasa area not just the neighborhood that's older that is wrapped around you but anywhere in taquesta also we have discussed up here several times in the past year and a half two years we need to start shining away from black and white cuz I know that we call taquesta Pleasantville but we also like to live in color as well we don't want to go back to black and white the railings are here are black but this is just uh they're not going to be like that sure and I'm not asking you to paint your building but I'm there's so many creative ways to add some sort of even earthy tones to it secondly the feedback I've gotten from residents was it's so boxy on the rooftops um the flat roofs consistently throughout for me it reminds me of sympathy sympathy symphony symphony oh my gosh Symphony on robok road which a lot of people dislike because again it doesn't fit our northern part of the County area um so my ask to you if we can go back and forth and conversate is because I do like the tiered Roofing and I appreciate the higher Roofing being on the inside away from the residents that wrap around you if we can creatively come up with where we can add some architectural elements to the roof so they're not constantly flat roofs and just add some visual movement to that as well as textures and something else I mean I I asked you where the front doors were and you couldn't tell me where the front doors were and that concerns me about your design me it it did I didn't know what to say to that um the pool we discussed um you know you have to wrap it somehow cleverly um maybe with glass or something and my question is the overall development do you have a gate to the development or is it open the neighborhood currently is suggested to be gated okay as for the front doors I can show you where they I know where they are I'm just disclosing being very transparent I appreciate the non- street parking um we whatever that you have garage space for every tenant or resident that'll be living there as well and I do want to sorry not to but if not I'll forget a lot of the reasons we do have flat roofs is because all the mechanical equipment are on the roof so that allows for more green space and so on and so forth so we'll look at a an idea or concept to try to mitigate the flat roof um but just do keep that in I actually like that because it keeps it from being in between your little Alleyways why not I actually do like that but if we can just maybe change it up so it's just not so boxy again it's really resembling a lot of like Symphony sympy I can't Sy had Covenant I can say Covenant though hey that one shots fire um what was the other one so gated again again somewhere we can add a little color the Landscaping is beautiful and the designs I know your goal is to add more I have heard that before from someone else I want to make a Botanical Garden like is like it's done Fort Lauderdale I've heard that before you can talk to Emy em can you stop adding trees everywhere well we like trees and you know I go out with my me my little thermometer tool and literally even Pavement in the shade is like 20° cooler from Sunshine so I totally support any kind of landscape we can add now legal wise about this Covenant yes or no answer please did you know about it when you bought the property um yes I I knew obviously I knew okay so yes okay so if we or you if you were to move forward and submit work on a design a little bit further and submit and go through the lengthy process I know it's very costly for someone like yourself what is that process where would Council see that decision to either resend or amend the Covenant is in the beginning or is it all the way at the end well I I can't speak for the developer but if it was me I would certainly want an assurance that there the 50 unit um twostory restriction uh had been rescinded before I expended a lot of resources the language of the document requires a majority vote of the Village Council to release um the Covenant or any Amendment so um okay so I asked that because out of respect to you knowing where I personally sit with knowing about the Covenant and the fact that you literally just said you knew about it when you bought the property and real estate is a risky business and you knew about it so as of right now unless I hear something in public feedback or from my fellow council members I would not NE be open to resending it and I don't want to see you go through the costly process mon I I bought it with the idea of of doing senior housing right and um there had been uh John basa who owned the property before I designed a very poor senior housing building on it um when I you know when I bought the property where I went through the whole exercise of uh going for S plan approval Which Way kindly uh I was given and then you know the market completely flipped and um you know so that's a huge write off uh you know it's taken uh it's taken years to to uh to do it I think we had an amazing project you know very beautiful uh very you know I was very involved very kindly key with keys we rewrote some of the code to make it uh possible and and you know so um my my idea was to do senior work was to do senior housing now the market is completely changed you can't get you can't get the the stuff it is just uh and and I completely understand that I really do I mean I feel the medical lack lacking in our community my concern is with a real estate investment that's a risk so so if you purchase a property knowing it's supposed to be a nursing assisting facility but you know if heaven forbid that concept doesn't work you have limitations on tied to that property so I'm just concerned why you wouldn't foresee the future you were so locked in secondly last question yes or no was it you that brought in a couple years ago a townhouse concept that had street parking it was on that property CU I know we discussed because you had the the toxic LAN was empty because of that reason it wasn't officially in a meeting again you were meeting with people behind the scenes and I remember seeing that layout because Council had concerns about the street parking there's lots of uh people that uh you know want to buy the property I have offers from all the uh National Builders uh you know the big companies likeon Etc and um if I being you know I mean I can show you what they want to build it's not you know it's yeah so I also asked that cuz I wouldn't expect this property to sit empty and the county doesn't Own It The Village doesn't own it so I don't expect it to become a school as Charming as that concept might be I expect you to eventually build something but again if it was you that came in since you've owned it for 10 years plus it had to been you then or representative for you came in and presented one-on-one to council a concept of town homes with street parking it was dense I remember that and you had the toxic land area was just grass because you were concerned about putting housing on that section now I know you've cleaned it since so I'm just trying to figure out your your timeline here where you're going and again just to end my comments as of right now unless I hear differently I would not be in favor to resend that right Covenant I don't want to waste your time or money and have you spend month and months and months if I may yep um I respect the The Stance you're having on this I do the reality is though for example it's a Questa 50 60 years ago were they were all farmlands you know land changes over time over markets over need or stability or whatever whatever way we want to frame it so to say oh you knew about the lot when you bought it and it had to be an Al and you have to build an Al because that's what you knew um it it's kind of I don't know exactly the word but land changes right I mean we all live like my house is was on top of a pineapple Grove right that who am I or who is anyone to say nope you can't build here because it's a pineapple Grove that's what it was approved for and that's it you bought the land you knew it was a pineapple Grove you keep the pineapple Grove we we as a society we as a community have to evolve and make sure that we evolve responsibly responsibly it's another word um within the the rules and guidelines that the city sets forward right um the the lot is Zone the way it is so it's not like we're coming in here and saying we want to Zone a commercial and we want to put a w in the corner of it you know we're we're keeping the ideology and keeping in respect what the city has dedicated the site to be as far as an Al or not an Al that market died I mean I I have a client who's the largest Al probably in the country and they're selling properties left and right because they can't find anyone to fill these voids so we can build an Al tomorrow but in three years it will be sitting as an abandoned building and then we'll sit here today and say or that then and say what do we do with this isore because we can't get it I mean the hospitals are starting to close down because they can't find nurses right they're shipping nurses all over the place so I respect the The Stance but I do think we have to adapt with the needs of the of today and and I hear and and I'm not expecting you to build that I'm just saying when you purchased not you when you're client purchased the property they were very aware of the different options that they would have to work with not just the assistant facility but if it was housing they were very understanding of what that entailed yeah and you know we we're looking at 15 years ago we were in probably the largest downturn economically the world's ever seen I know we're talking about land was used to be Farms but you know you guys bought 2009 that's not even 1990s so for me it's not that old okay 2013 so 11 years ago that's even worse in my op well but I mean we we can have this I like a lot of the elements um if you do move forward I'd like to see just a little more on the rooftops to break it up a little bit um but I do very much appreciate the tiered roof line so we don't just get straight boxes I do appreciate that I mean also the uh I mean the uh the area was zoned are 220 units per acre right so this is what c yeah so I I understand it might be housing and I'm fine with that anything else council member Brandon no ma'am Vice May um if I could ask Jay to come to the podium have some questions J and our R2 this is owned it's own for our code says they can two stories are 30 ft what if they can fit three stories in 30 ft is it still capped at the two it's capped at the two it's two so two stories are 30 ft okay the PRD process is something that would have to be applied for and we can approve that application process to move forward or we can or can deny it as a PRD correct yeah then they can get they can technically get up to 50 feet or four stories in the in the PRD process okay um but as it stands in either PRD or traditional R2 zoning neighborhood uh 96 units would be permitted on the site so 90 the 9 the number of units is not in question or that that works how they can build the 96 units that they're proposing is dependent upon which route they go PRD or I'll call it traditional R2 zoning assuming the Covenant is not in in place okay thank you that's I think that's it um never and again back to the applicant thank you very much for your investment for 10 years 11 years within the village uh carrying it to clean it up uh paying taxes with not generating real estate any income I understand that um so thank you for taking an interest in the village um when we met again in transparency and I am nothing but transparent in this CH this Chambers and and anything that I vote on we met and I appreciated it and first glance I was excited I love the way the architecture is consistent with some comments uh from my colleagues you know I love the way the architecture is I like the two uh two stories and and not so three stories at the time I liked all that um so I think it's great my concern is is this is um you can build 96 units based on public feedback that I've received I think my colleagues have received um allowing you to go or supporting the use of a PRD while that's a it's a legal maneuver or whatever the proper word is a legal process to go through um I just don't believe that that's the right process for this parcel those that type of waiver or to that that application process which will allow you to go up to 50 feet which is would never support something like that you're right close to it now you're at three stories and you're at 316 um so You' got to go PRD your your comparisons of the the neighboring un neighboring neighborhoods about how far they are back set back I understand that but if our setbacks uh in R2 I don't believe this is a PRD this is not we're going to be discussing later in this evening different overlays and that's where a mechanism like this would do um so I don't support um the excessive height I don't support the The Limited setbacks per the R2 zoning and my understanding is those two things don't meet R2 uh I do support the 96 because I can't take that away from you um but moving forward under a PRD I can't support that at this time so I like everything that my colleagues have said but I am not supported supporting the PRD process if you can make this work 96 units building it in tra in a traditional manner there's nothing that I could ever do to to say no to that because you know you you built a code you built within zoning you built within all that um and we're not going to get involved in a lawsuit for that but allowing a PRD I just don't believe I don't believe that this is the right part to to utilize that I don't think it's the right neighborhood um not even getting into the traffic concerns that that have been um that have been communicated to us I will I can only support this um right now I'd like to see you come back and how can you do it in a regular R2 zoning and not doing the PRD we have to go 31 and a half feet so kind of where I'm at right now I don't want to keep droning on and on but um right now it needs to be done under R2 traditional architecture conditional building condition traditional building conditions um and you got to get it back to two stories um I'm not sold on the three while I like how it looks I just don't know if that's the right place for it so so your code section 78 174 can you speak into the microphone just a little bit more please sorry your code 78 section 174 States as number six as one of the general let me put this closer CU my context General exceptions uses special exceptions uses in an art two districts as follows number six multiple family dwellings in excess of two sto stories are 30t in height to a maximum height of three stories to 35 ft that's in your code okay the operative word I've heard you started with special exception yeah it's a special a special exception which we would have to approve that as a council as a body we'd have to approve that I don't think this is the partiel where I'm willing to stick my neck out on a special exception even though it may be part of the code it's a special exception which would require Council approval so again I want to debate you back and forth I'm just telling you that if you can build this in a traditional manner in a traditional R2 I won't support a special exception you know now unless I hear compelling arguments from the community or from my colleagues um and that's kind of that where where I'm at so I don't want to have it back and forth because we've got a lot of public comment here no no of course our neighbors are have three stories right so our neighbors to the South that have okay all right thank you that's it okay uh first of all I want to say that's probably the most thorough conceptual presentation I've seen I think since I've been on Council you do not have to do that um I really appreciate your efforts to communicate early with us and the public you know I did meet with you guys at Village Hall with our community development director um you met with neighbors so not everyone does that so I really want to you know applaud your efforts and getting um the word out there and starting to communicate with everyone at this very very early stage because you're not required to do that so I appreciate that um there is obviously a lot going on with the R2 versus the PRD versus The Covenant I think I said that right so you know at the end of the day I started on plan and zoning and generally we always go like you know we we welcome responsible development we you know really respect private property rights but we like to see stuff built per code so that being said you know uh I think you know council member painter originally stated we did receive a lot of emails from the community just with concern turns with additional height and density so whatever you choose to do please keep that in mind going forward because you know the resident input and feedback is uh heavily weighed with decision- making and the part of conceptual is giving you feedback on the buildings so I'm going to do that as well I do think um it it's a beautiful development I think you know you did a really good job with the massing of the buildings you did take that into account and um so you know to try to provide privacy um and not just have these blocks I think that's um really nice to see and there was a lot of you know thought put into the entryway the view point from County Line you kind of look way back to I think it's the clubhouse you don't have you know building right there at the entry um so there's you know in all the landscape areas for tenants there's a lot of nice features you put in there um to make it a very unique and special property so um I do think a very you know no matter where you land with the buildings I think a very healthy the landscape buffer probably more than what code requires would be nice to just kind of hide it a little bit and and blend it in and so it's not as intrusive to the surrounding areas which is you know uh a lot of single family homes around there um and like uh council member Brandon said I'm a broken record with this I know some of our land planners in the room have taken note and start to listen I am a little exhausted with the um kind I know you said it's Mediterranean but it's a little modern like the boxy modern with you know the white and gray and beiges and black with the wood accents you know a lot of the single family homes we see going up look like that um I do think it'd be nice with what you have now you could add some uh like there's um it's like modern Cape Dutch style and so it could add a little bit more elements and really work with what you already have to soften it up a little bit and just not have that kind of modern look I just don't think that's a good fit especially at the location it's at um in the village and then something to keep in mind too we're a very um bike and golf cart friendly Community you know there's a fames bike to school or golf cart to school to summer camps to all our village events so it would be nice to maybe have some accommodations within the development so you know the people move in really do feel like a part of the community overall and you know can um golf cart and bike to all of our events and schools and camps and that's all I have so thank you all right anything else Council then I'll open up for public comment no thank you thank you thank you very much for your thank you okay we have Dale Bellis I think de left I don't see her Dale I think she's gone okay Scott Tedford uh good evening uh council members thank you for uh giving me the opportunity to speak uh my name is Scott Tedford I live at 134 chapelain uh which is just a block or two away from the proposed site um I wanted to voice my concerns about both the development of the 96 town homes on only the or just the eight Acres within that site which I know is technically medium density but it seems like high density uh given the comparisons to the surrounding Community there um and I'd also like to oppose or voice my opposition to um any ideas to to make exceptions for the height and setback rules um you know I appreciate the presentation you know the buildings are beautiful uh but it reminds me of something beautiful that I would see in Fort Lauderdale right it's not something that's it it definitely stands out especially in that neighborhood you know so while I'm not saying anything bad about Fort Lauderdale Fort Lauderdale has a different character than taquesta and I believe that the development of the renderings that you've shown you know are capturing a character of somewhere that's not toqua so my concerns are you know a couple uh you know first talking about the the the diminishment of the character um I think that particular uh design would diminish the character of that single family neighborhood and then I think there's a danger there of losing property values within that area um secondly you know a main concern was be traffic you know I feel like I'm already taking my life in my own hands walking my dogs on County Line Road uh somebody might have seen recently there was actually a car that drove through uh a fence on the north side of County Line Road with Screech marks up to it you know and I'm thinking well if I was had my dog right there you know I could be dead so you know the addition of 96 Town Homes you know an average of probably two cars per home that's a couple hundred cars right there you know I did notice in the renderings that 75 % of those cars are apparently Porsches so you know we all I'm sure responsible Porsche drivers in this room but not everyone is so you know also peak times right now uh County Line Road backs way up with the train uh with the school buses um Etc so uh basically to recap you know I just think it's a mistake to to allow any exceptions for this development uh one other important thing I'd like to see addressed is the um possibility of green infrastructure you know you mentioned maybe a Botanical Garden when you see just a grass lawn you know everything that we do on our land affects our water which is the main uh source of our economy the Indian River Lagoon the more grass lawn you have the more fertilizers you've got it's all going to run into the Indian River Lagoon so I'd really like to see more um mentioned about green storm water infrastructure uh Native Plant plantings and uh things of that nature to really you know sort of try to maximize the green space that is created with any development that is there but uh that's all I've got thank you thank you sir Jessica neth hello Jessica Amoth 20 Shady Lane um I would like the Covenant enforced um that's really I think all um that I need to say on that I would be curious though about things aside from just petroleum like if arsonic or any of those things were cleaned up as well um and would love to see that but um I may I ask a question to you madam chair yes mayor um do we know if this has anything to do with um the Jupiter Hills country Club the housing that they're I guess have been the project that they have going that they're talking about subsidizing for their workers their seasonal workers I don't know not anything about that but we can look into it and get back to you okay um I would also like to just no we'll just do po comment thank you okay um I would also just like to point out that the county line town houses are on the east side of the train track from if I'm remembering correctly and I think that we've kind of defined the train track and being east of it is our like commercial District so to speak and so again this is very much residential um and I have equally heard the concern from residents um for themselves Martin County residents you know I think live on the North side of that street and I think that their concerns are valid because what if they go back and then decide they want to build something you know agreed I think that working together um would be nice to include them as well I know there are concerns for the wildlife in that area because it does it is nearly adjacent to Jonathan Dickinson State Park and so anybody that's grown up on the North side of County Line considers JD like their backyard so you've got coyote and gopher tortoises and possums and armadillo and all those things and again the traffic I think is concerning for everybody I've heard um it even backs up Beyond Chapel which somebody pointed out you grew up on also so they were were concerned um you know with what your thoughts might be or how you would feel if when they're waiting for the school bus or whatever it is there's a line of traffic um extending West so um I think I those are my concerns but for the main I mean the bottom line is just that I would ask us to honor the covenant thank you thank you Gordon ripma uh good evening I'm Gordon ripma I live at 142 Pine Hill Trail West which is about uh less than a mile from the property um I'm somewhat familiar with this piece of property as I been around here for 38 years and um knew the former owner very well Roy Roode and before he subdivided and so forth also I know a bit about the contamination on the property and uh wanted to address uh the two issues of of the development I I'm fully in favor uh I'm an architect I'm a land developer and I'm a general contractor I viewed your website today I thought it was what was presented as a preliminary plan excuse me was an excellent presentation and I think it would be who this board to allow this project to go forward as a professional as far as environmentally excuse me um we I had a company called Aqua Clean systems and we were the uh contract the environmental contractor that cleaned up the site that gave the d uh the full uh uh cleansing of the site and approved and he he's correct it's fully approved it was done properly we did the pro we did the project prior to you there okay and the that was for the hydrocarbons they had an airs Spar unit on the property for years and it couldn't clean it up and couldn't clean it up that was the fuel farm for the hydrocarbons Roy head uh where he uh put fuel in his tractors and you all his pieces of equipment that went into the soil couldn't be cleaned by air sparge we went in with proprietary technology and we cleaned it up in a very short time which allowed the D to approve the site second issue is is uh arsenic I read on your website today that some people are concerned about arsenic well um and the in the fact that arsonic could be coming from this property this8 acres to uh Riverside Oaks uh which the Arsenic uh would not migrate for one thing uh and the AR was introduced to the whole property including Riverside Oaks so if there's arsenic in the ground here and your uh committee your environmental uh Council wants to look at ponds in Riverside Oaks for arsenic there thinking that it may have migrated from this property it didn't all these proper this whole property was farmed at one time and had Stakes put in the ground that were bought bought from South America had they were put arsenic was put on the Stak so they were allowed they could be used for several years at a time without being eaten by termites and so all these Stakes went through both uh the north side of the the property and all the way to anyway it was all all of Roy roode's property so if they go to look at this environmentally I want s if you could wrap it up your last if you could WP I I want the the people that are going to look at uh arsenic I want them to know that it's not migrating from here it's under all the houses there and it it has been for years and I hope that this gentleman gets his way here because okay thank you sir he deserves to do and get what he's worked for thank you sir um it'll be La any other cards yes he's I'm gonna bill out one his name is Ron Scaro yes yep you can come up to the podium oh if you could state your name and address please roncado 137 Magnolia Way in Riverside Oaks um thank you thank you for letting me speak uh I've been a resident of Testa I moved here 1997 lived in North County all my life less than a year ago I moved to the very back wall of cluster B where that's at moving knowing that there was going to be an Al facility I knew the setback or what it was going to be fine I love it welcome it we have several uh facilities in our area already the I I challenge you to take a look I moved I moved here knowing what I had is Green Space and fresh air behind me officer there is further away than the set back of this building from the back of my property which only has 20 ft to my house okay so if I look at the bar across him above him that's where the first floor that's not even as high as the first floor goes up second floor is up there the third floor is up there and they're going to be looking in my bedroom window and my uh family room that's what's looking at me it's not an adult living facility it's renders okay I I hear semantics I hear 29 ft the small building versus 31 the big building nobody would know the difference looking at that but that's the semantics I'm a journalism guy I used to meet with your father every every Tuesday for three years at the Palm Beach Post okay I know how to twist words uh the setback that was at my house right in the middle there he shows 24 ft it's not that so yes your aerial is a little bit off and you point it at the back end of the patio not where the family room is um we talk about the high-end people that are going to move in all right Kratos defense Florida turbine Technologies is in Botanica beautiful facility beautiful surroundings they're trying to hire 150 uh Engineers highend engineers and they can't because they can't afford toiv here they just met with uh uh one of the representatives um about that they have no affordable housing for them to move here and they're high yet okay they're trying to pull from NASA and other places around the country can't do it um we look at um you know toest a Terris Brookdale they're right here in taquesta they're not having a problem I checked my in-laws into Addington place last week they're raising their rates because they're a capacity okay so the problem of not having people people to fill Al I don't see that you may but I don't see it the fact of nurses I mean look at the growth of Jupiter Medical Center it's expanding exponentially new additions new construction they're not having a problem they're doing great so the fact that we can't hire nurses in here I think that's a falsehood too all right I I see the inside cluster looks great I have no problem with it when you put the outside cluster it changes everything the inside cluster represents what the original intention of that land was going to be when I moved in here and all I'm going to say is I've talked to my realtor they said that my property value is going to go down $200,000 when that goes up and I'm not in favor of it thank you sir thank you thank you Marie superi Mar per I live in the country club um first I actually meant the extra minut for the next agenda item um not this one um but I think wanted to on this one I wanted to point out the Covenant is more important today than ever before precisely because things are far different today than they were 15 years ago um when we're we are we have been mostly built out but that doesn't mean things don't change and that means we should enforce the Covenant it's very this this should be an easy decision um we're lucky to have the Covenant here um it would also be it's also important to recognize that 96 versus 50 that's a significant amount more um and when we already are looking at density in other context too for a small village anything more than the 50 is already too much um and that was undoubtedly the forethought behind the Covenant and that makes complete sense and should be respected because it corresponds to what residents want today um the priority should be preserving a small V and I encourage you to absolutely enforce the covenant thank you thank you I have no more cards more cards anyone else from the public want to speak that did not fill out a card yes ma'am come up and state your name and address hi uh my name is Molly Tedford I live at 134 chapol I'm about a a block and a half away from you on um County Line Road I guess my concern about this development um I grew up here I grew up off a taquesta drive right um I I know that where we live on our road it's unincorporated and so if I have a problem I do not get the quest of police department I have the sheriff's department right that comes to me if I need them um I don't know who would be covering your area but but we have to look at this you know we're behind that railroad TR track that has 36 more trains coming a day you know we I come out on my road three times a day and it's completely backed up just because of the train not even the bus you know I I I don't know why we would want 96 extra you know developments town homes that you know the math is off right like they're saying that it's 2.8% I I mean I think that we have about 6,100 residents you can't tell me that one person is going to live in all these 96 homes you know the town homes that's two that's children that's you know it's a lot of people coming into our neighborhood and um I just I really think we need to enforce our codes and and that's what Jupiter's not doing and that's what you know Stewart's not doing you drive on US1 to Stewart and it they're ruining old Florida and we have this beautiful beautiful pocket like why would we let anybody else not from here come in and build on it I'm sorry thank you um I'm just very emotional about this because that third story also is going to be looking into my pool my yard it it's just you know the rendering there I I'm an engineer okay I do I I do this for a living their third story and they're like oh you know your house is right there no no no no his house is is down here you know it the the rendering was incorrect I I know it like you can't tell me that a second story you don't have a second story in your house yeah so how is his house Second Story and their third story it doesn't make sense you know I I I'm sorry but I just I'm very disappointed if we let this go through so thank you very much thank you thank you yes sir come up and sayate your name and address uh can you hear me yeah hi good evening uh my name is Matthew migori I live at five Chapel Circle I just recently bought the house about two years ago um so I will be relatively close to this development I I don't see a problem with it um personally I I would like to see the developer uh invest in more than just his piece of property I would like to see countyline Road beautified by the developer I would like to see sidewalks on the south side of the road and I would like to see Treeline streets for shade um there's going to be a lot more people there's going to be a lot more people walking their dogs running exercising on the street uh there's going to need to be more room for that and they can't do that with one sidewalk on just the north side of the road so you know I know you've own this piece of land for a long time and I respect that I appreciate that I want you to be able to do something with your land and I think that you deserve to do what you want as well as long as you get the right approval for it um but I would like to see you kind of dive in further to being part of our community and not just develop that piece of land but also help out all of County Line Road and and make it more beautiful than what it is right now thank you thank you sir thank you very nice all right anyone else from the public would like to speak on this matter okay and since this is a conceptual presentation say yes sir come up and sit your name address please I'm Jerry moer I live in Riverside Oak I live in the first house so I'm all for this I like developers I think it's a great thing but I think just the last gentleman brought up some great points you can get other people to help you develop that street and make it really and I drive that street all the time I go through there going to steuart or to the post office or wh so I think it's a great thing to have a new development whether it gets 96 72 or 50 that's not up to me but I just like development and I think to pick it apart and be a nitpicker is not what happens the $500,000 is an amazing number if that's the number for the for the tax base so I'm I really and Gordon ripma he is my personal friend I met him when I first moved here 20 years ago I lived in juper Hills I moved to Riverside Oaks my wife one Mo a new house I live on the first house I'm 88 years old and I like deals and I I heard about you from a long time I don't know you but I just can see in your architect you're going to do the right thing so that's all I have to say I think it's a great meeting and thank you thank you sir sir he anyone else from the public and um one question that did get brought up um from public was uh about something with Jupiter Hills Thomas is that something you can address now or do we need to get back to the there was a question about uh Jupiter Hills any connection with that could you come up to the podium if it's something you can answer now we have nothing to do with uh Jupiter Hills we're not involved with any other any other projects within uh Tequesta or or north north of us okay so all right thank you for confirming that and the the other thing I'd like to uh um underline is we're going to have a we're going to have a tree buffer and it's going to be you know it's going to be substantial and uh trees are taller than three story homes okay Thomas I'm I don't want to cut you but we really have to move on our agenda so we've got a lot of good feedback tonight again thank you for your thoughtful presentation and since this is a conceptual presentation uh council is not taking any formal action we are going to move on to the next agenda item agenda item 15 ordinance number 0124 first reading of our overlay District Keith it's all yours you guys want to come back in 10 minutes after I've finished reading the title should be almost done I feel like I've done this before ordinance 0124 an ordinance of the Village Council Village of taquesta Florida amending the code of ordinances at chapter 78 zoning to adopt new overlay zoning that implements certain recommendations contained in the October 2022 Village of taquesta commercial Corridor master plan as prepared by the Treasure Coast Regional planning Council and adopted by The Village Council on November 10th 2022 specifically amending the following sections 78-44 formula business formula restaurant formula retail overlay District facade transparency and Civic open space 7896 discontinuance of non-conforming uses by adding language to explain the continuation of non-conforming uses in an overlay Zone 7876 C1 neighborhood commercial District by adding permitted and special exception use regulations applicable to Overlay zoning section 781 177 C2 Community commercial District by adding permitted and special exception use regulations of applicable to Overlay zoning section 78 178 C3 General commercial District by adding permitted and special exception use regulations applicable to Overlay zoning section 7880 mu mixed use District by adding permitted and special exception use regulations applicable to Overlay zoning and resolving any conflict between mu zoning and overlay zoning in favor of overlay zoning further creating an entirely new article 6 division 3 entitled overlay districts with new code sections 78201 through 78204 adopting section 78201 to Quest to drive overlay creating and defining this overlay District providing purpose and intent providing design setback facade parking formula business and restaurant open space and Landscape guidelines providing for payment in Li of certain open space requirements providing for waivers resolving any conflict between General regulations and overlay zoning regulations in favor of overlay zoning regulations also adopt section 78202 US Highway 1 overlay creating and defining this overlay District providing purpose and intent providing design setback facade parking formula business and restaurant open space and Landscaping guidelines providing for payment in Li of certain open space requirements providing for waivers resolving any conflict between General regulations and overlay zoning regulations in favor of overlay zoning regulations also adopting section 78203 Village Center overlay creating defining this overlay District providing purpose and intent providing design setback facade parking formula business and restaurant open space and Landscaping guidelines providing for payment L certain open space requirements providing for waivers resolving any conflict between General regulations and overlay zoning regulations in favor of overlay zoning regulations and adopting section 78204 waivers to provide a process for obtaining waivers from The Village Council from certain overlay District requirements providing for an application providing criteria for granting of a waiver providing each and every other section subsection chapter 78 shall remain the full force and effect as previously adopted providing conflicts Clause severability Clause authority to cify and effective data and for purposes I think this is first reading again very good very good job you can drink the water way to clear the room Keith thank you right so Jay hup community development director um Jeremy there we go you're good you're good um so we're pre presenting the um zoning overlays um here's a list of all the presentations we've done um you know I'm not going to bore you again with another long presentation um I think I think we've July 1st and July 29th I think we really hit hit on a lot of the topics unfortunately if if there's any residents here that missed that um you know they might have missed some very important discussions and presentation but um certainly can answer any questions people have at the the end of the Pres this presentation um so just going to give you an update on on what we've changed since the workshops um after input um we removed retail from formula business definition this something we discussed I think the LA the first July Workshop um and so we created a new definition for formula retail this was based on um can't remember which city I I used in Florida um Santa Belle so we we kind of took Santa Bells and kind of tailored it to us but um basically separates retail um and and so it separates it from the typical U Professional Services like real estate offices Medical Offices Dental those are things that are in still in our formal business definition then I think Council had some good suggestions here to to kind of change things um after there was a creation of the formula retail so red is where where things have become a little bit more restrictive and green is where they've been um loosened up a little bit and then the other ones are where they stay the same um but essentially um at your request we prohibited formula retail and that to Quest the drive overlay um formula restaurants are still prohibited there and formula businesses are still a special exception I think you know from your discussion Thea Drive overlay is the one area that we really wanted to emphasize keeping the formula business out the most and you know of course you really don't have any formula businesses there currently right so that's the one area I think that Council wanted to protect the most um US Highway one overlay you know I think I think also the intent initially was to just you know prohibit formula restaurants and not formula retail or for businesses so that's been relaxed a little bit as well as in the Village Center overlay um we created the expedited review uh process um based on some feedback from from business owners that were concerned that the um new special exception process or requiring special exceptions for form of the business would would kind of hamper their their ability to to Place tenants so this is really U applicable to tenant change outs if someone's coming in and building an entirely new building this this expedited review would not happen but you know let's say God forbid hog Snappers closed and you know chain restaurant came in um they could they could go through the expedited review process I shouldn't have even said that I'm sorry um so uh so I think that that'll kind of alleviate the concerns from people i' I've shared this with the the lawyer that represented um that that Plaza owner and I think they're comfortable with how things are right now and you see they're they're not here tonight so I think I think this has satisfied them um additionally we've clarified that um existing drive-throughs may be used for the same use that it was constructed for so bank to bank all right so the Wells Fargo Building you know I know um the the owner of that building had some concerns about this um so we've codify that that the existing ones can remain for for what it was used for but it can't go from a bank to A A Restaurant drive through and I've shared that with Mr iib who had these concerns and he's he's comfortable with it now as well um in the Village Center overlay purpose and intent section we added some new language that language that references objectives and policies in the comp plan and that's kind of related to the waivers that we'll we'll touch on on one of my last slides um and then in all three overlays this was my suggestion feel free to take it out but from from my experience in other places and other codes I thought it really makes sense just to clarify that any building fronting on on a street has to have a pedestrian entrance on each street so that's just good Urban Design you don't want to have you know a double Frontage building where there's you know openings here and then just blank walls here so I think it's a good thing most most of these type of codes have it and that's just something that you know I wish I'd put in early on um I duplicated that slide apologies um the other one is is the waivers so you know I gave a pretty lengthy presentation about this um you know as I talked about at all of the um workshops during the master plan every table when they were when they were designing their charettes wanted substantial open space at the U Paradise Park property right and in the code they also picked um key priority o Civic open space locations the only privately owned location was um again the Paradise Park property so how can we incentivize a developer to actually provide a very substantial Civic open space um right now for those that that aren't aware it's 5% is the standard Civic open space requirement um we thought it'd be a good idea to create this incentive where where if you provide you know basically triple that you're then eligible to apply for a waiver um where you can count 50% of your one bet bom units is half for for density which also encourages you know a little more affable housing um maybe some young professional housing and then they could also be eligible to apply for a waiver for a partial fifth story but again this is just a waiver it doesn't have to be granted there's a lot of things that they have to show they have to show public benefit they they have to um they'd have to obviously have good design if the council um thought that the design wasn't good you wouldn't have to grant that partial fifth Story or if you thought the Civ that the public benefit wasn't strong enough you don't have to Grant it uh it just provides a mechanism where there's an opportunity for the council and staff to hopefully negotiate a very substantial Civic open space um and as the mayor mentioned when we saw you know Richard Florida this expert urbanist speak he said people are moving to places where where there's special things created right um when people are working remote um he he even mentioned you know a lot of them spend their time working at coffee shops um that they want to they want to find good and interesting places to go you know work work remote or um spend their time so um you know I think this gives us kind of a tool on the toolkit I think some of you have used that term to hopefully um create a very special Civic open space and um also the LPA recommendations so these were actually not put in the um draft ordinance it's something the council would do um between first reading and second reading so if there's anything that that you like in here um and you want to adopt um You' have to make it part of your recommendation tonight and then we will put it in the code um before before second reading so um the LPA did vote three to one to recommend approval with these conditions um I believe Council was was comfortable with all three of the one through three here um def uh update the definition of civic open space to say it means an now are maintain as an urban amenity and accessible to the general public during reasonable hours um some people smartly brought up that you know we would want to have to require the Civic open space to be open till 2 am or you know 4:00 a. and they'd be burdensome on the property owners so that was one um section two um just to clarify the Planning and Zoning Board does look at waivers um generally they would the way that things are written but it doesn't hurt to to clarify it so nothing wrong with that one um make it and then number three is make it clear that wall The Village may allow dedication of Civic open space for maintenance and operations that we don't actually have to take on that if we think that it's too burdensome on the Village um number four was to reduce the size of properties eligible to request to pay in Li of Civic open space from two acres to one acre number five is to make it clear that Civic open space cannot have artificial turf number six was to establish a criteria for when the 8020 residential commercial mix can be relaxed um in the MU District currently um you can only have up to 80% residential um 20 and have to have 20% commercial but but it's kind of districtwide um so they wanted to establish criteria for how that's done but um I think staff and Keith um you know think it's kind of best left open-ended but open anything um number seven was to update the definition of waiver to say that it means a request to deviate from a specific code requirement um where um uh substantial public benefit is specifically recognized by The Village Council to justify the waiver and a better design than the better design the best possible design outcome under the code um and they wanted to um clarify that the public benefit um has to be identified in writing and approved by Village Council number eight is the recommendation that they made um for Council to continue workshopping code this is something that we actually did right so this came to council back in um June for adoption you heed that advice to continue workshopping code changes for with the owners of the Paradise Park property and that's why we um had those two workshops and so eight is really you know no longer applicable and uh as far as process goes so you know here's first reading and um second reading if you decide to move forward would be October 10th we will do a um what cult Keith uh Financial impact analysis the state requires those I think starting October 1st so if you move forward we'll create one of those and have it in the application package and that concludes my presentation thank you Jay all right Council open up for discussion I'd like to hear from my fellow council members if they would entertain adding any of the LPA recommendations um and I say this at every meeting that we talk about this I'm not a fan of waivers or incentives I think it should be built to code and knowing that the majority of council wanted to have a further discussion um I mean I'm not going to sit here and not say anything so if it ever went down that road and I've said this at last meeting um public benefit areas should definitely be on the property um and be being able to be used by the public and then the other thing we kind of touched on last time was are we this is only for the Village Center overlay the waivers and were we doing it for the good of the overlay or for one specific owner I'm just going to leave it at that for now thank you council member Brandon any other Council comment um to address council person woman count uh Brandon's about the LPA suggestions I think we're talking about numbers one through six correct 1 through seven 1 through S I am in support of adding one two and three and I think that's a conversation that we've had before um the um I the overlay or the waivers of my understanding is we're talking south of taquesta Drive east of the railroad tracks um and I think you could point a finger and say it's for because there's a one property owner that owns the majority of the property right but if it was in if it was broken down individually there was three separate owners um I think this is the mar this is the area in my opinion and I think there was consensus amongst the majority of the people that were discussing it that this is where we would allow for that again we're not we're not approving waivers we're we've said it before and Jay said it and I've repeated it we're allowing somebody an applicant to come in and build exactly what we're asking them to do exactly what the comprehensive plan suggests um to take 15% now it's an addition to the 5% open space that's part of the landscape buffer correct so they've got a 15 a 5% open space in their 25% landscape buffer and this additional 15% so we're 40% of this property will never be built on 25% there'll be no structure 25% landscape buffer correct can I clarify that the way that it's currently written the the 15% is included in the the total um 30 so it's not it's not above M you could you could change that if you wanted to I think there there's a little bit of discussion about that but as as written that was not that's not how it's currently written so the 15% is part of the 25 we're just saying okay I thought we were talking I I was clear to me that we were they were giving up an additional 15% if a waiver was to be granted 15% in addition to the 25 bucks buffer 25% landscape buffer so there in theory there's 20% of open space 5% that can be contained within the 25% or 25 or 30% buffer and I thought this was an additional 15 so in essence we have that would make 40% of a property that can't be built on that's not how it's ritten that's not how it's ritten that was my understanding so thank you for bringing that up um so because that's why I was agreeable to even talking about discussions of of allowing a waiver for height because again I said If you're looking down at you're looking at a a one-dimensional view of this parcel or any parcel looking at 15% but it's really 15% on however High they're allowed to build so be it four stories or not you're taking you know four stories of that out so I don't know I don't see how density could ever exceed based on taking that much away out of any type of construction I'm not a builder so I don't know that's why I was comfortable with creating the ability to requested waiver but I thought it was an additional 15% I didn't know that is that so I need to rethink my position on that sure yeah and they'll still have to provide the the landscape buffer so you know it's it's going to be tough for them to to um to do that um I mean they'll probably still be over the minimum requirement of of 30% um because the most of the landscape buer won't be able to be counted as that Civic open space so they they will in all likelihood have to eat up a part a portion of the Interior portion of of the property okay so Theory they're losing some buildable space yeah you're still losing you I think I think as you said 5% of of the Civic open space can be provided within can you check that Keith how much how much of the Civic open space can be provided within the landscape offer thought that was 5% like the warding in the overlay District outside of the waiver was 5% that's but it is included in the overall landscape open space requirement give me give me one second look at some yes there's also overs I have it right here you want me to read it yeah if you have okay uh they're the same in all the overly districts I don't know which one I'm in right now but it says amount under cfic open space amount required new development or Redevelopment which adds gross floor area of 20% or more to the existing development is required to provide Civic open space equal to 5% of the total site square footage Civic open space shall count towards the required minimum landscape open space and then it goes into different types of greens Plaza playground and the different you know square footages that they need to be no I'm I'm trying to I'm sorry I'm trying to find something different it's the land the landscape buffer section says they may be reduced landscape buffers on the front and side may be reduced by no greater than 25% of each area to accommodate Civic open space so you can't you can't use much of the you can only use 25% of your landscape offer to provide that that um Civic open space if that makes sense numbers yeah it's a long long day so I can't run the math in my head right now um if it was 7 o'clock maybe um but there's um is it not in this I thought there was or we had it when we were doing the workshops I mean there were images it's in the master uh commercial quarter there's images of what that looks like like incorporating that into those areas if there was like uh several images in the commercial quar plan that show that so regardless of where wherever it ends up being um my next comment is um is there any way to you know we can have a 15 15% of the of the partial as Civic open space but is there a way that we can ensure that it would be functional um Space versus just a green area with a few benches that really doesn't invite and call for the the community to to come gather at it I mean again I look at this parcel and we're talking this overlay not the parcel but the parcel within this overlay that we're discussing is really is is the opportunity for Testa to find an applicant that can build a signature you call it downtown call it a heartbeat call it whatever you want I mean there's a road that cuts through it called Main Street for a reason it's going to be you know the focal point of taquesta and um I just want to make sure that we've got people can gather there in a functional way not just have an open Green Space where that's just there can we craft language such that I don't know how you do that I mean because I don't want to leave it up to you know we discuss leaving things up to a future Council sure and it's not fair to them but if there's a if there's language in place they say oh yeah that 15% they they're meeting that because it is a a Bandshell or a a stage that Community can gather and listen to music and the kids can play is there a way to to craft language for that yeah I mean so so theoretically the council could just deny the waiver if you thought it wasn't a good enough Civic open space right theoretically but you could you could craft language that says something like a property that provides 15% of Civic open space that's used for public gathering spaces um such as a Band Shell um you know I don't know what else you'd want include it you know water f I mean uh you know Splash Pad things like that yeah because if it's for this the public benefit I want to make sure that the public is getting some type of use benefit out of that not just place where people are going to go and park their their baby strollers and sit I mean I think there's got to be a call Action to get somebody there and my last question right now Jay the the the 50% of one-bedroom units can be considered 0.5 for density so that requires it it's got be a minimum of a two acre parcel because if it's a 1acre parcel that does that it does not apply correct does no matter where it is is the parking impacted by that or or is parking still they' still meet the standard parking code um requirements now of course we're bringing parking code back to you all you know probably in november-ish um so that's something that you could address then but but as written they would they' still have to it' still be considered one unit for you know for parking purposes for traffic concurrency things like that okay thank you okay um so I'm just going to comment on the uh recommendations from LPA or the yeah LPA U because we've talked about this quite a bit so I think I've got my thoughts out um I think generally so correct me obviously seven says new in front of it is it one through six have we we've already this has been kind of floating out there for a little while yeah so seven and eight were ones that were from the May the May pzb meeting the other ones were from the the March meeting we had what I thought okay and we haven't taken any action on any of these as of now is that correct they've just been kind of no official action I think you had tonight group had said one through three you guys were generally okay with and then hadn't dug too deep in the other ones okay and then okay so yeah one through three I would agree I'm G skip over four for a second um five I agree can you talk through number I'm sorry I know you don't have it up there now but number six it establish criteria criteria for when the 8020 residential SLC commmercial mix can be relaxed in the MU District it's another tough one for nine o'clock um so right now the comprehensive plan says that that and the mixed use District uh 80% of project should be no no more than 80% should be residential and 20% should be commercial however the village and The Village's previous staff have kind of Taken on the the opinion that that's kind of looked at like districtwide right so there are some projects that that don't have any commercial integrated them right some of the projects north of the Questa Drive have no commercial right um purely residential so the village is taken a look at um historically applying a districtwide however um you know we've codified it and said you know 8020 and then I think there's some language in there that says that let me see if I can find this language so it says that um according to the comprehensive plan um there should be residential uses should comprise should comprise no less than 20% and no more than 80% of the development or Redevelopment and then I said we said the Village Council May relax this requirement on a case-by casee basis when the dev vment or Redevelopment project Parcels are too small to comply or when other circumstances NE necessitate the need to provide a solely commercial or residential project right so like on the for instance on the um the old Bank of America building it'd be tough to to try and make some build a true mixed use project on there right so we going to create some flexibility on smaller Parcels or in unique circumstances where Council can say no you don't have to do that but for instance on a property Like Paradise Park where you've got three and a half acres or so the council could say no you're not building just a purely Town Home Project you're going to integrate 20% commercial there okay yeah so is that would the code be as simple just saying kind of that it can be relaxed in the mix do we have to get specific as to what that means so it's right now it was written to be a little more open-ended it just says you know when projects are too small or when other circumstances necessitate it um the LPA I think you know wanted it Quantified wanted like more concrete reasons for for how that could happen um so that it's not a little more arbitrary and flexible um but they didn't give any specific guidance on how to actually craft it okay so just real quick to if you don't mind to chim in um you know we talked about the LPA recommendations before that was one that we said that um if there was Council consensus it would be good one to Workshop that one would be yeah that was one of the ones we said we were kind of like fence maybe yeah whenever I think maybe the first recommendations we got from them when the first reading happened so I think if Council has interest in um discussing that we should add it to a workshop I would agree with that one I think I know it can be tricky to establish very concrete criteria because then you kind of box yourself in but I think it'd be worth looking at some examples maybe uh is that the only one that we said we wanted to work that we haven't workshed yet of this from the LPA recommendations yes it was something else that was on the summary of updates about uh Council allowing a 20% increase in Building height for architectural features I don't think that was actually added into the overlay District we talked about workshopping that because there is value to allowing an architectural feature meaning no living space where someone's like looking into you and but again we there's a lot that can be discussed and thought through on there so that was another item we talk about workshopping okay so just so I understand um and I know it says at the bottom here if El Council would like to accept any of the LPA recognition to the sh okay so if tonight let's say we hypothetically said we're GNA we Council would like to incorporate whatever one through four we would still have time to Workshop those two um and if we so decided those could be incorporated before the final reading or would that Workshop them and see where we land and then if there's any action then we would we would could amend the overlay District I we can right if this passes we can go back and amend it yeah but we wouldn't have to if we made any changes we wouldn't have to start over at first reading necessarily for this yeah yeah I mean I would re my recommendation would be we've worked for two and a half years on this and have spent hundreds and thousands of dollars so if anything's still in question I mean the bulk of this is what the community wants and we've worked with uh the community we've worked with business owners we've worked with property owners and so the bulk of it people want so anything else still for discussion I would really recommend removing it because I think we can do that we can remove something pass it and then we can continue to Workshop stuff down the road or how does that work if this gets passed so tonight would be first reading presumably October would be second reading whatever goes on the books is what goes on the books if you make modifications those that's tonight for second reading that those that's what will go on the books if you want to Workshop additional things like um you know the 8020 or or or additional uh height for for um architect architectural features that would be a new ordinance that would amend okay this which would go through the process LPA first reading and second reading okay got it and if I can jump in real quick both of those are things that are technically not even in the overlays so the building height thing would be just in our normal zoning code definitions and then the um 8020 is in our mixed zoning District so they're not actually in the overlays I would recommend keeping the 8020 the way it's written for now um because it's it's there's nothing in there now currently for it so it's silent but it's good to have what we have in there now it's better than nothing okay but but like you said if you want to direct us to continue workshopping it we can do that yeah I think it'd be good to Workshop those two um whenever we have a workshop that has the capacity for it okay is there Council consensus on workshopping the 8020 mixed use um seeing if we want to Define that more and then the potentially adding an additional height for architectural features yes yes okay Jeremy you add that to our list thank you till again okay so pay in L Civic space I don't agree with that suggestion that was [Music] number the four reducing the size yeah yeah I I don't support payment Loop the Civic open space I want to see that additional Civic space Green Space whatever we're going to call it when we say Civic space that's the next one artificial turf I'm not understanding why they can't be artificial turf but we we could do a concrete or a splash deck or a wood deck or concert area I didn't know if the artificial turf was going for uh environmental reasons or if there was something else about how it looks so that unless there's additional language I disagree with adding that to the suggestion or or get more information on it because I wasn't following why specifically artificial turf if we're going to drop concrete um yeah and that was a recommendation from uh PCB member superi who I think will come speak tonight so um she can probably share a little bit more um but I think it was especially in the the like the landscape offer not wanting to have the landscape offer be used for that um so that was just that's my okay thank you I know when we discussed it oh one second please I know when we discussed it a couple meetings ago we have a artificial turf ordinance and so we kind of just decided to we have that ordinance and the the properties would comply with that ordinance yeah so does would you like me to call uh pnz member Superior up so she can explain the turf oh sure sure that' be great thank you yeah um so you are allowed to have concrete here um but artificial turf wears down and looks really terrible um I think we should be aiming to minimize its use throughout the village and I don't think we should include it in Open Spaces period um because it does not set a good example for everybody else so I do not would not want to see it in any of the developments um and especially not in the Civic open space where it's setting an example for the public thank you appreciate thank you the 8020 we're going to Workshop it but mine was again just establishing criteria is very general I would be interested to see how that would look and how that would that would work and that was it I Echo uh everything the rest of the council said on the previous items thank you Jay I know I mentioned it earlier but the the summary and timeline including the marked new changes in the language was extremely helpful Gathering through these hundreds of pages of documents getting to where you know what has been finalized uh for the most part and then seeing these recent changes thank you thank you okay and um so just to confirm there's consensus on the LPA recommendations to add one two three and seven correct yes yes yes all right and then J did confirm the summary updates at 20% Building height for architectural features is not in here even though it's on the summary correct we're going to Workshop that and I'm just scrolling through um my notes on the ordinance so on the um the special exception where you put that there's no expansion to the existing development that they would get the um expedited process so I just want to make sure I mean is that written correctly because I don't is expansion is that encompassing everything because I know like we kind of talk about this like like for like kind of business I mean is it is there anything else that would qualify as expansion or that would trigger it besides like a site plan modification or site plan approval being submitted that might be a Keith question he changed what I had originally written so what you here we go expansion to I've seen yellow yeah one of the yellow and it's in every single I mean to me the term expansion means making it bigger physically so same use but you're changing the the existing footprint I guess or um height I think I just bring because I think the intent was like a like for light um so I just I mean and that's going to be a a burden on you and staff if you're opening up to more so I guess I just want to point that out because that was what was discussed the last meeting I believe and I just don't know if that's fully captured but if council's good with it and staff's comfortable with it um I think it yeah I think it gives us flexibility to if if someone had to do a site plan modification um they they'd be they wouldn't be get to count that and it actually the way Keith wrote it where where he says there's no expansion if they even expand it into an adjacent Bay we'd be able to not take him through that process so I think it's pretty all-encompassing okay and then something else um we had discussed at a previous Workshop was in the different districts there's you know different um processes for formula businesses whether and restaurants whether they have to submit for a special exception or not but I thought there was consensus that even if they don't have to submit for a special exception we still wanted them to adhere with like all the architectural considerations that are listed in there I don't see it written out like that and so I just wanted to conf firm with Council if everyone agrees that that was a consensus from last time so even if they don't have to submit a special exception we still want them to comply with the architectural recommendations for you know signage I mean great examples are the Starbucks that you know some their prototype but then did a very unique Starbucks and you know we've had a Chipotle come to us and you know they're working on making it a very unique chipy that does not look like their commercial prototype so I just want to bring that because I do not think that reflected here I like that I like it how does it yeah what's the language or how do we set up this um I mean I I don't know if it's something that has to delay for reading again or if it can be adjust between first and second reading but I think it's just it's kind of it the way it's written now is the same in every overlay um so I think it's maybe just adding a sentence that area that um and I'll defer to Keith um that it applies to all formula you know businesses and restaurants whether they have to submit for a special exception or not so some something kind of aspirational like all all restaurants shall you know meet these criteria or seek to meet these criteria there is a whole um like under formula restaurants you like the first paragraph kind of lists what the special exception is and then it lists like you know it should not Ultra Iden the zoning District it you know should contribute to a diverse and appropriate blend of business in the business district so there's all these kind of guidelines which kind of mimicked I think what Stuart did um just so we don't get like the Prototype you know commercial aesthetic so it should be unique to the Village of to quested location right like I said language is already there yeah but it should apply to all formula businesses and restaurants whether have to submit a special exception or not how would we regulate that though if it's not if they're not required to that's why asking I mean it seems like it'd be aspirational like what do you think you I'm work so the the text I'm looking at here requires the formula business to apply for special exception I'm honestly not sure which overlay I in in in the ordinance but so when would it when would it not have to apply for the special exception and that and that would be in the overlays where we took it where we took it out so that was um like in the US One overlay like is that well I mean all of them I mean Council I believe this is a as we came to last time if I'm mistaken please let me know to drag it out if no one else agrees I think the question so formula restaurants are prohibited from toqua drive and then there's special exceptions in the other two right so any formula restaurant is either prohibited or has to get a special exception so in which case would we be applying what you're asking to if it's a formula business restaurant retail whatever the case may be if they don't have to submit for a special exception in that District we would still like them to comply with okay so in the US so the so in the US One overlay where you don't have to get a special exception now for a restaurant we do you have that chart that showed kind of the fun are you saying so Starbucks happened all over again they have to now present um not aspirational design but present to us for that special exemption is that what you're going for Well it can't be a restaurant example it's got to be it's got to be it's got to be retail or or business formula business formula retail are permitted in the same manner it's like the ones that say no restriction basically right correct correct so they could hypothetically just come in for a business tax receipt right now if if there's no requirement to get a special exception they would just get a business tax receipt from the village we would you know check for building code fire code parking things like that um but there isn't like a process where they go to Planning and Zoning or anywhere so that's where I'm I'm struggling with how we would actually regulate something we're say is you don't have to apply for a special exception but you have to meet the special exception criteria but how to your point then that that's what the ask is to put in to the code well the special exception criteria means that it comes to planning and zoning and Council for discretion to even get approved correct so the business would be approved but we'd still like them to have the architectural considerations with like I said it lists about they signed I mean there's it's a whole page of what they need to do so the other thing we got to be careful about I'm just looking at the new text formula business and formula retail are permitted in the US Highway One overlay in the same manner that non formula business and non-formula Retail are permitted so I I think you will run into trouble if it's a non-formula business and they only have to do this and it's formula business but they have to do that even though it's not you're not making them go through the special except you're not calling it a special exception anymore but you're you're treating similarly situated businesses differently I I I think we'll have a problem like I said I think only way you can do it is make it aspirational where you say those uses shall try and um complement existing businesses in the district be compatible with existing uses but if you're not requiring it to get a special exception I don't know how we can regulate it in any way other than making it aspirational that makes sense unless it's something that has to come for aite plan modification or uh site plan approval y yes all right well disappointing I would have liked to have that um I think that's what we all discussed but if you're saying it's not doable I don't recall this I don't recall this coming up I could be wrong okay well all right let's move on any other comment on that no it was a good idea but yeah I think what what is in here you know it is aspirational it appears what's in here the proposed formula restaurant again I'm just using this but I think it's the same in all overlays it will not alter the identity of the zoning District in a way that detracts from this uniqueness who monitors that I mean we're asking them to blend in and and do all these things so I I think that b through at least in this page B through J or B through I I think are consistent all them I think it is more aspirational but I yeah I see what you're saying but I think I remember being make sure that they all have to make those what Jay defines as aspirational correct I see where you're coming from but it's going to be only the ones I have to submit for special exception now not all right that was the point okay and then on the um the density and height waivers in the Village Center overlay so um you know I I I most of these comments are what I said last time the 15% I mean I think it should say minimum like I think you know they should strive for more than 15% so I think you should be clear should be minimum I'm still not clear on how it ties to the comp plan and how it'll be justified that it's above and beyond code and if it's a true public benefit um you know it'd be nice to have it a little less subjective some of the things I brought up last time were um you know like what how many more trees do you have to plant above what code um requires what are the caliber of the trees um is it a true you know area of community Gathering and do we have to you know accommodate additional Car and Bike parking um so I don't think you know I brought that up last time I don't think anything was Define there um and just in general I know I've brought this up in multiple meetings you know when we decided to continue to Workshop these which I think was great um I did reach out to a bunch of residents because I was concerned you know we had the public charette process which um everyone was really engaged with but then you know two years later we're kind of revisiting workshopping so I want to make sure that um you know the residents are aware and see has the opinion changed on height and density and you know the majority there were people that are in favor of um you know a waiver process like this for a public benefit but the majority still said no and we have received a lot of emails today this week with you know people not in favor of height and density so um I really appreciate Council working together because the majority wanted the height and density wave and I think we worked um really well I think everyone compromised um I think people that wanted more gave less and vice versa you know we kind of Define it into a very small um area where you know the majority Council thinks it's appropriate so I really appreciate that process that we went through and and worked together but I do I just want to caution like I you know I just don't think our community really wants the height and density um you know a lot of people can't think of a public benefit and you even brought up some those points that I had too can we Define this more like how are we going to it's so subjective the way it's written now and you know I said it before to you are really um kind of opening can of worms and probably putting future councils in a difficult position so I really just wanted to reiterate much of what I've already said in previous meetings so okay anything else Council all right thank you Jay I'll open up for public comment Lori Marie Superior Mari I live in the country club Madame mayor and councel the changes to the waiver options in the Village Center overlay rules are a complete Corruption of the highly Democratic sherette process that the village began in 2022 both as a substantive and procedural matter it is outrageous that the council is about to vote to permit waivers of height and density requirements and for only a single property owner this is the definition of catering to special interests there should not be any possibility of an increase in height or density over what is currently allowed in the code keeping our current height and density allowances is a strategic priority for the village and residents have been crystal clear about what they want this issue is discussed at length in the charet and in subsequent meetings and the position of residents is absolutely unambiguous no more height and no more density not even in exchange for a concession by the developer the Treasure Coast Regional planning Council reported this finding to you repeatedly nothing has changed except the willingness of apparently three members of the counil to override the will of the residents incredibly there is not even a meaningful concession in this waiver provision this is just a pure giveaway there is already an open space requirement and Civic space is counted towards the open space that is required thus under the terms of this proposal The Village doesn't even get additional land devoted to open space in return for the increase in height and density nor does the developer give up any space to build on since there is no principal reason to give away height and density here if you do this every other developer will demand increases too resulting in exactly the type of lot line to lot line buildout that no one wants as a procedural matter this proposal is an effort affront to Residents and probably legally insufficient the recommendations of the LPA to be clear resident volunteers who donate their time were not included in the proposed language but stunningly The Proposal does incorporate waiver language for a single special interest that contradicts the entire public process that came before the draft issued last week that would be bad enough on its own but there was effectively no notice at all that the council was about to vote on height and density increases there was no announcement to Residents Beyond a wall of all caps text in the agenda the agenda item uses exactly the same language as the agenda for the May LPA meeting with no indication that there are any substantive changes at all and the LPA did not have any height or density language in front of it Madam mayor I want to conclude by reading two Flyers sent to to Quest of Voters that are material to this discussion this flyer says council member Rick Sartori is preserving our small town charm the first bullet point is standing firmly against variances on height or density to maintain the character of our community the second says Rick Sartori is backed by Village residents and cannot Target a specific this is material to the discussion I'm certain that I'm in compliance with the roles um but also regarding the argument that we need to give developers tools your duty is to this community and residents have been clear no more height no more density we are the duty is to give protect the village not to give developers a tool to destroy the village in order to Fashion something else to their preference thank you thank you you Jessica namoth Shady Lane um I've second everything that Marie has just said um I don't think the council should be compromising amongst yourselves at the expense of what the public have very clearly expressed that they want um I think that these kind of meetings us being here three hours you know this is the very long time and I do feel badly for developers in the sense that there should be much more open communication I guess there it would be nice if there was a more opportune time for people to come so you could maybe hear them more clearly because I understand that the three of you that are the majority that continue to vote against this weren't here when we all put in the time and the money and the effort to let people let the Treasure Coast Regional plan planning Council know what to you know put together on our behalf so I think that a lot of the community has walked away thinking great we've told them absolutely no no height no density and you know the fact that we're here so many meetings later so many hours into the night when you've got families that care but you know cannot be here I think is a disservice to the community and to everybody whose time is you know essentially being wasted going over the same thing and to not be prepared or to not have Clarity you know is very frustrating for those of us that have been crystal clear you know we are not interested in waivers we speak on behalf of all of the people that came be here we express that at a shet we are begging the council to please listen to the people in the public that you represent thank you thank you Tom Frankle thank you uh Tom frankco I'm here with my partner Phil perco we're the elephant in the room Paradise Park um and we've spent so many nights together now I just want to commend everybody's time and effort I want to commend what Jay's come up with I think everybody is losing sight of what's Happening Here including some people over here no one's being granted extra height no one's being granted extra density we're all trying to work to develop something very special in that piece of property those what's been proposed here is just giving everybody an option we might not even propose that to you if we end up doing it and and if we do you can say no there's nothing to prevent you from saying no you don't have to Grant it to us it's just given us tools that some people have discussed as a great idea to to work together to come up with a plan that's going to be the showpiece for the village of Desta that's all it is I highly Rec I think you're there to rehash this whole thing over again is crazy because again you're not graning the extra height now you're not graning the extra density now and we might not even come in with it but it's just a tool to give us the flexibility to really if we come in with an amazing park that's a cific open space that could be whatever and we would obviously work with you to create that and you're happy maybe you would give it if we even asked for it it's just a tool it's not written and stone it's not giving us the right it's giving us flexibility and you flexibility thank you you thank you I have no more cards any other public comment that didn't submit a card yes sir if you can state your name and address again for record please sure U my name is Scott Tedford 134 chapelain um I just think it's a mistake I don't think it's needed to give an additional tool to developers to raise the height and density I think some of these compromises can be achieved in another way um and you know I just think that it's a mistake to to you know even consider um allowing for the possibility you know you say that well you know what you might not even give it to us you know we might not even ask for it then why even ask for the exception I I don't understand so it's sort of insulting you know I think to me as a member of the community to see folks that run and say I am you know 100% for not increasing height and not increasing density yet this is what we're voting today to allow for exceptions to increase for height and for density so I appreciate your uh opportunity to speak thank you thank you sir any other public comment if you can state your name and address for the record please uh Phil perco beachroad um I appreciate everybody's comments um you know we've made it very clear we want to work with you and the only way this is going to be special is if we come together and figure out what the best use is for the site Treasure Coast has laid out a plan it seems unanimous that everyone agrees with it there is a very large Park there's no debate about it you seen it there's a very large Park there's an Amphitheater these Parks it's going to cost us money to build it we've laid some preliminary plans and have looked at fit test and it's going to be at least a half acre when we lose a half acre we have to make that up somewhere I mean it's it's money it's real money and uh you know to go up another floor the way Jay came up with a great plan and we talked to Mr Bradford about it Mr per can you Council please can so we can hear you can you talk to counsel I'm talking to council I'm talking to everybody I know please I can't hear you all so you know when we're planning this you know again you know speaking with Jay and and Jay I think did a great amount of research when you lose a horizontal space and you're providing it to the public we have to make up value and if we go up a half a floor we're bringing in we're stepping it back we're screening it no one's even going to see it we've done massing models I showed them examples today I mean again what what Tom said is this is subjective we're taking a chance we're going to spend a lot of money with presentations you have a conceptual presentation format now there's no more preapps we used to come in and do a preapp with staff now we don't do that you have to spend a lot of money in front of public scrutiny and with no chances no guarantees and we've had this property for a long time and I'm not going to get in the history cuz not everybody knows it in the room and whether it's fair or unfair but we put our best foot forward talk to everybody about it we want to work with you we want to work with the community we live in the community we're very active in the community they're waivers they've done it in every city not every city but there's a lot of cities that use them as a tool and again it's subjective and if you don't like what we're doing you'll tell us and we just wasted a lot of money and time effort because a we didn't listen to the community we didn't listen to you I mean it's it's a great tool to do something special and and it's economics unfortunately we're governed by economics and with the construction industry building costs and cost to borrow the markets change you know there's a lot of changes and I think we got to be smart and work together and that's that's and that's my opinion thank you thank you any other public comment right Council any other comments I have questions um so the owners of One Main Street AKA Paradise Park before we even got into this conversation of waivers on this specific overlay and I'm not saying this overlays because of the owner I'm just saying in general before all this started for waivers they came in with a conceptual that had a Civic open space on it if we were to ever decide to go through with that before we had anything on paper about waivers we could have accepted that correct as a council like we would have they would ask for a waiver and then we would consider approving a waiver even though it wasn't written into an overlay or the zoning we didn't have any kind of C we don't have any kind of codified waiver process the only thing we have on the books right now now are zoning variances which uh you know yeah criteria which include a non-economic non- self-imposed hardship uh waiver is a little bit different it doesn't have the same criteria but you don't have waivers in your code right now okay I asked because I'm as I hear public comment we've had a lot behind the scenes public comment if it's even needed because the waiver doesn't assure that a property owner or developer is going to get that waiver approved so there's still no assurity to it I just don't even know if it's needed at this point so now I'm almost thinking what if Council just move forward tonight approving everything in the overlay but remove the waiver conversation and add it to the rest of the stuff that we'll be discussing such as the architectural roof line elements um since that might even tie into part of the waivers because that would be exceeding height anyways and just I'm and think the conversation came up early on with um you know if a property owner wanted to do something that's not per code it's a variance but then also a zoning text amendment I don't write J I don't think that was mentioned and um the the request by some was they wanted the waiver process because it's not as tedious and cumbersome as a variance or a zoning Tex amendment when we just saw what we went through with the C3 private museums right um and we did it with the um adding veterinary services to C C2 I think um you know where Beach House vet is so it's a process and that was the uh request by some individuals they didn't want to go through that process and then also when you do like a zoning text Amendment uh you're amending that whole just the whole zone so the overlay districts are not encompassing like the entire zoning District so that's kind of and I don't know J or Keith correct me from wrong but I feel like that's how it kind of got here to begin with and just so what I like where she's going I'm basically just trying to clarify for the public to why a waiver versus a property owner just coming and asking but we want to give you this let's do a partnership so to extend what mayor was saying so it's the process of going through the overlay would be easier with the waiver than doing a text amendment is that what you're asking to clarify no that's what I was clarifying and and a waiver would only apply to that certain property versus um a zon text amendment that would reply not only apply to the overlay District but the entire Zone like you said the private Museum they went through right instead of one property the whole changed yeah but with that museum one too it was put in with x amount of footage can't have another Museum so there was limitations put on that as well and I thought the waiver conversation possible more as the ability for the developer to to reach a goal right the first idea was a a half a floor a floor it wasn't 10 floors and that we could get green space that our residents are are telling us in every email we receive is get more green space get more open space and we just don't have the space and I thought the waiver conversation was okay here's a way we can get green space because we don't have any more options we do not have the Reserves and our uh bond that went to vote failed to purchase property from other uh property owners and so that's where I thought everything began from it too because I don't want it to get away from we just want to go high that was never the case it was okay if you have to go another floor to get green space well we are getting with a residence W and that's where I thought this conversation started cuz it seems like it's going a little sideways it is and I I think for the residents I think the residents really need to maybe even relisten to some meetings and look at what we're even voting on and then by second vote you know start communicating to council is a Civic open space SL mini Park area enough for you to Grant a waiver that's really for me what it comes down to is is that waiver worth it for residents and so I really encourage residents to communicate to council via email so that way one everyone gets it and it's not one person getting a ton of phone calls I think for me it really comes down to is that Civic space worth it for that waiver and if it is then it is that's it there okay any other comment no no comments none okay my only suggestion is you know I'm um I was hoping from the last Workshop that the um waivers for density and height would be not as subjective and nothing was picked up so I would propose removing that passing everything else as is because it's good and we know the community wants it and continue to refine if there if there's going to be waivers continue to Define them a little bit better um on what the requirement is and not leave it so open and subjective what mayor what does that look like for from like what you're proposing now what does that look like that that would be that would be voted on are we doing one through three adding one through three take all reference to any waivers to redoing this whole document no it would literally just be removing the insert from the village overlay about the wave over density and intensity and Building height and again like I said we you know was discussed about kind of defining it better and you know how many more trees does it have to have what are the caliper uh Define that has to be a place of community Gathering like you like you brought up like not just like a place of you know poist stroler like it has to have an actual benefit and and again uh you know is there if you are creating this community Gathering space you have to have more you know bike or you know golf cart car parking so I just again I think we're setting up future councils to be in a sticky spot especially because they W here for these discussions and I think you know if we can make it a little less subjective that would help overall if there's going to be these waiver options then the event okay fast forward we have discussion we get total Clarity on language and what it looks like to even to go back now and discuss this language again but we've already pass this ordinance or this if this ordinance passes first and second reading with no mention of that how how can those waivers ever be readdressed well the key said earlier because we're going to potentially we are going to Workshop the 8020 as well as architecture featur so we could do like all of that and then we would just do you would do another ordinance to amend the ordinance correct Keith that's I mean that's the process okay I just want to make sure it was clear okay yeah I think I follow a little bit what you're saying because when when you say subjective I think sometimes it is considered negative especially for the next Council that has to make that decision right but it also could be no restrictions for Innovation that nothing we thought of today so if we said what type of trees or the caliber there that's kind of restrictive also might be doing ourselves a disfavor so I think more along the lines like you said if there is that ability to make a a future Amendment needed as things in this community progresses or the outlook on how things look how many trees do they want what type of trees so the short answer is I think that's a a valid concern and a good idea yeah and Mr Sor I think you and I agreed last meeting that it had the Civic open space has to be on location and usable like on the property I don't deny that I know I'm not saying but I'm saying like what mayor is saying it's a really detail that yeah that's why it asked can we put that language in there so so we could amend it so are we anymore where's the I'm just flipping through the code right now was this what where is in the code page 42 sorry my pages like 300 are off because I'm going off a what is it agenda it's only in the Village Center overlay so so page 42 of the ordinance be close to it okay toward 42 okay the highlighted part if you're looking at the not C version okay so you're talking subsection B and subsection C the highlighted and yellow portions are you looking at the cor I'm just trying to better understand um what would [Music] be so we Workshop this and we're just trying to clarify or make this more uh clear and less subje is that the intent of what we're proposing correct okay to better Define what a community a community benefit would be that is you know um ties back to our comp plan Jay are you going to just thinking are you going to be able to Define this because this is a splashback this is a a Meandering path this is a Amphitheater it's still going to be kind of aspirational words like you know high quality Civic open space that's utilized by the public for like like an amp you give examples of certain things right like a splash pad or an Amphitheater or whatever else you may desire yeah I don't have a huge problem I mean I remember I don't know which meeting we're at but I specifically remember the when we I don't know if we agreed on it or um but the south of Testa Drive part I thought we were all on the same page there on the um accept that a development number two acres is locates out the sequest drive and creates pict the area I think there's no question on that the location yeah I'm I'm indifferent I I agree I think I feel bad for whoever's going to have to draft that language I think it's it is going to be largely aspirational but that said if we want to Workshop it let do it but I'm okay with that it is personally if I make a motion to remove the waiver part do we still want to put in the 1 two three and seven from the LPA I think there was consensus on those any more comments nope which one is seven seven um it was defining the waiver so we're Define waiver but we're not going to talk about we're not going to no no it was I think it was about the waivers going back to like the LPA let me go back there to the front because there's other waivers that can be granted remember how about just one two and three so it just waivers in general not specific yeah it was for like the waiver okay W if there is a waiver process yeah all right Jason you want to do it someone needs to make a motion I'm I'm just picking on him for a second I was reading make sure so I'll make a waiver waer let me tell you as I'm getting old like it is past my bedtime um okay let me pull up the agenda item not that it's like 500 pages either all right I will make a motion to approve ordinance number 1-24 with removal of waivers you don't want to move the waivers can I help her with her motion somebody help me please motion would be to eliminate the proposed new new exceptions for height and density waivers on page 42 of the ordinance thank you that I motion that and in addition add the uh LPA 123 and S as please add the two3 number seven of the lp contained in the staff report thank you Keith can I get a second I'll second all in favor I I I and so the rest we're adding we're adding finish roll call we didn't all say I do you yeah do you want roll call okay you want to call us out uh council member pner what was it was four other one is that all yeses well we're doing roll call so say your vot it didn't go she couldn't we're dooll call can you do your um the four of them did say yes though that's what I thought well given that say no wait yeah I didn't say anything I thought i b roll call what's your vote council member painter no uh council member Brandon yes council member French no vice mayor Shor yes Mayor Young yes passes three to two Okay and so Jeremy you have it on your list we're going to Workshop the 8020 suggestion from LPA we're going to Workshop um adding additional height allowances for architectural features and we're going to Workshop defining a little bit better the density and height waiver exceptions for Village Center overlay yes ma'am okay all right moving on agenda item 16 ordinance number 0224 first reading of the maps to adopt the overlay districts thank you mayor ordinance 0224 ordinance of the Village Council Village of Testa Florida creating three new overlay zones within and over the village of testa's commercial corridors Testa Drive overlay US Highway 1 overlay and Village Center overlay providing for the adoption of set overlay zones and their applicability to properties located in the underlying portions of the C1 C2 C3 and mu zoning districts providing that the zoning map of the village dequest to be amended to reflect the adoption and applicability of each overlay Zone providing conflicts Clause severability Clause effective data for other purposes so this is just adopting the overlays that follow what we just passed so to W the drive overlay Village Center US1 it's been a long night so I'll just fly through them here you go it's working a little bit of delay the computer's tired oh there we go so here's your quest to drive overlay here's your US1 overlay and here's your Village Center over overly um and that's all I've got hey Council any comments questions on the map no nope any public comment I do not have any cards any public comment okay can I get a motion second all in favor IA like to note that we have a council member um council member pain oh goodness I didn't even Noti sorry we uh four it's four Z but I just need to that for the record yeah sorry I assum I didn't notice that you weren down there it would have we need to I mean is for okay or do we need to vote again or we will pass Mr painer the motion to approve the map Amendment the map ordinance approved yes 5 okay agenda item 17 consider approval of property and casually Insurance renewals director HR risk management U Madame mayor vice mayor and council did I go ahead you're good go ahead we got we got three we got three still let's carry this power through it's not you well I'm just saying it's been a while since we have brought any good news regarding insurance so I'm happy to be here not this late but I'm very happy to be here nonetheless I want to thank Ramy uh Mitchel from our broker zaran group she is my rock over all these years uh very knowledgeable incredible professional uh just just for general knowledge the insurance arm of the Florida League of city fmit on the rights of property general liability Auto and workers comp insurance we have other ancillary lines to include statutary ad and statutary firefighter cancer storage tank and crime policies and we regular shop the market for the ancillary portion so the 20 2425 renewal attachment shows a total premium of 95791 down from 1,838 in the current year that we are in um fmit focused on cutting general liability and workers come cost to get us to these numbers the great news is that our I did mention it in our um in our memo but the workers comp mod Factor decreased significantly from 1.07 to .92 um and what I'm asking here tonight is for the approval of the 957 913 and an additional 10,000 because we usually put aside about $10,000 for um deductible for any liability claims that we may have so we are happy to we are really happy to be renewing with the league not just for the premium reduction uction but also for um we tend to we get matching safety grants and so far we have had over the last 5 years we have got received 14,000 and we have another 4,000 to get by the end of this fiscal year and I want to thank um Kathy Hann on the HR generalist who manages this program we get a 7% credit for safety program and drug-free workplace policy and there's a new safety Excellence initiative that we're going to get approximately $6,000 and Kudos I want to thank Chief GS for jumping on this in 2023 and getting the PD certified uh finally thanks to the league of cities um yes we got a quote that um they this they decided to try and beat which we are very appreciative I call every single one of them and thank them from the um from our safety consultant to the underwriter to the account executive so if you have any questions we Ramy will answer but we're very very happy to have been able to get this reduction yeah no I was uh very happy to read that when the agenda came out a council any comments questions really great job thank you job great job and thanks for hanging out was a late one is there any public comment okay can I get a motion uh so moved second all in favor I agenda item 18 consider approval of payment of the expert's invoice for a equipment at direct building good evening mayor vice mayor councel I'm here on behalf of Mr Corvett and I must say this is a really good example of no good deed goes unpunished but uh Mr Corbett um ordered some Visual and audio equipment for his uh new the new community center it didn't come in until just this year and the budget had lapsed so by approving paying for this we did get that in get the uh uh stuff by approving this you'll be a uh pre-approving a budget amendment in November our last budget amendment of the year is $58,000 comes out of the uh Capital Improvement funds thank you any questions comments this is random but I you know when I get a chance I try to see everything that's in the agenda and this is a big agenda I went through the invoices and actually seems like not only things that we probably needed but phenomenal pricing on all of them as well so uh good job to you or good job Mr Corbin know the just a quick question if we get in that situation again where there's such a backlog and I know it's a little difficult with public contracts I mean could we have switched to another vendor like hopefully we'll never get in a CO situation again cuz that's stuff gets them backward that's what really drove that you know and also the ship that you know end up you know crashing in the canal I mean there was a whole backlog so there was the Crestron system was really the the heart of it that was really delaying everything that and the backup of the generator um at that point you know Hedrick was our general contractor we took on the responsibility of trying to finish that so that way Hedrick can get out you know at that point there was no there was no need for hedri to be in the middle of that and so um I don't know about you know pivoting to another another um we we try I think we did try to look for another vendor that that would have that Creston system so the experts called some different distributors and it was backlogged across the way so the experts were you know they were at the mercy of the manufacturer of the CR restaurant system so somehow we kept getting kind of booted back same thing with the Gen I mean the generator was just just back order but okay um so we looked at that at at that point so this is just unfortunate situation luckily everything's working now so good okay any public comment can I motion motion to approve second all in favor I agenda item 19 consider approval of Range Line tapping services uh on Country Club Drive good evening um Madame mayor and council at this this agenda item is um for $225,000 and I'm at the end of the agenda was the continuing punishment for having so many agenda items and being over budget at the end of the year um this item was not anticipated uh and this is for as a part of the um Country Club Drive we did we tested our valves uh and before we started the construction project um even um before it even started and then before we did the um connection and the valve turned but it we could not see that it wasn't seating um but when we opened it to um make the connection there was still water coming out and so we had to do two line stops in order to make that connection so that's what this is for are there any questions no nope um I just have a quick General comment kind of like on all the agenda items so I know there's there's several items that are over budget tonight and I know um like I think it was on your staff report we're taking from reserves for another project that um the loan didn't cover the whole amount and you have a lot going on a lot of projects but um and I know overall the comment is um we're not like overall fun we good but I do always think like you can't like Rob from Peter to PayPal like you you want to try to hit your Targets in the allotted you know budget item um and so I just I know I stressed during the budget review process with all of the capital projects for the water utility um you know I just want to make sure you know in light of the fees we've increased and the capital recovery charge that we really really you know using our best practices with you know pricing and scheduling um just it's really important to me in light of all that we're charging the residents and all of the projects fabulous projects you have going on so I just kind of want to reiterate that because it obviously caught my eye this month so I won't say anything else about that and it just applies to all the ones that are over budget yes ma'am and we are not taking anything from reserves just so you know at this time none of these projects will be taking anything res reserves um anywhere else that I've worked we would be able to um do uh send something to the um Finance director and be able to take um and say may I transfer money from another line item to cover this agend this agenda item um and here I understand this is the way the budget has been done in the village and I respect that and I Al also respect the fact you know but but um I also felt it was important that we move things forward forward because we're getting things done and I didn't want to stop it um my each of these agenda items takes a lot of time um to put together and um we had to to move you we're continuing to move the ball forward um and I knew you know the manager I mean um the manager has expressed the concern and I respect what what you're saying and the um we we always try to make sure that the prices are are good like you've like you've expressed and you're doing great keep the ball rolling all of these are 100% necessary sleep can you hear the emotion of my voice all of these are 100% necessary like I said I just want to make sure future we're just really making sure because I know we do a lot of piggyback contracts like I just really want to make sure we're really being getting competitive pricing and doing our due diligence there so you're good we're good I just needed to throw that out there yes so any other Council comments understood any public comment all right can I get a motion so moveed second all in favor I agenda it 20 consider approval of Flor technical consultants work agreement so this agenda item and and mayor uh the mayor had some good questions about this and when I wrote this I thought it was perfectly clear uh to me it was um as I reflect black back it was not perfectly clear um the um uh FTC is our annual um GIS contractor uh we the year in year out since uh whatever year it says here that they've been doing two 2015 they do just our regular uh GIS work um but um the lead and copper rule um revision uh came about it's due October uh of this year to uh October 16th and I'm sorry I'm trying to H hurry because I know we've been sitting here and so we are on track to get it done but we do have two contracts on this agenda to help get us across that Finish Line we were self-performing that the um uh the service line inventories and so one of the agenda items that was on consent is helping to identify those inventories and so we we're uh we're having assistance with that um and then this the part of this this contract here is to help get it into the gis system so it can be put into the gis model um but the gis um we did not anticipate that it would take so much extra work uh you know a budget is the best guess we try to budget right size um if I had a nickel for every time Nate told me how Jeremy took all the flexibility out of the budget and burst his you know maintenance budget um then um and and this is one of the the cases where it you know and I had actually requested this budget be larger because you know doing this a long time I had said hey I think we need more money well rightly so I couldn't give him a good reason and so he said no well he's right I can't tell him why he's going to say no um and so um we just don't always know and this is why because we needed some extra money um to get this across the finish line so that's what this is for they do it on an hourly basis they are one of the best uh most economic companies around it is a piggyback do you have any questions Council any comments questions not me no no any public comment can I can I get a motion so moved second all in favor I agenda item 21 consider approval of Chen Moren Associates you guys been hearing about this for I'm sorry nope go ahead you guys have been hearing about this for years we're good good you guys have been hearing about this for years water treatment plan improvements uh we're getting close to bidding this this is for uh re Pierce through Chen Mo Associates to do the bid assistance and construction engineering and um Inspection Services uh uh through the construction um not to exceed 334,000 for a $6.5 million project any questions Council no any public comment can I get a motion so moves second all in favor iend item 22 consider approval of another CH more and Associates work authorization for as needed engineering Support Services these are for utilities permits it's a pass through for pering services any questions no any public comment I a motion so moved second all in favor I agenda item 23 consider approval of Advantage Communications contract for scatter radio antennas this is for we unanticipated um we yall approved a contract to replace this uh ban antenna on the and I showed you pictures in my utilities report um they went out uh do a Recon of our existing scada system out at each of the wells sites and the um they found that there were were some of the coax cable had been we whacked and um some of the other well sites needed some additional um uh hardening and uh we needed some spare parts and some training and so it's a contract for this um it will put us a little over budget I did not want to delay and could I have done it in a month or six weeks yes that would have meant we would have to get a new quote as puts us further into the hurricane season I did not want to wait do you have any questions Council I have none any public comment I get a motion so moves second all in favor thank you agenda item 24 consider approval of above grade Dirt Works contract um this agenda item will stabilize uh the roads at four well sites and also stabilize a pad at the water treatment plant for a centralized location for um so for parts and they've been trying to get that done at the water plant for I don't know a long time we took D Jeremy out to the site showed them where we're going to do we came up with my intern came up with a little site plan um do you have any questions no council I have none I have none any public comment can I get a motion so moves second all in favor IA item 25 consider approval of the loah hatchee river environmental control district inter local agreement this one is the county L this is the project along County Line Road where Martin County is going to uh replace the bridge um and they went for a grant they've gotten a grant to replace that bridge and we have to relocate two of our pipes so we have a portable water main we have an untreated water main from some of our wells and lockah hatchee River has a an IQ water quality me mean so we did our designs and now we're going to go together to do the construction which is in the best interest for the residents right to do that construction together um and so we're going to join together we have this um uh agreement uh the legal has reviewed it do you have any questions Council no no questions any public comment can I get a motion so move second all in favor I thank you for your support and thank you for the questions and I will adhere to your thank you Marie you Mar great job thank you for hanging out we know you the very end of a very long meeting thank you all right Council any other matters can I just say I enjoy um the conversations that are had up here between everybody the council and and staff and me the residents the back and forth conversation I think it's just it's great I just want to thank you all I agree and thank you guys for listening to resident emails and I very much am encouraging residents to email all of us so that way we aren't relying on phone calls texts Messengers DMS social media comments I'm trying at least for me to encourage our residents to email us so it's going through the one channel path so that way we all hear the same information it's great thank you I'd like to address since I was brought up in vain a few times this evening um I was ACC use of attack or saying negative things about a constituent and as I I do and I clear this with legal council this evening I send out a a a generic email for every Workshop agend not every because I missed the month of O of August just because I didn't get to it I sent out a an email that contains our Workshop agenda and our Council agenda and what I do when I was my talking with people they say I don't understand ordinance language is confusing I don't understand what it is so what I do is I take our agenda and I kind of just summarize it and I say what it is and I sent it to about 63 different people and businesses um I don't I am not on Facebook this is how I communicate with people they people want to be added to it I add it to them they want to be taken off it's not all I do and and again I promise transparency what I say based on whatever issue at the writing of this email I support this I do not support this and this is why if you feel otherwise it's incumbent upon you to tell me I can't read mines so that's what I ask um I said it two years in a row I will never litigate the business of the village in social media it's just not I don't I'm not on social media I have an Instagram for the record it's a personal one I communicate with my children that way and I talk about my friends and my family I do not have a Facebook and I applaud you for opening yourself up to do that because there's but all I said in my email was um The Village post all agenda and all backup documentation for four to five days prior to 45 business days prior to any meeting the public can see everything that I see there are more than enough Avenues and opportunities to have a constructive conversation without the discourse and vitriol that certain people continue to spew dirt via social media if you follow some of these Facebook comments you know we all are accused of terrible things we sell out with so again I never accuse any one person of saying thing I just said and that's a generic statement there is nothing positive that comes out of that feedback most people get behind a keyboard and they do that and I've always said if you want to know how I feel I will tell you so that's what I do um none of you are on it because that would be a violation of sunshine um I will go back and forward every email that I have had that I have sent it's probably been six to my email at the Village so it can be recorded in case there's ever any any issues but I want you to know because what when I'm attacked I feel that we're all attacked because we are one Council We Are One Voice um with four five with five different opinions so I don't want you to I don't want you to think that I'm out there being Rogue doing something I'm doing what you do when you put something on Facebook I just do it via email I don't do I have not done anything wrong I've never use anybody's name I read the com I don't my wife reads them to me and I'm like God the vitriol and the discourse that is that that comes out of that that's why I choose not to do it and if anybody wants to be part of that email list I will continue to do that because I do not not violate sunshine I will record them for any proper documentation in case any request is ever made and there never is any dialogue it's more like hey thanks for the information now the emails that we get directly than that I do I respond to every single email every email I thank them I tell them what the issues are I explain where I stand and why so everything that I said tonight was clearly relayed to anybody that wanted to know that information and I don't think that's bad thing but I don't want it I don't I want you to know that I'm not up here being some Rogue council member doing something on my own um it's clear there's a certain element in this Village that want to take me down and that's fine they have every right to do that if they want it doesn't bother me it doesn't hurt my feelings because I know I'm doing what is best for my my for my integrity and for the Integrity of the village and for the commitments that I made when I ran for office so I just I say this and I take this time because I just want you to know I am not doing anything people don't like it when people have opinions and when people share that and that's become obvious to me but I am not some Rogue council member and I want you guys all to know that all I do is communicate the same way other members do I don't know why that I'm the one that gets destroyed on that but I just want you to know I'm not doing anything wrong and I I don't violate sunshine I don't none of us do that I'm so proud that this Council does not violate Sunshine so any I just want you guys to know that you know while people are attacking me I can take it doesn't doesn't bother me it's it is what it is but I'm not doing anything in my opinion that warrants the attacks I just want you guys to know that I appreciate you saying that didn't doubt it for a second for what it's worth and um mayor I applaud you these personal attacks and I applaud you for trying to cut it off I know it's not easy thanks try to follow rules of decorum the best I can good job it's just inappropriate unnecessary and quite frankly unproductive so um I appreciate you saying that Rick but I won't speak for everyone on councel but I didn't okay all right any other comment I have nothing else to add no ma'am one thing though I am aspiring fisherman and I was very upset with that was big the record reflect I saw heau a bone fish I did catch a Bish in the river amazing can I get a motion to adjourn right keep going second all in favor ready to go I just got my